Group Ownership
Group Ownership Stns: 1 AM, 1 FM, 6 TV. WGEM- AM -FM -TV Quincy and RadioWorks Inc., 2830 Sandy Hollow Rd., Rockford, IL all NY; WMAN(AM)- WYHT(FM) Mansfield and WREX -TV Rockford, both IL; WSJV(TV) Elkhart, IN; (61109). (815) 874 -7861. Fax: (815) 874-2202. Robert E. WSWR(FM) Shelby, both OH; KROD(AM) -KLAQ(FM) and KTIV(TV) Sioux City, IA; KTTC(TV) Rochester. MN: and Rhea Jr., pros; David W. McAley, VP. KSII(FM) El Paso, TX. WVVA(TV) Bluefield, WV. Stns: 3AM, 6 FM. WKKD(AM) -(FM) Aurora, WXRX(FM) Belvidere, WFRL(AM)- WFPS(FM) Freeport, WNTA(AM) Reich Communications Inc., Box 1269, Sumter, SC Ownership: (See also Cross -Ownership, Sect. A.) (29151). (803) 775 -2321. Fax: (803) 773 -4856. E -mail: Rockford , WGFB(FM) Rockton and WYHY(FM) Win- rreich @ffc Executive: Raymond Reich, ores/gen 18 Boston, MA nebago, all IL: and WKHY(FM) Lafayette, IN. (All 100% Quorum Broadcasting, Newbury St., mgr. (02116). (617) 369 -7755. Fax: (617) 859-7205. J. Daniel owned.) Stns: 1 Am, 2 FM. FM. WKHT(FM) Bishopville, Sullivan, pres/CEO; David Pulido. exec VP; Patrick Brat - Rama Communications Inc., 3765 N. John Young Pkwy., WDXY(AM) Sumter and WIBZ(FM) Wedgefield, all SC. ton, CFO. Orlando, FL (32804). (407) 523 -2770. Fax: (407) 523- (All 100% owned.) Stns: 10 TV. WQRF-TV Rockford, IL; WTVW(TV) 2888. Web Site: Ownership: Raymond Reich, 100%. Evansville and WFFT -TV Fort Wayne, both IN; KARD(TV) Stns: 2 LP TV 3 AM. ;ORLANDO FC; W12CD Ip- West Monroe, LA; WHAG -TV Hagerstown, MD; KDEB -TV tv.atlmont fcWXXU(AM) Cocoa Beach, WOKB(AM) Winter Renda Broadcasting Corp., (Renda Radio Inc).
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