2 0 0 4 a n n u a l r e p o r t You must be“ the change you wish to see in the world.

” – Gandhi

Be the change. How do you see the world? Our Mission Our New Look exists to alleviate , poverty and oppression by In 2005, Mercy Corps is introducing a new helping people build secure, productive and just communities. How we see the world determines how we shape it. logo to better present our global mission Our Core Values to the world. In 25 years, we have grown  We believe in the intrinsic value and dignity of human life. substantially as an agency. Our work  We are awed by human resilience, and believe in the ability has moved beyond providing relief — n this year’s report, we present the Mercy Corps vision of the of all people to thrive, not just exist. symbolized by the food, shelter and  Our spiritual and humanitarian values compel us to act. world. It is a vision influenced by our 25 years of working with medical care in the original logo designed I by founder Dan O’Neill. Mercy Corps’ Who We Help and Where We Work people and communities in all corners of the globe. All over the world, millions of innocent people are caught up in intoler- broader mission includes not only relief, able situations. But they are not today’s victims; they are tomorrow’s but long-term development, strengthening It is a vision shaped and inspired by people throughout southeast heroes, who have the power to transform their own communities. Mercy Corps works in the world’s most difficult conflicts and disasters to civil society, and inspiring the individual Asia, whose hopes, dreams and accomplishments are helping them unleash the potential of people who can win against impossible odds. courage it takes to overcome poverty, injustice and oppression. triumph over one of the worst disasters in modern history — the Our Theory of Change In 25 years of experience on the ground, Mercy Corps has learned Mercy Corps’ new logo, designed by the that communities recovering from war or social upheaval must be the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. agents of their own transformation for change to endure. It is only when noted firm Chermayeff & Geismar Inc., communities set their own agendas, raise their own resources, and imple- brings this mission to life with bold and It is their courage and passion, their joy and ambition, their ment programs themselves, that their first successes result in the renewed uplifting lines. It is, in short, our look for hope, confidence and skills to continue developing independently. wisdom and their will, that drives our actions and shapes our mission. the next 25 years and beyond. What We Do This is a report about people and communities envisioning a  Emergency Relief  Economic Development better today and working toward a brighter tomorrow. It is a report  Civil Society Initiatives about how Mercy Corps works side by side with individuals to be Our Success Is Not being needed in 10 years. agents of change for better communities and a better world.



Dear Friends, In this report — which marks the 25th anniversary of Mercy Corps’ founding — we celebrate the courage and determination of our partners around the world. Every minute of every day, someone, somewhere is n the briefest of moments and without warning, lives can be forever altered and the world irrevocably fighting for a dream. Clean water, food, and health care for their children. New skills and better jobs. An changed. We were reminded of this fact on December 26, 2004, when a devastating tsunami swept end to conflict and killing. A stronger voice in who governs, and how. Justice for those long oppressed. Ithrough Asia and filled millions of hearts around the world with shock and sorrow. In Banda Aceh, — a city nearly erased from the map — the dream was to re-open schools As the unimaginable unfolded, it was impossible not to be inspired by the televised images of ordinary one month after the tsunami hit. On December 26, with most schools in ruins, this seemed an outlandish people risking their lives — for loved ones, neighbors, friends, and often strangers. goal. But 31 days later, thousands of schoolchildren — some laughing and joyful, some still deep in trauma For every victim, there were dozens of heroes. — filed into makeshift classrooms. School was open. The dream had been forged into life. Equally heartening was the outpouring of support organizations We see such stories again and again all over the world — stories of courageous people overcoming like Mercy Corps received from individual donors, corporations, impossible odds. Mercy Corps exists to unleash that courage. foundations, faith communities, and governments worldwide. In dozens Our report begins with a photo essay by James Nachtwey, the renowned photojournalist, who traveled of languages, a common phrase resounded: “I want to help.” Indeed, to Banda Aceh days after the crisis. But there was more to our year than the tsunami. In Darfur, , individuals from 80 countries contributed to Mercy Corps’ tsunami for example, our work now reaches 50,000 people with health, water, and in a region beset by relief fund, and thousands more contacted us, desperately wanting to violence and suffering. The challenges in Darfur are immense; in the months ahead, it is imperative that volunteer. It was the greatest outpouring of compassion in our history, we find ways to stop the killing and increase assistance to those in need. with $30 million in contributions to date — nearly 10 times the total for As we begin the next 25 years, the world faces dramatically different problems than it did a quarter any previous disaster. century ago. HIV/AIDS. Global terrorism. Persistent poverty. But it’s also important to remember that many of For every survivor, there were thousands who cared. yesterday’s great problems have, against all odds, been solved. The Cold War. Apartheid. Smallpox. Each of This profound generosity enabled Mercy Corps to launch innovative programs that provided shelter, them, consigned to the past — not by accident, but by the concerted effort of many people over many years. water, and vital relief supplies for nearly half a million people. Within days, we transitioned to recovery What will the world be like in 2030? We’re eager to find out. Because after a quarter century, Mercy programs that engaged people in rebuilding their communities. Given the chance to help themselves, the Corps has learned one enduring lesson: for every unsolvable problem, there are millions of dreamers response was overwhelming: tens of thousands in Indonesia, Sri Lanka and dug in and went to work. working, with courage, for a better world. Within a month, dozens of schools had reopened, and hundreds of miles of roads were cleared. We invite you to join us. Life is far from normal — that will take years, not months. But the survivors showed that their determination, like the power of the tsunami itself, was beyond calculation. Daniel W. O‘Neill Nancy Lindborg Neal L. Keny-Guyer Founder President Chief Executive Officer

2 3 tsunami 2004 : james nachtwey


The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami was an event that altered the way we see the world. More than one-quarter of a million people were killed because of this — the largest ever in recorded history — and hundreds of thousands more lost their homes and families.

International photojournalist

James Nachtwey traveled to Indonesia to record the aftermath of the tsunami disaster. We present his images here.

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48 48 victim or hero Inspiration: Everyday Heroes A group of men and women in Banda Aceh perform backbreaking work to rebuild a school for their community’s children. Their world has been swept away, but their courage has not. Their dreams have been deferred, but they have not been erased. They are not victims of a tsunami; they are their community’s hopes and dreams. They are a better future. Within hours of the worst natural disaster in modern times — the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami — Mercy Corps was on the ground in Indonesia, Sri Lanka and India working side by side with survivors to rebuild their lives. Our initial programs concentrated on meeting the health, shelter and food needs of 150,000 displaced individuals — especially children. But we never lost sight of the fact that the right kind of assistance at the right time can unleash the ability of people to overcome unimaginable circumstances. Our emergency > > >


> > > assistance quickly transitioned into programming that put people mid the wreckage of Banda Aceh, Indonesia, Yusri “The people who participated in these groups took the initial (who, like many Indonesians, goes by one name risk of making sample pallets at no wage to get started,” says back to work restoring the shattered economy. only) energetically hammers together a series of Peter Stevenson, a Mercy Corps Program Manager working in boards. One of thousands who lost a home in the Aceh. “And it paid off. These pallet making groups are no longer Our innovative Cash-for-Work program was up and running weeks after Indian Ocean tsunami, Yusri is hard at work. But Mercy Corps Cash-for-Work programs, but viable, independent Ait is not his home he is rebuilding. businesses.” the disaster, mobilizing people and communities to rebuild schools, repair “I am building pallets to sell,” he says. “Many humanitarian For Yusri, this evolution is familiar and appreciated. A organizations in Aceh need these pallets to store food and former farmer, he is used to running his own business and roads and clean water systems, while generating much needed income that other relief items. There is a huge need for them right now.” financial affairs. After the tsunami, Mercy Corps instituted many Cash-for- “This approach gives us the freedom to earn as much as survivors used to support their families and reconstruct their lives. Just as Work opportunities in Aceh, paying local workers wages to clear possible through our own efforts,” he away the ruins left by the tsunami. Yusri welcomed the chance to says. “It is much better than being importantly, our program has given people a vested stake and a deciding participate — but he did not stop there. limited by a set daily wage.” When Mercy Corps expanded one of its Cash-for- And as Yusri’s entrepreneurial voice in the long-term future of their communities, supporting their right Work programs to provide tools and assistance for 200 workers spirit demonstrates, it is also an interested in starting group pallet making businesses, Yusri leaped approach that will prove tremen- to rebuild with dignity and self-purpose. at the chance to join. These entrepreneurs use recycled lumber dously successful in helping rebuild — collected tsunami debris — as raw material. As well as providing Banda Aceh. Mercy Corps’ assistance will be needed for years, not months, in people with livelihoods, every salvaged piece of scrap made into a pallet is one less piece of garbage dumped into a landfill. communities devastated by the tsunami. Mercy Corps believes that by Mercy Corps also initially helped link the nascent business groups with buyers. Now though, investing in the ingenuity and creativity of individuals, our support will the pallets are marketed by group members themselves and sold by the piece at local not only be more effective, but it will have a lasting impact. prices, enabling each business to make a profit and support members’ families and communities. 12 oppressed or courageous Individuals: The Power of People A small, barefoot boy walks 10 miles through the desert heat each day to attend school. His dream is to become a doctor and help the people in his village. A widowed mother works 16 hours a day running a small food shop under the stairwell in front of her home. Her dream is to be able to afford to send her five children to college. A man risks his life each day crossing through a war zone to treat those injured by the conflict at a health clinic. His dream is peace for his people. Unachievable dreams — or amazing acts of human courage? In the communities where Mercy Corps works, the enduring will of the human spirit is alive and at work each day. From the remote villages of Africa to the crowded slums of Central America, we are both awed and inspired by the power of people to triumph over adversity. > > >


> > > Assisting people to overcome daunting obstacles to achieve obody pays attention to the tiny figure wear professional athletic gear for the first time ever. Even hidden in a long black robe who quietly her father, a former pro athlete and 1971 Iraqi National their potential lies at the heart of all that we do. Our programs seek opens her door every night. A tall man Gymnastic Championship medal winner, benefited — the first follows, dragging a bicycle behind him. As uniform that Balkees received was far too large, so she gave it out people who otherwise might be forgotten and support them in night descends over the southern Iraq city of to her father as a gift. NAl Kut, the girl climbs onto the bicycle. She makes no sound as “We’re extremely happy that Mercy Corps will rehabilitate achieving ownership over their future. We work with families hungry she races through the city. the local women’s sports club,” says her father. “Balkees needs Sports are extremely important in Iraqi culture. Fourteen such a club if she is to one day become a professional athlete for hope, longing to use their creative talents to improve lives in year old Balkees and her father work endlessly on those nights. — or whatever she dreams of becoming.” “I can’t practice during the day,” Balkees explains. “It is not And then, Balkees and their communities. considered proper for young women, and it would ruin my father, both in brand reputation if I’m seen.” new Nike athletic For 25 years we have seen that the people we serve are the true So Balkees and her father work where and when they can. clothes, once again Balkees exercises every morning on the rooftop of their house prepare to climb to agents of change. We believe that if Mercy Corps can provide a little and rides her bicycle and runs in the street after dark. the roof and train. Balkees dreams of becoming a professional athlete. Last hope and a little opportunity for many, dreams can become reality and year, when Mercy Corps announced a city wide sports tourna- ment for youth in Al Kut, Balkees was determined to compete. every child can go to college, succeed, and peace can prevail in even She told all her girlfriends who, like Balkees, love sports but don’t have any place to practice. the most previously conflicted communities. Mercy Corps’ programs in Iraq help communities meet immediate needs, while providing a for the development of an open and democratic society. We support theatres, libraries, educational institutions, youth activities, and sporting facilities — the kind that girls like Balkees could so enormously benefit from. With a of Nike sporting gear and 18 support from Mercy Corps, Balkees was able to disadvantaged child or future leader Impact: Helping People Thrive A woman arrives at a camp hungry, tired and scared. What she needs is food, medicine, support. But will her needs be the same a year from now? Mercy Corps works to meet the immediate needs of millions emerging from conflict, disasters and turmoil. But we know that it is not enough to just help people survive. We want them to thrive. We believe that with the right kinds of assistance we can help people transform their societies. We know that by being agile and flexible in our response, we can increase our impact as community needs change. In Darfur, Sudan, Mercy Corps is providing lifesaving water and sanitation assistance for tens of thousands of families displaced by violence. In addition to building hundreds of latrines in refugee camps, we instituted a hygiene education campaign that trains residents about proper waste disposal. > > >


hree year old Peter Paye only knows one life — his was paralyzed during the war, and is now reliant on family for > > > These individuals in turn will work with other communities in the life in the Kingsville Orphanage near Kakata, support. Her children, she says, are all dead. camp to train additional residents, improving immediate health conditions , cared for by his “Auntie” Korto and fussed Korto’s purpose in life now is to nurture and protect Peter and over by 46 big brothers and sisters. the other children at Kingsville. She comes alive when she talks and leaving a lasting impact on participants for years to come. But two years ago Peter had a very different life. about Peter. He loves football and always tries to join in with THis mother was killed during local fighting. His grandmother — the bigger boys when they play. He also enjoys school, where his In Liberia, Mercy Corps assists people struggling to recover Peter’s only living relative — took care of him as best she could, teacher says he is lively and playful. but was homeless herself. Korto wants Peter to have an education so his life can be So grandmother and grandson, along with a stream of oth- different once he is grown. For now, the challenge is to ensure from decades of conflict. Working side by side with Liberian partner ers displaced by the war, eventually made their way to Kingsville. that all the children get enough food and are raised in a Peter’s grandmother died soon after arriving, leaving little Peter loving and stimulating environment. organizations, we are helping communities find their collective voices and alone in the world. Fortunately, the kind women of Kingsville Orphanage took mobilize to rebuild. At the same time, we are working to ease lingering Peter in. The place feels full of love, albeit little else. A single building rises out of the mud and contains only a few mat- tensions and to strengthen community groups so that in the future people tresses. The children wear ragged clothes and have dry skin from the lack of oil in their diet. But they are lively, curious, will be able to meet their own needs. happy, and charming. With local partner organization AGRHA, Mercy Corps At Mercy Corps, we believe that the measure of our success is not provides seeds and tools for the vegetable garden at the orphanage, which the older children keep up themselves. the number of years we work in a community, but rather how quickly we Growing their own food ensures that the children get a good meal every day — sometimes their only meal. can help that community strengthen its own civic skills so that we are no Peter is one of the youngest children at Kingsville. He has formed a special bond with Korto Thomas, one of longer needed. the orphanage’s unpaid caregivers. Korto herself is another of Liberia’s many displaced. Her husband 24 dependent or capable Innovation: New Approaches, Lasting Solutions Poverty. Conflict. . AIDS. Insecurity. These are great challenges that face our world today. But they are hardly new ones. Mercy Corps believes that if we are going to overcome persistent challenges, we must be idealistic and creative. We must meet immediate needs and anticipate the unexpected. It is our core belief that innovation and contextual approaches are key to bringing about lasting change. With these commitments in mind, we created Ariana Financial Services Group in , . In a country plagued by two decades of conflict with a population among the poorest in the world — and with virtually no banking system — the notion of starting a microcredit institution that provides small loans to women and men might seem an impossible challenge. But it’s working. Using these loans — from $50 to $500 — Afghans are opening clothing

stores, expanding flower shops and starting businesses. Small business owners > > > 29


