1A 11 J TT I ^IP IV JV 11 Jli K "A WHOLE NO. 15,481. NEW YORK, FRIDAY, JANUilKY 10, 1879..TRIPLE SHEET. i PRICE THREE CENTS SPECIAL NOTICES. special MOTICKS. HORSES, CAKHIAGKS, «fcC. AMLSKMEXTS. AMl'SEMESTS. FOR ADVERTISERS. ~ DELIV" HEATRE COMKJUE.' M4 BROADWAY. pastors. UIRECTOKI' a decided SAL* CHEAP.15 Bl'SINESs 'AND rpiA mid Hart oky ~~~'tony'pastors, Tr j~made A-FORerv Wapous, £ki tu #!<«>; now second band for express, llarrigau Proprietor*. Tony pastor's. tony PASTOR'S. two Monday, January 6. IK7U. THE GREAT COOL BUBGE.-fS. 1.263 BROADWAT. TI H II TTTT grocer, butcher, linker, n.ilk, depot. Ac.; light Grand of tbe WATSON HERALD BRANCH OFFICE. OK « "« \{" H II II T Trucks; Wagons exchanged lEiti Snriiic »t. Delivery re-opeuiuif VAUDEVILLE SEASON. AXO ELLIS. SHERIDAN* AND JOURDAN, OPEN DAY AND NIGHT FOR RECEPTION R R y Y E II II II T HARRIGAN AND HART GEORGINA SMITH SOX, THREE HERBERT AND SALES OK PAPERS. RRR YY EES 11 t extra fine double haknebh. patent Id a new and comical sketch by Ed. llarrican, 1BROTHERS, HALEY AND WEST, \V. A. HUNTLEY. ADVERTISEMENTS BR Y II HIItt Anleather, French, collara. ftKi; Single, same as O'BRIEN. Cut'N SELLOR- AT-LAW AI.LIK SMITH. K T key ' R H H II Brewster Brewster JI r. Fred Roberta, Minnie Loder. JoUN OR AND <£> LADIES'AND K Y E H H II T double,£*>; improved top Buggy.tlUt); flue WILD, Billy <§> Pack.fttli and 6tb cola. BR Y EEEJS II H II t improved extension top Phaeton. seats four, $I&j; Gr«ly, 4 Aces, Davenport Brothers, Ac. 1 matinee T tony pastor J CHILDREN S AMUHEMENT8-1ST Pack.4tli col. Portland Cutter, with bells, <35; very tine large pair fur \| atioee every Wedueaday and Saturday. today. . RECEPTION. astrology.12th California sweat Blankets. l"i East lHth. AND ALL OF HIS GREAT TROUPE. BILLIARDS.12tii Paok.4th col. AND with my "Rve and Rock," in is proven by tho many Kot^s lame pair N i fare"~th eatreI WANTED.12th Paoe.2d col. that uave nines appeared. My "Rye and Rock"Imitation*Is ALLEN HORSE. 5 .A SoleoN~~syiLeasee and Mr. A. M. PALMER The programme of ovary performance at till* theatre ie BOARDERS col. RRR CC GREAT BARGAIN-ETHAN lj >Ull«M ,':aretully aelucteil and arranged for the enjoyment of BOARD AND LODUl.NO WANTED.12th Paok.2d OO K K sold by the reputable druggists "I this city and vicinity venrs; trot 2:44); warranted in every particular; family Til IS WEEK, THIRTV EIGHTH TO KORTY-kikt11 KOR SALK-ist Pack. RBOOCCKK and as a cure LADIES AND CHILDREN* BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE R recommended by leading physlcfaus certain or roud Mare, tl years; lop Wagon, Double and Single j,,irfortnances of Mr. Brouson Howard's charming play, 4th col. R O o C K K for coughs, cold*, lung, throat and iiia'artal diseases. Double and Robes. Blanketa, Ac., in five acts. s OAitDKN THEATRE PAGE. RRR 0 O C KK Price. bottle. for and Sleighs, Single Harness. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES.11TH R R O $1 per large Ask VAN HKIL'N "Kye nearly new, forquarter value. 13B West 31 at at. J'HE BANKER'S DAUGHTER, N'IHLoEdward F. Starin Proprietor and Manager. It 181 NESS NOTICES.7tii PAOK-«th col. 0 C K K Rock," and take no other. Wholesale and retail dmiot, XX clt Is produced with a wealth of tnise ou scene never Overwhelming and enthusiastic audiences greet CITY REAL ESTATE KOR SALE.1st Pag»>.4th coL RROOCOKK Chambers St., south side, between and Chiircte, NY SACklKIOK THIS DAY -HANDSOME LIGHT and with a cast of the col. 14 R OO CO Broadway»t. A Brewster initialled, embracing many bei MR. FRANK MAYO CLERKS AND SALESMEN.12th PaOB.6th K K N. VAN BKIL. aXextensiou top Phaeton (seats four), improved v members of the priull MR FRANK MAYO CLOTHINU.12th PAOK-Stli col. top Buggy, Pony Phaeton, Harness, Portland Cutter, ele- UNION SOUARE THEATRE COMPANY. Id hia American drama pack.eih col. A CAKD. CARLETON CURES NERVOUS DISEASES, new. Owner great Coachmen and uakdeneks.12 4th cola. pant pair bear Holies, almost leaviug city. 8ATURDAY. JANUARY II. DAVY CROCKETT. coastwise steamships.12th Pack.3d and OrricK or H. W. Prescott a Sons.) MISSgives magnetic treatment; satisfaction guaitutead. Stables, 247 West 41st at. seventh Matinee of DAVY CROCKETT. dancing academies.1st 1'auk.titU col. Wink Merchants, \ JOI Pth av.,second flight, front. 75 Chamber* New York. A RG4 ftf-II A M HLETONIAN, TROT 2:4<>. SDl'ND, THE BANKER'S DAUGHTER, Supported by bis own company ot carefully selected dentistry.12th Pack.4tli eol. _ St., J 7 Brewster side bar Wapon, A t matinees the curtain rises at ten minutes before 1 Matinee Saturday al 'J P. M. artists. Pack.Itli col. To the Public Allkind, tears, i:>\ high; Top at S DRY OOOD8.1st AND Ridiculous statement* been MDi8~l!AiTIK'*o'iBB8.GIVES-MAtJNKTIOfor rheumatism; hatha. 