Basque Friendship

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Basque Friendship What is the Friendship “Towards a Peace process in the Basque Country” The 30th of November 2005 eleven MEPs decided to create the Friendship group "Towards a peace process in the Basque Country". We took this decision after seeing that there was a positive scenario of multi- party dialogue going on in the Basque Country that could end in a peace process. The Members of the European Parliament joining this Friendship did so with the inten- tion of supporting and taking an active part in the process of conflict resolution in the Basque Country. It was and still it is our hope that the conclusion of this conflict will come about on the basis of a multilateral political agreement which makes possible the scenario of peace and democracy that we all wish for. As a group we have met different actors involved in the conflict, we have given our opinion regarding different issues through press conferences and press releases. We have directly taken part or witnessed impor- tant political events in the Basque Country. We have explained our opinion and we have listened to many colleagues here in the European Parliament. We can say with no doubt that it has been a very active and posi- tive experience. The Friendship, is made up of eleven Members of the European Parliament. These MEPs belong to the Friendship individually, not in representation of their parties, coun- tries or European parliamentary groups. The Friendship has no connection with European institutions, neither does it repre- sent any European institution. It has come into being in the European Parliament at the initiative of MEPs, but is not a structure created by the European Parliament. It has been created chiefly in order to work within the European institutions. 02 FS NOVEMBER 2008 FRIENDSHIP TOWARDS A PEACE PROCESS IN THE BASQUE COUNTRY 04 Who is Who in the Friendship Group 04 Founding Manifesto of the Friendship Group 06 N°1 BASQUE COUNTRY 07 Basic Democratic Agreement 07 Basque Country 08 Opinion pools 10 ISSUE WORK IN THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 11 Hearing 30th November 2005 11 Friendship public presentation 12 Debate in Strassbourg 25th October 2006 13 Egunkaria 15 THIS STATEMENTS 17 IN WORK IN THE FIELD 21 Tatjana Zdanoka Speaks in the BDA 23 Visits to Arnaldo Otegi: Bairbre de Brun, Helmuth Markov 24 OTHER INTERNATIONAL INITIATIVES TO SUPPORT PEACE IN THE BASQUE COUNTRY 25 FRIENDSHIP IN THE MEDIAS 27 Interview Bairbre de Brun 27 Helmuth Markov 28 Gerard Onesta 30 NOVEMBER 2008 FS 03 Who is who in the Friendship group Tatjana Zdanoka Politisko organizaciju savieniba "Par cilveka WHO is WHO tiesibam vienota Latvija" Born on 8 May 1950, RIGA • Chairman, Lidztiesiba party (1996-2004) in the • Co-chairman, 'Par cilveka tiesibam vienota Latvija' politi- cal association (2000-2004). • Adviser to the Lidztiesiba parliamentary party in the Friendship group Latvian Parliament (1993- 1997). • Project leader, Human Rights Committee, Latvia (1997-2004). • Member, Riga City Council (1989-1994) Member, Riga City Council (1997-1999) • Member, Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Latvia (1990- 1993). • Co-chairman, Human Rights Committee of Latvia, affiliated to the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) (1995- Erik Meijer Jiri Mastalka 2004). Socialistische Partij Komunistická strana Cech a • Member of the european par- Born on 5 December 1944, Moravy liament Amsterdam Born on 3 January 1956, Su ice • Local government official, Rotterdam City Council (1980- • Member of the executive 1992) board of the central committee • Has held office at national level of KSCM (Communist Party of in the PSP (Pacifist Socialist Bohemia and Moravia) (1995- Party) (Vice-chairman, Chairman 1999) of elected representatives' sec- • Chairman of the KSCM town tion, editor of party magazine) committee for Plzen City (1968-1991) (1993-2003) • Member of executive and Vice- • Member of Plzen City Chairman, GroenLinks (1992- Council (1994-1998). Member 1995) of the Federal Assembly of the • Member of Socialist Party exe- Bairbre de Brún Czechoslovak Federal Republic Sinn Féin cutive (since 1999) (1990-1992) • Member of Amsterdam City • Member of the Chamber of Born on 10 January 1954, Council (1975-1978) Deputies of the Parliament of Dublin • Member of the Delfshaven the Czech Republic (since District Council (1998-2002) 1996) • Head of International • Member of the South Holland • Vice-Chairman of the Department, Sinn Féin (1994) Provincial Council (1982-1995) Committee for Social Policy • Sinn Féín negotiator (1997 -) • Member of the European and Health Care (2002-2004) • Member of North of Ireland Parliament (since 1999) • Observer at the European Assembly (1998-2004) • Member of executive, Socialist Parliament (2003-2004) • Minister of Health, Social Youth and Student Organisations • Member of the Chamber of Services and Public Safety, (1961-1969) Deputies' delegation to the North of Ireland Assembly • Member of executive, Council of Europe (since 2002) (1999-2000 ; 2000-2002) Citizenship Foundation (1990- • Member