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One Hundred and Forty-First

Municipal Year



Natick, Mass.

press of the natick bulletin 1920

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One Hundred and Forty-First

Municipal Year



Natick, Mass.

press of the natick bulletin

192 1




Term Expires Moderator EDMUND H. SEARS 1921 Town Clerk WARREN L. BISHOP 1921 Selectmen CHARLES A. BENSON 1921 NAPOLEON PERODEAU 1921


Collector of Taxes LESTER R. GERALD 1921 Auditor JAMES H. CARROLL 1921

Treasurer of Library Funds FRANCIS SHAW 1921

Overseers of the Poor




Water Commissioners JAMES C McKAY 1921 CLARENCE S. WILLIAMS 1922 HENRY G. DUDLEY 1923

Trustees of Public Library JOHN CONNELLY 1921


Sinking Fund Commissioners JOHN CONNOLLY 1921 WALTER B. HENDERSON 1921 CHESTER B. WILLIAMS 1921

Cemetery Commissioners COLON G WARD 1921 WILLIAM REED, 2nd 1922 WALLACE S. DRAPER 1923

Tree Warden FRANK F. AMES 1921

Surveyor of Highways CHARLES W. FAIRBANK 1921 7

Board of Health



Trustees of Allen Fund ISAAC DAMON 1921 JOHN CONNELLY 1921 WALTER B. HENDERSON 1921

Fence Viewers SELECTMEN 1921

Field Drivers CONSTABLES 1921

Surveyors of Lumber FRANK HAYNES 1921 ISRAEL A. LUPIEN 1921

Measurers of Wood and Bark ISRAEL A. LUPIEN 1921 ARTHUR F. MARSTON 1921 WLLIAM S. LOVELL 1921

Memorial Day Committee





Inspector of Animals FRANK BIGWOOD 1921

Burial Agent MARCUS M. FISKE 1921

Fire Warden HOWARD C. HAYNES 1921

Superintendent Gypsy and Brown Tail Moth

DANIEL J. GRAHAM 1921 Sealer of Weights and Measures ALBERT B- MARCHARD 1921

Janitor of Town Hall


Chief of Police EDWARD F. DORSHEIMER 1921

Public Weighers JAMES McKAY 1921 ARTHUR W. ATWOOD 1921 Finance Committee



MEDDIE H. RASICOT, Democratic 1921 JOSEPH W. ZINNERMAN, Democratic 1922


Election Officers

Precinct 1










Middlesex, ss.

To either of the Constables of the Town of Wayland in said

County : * j Greeting

In the name of the Commonwealth you are required to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Town qualified to vote, in town elections to meet at their respective polling places on

MONDAY, MARCH 7th, 1921 at six o'clock in the forenoon, there and then to bring in their ballots for a Moderator, a Town Clerk, three Selectmen, a Treasurer, a Collector of Taxes, an Auditor, a Surveyor of

Highways, a Tree Warden, and seven Constables, all for one year.

One member of the School Committee, one Sinking Fund Commissioner, one Cemetery Commissioner, two trustees of Public Library, one Overseer of Poor, one Assessor, one

member of Board of Health, one Water Commissioner, all for three years.

Also to vote ''Yes" or "No" upon the question "Shall licenses be granted for the sale of certain non-intoxicating beverages in this town?"

All the foregoing to be voted on the official ballot. The :

12 polls will be open at 6.15 o'clock in the forenoon and will remain continuously open for at least four hours, when they may be closed unless the voters otherwise order.

And you are required to notify and warn the inhabitants of said town qualified to vote in town affairs to meet at the Town Hall on

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9th, 1921 AT 7.45 P. M. then and there to act on the following articles

Article 1. To hear the reports of town officers, agents, and committees and act thereon.

Article 2. To choose all necessary officers, agents, and committees not elected by official ballot.

Article 3. To grant money for all necessary town pur- poses.

Atticle 4. To authorize the Selectmen to consult coun- sel on important town cases and to defend the town against any action at law or suit in equity that may be brought against it.

Article 5. To appropriate the money received from Dog licenses.

Article G. To see if the, town will vote to authorize the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money in anticipation of the revenue of the current financial year.

Article 7. To see if the Town will appropriate and assess a sum not exceeding $1500.00 for painting the school houses in Wayland and in Cochituate, and for wiring and installing electric lights in the Wayland School house, or do or act.

Article, 8. To see if the Town will appropriate and 13 assess a sum not exceeding $T5.00 for installing electric lights at Shore Acres, so called, or do or act.

Article 9. To see if the Town will appropriate and assess a sum of money for the purpose of installing electric lights on Rice Road between the residence of Alexander Sauer and Old Connecticut Path, or do or act.

Article 10. To see if the Town will vote to pay all town laborers $4.00 per day or otherwise act.

Article 11. To see if the Town will vote to pay $4.00 per day for a two horse team or otherwise act.

Article 12. To see what action the Town will take in regard to appropriating $600.00 for repairs on Pelham Is- land Road and Culverts.

Article 13. To see if the Town will vote to purchase a piece of land of Mrs. L. S. Hanna for gravel purposes, the land alone for $400.00 or with the wood for $500.00 or do or


Article 14. To consider and vote by ballot upon the question, shall Sections One to Nine, inclusive, of Chapter For- ty-five of the General Laws, authorizing cities and towns to lay out public parks within their limits be accepted.

Article 15. To see if the Town will elect a Board of three Park Commissioners and prescribe their terms of office or otherwise do or act.

Article 16. To see if the Town will vote to give to the Board of Park Commissioners the authority to exercise the powers and rights of the Town as to public playgrounds.

Article 17. To see if the Town will accept the gift of the whole or any part of the real estate described in deed of Jonathan M. Parmenter to Edwin Farnham Greene and Ed- mund H. Sears, dated December 28, 1910 and recorded with 14

Middlesex South District Deeds, Book 3811, page 216 and shown on plan 50, Book of Plans '21') in said Deeds upon certain trusts set forth in Declaration of Trust, dated July

17, 1911 and recorded with said deeds, Book 3645, page 206, and will authorize the Selectmen to accept a deed or deeds of said real estate, or any part or parts thereof with such restrictions and upon such trusts as to the Selectmen seem proper or do or act.

Article 18. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate and assess the sum of $500.00 to repair sidewalk on Westerly side of Cochituate Road from B. & M. R. R. to beyond School Buildings.

Article 19. To see if the town will vote to install a hydrant near the residence of Charles S. Wright and appro- priate money for the same.

Article 20. To see if the Town will appropriate and assess a sum not exceeding $500.00 for the purchase of new hose for the Fire Department.

Article 21. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate and assess the sum of $700.00 to build a retaining wall on the easterly side of Pemberton Road near the residence of Isa- belle C. Pettigrew. or do or act.

Article 22. To see if the Town will vote to increase the

School Committee two members from three as at present t >

five members and instruct the, Selectmen to take any action

to change its By-Laws, if necessary, to carry out the above purpose.

Article 23. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate and raise a certain sum of money for the purpose of purchas- ing a steam road roller, or do or act.

Article 24. To see if the Town will vote to purchase a two horse road scraper, and to appropriate and assess a sum not to exceed $300.00 for said purpose, or do or act. 15

Article 25. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate and assess a sum of money to build a sidewalk on State Road

West between the residence of J. W. Egan and the residence of Harry Moyse, or do or act.

Art. 26. To see if the town will vote to raise and ap- propriate the sum of $300.00 or some other amount, and elect a director for demonstration work in agriculture and home economics, the money to be expended by, and the di- rector to serve in co-operation with the County Trustees for Aid to Agriculture of the Middlesex County Bureau of Agri- culture; and Home Economics, under the provisions of Chap-

ter 273, General Acts of 1918; it being understood that $150.00 of this amount shall be used to provide local paid supervision of boys' and girls' club work.

Article 27. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate and assess a sum of money not exceeding $200.00 to regrade and repair the sidewalk on the esat side of Pemberton Road between Pond Street and Harrison Street, or do or act.

Article 28. To see if the Town will appropriate and assess the sum of $1000.00 to repair Glezen Road from Hazelbrook Road to the Weston Line or do or act.

Article 30. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Treasurer with the appropval of the Selectmen to borrow the sum of $5000.00 in anticipation of a reimbursement from the County and State on account of repairs on Main Street Cochituate.

Article 31. To see if the Town will accept the follow- ing bequest.

$100.00 Received from Mrs. Ellen Adelaide Ellis to be

known as the "Jonas and Celinea Gardner Bennett Fund" in-

come from which to be used for the perpetual care of the

Jonas Bennett Lots No. 103-104, in the North Cemetery. :


Article 32. To see if the Town will vote to abolish the Wayland High School and authorize the School Committee to pay for the tuition and transportation of pupils wishing- to attend high schools in neighboring towns, to do or act.

Article 33. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the School Committee to pay the tuition and transportation of pupils whose parents desire shall attend high schools in neighboring .towns, to do or act.

And you are required to serve this Warrant by posting copies thereof attested by you at the Town Hall, at each Post Office in town, and on the Engine House in Cochituate seven days at least before the time of holding said election.

Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk on or before March 4th, 1921.

Given under our hands this 15th day of February in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and twenty one.


WILLIAM J. SCOTLAND Selectmen of the Town of Waylani

February 1921

A true copy, attest

Constable of Wayland. :



FEBRUARY 2, 1920


Middlese ss.

To either of the Constables of the Town of Wayland in said County.


In the name of the Commonwealth you are required to notify and warn the inhabitants of said town qualified to vote in town elections to meet at their respective polling places on


at six o'clock in the forenoon, there and then to bring in their ballots for a Moderator, a Town Clerk, three Selectmen, a Treasurer, a Collector of Taxes, an Auditor, a Treasurer of Library Funds, a Surveyor of Highways, a Tree Warden, and

seven Constables, all for one year.

One member of the School Committee, one Cemetery Commissioner, two Trustees of Public Library, one Overseer of the Poor, one Assessor, one member of the Board of

Health, and one Water Commissioner, all for three years.

-Also to vote "Yes or "No" upon the question "Shall Sec- tions one to 14, inclusive, of Chap. 28 of the Revised Laws, authorizing cities and towns to lay out Public Parks within their limits be accepted.

Also to vote, "Yes" or "No" upon the question, "Shall 18 licenses be granted for the sale of intoxicating liquors in this town ?"

All the foregoing to be vote,d on the official ballot. The polls will be open at 6.15 o'clock in the forenoon and will re- main continuously open for at least four hours when they may be closed unless the voters otherwise determine-

And you are required to notify and warn the inhabitants of said town qualified to vote in town affairs to meet at the Town Hall on Wednesday,February 4th, 1920, at r.45 P. M. then and there to act on the following articles:

Article 1. To hear the reports of town officers, agents and committees and act thereon.

Article 2. To choose all necessary officers, agents and committees not elected by official ballot.

Article 3- To grant money for all necessary town ex- penses.

Article 4. To authorize the Selectmen to consult coun- sel on important town cases and to defend the town against any action at law or suit in equity that may be brought against it.

Article 5. To appropriate the money received from Dog licenses.

Article 6. To see if the town will vote to authorize the treasurer with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money in anticipation of the revenue of the current financial year.

Article 7. To see what action the Town will take in regard to the adoption of new By Laws or do or act.

Article 8. To see if the Town will vote to have the valuation of estates made by the Assessors printed in full in 19 the Annual Town Report every third year, or at such other time as may be, determined upon.

Article 9- To see if the Town will elect a Board of Three Park Commissioners and prescribe their terms of office, or otherwise do or act.

Article 10. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate and raise a sum not exceeding $5,300.00 for the purpose of procuring a motor equipment for the town fire departments, or do or act.

Article 11. To see if the, Town will vote to hold the Annual Town Meeting on the first Monday of March, or otherwise act-

Article 12. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $250.00 or some other amount, and elect a director for demonstration work in agriculture and home economics, the money to be expended by, and the di

rector to serve in co-operation with the, County Trustees for Aid to Agriculture of the Middlesex County Bureau of Agri- culture and Home Economics, under the provisions of Chap.

273, General Acts of 1918 ; it being understood that one- fourth of this amount shall be used to provide local paid super- vision of boys' and girls' club work.

Article, 13. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money not exceeding $2,500.00 for the purpose of continuing improvements on Main Street, Cochituate.

Article 14. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to borro v the sum of $5,000.00 in anticipation of a re-imbursement from the State and County on account of improvements on Main Street, Cochituate.

Article 15. To see if the town will vote to change the name of School Street (running from East Plain Street to what is known as Fiske Corner at Main Street) to Roosevelt Road, or act or do.

Article 16. To see if the Town will vote to discontinue the; Wayland High School at Wayland Center and send pupils elsewhere.

Article IT. To see if the Town will vote to appropri- ate and assess a sum of money for the purpose of purchasing a piece of land in Cochituate adjoining the Cochituate Play- ground on the, east, the same to be an addition to the Play- ground, or otherwise act.

Article 18. To see if the Town will vote to appropri- ate and assess the sum of $500.00 for the purpose of building granolithic walks, flagpole base and regrading the lawn of the Cochituate Grammar School.

Article 19. To see if the Town will release any inter- est it may have acquired in real estate formerly of Cornelia

J. Bent, as conveyed to it by Willard B. Ward, Collector of Taxes, by a deed dated Oct. 26, 1895 and recorded with Middlesex South District Deeds, Book 2418, page 570, and authorize and direct the Treasurer to execute and deliver a release thereof in behalf of the Town or do anything relating thereto.

Aritcle 20. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate and assess the sum of $1,000.00 for the purpose of repairs on Tower Hill Road ordered by the County Commissioners, or otherwise act act.

Article 21. To see if the Town will appropriate and assess the sum of $800-00 for the purpose of repairing Sher- man Road Bridge or otherwise act.

Article 22. To see if the Town will appropriate and assess the sum of $500.00, for the purpose of erecting a fence 21 on the northwestern side of the North Cemetery, or do or act.

Article 23. To see if the Town will vote to pay all town laborers four dollars per day or otherwise act.

Article 24- To see if the Town will vote to pay four dollars per day for a double team or otherwise act.

Article 25. To see if the Town will appropriate and assess a sum not exceeding $1,000.00 for re-shaping and graveling the Old Connecticut Path starting at Cochituate Road to work east, or do or act.

Article 26. To consider and take such action as may seem necessary and proper to endeavor to protect the citizens of this town from accident at the corner of the State Road and Main Street, sometimes called Cochituate Road.

Article 27- To see if the Town will appropriate and raise a sum not exceeding $2,000.00 for the purpose of taking or purschasing the land of James H. Lee at the Southwester- ly corneo of the State Road and Main Street, sometimes called Cochituate Road, for park, playground or other municipal

purpose, or othewise act.

Article 28. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Park Commissioners, the School Committee, or the Play- ground Commission to exercise the powers and rights of the town as to public playgrounds under the statutes relating thereto, or otherwise act.

Article 29. To see if the town will appropriate and assess a sum of money for the purpose of repairing Glezen Road from Hazelbrook Lane to the Weston line, or do or act-

Article 30. To see if the town will vote to pay the election officers six dollars per day or otherwise act.

Article 31. To see ri the Town will appropriate and :

22 assess a sum not exceeding $500.00 to install a water supply in the Library building, or do or act.

Article 32. To see if the town will authorize the Board of Trustees of the Public Library to choose annually from its own number a Treasurer.

Article 33- To see if the Town will appropriate and raise a sum of money for the purpose of purchasing a steam road roller, or otherwise act.

Article 34. To see if the Town will accept the following bequests

$100.00 Received from Imogene A. Carter, to be known as the "Edward Carter Fund," income from which to be used for he perpetual care of the Edward Carter Lot, No. 168, in the North Cemetery.

$100.00 Received from Colon C Ward, to be known as the "Ward Fund" income from which to be used for the perpetual care of the Colon C. Ward, Lot No. 35, and the Bleman Ward Lot No. 26, both in Section E, Lake View Cen> etery.

And you are required to serve this warrant by posting copies thereof attested by you at the Town Hall, at each Post Office in town, and at the Engine House in Cochituate seven days at least before the time of holding said election.

Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your doing thereon to the Town Clerk on or before January 30th, 1920. CHARLES A- BENSON FRANK HAYNES NAPOLEON PEREODEAU Selectmen of Wayand January 1920.

A true copy attest:

Constable of the Town of Wayland : :


4th February 1920

And pursuant to said warrant the inhabitants of Way- land qualified to vote in town affairs met and did the follow- ing business

Article 1 Charles A. Benson, Chairman of committee appointed to invesitgate purchase of motor apparatus for fire department made a report. No action on the report.

Voted: to accept the report of the Finance Committee as printed in the town report. The report is as follows

Salaries $3,500.00 Moderator Town Clerk Selectmen Treasurer Collector Auditor Assessors

. Overseers of Jr'oor Election Officers Registrars Sealer of Weights and Measures

Incidentals 1,400-00 Protection of Life and Property Police 2,000.00 Fire Department 1,500.00 3,500.00

r Tree W arden Department 100.00 Health and Sanitation Board of Health 250.00 Inspector of Animals, salary 75.00 325.00 Highways, Bridges and Sidewalks 4,000-00 24

Oiling Highways 5,000.00 Railing for highways 1,000.00 Street Lighting 3,000-00 Moth Extermination 1,046.88 Charities Support of Poor 1,800.00 Education 21,000.00 Covering School Committees salaries Teachers Superintendent Janitors Supplies Transportation Manual Training Incidentals School Physician 75-00 Library and Reading Room 2,000.00 Memorial Day Celebration 200.00 Soldiers Benefits 800.00 Cemeteries Lake View 250.00 North and Center 250.00 50CT.00 Wayland Schoolhouse Equipment Bond 1,400-00 Cochituate Schoolhouse Bond 1,500.00 Playground Note 1,000.00 Interest 3,000.00 Total $56,146.88

The above appropriations are recommended for the fis- cal year ending December 31, 1920 in addition to such bal- ances as appear on the Treasurer's books unexpended from last year's appropriations. We recommend that the money for removing snow, town insurance and surety bonds and requirements for legal claims be drawn from the revenue ac- count. Also the overdrafts of the various accounts amounting 25 to $3,845.68 be charged to the Revenue Account-

We recommend that the Selectmen employ an official clerk.

Article 2. Isaac Damon, John Connelly and Walter B. Henderson were elected Trustees of the Allen Fund.

Voted that the Selectmen act as Fence Viewers Voted that the Constables act as Field Drivers. Frank Haynes and Israel A. Lupien were elected Sur- veyors of Lumber.

Arthur F. Marston, William S. Lovell, and Israel A. Lupien were elected Measurers of Wood and Bark.

Irwin Schleicher, James I. Bryden, Marcus M. Fiske, Thomas W. Frost, Robert Stearns, Frank Burke, Amedie Perodeau and William Nolan were elected Memorial Day Committee.

Article 3. Voted that the various amounts specified in the Finance Committee's Report be appropriated and as-

sessed and recommendations adopted- (See article 1.)

Article 4. Voted to authorize the Selectmen to consult counsel on important town cases and to defend the town against any action at law or suit in equity that may be brought against it.

Article 5. Voted to appropriate the, money received

from Dog Licenses, one half to the schools and one half to> the library.

Article 6. Voted that the Town Treasurer with the

approval of the Selectmen be and hereby is authorized to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the rev- enue of the financial year beginning January 1st, 1920, to issue a note or notes therefor payable, within one year, any debt or debts incurred under this vote to be paid from the revenue of the said financial year- 26

Article 7. Voted to accept and adopt New By-Laws with certain amendments (See By-Laws as amended.)

Article 8. Voted that the valuation of estates made by the Board of Assessors shall be printed in full in the An- nual Town Report in 1921 and even- third year thereafter until further action by the town.

Article 9. Voted to pass over the article-

Article 10. Voted that the town appropriate and assess the sum of $1300.00 and that the Treasurer be and hereby is authorized with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow the sum of $4000.00 and issue notes therefor payable $1000.00 annually with interest, for the purpose of procuring motor equipment for the town fire departments and that the Select- men be authorized to purchase the same-

Vote, Yes 118, No 0.

Article 11. Voted that the Annual Town Meeting in which there is precinct voting, the matter of the election of town officers and the determination of such matters as by law are required to be elected or determined by official ballot shall be in order only on the first Monday in March in each year beginning in 1921, and all other business shall be in order only at a meeting held on the following Wednesday at 7.45 P. M. The time and place of holding such subsequent meeting shall be stated in the warrant for the annual election, and said election, subsequent meeting and its adjournments shall be regarded as parts of the annual town meeting-

Article 12. Voted to appropriate and assess the sum of $250.00 and elect a director for demonstration work in agriculture and home economics, the money to be expended by, and the director to serve in co-operation with the County

Trustees for Aid to Agriculture of the Middlesex County Bureau of Agriculture and Home Economics, under 27

the provisions of Chap. 273, Gen. Acts of 1918; it being un- derstood that one fourth of this amount shall be used to provide local paid supervision of boys' and girls club work.

Article 13. Voted to appropriate and assess $2500.00 for the purpose of continuing improvements on Main Street, Cochituate.

Article 14. Voted that the Treasurer be and hereby is authorized with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow the sum of $5000.00 in anticipation of a re-imbursement from the County and State on account of improvements on Main Street, Cochituate and to issue a note or notes therefor pay- able one year from date with interest. Vote Yes 100, No 0-

Article 15. Voted to pass over the article.

, Article 1G. Voted to pass over the article.

Article IT. Voted to appropriate and assess $600.00 for the purpose of purchasing a piece of land in Cochituate adoining the Cochituate Playground on the east, containing .approximately three-quarters of an acre, the same to be an addition to the Playground.

Article 'Ify Voted to appropriate and assess $500.00 for the purpose of building granolithic walks, flagpole base, and regrading the lawn of the Cochituate Grammar School.

Article 19. Voted that the Town release any interest

it may have acquired in real estate formerly of Cornelia J. Bent as conveyed to it by Willard B. Ward, Collector of Taxes, by a deed dated Oct. 26,1895 and recorded with Mid- dlesex South District Deeds Book 2418. page 570, and au- thorize and direct the Treasurer to execute and deliver a re- lease thereof in behalf of the town.

Article 80. Voted to appropriate and assess $1000.00 for the purpose of repairs on Tower Hill Road ordered by the County Commissioners. 28

Article 81. Voted to appopriate and assess $800.00 for the purpose of repairing Sheman Road Bridge.

Article 22- Voted to appropriate and assess $500.00 for the purpose of erecting a fence on the northwestern side of the North Cemetery.

Article 23. Voted to pay all town laborers $4.00 per day.

Article 24. Voted to pay $4-00 per day for a double team.

Article 25. Voted to appropiate and assess a sum not exceeding $1000-00 for reshaping and graveling the Old Con- necticut Path starting at Cochituate Road to work east.

Art. 26. Voted that the School Committee be and here- by are authorized and instructed to take by eminent domain the land of James H- Lee at the southwesterly corner of Main Street, sometimes called Cochituate Road and the State Road for the purpose of a Playground.

Article 27. Voted to appropriate and assess a sum not exceeding $1750.00 to cover the estimated expense of taking or purchasing the land of James H- Lee at the Southwesterly corner of the State Road and Main Street, sometimes called Cochituate Road, for park, playground or other municipal purpose.

Article 28. Voted that the School Committee be and hereby are authorized to exercise the powers and rights of the town as to public playgrounds.

Article 29. Voted that the Town appropriate and assess the sum of $250.00 to repair Glezen Road from Hazelbrook Lane to the Weston Line.

Article 30. Voted to pay election officers $6.00 per day-

Article 31. Voted to appropriate and assess $500^00 : :

to install a water supply in the Library Building, said sum to be expended by th^ Trustees of the Library.

Article 3£. Voted to authoriz the Trustees of the

Public Library to choose annually from its own number a Treasurer of Library Funds.

Article 33. Voted that the Selectmen be a committee to investigate the matter and report at a future town meeting.

Article 34. Voted to accept the following bequests

$100-00 Received from Imogene A. Carter, to be known as 'Edward Carter Fund," income from which to be, used for the perpetual careof Edward Carter Lot No. 168 in the North Cemetery.

$100.00 Received from Colon C. Ward, to be known as the "Ward Fund," income from which to be used for the perpetual care of the Colon C. Ward, Lot No. 35, and the Bleman Ward Lot No. 26, both in Section E, Lake View Cemetery.

Meeting dissolved at 11.10 P. M.

A true copy:



Clerk of the Tozvn of Wayland : : :



Middlesex, ss-

To cither of the Constables of the Town of Wayland in said County


In the name of the Commonwealth you are required to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Town qualified to vote in town affairs to meet at the Town Hall on

WEDNESDAY. THE 26th DAY OF MAY 1920, at 7.45 P. M. then and there to act on the following articles:

Article 1. To hear any reports of committees, boards, agents or officials and act thereon.

Article 2. To see what action the town will take in reference to "Russell's Bridge," so called, situated on State Road West, or do or act.

Article 3- To see if the Town will accept the following bequest

"In memory of my sister, Ada H. Wellington, I hereby offer the Town of Wayland one Five Hundred Dollar U. S. Liberty Loan Bond as a gift, said bond or the proceeds there- of to constitute a fund, to be designated as the "Ada H. Well- ington Fund" ; said fund to be forever held for the benefit of the Wayland Free Public Library, the income to be ex- pended in the purchase of books, the books so purchased to 31 be inscribed as "Purchased from the Ada H. Wellington Fund."

Margaret B. Wellington

Article, 4. To see it the town will vote to accept Chap- ter 240 of the Acts of 1920, permitting Sunday Sports.

Article 5. To see if the town will apporpriate and as- sess the sum of ($100) One Hundred Dollars for an addition to Memorial Day Fund.

Article 6. To see if the Town will vote to pay five dollars per day to all Town Laborers or otherwise act.

Article 7. To see if the Town will vote to pay five dollars per day for a double team or otherwise act-

Article 8. To see if the Town will appropriate and raise a sum of money to settle the claim of James H. Lee on account of the taking of certain land at the southwesterly cor- ner of the State Road and Main Street.

Article 9. To see if the Town will accept the follow- ing bequest:—$100. Received from Est. of Andrew S« Morse, to be known as the "'Andrew S. Morse Fund," income from which to be used for the perpetual care of the Andrew

S. Morse Lot. in the North Cemetery.

And you are required to serve this warrant by posting copies thereof attested by you at the Town Hall, at each Post

Office in town and at the Engine House in Cochituate seven days at least before the date of said meeting.

Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your doing thereon to the Town Clerk on or before the date of said meeting. 32

Given under our hands this 10th day of May 1920.


WILLIAM J. SCOTLAND Selectmen of Wayland May 1920

A true copy : Attest

Constable of the Town of Wayland

TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE Wayland Massachusetts May 26th, 1920

Pursuant to foregoing warrant the inhabitants of the Town of Wayland met this day and did the following busi-

ness :

Article 1. Mr- Wells of the School Committee made a report relative to the taking of land of J. H. Lee. Voted to accept the report-

Article 2. Voted that the Selectmen act as a com- mittee to confer with the Highway Commission in regard to the taking over of the Russell Bridge so-called, the said

7 Bridge situated on the State Road W est in the town of Way- land.

Voted that the Selectmen be requested to see that the town's interest's are cared for in connection with the bridge.

Article 3. Voted to accept the gift as printed in the article with thanks.

• Article 4. Voted to accept Chapter 240, Acts of 1920, relating to Sunday Sports. Vote : Yes 46, No 24.

Article 5. Voted to appropriate and assess $100.00 for an addition to the Memorial Day Fund- :


Article 6. Passed over.

Article 7. No action.

Article 8. Passed over-

Article 9. Voted to accept the ollowing bequest

$100.00 Received from estate of Andrew S. Morse to be known as the "Andrew S. Morse Fund" income from which to be used for the perpetual care of the Andrew S- Morse Lot in the North Cemtery.

Meeting dissolved at 10.45 P. M.

A true copy

Attest, WARREN L. BISHOP Town Clerk of Wayland : — :




Midddlesex, ss-

To either of the Constables of the Town of Wayland in said

County :


In the name of the Commonwealth yon are required to notify and warn the inhabitants of said town qualified to vote in town affairs to meet at the Town Hall on

THURSDAY, THE 10th DAY OF JUNE, 1920 at 7.45 P. M. then and there to act on the following articles

Article 1. To see if the Town will vote to pay five dollars per day to all Town Laborers or otherwise act.

Article 2. To see if the Town will vote to pay five dollars per day for a double team or otherwise act.

Article 3. To see if the Town will appropriate and raise a sum of money for the purpose of taking by en:inent domain the property at the southwesterly corner of State Road and Main Street for playground purposes, said property being bounded and described as follows :

Beginning at the southwesterly corner of Main Street and the State Road at a stone bound thence running north 78 degrees 6' west on said State Road seventy-two (72) feet to land of Sears ; thence turning and running south 9 degrees 50' 30" west on land of said Sears ninety-eight (98) feet to 35

the center of Mill Brook ; thence turning and sunning north 73 degrees 11' east one hundred eight (108) feet to Main Street; thence turning and running north 17 degrees 46' west on said Main Street fifty-three (53) feet to the point of begin- ning. or take any other action in regard thereto.

Article 4. To see what action the Town will take, if any, in regard to the appropriation and assessment heretofore made to cover the estimated expense of taking the land of James H- Lee at the southwesterly corner of the State Road and Main Street, sometimes called Cochituate Road, for the purpose of a playground.

And you are required to serve this warrant by posting copies thereof attested by you at the Town Hall, at each Post Office in town and at the Engine House in Cochituate seven days at least before the date of said meeting.

Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk on or before the date of said meeting.

Given under our hands this 29th day of May, 1920.


WILLIAM J. SCOTLAND Selectmen of Wayland May 1920

A true copy : Attest

Constable of Wayland —



Wayland, Mass.

Tune 10th, 1920 Pursuant to town warrant, the inhabitants of Wayland met this day and did the following business.

Article 1, Voted to pay all town laborers $5.00 per day.

Article 2. Voted to pay $5-00 per day for a double team.

Article 3. Voted that there be appropriated the sum of ($4200.00) Forty Two hundred dollars for the purpose of acquiring by eminent domain the property for playground purposes, bounded and described as follows :

Beginning at the southwesterly comer of Main Street and the State Road at a stone bound thence running north 78 degrees 6' west on said State road seventy two (72) feet to land of Sears ; thence turning and running south 9 degrees 50' 30" west on said land of Sears ninety-eight (98) feet to

the center of Mill Brook : thence turning and running north 73 degrees 11' east one hundred eight (108) feet to Main Street;

thence turning and running north 17 degrees 46 ' west on said Main Street fifty three (53) feet to the point of be- ginning. And to meet said appropriation that there be raised in the current year's levy the sum of $1200-00 and that the

Treasurer, with the approval of the. Selectmen, be and hereby

is authorized to borrow the sum of $3000.00 and to issue bonds or notes of the town therefor, saicl bonds or notes to be payable in 'accordance with the provisions of Section 11 of Chapter 719 of the Acts of 1913, so that the whole loan shall be paid in not more than ten years from the date of issue ui the first bond o rnote or at such earlier date as the treas-

urer and selectmen may determine. Vote : Yes 50, No 0.

Article 4. Voted that the appropriation and assess- : :

37 ment of $1,750.00 made at the annual town meeting in Feb- ruary 1920 for the purpose of covering- the estimated expense of taking the land of James H. Lee at the Southwesterly corner of the State Road and Main Street, sometimes called

Cochituate Road for the purpose of a playground be and it hereby is rescinded.

Voted to dissolve meeting.

Meeting dissolved 9.15 P. M.

A true copy of the record


WARREN L. BISHOP Clerk of the Town of Wayland :



Middlesex, ss.

To either of the Constables of the Town of Wayland in said

County : Greeting

In the name of the Commonwealth you are required to notify and warn the inhabitants of said town qualified to vote in town affairs to meet at the Town Hall on

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th, 1920 at 7.45 P- M.j there and then to act on the following articles:

Article 1 To hear the reports of town officers, agents, committees and act thereon.

Article 2. To see if the town will accept as a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Edmund H. Sears the lot of land known as the "Stable Lot" located on the State Road West in the Town

T of W ayland, or do or act.

Article 3. To see if the Town will vote to sell the property now owned by the town, known as the "Heard Property' located on the Old Sudbury Road adjacent to the property of Thomas L. Hynes, and to appoint an agent or agents to carry out this vote, or do or act.

Article 4. To see if the Town will vote to sell the property now owned by the town, known as the "Wyman Gift," located on the Old Sudbury Road, adjacent to the "Heard Property," and to appoint an agent or agents to :


carry out this vote, or do or act.

And you are required to serve this warrant by posting- copies thereof attested by you at the Town Hall, at each Post Office in town and at the Engine House in Cochituate seven days at least before the time of holding said meeting.

Hereof fail not, and make due return of this warrant with your doing thereon to the Town Clerk on or before September 7th, 1920.

Given under our hands this 31st day of August, 1920. CHARLES A. BENSON NAPOLEAN PERODEAU

WILLIAM J. SCOTLAND Selectmen of Wayland September 1920 A true copy, attest:

Constable of Wayland


Sept. 10, 1920

Pursuant to foregoing warrant the inhabitants of the town of Wayland met at Town Hall and did the following business

Article 1. No action.

Article 2. Voted that the town gratefully accept as a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Edmund H. Sears the lot of land known as the "Stable Lot" located on the State Road West in the Town of Wayland, subject to such restrictions as the donors and the Selectmen may agree upon.

Article 3. Voted that the town sell at public auction the property now owned by the Town, known as the "Heard ;


Property'' located on the Old Sudbury Road adjacent to the property of Thomas L. Hynes and that the Selectmen be and hereby are authorized to act as agents to carry out this vote and that the Town Treasurer be and hereby is authorized to execute a deed of same.

Article 4. Voted that the town sell at public auction the property now owned by the town, known as the "Wyman Gift" located on the Old Sudbury Road adjacent to the "Heard Property"' and that the Selectmen be and hereby are authorize to act as agents to carry out this vote and that the Town Treasurer be and hereby is authorized to execute, acknowledge and deliver a deed of same.

Voted to adjourn,

Adjourned at 8.30 P. M.

A true copy attest

WARREN L. BISHOP . Clerk of the Town of IVayland 41



Prec. 1 Prec.2 Total Edmund H. Sears, Nomination Papers 111 146 257

Tozvn Clerk Warren L. Bishop, Nomination Papers 102 146 248 Selectmen *Charles A. Benson, Nomination Papers 120 137 257 Napolean Perodeau, Nomination Papers 82 157 239 George F. Poutasse, Nomination Papers 73 80 153 * William J. Scotland, Nomination Papers 82 94 176

Treasurer *Frank E. Yeager, Nomination Papers 113 170 283

Collector of Taxes *Lester R. Gerald, Nomination Papers 112 166 278

Auditor James H. Carroll, Nomination Papers 43 131 174 Ernest S. Draper, Nomination Papers 84 63 147

Treasurer of Library Funds Fancis Shaw, Nomination Papers 111 150 261

Overseer of Poor *Thomas W. Frost, Nomination Papers 113 146 25$

Assessor Nathaniel R. Gerald, Nomination Papers 112 158 270

School Committee Llewellyn Mills, Nomination Papers 100 139 239

Water Commissioner Henry G. Dudley, Nomination Papers 98 140 238 1


Trustees of Library *Alfred W. Cutting, Nomination Papers 103 138 241 *Francis Shaw, Nomination Papers 110 145 255c> f f

Board of Health i At; *Waldo L. Lawrence, Nomination Papers 1UO 60.7

Surveyor of Highways

T*\i ^flnV^lldlrlpQICS WTVV. JL ctllirh^ntrUctiliS., INXFotnimiWllHild. hnnLIUH JLPanPf;dUCl 3 44 144It: I 1lOO88 Edmund H. Sears, Nomination Papers 86 54 140 Cemetery Commissioner

1 HQ i 1 ^Wallace S. Draper, Nomination Papers i "j i

Tree Warden *Frank Ames, Nomination Papers" 92 152 244


*Charles S. Dusseault, Nomination Papers 76 150 22(5

j-LQWcir u. .r . j-^urbiiciiiicr, in uiniiiciiiuii i apers v O *Carl F. Lindbohm, Nomina cion Papers 75 133 20< *John E. Linnehan, Nomination Papers 96 136 2o2 *Harry W. Craig, 10 3< 4« *William Morrisey, 9 34 43 *Thomas F. Maynard 13 22 35 Scattering 22

"Shall Sections one to 14, inclusive, of Chapter 28 of the Revised Laws, authorizing cities and towns to lay out Public Parks within their limits be accpeted?"

Yes 73 116 189 No 27 18 45

"Shall licenses be granted for the sale of T ntoxicating liqrors in this town?"

Yes 52 100 152

No 60 70 1 or* 43



Delegates at Large , Xahant 35 36 71 Frederick H. Gillett, Springfield 27 26 53 W. Murray Crane, Dalton 29 26 55 Edward A. Ihurston. rail River 24 24 48 Louis A. Frothingham, Easton 21 18 39 Alvan T. Fuller, Maiden 11 8 19 Thomas W. Lawson, Scituate 5 19 24r Samuel W. McCall, Winchester 8 19 27 Russell A. Wood, Cambridge 3 10 13

Alternate Delegates at Large Butler Ames. Lowell 30 31 61 Chandler Bullock. Worcester 29 30 59 Gurdon W. Gordon. Springfield 29 30 59 Butler R. Wilson. Boston 28 29 57

District Delegates (Thirteenth District) John H. Sherburne, Brookline 20 25 45 Thomas W. White. Xewton 16 23 39 Frank H. Fales. Framingham 19 19 38 Wiillam F. Garcelon, Newton 22 16 38 T James G. W olff, Boston 3 2 5 Alternate District Delegates William W. Ollendorff, Medway 22 29 51 Benjamin Loring Young, Weston 32 38 70 Howard A. Crossman. Needham 10 10 20


Delegates at Large

David I. Walsh, Fitchburg 6 6 12 Richard H. Long P 6 11 2


7 o 1 Daniel F. Doherty, Westfield 6 5 11 Joseph F. O'Connell, Boston 0 0 0

Winslow Warren 1 0 1 Jacob Deeves 1 0 1 Joseph B. Ely 1 0 1

Alt cviiotc Delegatesn at Darge

busan W. -bitzgerakl, Boston . 3 4 7 Mary A. Larson, Fittsneld 3 3 6 A lviary xveegan jiiunidn, »£jusion q -± 7 Helen G. Thayer, Worcester 3 3 6

William L. Gaston 1 0 1 Bailey 1 0 1 George W. Anderson 1 0 1 Smith 1 0 1

District Delegates [Thirteenth District)

Daniel H. Coakley, Boston 6 5 11 Martin T. Hall, Natick 5 4 9

Patrick J. Duane, Waltham 3 0 3 W'arren L. Bishop, 1 0 1 Lester R. Gerald 1 0 1

Alternate District Delegates

Daniel J. Daley, Brookline 6 4 10 Frank P. O'Donnell, Marlborough 5 4 9



Prec. 1 Prec. 2 Total Governor Channing H. Cox 66 47 113 Lieutenant Governor

Charles L. Burrill 23 13 36 1


Alvan T. Fuller 16 17 33 Albert P. Langtry 13 12 25 Joseph E. Warner 22 8 30


James \Y. Bean 13 9 22 Frederick W. Cook 15 22 37 Samuel W. George 6 6 12

James G. Harris 6 ; 13 9 7 XVUbbCll -TV. v\ uuu 20 7i •v I


Fred J. Burrell 4 12 16

T nli n ] i rk" son | 1111 cl V- r\ o 1 66 J 27 Auditor

Walter P. Babb 18 12 30 Alonzo B. Cook 48 36 84

Attorney General

J. Weston Allen 67 no

Congressman (Thirteenth District) 61 44 105

William H. Murphy, Jr. 3 1 4

Co uncillor (Sixth District)

Smith J. Adams 4 3 7 Edward W. Berry 1 3 4 Edward B. Eames 5 4 9 Fred O. Lewis 1 4 or; Charles Sumner Smith 51 33 84

Senator (Fifth Middlesex District)

John M. Gibbs 65 44 1 09

Representative (Thirteenth Middlesex District Benjamin Loring Young 70 44 114 County Commissioners, (Middlesex County) Arthur W. Colburn 18 13 31 46

Alfred L. Cutting 56 43 99 n ry George A. Goodwin 1 D I Walter C. Wardwell 27 25 52

Sheriff {Middlesex County) John R. Fairbain 65 47 112 State Committee

Raoul H. Beaudreau 58 4.1

Delegates to State Convention Edmund H. Sears 14 3 17

Frank I. Cooper 14 u 14 Scattering 24 Town Comnvttee

Chester B. Williams 5 4 9 George W. Bishop 0 5 5 Theo. H. Harrington 0 6 6 Clarence S. Williams 0 4 4 John Connelly 2 5 7 Edmund H. Sears 23 4 27 Alvin B. Neal 0 4 4 William S. Scotland 0 4 4

James I. Bryden 24 2 26 Mrs. Dorothy McGlone 0 2 Nellie E. Small 0 2 2 Ernest F. Sparks 0 1 i Albert Bond 0 2 2

Henry G. Dudley 0 1 1

Edna F. Bishop 0 1 t Gertrude D. Bishop 0 1 1

Frank I. Cooper 23 1 24 Arthur H. Dudley 0 1 1 Charles M. Mathew 0 1 1 Arthur E. Peck 0 1 1

Ralph Bond 0 1 1

Ernest S. Draper 1 0 1 47

Walter S. Bigwood 0 1 1 Warren L. Bishop 11 4 15 Isaac C. Damon 1 0 1 Llewellyn Mills 19 0 19

J. Sidney Stone 5 0 5 William S. Lovell 2 0 2 C. Mifflin Frothingham 2 0 2

Frank J. Bigwood 4 0 4 Edward B. Harrington 1 0 1 Edward M. Bennett o 0 2 Richard Ames 1 0 1 George F. Congle 1 0 1 Perley R. Glass 1 0 1 Philip S. Ide 4 0 4 Alfred W. Cutting 1 0 1 Albert H. Beck 1 0 1 Ronard S. Campbell 1 0 1 Arthur H. Dudley 1 0 1 George F. Poutasse 1 0 1 John F. Cummings 1 0 1 Harry Moyse 1 0 1

RESULT OF STATE PRIMARY SEPT. 7, 1920 Democratic Governor

Prec. 1 Prec. 2 Total

Richard H. Long 2 3 5

John J. Walsh 6 6 12 Lien tenant Governor

Michael A. O'Leary 8 6 14


Charles H. McGlue 7 4 11

James Jackson 1 0 1 3



Patrick O'Hearn 7 J-1 o Auditor

Alice E. Cram 3 5 8

Attorney General

Michael L. bullivan < 5 12

Congressman {Thirteenth District)

Edward F. Cauley 0 0 0 Charles F. McCarthy 6 8 u Councillor (6th District)

Senator (Fifth Middlesex District)

Representative (Thirteenth Middlesex District) .

