MM * I II 1 11 1 11HI1 H 1 If! 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 11 i 1 111 1 11 LI ! i gj ^ OFFICIAL REPORTS OF THE I TOWN OF WAYLAND I FOR ITS One Hundred and Forty-First Municipal Year FROM JANUARY 1, 1920 TO JANUARY 1, 1921 WITH VALUATION LIST FOR 1920 Natick, Mass. press of the natick bulletin 1920 - ' .. , .. l |M|M|l l . l .. .. .. l . ., .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. | | i 1 4..I |M|nl | | | i i | n i | i | i. »M l I I I I l I.44"I»I»I"M l M-l-XMl fr OFFICIAL REPORTS OF THE TOWN OF WAYLAND FOR ITS One Hundred and Forty-First Municipal Year FROM JANUARY 1, 1920 TO JANUARY 1, 1921 WITH VALUATION LIST FOR 1920 Natick, Mass. press of the natick bulletin 192 1 5 TOWN CLERKS REPORT OFFICERS OF THE TOWN OF WAYLAND 1920—1921 Term Expires Moderator EDMUND H. SEARS 1921 Town Clerk WARREN L. BISHOP 1921 Selectmen CHARLES A. BENSON 1921 NAPOLEON PERODEAU 1921 WILLIAM J. SCOTLAND 1921 Treasurer FRANK E. YEAGER 1921 Collector of Taxes LESTER R. GERALD 1921 Auditor JAMES H. CARROLL 1921 Treasurer of Library Funds FRANCIS SHAW 1921 Overseers of the Poor WALTER S- BIGWOOD 1921 HOWARD C. HAYNES 1922 THOMAS W. FROST 1923 0 School Committee RICHARD AMES 1921 ERNEST E. SPARKS 1922 LLEWELLYN MILLS 1923 Assessors ALFRED A. CARTER 1921 DANIEL A. BRACKETT 1922 NATHANIEL R. GERALD 1923 Water Commissioners JAMES C McKAY 1921 CLARENCE S. WILLIAMS 1922 HENRY G. DUDLEY 1923 Trustees of Public Library JOHN CONNELLY 1921 AMOS I. HADLEY 1921 LESTER R. GERALD 1922 RICHARD AMES 1922 ALFRED W. CUTTING 1923 FRANCIS SHAW 1923 Sinking Fund Commissioners JOHN CONNOLLY 1921 WALTER B. HENDERSON 1921 CHESTER B. WILLIAMS 1921 Cemetery Commissioners COLON G WARD 1921 WILLIAM REED, 2nd 1922 WALLACE S. DRAPER 1923 Tree Warden FRANK F. AMES 1921 Surveyor of Highways CHARLES W. FAIRBANK 1921 7 Board of Health THOMAS J. DOWEY 1921 JOHN L. CORCORAN 1922 WALDO L. LAWRENCE 1923 Constables EDWARD F. DORSHEIMER 1921 CHARLES F. DUSSEAULT 1921 CARL F. LINBOHM 1921 JOHN E. LINNEHAN 1921 HARRY W. CRAIG 1921 WILLIAM MORRISSEY 1921 THOMAS F. MAYNARD 1921 Trustees of Allen Fund ISAAC DAMON 1921 JOHN CONNELLY 1921 WALTER B. HENDERSON 1921 Fence Viewers SELECTMEN 1921 Field Drivers CONSTABLES 1921 Surveyors of Lumber FRANK HAYNES 1921 ISRAEL A. LUPIEN 1921 Measurers of Wood and Bark ISRAEL A. LUPIEN 1921 ARTHUR F. MARSTON 1921 WLLIAM S. LOVELL 1921 Memorial Day Committee IRVING SCHLEICHER 1921 MARCUS M. FISKE 192 L WILLIAM NOLAN 1921 8 AMEDIE PERODEAU 1921 JAMES I. BRYDEN 19 *t THOMAS W. FROST 19:il ROBERT S. STEARNS 1921 FRANK BURKE 1921 Inspector of Animals FRANK BIGWOOD 1921 Burial Agent MARCUS M. FISKE 1921 Fire Warden HOWARD C. HAYNES 1921 Superintendent Gypsy and Brown Tail Moth DANIEL J. GRAHAM 1921 Sealer of Weights and Measures ALBERT B- MARCHARD 1921 Janitor of Town Hall J. CHARLES VINCENT 1921 Chief of Police EDWARD F. DORSHEIMER 1921 Public Weighers JAMES McKAY 1921 ARTHUR W. ATWOOD 1921 Finance Committee WILLIAM S. LOVELL 1921 FRANK I. COOPER 1921 FRANK E. DAVIS 1921 ERNEST F. LAWRENCE 1921 GEORGE W. BISHOP 1921 REGISTRARS OF VOTERS EDWARD F. LEE, Republican 1923 WARREN L. BISHOP, Republican 1921 9 MEDDIE H. RASICOT, Democratic 1921 JOSEPH W. ZINNERMAN, Democratic 1922 Engineers of the Fire Department EDWARD F. DORSHEIMER 1921 CHARLES H. McGUIRE 1921 WILLIAM STEARXS 1921 HOWARD G HAYNES 1921 ALFRED A. LAMARIXE 1921 Election Officers Precinct 1 JAMES I. BRYDEX, Warden August 1921 WILLIAM STEARXS, clerk PHILIP S. IDE JAMES LINXEHAX JOHN E. DOLAN JOHN F. CUMMINGS AMY F. HASKINS MABEL T. S. SMALL Substitutes JOSEPH DECATUR August 1921 HARRY O'BRIEN JAMES BOLTON JAMES J. BOLTON Precinct 2 ALBERT MARCHARD, Warden August 1921 ALVIN NEAL, Clerk JOHN F. FOLEY BENJAMIN W. DAMON WILLIAM MORRISEY WILLIAM CORCORAN MARGARET F. CARROLL INA A. SMITH 10 Substitutes JOHN O'ROURKE LEON GLADU Pound Keeper ALEXANDER SAUER Dog Officer EDWARD F. DORSHEIMER : 11 WARRANT FOR ANNUAL TOWN MEETING COMMONW EALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. To either of the Constables of the Town of Wayland in said County : * j Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth you are required to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Town qualified to vote, in town elections to meet at their respective polling places on MONDAY, MARCH 7th, 1921 at six o'clock in the forenoon, there and then to bring in their ballots for a Moderator, a Town Clerk, three Selectmen, a Treasurer, a Collector of Taxes, an Auditor, a Surveyor of Highways, a Tree Warden, and seven Constables, all for one year. One member of