- and Parish Council Minutes ONLINE 8 March 2021 Meeting opened at 7:30pm and closed at 8.10pm

Email: [email protected] Website: www.salfordsandsidlowpc.org.uk

Councillors (Cllrs) present: Apologies: Attending: Cllr James Allen (JAll) 2members of public Cllr Jim Blackmore (JB) Cllr Martin Burton (MB) Cllr Wayne Clarke (WC) Chairman Apologies Cllr Caroline Clarke (CC) Dave Brown Cllr Paul Edwards (PE) Cllr Mark Lodge (ML) Cllr Stephen Rolph (SR) In attendance: Claire Minter (CM), Clerk

Ref Agenda item Who 21/03-001 To receive apologies for Absence. WC welcomed Councillors and residents to the meeting

Dave Brown sent apologies of absence.

21/03-002 Declarations of Interest and dispensations There were no declarations of interest.

21/03-003 Public Notices - Councillors Surgery on Zoom – Friday 8 March 2021 – 19:00 – 19:30hrs - Parish Council Meeting on Zoom – Monday 11 March 2021 at 19:30hrs

21/03-004 Public Question Period WC welcomed residents Sue W and Ian H and thanked them for their time and efforts to clear up the footpath leading from the A23 to the Train Station.

A resident asked if the Council had an update on the 2020/2074 - Sawmills, Green Lane, Outwood application. WC confirmed that S&SPC objected sending a detailed response. R&BBC had also been contacted and were proposing to respond. Nothing further had been received to date.

21/03-005 To confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on Monday 8 February 2021 The minutes were approved and recorded as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

21/03-006 Planning Applications A Planning Applications

See attached Appendix B – February/ March 2021 Planning List with full


1 March 2021 JB advised 5 of the 8 Councillors attended the Councillor surgery on Friday 5 March when all planning applications were reviewed. He apologised to JA and ML who appeared to be in the ‘waiting room’ but could not get them into the meeting. The Councillors agreed to respond to 3 planning applications with 2 object and 1 no objection with comment.

B Planning decisions made by R&BBC

Refer to Sheet 328 March 2021. There were 4 planning applications: ▪ 2 Approved ▪ 1 refused ▪ 1 No EIA needed


APP/L3625/C/18/3217679 Redhill Aerodrome Ltd The land at Taxiway C/D, R&BBC and RAL have asked the Planning Inspector to defer the date of the Public Inquiry for the enforcement notice above. This is because both parties have been in discussion and have come to an agreement with planning application 20/01486/CONLA 20/01430/F. New date proposed 25/5/21.

Planning Application 20/01486/CONLA 20/01430/F will be going to the

R&BBC Planning Committee on 18/3/21. It is proposed the Planning

Officer will recommend approval with conditions including one for 85

movements per day.

JB/WC and CM have met with Andrew Benson to review the application.

AB was advised that S&SPC could support the application if an acceptable level of flights and control was agreed with the planning

conditions. But if not S&SPC would have no alternative other than to object. WC and JB highlighted our serious concerns on the high number of

flight movements and making recommendation to reduce the number to a more manageable one that will not have such an impact on our residents.

This was based on historical data and previous request by RAL in their 2016 application where the request for movements was not at 85/ day.

S&SPC recommendation is for a maximum of 6080 movements during the

winter months which would average at 40/ day and with a ceiling max of up to 100 in any one day. R&BBC recommendation was 6800 movements

at 45 movements / day.

Winter months were classed as 5 months from November to March but in recent correspondence Winter is referred to as 6 months from October to

March. This would have an impact on the numbers.

WC and JB advised A Benson it was imperative to have a unilateral undertaking and cap on flight numbers which were acceptable to Salfords.

It was noted RAL were not proposing to use the taxiway in the summer months. It was also important to note there are no conditions on the grass

runway and the taxiway is for Winter use.

A Benson agreed to review all this.

2 March 2021 JB/WC and CM have met with Tony Schofield (R&BBC Councillor) expressing our concerns advising it is imperative S&SPC are supported on any decision that is made.

