On the Morphology and Relationships of Some Oliviform Gastropods

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On the Morphology and Relationships of Some Oliviform Gastropods See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: http://www.researchgate.net/publication/280086380 On the morphology and relationships of some oliviform gastropods ARTICLE · JANUARY 1991 CITATIONS READS 15 9 1 AUTHOR: Yu I Kantor Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evo… 88 PUBLICATIONS 530 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Available from: Yu I Kantor Retrieved on: 31 December 2015 16 A.A.lliHJJelli<O Illi1JIE:tiKO ¡, A 1986. CwcreMa H <]lWIOreHHH Vltrlnldae SOLEM A. 1966. Sorne non-marine moJiuscs fr()m Thalland, Ruthenica (1991), 1(1-2): 17-52. © Ruthenica, 1991 (Gaslropoda Pu1monata). B KHHre: Mopt/JoJWzwrecKue u with notes on classificatlon of the Helicarionidae. Spolia 3KOJlOlUIWCKUC OCII06bl CUCnteMQtnUKU MOIVliOCKOS, Tpy­ Z{J(J/oglca Musei haurliensis, 24: 7-11 O. iJbl300JWZUtWCI(.ot0t uncmumyma AH CCCP, 148: 124- SOLEMA. 1976. Endodontoid landsnaiisjromPacific Islands 157. 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Revlslon des Urocyclldae (Mollusca, Ga­ RIEDEL A. 1980. Genera Zonitidarum. Rotterdam, 197 S. stropoda, Pulmonata). Annales Musee Royal de t Afrique YURI I. KANTOR SCHILEYKO A.A. 1989a. Taxonmnlc status and phylogenetic Centra/e, Tervuren, Belgi<Jue, serle!N-8,180: 1-234. connectlon Jn the Helicoidea auct. In: Program and WIEGMANN F. 1898. Landmollusken (Stylomblatophoren). A.N.Severtzov Instítute of Animal Evolutionary Morphology and Abstracts. Comhined. 25-JO Jwte 1989 Annuai Meeting, Zootomíscher Teil. Abhandlungen der Senckenbergische loo Angeles: 46. Gese//schaft, 24: 289-557. Ecology of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Lenin Avenue 33, SCI!lLEYKO A.A. 1989b. Sorne problems of the phylogeny of WIKTOR A. 1987. Spermatophorcs in Mllacidae and their slg­ Moscow 11 7071, RUSSIA Helicoidea. Ab$/rac!s o/ the 10th lnternational Malaco­ nlficance for classificatlon (Gastropoda, Pulmona1a). Ma­ /ogical Congress, Tubingen: 221. lalwlogische Ablumdlungen. Staatliches Museumfür Tier­ Morphology of the species of oliviform gastropods: Oliva bulbosa (Roding, 1798); kunde, 12(9): 85-100. O. sayana Ravene1, 1834; Olivella borealís Golikov, 1967; Amalda montrouzieri (Sou­ verbie, 1860); Pseudoliva zebrina A.Adams, 1853; P. ancilla Hanley, 1859; Benthobia tryoni Dall, 18"89; Melapium lineatum (Lamarck, 1822) have been studied by sectioning and dissecting. The cladistic analysis based on 23 characters has bcen conducted by thc means of PAUP and Hennig86 programs. The results of the analysis show, that the species of the ingroup belong at least to three different families. Family Pseudolividae, defined as a separate by Golikov and Starobogatov [1975] is referred here to the new suborder Pseudolivoidei. The posítion of the genus Benthobia ·among Pseudolividae is confirmed by the