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Planning Board DATE: 8th November 2017 NOTES: 1. Items may be taken out of order and therefore we are unable to advise the time at which an item will be considered. 2. Applications can be determined in any manner notwithstanding the recommendation being made 3. Councillors who have a query about anything on the agenda are requested to inspect the file and talk to the case officer prior to the meeting. 4. Any members of the public wishing to make late additional representations should do so in writing or contact their Ward Councillors prior to the meeting. Please give a day’s notice if you wish to inspect a file if this is possible. 5. Letters of representation referred to in these reports together with any other background papers may be inspected at any time prior to the Meeting and these papers will be available at the Meeting. 6. For the purposes of the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, unless otherwise stated against a particular report , ‘background papers’ in accordance with section 100D will always include the case officer’s written report and any letters or memoranda of representation received. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Planning Board - 8th November 2017 Item Page Application Ward/Site Case Number Officer DM01 03 2017/2085/FUL Land At 354741 144934, Anna Cathedral Avenue, Wells, Clark Somerset, Wells St Cuthberts DM02 11 2017/1307/VRC Long Hill Farm , Folly Mr Carlton Cottages To Arthurs Langford Bridge, Ditcheat, Shepton Mallet, BA4 6QR The Pennards And Ditcheat DM03 15 2016/2582/FUL Tree House Day Nursery, Miss School Lane, South Lynsey Horrington Village, Wells, Bradshaw Somerset, BA5 3DL St Cuthbert Out North DM04 35 2016/2584/LBC Tree House Day Nursery, Miss School Lane, South Lynsey Horrington Village, Wells, Bradshaw Somerset, BA5 3DL St Cuthbert Out North DM05 41 2017/0482/FUL Hazel Manor Lodge , Miss Nordrach Lane, Priddy, Lynsey Cheddar, BS40 6LG Bradshaw Chewton Mendip And Ston Easton 2 Agenda Item No. DM01 Case Officer Anna Clark Site Land At 354741 144934 Cathedral Avenue Wells Somerset Application Number 2017/2085/FUL Date Received 1st August 2017 Applicant/ Mr Martin Law Organisation Shepton Vets Application Type Full Application Proposal Erection of single storey Veterinary practice with associated external works (amended site plan and section received 22/09/17 to change picket fence to close boarded). Ward Wells St Cuthberts Parish Wells City Council This application is referred to the Planning Board following consultation with the Ward Members, and the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Board. Description of Site, Proposal and Constraints The application relates to a site on Cathedral Avenue in Wells, within the Cathedral Park development which has an outline planning permission for Use Classes B1, B2 and B8. The application seeks full planning permission for a single storey veterinary practice with associated external works. Summary of Consultation Responses Wells City Council Recommend Approval Cllr Osman, Wells St Cuthberts Ward Member – declared an interest I had better not make any comment on the application as: 1) I know the applicant 2) I know the applicants competitors Whilst I have no actual prejudicial interest, any comment I make could be seen adversely by the other. I will leave it to Cllr Siggs and the officers to determine. Cllr Siggs, Wells St Cuthberts Ward Member Thank you I have read through your report and appreciate the sound reasoning behind your recommendations. My only reason in asking for it to go to the Board is because we have been robust in insisting on the B1, B2, B8 classifications, turning down a number of other possibilities, over the years. If the Chair and Vice Chair feel that this is not an issue then I 3 will bow to their superior judgement but feel I have to at least raise this technical concern to their attention. MDC Environmental Protection – No objections, comments. I have considered the application and the information provided and would suggest that the picket fence for the dog walking area is made solid so any dogs being walked are unable to see those arriving and vice versa to minimise the likelihood of barking causing annoyance to residents or other commercial users. I appreciate that the proposal is for a new build and having considered the character of the area if feel it is unlikely to result in noise sensitive premises being adversely affected by noise from the proposed development. I have no objections. MDC Planning Policy – Verbally confirmed no objection. Local Highway Authority (SCC Highways) – No objection, subject to conditions The proposed veterinary surgery will be accessed from an existing private commercial estate road, as shown on submitted plan Site Plan