25 October 1938
[ASSEMBLY.] peis me to give support to thie proposal so North-East Fremantle had the effect of in- that every penny mnay be accounted for. This creasing the consumption of current in Cot- is what I have been accustomed to, antd tesice and its environs? 2, Does he recall what has been good enough for mec should an answer given to ine last session to the not he departed from in the auditing of the effect that, when the new power plant at affairs of the State reserves, not even for a East Perth had been thoroughly tested, re- Mr. Shapcott, If the Bill is not aill that ductions of electricity charges would follow members desire, it call be moulded into cor- in tile Cottetiloe district? 3, If so, does that rect form. I intend to support the second promise still hold good? reading, and I hope other memnbers will do The MINISTER FOR RAILWAYS we- the same. plied: 1, No. 2, Charges were reduced by On mnotion by Hon. J. Nicliolson, debato 1d. per unit in December, 1937. 3, Answered adjourned. by 'No. 2. Reus(,e adjourned ait 5.56 p.m. QUESTION-CARRIER'S LICENSE. Mr. XII FINN asked the Minister for Works: 1, Are applicants for a new carrier's license for rh0 metropolitan area regnired to produce evidence as to their financial posi- tion or financial capacity to undertake the business of a carrier? 2, If so, under -what authority are such assurances required? The MINISTER FOil WORKS replied: 1, No. 2, See No. 1. Ilegislative EoeembLp, QUESTION-MT.
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