150 East 2t>th TREATmentat., first 4-seat Gould Sleigh, Kimball Sleigh. Slnple. Double liar- nek. At evening performances It rises precisely DWKLLINU HOUSES TO LET. EURNISUED having mads concerning the Hight, first door. in °°,CJ ock. Carriages tuay be ordered at night for 11 o'clock, ARK THEATRE! ROBINSON CRUSOE. col. celebrated and we desire lo ~~ ness; white and black boar Robes. Blankets; perfect c,' Pack.2d UNKUKN1SHKD.12thjustly remedy. Rye Ruck, for 3d West 3Uih ,s>tats may be secured at the buz office or by mail or P~HENRY E. ABBEY Leasee a ad Manager EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS.12th Paok.3d coL the public as to the real merits of this famous advise TOWN AGENCY FOR HALE OP order; quarter value. Inquire OWNER, TWO WEEKS in advance. FINANCIAL-IIth Paok. suit prdtact the trade front adulterations. preparation 0.DOWNLouisiana State Distribution. January 14. St.. near Broadway. Krsl telelib ENTIRE CHANUE OF BILL. FINE ARTS.1st Pack.6th col. Capital Prize, 930.000. Whole tickets. 92. -flT.-TOP BREWSTER IM PROVED rand- house." Last appearance* __ RYE AND ROCK is not a \ and FOR SALE.12th Paok.4th col. __ , proprietary medicine, but, Single Number Kentucky draws January 11. u a..wiiii niic iiaruuss, eu'^nni ih»hkbi, un\i~J»UGUYjrimio »uu i'OOLE A DONNELLY Lessees Managers of the APARTMENTS TO LET. when genuine, the simple admixture of puro ruck candy $15,000. Tickets, 91. K ssorvad iamM itlrrbestra Circle and Balcolivi. j(lc.. lliav COLVILI.E OPERA COMPANY. FURNISHED ROOMS AND tend Capital. cost $48i ill September: fine top Pony Phaeton, .Whip; HUKLESQUE 12th Paok.2d col. golden wedding rye. It Is. therefore, not protected by Information given for all legalized lotteries. $105. See couchmnn.3 Wert 13th St., near 5th nr. aecu red two weeks in advance. Box oflice always open. THIS EVENING, FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. FURNITURE-Ist PAOK-«th col. letters patent or any trademark. Such a pretension is EMERSON A GOS8, ISO Broadway, room 4. CROWDED HOUSES. WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE, help wanted.females.12th Paqk.3th and 6th evidence that It is spurious. It is not a sudden sufficient n elegant new sleigh, latest style; CROWDED HOUSES. cols. but, like the science of medicine, is tho productdiscovery.of Kentucky state dbawikm A"Will Sell cheep. DP COOPER, 1,563 Broadway. EVERY EVENING AND EVERY MATINEE, l»A0K-6th col. years of patient experiment and and, as in the P-orneux.KENTUCKY.EXTRA CLASS NO. I 1H.JANUARY t». 1870. DION HOUCICAULT, ROBINSON CRUSOE. iielf wanted.mai.es-12th and 4th cols. of inquiry; 55, 54, 52, 24, 2, 25, 21, 11. 37, 1, 65, 18, la HANDSOME ALDERNEY-COW; ALSO FRESH , HORSES, CARltlAUKS, AC..1st Faok.3d regular practice medicine, they who host know how to Durham for sale. 3 Went 13 th. DION HOUCICAULT, Paok.2d col. administer it, and whose sterling reputation is a guarantee KKNTUCKY.CLASS NO. 114.JAM'AKY 9, 1870. A" Cow,Calf DION BOUCICAULT, HOTELS.12th are the true *0. 75, 3, 13, 8. 4, 24. 7, 51, It. 28, 14, 60, 49. HOUSES. ROOMS. places OF business, SC.. of its purity, "kings" of the business. SIMMONS A .TWO HORSES; ALSO HEAVYTRUCK ORCOAL DION BOUCICAULT. New Scenery and Appointments, charming , WANTED.12th 1'aok.2d col. DICKINSON, Managers. Cart; Horse suit any business; $40, $60, $70. 221 East DION HOUCICAULT, , Cosljitnes. and every member of tha company illgerrenustha INSTRUCTION.12th Paok.2d eol. Whenever the brain or body is overworked or underfed it GEORGIA STATE.EXTRA CLASS NO. 13.JANUARY 0, 1879. Broadway. Id bi» exquisite original Drum*. I L'aal of Characters. NOTICES.12th Paok.1st coL soon gives way to colds, coughs, bronchitis, asthma, 31, 34, 12, 17, 1, 71, 56, 22, 10, 32, 39, 74, 40. THE SHAUGli HA UN. Matinee urices. 5<)c.: reserved, extra fiOc. Onen at 1:30; LEGAL 1st coL the train of or GEORGIA STATE.CLASS NO. 14.JANUARY 0, 1879. W. AUCTIONEER. FOR ACCOUNT~OP LOST AND FOUND.1st Paok. nqd long malarial climatic diseases,catarrh74, 7. BARKER, THE SHAUGIIRAUN. I legins at 2; over at 4:15 o'clock. Evening, open* 7:30; MACHINERY.12th Paok.4th col. iiually ending in that enfeebled and terrible condition of 21, 78, 8, 26, 1st, 66, 6, 15, 61, 58, 75, 37. C~\/ storage, will be sold publicly at BARKER'S, 30th »t. THE SIIAUUIIKAUN. I >egins 8; over 1U:3U o'clock. Page.4th coL the human system known as consumption. We guarantee K. D. EDDY A CO Managers. and Broadway, at 11 o'clock, Saturday (to morrow). Beautiful Scenery and grand Mechanical Effect*. MATRIMONIAL.12th * In form At on (riven regarding the above drawing*. scat of 1 LOBETIfEAtliR MEDICAL.12th Paok.4th col Instant relief from these and other disorders by the use of to Apply six Sleigh, by order Watson col. specific every ease, Broadway druggists; per package. falling; <§> i > TRAVELLERS' GUIDE.12th Paoe.4th col. to quantity in 25c., SOc. and $1 bottles. E. CHANDLER, Proprietol blankets. 75c.; buffalo robes, $3 ao; n at 2:30 and 8 P. M. 50 cents. according . aily, Admission, Children ONE HUNDRED BEAUTIFUL YOUNG LADIES. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO Horseyellow wator proof Blankets, $3 50; plush Lap Robes, VI were onr Havanalottery $3; hand made Harness. $13. At the cheapest harness price. MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. LET.12th Pack.2d col. The statements which calculated to deceive Scats can now be secured at the box office. WANTED TO PURCHASE.1st Pack.«tli col. trade and Injure ns led the public lo test and compare the j^oyal store in New York. OSBORNE A BURKE. 71 Barclay st. Ol'ANDARD Til EAT RE. BROADWAY AND 33D ST. WATCH ES. J BWELRY. AC.-I2TH PAAUt.bth col different brands of RYE AND ROCK, which caused a large next drawing. january 10, 187a btook op sleighs. VILLIAM HENDERSON Froprietor and Manager HILH ARMONIC SOCIETY OK NEW and increasing demand for onr RYE AND p* EVERY EVENING AND SATURDAY MATINEE OF genuine ROCK, Portland and Cutters, four-seat and six-seat ... MUSIC.THIRTY-SEVENTHYORKACADEMYSEASON. nil 824 prises, amonuting to 810,0:X> Large Albany be founded on Bret PfcRHONAli. both here and In Enrope. We have agency in London pesos. Sleighs, with tops, st very low prices; a few second hand presented the interesting play, ]iDOLPH NEUENDORFF CONDUCTOR for onr customers abroad and the foreign trade, where our Capital prise, 200.000 pesos. makers. "al T, rte'e story, eutitled THIRD PUBLIC REHEARSAL, TO SEE ME BEFORE MONDAY. I stand* Spanish Gold ami Havana Hank Bills bought and sold. Sleighs; good MUSS; j FRIDAY JANUARY AT 2 O'CLOCK. 0~N0T"C0ME reputation high. Drafts on A. S. KLANDKAU A CO., 372 and 374 Broome st. AFTERNOON, 10, X. Y. Havana issued. " am nick in bed. CARRIE Very respectfully, ' to be produced with Admission, 75 cent s; reserved seat, 25 cents extra. H. W. FRESCOTT A SONS, 0. YIADERO A CO., Bankers, ! NE W AND REALISTIC SCENERY, PROGRAMME. tonight; back Wlno 1 Now st., New York. MECHANICAL EFFECTS AND write anxious; Merchants, gLEIGHS~ PROPERTIES. |, IN E FLAT SCHUMANN Ducky.goingreceived; again to-day; veryThursdayletter 75 Chambers St., Havana draws January 35.capl cheapest and heat in the city. and a powerful cast, including ARIA, FROM "FIDELIO" BEETHOVEN can't I send you anything? New York. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Mis s KATY MAYHEW as MLISS Mrs. ANNA GRANGER DOW. Royaltal, *200,000; tickets, *40 to*l. Royal St. Stephen's, sea J. SIDE ELEVATED RAILROAD, WEDNESDAY January 30; 1 price in 9; 22,059 amounting to LOOS A WILLIAMS, Mis May Davenport and Cariotta Evelyn, Messra. C. CONCERTO, IN E FLAT (Piano) LISZT jtAST about 8 with sntchel; gentleman prices, 238 and 325 West 46th St., few doors west of Broadway. Ediumids, Gustaviis Levick, II. A. Weaver, B. T. Ringgold, Mr. franz HUMMEL. I'ijerening, o'clock, lndy ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. $103,500; capital, $25,000, $15,0(10 , $10,000. These grand H*' to avoid mistake A.~A_ rry Eytinge and others. , a "UN AURA AMAROSA" (air) MOZART sitting opposHe desires acquaintance; Next drawing January 10. distributions are never postponed. Prices paid in full in ofALLS, WITHOUT "BOARD: tiOMMODIOUS CAR- POPULAR PRICES. nieiitlou station at which you got on. Address G. S., box gold. Whole tickets only $1. FIELD & CO., Sole Agents, boarders I S. "IM GUUNEN" (Spring Song) MENDELSSOHN 2'J Herald oltico. Flrit capital prixe $200,000 1,212 lOriagc room; su|ierlor aceominodations; $18 Mrs. ANNA GRANGER DOW. Second capital priie 50,000 Broadway. monthly. Private stables 217 West 36th St. TV rALLACK'S. OPEN 7:30; BEGIN AT 8. OVERTURE, "PROMETHEUS" BARG1EL l/*i7T_\ r.KK..RUSSELL A. WADE WILL FIND A Third capital priso 25.000 positively cured..european ECOND HANDCARRIAGES.TWO LIGHT LEATHER niter far him at his address in Dey st. Two prises (SlO.itO each) 20.000 rheumatic society has romoved from 207 to 210 LAST TWO NIGHTS AND LAST MATINEE TFIIRD JY, Ten each) 50,000 R~heumatism top Ludaus, $375 and $500; Clarence. $335; Coupe. $335; of Mr. Paul Merritt's new entitled CONCERT. ON prises ($5,000 West 34lh st. Only genuine office in America, and Kockaway. $135; Phaeton, $85. Drama, SATURDAY EVENING. January 11. at 8 o'clock. 7iut\~t O .VK(>E~ FORMERLY CONDUCTOR 821 prizes amounting to 810,000 nnder act of light Pony AT LAST. 50 cents extra. one his address February 17, 1848. Consultation,Incorporated WILLIAM H. and 22 Wooster st. Admission. $1 ( reserved seat. cltv railroad, or auy knowing present Kentucky State Lottery, January 11. terms and circulars freo. ORAY.JW Characters hy Mr. LESTER WALLACE, Sale of reserved seals and tickets THIS MORNING, at will team something to his or their advantage by Whole tickets. $1. two mrs. O. K. COGHLAN. W. R. FI.OVD. J. W. SHANNON. CONDUCTOR, Herald Branch otHce. Lenieiana Slate Lottery. January 14. lottery company's iitanted^a horse truck.address, jf®1 E. EDWIN. J. PECK, Miss ROSE COGHLAN. Mis* the Academy. SUBSCRIPTION TICKETS for the Uptown addressing *-j 11-1 4:1 TI stating price, box 123, New Brunswick, FOUR CONCERTS and FOUR REHEARSALSremainingcan bo OF The~kentuckyfrankfort lottery. EF FIE GERMON and Miss STELLA BONIFACE. had. OTICE-fs^HEREBY OS >'KN TO THE CHILDREN Prjr.es casliod. Full information of above sent free. CLASS 113.JANUARY 9, 1879. wanted.a sound, heavy truck horse, J. DUFF * (III.. Hankers. 