> > > are providing much needed services and jobs to their communities, while nes Guerrero knows all too well the challenges that face again. To repay the loan, she rented out an extra room in small business owners in the Flor Del Campo slums of her apartment. generating personal income that can be spent on essential items such as food, , , where poverty and violence are With a lot of hard work and determination, Ines is once an everyday reality. again selling her goods and her business is thriving. She has education and shelter. Ines used to own a small handicrafts shop in the even started receiving orders from a company in Toronto, Iheart of the city, selling woven goods like clothes, quilts, blan- Canada — it sends her the materials and she sends them By anticipating challenges, we can prevent problems. In Iran, Mercy kets, pillowcases, and purses to supplement her income as an finished products for sale. Corps is working with Afghan — many of whom have been elementary school arts teacher. On two different occasions, Ines is now sharing her business knowledge with others. She robbers entered the shop, forcing her to flee out the back door teaches young women how to make handicrafts and helps them displaced for years — to enhance their skills so they can provide for their for her life. They stole her money and her goods. market their wares so that they too can start their own businesses What they didn’t take was her determination to own a one day — and live lives of independence, free from poverty. families when they return to Afghanistan. Men and women learn technical business and her passion for producing high quality products. She knew that if she could just get a little assistance she could skills in areas such as carpentry, masonry and tailoring. The training will open a new shop and continue to share her love of handi- crafts with her students and customers. make the refugees less dependent on their neighbors when they return Like most people in the slums, Ines was afraid to apply for a high interest loan from a local bank. home, and diminish community tensions that might otherwise arise. Her fortunes changed when a friend told her about a small loan program run by Proyecto Aldea Challenges for the ages require creative solutions. At Mercy Corps, we Global, Mercy Corps’ local partner in Honduras. The program assists small business owners and are constantly striving to find new avenues to solve ongoing problems. entrepreneurs in Flor Del Campo. Ines met with one of our field workers and developed a business plan. She received a loan of $500 to purchase materials and

30 to get her small business up and running

48 48 downtrodden48 or determined48 Involvement: Transformation from Within Mercy Corps works in some of the most difficult and complex areas in the world. In countries devastated by years of conflict, communities reeling from natural disasters, and regions facing social upheaval, we see opportunity instead of despair. Our faith lies in the ability of communities to transform from within to forge a better tomorrow. Our experience has shown that it is only when communities set their own agendas and plans, raise their own resources and execute programs themselves, that their success will result in the renewed confidence and skills necessary to create their own lasting change. Mercy Corps is seeing renewed hope today in hundreds of communities throughout . Regional conflicts and economic collapse have taken their toll on Serbian towns, especially in the southern part of the country. Mercy

Corps is bringing these communities together to address their > > >


48 48


> > > most pressing challenges. We serve as a facilitator and partner, hen I was a child my father brought One of those services was artificial insemination for cattle. pedigree cattle from Latvia, so I know Artificial insemination gives farmers access to the best possible helping communities prioritize their needs and assisting them in the value of a real breed.” genetic pool, increasing the health and well-being of their herds. Thus speaks Askar Aliyev, of The procedure was always very expensive and difficult for the implementing their plans from start to finish. “ Chakhirli village, Azerbaijan. Growing villagers of Chakhirli to access, since the only service providers Wup, Askar wanted to be an economist. But he feared he would were 250 kilometers away from the village. Members of the communities do the bulk of the work and have not be able to support his family amid the harsh conditions of Thanks to Mercy Corps’ program, the technology is now ownership over projects. As a result, schools are being rebuilt, businesses village life. So he went to work at Chemical Equipment Repair available locally — and is affordable for farmers like Askar. Enterprise in Baku, the Azeri capital, instead. And his farm? It is as prosperous are hiring new workers, and towns that have never had clean water now However, the devastating collapse of the Soviet system had so as he could wish for. The first weakened the Azeri economy that not only did Askar’s job disap- artificially inseminated calf do. Equally important, communities have gained the belief that they have pear, but the small furniture business he began once he returned was born recently. to Chakhirli failed as well. Askar realized that, like his father, he “I am sure that the control over their own lives, and that they can change their environments. would now need to rely on the cows in his stable. other new pedigree calves Mercy Corps came to Chakhirli and listened to what the waiting to be born will The transformation of communities is not unique to Serbia. From villagers had to say about what could help make their farms and make an enormous herds thrive. The villagers themselves then attended educational contribution to my to , from Lebanon to Liberia, and in seemingly impossible meetings to learn about the symptoms of animal diseases — and family’s well-being,” how to help prevent them. says Askar Aliyev, environments such as Iraq and Afghanistan, Mercy Corps supports commun– Askar became an active participant at these community confident now in meetings. He became an educator himself, sharing the information his hopes for a ities in achieving their highest potential. We believe that as each community he received, and encouraging other villagers to use now available prosperous future. local veterinary services for preventive practices. His farm has is transformed and improved, the world is also transformed and improved. benefited from the vaccinations and essential medicines from the veterinary service providers. Meanwhile, in nearby Lenkaran, Mercy Corps was helping a 36 local private veterinarian provide new services for rural clients. 48 48 The World of Mercy Corps In 2004, the global resources of Mercy Corps and its partners totaled nearly $154.3 million — a record.

We managed 41 ongoing worldwide B programs, assisting nearly seven Mercy Corps provided material aid to the million people in need. D 22 15 36 35 31 following 11 countries, A 16 17 19 34 This map highlights where we 28 where at present, we have F 33 23 13 32 currently work (shown in color), C 27 no ongoing development 18 26 40 29 programs. Material aid where we have operated in the past 20 41 37 shipments — food, (shown in beige), and the location 24 39 38 construction supplies, of the partners that form the Mercy emergency relief — totaled 21 E more than $33.5 million in Corps family. 11 G 1 fiscal year 2004. 9 5 7 10 12 3 25  14 2 Worldwide Programs  Cambodia 8 4 Africa Balkans East Asia  Cuba  Ecuador 1. Eritrea 15. Bosnia-Herzegovina 29. 30 2. 16. Croatia 30. Indonesia  3. Liberia 17. (Serbia and 31.  Ivory Coast 4. Montenegro) 32.  Latvia Macedonia 5. Sudan 18.  19. Serbia and Montenegro 6. Zimbabwe Middle East/Caucasus 6  Sierra Leone 33. Azerbaijan  Thailand Central and South Asia Americas 34. Chechnya  7. El Salvador 20. Afghanistan (Russian Federation) 8. Colombia 21. India 35. Georgia 9. 22. 36. Ingushetia (Russian Federation) 10. Guyana 23. 37. Iran 11. Honduras 24. Pakistan 38. Iraq 12. 25. Sri Lanka The Mercy Corps Family 39. Jordan 13. 26. 40. Lebanon A. Mercy Corps (Portland, OR, USA) E. Mercy Corps Hong Kong (Hong Kong, China) 14. 27. Turkmenistan 28. Uzbekistan 41. B. Mercy Corps Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland, UK) F. Mercy Corps Conflict Management Group (Cambridge, MA, USA) C. Mercy Corps DC and Pax World Service (, DC, USA) G. Proyecto Aldea Global (Tegucigalpa, Honduras) D. Mercy Corps Seattle (Seattle, WA, USA) 38 39 Mercy Corps Programs Around the World In 2004, Mercy Corps touched the lives of nearly 7 million people in 41 countries around the world. Our emergency response programs sustained people living under unimaginably difficult conditions in areas devastated by conflict and natural disasters. We worked with individuals, communities, HOPE & OPPORTUNITY governments, and businesses to create jobs, generate incomes and improve living conditions through our development programs. In both small villages and large cities we partnered with local organizations to address pressing needs and to lay the foundation for lasting peace. From Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, we inspired hope and created opportunity. A closer look at our programs around the world follows.

4127 Mercy Corps Programs Around the World Mercy Corps Programs Around the World

Supporting Peaceful Community Change In drought stricken Ethiopia, Mercy Corps works government health agency — are improving the lives In Kosovo, with funding from USAID, Mercy ercy Corps works to strengthen individuals, to meet the needs of rural families. With of 30,000 indigenous Q’eqchi and Poq’omchi people. Corps helps bring together ethnic Albanians and M organizations, businesses and governments so funding from USAID, we implement programs that With funding from the Eiting Foundation, communities Serbs through infrastructure rebuilding programs that they can bring about peaceful change. We engage address immediate and long-term livestock health issues are empowered to take action to monitor and improve and economic development. We also work to develop citizens making decisions critical to their lives, help to help improve the livelihoods of nearly 34,000 people their health status, and it has paid off — in just one cooperation between multi-ethnic communities and strengthen local organizations in participating communities. year, child mortality in the local governments. Through to address community needs, Mercy Corps is also planning area where we work dropped our agricultural assistance and find areas of common long-term community skill by 33 percent, and maternal program, we also help interest among political and building to address the mortality was reduced by 50 families meet their livelihood economic actors to help miti- complex development needs percent. We also work with needs, and support their rein- gate the potential for conflict. of Ethiopia. communities to help find tegration into Kosovo society. With funding from the In conflict ridden Liberia, peaceful solutions to land With funding from USAID, United States Department Mercy Corps works with conflicts, increase economic Mercy Corps operates of Agriculture (USDA), and communities to promote opportunities, and improve the programs in southern the United States Agency for peace and reconciliation. In standard of living for families. Serbia that reach more International Development 2004, with funding from In Bosnia-Herzegovina, than 759,000 people. We (USAID), Mercy Corps USAID, we trained groups in Mercy Corps assisted 3,500 work with hundreds of works in Eritrea in partner- 97 communities to participate people in 2004 to return to communities to prioritize ship with communities and in the rebuilding of their their pre-war homes and development issues in ways local governments. We provide veterinary services, country, with plans to reach many more. Mercy communities, facilitated job creation and economic that encourage cooperation and a sense of ownership. improve the quality and quantity of drinking water, Corps has also helped set up community based radio activity, and promoted a vibrant civil society. All Mercy Corps also supports the regeneration of economic and generate opportunities for income through programs, reaching people with news, economic and our work is done in close collaboration with local livelihoods, and we enable communities to build and agriculture and fishing. With funding from the agricultural information, and important messages governments, strengthening and encouraging local repair roads, expand access to water and electrical Community Fund, we also work about health and other community issues. Our radio leadership. In addition, we assist vulnerable families services, and improve schools and health facilities. with parent-teacher associations and village health coverage is now poised to reach the majority of Liberian though grants, job creation programs, and small In India, the partnership between Mercy Corps and committees to increase children’s school attendance, citizens in all major population centers. business assistance, and encourage citizen participa- Tazo Tea Company continues to bring new opportunities promote parental involvement in education, and In Guatemala, health programs run by Mercy Corps tion in peacebuilding programs designed by local for 8,000 people in the rural tea growing areas of improve children’s health. — in collaboration with local organizations and the non-governmental organizations. Darjeeling. Now in its third year, the Collaboration for

42 43 Mercy Corps Programs Around the World Mercy Corps Programs Around the World

Hope and Advancement in India (CHAI) has reduced program benefits 10,000 additional people in other parts positive health and sanitation activities aimed at Expanding Economic Opportunities waterborne diseases by 10 percent — enabling commu- of the country by supporting agribusiness, health services reducing malnutrition in young children. In Maluku Mercy Corps’ economic development programs give nity groups to focus on addressing social and economic and nutritional education. Mercy Corps also partners with and Central Sulawesi — areas recovering from individuals, businesses and communities the knowledge issues and enhancing young people’s life skills. CHAI the Tajikstan Ministry of Health to improve the quality of conflict — Mercy Corps has made more than 500 and tools to achieve their dreams. Through small involves a coalition of growers, traders and brokers health services and the health and nutrition of mothers grants to local organizations loans and grants, technical — everyone who has a stake and children. to improve livelihood oppor- assistance and community in the production and selling In Central Asia’s Ferghana tunities, repair infrastructure, development projects, we of tea. Tazo, based in Portland, Valley, where Uzbekistan, and build peaceful bridges foster entrepreneurial activity , is owned by Starbucks, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan across divided communities. that leads to new jobs and which has also been a gener- intersect, Mercy Corps, with In eastern Georgia, Mercy increased economic opportu- ous supporter of the initiative. funding from USAID, helps Corps assists communities to nities for all. With funding from USDA, train Community Action collectively identify and address In Honduras, Mercy Mercy Corps has improved Groups in good governance common development issues Corps works with long time child nutrition and early and the value of participatory, through programs funded by the partner Proyecto Aldea education by distributing food public meetings. Hundreds of Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan/Southern Global to address a wide to more than 100,000 children projects involving cross-border Caucasus Pipeline Companies, range of critical needs such in 600 kindergartens, boarding social activities and infra- Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau, as health, agriculture, envi- schools, and orphanages in structure rebuilding — such as GOPA Worldwide Consultants, ronmental protection, and Kyrgyzstan. In addition to natural gas, water, sports, and and USAID. Through community microenterprise development. improving access to education school projects — have actively wide planning meetings and Our innovative agro-ecology for children in rural areas, our programs enable parents engaged nearly 640,000 citizens in cooperative and peace- the formation of Community program helps increase food and communities to be involved in their children’s ful change, and helped reduce the potential for conflict. Initiative Groups, we help empower individuals and production for small farmers, while additional programs education from the earliest years on. With funding from USAID, Mercy Corps helps organizations to rehabilitate schools, repair roads, build work to reduce cases for more than Serving more than 10,000 people in Tajikistan’s strengthen local community organizations in Indonesia. irrigation and water pipelines, and secure access to 44,000 people in four Honduran municipalities. remote Rasht Valley, Mercy Corps, with funding from the As well as currently assisting tsunami affected Indonesian electricity and natural gas. Working together with partner In partnership with local partner Aldea Global and European Commission, assists residents in developing and communities, we also fund more than 350 grants organizations Elkana, Constanta, Curatio, and Technical US based Coffee Bean International (CBI), Mercy Corps maintaining water and sanitation systems for schools and through local organizations, which provide emergency Assistance Georgia, we provide farmers and small assists coffee farmers to produce coffee beans for export communities. Our USDA funded Food for Progress relief, improve economic opportunities, and support businesses with microcredit and agricultural support. in Nicaragua. Mercy Corps’ Café Aldea™ — the new

44 45 Mercy Corps Programs Around the World Mercy Corps Programs Around the World

