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Eastern Progress 1992-1993 Eastern Progress

3-4-1993 Eastern Progress - 04 Mar 1993 Eastern Kentucky University

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This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Eastern Progress at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in Eastern Progress 1992-1993 by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ACCENT ACTIVITIES SPORTS WEEKEND FORECAST

FRIDAV: Rain likely, Clothes galore ^^d& Mountain music OVC in Rupp high In the 40» Consignment shop offers *^F^Tl Colonels hope for a SATURDAY: Dry and cool, Alabama gives crowd high In the 40s variety of duds for low prices Wr money's worth tournament victory SUNDAY: Dry, high in the Page B-l Page B-5 Page B-6 1 Ztiakl THE EASTERN PROGRESS Vol. 71/No. 23 14 pages March 4,1993 Student publication of Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Ky. 40475 The Eastern Progress, 1993 Midterm grades, new grading policy spark debate ■ Faculty senate reports or papers or providing written inform the students of their progress ■ Student senate implementing the system were rea- there is no 'grandma clause' in it. If notification of clinical performance, at least once prior to midterm, this sons cited in the proposal for forming someone receives half their grades votes for student said Russ Enzic, associate vice presi- could be done simply by returning one calls for the new committee. under one system and half under an- dent for academic affairs and research. graded quiz under the plan. A lack of data stating how the other, then it could be confusing," progress reports "Once this is approved by the The new plan is designed to give re-evaluation of changes have increased the academic Burcham said. prior to midterm president and the board, it will be- students information on the progress new grading policy quality at schools that have the grad- The student senators arc hoping come part of the syllabus policy," early enough for them to take action ing system was also mentioned. the committee will be formed some- By Mark White Enzic said. necessary to improve their grades, By Mark White "It might be good or it might be lime this semester, Burcham said. News editor The motion requires professors to according to the rationale of the pro- News editor bad. We want to know how it has President Hanly Funderburk met provide, in their syllabi, a method of posal. affected other schools," said Jonda with a group of student leaders Feb. The faculty senate passed a mo- how they will provide this informa- The senate did not vote to do away Student senate passed a resolution Burcham, the student senator who 11, to discuss the revised grading sys- lion March 1 which requires instruc- tion to students. with mid-term deficiency reports, al- Tuesday calling forajoint committee, sponsored the resolution. tem. "I'm concerned. I haven't made tors to provide students with written The plan does not state a particu- though some discussion was made including faculty members and stu- Burcham said the purpose for a decision one way or the other. We information about their progress in a lar method they are to use. Enzic said about the subject. dents, to be formed to study the effects forming the committee was to get might want to think about this a little course at least once prior to the semes- this was left up to the professors in "The mid-term deficiencies will of the plus/minus grading system pro- more information about the grading more," Funderburk said to the faculty ter midpoint. order to give them some versatility in be generated this spring and it is my posed by the faculty senate. system and to give students chance senate Monday. The revised grading This written notification may take implementing the plan. understanding that the senate will The high number of opposing votes for input on the matter. "I think a lot of system was voted in by the faculty the form of returning graded tests, lab While professors are required to study that issue," Enzie said. by the faculty senate and the cost for people are worried about it because senate at their February meeting.

Fraternity, WHATTA POT EKU DESEGREGATION PLAN GOALS Total No. of No. of Macks number trtacht needed to reach goal sorority Admin. 115 3 2 Faculty* 682 9 16 suspended Prof, staff 210 3 6 "includes Model faculty and department chairs for hazing SOURCE: Office of the President, EKU By Susan Gayle Reed Editor An Eastern fraternity and sorority were suspended by the university last University week on separate hazing allegations. The fraternity, Omega Psi Phi, was suspended and charged with im- proper pledging procedures and haz- ing by Skip Daugherty, dean of stu- seeks more dent development, at 11:45 p.m. Feb. 24. A hearing will be conducted by the IFC Judicial Board at 9 p.m. Monday in the Powell Building. "This is not an issue of black or minorities white," Daugherty said. "It's a Greek issue. This is over what I consider ■ Eastern to life-threatening behavior; hazing will not be tolerated on this campus in any recruit black Curriculum way." faculty members Daugherty said he could not go opportunities on the record with specific violations, more actively but that the hazing charges stem from still lacking physical abuse. By Jenny Howard He said allcgauonsof hazing have Copy editor By DeVone Holt been brought up against Omega Psi Asst. news editor Phi in the past, but that no members In order to meet equal opportunity would provide any information. employment goals set by the Council "We've never been able to prove on Higher Education, the university is The university is attempting it until this point; this is the first time attempting to recruit approximately to increase its diversity by re- we've been able to get documenta- 24 new minority employees. cruiting more minority faculty and tion." he said. "Omega Psi Phi has The university is working to im- staff members, but its attempts to been suspended by its national for prove minority employment numbers expand the minority curriculum other things, but not hazing." through recruitment of black faculty to better diversify students' men- Three of the fraternity' s members and staff, promotion of black employ- tality has not been successful. were excused from class Feb. 23 and ment applicants and retention of cur- The university's minority 24 by Sandra Moore, director of mi- rent black university employees. classes, designed to increase cul- nority affairs, in order to discuss Roy Peterson, a member of the tural awareness in students, have the hazing charges with Daugherty, council's staff, said the goals were had problems surviving and at- Moore, Troylyn LeForge, student based on minority percentages in the tracting students. development coordinator, andGladys state's population compared to fac- The chairman of the history Johnson, adviser. ulty numbers at the university. department, Stevens Sefton, said Both Moore and Johnson dec lined Progress photo by LEA ANN SILLIMAN The council has postponed ap- the department has taught black to comment while the hearing is pend- proval of all new degree programs history classes for 20 years, but Hugh Asher, a senior from Hazard and vice president of the Art Student Association, worked ing. until the university has met its goals. on a iree-form sculpture Monday in the basement of the Jane F. Campbell Building. The goals, set for the 1994-95, have SEE CLASSES. PAGE A6 SEE GREEKS. PAGE A4 SEE CHE, PAGE A5 Fire alarm Contraception part of sex for some students INSIDE that are in experimental stages or have that request for condoms increased □ Dr. Dre's new CD funky ■ Effective and raw with its hard fails in not been approved by theFDAarc: the from 905 in the 1990-91 school year protection male pill,an injection that leaves males to 1417 in the 1991-92 school year.. beats and explicit lyrics. infertile, the female condom and an . an increase of 512 requests. See Page B3 Palmer fire methods vary abortion pill. Boyd said the number of requests Vasectomics, tube ligations, for condoms did not indicate the By Mark White on campus Norplant and other similar contracep- amount of condoms distributed to stu- This week's News editor synthetic implant of five capsules of tives have been reported to be very dents. She said a maximum of nine class pattern: MWF condoms were put into a brown paper While a fire in Palmer Hall, By DeVone Holt the hormone progesterone. It is in- effective pregnancy prevention tools, Asst. news editor but they, unlikebarricrcontraccptives. bag and given to students after they which broke out early Saturday jected into the arms of females and Accent B1 prevents pregnancy for five years. don't serve both sides of the contra- signed for them. morning, left little damage, the Counts for this year indicate that Activities B5 building's fire alarm failed to Many students are taking extra pre- Although the Norplant contracep- ception controversy. I cautions to avoid walking the plank of tive is relatively new, 500,000 Ameri- Barrier contraceptives not only condom requests arc averaging 30 to Arts B3 sound a warning. 40 a week. According to police reports, unprotected sex and unwanted chil- can women have already adopted the help prevent unplanned chitdbirths but Classifieds A4 dren. Precaution methods and con- they also work as lifeguards against Although the numbcrsof requests this incident is not the first time a method for its effectiveness. People poll A3 cepts vary from males to females, but Director of the university student deadly sexually transmitted diseases. are consistently growing, Boyd isn't fire alarm did not sound in a cam- sure if prevention is a reality. Perspective A2&3 pus building during a fire. the most effective for both sexes is health services Renee Boyd, who Kimbcrly Hamey, a 21-ycar-old undoubtedly abstinence. For those who strongly believes that birth control junior from Lexington, said the "I think (students) arc aware that Preview B2 Last August, a fire occurred they (contraceptives) arc here. in the Powell Building but the fire choose not to practice this method, pills are the most reliable contracep- condom plays a very important role in Sports B6.7&8 their answer to safe sex may be contra- tives, said "Norplant seems to be edg- her sex life because it fights disease as Whether they arc used correctly— alarm would not sound and the that's a whole different question," building had to be evacuated by ception. ing its way up to the birth control pill well as pregnancy. The idea of contraception has in reliability." Student health services promotes Boyd said. Hmmm...ln 1789, the first word of mouth. Reports show that the Student Last September, a false fire evolved from the first oral contracep- The device is foolproof because it the use of contraceptives by distribut- Congress met in New York for tive, *^he pill," in 1954 to one of the doesn't have to be taken every morn- ing free condoms to students. Health Department treated a total of alarm was reported in the Begley 267 cases of STD's. Boyd said the its first meeting under the new newejUcontraceptives, Norplant, in ing and it doesn't have to be put on A service report showed that stu- constitution. SEE FIRE ALARM. PAGE A4 1990** before intercourse. dents have taken more of a concern in The Norplant contraceptive is a Other new contraceptive methods practicing safe sex. The report showed SEE SEX, PAGE A5 A2 Perspective The Eastern Progress Thursday, March 4,1993

THE EASTERN PROGRESS ^ know i+worVn <^t+ecf my Job c\S Susan Gayle Reed Tim Blum Managing editor Editor OVn TOVA/f^T6Wh rsickrv^o A&CAclmmistrQ,io Stephen Ijinham. David Nereis Jenny Howard, Christina Rankln Staff artists Copy editors

Opinions expressed herein are those of student editors or other signed writers and do not necessarily represent the views of the university. Student editors also decide the news and informational content. R*J tO Eastern Kentucky University is an equal opportunity. Affirmative Action employer. Any complaints arising by reason of alleged discrimination should be directed in writing to the Affirmative Action Officer, Million House. Eastern Kentucky University or 622-1258. y**r* J bu4 EDITORIALS ABC Gilbert's appointment not quite as simple as that