42 Nassau St., New York. » V for cash. 173 Rende St. MONDAY JANUARY wav. 824. tho late Robert George Park, who died in or about the :*8, 24, 76, 5. 59, 31. 55. 36, 23, 50, 49, 71, 58. cKbap EVENING, 13. SPECIAL COMPLAINTS CERTAIN. SAFE AND CLASS 114.JANUARY 9, 18711. suitable for any bu8l "Robertson's popular Militarv Drama of . Ol^>lo~tlteatre.broadGEORGE THE COUNT JOANNES N. that 27, 51, 77. 36, 59. 39. "57. 50, 75. 74. 26. 18, 2. cheaph0rse8. OURS. IN HIS MARVELLOUS CLASSIC IMPERSONATIONS. year 1871. and previously resided in Jersey City, J., ALLpermanently cored to either sex. Dr. COX, 202 East missouri state lottery. 8ness; three daya'trial given. 351 Otli av. wj,j ich will be presented, sfter weeks of preparation, with a TONIGHT.OTHELLO. Kith st. CLASS 13.JANUARY 1879. CAST OF UNPARALLELED STRENGTH. SATURDAY.MERCHANT OK VENICE. no brother* una sisters inwua applying m mo onprenia 9, CAA^ SLEIGHS..KLEIGHS7'SLKIGlfsL them of 8CRK AND8AFE TREATMKNT~7s GUARAN'tEKD 13, 19, 55. 70, 60. 30. 59. 43, 6. 8. 75, 74. 2a C/l "V/Portlaiid. four and six seat Sleighs, COMPLETE MILITARY BAND The Count will he supported by his lovely pupil, the Court of Newfoundland for it distribution anions CLASS Albany. Pony ®n end Miss stella holnd. AD. NEUKNDORFF Director of 11. our selection of Tickets. Central. OE rmon.mmo. ponisi boniface. Germ father of the said Robort George I'ack), formerly Saturday. January Try The regular annual mooting of the stockholders of this FOUR STORV BROWN FULL POR- THIS EVENING, FREUND FRITZ, Newfoundland, who, since leaving there, resided in the 1R.VING A C0..4S1 Canal St., near Hudson. company for electing THIRTEEN DIRECTORS to serve STONE. 01fEINWAY HALL. SATURDAY^ Comedy, in three acts, bv Erkmann-Cliatrian. States of that his share of the estateCarbonaar>of his the A.TWOtico, finest cabinet trim. mirrors, Ac., finishing, 119- fS United America, MENTER .AWARDED TWENTY TUREE ensuing year, and fur other purposes, will be held at 121 East r»7th. LINDE'S SUCCESS. Box office open from 8 to 4 o'clock daily. late mother, Ann Rack, will be divided among hi* next ef the office of the company. No. 7 BROADWAY, on the L It N.I N Di)D EEEK If he does make claim to the same forthwith. I'riro Medals.' WM. F. CROFT, owner and builder, 230 East 62d. cademy of "music. kin not CIIOCOLAT SECOND TUESDAY of JANUARY, inst. (January 14 L II nn N D D E for further information In both cases application is Consnmption annually 1879), at NOON. Polls will open at 12 o'clock M.. end CHARMING PARK AVENUE FULL SIZED L II n N N D D K The Academy may be hired Balls. Concerts, to be made to the exceeds 17.500.IXXI lbs close at 1 o'clock P. M. The transfer HOUSE, II N n N EEE Ac., during the present season on favorable terms, undersigned. requuilted books will be near lb it n at.; bargain. V. K. STEVENSON, Jr., 4 Pin#, L D D the stockholders lor these occasions have waived their Lectures, Ji.Miir 10, 1879. HOCOLAT MENIER. PAKIS^ on the morning of January 15, 1879. reopened35 East 17th st. and «t»l 5th ar. L II N N N D D K WM. WESTON CARTER. Sold everywhere. London,! J. A. COWING, Secretary. L II N NN D D K to entraMO and seats. privileges No. 8 Sontb corner Moore, room 5, or to SSORTMENT ATTRACTIVE HOUSES. CHOICE N NN KEEE Apply to the SECRETARY, St., New York. LLLL II ODD at the PUESCOTT EMERSON, Wholesale, 40, 5! and 53 Southwark st... Borough. London (jjon nnn for *2- for * . louisiama Owners, l)l!(JOIN A CROSS,WAN, Architects,LOcations.r;ECON'U NIGHT OF MACBETH. Secure yonr seats. Academy. Mas'er In Chancery, Supreme Court, St. Johns, N. F. tJlOl/.Lfl fl/draws January 14. Splendid assortment of 63 East 41 st. Price list sent, describing "huw a good house ONY PASTOR'S. TONY PASTOR'S: HOCOLAT MENIER, tickets. IRVING A CO., 481 Canal st., near Hudson. be built." C'* .shouldlnTrancisco minstrelsj opera~hou.se. CHILDREN'S AND FAMILY J. T., BOX 139 HERALD awarded rr-r Oi LN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS. Broadway and aith st. LADIES', VOODOO-^ADDRESSstating when and where interview can be had. Paris (he East Side. Tlio family reaort. MATINEE TODAY. ^ OFflce, Exhibition, .DKJ l JU UAII MUX U'L:'/ 1J*#K 1U-4JAIJ Received with acreanta and thundera of FOURTH AVENUE CAR. 5 P. M. 1H78P Grand FORTES FOR SALE AND TO 31st at., 9 to 1 and 3 to 7. N. B..Louisiana State, January 14. Tickets, $3 and $L 13th. for a limited number of the KENT, X AND THE LOTS. EACH 29X100. SITUATED ON 9TH AV., nights,WednesMonday, on very reasonable terms. ()8T.A QHILD'H PICTURE DRESS! * IOARD8, in Dalalei's adaptation of "Lea rewarded to P. J. TWOcorner D9th st.. for or will exchange for a house in < Pianos but little used exceedingly low. JJHiider will be suitably by returning SPORTING, DOGS, BIRDS. , On every horse that warranted sound or kind and true Railroad now is the time to secure homes, the