If the planning application 20/01486/CONLA 20/01430/F is approved the Enforcement Notice Public Inquiry will not be required. It is essential that if the application is approved the number of movements has the least impact to our residents.

Picketts Lane D A large static home was delivered to site on 26/2/21. This was reported to Planning Enforcement immediately. All the caravans and mobile buildings are included within the Enforcement Notice so will be looked at as part of the appeal at the Public Inquiry (14/9/21).

JB stated he believed there was a ‘stop’ notice on the site which would contravene what they were doing. CM agreed to confirm this with Enforcement.


▪ Clerk to respond to3 planning applications with 2 object and 1 no

objection with comment CM ▪ CM to liaise with Planning Enforcement as to whether there is a Stop

notice on site at Picketts Lane which can prevent any further works CM

21/03-007 Meeting Reports 22/02/21 – RAL Overview with A Benson – WC/JB/ CM – Agenda item 23/02/21 – Your Fund meeting – CM 25/02/21 – CAGNE Parish Council Forum – JB 25/02/21 – GATCOM extraordinary meeting – SR 27/02/21 – Food Hygiene meeting with R&BBC - CM 02/03/21 – RAL Overview with Cllr Schofield – WC/JB and CM -Agenda item

A Your Fund Surrey meeting

When making the application it is important to remember it is for capital expenditure – not running costs. There will be further sessions with experts and will cover info such as environmental sustainability, etc. The next stage of the application process is open and Alan Mills, Sustainable Manager at R&BBC, has offered support.

B CAGNE Parish Council Forum

Guest speakers were Green Jobs for the Gatwick Area

Information for the night flight consultation was shared and reminder of the second part for future regime with closing date of 31/5/21

WSCC detailed at GATCOM support for the roll-over of 11,200 and 3,250 flights per season plus dispensations for next 2 years

Gatwick Noise Community Forum (NCF) report was shared. JB of S&SPC (north) and Chris Leyland of Slinfold PC (west) will share the seat.

3 March 2021 The NCF workplan has some interesting elements. The one of concern is a study into how the Secretary of State noise abatement procedure (NAP) at night (arrivals joining the final approach at not less than 10nm being removed without fair say from councils that will be impacted. Noise groups have been speaking on behalf of these councils’ behalf without them having been consulted and they seem to be doing this because councils are members of these noise groups. The study seeks to lift the NAP which is being pushed by the majority of noise groups – some noise groups that had voted in favour of this do not receive arrivals.

JB confirmed that with S&SPC there are various arrivals procedures at Gatwick Airport, NAP flight design below 7,000ft – CDO operations – keeping arrivals high for as long as possible to reduce noise.

The next NCF meeting is 11/5/21.

Workplan from the NMB NEX small working group was shared with only one councillor attending from Wealden and community noise group (east arrivals over East Sussex and Kent resident).

Environmental talk Webinar with international climate change panel on 24/6/21 on 2nd runway at LGW

JB needed to clarify certain aspects of the minutes with CAGNE.

C GATCOM extraordinary meeting

SR stated he was an observer at this meeting as SSPC is not represented at GATCOM even though we are overflown by Gatwick flights. The significant points raised were: -

A comprehensive presentation from Andy Sinclair of GAL setting out current night time flight numbers and all within their quota or limit on these flights.

Ian Green, from the DfT, presented the DfT’s position on night flights. He set out the reasons for night flights are not all are commercial.

The Chair started the debate by indicating that the GATCOM response had to be balanced in acknowledging health risks from interrupted sleep against the economic benefits that the Airport generated.

There was minimal support for wanting total night flight ban whilst some wanted QC2 (Quote Count) category aircraft banned from night flights. Some commented that the majority of night flights are leisure orientated and others gave an example of a recent football special flight that came into Gatwick at around 03.30 am and flew out some 45 minutes later. There were comments about noise interrupting sleep patterns and potential risks to health, whilst others were dismayed that the DfT were proposing another two-year extension to the current night flight regime in effect the airlines have benefitted from the ‘laxity’ of the current arrangements for at least 7 years.