Richmond's ABC now has new for pending cases. But there lies another meaning— A Blatant Conflict. conflict. How can he possibly serve as an Pete Flaherty, former Alcoholic impartial decision maker when he has Beverage Control administrator for Rich- already been informed of the facts in the mond, resigned last month, and was re- case from the bar owner's perspective? placed by Richmond attorney Jerry Gilbert. "I make a decision as to what they The role of the ABC administrator is are, whether or not they are in violation of likened to a judge; he decides whether the law," Gilbert said. establishments We're not serving or selling saying Gilbert is on alcohol are in viola- AT A GLANCE the sly or that he tion of the alcohol would necessarily ordinances after a rule in favor of the He's got a cattle call for gall complaint has been □ The issue establishments he filed against them. used to represent. I knew eventually, with all the better open each bladder and check. Jerry Gilbert, who has served as crap that comes across my desk, that He also helps But you (At least that's Poon's recommenda- legal counsel to several Rich- someday the magic answer to all tion.) determine whether a mond bars, has been appointed would have to be life's little problems was bound to He does give hints that will clue fine or license sus- as the city's new ABC administra- blind or naive to roll in. you in during your search. Dried-up pension is in order, Well, it finally happened this old cows and retired old bulls are tor. overlook the fact that week. how much and for Gilbert's appointment the most likely gallstone candidates, LI Our opinion Congratulations, kids. You may so you may start eyeing old Bossy how long. to this position, based be glad to know that you can quit in a new light. We think the We see this appointment as a se- on his previous work college now before the tuition hike good, quality gallstones all year Now, once you've gone through position should be takes effect. Your financial worries long. That means, however, that the all your cattle carcasses and vere conflict of interest. It only goes for bar and liquor are over. Thanks to a hot tip from stones must be dried whole. (No held by someone who removed the stones, which are about to represent the craziness we've store owners, presents Hong Kong tycoon K.K. Poon. chips.) the size of a chicken egg and clay- has no ties to down- come to expect from city officials. the appearance of a Don't even think about investing Now I know the question like in appearance, remember to town bars or liquor potential conflict. in gold or oil wells. Peon's got the burning on the tips of everyone's throw the bladder away, unless, of tip of the decade that will knock stores. "I don't see a tongues, "How, pray tell, my dear course, you need it for personal your socks off (or at least cause a editor, might I get in on a little piece reasons. It's of no value to Poon— However, Mayor Ann Durham, who conflict," Gilbert said. "I would think that it hairball)— cattle gallstones. of the cattle gallstone pie?" only the stones. herself has served as a Richmond bar land- is highly appropriate for the mayor and the Yes, sir! You heard correctly— It's really pretty simple. All you After you've let them dry, pack lord, must not have thought so. Her choice city commission to appoint someone with cattle gallstones. need to get started are a few cattle the stones in a plastic bag lined with According to the letter I received carcasses lying around. To collect for the appointment has served as legal knowledge and experience in this particular wool or plastic foam to keep them Monday from Poon, "Most people the stones, poke a hole in the gall from cracking. Send the parcel to counsel to more than one of the established field to this particular position." are unaware of the value of cattle bladder and let all the juicy fluid Poon, registered airmail, with your on more than one occasion. Gilbert said none of the attorneys in gallstones." drain out. Simply remove the name and address clearly marked on In fact, he had to cease representa- No argument there. gallstones, put them in your kitchen the package. his law firm will represent any of the own- "Therefore," the letter continues, colander and let them dry in a nice, tion of The Maverick Club after his appoint- Poon will then send you a ers while he is serving as administrator. "we feel that it is important to warm drafty spot. payment by bank draft, lickety-split. ment last month. But we don't understand how some- enlighten more people to the uses of "Wow!" you say. "Why didn't I "Fairness is the secret of our Gilbert was appointed to the vacant one who was employed by the bar owners these natural substances." ever think of selling my leftover success," Poon said. "We believe it, A full color brochure accompa- cattle gallstones before? I can't wait position Feb. 3. The Richmond City Com- should even be expected to sit as an impar- and we stand by it" nies the letter, along with a fact to begin my way to bovine bliss and I'm inclined to believe him. I mission approved the appointment Feb. 16. tial decision-maker when it comes to hear- sheet just brimming with cattle fortune!" mean, what kind of a person would In an interview with a Progress ing their cases. gallstone trivia. Hold on, though. There's just lie about the opportunity of a reporter, Gilbert said he will, "sit as an Now here's the kicker. one catch. Not all cow bladders have lifetime? He'd really have to have a This appointment was just another You can earn $100 per ounce for gallstones. So just to be safe, you impartial decision-maker with respect to big blunder on the part of the Richmond lot of gall. complaints that are brought before me." mayor and city commission. And at $7,649 That sounds good in theory. But how per year, it's an expensive mistake for a impartial will Gilbert be able to be when he miscarriage of justice. LETTERS FROM OUR READERS has already represented The Family Dog, It represents the business-as-usual Tazwell's and East Main Liquors. approach of Richmond city officials ad- stitution, they wrote that the people of He has since withdrawn as counsel dressing bar violations in the city. Supports handgun rights feel very fortunate. Parking has gone this country have a right to bear arms. from a nightmare to a violent situa- This letter is in response to the So, if you don' t like it, you can take tion. Eastern Kentucky University is a article written on gun control. I know your bleeding-heart liberal socialist educational institution not a jungle. that innocent victims are killed by ideas to Canada where people will Have the faculty and staff mem- What's dorm life really like? handguns every year in this country. I appreciate them. As humans we all bers forgotten their obligations to the also know that 50,000people are killed take certain risks; driving, flying, eat- students along with their manners? in car accidents every year. However, ing fast food, being poisoned and of Recently, I have had several opportu- THE EASTERN PROGRESS wants to hear what I don't see anyone trying to outlaw course, being shot by a handgun. How- nities to see some parking battles in cars. ever, this is very unlikely if we avoid action. I cordially invite the whole you have to say about life in Eastern's residence Outlawing handguns will not solve bar Tights in eastern Kentucky and campus population to sit on the side- our problems, it will only make honest stay out of high crime areas. R e - lines at lunch hour in the Combs em- halls. Write down a summary of the best and/or law abiding citizens more vulnerable gardless of how much we regulate ployee parking lot worst experiences you've had while living on campus because criminals will still be able to handguns, there will still always be a Walking through this parking lot obtain handguns, just as drug addicts risk of being killed by a gun. It is during lunch hour is a death wish. and send it to assistant news editor DeVone Holt at can still obtain illegal drugs. something we have to accept and I Drivers are racing each other around The Brady Bill is probably a good can accept (hat risk much better know- and around as if they were in the the Progress office, 117 Donovan Annex. idea, but the National Rifle Associa- ing that a Smith and Wesson 9mm is Indianapolis 500. Some of these driv- tion is opposed to it since they know defending my life. ers stalk pedestrians to see if they are Name: Year: that if it is passed, they would lose one leaving the lot more battle to the liberals that are Douglas Hylton If this doesn't work, the passen- trying to move this country towards Richmond gers get out and proceed to scope the Telephone: Dorm: socialism. lot and direct the driver to the found Today, the Brady Bill; tomorrow, Faculty behaving badly space while they stand in the spot to Your dorm experience: total illcgalization of handguns. Our save it. It is a wonder, with all this forefathers did an exceptional job I would like to address each and excitement that someone hasn't been writing our constitution (something every soul who parks on this campus: few other countries have). In the con- I do not drive, and to tell the truth, I Continued on next page GUIDELINES FOR LETTERS TO THE EDITOR

The Eastern Progress en- to the newspaper and must contain Letters should be mailed to courages readers to write letters the author's signature, address and The Eastern Progress, 117 to the editor on topics of interest telephone number. Carboncopies, Donovan Annex, Eastern Ken- to the university community. photocopies and letters with illeg- tucky University, Richmond, Ky. Letters submitted for publi- ible signatures will not be accepted. 40475. cation should be typed and no Unsigned letters will not be ac- longer than 200 words Because cepted. (Use another sheet of paper or call DeVone at of limited space, the Progress The deadline for submitting a PHONE: 622-1872 or may condense letters over 200 letter for publication is noon the 622-1882 622-1882 for more information.) words. Monday prior to Thursday's publi- FAX: 622-2354 Letters should be addressed cation.

I I /w The Eastern Progress, Thursday, March 4,1993 A3 Another view

UPS & DOWNS PEOPLE POLL By Jennifer Barney

Which do you think is the best form of contraception and why?

Up to: Up to: Down to: Hanly Funderburk Black history David Koresh "The pill. Scientifi- "No form is 100 cally, it's 99.9 percent effective, After a meeting with sev- Just because Black His- The whacko from Waco percent effective. but birth control tory Month has ended doc s n' t who claims to be Jesus Christ You're taking it pills work best eral student leaders who are because they have against the proposed grad- mean we should quit learn- is responsible so far for the dally, so in the heat ing more about great minori- deaths of at least four fed- of passion, you'd the highest effec- ing scale of pluses and mi- tiveness. " nuses, Funderburk showed ties and their historical con- eral agents and even more be somewhat less support for the change tributions. Every day can be cult members. prepared." during a faculty senate a day of cultural pride and meeting. celebration. Suggestions for Ups and Downs «re welcome. To make a suggestion call 622-1872.

Kimberly Atwood, 21, psychol- Gerrlca Morton, 19, pre-law, Lexing- Racists not born; they're taught ogy, Garrard. ton. When Rodney T. Gross died of Maybe then people would realize lung cancer late last year. Eastern their mistakes. not only lost a valuable regent, but Jerry My reason to believe this is the "Condoms because "The pill because It his hometown of Grayson lost one Pennington example set by Gross and his they also help prevents preg- of its more respected citizens. family. prevent sexually nancy." Grayson is a small town, and the transmitted dis- My turn For as long as I can remember, Gross family was one of the few they have held the respect of the eases. " black families in the area. town, which is one aspect of As you can imagine, a small Grayson I am very proud of. Eastern Kentucky town is practi- believe, they are just ignorant. The ignorance of racism is cally a breeding ground for racism. Racism isn't something that passed down from generation to Growing up there, I heard more someone is bom with. It is some- generation. People who have never than plenty racial slurs, and racial thing that is learned. lived away from Carter County, and jokes were a common commodity. In Grayson, the parents are just have kids who will never leave the Despite all of this. Doc Gross, as much to blame as anyone. I've county, often detach themselves which was what everyone called heard little kids shouting black jokes from the rest of the world. him, was one of the most respected to others and their parents doing the They are blind to problems that John Grant, 22, geology, Danville. Rodney Sweat, 19, undeclared, men in town. same thing. do not immediately concern them Lexington. The topic of racism is a major In all of this, I don't think there and are set in their ways. problem facing the nation, but in a is an actual hatred. Kids see their There is little that anyone can do place like Grayson, it is given little parents do it. so they think there is to change this, but when anyone in thought. nothing wrong with it. Grayson had a sick animal, they "Condoms used Since there are few black people I'm not saying that the whole knew who to turn to. They would "Not having sex without proper with a spermiclde in the area, people don't see what is town is racist, but there are plenty of turn to Doc Gross. jelly." wrong with a few jokes here and people who are, and it all comes For that he held their respect as protection." there. from ignorance and stereotyping. he still holds mine. All of the people in Grayson, or If these same people were in an in any other similar area, who go area with more racial diversity, this Pennington is a senior journalism around making racial slurs are not problem wouldn't be as severe, major from Grayson and Arts editor actually prejudiced, but instead, I because there would be interaction. at the Progress. LETTERS CONTINUED

Continued from previous page Faculty and staff, please quit ha- like it was last semester. There were Chaumeire Delisa Long, educa- Adam Day, 20, accounting, rassing others over the parking spaces. funny or interesting columns every Louisville. plowed down by a raving madman. Please, public safety, place someone week, and I have yet to see one in tion, St. Louis. Who is in charge of this problem? on patrol in this lot to direct those who sports this semester. Obviously a group of faculty and staff don't belong out and those who do The news and editorial pages aren't members have taken it upon them- belong in control. Faculty and staff, much worse than they were, but they selves to go vigilante for the purpose we have an obligation to the students certainly can do better. By the way, of parking patrol. Some of these people in and out of the classrooms. We should the Office of Civil Rights is wrong in feel it is their duty to question sus- set an example for these students (I am making Eastern change the times of pected parking violators. just as guilty). Adults do not handle the basketball games forcing equiva- This group of special individuals problems in this manner. Is a parking lency in the spending. What will hap- question other employees if they have space really worth making enemies pen in the future when the men start their parking tags and they hope they and hurting others? losing money and there is no funding do or else. I heard a female instructor to provide women's sports? tell a student to move her car or she Christina Puckett 1 have a question for Susan Gayle would personally have her car towed Richmond Reed. Does she ever think, or care, with her in it. I have even seen faculty Progress going downhill about anything besides sex? It seems and staff yelling at each other over like every column she writes has to do who had more right to a parking space. What's happened to the Progress with sex. I realize that sex is an impor- Since when could parking spaces this semester? It's gone so far down- tant topic on college campuses these be reserved for these VIPs?Since when hill it's unbelievable. Every section of days, but come on, find another im- did faculty and staff start getting paid the paper, except the Accent page, has portant issue to write about. Other- to direct traffic? Remember the less news or news that is not covered wise, Cupid won't be die only one "golden rule?" Folks, everyone is as well as it has been in the past. passing you over this year. Santa Claus lOAO affected by this situation. One of the The biggest drop-off I've seen is will too. solutions to this problem would be to in the sports section. Not only do we respect the rules.Students.pleasedon't need more sports in the paper, we need Michael Boisseau park where you are restricted not to. it covered better and written better Commonwealth Hall ♦ with special guests ♦ HOW TO REACH US THE WALLFLOWERS featuring JAKOB DILLION WED • MAR 24 • 7:30 • BROCK AUDITORIUM To report a news story or idea: Tickets are available at the Cashier's Window (Coates Administration Bldg.), News Arts & Entertainment To place an ad: Record Town and Ticket Master. Student Tickets, $10; General Adm., $15. Mark While 622-1882 Jerry Pennington 622-1882 Classified Features „,__, sPorts Esther Livingston 622-1872 Join your friends for the performances of comedians AmyEtmans 622-1882 Darre" Jordan, «,..-, * Chryssa Zizos 622-1882 Activities Photo Display Angie Hatton 622-1882 Bobbi Jo Shields 622-1882 Darren Boston 622-1872

Subscriptions are available by mail at a cost of $1 per issue; $15 per semester; or $30 per year payable in advance. Contact Esther Livingston for details. The Eastern Progress is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press, Kentucky Intercollegiate Press Association and College Newspaper Business & Advertising Managers, Inc. The Progress is published every Thursday during the school year with the exception of vacation and examination periods. Any false or misleading advertising should be reported to Adviser/General Manager, Dr. Elizabeth Fraas, 117 Donovan Annex, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Ky. 40475 or 606 622-1880.


