-■ "m· l> SOUTH AMBOY. I W00PBBID6E. | PLEASANT PLAINS. T0TTENV1LLE. Hay'aHaii*M M m M I GET IN THK CONTEST. For Tou cannot afford to miss that vacation trip to Niagara Falls this LOCAL MEN TO Health DOG CATCHER the Summer's summer. Staten Island Is to be rep- ARREST TWO resented regardless of how the Never Falls to others stand. Pleasant Plains can RESTORE GRAY or FADED Cooking send one of her fair daughters if the ENCAMPMENT 18 APPOINTED No kitchen people get together and hustle. Qet FOR BURGLARY HAIR to Its NATURAL appliance give» In the contest noyr. Save the cou- •uch actual satisfaction and and secure a new or COLOR and BEAUTY pons subscriber real home as the New two. It is an to a de- Several Members of Truex Post Committee comfort easy way get Youths Held on ot No matter how long it has been gray Woodbridge Township Perfection Wick Blue Flame lightful outing. Remember, all ex- 'uspicion Will Attend or faded. Promotes a luxuriant growth Takes Action to End Scare- Cook-Stove. penses are paid. Think It over. Srm ' G.A.R. Session of healthy hair. Stops ite falling out, Pil Knowing ing aï Hotel and removes Dan- £ Kitchen work, thi» coming w BIRTHDAY at Park. positively Commends Health Board. ^ ANNIVERSARY. Theft at [ reischa / Asbury druff. Keeps hair soft and glossy. Re- summer, will be better and quicker done, with greater Gladys Englebrecht entertained lie. fuse all substitutes. 2)i times as much comfort for the worker if, instead of the stifling friends at a birthday party at her in |1.00 as 50c size. home, In Goff af- ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY CROSSING IS DISCUSSED CrsçnalÎt 6f a cpal fire, you côofe by the concentrated flame of the avenue, Saturday GOOD W Γ Κ of SLEUTHS IS NOT A DYE. ternoon. Present were Carrie Leon- Katherine Esther Por- Fbtlo Hay Soee. Co., Nfw>ik. N. J. ard, Vanllorn, A special of the Wood- General William S. Truex Post No. and 60c bottles, at drnootsK" meeting ter, Viola Androvette, Marjorle For- Some time between 11 and 1J committee was held 118, G. A. R., held a special meeting bridge Township rester, Ruth Bennett, Bernlta Gllby, o'clock Sunday night, burglars en- last last night to take into consideration Sexton's Pharmacy. night. Present! J. S. Dooley, NEW PERFECTION Wllhelmlna Penton, Ruth Sharrott. tered the barroom of Michael Mor- Anton H. Michael the attending of the Department En- Kuhlman, Pender, Marlon Sharrott, Ellen Rodner, Wil- rlssey'B hotel at Shore road and An- campment to be held at Asbury Park Leahy, Randolph Lee. liam Koenlg, Kenneth Depew, Em- drovette street, Krelschervllle, and Thursday and Friday of this week. Notice In regard to dog owners Wick Blue Flame OD Cook-Stove met Scott, Everett Mersereau, Wil- stole α quantity of whiskey and ci- have been or- The following members of Truex printed. They were liam Price, Fred Koenlg, Gould Gan. gars. dered the town- Delivers where want Poet will attend the encampment METUCHEN. placed throughout he*t you it—never where you don't Milton Wood, Elwood Smith and The thieves broke β pane of glass so as to to the Carlton this year! Commander Mason, Sen- ship, give warning want it—thus ft keeps the kitchen cool. Burns for Bennett. In a rear window and unlocked It owners. Theodore Knothe, dog and ior Vice Commander ètlllwell, Junior YOU ARK INVITED. hours on one filling. Instantly regulated for low, gained access to the place In that Vice Commander catcher, says that his fee In the work PLEASANT PLAINS LOCALS. manner. Mr. and Mrs. Ward, Quartermas- Some' young woman In Metuehen medium or intense neat. Has for Morressey if authorized would be BO cents for sufficient capacity William Brown visited In Perth had retired that but Mrs. ter Fenton, Officer of the Day Ingra- is invited to be the guest of the all needs. early night, each dog caught and 5 cents for kill- household Amboy Sunday. who Is a ham. Chaplain Howlett and Comrade EVENING NEWS on an outing to Morrlssey, light sleeper, ing and 6 cents for disposing of Three sizes—if not at Harrison Eldridge, of she heard someone Yetman. Niagara Falls in August. The NEWS your dealer's, write