Panache® Collaborative Coffee™ — is the result of this opportunities. We offer livelihood training to help people and vocational training for farmers and fisherman, and facilities for more than 2,000 young mothers and their creative partnership. CBI donates $2 from the sale of every make a living, provide microcredit loans, and work with our loans will eventually reach 56,000 clients in seven children, trained government health workers, helped pound of Café Aldea™ to community improvements in youth to encourage a vibrant educational environment. of China’s poorest counties. communities plan and build infrastructure projects, and the villages where the coffee is grown. To date, the money Through Winrock International’s Farmer-to-Farmer With local partner PACT, Mercy Corps’ work in offered microcredit and business development services. has helped improve water, health, and sanitation for more program, Mercy Corps enables US farming specialists Mongolia reaches more than 270,000 people in 11 prov- Mercy Corps also helped improve agricultural production than 300 people. to share their skills with inces. Our agribusiness programs, funded by USAID for more than 4,400 livestock and poultry farmers in the In the United States, farmers in Uzbekistan. Mercy and USDA, assist rural residents Nasally and Ankara regions. Mercy Corps helps individuals Corps’ Peaceful Communities to diversify and expand exist- In partnership with the become financially self Initiative project has also ing businesses. Through train- Jordan River Foundation, sufficient through self reached more than 36,000 ing and technical assistance, Mercy Corps works with nine employment. Our economic people in Uzbekistan border increased access to financial community clusters in Jordan. development programs assist communities, increasing resources, improved livestock By helping these communities the working poor, refugees, tolerance and encouraging health monitoring, and direct share resources and address immigrants, the disabled, the local solutions to shared support to veterinarians, we common problems, we help previously incarcerated and problems. With funding help increase income and strengthen entire regions of other minority groups in the from the United Kingdom improve the quality of life for the country. With funding Pacific Northwest to gain long- Department for International Mongolian families. Through from the Government term income and assets. We Development, Mercy Corps Mercy Corps’ investment in of Jordan’s Ministry of offer business development also helps educate Uzbekistan microfinance organization Planning, our programs also services to aspiring entrepre- women in marketing tech- XacBank, we also help tens help improve agricultural neurs and provide training, matched savings accounts, niques and HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention, and assists of thousands of Mongolian techniques and animal loans, and marketing services. women to take the lead in water resource management. citizens access community banking services. husbandry, maximize water supplies, and develop In Afghanistan, Mercy Corps is assisting families Despite exceptional economic growth in China, not With funding from USAID, Mercy Corps manages income generating ecotourism activities. and communities struggling to overcome decades all areas of the country have benefited. In partnership programs in Azerbaijan that help improve economic Since 1995, Mercy Corps has worked in Lebanon of conflict and uncertainty. Our programs focus on with the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation, opportunities for vulnerable communities. In 2004, assisting communities to improve their economic agricultural and economic development to empower Mercy Corps and Nike initiated a microenterprise in partnership with international nongovernmental conditions and to recover from years of conflict. citizens, and initiatives that provide nearly 600,000 program that is improving life for thousands of poor organizations, we oversaw the formation of 355 new With funding from USDA, we oversee an $18 million Afghans with access to services and employment families in rural China. The program provides credit community groups that helped provide better healthcare community grants program that helps revitalize

4846 4847 Mercy Corps Programs Around the World Mercy Corps Programs Around the World

Lebanon’s rural agricultural economy, and also provides their hopes for a better future. With funding from USAID, Mercy Corps’ Community In Pakistan, Mercy Corps aids Afghan refugees scholarships to students in American universities in Lebanon. In 2004, with support from private donors in the Action Program helps rehabilitate conflict affected and local Pakistani communities through programs In southern Lebanon, we established productive tourism and US and the UK, Mercy Corps provided lifesaving shelter, communities in Iraq. Our water supply projects — which that improve health, water access, and livelihoods. We an agribusiness based economy benefiting more than 3,000 water, and sanitation services to nearly 90,000 people include both rebuilding and new construction — have work in both Quetta’s slums and remote rural areas people, and constructed wastewater treatment plants. displaced by fighting in the Darfur region of Sudan. improved water quality for nearly 1.5 million people through- to meet critical health care needs and provide voca- In 2004, Mercy Corps We continue to work with out the country. Additional Mercy tional training. In response to created immediate job oppor- these displaced families so Corps projects have returned Pakistan’s sixth highest rate tunities for more than 100 that they will be able to children to school, delivered critical of tuberculosis in the world, families in the West Bank. return home once conditions medical supplies to hospitals, Mercy Corps has expanded With funding from USAID, we permit. In southern Sudan distributed health programming through- are rebuilding nine schools — where ongoing peace to displaced families, provided out Baluchistan and Sindh that will ultimately benefit talks are signaling the end assistance to local social service Provinces, as well as assisted more than 70,000 children, of more than 20 years of war agencies, and expanded economic the Pakistani Provincial Health and constructing community — Mercy Corps is working opportunities. Department to implement a centers used by local Parent with local communities In Iran, Mercy Corps assisted tuberculosis control program Teacher Associations. Our to assimilate the return of families left homeless and jobless in 14 other districts. construction projects provide the world’s largest inter- from the devastating earthquake In North Korea, short- an invaluable source of nally displaced population, in Bam in December 2003. With ages of essential medicines income and economic activity providing assistance for more generous support from individual have left health care facilities for people living in communities that have been devastated than 20,000 farmers to increase food production and donors, foundations, and the without the ability to treat by years of conflict and instability. reinvigorate the war devastated rural economy. Iranian-American community, our programs helped more life threatening diseases. The lack of proper treatment In Zimbabwe, where food shortages persist, Mercy than 13,000 people resume their livelihoods, provided and medicine takes the highest toll on children, caus- Responding to Emergencies Corps’ supplemental feeding programs are reaching clean water and sanitation for families living in tempo- ing malnutrition and death. In 2004, Mercy Corps Natural disasters and conflict situations take huge tolls vulnerable children suffering from hunger and rary shelters, and assisted communities to rebuild critical sent 10 shipments of medicine and medical supplies on communities and can often derail dreams of peace malnutrition. We also work with communities to improve infrastructure. With funding from the US Department of to hospitals critically in need of assistance. To address and prosperity. Mercy Corps works in extreme environ- their long-term food security by establishing vegetable State Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, we long-term food security issues, we also provided ments around the world to help families meet their gardens that provide food for more than 1,200 families, also operate programs along the Afghanistan border that 100,000 apple tree rootstocks as part of our ongoing basic needs and regain the tools they need to achieve while also serving as a valuable source of income. help prepare Afghan refugees to return home. agricultural development program.



ith headquarters in the US and Scotland, and vital partnerships around the globe, Mercy Corps’ compassion knows Wglobal resources totaled nearly $154.3 million — a record — in 2004, enabling us to reach nearly 7 million people in need. Both our Portland, Oregon, and Edinburgh headquarters — along no borders. From the with the other partners that make up the Mercy Corps family — give us the ability to secure resourc- Middle East to the es, recruit staff and advocate policies on a global scale. Balkans, Central Asia Mercy Corps Conflict Proyecto Aldea Global Pax World Service Management Group Mercy Corps/Proyecto Aldea Pax World Service formally to Central America, In 2004, Mercy Corps merged Global has been working in affiliated with Mercy Corps with Cambridge, , Honduras since 1982. We are in January 1998, creating your generosity was based Conflict Management recognized there for our high a partnership that couples Group, significantly enhancing impact programs in underserved Mercy Corps’ emphasis on civil overwhelming in both organizations’ abilities communities, particularly in the society initiatives with Pax’s to make a positive difference areas of health care and civil interest in peace and recon- 2004. Without each in the world through peace society initiatives. Mercy Corps/ ciliation. The Mercy Corps/Pax building efforts and crises PAG’s programs currently serve merger also augments a unique one of you, our diffusion. The academically more than 200 villages in 17 relationship with the Pax based talents of the CMG team, municipalities. We are one of the World Fund, the first socially work would simply integrated with Mercy Corps’ few non-governmental organiza- responsible mutual fund. Pax civil society approach, enables tions working in rural north and World Fund shareholders are not be possible. new approaches to humanitar- central Honduras. able to designate a portion of ian work, as we address the root their investments to Pax World causes of conflict in the world. Service, helping to increase Mercy Corps/Pax’s support for those most in need worldwide. Thank you.

48 51 PARTNERSHIPS FOR A BETTER WORLD The ONE Campaign calls for an and friends to experience our work additional one percent of the US up close. Mercy Corps’ FirstHand ercy Corps’ message of hope inspired thousands of supporters around the world in 2004, resulting in record con- budget to be allocated toward foreign Expeditions, launched with a Mtributions from individuals, corporations, foundations, religious groups, and organizations. In all, private contri- assistance for health, education, visit to our Mongolia program, butions totaled nearly $11.5 million in cash and more than $22 million in commodities and services — significant clean water and food. Working inspires people to global service increases from 2003. In addition, more than 144 volunteers donated nearly 6,500 hours of work. together, we can transform the through personal experience. futures of an entire generation in FirstHand Expeditions allows our Every Click Counts Mongolia and the West Bank for PlayOn for International Sports the world’s poorest countries. For supporters to come face to face Nancy E. Lindborg — In 2004, support microenterprise loans that enhance Thanks to a generous dona- more information, see with the community members we Mercy Corps’ New President from The Hunger the livelihoods of local participants. tion from Nike, Mercy Corps is serve. Each FirstHand Expedition Nancy E. Lindborg, Mercy Corps’ Site helped thou- To find out more, contact Maria distributing new sports shoes and The Landrum Bolling Fellowship includes briefings with country former Executive Vice President, sands of families live healthier lives. Finch, Major Gifts Officer, at 206- apparel throughout Europe, the in International Service experts about economic and devel- was named President of Mercy Corps The Hunger Site, a Mercy Corps 914-3988, or at mfinch@mercycorps Middle East, and Africa. From a For 50 years, Mercy Corps’ Director- opment issues. There are also visits in November of 2004. Lindborg, partner since 2001, generates vital warehouse in Belgium, the PlayOn at-Large, Dr. to unique cultural sites and out- who joined Mercy Corps in 1996, support for programs that help program helps support Nike’s Landrum A Wave of Help for Tsunami Relief door adventures. For information, is based in Washington, DC. As communities affected by hunger youth and zero waste goals, and Bolling, has The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami contact Maria Finch, Major Gifts President, she leads the agency’s and poverty. The Hunger Site enables Mercy Corps to maximize helped bridge was the worst natural disaster in Officer, at 206-914-3988, or efforts in global strategic planning, donates enough money to help programming creativity. PlayOn gaps across recent history, and Mercy Corps [email protected]. program development, emergency feed a hungry person every time helps create jobs for community religions, responded within 24 hours. Landrum Bolling with Estefania response, and public policy. you visit. To find out more, go to residents by working with local Samper Carrasco cultures and Envision a World without Poverty Individuals, businesses, schools, Belgian community development ethnicities. In 2004, Mercy Corps In 2004, Mercy Corps’ Lindborg served from 2000-2003 faith communities, and groups partner IOK. continues to honor this legacy by web initiative, Global as chair of the Sphere Management from around the world responded Phoenix Fund — Social awarding the second Landrum Envision, continued to examine Committee, an international Entrepreneurship on the Rise with overwhelming generosity. In ONE: The Campaign to Bolling Fellowship in International how creating responsible market initiative to improve the The Phoenix Fund is a social ven- all, Mercy Corps raised nearly $30 Make Poverty History Service, in partnership with Earlham opportunities worldwide can offer effectiveness and accountability of ture fund that enables Mercy Corps million in private for In 2004, Mercy Corps College. The Fellowship enables new solutions to global poverty. non-governmental organizations. to test innovative, high-risk, high- tsunami relief and recovery — by and 10 colleague outstanding students from Earlham Through Global Envision, we share Lindborg also served as co-chair of reward projects that can serve as far the largest outpouring of support agencies founded The to work with Mercy Corps for one the stories and challenges of improv- the InterAction models for future activities around in our 25-year history (because the ONE Campaign, a national effort to year, gaining hands on experience in ing the lives of the poor. The more Committee from 1998-2002, and the globe. The fund is supported by crisis hit after the end of our fiscal raise awareness about steps people international development. Our 2004 we know, the better our chances she currently serves on the CSIS- US businesses and entrepreneurs, year, the results are not reflected in can take to fight global poverty. Bolling Fellow is Estefania Samper that the global economy will create AUSA Blue Ribbon Commission and offers these supporters an the audited financial statements in The ONE Campaign joins with oth- Carrasco, from Bogota, Colombia. prosperity for all. To find out more on Post-Conflict Reconstruction opportunity to provide advice and this annual report.) On behalf of our ers worldwide in the Global Call or contribute your opinion, visit and on the board of the US Global skills as well as financial capital. To staff and volunteers worldwide, we to Action against Poverty to focus FirstHand Expeditions Leadership Campaign. date, the Phoenix Fund has made offer our thanks to all the supporters attention on reaching the UN’s In 2002, Mercy Corps responded grants to Mercy Corps programs in who responded so generously. Millennium Development Goals. to a frequent request from donors