Proposed Dwg No P01 proposing an access with a 5.5m carriageway width together with 2m footways on either side of the access /carriageway. On reviewing the submission it is not anticipated that the proposal will generate a significant level of vehicle trips at peak period, therefore the impact on the adjacent adopted highway will in all probability be minimal. The submitted drawing shows a total of 17no car parking spaces, including 2no disabled spaces providing a manoeuvring area of just under 6m behind each of the parking spaces, which in this instance is acceptable. Whilst the level of proposed parking is higher than that required by the SCC parking strategy - Approximately 8 spaces - it is accepted that at such a facility users are more likely to use a vehicle in order to transport animals to the site, therefore the Highway Authority would not object to this level of parking provision. It is noted that 6 cycle parking spaces are provided, which is acceptable. Therefore, in conclusion there are no objections to the proposal subject to the following conditions being attached to any permissions granted:- The proposed access shall be constructed in accordance with details shown on the submitted plan, drawing number Site Plan Proposed Dwg No P01, and shall be available for use before occupation. Once constructed the access shall be maintained thereafter in that condition at all times. The area allocated for parking and turning on the submitted plan, drawing number Site Plan Proposed Dwg No P01 , shall be kept clear of obstruction and shall not be used other than for parking and turning of vehicles in connection with the development hereby permitted. Prior to first occupation or first use of the development hereby permitted, spaces for not less than 6no bicycles shall constructed as detailed on the submitted plan Site Plan Proposed Dwg No P01. Once constructed the bicycle facilities shall be maintained thereafter in that condition at all times. MDC Drainage Engineer – No objection, subject to condition I have reviewed the Flood Risk Assessment (J2050/R01) and Drainage Strategy (J2150/100) together with the details for the wider Cathedral Park Site within which the proposed development sits. The proposals put forward for the surface water and foul drainage for the site are appropriate for the type and size of development proposed and we would recommend approval on the basis that the strategy is implemented in accordance with the aforementioned documents. Senior Historic Environment Officer - No objections 4 Public Consultation 3 letters of objection have been received, 2 from partners of other veterinary practices, which raise the following issues: Hypocritical that this company objected to the planning application of the pets at home group who wanted change of use from B1 to A1 to put a pet store and vet practice within the same proximity of their application, when they now seek planning approval for change of use from B1 office to D1 No need or benefit to Wells in giving up office space for a 3rd vets practice as one of the existing vets has pp to expand Variation from uses proposed in the masterplan Cramped site with no room for expansion Lack of green space for visiting animals (as opposed to those staying in). Insufficient parking for number of jobs No staff smoking shelter Inappropriate location of the commercial refuse storage Relevant planning history 059850/005 – Outline application (with layout, scale, appearance and landscaping reserved) for development of Use Classes B1, B2 and B8 business uses, highway works, landscaping, drainage works and parking (as amended by further revisions to the design of access arrangements including amendment to position of spine road and exclusion of mini roundabout, approved with conditions 16/02/2010. Subsequent reserved matters applications have been made on various plots under that outline application, for a total of 8,369sqm Plot B – 2010/0061 for Aster Homes for 2,180sqm (GEA over 2 floors) Plot C – 2011/0439 for Old Mill Accountants of 1,870sqm (GEA over 2 floors) Plot D – 2015/0754 for TePe, of 1,169sqm Plots E and F (Plot 4) - 2016/2623/REM for 12 light industrial units with trade counters of 2,600sqm over 2 buildings Site H - 2016/3042 for a B1 office of 300sqm and an industrial building of 250sqm A separate full permission (2015/2800) was granted in respect of Plot J, for Premier Inn. The following planning conditions of the outline planning permission have also been discharged: 2010/0281 – condition 10 (tree works) 2010/0532 – conditions 11 (strategic lighting), 24 (construction method statement), 26 (ecology) and 29 (contamination) 2010/2615 – conditions 15 (drainage strategy) and 27 (ecological method statement) Summary of relevant planning policies Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004