County Commissioners, (Middlesex County)

Sheriff (Middlesex County)

State Committee

Delegates to State Convention

Francis P. White 1 0 1 John E. Linnehan 2 0 2 Michael W. Hynes 1 0 1 Frank Haynes 1 0 1 Town Committee

William Morrisey 0 1 Joseph Perodeau 0 1 John 0',Rourke 0 1 Edward F. Dorsheimer 0 1

Lester R. Gerald 0 - 1 Howard C. Haynes 1 0 1 James Linnehan 2 0 2 John E. Linnehan 3 0 3 Thomas L. Hynes 2 0 2

John E. Dolan 1 0 1 Joseph Zimmerman 1 0 1 , 1




President and Vice President Cox and Roosevelt, Democratic 72 112 184 Cox and Gillhaus, Socialist Labor 1 8 9 Debs and Stedman, Socialist 3 9 12 Harding and Coolidge, Republican 259 306 565

kju ue m o r v_ Ildl llllllg 11. LU.\, rvcpuUllCdll 9Qfi DDo Walter S. Hutchins, Socialist 3 9 12 Patrick Mulligan, Socialist Labor 0 8 8

John J. Walsh, Democratic 61 100 161 Lieutenant Lrovernor

\ I o r^nc -\ I Ar\l 1 H cy£± I loin A/*1*n f1 p fin ill 1 71 ^UdrcilS -A. UOOlIQgC, l^cIIlOLrclllL in 1 ( 1 David Craig, Socialist Labor o 8 8 Alvan T. Fuller. Republican 175 245 420 Thomas Nicholson, Socialist 0 7 7 Robert M. Washburn, Independent 79 ' 41 120


Frederic W. Cook, Republican n o i~\ 291 ool

rri T-* ( I KrUi'i\\ TininnrT1 ipmnrntic 4-8 l.U ell U vJllloULl ^ , lyClllULlaUL lOO \nthonv ITmitpnhrmk" Snnnli^t T ahor o 8

rlifln \1 \\ lief Q 1 1LL11LI1m JLVl. \\ illiQtnclillcllllo, OULlclllM>r\fn 9 1


George H. Jackson, Citizen 5 6 11 James Jackson, Republican 290 293 583 Louis Marcus, Socialist 0 9 9 Patrick O'Hearn, Democratic 51 90 141

Albert L. Waterman, Socialist Labor 1 i 8

Auditor . Alonzo B. Cook, Republican 245 287 532 Alice E. Cram, Democratic 65 94 159 50

Stephen J. Surridge, Socialist Labor 1 8 9 Herbert H. Thompson, Socialist 9 9

Attorney General

J. Weston Allen, Republican 2 $5 286 541 Morris I. Becker, Socialist Labor 1 9 10 John Weaver Sherman, Socialist 2 10 12 Michael L. Sullivan, Democratic 54 S8 142

Congressman (Thirteenth District) Robert Luce, Republican 247 289 536 Charles F. McCarthy, Democratic 69 119 1 Q1

Councillor (Sixth District) Charles Sumner Smith, Republican 261 295 556

Senator (Fifth Middlesex District) John M. Gibbs, Republican 270 297 567

Representative (Thirteenth Middlesex District) George Albree, Citizens 38 49 87 Benjamin Loring Young, Republican 280 315 595 County Commissioners

Alfred L. Cutting, Republican 269 297 566 Walter C Wardwell, Republican 257 234 491

Sheriff (Middlesex County) John R./ Fairbain, Republican 254 257 511 Shall an act entitled "An Act to regulate the Manufacture and Sale, of Beer, Cider and Light

Wines," and in which it is provided that all bev- erages containing not less than one half of one per cent and not more than two and three fourths per cent of alcohol by weight at sixty degrees Fahrenheit shall be deemed not to be intoxicat- ing liquor, which act passed the Flouse of Representatives by a vote of 121 in favor and 67 against, and passed the Senate by a vote of 51

26 in favor and 6 against, and was thereafter vetoed by His Excellency the Governor, and failed of passage, in the Senate over said veto by a vote of 14 in favor and 22 against, be approved ? Yes 116 162 278 No 170 203 373

Concord, Mass.

Nov. 12, 1920

Meeting of Town Clerk's in 13th Middlesex Rep. District.

Votes cast on November 2, 1920 in respective towns can- vassed and the following result ascertained and declared. George Albree of Concord

>. T3 V c t- a CS o O <-> ncol to o to o O -J oq & H Citizen 438 42 39 87 10 616 Benjamin Loring Young of Weston, Republican 1514 331 329 595 872 3641 Blanks 205 46 35 108 27 421 Total 2157 419 403 790 909 4678 Mr. Benjamin Loring Young of Weston was declared elected. WILLIAM D. CROSS Town Clerk of Concord WILLIAM C. PEIRCE Town Clerk of Lincoln FRANK F. GERRY Town Clerk of Sudbury WARREN L. BISHOP Town Clerk of Wayland BRENTON H. DICKSON JR. Town Clerk of Weston 5-3


Registered in the Town of Wayland for the Year 1920

Date Name of Child Name of Parents January

7 Dorothy Abbott Bergen William J., Alice February

1 Alexander Michele Peters John, Rosa

-1 Priscilla Anne Bolton James J., Sadie 9 Margaret Wheeler John F., Helen C. March

8 Ernest Wilson Schleicher Ernest W.. Jennie E.


8 George Frederick Wheeler William G., Helen

13 Frederick Holt Morrison Fred S., Mabel 27 Helen Annie Alward John W., Astrid S. May

5 Ralph Irving Wilbur • George I. Maude K. 11 Peters John W., Frances

24 Lester David Fraiel, Jr. Lester D., Olive

25 Carl Neilson White Frank N., Emma J. 25 Mary Elizabeth Bond John Ralph, Mary E.


1 Harry Howard Fairclough William E., Mary E. 25 LeRoy Arthur Yetton Ralph X., Flora M.

July 7 Mildred May Martin James, Xeppie A. 53

14 Hattie Maria Cole Chester R. L Isabel "24 Clarence Alfred Graves Charks E., Ethel M. August


18 Norma Jeane Gladu Leon E., Cecilia M. November 12 Tatro Arnold W. Beth 3


Registered in the Town of Wayland for 1919 Reported too late for Publication

J une 8 Lorraine Gates Earl F., Edith M.


2 Thomas Lawrence Mo Manus Thomas F., Blanche G. 54

MARRIAGES Registered in Wayland for the Year 1920


1 Charles H. Smtih, Alice Dunham, at Wayland by Rev. AUcrt A. Fe d,. February

3 Martin P. Kenney, Margaret D. Ward at Wayland by Rev. R. A. Fortier. 16 Armand E. Dauphinais, Ge.orgeine E. Paradise at Way- land by Rev. R. A. Fortier.


? James Hastings, Margaret Dunlavey, at Wayland by Rev. R. A. Fortier. 10 Mark H. Haskell, Gertrude C. Hines, at Everett by Rev. A. Judson Hughes.

19 William I. Hosmer, Marion E. Neal, at Wayland by Rev. Albert A. Felch. 21 Burdette W. Williams, Lucy A. Dobbins, at Natick, by Rev. Albert A. Felch. 22 William R. Cole, Grace E. Farrar, at Wayland by Rev. William H. Brannigan. 24 Knut B. Johnson, Astrid S. Iller, at Everett by Rev. John A. Braden. 30 Edwin L. Hutchins, Lucy L. Littlefield, at Wayland by Rev. William H. Brannigan. May

2 Joseph J. Wilde, Jr., Annabelle Laramiei at Framingham by Rev. William A. Knight. June

2 John W. Corman, Anna E. Salmonson, at Wayland by Rev. R. A. Fortier. 5 Norman P. Reinhardt, Ruth Hoyle, at Wayland by Rev. William H. Brannigan. 9 Frank Houghton. Roxannah H. Gage, at Wayland, Rev. Albert A. Felch.

24: Ralph T. Entwistle, Grace W. Atwood, at Wayland by Rev. C. E. Fisher. 29 Joseph F. Lamson, Christine R. Forbes, at Weston by

Rev. William J. Foley. 29 Eugene H. Lord, Anne E. Williams at Lynn by Rev. Dudley H. Ferrell.


1 George W. Marquis, Olivia E. Mills, at Wayland by Rev. Albert A. Felch. 4 Albert W. Wilson, Marie H. Lupien, at Wayland by Rev. Edmond D. Lupien.

6 Harold C. SennofT, Beatrice E. Snell, at Belmont by Rev. Charles L. Morgan.

10 Kenneth E. Morrell, Margaret Bent, at Wayland by Rev. Albert A. Felch.

26 Henry Parkin. Mary A. Dwyer, at Wayland by Rev. William H. Brannigan.

28 Ernest H. Newton, Ada G. Smith, at Concord by Rev. E. Bannevie Kuver.


10 Earl H. Treventt, Grace E. Morse, at Wayland by Rev.

William J. Kelly.

. . by 15 Onisime J. Savore, Edith O. Levitre, ^ ...

Rev. J. D. Binette. 29 Alfred N. Fairbrother, Etta Griffin, at Waltham by Rev. Edward F. Miller. 5G


6 Robert H. Richardson, Anna E. Ernst, at Holyoke by Rev. Edwin B. Robinson.

8 Ignazio Di Parqua, Maria Minatoli, at Boston by Rev. Pargnoli Di Milla.

20 Francis A. Burke, Marie B. Du Pont at Hudson by Rev. Joseph D. Hawes. 26 Francis L. McEnroy, Clara E. Lynch, at Natick by Rev.

Thomas J. Ford.


9 Harold W. Baker. Frances J. Pettigrew, at Natick by Rev. Albert A. Felch.

10 Alfred L. P. Chenette, Audura B. C. De Courville at

Wayland by J. D. Binette. 29 Herbert F. Haynes, Mary A. Linnehan, at Wayland by

Rev. J. D. Binette. November

6 John F. Meldon, Josephine M. Depper at Belmont by Rev. Charles S. Scott.

24 John H. Sullivan, Mar*}- A. Foley, at Wayland by Rev.

J. D. Binette. 29 Rolf Spker, Elizabeth ]Sawyer at Wayland; by Rev. William H. Brannigan.


4 Raymond H. McGowan, Cora Matthews, at Wayland by

Rev. J. D. Binette. 21 La Fayette Dudley, Louise M. Ciccarelli, at Framing-

ham by Rev. Morris J. O'Connor. 26 Norman B. Tyrrell, Man' N. Sproule at Natick, by Rev. Thomas A. Qirihlan.

31 Alton C. Schleicher, Gertrude L. Richardson, at Thomp- son, Conn., by Rev. James A. Wood. or

DEATHS Registered in Wayland for the year 1920

Date Name Y M D January

3 Carlos A. Fordham 65 6 29 11 Mary Withington Fullick 44 10 9 February

2 Albert Francis Carter 66 7 10 11 Annie Boonisar 0 8 23 11 Margaret Wheeler 0 0 2 12 Mary A. Decker 85 1 10 23 Rose Petre 24 Hattie W. Baldwin 59 1 20 25 Frederick Hilmon Dybeck 1 2 17 March

9 Maria Hattie Mahoney 60 — — 16 Edmund Seriach 76 9 IT

April 4 Charles Hemant Russell 83 4 26 7 George F. Harrington 71 3 25 21 Alary A. L. Randolph 78 2 7 21 Mildred Emily Newton 9 8 25 24 Emma Augusta Prescott 68 — — 30 Myron Wallace Bent 70 7 12

May ffi

5 Elizabeth Gorgette 60 2 24 Tune

13 Alary A. Ward 91 6 21 58


4 Robert E. Campbell 21 7 2 9 Sarah Goldwaite Leach 64 10 19 9 Alfred Henry Searles 59 8 2 19 Louisa Yeager 67 11 26 27 Clarence Alfred Graves — — 3 August

30 William J. Magorty 11 11 1 September

7 Willard L. Wood 80 6 21 October 12 Charles Byron 57 9 25 15 Catherine M. Dudley 66 10 18 15 Florence Fox 28 8 15 22 Felix Noel 68 3 15 23 Emily Potvin 60 2 24 27 Rachel Emma Dwight 51 2 22 November 16 Mary Ann Shay 84—5 25 Caroline M. Newton 45 — —


From Dec. 1, 1919 to Dec. 1, 1920 Males, 141 at $2.00 $282.00 Females. 45 at $5.00 225.00 Kennell, 2 at $25.00 50.00

Total $557.00 WARREN L. BISHOP Town Clerk of Wayland 59


APPOINTMENTS All regular appointments have been made as required by

law. They appear in the list of Town. Officers and Com- mittees. OILING ROADS During the past year $11,262.30 has been expended for oiling, $5,100 of this Amount was alloted us by the State and County. This money was expended principally on Concord Road, Cochituate Road, Sudbury Road, Pond Street, Plain Street, Pemberton Road, Harrison Street and Shawmut Ave- nue. The oil was laid under the direction of the State En- gineer. RUSSELL BRIDGE

At a special Meeting held May 26, 1920 the Selectmen were appointed a Committee to confer with the Highway Commissioners relative to taking over Russell Bridge so-call- ed. Your Committee had several conferences with the Highway Commissioners and as a result succeeded in having temporary repairs made, the State and County sharing equally in the expense. We consider that the Commissioner have been very liberal and that the bridge is safe for some time to come. FARWELL HOUSE The "Heard Property" so-called was sold at public auc- tion, agreeable to a vote of the Town, to Thomas L. Hynes, the highest bidder. The Wyman Gift was also purchased by the above party. CP

COCHITUATE ROAD The Town voted the sum of $2500, the State and County

• each alloting a like amount, for the repair of Cochituate Road.

It was deemed inadvisable to have this work this year inas- much as the cost of material was prohibitive. FIRE APPARATUS Your Committee with cooperation of the Fire Engineers, purchased two Reo Chassis and equipped them with La France Chemical Apparatus. We believe this equipment has proven highly satisfactory.' For Fincial Statement see report) of Fire Engineer. SUDBURY ROAD BRIDGE

When repairs were being made on State Road West, it was necessary to detour travel over Sudbury Road and as a consequence "Dry Bridge" so called collapsed. After several conferences with the County Engineers and owners of adjoin-

ing land it was deemed advisable to fill in this bridge, thus avoiding further trouble from this source. PULMOTOR The Selectmen recommend that two Pulmotors be pur- chased by the Town, one to be installed on each Fire Truck.

In the past year we feal that lives could have been saved if the Town had this equipment. TOWX LIXES

The town lines between Sudbuy. Framingham. and Xa- tick have been perambulated and the bounds marked. The Selectmen wish to express their appreciation for the hearty cooperation extended them by the Town Officers and Citizens.



Selectmen of JVayland,Mass. :



For the Year Ending December 31, 1920

An appropriation of $250 was made at the annual town meeting for demonstration work under the direction of the Middlesex County Bureau of Agriculture and Home Econ- omics. John J. Erwin was appointed Director.

Following is a report of the work done by this organiza- tion in the town.

Agents of the, Bureau have made 03 farm and home visits during the year.

The County Agricultural Agent conducted a poultry culling demonstration with an attendance of 23.

The County Horticultural Agent conducted a bridge grafting demonstration with an attendance of 38.

The Home Demonstration Agent gave a talk cn thrift finishes before the Women's Club with an attendance of 22.

Club work was organized for the first time by Club Agents who had 13 meetings with boys and girls. Miss Del- phine Haskins was employed as leader of summer clubs. Fol- lowing is the enrollment in the various clubs Home Economics 22 Hndicraft 12 Canning 10 Garden 9 Pig 7

Phillip Connelly won a two day trip to the State College for high grade work in canning and gardening. Francis Er- win won a similiar trip for gardening.

JOHN J. ERWIN Director 62


The committee recommended the following appropria-

tions :

Abatement of Taxes $500.00 General Administration Salaries 3,800.00 Moderator Selectmen Auditor Town Clerk Treasurer Collector Assessors Overseers of Poor Election Officers Registrars Sealer of Weights and Measures

Incidentals $1,200.00 Printing Town Reports 600 00 Protection of Life and Property Police 2,000.00 Fire Department 1,500.00 Health and Sanitation 325.00 Board of Health $250.00 Inspector of Animals, Salary 75.00 Highways, Bridges and Sidewalks 5,000.00 Oiling Highways 7,000.00 Railings for Highways 500.00 :


Street Lighting 3,000.00 Moth Extermination 1,207.28 Charities Support of Poor 1,600.00 Education 25,500.00 Covering salaries School Committee Superintendent Teachers and Jantiors Transportation Supplies , Manual Training Incidentals School Physicians $75.00 Library and Reading Room 2,500.00 Memorial Day Observance 300.00 Soldiers Benefits 800.00 Cemetaries Lakeview, North and Center 800.00 Wayland Schoolhouse Equipment Bond 1,400.00 Cochituate Schoolhouse Bond 1,500.00 Playground Notes 2,000.00 Fire Department Truck Note $1,000.00 Interest $3,000.00

Total including overdrafts $69,825.49

The above appropriations are recommended for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1921 in addition to such balances as appear on the treasurer's books unexpended from last years appropriation. We recommend that the money for re- moving snow, town insurance and surety bonds and require- ments for legal claims be drawn from the Revenue Account.

We recommend that the amount of the overdrafts of the various accounts be appropriated and assessed as follows

Abatement of Taxes $343.22 C4

Highways ana Bridges .,291.80 Education 1,078.37 Incidentals 4.82 $2,718.21

We recommend that the balance for Xorth Cemetery Fence account be used for extension of fences in same cem- etery.

We recommend that the salary of the Selectmen be $150 each per year and fifty dollars extra for clerk of Board of Selectmen. FRANK IRVING COOPER F. EDWIX DAVIS GEORGE W. BISHOP ' BENJAMIN W. DAMON WILLIAM S. LOVELL, Clerk G3


Valuation of Real Estate April 1, 1920 $2,707,8:35.00

Valuation of Personal Estate April 1, 1920 307,465.00

Total $3,015,300.00

Valuation of Real Estate April 1, 1919 $2,337,800.00

Valuation of Personal Estate April 1, 1919 279,403.00

Total $2,617,203.00 Increase $398,097.00

Town Tax 66,6^.88 State Tax 7,000.00 Highway Tax 516.20 Special State Tax 330.00 State Gypsy Tax 605.53 County Tax 3,067.10

Overlay 330.12 Apportionment from State 15,006.88 Tax Rate 20.70 Additional Tax for 1918 16.60 Additional Tax for 1919 24.30 Additional Tax for 1920 95.04

Polls Assessed Apr. 1, 1920 536 Additional Polls 1920 7

Additional Polls 1919 . 3 Number of Persons assessed 1086 Number of persons assessed on Property 838 66

Number of Residents assessed on Property 483 Number of Xon-Resident assessed on Property 335 All others 20 Number of persons assessed poll only 248 Number of horses assessed 177 Number of cows assessed 477 Number of swine assessed 223 Number of fowls assessed 3372 Neat cattle other than cows 85 TAXES ABATED Abated for year 1917 $280.63 Abated for year 1918 6.64 Abated for year 1919 21.04 Abated for year 1920 365.03




State Tax $7,000.00 State Tax Special 330.00 State Highway 516.20 County Tax 3,067.10 Town Tax 66,646.88

Overlay . 330.12 Moth Tax Special 605.53 Additional Tax 95.04 Collected Paid Treasurer $33,068.61 Balance 29,443.38 Apportionment State 16,078.88

$78,590.87 $78,590,87


Balance 30,987.90 Additional 24.30 Collected Paid Treasurer 9,285.74 Abated 21.04 Balance 21,705.42

31,012.20 $31,012.20

1918 Balance 18,657.00 Additional 16.60 Collected Paid Treasurer 8,692.; Abated 6.64 63

Balance 9,974.23

$18,673.60 $18,673.60


Balance 7,808.50 Collected Paid Treasurer 7,527.87 Abated 280.63

$7,808.50 $7,808.50

1916 Balance 1,007.58 m Collected 1,007.58 MOTH ACCOUNT 1920 Amount 815.23 Collected 358.50

Balance $456.73

1919 Amount 484.54 Collected 131.03

Balance 353.51

1918 Amount 202.12 Collected 134.28

Balance 67.84

1917 Amount 16.82 Collected ™.82 69

1916 Amount 57.28 Collected 57.28 Iterest collected paid treasurer $1,185.59 Total Collections made 1920 $61,526.03

LESTER R. GERALD Collector 1




Cash Statement 1920 January 1 Cash Balance $2,647.57 Total Receipts for "1920 (Schedule II) 178,767.15

$181,414.72 Total Payments (Schedule III) 166,019.15

December ——< 31 Cash Balance $15,395.57

SCHEDULE II Cash Receipt Items January Interest on Deposti, Revenue 1.24

J. C. McKay, Scales 2.85 Town of Dover, Poor Dept. 140.00 City of Boston, Draper Fund Int. 20.00

D. J. Graham, Moth Dept. 14.50 L. H. McManus, License 5.00 Town of Xatick, Poor Dept. 161.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1916 85.49 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax of 1917 66.29 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax of 1918 93.1 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1919 1,057.67 L. R. Gerald, Coll. Excise Tax 1918 829.98 71

L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Taxes 79.78 L. R. Gerald. Coll., Moth Taxes 28.63 State Treasurer, Income Tax 1917 65.00 State Treasurer, Income Tax 1918 65.00 State Treasurer, Income of 1919 500.00 Donation Fund, Education 16.00


Interest on Deposit, Revenue 3.56 American Legion No. 133, Hall Rent 8.00 County Treasurer, Dog License 432.64 C. S. Williams, Clerk, Water 174.00 Natick 5c Savings Bank, Tax Note No. 1 10,000.00 Francis Shaw, Moth Dept. 502.50 L. R. Gerald. Coll., Tax 1916 922.09 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1917 377.41 L. R. Gerald, Coll. Tax 1918 158.15 L. R. Gerald. Coll., Tax 1919 595.07 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Taxes 50.99 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Taxes 68.03 C. S. Willimas, Water Dept. 239.00 March

Int. on Deposit, Revenue 6.62 C. S. Williams, Clerk, Water Dept. 247.75 Natick 5c Savings Bank, Tax Note No. 2 10,000.00 U. S. Treas., Trust Fund Int. 2.12 U. S. Treas. Trust Fund Int. 90.31

C. B. &Q. R. R., Allen Funds Int. 20.00

C. S. Williams, Clerk, Water Dept. 136.50

L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1917 33.20

L. R. Gerald, Coll. Tax 1918 549.57

L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1919 530.45

L. R. Gerald, Coll. Int. on Taxes 21.21

L. R. Gerald, Moth Taxes 5.40 72


Int. on Deposit, Revenue Natick 5c Savings Bank, Tax Note No. 3 W. S. Draper, Clerk, Cemetery U. S. Treasurer, Trust Funds Int. State Treas., Education State Treas., Income Tax 1919 C. S. Williams, Clerk, Water Dept. L. R. Gerald, Coll. Tax 1917 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1918 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1919 L. R. Gerald, Int. on Taxes L. R. Gerald, Coll. Moth Taxes May

Int. on Deposit, Revenue E. F. Dorsheimer, Police Dept. Natick 5c Savings Bank, Tax Note No. 4 Natick 5c Savings Bank, Tax Note No. 5 B. & A. R. R. Bonds, Loker Fund Int. W. S. Draper, Clerk, A. S. Morse Fund

W. S. Draper, J. and C. G. Bennett Fund Natick 5c Svaings Bank, Tax Note No. 6 F. H. Beneedict, Supt. Education

June Interest on Deposit, Revenue

J. C. Vincent, Hall Rent L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1917 L. R. Gerald, Coll.. Tax 1918 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1919 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Taxes L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Taxes C. S. Williams, Clerk, Water Dept. State Treas., Moth Dept. U. S. Treas., Trust Funds Int. 73

W. S. Draper, Clerk, Cemetery 15.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 191? 27.30 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1918 42.33 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1919 950.29 L. R. Gerald, Coll. Tax 1920 160.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Taexs 28.31


Int. on Deposit, Revenue 12.12 Natick Trust Co., Tax Note Xo. 7 10,000.00 E. F. Dorsheimer, Police Dept. 1.80 City of Boston, Draper Fund Int. 20.00 City of Boston, Education 15.00 Natick 5c Sav. Bank, Playground Note No. 8 1,000.00 Natick 5c Sav. Bank, Playground Note No. 9 1,000.00 Natick 5c Sav. Bank, Playground Note No. 10 1,000.00

D. J. Graham, Moth Dept. 27.00

J. C. Vincent, Hall Rent 4.00 State Treas., Poor Dept. 193.50 State Treas., Tuition of Children 306.75 State Treas., Income Tax 1917 16.25 State Treas. Income Tax 1918 32.50 State Treas. Income Tax 1919 500.00

C. S. Williams, Clerk, Water Dept. 285.00 Natick 5c Sav. Bank, Motor Truck Note No. 11 1,000.00 Natick 5c Sav. Bank, Motor Truck Note No. 12 1,000.00

Natick 5c Sav. Bank, Motor Truck Note No. 13 1,000.00 Natick 5c Sav. Bank, Motor Truck Note No. 14 1,000.00

L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1917 194.93

L. R. Gerald. Coll.. Tax 1918 97.45

L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1919 225.24

L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1920 1,570.00

L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Taxes 9 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Taxes 4 50 74


Int. on Deposit, Revenue 4.12 C. S. Williams, Clerk, Water Dept. 239.50 C. S. Williams, Clerk, Water Dept. 128.00 C. S. Williams, Clerk, Water Dept. 260.00 C. S. Williams, Clerk, Water Dept. 200.00

D. J. Graham, Moth Dept. 20.00 Francis Shaw, Treas., Library 300.00 C. S. Williams, Clerk, Water Dept. 152.50 C. S. Williams, Clerk, Water Dept. 106.50 E. F. Dorsheimer, Police Dept. 1.05 Travelers Ins. Co. Highways 47.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1917 12.39 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1918 46.67 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1919 „ 58.18 L. R. Gerald, Coll. Tax 1920 560.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Taxes 5.15

L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Taxes 6.00

September Int. on Deposit, Revenue .77 U. S. Treas., Trust Funds Int. 2.13 C. S. Williams, Clerk, Water Dept. 146.50 E. F Dorsheimer, Police Dept. 2.00 C. B. & Q. R. R. Bonds, Allen Fund Int. 20.00 U. S. Treas. Trust Funds Int. 90.32

J. C. Vincent, Hall Rent 13.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1917 365.06 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1918 68.08 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1920 70.00

I . R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Taxes 30.98 October

Int. on Deposit, Revenue 1.37 C. S, Williams, Clerk, Water Dept. 109 08 A. P Cummings, Farwell House Rent 25.00 75

U. S. Treas. Trust Funds Int. 48.88 State Treas., Education 625.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1917 351.88 L. R. Gerald, Coll, Tax 1918 298.27 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1919 247.04 L. R. Gerald. Coll., Tax 1920 3,399.76 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Taxes 58.14 L. R. Gerald, Coll. Moth Taxes 24.22 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1918 1,205.91 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1919 486.13 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1920 5,566.89 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Taxes 34.76 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Taxes 98.24 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1918 2,206.56 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1919 80.70 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1920 1,820.03 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Taxes 74.53 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Taxes 109.36 C. S. Williams, Clerk, Water Dept. 107.50 November

L. R. Gerald, Collector,. Tax 1917 401.26 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1918 607.15 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1919 5.49 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1920 2,528.07 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Taxes 145.41 L R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Taxes 50.80 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1917 214.01 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1918 89.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1919 996.47 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1920 7,654.79 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Taxes 49.69 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Taxes 151.10

J. C. Vincent, Hall Rent 16.00

E. F. Dorsheimer, Police Dept. 1.80 76

State Treas., Corporation Tax 1,901.80 State Treas., Income Tax 14,254.38 v State Treas., Income School Fund -2,570.00 State Treas., National Bank Tax 2,958.35 State Treas., St. Railway Tax 9.61 State Treas., State Aid 727.00 State Treas., Soldier's Exemption 62.94 County Treas., Sudbury River Bridge 944.73 T. L. Hynes, Farwell House 513.00 H. E. Griffin, License 30.00 W. L. Bishop, License 2.00 C. S. Williams, Clerk, Water Dept. 151.50 C. W. Fairbank, Highways 39.00 State Treas., Corporation Tax 36.50


Int. on Deposit, Revenue, 7.52 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1917 059.47 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1918 374.60 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1919 607.41 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1920 1,519.59 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Taxes 43.87 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Taxes 30.08 E. F. Dorsheimer, Police Dept. 1.00

J. C. Vincent, Hall Rent . 8.00 State Treasurer, Highways 474.00 Francis L. Shaw, Treas., Library 365.00 State Treasurer, Corporation Tax 13.07 B. & A. R. R. Bonds, Loker Fund Int. 40.00

, ,L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1917 745.91 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Ta xl919 485.22 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1920 3,292.05

L. R. Gerald, Coll., Int. on Taxes 53.38

L. R. fWald, Moth Taxes 37.87

w:i : G. ? 1 ams, Clerk, Water Dept. 100.50 77

U. S. Treas., Trust Funds Int. 9.52

Albert Marchard, Weights and Measures 19.5.2 T. L. Hynes, Highways 10.00 State Treas., Highways 2,550.00 County Treas.. Highways 2,550.00 Francis Shaw, Treas., Library 82.54 F. H. Benedict, Education 6.00 Saml. Russell, License 20.00 Saml. Russell, Board of Health 55.00 Town of Dover, Poor Dept. 130.00 State Treas. Income Tax 1920 1,250.00 State Treas., Corporation Tax .02 C. S. Williams, Clerk, Water Dept. 70.00

J. C. Vincent. Hall Rent 10.00 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1917 1,737.83 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1918 282.81 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1919 763.33 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Tax 1920 4,927.43 L. R. Gerald. Coll., Int. on Taxes -2:2.97 L. R. Gerald, Coll., Moth Taxes 100.52

Total Receipts $178,767.15

SCHEDULE III Treasurer's Payments by Departments Agency Payments

Taxes to County $3,067.10 Taxes to State 10,059.7 3 Town Administration

Salaries 3,002.56 Incidentals 1,601.74

Insurance and Bonds 1. '221. 7 1 Weights and Measures 19.91 Town House Repairs 94.04 78

Legal Requirements 1,245.00

Protection of Life and Property Police 2,457.33 Fire Department 1,483.97 Moth Department 2,009.95 Tree Warden 84.73 Fire Dept. Motor Equipment 4,777.30 Health and Sanitation Board of Health 418.64 Inspection of Animals 300.00 Inspection of Schools 75.00 Farwell Property 100.00 Highways Bridges and Sidewalks. General Highways 17,791.78 Old Connecticut Path 991.50 Tower Hill Road 995.00 Sherman Bridge 623.73 Sudbury River Bridge 944.73

Removal of Snow • 4,545.35 Main Street, Cochituate 884.41

Street Lighting 3,131.05 Poor Department 2,430.96 Poor Funds Income 241.50 Soldiers Benefits State Aid 972.00 Soldiers Relief 785.02 Education 26,869.9] Library Water Supply 488.98 Library and Reading Room 2,956.14 Library Trust Funds Income 110.00 Memorial Day 270.97

Water Dept. 2,505.10 Cemeteries 532.86 79

North Cemetery Fence 365.00 Cemetery Funds Income 186.35 Interest 4,258.83 Town Indebtedness Tax Notes Paid 46,000.00 Highway Notes Paid 6,000.00 School Bonds Paid 2,900.00 Funds Invested 192.07 Playground Note Paid 1,000.00 Playground 577.20 James H. Lee Land 4,200.00 Aid to Agriculture 250.00

Total Cash Payments $166,019.15


Borrowed in Anticipation of Taxes

1920 January

1 Notes outstanding (Nos. 106-107-104-112-113 114-115-116-117 46,000.00


7 Natick 5c Sav. Bank No. 1, 8 mos. @ 5^% 10,000.00 March 5 Natick 5c Sav. Bank No. 2, 8 mos. @ fi% 10,000.00 April

3 Natick 5c Sav. Bank No. 3, 1 yr. @ 6 % 10,000.00 May 7 Natick 5c Sav. Bank No. 4, 7 mos. @ 6% ,10,000.00 7 Natick 5c Sav. Bank No. 5, 1 yr. @ 6% 10,000.00 21 Natick Trust Co. No. 6, 1 yr. 6^% 10,000.00 80


2 Natick Trust Co. No. 7, 1 yr. @ 6y2 % 10,000.00

NOTES PAID 1920 February 11 Natick 5c Sav. Bank No. 104 $5,000.00 March 11 Natick 5c Sav. Bank No. 106 5,000.00 April

7 Natick 5c Sav. Bank No. 107 5,000.00 May 7 Natick 5c Sav. Bank No. 114 5,000.00 10 Natick 5c Sav. Bank No. 112 5,000.00 22 Natick 5c Sav. Bank No. 113 5,000.00 June 25 Natick Trust Co. No. 115 5,000.00

July 8 Njatick Trust Co. No. 116 5,000.00 November 16 Natick Trust Co. No. 117 6,000.00 December 31 Notes Outstanding (Nos. 1-2-3-4 -5-6-7 70,000.00

$116,000.00 116,000.00



Interest on Bank Deposit $55.37 Corporation Tax 1,951.39 National Bank Tax 2,958.35 81

Street Railway Tax 9.61 State Aid 727.00 Licenses 57.00 Additional Assessments 135.94 Unexpended Balance 1919 5,076.37 Unxepended Balance Sidewalk Account 127.10 Unexpended Balance Sudbury Road Conduit 7.39 Unexpended Balance Vocational School 176.88 Unexpended Balance Pond Street 1,631.17 Unexpended Balance Soldiers Welcome 37.85 Cochituate Scales 2.85


Snow Bills 4,545.35 Legal Requirements 1,245.00 Insurance and Bonds 1,221.71 Overdrafts of 1919 3,84C,6S State Aid 972.00 Balance Dec. 31, 1920 1,124.53

$12,954.27 $12,954.27


10 School House Bonds, due annually $1000 $10,000.00 2 School House Bonds due annually $500 1,000.00 1 School House Equipment Bond, Duef May

1, 1921 1,000.00 U School House Equipment Bond, Due May

1, 1921 400.00

1 Playground Note due Apr. 7, 1921 1,000.00

1 Playground Note due July 2, 1921 1,000.00

1 Playground Note due July 2, 1922 1,000.00

1 Playground Note due July 2, 1923 1,000.00 :


1 Pyayground Note due April 7, 1922 1,000.00 1 Fire Dept. Truck Note due July 37, 1921 1,000.00 1 Fire Dept. Truck Note due July 27, 1922 1,000.00 1 Fire Dept. Truck Note due July 27, 1923 ' 1,000.00 1 Fire Dept. Truck Note due July 27, 1924 1.000.00

Tax Note No. 1 due Oct. 7, 1920 10,000.00

Tax Note No. 2 due Nov. 5, 1920 10,000.00

Tax Note No. 3, due Apr. 3, 1921 10,000.00

Tax Note No. 4 due Dec. 7, 1920 10,000.00

Tax Note No. 5 due May 7, 1921 10,000.00 Tax Note No. 6 due May 21, 1921 10,000.00

Tax Note No. 1 due July 2, 1921 10,000.00

INTEREST ACCOUNT Appropriation 3,000.00 Unexpended Balance 1919 705.45 Interest on Taxes 1,168.09 Payments On School Bonds 500.00 On School Bonds (Equipment) 84.00 On Highway Noes 399.00 On Playground Notes 112.50 On Tax Notes 3,163.33 Balance 614.71 $91,400.00

$4,873.54 $4873:54

LIBRARY TRUST FUNDS Invested by Library Trustees James Sumner Draper Fund $5,000.00 Cynthia Roby Fund 3,155.76 Childs Fund 100.00

$8,255.76 83

Invested by Sinking Fund Commissioners,

Securities turned over to Town Treasurer as per

vote October 2, 1914. *Ella E. Draper Fund 500.00 *James Draper Fund 500.00 Grace Campbell Draper Fund 1,000.00 *Reinvested by Town Treasurer in ^}ifo Reg. Liberty Bonds

POOR TRUST FUNDS Donation Fund (Reg.) 4^% Liberty Bonds $1,300.00 Allen Fund (Reg.) C. B. & O. R. R. Bonds 4% 1,000.00 Loker Fund (Reg.) 2 B. & A. R. R. Bonds 4% 2,000.00

CEMETERY TRUST FUNDS Invested in 4^2% Liberty Bonds (Reg.) W. S. Draper Fund $100.00 D. B. Heard Fund 100.00 Jackson Fund 100.00 A. M. Lovejoy Fund 200.00 Parsons Fund 200.00 E. L. Moore Fund 300.00 Henry Reeves Fund 100.00 Calvin Rice Fund 100.00 Robey Fund 400.00 A. M. Page Fund 50.00 E. R. Frost Fund 100.00 L. V. Thomas Fund 100.00

J. M. Russell Fund 100.00 P. M. Lee Fund 100.00 E. R. Johnson Fund 100.00 Edwin Gale Fund 100.00 Charles Holbrook Fund 150.00 Jude Damon Fund 100.00 84

Marshall Russell Fund 100.00 F. C. Hurd Fund 100.00 George Harrington Fund 100.00 A. H. Wellington Fund 100.00 A. C. Loker Fund 100.00 Edward Rice Fund 100.00 Bryant and Miller Fund 100.00 Ellen Ricker Fund 100.00 E. A. Wellington Fund 100.00 W. S. Wheeler Fund 100.00 Noves Morse Fund 100.00 C. E. .Miller Fund 50.00 Otis Locker Fund 100.00 W. B. Braman Fund 100.00 Francis Moore Fund 100.00 Edmund Rice Fund 100.00 Ira Underwood Fund 100.00

T. S. Sherman Fund . 200.00 *Edward Carter Fund 100.00 *C. C. Ward Fund 100.00 *A. S. Morse Fund 100.00

*J. and C. G. Bennett Fund 100.00

$4,750.00 * Invested in 4^4% Liberty Bonds (Reg.)

TRIAL BALANCE Abatement of Taxes 343.22 Salaries 1,579.74 Playground 22.80 Motor Trucks 522.70 Fire Dept. 182.36 Police 33.33 Board of Health 114.32 Tower Hill Road 5.00 85

Old Conn. Path 8.50 Sherman Bridge 176.27 Glezan Road 250.00 Main Street 1,893.47 Highways 1,291.80 Street Lights 286.17 Tree Warden 139.95 Poor Dept. 52.07 Incidentals " 4.82 Town House Repairs 196.15 Education 1,078.37 School Grounds 500.00 Library 48.17 Library Water Supply 11.02 Memorial Day 30.94 Moth Dept. 864.94 Soldier's Relief 14.98 Cemetery Account 280.12 N. and C. Cemeteries 3.12 Lakeview Cemeteries 1.78 Cemetery Fence 135.00 Water Dept. 905.67 Cash 15,395.57 Farwell House 43R.00 Revenue 1,124 53 Tax Notes 70.000 00

Playground Notes 5 noo oo School Bonds 12,400 00

Interest 614 71 Tax 1917 217.39 Tax 1918 10.8*4 61 Tax 1919 20.733.99 Tax 1920 31,654.64 Funds Income 733 82 86

Motor Truck Notes 4,000.00 Balance Account 21,400.00

$102,787.02 102,787.02 1 1 — 11


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1919 1920 Taxes. Current year $32,870.72 $48,635.93 Taxes, Prior years 26,003.65 27,353.32 Corporation Tax 938.29 1,951.39 National Bank Tax 3,029.66 2,958.35 Dog Licenses 424.27 432.64 Other Licenses 5.00 57.00 Town Administration Rent of Hall 67.00 67.00 Town Scales 2.85 Protection of Life and Property Weights and Measures 23.27 19.52 Fire Dept. 8.77 Moth Department From State 21.00 40.00 From Others 229.46 549.50 From Tax Collector 492.28 767.28 Inspection of Animals 75.00 75.00 Police Dept. 6.10 9.15 Highways

St. Ry. Excise Tax 829.98 From State and County 7,100.86 5,574.00 Charities

Poor Dept.

Other Cities and Towns 260.03 624.50 Income of Poor Trust Funds 173.95 175.25

Soldiers Benefits

State Aid, from State 1,739.00 727.00


Tuition, from State 289.25 306.75 Salaries, from State 625.00 625.00 91

Income, Trust Fund 8.00 8.00 Refunds and damages 5.35 13.92 Dog Licenses (1-2) 212.14 216.32 State School Fund 962.06 Vocational School, from State 176.88 175.00 Income Tax from State 1,270.00 2,570.00 Other Towns 15.00 Library and Reading Room

Dog Licenses (1-2) 212.13 216.32 Treasurer of Library Funds 568.10 747.54

Water Dept. 2,895.66 3,092.84 Cemeteries

Sale of Lots etc. 117.00 50.00 Income from Funds 189.74 199.14

Interest On Treasurer's Bank Deposit 45.15 55.37 On Taxes 760.34 1,185.59 Town Indebtedness Tax Notes 66,000.00 70,000.00 Highway Notes 6,000.00 Playground Notes 3,000.00 3,000.00 Motor Truck Notes 4,000.00 Trust Funds Cemetery Funds Received 200.00 200.00 County Tax 2,825.68 3,067.10 State Tax 5,830.00 9,543.53 State Tax Highway 516.20 516.20 Town Administration Moderator. Salary Selectmen. Sararies 325.00 375.00 Selectmen. Incidentals 219.45 158.81 Auditor. Salary 100.00 100.00

Auditor, Incidentals 7.50 92

Tax Collector, Salary 372.86 439.56 Tax Collector, Incidentals 32.50 72.93 Treasurer, Salary 500.00 500.00 Treasurer, Incidentals 59.19 46.63 Assessors, Salaries 892.50 894.00 Assessors, Incidentals 25.38 53.20 Town Clerk, Salary 100.00 100.00 Town Clerk, Incidentals 125.54 190.66 Election and Registration, Salaries 277.00 394.00 Election and Registration, Incidentals 63.85 198.97 Insurance and Bonds 694.61 1,221.71 Town House and Clocks 226.60 206.85 Miscl. Incidentals 570.68 673.69 Town House Repairs 91.65 94.04 Legal Requirements 381.18 1,245.00 Overseers of Poor, Salaries 150.00 150.00 Sealer Weights and Measures, Sal. 50.00 50.00 Protection of Life and Property

Police, Dept. 1,549.41 2,457.33 Fire Dept. 1,342.44 1,483.97 Weights and Measures 23.27 19.91 Moth Dept. 2,312,47 2,246.33 Tree Warden 28.43 84.73 Board of Health 315..05 418.64 Inspection of Animals 50.00 300.00 Inspection of Schools 75.00 75.00 Highways

Street Repairs inc. Bridges 10,420.83 17,791.78 Snow Removal 72.60 Pond Street 1,368.83 Main Street 6,107.31 884.41 Tower Hill Road 1,095.54 950.00 Old Connecticut Path 991.50

Street Lighting 3,035.97 3,131.05 93

Charities Poor Dept. 2,317.34 2,430.96 Income Trust Funds 241.50

Soldiers Benefits

State Aid 724.00 972.00 Soldiers' Relief 476.26 785.02 Soldiers Welcome 162.15

Education School Committee Salaries 160.00 150.00 Teachers' Sala|ries 12,631.30 16,260.77 Janitors' Salaries 1,421.73 1,537.60 Supplies 930.04 654.24 Transporation 3,847.86 4,067.38 Superintendent 1,000.00 1,350.43 Repairs 474.54 408.00 Incidentals 365.76 630.10 Fuel and Light 1,574.95 1,811.39 Vocational School 350.00 Library and Reading Room 2,513.27 2,956.14 Memorial Day 202.40 270.97 Water Dept. 2,725.13 2,505.10

Cemeteries Labor and Maintenance 601.53 532.86 Income of Trust Funds 124.28 186.35


On Tax- Notes 3,190.01 3,163.33 On Town Bonds 840.00 On Highway Notes 399.00 On School House Bonds 560.00 500.00

On School House Equipment Bonds 140.00 84.00. On Library Funds 110.00 110.00 On Playground Notes 67.50 112.50 94

Town Indebtedness Tax Notes Paid 62,500.00 46,000.00 Highway Notes Paid 6,000.00 School House Bonds Paid 1,500.00 1,500.00 School House Equip. Bonds Paid 1,400.00 1,400.00 Bridge Note Paid 1,000.00 Playground Note Paid 1,000.00 Cemetery Trust Funds Invested 200.00 200.00

FRANK E. YEAGER Treasurer 95


The Overseers of the Poor during the past year have \isited their charges at Worcester and outside and submit the allowing report:

Receipts Balance $58.53 Appopriation 1,800.00

• Reimbursements 624.50

$2,483.03 Expenditures 2,430.96

Balance $52.07 Franciscan Home, Board and Clothing $310.84 Having settlement in Wayland and re- siding elsewhere. 659.59 Having settlement in Wayland and re- iding there 288.00 Having settlement elsewhere and resid- ing in Wayland 1,091.83 Expenses 48.20 Waltham Hospital 32.50

Respectively submitted, THOMAS W. FROST, Chairman HOWARD C. HAYNES Clerk WALTER S. BIGWOOD 06


FROM JAN. 1st 1920 To JAN. 1st 1921

Pay Roll D. Graham $1,002.50

George Poutasse Jr. 561.00

John J. Linnehan 55.00 Schedule of Bills

William Stearns, 4 tires for Sprayer $50.i-J H. G. Keim, team for Sprayer 35.00 C. A. Benson, Gasoline 23.75 H. G. Kiem, team for Sprayer 120.00 Lovell's Grocer>% Supplies 1.95

DANIEL J. GRAHAM Superintendent 07


Since our last annual report the town has received as gifts two funds making a total of forty funds amounting to

4,750. income from which is for the perpetual care of indiv-

idual lots.