Towards the end of the debate Paula Street, the Deputy Secretary for GATCOM, introduced comments received by her office. One of the 4 March 2021 comments was about greater emphasis on recording high level Single Event Levels of noise as the draft response was rather lacking. Typically noise levels are equated over a 16-hour period so an isolated loud SEL is mathematically ‘smoothed’ down.

SR had submitted a comment on this point to GATCOM but it was ‘formally’ rejected as S&SPC is not represented at GATCOM. However, CM sent the comment to GACC who are on GATCOM and the outcome is an improved Question 7 in the final response which meets the concerns. SR advised the GATCOM response to DfT Night flight consultation was useful.

Food Hygiene meeting with R&BBC

CM undertook a food hygiene survey meeting with R&BBC. The village hall is low risk and 5 stars.

Councillors noted the updates and agreed no further action at this stage.

21/03-008 Salfords Village Hall A Window Grant application

CM advised the Parish Council was not successful in the grant application to Brighter Communities Fund for replacement windows for the village hall.

B Opening up after Lockdown 3

CM confirmed the stages for re-opening of Salfords village hall.

Stage two - No earlier than 12 April:

Libraries and community centres can reopen Gyms and spas can reopen for individuals and households.

Classes at hall which can start: - Baby Sing and Sign/ Household ballroom dancing / kids Martial Arts/ kids dance/ Lucy Raynor Tuesday eve session/ Indian dance for kids/ Disabled badminton

Stage three No earlier than 17 May:

Adult indoor group sports and exercise classes can start up again

Classes at hall which can start: ballroom dancing tuition/ Adult Martial Arts/ Zumba/ Pilates and Paracise/badminton/ Church/ Ballroom dancing practice non family members

Stage four - No earlier than 21 June: All legal limits on social contact will be removed Hall should be able to be used for parties/ events

CM advised that most hall hirers have confirmed they will be returning.

CC advised it was important to be running taps for at least 30 mins as the hall has not been used. CM confirmed she has ensured water has been flowing throughout the complete lockdown. 5 March 2021 C Cleaning

CM has arranged for the village hall to be deep cleaned and windows cleaned inside and out together with the main hall floor cleaned thoroughly. Councillors agreed to this.

D Painting

CM has arranged for the decorator to come to the hall prior to re-opening to repair and decorate the main hall lady’s toilet ceiling which was damaged with the leaking roof. She has also asked for them to look to touch up marked areas. Councillors agreed to this.

E Asbestos Survey

The Working Party arranged for an EPC certificate to be undertaken at the hall for a cost of £200. Findings from this will be reported at a future meeting.

One aspect which was highlighted was when it comes to possibly insulting the ceiling of the main hall we need to know if the boarding on the underside of the roof in the main hall is an ACM (asbestos). The contractors will need to know this to provide a quote for any works towards insulation and/or suspended ceiling + insulation.

The duty holder (The Parish Council) has responsibility for having an Asbestos Management plan and it was recommended it may be sensible under due diligence to have this on file anyway. CM has made contact with Lucion on Perrywood and asked for cost of carrying out a survey.

Council approved arrangement for undertaking an Asbestos Management survey at a cost of £700.

Action ▪ CM to manage formal re-opening plan for village hall after Lockdown 3 CM ▪ CM to manage cleaning arrangements for hall re-opening CM ▪ CM to manage arrangements for re-painting of hall – cost up to £1000 CM ▪ CM to arrange an Asbestos survey for Salfords village hall at cost of £700 CM

21/03-009 Finance Matters – Parish Council and Village Hall Statements of Income and Expenditure for S&SPC (£61,920.91) and the Village Hall (£25,831.57) for February 2021 were noted and approved.

List of cheques/DD for S&SPC and the Village Hall for January 2021 were noted and approved: - - S&SPC - 2 DD, 1 SO and 6 online payments were issued for a total amount of £2,231.33 - Village Hall - 2 DD and 2 online payments were issued for a total amount of £775.06

Councillors noted bank reconciliation for February 2021 was signed off by CC.