Spring Break L.RonHubbard is one week away! CARL STRONG PHIL HOGAN A classic tale ol creeping suiie.il WED • MAR 10 • 7:30 P.M. • POWELL GRILL menace .mil honor one ol the really Panama City Beach- really good ones STEPHEN KING All comedy performances are free and open to the public. Masin llorfMMtl I Ron MubDJrd i lunh/iroj novH nl a man s March 'or Id" hours stolen only $119 per person. Irom his Ml is now in paperback Buy il loday Head it tonight' Plan now to attend $5 99 wherever fine books are Call Lynn at 622-3856 or sold Also available on audio narrated by Roddy McDowall olle BIP 3 hrs $9 95 To order directly B24£D these performances! CALL 1-800-722-1733 *,,<>Mri,\»t,\i^,,<'.^z^mmaWKBXmKKtKKmKlfWmmt A4 The Eastern Progress, Thursday, March 4,1993 Campus news FIRE ALARM: System fails in Palmer Hall PROGRESS CLASSIFIEDS Continued from front page ing from the trash chute. I opened it up cording to a Progress analysis of po- Place classified ads before noon on Mondays. S2 for 10 words. Building bui the alarm only sounded and saw flames coming up from the lice reports. HELP WANTED ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT BOOK EXCHANGE on the third level of the building. chute up to about the third floor," said • Middleton said he did not know fisheries. Earn $600+/week in can- "I don' t ha ve any idea what would Chris McQueary, a Palmer Hall resi- what happened in the Palmer case. neries or $4.000+/month on fishing be the reason why the alarm would not dent. McQueary got dressed and then "If a fire alarm goes off as a result (.Kl.l KS & (II liS boats Free transportation! Room & Lori Hummel 622-4450 go off. I have no idea what would tried to pull the fire alarm, which of smoke that gets into a smoke detec- Board! Male or Female. For employ- College Algebra (MAT 107); Basic: cause it not to go off." said Chad would not go off. tor, then that smoke has to c lear out of RAISE A COOL ment program call 1 -206-545-4155 ext. Vax 6410 (CSC 171); The Autobiogra- Middlcton, director of physical plant, "I did not think of much—just to that detector before it will reset," A5534. phy of an African Boy (HUM 124) about the Palmer Hall fire. get out and call public safety," Middleton said about the systems, in $1000 general. NEED CASH? Donate plasma at BOOK EXCHANGE iee free service New fire alarm systems have been McQueary said. IN JUST ONE Sera-Tec Bio log lea Is and receive $20 installed in both the Powell Building Residence hall staff notified stu- "If it is a heat detector in some of of The Eaatern Progreee. Liet book for your first visit. 292 S. Second St. title, edition, author and course for and the Bcglcy Building and arc dents to evacuate the building by the mechanical rooms and storage WEEK! 624-9814. hooked into a central monitoring sys- knocking on doors. rooms and things like that, when the which it ie required. Include your tem that has been installed on cam- "I was just silling in my room, heat gets to a certain point then that PLUS $1000 FOR name and phone number. Send or pus. Approximately $1.2 million will watching TV, and the next thing I sets the fire alarm off. It will not reset THE MEMBER SERVICES deliver to The Eaetern Progreee, 117 Donovan Annex. The Progreee be spent on a project to put in new fire know someone was banging on the until that heat detector has cooled back TYPING, Resumes, Term Papers, WHO CALLS! will Hat your booke in the next two alarm and sprinkler systems in some door saying there was a fire," said down," Middleton said. Newsletters. WordPerfect 5.1 Word No obligation. No cost. issuee of the paper. university academic buildings. Nathan Barker, a Palmer Hall resi- Middleton said these are the only Processing (606) 744-7376. "I know we have had some trouble dent. instances he could think of that would alarms that have come into the Bcgley According to the police report, the cause the systems not to reset immedi- And a FREE Igloo cooler. SKYDIVING INSTRUCTIONS BIRTHDAYS Building and also the Powell Build- problem with Palmer's alarm not go- ately. Tram & Jump the same day for ONLY According to the police report, the ing on occasion. It was due to a mal- ing off was "probably a continuation l-800-932-0528,ext.65 $90! Lackeys Airport. US 25 South. 6 Chriety McClain (March 1) function in the working on the equip- from an earlier call... when physical Palmer Hall Tire began in the trash miles from By-Pass, turn right on Happy 19th Birthday ! From: ment . . . working the bugs out of it. plant accidentally set off the system chute or trash room of the building WANTED - MINORITIES Interested Menelaus Rd. Sat. & Sun. 10 a.m. For Heather, Shauna, and all the wild When you put in a new system, there and it would not reset." after someone intentionally set fire to in SPORTS JOURNALISM. Ara you a info call (606) 623-6510 or 986-8202 ones from the 7th floor in Dupree. arc always some bugs to work out of Alarms did not immediately reset garbage on an upper level floor. minority student interested in sports weekends. it," Middlcton said. in nine out of 68 instances of Tire The extent of the damage caused journalism? Would you like to work "1 was going to lake a shower, and alarms ranging from the dates of Aug. was limited to burnt debris left on the with Associated Press sports editors MISCELLANEOUS Here's a I smellcd smoke out in the hall com- 22, 1992 through Jan. 29, 1993. ac- floors near the chute. and spend 6 weeks this summer at a daily newspaper and one week at the THE INKSPOT EAST. The best ser- Birthday Present vice, quality and fastest delivery with APSE convention in New Orleans? to YOU or a friend from GREEKS: Fraternity, sorority suspended CALLDR.FRAAS at 622-1880 ASAP. the GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICE Whatl else do you want? 624-3636. |THE EASTERN PROGRESS Continued from front page doesn't know why ihe sorority is be- Students must complete applications "Our new pledge program allows by March 12. Omega Psi Phi president a man who wants to get into Omega ing investigated. Dont get stuck in first gear. Come to I "We're not sure; our adviser didn't ' Happy Birthday to DeWayne Haley said there has been Psi Phi to become a member in 72 GIRL SCOUT CAMP STAFF Assis- THE INKSPOT EAST for the quality I no hazing within his fraternity. He hours," he said. tell us what the allegations were," she tant Camp Director, Business Man- and service you deserve. We will beat said he has been kept in the dark about Haley said he is eager for the hear- said. "It's nothing true, but they have ager. Health Supervisor, unit counsel- anyone's price Guaranteed. 624- Birthdate: the allegations, and he hopes every- ing to take place. suspended us until they can prove the ors and leaders, waterfront, rappelling, 3636 ' Age: (optional) thing comes out in the hearing. "I just hope justice is served in this allegations are false." horseback, nature, arts and crafts, ca- RECORDSMITH buys, sells and I Message:(must be less than 10* Adviser Donna Kenney could not "I think a lot of that extends from hearing," he said. "I will want a public noeing and cooks needed forthe sum- trades used compact discs and cas- I words) I not because we are a traditionally apology to the fraternity, the IFC and comment specifically, but said no rec- mer at Girl Scout Camp Sycamore settes. EKU By-Pass across from Pizza I black fraternity, but because our the minorities on this campus." ommendations have been made to the Hills Contact Charlotte Palmer, Hut. pledge techniques are different," he Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority also national chapter. Cumberland Valley G.S.C.. Box40466, I said. "Somehow things could be mis- had its operations suspended and is Belts said there are seven mem- Nashville, TN 37204 or 615-383-0490. construed by seeing certain things." being investigated for hazing by its bers and no pledges yet because the . Submitted by: ! Haley said the fraternity's pledg- graduate chapter in Lexington. sorority will not begin its rush until EQUESTRIAN COUNSELORS Expe ing period lasts only three days. President Lorcnda Belts said she the allegations are cleared or proven. rience required for summer position at Fill out this coupon and Girl Scout Camp Sycamore Hills. Con- bring it to the Progress office tact Charlotte Palmer, Cumberland in the Donovan Annex #117. Valley G.S.C., Box 40466. Nashville. WIN A FREE SWEATSHIRT Must be in the Fhday before pubucaoon TN 37204 or 615-383-0490. Just answer the following question It's Absolutely FREE! WATERFRONT STAFF lifeguard correctly and be the first to come training required. W.S.I, desired for down to First Gear on the corner of Call 622-1872 summer position at Girl Scout Camp 1st and Main: Sycamore Hills. Contact Charlotte WHAT TWO NATIONAL FOOT- by Monday at Palmer. Cumberland Valley G.S.C.. Box 40466. Nashville. TN 37204 or BALL LEAGUE TEAMS HAVE noon to place 615-383-0490. WON FOUR SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONSHIPS? your classified EARN $500 or more weekly stuffing ad for the envelopes at home. Send long SASE Last week's answer: 1982 to Country Living Shoppers, Dept. A30. following P.O. Box 1779, Denham Springs, LA For Sale. 70727-1779. Thursday's Lordy, Lordy, 1992 Schwinn mountain- bike. INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT - Excellent condition. Just like new. paper. Maria is 40! Make money teaching basic conver- Call 624-2920. sational English abroad. Japan and Taiwan. Many provide room & board * other benefits! Make $2,000-54,000+ per month. No previous training or Kinko's Copies Richmond Mall teaching certificate required. For em- ployment program call 206-632-1146 Bag A Big One ext. J5534. Resume package, term papers, fliers, Mac rental 24-hour turnaround Mon. - Fri. CHALLENGING SUMMER JOBS WITH OUTDOOR FUN, SALARY & Store hours Mon. - Fri. 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. rm/bd in camps for disabled persons. Sat. 9 a.m. - 9 p.m., & Sun. 12:30 p.m. - 6 p.m. *. «* * *- ^ £ a Need male/lemale camp counselors, lifeguards and specialists in food ser- FACSIMILE SERVICES, LAMINATION, vice, canoeing, and camping/nature. In beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains or 6


