Eastern Kentucky University Encompass Eastern Progress 1992-1993 Eastern Progress 3-4-1993 Eastern Progress - 04 Mar 1993 Eastern Kentucky University Follow this and additional works at: http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1992-93 Recommended Citation Eastern Kentucky University, "Eastern Progress - 04 Mar 1993" (1993). Eastern Progress 1992-1993. Paper 23. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1992-93/23 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Eastern Progress at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in Eastern Progress 1992-1993 by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ACCENT ACTIVITIES SPORTS WEEKEND FORECAST FRIDAV: Rain likely, Clothes galore ^^d& Mountain music OVC in Rupp high In the 40» Consignment shop offers *^F^Tl Colonels hope for a SATURDAY: Dry and cool, Alabama gives crowd high In the 40s variety of duds for low prices Wr money's worth tournament victory SUNDAY: Dry, high in the Page B-l Page B-5 Page B-6 1 Ztiakl THE EASTERN PROGRESS Vol. 71/No. 23 14 pages March 4,1993 Student publication of Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Ky. 40475 The Eastern Progress, 1993 Midterm grades, new grading policy spark debate ■ Faculty senate reports or papers or providing written inform the students of their progress ■ Student senate implementing the system were rea- there is no 'grandma clause' in it. If notification of clinical performance, at least once prior to midterm, this sons cited in the proposal for forming someone receives half their grades votes for student said Russ Enzic, associate vice presi- could be done simply by returning one calls for the new committee. under one system and half under an- dent for academic affairs and research. graded quiz under the plan. A lack of data stating how the other, then it could be confusing," progress reports "Once this is approved by the The new plan is designed to give re-evaluation of changes have increased the academic Burcham said. prior to midterm president and the board, it will be- students information on the progress new grading policy quality at schools that have the grad- The student senators arc hoping come part of the syllabus policy," early enough for them to take action ing system was also mentioned. the committee will be formed some- By Mark White Enzic said. necessary to improve their grades, By Mark White "It might be good or it might be lime this semester, Burcham said. News editor The motion requires professors to according to the rationale of the pro- News editor bad. We want to know how it has President Hanly Funderburk met provide, in their syllabi, a method of posal. affected other schools," said Jonda with a group of student leaders Feb. The faculty senate passed a mo- how they will provide this informa- The senate did not vote to do away Student senate passed a resolution Burcham, the student senator who 11, to discuss the revised grading sys- lion March 1 which requires instruc- tion to students. with mid-term deficiency reports, al- Tuesday calling forajoint committee, sponsored the resolution. tem. "I'm concerned. I haven't made tors to provide students with written The plan does not state a particu- though some discussion was made including faculty members and stu- Burcham said the purpose for a decision one way or the other. We information about their progress in a lar method they are to use. Enzic said about the subject. dents, to be formed to study the effects forming the committee was to get might want to think about this a little course at least once prior to the semes- this was left up to the professors in "The mid-term deficiencies will of the plus/minus grading system pro- more information about the grading more," Funderburk said to the faculty ter midpoint. order to give them some versatility in be generated this spring and it is my posed by the faculty senate. system and to give students chance senate Monday. The revised grading This written notification may take implementing the plan. understanding that the senate will The high number of opposing votes for input on the matter. "I think a lot of system was voted in by the faculty the form of returning graded tests, lab While professors are required to study that issue," Enzie said. by the faculty senate and the cost for people are worried about it because senate at their February meeting. Fraternity, WHATTA POT EKU DESEGREGATION PLAN GOALS Total No. of No. of Macks number trtacht needed to reach goal sorority Admin. 