

Biswal, U.C., Biswal, B., Raval, M.K.: Biogenesis. From Proplastid to Gerontoplast. – Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht – Boston – London 2003. ISBN 1-4020-1602-6. XXVIII + 353 pp., EUR 140.00, USD 154.00, GBP 97.00.

This monograph did not form a part of the well known The authors apply Sitte´s concept of gerontoplast, how- series „Advances in and Respiration“. ever, they claim that “Gerontoplast … possesses active However, it supplements this series, according to my opi- genetic material with viable protein synthesizing system.” nion, very suitably. The book deals with the broadest In this chapter, chloroplast associated array of topics connected with chloroplast development and induction of their expression by senescence signals and it is written by outstanding specialists in this field. It (e.g. “light” or phytohormones) are dealt with in con- is intended as a “research and teaching monograph” and siderable details. In the last chapter, named “Conclusions divided, after Foreword by prof. Govindjee and Preface and the Future”, following questions are discussed (with- by the authors, into five chapters. out new cited literature): “The picture of mechanisms of In the Introduction, three main forms con- assembly of chloroplast complexes during development nected with chloroplast biogenesis are outlined, namely, and their demolition during senescence is hazy. The proplastid, mature chloroplast, and gerontoplast. This mechanisms of degradation of protein and chlorophyll chapter is finished by the “design of the book” with dis- during biogenesis of the largely remain unclear. cussion of its limitations. (Among others: it deals mainly Molecular biology of gerontoplast formation during with in angiosperm leaf mesophyll cells; senescence, a challenging area of research for future. The etioplast/chloroplast transformations, rather rare under signalling systems associated with transformation of pro- natural conditions, form frequently the basis for authors’ plastid to chloroplast and chloroplast to gerontoplast are conclusions.) The second chapter, forming the central poorly understood. Environmental modulation of chloro- part of the book, deals with proplastid to chloroplast plast biogenesis is less known. The study of chloroplast transformation. The main topics of this chapter are: etio- biogenesis needs better laboratory models.” plast as “experimental chloroplast precursor”, The text is supplemented with 1 211 references. How- assembly and pigments accumulation, ribulose-1,5-bis- ever, relatively few of them are from the last three years. phosphate carboxylase/oxygenase assembly, chloroplast Also, pioneering papers on chloroplast ultrastructural protein targeting, regulation of expression and plas- development by prof. Gamaleï, unfortunately written tid/nucleus and vice versa communication during chloro- mostly in Russian, are omitted. The book is supplemented plast development, and modulation of chloroplast deve- by a list of abbreviations and an index (including lopment by environmental factors. names). Mature chloroplast, with all its main structures and I summarize that this monograph succesfully fulfills functions, is the subject of the third chapter, including the still existing gap in photosynthesis literature, giving chloroplasts under stress conditions. The fourth chapter is a complex picture of chloroplast development. devoted to transformation of chloroplast to gerontoplast.

J. KUTÍK (Praha)