anatomical data. The new monotypical family Melapiidae (type-genus Melapium H. et A. Adams), is described and referred to the suborder Muricoidei. The superfamily Olivoidea, defined by Olsson [ 1956] is reestablished among Muricoidei. The families Olividae and Olivellidae belong to this superfamily. The former is probably a paraphyletic group. K MOp<l}oJIOrMH H po,!!;CTBY HCKOTOpb!X OJIHBHcpopMHblX OpiOXOHOrHX MOJIJIIOCKOB ID.H.KAHTOP Hncmumym OOOJ!IO!iUOHHOU .owp,PoJUJzuu u aJw;weuu :«ueomnh!X u.u. A.H.Ceeep~oea AH CCCP, MocJCea 117071, Jfenunc~euu npocneiCm 33 PE3IDME. Ha pyqHoM ncKpnmm: 11 cepHiíHhlx cpeaax HCCJICJIOBaHa Mop<jJoJJornn 8 BH.JIOB 6proxo11ornx MOJIJIIOCKOB, OTHOCHMbiX paHee K ceMeiícrny Olividae: Oliva bulbosa (ROding, 1798); O. sayana Ravenel, 1834; Olivella borealis Golikov, 1967; Amalda mon­ trouzieri (Souverbie, 1860); PseudoliWl zebrina A.Adams, 1853; P. ancilla Hanley, 1859; Benthobia tryoni Dall, 1889; Melapium lineatum (Lamarck, 1822). e HCIIOJib30BaHUCM nporpaMM PAUP H Hennig86 npone)leH KJJl!JIHCTH>IecKHií aHMH3 yKaaaHH!i!X BHJIOB no 23 npH3HaKaM. PeayJJ&T3Tl>I aHa.nHaa noKaaa.nH, qro MOJIJIIOCKH npHHl!JIJICX<aT KaK MHHH­ M}'M x TpeM paaabiM ceMeiícrnaM. CeMeiíCTno Pseudolividae, BbiJ\eJJlieMoe panee KaK C<IMOCTOliTMbHüe rOJIHKOBbiM H CTapoOOI'aTOBhlM [Golikov, Starobogatov, 1975] OTHC­ CCHO K HOBOMY noAOTPMY Pseudolivoidei. lloATBcpJKAeHa npiiH311J!CX<HOC1'» po11a Ben­ thobia K ceMeiíCTBy Pseudolividae. OnHcaHo Honoe MOHO'I"IInH'lcCKoe ceMeiíCTno Mela­ piidae (THnonoií poi\ Melapium H. et A. Adams), OTnecenHoe K UOJIOTPAAY Muricoidei. BoccTaHOBJieHo Hl!JICeMeiíCTno Olivoidea n cocrane Muricoidei, ycraHoBJicHHoe OnñC­ COHOM [0Jsson, 1956 ], K l<OTOpoMy OTHCCCH!i! CCMCHC'rna Ülividae (nepoliTHO napaqJH­ JieTll'lecKoe) H Olivellidae. The family Olividae Latreille, 1825 (sensu la­ Pseudolivinae Cossmann, 1901 [Ponder, Warén, to) is a rather complex and heterogeneous group, 1988]. which includes five subfamilies: Olivinae Latreil­ The taxonomic status of severa! subfamilies is le, 1825; Olivellinae Troschel, 1869; Ancillinae still unclear and sometimes they are considered Swainson, 1853; Agaroniinae Olsson, 1956, and to be separate families. For instance, Marcus and Marcus [1959] studied the anatomy of dif- 18 Yu.I.Kantor Morphology and relationships of oliviform gastropods 19 ferent olivids and found clear differences betwe­ Oliva sayana Ravenel, 1834 [morphology of en Oliva and Olivel/a. Bandel [1984], following the oesophagus only ] Marcus and Marcus [ 1959], considered it Subfamily Olivelliñae necessary to separate Olivella and Oliva at least Olivel/a borealis Golikov, 1967 at the subfamily level. Golikov and Starobogatov Subfamily Ancillinae [1975] erected the new family Olivancillariidae Amalda montrouzieri (Souverbie, 1860) (type-genus 0/ivancillaria d'Orbigny, 1841, by Subfamily Pseudolivinae ' original designation) on the basis of morpholo­ Pseudoliva zebrina A.Adams, 1853 gical features of the radula and