our Brooklyn, thought down same. The matter was taken into visited here Sunday. stairs, and got out of bed. pays all expenses and will send a re- nearest agency. up ***' consideration. Mr. Knothe will sup- Miss Gertrude Manee, of Amboy The thieves must have heard her BuUl'S AMBOY IS REPRESENTED. sponsible person along with the is conduct- ply a wagon at his own expense avenue, left yesterday for several walking around and made a The EVENING NEWS party. The young woman in Me- The hasty without cost to the township. If a Λ X weeks at Hunter, Ν. Y. retreat, an old of shoes ing a contest solely for its South Am- tuehen more votes than any jRe&b lamp stt, leaving pair securing owner a fee y'sa dog is redeemed by its α niAnderfitl 1I»K* John Rowland, of Bayonne, visited behind. boy readers this year. We are going other in Metuehen will go regardless a wonderful light giver. SolidlyS of $3 must be paid before the ani- in Princes Bay yesterday. The of the 99th to send seven young women to of how votes are cast Γη other made, beautifully nickeled. Your vu▼ill be police precinct many mal will be turned to its owner. living-room to several over «anter a William Fenton, of Manhattan, were notified and an alarm was sent Niagara Falls spend days. places for other persons. Save the with Rayo Lamp. The fees would be collected by the bot with was a local visitor yesterday. out. Detectives Charles Hall and We will pay all expenses and will coupone and secure subscriptions. It "ft your detler, write our nearest agency, Health inspector. It was moved and Charles Bucks spent in with Patrolman Les- send a responsible party along to see is an open race. The first week is STANDARD OIL COMPANY Saturday Joseph Brown, seconded that Mr. Knothe be ap- Perth Amboy. ter were to the that everything goes along all right. not yet over. Start now. Rogers, assigned as catcher for three (Incorporated) Brown case. Of these seven, one Is surely coming pointed dog George has recovered from months. The clerk was ordered to his recent illness. At 4.30 o'clock from South Amboy regardless of how QUIETLY MARRIED. yesterday after- notify him of his which Mr. and Mrs. Asher of noon arreeted ihany votes are cast for people In Miss Mabel Holcomb, of William appointment, Simonson, they Charles AVlcks, will take effect today. He will be Brooklyn, visited at Mr. and Mrs. old, a boatman ot other places. All that Is required street, was married last Thursday twenty-three years furnished with a badge. George Doty's in Princes last Shore on sus- Is to beat your South Amboy contest- night to L. Waldren, boss carpenter Bay road, Krelschervllle, The oommittee gives the Board of week. picion He was taken to the Detec- ant. Get busy. See Niagara Falls. of the new public school. The mar- Health much credit for their action i Mrs. George White and son Tracy, tive Bureau at Bt. and later Çllp coupons and have your friends riage was a quiet one and was sol- George taken at their last In re- veeks with Miss Runzon at her home visiting friends at of were the of locked In 81st do likewise. Secure subscrlptlpns. emnized at the bride's home. meeting Philadelphia. Tompkinsville, guests up the precinct sta- You surely cannot miss this delight- gard to the disposing of stray an}- i η Milllngton. I Ellis Freeman has returned to his her mother, Mrs. Ijflcholas LaForge, tion, West New Brighton. mais, which have caused so much The Uniform of home on after visiting In Princess last week. At 7.30 ful outing. METUCHEN SOCIAL NEWS. Rank, Knights Edgars Hill, Bay, o'clock last night Detec- trouble. The following have been Pythias, attended the grand parade friends throughout Philadelphia, Charles Schroeder has returned to tive Brown and Patrolman Mrs. Pattlson and Mrs. Ellis are I Rogers uiumi uy aogs wnicn eviuenuy were ; η a body at Plalnfleld Friday night. Germantown and Manajunk. the Bronx after a visit with Harry arrested Lawrence ΛΥΌΝ BY PERTH AMBOYAN. spending a week at Lake George. O'Brien, twenty- mad and have been disposed of: Miss Paul Poulson has secured a Is a curfew bell desirable In Wood- Esselbourne. of