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*l .► The hastern Progress, Thursday, March 4,1993 Ai> Campus news CHE: Eastern to recruit minority faculty more actively Advertise in THE PROGRESS ', Continued from from page "We're seeking the help of our rican American institutions to see if blacks until Aug. 1. After this date, annual pcrccniagccxpccialions which existing African American faculty in there are qualified people getting de- they will be filled by any qualified must be met in order for new pro- recruiting others, and we'll try to make grees, looking for jobs, and they make applicant grams to be considered. sure they (the applicants) get to talk to sure (the candidates) understand we "These positions are being used Anderson Hair At this time, no proposals for new these current faculty members." have openings and encourage them to for recruitment of in-stale minority programs have been made at the ad- A black employee, Gladys apply," he said. graduate students," she said. ministrative level. Johnson, director of the cooperative Bob Adams, chairman of the psy- "In addition, we have three posi- on Mane . ^t Doug Whitlock, executive assis- education program, agreed that net- chology department, said, "I think we tions which are open to anyone, but tant to the president, said, "The re- working, along with strong recruiting, need to be more active. I think we have preference will be given to minority cruitmemisdoingan exceptional job. was a good place to start. simply put our ads out and hoped for applicants." OcA* I think when we open next fall, we're She said that the university should the best rather than actively recruit- Regarding the university's going to see positive results. I' m fairly "use the means available here on cam- ing." progress, Adams said, "I think East- confident there will be an improve- pus. The biggest problem in hiring, in em, including the department of psy- ment in employment diversity.'' "I know quite a few times I have Adams' opinion, has been finding chology, needs to work harder at in- In May, the council will submit its referred people to submit their appli- qualified black applicants to interest creasing the diversity of our students Stt^JiO annual report on the university's cations, so networking situations and recruit and faculty." 623-2300 progress to the governor and the Leg- within the faculty already here is one "A lot of different people are seek- Whitlock said, "Our past commit- islative Research Commission. way— just continually getting the ing scarce people ... in other words, ment to effort has been in good faith. 103 E. Main The report is to include programs word out" it's competition for vast resources," But now, I think our efforts are more already implemented, achievements But minority members are not the he said. concentrated and on a broader base." toward the council's goals and initia- only faculty involved with the pro- "The number of new Ph Ds who are Enzie agreed with the university's tives for the following school year. cess. minorities is fairly small, and nearly commitment. Russ Enzie, associate vice presi- "The department chairs and deans all universities are seeking to increase "We are committed to improving dent of academic affairs and research and the faculty in the units that have the number of minority faculty." and increasing diversity throughout and chairman of the university re- open positions are doing everything Virginia Falkenberg, director of the entire university," Enzie said. cruiting committee, said networking ihey can 10 findqualified faculty, also," graduate studies and research, said "There is value for all to come in has been a big part of the enlistment Enzie said. that 16 of the 179 existing graduate contact with people from diverse cul- process. "They write to predominantly Af- assistantships are being reserved for ture and ethnic backgrounds." M!',11I.!U : Contraception part of sex for some students Continued from front page them. Holdsworth has said, "I'm in a "The strategy of withdrawal has a makes a difference in the whole fam- number is low, considering the num- monogamous relationship that ad- failure rate of 23 percent. This means ily," Suters said. ber of people on campus, but it has to vanced to a point where she and I felt that about one in four couples who Suters said she thinks most of the decrease. comfortable with each other." rely exclusively on withdrawal as a 172 children bom to unwed mothers Despite the number of reported Eric Wren, a 22-year-oidconstruc- way of attempting to prevent preg- in Madison County in 1991 were the STD's, many students believe that tion technology major from Carrollton, nancy will actually produce a preg- result of parents who didn't realize safe sex is a must. does sometimes use contraception nancy," he said. the importance of contraception. Hamey said she would not engage methods. He said he someumes prac- Recreational sex is a major con- "I have seen statistics that indi- Home fie in sexual activities if contraceptives tices the risky withdrawal method, tributor to STD's and unwanted preg- cated ... that about half of those births did not exist, but she doesn't believe removing the penis before ejacula- nancies, and many health officials were not planned pregnancies," Suters all of her peers feel the same. tion. suggest their patients abstain from it said. Garden Show "I feel like students are sometimes He said it would take an unex- Margaret Suters, a nurse at the Boyd believes that STD's and not as responsible as they should be," pected scare in order for him to use Madison County Health Department, unplanned pregnancies will continue she said. "They don't stop and think other contraceptives. said sex should be part of a loving to haunt many people who partake in ^L] [ rcat ideas and products for about contraception." Richard Shuntich, a university rclationshipor long-term commitment, recreational sex. Brian Holdsworth, a 22-year-old psychology professor, said the with- and contraceptives should be used to She said people need to be con- indoor fie outdoor living... from adult fitness major from Versailles, drawal method is one of the least ef- prevent unplanned pregnancies. fronted with the potential conse- small details to major home improve- has thought about contraceptives, but fective contraceptive methods a couple "If people can plan to have chil- quences of unprotected sex in order to ments - look for windows, landscaping doesn't believe that he needs to use could use. dren when they're ready for them, it face the problem directly. fie home security systems 8c more! THURSDAY-SUNDAY tf^nttidfci^ Taylor's Sporting Goods MARCH 4-7 MALL HOURS Plaques - Trophies - Custom Engraving Mon S.nl GUYS CUTS $9 10 am lo 9 p m GIRLS WET CUT $9 Extra 10% off bats, gloves, sweats, and Richmond Sunday batting gloves now thru March 31 12 30 p m lo 6 p m GIRLS CUT & STYLE $15 CHOSTA With Student ID. 112 ST. GEORGE ST College Park Center Hours: 9 - 7 p.m. 623-9517 Open 6 days a week We Accept Visa & Mastercard ACROSS FROM RECORDSMITH 623-3651 830 EKU By-Pass • Richmond. Ky. 40475 606-623-2111 REAL CHICKEN DEALS FROM THE REAL CHICKEN RESTAURANT

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■ ■aaai • al • Ma. rt m <*m -> P- • *■»»» -• l aar aa Cat aat I/Mi • ll at. «a Cat ■*» I/Mi * ll tNHaiaMaaalana, a Man Mi a - .■ ah « m ■a ah » al Snaai K'aa WMift A6 The Eastern Progress, Thursday March 4,1993 Campus news VP candidates address students at forums By Brett Dunlap Staff writer MEET THE VEEPS ■ Dr. John F. Fleischauer Russ Enzic and John Urice, candi- today dates for ihc position of vice president ■ Dr. William D. Cale of academic affairs, spoke about how Monday they would approach the position at Student "Meet the Candidate" two separate forums Feb. 25 and Marc h —^^——— 1. sessions will take place 8-9 p.m. In the Kennamer Room of Enzic is ■ VPvrsearcn Search associate the Powell Building. vice presi- dent of academic affairs for the uni- "The idea of that you arc paying versity. Urice is dean of the College of our salaries means nothing to me. I'm Arts and Sciences at Oakland Univer- not a clerk in a store, and you are not sity near Detroit. a customer," Urice said. "We are sel- En/.ic said he would make the po- ling up the wrong kind of relationship sition completely student accessible. by doing that. "My sty leof administration is face- "Under that system my object Candldates John Urice (left) and Russ Enzle answered to-face," he said. "I like to invite would then be to get the most out of questions in forums which were held to give faculty and students to come and talk to me about you that benefits me. Your object students an opportunity to express their concerns. anything that's troubling them. I like would then be to expend the least ments they have to complete for gradu- tested going from quarters to semes- to be a problem solver and helper." amount to get the most out of me," he ation, he said. ters. If someone had gone back a year En/.ic said he takes pride in the said. "Your education is not a used car In response to the new grading later and asked the students if they freshman orientation and freshman and I'm not a car salesman. We are system purposed by faculty senate, would like to go back to quarters, they week programs, which he helped put partners in an educational mission." Urice said he doesn't understand the would protest all over again, he said. into practice. Enzie said with tuition costs going controversy over changing to a plus/ Urice said he thinks a good public Urice said he also sees the students up and budgets being cut, leaching is minus system. image is the best way to get the legis- as the core of a strong university with the most important thing a university Urice said most schools he has lature to consider spending more a strong faculty teaching them. can offer to its students, and he thinks been involved with have used the plus/ money on higher education. However, he said he does not be- the current teaching and advising pro- minus system for years. The names of three to Five finalists lieve students should be able to do gram is working well. "I see it as a tempest in a teapot," will be submitted to president Hanly anything they please or change the Human mistakes do happen, but Urice said. Funderburk by the search committee rules just because they are paying to students should be responsible for Urice gave an example about how on March 12. Funderburk is scheduled go to school. knowing the catalog and the rcquire- students at Ball Slate University pro- to make a decision by April 1. CLASSES: Few offerings exist in minority curriculum Continued from front page Professors in the department de- classes, we can't teach them." tic of the mainstream Anglo Ameri- other minority history classes have cide on a wide variety of topics that Enzie said everyone is encour- can Kentuckian," Sefton said. been eliminated from the department's they wish to teach, and then send them aged to enroll in the classes, but an Grise said many professors in the curriculum. before the English curriculum com- increase in minority involvement may English department are interested in Sefton said a popular Latin Ameri- mittee for approval. If the class is help the classes' chances of survival. expanding the leaching curriculum. can history course was eliminated approved by the committee, it is then "As we are able to increase our She spoke of an informal agreement because of staffing reductions forced offered to students as an elective population of African American stu- called the "Canon" that states profes- by budget cuts. He is hopeful that this course. dents, the probabilities are that the sors have to decide what is appropri- and other classes will be reinserted Grise taught the course during the courses would have adequate enroll- ate to teach. into the department's curriculum as fall semester, but it was discontinued ments," Enzie said. "Many of us (professors) are in- the nature of the department's staff this semester because of low enroll- Sefton strongly believes that the terested in expanding the Canon to changes over time. ment information delivered to students in include more African American, Af- Martha Grise, an English profes- She said the class was introduced minority classes are effective tactics rican, Australian and Caribbean lit- sor, took a special interest in minority between the printing of curriculum in helping diversify their culture. erature." Grise said. education and decided she would teach catalogs, leaving many students un- If more classes were offered, more The English department is not a course in African fiction. aware of its existence. students would have the chance to alone in its hopes of better diversify- "I enjoyed it enormously, and I She said the class was small, but its become better diversified. ing the minority curriculum. Enzie JCPenney think my students did as well," Grise lessons helped promote cultural "It (minority classes) exposes ev- said he and other member of the aca- Styling Salon said. The class was introduced to the awareness. erybody in the course to different cul- demic affairs office are looking for All students with a valid K.K.IJ. ID receive curriculum committee as one of the Associate vice president of aca- tural traditions, to a different set of ways to encourage minority classes in 20% off services every Thursday. topic courses that the English depart- demic affairs Russ Enzie said, "If we social and political institutions and to cultural diversity and minority and BOBBBI Mon.-Kri. 9 to 8 - Sat. 9-6 - Sun. 12:30 to 5 ment promotes each semester. can't get adequate enrollment in the a different set of values uncharacteris- CI9S3, JCPtnncy Company. He. racial relations. Richmond Mall Call 622-1872 by Monday at 11 a.m. to advertise in next Thursday's edition. aqiaq«aiacia^ia»ai^q^i^tityaciiqijtyyiciiqcii^ty

Call Darren The Telford House, Hillsdale St., will be available for lease 6-1-93. Total Body Fraternities, sororities or other organizations interested Tanning Salon at 622-1872 may contact Gary's Rentals, P.O. Box 763, Richmond, before I^KY 40475. Attn. Gary Vencill. mg L_ Monday at College Station Liquor $5 off any new package 100 Water St. ph. 623-0890 401 Gibson Lane 11 a.m. to Suite A Spring Break Specials Wolff Tanning Systems Payment plan available place your Five Early Times, ad before Seagram's VO Seagram's 7, 624-2828 0^Z $925 Case or Canadian Mist Spring 750ml 42 Deals $7^750ml Break! On MJOHte-" Turkey 101 Berringer $1422 All White Zinfadel ^elutresUrx* TTie^^H^Je^C'Pip**!. <£C22 750ml Beer 4» ^ 750ml Open 7 a.m. - Midnight, Mon. - Sat. >A?AMw NovaCare... 10" one Careers With A Future topping pizza Ever Get Somebody 14" cheese pizza And there is no end to the variety of assignments youll 99 99 receive, and the height at which you can set your sights $4, + tax $3.'+tax JbtollyVVoM for professional excellence. With NovaCare, the nation's lead- each additional lopping .95 each additional topping .70 ing provider in geriatric rehab, you can have a future with a company that provides: Attractive Salaries Personalized Work Schedule* % Complete Benefits Tuition Assistance Paid Association Dues & Licensure And Much More! To learn about opportunities with NovaCare, make sure to 16" one Free breads ticks stop by our booth at the Career Day or send your resume to: Betty Lonis, NovaCare, Inc., 9292 N. Meridian St., Suite 106, FRIENDS DON'! LET FRIENDS Indianapolis, IN 46260,1-800-253-6231. EOE. topping pizza with any pizza DRIVE DRUNK ^ NovaCare

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Those health and fit- ness events will take place in the Walters Had basement. March 9—7 p.m. S.T.A.P. will speak about AIDS prevention and awareness. March 23—7 p.m. Physician's assistant Angie Jones from Drs. Gordon, Salter and Sweeney's office, will speak on "Everything you need to know before Checkered shorts are your next Pap smear.* perfect for any occaslor March 2«— 7 p.m. The Nutrition Club will The shirt Is only $8. talk about "Healthy and economical meals and alternatrvediet. "Danielle Barnes will talk about This children's dress Is being a vegetarian. only $18. O You'll be pretty m pink with this $8 sweeter. Inside Impress the guys with this new tan $17 Esprit mini skirt. Progress photos by BOBBI JO SHIELDS ■ What is going on this weekend? See PREVIEW, B2. Store offers the best clothes, best prices ■ Dr. Dre's The ultimate buy. Richmond's Sassy Fox following a success- By Stephanie Rulhnan Chronic is At least a half dozen people can be found "NuthirT but a G' Staff writer ful year with their Sassy Fox store in Lexing- thang." See shopping at any given day. ton, located at 3101 Richmond Road, Man ARTS, B3. You don't have to buy high fashion Consignment stores are beneficial to both O* War Place. clothes at high fashion prices: shop at the community and the seller, said Mary "People don't mind telling others where ■ Student travels consignment stores. Hall, Sassy Fox consignment shop manager. they bought theirclothes," Brenda Moreland the world and Richmond's newest consignment shop. Members of the community are able to buy said. "They are excited about buying it at a back. See Sassy Fox, located in the University Shop- quality fashions for a fraction of the original consignment shop." PEOPLE, B4. ping Center, opened its doors Feb. 1. price while the seller is able to make a profit Hall said that the Richmond community ■ Members of Racks and racks of men's, women's and on clothes no longer worn. response has been great are children's clothing fill the interior of the Trina Carr, of Richmond, has been buy- "Richmond residents seem thrilled to have down-to-earth Eastern By-Pass two-room store. Customers ing and selling clothes at consignment stores a consignment shop," she said. genuine country have spent hours for about a year. Sassy Fox accepts seasonal clothes and boys. See r o w s i n g "I think they're wonderful," Carr said. "If are now looking for spring and summer ACTIVITIES, B5. |\ through the you have the time to look for bargains, you fashions. ■ Sophomore v^^^yg y, ^> masses of can find really good deals, depending on "All we ask is that the clothes arc clean guard Kim Mays J! I clothes what you're looking for." and arc on hangers," Hall said. is a key addition searching Carr said that some items are brand new The Sassy Fox carries a wide variety of to Lady Colonels for the and still have department store tags oh them. clothing, including name brand and designer success. Anyone can bring in items to the store. apparel, formal wear, jewelry and accesso- SPORTS, B8. Most people bring clothes in after cleaning ries. out their closets, Hall said. "They got a lot more stuff here than a Did you know? Once the merchandise is sold, the seller consignment shop I went to in Louisville," ■ Today in 1904 receives 50 percent of the profit while the Maria Hatton Owens said. Ding Ling was store receives the other 50 percent. Hatton Owens, who works as a secretary bom. Ling, a writer If the clothes have not sold after four in the occupational therapy department, said and champion of weeks, the selling price is marked down 20 there is more variety and better quality clothes women's rights, percent. After six weeks, there is a 50 percent in the Sassy Fox store. wrote nearly 300 reduction. A ccent editor Amy Etmans contributed to novels, plays, short Brenda and Charles Moreland opened this article. stories and essays in her lifetime. She received the 1951 Dance the night away in Stalin Prize for these size 9M $10 black Literature tor her aequin shoes. 1949 novel "The Sun Shines Over the Sanggan River.'

