11 Jli K "A WHOLE NO
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1A 11 J TT I ^IP IV JV 11 Jli K "A WHOLE NO. 15,481. NEW YORK, FRIDAY, JANUilKY 10, 1879..TRIPLE SHEET. i PRICE THREE CENTS SPECIAL NOTICES. special MOTICKS. HORSES, CAKHIAGKS, «fcC. AMLSKMEXTS. AMl'SEMESTS. FOR ADVERTISERS. ~ DELIV" HEATRE COMKJUE.' M4 BROADWAY. pastors. UIRECTOKI' a decided SAL* CHEAP.15 Bl'SINESs 'AND rpiA mid Hart oky ~~~'tony'pastors, Tr j~made A-FORerv Wapous, £ki tu #!<«>; now second band for express, llarrigau Proprietor*. Tony pastor's. tony PASTOR'S. two Monday, January 6. IK7U. THE GREAT COOL BUBGE.-fS. 1.263 BROADWAT. TI H II TTTT grocer, butcher, linker, n.ilk, depot. Ac.; light Grand of tbe WATSON HERALD BRANCH OFFICE. OK « "« \{" H II II T Trucks; Wagons exchanged lEiti Snriiic »t. Delivery re-opeuiuif VAUDEVILLE SEASON. AXO ELLIS. SHERIDAN* AND JOURDAN, OPEN DAY AND NIGHT FOR RECEPTION R R y Y E II II II T HARRIGAN AND HART GEORGINA SMITH SOX, THREE HERBERT AND SALES OK PAPERS. RRR YY EES 11 t extra fine double haknebh. patent Id a new and comical sketch by Ed. llarrican, 1BROTHERS, HALEY AND WEST, \V. A. HUNTLEY. ADVERTISEMENTS BR Y II HIItt Anleather, French, collara. ftKi; Single, same as O'BRIEN. Cut'N SELLOR- AT-LAW AI.LIK SMITH. K T key ' R H H II Brewster Brewster JI r. Fred Roberta, Minnie Loder. JoUN OR AND <£> LADIES'AND K Y E H H II T double,£*>; improved top Buggy.tlUt); flue WILD, Billy <§> Pack.fttli and 6tb cola. BR Y EEEJS II H II t improved extension top Phaeton. seats four, $I&j; Gr«ly, 4 Aces, Davenport Brothers, Ac. 1 matinee T tony pastor J CHILDREN S AMUHEMENT8-1ST Pack.4tli col. Portland Cutter, with bells, <35; very tine large pair fur \| atioee every Wedueaday and Saturday. today. <t>. <s> RECEPTION. astrology.12th California sweat Blankets. l"i East lHth. AND ALL OF HIS GREAT TROUPE. BILLIARDS.12tii Paok.4th col. AND with my "Rve and Rock," in is proven by tho many Kot^s lame pair N i fare"~th eatreI WANTED.12th Paoe.2d col. that uave nines appeared. My "Rye and Rock"Imitation*Is ALLEN HORSE. 5 .A SoleoN~~syiLeasee and Mr. A. M. PALMER The programme of ovary performance at till* theatre ie BOARDERS col. RRR CC GREAT BARGAIN-ETHAN lj >Ull«M ',:aretully aelucteil and arranged for the enjoyment of BOARD AND LODUl.NO WANTED.12th Paok.2d OO K K sold by the reputable druggists "I this city and vicinity venrs; trot 2:44); warranted in every particular; family Til IS WEEK, THIRTV EIGHTH TO KORTY-kikt11 KOR SALK-ist Pack. RBOOCCKK and as a cure LADIES AND CHILDREN* BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE R recommended by leading physlcfaus certain or roud Mare, tl years; lop Wagon, Double and Single j,,irfortnances of Mr. Brouson Howard's charming play, 4th col. R O o C K K for coughs, cold*, lung, throat and iiia'artal diseases. Double and Robes. Blanketa, Ac., in five acts. s OAitDKN THEATRE PAGE. RRR 0 O C KK Price. bottle. for and Sleighs, Single Harness. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES.11TH R R O $1 per large Ask VAN HKIL'N "Kye nearly new, forquarter value. 