The Commissioners urge as many as can to have their ( lots placed under perpetual care to assure the continued at-

tractiveness of their, as well, as adjacent lots.

Owing to the high cost of labor and shorter hours of

work the result in work accomplished is approximately less

than half of what it was a few years ago; this is reflected in the neglected appearance of the cemeteries the latter part of the season, the appropriation having been expended. It

would seem that the town might be a little more liberal in

its appropriation for the care of cemeteries out of regard for the memory of those citizens who have passed on but bequeathed to us so much that we benefit by and enjoy.

A metalic fence erected on the northerly side of the North

Cemetery is a great improvement. By a special arrangement the old iron posts set in foundation stones were utilized, thus

. saving quite a large expense. The unexpended balance of $135.00 from the appropriation of $500.00 for said fence your Commissioners would recommend placing to the credit of the General Cemetery Account to be available for use in re- replacing another section of the fence in the North Cemetery

which is badly out of repair.

Appended is statement showing balances held by treas- 98 urer subject to order of the Cemetery Commissioners on Dec. 31st, 1920. GENERAL CEMETERY ACCOUNT

January 1, 1920 Balance $265.12 Proceeds from sale of lots in Lake View Cemetery 15.00 Proceeds from sale of lots in North Cemetery 85.00 365.12

Expended for improvements and tools in Lake View Cemetery $7.00

Expended for improvements, etc., in North and Center Cemeteries 28.00 35.00

December 31. 1920 Balance . $330.12 LAKE VIEW CEMETERY

Jan. 1, 1920 Balance $1.64

Feb. 4, 1920 Appropriation 250.00 $251.64

Expended 249.86

Dec. 31, 1920 Balance $1.78 NORTH AND CENTER CEMETERIES

Jan. 1, 1920 Balance $1.12

Feb. 4, 1920 Appropriation 250.00 $251.12

Expended 248.00

Dec. 31, 1920 Balance $3.12 PERPETUAL CARE TRUST FUNDS E. L. Moore $300.00 $110.03 $12.75 $3.00 $119.78 Parsons 200.00 32.24 8.50 16.50 24.24 Ann M. Lovejoy 200.00 8.69 8.50 5.65 11.54 1


Charles Holbrook 150.00 6.92 6.38 5.65 7.65 Dwight B. Heard 100.00 4.42 4.25 2.50 6.17 Jackson 100.00 16.96 4.25 11.00 10.21

W S. Draper HW00 10 0

Jude Damon • 100.00 5.97 4.25 2.50 7.72 Marshall Russell 100.00 5.88 4.25 2.50 7.63 Frank C. Heard 100.00 6.63 4.25 9.50 1.38 Geo. Harrington 100.00 3.53 4.25 2.50 5.28 Adeline H. Welling- ton 100.00 5.47 4.25 7.97 1.75 Alfred C. Loker 100.00 5.58 4.25 4.65 5.18 Bryant and Miller 100.00 2.32 4.25 5.65 .92 Edward Rice 100.00 5.56 4.25 1.00 8.81 Ellen Ricker 100.00 5.29 4.25 8.00 1.54 Elbridge A. Well- ington 100.00 4.53 4.25 7.03 1.75 Warren S. Wheel- er 100.00 4.78 4.25 2.50 6.53 Noyes Morse 100.00 9 KO A OK 9 Kf\ a 9>y

Caroline E. Miller 50.00 4. 1 9 19 o.oU /C.JO9 OQ Otis Loker 100.00 2.24 4.25 2.50 3.99 Wm. B. Braman 100.00 1.25 4.25 2.50 3.00

Franics Moore 100.00 1.14 4,25 2.50 2,89

Edmund Rice 100.00 1.14 4.25 3.50 1.89

Ira Underwood 100.00 4.14 4.25 4.75 3.74 100

Theo. S. Sherman -cUU.UU o.OU 4:.UU V.iO Edward Carter 100.00 4.75 2.50 2.25 Ward 100.00 2.71 4.75 4.65 2.81 Andrew S. Morse 100.00 4.71 2.38 2.50 4.59 Jonas and Celina Gardner Bennett 100.00 3.22 2.38 1.50 4.10

Respectfully submitted WILLIAM READ, Chairman WALLACE S. DRAPER, Clerk Cemetery Commissioners 101


We respectfully submit the following report for the year ending December 31, 1920.

Balance January 1, 1920. $166.33 Appropriation 1,500.00

$1,666.33 Expenditures 1,483.97

Balance December 31, 1920 S182.36 January

X. R. Brennan, tire pay roll 9.50

Edison Electric 111. Co. light 1.49 Robinson Jones Co. coal 26.00 Pettingell Andrews Co. zinc 19.80 February

Edison Electric 111. Co. light 4.84 Pettingell Andrews Co., vitriol 52.00 Wayland Water Board 2.00 Howe & Co. express .53 March

E. Butler grass fire pay roll 9.00

Edison Electric 111. Co. light 1.85 Robinson Jones Co.. coal IT. 00 Eastern Drug Co.. soda 14.00 Howe & Co. express 2.90 Weston Coal Co. coal 28.35

Edison Electric 111. Co. light 6.00 Eastern Drug Co. soda 14.00 102

April Engineers Salaries 3 @ $10.00 30.00 James M. Bent Hose Co. pay roll 115.83 Charles H. Boody H. & L. Co. pay roll 155.00 Edward F. Dorsheimer, Eng. Clerk 10.00 Henry F. Tyrrell, Supt. fire alarm 50.00 Charles F. Dusseault, janitor 40.00 M. E. Church, use of tower 50.00 Thomas Irving, fire pay roll 6.00

Edison Electric 111. Co., light 2.59 Pettingell Andrews Co. coppers 4.45 Napolean Perodeau, supplies 1.93 Edward F. Dorsheimer, supplies 2.02 A. A. Lamerine, postage and telephone 2.85 Engineers Salaries 2 @ $10.00 20.00 Howard C. Haynes, fgt. and janitor 14.07 Ralph Morse, janitor 8 months 28.00

Edison Electric 111. Co., light .75 May

Robinson & Jones wood fire pay roll 9.25 Howard C. Haynes, material and rep. 72.48 Henry Tyrrell, repairs on wires 3.00 Robinson & Jones Co., posts & cement 27.31 George Phylis, labor at engine house 5G.70 Harry* Cayo labor at engine house 11.20. Charles W. Fairbank. sand 7.50

Edison Electric 111. Co. light 2.38 Arthur M. Atwood, freight .50 June

Henry F. Tyrrell, Supt. fire alarm 1 mo. 4.17 Carl Lindbolm, repairs fire alarm 8.88 Wheelock Welding Co., 1.50 Alfred A. Lamarine, repairs 6.50

Edison Electric 111. Co. light .95 Glover's wood fire pay roll 4.50 103

Auto, truck fire pay roll 3.50 July Wayland Water Board, 2.00 American La France, acid 15.75 Cochituate Garage 5.45 August

Dudley Pond Woods fire pay roll 7.50 Stones Bridge Wood fire pay roll 32.50 B. A. Pond, labor 3.75 Alfred A. Lamarine, labor 3.60 Robinson & Jones Co. cement 1.55 Cochituate Garage, gas and oil 5.05- Howe & Co., express 1.05 September

Edison Electric 111. Co. light .59 Pettingell Andrews Co. zinc and cop- pers 17.28

Stone's bridge wood fire pay roll 12.50 Howard C. Haynes service 9.38 Howard C. Haynes, reps, at Wayland 45.40 William S. Lovell, supplies 5.74 American La France, acid 15.90 Edison Electric Co., light 3.20 October

Stone's Bridge wood fire pay roll 16.50 Alfred Lamerine, repairs 1.87 Carl Linbolm, repairs 9.69 Robinson & Jones Co., coal 32.00

Edison Electric 111. Co. light .60 Howe & Co., express .42 November

James Spear house fire pay roll 11.50 Isaac Damon chimney fire pay roll 5.00 Howard C. Haynes, repairs at engine 104

house 28.93 Natick Heating & Plumbing Co. wire 8.20 Cochituate Garage 4.30 Union Lumber Co. lumber 3.00 Natick Welding & Brazing Co. .75 Robinson & Jones Co., coal 80.00

Edison Electric 111. Co., light .95 Pettingell Andrews Co., vitriol 24.00 Carl Linbolm, auto and labor 1.63

H. Keims brush fire pay roll 2.50 Worthen's chimney fire pay roll 4.00 T. W. Frost repairs at Wayland 10.41 Robert Stearns, repairs 5.50 Charles A. Benson, gasoline 5.25

Edison Electric 111. Co., light 1.50 E. W. Jennison, express 1.58 December

C. S. Williams, nails .72 Alfred Lamarine, labor 1.25 Napolean Perodeau, supplies 5.98 Cochituate Garage, alcohol and gas. 6.50 Pettingell Andrews Co. zincs 11.52 Howe & Co. express .79 E. F. Dorsheimer, stamps and supplies 1.46 Weston Coal Co., coal 44.41




1 Box 23. False alarm.

3 Box 34. Butler's grass fire. May

31 Still Alarm. Robinson & Jones woods. 105


3 Still alarm. Dudley Pond woods.

29 Still alarm. Stone's Bridge woods. October

27 Still Alarm. Stone's Bridge woods. November

14 Engine House. J, Spear house. 17 Engine House. Isaac Damon chimney. Wayland April 19 Glover's woods. June 3 Auto truck. State Road. August 29 Stone's Bridge. Woods. November

14 H. Keim's. Brush fire. 28 Worthen's chimney. SPECIAL APPROPRIATION Appropriation $5,300.00 Expenditures 4,777.30

Balance, Dec. 31, 1920 $522.70

E. P. Butler, two Reo fire trucks 4,600.00

Nickel plating fixtures 50.00

Two tool boxes 30.00 Gasoline and Oil 9.40

Chamois, Sponge, Hydrometer and tire gauge 8.00

E. F. Dahill Jr. & Co., 6 extinguishers 48.00

Cochituate Garage, 1 pr. tire chains 13.15 106

State Forestry Dept. V/> doz. wire brooms 18.75




Number of arrests 22 Assault 2 Non Support 1 Larceny 4 Delinquent 3 Automobile Violations 12


EDWARD F. DORSHEIMER Chief of Police 10S


The Board of Health respectfully submit the following report for the year ending December 31, 1920. 1920

Jan. 1, Balance $227.96 Feb. 4 Appropriation 250.00 Dec. 30 S. Russell License 55.00 — $532.96 December 31, 1920 Expenditures .'376.14

Jan. 1, 1921 Balance $150.89 March

30 Bill of Bulletin, printing $9.50 W. C. Neal, Inspector of Slaughtering 55.00 David Loker, returns of death 1.50 Waldo Lawrence, Inspection 9.50

Thomas J. Dowey, Inspection 9.00 April 3 Waldo Lawrence, Inspection 5.00

Thomas J. Dowey, Inspection 16.75 June

30 Jenny Oil Co., 2 bbl oil 24.50 Dr. E. C. Sparks, House calls 21.00 Waldo Lawrence, Inspection 4.50

Thomas J. Dowey, Inspection 13.25 August

2 George Dowey, spraying 8.00

Thomas J. Dowey, spraying 8.00 109

William McCafferty, auto hire 6.00 Septemeber

1 Waldo Lawrence, Inspection 5.00

Thomas J. Dowey, Inspection 6.00 October 4 Napoleon Perodeau, groceries 10.13 Dr. E. Sparks, House calls 15.00 Waldo Lawrence, Inspection 6.00 L. H. McManus, auto hire 8.25

Thomas J. Dowey, Insepction and tel. 5.50 William McCafferty, auto hire 3.00 George O. Dowey, labor 2.50 December

Thomas J. Dowey, Inspection 16.00 William McCafferty, auto hire 9.00 Waldo Lawrence, Inspection 5.50

Thomas J. Dowey, salary 25.00 C. B. Dodge Co., disinfectant candles 21.90 Napoleon Perodeau, groceries 27.00 W. C. Neal, Inspector of Slaughtering 19.37

Total $376.16 CONTAGIOUS DISEASES Diphtheria 3 Scarlet Fever 2 Chicken Pox 10 Measles 1 Influenza 6 Whooping Cough 4 Tuberculosis 2

All stagnant water was sprayed with oil.



December 31, 1920

At the annual meeting held March 1st the Water Board organized as before, James C. McKay, chairman, and C. S. Williams, Clerk.

Walter S. Bigwood was reappointed Supt. of Works. Application has been made for more services on Old Connecticut Path, the district near Dudley Pond to supply summer cottages.

The Commissioners think that they have taken on all that can be supplied in that locality with our present supply.

Application has also been made from the East side of Rice's Road but the elevation being so near that of the reser- voir nothing can be done for those wishing to take water from our present supply on that road.

Investigation by the Water Committee has been going on the past year but the bills were, not presented in time to go in the 1920 Report $500 being available in our cash balance to meet these bills.


In account with the Town Treasurer

December 31st, 1920 Cr. December 1919 31 Balance with Town Treasurer $317.93 •in

February 1920

9 Cash turned in 174.00 28 Cash turned in /Cov .UU March

o i^asn turnea in 24-7 7^ 24 Cash turned in ±0\).0\J AprilA _ '1

24 Cash turned in "I AO Q/f June

14 Cash turned in 136.67 July

20 Cash turned in 150.50 24 Cash turned in 134.50 August

2 Cash turned in 239.50 4 Cash turned in 128.00 9 Cash turned in 260.00 12 Cash turned in 200.00 19 Cash turned in 152.50 21 Cash turned in lOo.oO September

18 Cash turned in 146.50 October

1 Cash turned in 109.08 29 Cash turned in 107.50 November

30 Cash turned in 151.50 December

18 Cash turned in 100.50 31 Cash turned in 70.00 112


In account with Town Treasurer

Dec. 31, 1920 March

2 Bills approved $49.83 April

6 Bills approved 42.69 May

4 Bills approved 57.48 18 Bills approved 61.00 June

1 Bills approved 242.89 13 Bills approved 32.24


2 Bills approved 43.69 20 Bills approved 97.82 August

5 Bills approved 65.69 IT Bills approved 108.44 17 Bills approved 149.37 October

3 Bill*? annrnvpd 323.04 November

2 Bills approved 81.88 16 Bills approved 142.50 December

7 Bills approved 562.82 31 Bills approved 76.22 Salary James C. McKay 20.00 Salary, Henry G. Dudley 20.00 Salary, Clarence S. Williams 20.00 113

Salary, Clarence S. Williams, clerk 32.50 Salary. Clarence S. Williams, collector 125.00 Salary, Walter S. Bigwood, Supt. 150.00 Balance on hand 905.67





2 Ernest Newton, labor, 5 days 4 hrs. $20.25 John O'Roake, labor 1 clay 4.00 Frank Ames, labor, 7 hrs. 3.50 Walter S. Biigwood, labor, 4 days, 6 hrs. 19.00

7 Clarence S. W illiams, supplies 3.08

$49.83 April

5 Surburban Press, printing water bills $7.85 Clarence S. Williams, force pump 8.00 Howe & Co., express .27 Walworth Mfg. Co., wrenches 9.87 Walter S. Bigwood, telephone 3.30

Walter S. Bigwood, labor, 2 days 2 hrs. 10.00 John O'Roake, labor 1 day 4.00

$42.69 May

3 Walworth Mfg. Co., curb cocks $23.38 Braman & Dow, pipe saddles 8.15 William! C. Neal, teaming 2.50

Ernest Newton, labor, 3 days 1 hr. 12.50 ' valter Bigwood, labor 2 days 6 hrs. 11.00

$57.48 115

18 Ernest Newton, labor, 2 days 5 hrs. $10.50 Walter Bigwood, labor 2 days, 5 hrs. 10.50

$21.00 June

1 Chadwick Boston Lead Co. lead pipe $4.88 Walworth Mfg. Co., fittings 2.33 Fred A. Houdlette & Son, cast iron pipe & fittings 38.25 Braman Dow & Co., service boxes 19.20 Braman Dow & Co., dies 1.52 Natick Plumbing and Heating Co. fittings 1.06 Natick Plumbing and Heating Co., fittings 1.50 Howe & Co. express .27 Chapman Valve Co., 2 in. gate valve 13.41 Walter S. Bigwood, galv. pipe 10.40 Walter S. Bigwood, freight 1.75 Walter S. Bigwood, tejephone 2.20 Ernest Newton, labor 3 days 4 hrs. 14.00 Walter Bigwood, labor, 3 days 4 hrs 14.00

$124.77 15 Ernest Newton, labor, 2 days 8.00 Walter Bigwood, labor, 2 days 8.00 Ernest Newton, labor, 1 day 5 hrs. 8.12 Walter Bigwood, labor, 1 day, 5 hrs. 8.12

$32.24 July 2 Ernest Newton, labor, 1 day 2 hrs. 6.25

Charles McEnroy, labor, 7 hrs. 4.38

Walter Bigwood, 4 days, 6 1-2 hrs. 24.00


20 Leon Gladu, labor, 1 day 5 1-2 hrs. 8.44 116

Charles Maguire, labor, 2 days 10.00

Walter Big-wood, 3 days 7 hrs., 19.38

$37.82 August

2 Forbes Company, note heads 4.25 Forbes Company, envelopes 3.25 Xatick Water Dept., lead pipe 1.60 Clarence S. Williams, stamps 6.50 Howe & Co., express 2.74 Braman Dow & Co., fittings 25.20 Chadwick Boston Lead Co., lead pipe 6.84 Fiske Corporation, shovels

Albert Lockhart, oil cans

The Surburban Press, water bills 7.25 Xatick Plumbing and Heating Co., fittings 1.83 Natick Plumbing and Heating Co.. fittings 1.36 Xatick Plumbing and Heating Co.. fittings 2.69 Xatick Plumbing and Heating Co., fittings 4 04 James McKay, tending gate 10.00

Leon Gladu, labor, 4 days 1 hr. 20.63 Wilfred Celorier, labor, 1 day 5 1-2 hrs. 8.44

Edgar Celorier, labor 1 day 4 hrs 7.50 Walter Bigwood, labor 3 days 3 hrs. 16.87

136.84 IT Leon Gladu, labor. 2 days 4 hrs. 12.50. Wilfred Celorier, labor 6 1-2 hrs. 4.07

Edgar Celorier, labor 1 day 5.00

Ernest Newton, 4 da)- 1 hr. 20.62 Walter Bigwood, 3 days 2 hrs. 16.25

$58.44 October.

Walworth Mfg. Co., roadway box 7.23 117

Braman Dow & Co., service boxes 18.11: Braman Dow & Co., service boxes 18.1-1 Ernest Newton, labor, 6 days 7 hrs. 29.37 Leon Gladu, labor 7 days 6 hrs. 3'8.78 John O'Roake. labor, 1 days 20.00

William Smith, labor 9 days 4 hrs. . 47.50 William Bemis, labor 12 days 1 hr. 60.63 Walter Bigwood, labor, G days 7 hrs. 29.37 Walworth Mfg. Co.. curb cocks 19.52

$288.68 November

2 Leon Gladu,, labor, 6 days G hrs. 33.75 John O'Roake, labor, G days 1 hr. 30.63 Ernest Newton, labor, 1 day G hrs. 8.75

Walter Bigwood, labor, 1 day G hrs. 8.75

$81.88 16 Leon Gladu, labor, 9 days 3 hrs. 46.88 Ernest Newton, labor, 4 days 3 hrs. 21.88 John O'Roake, labor 9 days 5 hrs. 48.13 Walter Bigwood, labor, 4 days 3 hrs. 21.88 Leon Gladu, labor 6 hrs. 3.73

$.142,50 December

T 6 W alter Bigwood, telephone 5.25 T W alter Bigwood, galv. pipe 65.62 H. Mueller & Sons, drill 1.75

H.' Mueller & Sons, brass goods 67.5 J H. Mueller & Sons, tapping machine and fittings 162.95 Clarence S. Williams, freight 5.31 Fram. Cont. and Supply Co., thawing out pipes in 1918 125.00. Clarence S. Williams, supplies 6.12 113

Natick Water Dept., gate and road box 23.30 Leon Gladu, labor, 7 days 5 hrs. 38.13

T/~kVin ll KnaL'P Iq Knr fi Hitc ^nrc IUI1I1 \_/ XvUdlYC, IdUUI , U Lld^ b cJillb. OO.IO iLinebL lNcvVLun, lduur. & udyb 1 nr. 1U.OO

VVdllCl DlgWUUU, ldUUr O U.dyb J. III. 1J.DO

I ue ± eiLKicciu, lduur rt nib


a~ iNkiLILK VYdlCI l^CpL., blCCVc • O-J

NT a] Ayl a tfr\ p>\\r tpi ttt i ti rr 1>I ClbUIlcnn IVldllllC YV LCdlilXIlg

JT 1LZ (X JDdrKcr, LdUlKlIlg ICdU O.OO Natick Gas Co., sleeve Charles Fairbank, teaming 17.57

NapoleonPerodeau, gasoline, oil and supplies 19.02

ilUWC Cc Y^U., C-X.pi ebb A. fin

lVllCIldCl IVldlLUlcy, LlldlCUdl duU tUKC O.i3 7nJ Leon Gladu, labor 2 days 10.00 John O'Roake. labor 2 days 10.00

$76.22 Total $1,747.84 CONSTRUCTION

Extension at Shore Acres May

18 Ernest Newton, labor 5 days 20.00 Walter Bigwood, labor, 5 days 20.00 June

1 Braman Dow & Co., 1 1-2 in. gal pipe 86.12 Ernest Newton, labor, 4 days 16.00 Walter Bigwood, labor 4 days 16.00

$158.12 Extension at Castle Gate July

2 Ernest Newton, labor 6 hrs. 3.75 119

Charles McEnroy, labor, 2 1-2 hrs. 1.56 Walter Bigwood, labor, 6 hrs 3.75 20 Leon Gladu, labor, 4 days 4 hrs. 22.50 Charles Maguire, labor 3 days 4 hrs. 17.50 Walter Bigwood, labor. 4 days 20.00 August

2 Braman Dow & Co., galv. pipe 65.9-7 Charles Maguire, labor, 2 days 3 1-2 hrs. 12.25


Extension at Beechwood Point August 17 Leon Gladu, labor 4 days 20.00 Ernest Newton, labor 4 days 20.00 Walter Bigwood, labor 2 days 10.00 October

3 Leon Gladu, labor, 4 days 1 hr. 20.60 Ernest Newton, labor 1 day 3 hrs. 6.88

Walter Bigwood, labor 1 day 3 hrs. 6.88


WALTER S. BIGWOOD Superintendent 120


Board of Selectmen j

Gentlemen: - -%4^ j ||g § In compliance with the law, I have the honor to sub- mit the Annual Report of the Weights and Measures Depart- ment of the Town of Wayland for 1920. WORK PERFORMED

Platform over 5000 lbs. 2 sealed

Platform under 5000 lbs. 7 sealed Counter scales 6 sealed Beam scales 2 sealed Spring balances 13 sealed Computing scale (platform) 8 sealed Slot Weighing 2 sealed Avoirdupois 72 sealed Liquid Measures 48 sealed Oil measuring pumps 10 sealed Molasses pumps 4 sealed Yard Measures 2 sealed Spring Balances condemned 2 Liquid Meausres condemned 1 REWEIGHINGS Coke 20 bags Charcoal 13 bags Flour 4 bags Fees collected $10.52



The accounts of the Financial Officers have been ex amined and found correct. JAMES H. CARROLL

I Town Audito







Natick, Mass.


192 1



The annual report of the Librarian to the Trustees is herewith submitted showing in statistical form, the year's activities.

The catalogue list of new books will be sent to the towns- people in a separate pamphlet, and is not included, a shereto- fore, in the Town Report. It is expected that this will be found more convenient for preservation and reference.

Acting under the vote passed at the last anual town meet- ing, by which $500. was appropriated for the purpose, an idependent water supply, consisting of driven well, electric pump, and compression tank, has been installed in the library building. The former source of supply, the rail road tank, |ias been for some years very unreliable, no water for weeks

»Tt times, being available.

A meeting of the librarians of neighboring towns was held in our library on October 27. Thirty seven were pres- ent. Interesting papers were read and a collation served.

By permission of the trustees, a meeting of the Wayland Women's Club was held in the library January 18, Miss Wheeler acting as hostess. The capacity of the library was taxed to its limit to contain the large number present. Mr.

J. Randolph Coolidge of Boston spoke on library work and read selections from various authors, following which tea

was served.

The circulation of books for the year ending Jan. 1st, 1921, exceeded that of any previous year.




For the year ending- December 31, 1920

Balance of Income on hand January 1, 1920 $.27 General Income for Year Appropriation for year ending Dec- ember 31, 1920 $1,150.00 One half of Dog License Receipts 216.32 Collected from fines 40.70 Less sundry expense 7.55 33.15 1,399.47

Income from Invested Funds James Sumner Draper Fund $203.88 Cynthia G. Robey Fund 144.40 Grace Campbell Draper Fund 50.00 James Draper Fund 30.00 Ella E. Draper Fund 30.00 Lydia Maria Child Fund 4.25 Ada H. Wellington Fund .42.00 504.53

Gifts 200.00 200.00

$2,104.27 EXPENDED Salaries Margaret E. Wheeler. Librarian $600.00

Thomas Metcalf, Janitor . 300.00 Marv E. Wentzel 54.44 954.44 : :


Books and Magazines: Old Corner Bookstore, Books 236.88 N. R. Gerald, Magazines 59.45 Rose Bindery 2.48 348.81 Fuel: Weston Coal Company 297.23 A. W. Atwood 172.30

J. W. Doon & Sons Company 26.50 Indian Bridge Farm 9.00 505.08 Light Edison Company 90.07 90.07 Repairs T. W. Frost 125.81 Fitz & Barker 5.68 R. B. Johnson 3.50

D. J. Foley 3.25 138.24 Miscellaneous Expenses A. W. Atwood, 25.00 F. W. Richardson 22.00 N. E. Tel. & Tel. Co. 11.15 W. S. Lovell 3.03 61.18

Total Expended $2,097.82


Balance of Income onhand January 1, 1920 40.18 General Income for year Appropriation for year ending Dec-

ember 31, 1920 S50.00 850.00

Collected from fines 1919 and 1920 11.80 : : :


Less sundry expense 1.94 9.86 9.86

$900.04 EXPENDED


Gertrude D. Bishop, Assit. Librarian 337.44 M. M. Fiske, Janitor 54.69 392.13 Books and Magazines Old Corner Book Store, Books 153.96 Nl R. Gerald, Magazines 45.45 199.41 Fuel: Robinson & Jones Co. 43.15 43.15 Light Edison Company 30.61 30.61 Miscellaneous Expenses N. R. Gerald. Rent 144.00 M. M. Fiske, Express 35.00 C. S. Williams, 7.54 Library Bureau 6.48 193.02

Total Expended $858.32

Balance January 1, 1921 $41.72 INVESTMENT OF LIBRARY FUNDS James Draper Fund Town of Wayland 6% Note $500.00 Ella F. Draper Fund Town of Wayland 6% Note 500.00 Grace Campbell Draper Fund Town of Wayland 6% Note 1,000.00 Lydia Maria Child Fund $100 U. S. Third Liberty Loan 4^4% 100.00 130

Cynthia G. Roby Bequest " 3,155.76 $3000.American Telephone & Tele- graph Company $2,863.76 . $200. U. S. Third Liberty Loan 4^% 200.00 Deposit in Provident Institution for Savings, Boston 92.00

James Sumner Draper Fund 5,000.00 $1,000. Boston & Albany Railroad 4 % 1,001.25 $1,000. Boston & Maine Railroad 4 % 990.00 $1,000. Chicago, Burlington & Quin- cy Railroad 4% 993.75 $1,000. Delaware & Hudson Rail- road 4% 1,000.00 $1,000. Fitchburg Railroad 4% 995.00 Deposit in Provident Institution for Savings Boston 20.00 Ada H. Wellington Fund $500. U. S. Fourth Liberty Loan 4}4% 500.00


FRANCIS SHAW, Treasure 331


The Librarian submits the following report for the viar ending December 31, 1920. Number of volumes—Main Library Fiction 5,376 Non-fiction 11,628 Unclassified 315

17,323 Nmber of volums—Cochituate Branch Fiction 1,088 Non-fiction 532


18,938 Number purchased Main Library 150 Number presented Main Library 494 Number purchased Cochituate Branch 73 Number presented Cochituate Branch 18

Total 735 Circulation for the year: From Main Library 11,588 From Cochituate Branch 6,064

Sent to Cochituate Branch on Cards .82 Juvenile from Main Library _ 2,416 Juvenile from Cochituate Branch 2,396

Total 22,546 132


Fiction 75.87 General Works 3.48 Philosophy .34 Religion .29 Sociology 1.14 Natural Science .99 Art 3.17 Literature 4.68 History G.18 Biography 3.86

The following periodicals are to be regularly found in the reading rooms:

Main Library Atlantic Bird-lore Bookman Century

Harper' s ivionthly Journal of Outdoor Life Ladies Home Journal London Illustrated News National Geographic Magazine Our Dumb Animals Outlook Popular Mechanics

i Red Cross Magazine, Scribner's Magazine

St. Nicholas Survey Woman's Home Companion Youth's Companion Cochituate Branch LIST OF NEW BOOKS

FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1920 Wayland Public Library

The Library is free to all residents of Wayland


Monday, Wednesday, Saturday 2 to 9 p.m.

The Library is closed on Sundays and legal holidays Telephone Wayland 26-3


Wednesday and Saturday 2.30 to 5.30 p.m. Every week day evening 6.30 to 9.00 p.m.

Except during June, July, August, September when the hours are

Wednesday and Saturday 2.30 to 5.30 p.m. Wednesday, Friday, Saturday 6.30 to 9.00 p.m.

The Reading Room is closed on Sundays and legal holidays

At the Cochituate Branch is a card catalogue of all books in the Main Library. Application for books in the Main Library may be made by Library Card on Friday evening and the books will be ready for delivery at the Reading Room on Saturday evening.



Adams. Ford, Worthington C, ed. A cycle of Adams letters, 1861-1865. 2 vols. 1920. B AD13F Aldrich, Mrs. Thomas Bailey. Crowding memories. 1920. B AL223 Anderson, Isabel. Presidents and pies. 1920. B AN224 Asquith, Mrs. Margot. Margot Asquith, an autobiography. 2 vols. 1920. B AS65 Balfour. Raymond, E. T. A life of Arthur James Balfour. 1920. B B196 Betham-Edwards, Matilda B. Mid-Victorian memories. 1919. B B466 Bispham, David. A Quaker singer's recollections. 1920. B B546 Bok, Edward W. The Americanization of Edward Bok. 1920. B B633 Booth. Begbie, Harold. The life of General William Booth. 2 vols. 1920. B B6485 Butler. Jones, Henry F. Samuel Butler. 2 vols. 1919. B B975 Campbell. Connor, Henry G. John A. Campbell. 1920. B C155 Carnegie, Andrew. Autobiography. 1920. B C214 Chapman. Ottman, Ford C. J. Wilbur Chapman: a biog- raphy. 1920. B C368 Chekhov. Tchekhov, Anton P. Letters of Anton Chekhov. 1920. B T218 Choate. Martin, Edward S. The life of Joseph Hodges Choate. 2 vols. 1920. B C454M Clark, Champ. My quarter century of American politics. 2 vols. 1920. B C542 Cobden. Hobson, J. A. Richard Cobden: the international man. 1919. B C634H Davis. Pepper, Charles M. The life and times of Henry Gassaway Davis. 1920. B D295 Dickens. Burton, Richard. Dickens, how to know him. 1919. B D554B 3 4 BIOGRAPHY — INDIVIDUAL

Dilke. Gwynn, Stephen, and TuckweU, Gertrude M. The life of Sir Charles W. Dilke. 2 vols. 1917. B D576 Disraeli. Buckle, G. E. The life of Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, by Buckle and Monypenny. Vols. 5-6. 1920. B D636M Eugenie, Empress. Carey, Mrs. Agnes. Empress Eugenie in exile. 1920. B EU43C

. Fleury, Comte Maurice, ed. Memoirs of the Empress Eugenie. 2 vols. 1920. B EU43 Fisher, John A., lord. Memories and records. 2 vols. 1920. B F536 Foch. Recouly, Raymond. Foch, the winner of the. war. 1920. B F684R Fox, Henry. Ilchester, Earl of. Henry Fox, first Lord Hol- land. 2 vols. 1920. B F835 Gambetta. Deschanel, Paul. Gambetta. 1920. B G143 Gardner. Gardner, Constance, ed. Some letters of Augus- tus Peabody Gardner. 1920. B G174 Gladstone. Drew, Mrs. Mary G. Mrs. Gladstone, by her daughter. 1920. B G453 George. Spender, Harold. The prime minister: life and times of David Lloyd George. 1920. B G296S Grey, Charles, 2d earl. Trevelyan, G. M. Lord Grey of the Reform Bill. 1920. B G867 Greeley, Hugh P. and Floretta E. Work and play in the Grenfell mission. 1920. B G815 Hamilton. Ford, Henry J. Alexander Hamilton. 1920. B H185 Hamilton, Lord Frederic. The vanished pomps of yester- day. 1920. B H187 Hankey, Donald. Letters. Edited by Edward Miller. 1920. B H197 Hobson, Mrs. Elizabeth C. Recollections of a happy life. 1916. B H657 Hoover. Kellogg, Vernon. Herbert Hoover, the man and his work. 1920. B H767K

. Lane, R. W. The making of Herbert Hoover. 1920. B H767L Kitchener. Arthur, Sir G. C. A. Life of Lord Kitchener. 3 vols. 1920. B K643 BIOGRAPHY — INDIVIDUAL 5

James, Henry. Letters of Henry James, selected and edited by Percy Lubbock. 2 vols. 1920. B J232L James, William. Letters. Edited by his son, Henry James. 2 vols. 1920. B J233 Jefferson. Muzzy, David S. Thomas Jefferson. 1918. B J554MU Kartini, Raden A. Letters of a Javanese princess, trans- lated from the original Dutch by Agnes L. Symmers. 1920. B K145 La Fayette. Morgan, George. The true La Fayette. 1919. B L134M Robertson. Landrum, Grace W. Charlotte. 1919. B R543 Lincoln. Drinkwater, John. Lincoln: the world emanci- pator. 1920. B L634D Lytteltom Alfred. An account of his life. 1917. B L996 McCarthy, Edward T. Further incidents in the life of a mining engineer. 1920. B M128F Mallock, William H. Memoirs of life and literature. 1920. B M296 Maude. Callwell, C. E. The life of Sir Stanley Maude. 1920. B M442

? Mercier, D. F. F. J., cardinal. Cardinal Mercier s own story. 1920. B M536M

. Kellogg, Charlotte. Mercier, the fighting cardinal of Belgium. 1920. B M536K Meredith. Butcher, Lady. Memories of George Meredith O. M. 1919. B M544B

. Ellis, S. M. George Meredith. 1920. B M544E Meyer. Howe, M. A. DeW. George von L. Meyer, his life and public services. 1919. B M574H Mitford. Hill, Constance. Mary Russell Mitford and her surroundings. 1920. B M694H Moton, R. R. Finding a way out: an autobiography. 1920. B M853 Nevill, Lady Dorothy. The life and letters of Lady Dorothy Nevill, edited by her son, Ralph Nevill. B N414N Parker. Parker, Arthur C. The life of General Ely S. Parker. 1919. B P2234 Parsons. Rabb, Kate M., ed. A tour through Indiana in 1840. The diary of John Parsons of Petersburg, Vir- ginia. 1920. B P253 6 BIOGRAPHY — COLLECTIVE

Peabody. Peabody, F. G. and Robert. A New England romance. The story of Ephraim and Mary J. Peabody, 1807-1892, told by their sons. 1920. B P313 Peel. Peel, Ethel, comp. Recollections of Lady Dorothy Peel. 1920. / B P344 Redmond. Gwynn, Stephen. John Redmond's last years. 1919. B R247G Riley. Dickey, Marcus. The youth of James Whitcomb Riley. 1919. B R454 Rochechouart, Louis V. L. Memoirs of the Count de Roche- chouart. 1920. B R584 Rogers, Clara K. Memories of a musical career. 1919. B R634 Roosevelt. Bishop, J. B. Theodore Roosevelt and his time, shown in his own letters. 2 vols. 1920. B R676BI

. Leary, J. J., Jr. Talks with T. R. 1920. B R676L Shirley. Lincoln, Charles Henry, ed. Correspondence of William Shirley. 2 vols. 1912. B SH65 Stevenson. Sanchez, Mrs. N. Van de G. The life of Mrs. Robert Louis Stevenson. 1920. B ST444 Tennant. Glenconner, P. Edward W. Tennant: a memoir. 1919. B T253 Venizelos. Gibbons, H. A. Venizelos. 1920. B V554 Warren, Arthur. London days. A book of reminiscences. 1920. B W253 Wheeler, Mrs. Candace T. Yesterdays in a busy life. 1918. B W564 Whiteley, Opal. The story of Opal. 1920. B W586 Wood. David, E. J. Leonard Wood on national issues. 1920. B W853D

. Holme, J. G. The life of Leonard Wood. 1920. B W853H

. Wood, E. F. Leonard Wood, a conservator of Amer- icanism. 1920. B W853W BIOGRAPHY—COLLECTIVE

Howe, M. A. DeW. Memoirs of the Harvard dead in the war against Germany. Vol. 1. 1920. 920 H83 Husband, Joseph. Americans by adoption. 1920. 920 H95 Jonescu, Take. Some personal impressions. 1920. 920 J73 Marcosson, Isaac F. Adventures in interviewing. 1920. 920 M33 9


Putnam, Elizabeth C, corny. Col. Charles R. Lowell, friends and cousins. 1920. 920 P98 DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL

Briggs, Martin S. Through Egypt in war-time. 1919. 916.2 B76 Brown, R. N. R. Spitsbergen. 1920. 919.8 B81 Bryas, Madeleine de, comtesse, and Bryas, Jacqueline de. A Frenchwoman's impression of America. 1920. 917.3 B84 Chesterton, Gilbert K. Irish impressions. 1920. 914.1 C42 Collins, Joseph. Idling in Italy. 1920. 914.5 C69I Crosley, Mrs. Pauline S. Intimate letters from Petrograd. 1920. 914.7 C88 Curie, J. H. The shadow-show. 1920. 910 C922 Curie, Richard. Wanderings. 1920. 910 C92 Dewey, John and Hattie A. Letters from China and Japan. 1920. 915.1 D51 Dodd, Anna B. Up the Seine to the battlefields. 1920. 914.4 D66U Eaton, Walter P. In Berkshire fields. 1920. 917.4 EA8 Edwards, A. H. Paris through an attic. 1919. 914.4 ED Edwards, Agnes. The old Coast Road from Boston to Plym- outh. 1920. 917.4 ED9C Elliott, Mrs. M. H. Roma beata. 1909. 914.5 EL5R Faris, J. T. Seeing Pennsylvania. 1919. 917.4 F22

. Seeing the Far West. 1920. 917.8 F22 Franck, H. A. Roaming through the West Indies. 1920. 917.2 F84R

. Vagabonding through changing Germany. 1920. 914.3 F84 Gibbs, Philip. People of destiny. 1920. 917.3 G35 Greenbie, Sydney. Japan: real and imaginary. 1920. 915.2 G82 Grenfell, Anne, and Spalding, Katie. Le Petit Nord. 1920. 917.1 G86 Hale, F. From Persian uplands. 1920? 915.5 H13 Heaton, Eliza P. By-paths in Sicily. 1920. 914.5 H35 Koebel, W. H. The great south land; the River Plate and southern Brazil of today. 1920. 918 K81 8 DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL

MacQuarrie, Hector. Tahiti days. 1920. 919.7 M24 Marshall, Archibald. A spring walk in Provence. 1920. 914.4 M35 Mills, Enos A. The adventures of a nature guide. 1920. 917.9 M62 Moore, F. F. Siberia today. 1919. 915.7 M78 Morley, C. D. Travels in Philadelphia. 1920. 917.4 M82 Mosher, A. M. The spell of Brittany. 1920. 914.4 M85 "Newton, W. Douglas. Westward with the Prince of Wales. 1920. 917 N48 Onions, Mrs. Berta Ruck. American snapshots. 1920. 917.3 ON4 Packard, Winthrop. Old Plymouth trails. 1920. 917.4 P12 Parks, Leighton. English ways and by-ways. 1920. 914.2 P21 Pollard, Samuel. In unknown China. 1920. 915.1 P76 Putnam, G. P. In the Oregon country. 1915. 917.9 P98

. The southland of North America. 1913. 917.2 P98 Reik, H. O. A tour of America's national parks. 1920. 917.3 R27 Rihbany, A. M. The hidden treasure of Rasmola. 1920. 915.6 R44 Robinson, A. G. Old New England houses. 1920. 917.4 R56H Ross, Edward A. What is America? 1919. 917.3 R73 Shackleton, Sir E. H. South, the story of Shackleton's last expedition, 1914-1917. 1920. 919.9 SHIS Soulsby, L. H. M. The America I saw in 191&-1918. 1920. 917.3 S08 Stuck, Hudson. A winter circuit of our Arctic coast. 1920. 917.9 ST9W Taft, William, and Bryce, James. Washington, the nation's capital. cl915. 917.5 T12 Thwing, A. H. The crooked and narrow streets of the Town of Boston. 1920. 917.4 T42 Tomlinson, H. M. The sea and the jungle. 1920? 910 T59 Van Dyke, J. C. The Grand Canyon of the Colorado. 1920. 917.9 V28 Wharton, Mrs. Edith. In Morocco. 1920. 916.4 W55 Wood, F. J. The turnpikes of New England. 1919. 917.4 W85 BOOKS ON THE WAR 9


Bacon, Reginald. The Dover patrol, 1915-1917. 2 vols. 1919. 940.9 B13 Bairnsfather, Bruce. More fragments from France. 1920. 940.9 B16M Bernstorff, Count. My three years in America. 940.9 B454 Blucher, Evelyn, princess. An English wife in Berlin. 1920. 940.9 B62 Bott, Alan. Eastern nights—and flights. 1919. 940.9 B65E Callwell, Sir C. E. The Dardanelles. 1919. 940.9 C13 Candler, Edmund. The long road to Bagdad. 2 vols. 1919. 940.9 C163 Cornford, L. C. The paravane adventure. 1919. 940.9 C813 Czernin, Ottokar. In the world war. 1920. 940.9 C99 Davison, Henry P. The American Red Cross in the great war. 1919. 940.9 D29 Dennett, C. P. Prisoners of the great war. 1919. 940.9 D41 Dorling, H. T. The curtain of steel. 1920. 940.9 D73 Falkenhayn, E. G. A. S. von. The German general staff and its decisions, 1914-1916. 1920. 940.9 F18 Freeman, Lewis R. Sea-hounds. 1919. 940.9 F87S Gaines, Ruth. Ladies of Greeourt. 1920. 940.9 G12L Gibbs, Philip. Now it can be told. 1920. 940.9 G353N Goricar, Joseph. The inside story of Austro-German in- trigue. 1920. 940.9 G67 Hall, J. N., and Nordhoff, C. B., eds. The Lafayette flying corps. 2 vols. 1920. 940.9 H143L Hunter, Francis T. Beatty, Jellicoe, Sims, and Rodman. 1919. 940.9 H91 Jones, R. M. A service of love in war time. 1920. 940.9 J73 Keith, E. A. My escape from Germany. 1919. 940.9 K26 Leighton, J. L. Simsadus: London. 1920. 940.9 L53 Ludendorff, Erich von. Ludendorff's own story. 2 vols. ^1919. 940.9 L963 McMaster, J. B. in the world war. Vol. 2. 1920. 940.9 M22 MacVeagh, E. C, and Brown, L. D. The Yankee in the British Zone. 1920. 940.9 M25 M Mayo, Katherine. " That damn Y ; a record of overseas service. 1920. 267 M45 10 HISTORY