Next week Buffalo Wings Jump Into spring early with this floral print dress which sells for $18. 4 THE EASTERN PROGRESS March 4,1993 Ira fiVi i

Miserables." The show wW ♦»♦♦••♦♦ *•)•; be April 24 at 2 nxxxxin HOW TO GET INTO PREVIEW p. m. Orchestra level tickets RADIO: Doug Earls inter- are $42 for non-members view of the week at noon on WXII will feature mem- and $40 for EKU Women j Eastern By-Pass 623-7070 bers of Diamond Rio. members. Following the Do you have an announcement or an event performance there wM be Special Engagement you would like to get into the Preview Scent of a River Runs Loaded MUSIC: Cyclone Rangers a private, guided backstage Adult. $4 section? If so, send your announcement to tour. Contact Diana Student* $3 Woman Through It Weapon will play tonight through Flanagan at 624-1682 for Saturday at Phone 3 Angie Hatton or Jerry Pennington at 117 9:15 9:30 7:30 Donovan Annex by 4:30 p.m. Monday. Be more information. Howard's End 7 Lounge on First Street. Sat & Sun Sat & Sun Sat & Sun Sat & Sun They are finalists in 98.1 sure to Include the time, date and place of 4-9:15 MUSIC: The Eastern Ken- WO- 7 4:15-9-30 2-7:30 WKQQ Decent Exposure the event and any costs involved. Also xrxxxxxxx: TTTTTTTTT XI XTXXTTTTr 1 contest. Shows begin at 8 include a contact person and phone num- tucky University Concert Band, under the direction p.m. nightly. ber In case more information is needed. TOWNE CINEMA $ Since 1978 Steven King, a clarinet of Mark Whit lock, will Main SI. • 623-0532 present a concert at 730 1 performance major, will Starts Friday! present his junior recital at p.m., Thursday, March 11 fee is $38. Gardening with in Brock Auditorium. The Nightly Matinee Sun. 7:30 p.m. in Gifford The- band will perform "English 7:15 1 &3 p.m. atre. fsrswj] Perennials and Bulbs will - be taught by Helen Powell Fofc Song Suite by Ralph SOFTBALL: The Rich- TUTORS NEEDED: Stu- from 6 to 8 p.m. March 9. Vaughn Williams, mond Parks and Recre- dent Support Services is The fee is $12. Call Leigh "Divertimento for Band" by LOADED ation Department will hold now taking applications for Ann Sadler at 1228 for James Cumow and "Ser- the first organizational tutoring positions. Appli- more information. enade" by Derek Bour- " WEAPON \ geois. The program will meeting for adult summer cants must have a 3.0 GPA 9:05 Nightly softball from 6:30 to 7:30 and be at least a sopho- PHILOSOPHY CLUB: also feature guest conduc- tor Dan Merkanp on the p.m. in the basement of more. Apply at the Turtey "Islam's Claim Concerning posters the Recreation Center lo- House (between Walters Judaism and Christianity", "Flourentine March." The The t-shirts concert is free and open to cated at 321 N. Second Hall and the Fitzpatrick a lecture given by Bond BUY SELL TRADE Street. For more informa- Building) in Room 203. Harris of the philosophy the public. Vanishing tion, contact the Parks and and religion department, 623-5058 EKU By-Pass across from Piaa Hut Recreation department at STUDY ABROAD: The will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Ferreii Room of the 623-8753. Kentucky Institute for In- Recordsmlth Top 10 ternational Studies has Combs Building on March fiHijw: waived the $100 late reg- 8. The lecture is free of istration fee for foreign charge and open to the DEER RUN SPRING BREAK HOUS- travel this summer until public. ING: The deadline to re- March 15. To sign up for serve housing is tomorrow up to six credit hours study- ROTC: The military sci- at 4 p.m. Reservations may ing in Europe or Mexico ence department has STABLES be made at EKU Housing. this summer, can Jackie openings in the six-week Spurtock at 2032. Camp Challenge program ■mtfm at Fort Knox this summer. STUDY SKILLS WORK- Applicants do not need to I ~#**^yclone be enrolled in ROTC to POETRY: Eastern profes- SHOPS: The Writing/ L^ Rangers Reading Center is offering participate and Camp 1. Dlgable Planets, WKOO Decent Expo- sor Dorothy Sutton will Challenge incurs no mili- read poetry at 7 p.m. at several workshops this "ReachirT sure finalists Cyclone semester. AH workshops tary obligation. Call Cap- Rangers will be playing Artsplace, 161 N. Mill tain Cowell at 1208 or stop 2. Van Helen, -Right Hers. fa* Street in Lexington. are free of charge and meet this weekend at Phone 3 from 4:30 to 6 p.m. in by Begley 510 for more Right Now" Lounge. Shows start at 8 Wallace 346. For the information. 3. Brooks ft Dunn, "Hard p.m. nightly. »*i3SfiiT WorkirV Man" $2 OFF REGULAR PRICE names and dates of these 4. Poison, "Nativ* Tongue" MUSIC: Monte Wilson, a workshops, call the center CHURCH. Christian Stu- 5. Infectious Grooves, trombone student, will at 6191. dent Fellowship meets ev- "Sar»ipiu»- Ark* WITH THIS COUPON Send your present his senior recital ery Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in 6 Naughty By Nature, "19 SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Bumam Had Lobby. EXPIRES 3-31-93 announcements for at 7:30 p.m. in Posey Au- Naughty III* ditorium in the Stratton Two classes are still being 7. Drtvln-N-Cryln, "Smoke- Preview to Jerry Building. Joining Wilson offered by the Division of EKU WOMEN: EKU 8. Stone Temple Pilots, Pennington or Angle will be Deanna Burnell and Special Programs. Busi- Women members will be •Core" Scenic Trail Rides Hattonat 117 Donovan Wayne Ackerman on trum- ness Basics will be taught taking a theatre trip to the 9. Jesus Lizard/ Nirvana, by Ruth Maslin Thursdays Kentucky Center For the "Puss/Oh the Go*" *Hayrides *01d Time Log Cabin Overnight Camping Annex before 430 pet, Fred Williams on 10.311, "Music* Monday French horn and Steven March 4 through April 1 Arts in Louisville to see a Open to the public Newbury on tuba. from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The production of "Les (606) 527-6339

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~ .- K _t_ , Arts & Entertainment B3 rhe Eastern Progress Thursday, March 4,1993 Jerry Pennington, editor

'KISS MY AXE' New Dr. Dre throws out the def jams By DeVonc Holt tour vehicle, his 1964 Chevy convert- The guest rappers appear through- Asst news edHor ible. out the , complementing Die's The '64 Chevy is vividly described instrumentals with their creative lyr- The long-awaiied album from the in the song "Let Me Ride," and it ics, but they shine in the spotlight of infamous group NWA may test the informs passengers that this will not these two hypnotizing songs. patience of some be an ordinary ride. This tour of "everyday street life" fans and delight The tour begins with a trip to Cali- through the eyes of Dr. Dre is light- some musk critics. fornia during the 1992 riots in the ened up with several comic relief skits. Disengagements song, "The Day The Niggaz Took Tracks like "The $20 Sack Pyramid" from the rap group Over." The song describes the hostile are proof that despite the serious hard- have hindered its attitude that blacks demonstrated af- core lyrics. Dr. Dre does have a sense progress and have ter the Rodney King trial. of humor. resulted in chart The fighting in the streets and the The lour finally comes to an end topping hits for looting in the stores are brought back with the song, "The Roach (The some of its former members. Dr. Dra'a "The Chronic." to life through this song for listeners to Chronic Outro)" but soon restarts as The last member of the group to He quickly displays his not-so- witness once more. you fasten your seat belts for round depart on unfriendly terms and pursue friendly attitude towards his new- Later he travels to prison and the two. a solo career was its producer. Dr. found rivals in the introduction of the ghetto in the song, "Lil Ghetto Boy." From the first beat in the introduc- Dre. album accompanied by his new side- The song tells a story of a young tion to the last lyric in the outro, this Dr. Dre departed the group and kick and guest rapper on the album. inmate who was later released from debut solo album is "high powered" produced his own , Death Snoop Doggie Dog. prison only to find out that the ghetto and will set standards for other rap- Row Records, as well as his first solo After the hyped introduction, Dr. streets had gotten worse. pers to follow. hit, "Nuthin But A 'G* Thang." Dre makes an appropriate suggestion The lour pauses for a few minutes An equally matched album from His album, "The Chronic," pulls for listeners to "strap on your seat and allows Dr. Dre to rest as he pulls any other rapper within the next few no punches on former group member, belts" as he becomes your tour guide out a bag of tricks. The super producer months doesn't seem very likely, Eazy E, and manager, Jerry Heller, as on a trip through a valley of "hyped passes the microphone to several guest which is why I predict "The Chronic" well as others that he apparently has lyrics" and a town of "dope beats." rappers to flaunt his skills in "Lyrical not only to be the rap album of the had conflicts with. The seat belts come attached to the Gangbang" and "High Powered." summer, but the rap album of the year. Koontz's horror at its best in 'Hideaway' By Jason Owens years before. The name was borrowed from that seeing Lindsey and Regina. Vassago BOOK Staff writer Their car plummets of a demon lord that the young man wants to make them his next victims. into a river, but only read about in a book of black magic. The suspense intensifies as Hatch Progress photo by TIM BLUM "Hideaway," the newest paper- Lindsey manages to The young man has been dead and has and Vassago close in on each other, beck release by Dean R. Koontz, is escape the flooded seen Hell and knows that he needs to and each learns more about the other. Jazz-fusion guitarist Al Dfensola of Tt» Al MMON Project definitely something that should not Honda. By the time please Satan in order to enjoy a better They both are linked together with Dr. iMn into a toad from a track off hit lataat rstoass, "Kiss My paramedics reach afterlife there. Nyebern in a knot of past and present. be "hidden away" on the bookshelf. REVIEW Axt," Monday night at Braadlnga Hi Lexington. Kentucky □ Vassago is a serial killer who con- The reader learns that Hatch and Koontz has crafted another mas- Hatch, he has been opened the band't tour which la headed for South America. terpiece of the horror author's an that brain-dead for several siders himself an artist. He studies his Vassago are also vessels of higher delves into the dark side of mankind minutes, his lungs flooded with freez- victims for days to learn more about powers, and the ending will surprise and ties it to the supernatural war ing water. their character, and then he slaughters even the most jaded readers. between angels and demons. Dr. Jonas Nyebern, of Orange them like animals. "Hideaway" is a hard book to lay This is one of Koontz's most origi- County General Hospital's Resusci- He takes the bodies back to his lair down. The reader is near exhaustion Art exhibit now open nal stories. It stands above his other tation Medicine Project office, receives in an abandoned amusement park and after the events of each chapter, but works, like "Watchers" and "The Bad Hatch's body and manages to revive arranges them into dioramas suitable Koontz never relents in the suspense. Progress staff reoprt high school students from all across Place. •• Hatch after a record-setting 80 min- to their character. These dioramas are The descriptions of Vassago's Kentucky. The story begins with an emotion- utes of death. placed in front of a mock Satan in the stalkings are particularly disturbing in The High School All-State Art The exhibit opened Tuesday, and ally scarred couple. Hatch and Lindsey Hatch's revival brings new life haunted house of the park as "tribute." that the reader can identify with him. Exhibit is now open. will run through March 26. Harrison, colliding with a beer truck into his and Lindsey's marriage. Hatch begins to have dreams in This is definitely a Mach Five ride The show should have opened The Giles Gallery regular hours on an icy road in the San Bernardino Life becomes worth living for the which he sees through the eyes of into the dark side of the human soul, Saturday, but was postponed due to are 9:IS a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday Mountains. Hatch is knocked uncon- family, but things are not as they seem. Vassago, and vice versa Hatch is ap- but it also celebrates the small, yet the snow. through Friday and 2-5 p.m. Sunday. scious, and Lindsey is afraid of losing The reader learns about a sick palled by the thoughts he shares with wonderful events of the Harrison fam- The exhibit features art work from Admission is free. him like she lost her son almost five young man who calls himself Vassago. Vassago, and Vassago is intrigued by ily and family life in general. The Perfect Touch Hamm's BP Tanning & Beauty Salon 480 Eastern By-Pass Shoe, Inc. i 623-0604 623-8561 Owners: We accept student checks! Credit cards welcome. Brenda Cotton & Ruby Abney Visa, Mastercard, Discover, BP, BPSohio, BP Boron, BPGulf. One Pair Over $20 All hi'ds ha\c new hnlhs Call us for your towing and road service 124 Big Hill Avenue * Richmond, KY 40475 * 623-5756 needs-24 hours a day. Exp. 03 12-93 Colonel's Corner THE PERFECT PAIR New Orleans Liz Claiborne and Electric Beach Claiborne Optics... • Cafe - modem or classic * 242 S. Second Street Richmond. r\Y 40475 SPECIAL .napes in a versatile "Cqfun cooking at itsjincst" collection ol eyewear that highlights the DAILY SPECIALS starting at $2.99 12 VISITS FOR $23.95 design, quality and value. Liz Claiborne is 6 VISITS FOR $11.95 IT ~l recognized (or. - COUPON SPECIAL - Brand New Bulbs Liz claiborne Buy One Whole Order of c I a I b o r n a Jambalaya | In All Beds Mar-Tan Get 1/2 order Jambalaya Free Must Present Coupon When Ordering | Optical, Inc. Coupon «xpir«s 3-31-03 624-8773 205 Geri Lane 242 South Second Street Open 623-4267 Richmond, Kentucky 40475 Mon.-Fri. 11 a.m.-9 p.m. 298 S. Second Street (606) 624-3895 Sat. 12-9 p.m. Closed Sun.


