Legislative Essenmblv. Tralia, Is Afraid to Come to This State
F21 ArouR, 19-14.1 189 politician in the world, let alone in Auy- legislative EssenmblV. tralia, is afraid to come to this State. There ione man in this Chamber for whom 1 Tuesday. .2M~ A ugust. 1971. have the greatest respect-I refer to 'Me. 1folmies-lut I saw a letter from him that I WE ;ta. published in the Press in which lie su,- Que~tionn il trae lIg .. .. 'so gested to the lpeople of Western Australiai Addrcs-in*Ilepy. dali,ii, m............... 'Si, that they iiiht foreet what Sir George Pearce, Bertie Johnston and others had done, and thereby vote for the Labour The SPEAKER took till Chair at 4.30 vote candidate; whereas he wanted them to j).IU. andi rea d 1,d yet's. anti-Labour. Hon. J1. J. Holmes: I never said that. Hon. K. C. VVILLIAMS: Yes, you did! QUESTION-BIRD TRAPPING. I would eerta i nv not ,nuscontrue what you Trafflc with, Eastern States. said. When Mr. H-olmes claimis that this Chamber is non-party, it is not so. If there r.(OVNERI 4 EY' asked the Premier: 1, is a Cha mher that is a better pa rtv House Is the Fisheries Department aware flint than this. I (In not k now. of it. In thec ranks Eastern States hird trappers are alleged to of the Labour Party, we arc pledg'ed to lie trapping, in the Kimberley district, and stick tmrether, unless we twist, in which using motor trucks to transport birds event we are en ti tled to do as wve like.
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