52 53 FOUNDERS CIRCLE Dusty and Lailah Kidd Mary A. Mathie Debra Perry and Jeff Doug and Mary Schwartz Phillip A. Townsend Thomas M. Kilroy Laura Matson Baldwin Candis Scott Suzanne and David June and Elwyn Kinney Win Mc Cormack William and Nancy Robert and Sandra Tufenkian There are 450 Founders Circle members, 118 of whom are anonymous, who give $2,500 or more annually. The L.O. and Irene Kittelson Paul and Terri McAllister Peterson Seidensticker Atahan Tuzel Founders Circle Honorary Chair is Pat Boone — a humanitarian and philanthropist whose fulfilling career and Tom Knutsen and Jessica McClinton Dominik Petri Vipul Shah Robert and Donna Van personal life demonstrate an authentic, living faith. Kathryn Hall Alan and Ruth McCollom Gina Piccoli Jeffrey and Jacqueline Norden Arthur Kobacker George and Karen McCown Kamran Pishevar Sheehan Martin Vanden Broek Founders Circle Teresa Bledsoe Andrea Connolly Laurie Fan Krista and Brad Harris Timothy Kolar Anthony J. McEwan Jim Platner Eric Siegal Brian and Julie Vath Daniel N. Adams Jason Bonanca and Brian Cristman Kim and Robert Farias Paul Dudley Hart and Gerald and Margery Koll Gerald and Tona McGuire Martin and Mary Pointon David M. Sill Mary Anne and Paul Victor Sara Ahluwalia Kathryn Chen Dr. Robert Crooks and Ms. E. Shepard Farrar Jane Alford Hart Phillip and Mary Krueger Adam McKay and Shira David and Shirley Pollock Robert Simpson Henry P. Vigil Judy Alberti Cheryl Bond Sami Tucker Eric Feldman Mark Hartman Quercus and Carolyn Kulog Piven Andrew Pozsgay Gubir Singh James Walker Thomas Allen Tim and Mary Boyle Roderick Cruickshank William Fisher Kitty and Kevin Harvill Johan Laban Mary Jo McLeod John and Lisa Pritzker Paul Singh David and Sondra Wallace Ms. Sheryl Altman James Brady Daniel Crump Dave Fleck Sylvia and David Hathaway Ronni and Bernard Gagik Megerdichian William and Jeanette Anne W. Smith Kevin Waltz Stan Amy Mary Brady Harriet Culver Fr. Richard Luke Flom Julian Head Lacroute Leslie Melzer Puckett Cheryl and Todd Smith Mike and Diane Weber Robin Appleford Mary Ellen Braly Dr. Thomas and and Diane Flom Linda Heaney Judy Lai-Yates Robert Mesher Anna Quillen Ted and Pat Sohn Wiley Wenger, Jr. and De Herbert Aston Cheryl Breck Lani Curran M.E. Fowler-Taggart Elizabeth Hebert and Marcus Lampros Maurice Meslans and Richard E. Rainwater and Mark and Ele Spada Vera Wenger Stephen Bachelder Bmaric Britten Carrie and Tom Cusack Raymond Frantz Donald Guthrie Kenneth C. Lang Margaret Holyfield Darla D. Moore Greg Spears Mr. Robert Wessel and Kathryn Tucker- Kathie Brobeck The D’Addario Family Steven Fury and George and Gladys Heusser Jacob and April Lawrentz Charles Michaelis Mark Raney and Dixie Judith Stampler Edward Wheeler Bachelder Mr. and Mrs. William Robert Dalla Riva Nancy Lawton Wesley and Diane Hickey Theodore Le Guin Catherine and John Milos Wyckoff-Raney Brian and Amy Stanhope John Whitaker Ms. Janet Baldwin Brunnett Evelyn and John Daly Paul Gamble and Dr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Hill David Ledgerwood Robert Montalbine Sally and Robert Stacy Stanley Scott White Phyllis Bannister Margaret S. Bryant Phillippe Daniel Jeri Van Dyk Mr. Jim W. Hitzman Vince and Paula Leong Martin S. Morehart Rasmussen Margaret Stavropoulos Peter Willing Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Steven and Joy Bunson Leanne Darling Gordon Gefroh Robert and Terri Hopkins Tim Lindlan Alethia Morgan Michael and Terry Reasoner Elsa and Anna Steele Lucy Winton Barfield, Jr. Dave and Barbara Burns Diane Davisson Robert Gelbard James Houston Cynthia Albert Link and K. Murthy Elizabeth Ridgley and Lee Stewart and Marcy S. Wolpe Christopher Bargmann Kathryn and Dee Calverley Margo Day Mary Jane Gerlinger Joseph and Mary Hovel Lawrence Link Steve Muth Ben Dyson Christopher Sherry Jeff Yarnell Joe and Sharon Barthmaier Toni Carmichael Thomas and Gun Denhart Charles and Mary Gibbs Greg Hughes Brodie Lockard M. Myers Kenneth Robbins Rodney Strickland David Yazbek Edward and Carol Maria Carter-Gargani Phyllis and Frank Dobyns Leon and Erika Giles Deirdre E. Hunter David Love Alexi Nazem Mr. Charles W. Roberts Mark Sullivan Herbert and Nancy Zachow Bartholomew Mary Warren Case and David and Julie Doka Miss Colleen H. Gizinski Harry Hutson Samuelina Luebbert-Tahija Raymond C. Nelson Kern and Elizabeth Roberts Wesley Sundeleaf Steven J. Zobro Claire Bean Stanley Case Sue Ruotolo Dorsey Elizabeth and Steve Goebel Raza Iqbal Robert Lundeen Robert and Melinda Newell Craig Robinson Pavan and Jhansi Mary Ann Zulawinski Dave Beane Richard and Cathy Cavell Mr. and Mrs. David Doseff Christopher Goetz Alexandra Isles Glynice Lurie Kristen Nichols Dick and LeRita Rodbury Sunkerneni Marco Beatrice Douglas Cetina Ralph and Susan Doughton Alexander and Jeannette Yusaf and Fernanda Jawed Laurie Charlie Lyford Matthew Niedzielski James and Sharon Rodda Lloyd and Jan Tate and Phyllis Chen Shung-ho and Rong Juh Jane Macnab Dow and Golitzin Michael D. Johns Gene Lynn John Nitardy Robert Rosner Peter Tattle Celeste Becker Chang James S. Dow Barry and Naomi Goss Ric and Anne Johnson Lyon Family Ed Noonan Cameron Ross Susan Terbrueggen Theresa Becks Walter Chapman Benjamin Duell Michael Gotuaco Chris and Barb Jones Jennifer and Carter Barbara Nuckley Gordon Russell Brian Tervo David Belfie Carolyn Chen Greg and Kathy Dunn Dr. Gerald Goudreau and John Jones MacNichol Emmett Omar Laurie and Gary Samora Catherine and Timothy William Berg Wu-Tung Cheng Mr. and Mrs. William Early Rev. Mary Goudreau Ms. Sonya Jones Carla Main Robert and Dorothy Osborn Rob and Joan Sample Thoman Shanda Bhasker Nihara Choudhri Colleen Easley Daryl Gourley Benjamin Kaiser and Lewis Manilow Sharon Oster Sample Family James Thomas Dr. Helle Bielefeldt- Bill Clapp Don Eaton Maris and Ireta Foundation Erin Livengood Mr. Patrick Manza Greg and Carla Page Mark and Sandi Schmitt Susan Thomas Ohmann and Dr. David Mr. and Mrs. James Laurie Eckman Bill Groutage Oleh Karpenko Dr. John Marks Ken and Alicia Paist Kimberly and Taylor Howard Thompson Fitzpatrick McConnell Clark Michael Edwards Elisabeth Grove and Katherine and Gordon Randolph Marks P. Christopher and Kelly Schollmaier Craig Thorn Alice Bishop Jose and Diana Clemente Ronald and Melinda Eisen Stephen Becker Keane Linda Mason and Roger Palmedo Marika and Jonathan Scott Thorn Brot and Kelley Bishop Debi Coleman Karin Elliott William Haberkorn Sue and Scott Keane Brown, Jr. Velda Pearson Schoolar Irene Tinker Stephen Blake Truman and Kristin Collins John Kenyon Ellis Missy Hall Joanne Kendall Dennis Massoth Curtis Peltz V. Kay and Gregory Schroedl Tom Tinsley Stephen and Janet Blake John Condon Richard and Marcela Faidley Michael Hallman Neal and Alissa Keny-Guyer Suzanne Masuret Marshall and Nancy Perot Judy Schulze Franklin A Torrence, Jr. Paula Blasen Michael and Heather Conley John Failor Jay and Andria Hannah Romana Khan

54 55 GOOD S AMARITAN S OCIETY Art Courville Karen Demsey Tom Dyehouse Jean Escher Stan Fine D.R. George Mr. Jim Coury Linda Dennis Butch and Kitt Dyer Renate and Mark Jennifer Finn Karen Gernant Founded in 1998, the Good Samaritan Society has 1,889 members, 345 of whom are anonymous, who annually give Owen Cramer David Depp Gene Dykes Eschmann Andrew Fish Yvette Gerrans Margaret Crane Subhuti Dharmananda Brian S. Eagleheart Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sherry and Paul Fishman Scott and Pamela Gibson between $1,000 and $2,499. Tina and Yoel Crane George Diamond and Melvin Easter Eskow Sara and Timothy Flaten Leo and Marti Gilleran Paula Sandberg Craven Paula Dudunake Bill and Cindy Easton Greg Evans Leslie Flaws Terrence J. Gillespie, Good Samaritan Mel Archer Robert Baumann James and Elizabeth Christine Burkhart Kenneth and Mundee Craig Crawford Diamond George and Kathy Edwards Linda Eyerman Charles Fleckenstein Bruce Gilliam Society Yvonne Arechiga Ann Beck Boileau David and Deeann Burman Charanza Maxine Creasey Paul Diamond Megin and Derek Edwards Ellen-Marie Fahey Patricia Fleming Joseph Gilman John Abele and Elizabeth Daniel Arias Willard Beckham Patrick Boileau William E. Burr, II Mark and Becky Chasse Kathy Crespino Dawn Dice Owen Egerton Neil Faiman William Flood Donald Girard Coyne James and Cathy Jonathan Beebe Jason Bolton Howard A. Burris Nirmal Chatterjee Scott Cress Robert Dietz Carl Ehlen Robert Falconer Pamela Flow John Gish and Joanne Abelson and Chris Armstrong Robert and Lorraine Edward Bond Douglas Busch Elden Chau Judy Cross Pauline and Raymond Julius and Susan Tim and Jean Fanton Tom Foley Starling Roberts Goelz Randall Asbury Beegle Roberta and Richard Bond William Busse Andrew Chen Sheila Crowell Dinges Eickenhorst Lu and Stu Farber Frosty Forster Carolyn Gius Jeff and Hesha Abrams Patrick Ascaso Charles Beek Charlotte Bonica Anu Butani Sam Chen Jerome Cruitt Dr. Steven Dingle Illona Foster Clarence Glasse Keyvan Abtin Jocelyn Asher Yonny Beers Margaret E. Booth Timothy Butler Joseph Cheng Deane and Catherine Matt Dircks Laura and Kevin Foster Peter Glavin Saman Adamiyatt Asia Aslam James Behnke Barbara Borlen James Byers Ping Ping Cheng Cruze Heather DiSesa How We $$ $ Newton Foster Sarah Glickenhaus Ms. Azin Adjoudani Robert Aslett Elizabeth Beinhocker Dale Boss Bob Byers, Jr. Cherny Family Norene Culhane John Dodge Molly and Colin Fox Michael Glinsky Thomas Ahern and Jonathan and Deanne Amy Belisle Marianne Bous Michael Cahill Mark and Heather Chism Margaret Culvertson Gladys and Irwin Dolberg Stretch $$$ Patrick Fox Mary Glodt Nichole Bernier Ater Bernice Bell Robin Bown Mary Tyler Calabresi Larry Christian Karen R. Cummings Samuel J. Domino, Jr. Thomas Foy Carol Y. Godsave Nazir Ahmad Kathryn Avery Steve Belmont Dan Boyd Michael Calavan Tze-Scheng Chuang Mark Curran Guy Donella Your $$$ Ronald Frank Constance Gohlman Nahid Ahmadi Raji Ayyar Brett Bender Brett Boye James D. Caldwell Jerry Clancy Tracey D’Angelo James and Tanya Donohue $ Kenneth and Martha Caroline Golden Khadijeh Ahmadnia Bruce Babcock Thomas Benedetti Joanne Bozzuto Sally Caldwell Ruth P. Clapp Lana Dagostini Joni Doolin Dollar $$ Fraundorf James Golden Karen Aker Jacqueline Babicky- Ronald Bennett Paul and Gail Bradbury Worth Caldwell Charles F. Clark Kevin Dailey Patrick Dooling $$ Eric Frawley Dr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Abdlatif Al-Hamad Peterson Brian Benschoter Jamie Bradford Mr. Carl Caliendo Kelley Clark Diana Dajani Lee and Rene Doran $ Ms. Leta Frazier Goldkamp Robin Albert Heidi Babler Ken and Maxine Benshoof Beth Brady Gary and Danna Caller Greg Clarke Devonne Daley Bill Dorris $$$ John Frederick Barbara Goldman Norma Alberthal Irem Bacak Don and Janet Benson Terri Brane Robert Camelio, Jr. John Clarke George and Ruth Dallas John Dougherty Joshua Freeman Daniel Goldschmidt Jacqueline Bailey Larry Bentley Max Brentano Eileen Campbell Noel Clarke Elizabeth Dally Robert Doyle $ Meyer Freeman Stephen Gomez Al Alderman $$$ Jerry Bailey Helen Berg James Brewer Jonathan Carder and Arthur Clausing Mary Ann Daly Margaret and Richard Eric and Rebecca Scott and Jacqueline Jane Aldrich $1 Margaret Alford Brian Baird Gudmund Berge Tim Brewer Monique Baillargeon Denise Clifton Greg Damico Drake $20.89 Friedenwald-Fishman Gonnerman Alaina Allen Janice Baker Graham Bergh John Brice Edwin Carlson Leo and Joyce Cloninger Jeff Dangl Linda Dreewes Mark and Aileen Friedlein Mark Gonzales Ann Allen Tom Baker Daniel Berne John and Nancy Bridges Richard A. Carpenter William Cloyd Johnson and Elizabeth Holly Driggers Every dollar donated to Mercy Corps Donald Friedman and Andrew Good Michael Allen Harriet and Jon Bakken Bruce G. Berning Tom Briggs Walter Carr Margaret Cockcroft Daniel Victoria Driggs enables us to obtain grants, contracts and Helen Henry Laura Good Patrick and Moira Allen Rajappan Balagopal Teresa Bertsch and David Robert and Sandra Colleen and Joseph Stew Cogan Gregory Daniels Dan Driscoll donated goods from governments, interna- Sheldon Friedman Angelique Goodnough Robert Allen Ken Balk Dobrick Brinkman Carreiro Jerome and Karla Coghlan Russell Daniels Margaret Driscoll tional organizations, churches, and other Mary Frohs R. Gorney Robert and Nancy Dann Robert Driscoll Jeffrey Froschauer Carol and Gary Gorton Edward Allison Beverly Banker Suzanne Bessette-Smith Claire Brockbank Eileen Carscadden William Colburn partners worth $20.89. Marianne Allison Michael C. Banner Carole Anne Best Jane Brockman Joan Carter Joseph Cole Bob Davenny Richard Droese Diana Fugate Bruce Gottwald Cynthia Almy Mr. and Mrs. Jay A. Ajay Bhatt Estrellita Brodsky Diana Carver Maria College D. Davis and Winona Prashant Dubey Phillip Fujii Ruth Gould John Altschuler Barber, Jr. Clay Biberdorf Rusti Brookes Ms. Erin Casey Nick and Lisa Collier Davis Robert and Carol Dubin Roger Eiss Ronald Farkas Gary Fulton Mike and Joyce Gower Omar Amanat John and Linda Barnes Michael Bileca Ralph Brooks Janice Casey Ann Collins John and Courtney Davis Susanne DuBois Debra Ekman Susan and Jim Farrar Kari Furnanz Nancy Grace Goli and Jamsheed Ameri Hope Barrett Douglas Biro Trale and Marjorie Broudy Marti Casey Jan and June Collins Mr. and Mrs. Mark Davison John Duff Hanea El-Hizawi and Bob Farrell Joan Furst Jeff Graham Sue Amundson Thomas and Dorothy Margaret Bisgrove Bruce Brown Patrick and Theresa Casey Loren Combs Mark and Christina Scott Duffens Cindy Belz Donald and June Farries Richard Galiardo Gary Graunke Mark and Terese Andersen Barrett David Bixby Deborah Brown Nancy Caspersen Steven Condas Dawson Graham and Mary Ann Mona El-Hizawi Jillian Farwell Wade Galt John Greeley Robert Anderson Kathryn Barron Bruce Bjerke Gerald and Jane Brown Tina Castanares Robert Connon and Kim Michael Day and Margaret Duke Chris Elder Robert Faust Michael Gambro Fred Green Tina Anderson Paul Bartholomew Donald Blair Kathryn Brown Lisa and Matt Cato Lan Simmons Power-Day Dwight Dumpert Beth Eliason Lauren Feingold John Game Gabrielle Greene Larry Andrews George and Colleen Thomas Blakney Laura A. Brown David and Gina Caulton Kathy Conroy Alexandra De Saint Phalle Rita and John Dunbar Jane Ellingwood Leonard Felix Maria Gargani Cathy Gregg Car Angel Bartolini H. Tito Blanco Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brown Paula Causey Larry Conti Dirk De Vries Katherine Dungan Dr. Barbara Elliot Kathleen Fennell Jay and Nancy Garland Stephen Gregg Ben and Patty Anixter Alfred Bartsch Gale Bloch Alexa Brownell Mack Cawthon Mr. Norman B. Cooper Donna Deacon Wendelin Dunlap Micah Elliott Francis Ferdinand Michelle Garnaut John and Marilyn Grena Thomas Anth Mark and Linda Bassett Jonathan and Rebecca Thomas Bruggere Mr. Paul Cervone Susannah Cooper Christopher Debelius Carolyn Dunmire David Ellis Malcom Ferguson Lynda Garner Thomas Griego Michael Anthony and Elsa Olga and David Batten Bloomquist Lisa Brummel Pam Cetina Thomas Corey Jerome DeGraaff Michael and Leslie Dunn Aladdin Elsayed Michael Ferguson Mickey and Judy Gaynor Joan Grieser Mong Bobbi Bauer Anthony and Einat Helen Bruner John C. Chaffee Andrea Cornwall Christopher and Linda Michael Dunn Rita Emberson Rose and James Ferguson Rick Gaynor David and Ardath Griffin Stefan Antonsson David and Barbara Blumfield Pegge Brunk Ian Challis Norma Corristan Dehan Steven Dunn Pinar Emirdag Douglas Ferro Peter Gazzerro Michael Griffin Kurt Apen Bauguess David Boenisch or Michael Donald and Gina Bruun Allen Chamberlin Kevin Cosgrove Diane DeJager Mr. and Mrs. William P. Roy Englert Kathleen Fielder and Donald Geddes and James Grim Glenn and Danielle Kathryn Bauman Boenish Elizabeth Buchanan Edwin Chan Stella Cosmas Michelle DeKlyen Durst Peter Erbguth Richard Gay Mona Todd Margaret A. Groseth Applegate Maria and Richard Martha Boesenberg Bruce Buck Mary Chandler Peter Coulson Andrea Del Guidice Don Dworak James Ermilio Jessica Fields Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zack Grossbart Bauman Edward Boggess Thomas and Paula Buividas Clinton Chapin David Counter John Delgiodice Diane Dye David and Christine Ervin Cindy Fifer Gemme Randi Grossman