6 March 2021 Salfords Pathfinder Scout Group Grant Request During the lockdown of 2020, whilst scouting has been online, the leaders of Salfords Scout hut have taken the time to sort out the equipment at the hut and have taken stock of what equipment is needed for the essential badge work for the children. Many of the items are very old and have had to be thrown due to health and safety. It has been noted that the items that are in urgent need are: Gas Stoves (modern safe ones), mess kits, hand and palm drills, hack saws and protective gloves (see below). It is to be noted, that during 2021, the group will be looking to other grant opportunities to carry out some refurbishment at the hall to include toilet/drain work, and external repair to enable the children to play outside. This is a long- term project.

The grant request was for £446.56.

In 2019/20, S&SPC made a donation of £285 for new water heaters.

Councillors agreed to make grant donation of £450 to Salfords Pathfinder Scouts

Action CM ▪ CM to make grant donation of £450 to Salfords Pathfinder Scouts

21/02-010 Correspondence The Clerk advised of the correspondence received in January/ February 2021 a. 08/02/21 – Notification for TDC local plan Council have submitted document TED 43 in response to the Inspector's Document ID/16 b. 10/02/21 - MHA Communities East Surrey - February newsletter 2021 c. 11/02/21 – Gatwick Airport community press release d. 12/02/21 - Tandridge District Council Local Plan - ID/17 Inspector Response to Council Document TED 43 e. 12/02/21 – AEF Members update f. 12/02/21 – Community Centres survey g. 15/02/21 – Copy email to Cllr Ritter from Planning Submission for Salfords Cricket Club h. 15/02/21 – Copy of Goods Vehicle Operators Licence Variation Application - Honeycrock Farm, Axes Lane, Redhill, RH1 5QL objection letter from SCC Transport Development Planning i. 16/02/21 – Thank you from AEF for donation j. 16/02/21 – Thanks you from GACC for donation k. 17/02/21 – CAGNE Gatwick News update l. 18/02/21 – Copy of notes from TC Virtual Residents' Forum Meeting m. 18/02/21 – GATCOM notification of special meeting of GATCOM – 25/02/2021 - 2.00 P.M. n. 18/02/21 – Resident objection to The Vicarage planning application o. 19/02/21 – GACC notification of special meeting of GATCOM – 25/02/2021 - 2.00 P.M. p. 19/02/21 - CAGNE notification of CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) inviting feedback on the Gatwick Airport easterly departure route 5 q. 22/02/21 – Copy of resident objection to Crematorium proposal r. 23/02/21 – Notification of re-surfacing of Meath Green Lane from 11/3/21 for 3 days

7 March 2021 s. 23/02/21 - Aldi’s plans to build a new discount food store on land at Bonehurst Road, Horley t. 24/02/21 – AEF Newsletter u. 25/02/21 – Copy of objection comment from Transportation Development Planning to Goods Vehicle Operators Licence Variation Application – Honeycrock Farm v. 25/02/21 - Accessible Travel Policy – Govia Thameslink Railway w. 25/02/21 – AEF - An opportunity to provide your views on the introduction of precision-based navigation x. 26/02/21 – Horley TC Newsletter y. 01/03/21 - CAA airspace change guidance CAP 1616: fourth edition published z. 02/03/21 – Copy of Norwood Hill Residents Association response to Night Flight consultation aa. 03/03/21 – Community Rail News bb. 06/03/21 - AEF copy response to night flight consultation

The Council noted the correspondence and agreed no further action was necessary

21/03-011 Clerk Report

CM advised that various students living in the villages, who are undertaking their Duke of Edinburgh Awards, are carrying out regular litter picking to support the Parish Council. They will be covered under our insurance.

Two residents have tidied up the footpath from A23 up to the train station. They have done a fantastic job and came to the Parish Council to ask if they could do it. CM has reported to SCC a tree which is sticking out on the path which is a trip hazard and also the brick wall which is loose at the top and needs attention. This was originally reported late 2019.

CM asked whether the Council would explore the option of introducing a Footpath Warden scheme for the villages where residents are our eyes and ears and help tidy up things if they wanted to. She advised SCC used to run one and she believed there is training available.