best of NH$ZELTON~~BROS., assortment new and Room 77 Nassau between John and Fulton. in one ,,C*TO MORR'OW '(SATURDAY).' JANUARY^f/,HENS 3ti University place, a large of 1, at., harnese front to three days are giren banks. Address 0. P. LADD. Arlington. savlugs GRAND GALA MATINEE, latter as oa will to test warrantees. hand Pianos (some of the good new) sec>ndb« important to those- withoct cnirt[)kkn~ OTEL WAltFORD OPPOSITE NEW PASSENGER T1lose who desire can have their tickets end seats lold or rented at prices to snit the times. Morand's tho l"r "ney * refunded at the ticket I" Klixir. creat Invlgnnitm weakness and CATALOGUES OP THIS DAYS (FRIDAY) depot at Waverley, N. Y.. to lease, unfurnished; lease, ehai officeex"ftsof new factory prices;' crea? general debility; price til per buttle, «r two for 8>. A. M. SALE. at $1,500, expires April I, 1670; proposals received to Feb- Boo Th pian07$i«t OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. MAUKICKAlT'S office, lit) :t» vara. AT 10 O'CLOCK. 81JNDAY- KVF.NING.Benefit Concert to Xlss TUCK. est bargains in the city. MENDELSSOHN PLANO DISEASES Liberty at.._o>er ruary 1. C. WAltFORD. Jnn 13.IL XiMPANi,Jtl East loth st. PAIR BAT CARRIAGE HORSES. HANDS ONDAY EVENING. TROVATORE. .tomorrow, 8 1**J HIGH, MANUFACTURERS..FOR SALE OR TO LKT~ON piL'ESDAY EVENING. Jan. 14.TRAVIATA. First P T FEW "SECOND HAND WEBER PIANOS AT VERT of the nenrmm Its over life years old; good drivers: fearless of cars or anytiling; reasonable terms, the finest Carriage and Ware- of Mile. GIULIA MARIO as VIOLETTA. The Importune* system, power ^ very stylish; warranted sound and kind and true in ail TO Factory p.n, anraneecAgreot bargains; some of them used bnt a very short ad the direct hearing which it haa on human happlneaa, are rooms in Philadelphia, Pa.; central location, fronts on |>( (PULAR PRICES.Admission, $1; Reservod Seats, inie oar best musiciaus and almost as nodes uaea the harness. Double Harness, ntul three streets. 1 Itt foet four from seven by really thoroughly recognised; it* and danger of sss a tttt u II rrr pod a t t ELEGANT LANDAU 8 front, stories, light 50 cer.ts and $1 extra, according to location; Gallery, SO ew; fully warranted in overy Please coll st ths whether iutenao mental or 8saa ON SPRINGS, morocco lined. sides; suitable for piano, sewing machine, hosiery, aboe or centIs. respect. it, through applicationovertaxingby tuurrddaat* hnllt by MILLION. GUIET * CO., of Paris. JOHN YEHF.R Wsrerooms, 5th av. and loth st. the exee**ive Indulgence of the appetite* and propenaltiea, 8 aa tuurrddaatt CROSS MATCHED TEAM HAY AND BROWN any other manufacturing purposes. Address ALL- Sc>ats ran now be secured at Box Office, Pond's Music re anhjecta for conaideration. When the nervon* 888 a a tp i) krr d d a a HORSES, tlAIKR, southeast cornerolh and Buttonwood sts., Phila- stm-e. No. 2."> Union square, and No. Ill and at TT~1»rWEST 23O ST.. NKAK BTH AV .PUrVATH proper .ty lti hands high, 6 and 7 years old; hne. handy drivers; del Pa. Broadway, la it ia absolutely necessary to 8 aaa t v i) r r d d aaa ^ phi a. tbei itlices of the District Telegraph Comoanv. »\.family will sell Steinway Piano, $1UU; elegant Cabinet yatem deranged promptly y the property of a family going abroad; warranted In ' Music. aeelt advice from an expert who, for /> long series of year* 8 8 a at U IT r r d d a at., harness. Set FOR S A INVEST- Jprlght.-$150; Stool, Cover, ha* devoted hi* whole time end attention to this study, and 888 a a t cp k r ddd a a t Harness, and fi'KXAR LANDS LK.SPLENDID TitJOTH'8 THBATHE. SUNDAY NIGHT. , LIGHT LAN DA U. IN GOOD CONDITION, built by Dunn. I inont for rapitalial; homo* lor tlir poor; cnrrenpondoneo 111Dr. MAX 8TRAKOSCII ha* the honor to announce a -rosew^k>d pi ano, perfect order, who, from lila experience and practice, haa learned to HAY anllrited. A Kooiu 52 low at once the reus*, and a* the DAJtK COLT. SIRED BY JOHN MORGAN. JR.. 16 Apply EDWARDS TIKNEK, 38, GRAND GALA CONCERT, BarcaTys#iO; organ. $60; upright Piano, $100: rental promptly apply remedy,discover hands high. 4 years old; ran I rot in 3 milium*; Hrnadway. SUNDAY JANUAKY 1Susie Felloe, 10c.; Music, lc. per page. thn* avoiding the painfully slow seeking ror tho truth an JANUARY 11, ___ KVEN1NO, 13. so to kind and true in ell aernees. Set Harnese,warranted of which are to aid in the of cordon A son, 13 East 14th su eonimon to the Inexperienred-and annoying tlie patient, proceed* * defraying expense want* to know without what la the and MAL ESTATE TO B1CHAHCB. musical education of wlm very naturally delay will decide who are the fortunate TOP IN order. « JCi 7 octave "rosewood pianoforte matter, the extent of the derangement, the probabilities of holders of the WAGON, good MISS MARIB TUCK, and faro sai.k oK excIianhk-kor farms ok"other Tfle artists whose name* Elegant$46; also Steinway Upright; bargains. recuperation and the time required. £fjWK two brown stone Stores in busiuesn distinguished follow have kindly GORDONS, 167 Mleecker St. If the brain ha* become exhausted by Intenao mental AT IO;3ti PRECISELY Properly, ffood offei-ed Mr. Strakusch their co operation :. the of SHERIFF'S SALE, by order of street; also one frame Store in good ordor. Call or address Mis* MAKIE UTTA. 1 offer for j an laby.. plenI application, depriving it of power connected thought. 