Noyes, F. N. My A. E. F. a hail and farewell. 1920. 940.9 N87 O'Shaughnessy, Mrs. Edith. Alsace in rust and gold. 1920. 940.9 OS4A Page, A. W. Our 110 days' fighting. 1920. 940.9 P14 Page, T. N. Italy and the world war. 1920. 940.9 P144

Raemaekers, Louis. Raemaekers ' cartoon history of the war. Vols. 1-2. 1919. 940.9 R12 Rainsford, W. K. From Upton to the Meuse with the 307th. 1920. 940.9 R13 Repington, C. a C. The first world war. 2 vols. 1920. 940.9 R292

Requin, E. J. America 's race to victory. 1919. 940.9 R29 Sergeant, E. S. Shadow-shapes: the journal of a wounded woman. 1920. 940.9 SE6 Simonds, F. H. History of the world war. Vols. 4-5. 1920. 940.9 SI5 Sims, W. S., and Hendrick, B. J. The victory at sea. 1920. 940.9 SI55 Stuart, Sir Campbell. Secrets of Crewe House. 1920. 940.9 ST92 Terry, C. S., ed. Ostend and Zeebrugge. The dispatches of Sir Roger Keyes and other narratives of the operations. 1919. 940.9 T27 Thompson, C. T. The Peace Conference day by day. 1920. 341 T37 Villiers, Frederic. Days of glory. The sketch book of a veteran correspondent at the front. 1920. 940.9 V71 Whitehouse, Mrs. V. B. A year as a government agent. 1920. 940.9 W584 Yeats-Brown, Francis. Caught by the Turks. 1920. 940.9 Y3


Bangs, M. R. Old Cape Cod. The land : the man : the sea. 1920. 974.4 B222 Birmingham, G. A., pseud. An Irishman looks at his world. 1919. 941.5 B53 Blasco Ibanez, Vicente. Mexico in revolution. 1920. 972 B61 Brown, A. J. The mastery of the Far East. 1919. 950 B81

Cantacuzene, princess. Russian people : revolutionary recol- lections. 1920. 947 C16R SOCIOLOGY 11

Crawford, M. C. In the davs of the Pilgrim fathers. 1920. 974.4 C85 Davis, W. S. A history of France. 1919. 944 D29 Dell, Robert. My second country. 1920. 944 D38 Faris, J. T. On the trail of the pioneers. 1920. 978 F22 Haworth, P. L. The United States in our own times. 1920. 973.8 H31 Hill, F. T. On the trail of Grant and Lee. cl911. 973.7 H55 Kendall, C. W. The truth about Korea. 1919. 951.9 K33 Livermore, T. L. Days and events, 1860-1866. 1920. 973.7 L753 Lord, Arthur. Plymouth and the Pilgrims. 1920. 974.4 L88 O'Shaughnessy, Mrs. Edith. Intimate pages of Mexican his- tory. 1920. 972 OS4 Pope, 0. H., ed. The Plymouth scrapbook. 1918. 974.4 P81P Smith, C. H., and Hill, C. R. Rising above the ruins in France. 1920. 944 SM5 Spargo, John. Russia as an American problem. 1920. 947 SP2R Telberg, G. C, and Wilton, R. The last days of the Roman- ovs. 1920. 947 T23 Trevelyan, J. P. A short history of the Italian people. 1920. 945 T724 Wells, H. G. The outline of history7 being a plain history , of life and mankind. 2 vols. 1920. 909^ W46


Barron, C. W. A world remaking or peace finance. 1920. 336 B26 Basset, W. R. When the workmen help you manage. 1920. 331 B29 Butler^N. M. Is America worth saving? 1920. 304 B79 Clark, T. A. The high school boy. 1920. 379 C54 Crowder, E. H. The spirit of selective service. 1920. 355 C88 Dillon, E. J. The inside story of the Peace Conference. 1920. 341 D58

Du Bois, W. E. B. Darkwater : voices from within the veil. 1920. 326 D85 Emerson, Guy. The new frontier. 1920. 330 EM3 Fisher, Irving. Stabilizing the dollar. 1920. 338 F53 Gibbons, H. A. France and ourselves. 1920. 330 G35 12 LITERATURE

Hanson, Ole. Americanism versus Bolshevism. 1920. 335 H19 Hill, D. J. American world policies. 1920. 341 H55A Hurley, E. N. The new merchant marine. 1920. 387 H93 Kahn, 0. H. Our economic and other problems. 1920. 330 K12

Kalpaschnikoff, Andrew. A prisoner of Trotsky 's. 1920. 335 K12 Keynes, J. M. The economic consequences of the peace. 1920. 330 K52 Leacock, Stephen. The unsolved riddle of social justice. 1920. 330 L46 Leverhulme, W. H. L., 1st baron. The six-hour shift and in- dustrial efficiency. 1920. 331 L57

Loeb, S. I. Everyman 's child. 1920. 362 L82 Parker, C. H. The casual laborer and other essays. 1920. 331 P22 Patri, Angelo. A schoolmaster of the great city. cl917. 371 P27 Pribram, A. F. Secret treaties of Austria-Hungary, 1874- 1914. 1920. 341 P93 Sharp, D. L. Patrons of democracy. cl919. 379 SHI Sherrill, C. F. Have we a Far Eastern policy? 1920. 327 SH5H

' 1 ' Spargo, John. The greatest failure in all history. ' 1920. 335 SP2 Stoddard, Lothrop. The rising tide of color. 1920. 327 ST6 Eighton, C. E., and others. City manager in Dayton. 1919. 351 R44 Whitaker, A. C. Foreign exchange. 1919. 332 W58 Whittaker, C. H. The joke about housing. 1920. 331 W58 Williams, Whiting. What's on the worker's mind. 1920. 331 W67 Wister, Owen. A straight deal or the ancient grudge. 1920. 327 W76 Wood, E. E. The housing of the unskilled wage earner. 1919. 331 W85 Woods, Arthur. Policeman and public. 1919. 352 W86 LITERATURE

Baker, G. P., ed. Harvard plays. 1918. 812 B17 Brown, G. E. A book of R. L. S. 1919. 823 B81 Burroughs, John. Accepting the universe. 1920. 814 B94A LITERATURE 13

Butler, Samuel. Erewhon. 1872. 827 B97E

. Erewhon revisited. 1901. 827 B97R Castle, Agnes and Egerton. Little hours in great days. 1920. 824 C27 Chatham, Dennis, and Marion. Cape Coddities. 1920. 814 C39 Clemens, S. C. Moments with Mark Twain. Selected by Albert B. Paine. 1920. 818 C59 Cobb, Irvin S. The abandoned farmers. 1920. 817 C63 Cook, Mrs, Susan Glaspell. Plays. 1920. 812 C77 Crothers, S. M. The dame school of experience and other papers. 1920. 814 C88D Drinkwater, John. Pawns. 1920. 822 D83P Duclaux, A. M. F. Twentieth century French writers. 1920. 840 D85 Dunsany, E. G. M. D. P., lord. Tales of three hemispheres. 1919. 828 D92TA Ervine, St. John G. Jane Clegg. cl914. 822 ER9J

. John Ferguson. cl915. 822 ER9 Euripides. Plays. Translated by Gilbert Murray. 6 vols. 882 EU7 Ford, J. D. M. The main currents of Spanish literature. 1919. 860 F75 Galsworthy, John. Plays. Second, third, and fourth series. 1920. 822 G13 Gerould, K. F. Modes and morals. 1920. 814 G31 Gosse, Edmund. Some diversions of a man of letters. 1919. 824 G69 Grey, Sir Edward. Recreation. 1920. 824 G86 Holliday, R. C. Men and books and cities. 1920. 814 H72M Howells, W. D., ed. and corny. The great modern American stories. 1920. 808 G79A Lowell, J. R. The function of the poet and other essays. cl920. 814 L95F Lucas, E. V. Adventures and enthusiasms. 1920. 824 L962A Mayorga, M. G., comp. Representative one-act plays by American authors. 1919. 812 M45 More, P. E. Shelburne essays. Vols. 5-6. 814 M81 Osier, Sir William. The old humanities and the new science. 1920. 824 OS5 14 POETRY — FINE ARTS

O'Neill, E. F. Beyond the horizon. 1920. 812 ON2

. The moon and the Caribbees. 1919. 812 ON2M Perry, Bliss. A study of poetry. 1920. 808 P42P Repplier, Agnes. Points of friction. 1920. 814 R29P Rinehart, M. R. " Isn't that just like a man! " 1920. 817 R47I Ritchie, Lady A. I. T. From friend to friend. 1920. 824 R51FR Stevenson, R. L. Learning to write. cl888. 808 ST44 Sturgis, Mrs. R. C. Personal prejudices. 1920. 814 ST9P


Blake, William. The poetical works of William Blake. 1914. 821 B58 Brown, A. F. Heart of New England. 1920. 811 B81H Conkling, Hilda. Poems by a little girl. 1920. 811 C76 Masefield, John. Enslaved and other poems. 1920. 821 M37E Noyes, Alfred. The elfin artist. 1920. 821 N87EL Poe, E. A. Complete poems. cl911. 811 F75C Riley, J. W. Works. 14 vols. 818 R450 Rittenhouse, J. B., ed. The little book of American poets. 1787-1900. 1915. 811 R51A

. The little book of modern verse. 1913. 811 R51M Robinson, E. A. The three taverns. 1920. 811 R564 Untermeyer, Louis, ed. Modern American poetrv. 1919. 811 UN8 Van Dyke, Henry. Poems. 1920. 811 V28N


Anderson, P. L. The fine art of photography. 1919. 770 AN2 Cousins, Frank, and Riley, P. M. The colonial architecture of Salem. 1919. 728 C83 Eberlein, Harold, and others. The practical book of interior decoration. 1919. 747 EB3

. The practical book of period furniture. cl914. 749 EB3 Hornblow, Arthur. A history of the theater in America. 2 vols. 1919. 792 H78 Kellogg, Charlotte. Bobbins of Belgium. 1920. 746 K29 Matthews, Brander. Principles of playmaking. 1919. 792 M43 Pennell, Joseph. Etchers and etching. 1919. 767 P39 Teall, Gardner. A little garden all the year round. 1919. 716 T22 SPORTS AND AMUSEMENTS — SCIENCE — USEFUL ARTS 15

SPORTS AND AMUSEMENTS Baden-Powell, Sir Robert. Scoutmastership. 1920. 796 B14 Camp, Walter. Football without a eoaeh. 1920. 797 C15F Caswell, John. Sporting rifles and rifle shooting. 1920. 799 C27 Grey, Sir Edward. Fly fishing. 1919. 799 G86 Heilner, Van Campen, and Stick, Frank. The call of the surf. 1920. 799 H36 Millais, J. G. A sportsman's wanderings. 1920. 799 M612 Roosevelt, Kermit. The happy hunting grounds. 1920. 799 R673 Roper, W. W. Winning football. 1920. 797 R68 Work, M. C. Auction methods up-to-date. 1920. 795 W89


Chapman, Frank M. Bird-life. cl897. 598 C36BI

. What bird is that ! 1920. 598 C36B Hudson, W. H. Birds in town and village. 1920. 598 H86 Kittredge, G. L. The old farmer and his almanack. 1920. 529 K65 Moseley, E. L. Trees, stars, and birds. 1920. 502 M85 Pearson, T. G. Bird study book. 1917. 598 P31 Scoville, Samuel, Jr. Everydav adventures 1920. 500 SC09 USEFUL ARTS

Baynes, E. H., and Fuertes, L. A. The book of dogs. cl919. 636 B34 Bradley, Alice. The candy cookbook. 1917. 642 B73 Brannt, W. T. Metal worker's handy-book. 1919. 671 B73 Brown, Sir A. W. Flying the Atlantic in sixteen hours. 1920. 629 B81 Bunau-Varilla, Philippe. The great adventure of Panama. 1920. 626 B88 Evans, Mary Elizabeth. My candy secrets. 1920. 642 EV1 Frederick, J. G. Modern sales management. 1919. 658 F87 Hayward, C. B. How to become a wireless operator. 1919. 654 H32 Henry, F. S. Printing for school and shop. 1917. 655 H39 Hyde, G. M. Newspaper reporting and correspondence. 1919. 070 H99 Kains, M. G. The principles and practice of pruning. 1920. 634 K12 16 HEALTH AND NURSING — ETHICS AND RELIGION

King, A. G. Practical steam and hot water heating and ventilation. 1919. 697 K58

. Progressive furnace heating. 1914. 697 K58P Klein, J. J. Elements of accounting. 1920. 657 K67 Lee, J. M. Opportunities in the newspaper business. 1919. 070 L51 Lewis, H. R. Making money from hens. cl919. 636 L58M McCollum, E. V., and Simmonds, N. The American home diet. 1920. 643 M13 Moore, Cora. Twenty-four little French dinners and how to cook and serve them. 1919. 641 M78 Perry, L. D. Seat weaving. cl917. 645 P42 Sabin, E. L. Building the Pacific railway. 1919. 625 SA1 Stockbridge, B. E. L. What to drink. 1920. 642 ST6 Van Rensselaer, Martha, and others. A manual of home- making. 1920. 640 V35

HEALTH AND NURSING Brainard, A. M. Organization of public health nursing. 1919. 610 B73 Camp, Walter. Health and how to keep it. 1920. 613 C15H Overton, F., and Denno, W. J. The health officer. 1919. 614 OV2 Stimpson, W. G. Prevention of disease and care of the sick. 1919. 613 ST5


Filene, Catherine. Careers for women. 1920. 174 F47 Hoerle, H. C, and Saltzberg, F. B. The girl and her job. 1919. 174 H67 Gordon, G. A. Humanism in New England theology. 1920. 230 G65H James, William. The varieties of religious experience. cl902. 210 J23 King, Basil. The abolishing of death. 1919. 134 K58 Santayana, George. Character and opinion in the United States. 104 SA5CA FICTION 17


Andrews, M. R. S. The militants. 1915. AN26MI Ashford, Daisy. Daisy Ashford: her book. 1920. AS65D Ayscough, John. Abbotscourt. 1920. AY16A Bacon, Frank. Lightnin'. 1920. B135L Bailey, Temple. The trumpeter swan. 1920. B152TR Barclay, Mrs. F. L. C. Returned empty. 1920. B237RE Bassett, S. W. The wayfarers at the Angel's. cl917. B296W Bates, K. L. Sigurd our golden collie, and other comrades of the road. 1919. B3134 Baxter, A. B. The blower of bubbles. 1920. B336 Bazin, Rene. Pierre and Joseph. 1920. B347P Benoit, Pierre. Atlantida. 1920. B442A

. The secret spring. 1920. B442S

' ' Benson, E. F. ' Queen Lucia. ' 1920. B443Q

. Robin Linnet. 1919. B443R Bindloss, Harold. Wyndham's pal. 1919. B516W

Birmingham, G. A., pseud. Up, the rebels ! 1919. B536U Bower, B. M., pseud. The Quirt. 1920. B673Q Brainerd, Mrs. E. H. Our little old lady. 1919. B733 Brown, Alice. Homespun and gold. 1920. B811HO

. The wind between the worlds. 1920. B811W Butler, Samuel. The way of all flesh. 1882. B975W Cadmus and Harmonia, pseuds. The island of sheep. 1920. CI 16 Cobb, Irvin S. From place to place. 1920. C634F Connolly, J. B. Hiker joy. 1920. C763HI Conrad, Joseph. The rescue. 1920. C765R Curwood, J. O. The valley of silent men. 1920. C948V Dawson, Coningsby. The little house. 1920. D3264L Daviess, M. T. The matrix. 1920. D273M Day, Holman. The rider of the king log. 1919. D332R Dejeans, Elizabeth. The Moreton mystery. 1920. D365M Dell, E. M. The tidal wave and other stories. 1920. D382T

. The top of the world. 1920. D382TO Dillon, Mary. The farmer of Roaring Run. 1920. D584F Dilnot, George. Suspected. 1920. D587S Doyle, A. C. A study in scarlet. D774ST Ervine, St. J. G. Alice and a family. 1919. ER96A

. The foolish lovers. 1920. ER96F 18 FICTION

Fletcher, J. S. Dead men's money. 1920. F634D

. The Paradise mystery. 1920. F634P

. The Talleyrand maxim. 1920. F634T Fox, John, Jr. Erskine Dale—pioneer. 1920. F8342E Frankau, Gilbert. Peter Jameson. 1920. F853P Gale, Zona. Miss Lulu Bett. 1920. G135MI Gibbs, George. The splendid outcast. 1920. G354S Gibbs, Philip. Wounded souls. 1920. G355W Grenfell, W. T. Adrift on an ice-pan. 1909. G865A Grey, Zane. The man of the forest. 1920. G867M Haggard, H. R. The ancient Allan. 1920. H124AN Hall, Holworthy, pseud. Egan. 1920. H147E Harker, L. A. Allegra. 1920. H228A

. The Ffolliots of Redmarley. 1913. H228F

. Jan and her job. 1917. H228J

. Master and maid. 1914. H228MA

. Mr. Wycherly's wards. 1913. H228MR Harrison, Mrs. M. H. (Lucas Malet). 1919. H247T Hergesheimer, Joseph. Happy end. 1919. H424H Hichens, Robert. Snake-bite and other stories. 1919. H522S Howells, W. D. The vacation of the Kelwyns. 1920. 818 H83VA In the mountains. 1920. IN84 James, Henry. A landscape painter. 1919. J234LA Johnston, William. The mystery in the Ritsmore. 1920. J654M King, Basil. Going west. 1919. K5832G

. The thread of flame. 1920. K5832T Kipling, Rudyard. Works. 18 vols. Lewis, Sinclair. Main Street. 1920. L587M Lincoln, Joseph C. The Portygee. 1920. L635PO Locke, W. J. The house of Baltazar. 1920. L794H Lorimer, Norma. By the waters of Sicily. 1910. L893 Macaulay, Rose. Potterism. 1920. M126P McCutcheon, G. B. Sherry. 1919. M134S McGrath, Harold. The man with three names. 1920. M174M Masefield, John. A tarpaulin muster. 1919. M375T Marshall, Archibald. Many Junes. 1920. M3543M Masters, E. L. Mitch Miller. 1920. M393 Merrick, Leonard. Cynthia. M553CY

. The house of Lynch. 1920. M553H

. When love flies out o' the window. 1920. M553WH

. The worldlings. 1919. M553W FICTION 19

Montague, M. P. England to America. 1920. M761E

Nicholson, Meredith. Blacksheep ! Blacksheep ! 1920. N517B 0. Henry Memorial Award prize stories. 1920. P938 O'Brien, E. J., ed. The best short stories of 1919. 1920. OB65N Oldmeadow, Ernest. Coggin. 1920. OL14 Oemler, M. C. The purple heights. 1920. OE63P Onions, Mrs. B. R. The bridge of kisses. 1920. 0N44B

. Sweethearts unmet. 1919. ON44S Oppenheim, E. P. The devil's paw. 1920. OP55DE

. The great impersonation. 1920. OP55G Packard, F. L. From now on. 1919. P123F

. The White Moll. 1920. P123W Paine, R. D. Ships across the sea. 1920. P163SH Parker, Sir Gilbert. No defence. 1920. P224N Pedler, Margaret. The House of Dreams-Come-True. cl919. P346H Phillpotts, Eden. Miser's money. 1920. P544M Poe, E. A. Tales of mystery and imagination. P754 Poole, Ernest. Blind. "l920^. P787B Porter, Mrs. E. H. Mary Marie. 1920. P8323MA

. The tangled threads. 1919. P8323T Raine, W. MacL. Oh, you Tex! 1920. R1360 Rice, Mrs. A. H. The honorable Percival. 1914. R362H

. Mr. Opp. 1909. R362MR Rice, Mrs. A. C. H. and Rice, C. Y. Turn about tales. 1920. R362T Richmond, Mrs. G. S. Red and Black. 1919. R413RB Riggs, Mrs. K. D. W. Homespun tales. cl905-7. R444H0 Rinehart, Mrs. M. R. Affinities and other stories. 1920. R473AF

. A poor wise man. 1920. R473P Schauffler, R. H. Fiddler's luck. 1920. SCH17F Sedgwick, Mrs. A. D. Christmas roses and other stories. 1920. SE23C

. The third window. 1920. SE23TH Shute, H. A. The real diary of the worst farmer. 1920. SH96R Sidgwick, Mrs. Cecily. Iron cousins. 1919. SI12I Sidgwick, Ethel. Duke Jones. 1915. SI13D Sinclair, Bertrand W. Poor Man's rock. 1920. SI62P 20 children's books

Singmaster, Elsie. Basil Everman. 1920. SI65B Snaith, J. C. The adventurous lady. 1920. SN15A Somerville, E. OE., and Ross, M. Mount music. 1920. S054M Spofford, H. P. The elder's people. 1920. SP64E Tarbell, I. M. In Lincoln's chair. 1920. T172I Terhune, A. P. Bruce. 1920. T273B Thayer, Lee. The unlatched door. 1920. T336U Van Vorst, Marie. Fairfax and his pride. 1920. V378F Vachell, H. A. Whitewash. 1920. V135W Vorse, M. H. Growing up. 1920. V916G Walpole, Hugh. The captives. 1920. W164C Watts, Mrs. M. S. The noon-mark. 1920. W346N0 Weale, B. L. P., pseud. Wang the ninth. 1920. W375W Wharton, Mrs. Edith. The age of innocence. 1920. W554A White, S. E. The killer. 1920. W5845K White, W. P. Lynch lawyers. 1920. W5846 Williams, B. A. All the brothers were valiant. 1919. W671A

. The great accident. 1920. W671G Williamson, C. N. and A. M. The second latchkey. 1920. W6723S Willsie, Mrs. Honore. Still Jim. 1915. W686S


Aanrud, Hans. Lisbeth Longfrock. cl907. jAA5L Anderson, Mrs. Isabel. Topsy Turvy and the gold star. 1920. jAN24 Austin, Mary. The trail book. 1918. jAU77T Barbour, R. H. The lost dirigible. 1920. jB236LD Barbour, R. H., and Holt, H. P. The mystery of the Sea- Lark. 1920. jB236M Barnum, Mrs. F. C. B. Juan and Juanita. 1886. jB264J Bassett, S. W. Paul and the printing press. 1920. jB296P Burgess, T. W. The Burgess animal book for children. jB916A

. Old Granny Fox. 1920. jB9160G Coale, A. W. Summer in the girls' camp. 1919. j796 C63 Colum, Padriac. The adventures of Odysseus and the tale of Troy. 1918. j883 C72

. The children of Odin. 1920. jC726 children's books 21

Curtis, A. T. A little maid of Bunker Hill. 1916. jC944B

. A little maid of Narragansett Bay. 1915. jC944N

. A little maid of old Connecticut. 1918. jC944C

. A little maid of old Philadelphia. 1919. jC944P

. A little maid of Provincetown. 1913. jC944PR

. A little maid of Ticonderoga. 1917. jC944T Dann, Hollis. Junior songs. 1918. j784 D23 Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe told to the children. jD362R Dodge, Louis. The sandman's mountain. 1920. jD661M Elsom, J. C, and Trilling, B. M. Social games and group dances. 1919. j790 EL7 France, Anatole, pseud. Little Pierre. 1920. jF844L Frentz, E. W. Uncle Zeb and his friends. 1919. jF887 Graham, J. C. It happened at Andover. 1920. jG761 Griffis, W. E. Young people 's history of the Pilgrims. 1920. j974.4 G87 Griffith, A. M. M. The stars and their stories. 1913. j523 G87 Hale, L. P. The last of the Peterkins. jH315L

. The Peterkin papers. cl886. jH315P Hawes, C. B. The mutineers. 1920. jH3123 Kellogg, Vernon. Nuova or the new bee. 1920. jK294 Mathews, B. J. The Argonauts of faith. 1920. j973 M42 Miller, L. E. The hidden people. 1920. jM6194 Miller, O. T. The children's book of birds. 1915. j598 M61C Patch, E. M. A little gateway to science. 1920. j595 R27 Perkins, L. F. The Italian twins. 1920. jP416IT

. The Scotch twins. 1919. jP416S

. The Spartan twins. 1918. jP416SP Pier, A. S. The Hilltop troop. 1919. jP613BI Pyle, Howard. The garden behind the moon. 1918. jP994G

. Twilight land. 1894. jP994T Quennell, M. and C. W. B. A history of everyday things done in England. 2 vols. 1918. ' j942Q3 Richards, L. E. Honor Bright. 1920. jR394HO Russell, Dorothy. The secret passage. 1919. jR915S Scoville, Samuel, Jr. Bov Scouts in the wilderness. 1919. JSC094 Schultz, J. W. The dreadful river cave. 1920. jSCH83D

. In the great Apache forest. 1920. jSCH83I Seaman, A. H. Jacqueline of the carrier pigeons. 1910. jSE12J 22 REFERENCE BOOKS

Stein, Evaleen. Gabriel and the hour book. 1908. jST34G Tappan, E. M. Hero stories of France. 1920. j944 T16 Verrill, A. H. The trail of the cloven foot. 1918. jV615TR

. The trail of the white Indians. 1920. jV615T Wells, Carolyn. Patty and Azalea. 1919. jW462PZ

. Patty-Bride. 1918. jW462PE

REFERENCE BOOKS Bohn, H. G. A hand-book of proverbs. 1915. *398 B63 Thackeray. Van Duzer, H. S., comp. A Thackeray library. 1919. *012 T32 Who's who in America? A biographical dictionary of nota- ble living men and women of the United States. Vol. XL 1920. *920 W62A


Atlantic Century Delineator Garden Magazine Harper's Mouthy Ladies' Home Journal Our Dumb Animals Popular Mechanics Popular Science Review of Reviews Saturday Evening Post Scientific American Scribner's Magazine Woman's Home Companion World's Work Youth's Companion

MARGARET E. WHEELER Librarian ' 134


Jan. 1, 1920 Balance $124.68

Feb. 4, 1920 Appropriation 100.00

$224.68 Expenditures 84.73 Balance $139.95 Jan. 21 F. F. Ames, labor 33.68 Apr. 20 F. F. Ames, labor 18.00

-Dec. 7, F. F. Ames, labor 33.05 FRANK AMES Tree Warden 135


GENERAL HIGHWAY February 3920 4 Appropriation 4,000.00 4 Appropriation for oiling 5,000.00 4 Appropriation Railings 1,000.00 ft ugust

25 Travelers Ins. Co. 4*3 .00 November 30 C. W. Fairbank 39.00 December V 9 State Treasurer 4 4.00 21 T. L. Hynes 10.00 22 State Treasurer 2,550 C 31 County Treasurer 2,550.00 31 Excise Tax 829.98

16,499.98 Expenditures 17,791.78

Overdraft $1,291.80 December

22 T. L. Hynes, 3 d 2 h 11.38- T. L. Hynes. team, 3 d 2 h 11.38 L. T.Hynes, 3 d 10.50 L. T. Hynes, team 3 d 10.50 136

T. Garvey, 3 d 2 h 11.38 Philip O'Brien 2 d 7.00 Thomas E. Hynes, 3 d 10.50

J. F. Malloy. 3 d 10.50 Edwin Hynes 3 d 10.50 April

5 T. L. Hynes, 4 d 4 h 18.00 T. L. Hynes, team, 4 d 4 h 18.00

T. Dowey, 1 d 4.00 T. Dowey, team 4 d 10.00 W. McCafferty, 4 d 1G.00

J. Alward 2 d 8.00 Edw. Hawkins. 4 d 16.00 E. L. Hynes, 4 d 16.00 G. Kalill 3 d 12.00


3 C. W. Fairbank 5 d 4 h 22.00 C. W. Fairbank, horse. 6 d 6 h 13.50 S. C. Fairbank, 2d 4 h 10.00 T. Garvey 1 d 4 h 6.00

H. Wyatt 1 d - 4.00 H. Wyatt. horse 2 d 4.00 17 T. L. Hynes 9 d 4 h 38.00 T. L. Hynes, team, 10 d 40.00 L. T. Hynes, 6 d 4 h 26.00 L. T. Hynes. team 6 d 4 h 26.00 T. Dowey, 6 d 24.00 T. Dowey, team 9 d 36.00

J. Alward, 9 d 36J0O E. L. Hynes. 9 d 4 h 38.00 Edw. Hawkins 8 d 32.00

G. Kalill 6 d 24.00 W. McCafTerty 3 d 12.00

G. Farah, 9 d 4 h 38.00 137

28.00 J. F. Malloy 7 d W. Cowen 2 d 8.00 17 C. W. Fairbank 11 d 4 h 46.00 C. W. Fairbank, team 11 d 44.00 S. C. Fairbank, 8 d 4 z 34.00 H. Wyatt 6 d 24.00 H. Wyatt, team, 6 d 24.00 R. Carroll 8 d 4 h 34.00 A. Benson 7 d 4 h 30.00 F. Hannon 6 d 4 h 26.00 G. Philis 4 d 16.00

J. B. Woodmancy 3 d 12.00 W. C Neal 4 d 16.00

, May : 4 T. L. Hynes 8 d 4 h 34.00

T. L. Hynes team 11 d , 44.00 L. T. Hynes 10 d 40.00 L. T. Hynes team 10 d 40.00 T. Dowey 8 d 4 h 34.00 T. Dowey team 8 d 4 h 34.00

J. Alward 10 d 40.00 E. L. Hynes 9 d 4 h 38.00 G. Kalill 3 d 12.00 George Farah 9 d 36.00 E. Hawkins 6 d 24.00

J. F. Malloy 9 d 36.00 W. Cowan 1 d 4 h 6.00 C. W. Fairbank 7 d 2 h 29.00 C. W. Fairbank team 5 d 1 h 20.50 T. Garvey 16 d 4 h 66.00 S. C. Fairbank 2 d 4 h 10.00 H. Wyatt 8 d 4 h 34.00 H. Wyatt team 8 d 4 h 34.00 R. Carroll 8 d 32.00

A. Benson 8 d 4 h 34.00 138

F. Hannon 8 d 32.00 G. Phylis 8 d 32.00 : ,

J. B. Woodmancy 3 d 12.00 M. A. Loker 6 d 4 h 26.00 M. A. Loker team 6 d 4 h 26.00 W. F. Lawrence 6 d 24.00 W. F. Lawrence team 6 d 24.00 W. Smith 2 d 8.00 May

19 T. L. Hynes 3 d 12.00 T. L. Hynes team 3 d 12.00

T. Alward 2 d 4 h 10.00 E. L. Hynes 2 d 4 h 10.00 G. Farah Id 4.00 W. Cowan 1 d 4.00 C. W. Fairbank 2 d 8.00 C. W. Fairbank team 2 d 8.00 H. Wyatt 4 d 4 h 18 00 H. Wyatt team 4 d 4 h 18.00 M. A. Loker 4 d 4 h 18.00 M. A. Loker team 4 d 4 h 18.00 W. F. Lawrence 2 d 8.00

' W. F. Lawrence 2 d 8.00 R. Carroll 3 d 4 h 14.00 F. Hannan 4 d 4 h 18.00 A. Benson 4 d 4 h 18.00

T. Girvey 4 d J h 18.00 S. C. Fairbank 1 d 4 h 6.00 T. L. Hynes 3 d 15.00 T. L. Hynes team 3 d 15.00

J. Alward 3 d 15.00 E. L. Hynes 3 d 15.00 G. Farah 1 d 5.00 W. Cowan 2 d 10.00 C. W. Fairbank 1 d 2 h 5.00 139

C. W. Fairbank team 4 h 1.00 R. Carroll 5 d 20.00 S. C. Fairbank 1 d 1 h 4.50 A. Benson 4 d 16.00 F. Hannon 3 d 12.00 O. Garvey 3 d 12.00 T. Garvey 4 d 16.00 .H Wyatt 4 h 2.00 H. Wyatt team 1 d 2.00 C. W. Fairbank, 1 d 4 h 6.00 C. W. Fairbank team 5 d 3 h 21.50 R. Caroll 6 d 7 h 27.50 A. Benson 7 h 3.50 F. Hannon 6 d 7 h 27.50 O. Garvey 4 d 16.00 T. Garvey 6 d 7 h 27.50 S. C. Fairbank 7 h 3.50 C. M. McEnroy 6 d 2 h 25.00 C. W. Fairbank 3 d 4 h 14.00 C. W. Fairbank team 5 d 20.00 R. Carroll 4 d 16.00 S. C. Fairbanks 4 d 16.00 A. Benson 4 d 16.00 F. Hannon 4 d 16.00 O. Garvey 2 d 8.00 T. Garvey 4 d 16.00 H. Wyatt 4 h 2.00 H. Wyatt team 4 h 2.00 C McEnroy 4 d 16.00 T T TT „ ^ „ r i 1 . E. rlynes 5 a 20.00 T. L. Hynes 5 d 20.00

J. Ahvard 5 d 20.00 E. L. Hynes 5 d 20.00

G. Farah 5 d 20.0f>

W. Cowan 6 d 24.00 0


T. L. Hynes team 4 d 20.00 T. L. Hnyes team 4 d 20.00

J. Alward 4 d 20.00 E. L. Hynes 4 d 20.00 W Cowan 4 d 20.00 G. Farah 4 d 20.00 June

12 T. L. Hynes 5 d 25.00 T. L. Hynes team 5 d 25.00

J. Eagan 5 d 25.00

J. Eagan team 5 d 25.00

J. Alward 5 d 25.00 E. L. Hynes 5 d 25.00 W. Cowan 5 d 25.00 G. Farah 5 d 25.00 E. Hawkins 1 d 5.00 E. Johnson 4 d 20.00 L. T. Hynes 2 d 10.0 L. T. Hynes team 2 d 10.00 T. L. Hynes 6 d 30.00 T. L. Hynes team 5 d 25.00

J. Eagan 5 d 25 >0

J. Eagan team 5 d 25.0C

J. Alward 5 d V..00 E. L. Hynes 5 d 25.00 W. Cowan 5 d 25.00 G. Farah 5 d 25.00 E. Hawkins 1 d 5.00 E. Johnson 5 d So 0 L. T. Hynes 2 d 10.00 L. T. Hynes team 2 d 10.00 H. W. Fairbank team 4 d 20.00 C. W. Fairbank team 2 d 10.00 S. C. Fairbank 2 d 10.00

O. Garvey 2 d 10.00 141

T. Garvey 2 d C. McEnroy 2 d


1 C. McEnroy 8 d 4 h O. Garvey 4 d 6 h T. Garvey 13 d

J. McEnroy 5 d T. L. Hynes 10 d 6 h T. L. Hynes team 10 d 6 h C. W. Fairbanks 15 d 4 h C. W. Fairbank, team 21 d 2 3-4 S. C. Fairbank 13 d. 2 1-2 h M. A. Loker 10 d 4 h M. A. Loker team 10 d 4 h N. Matthews 7 d 4 h N. Matthews team 7 d 4 h T. Garvey 4 h

J. McEnroy 4 h

J. Eagan 9 d

J. Eagan team 7 d 4 h T. Dowey 2d T. Dowey team 5 d L. T.Hynes 10 d 4 h L. T. Hynes team 8 d 6 h M. W. Hynes 5 d M. W. Hynes team 4 d

J. Alward 10 d 6 h E. L. Hynes 8 d W. Cowan 9 d 6 h G. Farah 9 d E. Johnson 8 d 4 h

J. F. Malloy 9 d 6 h

J. De Gange 5 d O. Porter 5 d D. McSweeney 2 d 5 h 142

T. Doherty 2 d 10.00 R. Keith 2 d 1 h 10.63 H. Buck 1 d 5 h 8.13 T. Garvey 1 d 5:00 O. Garvey 2 d 10.00

J. McEnroy 1 d 5.00 W. McCafferty 5 d 25.00 T. L. Hynes 6 d 30.00 T. L. Hynes team 6 d 30.00

T. Eagan 5 d 5 h 28.13

J. Eagan, team 4 d 20.00 L. T. Hynes 6 d 30.00 L. T. Hynes team 5 d 4 h 27.50 T. Dowey 1 d 5.00 T. Dowey team 1 d 5.00 M. W. Hynes 4 d 4 h 22.50 M. W. Hynes team 3 d 15.00

J. Alward 6 d 30.00 E. L. Hynes 6 d 30.00 W. Cowan 5 d 4 h 27.50 G. Farah 5 d 4 h 27.50 E. Johnson 6 d 30.00

J. F. Malloy 5 d 4 h 27.50

J. De Gange 5 d 4 h 27.50 O. Porter 5 d 4 h 27.50 D. McSweeney 1 d 5.00

J. Foley 1 d 5.00 H. Buck 1 d 5.00 O. Garvey 4 h 2.50 F. Ward 1 d 5.00 C. W. Fairbank 5 dd 25.00 C. W. Fairbank team 12 d 60.00 T. Garvey 11 d 55.00

J. McEnroy 10 d 1 h 50.63 C. McEnroy 2 d 4 h 12.50 143

S. C. Fairbank 8 d " 40.'W

M r A. Loker 7 d 4 h 37.50 M. A. Loker team 7 d 4 k 37.50 N. Matthews 7 d 35.00 N. Matthews team 7 d 35.00 T. L. Hynes 6 d 30.00 T. L. Hynes team 6 d 30.00 L. T. Hynes 1 d 5.00 t. T. Hynes team 5 d 5.00 E. L. Hynes 5 d 25.00 N. Cowan 5 d 25.00 G. Farah 1 d 5.00 E. Johnson 5 d 25.00 F. Malloy 5 d 25.00 ! J. 30.00 J. De Gange 6 d W. Conway 1 d 5.00 81 C. W. Fairbank 4 h 2.50 C. W. Fairbank horses 17 d 4 h 43.75 52.50 J. McEnroy 10 d 4 h C. McEnroy 3 d 4 h 17.50 T. Garvey 11 d 7 h 59.38 S. C. Fairbank 7 d 2 h 36.25 8.13 J. Foley 1 d 5 h August

1 T. L. Hynes 7 d 4 h 37.50 T. L. Hynes team 2 d 10.00 L. T. Hynes 5 d 25.00 L. T. Hynes team 2 d 10.00

J. Alward 4 d 5 h 23.13 E. L. Hynes 3 d 4 h 17.50 W. Cowan 1 d 4 h 7.50 E. Johnson 1 d 4 h 7.50 H. Hynes 3 d 4 h 17.50 G. Bonisaris 2 d 6 h 13.75

T. E. Hynes 2 d 2 h 11.25 144

J. Linnehan 1 d 4 h 7.50 15 T. L. Hynes 3 d 15.00 T. L. Hynes team 3 d 15.00 L. T. Hynes 3 d 15.00 L. T. Hynes team 3 d 15.00

J. Alward 3 d 15.00 E. L. Hynes 3 d 15.00 E. Johnson 3 d 15.00 O. Porter 3 d 15.00 W. Cowan 3d 15.00

J. D. Gange 3 d 15.00 C. W. Fairbank 1 d 5.00 C. W. Fairbank horses 15 d 6 h 39.38 C. McEnroy 8 d 3 h 41.88 S. C. Fairbank 7 d 7 h 39.38 T. Garvey 5 d 25.00 T. L. Hynes 8 d 40.00 T. L. Hynes team 8 d 40.00 L. T. Haynes 8 d 40.00 L. T. Hyne.s team 8 d 40.00

J. Alward 8 d 40.00 E. L. Hynes 8 d 40.00 E. Johnson 7 d 35.00 O. Porter 8 d .40.00 W. Cowan 8 d 40.00

J. De Gange 2 d 10.00 September

5 T. L. Hynes 2 d 4 h 12.50 T. L. Hynes horse 2 d 4 h 6.25 L. T. Hynes 1 d 5.00

J. Alward 2 d 4 h 12.50

E. L. Hynes 2 d 4 h ' 12.50 E. Johnson 2 d 4 h 12.50 O. Porter 2 d 4 h 12.50

W. Cowan 2 d 4 h 12.50 145

12.50 J. De Gange 2 d 4 h E. Hawkins 2 d 4 h 12.50 G. Famh 2 d 4 h 12.50

J. F. Malloy 4 h 2.50 M. W. Hynes 2 d 4 h 12.50 C. W. Fairbank 7 d 6 h 38.75 C. W. Fairbank team 0 d 4 h 32.50 T. Garvey 3 d 6 h 18.75 R. Carroll 2 d 6 h 13.75

J. McDonald 3 d 2 h 16.25 R. F. Coakley 2 d 5 h 13.13

J. McEnroy 2 d 6 h 13.75 S. C. Fairbank 7 d 35.00 C. McEnroy 7 d 35.00 C. W. Fairbank 2 d 6 h 13.75 C. W. Fairbank team 8 d 1-2 h 40.31 C. McEnroy 9 d 45.00 S. C. Fairbank 9 d 45.00 T. L. Hynes 15 d 75.00 T. L. Hynes team 15 d 75.00 L. T. Hynes 8 d 40.00 ' L. T. Hynes team 8 d 40.00

J. Alward 7 d 4 h 37.50 E. L. Hynes 15 d 75.00 E. Johnson 15 d 75.00 O. Porter 15 d 75.00 W. Cowan 15 d 75.00

J. De Gange 15 d 75.00

AT WT u. rnoc, 19 A A U £19 Kfk ivi. w.riynes 14 a <± n M. W. rlynes team 14 a 4 n 62.50

J. F. Malloy 15 d 75.00 C. W. Fairbank 1 d 5.00 C. W. Fairbank horse 4 h 1.25

C. McEnroy 1 day 5.00

S. C. Fairbank 1 d 5.00 146

18 C. W. Fairbank 3 d 4 h 17.50 C W. Fairbank team 5 d 2 h 26.25 C. McEnroy 10 d 50.00 S. C. Fairbank 10 d 30.00 T. L. Hynes 1 d 5.00 T. L. Hynes team 1 d 5.00 L. T. Hynes 1 d 5.00 L. T. Hynes team 1 d 5.00 M. W Hynes 1 d 5.00 Bff. W. Hynes team 1 d 5.00 E. L. Hynes 1 d 5.00

W. Cowan 1 d . 5.00 E. Johnson 1 d 5.00

J. F. Malloy 1 d 5.00 De 1 d 5.00 J. Gange ; O. Porter 1 d 5.00 October

2 C. W. Fairban 1 d 4 h 7.50 C. W. Fairbank team 3 d 2 h 16.25 C McEnroy 2 d 10.00 S. C. Fairbank 3 d 15.00 T. Hynes 2 d 10.00 T. Hynes team 1 d 5.00 E. L. Hynes 4 h 2.50 16 T. L. Hynes 3 d 4 h 17.50

T. L. Hynes 2d . . . 10.00

J. Alward 3 d .15.00 T. De Gange 3 d 4 h 17.50 E. L. Hynes 1 d 5.00 T. L. Hynes 7 d 4 h 3?.50

1 . r ynes team 5 d 4 h 27.50 John Alward 7 d 4 h 37.50 T De Gange 6 d 4 h 32.50 E. L. Hynes 5 d 25.00

