Re:Cycle - a Generative Ambient Video Engine Jim Bizzocchi Belgacem Ben Youssef Brian Quan Assistant Professor, School of Assistant Professor, School of Bachelors Student, School of Interactive Arts and Technology Interactive Arts and Technology Interactive Arts and Technology Simon Fraser University Simon Fraser University Simon Fraser University 1-778-782-7508 1-778-869-1162 1-604-767-5803
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Wakiko Suzuki Majid Bagheri Bernhard E. Riecke Bachelors Student, School of Masters Student, School of Assistant Professor, School of Interactive Arts and Technology Interactive Arts and Technology Interactive Arts and Technology Simon Fraser University Simon Fraser University Simon Fraser University 1-604-781-9246 1-604-780-4911 1-778-782-8432
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT Keywords Re:Cycle is a generative ambient video art piece based on nature ambient video, generative processes, video art, ubiquitous imagery captured in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Ambient computing, high-definition display, ambient display, "calm" video is designed to play in the background of our lives. An technology, "slow" technology, design ambient video work is difficult to create - it can never require our attention, but must always rewards attention when offered. A 1. AMBIENT VIDEO central aesthetic challenge for this form is that it must also support Ambient Video is video intended to play on the walls in the repeated viewing. Re:Cycle relies on a generative recombinant backgrounds of our lives. In the spirit of Brian Eno's "ambient strategy for ongoing variability, and therefore a higher re- music", Ambient Video must be "as easy to ignore as it is to playability factor.