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wm THE EASTERN PROGRESS Around the world In 80 days March 4,1993 Student travels abroad, encounters " y^k S"$ RICHMOND CHURCH OF CHRIST 64 headhunters, soldier with AK-47 713 West Main St By Jason Owens "I almost got in a fight with 623-8535 Staff writer one of the (East German bor- Van leaves the Daniel Siuday der police). My father told Boone flame IS min. Bible Study -10 a-m. It may not have taken him me to hold onto m y passport, before each icrvioe Worship - 10:45 ».m. 80 days, but Hagan Miller has so I did. And there I was, Sponsor* of the Colonels Evening Warship - 6 pJn. been around the world. pulling it back and forth with for Christ Miller, a 21-year-old his- this guy. He was going, 2nd A 4th Thursdays. 8:30 p.m. WedMattay tory major from Lexington, 'Nein! Nein!'The other ones Powell Building. Room D Bible study - 7 p.m. traveled toevery continent by were pointing AK-47s at me. the time he was 14. In fact, the My dad shouted for me to let San Francisco Chronicle men- goof the passport. That was tioned him in a story about my first brush with death!" traveling adventures. East German y was not the Miller's father, Jerry, only scary place he visited. works as a travel agent for the He also had the opportunity in sometime! American Automobile Asso- to meet headhunters in Wednesday Nights, 8:30 p.m. Conference Rm. E ciation in Lexington, and it is Borneo, an island in the Malay Progress photo by BOBBI JO SHIELDS Powell Building through AAA that Miller Archipelago, southeast Asia "What makes all this so unusual Is he's a quiet, For More Information gained the opportunities to "We were staying in this phone: 624-0241 travel the globe with his fa- long house in the jungle with Introverted kid," Jerry Miller said about his eon, ther in other countries, includ- these two guides, and there Hagan, who travels abroad at least once a year. ing Antarctica. were these skulls on these "I got snowed in while I posts in the longhouse," Hagan's comic books than Herald-Leader.doesn'ttravel was there,'' Miller said "I had Miller said. "One of the showing them around. But, with her son or husband on to stay an extra day. And there guides asked me if I thought nonetheless, Hagan enjoyed their adventures. The father were 100 mph winds!" they were real. 1 didn't know, the adventure. and son team usually take a Miller has learned the ru- so he told me that these "I had a smile on my face two- or three-week vacation diments of several languages people were headhunters. I when we left," Jerry Miller every summer. during his journeys. He can thought, 'Oh, no!'" said. "Hagan had a tear in his Miller's next sojourn will speak Spanish and "get by" in But he later found out that eye." be on July 2, when he will Italian but has learned small the tribe no longer hunted for Miller also escaped a travel from Cincinnati to portions of Malaysian, Ger- heads. The last skull was taken military coup in Kenya in Frankfurt, Germany. He plans 1982 and was in Peru during Send your man and Greek, among oth- in World War II. But some of to travel to the various Scan- ers. the older tribesmen still had a period of rioting. dinavian countries on this announcements for Miller has had some their trophies. Miller said his plans for outing. PEOPLE to Amy frightening moments during When Miller and his fa- the future are uncertain at "What makes all this so Etmans or Angie his travels. One of the scariest ther traveled to the Amazons, this point. He is taking classes unusual is he's a quiet, intro- Hattonat 117 Donovan occurred in Germany when they hired guides to help them in archaeology and is con- verted kid," Jerry Miller said. Annex before 4:30 he was only 10. tour the area. sidering a career in the field. Accent editor Amy "People don't know how The assistant guide was Miller's mother, Susan, Etmans contributed to this Monday rough it is traveling,*' he said. more interested in reading who works for the Lexington story.

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If (2 Toppings) ^ Carry Out Orders % Pound of Chips &2C/? QO 18 Liter PepsiPens! *P ' **' ^ ** Open Mon.-Sat. 8 am-Midnight PlusTu FREE GARLIC BUTTER & PEPPERS 709 Big Hill Ave„ Richmond 624-2569 y T Activities B5 The Eastern Progress Thursday, March 4,1993 Angie Hatton, editor Hard work, unique sound pay off for Diamond Rio By Angie Hatton Activities editor

After an hour of entertaining over 5,000 fans, the members of Diamond Rio retired to a small locker room in Alumni Coliseum. They were tired but still exhilarated from the show. They said they were going to hang out and watch some of Alabama's show from the side of the stage and then drive all night from Richmond to Dan Truman, Johnstown, Pa. where they would get keyboardist psyched back up for a show Friday for Diamond evening. Just this week they played in Rio, wrote Ohio, Virginia, Florida and Alabama. tnabamra In 1992. they played about 180 No.1alr.gle shows which kept them on the road "Norma about 220 days out of 365. Jean May." They were named 1992 Country Vocal Group of the Year by CMA and likes the Artist of the year by ACM. song PregrM* photo by LEA ANN SILLIMAN They reached No. 1 in the charts because H's with their single "" "fresh, big Alabama laad alngar Randy Owana aattlaa down during a rousing show for a aott country ballad. which was written by keyboardist Dan and warm all Truman. "Riley" was also the No. 1 at the same song of the year on the Radio and time." Alabama fans defy snow for show Records chart Progress photo by LEA ANN SILLIMAN "There's no better feeling than being the writer of a song, having your That break came in 1990, after "Gosc to the Edge," is still moving up By Angle Hatton Diamond Rio got a great response couldn't possibly be played in 90min- band play it, hearing it on the radio and they changed their name to Diamond the lop 40 list Activities editor for their various hits from the first utes, at least a verse of most of them then having it go to No. 1." Truman Rio. when the president of Arista "With our success has come more single. "" to their appeared in the show. said. records discovered them. freedom to be ourselves,'' Truman said Richmond's worst snow of the latest, "." Before they played "The Fans," None of this came easy to them, Truman said their music has been "A lot of times, we've had to record season couldn't slop loyal fans from The band got really fired up, lead singer Randy Owens said, "If we however. The six members of the band influenced by all kinds of music. Three commercial songs that would sell making the drive to Alumni Coliseum though, with "Norma Jean Riley," and ever get the chance, we'll come back. come from everywhere from Califor- members played Muegrass. Truman records. It's fulfilling to play songs last Thursday to see Alabama, Dia- the electricity left in the air from that This song is dedicated to you all for nia to Canada. played rhythm and Hues and drum- that actually say something." mond Rio and . song never really died until Alabama being here tonight." Since three of them met in Nash- mer, Brian Prout played rock. "Gosc to the Edge" contains seri- There were empty seatsd, but they left the stage after the two encores the There was an intimate, friendly ville and formed a band called The "What makes us work— what ous songs about modem social issues were few and those who missed the crowd stomped and yelled for. atmosphere in the coliseum with heart- Tennessee River Boys in 1984, they gives us the chemistry that critics al- and nostalgia, including one written concert must wish they hadn't. Alabama performed non-stop for felt filling the air. rave been gathering their present mem- ways talk about— is that each of us by Truman called "." Michelle Wright put a lot of en- an hour and a half as the first note of Overall, I was very impressed with bers. These members guided lours of brings a different style and individual Will they win Vocal Group of the ergy into her act and the crowd got each song hit at the same time as the the concert. I think the crowd'senthu- Nashville, built cabins and cut grass talent to the group." Truman said. Year in 1993? That depends on who is into her two hit songs,'Take It Like a last note of the song before it siasm helped the performers get into when times were hard before they got "In a Week or Two", the first better. Diamond Rio or this year's Man" and "He Would Be Sixteen." Although all of Alabama's hits their music and put on a better show. their big break. single off their new album called biggest competition, Alabama

