Maritime Matters in the Linear B Tab Lets
MARITIME MATTERS IN THE LINEAR B TAB LETS "Unfortunately, we know nothing about the nature and type of organization of the Aegean seaborne trade" I_ Even in the two years that this statement has been in print, it has become hyperbolic, if not untrue, especially in regard to trade with Minoan Crete 2. It is my aim in this paper to A. ALTMAN, "Trade Between the Aegean and the Levant in the Late Bronze Age: Some Neglected Questions", in M. HEL TZER and E. LIPINSKI eds., Society and Economy in the Eastern Mediterranean (Leuven 1988), 231. I use the following abbreviated references: AR : Archaeological Reports; Col/Myc: E. RISCH and H. MO&ESTEIN eds., Colloquium Mycenaeum (Geneva 1979); DicEt: P. Chantraine, Dictionnaire erymologique de la langue grecque (Paris 1968-1980); DMic: F. AURA JORRO, Diccionario Micenico (Madrid 1985); Docs2: M. VENTRIS and J. CHADWICK, Documents in Mycenaean Greek, 2nd ed. (Cambridge 1973); Evidence/or Trade: G.F. BASS, "Evidence for Trade from Bronze Age Shipwrecks", in N.H. Gale and Z.A. Stos-Gale eds., Science and Archaeology: Bronze Age Trade in the Mediterranean (SIM A fonhcoming); lnterp: L.R. PALMER, The Interpretation of Mycenaean Greek Texts (Oxford 1963); LCE: R. TREUIL, P. DARCQUE, J.-C. POURSAT, G. TOUCHAIS, Les civilisa1ions egeennes du Neolithique et de /'Age du Bronze (Paris 1989); MG: R. HOPE SIMPSON, Mycenaean Greece (Park Ridge, NJ 1981); Muster: 1. CHADWICK, "The Muster of the Pylian Fleet", in P.H. ILIEVSKI and L. CREPAJAC eds., Tractata Mycenaea (Skopje 1987), 75-84; MycStud: E.L. BENNETT, Jr. ed., Mycenaean Studies (Madison 1964); Nature of Minoan Trade: M.H.
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