SR asked how this impacted the proposed Lengthsman Scheme which is still intended. CM advised the footpaths being considered were the ones off the main road which are not readily maintained by the SCC Footpaths team due to lack of resources and funding. The A23/ A217 and other footpaths along main roads would remain the responsibility of County and Borough and would fail within the Lengthsman Scheme.

Councillors agreed for CM to include an article in the S&S News to see whether residents wanted to be involved.

Local Committee on 1/3/21 noted Cross Oak Lane/Orchard Drive, Horley - installation of additional measures to support turning restrictions. £20,000 Design and installation of additional measures to support existing turning restrictions. 2023/24 budget - they have it in the plan and budget but not for another year or so. It is good they are putting in additional restrictions to prevent the turning.

8 March 2021 Council has sent a joint letter to Cllr Matt Furniss from S&SPC and HTC asking for full junction review of A23/ Cross Oak Lane and Westvale Park new entrance. K Hammond has supported this.

MB asked when the meeting with Cllr R Biggs and Horwood would take place to discuss joint enforcement working and Emmanuel Church. CM advised that one Cllr had been moving and sorting access to internet so the meeting would be scheduled as soon as this was resolved.

Councillors noted the updates

Action ▪ CM to ask residents if they would like to be involved / volunteer to be part of a Footpath Warden scheme for Salfords and Sidlow.

21/03-013 Urgent matters at discretion of Chairman MB advised that notification had been received that R&BBC had refused 20/01685/S73 for the Traveller Mobile home / Stables at ‘Alnebury’ Land Parcel 2 Before Norwood Hill On South Side Collendean Lane.

WC thanked everyone for attending and as there being no further urgent matters WC declared the meeting closed.

APPENDIX A- LIST OF PAYMENTS MADE FEBRUARY 2021 List of Cheques/ DD's/ BACS Paid Out to 28 February 2021 Salfords and Sidlow Parish Council VAT Total DD Plusnet -Telephone and Broadband Invoice No 00001505770-034 - 01/02/21 £33.00 +6.60 VAT = £39.60 £6.60 £39.60 SO Christ the King Church - quarterly ground rent £0.00 £750.00

BACS 787 Claire Minter - Zoom expense - Video Conference 01/02/21 - 60454591- £11.99 + £2.40 VAT = £14.39 £2.40 £14.39 BACS 788 Claire Minter - Namesco expense - Website design support 08/02/21 - 7014221- £29.99 + £6 VAT = £35.99 £6.00 £35.99 BACS 789 GACC - Grant donation £0.00 £250.00

BACS 790 AEF - Grant donation £0.00 £60.00 BACS 791 Partners for Print - printing minutes for February 2021 22/02/21 - 45411 £15.40+ £2.28 VAT = £17.68 £2.28 £17.68 DD NEST - Clerks Pension scheme contribution February 2021 Employer £24.57 + Employee £32.76= £57.33 £0.00 £57.33 BACS 792 Mrs. C. Minter - Salary February 2021 1338.93 - less tax £234.20 + NI £65.63 and less Pens £32.76= £1,006.34 £0.00 £1,006.34 £17.28 £2,231.33 Salfords Village Hall VAT Total DD British Gas - Electric Bill Monthly payment February 2021 £0.00 £165.00 BACS 488 PPL PRS Ltd - Music licence fee 4/2/21 - SIN1616824 £416.72 + £83.34 = £500.06 £83.34 £500.06

BACS 489 Karl Budd - garden maintenance £0.00 £20.00 DD SES Business Water £0.00 £90.00 £83.34 £775.06


Ref Date Address Proposal Parish Council Decision

21/00144/HHOLD 08/02/21 2 Colley View Proposed front timber close Object – the height of the fence which is next to the highway Helen Love Ironsbottom Sidlow boarded fence, with barn is excessive, the fence is intrusive and some residents in Surrey RH2 8PP gates. Sidlow have commented that they also object for these reasons 20/01572/F 09/02/21 1 Crossways Cottages Retrospective-A 3.65m by Object – the building is in front of the building line, it is more Matthew Masons Bridge Road 3.65m wooden shed with a than 2.5m high and less than 2m of the boundary. Holdsworth Redhill Surrey RH1 tin roof, plastic windows If permitted the use should be limited to only storage. 5JU and concrete base. 2.9m high 21/00190/HHOLD 10/02/21 Wood End 71 Part of the existing dwelling No observation subject to neighbours. Road Hookwood to be demolished, proposed Surrey RH6 0HL one and a half storey rear extension to create annexe and internal alterations to existing dwelling.

