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[email protected] Published Tuesday and Thursday TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2009 6697982AA Circulated FREE to all households throughout Te Awamutu and surrounding districts. Extra copies 40c. BRIEFLY Care Bears leap into fundraising Night workers BY CATHY ASPLIN attacked Two years ago Debbie Thomson was living in New A Taranaki man has been Zealand when her mother in the UK died from cancer. arrested after a street robbery She is still saddened by that loss, so taking part in this in town early on Thursday year’s Relay for Life is a way for her to honour her morning. mother’s memory and help raise funds for cancer The robbery took place research at the same time. about 4.45am when two night She is just one of 17 people in the ‘Care Bears’ team workers were walking home on from Te Awamutu who will be on the track at the Ruakura Research Station for 22 hours on March 7-8. Sloane Street and were ‘‘Essentially we all know each other through the St attacked by two men in a car. Patrick’s School community and we have all had our The workers had earlier families touched by cancer in some way. been passed by the car and the ‘‘We chose Care Bears as our theme as they are occupants had yelled abuse at characters with different personalities and different them before driving off. colours. One of the workers ‘‘Each of our team plans to dress as Care Bears - managed to flee and raise the representing the different forms of cancer - like yellow is alarm at a nearby service for Daffodil Day and pink is for breast cancer.’’ station but the second man was The team hopes to raise at least $1700 ($100 per beaten and had cash, an i-pod person) so has several activities planned.