@Ems & Gemoxogg
@ems& GemoXogg A bi-monthly Deriodical, without paid advertising, supported bv subecriptions from Gemologists and other gem enthwists, aims to increme the gem merchant's knowledge \ and ability in order that he may protect more thoroughlv his cwtomen' bst interets- VOLUME I MARCH-APRIL. 1934 NUMBER 2 Editorial Forum-.---..--.. ----,--------------.-.-34 Mothers' Day Gem to Be Selected,B. W. Bell.-.-.--.-.-".-.-,-.-..-..-.-36 Diamond Loupes, Robert M. Shipleg--- .---.-...----..---38 Courses in Precious Stones at Columbia University, Prof . Paul F. Kerr......--- 39 The Regent Diamond, Robert M. Shiplea-..... 4L The Scientists' View of the Cultivated Pearl. A. McC. Beckleg.,....... ..-........-.........43 Biographical Sketches-Dr. Ren6 Engel , Bobert Shipleu, Jr. 45 Rough Diamonds Presented to Institute---.--.----.-...---...-.-.-"-----,-...46 Sapphire, Milton D. Graoend,er-..------..--.---.... .....-.-47 Monthly Report of Diamond Market---,.-.--. --.-.--.---48 National Sales Campaign of the A.G.S.---. -........49 Straight Striae in Synthetics, Robert Shipley, Jr.......-......-..-.53 The Toughness of Gems-.- .-.-..----...---.55 Laymen Groups Hear Gemological Talks--. .---..--.-56 Selected Bibliography ...-............-......,57 Book Reviews, Robert M. Shipleg---- .............----.---.-57 The Amateur Laboratory, W. R. Leonard'-------------.....----.-----..--.-59 A Gemological Encyclopedia, Henrg E. Briggs, Ph'D'---------..-6l How to Buy Diamonds, Robert M. Shiplegl---- ..----.--63 Gemological Glossary.----.-- . -.-. , . ..... .- .-...--.-65
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