female reproduc­ Pseudoliva ancilla Hanley, 1859 tive system. Final! y, Golikov and Starobogatov Melapium lineatum (l.amarck, 1822) [1988] established the separate family Olivelli­ Benthobia tryoni Dall, 1889 dae (as Olivellidae Golikov et Starobogatov, 1988 In studying anatomy both dissections and = Olivellidae Troschel, 1869 = Olivellidae Olsson, sectioning have been u sed. I usually tried to com­ 1956, as subfamily) and referred it to new sub­ bine both methods for each species 'but in the order Olivelloidei Golikov et Starobogatov. The cases of very small animals (e.g. Benthobia try­ position of Pseudolivinae is also indefinite. Ols~ oni) reconstruction of the anatomy was made on­ son [1956] stated that the systematic position of ly on the basis of serial sections. Sections 8-1 O Pseudoliva and Zemira is questionable and that pm thick were obtained after routine techníque most authors listed Pseudoliva among Buccina­ and stained with Mallory or Masson triple stains. cea. Golikov and Starobogatov [1975] erected a family Pseudolividae and placed it in the super­ For clarífying phylogenetic interrelationships family Buccinoidea. a cladistic analysis was conducted. The proce­ The suprageneríc classification of olivids is dure is descríbed in detail in the corresponding usually based on conchological and radular fea­ section of the paper. turcs, and on some characters of the gross mor­ phology of the soft body. Only a few authors des­ OB03HA'IEHMSI HA PHCYHKAX. cribed the anatomy of severa! representatives of the family in detail [Küttler, 1913; Marcus, Mar­ cus, 1959; Marcus, Marcus, 1968, and some ag - auan&HaSI :>Keneaa; amt - nepe.uHec MRHTHlfnoe others ]. llzyflaJlbl(Cj aog - )lOITOJlHHTeJlhHRSl flH~CBOJt.Hast >KCJle3Rj 1 had the opporiunity of examining the ana­ asg - .nononmnenhuan cJttoHHaH >Keneaa; be - 6yKKaJihHaR tomy of different olivids belonging to the genera flO/IOCTh; btn - 6yKK3JlbHast Macea; bt - 6yKKaJibl!Ril Tpy6- Oliva, Olivella, Pseudoliva, Melapium, Benthobia Ka; C -- U..CKyM; CID - KOJIYMCIDH1pHbH1 M)'CKYJJ; Ct - KTC­ and Amalda. The comparative study of these ge­ HH)lHii; CU - K)'TMKyna; daS _;._ OpOTOK ,l\OflOJHHfTCJJbHOii nera allowed meto shed light on the relationships CJHOUHOif >KCJ1e3bi; dd - npoTOK nl1lll,CBapHTeJlbHOfi >KeJIC3bt; between different olivid subfamilies. dg - flHUI,CBBpHTeJibHaSI >I<CJlC3a; df- OJ>OTOK >KCJlC3bl Jlei1- 6nefiua; e - rnaa; el - rnaanan nonacrb; f - roJmnuan nonacn.; g - gf - }KCJIC3HCTbiC CKJta)lKH mnu.e­ MATERIAL AND METHODS rona~a; uo.na; gl - )KeJie3fl JieH6nei1ua; h - cep)lu;e; ig - Htnec­ nmállhHbttí >KMo6oK; igl - CCMenpHCMHHK; in ~ 11HTCC­ ¡ Material for the study was partially collected TI1llai ml - aa.nnHH M3HTHHuan nonacr&; mn - MycKynt.­ by the author (Olivella borealis Golikov) but ma­ uoe KOJJhi..(O >KMy~Ka; fl - HC<j}pH~Htí; nr - Hep.Bbi H OKO­ /E inly .provided by different institutions and mu­ J10l'JlOTOlJHOO
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