[ASSEMBLY.] peis me to give support to thie proposal so North-East Fremantle had the effect of in- that every penny mnay be accounted for. This creasing the consumption of current in Cot- is what I have been accustomed to, antd tesice and its environs? 2, Does he recall what has been good enough for mec should an answer given to ine last session to the not he departed from in the auditing of the effect that, when the new power plant at affairs of the State reserves, not even for a East Perth had been thoroughly tested, re- Mr. Shapcott, If the Bill is not aill that ductions of electricity charges would follow members desire, it call be moulded into cor- in tile Cottetiloe district? 3, If so, does that rect form. I intend to support the second promise still hold good? reading, and I hope other memnbers will do The MINISTER FOR RAILWAYS we- the same. plied: 1, No. 2, Charges were reduced by On mnotion by Hon. J. Nicliolson, debato 1d. per unit in December, 1937. 3, Answered adjourned. by 'No. 2. Reus(,e adjourned ait 5.56 p.m. QUESTION-CARRIER'S LICENSE. Mr. XII FINN asked the Minister for Works: 1, Are applicants for a new carrier's license for rh0 metropolitan area regnired to produce evidence as to their financial posi- tion or financial capacity to undertake the business of a carrier? 2, If so, under -what authority are such assurances required? The MINISTER FOil WORKS replied: 1, No. 2, See No. 1. Ilegislative EoeembLp, QUESTION-MT. LAWLEY SUBWAY, Tuesday, 25th October, 1938. WIDENING. P&Gs Mrr. S. MacCALLIUM SM[TH asked the 'Questions: L ast Perth Power House, cost of current, Minister for Works: When will a start be Cottesioe .. ... .. Carries license, new .. .. .. 153S made with the long delayed widening of the Mt. tawley subway, widening............ 1538 Ferny service, double-rail boat...... ... 1538 Mouint Lawler subwary? Native Aduuinistratlon Act, as to regulations 1520 Licensing Court, appointments. ......... .... The -MINISTERi FO11 WORKS replied: Swan It iver improvements, removal or sin'L-. 153u; Assent to Bil .... .... ... ... 1539 The -work will bp started when the steel is lulls: Jury Act Amendment, 3i........ was9 placed in Marketing or Onions, reports .. .. .. 15519 recived. Order for the steel Bureau of Iudustry end Economic Research, JuneV 1114 lit delivery is not expectedl until . ... .. ... .. SiorsSalreport and Soldiers' scholarship Fund, report 1539 early next year. Land Tax and income Tax, 2R., Cow. report 1530 Beail Murray Co-operative Memorial Scholarship Fund, 2u., Oom. report 1540 qualification of Electors (Legtiltve 'Councl), 2Et............... 1540 QUESTION-FERRY SERVICE. Auctioneers Act Amendment, 23&,Corn, report 1653 Annual Estimates, 1938-39: Votes and Items dis,- consed--Crown Law Offices......... 1555 Double-eec? Boat. Mr. CROSS' asked the -Minister for Rail- ways: 1, Have tenders been called for the The DEPUTY SPEAX-ER took the Chair construction of a double-end ferry-boat for at 4.30 p.m., and read prayers. the 'Mends-street-Barrack-street service? 2, If so, has a tender been accepted? 3, When is it expected that the new boat will be avail- QUESTION-EAST PERTH POWER able for the service? HOUSE. The MINISTER FOR RAILWAYS re- Cost of Currenat, ('of teshe. plied:. 1, Tenders, returnable on 13th Octo- M1r. NORTHI asked the Minister fur Rail- bher in London, were called for propelling ways: 1, Has the recent reduction of eke- machinery. 2, No. 3, It is impossible to tririty rhoarges secured by the member for say until tenders are accepted- [2-5 Ocroun. 103S.] 1539 QUESTION-NATIVE ADMINIS- all those things. The subject has not even TRATION ACT. been considered. If the hon, member will As to Regndations. glive notice of his questions, I will furnish replies. Ur. NULSEN (without notice) asked the Premier: 1, Is he aware that regulations under the Native Administration Act arec ASSENT TO HILLS. being enforced In- the Commissioner of fesuromn the Licut.-Governor received Nive Affairs notwvithistanding that theyv have not been laid upon the Table of the atid read niotifying assent to the following Bills:- House? 