30 T. L. Hynes 7 d 35.00 T. L. Hynes team 7 d 35.00 E. L. Hyne,s 6 d 30.00 35.00 J. Alward 7 d 35.00 J. De Gauge 7 d L. T. Hynes 3 d 15.00 L. T. Hynes team 3 d 15.00

J. F. Malloy 1 d 5.00 G Farah 3 d 1 h 15.63 T. L. Hynes 3 d 15.00 T. L. Hynes team 3 d 15.00 E. L. Hynes 3 d 15.00 T. E. Hynes 3 d 15.00

H. Hynes 1 d 5.00

J. Alward 3 d 15.00

J. De Gange 1 d 5.00 T. L. Hynes 2 d 4 h 12.50 T. L. Hynes team 2 d 4 h 12.50 E. L. Hynes 2 d 10.00

J. Alward 2 d 10.00

J. De Gange 2 d 10.00 T. L. Hynes 6 d 4 h 32.50 T. L. Hynes team 5 d 25.00 E. L. Hynes 6 d 30.00 G. Farah 4 d 4 h 22.50

J. Alward 6 d 4 h 32.50

J. H. Carroll 2 d 5 h , 13.13 M. Damon 2 d 5 h 13.13

J. Perodeau 2 d 5 h 13.13

j. lviciinroy & a o n l 6 L 6 O. Garvey 2 d 5 h 13.13 H. M. Cayo 2 d 5 h 13 13

R. J. Carroll 2 d 5 h 13.13 M. A. Loker 2 d 1 h 10.63

H. L. Buck 2 d 1 h 10.63 T. E. Hynes 3 d 15 oa 143

L. T. Hynes 2 d 10.00 L. T. Hynes team 1 d 5.00 C. W. Fairbank 1 d 4 h 7.50 C. W. Fairbank team 1 d 4 h 7.50 S. C. Fairbank 4 h 2,50 13 T. L. Hynes 4 d 20.00 T. L. Hynes team 4 d 20.00 E. L. Hynes 5 d 25.00

J. Ahvard 4 d 20.00

J. De Gange G d 30.00 L. T. Hynes 3 d 15.00

L. T. Hynes 1 d 4 h 7.50 December

7 C. W. Fairbank 4 d 4 h 22.50 C. W. Fairbank team 2 d 4 h 12.50 S. C. Fairbank 1 d 5.00

J. Ploss 3 d 1 1-2 h 15.94 21 T. L. Hynes 2 d 10.00 T. L. Hynes team 2 d 10.00 L. T. Hynes team 2 d 10.00 L. T. Hynes 2 d 10.00 E. L. Hynes 2 d 10.00 W. Cowan 2 d 10.00 L. Polito 2 d 10.00

J. F. Malloy 2 d 10.00 G. Farah 1 d 5.00


30 J. C. McKay rep. 3.65

J. B. Wood & Son, coal 3.04 N. Perodeau, sup. .90 March

16 C. H. D. Lamson, scraper 150.00 1 10

April 6 H. C. Paynes, labor 2.20 W. Stearns, rep 12.00 Philip Chinn, supplies '3.50 Lovell's Grocery sup. 10.14 20 Joseph Breck & Sons, sup. 21.78

George J. Barker Co., lumber 91.31

H. L. Bond Co., sup. . 31.28 C. A. Benson, sup. 3.68 Mrs. Edw. Carter, gravel 31.05 May 4 H. C. Haynes, labor and sup. 34.10 B. R. Parker, sup. 11.22 C. A. Benson, sup. 3.69 Int. Coal Tar Co., sup. 229.50 B. & M. R. R., fgt. 27.81 Int. Coal Tar Co., sup. 229.50 18 M. W. Hynes, gravel 6.75 A. D. Becker, gravel 7.20

J. O. Fox, labor 5.75 James Fox, labor 3.00 T. L. Hynes, care lanterns etc 24.00


1 N. E. Road Mach. Co., drag 37.50 S. O. Nelson care lanterns 5.25

J. J. Erwin, signs 2.00

fl J. Bolton, gravel l SO B. & M. R. R. Co., fgt. .57 H. C. Haynes, labor and sup. 7.60

15 H. C. Haynes, labor and sup. 38 4 1 W. S. Lovell, Sup. 4.50


6 B. & M. R. R. Co., fgt. 10.28

J. J. Galvin, oil 1,304.05 150

B. & M. R. R. Co., fgt . 453.47 B. & R. R. Co., fgt. 13.37 Int. Coal Tar Co., sup. 110.34 A. D. Becker Co., sand 12.50 L. D. Draper, sand 25.00 A. W. Atwood. coal 15.00 Mass. Broken Stone Co. sup. 156.65 20 T. Irving, sand 36.50

J. Lincoln, sand 29.75 T. Maynard, gravel 2.25

N. Quinn, labor st. roller 25.00 August

5 Mass. Broken Stone Co., sup 79.63 J as. Fox, sand 12.00 B. & M. R. R. Co. fgt. 12.67 C. A. Benson, sup. .48 H. C. Haynes, labor and sup. 283.12 17 H. B. Brown, gravel 20.00 F. Diehl & Son, lumber 15.9? September

7 S. S. Hanna, carting pipe 12.00 Mrs. John Wheeler, stone 28.50 T. L. Hynes, care laterns 39.00 Penn Metal Co., pipe for culvert 264.00

J. J. Galvin, oil 1,764.02 C. S. Wright & Son, labor 15.55 October 5 Union Lumber Co. lumber 10.08 R. Coburn, labor 15.00 W. Stearns, rep. 4.85 H. C. Haynes, labor and supplies 93.64 November G. L. Goodnow posts 60.00 2 H. C. Haynes, Labor and sup. 220.32 151

Msas. Broken Stone Co. sup. 82.26 ,

J. W. Doon & Son, coal 32.25 16 Mass. roken Stone Co., sup. 20.48 Watlham Coal Co., coal IT. 75 Wayland 37

Ind. Coal Tar Co., oil 1&6.06

J. J. Galvin, oil 1,612.34 Joel Lincoln, sand 3.75 C. R. Harrington, gravel 4.50 H. Brown, gravel 6.50 December

7 J. Ploss, cement 2.25

J. J. Rowan, gravel 5.10 TOWER HILL ROAD

Feb. 4, 1920 Appropriation $1,000.00 Expenditures 995.00

Balance $5.00 September

19 T. L. Hynes, 9 d - 45.00 T. L. Hynes team 9d 45.00 L. T. Hynes 9 d 45.00

L. T. Hynes, team 7 d 4 h 37.50 M. W. Hynes 5 d 25.00 M. W. Hynes 5 d 25.00 E. L. Hynes 8 d 40.00 W. Cowan 2 d 10.00 E. Johnson 8 d 40.00

J. F. Malloy 7 d 4 h 37.50

J. De Gange 9 d .45.00 O. Porter 7 d 4 h .37.50

J. Dolan 7 d 35.00 152


2 T. L. Hynes 9 d 45.00 T. L. Hynes team 9 d 45.00

L. T. Hynes 9 d 45 .<><»

L. T. Hynes team 9 d • 45.00 M. W. Hynes S d 40.00 M. W. Hynes team 8 d 40.00 E. L. Hynes 9 d 45.00 E. Johnson 7 d 4 h 57.50

J. F. Malloy 9 d 45.00

J. De Gauge 9 d 45.00 O. Porter 9 d 45.00

J. Dolan T d 35.00 R. Colburn steam roller 15.00 OLD CONNECTICUT PATH

Feb. 4, 1920 Appropriation $1,000.00 Expenditures 991.""

Balance $8.50 October

C. \V. Fairbank 8 d 40.00 C. W. Fairbank team 8 d 40.00 C. McEnroy 7 d 35.00

S. C. Fairbank 1 d 35.00

J. Perodeau 4 d 20.00

J. Carroll 4 d 20.00 W. Ford 2 d 10.00 H. Cayo 4 d 20.00 M. Damon 1 d 4 h 7.50 M. A. Loker 4 d 20.00 M. A. Loker team 4 d 20.00 W. F. Lawrence team 4 d 20.00 30 C. W. Fairbank 19 d 95.00 C. W. Fairbank team 18 d 4 h 92.50 153

C. McEnroy 9 d 45.00 S. C. Fairbank 10 d 50.00

J. Perodeau 10 d 50.00

J. Carroll 10 d 50.00 H. Cayo 10 d 50.00 M. Damon 10 d 50.00 M. A. Loker 10 d 50.00 M. A. Loker team 10 d 50.00 W. F. Lawrence team 10 d 50.00 T. Irving gavel 64.00 November

13 C. W. Fairbank 4 h 2.50 C. W. Fairbank horse 1 d 2,50 S. C. Fairbank 4 h 2.50 SHERMAN ROAD BRIDGE

Feb. 4 1920 Appropriation $800.00 Expenditures 623.73

Balance $176.27 May 4 T. L. Hynes 4 d 16.00 T. L. Hynes horse 4 d 8.00 E. L. Hynes 1 d 4.00 W. Cowan 2 d 8.00

T. J. Dowey 1 d 4.00

T. J. Dowey team 1 d 4.00 G. Kahili 3 d 12.00 G. W. Cutting Sons lanterns 2.10 H. C. Haynes labor and supplies 565.63 CHARLES W. FAIRBANK Surveyor ofHighways







Natick, Mass.

press of the natick bulletin

192 1 13G


Richard Ames, Wayland Term expires 1921 Ernest E. Sparks, Cochituate Term expires 1922 Llewellyn Mills, Wayland Term expires 1923


Ernest E. Sparks, Chairman Richard Ames, Secretary

Superintendent Frank H. Bendict, Cochituate

Attendance Officers

Ernest I. Clark, Cochituate Thomas Linnehan, Wayland

School Physician W. H. Sylvester, M. D., Natick

Visiting Nurse (Auspices of the Red Cross) Mrs. Mary E. McNeil, Wayland, Tel. 5-2

CALENDAR 1921 Winter Term

Schools open Monday January 3. Schools Close Friday, March 18. 15?

Spring Term

Schools open Monday, March 28. Grammar School Graduation, Thursday Evening, June 16. Grammar Schools close, Friday June 17. High School Graduation Exercises, Wean* Evening. June 22.

Fall Term

Schools open Tuesday, Sept. 6. Grammar Schools close Friday, December 1G. High School closes Friday December 23. Winter Term

Schools open Tuesday. Januay 3. 158


To the Citizens of Wayland :

The School Committee submits herewith its report for the past year. This is followed by reports of the Superin- tendent, the Principal of the High School and the School Physician.

The sum of $500 appropriated by the Town for the build- ing of a concrete, sidewalk for the Cochituate school has not yet been expended, as the Committee wr ere unable to obtain any estimate for the work which was within the amount ap- propiated. It seemed best, theefore, to postpone further ac- tion until there should be a reduction in the cost of materials and labor.

There are a number of repairs and improvements which the Committee have kept putting off which should be attended to now. Among them is the painting of the outside of the

Wayland School Building and ti;e woodwork of the Ccrhitu- ate building. To postpone this further will only add to the cost. An improvement, the need of which has been fe'lt for

some time, is the lighting of the Wayland school house, as on cloudy days the rooms are so dark as to interfere seriously with study and to endanger the children's eyesight. Electric fixtures have recently been installed in the Cochituate school, principally by the efforts of the school children who rai r\l rinost of the necessary money, supplemented by private sub- wire the building as well as to install the fixtures and consi-

^scriptions. In the Wayland school it will be necessary to

^uently the cost is too great to be met in the same way. 159

During the past year a school lunch has been established in the Wayland school building enabling the pupils to ob- tain at cost a hot lunch. This was made possible by the ef- forts of a small committee of women who raised enough money to provide not only for the equipment and fitting up of a lunch room but for one half of the salary of a domestic science teacher. The school provided the other half of the salary and a teacher was engaged with the understanding that she should in addition to giving courses in domestic science to the pupils in Wayland and Cochituate, take charge of the lunch. At present approximately forty make us

A Parent Teachers Association in Wayland and in Co- chituate has recently been organized, with a view to making more intimate the relationship between parents and teachers and arousing the interest of the community in the schools. The organization has already done much toward accomplish-

ing these objects and it is no small satisfaction to the Com- mittee to feel that the citizens are taking a more active in-

terest in school matters. Such an interest can not fail to re- sult in the improvement of the schools.

The house in Wayland center for the teachers is still in

operation and except for the charges for rent and coal is on a

self supporting basis. The cost of the coal is being met this year by the proceeds of a dance managed by Mrs. Stone and

the rent is being paid by private individuals. At present there are six teachers living in the house. The skillful man- agement of the house by Miss Allison has had much to do

with putting it on a self supporting basis.

The salary question is still one of great importance. The salaries were increased Huring the past year to a minimum of $1000 in the grades and of $1200 in the High School. If we are to get and keep the right kind of teacher, the min- imum salary should be raised to $1200 and $1400 respectively 160 and a substantial maximum salary should be established, to be given by annual increases to all teachers who have done satis- factory work. Although there are a few teachers who out of loyalty to the school have remained with us many years at a salary little larger than that of a beginner, the majority do not feel able to resist the frequent calls to go elsewhere at higher salaries. The result is that the school is deprived of a teacher's services just as she is beginning to be of real value. The bad effect upon the school of these constant changes in the teaching start and its resulting large proportion of teachers of little experience does not have to be enlarged upon. It is hoped that the suggested increases will result in the build- ing up of a reasonably permanent teaching force of first class teachers, which is absolutely necessary if the schools are to give the children the kind of training and education to which they are entitled.






Salaries School Committee Richard Ames $50.00 Ernest E. Sparks 50.00 Llewellyn Mills 50.00 $150.00


David J. Allen $1,987.50 Gladys M. McMillan 720.00 Phyllis Jerauld 412.50 Alice M. Brennan 1,087.50 Mary Kerr 552.60 Russell E. Tupper 600.24 Jane E. Oakes 544.76 Margaret B. Fiske 394.23 Sylvia E. Prescott 1,039.33 Janet M. McNamara 1,031.33 M. Jane Noel 939.19 Gladys Cann 576.22 Ethelyn Morrill 394.23 Helen Thissell 484.43 Estella Teeter Bill 431.16 Helen C. O'Hare 544.65

Anne J. Burns 394.23 162

Alice C. Molloy 878.46 Mabel C. Whitten 1,039.33 Agnes E. Boland 298.50

Florence A. Hosmer 515. -3"

T. Olive Allison 225.00


Grace Bond 47.70 Margaret Fiske 136.68 Rowena M. Graham 3.00 $16,260.77

Superintendent Frank H. Benedict $1,316.60

Travelling Expense 33.83 SI. 350. 4;

Janitors Henry G. Dudley $557.60

Ernest I. Clark 240.00 Thomas Metcalf 740.00 $1,537.60


Middlesex & Boston St. Railway Co. ST 15.38

J. Fred Wheeler 95.2" Harry Wyatt 84.00 Frank Bigwood & Son 286.00

Alexander W. Holmes . 501.00 Flora M. Yetton 690.00 George Sherman 450.00 Alexander Satier 1.245.S0 S4.067.33

Supplies Chandler and Barber $2.79 Ryan & Buker 2.90 F. A. Hosmer 1.60 163

Oliver Ditson Company 8.07 Margaret B. Fiske 4.36 The Literary Digest 12.24 Ginn & Company 37.70 Cambridge Botonical Supply Co. 50.15 The Phonographic Institute 4.36 C. C. Birchard & Co. 18.78 The Macmillan Company 40.23 The American Book Company 40.99 Edward E. Babb & Company 211.98

J. L. Hammett Company 169.70 Boston Music Co. 3.69 Suburban Press 9.25 D. C. Heath & Company 35.45 $654.24

Fuel, Light and Power Edison Electric Illuminating Co. of Boston $66.06 William A. Jepson Corporation 1,057.90 Boston & Maine R. R. 293.93 F. Diehl & Son 65.78 Natick Transportation Company 77.00 A. W. Atwood 81.20 Boston & Albany R. R. 169.52 $l,811.3i»


T. Weld Frost $1.08 The "E & M" Electric Co. 186.50 Henry G. Dudley 7.35 Heywood Brothers & Wakefield Co. 11.25 Brown-Wales Company 20.00 Cambridge Botanical Company 20.00 John Plosse 15.25 Natick Plumbing & Heating Co. 50.81 The Fiske Corporation 16.60 164

F. J. Barnard & Co. 91.40 Remington Typewriter Co. 7.11 408.00 Incidentals

• N. E. Telephone & Telegraph Co. $31.30 A. \V. Atwood 49.00 Henry G. Dudley 106.00 Suburban Press 20.00 Cochituate Grange 10.80 City of Quincy 8.31 Howe & Co. 2.45 Martin A. Holmes 1.00 H. L Dallman & Co. 16.99 The Wayland Water Board 30.00 Thomas Metcalf 12.87 Joseph Breck & Son 3.45 Martin Diploma Company 19.20 The Fiske Corporation 31.89 H. W. Flagg 9.00 Helen Thissell 4.60 Thomas Linnehan 15.00 A. Lucier 4.00 Frank Hanan 4.00 Charles Matthews 4.00 Frank F. Ames 19.50 Arlo Ames 84.00 Schools three

Walter S. Bigwood 6.00 Anthony C. Schmeltz 13.00 William S. Lovell 7.23 Frank H. Benedict 45.03 G. W. Phylis 29.20 The "E & M" Electric Company 1.80 Geo. T. Johnson Company 17.00 West Disinfecting Company 14.00 Lynch & Woodward 7.00 105

E. W. Jennison 2.48 $630.10 RECAPITULATION

School Committee $150.00 Teachers 16,260.77 Superintendent 1,350.43 Janitors 1,537.60 Transportation 4,067.38 Supplies 654.24 Fuel-Light-Power 1,811.39 Repairs 408.00 Incidentals 630.10 $26,869.91 RECEIPTS Balance 1919 $1,028.55 Town Grant 21,000.00 1-2 Dog Tax 216.32 F. H. Benedict "55 Best Songs" 7.92 State—Account of Superintendent 625.00 State—Account of General Education Fund 2,570.00 State—Tuition and Transportation 306.75 Boston—Tuition 15.00 Donation Fund 16.00 F. H. Benedict, M. T. Refund, Pitch Pipe 6.00 $25,791.54

Overdraft $1,078.3' SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS HEALTH Town Grant $75.00 W. H. Sylvester M. D. 75.00

COCHITUATE GROUNDS Town Grant $500.00 Balance $500.00 :



To the School Committee of Wayland: Gentlemen

I herewith submit my annual report as Superintendent of

Wayland Public Schools. This is the twenty- fourth in the series and the eleventh of the present Superintendent.

The fiscal year just closed presents some unusual fea- tures in school administration in Wayland which should be noted herein for the benefit of those in town who may not fully understand the conditions pertaining to expenditures and the needs of the coming year.

A year or so ago several women in the Center District interested themselves in the children of the Center School for the purpose of studying the needs there. The result of the study brought the serving of milk to children for a very small cost to each child, the weighing of the children twice for

the purpose of studying the physical condition of all children. The cost of this work was met by using the funds returned to this District from the anti-tuberculosis subscriptions of the Center District. The study aroused the women thus inter- ested in the health of our school children to make efforts to provide means whereby luncheons including something quite substantial and healthful might be possible daily. A project was also launched to procure means for the purpose of em- ploying a visiting nurse.

The Wayland Center Branch of the Red Cross had funds 167

on hand sufficient to employ a nurse for a year. The Chapter granted the request of the Branch to use the funds for the

purpose, a Committte was appointed, residents of both vill-

ages, the Red Cross appointed Mrs. McNeil and the work is under way. The records of the School Committee show

that the Red Cross through its Town Committee offered a portion of the Nurse's time for work in the schools and that the offer was accepted, the Nurse to work in the schools under the direction of the School Committee in the same manner as any other person employed by the Committee. As I under- stand the situation Mrs. McNeil's first duty is to attend to

all emergency calls in town in so far as her time will permit ; to journey from home to home where there is need of a nurse for a short time sevice, daily if need be and possible for her to do so ; to minister to the community in every possible way permissable along lines of social wefare, morality, and health. Thereafter Mrs McNeil will assist the School Phy- sician and supplement his work by following up cases of children reported in his examintation as out of condition. She will also give talks to the children on health, posture and so forth.

I have given a place for the foregoing paragraphs in this report because I have found some confusion existing in the minds of some in the community as to the situation pertaining to the employment of the Visiting Nurse and her duties. I trust it may be fully understood that Mrs. McNeil is subject to call to ever}- home in the town if needed and desired. I hope we may all appreciate the fact that the work is new in this community, that doubtless some steps may be taken in connection with the work in the schools that will be mis- understood, that it will not be stange if Mrs. McNeil in her enthusiasm may err in her zealous efforts to launch health projects to which we. must grow. So in placing this refer- ence to work not entirely connected with the schools in my re- port I would plead for honest criticisms of a constructive 168 nature and for indugence for a short time that the real value of the service may be known and measured.

Impetigo has been very persistent in both schools this year and is not entirely eliminated at this time. We have been very particular the later weeks in the year to exclude every suspicious case. We have at times seemed over par- ticular no doubt but the number of cases and the persistency of the affliction in cases seemed to warrant the position taken.

Another result of the study of the ladies of the Center District has brought to the schools the completion of the lunch room in the Center building. A sink has been installed with the necessary plumbing connections. An electric range has has been given the School Department and much equipment

for preparing and serving luncheons donated ; also equipment for giving lessons in cookery. We should extend our ap- preciation of these gifts to those who gave and to those who labored for these ends. In behalf of the children I extend to the good citizens who have made these good things possible heartfelt and cordial gratitude. Visitors to the school will find much to make them thankful if the luncheon hour is observed. The children unconsciously speak for' themselves. Plans are projected for making the luncheon serving even better than at present.

I refer you to Miss Allison's report for details regarding the cookery classes and the administration of the lunch room.

The lunch room is self supporting, service and materials, and also pays for materials used in the cookery classes.

The current school year has seen the organization of a Parent-Teachers Association in the Center District.

While anyone in town is eligible to membership in this As- sociation holding meetings in the Center district it has seemed more feasible to those instrumental in founding the Associa- tion to make this particular Branch interest itself in the Cen- 109

ter School, leaving the work of like character to be done, by an association in the Cochituate District to the people of this District.

The Parent-Teachers Association should bring teachers and parents into close relationship which will permit the high- est possible grade of study of school problems and yield a maximum understanding of school conditions, needs and pos- sibilities. There are many methods and policies in vogue in different communities that give character to each paritcular school system, all cannot be employed in any one school sys-

tem. The process of selection and adaption is a product of

close study by the community and school officials.

In studying the administration of our schools it may be well to bring before the people again and again the fact that the geographical conditions of the two school districts is very different, hence the administration of school affairs must vary. The question of luncheon serving in the Center School will seem in all probability to people of the Cochituate Dis- trict unnecessary. An examination of the facts shows that 76% of the Wayland grade children partake of their noon meal at the school and nearly all of the high school pupils are school diners. On the other hand there are only about 11% of the children in the Cochituate School who do not reg- ularly go home for dinner. The school hours vary in the two schools, the sum total of hours schools are in session being the same in both instances. Then again conditions for the maintaining of a sub-primary grade in the Co~hiV^-; School are feasible and profitable to the children but entirely out of the question in the Center School. There are other dilteences but of minor importance.

It seems therefore a wise plan to have each school serve

its particular community in the highest measure possible so

long as there is proper balance as to cost and opportunities.

While the people of the Center District have been giving their School equipment for cookery and luncheons and have been giving- also to the maintenance of the "Teacher's Lodge" the Cochituate people have been raising funds for placing fixtures for electric lights in their school. We hope later on to hold an evening session of school that the building may be open to the public for inspection while the schools are in session and the lights in use. In behalf of the Cochituate children I thank those who have given generously of funds and support to install the lighting fixtures.

The financing of the schools has been a most dffiicult problem the past five years as you, Gentlemen of the Com- mitee, very well know from your study and strugglies with costs, needs, wants, necessities, appropriations and balances. Last year we asked for $21,500. In view of the fact that about everything has doubled in cost during the past seven years in all lines of business it .is reasonable to suppose that the school appropriations should advance at about the same rate. You have made note with regret in a way of the fact that there is an overdraft this last fiscal year of about $1200 if all bills had been settled. We should also make note of the fact that we had a balance last year of over $1000. These two items must appear in the grant this year as a regular charge. The present salary schedule if maintained will call for a further increase in the grant of $1000. Hence it. seems that the appropriation for the fiscal year 1921 must be about $4000 over that of the grant for 1920.

The present salary schedule of teachers in Wayland is about that paid first year trained teachers in other municipal- ities. This means then that gradually Wayland will employ the first year girl keep her one or two years, and begin over again. Thus far we have escaped this for the reason that Wayland schools have been attractive on account of the good conditions prevailing in town for school work and the location of the town. It is without doubt within the province of a 171

municipality to determine the type of teacher that is to be em-

ployed in its schools. Should Wayland decide to take year after year the beginner and train her there should be no crit- icism of school authorities for so doing. The appropriation determines the type of teacher in a large measure that the Committee man employ. In order to maintain a teaching force of the high type desired by many of our townspeople

who have talked with me about the situation it will be nec- essary to make the minimum salary about $1200 and the maximum salary as high as may seem best to the people.

This estimate is based upon comparative figures recently com- piled by the State Board of Education in an exhaustive study of the teacher question. I trust you may find it within your province to lay this question before the town vigorously that a decision may be reached.

In view of the general lowering of prices and the busi- ness outlook the question may be raised as to there being some change in the shortage of teachers. I am advised by those who should know if it be possible to know anything of the

future that there will be very little change in this respect for two or three years in the numbers entering the field of gram- mar work. Not until the salary question shall have attract- ed larger numbers into our normal schools and not until that number shall have completed the training may we hope to see conditions changed.

Some history student has said that it was more natural for the English American colonies to break away from the Mother Country than the colonies of other European nations, England having given her people greater freedom than had other nations of pre-Revolutionary War days. We need not discuss this here. There is an analogous situation in the school room however that is without doubt true. The Amer- ican home has been giving, during the past few years, and is giving the children great freedom. School room problems 172 are greatly changed thereby. The discipline of yesterday no longer works. The autocracy of school control is passed, especially in the upper grammer and high school grades. It is irksome to the students and ineffective. It is not appreci- ated by parents and rarely supported. There is a control however that is democratic and effective, it is the con- trol of school activities akin to that of a well conducted busi- ness, eminating from a strong personality, a trained and efficient educator. To these types should the appeal be made for school teaching through the channels of a lucrative pro- fession if the great institution of Democracy is to endure.

A college education is a costly affair in time and invest- ment. Unless a young man or a young woman who must earn a living after college and perhaps pay back in part the cost of the training can see hope of meeting the expenses of that training and a comfortable living we cannot hope for strong types of men and women in our hig schools.

The Center building needs as you well know outside painting, varnishing of woodwork inside, the replastering of ceiling in room one, one hood, repairs of fixtures to outside doors, several door checks, and minor other repairs. Many parents have realized for some years the need of lights in the inner rooms.

The Cochituate School has seen eleven years of service.

Very little has been expended for upkeep during that time. The outside woodwork should be painted as a matter of strict economy and some work done in the basement, made necessary by the flood of last winter. We believe that the flood was caused by a stoppage in the, drain that takes the

t ft- mi- i wq er om j G i surrounding lots, augmented by the unprecedented high water. We are watching with much an- xiety, however, developments that shall determine what can

KP d or) e to ensure the future against a repetition of last year's

^-perierice if the diagnosis is not correct. 173

The appropriation for making the' Ccchituate School grounds in keeping with the attractive building has not been

expended. I trust that the town may see fit to allow this sum to be carried over to he credit of the Cochituate School for the purpose of the original grant.

In closing I find pleasure in commending the work of your teachers, janitors and transportation employees. The attitude of the boys and girls of the grades and of the young

men and women in the high school is in general of high char- acter. The home should consider more positively that school business is the real business of the student, never for a minute secondary, and should arrange for daily study at home for high school students and insist that it be done.

Respectfully submitted, FRANK H. BENEDICT 174


Mr. Frank H. Benedict,

Superintendent of Schools, Wayland, Mass. Dear Mr. Benedict:

I herewith submit to you my third report as Pricipal of the Wayland High School.

The total number of students attending the High School since Sept. 7 1920 is 59. The, present enrollment is 53, of which 27 are girls and 26 boys. The four classes are repre- sented as follows: Freshmen 13, Sophomores 16, Juniors 16, and Seniors 8. The 53 students now attending are distribut- ed to the courses offered as follows : College Course 20.

Science Com sc. 5, and Commei wai Course 28.

As in the past the class work is in the charge of four full time teachers. Miss Brennan is instructing in French and Latin; Miss Caniffe in the Commercial subjects; Miss Jerauld in English, History and German and I have the work in Science and Mathematics.

Miss Boland meets the students one period Mondays for chorus work. Miss Hosmer is with us Wednesday four periods for drawing. Miss Allison meets four classes of girls three periods each week for instruction in cooking. Be- sides instructing in cooking Miss Allison has charge of the lunch room and is furnishing the students a wholesome, warm lunch at a very reasonable price.

During the year the students have held a number of very 175 pleasam aances at the Town Hall and at the Grange Hall in Cochituate, These have been enjoyed by the students and their friends. In the Spring we hope to have other dances. Since the close of the football season I have occasionally granted the request of the students for a social time at the school. After the dismissal of school for the day the boys have cleared the study hall and the room has been used for dancing and games for an hour or two. The students have enjoyed these times very much.

This year the boys have formed teams for base ball and foot ball. In base ball the boys worked hard but were hampered because there was no one to coach them and go with them on some of their trips. In the fall Mr. Robert Stearns took charge of the boys for foot ball work. They turned out well and worked hard. He developed a very good team from his small squad. The foot ball season was a very successful one from the stand point of the good the school received from this sport.

Steps are being taken now to arrange schedules for next

year's games and there is some agitation about ice hockey

and basket ball. For these sports the only obstacle is a place to play. Ice hockey wT ould require a basin that could be

easily flooded and it has been suggested to make such a basin on the play ground of the school. For basket ball a room of

good size is required. Some day the school may have a gym- nasium building and then winter athletic sports can be taken care of.

In closing I wish to point out that the Parent-Teacher organization that has been recently formed should receive the support of the parents of the high school students. It seems

to me that many of the, parents take too little interest in the school and the students. Many of the parents do not know

the teachers, who are giving instruction to their children. I think the parents of our high school students should feel 176 enough interest in their children to meet with the teachers occasionally to talk over school problems. The understand- ing that will result from these meetings cannot help having a good influence upon the work of the school.

Respectfully submitted

DAVID J. ALLEN Wayland, Mass. December 20 1920. ;


Mr. Benedict, Supt. of Schools:

I herewith submit a report of the Cookery Classes and the School Lunches.

The; classes in cookery are open to the High School, and the eighth grade of both schools. The number enrolled from the High School is seventeen, and an equal number from the eighth grades making a total of thirty four.

The time requirement for the High School is three per- iods a week, two of which are spent in practical work in the labratory, the third is devoted to recitations and lectures the work in the grades is confined to the laboratory period.

The, course of study is arranged that the work shall be of pratical rather than theoretical value. An effort is made to have the pupils become skilful in the preparation of a few dishes in preference to preparing once a large number of

dishes. It is gratifying to hear reports of dishes prepared for the family because of the results obtained at classes.

The, course will include instruction in the following:

Canned fruits and vegetables. Jelly making. Cooking fruits and vegetables for the table

White sauce : creamed dishes, cream soups, escalloped dishe$. Proper cooking of cereals.

: Quick bread examples ; muffins, baking powder biscuits. Raised breads. 178

Proper cooking of eggs, custard, baked, soft. Cake. Frosting. Cooking of meats. Cooking left overs. Simple deserts.

The one hour periods have been spent on recitations and lectures on the nutritional requiremets of the body and the foods which meet them, als*o general information in regard to the production and preservation of foods, and the dis- cussion of prices and computation of costs of recipes.

The pupils have assisted in the preparation of the lunches. The gradual increase in the number of children tak- ing the lunch is quite gratifying in that it shows that the ef- fort to supply a nourishing meal at minimum cost has been ap- preciated. At the beginning of the school year the menu con-

c sisted ,v of sandwiches, cake, cocoa and . milk We are no

-(•r\:;v ».] addition to tiie abo t one hot di»:i either a ctvani soup or a scalloped dish such as macroni and cheese. Candy and fruit have also, been added, the candy being selected for its purity and food value. It. is planned to serve other sim- ple deserts in place of cake on some days..

The- charge made is just enough to cover the cost of

materials ; the overhead expense, has not been considered. COST OF CAKE

2-3 c. butter $.21

1 2-3 c. sugar .082 2 eggs .14

1 1-4 c. milk ,05

3 1-4 c. flour .058

G t B. P. .04

24 servings $.580 Cost of serving .024 Sold for $.03 a serving. 179

SANDWICHES Chesse and Pinento Cheese $.54 Pimento .22 Bread .45

30 Sadwiches $1.21 Cost of one $.04 Sold for $.05. TOMATO SOUP

1 qt. Tomato $.20

2 qts. milk .28

1 onion .005

1-6 lb. butter .12

4 t. flour .01

2 t. salt

14 servings $.615

1 serving .043 Sold for $.05.

4 Although the selling price so slightly exceeds the cost price the money obtained from the luncheons and the sale of candy has maintained the cookery classes; and equipment amounting to eleven dollars has recently been bought.

The short recess allowed at noon has made the problem of providing a suitable luncheon for the teachers a serious one which has been satisfactorily taken care of by the present method of providing luncheons for both teachers and pupils.

Respectfully submitted

J. OLIVE ALLISON Teacher of Cooking

January 6, 1921. ISO


To Frank H. Benedict, Superintendent of Schools of Way-

land :

Herewith I have the honor to give you my report as School Physician for the year 1920.

The Schools were never in better condition, physically and mentally, than this year. This is due largely to the ex- cellent organization by the superintendent and committee, and the exceptionally good work done by the teachers in carrying out this organization. In my examinations I have found the pupils improving year by year in every way. In many cases the parents have responded to the notices sent out by the, school physician to take their children to the dentist or fam- ily physician. This year, particularly * in Wayland, I have been surprised to see how many of the first graders show evidence of dental work, indicating that the advanced ideas of today on the treatment of the first teeth of children are gaining ground. I wish it was possible, for all children to have the same care in regard to their teeth. Some of the grades still show a very undersirable lack of care in that re- spect. All can not, some will not attend to the first teeth of children.

borne of the grades in Cochituate have been quite broken up by the prevalence of whooping cough. Fortunately the epidemic has not been serious. There have been a number of cases of ringworm and impetigo, both highly contagious, that have interfered with the attendance, mostly in Cochit- uate. :

The buildings are both in excellent condition, being un- usually well cleaned and kept so. In all the visits I have made this year I have never found dirt, dust or odors. This shows faithful janitors, and perhaps watchfulness on the part of the Superintendent and teachers.

At the date of writing this Mrs. Mary McNeil is about starting in as a school nurse. She will aid the teachers and the school physician in watching over the health and well be-

ing of the pupils. I am expecting a good deal of aid from

her in carrying out some parts of the school work that I have

never been able to do. For instance ; in many cases I send

out disease or dental cards where I am sure the parents do not understand, or sometimes they do not read English. The nurse can enter these families and she may be able to explain our wishes so that the children will get results that we wish, but have never been able to obtain.

I have made examination as follows

Wayland. High School 54 pupils examined Grades 105 puils examined Cochituate Grade Schools 19G pupils examined

Total number of pupils examined in the whole town 355.

In the whole town I have found 190 pupils who ought

now to have dental treatment, or they should have had it in years back. The children are quite free from many of the

defects found in larger places. I have found a number of cases of adenoids and diseased tonsils. On the whole, how-

ever, I consider the children above the average in physical condition. Respectfully submitted W. H. SYLVESTER School Physician 78




School Room Grade No. in Grade Total

Wayland Center 1 I 10 26 II 16 26 2 III 14 IV 17 31

! 3 V 10 VI 12 22 4 VII 15 VIII 11 26 Total 105 Cochituate 1 Sub-I 32 32

2 I 31 31 3 II 16 III 19 35 4 IV 34 34 5 V 17 VI 16 33 6 VII 16 VIII 19 35 Total 200 High School Freshmen 16

Sophomores 1

Juniors 1 Seniors 8 Total 59 Grand Total 364 Total in Grades 305

CHART II EYE AND EAR TESTS Number of children examined 290 183

Number found defective in vision 21 Number found defective in hearing 5 Number of parents notified 19


Roll of Students Perfect in Attendance 1919-1920 Wavland Grades Otis Porter High School

Dorothy Havener Margaret L-*-adbetter Cochituate Grades

Henry F. Perodeau Lois M. Valentine Ernest R. Coakley John F. Yeager

Rose Alma Lizotte Albert J. Lizotte Alma V. Spear Grace E. Morrison Harlan G. Valentine Donald Valentine Evelene A. Perodeau Arline Perry Edwina C. Marchand Bessie Perry Evelene A. Perodeau Kenneth Atwell Thomas Bowles

CHART IV Roll of Graduates Grammar Schools Sona Veronica Antis Arnold Ensor Pond Mildred Blanche Buck Harold Arthur Simpson Elwin Osborn Clarke Willis Maurice Soule Arthur Charles Dusseault Viola Alice Sumpter Eunice Veronica Minon Thelma Isabel Valentine Mildred Phylis Mildred Pearl Woodmancy Mary Frances Dolan Howard Burton Lyford Malcolm Lyon Ide Jeanne Mildred Poutasse

- Trueman Lloyd Sanderson i "harles Farrah 184

High School Esther Frances Commo Marjore Morrell Martin Alexander Holmes Marjorie Morrell Ellen Margaret McSweeney George Tatnall

CHART V From the Cencus

Boys over five and under seven years of age 16

Girls over five and under seven years of age 23 39

Boys over seven years of age and under fourteen 99

Girls over seven and under fourteen years of age 87 186

Boys over fourteen and under sixteen years of age 24

Girls over fourteen and under sixteen years of age 29 53

Illiterate, minors 0 1 11


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APRIL 2, 1920



Article 1. Town Meetings and Notice Thereof

Section 1. In the annual town meeting in which there is precinct boting the matter of election of town officers and the determination of such matters as by law are required to be elected or determined by official ballot shall be in order only on the first Monday of March in each year, and all other bus- iness shall be in order only at a meeting held on the follow- ing Wednesday at T.45 o'clock in the afternoon.

Section 2. Service of the warrant for every town meet- ing and every annual election shall be made by posting attest- ed copies thereof at the Town Hall, at the voting place in Cochituate, and at each Post Office seven days at least before the time appointed for such meeting.

Article 2. Procedure at Town Meeting

Section 1. All reports of town officers, agents or Com- mittees which are to be considered at any town meeting shall be reduced to writing and a copy thereof deposited with the town clerk before such report is presented for action.

Section 2. All motions shall be reduced to writing if so requested by the presiding officer or any legal voter.

Section 3. Articles in the warrant shall be acted upon in the order in which they stand, unless the meeting shall direct otherwise by a two-thirds vote, provided, however, that bal- loting for town officers and on questions submitted on the official ballot shall always precede the transaction of other business.

Section -i. It an article of the warrant has once been 190

acted upon and disposed of, it shall not be again considered at that meeting, except by two thirds vote.

Section 5. No motion, the effect of which would be to dissolve a town meeting shall be in order until every article in the warrant has been duly considered and acted upon, but this shall not preclude the postponement of action on, or con- sideration of any article to an adjournment of the meeting to a stated time.

Article 3. Duties of Selectmen

Section 1. The Selectmen shall have full authority a c agents of the town to employ counsel to appear for and de- fend suits brought against the town, unless otherwise especial- ly ordered by a vote of the town. They may settle any legal claims or suits against the town. They may settle any legal

claims or suits against the town which in their opinion it is wise to not defend, acting upon the advice of counsel when the amount to be paid exceeds One Thousand Dollars.

Section 2. The Selectmen shall cause a copy of the an- nual Town Report to be left at the residence of every registered voter before the annual town meeting.

Article 4. Finances.

Section 1. The Selectmen shall, not later than January 1st appoint a Finance Committee of five members, none of whom

shall hold any other town office, or hold any contract with the town. Every town department shall annually submit to the Finance Commitee, not later than January 15th, an estimate of its requirements for the ensuing year, and the Finance Committee shall, not later than February 1st, give a public hearing thereon, and on requests for appropriation made in writing by any ten citizens of the town. Notices of said hear- ing shall be posted not less than seven days previously in the same manner as the notices of town meetings. Said Com- mittee shall, not later than February 10th submit to the Selectmen a report with recommendations for appropriation, grouped in harmony with the recommendation of the State 191

Bureau of Statistics which shall be printed in the annual Town Report.

Section 2. The head of every department, board or committee authorized to expend money shall, at the close of the fiscal year, furnish the Treasurer, for incorporation in his annual report, a list of all outstanding liabilities of such department, board or committee, showing- to whom the same are due, for what due, and the amounts thereof, together with an inventory of all property in his possession belonging to the, town.

Section 3. No town officer and no salaried employee of the town or any agent of any such officer or employee shall sell materials or supplies to a board of which he is a member or re- ceive any compensation or commission for work done by him for the town except his official salary and fees allowed by law without the permission of the Board of Selectmen expressed in a vote which shall appear in their records with the reason therefore.

Article 5. Records and Accounts

Section 1. All town officers, agents, boards or corn- committees of the town shall submit to the Selectmen, not later than February 1st, written annual reports giving an account of the business transacted during he year, which the Selectmen shall prepare for publication in the annual Town Report.

Article 6. Water Commissioners.

Section 1. The Water Commsisioners shall appo— . a superintendent, who shall not be a member of their body. The Superintendet, under the direction of the Commissioners shall have the general superintendence of the out-door work connected with the Water Works. The clerk shall keep the records of the board under its direction, and shall keep a set of books in which he shall enter all receipts and expenditures of the Water Works. He shall collect all bills for the. use of water and all other money due the Water Department, :

102 and shall make weekly payments thereof to the Town Treas- urer when the sum in his hands amounts to one hundred dol- lars or more.

Article 7. Junk Collectors

Section 1. The Selectemn may license suitable persons to be collectors of. dealers in. or keepers of shops for the purchase, sale or barter of junk, old metals or second hand articles.

Article 8. Police regulations.

Section 1. No person shall place or cause to be placed in any public way or square, without the written consent of the Selectmen, any dirt, wood, timber, or other material to obstruct or mar the appearance of said way or square.

Section 2. Xo person shall throw any stone, snow-balls or other missiles in any public way.

Section 3. Whoever violates any provision of this ar- ticle of the Town By-Laws not otherwise provided for, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $"20.00.

Article 9. Repeal.

All By-Laws existing prior to the adoption of these By-Laws are hereby repealed.

Adopted by Town of Wayland, February 4th, 1020.

Approved March 0th, 1020.

T. WESTON AT,J,EN Attorney General of Massachusetts

Published in Natick Bulletin. March 10th, March 26th

and April 2, 1020.

I certify that the foregoing is true copy of the record.


WARREN L. BISHOP Clerk of the Town of Wayland ASSESSORS' REPORT






Prec. Poll Pens. Est. Real Est. Tax Addersley, John 2 5.00 800.00 21.56 Cottage 600. land 227- 228 W. M. 6000 ft. 200. Allaire, Hillarie 2 5.00 5.00 Allen, Margaret 1 3900.00 80.73 House 34.00, B Meadow 9 a 500. Allward, John C. 1 5.00 5.00 Allward, Annie B. 1 1,000.00 20.70 House 450. Land 8V2 a 550.