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AVQPPQ:17.4 AVG PPG: 13.6 AVQ PPG: 10.3 AVQ PPG:6 5 Chryssa AVQ. REB: 6.4 AVG. REB: 2.9 AVQ. REB: 3.7 AVG. REB: 2.8 Zizos FT: 81% FT: 84% FT:73% FT: 54% Breaking 3-pt:33.6% 3-pt:28% 3-p<: 35% 3-pt:42% Barriers John Allen Aria ndo Johnson William Holmes Chris Brown DeMarcus Doss EKU fans: 'worst in Colonels preparing for conference tourney By Darrell L. Jordan year, defeating Eastern in the finals 80-61. the world'? Sports co-editor Eastern went into last year's tournament also OVC MEN'S BASKETBALL TOURNEY seeded second, but under a different format What's the problem, folks? SESSION 1 SESSIONS from this year, they had to play a total of three Why are Eastern fans so The Colonels take their six-game winning TODAY FRIDAY games including the final. lackadaisical, unsupportive and SATURDAY The tournament this year includes the top streak into the OVC tournament seeded sec- g W(730p.m.) uninterested in Eastern's athletic ond. Eastern tied with Murray Stale in the yft six teams that are eligible. teams and success? regular season, but goes into the race based on CHAMP Middle Tennessee is ineligible for this It is embarrassing to attend an its earlier victory over first place Tennessee {NCAA year's tournament because it is on probation athletic event on campus and hear State. automatic and Southeast Missouri State and the Univer- my solo cheer echo throughout the The tournament will be in Lexington at qvaUBe*} sity of Tennessee-Manin are not eligible be- arena. Rupp Arena Thursday through Saturday. Murray State, cause they just moved up from Division II to Eastern fans have another Eastern's first game will be Friday at 9 p.m. Division I. opportunity to redeem themselves AntlnPM pm* ****.. against the winner of the Murray State-Austin F.a%tnm Kit, Qame 4 winner The winner of the tournament will get the as true Colonel supporters this Peay game. Tennessee State will play at 7 pjn. ] Eastern Ky. conference's automatic bid to the NCAA tour- weekend at the cavernous Rupp against the winner of the Morehead-Tennes- Bye nament. Arena — home of the hallowed see Tech game. All games will be played in Rupp Arena In Lexington. Games 1 and 3 are The OVC teams from the last couple of Cats — as Lexington will host the The Colonels got ofT to a shaky start this scheduled to start at 7 p.m. with games 2 and 4 slated to tip off at either years have pulled off some big upsets. In men's OVC tournament. season, but came back strong in February 9 p.m. or 30 minutes after the first game ends. 1989, Middle Tennessee knocked off Florida The Colonels will enter the winning their last six in a row and eight of their State, the No. 4 seed in their region. tournament seeded second in the last nine games. The Colonels' only loss in Progress graphic by JOE CASTLE Eastern 64, UT-Martin 54 six-team event February was to Tennessee Stale by nine points. Eastern was down by two at halftime, but Eastern is coming off a six- Even though the Colonels are going into younger players are getting better (contrib- have beaten Austin Peay twice, but split with hit some key shots at the start of the second game winning streak in its regular the tournament as the second seed, coach utes). We've had some individual perfor- Murray State losing on the road by one point. half to come back for the victory. season play. Mike Calhoun thinks that anybody could win mances rise to the level we needed them to, Calhoun said that they will prepare the "We raised our game a little bit, Chris This is the second year in a the tournament. particularly upperclassmen," Calhoun said. same for whomever they play. "You don't Brown hit two three-pointers to start the sec- row that the OVC has held the "At this point in time of the year, every- "Just the chemistry with each other has know who to prepare for, you can't say that ond half. Arlando (Johnson) hit a big shot, and tournament on a neutral site on a body is very capable of winning the tourna- gotten better as we've gone along. We've there is one certain winner. This is 'Upset that spurred us on," Calhoun said. weekend. ment," he said. played well all year long,*' he said. City' time. Nothing is going to surprise me Eastern was led by Johnson and John The OVC probably did that so Many factors contribute to the winning Eastern has a 3-1 record against the teams that happens,'' Calhoun said. Allen, who each scored 17. Allen also led the no one team would gain the home streak. "I think that the fact that some of the that it might play on Friday. The Colonels Murray State won the tournament last Colonels in rebounding with 7. court advantage and dominate fan support. But in spite of the fact that Eastern could be considered, in Women anxious for OVC tournament some circles, the home team will play Tech on their home court. because it's only 25 miles down By Chryssa I. Zizos Sports co-editor Senior Sue Zylstra said, "I think OVC WOMEN'S the road. Eastern fans continue to that wc have a chance to go all the way TOURNAMENT disappoint the team's confidence After being defeated by the No.l in the OVC tournament as long as we by their apathy. play together like a team." Tenn. Tech Game 1 Jim Lankstcr, the OVC team in the nation in McBrayer Arena and defeating Tennessee-Manin on EKU or winner promoter of the event complained Fjwtem 95, Tennessee-Martin 76 Tim. State] in last Sunday's Herald-Leader their home court, the Lady Colonels arc more than ready to begin the Ohio Senior center Jaree Good in broke OVC that he was disappointed in the her own school record by scoring 41 CHAMf low number of Eastern fans at the Valley Conference tournament Mon- day and Tuesday inCookcville.Tcnn. points Feb. 27 against Tennessee- Gam* 2 event last year. Martin. "Eastern needs to be the In fact, they are so ready, they can EKU or | winner taste it The Lady Colonels were hot as cornerstone of our support? they shot 53.7 percent from the field Term. State Lankstcr said. Head coach Larry Inman said, "Wc should have a much better psycho- and had 20 assists, five blocked shots EKU and Tennessee State One athletic official involved logical advantage over the other teams. and 14 steals. with ticket sales at Eastern said, were tied for third in the OVC Wc must concentrate on our defense," Tennessee-Martin shot 39.7 per- at press time yesterday. Their "Our student fans are the worst in Inman said. cent from the field and had 26 turn- the world. If we can't get them seeds were decided last night. Sophomore guard Maisha Tho- overs. All games will be played in (students) to come to the games at Inman said. "We made all the home when they are free, how are mas said, "Two of the teams in the Cookevllle, Term. tournament (Middle-Tennessee and right moves, both offensively and de- we supposed to gel them to go to Tennessee Tech) have each beaten us fensively." Lexington and pay?" twice. Everybody on the team wants Goodin wasn't the only one in they moved the bell around and their The players are going to have high numbers in the game. Mays had team togetherness." to dig deeper and push harder to prove that we are ready for them this time." 17 points and Zylstra and Kim Rob- Coach Inman said, "Losing within themselves in order to gain erts each had II. against the No. 1 in the nation is not motivation and incentive to "We went out on a good note," Kim Mays said. "After a whole week something you look down on. We achieve a victory this weekend. of no games and only practice, we are Eastera 58, Tennessee 95 played hard; they just played Should we get back to the eager to play next week." The Lady Colonels had the oppor- harder." original question ... What's (he tunity to play against the nation's No. The Lady Vols had 19stealsand problem, folks? The Lady Colonels are currently tied for third place in the OVC. 1 ranked team Feb. 24 in Alumni 21 assists. The Lady Colonels shot For less than a six pack of Their opponent in Monday's game Coliseum. 37 percent from the field opposed to your favorite beverage and a pizza Progress photo by BOBBI JO SHIELDS will depend on the Tennessee Tech UT (then ranked 26-1) started its UT's 50 percent. of your choice, you could attend and Tennessee Stale game played last frontline with three women,all over 6 Kim Roberts kept Eastern from all five tournament games. Senior Sue Zylstra battles tor a ball against No. 1 night. If Tennessee Tech wins, then feet tall. • getting slammed in the second half, You could go and support Tentmssi last Wednesday. The Lady Colonels begin Eastern will play Middle Tennessee. "The play was very aggressive hitting five three-pointers. Roberts Eastern, yes, the school that you tounarnant play Monday night m Cookevllle. If Tennessee Tech loses, then Eastern and fast," Thomas said. "I liked how had 17 points. attend. Remember? I'm sure John Allen, a nigged Tennessee, was forward from Burkesville, who picked by Baseball OPtNER averages 17 points a game, shoots Snow delays America to lake the Softball team 1993 COLONEL HOME 81 percent from the free-throw crown again, while Opp: Marshall line and averages six rebounds per the Colonels were SOFTBALL SCHEDULE game would appreciate just a little opening day picked to finish Date: Mar. 9 takes field maroon and white support fifth. March 9 F^\ BELLARMINI Or how about local player and "This year's Time: 2 p.m. March 10 ^^/ M (OH1 35 percent from the three-point for Colonels goal is to restore April 7 line Chris Brown? Brad Divine, some of the respect Place: Turkey for first time IOREI D the nation's second-leading three By Scott Rohrer for our program," Hughes Field By Stephanie Rullman April 10 ARTIN point- shooter might be encour- Asst. sports editor said Ward. Staff writer April U SOUT1 aged just a little bit if he saw some ISSOURI "We're not ap- April 12 Eastern fans? Due to some inclement weather, the Colo- proaching this season any differently, but I Eastern will make history this Saturday ENNESSEE Do you think that they and nel baseball team will wait until March S to see a hunger on the players' part, and that's when the Lady Colonels Softball team plays its April 18 AUSTIN PEAY (heir teammates might get a little open its season at Georgia Southern. inaugural game against Northern Kentucky in the difference." April 20 ERN KENTUCKY psyched if they saw an Eastern fan Opening day, originally scheduled for last Eastern is returning six starters, but with Highland Heights. chanting the victory song with Friday at the University of Virginia, was cal led the loss of team captain Joe Vogclgcsang and The Lady Colonels will return home to April TENNESSEE TECH THE BIG "E" painted on his/her off by mother nature and a snow-covered Brett Griffin. Ward said that those players host two double headers against Bellarmine April OVC TOURNEY forehead? infield. will have to step up the level of their play. College on Tuesday and Miami of Ohio on For a state that prides itself on Saturday's double-header at Virginia was "I think our big problem last year was Wednesday. Games will start at 2 p.m. both season home games basketball and grass roots athlet- also canceled, so the team came back to Rich- inexperience," said Ward. days at Hood Field. cheduled to start at 2 p.m. ics, why can't Eastern, a state mond for their home opener (March 2) against "This year I'm expecting an improve- This is the first season fast-pitch softoall university that has over 17,000 Lincoln Memorial, only to find a rain out ment from all players." has existed on Eastern's campus.and coach a super job in the fall at second base so I'm students, pull in 500 fans at a "We were hoping to get the Virginia games Inexperience wasn "t Eastern "s only down- Jane Worthington is pleased with the interest hoping she just picks up where she left off. home game? in, because they have an artificial turf infield, fall last season as injuries plagued the team the team has received. Arid Amy Jones has been playing a great first It is time to get mad. Eastern. but they had weather much like we've had much of the year. So far this season, no one is Worthington expects the team to finish in base for us," Worthington said. Remember—it is March. Get it: here so it was a long bus ride back home," said injured. the top three of the OVC despite a knee injury Jan. 11 marked the beginning of practice MARCH MADNESS! head coach Jim Ward. The Colonels will also be paying special to pitcher Cane Herron that will keep her out and Worthington said the team probably comes Now is the lime to trash all the Practicing inside isn't exactly what the attention to their pitching staff this season. for the season. close to the 20 hours that NCAA rules allow. old Eastern stereotypes and get team had in mind for Tuesday after the rain- "Last year we were working with five "Somebody else is going to have to step up Eastern will be playing a full OVC sched- involved. out, so they stayed outside and practiced in the freshman pitchers, and that was lough," Ward and fill those shoes, and I'm confident it will ule, with the exception of Tennessee State and Do you know that you arc rain. said. "Most of all, this year we've made be done," Worthington said. "The team has a Murray State, who don't field teams. described as unsupportive and "We've been practicing and conditioning significant improvement on pitching." great attitude—they all want to win and they The Lady Colonels will host the OVC apathetic slobs!? indoors all season, and our kids are really in Friday's starling pitcher against Georgia all expect to win." Tournament in April. It is a double elimina- I can't even insult you shape," Ward said. Southern will be sophomore Scott Perrine, "We're working really hard to get better as tion tournament which will provide an unoffi- because you're too boring to "I'm just really eager to see the team play. and senior Chad Dennis will start on Satur- a team. We expect to do well this year," cial OVC champion. Fast-pitch softball be- GET MAD! They need to play to build their confidence," day in game one of the double-header in catcher Angie You said. comes an OVC championship sport in 1994. I challenge the student body to he said. Statesboro. Worthington said she expects a lot from Worthington said she expects the toughest participate and show a little Last season, Eastern finished with a 22-30 Junior David Morris will start on the each athlete, but especially the freshmen. competition to come from Georgia State, support this weekend at the OVC record that was good enough for fourth place mound in game two on Saturday and sopho- "Katie Collins and Vickie Thompson both Samford and the teams in the West Florida tournament in Rupp Arena. in the Ohio Valley Conference. more Jonathan Wiggins will start Tuesday at need to have a good year pitching, especially Tournament. She said she also expects Ten- Last year's conference champions. Middle home against Marshall. now with Carie out. I expect Krisien Bee km an nessee Tech, Southeast Missouri and Morehead to do real well at shortstop. Kristie Davis did State to be tough in the conference. \ < The Eastern Progress, Thursday, March 4,1993 b / Sports SCOREBOARD VALUABLE COUPON compiled by Scott Rohror