8 11 to.133 (100 000 000 BERNARD RE corner Tompkins and Gates we*., Brooklyn. It can only recover i»* strength by being properly fed and 888 II to 00 00 01) ID 00 00 ILLY, Sheriff. Mies NANNIE HART, Signnrita GALIMBKRTL JExtraordinarydid Organs,$G\ $*); 2 sets Reeds. $6U; 1 do.,$40; 1 do.. use la <»> J. P. WILSON. DEPUTY. FOR Mr. Mr. L. O. GOTTSCHALK 7 octave, all rosewood Pianos, $I3U; do, $140: all nourished by tho of certain systematic methods. It 8 8 8 11 to 00 life. practice organic 888 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 WORK.from 15.3 to hands Broadway (dfiM at.) REMENYI, buy scarcely lie overrated, for It reaches marriage, the an ii its OO on no no no on HI1, high; all kind and the celebrated violin vlrtuoao. J ICE WATERS A SONS. 4 im good workers. TYKAL ESTATE SOLD~ EXCHANGED AND RENTED; 01HAND ORCHESTRA..Mr. 8. Hebron*. Director; Mr. F. ; of family securing hereditary titlesperpetuation 9 9 9 11 r.5 ... O) (X) oo a> no... rosewood seven retention of estates in the same .V> iu BAY HORSE. I.V< HANDS HIGH. 10 years old; a good J.Vrent* collected, loaus negotiated, insurance effected. Dubiken and Signor De Novella,Conductor* will sell carved the family. 99$ ii r»5 . oo oo no ou uo .. cost less then a and In this direction I have worker, free driver: warranted kind and true in all COLLINS A WINNER. 1.M4 Broadway, Si. Cloud Hotel. meral admission. SO cents; Reserved Ladyoctave upright Piano; $WA), $100. From long large ex|ierience i || US , 000 000 000 , Seata,orchestra J near success harness Set Harness, and reserved 75 cents. lint 2d av., 12tb. been able to command by my the thankful rop delivery wagon. orchestracircle.fi; balcony. Sale Reslleuce, of some of the first families In the city nnd nation,appreciation REAL ESTATE W WTED. SF«ml* opens this morning at Booth's Theatre. -] t,fATlirsllKK PIANO MANUFACTURING COMPANY^ end I can communicate mnch that pertains to the over and rRlZES 1 1LACK TROTTING GELDING, sired by GENERAL 2c. andNoc. TODAY will he given at time of sale. particulars tfoUNTHT oJchestra seats secured, .'Ale. MATINEE Saturday at 2. r in payment-two. and must sell at IIENRY A. DANIELS, M. WHOLE II with atnlilu. Ac , In good D., TICKETS, $1. , iIILK WAGON. BUSINESS SLEIGH. limine, healthy locality; one or I.SIM TRIZES, AMOUNTING TO 9B7.025. I to city dally. (Jive Inwent price and particular.,aereaniM«fTlo NY PASTORS, TONY PASTORS, rakkna sacrifice either Upright S1h *u j pMD Oil" (Krldajr) ovoiilnjr until Hi n'clitck. rol' SIDE HAH ROAD tt'AOON.Inr J. B. BrawsUr. ofJ._>«h COLKMAM. BwWeWce lu NY PASTORS, TONY PASTORS. "irst class. Address LUMBER, Herald L ptown office. WILLIAMSON A CO.. OKNKKAL EASTERN AGENTS, Kt.; top nldoliar, by Minor A ( o.; oxtoimioD top A CHILDREN'S GRAND MATINEE 60H BROADWAY. NEAR HOUSTON ST.. NEW YORK. *oj> and no top lull « bring \Y«icnn«, top PlmrtotivI'lmoton, WITH sTorK, IN exchange yTj atinbk 7 to day. '1. bAKCINO ACAbEMIKlT HOURS.* to .1 and fl to 7. Rrnnvli <11 PORTLAND ANl> Al-HANY SLEH1HH: two full WANTKD-A~VAK.M.for a Rood Houae on fdRIt at. Addrcna KIEL, Herald * ENTIRE lNC nWra. Hroailwajr, \\ now, Hold to Double aixl JL ro-UA*. THE HRKAT HILL WILL BE a -OARTIER .«T~DAN't "aCADEMIkT m8T*J \VIIIiMtiinlxircKENTCCKY pprinp pay atlvauroa; I.'ptown Breach ofllca. , <£> PERFORMED (V.Union square: Brooklyn branch, ikll Fulton St.; sow STATE.TRY VOI R Single UartiA.n. Kobe*. Whip*. Bella, Ac. lasses lessons hour; new system; LUCK TODAY BALE COMMENCES AT l<> O CLOCK. U'AXTKR-WK have SKA KHAL cash customers YPTIAN llAlX.S4TII ST AND 3D AT..EVERY f forming; private any IN THE DRAWING. JANUARY II. II for uood Homen r»nirin){ lnnn #111.1**1 to flS.i/Olt; prin- H,J ' *dy assistants; Ulide and Society Waltses specialtiea CAPITAL ritI7,E. SIA.tXO. only. SMITH A Wealdad it. 1VENING. TUESDAY. THURSDAY AND SATURDAY SECOND CAPITAL, 9«.<*I0; THIRD CAPITAL. 81.000 A KCII. JOHNSTON, AUCTION ERR, etpala QKART,365 jJR'j'INEES; GAY SoSGS; NAUGHTY SKETCHES; r LLEX DOT)WORTH'S SCHOOL '(V lit to £'> lllili at., near V PARISIAN LIVING a for and .LOU A PRIZES OK 95.«»»l PRIZES OK 92-rS*L Univor.lly place. SENSATIONS; PICTURES; 4. DibHiik Deportment, IMAM SI Alt. l.ollKKt PRIZES OK AC PHY WOOD*. Til E1 FINEST FORMED WOMEN IN THE WORLD; SI So dsl 5»U av., jj^ 91.1**1. AC.. OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST KELIABT.K .EM. now no. For tertna, Ac., oend for circular. MONTH LT ORAM) NEW 1.W4 PRIZES AMOCNTINO TO 9>i7,trj.