115 3 2 Faculty* 682 9 16 suspended Prof, staff 210 3 6 "includes Model faculty and department chairs for hazing SOURCE: Office of the President, EKU By Susan Gayle Reed Editor An Eastern fraternity and sorority were suspended by the university last University week on separate hazing allegations. The fraternity, Omega Psi Phi, was suspended and charged with im- proper pledging procedures and haz- ing by Skip Daugherty, dean of stu- seeks more dent development, at 11:45 p.m. Feb. 24. A hearing will be conducted by the IFC Judicial Board at 9 p.m. Monday in the Powell Building. "This is not an issue of black or minorities white," Daugherty said. "It's a Greek issue. This is over what I consider ■ Eastern to life-threatening behavior; hazing will not be tolerated on this campus in any recruit black Curriculum way." faculty members Daugherty said he could not go opportunities on the record with specific violations, more actively but that the hazing charges stem from still lacking physical abuse. By Jenny Howard He said allcgauonsof hazing have Copy editor By DeVone Holt been brought up against Omega Psi Asst. news editor Phi in the past, but that no members In order to meet equal opportunity would provide any information. employment goals set by the Council "We've never been able to prove on Higher Education, the university is The university is attempting it until this point; this is the first time attempting to recruit approximately to increase its diversity by re- we've been able to get documenta- 24 new minority employees. cruiting more minority faculty and tion." he said. "Omega Psi Phi has The university is working to im- staff members, but its attempts to been suspended by its national for prove minority employment numbers expand the minority curriculum other things, but not hazing." through recruitment of black faculty to better diversify students' men- Three of the fraternity' s members and staff, promotion of black employ- tality has not been successful. were excused from class Feb. 23 and ment applicants and retention of cur- The university's minority 24 by Sandra Moore, director of mi- rent black university employees. classes, designed to increase cul- nority affairs, in order to discuss Roy Peterson, a member of the tural awareness in students, have the hazing charges with Daugherty, council's staff, said the goals were had problems surviving and at- Moore, Troylyn LeForge, student based on minority percentages in the tracting students. development coordinator, andGladys state's population compared to fac- The chairman of the history Johnson, adviser. ulty numbers at the university. department, Stevens Sefton, said Both Moore and Johnson dec lined Progress photo by LEA ANN SILLIMAN The council has postponed ap- the department has taught black to comment while the hearing is pend- proval of all new degree programs history classes for 20 years, but Hugh Asher, a senior from Hazard and vice president of the Art Student Association, worked ing. until the university has met its goals. on a iree-form sculpture Monday in the basement of the Jane F. Campbell Building. The goals, set for the 1994-95, have SEE CLASSES. PAGE A6 SEE GREEKS. PAGE A4 SEE CHE, PAGE A5 Fire alarm Contraception part of sex for some students INSIDE that are in experimental stages or have that request for condoms increased □ Dr. Dre's new CD funky ■ Effective and raw with its hard fails in not been approved by theFDAarc: the from 905 in the 1990-91 school year protection male pill,an injection that leaves males to 1417 in the 1991-92 school year.. beats and explicit lyrics. infertile, the female condom and an . an increase of 512 requests. See Page B3 Palmer fire methods vary abortion pill. Boyd said the number of requests Vasectomics, tube ligations, for condoms did not indicate the By Mark White on campus Norplant and other similar contracep- amount of condoms distributed to stu- This week's News editor synthetic implant of five capsules of tives have been reported to be very dents. She said a maximum of nine class pattern: MWF condoms were put into a brown paper While a fire in Palmer Hall, By DeVone Holt the hormone progesterone. It is in- effective pregnancy prevention tools, Asst. news editor but they, unlikebarricrcontraccptives. bag and given to students after they which broke out early Saturday jected into the arms of females and Accent B1 prevents pregnancy for five years. don't serve both sides of the contra- signed for them. morning, left little damage, the Counts for this year indicate that Activities B5 building's fire alarm failed to Many students are taking extra pre- Although the Norplant contracep- ception controversy. I cautions to avoid walking the plank of tive is relatively new, 500,000 Ameri- Barrier contraceptives not only condom requests arc averaging 30 to Arts B3 sound a warning. 40 a week. According to police reports, unprotected sex and unwanted chil- can women have already adopted the help prevent unplanned chitdbirths but Classifieds A4 dren.
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