13B West 31 at at. J'HE BANKER'S DAUGHTER, N'IHLoEdward F. Starin Proprietor and Manager. It 181 NESS NOTICES.7tii PAOK-«th col. 0 C K K Rock," and take no other. Wholesale and retail dmiot, XX clt Is produced with a wealth of tnise ou scene never Overwhelming and enthusiastic audiences greet CITY REAL ESTATE KOR SALE.1st Pag»>.4th coL RROOCOKK Chambers St., south side, between and Chiircte, NY SACklKIOK THIS DAY -HANDSOME LIGHT and with a cast of the col. 14 R OO CO Broadway»t. A Brewster initialled, embracing many bei MR. FRANK MAYO CLERKS AND SALESMEN.12th PaOB.6th K K <g> N. VAN BKIL. aXextensiou top Phaeton (seats four), improved v members of the priull MR FRANK MAYO CLOTHINU.12th PAOK-Stli col. top Buggy, Pony Phaeton, Harness, Portland Cutter, ele- UNION SOUARE THEATRE COMPANY. Id hia American drama pack.eih col. A CAKD. CARLETON CURES NERVOUS DISEASES, new. Owner great Coachmen and uakdeneks.12 4th cola. pant pair bear Holies, almost leaviug city. 8ATURDAY. JANUARY II. DAVY CROCKETT. coastwise steamships.12th Pack.3d and OrricK or H. W. Prescott a Sons.) MISSgives magnetic treatment; satisfaction guaitutead. Stables, 247 West 41st at. seventh Matinee of DAVY CROCKETT. dancing academies.1st 1'auk.titU col. Wink Merchants, \ JOI Pth av.,second flight, front. 75 Chamber* New York. A RG4 ftf-II A M HLETONIAN, TROT 2:4<>. SDl'ND, THE BANKER'S DAUGHTER, Supported by bis own company ot carefully selected dentistry.12th Pack.4tli eol. _ St., J 7 Brewster side bar Wapon, A t matinees the curtain rises at ten minutes before 1 Matinee Saturday al 'J P. M. artists. Pack.Itli col. To the Public Allkind, tears, i:>\ high; Top at S DRY OOOD8.1st AND Ridiculous statement* been MDi8~l!AiTIK'*o'iBB8.GIVES-MAtJNKTIOfor rheumatism; hatha. 150 East 2t>th TREATmentat., first 4-seat Gould Sleigh, Kimball Sleigh. Slnple. Double liar- nek. At evening performances It rises precisely DWKLLINU HOUSES TO LET. EURNISUED having mads concerning the Hight, first door. in °°,CJ ock. Carriages tuay be ordered at night for 11 o'clock, ARK THEATRE! ROBINSON CRUSOE. col. celebrated and we desire lo ~~ ness; white and black boar Robes. Blankets; perfect c,' Pack.2d UNKUKN1SHKD.12thjustly remedy. Rye Ruck, for 3d West 3Uih ,s>tats may be secured at the buz office or by mail or P~HENRY E. ABBEY Leasee a ad Manager EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS.12th Paok.3d coL the public as to the real merits of this famous advise TOWN AGENCY FOR HALE OP order; quarter value. Inquire OWNER, TWO WEEKS in advance. FINANCIAL-IIth Paok. suit prdtact the trade front adulterations. preparation 0.DOWNLouisiana State Distribution. January 14. St.. near Broadway. Krsl telelib ENTIRE CHANUE OF BILL. FINE ARTS.1st Pack.6th col. Capital Prize, 930.000. Whole tickets. 92. -flT.