APPENDIX C – PARISH COUNCIL ACTION LIST FOR FEBRUARY 2021 DATE SITE ADDRESS ISSUE CONTACT UPDATE LAST STATUS REV DATE 29/07/13 Ridgeway/ Wrays Farm A case going back to 2010 where SCC/RBBC SCC and R&BBC need to meet to plan course of action. Raised 02/03/20 OPEN unlawful trading is taking place with KH and R&BBC 15/08/15 Redhill aerodrome Works to perimeter track R&BBC New Planning application received for 10m wide. Objection letter 31/01/21 ONGOING sent. Request meeting with Planning Officer. R&BBC deciding course of action as info from RAL taking too long. R&BBC served Enforcement on original 2016 application and RAL have submitted an appeal. Submission to appeal sent. Rule 6 status. R&BBC commissioned a consultation report on airport viability Date set for PI as 27/04/21 29/06/16 Route 4 Gatwick airport Noise and nuisance impact to Gatwick CAA published their final decision which in all material respects 31/01/21 ONGOING departure route change residents since change of route on Airport the same as the draft, and that according to the CAA directions 26/5/16 given in the decision report, the route will revert to the conventional

10 March 2021 SID that was being flown in 2012. JB attended R4 design meetings early 2020. Donation of £1000 made Jan 2021 01/12/17 Lonesome Lane Cars parked on verge SCC Letter sent to Borough Police Commander cc C Blunt MP. R&BBC 31/01/21 OPEN and C Blunt office taking this up. Raised with JET team meeting. Requested K Hammond to assist on highways matters Honeycrock Lane/ Lodge Speeding traffic SCC CM to arrange to send parts of roads to be monitored. Not Lodge 03/10/20 OPEN Lane/ Ironsbottom Lane at present due to hump and Covid 19 12/10/19 Villages To consider health and wellbeing and S&SPC Article in S&S News/ Invite residents to Village Hall Day 01/04/20 OPEN facilities for residents Meeting with Mari Roberts and Cllr Ashford 13/1/20 Meeting held with Community Development Managers 11/02/20 Follow up meeting scheduled with Community Development Managers 09/03/20 On hold – Covid 19

14/10/19 Various To install bins at all bus stops R&BBC Waiting for Dave Chiverton to confirm 08/11/19 OPEN 12/11/19 Salfords and Sidlow Identify places for tree planting SCC/ Responded to SCC tree planting consultation 15/12/20 OPEN R&BBC/ Community groups/ residents confirmed land available. Residents Trees received from Barcham and Woodland Trust. Remaining trees to be planted at Monotype 12/11/19 Horse Hill To support Sarah Finch, Claimant, in S Finch Agreed to pledge £5,000 and S Finch notified. 31/01/21 OPEN Judicial Review against SCC Hearing scheduled for 17/11/20 – JR lost. S Finch appealing but S&SPC to pay £5000 costs 18/11/19 Redhill Aerodrome Change in flight path for Salfords Gap RAL/ CB RAL unable to change route but can have markers for pilots to see 20/01/20 OPEN and use as a route 25/11/19 Finns Farm Bonfires causing issue to community R&BBC Order issued and awaiting court date. Requested update from 08/12/20 OPEN R&BBC. Fires continue to burn and Fire Service contacted. Court hearing scheduled for 10/1/21 26/11/19 New House Lane HGV’s, speeding cars and amount of SCC Report submitted. Raised in meeting with Matt Furniss 11/09/20 OPEN traffic on New House Lane because Requested for weight and height restrictions to be imposed. Picketts Lane closed. Damage to road Reviewed at KH meeting 11/09/20 surface and verges