56 57 Chuck and Carlene Lenard Nora Mallgren Ken Medenbach Mosur Mohan Eileen and Francis Mulvey David Odusanya William Groth Cheng Imm Heah Lee Howard Ahren Johnson Mike and Fabian Kennedy Suzanne Kroeze Steven Lensing Julie Malone Linda Melin J. Christian Moller Lynne Murguia Michael Offer Damon Ground Laura Hebert Cheryl Hubler David Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Richard Kent Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Leonard Family Dominic and LeeAnne Rachel Mendelson Michelle Molyneux Cynthia Murphy Ernest Oliver Barbara Gruchawka Steve and Ann Marie Mr. Michael Huemmer David and Sharron Robert Kerbs Krupnick David Lerner and Yolanda Mancini Brian and Darlene Mercer Moji Momeni Joseph and Lorayne Mutti Paul Oliver Judith Guettler Heckt Betty Huff Johnson Roger and Lynne Kerr Patricia Kuest Nieuwkerk Lerner Barbara Manne John and Cecilia Merigian Randall J. Monnes Chandramouli Narayanan Elaine Olson Nila Gupta John Hedlund William Huff Diane Johnson Matthew Kersey Diana Kupko John and Debra Leung Gary T. Mansavage Patricia Merrill Henry Monreal Cynthia and Peter Thomas Olson James Guthrie Steve Heil Dan Huffman Joyce Johnson Shakta Khalsa Suresh Kuttuva Nathan and Penny Levin Ellen Mansueto Trisha Merritt and Steve Mr. and Mrs. John Monroe Nebolsine Jeffrey Osborn Al Gutierrez John Heily Robert Hughes Ruth Johnson Daniel Kieffer Alvin and Barbara Kyte Loren Levine Deborah Maria Verderber Mr. and Mrs. William Doug Neese Tracy Oseran Dave Gutschmidt Priscilla Heindel Jay and Linda Hull Steve and Naomi Johnson Mark Kieffer Charles Labonte Michael E. and Carol S. Barbara A Marin John and Beth Metzler Montemer Nina Neill Gerard Osmond Diane Guyot Michael Helenek Tammy Hung Thomas and Kathleen Ed Kikta Jacques and Judy Levine David Marriott Shelley Meyer Linda Montgomery Charles Nelson Robert Osterhus John and Pauline Haase Lucy Helm Donald Donald Hunt Johnson Lee Paul Kilgenstein LaFrance Steve Lewis Gary and Kathy Marshall Pietro Miazzo Kimberly Moore Karen Nelson Rosanne Ott Carl Haefling A.B. Hemberger Martha Hunt Kathleen Johnston Daniel Kim Mary Clo Laird Brent and Karen Lince Andrea and Paul Martin Karri Michell Mark Moore Michael and Nivia Nelson Armin and Mildred Deborah Haensli Greg Hemberger Lorene Hunter Wilma Johnstone Greg Kincaid Philip Lam Dawn Lind Julie and William Martin Maria Miles Marilyn Moorman Mrs. Terry Nelson Ottemoeller Andre Haffizulla Tim Henderson Robert Hunter Chris Jones Aline King Robert and Judith Lambe Gaylord Lind Mr. and Mrs. Ross Martin John and Susan Miller Leona Moran Candace Nelson-Wulff Kaye Paauw Jim Haffner Gordon and Joanne Whitney and Karen Hunter Joanne Jones Thomas King Sacie Lambertson Lisa Lindborg Mary Martin-Smith Katherine Miller Claire Morda Bill and Gerry Nesbit Elizabeth Paley Kathie Hagwell Henrikson Sean and Mary Huntsman Keith Jones Susan Kingrey Frank and Jane Richard and Judy Robert Martinez Robert Nesler Lawrence Palmedo Carol Hahn Paula Henrikson Dr. Gregory Hussin Michael Jones Charles Kirby LaMountain Lindemann Mr. Joseph C. Martino, Jr. Jon Nethers John and Nancy Palmer Ali Hajimiri Julia Henry Carol Hutton Carl and Maria Jordan Harlan and Bonnie Jim Landis Lance and Sherry Linder Esther Marzyck Karen Nettler Joseph and Susan Palmieri Khulud Amrita Halaby Michael Henry Artie Huycke Jim Jordan Kirchmeier Craig and Jacqueline Lane Dr. Kelvin Lindgren Wayne Mathis Planned Giving Sean Nevett Verson Pandian Mr. and Mrs. David Hall Tina Herceg Willemijn Ilcisin John Jordan Terrance Kirk Kathleen Lane and David Nancy and Norman Paul Matthaeus You can change the world by including Verne and Jean Newcomb Joyce and Joe Park David Hamilton Rhoda Herrick Syeda Inamdar John M. Jordan Tony Kirke Helm Lindquist Kevin McCarthy Margaret Newell Debra Kathryn Parker Lourri Hammack Ronald Herring Lois Inman Patrice Jordan Tracy Kirkman-Liff L.W. Lane Jean Lindsay Paul McCarthy Mercy Corps in your charitable estate Boon Wan Ng Robin Parker Patricia Lipscomb Kathleen McCarty Ngan Nooi Ho Harrison Parks Sarah Hancock Jack and Sharon Masatoshi Inouye Brian and Michelle Joseph Willard and Sue Kissinger Florence Langhorne planning. By naming Mercy Corps as a Jeffrey A. Handley Herschend Treva Inzerillo Miss Patricia Joyce David Kitch and Mary Kathleen Lanthrop Paul Lipscomb D. McClinton Trung Nguyen Susan Parks Linda Hanley Christine and Fred Marscha Irving Ruth Kagi Pitman Kitch Matthew LaPine Ruth and Terry Lipscomb Sue McCorkle beneficiary of your will, life insurance Earl F. Nied Alicia Partridge Martena Listopad Noah McCormack Anne Niedergang Ed Pastore Noma Hanlon Hespenheide Dr. and Mrs. George M. Michael and Margo Neil Kitchen Ruthann LaPoint policy, or retirement plan, you can leave Don Hann Douglas and Kathryn Irwin Kalberer John Kitchin Paul A. Larkins Michael Litke Scott McCormack Constance and Vernon Aleem Patel Richard J. Hannah Hibbard Fredd Isaksen Rebecca and Robert Kalez Doug Klaiber Gayle and Larry Larse David Littrell Pat and Donna McCormick your own legacy of compassion and hope Nielson Kirit Patel Richard Lliteras Roland and Joyce Robert and Janet Nims Helena Patrick Susan Hansen Linda Hildreth Lois Isbell Mary Kalousek Edward Kleinbard Gerald and Antonie Larsen for a better tomorrow. For more informa- Henry and Chris Happel Marypat and Bob Hill Wynett Isley Janet Kamand Eric Kline and Tanya Kahl Craig Larson Robin Lofquist McCormick Evelyn and J. Richard Ritchie Patterson Jane and Bruce Harbers Robyn Hlavac Al Jacklin Ulrich Kammholz Sue Kline Curtis Larson John Longfield Sarah McCrea tion, please contact David Evans at 1-800- Nokes Wayne Patterson Joanna and James Marilyn Hoban Mark Jackson Theodore Kappes Glenn Kloss Juanita Larson Carl Loreen Mary Mccusker Diana Nolan Norma Pawley Harberson Jim Hodges Peter Jackson Faiza and Arif Kareem John Kluge Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas Lorentz Barbara McDonald 292-3355, ext. 368, or visit our website at Terry Nonamaker Heidi Peacock Sandra Hardaway Ken Hoernschemeyer Dr. and Mrs. Jon R. Diane Karl Jack Knierim Lastova, III Patricia Lothrop Judith McDonald Gene Norcross and Patricia John Pearson Gregg Hardy David Hoff Jacobs Hany Kassem Clay Knight John Latta Nancy Lown Mary Graham McDowell Leon-Norcross Mary Lou Peck and Walter David Harlan Russell Hoffman Jessaca Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. John Kasztan Jean M. Knoesel Claire Lavendel Robert B. Lowry Arvada Mcfarland Gary Nordquist Haines Nicholas Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jon Jacobson Stephen and Caroline Stephen Knoff Jennifer Law Philip and Jackie Lawrence McGhee Marilyn Miller Ann Mari Mordgren Cynthia Nordstrom Mindy Levy Peckar David and Debra Harper Hofstatter Ahmad Jalali Kaufer Knox Raymond Law Lowthian Carolyn McGown Marshall Miller James Morehead Eric and Sandee Noreen Perry Pederson Christopher Harring Ian Hogben Teymour Jamali Ann Keddie Mark and Kasey Kobzowicz Gary Lawrence Yvonne Lucas Mr. and Mrs. John D. Martha Miller Joseph and Mary Grace Robert Norton William Peissig Howard and Mabel Harris Beverly Hollister Loralene and Timothy Mary Kedl David and Ruth Kociemba Sam Lawrence Rufus Lumry, III McGrann Richard and Judith Miller Moriarty Lynn O’Brien Derek Pelletier Janet and Richard Hart Judith Holman James Patrick Keegan Bernd Koenemann Sherill and Gordon Alfred Luthringer Michael McGregor Gerry Milliken Jerry Morin Parick O’Brien Barry Pelzner and Deborah Laura Hart and Richard Gloria Holmberg Linda Jangaard Jonica Keel Siegfried Kohl Lawrence Lye-Kordich Family Melissa McHaffie Elizabeth Mills Roy and Carolyn Morris Joan and Henry M. Pollack Grady Stephen Honeycomb Alyn Janis Clifford and Diane Keeling Molly and Dick Cynthia Lawson Max Lyons Tom and Lisa McIlwain Earl and Karen Ming Wilson Morris O’Bryan Andrew Penner Kristine A. Hartley Nancy Hood Laura Jankowski James and Mary Jo Kellar Kohnstamm Mary Lawton Paul MacDougall Gary McLaurin Amy Minto Brian and Elizabeth Margaret and Mark Ellendee Pepper Dale and Renee Hartman Henry Tracy Hooper Charlotte Januska Barbara Kelley Vida Komer Libbi Layton-Tamiyasu Dan MacKay Christine and Neal Hubert Minx Morrison O’Bryan Charles Percy and Lorraine Lee and Rick Hartman John Horigan Ralph Jarboe David Kelley Andrew Konigsberg and Deborah and Anthony Ellen Macke McMahon Alice Misener Robert Morton Gary O’Callaghan Percy David Hasen David Horton Barry Jay Dr. James and Mrs. Eileen Elena Engel Lazetti Bruce MacKenzie Ed and Kerryn McMeans Elisa Mishory Doug Moss Philip O’Larey Mark and Leslee Percy John H. Hastings Daron Horwitz Susheela Jayapal and Kelley Dottie Koontz Amy Leach R. Duncan Mackenzie Eleanor Mcmillan Kaizad Mistry and Leslie Amin Mostafavi Daniel and Cherry O’Neill Merideth Perrell Darius Hatami James Horwitz Bradley Miller Brendan Kelliher Judith Kozicki Daniel and Barbara Leary Yousry and Heba Keith Mcnamara Elliot Armijo David Motamedy Daniel and Maria O’Neill Joy Perry Tobie Hatfield Houchen-Wise Family Cathy Jefferson Bruce and Sharon Kelly Kurt Krahnke Marcus Ledbetter Macksoud Kathleen McNeill and Jim Donald and Pamela Gregory and Rebecca Edward O’Neill Rob Perry Nikki Hatton Eric Hougen David Jenkins George A. Kelly, Jr. Allen and Gwen Sandie Ledray Steven Magnuson Harleman Mitchell Mowe William O’Neill Jim Persing Mark Hawkins Gayle Houk Erwin M. Jensen Patrick Kelly Kraxberger Andrea Lee John Magnusson David and Arlene Lisa Mitchell Celia Mueller Lawrence and Dorothy Diane Peters Michael Hayashi Daisy Housel-Miller Ken Jernstedt Lonnie and Michele Sue and George Kresovich David M. and Grace Lee Patricia Maier McNerney David Mittelstadt Deanna Mueller-Crispin O’Rourke John and Teresa Peters Mark Hayes Greg and Lesley Houser Kurt Jetta Kendall Kumar Krishnamoorthy John and Mary Jo Lee Anthony D. Maiocco Jeff McVeigh Milton Mittelstedt Jon Mugar Michael Oberg Katherine Peterson Karen Hays Dorsey Houtz Laura Jodice Angela Kennedy Dominica Kristedja Maureen Lemire Ping Hang Mak Karen McWilliams Richard Mobley Heather Mullett Mr. Mark Odonnell Ronald Peterson