Allward, Waldo J.* 1 0. Allward, Alfred B.* 1 0. Allen. David J. 1 5.00 5.00

Ames, Frank F 2 5.00 10.00 1,900.00, ; 44.54 Fowl 10, 10. House 1600. shed 50. land V± a 250. Anzivino, Leonard 2 5.00 1,600.00 9.575.00 236.32 Horse 100. 20 cows 1500. House 2000. barn and shed 2000. carriage house 500. land 47% a. 3775 pasture 28a 1300 Ames, Arlo W. 2 5.00 5.00 Ames, Oscar 2 5.00 5.00 Ames, Richard 1 5.00 2,320.00 7,300.00 204.13 2 cows 150. other ratable 2170. house 5500. barn 1000 land 10 a 800. Ames. Robert R. 1 5.00 687.00 19.22 Horse 150. other ratable 462. cow 75. Ames, Margaret 1 1,350.00 6,650.00- 165.61 Other ratable 1350 house 4000. barn 1500. land 5% a 1150 Atwood, Arthur W. 1 5.00 1,700.00 900.00 58.82 4 horses 700. other rat- able 1000. ice house 800 coal shed 100. r i Atwood, Estelle F. 1 40.00 5,100.00 106.40 20 fowl 40. house 3000. 196

Prec. Poll Per. Est, Real Est. Tax

stable 1500. land 1 a 600. * Atwood, Lucy 2 4,100.00 84.87 House3200. stable -500. land 14 a. 400. Atwell, Otis B. 2 5.00 1,054.00 3,350.00 96.17 2 horses 200. 6 cows 450. yearling 20. 42fowl 84 other ratable 300 house 2000. barn 350. land 7% a. 1000. Atwell, Lewis M. 2 5.00 5.00

Austin, William A.* 2 0. Barry, Suther 2 5.00 300.00 1,450.00 41.23 other ratable 300. house 1200. shop 100. land 1 a 150. Barry, Allen F. 2 5.00 5.00 Barry, Earl G.* 2 0. Barry, Howard L. 2 5.00 5.00 Barrington, Sargent 2 5.00 5.00 Beane, Fred C. 2 5.00 1,600.00 38.12 Beane, Florence 2 4,900.00 101.43 House 4000, garage 200. land Yz a. 700 Baker, Albert L.* 2 0. Barlow, Harrington 1 5.00 2,250.00 51.58 House 2000 land 4 a. 250. Bemis, Charles W. 1 5.00 50.00 1,400.00 35.02 Horse 50. house 1200. land % a. 200. Bemis, Henry A. 2 5.00 1,750.00 41.23 House 1000. barn 200. henhouse 50. land 5 a 500. Benson, Charles A. 1 5.00 800.00 21.56 other ratable 800. Bemis, Fred* 2 0. Benson, Andrew C 2 5.00 1,400.00 33.98 House 1200. land Vs a. 200. Bent, James M. Heirs 2 75.00 1.55 Pod Meadow 3 a. 75. Bent, James A. Heirs 2 3,950 00 81.77 House 2200 other bids. 107

Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax

250. land 2% a. 500. 1-3 a. 1000. jDent,"Ronf ooinenaPnvnolin J.T ^9 AOO 00 9 QOO 00 68.31 Other ratable 400. house 2200. shed 100. land 5-16 a. 600. Bent, Palph, 2 5.00 5,800.00 125.06 House 4000. barn 600 land % a. 1200 Bent, Thomas D. Heirs 2 2,800.00 57.96 House 1000. land 11 65-100 a. 1800. Bent, James M. 2 5.00 400.00 13.28 Other ratable 400. Benedict, 2 5.00 5.00 Bent, Annie B. 2 450.00 9.32 Horse 150. other ratable 400. Bennett, Edward M. 1 5.00 300.00 11.21 other ratable 300. Biedman, Alva 2 5.00 5.00 Bill, J. Penteado 2 5.00 300.00 11.21 Other ratable 300. Bigwood, Frank J. 1 5.00 1,050.00 2,825.00 85.22 3 horses 250. cow 100 other ratable 700. house 1000. barn 400. land 11% a. 1200. 4 a. 225.

Bennett, Anna \T. 1 3,490.00 32,600.00 747.06 2 horses 30^ cow 100. heifer 40. house 5000. other ratable 3050. land 40% a. 4000. house 200 barn and shed 1000. other bid. 200. House "W" 3500. land % a. 2000.

House "MP 3000. land 1V2 a. 2000. barn "M" 200. Office 100. land 1-32 a 300. House "L" 800. land 70 a 3500. Barn "L" 900. Woodland "M" 23 a 920 Woodland Gleason 8V2 a. 340. 198

Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax Woodland Johnson 10 @ 400. Woodland Adams 12 @ 480. Woodland Childs 21% a. a. 860 Woodland Tylor 5% "@ 220.

Woodland 19 V2 780. Woodland Smith 15 @ 1500. Woodland Damon 11 a 400. Bigwood, Walter S. 2 5.00 150.00 2,650.00 62 97 2500. land M a. 150 Bigwood, Helen E. and 1,700.00 35.19 Ellen F. 1 House 800. barn and offi- ce 300. land V2 a. 600. Bishop, George W. 2 5.00 150.00 8.11 Other ratable 150. Bishop, Warren L.* 2 0. 350 00 7.25 Other ratable Bishop, Edna F. 2 2,425.00 50.20 House 2000. hen house

25. 1 100. Brannigan, Arthur T.* 10. Branhigan, William H. 1 5.00 5.00 Bogran, Carl A. J. 2 5.00 75.00 6.55 Cow 75. Bogran,Emma 2 2,400.00 49.68 House 1200. Barn 200. land 5 @ 750. camp 250. Bogran, Alfred* 2 Bowles, Thomas 2 5 00 900.00 23.63 House 700. land hi 200. Bolton, James 1 5.0~0 20.00 3,100.00 69.58 15 fowl 20. house 2200. shed 200. land 4% a 700. Bolton, James J.* 1 0. Boonisar, George 1 5.00 820.00 21.97 10 fowl 20. other ratable 800. Bond, Herbert F. 2 5.00 5.00 Bond, Albert 2 5.00 4,575.00 99.70 199

Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax

House 3500 barn 75. land 1 a. 1000. Bond, Ralph 2 5.00 75.00 6.55 Other ratable 75. Bond, Margaret, Heirs 2 3,450.00 71.42 House and store 2700. barn 250. land % a. 500 Bracket, Daniel 1 5.00 65 00 9,900.00 211.28 iPoney 25 20 fowl 40. house 4200. barn 1000. land 29% a. 45Q0. land R. meadow 20 a. 200. Brown, James 1 5.00 1,340.00 5,350.00 143.49 2 horses 200. 14 cows 1050. heifer 40. 25 fowl 50. house 1200. barn 400. other bldgs. 250 land 40 a. 3500. Brown, Catherine 1 4,900.00 101.43 House 2600. barn 600 land 13 Y2 a. 1700. Brown, Robert B. 2 5.00 5.00 Brown, Agnes 1 75.00 2,650.00 56.41 Cow 75. house 1500. barn 500. hen house 200 land 9a. 450. Brown, Harry C. 1 5.00 390.00 13.07 Cottage loO. land 1 a. 100. meadow 14 a. 140. Brummett, Oscar 2 5.00 5.00 Brummett, Rosiela R. "S.W. ,S 2 300.00 6.21 House 900. shed 100. land % a. 300 Bryden, James R. 1 5.00 5.00 Buck, Leslie C. 2 5.00 5.00 Buck, Edmond P. "C W" 2 Buck, Louisa " C. W." 2 225.00 4.66 House 975. land % a. 250. Burgan, William* 2 0. Bull, Eugene M. Heirs "C. V." 2 1,90000 39.33 House 2000. house 1000. other bid 100. land 1% a. 800. Buckley, Timothy 1 5.00 5.00 200

Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax

Bullard, Susan M. Heirs 1 6,000.00 124.20 House 4000. land 70000 ft. 2000. Burke, John F. 2 5.00 2,750.00 61.93 House 1700 shop 150. land % a. 600. C. P. lot 61-64 20000 ft. 300. - Burke, David W. 2 5.00 5.00 Burke, Henry E.* 2 0. Burke, Francis A.* 2 0. 12.42 other ratable 600. Butterfield, Mary A. "C. W." 2 700.00 14.49 House i200. land % a. 500. Bvron, Charles 2 5.00 1,700.00 40.19 House 1400. 7-12 @300, Boston & Maine R. R. 1 7,275.00 150.60 Wayland Station 200. lot XA a. 800. Tower Hill Station 1000. lot % <£> 300. fgt. house 1500. lot V2 a 800. round house 1200. lot V2 @ 700. turn table 200. woodland 8 @ 350. meadow 21% a 225 Buancore, Lewis 1 5.00 5.00 Bernill, George 1 5 00 5.00 Branard, James J. 1 5.00 5.00 Beck, Albert H. "C. W/' 1 1,000.00 20.70 Other ratable 1000. Bond, William H. Heirs 2 50.00 1.04 Lot 43 C. P. Campbell, William H. 1 5.00 590.00 9,580.00 215.52 2 horses 200. 2 cows 150. yearling 20. 10 fowl 20. other ratable 200. V2 house '900. land 1 a. 300. barn 1000. land 68 a. 4700. carriage house 400. R. meadow 10 a. 100. house unf. 2000. R. meadow 14 a. 140. 4 a. 40. Campbell, Charles M. 1 5.00 ^ 5.00

Campbell, Ronald S. * 1 0. 200. 4.14 other ratable 200. 201

Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax

Carroll, James H. 2 5.00 2,550.00 57.79 House 2400. land *4a. 150. Carroll, Richard J. 2 5 00 5.00 Carroll, Richard J. and Shay, Annie 2 4,050.00 83.84 House 2600. house 800 shed 50. land 1% a. 600. Carter, Alfred A. 2 5.00 5.00 Carter, Julia A. " C W." 2 House 700. land % a. 300. Carter, Adelaide J. 2 200.00 6,950.00 148.01 Other ratable 200. house 1600. land 10 a. 1250. barn 300. shed 50. 3 camps '900. house and shed 800. land V4 a. 150. ihouse 850. land XA @ 250. house 800. Carter, Imogene "C. W." 1 woodland 8 a. 320 Carter, Albert F. 2 950.00 19.67 Cottage 75. cottage 300. other bid. 75. land 3 a. 500. Carter, Charles H. 2 5.00 350.00 2,075.00 55.20 Other ratable 150. House 1300 other bid. 125. land 3% a. 650. Carter, Thomas G. 2 5.00 50.00 6.04 Cow 50. Celorier, Wolford L.* 2 0. Celorier, Edgar F. 2 5.00 5.00 Chaffee, Willie L. 2 5.00 2,300.00 52.61 House 2000. land y2 a. 300. Chadwick, Cyras W. 2 5.00 150.00 8.11 Other ratable 150. Chadwick, Hellen B. 2 3,050.00 63.14 House 1500. hen house 150. land 10% a. 1400. Carey, John W. 2 5.00 3,100.00 69.17 House and shed 2700. land & 400 Cayo, Henry 2 5.00 5.00 Charbonneau, Jene B. 2 5.00 5.00 202

Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax

Chandler, Fred 2 5.00 5.00 Charles, Lizzie 2 1,050.00 21.74 Cottage 800. lot 191-192 W. M. 2 4000 ft. 250. Clark, Harry 2 5.00 5.00

Clark, Ernest I. 2 5.00 216.00 3,550.00 82.96 8 fowl 16, other ratable 200. house 1800. land 13712 ft. 450. house 1200 barn 100. Clark, Mary "C. W" 2 800.00 House 600. land V2 a 200 Clark. Harold C. 1 5.00 2,000.00 46 40 Cottage unf. 1500 land 4% a. 500. Clement Hazen 1 5.00 3,000.00 16,500.00 408.65 Other ratable 3000. house 12000. land 3a. 1500. house 3000. Clement, James K.* 1 0. Connelly, John 2 5.00 1,300.00 31.91 House 1000. land hi a. 250. other bid. 50. Connelly, Mabel C. 2 2,250.00 46.58 House 2000. land % a. 200. stable 50. Coffee, Martin 1 5.00 2,100.00 48.47

Hcuse 900. land 10 a / 1000. barn 200 Commo, Stephen 2 5.00 1,850 00 43.30 e 1400. land 33780 ft. 450. Courville, Paul 2 5.00 400.00 2,650.00 68.14 Store 1200 cottage 400. ' arp 50. lot 11-12 1000 other ratable 400.

• nharies R. 1 5.00 4,000.00 87.80 House 3500 land 1-4 a. 500. Michael J. 1 5.00 5.00 Conway, John J. 1 5.00 5.0D rmway, William 1 5.00 5.00

^o-per, Frank I. 1 5.00 7,875.00 168.01 H - e 5000. land 20 a. onnQ }, 0r house 75. tool '-ouse 800. 1


Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax

Coolidge, Henrietta 2 3.000.00 62.10 House 1800. other bid. 300. land 16 64-100 @ 900. Cooledge, John W. 1 5.00 5.00 Cooledge, Charles 1 5.00 5.00 Collins, Fred B. 1 5.00 1,500.00 10,9^10.00 261.68 Other ratable 1500. house 7500. barn 1200. garage 1200. land 11 a. 1UUU. i^oiineii,r\ n n a 1 1 Wqwotivvdiicii u^ 5.00 5.00 v^oiman,t r\ t*w» on i-ingeiintjA n (Vol inn ux 1,400.00 28.98 House 700. land 1 a. 600. hen house 100. Corman, Frank J. 2 500 5.00 Corman, Paulen 2 1,800.00 37.26 House 1500. land % a. 200. other bid. 100. Corman, John W.* 2 0. Cormier. Stephen C. 2 5.00 5.00 Corcoran, Edward 2 5.00 5.00 Corcoran, John L. 2 5.00 5.00

V* OIL 1-7 1 cl 1 UUWaiU . ^ 5.00 5.00 7 £ AO Coughlm, William ri. l O.UU 5.00 Cougle, George F. 1 5.00 5.00 r- A A Cowan, William 1 5.00 D,UUK OA Craig, Harry W.* 2 0. 50.00 Craig, J*ohn A. 2 5.00 1,700.00 40.19 House 1400. land M 300. Cook, Charles A. "S. W." 2 2 00 1,000.00 22.70 Cottage W. M. 800. lot 172-173 4000ft. 200 Crofford, Alice 2 ii.^oOU.UU 4o.oo House 1800 shed 150. land & a. 300. Curley, Elizabeth and Flor- 2,350.00 48.65 ence 1 House 1400. barn 150, land 11 a. 800. Cutting, Alfred W. 1 5.00 565.00 16.70 2 horses 150. 5 cows 375. 2 year old 40. Cutting, Charles A. Heirs 1 13,250.00 274.28 House 3500. land % a. 204

Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax

500. house 1000. farm land 43 a. 5200 bam 2000 woodland 12 a. 425. barn 200. woodland 2 a. 80. studio 100. meadow 9% a 100. 4 @ 45. 3 @ 30. 7 @ 70. Cummings, Dennis 1 5.00 5.00 Chapman, Elmer 2 5.00 85.00 4,450.00 98.88 cow 75. 5 fowl 10. house 2200. barn 400. shop 100. hen house 500 land 10% a. 1250. Cummings, John F. 1 2.00 600.00 17 42 Other ratable 600. Comuck, Ernest* 1 0. Cheltra, Albert C. 2 5.00 5.00 Charbonneau, Myra 2 50.00 1.04 Lot 50. C. P. Dammers, Edward E 2 5.00 700.00 19.49 Other ratable Dammers. Elizabeth 2 7,300.00 151.11

House 1000. house ).

barn 700. land 4 a. ). Damon, Isaac C. 1 5.00 180.00 7,060.00 154.87 Horse 100. cow 50. fowl 30. house 800. barn 1000. carriage house 500. land 23 a. 4000. woodland and pasture 20 a. 600. R. meadow 7 a. 70. wood- land 3 a. 90. Damon, Isaac 2 5.00 1,445.00 11.980.00 282.90 3 horses 300. 15 cows 1025. 1 2 yr old 40. 4 yearl. 80. house 2200. land 92 a. 6500. barn and shed 1400. land 21 a. 850. stable 800. R. meadow 6 a. 150. 5 a 50. 3 a. 30.

Damon % Fdward B.* 1 0. Damon, Edward T. 2 5.00 2,350.00 53.65 Hou-^ 2200. land 10000 ft. 150. Damon. Benjamin W. 2 5.00 5.00 Damon J-nde Heirs 1 540.00 11.18 205

Prec. Pol) Per. Est. Real Est. Tax

Land 4 a. 380. woodland 3 @ 50 meadow 6 @ 60. 5 @ 50. Damon, Maynard T. 2 5.00 5.00 Damon, Ida 2 1,950.00 40.37 House 1600. land y2 @ 350.

Damcn, Ernest* 2 0. Daniels, Herbert E. 2 5.00 150.00 4,100.00 92.98 2 cows 150. house 2200. barn 600. other bid. 400. land 4% a. 900. Davis, F. Edwin 1 5.00 655.00 3,200 00 84.80 Horse 100. 3 cows 325, 30 fowl 60. house 2000. barn 600. land 3% @ 600. other ratable 270. Davieau, Sophia 2 1,700.00 35.19 House 1200. barn 150,

' land y2 @ 350. Davieau, Romeo J. 2 5.00 1,500.00 400.00 44.33 Other ratable 1500. lots 6-7-12-13-14-25-26-27 400.

Davieau, Alfred E.* 2 0. Davieau, Ector J. 2 5.00 1,000.00 25.70 house 100. 12 cows 900 Davieau, Frank X. 2 5.00 5.00 Danforth, Charles F. 2 5.00 1,450.00 35 02 Cofltage 1000. lot 187- 190 W. M. 8000 ft. 450. Dean, Roscoe C. 2 5.00. 5.00 Dean, Aderline Heirs 2 6,900.00 142.83 House 2500. house 2500. barn 500. land 1 a. 1400. Dean, Ellen F. Heirs 2 3,400.00 70.38

House 2500. stable 200.. . land y2 a. 700. Dean, Charles W. 2 5.00 2^985.00 7,700.00 226.18 2 cows 150. other ratable 2835. house 2500. land barn 300 house 3500. % a. 500. land % a. 900. Dean, Mary B. 2 11,050 00 228.75 House 6500 stable 1500 stable 350 hen house 100. land 1 @ 1500. 3-4 206

Prec. Poil Per. Est. Real Est. Tax

a. 500. 1-4 @ 600. Dean, Alfred T. 2 5.00 2,375.00 54.16 Other ratable 2375. Dean, Hattie C. 2 ,000.00 165.60 House 7000. land % @ 1000. Dean, James 0. 2 5.00 5.00 Decater, Joseph H. 1 5.00 5.00 Demers, Ovelia H. 2 5.00 25.00 5.52 Fowl 25. Demers, Addie N. 2 200.00 4 14 Land 20000 ft. C P. 200. Demers, Albert* 2 0. Derrick, Joseph L. 2 5.00 5.00 Derrick, Harry W. 2 5.00 5.00 Dickey, Charles F. 1 5.00 5.00 Dickey, George F. 1 5.00 5.00 Dickey, Alice B. 1 280.00 : 00.Q0 165.19 2 cows 150. 15 f. 30. other ratable 100. house 3000. barn 100. house 1700. barn 500. land % @ 800. land 3% @ 1600. Dewyer, Henry S. 2 5.00 5.00 Dolan, John E. 1 5.00 2,000.00 46.40 House 1500. shed 100. land k 400. Dorscheimer, Edward F. 2 5.00 5.00 Dorscheimer, Julia B. 2 3,600.00 74.52 House 1700. house 1000. land % @ 900. Dowey, George O. 1 5.00 5.00 Dowey, Thomas J. 1 5.00 5.00 Dowey, Susan E. 1 671.00 2,100.00 57.36 2 horses, 200 pony 25. 7 cows 350. yearlng 20. 38 fowl 76. house 1200. barn 400. carriage house 100. other bid. 100. land 8 @ 300. Driscoll, Dennis J. 2 5.00 5 00 Doran, Micahel J. 2 5.00 5.00 Doran, Jennie A. 2 6,350.00 131.45 House 1400. barn and ahed 500. 6 cottages 3000. land 14 14 @ 1450. 207

Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax

Draper, Paul T. 1 5.00 910.00 4,000.00 106.64 Other ratable 910. house 3500. carriage house 200. land V2 @ 300. Draper, Leonard D. 1 5.00 2,920.00 65.44 3 cows 200. 75 fowl 120. other ratable 2600. Draper, Ernest F. 1 5.00 500.00 3,450.00 86.77 Other ratable 500. house 3000. carriage house 150. land XA @ 300. Draper, James A. Heirs 1 7,675 00 158.87 House 3500. barn 500. other bid. 25. house 1000. land 14 @ 2000. % @ 600 meadow 5 50. Draper, Wallace S. 1 5.00 865.00 5,400.00 134.69 Horse 50. other ratable 815. house 4000. barn 400. land 5 @ 1000. Draper, Wallace S. Trus- 940.00 19.46 tee 1 Land 20 @ 940. 5.00 Dudley, William T. 1 5.00 855.00 7,510.00 178.16 Horse 100. 20 fowl 40. other ratable 715. house 4500. barn and shed 600. land 8 @ 2200 R. meadow 12 a. 120 R. meadow Jaskson 2% @ 40 4 @ 50. Drew, Henry J. W. 1 5.00 150.00 9,000.0 194.41 Horse 150. house 5500. barn 1500. land 17V2 @ 2000. Dudley, Arthur H.* 10. Dudlev, Mary A. .1 1,200.00 24.84 V2 house 900. land % @ 300. Dudley, Arthur H.* 2 0. Dudley, HenryG. 2 5.00 250.00 1,350.00 38.13 Other ratable 250 house 1100. land % 250. Dudley, Catherine M. 2 1,450.00 30.02 House and shop 1100. land % @ 350. Dudley, Oscar R.* 2 0. Dudley, Fayette S.* 2 0. 208

Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax

Dudley, Oscar 2 5.00 5.00 Dudley, Herbert 2 5.00 50.00 1,375.00 34.50 25 fowl 50. house 800. barn 250. cottage 25. land 2hi @ 300. Dudley, Alfred F. S. W. 2 2.00 2.00 Dudley, Edwin A. Heirs 1 3,750.00 77.62 House 1200. barn 600. other bid. 200 land 9 @ 1125. pasture 5 a. 625 Dufrene, Charles F. 2 5.00 5.00 Dufesne, Charles I. 2 5.00 1,300.00 31.91 House 1000. land 7-12 @ 300. Dunham, Freeman H. 2 5.00 1,550.00 37.09 House 1000. barn 50. sand 1 @ 500. Dunham, Leonard M.* 2 0. Dusseault, William H.* 2 0. Dusseault, Charles F. 2 5.00 5.03 Dusseault, Alfred J. 2 5.00 5.0a Dusseault. Maria 2 2,875.00 59.51 House 2400. land 2 1-3 @ 475. Dwight, George E. 1 5.00 1,320.00 32.32 3 horses 300. 2 colts 100. 5 cows 500 3 2 year old 120. 2 yearlings 40. 2 swine 40. 65 fowl 120. other ratable 100. Dwight, Rachell 1 0. 11,750.00 243 23 House and shed 4000. land 77 @ 46.50 barn sylo 1600. stable 1500. Doherty, Raymond C. 2 5.00 5.00 Depper, William H. Heirs 1 0. 200.00 4.700.00 101.43 Other ratable 200. house 2200 house 2000. house 300. barn 800. land 33 @ 1200

Edwards, Martin zl 5.00 5,800.00 125.03 House 3000. barn 300. land 4H a. 2500. Eagan, James W. 1 5 00 765.00 20.84 2 horses 200. 7 cows 525. 20 fo-v< <•'(,. 209

Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax

Egan, Andrew A. 1 5.00 5.00 Egan, Edward 1 5.00 5.00 Egan, William 1 5.00 5.00 Egan, Margaret 1 3,250. 67.28 House and shed 1000. house 300. barn 800. bill boards 400. land 3 a. 400. 7 @ 350. Egan, Margaret Heirs 1 3,000.00 62.10 Land 28 V2 a. 3000. Bikinis, Dana H. 2 5.00 250.00 2,000.00 51.58 1 horse 100. other rat- able 150. house 1300. barn 250. hen house 50. land % @ 400. Elkins, Caroline P. 2 2,000.00 41.40 house 1700 land % @ 300. Erwin, John J. 1 5.00 1,215.00 800.00 46.71 17 cows 850. 0 2 yr. old 240. bull 25. otli.rr ratable 100 woodland 10 @ 400. 16 @ 400. Edwin, Jane Heirs 1 6,780.00 140.35 House 1000. bar and shed 600. 3 cottages 200. fac- tory 250. other bid. 200. R. meadow 9 @ 90. R. mead<

Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax

6 horses 1000. Fairbank, Samuel C. 2 5.00 90.00 6.86 Meadow 6 @ 90. Fairbank, Edward A. 2 5.00 5.00 Fairbank, Charles Samuel 2,700.00 55.89 and Lillian 2 House 1200 other bid. 600. land 1V2 @ 900. Fairbank, Hellen M. 2 2,200.00 45.54 Horse and shed 1600. land Va @ 600. Fairbank, James L. 2 5.00 400.00 2,700.00 69.17 Other ratable 400. house 1700. auto house 150. land % @ 850. Farrell, John L. 2 5.00 5.00 Farrell, Roger 2 5.00 5.00 Franks, Henry 2 5.00 400.00 13.28 Other ratable Fairclough, William E. 9 5.00 5.00 Ferguson, James 2 5.00 5.00 Fereuson, Ellen B. 2 3,450.00 71.42 House 2300 barn and shed 300. land V2 a. 850. First Parish 6,160.00 127.50 House 4000. land 1 @ 2000. meadow 16 @ 160 Fiske, Caroline E. 2 400.00 3,020.00 70.79 2 cows 100. 150 fowl 300. house 500. barn 900. hen house 100. land 17 @ 1500. meadow 2 @ 20. Fiske, Nellie Rice 2 125.00 5,990.00 126.58 Horse 50. cow 75. house 1600. barn 900. hen house 50. land 86 @ 3440. Fiske, Marcus M "C. W." 2 300.00 2,800.00 64.17 other ratable 300. house 2700 othe-; bid. 300. land 1% a. 800. Fiske, Fred M. 2 5 00 5.00 Fisher, William J. 2 5.00 5.00 Flanders, Llewellyn "C. W.' 2 675.00 13.97 House 1300. auto house 25. land % @ 350. 211

Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax

Forbes, John M. 1 5 .00 1,150.00 1,900.00 68.14 2 horses 150. other rat- able 1000. cottage 300. R. meadow 7 @ 100. Sp. land 74 @ 1500. Foley, Daniel J. 1 5 00 5.00 Foley, Charles F. 1 5.00 300.00 11.21 Other ratable 300. Foley, William E>* 1 0. Foley, John F. 2 5.00 5.00 Foley, Patrick 1 5.00 225.00 1,650.00 43.82 Horse 75. 2 cows 150. house 1100. land 1% @ 550. Folsom, Lizzie B. 1 2,375.00 49.16 House 2000. barn 75. land 14. @ 300. Folsom, Wallace 1 5.00 5.00 Ford, William J. 2 5.00 135.00 7.80 Cow 75. 2 yr. old 40. yearling 20. Fort'er, Rudolph A. 2 5.00 300.00 2,800.00 69.17 Other ratable 300. house 2100. garage 100. land % a. 600. Fox, John 1 5.00 5.00 Fox, James 1 5.00 640.00 3,250.00 85.53 3 horses 150. 2 cows 150. 20 fowl 40. other ratable 300. house 800. barn 250. hen house 50 barn 100. land 3 @ 300. 48 @ 1750. Fox, James 2nd. 1 5.00 5.00 Frost. Thomas W. "C. W." 1 Frost, Clara E. "C. W." 1 2,100.00 43.47 House 1500. barn 200. ^'i^e 600. land % @ O(>0. F^'ck. William M. 2 5.00 8,715.00 185.40 F^u^e 2500. house 1000. house 700. house 500. >hou«e 1200. barn 500. —^nhnuse 100. shop J 75 ^nd y2 @ 100. & (Si ?50 V2 @ 100 % ^ 500. 6-7 @ 340. 1-10 <1> 100 % @ 300. 212

Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax

Fullick, Charles L. 2 5.00 5.06 Fullick, George W. 2 5 00 5.00 Fuller, Frederick C. "C W" 2 Fuller. Alice T. 2 5,150.00 106.61 House 3500. hen house 150. land 9% @ 1500. Frothingham, C. Mifflin 1 5.00 500.00 15.35 Other ratable 500. Furbush, Leroy G. 2 5.00 75.00 6.55 Other ratable 75. Fravill, Lester B * 1 Gage, Walter H. 2 5.00 2 100.00 48.47 House 900. greenhouse 400. land 5 @ 800. Gefev, Leo W. H. 1 500 30.00 3,050.00 63.76 Swine 30. house 1400. barn 650. land 20 @ • 000. Garvey, Thomas B. 2 5.00 225.00 1,800.00 46.92

\i c )ws 225 house 1500. shed 100. land 1 @ 200. Gallagher, William 2 5.00 200.00 9.14 Other ratable 200. Gay, Charles H. 5.00 5.00 Gizzard, Erskine J. 5.00 180.00 2,100 000 52.20 Horse 50. cow 50. 40 fowl 80. house 500. barn 50. land 58 @ 1550. Gazzard, Harold J. 5.00 5.00 Gazzard, Erskin J. Jr. 5.00 5.00 Gerald, Nathaniel R. G 5.00 5.00 Gerald, Nancy R. 200.00 6,450 00 137.66 other ratable 200. house 1200. house 1800 house 1400 barn 250 3-4 1800. Gerald, Lester R. 2 5.00 300.00 11.21 Other ratable 300. Giddings, El worth 1 5.00 5.00 Gladu, Napoleon 2 500 5.00 Gladu, Edmond J. 2 500 5.00 Gladu, Leon A 2 5.00 22.00 5.45 fowl 22. Gladu, Cecelia 000 00 18.63 house 850. land Vs 50. 213

Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax

Gladu, Francis* 2 0. Gladu, Joseph Heirs 2 1,700.00 35.19 House 1500. land *4 @ 200. Gleason Abel H. 1 5.00 5,225 00 113.16 House 1500. barn 1000. hen house 150. land 38 @ 2500. R. meadow IY2 75. Gorkey, Harry M. 1 5.00 1,100.00 27 77 Cottage S00 lot 224-226 W. M. 6300 ft. 300. Gleason, Bertram B. 1 5.00 1,5"0 00 37.50 2 horse 150. 19 cows 950. 7 2 yr. old 210 2 yrl. 40. 2 bulls £5. 90 fowl 180. Glover, Sarah J. Heirs 1 4,900.00 101 43 House 3500 barn 500. land 6 @ 4600. 10 @ 300.

Gorman, George L.* 2 0. Glover. Charles B. 1 5.00 5.00 Glover, Harold J. 1 5.00 5 ^0 Goehring, Richard H. 2 5.00 90 2,700.00 6" *9 other ratable 300 house 1700. barn 500. ^ard 500. Gorgette, Edward* 2 0. Georgette, Albert M * 2 0. Georgette, Elizabeth 2 100 00 07 Lot C. P. 44 5000 ft. Gorman, Wibur* 2 0. Gorman, Forrest P. 2 5.00 r 00 n Graham, Daniel J. 1 5.00 5 0 Griever, Everlin M. 1 2 725.00 50.41 house 900. land 41 @ 1600. meadow 16 @ 225. Grant Levis W. 1 5.00 3,500.00 77.45 House 3000. land M @ 500.

Gordon, James H. 1 5.00 5 09

Griffin, Daniel D. 2 5.00 00 ' 9 Horses 200 12 cows 1200. 5 fowl 10.

Griffin,Arabella 2 4,725 C I House 2000. bouse. 700. 2H

Prec Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax

barn 800. hen house 25. land % @ 100. 14 @ 1100. Griffin, Horatio E. 2 5.00 5.00 Griffin, Walter L. 2 5.00 5.00 Griffin, Noble C. Heirs 2 5.00 500.00 11,150.00 241.16 other ratable 500. house Lyon, 3000 land 3 @ 1500. house F. 3200. land 1-3 @ 500. house and store 2000. land 1-6 450. lot S. Ave % 500. Gibbs, Frederick A. 2 5.00 336.00 7,500.00 167.25 18 fowl 36. other ratable 300. house 5000. barn 400. henhouse 100. land 4 @ 2000. Gibbs, Karle E.* 2 0. Grover, Edgar C. 2 5.00 1,500.00 36.05 house 600. other bid. 200 land 7 @ 700 Grover, Benjamin H. 2 5.00 5.00 Grover, Fred C. 2 5.00 5.00 Grover, Edward G. 2 5.00 5.00 Guilforil, Hannah 1 1,900.00 39.33 House 1,500. 1 2-5 @ 400. Green, F. Edwin 1 5.00 12;250.0(| 71,20q.00 1.732.42 other ratable 12250. house 500000. land 139 a. 13900. house N. J. 3500. ice house 200. barn 1000. house S. J. 2500 henhouse 100 Green, Charlott 1 1,000.00 20.70 other ratable Geyer, Benjanuin D. K. 1 5.00 500.00 15.35 Gifford, Charles E. 2 5.00 400.00 13.28 other ratable 400. Glass, Perley R. 1 5.00 500.00 15.35 other ratable Glass, Lucy M. 1 6,000.00 124.20 House 4000. stable 500. land 29000 ft 1500.

Goding, D. A. 1 5.00

Godell,Edwin B. Jr.* 1 0. 4300.00 89.01 house 2500. barn 300. 215

Prec Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax

land 2 @ 1500. 5.00 Hadley, Amos I. 1 5.00 550.00 5.500.00 130.24 Other ratable 550 house 4000 stable 600. other bid. 200. land 3% @ 700 Halm, Sdney G 2 5.00 118.00 7.44 9 fowl 18. other ratable 100 Halm, Eliza, 2 13C4.00 3.650.00 78 25 Other ratable 130. house 3000. garage 100. land 3 5-16 @ 550. Hall, George L. 1 5.00 5.00 Hall, Frad P: 1 5.00 5.00 Hartwell, Richard K.* 10. Hall, Parker H.* 10. Hall Epriam P. 1 5.00 1,710.00 18,000.00 413.00 Horse 150 2 cows 200. 2 swine 100. 130 fowl 260 Other ratable 1000. houre 7000, barn and shed 2500. henhouse 500. house 3000 land 23 @ 46000 woodland 10 @ 400. Hannah. Lewis S. 1 5.00 .00 Hannah. Minnie H. 1 150.00 400 00 11.39 other ratable 150. wood- land 4 @ 400. Heard, Ralph* 1 0. Hammond, Frederick G. 2 5.00 5.00 Harrngton, Charles R. 1 5,00 75 00 6.55 cottage 25. land % @ 50. Harrington, Theodore H. 5.00 5.00 A Harra an, Lewis W. 5.00 ^00, 0 hor 1600. land V2 400. Hani n Frank P. 5.00 5.0^ Har -ond Nellie

Hs David Jr. 1 5.00 •0 0°! 0 ratable Amy S. 1 00 t^hl* 300 house 216

Prec. Poll Per. Est Real Est. Tax

7500. land 4% <5> 3800. Hawes, Alvin B. 2 5.00 1,000.00 25.70 house 500. barn 200. land y2 @ 300. Haynes, Howard C. 1 5.00 300.00 200.00 15.35 Other ratable 300. lot 796-798 2900 ft. W. P. Haynes, Herbert F. 1 5.00 5.00 Haynes, Clara A. 1 4,900.00 101.43 house 2500 house 1500 other bid 200 land 2-5 @ 350 Haynes, Frank 1 5.00 230.00 3,800 00 88.42 40 fowl 80. other ratable 150. house 2000. barn 1000 land % @ 600 % 200. Haywood, Sidney W. 1 5.00 240.00 9,800.00 212.83 2 cows 200. 20 fowl 40. house 3500. barn 600. land 16 @ 3000. 14 @ 1400. shop 100. theatre 1200.

Haywood, Beatrice B. 1 3,800.00 78.6* house and shed 1500. barn 1000 land 16 @ 1300. Havener, Arthur R. 1 5.00 150.00 6,200.00 136.44 other ratable 150. house 4000 auto house 200. land 1^4 2000. Hallenbrook, Joseph G. 2 5.00 5.00 Hallenbrook, Cora 2 2,650.00 54.86 hou 150. Hastings, Albert B. 1 5.00 2,270.00 18,700.00 439.08 2 horses 300. pony 50. 4 cows 400 2 yr old 40. 35 Other ratable 1410. fowl 70. house 5000. barn 1600 house 800. other bid 300. land 30% @ 9000. land 40 @ 2000. Henderson, Walter B. 1 5.00 6,175.00 3,030.00 195.54 2 horses 200. cow 100. other ratable 5875. land 5% @ 700. 8 91-100, 1350. woodland 13 @ 217

Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax 500. 12 @ 480. Henderson, Jessica L 1 11,700.00 242 19 house 6500. barn 2200. house 1600. land 7 @ 1400. Henderson, Gordon H.* 10. Heard, Grace and Blanch 1 2,600.00 53.82 house 1600 land 2 @ 1000. Henry, Thomas 1 5.00 5.00 Holmes, Alexander W. 2 5.00 950.00 3,630.00 79.11 2 horses 150 12 cows 720. 40 fowl 80. house 800. barn 300 other bid. 30. land 25 @ 1500. Hersey, Ralph P. 2 5.00 300.00 11.21 Cottage 200. land Vs a 100. Hersey, Barbra 2 275.00 5.70 cottage 100. cottage 100 '* land 1-6 @ 25. 7-16 @ 50 Hersey Emma "C. W" 2 500.00 10.35 house 800 land % @ 700. Hixon, George Dev. 2 1,550.00 32.09 house 1000. stable 50. land % @ 500.

Hodge, Leon B. 2 5.00 - 5.C0 Howe George B. "C. W." 2 390.00 5,500.00 122.96 horse 50. 4 cows 300 2 yrlg. 40. house 1500. land 2^4 1500 bam 200. barn 150. house 300 house 300 land 4 68-100 900. 5 @ iooo. Howe Mabel 2 200.00 4.14 lots 2-3-4-5 C. P. 200 Holnes, Harry H. 1 5.00 1,600.00 39,700.00 859.91 other ratable 1600. house 35000. land 13 @ 4500. woodland 8 @ 200. Hoye, Thomas Heirs 1 2,300.00 47.61 House 1500. land 33 @ 800. Hunting, Willard C. 2 5.00 500.00 15.35

Hunting, Myra S. 2 2,000.00 41.40 house 1600. garage 100. 218

Prs.. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax

land 3-16 @ 300. Hynes, Michael W. 1 5.00 575.00 6,200.00 145.24 2 horses 200. pony 50. 3 cows 225. 50 fowl 100. house 1500. barn 1200. 2 cottages 500 henhouse 75. land 50 @ 2800. meadow 12 @ 125. Hersey, Ida 2 200.00 4.14 lot 17-18 C. P. 12900 ft. 200. Hynes, Thomas L. 1 5.00 875.00 5,225.00 131.27 5 horses 500. 1 cow 75. ether ratable 300. house 3000 barn 1000. hen house 25 land 1 @ 1200 Hynes, Leonard T- 1 5.00 5.00 Hynes, Thomas E. 1 5.00 5.00 Hynes, Edwin L. 1 5.00 5 00 Hewitt, Rufus W. 2 5.00 50& Hewitt, Catherine 2 1,375.00 28.46 house 1000. land % @ 300. garage 75. Hidden, Gustaf 2 5.00 5.00 Hier, Cecil 1 5.00 5.00 Hubley Amos 1 5.00 115.00 7.38 horse 25. 2 cows 60. 15 fowl 30. Ide, Philip S.* 1 0. 300.00 6.21 Irving, Thomas 1 5.00 2,225.00 13,325.00 326.89 3 horses 300. 19 cous 1425. 7 2 yr old 280. 8 yrlg. 160. bull 50. 5 fowl house 2500. barn 1500. barn 1300. granery 200. school house 1000. corn house 50. land 108 @ 6500. pasture east 4 @ 175. R. meadow 10 @ 100. Jones, Frank S. 1 5.00 475.00 400.00 23.11 horse 75. other ratable 400. R. meadow 16 @ 400. Jennison, Robert N. Heirs2 2,750 00 56.93 house 2000. land 4 @ 500. barn 50. cottage 150. 219

Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax

garage 50. Jennison, George G. 2 5.00 400.00 13.28 land 1 (© 400. Johnson,Elmer C. 1 5.00 5.00 Johnes, George G. 2 1,450.00 30.02 cottage 850. lots 195 to 200 12000 ft 'w. yir 600.

Jessop, Henry 1* 2 0. Jeffrey, Charles E. J. 2 5.00 639.0G 7,500.00 173.48 7 fowl 14. other ratable 625. house 5000. garage 500. land 2% @ 2000. Jamison. William D.* 1 0. 500.00 10,00»0.00 217.S5 other ratable 500 house 'S' 6500. garage 300. land 4 @ 3200. Kelley, Henry M. 2 £700 5.00 Kelley, Isabella 2 2,200.00 45.54 house 1400. barn 100." land 91-2 @ 550. 3 @ 150. Kelton, C. A. 5.00 5.00

Kelton, Ralph* 0. Kilmer, George 5.00 5.00 Keim, H. G. 5.00 734.00 20.19 3 horses 300. swine 20. 7 fowl 14 other ratable 400.

Kentley. Hugh 1 5.00 5.00 Knght of Labor Asso. 2 5,000.00 103.50 Hall 4500. land 1-5 @ 500. Knapp, John H. 1 5.00 5.00 Knapp. Elgie C. 2 7,900.00 163.53 house 6000. stable 500. land 50000 ft. 1400. Ler.ze, William 1 5.00 5.00 Lamarine, John 5.00 1,900.00 44.33 house 1500. land 1 @ 400. Lamarine, Alfred A 5.00 800.00 21.56 land 1 @ 800. Lamarine, Wolford 5.00 5.00 Langmade, Warren D. 1,100.00 22.77 "c w.- 5.00 220

Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax

house 1400. stable 300. land % @ 400. Latour, Frank* 2 0. Lareault, Edward 2 5.00 5.00 Lawrence, Ernest F. 2 5 00 1,610.00 2,550.00 91.12 4 horses 400. 13 cows 975. bull 25. 6 swine 15Q. 30 fowl 60. house 1400. barn 300. land 8 @- 800. meadow 3% @ 50. Lawrence, Waldo L. 2 5.00 150.00 1,200.00 32.55 Other ratable 150 land 7 @ 1200. Lavrence, Warren F. 2 5.00 150.00 8.11 other ratable Lawrence, Ernest F. Jr. 2 5.00 5 00 Leach, Geofre A. 2 5.00 5.00 Leary, Patrick Heirs 2 6,800 00 140.7G house 1500. house 800. shop 300 V2 house 2300. land 1 @ 700. 1 @ 1200. Leary, Mary A. 2 2,100.00 43.47 y2 house 1500. land 15- 100 @ 600. Lee, Janmes H. 1 5.00 7,950.00 169.57 house 800. land % (5)50. store 2000. land % 1000 house and shed 1900 land 13 @ 1300. barn 300 bill boards 600. Lee, Edward F. 1 5.00 395.00 4,550.00 107.37 horse 75. 1 yr. old 40. 140 fowl 28(1. house 3000. abrn 500. hen- house 50. land liy2 @

1000. y Lee, Harry D. 1 5.00 1,500.00 36.05 House 1300 land 1 @ 200. Levitre, Aderlir.e 2 1,450.00 30 02 house 1200. land V2 @ 1000. Lewis, Edward B. 2 5.00 5.00 Lewis, William E. 2 5.00 5.00 Linnehan, Timothy 1 5.00 5.00 Linnehan, John E. 1 5.00 3,800.00 84.70 house 3000. cottage 250. 221

Prec Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax

land 2 @ 600. Linnehan, James 1 5.00 1,300.00 31.91 house 1000. bam 150. land y8 @ 800. Linnehan, Thomas F. 1 5.00 2,650.00 59.86 house 1600. barn 250. land 1 @ 800. Linnehan, John E. 2d 1 5.00 5 00 Linnehan, Margaret 1 900.00 5,725.00 137 14 2 horses 150 10 cows 750. house 1200. barn 800. hen house 25. bill board 300. land 37 @ 3400. Lindbohm, Carl 2 .500 150.00 8.11 other ratable Lizotte, Andrew J. 2 5.00 5.05 Loker, Granville L. Dev. 2 12,850^)0 266.C3 house 4000. barn and shed 1500. bam 200. hen house 150. huose 2000. land 53% @ 5000. Loker, Melville A. 2 5.00 450.00 14.32 3 horses 300 2 cows 150. Loker, Edgar B. 2 150.00 3.11 Heirs of Herbert Church lot Loker, Harold H. 2 5.00 1,500.00 36.05 land 10 @ 1500. Loker, Emma H. 2 1,750.00 36.23 V2 house 1600. land 1-16

150. , Loker, Caroline 2 15.00 3,350.00 69.35 house and shed 3,000 land 1-3 @ 350.00 other ratable 15.