Herftlme : EKUS4.UT- THIS WEEK IN SPORTS Martin 28 NCAA MENS BASKETBALL TOP 20 Friday March 5 Eastern Kentucky (58) MM'I bMtwttMll - OVC 1. North Carolina (24-3} 11. Florida State (21-8) Roberts 5-2-17. Goodin- BABY PAN! PAN! Tournamentat Rupp Arena, 9 «.m. 2. Indiana (2S-3) 12. Cincinnati (21-4) Wwsmsn 14-6. Davis 0-0-0, Wmtm -«t Georgia Southern, 1 Thomas 0-44. Hardeety 0-0-0, and a single 32 oz. Soft Drink p.m. 3. Arizona (21-2) 13. Arkansas (18-6) Mayfield 2-1-5. Mclntosh 1-0-2, JUtiirrifly Mjrch ■ 4. Michigan (22-4) 14. Wake Forest (18-6) Mays 4-2-10. Zylstra 6-1-14. King 0- With the purchase of a Baby Pan! Pan! and a single 0-0. Totals: 19-1458. 32 oz. soft drink at the regular price. Man's baakattMll - OVC 5. Kentucky (21-3) 15. Iowa (19-6) Toumamant at Rupp Arena, 730 6. Duke (22-5) ie.umV(19-4) Tennessee (95) Please request free Baby Pan! Pan! and drink when p.m. 7. Vanderbirt (23-4) 17. New Orleans (23-2) Evans 6-0-12. Harrison 8-0-17. ordering. Not valid with any other coupon offers. Baaaball - at Qaorgia Southarn, 1 8. Kansas (22-5) 18. Xavier (Ohio) (20-3) Ward 3-3-9. McCray 6-1-13. EXPIRES 3-11-93 p.m. Woosley 2-2-7. Davis 1-2-4. Man'a tannia - Murray Stata, Grag 9. Utah (22-3) 19. Oklahoma State (18-5) CakJwall 3-0-7. DMIigard 3-0-6. M. Adam* Tennis Cantar, 8:30 am. 10. Seton Hall (22-6) 20. Tulane (20-6) Johneon 0-0-0. D. Johnson 9-2-20. Men a/Women's track - Last Chanca Maat, Bloomington, Ind. The Top 20 teams in the Associated Press' college Tatals 41-10-95. little Caesars Softball - at Northern Kentucky Herftlme Score: EKU 23. •1999 Little Caesar Enterprises, Inc. basketball poll. Records are through March 2. Tennessee 39. University (2), 12 p.m. EP1 Sunday March 7 VALUABLE COUPON —-. Man'a Tannia - U. of Akron. Grag MEN'S BASKETBALL I WOMEN'S BASKETBALL TRACK irmo«inp NOVELL ■ *»PAY*SAMIA*CAJH WOKD rtnrzci PHICATKIWAL mm Adams Tannia Cantar, 1 p.m. 5f Our buyers goofed! They purchased 500 Monday March a Eastern Kentucky(66) Eastern Kentucky (95) Woman's OVC Woman'a basketball - OVC Aden 6-3-17. Doss 0-0-0. Intel 486SX-20 Mhz processors and our Toumamant at CookeviHe. Tenn. Roberts 3-4-11. Goodin-Wiseman Championship Crittendon 3-2-8. Johnson 6-4-17, C. 17-7-41. Davle1-0-2. Thomas 0-2-2. accountants say they must be sold now! Brown 3-2-10, Cozart 0-0-0. Kinder Hardeety 1-2-4. Mayfield 0-4-4, Woman'a basketball - OVC 0-0-0, Msggard 0-0-0. Divine 1-4-7, Eestem Kentucky 1S9 Mclntosh 1-0-2. Mays 7-3-17. Zylstra Murray State 67 Toumamant at Cookevifce, Tenn. Hahn 0-0-0, A Brown 0-0-0, Holmes 5-1-11, King 0-1-1. Totals 35-24-95. Baseball - Marshall 2 p.m. 3-1-7. Clay 0O-0. Totals: 22-16-66. Middle Tennesee 84 1/2 486SX-20 $580. Softball - Bella/mine College (2). 2 UT-Martin (56) UT- Martin (76) Southeast Missouri 74 1/2 Powell 3-2-10, Phillips 0-04, Warren 4-2-13. Beaty 2-0-5. US SjtUm BMtSSI Wadnaaday March 10 Man's OVC Invitational Wtak niiliiiC«M.lMaBAM.HI KsytMar* Sony, tm to tka Woods 5-0-10. Bowling 0-3-3. Brrtt Thornton 04-0, Tansil 4-6-15. Mt-DOS S.t. IJ 11.44 nappy, 2 S/l P/l G •ataaordaiMk Baseball - Western Kentucky 2 Johnson 0-0-0. Jones 3-2-8. Smith I Year Warn*? Parts * J 8-7-23. Benton 3-4-10. Busyn 0-0-0. ■olbtaooapMd p.m. Totals 19-16-56. 6-2-15. Smothers 3-2-8. Renfroe 0- Middle Tennesee 152 Softball -Miami University (Ohio) Halttlme ecore: EKU 24. UT - 1-1, Cowman 5-1-11. Rhodes 0-0-0. Murray State 102 Hard Pttw a Weal ar» OpMiail 94 Martin 26. Southeast Missouri (2). 2 p.m. Totals: 27-16-76. Eastern Kentucky 48 i PC Systeae Buuar s Guide For Ttia Personal Coaputar Will it grow as my needs grow? When shopping for a PC one concern should be expandability. Today's software applications require a lot of power. Some questions to ask I low many expansion Women's track captures indoor title slots? How much RAM can I add to the main system board? As a minimum you will want at least 6 expansion slots and should be By Chryssa I. ZLros the 3,000 meter and the 5,000 meter second in both the 3,000 and 5.000 an official championship, put forth a capable of a least 16 megabytes of RAM. At PC Systems our Sports co-editor events. meters. good effort in the invitational. computers are expandable. "The distance runners will con- Senior Stephanie Cheney finished The men 'steam score of 4 5 placed The Lady Colonels track team won tinue to succeed; the sprinters will runner-up in the 800 meters, while fourth in die six-team event Options Accessories the OVC Indoor Championship last catch up when the outdoor season Tess Woods placed second in the mile. Middle Tennessee, running on its S0MB Hard Driv* S229. MouaoPad $4." 120MB Hard Driv* $299. begins," Clements said. Senior Sue Zylstra, a hoopster for MOUK Holder S4.» weekend in Murfreesboro, Tenn. home track, won the event with a 200MB Hard Driv* S39S. Serial Mouse $19. The Lady Colonels had a team Freshman Michelle Price won the the Lady Colonel basketball team, fin- score of 152. Super VOA Color Monitor .39 $249 Mini Trackball $49. score of 133, which easily won the mile and also placed first in the 800 ished second in the high jump with 5- Marcus Thomas, a senior football Super VOA Color Monitor .28 $31)5 Microsoft Work* $49." nine-team meet meter. 6. star, placed third in the 55 meter dash. Super VOA Card 512k $55. Fax Modem $69. The Lady Colonels capitalized on "As a whole, the distance learn While the women swiped most of Some of the provisional qualifiers Super VOA Card 1MB $90 Sound Blaster $109. their distance events. Of the 133 total did a lot better, but then we have a lot the attention. Eastern's men did well, must wait with hopes of competing in Additional RAM per MB S3). Sound Blaster Pro Banc $179. team points, 100 of them came from more people to compete in different also. the NCAA InctoorOiampionships held Eastern's distance runners. events," Price said. The competition was an official in Indianapolis March 13-14. PC Systems Factory Computer Outlet Head coach Rick Erdmann said, Price said, "Everyone was cheer- championship for the women, while The team is getting ready for the £k 638 Eastern By-Pass, University Center - Richmond, KY Z,k "I was very pleased with our team ing each other on; we all worked very the men's event was an invitational outdoor schedule, which begins March (M 606-624-5000 1 lours 9am-6pm Mon-lnMon-rri , I0aro-4pmI0am-4pm Sat.Sat (M effort and our distance performances.'' hard." until next season. 27. Eastern will host the Eastern Ken- you nDatsy Ftaacft. lupaet. Stuart. Waal Pasn Booh. FL St! naa. MO. - Junior Amy Clements won both Sophomore Tracy Bunce placed The men, while not competing for tucky Open. 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Thrifty Dutchman Quality Nursing Gina Good, recent E.K.U. graduate, and new Eastern fly-Pass 623-8814 Means employee at Pineville Community Hospital. Are you interested in a nursing career with Southeastern Kentucky's leading WANTED: E.K.U. Grads health care provider? DANCERS Check out our booth at PCH Allied Health and Nursing Day Pineville Community Hospital VA\ $50 to $100 per night Quality Core For Southeast Kentucky March 5, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Contact Personnel Office at Guaranteed Keen Johnson Ballroom (606)337-3051 ext. 452 Fastest growing, Highest Paying vocation in the job market today ! (all 623-4429 or slop in at 221 Wafer St. I he Thursday - Saturday /Manhattan CI u h The Cyclone Rangers P****V*«J*V*****«**«I 1993 WKQQ.Decent Exposure Finalists Surprise Someone Today With Show Starts at 8 p.m. Flowers or a Balloon Bouquet! . , ! ~Z 'I Check out our «$ '1 Roses Balloon Bouquets and : I Plush Animals Thursdays are € 1 1 Student Discount with Student I.D. 10%Off Cash Purchases Ladies Night : 1 Drinks & Beer 1 Village Florist . 125 S. Third St. 1 qh I 623-0340 First Street ititiJxti T B8 The Eastern Progress, Thursday, March 4, 1993 Sports Transfer student finds home at Eastern

By Rob Miller - T—_•■! '.. :.■*".» Staff writer u Kim Is a great Kentucky's Largest Health 4 Fitness Corporation When Kim Mays made the deci- team player. sion to transfer to Eastern from Au- burn University last year, she had no She really idea that she would become the back- Grand Opening Rates! bone of the Lady Colonel basketball plays her role team and a new rising star. as a motivator While playing for Auburn, Mays, $29.95 enrollment fee & at S feet 8 inches, helped her team for this team reach the final eight in the NCAA tournament in 1992, losing to lop- and works well * Indoor Track ranked Tennessee. $29.95 per mo. After much deliberation, Mays, a with the other * Life Steps Barbourville native, decided to leave girls. W Auburn in order to continue her edu- *Life Cycles cation at Eastern. —Larry Inman ♦Free Weights Unlimited In spite of her previous basketball Tanning for success, she had no intention of play- ♦Tanning Packages ing col lege basketball upon her arrival ready to play after a week of practice *33 Aerobic Classes $25 in March in Richmond. and no games," Mays said. "When I first got to Eastern, I Mays also expressed the desire to hadn't planned on playing ball," said earn a bid in the NCAA tournament. Mays. "But, as I got to know the "It would be great to play in the 624-0100 629 Eastern By-Pass coaches and the other players, I NCAA tournament because Eastern Some restrictions apply (behind Roses) changed my mind." (Lady Colonels) has never been in it Since she began playing for the before," said Mays. Lady Colonels after Christmas, Mays "Kim is a great team player," head has been posting impressive .statistics. coach Larry Inman said. "She really Mays has already made an impact plays her role as a motivator for this in the OVC as well as Eastern. team and works well with the other She was named OVC New Comer girls." of the Week and averages 14 points Asa 1990 graduate of Knox Cen- and four assists per game. tral High School, Mays had a success- SEAFOOD Mays was also named co-rookie ful high school career as well. •M* '*!* of the week by the OVC. Mays won Miss Kentucky Bas- -•-». 4 Shrimp Dinners Priced From °*r A three-point field goal percent- ketball in her senior year of high school. ~rrrm age of 37 percent ranks Mays first on Mays was also named 1990 Street the learn. In addition, a free throw and Smith Ail-American. percentage of 77 percent places her Mays said one of the highlights of ^.JA fourth in OVC standings. her high school career was going un- Mays was also named OVC New- defeated in the district her senior year comer of the Week after scoring 63 despite Knox Central being ranked Progress photo by BOBBI JO SHIELDS COUPON COUPON points in three consecutive games, next to last in preseason polls. Fish, shrimp, Seafood $700 or chicken with $225 X* oil which included a career high perfor- Mays said that her father has been Sophomore guard Kim Mays has made a nice addition to the Feast mance of 27 points against Southeast the greatest influence on her career. Lady Cotonala basketball team. Mays transferred to Eastern Missouri. "He's always been my coach," from Auburn last year. Mays was named co-rookle of the week. stsexisssL^ Fry* P&ttjezzf? VDV Despite impressive numbers. Mays said Mays, even when she began play- fsBtswteSftBo, \^i»«^sRSE3»a» -■-■■•■=^1 said this season has been a little diffi- ing varsity basketball in seventh grade. cult. When not working on her occupa- COUPON COUPON "This season has had its ups and tional therapy major, Kim uses her Deluxe $499j Sny $100 1 Kim Mays: Behind the Scenes A OFF' downs," said Mays. spare time to catch up on her sleep. Seafood ~ Complete Mays has been forced to miss four Mays enjoys spending time with Platter Dinner OBI caipooupamKom*. pm nMln Not games this season due to the flu and a her boyfriend. Kim Mays : 1>t stomach virus. "Spending lime with him means a March 10,1972 I ?8?'KS^Jf1£5S£ff & BKU " ' 1 iST£L~ n«i KXiood. & Y BKU The virus caused her to lose 16 lot to me," Mays said. Germany Now serving Clam Chowder pounds in two and a half weeks. Mays has no definite future plans i: Knox Central High School at this poim'Right now I'm just tak- Utim«1 Tin* Only Mays said that the immediate goal Harry and Opal Mays for the Lady Colonels is to focus on ing it one day at a time," said Mays. : Occupational Therapy Jumbo Fish Dinner the OVC tournament next week. "Maybcif my basketball holds out, 4 pieces of fish, fries, $/|89 "I am really excited for next week," I might play overseas, but now I just c Career In Occupational Therapy 4 Mays said. want to take it one day at a time," : Parents slaw, and three hush puppies "The team is definitely going to be Mays said. x*y<*w <*m s^000^. ,**"' <*m ***°" %.


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