58 59 Walfred and Santosh Rao Eric and Vie Ross Carrie Schnelker Larry Skarpness, Jr. Sharon Stewart Marie Torrillo Dennis Wackerbarth Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Christopher Wrubel and GIRON LEGACY SOCIETY Marian Peterson Carol Rawlins Melinda Ross Duane Schulz Julie Sklare Scott Stice Laura Touhey Don and Eunice Waggoner Whelan Veronica Tisdale-Wrubel Lisa Pettitt Roberta Raymond Penny Rossman John and Teresa Ronda Skubi Allen Stinde Mariam and Dirce Toulan Patricia Wahlke Allen Whitaker-Emrich Mike Wyman and The Giron Legacy Society enables Deborah Pettry Richard Read Thomas Roth Schutzman Charles Slaughter Karl Stock Lawrence Tracy Marcin Walczak Keith White Barbara Wayson Dr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Diego Rebosio Libby Rouse Charles Schwab Patricia Smail Barre and Robert Stoll Edward Traum Bryce Walden Lawrence and Susan White Gary Yarco donors to support Mercy Corps Pfeiffer Kavitha Reddy Josiah Rowe Angela Schwarz Christina Smillie Andrea Stork Margaret Tremain Joshua Walden Howard and Margaret Bobby Yazdani through estate planning. Established Ann and Randy Phillips Michael and Carol Reed Keith and Janet Rowell James Scoltock Carol and Bill Smith Steven Storla Mark Trexler Charles and Stella Walker Whitehead Eric Yee in 2003, the Giron Legacy Society Vigi Phillips Anne Rees Haslinda Ruby Margaret Scott Dale Smith Rev. Donald Stouder Miss Mary L. Treziok Gary Walker James Whitehead Tiong-Keat Yeoh Thomas Pickens Richard Rees Flora Rudolph Roxanne Scott and David Smith Tom Strang Tim Troeh George and Barbara John Whitesides Myrth York has 58 members, 6 of whom are Christianna Pierce Mary Regan Jon and Barbara Ruiz Randall Omel Elizabeth Smith Michael Straub Clifford and Jo Anne Trow Walker William and Helen Jo Mr. and Mrs. Christian A. anonymous. Michael Pifer Jane Reich Jennifer and Carlton Rule Rosalie Seaman Izetta Smith and Ellen Mr. and Mrs. Peter Streit Geoffrey Trump Jill Kerrick Walker Whitsell Young Judy Pigott Charles Reid Valarie Rundquist William Seiler Goldberg Robert Stringer Cindy and Dennis Tryon Jim Walker Nathaniel Whitten Richard Young Mrs. Nancy L. Risser George Piligian David Remke Malia C. Runk Steve Sekel Jim and Betty Jo Smith William Strouse Denison Tucker Mark Walker Barbara Widmer Anne Youngstrom Giron Legacy Society Doug and Paula Madeline Pimentel Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Runser Mrs. Prabhdip Sekhon Randy Smith Jean Stuber Debbie Turner Paul Walker Era Mae Wieand Bernice Youtz Marie and Joseph Barca Saintignon Richard and Ellen Pine Reuter Dale Russakoff Peter Selby Rita Smith Brett L. Stundel Tim and Janet Turner Ross Walker David Wieck Chris Youtz Gerald Boarino Suzanne and Charles Patricia Megan Pingree Saharnaz and Stephen Frank Russell Deena Semler Robert L. Smith and Robert Stutte Catherine Twitchell Michael Wallace Robert Wiencek, Jr. and Paul Yutan Betty Lou Butzin Schirmer Margi and Joseph Rezania Martin Russell Raymond Serway Adriana Huyer Mr. Walter Sudul Barbara Tylka Bryan Walls Lisa Wiencek Vinette Zabriskie Marie Clark Helen June Shaver Piorkowski Brian Rhodefer John Ryan Terry Severance Sydney R. Smith Bala Suresh Scott Underwood Margaret Walsh C.E. Wight Steven and Annette Zack Lisa and Tom Cohen Ms. Dorene M. Shores Jack Piper Bert Rhyne Pat and Chris Ryan Durward Sewell Bob Snead Monika Svata Sheila and Ken Urie Mike and Michele Walsh Patricia and David Wilder Beth Zahler Dr. Robert Crooks and Ms. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Streit John Pirroni Loy Rickman Dr. and Mrs. Garrett Ryder Virginia Sewell Brandon Snider Tolbert G. Swanegan Wallace L. Urie Vincent and Treva Walsh Richard and Lois Wiley Mr. Steven Zaionz Sami Tucker Jenny Taylor Sanford Pitler Patricia and William Elizabeth Ryll Robert M. Seymour David Snider Nancy Sweigart Carmen Vadillo and Arthur Jordan Wand Madeleine Wilken Ali and Batool Zarbalian David and Joanne Deaton Mary Thompson Diane Plank Ridgway Irene Sadr Sundip Shah Patricia Snow William Sydeman Garcia Hank Wang Susan Wilkie Jonathan Zaremski Margaret Denny Margaret Tompkins Mrs. Jutta Plummer Allison Riehl Peter Sagerson Bijan Shahir Tracey Snoyer Gayle Szpytek Lee and Michele Valkenaar Michael Wannell Robert Willenbring Timothy Zeigler Beth Erickson Doris Waian Deborah Poirier Steven Riess and Beatrice Doug and Paula Kaethe Shapiro-Zellner William Snuffin Lane Taglio Kitty-Ann Van Doorninck Julie Want Donna Willett Mr. and Mrs. Karl Peter Fremgen Miss Catherine A. Webb Jim Pollard Strong Saintignon Malik Malik Sharif Guy and Alice Snyder Fern Takemoto and John Van Buskirk Brenda Ward A. Marcella Williams Zimmerman Donn and Jan Gassaway Wiley Wenger, Jr. and De Carolyn Pollock Ray Riggers John Salajka J.T. and Antoinette Sharp James Soloway Greg Talovich Margaret Van Dyke Theresa Ann Warkenthien Dwight Williams Nina Zingale Dr. Gerald Goudreau and Vera Wenger Oscar Polo Jean Rinn Maryalice Salget Robert Sharp Sanjiv Soman Laura Tamaru Mr. and Mrs. Fred Van Kathleen A. Warta Judith V. Williams Ron Zittel Rev. Mary Goudreau Tonia Willekes John and Karen Poole John Riss Ann Salvadalena Robert E. Sharp Deby Southwick Chade-Meng Tan Roessel Sharon Watt Kevin Williams Hans and Jan Zoerb David and Ardath Griffin Bob and Joyce Wolcott Mary Popkes John Rittenhouse Peter Samson and Robin Stan and Sheryl Sharp Ralph and Carol Specht Louis A. Tate Mary Ann Van Tassell Shaunel Watts Michael Willoughby Dalia Zuniga Paul Dudley Hart and Karen Wong Dave and Gerry Porter Roy Rivenburg Schauffler Donna Shaver Loyd Spence Jeanne Taylor John Van Veen Tony and Mary Dan and Annie Wilson Michele Zurakowski Jane Alford Hart Robert Porter Anne and John Roberts Carol Samuels and David Charles Shaw Joseph Springer Lee Taylor and H. Louise Barbara Van winkle Wawrukiewicz Richard Wilson Maria Alice Zuzarte James Houston Frances Posel Ronald Roberts Taylor Mark Shaw Suresh Srinivas Eagle-Taylor Joseph VanAndel David Weaver Scott Wilson Mr. Leslie Jaslove Ramon Posel Katherine Robinson James and Laurie Sander Susan and Robert Shayne Gwen Stamm Richard Taylor Paul VanCura Alice and G. Philip Weber Annette Wilton Greg and Stella Marie David Powell Robbie Robinson Elizabreth Santangelo Susan Shea Ray and Amanda Stamper Nelleke and David Teall Kirby VanderHouwen Bruce and Roberta Weber Lucy B. Wilton Jeffrey Lana Powers Terrance M. Rockstad Margaret Sato Gail C. Shelby Myles Standish Brice Tebbs Dr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Jeffrey Weber Ms. Viola Wintz Gordon Jones Marie and James Powers David Rockwell Robert Saum Beverly and Kenneth T.O. Stangeland Mike and Jude Tembreull Vath Cheryl Towler Weese Lionel and Raillin Wirjo Craig Kelly Larry Prewitt Madeleine Rodeheffer Raymond Saunders Shelton Ms. Belinda Stanton Nancy Thatcher Mr. and Mrs. Robert Karen and Brian Wegener Willard Wiseman Michael and Sharon Kerns Gregory Price Julio Rodriguez Allison Savage-Cairns Steven Sherman Julia Stanton Isaac Thomas Vaughan Irene Weigel Marie Witham Stephen Koeune Steven Price Stephen and Mavis Roe Richard Scafidi Larry Shirley Les and Patricia Stanwood Janice Thomas Bob Vaughn Gary Weinman Loretta Wittke Kenneth C. Lang Dennis Prichard Lynn Rogers Norm and Helen Schaaf Sylvia A. Shiroyama Irwin Starr Cara and Joe Thome Vanessa Vaught Abel Weinrib and Carmen Celia Wiwbw Doris S. Lottridge Jeanne M. Prier Terry Rogers Eric Schamp John Siebenlist Robert and Deborah Grant Thompson George Verras Egido Janet and Don Wolf Douglas and Linda Phillip Pryor Jonathan Roman Dave Schauer Jane Siegel Stavig John Thompson Laurie and Andy Vessely James Weinstein Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wolfe MacGregor Sally Quimby Piercarlo Romano Raymond and Estelle Bruce and Mary Sielaff Randall Steele Gerald and Rita Thorn Ernest Vetter Darryl Welch David Wolfe Loretta Macha Jeff and Lisa Quinlan Guy and Joni Romero Scheetz Rafael Sierra Robin and James Steele Mary Thurlow Betty Vickrey Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Robert and Mary Kay Barbara A. Marin Gary and Christine Quinn Rose Romero Steven and Georgia Schell Kevin and Dorothy Sillau Don Steffensen Jennifer Tice June Villa Wellbrock Wollmuth Julie and William Martin Patrick Radecki Mark Rondinaro Delphina and Peter Connie and Bob Silveira Paul Stein John Ticer Lowell Vine Brad Wells Shirley and Ray Womack Ronald and LuAnn Martin Margaret Rader David Roos Schenke Julia Silverman and Jeffrey and Twyla Jenifer Tidwell Colleen Vogt Darla W. Wendel Hong Wong Barbara May Morgan Radocha Gene and Deane Roose Shelley Schermer Jeffrey Azerrad Steinberger Laurel Tietze Pamela and Malte von Jeffrey Werner Jeffrey Wong Jules and Lisa Mazzei Sadegh Radvar Doreen Roozee Mary Beth Schiffman Joe and Lois Simpson Jennifer Stern Wayne Tindeall Matthiessen Rob and Mary Ellen James Wood Richard and Mary George Ramos Nicholas Rosen Andrew Schindler Dr. Divya Singh John and Helen Stettler Carolina Ting Andrew Vonnegut Werner Mark Woodworth Montgomery Rupa Rana Mr. Chris Rosenbaum Eric Schlegel Rajeev and Lou E. Lively Cornelia Stevens Eric Tobin Ann Vreeland Margaret Wetherald Sue Workman M. Myers Dewey and Lois Rancourt Richard and Mary A. William Schmidt Singh Laurence Stevens Janice Todd Joel Wachbrit and Jill Joern Wettern Karen L. Worsham Raymond C. Nelson Adrian Rangel Rosenberg Barbara L. Schmidt Dr. and Mrs. Marc Sink Rebecca Stevens Rhoda Todd Freeman Michael Weyerhaeuser Nancy A. Wright Daniel and Cherry O’Neill Patricia Rantz Ann Ross Barton Schmitt Kamran Sistanizadeh Robert Stevens David Torgerson Larry Wachowski Christopher Whelan Nathan L. Wright Margaret G. Orlett