Loker, Ida M. 2. _ 2,000.00 41.40 hc^ise and store 1500 •land 1 1-16 @ 500. Loker, Edward P. P. 2 5.00 3,800.00 83.66 house 3000. hen house Loker, David P. W. 2 5.00 5.00 Loker, Sidney 2 5,00 1,240.00 3,935.00 112.12 horse 100. 8 cows 400. 2 vlgs. 40 100 fowls 200 Other ratable 500. house 1200 bam 400. 222

Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax

shed 50. cottage 150. land 50 @ 2000. R mea- dow 4 @ 60 Pod mead. 3 @ 75. Loker, Bessie 2 350.00 7.25 house 1000. land & 350. Loker, Howard W. 2 500 75.00 6.55 Loker, William A. 2 5.00 5.00 other ratable 75 Lovell, Lorenzo Heirs 1 3,000.00 62.10 store 2500. land y8 @ 500. Lovell, William S. Adm. 1 2,200.00 45.54 other ratable Lovell, William S. 1 5.00 1,015.00 8,650.00 205.07 3 horses 300. 7 cows 525. yearling 20. 85 fowl 170. house 3500. barn 800. pump house 50. henhouse 100. farm land 34 @ 3400. 1 @ 800. Lovell, Ernest M. 1 5.00 5.00 Lovell, Emily S. 1 5,550.00 114.89 house 3000. barn 500. hen house 50. lot % @ 2000. Lucier, Alpheus X. 2 5.00 5.00 Lupien, Edmund A. 2 5.00 1,450.00 35.02 house 1100. other bid. 50. land % @ 300. Lupien, Is real A. 2 5.00 2,000.00 5,300.00 156.11 other ratable 2000. house 1400. house 1100. other bid. 100. house 1000. shop 100. 2 camps 400. 1-4 @ 150. 1 @ 400.2-3 @ 300. 1-6 @ 100. 1 1-4 @ 250. Lyons, Thomas 1 5.00 5.00 Lavaggi. John J. 2 5.00 2,500.00 56.75 Lynn. John 2 5.00 900.00 23.63 'house 600. land 3-4 @ 300. Liford, Henry T. 1 5.00 5.00 Leonard, George H. 1 5.00 8,00(1.00 170.00 house 6500. stable 200. land 1 @ 1300. .


Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax

Lemoin. Edward F. "S W" 2 2 0. 100.00 exempt Litchfield, Leon C. 1 5.00 5.00 Martin, Winfred A. 1 5.00 5.00 Magorty, Charles M. 2 5.00 50.00 1,500.00 37.09 horse 50 house 1300. land 1-4 @ 200. Magorty, Thomas A.* 2 0. 5.00 5.00

Maguire. Charles * 2 0.

Maguire, Cornelius* 2 0. Magri, Iro Heirs 2 400.00 8.28 cottage 300. land 1-8 100. Mahoney, Thomas F. 1 5.00 4,300.00 94.01 house 3500. tan 1 1-2 @ 800. — Maloney, Michael J. 2 5.00 200.00 1,400.00 38.12 other ratable 200. house 800. other bid. 100. land 1-^: (cv oOU. Malloy, John F. 1 5.00 1,200.00 29.84 house 1000. land 5-8 @ 200. Marchand, Albert F. 2 5.00 250.00 10.13 other ratable 250.

TIT 1 Tir„lj T O tr aa Marsh, v\ alter L. 2 5.00 ||3 o.OO Marston, Alice A. 2 4,200.00 86.94 nou^e ouuu. oarn oou. -. - - TOO i \J\J C OArt AA £> - AO Marston, Arthur F. 2 AA 300. UU other ratable 300. house

•?000 <^r) ^UUU. lnnrlIcUlU. 0--±3 4 \ £00\J\J\J • Mathew, George R. 2 5.00 5.00 Mather, William R. 2 5.00 16.00 5.33 8 fowl 16. Mathiew, Napoleon D. 2 5.00 5.00 Mathiew, Nelson 2 5.00 200.00 2,650.00 64.00 2 horses 200. house 1200 cottage 900. land 3-8 @ 300. 1-8 @ 100. lot 16 x 23 11,900 ft. C. P. 150. Mathiew, Charles M. 2 5.00 5.00

Mathiew, Mary 2 5,200.00 107.64 :


Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax

house 1200. 10 cottages 3000. land 3 1-3 @ 1000.

Mathiew, Elmer S. 2 5.00 1,050.00 26.75 Cottage 800. lot 48 S. A. 6200 ft 250. Maud, William H. 2 5.00 1,300.00 26.91 house 1000. barn 50. 1-4 a. 250. Maynard, Thomas F. 1 5.00 100.00 3,400 00 77.45 Other ratable 100. house 2500. auto house 50. land 28 @ 850. Maynard, Thomas* 1 0. McElvain, Charles H. 2 5.00 1,250.00 30.88 cottage 900. lots 24 to 35 W. M. 28000 ft. 350. McCafferty, William P. "S. W." 1 2.00 2.00 McEnroy, John J. 2 5.00 5.00 McEnroy, Charles R. 2 5.00 5.00 McEnroy, Frank L.* 2 0. McEnroy, Stephen 2 5.00 5.00

McDonald, James 2 5.00 1,775.00 * 41.74 house 1300. barn 125 land 1-3 @ 350. McGee, Edward F. 2,5.00 5.G3 McKay, James H. 2 5.00 200.00 1,500.00 40.19 other ratable 200. house 1000. land 3-4 @ 500. McKenna, Samuel 1 5.00 5.00 McKenna, Frank G. 1 0. McKenna, Wesley* 1 0. McDonald* James> 2 5.00 5.00 McKcnzieJsabella 1 4,800.00 99.36

house 3000. stable 300. i r tea house 300. land 1 @ 1200. McManus, Thomas F. 1 5.00 2,650.00 59.86 house 2500 land 4230 ft. 150.

McManus, Lawrence H. 1 5.00 1,225.00 4,100.00 115.23 fowl 25. other ratable 1200. house 1500. stable 200 shop 300. garage 1500. 1-4 @ 400. 1-6 @ 225

Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax

200. Merrell, Arthur C. 1 5.00 4,800.00 104.36 house 4000. land 3-4 @ 800. Metcalf, Thomas 1 5.00 5.00 Metcalf, Jennie B. G. 4,100.00 84 87 Heirs 1 house 3500. shop 200. land 10000 ft. 400. Metcalf, James* 1 0. Metcalf, Sidney H.* 10. McKelvey, George A. 2 5.00 850.00 22.60 cottage 500. lot 87 S. A. 9850 ft. 350.

McKelvey, Harold W.* 2 0. Merrell, Elizabeth B. 1 8,300.00 171.81 house 4500. barn 700. auto house 100. land 13

3-5 3000. , Mills, Llewellyn 1 5.00 500 00 8,300.00 187.16 other ratabel 500. house 6000. stable 500. land 25 @ 1800. Mills, Alice W 1 5,000.00 103.50 land 28 V2 (2)5000. Miller, Leroy 1 5.00 5.00 Minon, Joseph F. 2 5.00 800.00 21.56 other ratabe 800. Mitchell, Cordelia 2 2,500.00 51.75 house 2200. land 1-2 @ 300.

Morrell, Har ry E. 1 5.00 20,750.00 435.04 pony 25. house 15000. barn 1100. stable 400. pump house 50. land 31 @ 4100. meadow 9 @ 100. Morrell, Kenneth* 1 0.

Morrell, Malcolmb E.* 1

Morrell, Willard B.* i 0.

Moore, Frank C. "S. W.*' 1 2 00 34.00 2.70

17 fowl 34 , Moore, Mary F. 1 3,350.00 69.35 house 2500 barn 500. land 4 @ 350. 22G

Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax

Moore, James 2 5.00 3,450.00 76.42 house 3000. garage 50. land 4 @ 400. Moore, William J. 2 5.00 5.00 Morse, Ralph T. 1 5.00 50.00 2,740.00 62.76 house 1400. barn 500. cottage 40. land 7 1-2 @ 800. Morse, Sarah A. Heirs 1 900.00 18.63 woodland 30 @ 900. Morrissey, Willaim 2 5.00 150.00 8.11 other ratable 150. Morrsey, Mary A. 2 exempt house 700. other bid. 100 land 1-4 @ 100. Morton, James 2 5.00 150.00 1,800.00 45.37 house 1500. land 1-2 @ 300. Moulton, Sarah A. 2 1,200.00 24.84 house 1000. house 650. cottage 150. land 1 @ 400. Moulton, Mary E. 1 ' 8,000.00 165.b3 Wayland Inn 4000. land 4 @ 4000. Moulton, George L. 1 5.00 5.00 Murphv, James Heirs 2 1,200.00 24.84 house 700. land 1-2 @ 500. Mullen, Hannah E. 2 2,900.00 60.03 1-2 house 1500. land 1-12 @ 400. post office 1000. Murray, Thomas P. 'S. W 1 2.00 2 00 Moyse, Harry J. 1 5.00 1,950.00 45.37 house 1400. shed50 land 1-4 @ 500. Mddlesev & Boston St. Ry. 2 6,800.00 140.76 car barn 4000. waiting: 300. land 1 1-2 @ 2500. Morrison, Frederick 2 5.00 40.00 5.83 20 fowl 40. Murphy, Thomas 2 5.00 5.00 Murphy, Thomas D. 1 5.00 5.00 Neale, William C. 2 5.00 110.00 100.00 9.35 1 cow 60. 1 horse 50. lots 227

Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax

41-42 C P. 10000 ft. 100. Neale, Alvin B. 2 5.00 36 00 800.00 22 31 18 fowl 36. land 5 1-2 @ 800. 3,900.00 80.73 Neale, Mary B. 2 house 1600. house 1100. land 1 @ 900 1-8 @ 300. Neale, William R. 2 5.00 75.00 6.55 Neale, Henry G. 2 5.00 5.00 Neale, Mary E. 2 1,650.00 34.16 house 1200. barn 200. land 1-2 250. Newton, Ernest H.* 2 Newton, George H. 2 5.00 226.00 2,000.00 51.08 13 fowl 26. other ratable 200. house 1400. land 1 1-2 @ 600. land 6 <2> 1-2 @ 600. Nichols, Arthur B. 10,900.00 230.63 house 8200. barn 100. land .6 @ 2600. Nichols, Gertrude F. 1 700.00 14.49 land 2 @ 700. Noel, Felix 2 5.00 36.00 1,400.00 34.73 18 fowl 36. house 1000. land 2-3 @ 400. Notan, William N.* 1 0. 375.00 7.66 other ratable 375. Notan, George L.* 1 0. Nolan, Margaret 1 410.00 3,410 00 79.08 1 horse 50. 3 cows 225. 67 fowl 134. house 1000. barn 400. barn 100. hen house 100. land 8 @ 1750. meadow 6 @ 60. Normyle, John 2 5.00 400.00 13.28 Other ratable

Norris, Charles F. 2 5.00 2,100.00 52.61 Other ratable 300. 2 cottages 1200. garage 100. lot 77-78 S. A. 11800 ft. 400. lot 2-3 72952 ft 400.

O'Neill, Seretha 2 100.00 2.07 Jots 19-20 C. P. 100. O'Rourke, John W. 2 5.00 5.00 228

Prec Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax

•O'Rourke, Mary Heirs 2 1,050.00 21.74 house 650. land 1-3 250. land 1-3 150. O'Brien, Harry P. 1 5.00 5.00 O'Brien, John H. 1 5.00 5.00 Parker, Robert B.* 10. 575.00 9,175.00 201.82 38 fowl 75. other ratable 500. house 1000. barn 100. henhouse 50. shed 25. house 4000 land 40 @ 4000. Parmer, Sanford D. 1 5.00 5.00 Parmer, Hellen H. 1 7,000.00 144.90 house 6000. land 39048 ft. 1000. Parmenter, Howard W. 1 5.00 700.00 19.49 other ratable 700 Parmenter, Edward J. 1 5.00 5.00 Paradis, Adolphus 2 5.00 5.00 Paul, Andrew 1 5.00 1,400.00 33.98 cottage 1000. land 2 @ 400. Peak, Benjamin W. 2 5.00 3,800.00 83.66 house 3000. land 4 @ 800.

Parmenter, Jonothan M. 1 5.00 5,095.00 24,870.00 625.28 2 horses 200. 61 cows 4575. bull 30. 28 fowl 55. house 3600. barn and shed 3600. garage 700. shop 800. office 300. shed 300. land 39 @ 6825. woodland and pas- ture 34 @ 3400. wood- land garret 8 @ 320. woodland Reed 20 @ 800 woodland Bigelow 5 @ 200. woodland Brackett 8 @ 200. woodland Adams 10 @ 250. wood- land Draper 7 1-2 @ 150. Woodland Wa'rd 4 @ 100. front lot 1-2 @ 200. 13 @ 150. mead. 15 @ 175. meadow 2 1-2 @ 25. meadow 6 @ 75. land small 1 3-4 1200. other 229

Prec Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax

ratable 235. house and 2000. 10 @ 1500. mead. Patterson, Jane N. 1 1,220.00 32,750.00 703.17 2 horses 200. 2 swine 20. other ratable 1000. house 18000. stable 3100. barn 2500 hen house 150 house 2500. other bid. 2000. land 55 @ 4500. Peck & Davieau 9 1,800.00 37.26 other ratable iPerodeau, Joseph 2 5.00 2,300.00 52.61 house 2000 land 1-3 @ 300. Perodeau, Joe* 2 0. Perodeau, Louis N. 2 5.00 150.00 8.11 lot 10-24 C P. 10000 ft. 150. Perodeau, Napoleon 2 5.00 1,700.00 9,975.00 246.67 other ratable 1700. house 1200. house 1500. house 1900. store 2000. stable 200. other bid. 25. house 1000. store 'W. Pi' 700. land 3-4 @ 600. 2-3 @ 300. 1-4 @ 200. lot 384- 385 7260 ft. 250. 5000 ft. C. P. 100 Peck, Arthur C. 2 5.00 1,000.00 25.70 other ratable

Perodeau, Amede* 2 0. 1,225.00 25.36 house 1000. hen house 25. land 1 1-4 @ 200. Perry, Herbert E. ' S. W.' 2 2.00 2.00 Petters, Michael 1 5.00 5.00 Petters, John 1 5.00 5.00 Pettegrew, William M- 2 5.00 5.00 Pettigrew, Lewis* 2 0. Pettigrew, Harry B. 2 5.00 5.00 Pettigrew, Bernice 2 1,650.00 34.16 house 1200. land 1-4 @ 300. lot 10000 ft. C. P 150.

Pettigrew, Isabelle C. 2 1,650.00 34.16 house 1100. other bid. 50. land 5-6 @ 500. 230

Prec. Poll P«-r Est. Real Est. Tax

Pequott Lodge I. 0 0. F. 1 3,100.00 64.17 Hall 2500. shed 100. land 1-4 @ 500. Phipps, Charles A. 1 5.00 2,025 00 7,800.00 208.38 4 cows 400. 175 fowl 525. other ratable 1100. house 9000. barn 1800 other bid. 500. land 5 @ 1500. Phylis, George W. 2 5.00 2,700.00 60.89 house 1000. barn 500. henhouse 100. land 20 @ 1000. lot C. P. 100. Ploss, George 2 5.00 1,250.00 30.i house 1150. land 1-4 @ 100. Ploss. John 2 5.00 250.00 10.18 lot 31-32-45-46-47 C. P. 250. Ploss, Peter 2 5.00 5.00 Porter, Pupet P. 2 5.00 1,700.00 40.19 house 1200. 1 1-4 @ 500. Porter, Maynard R. 2 5.00 75 00 6.55 horse 75. Porter, Otis 5.00 5.00 Porter, William H. 5.00 5.00 Pond Benjamin A. 5.00 5.00 Post, Wayn 5.00 5.00 Potvin, Henry 5.00 5.00 Potvin, Charles J. 5.00 5.00 Potvin, Emily 1,200.00 24.84 house 1000. 1-4 @ 200. Poleto, Joe 1 5.00 535.00 4,100.00 100.94 horse 75 8 cows 400. bull 25. 18 fowl 35. house 1400. barn 500. hen house 100. land 25 @ 2000. mead. 8 @ 100. * Poutasse, George F 1 • 0. 3,000.00 62.10 House 2000. barn 400. land 6 @ 600. Priest, Lucia 2 1,350.00 27.95 house 1000. other bid. 150. 1-2 @ 200. Powers, Jennie E. 4,300.00 89.01 hhouse 3100. other bid. 200. lanH 1 @ 1000. 231

Prec. Foil 1 er. Est. Keal n

5.00 Patterson, Henry W. . 1 5.00 Rasicot Joseph H. 2 5.00 5.00 Rasicot, Armd'e 2 5.00 5.00 4f;n Randolph, Cornelius 1 1 oo 30 0?


PL OO Randolph, Walter E. 1 5.00 Faney, Herbert K. 1 5.00 400.000 13.28 cottage 300. land 1 @ 100. Raymond, William L. 1 5.00 55.00 7,000.00 151.04 'other ratable 55. hou^o 5500. land 41407 ft 1500. Read, William 2d 1 5.00 1,060.00 15,650.00 350.90 other ratable 1060 house 15000 land 4 3-4 650. Reed, Amos L. 2 5.00 5.00

XVCgttll, OUILIL XJL. X 5 00

cr Aft a c\(\c\ 1 Reeves, Jacob 1 5.U0 oo 9Q 90 Tillage and woodland 37 1-2 @ 6000. Ffeeves, Walter 1 5.00 1960.00 45.57 cottage 200. tillage and woodland 17 @ 1700. meadow 6 @ 60. Remick, Annie Frye 2 275.00 4,200 92.64 other rataibe 275. house 3000 barn 500. land 5-8 ~ i t n" @ 700. Rich, Wilson C. 1 5.00 7,150.00 153.01 house 4000. bam 500. cot- tage 1000. land 16 1-2 @ 1650. Richardson, George 2 5.00 730 00 3,630.00 95.25 horse 100. 8 cows 400. 1 yr. 20. 2 swine 20. 20 fowl 40. other ratable 150. house 1000. barn 5.00 600. land 49 @ 2000. R. meadow 2 2-2 @ 30. Richardson, Leon B.* 2 0. 250.00 5.18 R meadow 5~~@ 100. lots 653-654 W. P. 9406 ft 150.

Richardson, Ernest A.* 2 0. 350.00 7.25 •23-2

Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax

other ratable 350. Richardson, Frank H. 2 5.00 300.00 11.25 other ratable 300. Richardson, Frank F. 2 5 00 5.00 Richardson, Robert H.* 2 0. Richardson, Ella F. 1 3,000.00 62.10 house 2500. land 1-4 @ 500. Ringer, Simeon P. 2 5.00 5.00 Ringer, Alice M. 2 300.0( 15,600.00 329.13 other ratable 300. house 1500. land 20 @ 2500. Ibarn 200. other bid. 200. 16 cottages 11,200. Rowan, John J. 1 5.00 225.00 10,050. 217.70 cow 75. other ratable 150 house 3000. house 3500. land 40 @ 3000. R mead. 4 @ 200. woodland 14 1-2 350. . . _ Ross, Thomas B. 2 5.00 3,100.00 69.17 house 2500. land 2 @ 600. Roust, Frank R. 2 5.00 5.00 Russell, Waldo H.* 1 0. Russel, Louis F. 1 5.00 5.00 Russell Samuel S. 1 5.00 1,555.00 6,000.00 161.39 2 horses 200. 5 cows 375. 90 fowl 180. ether rat- able 800. house 2000. barn 806. carriage house 600 land 16 1600. land Morse 14 @ 800. R. mead. 6 @ 100. other bid. 100. Morse 14 @ 800. R. mead. 3 @ 100. Russell, Howard F. 1 5.00 100.00 12,100.00 257.54 horse 100. house 8200. barn 1100. 21 @ 2800. Russell, Elizabeth 1 50.00 1.04 R. meadow 3 @ 50. Rutter, Susan, Heirs 1 1.920.00 39.74 house 1000. shed 100. land 1-2 @ 800. R mead. 2 @ 20. Sanderson, William B. 1 5.00 5.00 Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax Sanderson, George E. 1 5.00 2,250.00 51.58 2-3 house 200. bill board 200. land 5 @ 200. 11 @ 1650.. Sanderson, Elmer E. 1 5.00 5.00 Sanderson, Jennie P. 1 1,300.00 26.91 house Tylor 1000 other bid. 100. land 1-4 @ 200. Salmon, Morris 1 5.00 5.00 Sauer, Alexander 1 5.00 670.00 3,000.00 80.17 ihorse 75. cow 75. 1 yrl. 20. other ratable 500. house 1200. barn 200. garage 100. land 23 @ 1500. Sauer, Alexander 150.00 3.11 Trustee for Leadbetter R. Meadow 10 @ 150. Sailsbury, Arthur C. 2 5.00 200.00 1,800.00 46.40 other ratable 200. house 1000. other bid. 100. land 15 @ 700. Sanders, Lulu 2 1,700.00 35.19 house 1000 other bid 30O land 1-2 (5) 400. Saywood, William H. 1 5.00 5.00 Sayward, Mary P. 1 500.00 6,750.00 150.07 other ratable 500. house 5000. garage 150. land 3-4 @ 1600. Sarsfield,Mary A. 1 2,950.00 61.07 house 2500. land 1-2 450.

Schleicher, Alton* 2 0. > 200.00 4.14 Schleicher, Erwin W. 2 5.00 2,500.00 56.75 house 800. house 1000. other 100. land 1 1-2 @ 600. Schleicher, Ernest 2 5 00 5.00 Scotland, William A. 2 5.00 50.00 6.04 lot 67 C. P. 500 ft. 50. Scotland, William J. 2 5.00 265.00 1,350.00 38.44 8 fowl 15. other rateable 250. house 1000 land 1-3 @ 300. lot 66 C. P. 5000 ft. 50. Seriach, Mary, 2 1,900.00 39.34 house 1600, land 1-3 @ 234

Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax 250. lot C. P. 50. Seriach, Joseph 5.00 5.00 Scriach, Charles 5.00 5.00 Scott, George S. 5.00 5.00 Scott, Eli 5.00 5.00 Scott, Adolphus W. 5.00 5.00 Scott, Colburn H.* 0. Shay, Alexander 5.00 310.00 3,200.00 77.66 horse 100. fowl 10. other ratable 200. house 2200. barn 500. other bid. 100. land 4 @ 400. Shay, 5.00 Edrick L. 2 150.00 2,550 00 60.87 other ratable 150. hou.L3 1700. other bid. 250. land 3-4 @ 600. 5.00 Shay, Charles C. 2 5.00 Shay, Laura ,2 300.00 6.21 7 @ 300. Sherman, Allen B. 1 5.00 640.00 11,580.00 257.96 horse 100. 9 cows 540. house 7000. barn 1000. land 73 @ 3500. me'addow 8 @ 80.

Sherman, George N. 1 5.00 ' 345.00 2,565.00 65.14 1 horse 100. 1 cow 45 other ratable 200. house 1550. other bid. 500. land 10 @ 500. sproutl. 2 @ 15. Sherman, Theodore S 1 5.00 220.00 5,150.00 116.17 10 fowl 20. other ratable ,200, hqfuise shop 2000v; and shed 300. house 500. other bid. 50. land 1-4 @ 400. 1-4 @ 500. 3-4 @ 900. pasture 3 1-4 @ 500 Simpson, Arthur C. 2 5.(T0 5.00 Simpson, Judson M. 2 5.00 5.00 Simpson, Albert 1 5.00 5.00

Small, Everett W. 1 5.00 5.00 Small, Mabel T. F. 1 6,100.00 126.27 house 5000 garage 100. land 15000 ft. 1000 Schmeltz, Frank 2 5.00 115.00 2,300.00 54.99 cow 75. year old 40. 235

Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax house 1000. other bid. 250. land 9 @ 1050. Schmeltz, Anthony 2 5.00 5.00 Schmeltz, William 2 5.00 5.00 Shorey, Lewis W. 2 5.00 900.00 23.63 cottage 500. lot 88-89 S. A. 21750 ft. 400. Smith, Charles D. 2 5.00 300.00 11.21 bid. 200. lanii 1-6 @ 100. Smith, Annie Heirs E. 2 1,200.00 24.84 House 1000. other bid. 50. land 1-4 @ 150. Smith, Charles L. 2 5.00 5.00 Smith, William F. 2 5.00 130.00 2,050.00 50.13 horse 50 cow 50, year old 30 house 1000 barn 150. land 10 @ 900. Smith, Caroline 'W' 2 250.00 5.18 house 1000. land 1-4 @ 250.

Smith, Walter C. 2 5.00 5.00 Smith Alexander 2 5.00 5.00 Smith C. Wimer* 2 0.

Smith, Frank J. 1 5.00 5.00 Shaw, Francis J. 1 5.00 5.00 Shaw, Francis 1 5.00 14,810.00 152,610.00 3,465.60 7 horses -700. 21 cows 2600 6 yls. 220, 2 bulls 150. 70 fowl 140. other ratable 11000. house 65000 land east 292 @ 37000 house Whit. 1200. land 20 @ lb00. house Curtin 2500. land 100 (5) 40C0. barn Smith 600. barn Dudley 2000. barn Dudley 3000 barn Whit. 1000 shop Whit 400. hen house 400. bid. Samo 100. house W. Whit. 2000. land 13 @ 1000. barn W. Whit. 500 house Loker 500 house Whitney 200. barn and bid. Curtin 2000. House Dudley 4000. pump house 200. land Bemis 14 @ 1400. 236

Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax Wright 107 1-2 5000. land Underwood 10 @ 400. Bullard 28 1-2 1000. wood and meadow 43 @ 1600. wood Lee 3 @ 100. wood Damon 11 @ 500. J. Damon 11 @ 500. J. Damon ' 20 @ 800. Da- mon 40 @ 1700. M. Da- mon 10 @ 700. Hender- son 15 600 Sanderson 0 (a) 360. Clapp 8 350. Whitney 20 1600. Adams 5 ^00 land Rice 55- @ 3900 Pod meadow 5 100 woodland Loker 27 @ 1200. Samo 6 @ 800. Sleeper, Arthur M. 2 5.00 5.00 Smith, T. Dixon 1 5.00 150.00 5,650.00 125.07 u ner ratable 150. house 4500. garage 150 land 99000 ft. 1000. Smith, Frank P. 2 5.00 5.00 Sparks, Ernest E. 2 5.00 500.00 7,050 00 161.29 other ratable. 500 house 5000 garage 250. land 1 3-4 @ 1800. Sortwell, Frantz C. 1 5.00 4,400 00 96.08 house 4000. 1-4 @ 400. Spear, Charles W. 2 5.00 5.00 Spear, James H. 2 5.00 150.00 700.00 22.60 tiier ratable 150. lots 3 to 7 and 61 to 65 22814 00. lot 71 20000 ft 100. Stearns, William 1 5.00 700.00 4,650.00 115.75 er racaji? 700. house 3000. shop 650. other bid. 1C0. land 1 @ 900. F^arns, Francis F.* 2 0. rns, Pobeft F * 1 0. ^a^les, Charles W.* 1 0.

Ste r Arthur E. 2 5.00 5.00 " J,- Jacob Heirs 2 3,300.00 68.31 °°00. land 1-3 @ 300 Sidney 1 5.00 270.00 10.60 237

Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax Horse 100. cow 100. 35 fowl 70.

Stone, Dorothy C. 14,900.00 308.42 ho,use 4000. house 2000. barn 800. other bid. 400 barn 500. land 96 5-6 @ 7200. Stone, John E. 'V. T' 2 Stone Wilbur 2 5.00 5.00 Sumpter, Frank 2 5.00 5.00 Supple, William 5.00 F. 2 \ 5.00 Sears, Edmund H. 1 5.00 12,400.00 36,450.00 1,011.20 5 horses 400. other rat- able 12000. house 2000. land 38 (5) 3000. barn 3500. Heard house 800. land 41 1-2 @ 6000. barn 200. store 2000. land 1-4 @ 1400. market bid. 800. cottage 150 R. meadow 19 @ 200. woodland Cut- ting 86 2200. land Small 1 @ 1000. Braman 9. 3600. stable lot 5-16 300. tillage grown 21 1-2 1500. liand Cutting 36, 6000. land near Atwood 132700 ft 500. land Bra- man 3 69-100, 1300. Sears, Leslie Heirs and 20,190.00 417.93 Marion 1 house 5000. land 96 @ 8080. house 5000. house 1200. sltahle 800. barn im\ shed 3500. milk house 1200. boat house 200, F. Meadow 21 @ 210. Sparrell, Fred L. 1 5.00 5.00 Tatnall, Catherine J. 1 1,200.00 24.84 house 1000. 3 36-100 200. Tetraault, Napoleon 2 5.00 5.00 Tetreault, Peter A. 2 5.00 2,100.00 48,47 hc/use 1800. land 1 @ 300.

Therrian, Samuel H. 2- 5.00 150,00 200 -12.25 other ratable 150. lot 51- 238

Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax

52 C. P. 1700 ft. 200. Therrian Ida 2 1,400.00 28 98 House 1200. land 1-2 (a) '. 200. ~ Trumbell, Frankin H.* 1 0. 1,050.00 31 74 2 horses 300. pony 50. 2 cows 200. other ratable 500.

Trumbell, Marion I 750.00 11,050.00 244.26 other ratable 750. house 5000. barn and shed 1000. cottage 1000. other bid. 50. land 66 @ 4000. Treadwell, John C. 2 5.00 1,850.00 43.30 house 1600. stabl^j 50. land 3-4 @ 200. Thacher, Andrew G.* 2 5.00 5.0T5 Tharlaceus, Carl B.* 2 0. Tlbbetts, John H. 2 5.00 1,200.00 29 84 Cottage 700. lot 9-10-11 C. G. 20020 ft. 500. Tillson, Charles G. 1 5.00 5.00

Thompson, Edmund L. 2 5.00 1,450.00 , 35.02 house 1200. garage 100. land 1-2 @ 150. Thompson, Lester R. 2 5.00 150 00 8.11 other ratable 150. Thurston, Hiram L. 2 5.00 785.00 2,450.00 71.97 fowl 400, 785. house 1000. hen house 750. land 1 5-8 700. Tupper, Russell E. 2 5.00 300.00 11.21 Other ratable 300. Tupper, Henry A. 2 5.00 5.00 Trustees M. E. Church 2 1,800.00 37.26 houre 1400 land 1-3 @ 400. Tyrrell, Marcellus D. 2 5.00 5:00 Tyrrell, Joseph Heirs 2 950.00 Ex. house 850. land 1-2 100. Tyrrell, Henry T. 2 5.00 5.0T) Tyrrell, Norman D.* 2 0. Tyrrell, Florence 2 1,100.00 22.77 house 900 land 1-3 @ 200; Thing, Charles H. 'C.W.' 2 5.00 350.00 7.25 '


Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real j^i. Tax

house 700. lot 219 to 224 11150 ft. 400. lot 9 C. P. 50. cottage unfinished 200. Tucker, William J.* 2 0. 75.00 1.55 cow 75. Thayer, Birtis E. 2 5.00 2,050.00 47.44 house 1800. land 1-3 @ 250. Underwood, Hannah Heirs 2 1,200.00 24.84 house 1000. land 1-4 @ 150. other bid. 50. Vayo, Harry H. 2 5.00 5.00 Vayo, Belle W. 2 500.00 850.00 27.95 other ratable 500. cot- tage 600. lots 65-66-67 "W. M." 6000 ft. Valentine, Warren D. 2 5.00 50.00 6.04 horse 50. Vincent, Joseph C. 1 5.0"0 5.00 vTdeon, George W. 1 5.00 100.00 1,650 00 41.16 horse 50. cow 50. house S00. barn 50. land 16 @ 800. Veazey, Josephine 'C. W.' 2 1,600.00 Ex. house 1000. other' bid. 200. land 1 @ 400. Verry, Edward M. 1 5.00 5.00 Baillencourt, August 2 5.00 600.00 17.42 Cottage 400. lots 13 and T 14 'W. M. 4000 ft. 200. Ward, Thomas D 2 5.00 1,300.00 31.91 house 1100. land 1-2 <2r 200. Ward, Thomas J. 1 5.00 5.00 Ward, Bernard 1 5.00 5.00 T W ard, Michael 1 5.00 1,950.00 45.37 house 1400. shed 50. land 1-4 @ 500. Ward, Joseph A. 2 5.0T) 5.00 Ward, Annie H. 1 2,500.00 51.75 house 1000. land 29 @ 1500.

1 Ward, Mary A. " 2,000.00 41.40 '" house 1500. land 1-3 @ »T 500. iBif iiiii 240

Prec. Poll Per. Est. Real Est. Tax Webster, Louis E. 2 5.00 5.00 Webster, Walter Heirs 2 o ^uu.uu500 00 51.75 house 2000. land 3-4 @ 500. Wentzell, Herbert C. 1 5.00 280.00 3,300.00 79 11 horse 100. 40 fowl 80. other ratable 100. house 2500. stable 300. land 1-4 @ 500. Wentworth, Thomas 1 5.00 5.00 Wentworth, Mary 1 2,600.00 53.82 house 1600. bam 300. Jand 1 a 700.

Wellington, Alden D. Dev. 1 9,610.00 198 93 house 4000. bam 900. hen house 50. land 25 @ 4600. R. meadow 6 @ 60 West, Arthur 2 5.00 700.00 19 49 cottage 500. lots 40-41 'W. M.' 4000 ft. 200. West, Howard 2 5.00 5 00 Wheeler, Martha G. 1 118.00 4,840.00 102 63 horse 100 9 fowl 18. house 1500. barn 500. 10 camps 600. land 46 @ 200O. R meadow 24 @ 240. Wheeler, J. Fred 1 5.00 5.00 Wheeler, William 1 5.00 5.00 White, Francis 1 5.00 1,300.00 31.91 house unfin. 1000. land 4 @ 300.

Wallace, Charles J. 1 5.00 , 5 0U Wallace, Mary J. 1 5,200.00 107 64 house 4000. garage 200. land 10 @ 1000. White, William J. 1 5.00 5.00 White George E. 1 5.00 5.00 White, Frank N. 2 5.00 5.00 Whitney, Samuel B. H. 2 5.00 5.00 Whitney, Oswell 2 5.00 5.00 Whitney, Dora Heirs 2 750.00 15.52 house 600. land 1-8 @ 150.

Whitney, Benjamin T.* 1 0. 241

Prec. Poll '. Est. Real Est. Tax

Whiting, Annie L. 1 6,400.00 132.48 House 5000. other bid. 100. land 14 1-2 @ 1300. Whitehead, James H. 2 5.00 2,600.00 58.82 house 1500 barn 100 other bid? 300. land 2 @ 500. lot 71-72-73 C. P. 15000 ft. 200.

Wilbur, George I. 2 5.00 75.00 1,800.00 43.81 cow 75 house 1000 barn 100 land 7 @ 700. Wright, John C. 'S W' 2 2.00 750.00 17.52 cottage 600. land 1 @ 150. Wright, Charles S. 2 5.00 290.00 8,550.00, 188.00 cow 75. 2 yr. old 40. other ratable 175. house 1600. shop 100". shop 200. house 1000. barn 400. cottage 200. henhouse 100 house 3500. land 1-3 @ 100, 3 7-8 @ 900. 1 7-8 @ 400. 1 @ 50. Wright, John B. 1 5.00 6,000.00 129.20 house 4500. land 2 @

1500. . Williams, Clarence S. 2 5.00 1,800.00 1,650.00 76.42 house 1200. land 1-2 @ 300. 1-4 @ 150. Other ratable 600. Williams, Isadore M. 2 3,400.00 70.38 house 1200. other bid. 250. house Lyon 1000. land 1-4 450. 1-2 500. Williams, Chester B. 2 5.00 550.00 8,060.00 183.23 Pony 50. other 500 .store 2000. P. O. bid. 2600. drug store 1000. house and barn 1400. land 3-16 @ 1000. P.. meadow 6 @ 60. Williams. Hattie C. 2 8,100.00 167.67 house barn 600. cottages 1000. lad 1 1-2 (a) 1500 land Bent 4 3-4 1000.

Williams, Posathe C. 2 600.00 12 42 land Loker 10 @ 600. 242

Pre.. Poll Per. Est. Pveal Est. Tax

Williams, Charles* 2 0. Wever, Clarence 2 5.00 5.00 Wilson, Walter E.* 2 0. 6,400.00 132.48 house 5000. garage 400 land 20 @ 1000. Woodmancy, James C. 2 5.00 5.00 Woodward, William D. 2 5.00 580.00 3,600.00 62.96 140 fowl 280. other rat- able 300. house 1800.. barn 900. 12 hen houses 300. land 10 (a) 600. Wyatt, Harry 2 5.00 1,800.00 1,000.00 62.96 8 horses 500. other rat- able 1300. ice house 800 land 2 @ 200. Wyatt, Catherine M. 3< 2,400.00 49.68 house 2000. land 1-4 @ > 400. Wedlock, Albert L. 1 5.00 5.00 Whitney, Arthur 1 5.00 5.00 Worthing, Richard M. 1 5.00 5.00 Young, Frank L. 1 5.00 6,000.00 129.20 house 1500. barn and bid. 500. land -23 1-2 @ 4000. Yeager, Frank E. 2 5.00 6'' 3.00 17.42 othr ratable 600. Yeager, Delia 2 4,300.00 89.01 house 3500 garage 100. land 3 3-4 @ 900. 1-3 @ 700. Yeager, John B. 2 5.00 house 1700. barn 200 3*3-4 @ 900. Yetton, Ralph N.* 1 0. 375.00 7.76 cow 75. other ratable 300.

Yetton, Donald* 1 0. Zimm-rman, Joseph W. 1 5,00 370.00 12.66 horse 50. 4 cows 250. yrl. 20. 25 fowl 50. Zmmerman, Peter 1 5.00 5.00 Zimmerman, Sebastian 3,300.00 68.21 Heirs 1 house 1200. barn and shed 600. land 15 @ 1500.. 243

NON-RESIDENT Real Est Tax Aldrich, William 525. 12.11 42 fowl $85, other ratable $500. Angell, Edgar F. 650. 13.46 Cottage $400, 1-3 @ $250. Adams, Charlott 6200. 123.34 Sears, Edmund H. & Francis B. Trustees House $1700, house $2200, barn and shed $500, land 1 @ $750, 1 @ $400, meadow and sprout 5J>1U(J, meadow lb (a) $oUU, woodland 12 (a) $'?50 Adam?. Charlott i no 9 07 Office $100 "9 1 ~> Amcs. .^ddison, Hei^s of / OU. Cottage $250, meadow 11 @ $500. Arr.e^, Julia oU. ± O 0

1 1 OA no rtn Ada^s, Stephen. Keirs ZZ. ( « o courages $yuu, iana ouuu ix. ^>^uu. A r A A American Tol. & lei. Co. 9" 01 Atkirs. Rob°rt W. 2600. 53 S2 House klcOO, land 5 (a) $o00. Bachplder, Edw : n 1200. 24 84 Woodland 69 @ $1200. Bullard. Joseph 1550. 32.09 WAA^'-nd and pasture lb (a) $10o0. k $sno

Q TT Bemi Wilb'am . 700. 14 49 xiouse ouu, iana z (tu «j>^uu. Brown. Max 500. 10.35 .Land l-o (a) $ouu. Bigwood Ai^---1 ; 75. 1.55 K. meadow Z (a) $75. Brackett. Anna J 109. 2. 07 K. meadow 6 (a) $100. .baker, JUia M. $100. Meadow 1 (a) $25 6 tfi) $75 Blode-pt Stenhpn H $500. 10.35 Land 5% @ $500. Bacon. Isabella 50. 1.04 Meadow 3 @ $50. Brown, Lvman. F^s 500. 10.35 Land' 13 @ $500. Bent, Thomas 125. 2.59 Meadow 5 @ $125. Beckwov+h, Marv F, 960. 19.87 Land 18 @ $900, meadow 3 @ $60. 6


Real Est. Tax

Bigelow, Frank W.. Heirs 1500. 31.05 Land 22 1/5 @ $1500. Boswell, Leon $700. 14.49 Land 14 @ $700. Bond, Lawrence 1200 24.84 1 Land 5 /i @. Burke, Joseph E. 1800. 37.26 Land 5 @ $1800. Clifford, Marion 1400. 28.98 Hodse $1000, land, 6925 ft. $400. Chase, Sidney and Mathiew 2100. 43.47 Rouse $1500, other bid. $200. Land 200 @ $400. Coffin, Winthrop $4500. 93.15 Land 9 @ $4500. Coolidge. Nawella L. 100. 2.07 Meadow 5 @ $100. Coburn, Edward 100. 2.07 Meadow 7V2 @ $100. Coburn, Thomas E. 75. 1.55 Meadow 6 @ $75. Chessman, Charles F. 8400. 173.83 House $1000, house and shed $2500, house $1600, house $2200, land M @ $150, 2/5 @ $200, V2 @ $400, hi @ $350. Cur tin, John M. 5700. 117.99 House $3500, barn $1000, land 2 @ $1200. Davis, Robert B. 2350. 19,360. 449 40 2 horses $250, 28 cows $2100, house $4500, barn $2900, carriage house $600, other bid. S600, house $2500, land 82 @ $6000, % $200, woodland 8 @ $160, meadow 9V2 $100, land 16 @ $1000, pasture 12 @ $800. Dean Lewis W. 3000. 62.10 Land 40 @ $3000. Dudley, Ellen R. 800. 16 53 Land 10 @ $S00. Daken, Arabella, Heirs 60. 1.24 Meadow 3 @ $60.