2, If so. will hie have tile enf .orce- unt of tile regulantions discontinued until 1, Alsatian Dog Act Amendment. the House has bad all opportunity to discuss 2, -Northain -Municipality ILan Authorisa- them? 3, If hie is not aware of tile fact, tioni. will he have itijniries, inadlet The PREMIER replied: I ami iot aware, that reguIlations as stated arc being enforced: BILL-JURY ACT AMENDMENT. but in any case, ats I1 said last week inl answer Read at third litte and transmitted to the to a question, the ieguan ions are being re- Council. viewed and revised. I hope to be in a posi- tion to lay then, onl the Table next week. BILL-MARKETING OF ONIONS. Reports of Committee dopted. QUESTION-LICENSING COURT, APPOINTMENTS. Ifr. MARSHALL (without noticec) asked BILLS (2)-REPORT. tIt j.HiiittjLhU I.Ljc tiic Woe Lot II occ J., JAIureal of industry anU tcuoMIle tile members of the Licensing Court are duec Research. for re-appointment, or the date onl which 2, Sailors and Soldiers' Scholarship Fund. appointments to the Licensing Court will Adopted. take place! The PREMIER replied: I believe the lip 1)ointments are made for three Years. I n BILL-LAND TAX AND INCOME not quite sure, but almost positive, that the TAX. current appointments wvill expire in August Second Reading. of next year. D eb~ate resumed from the 20th October. HON. C. G. LATHAM (York) [4.39]: 1 QUESTION-SWAN RIVER oifer io objection to the Bill, and I do not IMPROVEMENTS. know that to do so would be advantageous. Removal of Sheds. This is the usual taxing mneasare introduced M-Nr.RAPHAEL (without notice) asked annual lv. The Annual Estimates have been the Minister for Works: 1, Does the Govern- introduced andi in part passed, and we know ipient intend to keep the agreement made with what thle Government's commitments are. the Perthi Cit 'yCo until regarding removal of We know Aso that there will be insufficient sheds on the north side of the Swan river? funds to meet those commitments unless the 2. As the Government promised that no fur- Bill is enacted. Accordingly, and as the titer tenancies would be granted in respect of Treasurer did not find it necessary to make the sheds on the south side of the river., and a long speech on the measure, I do not think as the lighltering company concerned has it would become mue to do so. ceased its activities, does thle Government in- Question put and passed. tend to remove those sheds immediately? 3. Bill read a second time. Is it a fact that the Government is allowing the tenants of the sheds in question to use In Oomm~ittee. 9 them for storage purposes Bill passed through Committee without The MINISTER FOR WORKS replied: debate, reported without amendment and the I cannot possibly be expected to remember report adopted. [ASSEMBLY.] BILL,-BASIL MURRAY CO-OPERATIVE /In Committee. MEMORIAL SCKOLARSmIP FUND. Bill passed through Committee -without Second Beading. (lebate, reported wvitholit amendment and thle D)ebate resunetl from the 20th October. report adopted. MR. PATRICK (Greenougli) [4.4'2]: I suppose a number of country mnembers will BILL-QUALIFICATION OF ELECTORS recall thle late -Mr. Basil M1urray, who at one (LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL). linie was the general manager of Westrajian Second Reading. Farmers, Ltd., thle leading co-operative soci- 1)ebate resumed f'roni the 20th Septenmbe. ety of the State. IUnder his managemient, co-operation niade very great strides. In HON. C. G. LATHAM (York) [4.48]: 1' fact, I think hie was the pioiieer of the wire- an, not treating this Bill as I dlid the ]ast less service in this State: he established the one. 1 intond to he consistent. Every time first wireless station in Western Australia, a Bill similar to this has been introduced thle old (;WP. lie was undoubtedly a mnan since I have been a uniber, T have olpposed of aniazing energ-y and outstanding person- tile second readig. I prop)ose to opil~os ality. Whn hie died, the Co-operative Fed- the second reading onl this occasion, and I eration-tho 'group of co-operative com- intend to have a little say to try to convince panies that works along -with the Westralian the 1-louce that myv reasonling is sound. I Farmiers-decided to perpetuate his miemory si ncerely hope (lie Bill will not pas flip by raising a sumn of money to establish second reading As T have said, this Bill scholarships. They raised thle suin of has been introduced prev'ioiusly in different £1,189, with which they decided to establish forms. On the last two or three occasions, seholarships at the Muresk Agricultural the wvording was simtilar to that of the( pre- College for sons of members; of thle co- sent Bill, and the Houise knewv the fate that operative societies. Actually, three las awaited the Bill onl those occasions in an- passed through the course at college and one other placee. I' think another place acted is at present resident there. Those who vely wisely. established the .sepholarshipls fond, however, Thie Minister for Works: A similar Bill that they lost touch with the boys after they was, introduced when your party was in left college. and the boys lost touch entirely with co-operative Iprinciples. At a meeting Hion. C. G-. LATHAM: Was it? I ani of thle subscribers to the fund, it was un- going to mention that; I have a copy of it aiiiniouisly decided to alter the purpose for here.
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