the School Committee, one Sinking Fund Commissioner, one Cemetery Commissioner, two trustees of Public Library, one Overseer of Poor, one Assessor, one member of Board of Health, one Water Commissioner, all for three years. Also to vote ''Yes" or "No" upon the question "Shall licenses be granted for the sale of certain non-intoxicating beverages in this town?" All the foregoing to be voted on the official ballot. The : 12 polls will be open at 6.15 o'clock in the forenoon and will remain continuously open for at least four hours, when they may be closed unless the voters otherwise order. And you are required to notify and warn the inhabitants of said town qualified to vote in town affairs to meet at the Town Hall on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9th, 1921 AT 7.45 P. M. then and there to act on the following articles Article 1. To hear the reports of town officers, agents, and committees and act thereon. Article 2. To choose all necessary officers, agents, and committees not elected by official ballot. Article 3. To grant money for all necessary town pur- poses. Atticle 4. To authorize the Selectmen to consult coun- sel on important town cases and to defend the town against any action at law or suit in equity that may be brought against it. Article 5. To appropriate the money received from Dog licenses. Article G. To see if the, town will vote to authorize the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money in anticipation of the revenue of the current financial year. Article 7. To see if the Town will appropriate and assess a sum not exceeding $1500.00 for painting the school houses in Wayland and in Cochituate, and for wiring and installing electric lights in the Wayland School house, or do or act. Article, 8. To see if the Town will appropriate and 13 assess a sum not exceeding $T5.00 for installing electric lights at Shore Acres, so called, or do or act. Article 9. To see if the Town will appropriate and assess a sum of money for the purpose of installing electric lights on Rice Road between the residence of Alexander Sauer and Old Connecticut Path, or do or act. Article 10. To see if the Town will vote to pay all town laborers $4.00 per day or otherwise act. Article 11. To see if the Town will vote to pay $4.00 per day for a two horse team or otherwise act. Article 12. To see what action the Town will take in regard to appropriating $600.00 for repairs on Pelham Is- land Road and Culverts. Article 13. To see if the Town will vote to purchase a piece of land of Mrs. L. S. Hanna for gravel purposes, the land alone for $400.00 or with the wood for $500.00 or do or act. Article 14. To consider and vote by ballot upon the question, shall Sections One to Nine, inclusive, of Chapter For- ty-five of the General Laws, authorizing cities and towns to lay out public parks within their limits be accepted. Article 15. To see if the Town will elect a Board of three Park Commissioners and prescribe their terms of office or otherwise do or act. Article 16. To see if the Town will vote to give to the Board of Park Commissioners the authority to exercise the powers and rights of the Town as to public playgrounds. Article 17. To see if the Town will accept the gift of the whole or any part of the real estate described in deed of Jonathan M. Parmenter to Edwin Farnham Greene and Ed- mund H. Sears, dated December 28, 1910 and recorded with 14 Middlesex South District Deeds, Book 3811, page 216 and shown on plan 50, Book of Plans '21') in said Deeds upon certain trusts set forth in Declaration of Trust, dated July 17, 1911 and recorded with said deeds, Book 3645, page 206, and will authorize the Selectmen to accept a deed or deeds of said real estate, or any part or parts thereof with such restrictions and upon such trusts as to the Selectmen seem proper or do or act. Article 18. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate and assess the sum of $500.00 to repair sidewalk on Westerly side of Cochituate Road from B. & M. R. R. to beyond School Buildings. Article 19. To see if the town will vote to install a hydrant near the residence of Charles S. Wright and appro- priate money for the same. Article 20. To see if the Town will appropriate and assess a sum not exceeding $500.00 for the purchase of new hose for the Fire Department. Article 21. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate and assess the sum of $700.00 to build a retaining wall on the easterly side of Pemberton Road near the residence of Isa- belle C.
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