The Marginal Cost of Traffic Congestion and Road Pricing: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Beijing Shanjun Li Avralt-Od Purevjav Jun Yang1 Preliminary and Comments Welcome December 2016 ABSTRACT Leveraging a natural experiment and big data, this study examines road pricing, the first-best policy to address traffic congestion in Beijing. Based on fine-scale traffic data from over 1500 monitoring stations throughout the city, this paper provides the first empirical estimate of the marginal external cost of traffic congestion (MECC) and optimal congestion charges based on the causal effect of traffic density on speed, a key input for measuring the MECC. The identification of the causal effect relies on the plausibly exogenous variation in traffic density induced by the driving restriction policy. Our analysis shows that the MECC during rush hours is about 92 cents (or $0.15) per km on average, nearly three times as much as what OLS regressions would imply and larger than estimates from transportation engineering models. The optimal congestion charges range from 5 to 38 cents per km depending on time and location. Road pricing would increase traffic speed by 10 percent within the city center and lead to a welfare gain of 1.4 billion and revenue of 40 billion Yuan per year. Keywords: Traffic Congestion, Road Pricing, Natural Experiment JEL Classification: H23, R41, R48 1 Shanjun Li is an Associate Professor in the Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University,
[email protected]; Avralt-Od Purevjav is a doctoral student in the Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University,
[email protected]; Jun Yang is a research fellow in Beijing Transportation Research Center,
[email protected].