April 1, 1977
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R.I. JEWISH HISTORICAL 130 SESSIONS ST. PROVIDENCE, RI 02906 ·, ~ ioc"PER_COPV , ~pring Ga~a Is -Plb11f?-•~:. ~ ,,,, E. ve"' 's, '· ,-: ro:- "'c·u '·s e·- d._- ·.J·on: ~- :; At ·-Tem-,,le 8e,th Torah' ~ - , _ - J"- - · , , "Swins, ln\_! ,ipring" will be' ttie~ ·+n-· -o:, f~-~~s ;tp'· . , •-- - . theme ✓~ of a g~la ,evening . being •' If: ree - ..,; ~• . art,es plaoJ)ed-· by "[em pie Beth 'I,orah ob, . · : _ · , ~- - , ' S&!urday evening, '-Aprih 23. An , .JERUSALEM:' A crazy quilt of •. Israel in '1967, Black flanthers .- ' ev,.ening of music,~ cfntertai•nment . minor parties have surfaced to seek . militanr Sephardic Jews -"-- fighling ·'an}(cfanci'ng wi!l:higblighnhe-Jerry·· ~·seats in . flarliament with Israel's- against what th~y J~f is discrimirla- · b_avis Orcbestia~.. Jcaturing ' ~apdy~ political campaign·s _now underway. tion· against Jew~ who c_ame from- : C~rt and Mllria;.~ " · ""' :; · . Th~govcrning La~or.patty_istrying .. ¥.emcn_,. lrag ao.d Morocco, arid • . Dancing will, be' continuous;' all to-::;:t) eal its internal 'divisions and right-wingers, liberals a,nd Ln° , ~vening froni8 p.in? until )2. 01id- ' ave;rt' a . further erosion, of~ its dlyiduals running without ·p~~~y;af: _ nig~t; with·operi bar anil a~ endless str~ngth in the May 17'generaf elec- ·• fifiation. ·-variety of ' hors d'oellvres. The tion. , · ~, - - • . ; PrlndpaHilteretl . fcstivi!ier wi~k,'con~l~dc 'with _a According tp the _MinistO'. of In- 814t the pr-incipal interest Ii? with buffet .of.desserts aod sweets. _ formation, ·tliere are 2g•iists, most thrc;e parties: Labor, the Likud · "' :i:he ·_evenf i~ being, p1anncd'--by of which.are completed, for-the 120- "' (Conti11ued on page IO( ·· Mr, "'and Mrs. Albert Sc,liuster, .seat ·earliameht: T,lte array is -diz.. · - · • · ·.• assi~teo by ~~ and Mrs. Be0Jamh1 zying, espec!_ally in fight of t~_e' fact , , __ ,, r. , ••.• ,.,.:, MR •..AND, MIi& _.YL SEG;AJ:- - "-'' Adler, , Mr. and ~rs. Ed~ar.d . that the natron has only 3-.5 million Bochil~r, -M"" · a'lld - Mrs. ""icharil :"J>COple.i, --,,::' .· ·:s""t- ·-'--,.,. Bookbinder, Mr. and Mrs. -~ar -, Th'e minor J>arties range from uf Coh.cn, Dr. an_d ': Mr·s .. Jack.· .traor~hodox _, Jews; . seeking strict' . s-~g~ls<Will R·ec~iv:e~:~-. Dreyfuss,. "Mr. and M'rs·. Irving . adherei!c~ anc1ent religjous iaws. Lc;vif!e, ._lliJr, an'd Mr.s. Nathan , and cU:s,toms, to- a, new. women's ~. ~,His:ta-cltut'h·~ Aw.ard -. "-~ Honig, Mr: an.d ,Mrs.- .DJ1n'ie1 party, wh.ich ·has pledged to provide_ Flarnc:5$, Mr! and -Mrs. '. -Ricbard- institutional advice to women seek - The ' 52n<! . imn,ual. Third. Seder , •. He is- responsi~le •for Sec1frity_ Saltzman·and Mr.·and Mrs. Stanley · ing greater.sexual satisfactio1_1 . 9elebfation will be held on Tuesday ° Council _affairs a!}il contact with the · Zier. - Among the groups are ' left evenjrig, April s; at' 8 ' p.m. at Middle East experts in the major _,... Reservations ·are required ancl ' wingers- urging •a return ~o . the Temple Emanu-EI, Morri5'Avenue, ~missions. to the ,UN. B.orn in niust be received 06 later.than April -, Arabs of territories caQtured by . Providence. It is being sponsored ., .Scotlafld, hc- _w~s educated at , 13 . .