Lt. Frank Formichella Named Deputy Chief of Police Department Lieut
-- y City of Summit Diamond Jubilee Year Diamond „ ifear 1899-1974 SUMMIT ERALD 1899-1974 Eotored as Second Class Matter at the Post Offic* ut Summit, NJ. 07901. Under tne Act o* Macn 8, 1»79 VOL. 87, No. II 273-4000 Setxind Class Postage Pakl at Summit, N.J. Thursday, July 18,1974 S6 a year 15* Lt. Frank Formichella Named Deputy Chief Of Police Department Lieut. Frank For- meeting of Common Coun- created last year by the michella, was named cil. promotion of the present Deputy Chief of the Summit Deputy Chief For- Chief, Thomas J. Finneran, Police Department Tues- michella a 22-year veteran upon the retirement of John day night at a regular of the force, fills a vacancy B. Sayre. Selection was made based on an examination conducted by the New Jer- Hearing Date Is sey Police Chief's Associa- tion, as well as Lieut. For- micheila's service record. Set on Housing It is not known how many A public hearing on the said, if it is decided to Housing Authority's site appropraite funds for the recommendation for low- urban renewal study, it will cost housing in the Weaver do so at a future meeting sfreet-Morris avenue area, without a further public- as well as the request for hearing. an appropriation for $25,000 In connection with Coun- for an urban renewal cil request for written study of the Chestnut- communication, Antonie Railroad and Broad street Vickers of 28 Bedford road area will be held at the presented Council with a High School on September petition signed by 300 12.
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