AAssiiiaa---PPaacciiifffiiicc NNeetttwwoorrrkk fffoorrr GGllloobbaalll CChhaannggee RReesseeaarrrcchh Marine Biodiversity of the Coastal Zones in the NW Pacific: Status, Regional Threats, Expected Changes and Conservation Final report for APN project: ARCP2008-05CMY-Adrianov The following collaborators worked on this project: Project Leader - Dr. Andrey V. Adrianov, Institute of Marine Biology FEB RAS, Russia, Email:
[email protected] Dr. Konstantin A. Lutaenko, Institute of Marine Biology FEB RAS, Russia, Email:
[email protected] Prof. Kwang-Sik Choi, Cheju National University, Republic of Korea, Email:
[email protected] Prof. Liu Ruiyu, Institute of Oceanology CAS, P.R. China, Email:
[email protected] Marine Biodiversity of the Coastal Zones in the NW Pa- cific: Status, Regional Threats, Expected Changes and Conservation Project Reference Number: ARCP2008-05CMY-Adrianov Final Report submitted to APN ©Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research, 2009 Overview of project work and outcomes Summary The APN project aimed to investigate biodiversity status and changes in coastal zones of the NW Pacific with emphasis on intertidal and island’s ecosystems, alien in- vasive species and documenting of overall BD. New data on intertidal biota of Russky (Sea of Japan), Kunashir (Kurile Isl.) and Jeju Islands (Korea) were obtained, and recent changes in the species composition and abundance are described. In total, 2211 species of marine biota are known for China. Data on the ship fouling in the Russian sector of the Sea of Japan collected since 1975 are reviewed and sum- marized, and altogether 16 species-invaders of bottom invertebrates (cirripede bar- nacles, amphipods, hydroids, polychaetes and bryozoans) have been registered.