• ·, "'- " · , · , · · _ again -.this yeir~ by. the Dvorah Oxfqr-d, _w'itere he, completed his ( · · - ,• , · · ·M• hk· yf•1· h Dayan Chlll-PionccrW-omen, with doctorate in_;M1ddle Eastern ongrega .ion IS on 1 0 the€OQpc(ation ·oftbeRcgionalOf- politics. He went.to Israel in 1967, - ··y·... ( I b-- · h · · • - lice 'of ~he Hista_drutb ~Ol_!lmittcc I w~e~e he faughf ih\_ern~tio~aJ 0- -e e rate l5t Anniversary, , ,for Laoor ·Jsrael,_ hcadeo~by Lou re.lat1ons ..- at the. He6rew Un1verstty -. · ..· • ., , , · . Kan~gs1m, :executive d)rectQr. __ .·• jn. Jcru~m ~f~rc j'«;>!J!iitg tij'e ". ~ongrcgati'on: 'Mlth.lu>'n Tfilob Joseph ~Bcrnste(n, Mollie· Gorns • Mr. ·an~ Mrs. Bcrttard (Beryl} Israel Foreign M1msti;vn 1973.'ln will celebrateits· IStl,i Annivecsary · tein, .aridc ~r. and Mrs. Robert Segal, cotnmunify,leaders >"'-ho have the lnJprmatiAA.,Oivision or the anJ! .Installation pf Officers with. a •Bctlinsky -' · · devqt_~ a1,rcarl!art•,?flhe!r•1iv~ }<! 'FRreig~Min1s!ry,""-Mr._J:.a'!'!l~n dinne~.on.Sl!,!1d~y, April_17, .at-6:J0. • Also, 'f,1.rs. Emanuel Lazi1.r,.,in ,.wp.l'k1ng for r~raef, wJII be Jl_l'~ntcc! b~ame sometlimg of an _.ex~J'lJ n-~ p.m. 1_n ttie S,!?C1af hall ·of the: syn- _vit~ions· Mo; . S!!m11,el Rotkopf, ,w1~ -tbe- · H1~t!!,.d{uJh Aw.a.rd of Arab propaganda. l{e has wr1tttn _a agog_ue. reservations .chairman; Mrs. Joseph Jlldtkmali Named !-lonor, ,by. fottncr 'Govern.or. F_rank t1~mber of, ·,arti~felL on~ Midd!c:,-"" ,~ _Rabbi •Emanuel ,Lazar, spiritu_al Bernstein. ·reservations; .Mrs. John ·Licht. M_r. SegaTholds a BS•degree ' Eastern h_isrory, and~ hl)s Just leader--of,the synagogue, wil!.'install: Newman, reservations· "M'ii -Jack UJ A- Cabinet ·froin ~to,,,n-_ Utliversity a11d an MS published ,a book, Tire ,4rabs and' Edward C. Spencer, president; Mc,lamut, reservatfon; treasurer.· To from' t® l'.JJ1iversity of Jlochester. Zlqnum Before the Flrit- Jf'orld ~ Morris Tippe, •vice president, Jack Handling the telephone· squad are The appointment of Dr. Alde11 H~ _w~s chief p,barmacist,. ~l The Wa~, P!l_t out, by the Univ~rsity' (!f ~ilkes)- treasurer.; Becnard Engel,, Mrs. Samuel Rotkopf, Mrs.' ~orr(s H. Blackman as a member of the Mmam Hosp_1taf· before bts recent ~ahforma Press. •"" recordmgsecretaty; Dorothy -8cc,ry, • Kagan and Mr,&. Robert Bcrlinsky. National Campaign Cabinet of the retir~~~rit :1,nd is sfill _ ~2'favortte . Ric~ard (;herlin will be g~est ar- • fi~-li'ncial · secret_ary; Abr.aham . ·•• Edward CSpe~cer,-pr-esident of United Jewish Appeal has been.an colmnnist _of t-h~ _Rlflide Jslaiul !1st.at the event.:,, _ ~ - Linder and. Milton, ~sraeloff, the.c~hgregat1on, 1s c~a1rmafi oJthe nounced in New York by Bert Raoinowitz, natfonaJ chairman of Jewish Herald,,,For ~- number of . Mrs, Jose.ph Teverow, and Mrs. honorary ·pres1dents. , p evening. Reservations for the yea rs; , Mr .. S_egal 'Was . t ~e • Bern~rd ~une ~-re-.co-chair.women - T'o be ins(alled as ·m~mbers of t_!ie · dinner should be mad,e by April f0. the Campa ign Cabinet. The edircallonal director a.I Temple of· the •Third Seder. Mrs. Sheldon board of d,1rectors -will be Robert · Nation·a1 C_amp~ign Cabinet is the Beth:EL • · Sollosy