\ j S turnsale-an elegant sealskin "sao>i e; Ml op DISTRIBUTION,IHIII'AM.1U4TH no llol.SK IN TIIK CITY. warn. Tlece near NOTICE..Ad extra claaa for children, betrinnera an4 postponement! no scaling! > never Brevoort Hotel, K)th et., REOULAR BALES OK HOUSES AND CAKKIAtiES J o there will rnmtnenco on Januanr «, to meet o* 14 whole tickets. only one dollar. A iKRLK'8 TIVOLI THEATRE, Monday, ORLEANS, JANUART I.ST.7 PRIZES; TOTAL. royal draws io. c EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. Broadway. Sth *t.. between 3d and 3d av*. The great New York '(ondaye and Thuradaye, from Sty to 5k, F. M. Havana January 24 hours to three trial on horse* capital prize, 92<«).u«i. days' warranted aoun«L CKALSKIN MI KE ANDBOA.RL SKALSKINSAi-yL'E, Woekly sensation, HLACK EYED SUSAN, together with 4 T TREMORS ACADEMY. BROAPWAYASD 32D $110.40); CAPITALS, $«).OIO, flO.OK), $3,000, AC.; SECOND THIRD .000. f< this i>ay at lo o'clock. Odd Inchee. R4.V MILLS A COLEMAN, IstMJrund nt. 7» o f "the greatest variety star*. Matinees, Thursday and CAPITAL. BMI.ni*); CAPITAL. want to itrv k . [V Adult a are rapidly taught tile modern waltiee. PRIZES OK 9!!0,<**>; PRIZES OK AC.. AC. if vor road horse, a kam Bat* rday afternoon, also Sunday midnight. and of tho dance, 100.0W TICKETS, TWO ($.') DOLLARS; HALVES. 9H).. 9»l. 910; TWENTIETHS. 92. QKAUKMIACQVM AMD UMBDCtRCt ARS._ arn welcome vl eltor*, TRAM, ok ANY'UltNH IN TIIK NORSK LINK, .holeaale manufacturer haa a few, choice, on VI'OAtvmarket. ivirTi ay. and "both"St! rareiiteand Intending pupil* FORTIETHS. #1 . very ONE ($1) DOLLAR. APPLY TO M. A. DAUPHIN, P. mk Si'uk ami attend oi l: SACK. will sell at retail to cloaa out. RAND PROMENADE CONCERT AND BALL »'riday receptlone. open to former patron*, Kj'tO to 11:30k LOUISIANA GRAND NEW 1EARS DRAWING. JAN- & wiikkk hand; cheap Addreea -Nr,(. FRY NIGHT COMMENCING AT « O'CLOCK. UARY 14. IM7M. CAPITAL PRIZE. 9W.. f.vkky l)ksckiptioif of 'V.Kaet 14th *t..Private inatrnctlon drfily eoclaty (lido YORK. whole tickets f2; halves. 91. carriage*. POSY OPKKK MOTICK. *rallr.ee. Sew claeeee beginning. See circular*. $18 BROADWAY, NEW open this evening until w o'clock. NV PASTOR'S. TONY PASTORS, 4 M «»N I'OST OFFICE NOTlTK.' NY PASTORS, . TON V PASTORS. t \ubt»im' Dancing 1 . OK JAOKHON .% OO., I«ii)i«ni,88 Nmmm H., mur Kullvi. -CHAXI.RH W BARKER K»M:I;K CIT.OLkl. Jo academy. ,j«7~broadway CERTIFICATE PRIZE. of owner'* depart uro for Flonda will It* soldAC:Von OTIi"countmnila for by atoantahip Itonan on Saturday, FAlMILY MaTIXKE TO DAY for the apeclal comfort of JI/Private leeaoua any hour; eix loeaone. 912, with innaic; Nrw Out,****, Doc. 21, 1«7S. -the commonwealth distribution com- iiiturilny (to morrow), January 11, at II o'clock, at Barker January It, IS7U, will clone at thin olllce at III A. M in ladlt«« aud children who cannot attend the evening perfor- |itdy aeeietante; glide and encioty waltsea apoelaitioa; Tho undersigned cortihea that lie held for coHoetloti for Son'* Nov.* York Tnttorsi'.ir*, corner of and .'tt»th ntead of 11«3(> A- M. Supplentenial mail will eloea at 12 man cm. c laeeea tornnnir account of Zachnrieh Yoorhrra. and coan.e'lor at | Broadway attorney pnnr will hold the *eeenth of * *tirc***fttl aerie* t., on© of tin* handsomest mii.I fastest dapple crav Trotting: fknon. law, St« Broadway, Brooklyn. K. D., and tut Bedford nr., vnrjr J, overdriven in N*w York for road THOMAS L. JAMES, Pnatmaater. TA[I. JOHN LORD'S LECTURES I 1/ERNAS 1)11's DANCING ACADEMY, V.TH st.. :t» of drawing* at Lmilerllle. Ky., .lannary nt which gift* kMh.ig* gentleman'** use; " 1 C av. ihank term Brooklyn, K. I) whole llrkrt No TV9II. Olaaa M, In the wm I l.Ylif-a high, 7 years old in spring; I* mi© of the most I'oet Office, New York, January M, IMTit. A.7 on "Tlio Creel Characlera of Hlatory building)..Sew commencing; circulars Lotilaiaiia State which drow the accond tntlm vdhir nf $11 .%. will he Allotted.* Nminof the pro- in nn.l » t H75 Lexington av.; private leaaone all*faoura. lottery, capital Ion* drawing* were postponed. and nil being In puhlir. gretahlo, ganiest and safest driver©ever Hitch**!: trolled Uhickrrlng llall. TUESDAYS FRIDAYS. prlre ol Wm.utlii un Tneaday, December In, IM7S; aaid ticket of mint of J111ist year in ha* lew «*«|iial* on road or track for TI1E Ilk I.I. NK t ail) V. 1 "he arced Lectnro of the ronrw of will be kivob IIll II.I.V s NCHOOL AND coat the aont ot al llic office of II. L. ,'tllt nndor Iho management the prominent cltiiofi* stylo, or DANCING having $l. Secretary. Courier- nil kind and perlect In every particular. Also an elegant "Tjexsssrt Course Tlrketa at Hrentano'a, $10. company T M WKSCOAT, uJ ip side bar Road Wagon, of Hroome line MOXDAY. .Ian nary 30. 1970, MllNlCALi .Journal lltillding. lieuinvlih, K\ . or II. II. l*ORTKK A by Brewster, *t.; Atfent Southern Expre.a Company, New Orleana, La. nt of Single Harness, Hear Kobe, Kobe. Road mid tSONIC HALL, CORNER USD ST. AND ATI! AV. 4 GKSTEKM AN^YK ARS' CO.. KlHirt Afi*nti. 1,2*27 It road way, New York. ( Lap ORAM) CAKRIVAL BALL K\I'EililScI 4t>USf8[ .royal Havana lottery. Blanket*. Cortland Sleigh, Ac.. Ac. The whole on viewStale M, ieneral TOM THUMB and WIFE. MUs AMY REED . V«»rp«n. harp, harmony, fia quarter; beat refrroncw. A4 DRAWN JANUARY II TICK- 11 fter It) o'clock this morning. Major NEWELL, every afternoon at 3, evening at H d reaa llAV!