of the European • Member of the European 1993) Parliament Parliament 04 FS NOVEMBER 2008 Helmuth Markov Jens Holm DIE LINKE Bart Staes Vänsterpartiet Born on 5 June 1952, Leipzig Groen Born on 18 April 1971, Born on 7 August 1958, Sundsvall • PDS Regional Chairman, Izegem Brandenburg (1994-1996) • Books: För vår rätt och värdi- • Member of Brandenburg • Political group assistant, ghet (For our Rights and Dignity) Regional Assembly (1990-1999) European Parliament (1983- • Young people on daily life in • Member of the European 1999) Colombia and Sweden, 1999. Parliament (since 1999) • Member of the Young (Swedish and Spanish) • Chairman of the Committee Volksunie executive (1980-1981, • Food, Environment, Justice on International Trade 1984-1987) • The Effects of Meat • Member of the Volksunie Consumption on the Environment Council (1984-1987, 1995-2001) and the Global Food Supply • Member of the Volksunie exe- (Swedish, Finnish; 2001; English; cutive (1995-2001) 2003). • Member of the Groen! (Green • Documentary films: Apor till Party) executive committee salu (Monkeys for sale) - On (2002) Swedish imports • Member of the European of monkeys from China for ani- Parliament (since 1999) mal experiments, 2002 • Chairman of the Delegation to • Utlandsresa med the EU-Kazakhstan, EU- Bregottfabriken (A trip abroad Kyrgyzstan and EU-Uzbekistan with the Bregott factory) - On Parliamentary Cooperation Swedish Alyn Smith Committees, and for relations calf exports to Holland, 2001. Scottish National Party with Tajikistan,Turkmenistan • Member of the European Born on 15 September 1973, and Mongolia (1999-2002) Parliament • Chairman of the Delegation to Glasgow the EU-Russia Parliamentary Cooperation Committee (2002- • Scottish Parliament Advisor to 2004) Richard Lochhead MSP, Shadow Scottish • Fisheries Minister 2002-2003. Scottish Parliament, Scottish National • Party Group Justice Business and Europe Advisor 2003-2004 • Member of the european par- liament Jill Evans Plaid Cymru - Party of Wales Born on 8 May 1959, Rhondda (Wales) Gérard Onesta • BA (Hons.) Welsh (1980); Les Verts-Europe-Ecologie M.Phil. (1986) Born on 5 August 1960, Albi • Public affairs officer, National Federation of Women's Institutes, Wales (1989-1996) • Member of the Greens' natio- • Wales organiser, CHILD (1997- Ian Hudghton nal council (1987-1999). 1999) Responsible for Scottish National Party institutional affairs for the • In Plaid Cymru (The Party of Born on 19 September 1951, Wales): Chair (1994-1996); Vice- Greens President (2003- ) Forfar • Greens' national spokesman • Councillor (1992-1999) (1994-1995) • Member of the European • Housing Convenor, Angus •Founder of the Federation of Parliament (since 1999) • District Council (1986-1996) Young European Greens (1988) • Vice-Chairwoman of the • Depute Leader, Tayside • Member of the European Committee on Women's Rights Regional Council (1994-1996) Parliament (1991-1994 and and Equal Opportunities (1999- • Leader, Angus Council (1996- since 1999) 2004) 1998) • Vice-President of the • Alternate Member, Committee • Member of the European European Parliament (since of the Regions (1994-1998) Parliament (since 1998) 1999) NOVEMBER 2008 FS 05 In support of a peace process in the basque country The Members of the European Parliament signing this Manifesto do so with the intention of supporting and taking an active part in the process of resolution of the conflict affecting the Basque Country. It is our hope that the conclu- sion of this conflict will come about on the basis of a multi- lateral political agreement which makes possible the sce- nario of peace and democracy that we all wish for. We share the idea that the only solution that is valid for eve- ryone is one that is drawn up by everyone and based on dia- logue and agreement. We share the idea that the solution entails recognition of all the individual and collective rights of everyone who lives anywhere in the country, independently of whether they reside under the Spanish or French administrations. We believe that the only valid political solution will be one that develops out of the strengthening of democracy and justice so as to permit recognition of the Basque Country as a political subject and acceptance of the right of all the citi- zens of the Basque Country to decide on their future. We agree that a key to the resolution of the Basque conflict will be a multilateral agreement guaranteeing that all Basque people, anywhere in their country, shall be consul- ted about decisions involving their future in a manner agreed to by their social, political and union representatives. This will come about as the result of a process based on dialogue and negotiation, and in our view it is essential that Founding such a political agreement, arrived at by democratic means, should be endorsed through referendum by the entire MANIFESTO population of the Basque Country. We also believe that this agreement must come about in a peaceful context in which all civil and political rights are of the respected, and should therefore be honoured by the states of the European Union.
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