VOLUME 34 NUMBER 1 Kurt Weill Newsletter SPRING 2016 FEATURES Not Your Grandfather’s Threepenny Opera at the National Theatre Lost in the Stars at Washington National Opera IN THIS ISSUE VOLUME 34 Kurt Weill Newsletter NUMBER 1 3 In the Wings - Upcoming Performances SPRING 2016 Editor’s Note NEH Awards Grant for Weill Concert Series ISSN 0899-6407 FEATURES © 2016 Kurt Weill Foundation for Music 7 East 20th Street 4 Not Your Grandfather’s Threepenny Opera New York, NY 10003-1106 A Daring New Production at the National tel (212) 505-5240 fax (212) 353-9663 9 Sponsorship for Weill Festival in Twin Cities Published twice a year, the Kurt Weill Newsletter features articles and reviews REVIEWS (books, performances, recordings) that center on Kurt Weill but take a broader Performances look at issues of twentieth-century music and theater. With a print run of 5,000 copies, the Newsletter is distributed worldwide. Subscriptions are free. The editor 10 Lost in the Stars welcomes the submission of articles, reviews, and news items for inclusion in Washington National Opera future issues. Susan Galbraith A variety of opinions are expressed in the Newsletter; they do not necessarily represent the publisher’s official viewpoint. Letters to the editor are welcome 11 Lessons from a Fellowship (
[email protected]). Adam Turner Staff 12 Die Dreigroschenoper Theater an der Wien Dave Stein, Editor Norbert Mayer Elizabeth Blaufox, Staff Writer Veronica Chaffin, Production 13 L’opera da tre soldi Natasha Nelson, Editorial Assistant; Production and Circulation Piccolo Teatro Strehler Stephen Hastings Kurt Weill Foundation Trustees André Bishop 14 Symphony No.