60 61 MONTHLY GIVING AT MERCY CORPS RESOURCE PARTNERS ercy Corps is pleased to honor those donors who belong to our three monthly giving societies. Nearly 5,000 monthly Mercy Corps multiplies resources and the impact of its work through a constantly growing, global network of part- Mdonors provide us with generous gifts each month that help children and families in need around the world. As more nerships with outstanding public, private, and humanitarian organizations, and the generosity of forward thinking and more donors find monthly giving the most convenient way to help build the kind of world they want to live in, these foundations and benefactors. We offer our gratitude to these partners. generous partners help provide Mercy Corps with a steady, vital flow of private income. This helps us respond aggressively to Strategic Partners Norwegian Agency for US Department of Health and Baluchistan Environmental Elkana disasters around the world, as well as implement long-term projects that help people to help themselves. Asian Credit Fund Development and Human Services (DHHS) and Educational Journey End of the Oregon Trail (Kazahkstan) Cooperation US Department of State Bam Earthquake Committee Interpretive Center China Center for Poverty Oregon Department of US Department of the Beaverton Rotary (OR) Episcopal Relief and Partners in Mercy Give for Kids Heroes Against Hunger Alleviation (Beijing, China) Agriculture Treasury Bellevue High School (WA) Development Jordan River Foundation Organization for Security US Treasury CDFI Fund Better Safer World/ONE Food Aid Management (FAM) When tragedy strikes, like the recent Childhood is supposed to be a time Each night, millions of families (Jordan) and Cooperation in Europe US Office of Refugee Campaign Food for the Hungry Indian Ocean tsunami, the world of hope and happiness. However, around the world go to bed, hungry, Partner Microcredit (OSCE) Resettlement Birch Community Services International (FHI) Organization (Bosnia- Royal Netherlands Government US Peace Corps Bread for the World FreeGeek is often quick according to wondering Herzegovina) State of Oregon US State Department/Bureau Books for Africa Global Food and Nutrition to respond. But the United where their Peace Winds Japan (Tokyo, Swedish International of Population, Refugees BOSFAM Global Impact Japan) Development Agency and Migration (BPRM) Bosnian Family Global Relief Fund what happens Nations, next meal will XacBank (Mongolia) Swiss Agency for Development Brother’s Brother GOAL Organizational Partners after the televi- approximately come from. XAC-GE Group (Mongolia) and Cooperation Bright Horizons Family Guardians The Big Lottery Fund AAUW Puget Sound Solutions, Inc. Helmand Women’s Association sion cameras 40 percent of For most, and United Nations Assistance Interbranch Council CardioStart International Helping Hands Mongolia leave and the newspaper headlines children in developing countries — hunger does not arise from a short- Government Partners Mission in Afghanistan AED CARE Hope International Americorps VISTA United Nations Development ACDI-VOCA Cascadia Revolving Fund Horizonti (Georgia) disappear? The grinding reality is about 600 million children — strug- age of available food or a , Canadian International Programme Adventist Development and Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Howard Street Charter School that the need for mercy continues gle to survive, eat, and learn on less but rather from severe poverty and Development Agency United Nations Food and Relief Agency International Ceili Rain (Salem, OR) City of Portland Agriculture Organization (ADRA) Center for Arid Zone Studies IbnSina for months, years, and beyond. than $1 per day. a shortage of opportunity. In 2004, Department for International (UNFAO) Afghan Health and (CAZS) ICA: EHIO By becoming a Partner in Mercy, Children living in areas of con- 275 Heroes Against Hunger donors Development, United United Nations High Development Services Center for Creative Leadership Independent Bureau for Kingdom Commissioner for Refugees Afghan Research and Child Aid Development you can help us keep our com- flict and disaster should have every helped Mercy Corps work with local Development Cooperation (UNHCR) Evaluation Unit Constanta Foundation InterAction mitment to rapid, decisive action opportunity to grow up in safe, farmers to identify opportunities to Ireland United Nations International Aldea Global Convent of Jesus and Mary International Christian Aid Embassy of Japan (Bosnia- Children’s Emergency Fund Alter Modus (Montenegro) (Lahore, India) International Deaf Children’s in response to disasters, as well as healthy, and supportive environ- increase food security. Herzegovina) (UNICEF) American Jewish World Service Convoy of Hope Society (IDCS) long-term assistance that helps ments. And with the support of No one deserves to be hungry. European Commission United Nations Mission in Cooperative Housing International Medical Corps European Community Kosovo American Soybean Association Foundation (CHF) (IMC) communities recover. In 2004, 1,300 Give for Kids donors in 2004, While Mercy Corps’ programs pro- Humanitarian Aid Office United Nations Office for American University of Beirut Counterpart International International Office on more than 3,200 Partners in Mercy Mercy Corps was able to improve vide immediate support to families Food and Agriculture the Coordination of (Lebanon) Curatio International Migration (IOM) Organization Humanitarian Affairs Ariana Development Foundation International Rescue put their convictions into action the well being of children in some suffering from hunger, we also work Foreign and Commonwealth (UNOCHA) Foundation (Pakistan) Danish Refugee Council Committee (IRC) with generous gifts each month to of the world’s poorest regions. in communities to improve long- Office, United Kingdom United Nations World Food Catholic Conference DATA Iranian Students Academic Government of Bosnia- Programme Asociacion Para El Desarrollo Development Alternatives Inc. and Cultural Organization help children and families in need. Mercy Corps programs not only term food security. Herzegovina United Nations World Health Humano (El Salvador) (DAI) Islamic Society of Washington This committed group of donors support children directly — by Government of Eritrea Organization Aspiration Tech Dilsuz Association of (Vancouver, WA) Government of Jordan US Agency for International Associated Lawyers for Legal People with Disabilities James Madison University enables Mercy Corps to respond providing health, nutrition, educa- Government of Kosovo Development (USAID) Development (JADE) (Tajikistan) (Harrisonburg, VA) quickly to alleviate human suffer- tion, and other services — but also For information on joining any of these giving Government of Mongolia US Agency for International Association of Citizen Dora e Ndihmes Johns Hopkins University Government of Taiwan Development Office of Returnees, Zvornik Drugs and Narcotics (Baltimore, MD) ing and establish programs to help help build productive communities societies, please call (800) 292-3355, ext. METRO (Portland, OR) Conflict Prevention and Association of Women of Podrinje Educational Services for Kladanj people help themselves, building a that will nourish and sustain them 250, email [email protected] Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Response (USAID/OCPR) Australian Agency for Humanity (DANESH) Korean American Sharing Taiwan US Department of Agriculture International Development Dry Pea and Lentil Council Movement better, safer world for all. throughout their lives. or go to Multnomah County (OR) (USDA) (AusAID) Economic and Social Support Latter Day Saint Charities

62 63

Lebanese American University Charitable Flex Fund LIFE TSUNAMI PARTNERS Mary, Queen of Peace Parish PacifiCorp Sandy Blvd Mobile Villa, The Community The River Church LLC McDougle Middle School PalletOne Inc. Foundation of Greater Community Coast Sports Cars Macaulay Institute (Aberdeen, The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami was the worst natural disaster in recent history, and Mercy Corps McKesson Corporation Paul G. Allen Family Schnitzer Steel Atlanta, Inc. The Seattle Foundation Coastal Construction Scotland) responded within 24 hours with help and hope. Because the crisis hit at the very end of 2004, the Medallion, Industries Inc. Foundation Industries, Inc. The Country School The Staff, Students and Corporation Management Systems following donors are not listed in the Resource Partners lists. We would like to take the opportunity Melody S. Robidoux PAX World Seattle Aero LLC The Crane Creek Family Parents of Tahoma Coffee Bean International International (MSI) Foundation Pearl District Business Seattle Mariners Fund of the Oregon School District No. Corporation MAP International here to thank all these businesses, schools, faith communities, and groups from around the world Mentor Graphics Association Seattle-Northwest Community Foundation 409. Community Foundation for Foundation Peninsula Community Securities Corporation The Dandy Warhols The Tulalip Tribes Ministries of Emergency who responded with overwhelming generosity. Southwest Washington Meyer Memorial Trust Foundation Seattle’s Best Coffee The Elliott Building The William L. Price Situations (Tajikistan) Community Foundation of Tsunami Partners Boyd Coffee Company Consolidated Goodfellow Fund King County Nurses Michael & Susan Dell Pepper Hamilton LLP Self Realization Foundation Charitable Foundation Ministries of Emergency Foundation Performance Contracting Fellowship Church The Employees The Wessinger A.S. Atlantic USA, Inc. Bright Horizons Family Restaurants, Inc. Gordon and Betty Moore Association Situations (Uzbekistan) Microsoft Matching Gifts Group Sequoia Foundation Community Fund of Foundation Community Foundation Serving adidas Foundation Solutions Crate and Barrel Foundation KING-TV (Seattle, WA) Ministry of Agriculture Program Pineapple Funds Services Group of America The Boeing Company Thelen Reid & Priest LLP Boulder County (CO) Adirondack Community Callison Architecture, Create A Vibe LLC Groth Vineyards & Kittredge Foundation Milne Construction Company Popcorn Video Seyfarth Shaw Attorneys The Everett Clinic Tides Foundation and Animal Husbandry Trust - Evergreen Incorporated D.A. Davidson & Co Winery Koeplin Family Control Union MK Management, Inc Portland General Electric Shamiana Restaurant Foundation Town Hall Association (Kandahar and Helmand, Fund Carnegie Corporation David Evans and H.D. Fowler Company Foundation Corvallis Moving and Storage Moneytree, Inc. Portland Trail Blazers Sierra Brewing The Floating World, Inc. Trombetta Foundation Afghanistan) AIMCO Caruso Produce Associates, Inc. Harry Edison Foundation KOMO-TV and Radio Crane Family Foundation Morning Star Community Potter Construction Co., Inc. The Gerber Foundation Union for Reform Ministry of Emergencies Albina Community Bank Catholic Healthcare Diodes Incorporated Hedinger Family (Seattle, WA) Cranium, Inc Church Powell’s Books, Inc. Silpada Designs, Inc. The Greenbrier Companies Judaism and Ecology and Rescue Al-Salam Club of West DLK Moving & Storage Foundation Korean Peace CRI Advantage Mt Baker Products Puget Sound Sisters of the Holy The Holborn Foundation University Presbyterian Daytona Beach The Catlin Gabel School DRW Holdings Hoyt Street Properties Presbyterian Church Services Division Mulvanny G2 Gastroenterology Names The Hudson Foundation Church Dade Behring Inc. America Online, Inc. CellMark, Inc. Edgerley Family Infospace of Seattle (Kyrgyzstan) Natco Development Corp Putumayo World Music, Inc. Skyway Church of God The Josh Groban Vancouver Public Davis Food Co-op American Eagle Central Oregon Tsunami Foundation Intel Foundation Korry Electronics, Ministry of Health (Pakistan) National Philanthropic RAFB Chapel & SolutionsIQ Foundation Schools Davis Wright Tremaine LLP Outfitters Foundation Fund EDO Corporation International Paper Esterline Corporation Ministry of Health (Tajikistan) Trust Offering Fund Soroptimist The Kemmerer Family Verifone, Inc. Carol Bernick AmericanPropertyManag Charlesbank EE Schenck Co Intrax Cultural Exchange L.P. Brown Foundation NIKE, Inc. Railcar Management LLC International of Foundation Waggener Edstrom Mobility International ement Corporation Chase Family Foundation Eileen Fisher, Inc. Intuit Employee Lake Grove Presbyterian Jessica Crone Nike Foundation Raineier Welding, Inc. Anacortes The Linehan Family Wasatch Advisors Mongolia VET Net Apex Foundation Chez Panisse Restaurant Eiting Foundation Matching Program Church Jane Eckels North Bend Medical Rattray Kimura Spenwhit Company Foundation, Inc. Washington Cathedral Mother Theresa Society Atlantic & Cafe First Advantage Investor Responsibility Langley Park Plaza, Inc. Kristen Gurdin Center Foundation SRC Software The Math Works, Inc. Washington Mutual Bank Muslim Student Human Rights B. Harlow and Chow Food Management Corporation Research Center, Inc. Law Offices of Manza Mark Hackett Northern Trust Related Partners, Inc. St John’s Lodge No 9 The Men’s Wearhouse Wasserman Foundation Commission Associates LLC Services, LLC Fischer Broadcasting Irvin Stern Foundation & Moceri P.S., Stuart Harris Northshore School Restaurants Unlimited, Standard Insurance The Norcliffe Foundation Weeden & Co. LLC Bailey/Franklin Cole Haan Fiserv EFT Issaquah School District Attorneys at Law NAFSA Association of District Staff, Kids, Inc. Starbucks Coffee Company The Oregon Community Wells Fargo Bank Tracey Hawk Janik LLP Attorneys Columbia Preparatory Flagg Creek Foundation 411 LEF Foundation International Educators and Families Revolver USA Statewide, Inc. Foundation Wheeler Family Christopher Helm Bank of America School Fletcher Bay Foundation Jewish Communal Fund Lematta Foundation National Association NVIDIA Corporation Rogue Valley Door Stonyfield Farm Yogurt The Real Estate Board of Foundation Jay Hull Bargreen/Ellingson Commerce Bank Flora Family Foundation Jewish Federation of Leopold R. Gellert of Business Women Odyssey Enterprises, Inc Ron Rothert Insurance Superfeet Worldwide, LLP Foundation Whole Foods Markets Joseph Mattoon Bellevue Club of Washington Fortune Family Greater Seattle Family Trust Olson Sundberg Kundig Services Sybase, Inc. The Record Wieden + Kennedy (Tajikistan) Bellevue High School Community Foundation Foundation Kaleidoscope Les Schwab Tire Centers Jim Mei Allen Architects Inc Rulespace, Inc. Symbol Technologies, Inc. The Renaissance Woodland Park National Iranian American Belo Corporation for Greater Atlanta, Foundation for Middle Foundation Loving Grace Ministries Sheila Morrison Oprah’s Angel Network Ryan, Swanson & Tazo Tea Company Foundation and Zoological Society Council Berklee College of Music Inc. East Peace Keith & Mary Kay McCaw Lynden, Inc. Robert Newell Oregon Chinese Weekly Cleveland The Bill & Melinda Gates Stephanie Fowler and WRG Design, Inc. Northwest Medical Teams Bessemer Trust Community Foundation Friendship-West Baptist Family Foundation M.J. Murdock Charitable Michele Osborne Oregon Symphony Saint Mary’s Health Foundation Irving Levin Wright Runstad Obnova BF Saul Co Silicon Valley Church Kells Restaurant Trust LaVerne Woods Otak Network The Boeing Company The Richard Salomon Associates Operation USA Bicknell Fund Congregation Beth G.I. Joe’s Kettle Foods Martin-Fabert Defined Health Glacier Fish Company KGW-TV (Portland, OR) Foundation Pacific Paving Co, Inc. San Juan Navigation, LLC The Chubb Corporation Family Foundation Wyss Foundation Oregon Food Bank BN Builders, Inc. Diana, Princess of Wales Oregon Mediation Association Memorial Fund Oregon State University Dobyns Educational (NJ) Society for Community The Asia Foundation United Methodist Committee Westview High School Foundations and Ayudar Foundation Bentley Systems, Inc. Oxfam America PROBIGUA Support for Primary The Christian Hospital on Relief (UMCOR) (Portland, OR) Corporate Partners Azumano/Carlson Wagonlit The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Pact, Inc. Dumfries & Galloway Providence Health System Education in Baluchistan (Pakistan) United Way of Astoria, OR Wilson High School (Portland, OR) 1+2 Incorporated Travel Foundation Participatory Integrated The Eiting Foundation (Portland, OR) (SCSPEB) The Gilkey Middle School University of Circle Women And War ABC Jewelry Co. The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Boeing Company Development Society Evergreen International PSI – Kosovo Soroptimist International of (Portland, OR) K International Women’s University Club of ABT Associates, Inc. Pipeline Company Bonness Enterprises Inc (PIDS) Airlines, Inc. Room to Read Portland – East (OR) The Governor Hotel (Portland, OR) US CubaInfoMed Seattle (WA) Action Food Mart Inc Bayer Corporation Bunson Family Foundation Partners for Democratic Change Falkenbury Foundation Rotary Club of Portland (OR) St Mary’s Academy (Portland, OR) The Islamic Cultural Center of Village Focus International World Affairs Council of adidas International Bechtel Employees Club of Calvert Foundation Peking University-Guanghua The Feinstein Foundation Rotary Club of San Carlos (CA) Sustainable Return Northern Vision Eritrea Oregon Advanced Micro Devices Houston Capital Trust Company of School of Management (China) Fidelity Investments TAG The Union of Associations of World Concern Alavi Foundation Bechtel Corporation Persia House of Michigan Fleet Saint Mary’s College (Notre Taraquee Trust (Pakistan) Refugees and Displaced of Reconstruction of World Reach, Inc. Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Bechtel Foundation Carton Services Plan USA Foote, Cone & Belding Dame, IN) Target Direct Marketing Persons Afghanistan World Vision, Inc. The ARCA Foundation Bechtel Nevada Corporation Casa Bruno Port Townsend Peace Seattle (WA) Save the Children/USA Agricultural Experiment Unitarian Universalist Society Volunteers of America YMCA (Lebanon) Archinetix Benjamin Peace Cascadian Nurseries, Inc. Movement (WA) The Foundation for Small Change Station (TAES) of Geneva (IL) Warner Pacific College Ayco Charitable Foundation Foundation Ceili Rain Portland Public Schools (OR) Roanoke Valley