>h.S. box 124 ller*l<1 Lptown offiro. A" Drawing to-day. HTATK. >ck, in the entertaining performance and laughable f-Jiai.iM). pre i.t a a I, tlW). KENTUCKYOt* $1 ; capital*, fl5.tUi, JN'i.ffJil. IjottNiamt MONKEY. * n w york < atokv (ik ml'slr" draw* Wfc« I» tAKIlIAUKS ''' », THE MISCHIEVOUS * Whole Ticket., Ml) Uuartcr.. *l<>. Twenfletha, $2. January 14; ticket*, 9*2; capital*. fifci.OIMt, fUlAiMO, Carets Krancal* do I'llartnonis. *.1 KAfT I4TH sT., 2d door eaatof 5tl» av fft.Ul*!. Havana draw * If»; J V. An Immenen ntock m»w on hand vij intaaion only Joe.; children under ten yeara, I.V, (Incorporated^ KKNTI'CKY STATE LOTTERY. Koynl* January capital at low 5 Drawing to-morrow. Hckth. 9fH ki fl. It NATHAN, 1*1 and HJH Broadway. price*. S\ PASTOR'ST tony PASTOR'S, PffiK"" A HTM. A s. KIi.VNPK AI a ro M7J and 374 Bf M ft rjno " Plrat Prlre, $i:>.r>at. Whole Ticket only $1. OoMnmaaliy Mma. L. Klnahar ,t L Patrlllo, 4 t'nlon anil are. A CHILDREN'S HOLIDAY MATINEE TODAY. r I'llKK A Blloviiw LonMann Stale a f ktitoi'omtan . the and *jY CM. vY" lottery, i MIN IIIK \l W STKKL IIOKMK HIIOK, Hrlog all the littlo folka to enjoy elegant laugh- ^Valuable antique Clockv a-Brae. modern and tlorninn llorernntent leitterlea. jml \ RION BALL. (ill.MOUB 8 HARDEN abla entertainment. tl at JJ'ic Kentucky and lleorgla dally drawlnga. joh by tho «lohn 1>. Itl I If vi km I'm font. HomeMAM'V*f*cturftdShoe AFEBRUARY #1, 1(571). Furniture. reduced price* before rem oral. aniqne Pull informatien aeul free. oinpanv. It will not nllp, prevent* Interferhiff.en re* MOKNR GARDEN THEATRE UD ST AND "Til A '< crack, corn Inttteitcaa itvul contracted feet. L PERFORM JYIMIWt CO., MM BROADWAY. IIAYK JfKT RK. THRODOIIE ZSOHOCII, 2S Park row. rni.vnxo shopHinquar,»rNew for tlio of tho Restaurant. Ac Ae a;r..(IRANI) HAI a»d VARIETY ANCK > yrslved from a r»i« anil hr.niiiftil JL. » ork.1HI Hunk. Irt 'Jifi Wed I5H 1'ropnanla lattlnfc Bar, J '' Knrnpe eery collection Heater, IHth, Kmt Mth. RV KVENINO; THURSDAYS. LADIES' MATINEE; . DISK 'J\) Wont *le. In on tha oeraslnn of the Arlnii Hall, will bo rar-alrarl until f antique convex MI iron. Ac Ac. MM Broadway A LL ASKS op MAN. WHATEVER TUB office, Hiookl>u -t'orner Putnam av. ami .lanitarr "ill hy tha nnderaiKned Committee, at III and *21 J";rltllf DAYS. AM CTKIIR NlOIIT Croat fun ./Xrauae, recont or long .landing, apeedili ami pemta rmond place. t Mitre 2WN Proud way, New York St Marlt'a jj,^ (t % r,.l KK> aently cured by lira. DYER A WKISDI.B. 47 Wcat IMtli at., 28 ANN plana. riJSlC HATH CHARMS." WoNDERfUL "PIANO \* nth av. ST., 1 t I'iopoaals fur the letting of Ilia Hat and Cloak Room an \ A M near CII AM'K TO HIT V II KAI* u>lirnoAVS; C. O. |». y IKVIMKH, ritlXKY HMI.T, TIIK COMMITTEE. * 22rt 2:«t at and sound one excellent mud or famth FINANCE ( )"'n olleuiate Literary Aaanrtatlon. Friday, Jannarv lore, and Hti% Ml llmald iifflor. t7ior7>I TIIK f.RCTI'MK HKAMIft. VJ OHO AN, FLI I K. SINOINO, 77D Broadway, AV \ A i K» TO PVIIttlAKfc. A.PAKTIKH Manml trvmlM. ImllmtliiK liow coiiirin-l dinnliilltln» tuny Itnytdw ny, 47th and 4Sth nt*. Stewart*. CIRCULARS .MAILED. OlTAH,ope TKKATM KMT I'IIR l.o remoreit. 'Hit* »*|t#rl(inw of ifi yo«rV windy, / tlltrl'llR I'NI()X HtfcK H.VTIKD \V MlillT .1 d I /.£t> COI N I KK dlloWlA.-li A I.I. COM I'LAINTM' t s If Rf in H JAY « ATSON, Director wanted A-HKILKI'Lhoard and iiuriln/.. llr. and Mini?. MKl.DKX. iKW Lax* nnd profi»»»tnnnl |ui»rtlio. showlne iln> ny.m.lmnlmorvntlontlmt OH | LI IIOMRft .Mil ann si 'Inrna for tha l>«|da, in tha Oreat lla'.l, at o'clockI,EC\ A&fcDU'Mcheap, for cn-h. Rend illincu«lnn» and price tn w. will limnrn roMnrt'd inoflhooo. »tmipth«n»d vitality Hi. NY PASTOR s. TONY PASTOR'S] to* 1.742 Boat ..fHcc Imttim of Inoiltli fhot tmv» Im-.-u sith nt. to la wintid dominion iui|'*f*rK, a t«t»,tii»nt of hImImIim to mnriinpi* .mil of tha University of Now York. Huhlect."Tha I'hystelogT talnr la given at the Matlneoa aa at the evening enterlien \ MITRW RTATK rizr (Ml - ho* 1.742 I'oat often Al.I.drfandod (Includingdj»«rr» nulla!, mi rimammMr lirmn; of Oio meen* li» wMrli Om.v com be roinovoil. h.i mull, 2.v, t lion -I H\ ITADLV FOR \NY Bt'PtNK**: of Anlinal Motion" (lllttetrated). Tickets ran ha had grans aanti and that every programme la arranged withrepreitlona,tlia fVprlcc. ha cliaraa If tinaittn rratal. or Aililm** trial at to 1 Addraaa UXlaKI **n Nostrand's sped view gratify the taatea of ladlea and children. lalU' A N r Kft A R KCONI > Tl VXD OK Kit h I > I. - K I l tAWVKU. Ilarald oillca. sud Scteuce, I.MU B New lurk. V reel 24tli it, hook atom, U'J at. AliKAM 8. Sac. MATINEE TODAY AT 2 W Auttouf runaway, Mnrray HEWITT, | O'CLOCK. It Inder psttsru. Aduruas l>. C . hox 2.23U l'uat nlMee V