Dickson Brent H. 800. 16. 3 l^and 20 @ ^800. Denio, F. Winchester, 325. 7300. 151.11 Horse $100, 3 cows $225, 2/3 house $3000, stable $800, land 35 @ $3500. Dudley, Harry, Heirs, "W." 150. 311 House $1000.. land % @ $150. Draper, Fred P. 2450. 50 1 House $20C0, garage $50, land V2 @ $400. 245

Real Est. Tax

Ehlert. Albert, Heirs 100. 2.07 Land 4 @ $100. Ehlert. Frank C. 150. 3.11 Woodland 4 @ 150. Eaton, John H. 25. .52 Boathouse $25. Edison Electric & 111. Co. 75,000. 1,552.50 Farrah, John and Herbert 1550. 32.09 House 1000, barn $100, henhouse $50, land 6 @ $400. Farrah, John F. 1325. 27.43 Camp $50, land 7 @ $500, meadow 6 @ $75, woodland 21 @ $700. Farrah, Samuel 1010. 20.91 Woodland 18 @ $1C00, meadow 1/3 @ $10. Felch. Jennie M. 2550. 52.79 House $2200, land & @ $350. Felch, Harry- 3075. 63.65 house $2500, land 3/10 @ $300, R. meadow 2% @ $75, meadow 1-2 @ $200. Felch, Albert A. 4300. 89.01 House and stable $2300, house $1200, other bid. $75, land *4 @ $500, 1/6 @ $150, meadow 2% @ $75. Felch, Walter L. 200. 4.14 Woodland 10 @ $200. Felch, Oliver, Heirs 150. 3.11 Meadow 4 @ $150. Fowler, Frederick H. 100. 2.07 Land 1 @ $10C. French, Evander 450. 9 32 Woodland 10 @ $400, meadow 4 @ $50. Farlev, Bernard J. 4.000. 82.80 Garage $2,000, land 5/8 @ $2,000. French, George E. 1800 11,650. 278.42 3 horses $300, other ratable $1500, house $3,500, bam $2,000, cottage $50, land 61 @ $6,100.. Frost, Edwin S. 700. 14 49 Land 10 @ $700. Fuller, Margaret 125. 2 50 Meadow 4 @ $125. Fiske, Augustus, Heirs 50. 1 04 Meadow 4 @ $50. Heard, Dwight B. 1,000. 15,600. 313.62 House $4500, barn $1000, land 12V2 @ $7000, woodland 32 @ $1800, 4 @ $150, 33 @ $1000, meadow 6 @ $75, brood- y


Real Est. Tax

meadow y2 @ $75, other $1000. Hall, Charles P. 311. 10,040. 214.27 Cow $75, 118 fowl $236, house $3000, barn $1500, cottage $400, other bid. $100, shop $450, land 65 @ $4550, meadow 4 @ $40. Hinds, James 2700 55.89 House $15000, barn $350, henhouse $250 other ratable $4000, land 3 @ 600. Hubbard, Joshua M. 550. 6400. 143.87 Pony $50, 2 cows $200, yearling $20, 65 fowl $130, house $1600, barn $1000, house $2000, shed $150, land 7 @ $1650. Hamlin, Paul M. 2500. 51.75 Land 30 @ $2500. Halford, Willard H. 1450. 30.02 House $1200, land 1% @ $250. Hamlin, Paul M., Trustee 8870. 88,775. 2021.25 6 horses $900, 22 cows $3300, 7 yrls $210, 28 swine $420, bull $40, house $5000, other ratable $4000 house $2500, house $5500, barn $2000, house $2500, barn $1800, house $2500, barn $1500, house $1600, barn $11,000, other bid. $1500, land 230 @ $36,000, 73 2 @ $6000, 61 @ $3000, 28% @ $1300, 26 @ $1000, meadow 6 @ $75. Haskell, Joseph 150. 3.11 Lots 37-38-39, 6000 ft. $150. Haynes, Nathan, Heirs 1300. 26.91 House $1000, land XA @ $300. Harrington, Geo F., Dev. 300. 6.21 Woodland 4 @ $300. Hammond, Edward W., Heirs 800. 16.56 3 1-4 @ 800. f Hodgman, Arthur W. 250. 5.18 Camp lot V& @ $100, land ^ $150. Howe & Co., Exp. 400. 8.28 Horse $200, other ratable $200. Hill, John 950. 19.67 Ice house $700, land & @ $250. Hicks, Leon H. 1400. 28.98 House $1200, land @ $200. Haynes, Leander 400. 8.28 Land 7 @ $400. Harrington, Herman P. $600. 12.42 Woodland 12 @ $600. Haynes, Joshua F. 350. 7.25 Woodland 4 @ $350. 24 r

Real Est. Tax

Hastings, Francis, Heirs 40. .83 Meadow 2 @ $40. Hosman, Frank B. 1670. 34.57 Cottage $125. cottage $700, cottage $200, lot 25-257 w. m. $75, land 2 @ $20O, lot 281-282-283 w. m. $250, lot 91-92 w. m. $120. Hardey, Charles A. 500. 32,250. 677.93 Other ratable $500, house $22,000. stable $1500, hen house $500, house $1500, garage $500, land 61 2/3 @ $5000, woodland 19 @ $750, R. meadow 38 @ $500. Immick, Franc's P. 500. 10.35 Land 12 % @ $500. Jensen, Neil 150. 3.11 Meadow 12 @ $150. Jones, G. F. 150. 3.11 Woodland 10 @ 150. Jennings. Edward 350. 7.25 Woodland 9 @ $350. Jayne, Charles 200. 5300. 113.85 Other ratable $200, house $4000, garage $700, land 9 @ $600. Jayne, Elmer E. 4300. 89.01 House $3000, other bid. $100, land 12 @

. $1200. Kane Delia 1000. 20.70 House $800, land & @ $200. Kelley, William J. 1700. 35.19 House $1000, other bid. $100, land 6 @

Kimsey, Louis W. 2400. 1 49.68 2 cottages $2000, land V2 @ $400. Langdon, Annie M. 4750. 98.32 House $4000, garage $150, land 12 @ $600. Lord, C. E. and George W. 1000. 20.70 Trustee Mary E. T. Lord. Woodland 15 @ $1000. Livermore, C. H. 350. 7.25 Woodland 9 @ $350. Lincoln, Joel F. 720. 14.90 12 Land @ $720. . Leadbetter, Saben, Heirs 125. 2.59 Woodland 4 @ $125. Locker Andrew 600. 12.42 Woodland 16 @ $600. Lincoln Dairy Co. 1200. 24.84 V


Real Est. Tax House $400, land 15 @ $800. Locker, Edgar B. 6250. 129.38 House $3000, barn $1200, other buildings $50, land 14 @ $2000. Lupien, Henry H. 2700. 55.89 Woodland 12 1-5 @ $1000, camp lot % $200, woodland 32% @ $1500. Marston, George F. 1500. 31.05 House $1200, land hi $300. Morse, John L. 1750. 36.23 House $1500, land 1-8 $250. Massie. John C. 200. 4.14 Cottage $100, land 1-8 $100. Met. Water Board 5480. 113.44 Land 67% @ $1500, woodland 73 41-100 @ $3730, land 7 @ $250. Mulligan, Henry C. 16,850. 348.80 House $2500, barn $200, other bid. $100, house $5500, barn $2500. land 13 @ $700, land 16 @ $4000, woodland 14 @ $500, meadow 5 @ $200, woodland 18 @ $600, meadow 3V2 @ $50. Meagher, Ward C. 1500. 31.05 5 @ 1500. McDonald, Mary 5200. 107.64 House $4500, garage $200, land 1-3 @ $500. McGue, William, personal S2020. 3100. 118.40 Swine $2500, horse $50, 35 fowl $70, house $800, other bid. $600, land 39 @ $1700. Moore, Jane N. 6275. 129.89 Land 60 @ $4800, woodland 26V2 @ $1375, meadow 6 @ $100. Moran, John, personal $225. 10,600 224.08 Horse $75, 2 cows $150, house $2500, barn $500, carriage house $200, hen house $200, shed $100, land 82 @ $6000, meadow and upland 17 @ $700, R. meadow 14 2 $150, R. meadow 25 $250. McManus, William 500. 10.35 Land Vi @ $500. New Eng. Tel. & Tel. Co., personal $11,734. 1500. 273.94 Other ratable $11,734, office $1200, land 3900 ft. $300. Nixon, Agnes 2350. 48.65 House $2000, land % $350. Nixon, Alexander $2000. 41.40 House $1050, cottage $500, land % @ 249

Keal JiiSt. Tax

$200, V2 @ $250. Normvle, Michael C. 3375. 69.86 House $2500, shop $125, land l 1^ @ $500, lots 53 to 57 "L. W.," 40,133 ft. $250. Pope. So. Lincoln 150. 3.11 Woodland $150. Powers & Garfield 250. 5.18 R. meadow 4 @ $250. Perry. Samuel 200. 4.14 Woodland 4 @ $200. Perry, Ada L. 6400. 132.48 House $3000 barn and shed $400, land 36 @ $3000. Solimine, Pelligrino J. 1600. 33.12 Cottage $600, land 13 @ $1000. Quinn, Charles and Frank 25. .52 Meadow 2 @ $25. Richardson. Charles 1250. 25.88 House $1000, 1-2 @ 250. Regan, Lola H. 4845. 100.29 House $1000, barn S800, hen house $50, land 55 @ $2750, meadow 24% $245. Rice, Edwin B. 1000. 20.70 Land 33 @ $10C0. Rimick. John H. 5450. 112.82 House $3500, garage $150, land 18 @ $1800. Rice, Charles W. 30. .62 Meadow 2 @ §30. Robinson, Walter B. 3700. 76.60 House $1500, barn $600. shed $150, office $200. land hi @ $500, lot 54 $300, lot 49, Beachwood $450. Robinson Harry J. 1C00. 20.70 House $1000. Sherman, Daniel E. 170. 3.52 Sprout land 21 @ $150, sprout land 3 @ S20. Stanton, John 30. .62 Meadow $30. Ripley, Edward 700. 14.49 Land 36 @ $700. Snelling, Samuel R. 700. 14.49 Woodland 24 $700. Sherman. Herbert 500. 10.35 House S200, land 5 2-3 $300. Sherman. Eugene, personal $1720 8050. 202.24 250

Real Est. Tax

3 horses $300, 4 cows $300, bull $40, 50 swine $1000, 40 fowl $80, house $1000, barn $900, carriage house $400, pig- gery $300, corn barn $150, other bid. $100, land 53 @ $3800, woodland 15 $600, woodland 24 $800. Sawin, James F., Heirs. 3900. 80.73 House $2000, barn $150, house $1400, land %. $^U0, land XA $lo0. Sawin, Mary A., Heirs. 1450. 30.02 House $1200, land 1-3 @ $250. Schleicher, George W. 600. 12.42 Land l 1^ @ $600. Sears, Francis B. 7500. 155.25 House $4000, barn $800, other bid. $1200, land 6 @ $1500. Siskind, Henry 3550. 73.49 House $400, other bid. $loU, land bU (a) $3000. Stark, Robert N. 6500. 134.55

v . xiouseTTrmca «p4tuuu,ion nousc1r 11 co. $300 land 8 (a) $1000 901 ft9 Stevens, Abbie «7 / ou. xiouseu ftlnc. 0 ipouuu,^jou,$9^0 land V<> (a) $800 land 19 500 ft $1200 1 A o - omicn, oOianu r>. ouu. 1U.OO xiouse «p4uu, ianu z {cu «piuu. Sando, Mary E. 100. 2.07 J-iOtS oO-ob Kj. sr. ±U,UUb IT. JplUU. Sherman, Daniel H. 50. 1.04

ivieaaow o {qj jpou. Sherman, Melvin 25. .52 Pond lot V2 @ $25. Spald, Arthur R. 150. 3.11 Lots 33-34-65 C. P., 15,000 ft. $150. Spur, Alice 4250. 87.98 House $3000, garage $100, other bid. $250, cottage $200, land SV2 @ $700. Butler, Edward P., Heirs. 3150. 65.21 House $1600, land % @ $200, land 9V2 @ $1350. Butler, Martha, Est. of. 4400. 91.08 House $3000, barn $600, land % @ $800. Becker, Alfred B. personal $225 6200. 133.20 Horse $100, cow $75, 20 swine $30, 10 fowl $20, house $300, bam $1000, land 56 @ $2200. Stone, Charles F., personal $175. 21,450. 447.64 251

Real Est. Tax

Horse $100, cow 75, house $1500, barn and bid. $2000, bam $300, hen house $25, camp $100, bid. $250, bouse $2000, new house $10,000. land 26 @ 1700, pod meadow 14 @ $260, woodland 26% $1000, land 45, $1300, meadow 20% $415, woodland 12 $500. Taylor, George loUU. 9fi Q1 •

1 QO 9 RQ laylor, busan n<. ±oU. ivieaaow 10 {w j^iou. Thorpe, Amasa 1 A AQ T on/-] 1/1 $700

1 1 oo 1 nomas, Walter r. ooU.

L/Otuage jpoou, iols ±o to ±v w . ivi., QfiOO fit $200 Thurlow, Frederick E., personal $400. fin oq Other ratable $400 pottage $600 cottage $900, garage $50, lots 44 to 47, 68 to 72, 141 to 145, 43 to 46, Doran, 37,000 ft. $950. Tower, Thaddeus 25. .52 Meadow 2 @ $25. Towle, Marie G. 4100. 84.87 House $2500, barn and cottage $600, land 4% @ $1000. Underwood, Howard C. 300. 6.21 Land 1-3 @ $300. Viles, Henry F. 100. 2.07 Meadow 5% @ $100. Varney, Louis C. 600. 12.42 Land and wood, 4% $600. Vose, Ada A. 125. 2.59 R. meadow 5 $125. Wayland Cons. Co., personal $500. 10.35 Other ratable. White, John L. 600. 12.42 • Land 6 @ $600. Warren Rufus 250. 5.18 Warren, Clarence 1025. 21.22 Cottage $200, stable $25, woodland 2 @ $300, R. meadow 12 $200, woodland 7, $300. Weston, Water Co., personal $5000. 103.50 Other ratable $5000. Western Union Tel. & Tel. Co., personal 47. .97 Other ratable $47. Whitemore, William 25. .52 252

"Real Est. Tax Meadow 2 @ $25. Wilson, Angelin 1250. 25.88 Land 15 @ $1000, meadow 22, $250. Williams, Arthur A. 50. 1.04 Lot 68 C. P., 5000 ft. $50. Woodward, Edgar M. 300. 6.21 Cottage $20C, land *4 $100. Wood, George H. 1875. 38.81 House $1800, other bid. $75, land 1-3 @ $200. Lico, Krato 2900. 60.03 Store $2500, lots 206-207-208 W. M., 12,021 ft. $400. Worthington, John W. 32,000. 662.40

House $20,000, tower $500, stable 4000 i 9 @ 7500. Beebe, Charles C. E. Sohier W. Gdv., personal $2790. 45,175. 992.87 2 horses $400, pony $50, 12 cows $1300, bull $40, other ratable $500, house $3500, house $4500, barn $8000, other bid. $2500, house and shed $5000, barn $1000, hen house $75, land $124 @ $18,600. 5V2 @ $2000. Schneider, Peter P. 1700. 35.19 Schneider, Peter P. 1000. 20 70 Pasture 10 @ $1000. 1-3 house 500. 1-2 @ 200. WAYLAND MANOR Atkinson, Gwendolyn $300. $4.14 Cottage $100, lots 259-260, 4035 ft. $200. Atkinson, Laura, lot 261, 2012 ft. 50. 1.04 Armstrond, Thomas R. 1100. 22.77 Cottage $800, lots 183 to 185, 6009 ft. $1100. Bernerth, Florence 700. 14.49 Cottage $500, lots 63-64-65, 4000 ft. $200. Connors, Harriett 1050. 21.74 Cottage $800, lots 215-216, 4000 ft. $250. Churchill, Charles E. 850. 17.60 Cottage $600, lots 153-154, 2340 ft. $250. Cola, Walter & Beatrice 1150. 23.81 Cottage $800, garage $100, lots 116-117, 4000 ft. $250.

Cooper, Harriet M., lots 36-37, 4008 ft. 150. 3.11 Clark, Helen 3000. 62.10 Cottage $2000, garage $250, lots 48 to 51, 253

Real Est. Tax

6000 ft. $450, lots 53 to 55, 11,075 ft.

Condon. Frank P. 950. 19.67 Cottage $600, lots 52-52a, 4000 ft. $350. Dorthey, James C. 50. 1.04 Lots 264-265, 4000 ft. $50. Fisher, Robert 1250. 25.88 Cottage $500, cottage $400', lots 236-237, 4,560 for $250, lot 297, $100. Parker, Frank J. 700. 14.49 Cottage $500, lots 238-239, 4620 ft. $200. Lots 238-239, 4620 ft. $200. Friendson, Harry 600. 12.42 Cottage $400, lots 132-133, 4000 ft. $200. Friendson, Morris 200. 4.14 Lots 130-131, 4000 ft. $200. Gorham, Arthur 750. 15.52 Cottage $500, lot 38-39, 4800 ft. $270. Glynn, Nelley 850. 17.60 Cottage, $600, lots V2 291-292, 2750 ft. $250. Hollings, Alfred E. 200. 4.14 Lots 234-235, 4560 ft. $200. Holbrook, James F. 1000. 20.70 Cottage $800, lots 231-232, 4400 ft. $200. Heath, John E. 775. 16.04 Cottage. $600, lot 57, 1740 ft. 175. Houghton, Everett L. 1200. 24.84 Cottage $900, lots 110-111, 5000 ft. $300. Long, John J. 800. 16.56 Cottage $400, lot 296, $100, lots 243- 244 y2 245, 6000 ft. $300. Meehan, Josephine 125. 2.59 Lot 287, 4200 ft. $125. Meiers, Walter M. 1000. 20.70 Cottage $800, lots 285-286, 3000 ft. $200. Mitchell, Oliver 150. 3.11 Lots 241-242, 7000 ft. $150.

McGlynn, John J. - 125. 2.59 Cottage $50, lots 266-267-262-263, 7700 ft. $75. Nixon, Cecelia F. 775. 16.04 Cottage $600, lot 56, 4000 ft. $175.

Peck, J. W. 700. 14.97 Cottage $500, lots 161-162, 5000 ft. $200. Pettee, Susan E. 200. 4.14 Lots 229-230, 4380 ft. $200. 254

Re*u Est. Tax

Priest, Everett C. 125. 2.59 Lot 289, 3600 ft. $125. Piper, Charles L. 475. 9.83 Cottage $400, lot 269, 200 ft. $75. Piper, Rosco G. 550. 11.39 Cottage $350, lots 298 to 302, $200. Richard, M. L. Lot 268, 2000 ft. $25. Sherman, William H. 250. 5.18 Sherman, Jannette M. 900. 18.63 Cottage $600. lots 224-225-226-, 6300 ft. $300. Stewart, Donald R. 200. 4.14 Cottage $100, lot 284, 2000 ft. $100. Kerrissey, Thomas F. 600. 12.42 Cottage $350, lots 58-59, 4500 ft. $250. White, James C. 150. 3.11 Lots 95-96, 4000 ft. $150. White, William W. 150. 3.11 Lots 93-94, 4000 ft. $150. Thomas, Richard 75. 1.55 Lot 81, 2000 ft. $75. Young, E. Gertrude 450. Lots 60-61-62-63, 8000 ft. $450. Silvia, Charles R. 800. 16.56 Cottage $600, lots 290, V2 291, 4890 ft. $200. Brown, Arthur, Trustee 650. 13.46 Cottage $550, lot 151, 1700 ft. $100. 475. 9.83 Cottage $350, lot 288, 3000 ft. $125. 1400. 28.98 2 cottages, $800, lots 251 to 255, 10964 ft. $600 1500. 31.05 Vacant land 9 acres.

$11675. $240.67

WOODLAND PARK. • Abbott, Alvin B. $400. $8.28 Cottage $300, lots 332-333, 4095 ft. $100. Abbott, Rose 650. 13.46 Cottage $500, lots 751 to 753, 4700 ft. $150. Anastasia, Nancy G. 700. 14.49 Cottage $500, lots 72-73, 4000 ft. $200. Bacon, Harry L. 400. 8.28 Lots 575-578, 8300 ft. $400. Bagnal, Lucy R. 300. 6.21 Cottage $150, lot 660, 3090 ft. $150. Barletto, Frank A. 200. 4.14 1


Real Est. Tax

Cottage $50, lots 38b-387-388, $150. Beadle, Adelia M. 1000. 20.70 Cottage $600, cottage $200, lots 696-697-698, i ionn -Pf ZUU. Brown, Alice M. 370. 7.76 (tart QA1 +^ 9A ^ Q7/IO -P+ conn L-ottage $wo, lots Zi>i tx) zud, o/4z it. $ouu.

T» n ij All, L. T HA A Benneld, Albert J. 600. 12.42 conn oon oqi qcao

1ZO < Z It. ouu. Davis, Harry 600. 12.42 Cottage J?40U, lot I6A-166, bOUb It. $ZUU. Dwight, Elmer E. 450. 9.32 Lottage 4> «j>/zo-

"Real Est. Tax

Sabuck, Anthony H. 200. 4 14 Lots 566-567, 5150 ft. $200. Frieburg, Morris A. 1100. 99 77 Cottage $600, lots 144 to 165, 59875 ft. $500. Foley, Thomas A. 400. Lots 87 to 91, 10,000 ft. $400. Freda, Anthony 600. 12.42 Cottage $500, lots 23-24, 6940 ft. $100. Perry, Isabella 1100. 22.77 Sub Div. Cottage, $800, lots 933-934-935, 4700 ft. $3C0. Guay, Silva 1175. 24.32O A Of* Cottage $800, lots 13-14-15, 6885 ft. $375. Holbrook, James A. 250. 5.18 Cottage $50, lots 367-368, 6700 ft. $200. Holt, Richard H. 800. lO.OD Cottage $500, lots 59-60, $200, lot 8-9, $100, 7352 ft. Hughes, Alfred W. 400. 8.28 Lots 789 to 792, 7869 ft. $400. Hughes, Elizabeth 300. 6.21

Lots 793 to 795 6670 ft. $300. , Isaac Soloman 200. 4.14 Lots 296-297, 3390 ft. $200. Keene, Sophia 1250. 25.88 Cottage $100, lots 763-764-784-785, 8967 ft. $500. Cottage $400, lots 537-538, 4780 ft. $250. Keean, Michael H. ^150. 3.11 Lots 768-769, 9030 ft. $150. Kerrigan, John J. 1700. 35.19 Cottage $700, lots 16 to 20, 12,150 ft. $400. Cottage $600. Larson, Henry J. 300. 6.21 Lots 253-254-294-295, 6980 ft. $300. Loonier, Hemy M. 1000 20.70 Cottage $150, lots 895 to 906, 909-930, 9959 ft. $850. Lowney, Charles F. 700. 14.49 Cottage $400, lots 21-22, 6295 ft. $300. Lyons, Mary J. 300. 6.21 Lots 635-636-637, 8670 ft. $300. Lindgren, Arthur F. 1600. 32.12 Cottage $1200, lots 629-630, 4905 ft. $400. Lawley, J. E. 200. 4.14 Lots 251-252, 3740 ft. $200. Lyle, C. E. 250. 5.18 Lots 647 to 650, 18,100 ft. $250. 257

Real Est. Tax

Mather, Walter I. 300. 6.21 Lots 93-94-95, 8793 ft. $300. McGowell, Irene 200. 4.14 Lots 499-500, 4800 ft. $200. Merritt, Mary G. 150. 3.11 Lots 266-267, 1800 ft. $150. Moorehouse, Alice H. 500. 10.35 Lots 377-381, 12,360 ft. $50 ». Murphy, Thomas F. 300. 6.21 Lots 532-533, 5960 ft. $300. McNealev, A. F. 300. 6.21 Lots 44-45, 8300 ft. $300. Miller, Harry 1400. 28.98 Cottage $1200, lots 304-305, 3800 ft. $200. Norcross, Lerov E. 300. 6.21 Lot 406-407, 5960 ft. $300. Nutile, Frank 300. 6.21 Lot 831-833, 7496 ft. $300. O'Connor, John J. 550. 11.39 Cottage $400, lot 265, 1140 ft. $150. O'Brien, Walter E. 250. 5.18 Lots 181 to 183, 6000 ft. $250. Odell, W. M. 800. 16.56 Lots 614-615, 4800 ft. $500. Lot 616-619, 9600 ft. $300. Rogers, Jennie 300. 6.21 Lot 656-657-658, 6000 ft. $300. Raymond, Harry E. 500. 10.35 Cottage, $400, lot 405, 2660 ft. $100. Ross. John W. 300. 6.21 Cottage $100, lots 361-362, 5090 ft. $200. Rochan, A. L. 200. 4.14 Lot 643-644, 4900 ft. $200. Tooliam. Sadie 300. 6.21 Lot 786-787-788, 6792 ft. $300.' Schaule, Cathorin 500. 10.35 Cottage S200, lot 270-274-275, 4630 ft. S300. Shaw, John M. 600. 12.42 Cottage $400, lot 678-679, 4000 ft. $200. Smith, Edna C. 250. 5.18 Lots 300-301. 3850 ft. $250. Strauf, Stephen F. 300. 6.21 Lots 655-656-657, 12,450 ft. $300. Squire, William M. 250. 5.18 Lots 46 to 49, 6400 ft. $250. Swain. Charles B. 900. 18.63 Cottage $400, lots 96 to 104, 26,379 ft. S500. 258

Real Est. Tax

Shaw, Malcomb 2000. 41.40 Cottage $500, cottage $1000, lots 327-329, 51,085 ft. $500. Shurman, F. E. 400. 8.28 Lots 408-409, 4000 ft. $400. Tobin, James F. 1400. 28.98 Cottage $1000, lots 41-42-43, 15,600 ft. $400. Wallie, Jessie L. 150. 3.11 Lots 410-411, 5548 ft. $150. Webster, Mildred 2250. 46.58 Cottage $1200, lots 246-247-248, 8470 ft. $250. Lots 249-250, 3700 ft. $500. Lots 571-574, 9100 ft. $300.

White, Charles R ; 1200. 24.84 Cottage $1000, lot 695, 3870 ft. $200. Welch, Ethel M. 300. 6.21 Lot 129 to 132, 6000 ft. $300. Wedge, Everitt E. 500. 10.35 Cottage $300, lots 741-742, 6729 ft. $200. Yenell, Ceciel L. 1400. 28.98 House $800, lots 347 to 350-579-582, 16,000 ft. $600. Viol, G. 200. 4.14 Lots 968-969, 4000 ft. $200. Stackpole, John F., Trustee 7200. 149.05 Cottage $100, lot 323-326, 5200 ft. $400. Cottage $800, lots 298-299, 2970 ft. $300. Cottage $800, lot 373-376, 5480 ft. $300. Lots 563-567, 7330 ft. $300. Cottage $100, lots 664-665, 4000 ft. $200, 3 cottages $300, lots 669 to 675, 17,483 ft. $700. 2 cottages $300, lots 680 to 685, 20,000 ft. $450. Cottage $400, lot 699 to 702, 12,038 ft. $400. Cottage $300, lot 710-711, 5600 ft. $150. Cottage $300, lots 717-718, 4000 ft. $150. Cottage $300, lots 724-725, 4927 ft. $150. Stackpole, John F. 1800. 37.26

Mulligan, Henry C. 22,925 474.60 Lots 68-69-70, 6000 ft. $225. Lots 50-56, 12,600 ft. $500. Cottage $800, lots 74 to 86, 28,000 ft. $1000. Lots 105-107, 8793 ft. $150. Lots 121-128, 13,966 ft. $200. Lot 133-143, 20,497 ft. $275. Lots 166-180, 39,050 ft. $375. Lots 184-200, 37,934 ft. $425. Lots 206-245, 162,240 ft. $1000. 2 cottages $1200, lots 255-264, 10,580 ft. $400. Lots 268-269, 1860 ft. $150. 259

Real Est. Tax

2 cottages $400, lots 276-291, 35,900 ft. 600. Cottage $1000, lots 302-303, 5030 ft. $150. Cottage $800, lots 306-313, 18,455 ft. $525. Cottage $500, lots 317-322, 9945 ft. $400. Lots 334-345, 30,250 ft. $300. Lots 347-358, 31,252 ft. $275. ' 2 cottages $450, lots 369-372, 14,510 ft. $600. Cottage $600, lots 382-383, 9510 ft. $150. Cottage $100, lots 391-404, 40,934 ft. $450. Lots 412-498. 223,620 ft. $2000. Lot 501-531, 80,260 ft. $700. Lots 534-536, 8680 ft. $75. Lots 539-5(52, 60,898 ft. $600. Lots 568-570, 7350 ft. $75. Lots 583-613, 77,475 ft. $700. Lots 620-628, 25.158 ft. $200. Lots 631-634, 9905 ft. $100. Cottage $600, lots 639-642, 11.450 ft. $200. Lots 645-646, 5256 ft. $50. Lots 651-652, 5390 ft. $50. Lots 661-663, 6730 ft. $75. Lots 686-689, 8000 ft. $100. Lots 703-709, 19,600 ft. $275. Lots 712-716, 10,000 ft. $125. Lots 719-723, 11,556 ft. $100. Lots 728-731, 11,014 ft. $100. Lots 743-746, 11,175 ft. $100. Lots 754-755, 3400 ft. $50. Lots 761-762, 4180 ft. $50. Lots 765-767, 7170 ft. $75. Lots 779-830, 77,785 ft. $800. Lots 834-858, 55,000 ft. ,625. Lots 861-862, 6165 ft. $50. Lots 865-866, 5320 ft. $50. Lots 869-870-936-967, 74,400 ft. $350. Lots 875-876-931-932, 17,300 ft. $100. Lots 879-880-907-908, 16,720 ft. $100. Cottage $150, lots 883-884-887-888, 12,080 ft. $250. Lots 891-892, 4010 ft. $50. Brown, D. Arthur, Trustee 3925 81.25 4 cottages $400, lots 109-120, 34,775 ft. $350. Cottage $150, lots 314-316, 4404 ft. $75. Cottage $150, lots 859-860, 6485 ft. $150. Cottage $150. lots 863-864, 5700 ft. $150. Lots 867-868, 5640 ft. $50. 2 cottages $600, lots 871-874, 9740 ft. $300. Cottage $150, lots 877-878, 4370 ft. $150. Cottage $150, lots 881-882, 6690 ft. $50. Cottage $150, lots 885-886, 6580 ft. $150. Cottage $150, lots 889-890, 4460 ft. $150. Cottage $150, lots 839-894, 3930 ft. $150. 260

Real Est. Tax SHERMAN'S BRIDGE Bates, Sarah P. $1400. $28.98 Cottage $800, land 3 @ $600. Coan, Jennie F. 900. 18.63 Cottage and shed $650, land 1 @ $250. French, Francis W. 700. 14.49 Cottage $300, land % @ $400. Hill, George A. 1250. 25.88 Cottage $500, cottage $250, land 6 @ $500. SoiltllPT* (tPOTP*P kJV/UlllVJ. j VlVUlgv 750. 15.52 Cottage $500, land 1 @ $250. erry, Carl 250. 5.18 Land 1 @ $250. Harty, Michael J. 1050/ 21.74 Cottage $700, stable $50, land 2 1-16 @ $300. Wolfer, Frederick 900. 18.63 Cottage $500, land 2 @ $400. BEACHWOOD POINT. Watt Thomas A $700. $14.49 Cottae-e $500 lots 9-3 4530 ft $200 Stevens, Florence R. A 14 Lot 8 2360 ft $200 Deuckering, Florence R. 10UU. ol.UD Cnttap-p $500 lots 15-18 72-73 90 425 ft. $1000. Dowe, Albert F. 1900. 3Q 33 Cottage $1000, garage $100. lots 19-21-24, 18,402 ft. $800. Sherneway, Elizabeth M. 250. 5.18 Lot 30, 4400 ft. $250. Munroe, Frank A. 4000. 82.80 Cottage $2000, lots 34-37, 28,100 ft. $2000. Anderson, Claes 200. 4.14 Lot 9, 2360 ft. $200. Wagner, Thomas G. 600. 12.42 Cottage $500, lot 40, 3100 ft. $100. Perdham, Arthur 200. 4.14 Lot 44, 3600 ft. $200. Widland, Arthur C. 950. 1 Q R7 Cottage $500, lot 48, 2960 ft. $450. Robinson, Walter B. 750. 15.53 Lots 49-54, 6260 ft. $750. Valentine, Algot J. 450. 9.32 Lot 52, 2900 ft. $450.. Graham, William H. 400. 8.28 Lot 55, 4600 ft. $400. 261

Real Est. Tax

Sargent, Albert A. 250. 5.18 Lot 56, 3200 ft. $250. Lowe, Ethel M. 1000. 20.70 Cottage $500, lots 58-59, 5970 ft. $500. Douglas 250. 5.18 Lot 60, 3000 ft. $250. Smith, Hollis B. 1400. 28.98 Cottage $1000, lots 62, Y2 61, 4300 ft. $400. Smith, Charles F. 1150. 23.81 Cottage $1000, lot Y2 61, 1430 ft. $150. ^"clson Pctsr C 700. 14.49 Cottage $500, lot 76, 2060 ft. $200. Thomas, Richard, Jr. 700. 14.49 Cottage $500, lot 81, 2100 ft. $200. Meier, Walter N. 2650. 54.86 Lots 1, 4 to 7, 10 to 14, 20, 25 to 29, 4653Q ft.; lots 31 to 33, 38, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 34370 ft.; lots 53, 57 to 64, 75, 77 to 80, 50952 ft; lots 50, 51, 63, 88 to 100, 48371 ft. Barker 700. 14.49 Lots 82-88, 21.323 ft. $700. SHORE ACRES. Beauparlant, Joseph H. A. $250. $5.18 s Lot 117, 7740 ft. $250. Bucher, Gertrude 1050. 21.74 Cottage $800, lot 7200 ft. $250. Baird, Edwin W. 1000. 20.70 Cottage $500, garage $50, lots 50-52, 17,050 ft. $450. Baldwin, Hannah 100. 2.07 Lot 58, 8000 ft. $100. Barnicoat, Mary A. 1050. 21.74 Cottage $800, lot 92, 9400 ft. $250. Brock, George R. 500. 10.35 Cottage $300, lot 115, 8100 ft. $200. Clapp, Elizabeth B. 1000. 20.70 Cottage $700, lot 90, 10,600 ft. $$00. Conners, Sarah 600. 12.42 Lots 123-125, 24,065, $600 Cowles, Lilian B. 1600. 33.12 Cottage $800, lots V2 99-100-101, 32,350 ft. $500, garage $100, lot 122, 6063 ft. $200. Chapman, Wesley 1400. 28.98 Cottage $800, garage $100, lots 4-5, 24.250 ft. $500. Cutting, J. W. 1000. 20.70 Cottage $700, lots 98, V2 99, 12,140 ft. $300. 26?

- Real Est. Tax

Dixon, Ethel and Emily M. 900. 18.63 Cottage $650, lot 56, 7500 ft. $250. East, Florence E. 1300. 26.91 Cottage" $800, lots 43-44, 14,400 ft. $500. Lawrence, Elizabeth C. 1700. 35.19 Cottage $1200, garage $200, lot 91, 10,000 ft. $300. Lawler, Helen 1050. 21.74 Cottage $800, lot 35, 6500 ft. $250. Malloy, Mary 100. 2.07 Lot 105, 5937 ft. $100. Mazuane, E. 300. 6.21 Lots 63-64, 13,000 ft. $300. Moore, Benjamin G. 1100. 22.77 Cottage $800, loc 11G, 7748 ft. $300. Monahan, J. H. 650. 13.46 Co tage $400, lot 119, 7051 ft. $250. McCormack, Peter 600. 12.42 oouage $oOU, lot 103, 6900 ft. $100. Osquiecher, Austin H. 800. 16.56 cottage *ouo, lot 76, 5390 ft. $200. Stackpole, John L. 200. 4.14 Lot 25, 9640 $200. Sullivan, Jane 800. 16.56 Cottage $600, lot 73, 5300 ft. $200. Shorey, Grace D. 1800. 37.26 Cottage $1500, lot 24, 9700 ft. $300. Sawin, Isabella V. 500. 10.35 Cottage $300, lot 116, 8200 ft. $200. Wilcox, Maud 100. 2.07 Lot 102, 7560 ft. $100. "Ward, Jeanne 1800. 37.26 Cottage $1500, lot 21, 14,000 ft. $300. Brown, D. Arthur, Trustee 800. 16.56 Lots 6 to 20, 151,045 ft.; lots 22-23, 20,400 ft.; lots 26-33, 60,010 ft.; lots 36-42, 44.037 ft.; lots 45-47, 19,700 ft.; cottage $600, lot 49, 5000 ft. $200. Lots 53-54-55, 17,105 ft.; lot 57, 1950 ft.; lots 59 to 62, 41,800 ft.; cottage $500, lots 65-72, 40,000 ft. $800. 1300. 26.91 Cottage $500, lots 74-75, 10,350 ft. $300. 800. 16.56 Cottage $800, lots 79-86, 79250 ft. $500. 1,300. 26.91 Cottage $800, lots 93-97, 49,000 ft. $800. 1600. 33.12 Lot 104, 6300 ft. $100. 100. 2.07 Cottage $500, lots 106-114, 62,369 ft. $800. 1300. 26.91 Cottage $500, lots 120-121, 11,905 $300. 800. 16.56 Lots 126-127, 16,509 $500. 500. 10.35 Vacant land 10 @ 2500. 51.75 2(53

Heal Est. Tax LAKEWOOD Eaton, Charles H. $250, $5.18 Cottage $100, lot 9, 8022 ft. $150. Brown, D. Arthur 2200. 45.54 Five cottages $500, lots 1 to 8, 10 to 52, 10 @ $1700. CASTLE GATE NORTH Mulligan, Henry C . 1650. $34.16 Lot 19, 11,623 ft. $200; lots 49-57, 53,513 ft. $400, lots 60-81, $192,639 ft. $1050. Brown, D. Arthur, Trustee. 3 cottages $2800, lots 1 to 18, 133,859 ft. $900. 3700. 76.59 4 cottages $450, lots 20-30, 66,390 ft. $500. 950. 19.67 2 cottages $200, lots 32-48, 113,483 ft. $800. 1000. 20.70 Cottage $100, lots 58-59, 12,038 ft. $100. 200. 4.14 Cottage $200, lots 82-85, 15,475 ft. $200. 400. 8.28 4 cottages $600, lots 95-119, 192,138 ft. $1250. 1850. 38.30 Cottage $300, lot 122-127, 56,006 ft. $300. 600. 12.42 Cottage $150, lot 131-141, 69,288 ft. $500. 650. 13.46 __Cottage $700, lot 148-156, 70,300 ft. $400. 1100. 22.77 Thompson, George W. 300. 6.21 Cottage $100, lot 31, 5925 ft. $200. James, Lewis C. 1600. 33.12 Cottage $600. garage $100, lots 86-87- 88, 24,300 ft. $500, lots 93-94, 10,750 ft. $400. Harris, William O. 1100. 22.77 Cottage $400, lot 89-90, 10,925 ft. $400, lot 92, 6400 ft. $300. Hosmer, Grace W. 900. 18.63 Cottage $500, garage $100, lot 91, 7100 ft. $300. Pratt, Lewis 900. 18.63 Cottage $700, lot 121, 5632 ft. $200. Reiner, Jacob 900. 18.63 Cottage $700, lot 120, 4954 ft. $200. Gylling, Ethel K. H. 800. 16.56 Lots 128-130, 24,200 ft. $300, lot 142-147, 32,837 ft. $500. CASTLE GATE SOUTH Brown, D .Arthur, Trustee $2850. $59.00 2 cottages $1400, lots 1 to 29, 335,310 ft. $1450. Lot 33-39, 52,717 ft. $350. 350. 7.25 Cottage $600, lots 42-54, 97,906 ft. $650. 1250. 25.88 Cottage $800, lot 56-59, 40,190 ft. $200. 1000. 20.70 264

Real Est. Tax Lot 61-62, 18,725 ft. $200. 200. - 4.14 Cottage $600, lot 64-73, 9212 ft. $500. Cottages $1500, garage $200. 2800. 57.96 Cottage $1200, cottage $1200, lots 86-92, 80,052 ft. QQ $350. a I OU. Cottage $800, lots 94 to 108, 109,856 ft. $750. 1550. 32.09 Lot 111, 6425 ft. $200. 200. A 14. Cottage $1200, lot 77; 5733 ft. $300. 1500.' 31.05 Lyons, Walter E., lot 30, 7500 ft. 200. 4.14 Shaw, Christia, lots 31-32, 15,000 ft. 400. 8.28 Peters, Nettie D. 1300. 26.91 Cottage $800, lots 40-41, 15,000 ft. $500. Cullin, Thomas J., lot 55, 7882 ft. 300. 6.21 Ward, James E. & Colman Vernon Co. 1950. 40.37 Cottage $800, cottage $600, garage $150, lot 60, 13,237 ft. $400. Schmeltz, Sophia E. 350. 7.25 Lot 63, 10,970 ft. $350. Horton, Herbert 1600. 33.12 Cottage $1200, lots 74, V2 75, 11,345 ft. $400. Schreck, Charles J. 1600. 33.12 Cottage $1200, lot 76, V2 75, 10,020 ft. $400. Sidelinger, W. G. & Ethel M. 1800. 37.26 Cottage $1500, lot 78, 6504 ft. $300. Buckman, Ward C, lots 79-80, 14,437 ft. 400. 8.28 McCall, Chester W., lot 81, 6833 ft. 300. 6.21 Fogg, Mary A., lot 82, 9050 ft. 300. 6.21 King, Clifford E. 1700. 35.19 Cottage $1200, lot 83-84, 16,387 ft. $500. Roche & Feeney, lot 85, 10,950 ft. 350. 7.25 Leary, Melvin L., lot 93, 8086 ft. 300. 6.21 Dorcy, C. & Newell, Jane 400. 8.28 Lots 109-110, 11,775 ft. $400. EXEMPT CHURCH PROPERTY Unitarian Church, $6000, lot % @ $1500. $7500. Evangelical Trinitarian Church, $5500, lot y2 @ 800. 6300. Methodist Episcopal Church, $6000, lot Y2 @ 1000. 7000. St. Ann's Catholic Church, $15,000, lot 1 @ 1500. 16,500 00 St. Zepherins Catholic Church, $7200, lot % @ 500. 7700. St. Zepherin's Storage House, $200. Cemetery, 5 4-16 @ $540. 740. TOWN PROPERTY Center High School, $20,000, lot % @ $1000. $21,000. 265

Real Est. Tax

Cochituate Brick School, $30^000, lot & @ 1500. 31,500. Town Hall, $12,000, lot Y2 @ 1000. 13,000. Library Bldg., $28,000, lot 1 @ 600. 28,600 Engine House, $1000, lot % @ 300. 1300. Lockup, $100 100. Furniture, $200. 200. Fire Apparatus, $3000. 3000. Hay Scales, 2 sets, $600. 600. L.braiy Books & Cr., $10,000 10,000. Town Hall Books, $200. 200. Road Scraper, $200. 200. Snow Plow, $100. 100. Spraying Machine, $400. - 400. North Cemetery, 10 @ 1000. Center Cemetery, 3 @ 500. Lakeview Cemetery, 8 @ 250. Vvater Works 30,000. Gravel Banks 1600. Playground 4 6-10 @ 4000.

RATE PER $1000 $20.70 Soldier, Poll Exempt S. W. Soldier Spanish War, $3 on poll exempt. W. unmarried woman, exempt if value does not exceed $1000 C. P. Cochituate Park N. M. Wayland Manor (V. P. Woodland Park C. G. N. Castlegate North Section C. G. S Castlegate South Section & A., Shore Acres Civil War veterans are exempt on property $1000 and some- times $2000 if property does not exceed $5000.

Respectfully submitted,



Annual Town Meeting 1921 11

1920. . 17 Annual Town Meeting | Assessors Report 65 121 Auditor's Report \

Board of Health • • 108 Cemetery Commissioners Report 9?

• • Fire Engineers Report . 101 Finance Committee Report 62

Highway Surveyor , 135 Library

Trustees ...... / 125 Treasurer 12;

Librarian > . 131 Moth Superintendent 96

Overseers of Poor , 95

Officers . , • • 5 Police 107 Result of Vote of Town Election 41 Special Town Meetings 30 Selectmen 59 Sinking Fund Commissioners 132 t Sealer of Weights and Measures 120 Schools Committee's Report 158 Superintendent's Report 160 Financial Report 161 High School Principal 174 School Physician 186

•• Cooking Class , 177 1


Tax Collector • 67 Town Clerk's Report Births 52 Deaths 5? License 58 Dog t

Marriages • • • 5

Tree Warden 13 4-

Trec c urers Rep ^r: 70 Water Department Commissioners 110

Clerk .. 11?

Superintendent , 114 r Valuation List 193

Town of Wayland Official reports 1919 - 1920

2 8 0 7 JUL 29 6 8