SUMMARY of Disertation2014 02 17-2
VILNIUS UNIVERSITY NATURE RESEARCH CENTRE INSTITUTE OF GEOLOGY AND GEOGRAPHY VIOLETA PUKELYT Ė BALTR ŪNIEN Ė THE INFLUENCE OF GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF GEOMORPHOLOGICAL REGIONS (CASE STUDY OF SOUTH LITHUANIA) Summary of Doctoral Dissertation Physical sciences, Physical geography (06 P) Vilnius, 2014 The dissertation was prepared at the Nature Research Centre, Institute of Geology and Geography in 2009–2012. Scientific supervisor Prof. Dr. Hab. Algimantas Česnulevi čius (Vilnius University, Physical sciences, Physical geography – 06 P) The dissertation is defended at the Council of Geographical Research of Vilnius University: Chairman Prof. Dr. Ar ūnas Bukantis (Vilnius University, Physical sciences, Physical geography – 06 P). Members: Prof. Dr. Inga Dailidien ė (Klaip ėda University, Physical sciences, Physical geography – 06 P). Dr. Virgilija Gregorauskien ė (Lithuanian Geological Survey under the Ministry of Environment, Physical sciences, Physical geography – 06 P). Prof. Dr. Egidijus Rimkus (Vilnius University, Physical sciences, Physical geography – 06 P). Doc. Dr. Julius Taminskas (Nature Research Centre, Institute of Geology and Geography, Physical sciences, Physical geography – 06 P). Opponents: Dr. Albertas Bitinas (Klaip ėda University, Physical sciences, Geology – 05 P). Dr. Darius Jarmalavi čius (Nature Research Centre, Institute of Geology and Geography, Physical sciences, Physical geography – 06 P). The official defence of the dissertation is due to be held at the public meeting of the Physical Science Council at the Nature Research Centre, Institute of Geology and Geography on March 25, 2014, at 15.00 Address: T. Šev čenkos str. 13, LT-03223, Vilnius, Lithuania. The summary of the dissertation was distributed on February 24, 2014 The dissertation is available in the libraries of Vilnius University and Nature Research Centre, Institute of Geology and Geography.
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