heads the refreshment com- Beffinsky, Mr:· and Mrs. Josepn policy and decrsion°making body Mrs. Segal was-.one. of th.!' first mittee. Others oh th'e co~mittee Bernstein, Harry Bornstein, Ja~k for planning and conducting the • · cha,irm~n of Israel Bonds. She has .. include Jero_me Diwinsky, . Briei:, Mrs. Joseph Connis, Joslin campaign of the United Jewish Mrs. Appeal. · · ' si:r-ved on tire Natio,naf Board of_ entertainment; Mrs. Sheldon 81\IS'- Davis, ~ Morris Fishbein; Eugene Pioneer· Women, was ,president of tein, :mailing; . Mes. Walter_,.:Roth, Friedman, Samuel Guttin, IJayid Folfowing the announcement of its. Cfub.·pne; \ and Council reservations;- Mrs .., Rlly Eichen- . Kriisnoff,". Loui-s Miller, Leon Dr. Blac kman's ap'pointment, p.r.csident. She -tea·cbcs at the baum, treu.urer; · Mn. =- Eli Missry, Samuel Rotkopf, G~rafd Robert A. Riesman, president of Temple Beth El Hebrew School. Bu'cheister, tickets; . Mn. David Shaulson and Dr. (;zra Stieg!itz.· the Jewish Federation of Rhode Featured g1,1est spealter _will_ be • Hassenfeld, publicity; Mrs: 'Albert.. : The arrangem1mts committee -Island, said' "Both on the behalf of Yoscf• Neville Lamdan, political ·Sokofow, arrangements, aided. by , includes Dorothy Berry, Sisterho!iii the Federation and personally, I cou:nsellor of the Permanc;pt Mis- Dorothy Winn, Mrs. Manny Kan- •. president, cltairman; Morris·Tippe, . want to congratulate Alden on his · sion of lsl'.@el to the United Nations. - (Continu_ed- on page 10) • Men's Club president, co-chairman; , appointment to the National Cam paign Cabinet of the United Jewish A L • • f , f .,. ' :;;.J , A f Mrs. Nath'an Resnik, Mrs. Joseph Appeal. Tliis is a further recogni . yr,_c,5 - ea·1,CJ're_p ..· ~ ronnis,. f-!eory ' -'.',bramovitz, Mr. tion of.Alden's leadership qualities . • •· · , ,_ • , . and .Mrs. Jack B~J_er1·M_r, and Mrs, and commitment, which he has already demonstrated many times M1r1am Equ,pme·nt·_, Event ~_- <pell: f! '.rotests - over within our community as area vice president of the Federation for Alan· Jay Lerner of the celebrated Lerner and µ,we wngwriting team , -Senator.Claiborne Pell,joined by Providence, in his conduct of the will appear after anoon luncheon al\ 2'1 other members of the .United Federatio11 campaign among the • the Providence :-'Marriott Inn · on ._:Staites Senate; in a resent letter to SCHIMMEL 1'.0 -SPEAK: -Thi Ninth medical profession, and his · Geo~ral,Secretary !.,eonid Brezhnev 'organization of medical services for Monday, April I I. Accompanied ofth'eSovietUoioncondemnedthe· Annual Layman-Teach~u• Russian immigrants, for which he by- a pianist, Mr. Lerqer will ·sing Conference af the Bureau af Jewish · d ' scl'ections ' from some of his -·det~n'fion- -of- A:natoly Schar.aosky .' Eclilcation_wlll be.fielit"on Wedn• rec~1ve ,- a niitional award from and requested his release. ~- HIAS. We-are defightell to see that musicals, including "M'Y Fair M. r. ·.sclfafansky·, a prominent day, Aprll t 3, at 8 p.m. In the s«lal his talerils an~. dedication are Lady," "Gigt," "Brigadoon," spokesman for Sovi·et Jews seeking hall of the · Jewish Communlty / recogmz· ed on t h e nat1pna· f level." "C-amelot" and "Paint Your , -· t' t [ I .