Appendix D – To Do list 21/02- 08/02/21 Clerk to respond to 6 planning applications with 4 object and 2 no objection with CM Responded 09/02/21 0/06 comment. Also 1 licence application no objection but comment 21/02-006 08/02/21 CM to arrange meeting with Borough Cllrs to discuss RAL application going to planning CM Requested 02/03/21 committee 21/02-006 08/02/21 Clerk to feedback comments on TRO for Westvale Park/ Meath Green Lane junction CM Sent to Dave Taylor 10/02/21

11 March 2021 21/02-007 08/02/21 CM to advise Rob Whitehead at GTR and Daniel Wright from Community Rail Network CM Communication sent and forms received 09/02/21 that Council have agreed to adopt Salfords train station 21/02-007 08/02/21 CM/ JA/ CC to arrange to complete all documentation for the application. CM/JA/ Underway. .Meeting scheduled with residents week CC commencing 15/3/21 21/02-007 08/02/21 CM to arrange to be a member of Community Rail Network at a cost of £25 p.a. CM In due course when station adopted 21/02-007 08/02/21 CM to pass resident info to JA to lead on group CM Info shared 24/02/21 21/02-008 08/02/21 CM to arrange a meeting with Cllr Biggs and Horwood to review options for use of CM Requested. Likely to be w/c 8/3/21/ 15/3/21 Emmanuel Car park 21/02-008 08/02/21 CM to arrange meeting with R&BBC to discuss cross agency working CM Requested. Likely to be w/c 8/3/21/ 15/3/21 21/02-008 08/02/21 CM to request from Cllr Schofield schedule of various Covid 19 grants available for small CM Information provided and circulated 11/02/21 businesses 21/02-010 08/02/21 CM to make grant donation of £250 to GACC and £60 to AEF CM Donations made 10/02/21 21/02-011 08/02/21 SR to prepare response to DfT Rural Transport Consultation by 16/2/21 SR Submission sent 15/02/21 21/02-011 08/02/21 CM to liaise with KH/ SCC Highways and R&BBC about lorry parking and rubbish on CM Ongoing Ongoing Salbrook Road Jan 10 11/01/21 KH to advise CM of any information she obtains on Reigate Valley College KH Dev 8 14/12/20 MB/JB/WC/CC/CM to pursue option for Emmanuel Church car park to be used by MB/CC/ CC/ MB liaised and MB contacted Emmanuel CLOSED Reigate Motor Co WC/JB/ Church.CM to liaise with Borough Cllrs for support and CM to progress. Need to identify very special circumstances – see 21/02-008 Dec 9 14/12/20 CM to liaise with ML to request Perrywood and Monotype Social Club is listed as an CM/ML Awaiting info on Landowner and tenant ACV Nov 9 09/11/20 CM to liaise with residents and community groups to arrange for trees to be planted CM Underway. Over 200 trees given away to residents. Some small saplings to be planted 20/102 14/09/20 CM/ML to look into options for introducing an e-newsletter CM/ML Meeting held with Horley TC 13/10/20 20/088/A 10/08/20 CM to work with residents to ensure representation can be made at the Picketts Lane PI CM Ongoing Ongoing 20/088/A 10/08/20 CM to liaise with Colin Smith to identify timescales and next steps for Redhill Aerodrome CM Email sent 19/8/20 and 31/8/20 and 2/10/20. Awaiting 01/03/21 PI confirmation – PI date 29/6/21 Planning application going to Planning Committee 18/3/21 20/056 11/05/20 CM to liaise with SCC to understand issues with common land for bus shelter near Mill CM Email sent – awaiting response House and arrange for problem to be resolved whilst identifying costs for a new shelter at the bus stop. 20/034 09/03/20 CM to liaise with Link to explore options about having a cash machine in Salfords CM On hold – Covid 19 20/035 09/03/20 PE to explore options for flood mitigation for A23 like Masons Bridge Road bridge PE Ongoing Ongoing 19/159 09/12/19 CC to liaise with IT Provider to see what support can be offered CC On hold – Covid 19 19/126 14/10/19 CM to liaise with R&BBC about providing bins at all bus stops CM Requested

12 March 2021