64 65 Fox Family Love Foundation for North PerkinElmer Tazo Tea Company Our Lord’s Community Church MERCY CORPS — Global Financial Summary Audited Financial Summary Frederick D. and Gail Y. Jubitz Korea Perkins Coie LLP Thornwood Furniture ( City, OK) Support, Revenue and Expenditures of Mercy Corps Condensed Summary of Support, Revenue and Expenditures for Foundation Management Accounting Allan Abravanel Manufacturing, Inc. Peace Lutheran Church AN EXEMPLARY and Worldwide Partners Mercy Corps Global Operations Freedom of Federal CU Software Robert Aldisert Tides Foundation (Salem, OR) TEWARDSHIP FY 2004 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2003 Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer Marshall Mok Nursery, Inc. George Fogg US BANK Community Relations Self Realization Fellowship S Support & Revenue Support & Revenue Gattuccio Steel Consulting Martin Family Foundation Michael Gadd US Bank of Oregon Church (Los Angeles, CA) RECORD Proyecto Aldea Global $ 1,507,640 $ 1,446,414 Government and Organizational Support: Gerald K. and Virginia A. Math Works, Inc Philip Morris International US National Mortgage Co. Sisters of the Holy Names Mercy Corps Scotland 13,269,150 13,568,593 Mercy Corps US 106,021,500 97,178,510 Government Grants $ 86,832,551 $ 84,535,704 Hornung Family Foundation Mayetic Village Pittsburgh Valve and Fitting Vanguard Charitable (Marylhurst, OR) International Organization Grants 7,793,232 1,878,838 Glenmede Trust Company, N.A. Merrill Lynch Trust Company Company Endowment Program Skyway Church of God he resources of Subtotal: Cash Revenue 120,798,290 112,193,517 Material Aid (In Kind) 33,472,187 20,453,843 Material Aid Goldman Sachs Meyer Memorial Trust Portland Nursery (OR) Varitz Foundation (Seattle, WA) Mercy Corps’ global (Government Commodities) 11,420,173 15,355,833 Fund Microsoft Pratt and Larson Vernier Software & Technology Spiritual Response Association T TOTAL SUPPORT AND REVENUE $ 154,270,477 $ 132,647,360 Subtotal: Government & Grandchildren’s Family Milberg Weiss Bershad Hynes Preston Gates Ellis LLP W. O’Neil Foundation, Inc (Lacey, WA) operations totaled Organizational Support $ 106,045,956 $ 101,770,375 Expenditures Foundation & Lerach LLP Ellen Bachman Wahl Clipper Corporation St Andrew Catholic Church Private Support: nearly $154.3 million Program: Great Escape Foundation Miller Nash John E. (Tre’) Kennedy The Warrington Foundation (Rochester, MI) Contributions 6,787,115 7,305,522 Hamid’s Persian Rugs Mills Family Foundation Margaret Niles Washington Mutual St John’s Presbyterian Church — a record — in fiscal Proyecto Aldea Global $ 1,375,380 $ 862,389 Mercy Corps Scotland 12,074,690 12,743,731 Grants 3,265,693 2,584,596 Hendikep Mimi Abrons Foundation Inc. Charles Purcell Washington Women’s (Devon, PA) year 2004. Material aid, Mercy Corps US 94,835,291 86,589,153 Gifts in Kind 22,052,014 5,098,010 Hills Design Group Monterey Pasta Company Purdy Corporation Foundation St Louise Parish (Bellevue, WA) Other Revenue 1,342,909 873,850 Subtotal: Cash Expenditures 108,285,361 100,195,273 Hong Kong Shangahi Bank of Moon Joyce Resources Putumayo World Music Wasserman Foundation St Luke Lutheran Church government grants, Subtotal: Private Support $ 33,447,731 $ 15,861,978 Material Aid (In Kind) 33,472,187 20,453,843 China (HSBC) Mostyn Foundation PT Thames Pam Jaya Waterford Foundation (Portland, OR) and private TOTAL SUPPORT AND REVENUE $ 139,493,687 $ 117,632,353 The House of Bernstein, Inc. Motorola (China) Razi Health Foundation Web Trends Products St Stephen’s Episcopal Parish Total Program $ 141,757,548 $ 120,649,116 Hugh and Helena Brogan National Heritage Rejuvenation, Inc. Wells Fargo and Company (Portland, OR) enabled us to provide Support Services: Expenditures General & Administration $ 8,155,064 $ 7,650,935 Foundation, Inc. Foundation The Renaissance Foundation Wells Fargo Corporate St Therese Catholic Church Programs significant relief and Resource Development 4,126,992 3,477,128 The Hunger Site Navigant International Reuters Foundation Community Group (Mooresville, NC) Project Expenditures $ 94,835,291 $ 86,589,153 Ideal Mobile Home Community Northwest Revolver USA Wells Fargo HSBC Trade Bank N.A. The United Parish in development assistance. Total Support Services $ 12,282,056 $ 11,128,063 Material Aid 33,472,187 20,453,843 International Trade Foundation NetAid Foundation Robert Wood Johnson Western Woodworking Brookline (MA) Some 92.03 percent TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 154,039,604 $ 131,777,179 Subtotal: Programs $ 128,307,478 $ 107,042,996 Island Sunrise Foundation Netstar Communications, Inc. Foundation Wheeler Family Foundation Trinity Episcopal Cathedral NET $ 230,873 $ 870,181 Support Services James E. and Lila G. Miller Charitable The Robidoux Foundation Wichita Nursery (Portland, OR) of our resources were General & Administration $ 7,339,681 $ 7,040,107 Charitable Trust Foundation San Francisco Foundation Wyss Foundation Unitarian Community Church directed to programs. Resource Development 3,718,933 3,323,317 James Hartzell Family Nike, Inc. SCA Group, Inc Zaptron Systems (Hillsboro, OR) Subtotal: Support Services $ 11,058,614 $ 10,363,424 Foundation Nike EMEA (the Netherlands) Schamp Family Fund of Zlatne Uste, Inc Catholic Youth And every dollar helped TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 139,366,092 $ 117,406,420 James N. and Jane B. Levitt Nike Foundation the Oregon Community Ministry generate $20.89 in Charitable Fund Norman A. and Helen V. Stoll Foundation Faith Communities How Our Resources Were Spent NET $ 127,595 $ 225,933 Jeld-Wen Fund II of The Oregon Scottish Council for Adrian Dominican Sisters additional resources Jewish Community Foundation Community Foundation Development and Industry Catholic Charismatic Renewal (see “How We Stretch Balance Sheet of Metrowest New Jersey North Star Foundation Seventh Marketing Service of Little Rock (AR) FY 2004 FY 2003 Joe and Sharon Barthmaier O & O Software SG Foundation Community of the Good Your Dollar” on page A s s e t s Cash $ 21,014,439 $ 30,776,328 Family Fund of The Oregon Odwalla Shwindt & Company Shepherd (Cincinnati, OH) 57). Ensuring that Community Foundation Office Depot Siemens AG First Church Christian Receivables 18,555,697 19,832,604 John and Martha Marks Fund Open Door Fellowship Sino Golf (Hong Kong) Outreach Committee resources are wisely Inventories 7,929,202 5,476,424 Property and Equipment (net) 359,393 444,380 of the Oregon Community Open Society Institute So-Hum Foundation (Milford, CT) spent is the cornerstone Other 795,193 765,854 Foundation Oregon Catholic Press Southern Caucasus Pipeline Kittamaqundi Community Total Assets $ 48,653,924 $ 57,295,590 JustGive Oregon Community (SCP) Inclusive (Columbia, MD) of our values, vision, and Keckler Medical Company Foundation Specht Development, Inc LDS Church (Salt Lake City, UT) strategy for growth in Liabilities Kinko International The Pallet Doctor Starbucks Coffee Mary, Queen of Peace Parish  = Total Global Programs: 92.03% Payables & Accrued Liabilities $ 17,239,340 $ 13,965,564 Kirkman Group, Inc Panalpina Staritch Foundation, Inc. (Sammamish, WA) the future.  = Total Global Support Services: 7.97% Deferred Revenue 23,382,773 36,436,563 Klein and Hoffman, Inc Paratherm Corporation Statoil, Azerbaijan Meridian United Church of Total Liabilities $ 40,622,113 $ 50,402,127 Koeplin Family Foundation Pat Boone Foundation, Inc. Stichting Vluchteling Christ (Wilsonville, OR) Net Assets Kosta Patagonia, Inc. Stoel Rives LLC Mission of the Atonement Unrestricted $ 5,102,355 $ 4,974,760 Kutsinhira Pax World Funds Stronge Family Foundation (Beaverton, OR) Temporarily Restricted 2,929,456 1,918,703 Landscape Development, Inc. Pax World Management Corp. Sun Group Mt Diablo Unitarian Total Net Assets $ 8,031,811 $ 6,893,463 Life Everlasting Farm Peninsula Community Take The Plunge Foundation Universalist Church (Walnut TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $ 48,653,924 $ 57,295,590 Foundation Target Direct Marketing Creek, CA)

66 67

HOW YOU CAN HELP Board Members Leadership Team Program Leadership United States Headquarters Credits Mercy Corps Neal L. Keny-Guyer, Stephen Claborne, 3015 SW First Avenue Managing Editor Your support can make Board of Directors Chief Executive Officer Director of Operations Portland, OR 97201 Lisa Kenn Senator Mark O. Hatfield, Daniel W. O’Neill, Founder Diane Johnson, Phone: 800-292-3355 Writer a crucial and enduring Bob Kellett Honorary Chair Director of Operations at Large 503-796-6800 Nancy Lindborg, President Mercy Corps Headquarters difference in the lives Robert D. Newell, Chair Kim Johnston, Fax: 503-796-6844 Dr. Jay A. Barber, Jr., Vice Chair Ellsworth Culver, Director of Operations Contributors Senior Vice President and Email: [email protected] Jeremy Barnicle Daniel W. O’Neill, Founder Randy Martin, of families in need. To Co-Founder Eric Block Neal L. Keny-Guyer, Director of Global Website: Roger Burks make a financial con- Chief Executive Officer Steve Mitchell, Emergency Operations Matthew De Galan Brigadier Allan Alstead Chief Financial Officer Karen Scriven, Jennifer Dillan Phyllis Dobyns European Headquarters David Evans tribution, please call us Matthew De Galan, Director of New Initiatives and Elizabeth Goebel 17 Claremont Crescent Laura Guimond Chief Development Officer Technical Support at 1-800-292-3355, ext. Mark Gordon Mary Keegan Jim White, Edinburgh EH7 4HX Program Department Officers Allen Grossman Jane Salmonson, Director of Operations Scotland, UK 250, or visit our website Dusty Kidd Executive Director, Mercy Corps Field Staff Mike Maerz Mercy Corps Scotland Phone: 44-131-558-8244 Contributors at Afghanistan, Michael Bowers Jane Connolly Linda A. Mason Peter Blomquist, Fax: 44-131-558-8288 Albana Dwonch Please also consider Raymond E. Vath, M.D. Vice President, Azerbaijan, Fred Gregory Email: [email protected] Sameer Farhan Philippe Villers Constituency Development Bosnia, Marko Nisandzic Website: Venus Hameed including Mercy Corps China/Hong Kong, Diana Tsui Nailia Mustafayeva Paul Dudley Hart, Cassandra Nelson Director at Large China (Yanbian)/North Korea, Washington, DC, USA Salam al Waili in your bequest and Mercy Corps Scotland Myung Lee Board of Trustees Mignon Mazique, 1730 Avenue NW Design Executive Counselor Eritrea, Josh Dewald Barnebey & Owen, Inc. estate planning. Brigadier Allan Alstead, Chair Suite #809 Ethiopia, Tom Hensleigh Photography Credits John Musson, Vice Chair Washington, DC 20036 Such gifts can ensure George Menzies, Company Georgia, Johan Ramon front cover: James Nachtwey, Indonesia Secretary Guatemala, Borys Chinchilla Phone: 202-463-7383 Mercy Corps’ ability to page 1: Cassandra Nelson/Mercy Lady Djemila Cope Honduras, Chet Thomas Fax: 202-463-7322 Corps, Sri Lanka provide humanitarian Ellsworth Culver India, Leslie Jones page 2: Steve Harmon, SJ Harmon Andrew Dobson Indonesia, Craig Redmond Hong Kong Photography Rev. James Harkness assistance where it is Iran, Golam Azam pages 4-7: James Nachtwey, Indonesia Neal L. Keny-Guyer 8/f Bank of America Tower pages 8-10: Elizabeth Christy/Mercy needed most, far into Nancy Lindborg Iraq, David Holdridge 12 Harcourt Road, Central Corps, India Elizabeth Ashley Mann Jordan, Marta Colburn Hong Kong page 13: Cassandra Nelson/Mercy Corps, Indonesia the future. For more Ann McKechin, MP Kosovo, Marian Cadogan Phone: 852-2584-6104 Simon Scott pages 14-16: © Jehad Nga/Corbis, Kyrgyzstan, Catherine Brown Liberia information on planned Alan Wilson Fax: 852-2530-0484 Lebanon, Cathy Rothenberger page 19: Venus Hameed/Mercy Corps, Iraq Richard Worthing-Davies giving opportunities, Liberia, Denise Barrett pages 20-22: © David Alan Harvey/ Mongolia, Steve Zimmerman Seattle, Washington, USA , Honduras please contact David 146 North Canal Street page 25: Jane Connolly/Mercy Corps, Mercy Corps North Sudan, David Brigham Liberia Evans, Development Board of Ambassadors Pakistan, Faiza Janmohamed Suite #350 pages 26-28: REUTERS/Radu Sigheti, Dr. Hanan Ashrawi Serbia, Mazen Fawzy Seattle, WA 98103 courtesy of, Sudan page 31: Roger Burks/Mercy Corps, Information Officer, William Baldwin South Sudan, Lainie Thomas Phone: 206-547-5212 Honduras Malcolm Butler Sri Lanka, Ian Schneider pages 32-34: Cassandra Nelson/ at 1-800-292-3355, Diana Dajani Tajikistan, Gary Burniske Mercy Corps, Indonesia William Early Cambridge, Massachusetts, Turkmenistan, Heather Carlisle page 37: Kamran Abdullayev & ext. 368, or visit us at Rev. Joseph T. Eldridge USA Nailia Mustafayeva/Mercy Corps, United States, John Haines Kathie Lee Gifford 9 Waterhouse Street Azerbaijan Bianca Jagger Uzbekistan, Debra Huls Cambridge, MA 02138 pages 40, 50: Cassandra Nelson/ Walter Russell Mead West Bank/Gaza, Paul Butler Mercy Corps, Indonesia Phone: 617-354-5444 pages 42, 45, 49: Cassandra Nelson/ Laurence A. Shadek Zimbabwe, Rob Moroni Victoria Stack Fax: 617-354-8467 Mercy Corps, Sudan page 43: Bob Kellett/Mercy Corps, Iran Johnny C. Taylor, Jr. page 44: Kim Johnston/Mercy Corps, Nohad A. Toulan El Salvador Wm. Harvey Wise page 46: Cassandra Nelson/Mercy Corps, Iraq page 47: Cassandra Nelson/Mercy Corps, Iran page 48: Cassandra Nelson/Mercy Corps, West Bank © 2005 Mercy Corps. back cover: REUTERS/Radu Sigheti, All Rights Reserved. courtesy of, Sudan