-TOP BREWSTER IM PROVED rand-opera house." Last appearance* __ RYE AND ROCK is not a \ and FOR SALE.12th Paok.4th col. __ , proprietary medicine, but, Single Number Kentucky draws January 11. u a..wiiii niic iiaruuss, eu'^nni ih»hkbi, un\i~J»UGUYjrimio »uu i'OOLE A DONNELLY Lessees Managers of the APARTMENTS TO LET. when genuine, the simple admixture of puro ruck candy $15,000. Tickets, 91. K ssorvad iamM itlrrbestra Circle and Balcolivi. j(lc.. lliav COLVILI.E OPERA COMPANY. FURNISHED ROOMS AND tend Capital. cost $48i ill September: fine top Pony Phaeton, .Whip; HUKLESQUE 12th Paok.2d col. golden wedding rye. It Is. therefore, not protected by Information given for all legalized lotteries. $105. See couchmnn.3 Wert 13th St., near 5th nr. aecu red two weeks in advance. Box oflice always open. THIS EVENING, FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. FURNITURE-Ist PAOK-«th col. letters patent or any trademark. Such a pretension is EMERSON A GOS8, ISO Broadway, room 4. CROWDED HOUSES. WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE, help wanted.females.12th Paqk.3th and 6th evidence that It is spurious. It is not a sudden sufficient n elegant new sleigh, latest style; CROWDED HOUSES. cols. but, like the science of medicine, is tho productdiscovery.of Kentucky state dbawikm A"Will Sell cheep. DP COOPER, 1,563 Broadway. EVERY EVENING AND EVERY MATINEE, l»A0K-6th col. years of patient experiment and and, as in the P-orneux.KENTUCKY.EXTRA CLASS NO. I 1H.JANUARY t». 1870. DION HOUCICAULT, ROBINSON CRUSOE. iielf wanted.mai.es-12th and 4th cols. of inquiry; 55, 54, 52, 24, 2, 25, 21, 11. 37, 1, 65, 18, la HANDSOME ALDERNEY-COW; ALSO FRESH , HORSES, CARltlAUKS, AC..1st Faok.3d regular practice medicine, they who host know how to Durham for sale. 3 Went 13 th. DION HOUCICAULT, Paok.2d col. administer it, and whose sterling reputation is a guarantee KKNTUCKY.CLASS NO. 114.JAM'AKY 9, 1870. A" Cow,Calf DION BOUCICAULT, HOTELS.12th are the true *0. 75, 3, 13, 8. 4, 24. 7, 51, It. 28, 14, 60, 49. HOUSES. ROOMS. places OF business, SC.. of its purity, "kings" of the business. SIMMONS A .TWO HORSES; ALSO HEAVYTRUCK ORCOAL DION BOUCICAULT. New Scenery and Appointments, charming music, WANTED.12th 1'aok.2d col. DICKINSON, Managers. Cart; Horse suit any business; $40, $60, $70. 221 East DION HOUCICAULT, , Cosljitnes. and every member of tha company illgerrenustha INSTRUCTION.12th Paok.2d eol. Whenever the brain or body is overworked or underfed it GEORGIA STATE.EXTRA CLASS NO. 13.JANUARY 0, 1879. Broadway. Id bi» exquisite original Drum*. I L'aal of Characters. NOTICES.12th Paok.1st coL soon gives way to colds, coughs, bronchitis, asthma, 31, 34, 12, 17, 1, 71, 56, 22, 10, 32, 39, 74, 40. THE SHAUGli HA UN. Matinee urices. 5<)c.: reserved, extra fiOc. Onen at 1:30; LEGAL 1st coL the train of or GEORGIA STATE.CLASS NO. 14.JANUARY 0, 1879. W. AUCTIONEER. FOR ACCOUNT~OP LOST AND FOUND.1st Paok. nqd long malarial climatic diseases,catarrh74, 7. BARKER, THE SHAUGIIRAUN. I legins at 2; over at 4:15 o'clock. Evening, open* 7:30; MACHINERY.12th Paok.4th col. iiually ending in that enfeebled and terrible condition of 21, 78, 8, 26, 1st, 66, 6, 15, 61, 58, 75, 37. C~\/ storage, will be sold publicly at BARKER'S, 30th »t. THE SIIAUUIIKAUN. I >egins 8; over 1U:3U o'clock. Page.4th coL the human system known as consumption. We guarantee K.