Church There was a large attendance at Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wilson and post- eight years old, street, Moslck, of Fulton street; Master 1 Ion with Uhdiea' bakery In New bridge, is a question under discussion on He was the meeting Thursday afternoon of son are a week at Krelschervllle, suspicion. enjoying Niagara and Master Master with the Simmons in the W. C. T. U. Camp No. 11, P. O. of A. There was Falls. Gerlty Ungary; itreet, formerly society. locked up over night In the 99th McLoud, and Richard Flanagan, all iakery, of Perth Amboy. James Dunne entertained his ance Union will close the season with precinct station. Both who α nomination and election of officers Miss Kelly leaves home this week prisoners, •of Fulton street. are Miss Nellie Jellcks has a brother George, of Brooklyn, over a sociable at the residence of Mrs. their will be ar- at that time. for a month in the Maine woods. They being position protested innocence, treated Dr. Ira and Dr. it Ν. Y. at his home In Green street. W. N. Jackson In Rahway avenue to- In The awarding of a quilt was one by Spencer Saratoga, Sunday raigned the first district court to- W. at the of Mrs. Wallace Lee has to Robert of morrow afternoon. Mrs. Emma of the features. Mrs. L. B. Antonl- METUCHEN LOCALS. 13. Hoagland, expense returned Bartholemen, Rahway, day. the Board of Health. 1er home in Main street, after epend- formerly of this town, was a visitor Bourne, the state president, and Mrs. des, of Perth Amboy, had collected Mrs. Η. B. Pierson, of Brooklyn, Is The old Salamander blacksmith ng a few days with friends at - here Saturday afternoon. Anna Fleher, the county president, RACES SUCCESSFUL. the largest sum and was awarded the visiting her slater, Mrs. George Kelly, shop has been procured for the dogs leld. Mils Jardot visited Perth Amboy will be present. The second of the series of har- quilt. Her nearest competitor was of Woodbridge avenue. caught. Mr. Blum stated that he Mrs. O'Keefe, of Newark, is visit- Friday evening. Miss Mabel Kaufman has returned ness racee of the Richmond County Only fifteen cents behind. Mr. and Mrs. Butler are visiting has a valuable dog and has him muz- ng her mother, Mrs. Bernard Free- Miss Helen Powers was a visitor to her home In Elred, Pa., after Road Drivers' Association Saturday At the close of the session a social Dr. and Mrs. Fenton at tho rectory. zled, and if the dog should become nan, at her home in Oak street. at Perth Amboy Friday night. spending a week with Miss Ruth on the fair grounds at Don- hour was held during which refresh- Mrs. Loveland and son have re- County mixed up with other dogs and be Miss Ethel Inslee and Miss Helen Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Dunigan are Braley at Cobblesklll, Ν. Y. drew another large crowd, ments were served. turned to Syracuse. gan Hills, shot, who would stand the damages? 3nsign are spending a few weeks at rejoicing over the birth of a son. Mrs. Margaret Alexander was a in class A. distance one mile, Glp Clifford Morris has accepted a The committee the Atlantic City. Miss Armstrong of Cleveland Is the visitor at Perth Amboy Saturday. C. J. Farls' horse, won USE PRIVATE LAND. position in the post office. supposed only Walnut, way out was to suit. But If a Miss Helen Valentine was an out- guest of Mrs. G. V. Stewart at her Mrs. William Qllham was a visitor two heats In succession, tho Some persons are either thought- Mrs. J. J. Giles was a town visitor bring beating man owned a caluable much < if-town vleitor Saturday. home in Rahway avenue. at Perth Amboy Saturday afternoon. only other entry, John Morris' Sir les or careles about trespassing on Friday. dog, care should be taken as to keep the Mrs. Oeorge Piatt wns a visitor at Dr. Ira T. Spencer attended the Mies Mary Clark, of Perth Amboy, Arthur. The time was 2.18% and the rights of others, yet while there Work is rapidly progressing on dog away from others. A question 1 Jerth Amboy Saturday morning. fifteenth annual reunion of hia class formerly a resident of Perth Amboy 2.20. are two public ways to reach the Edward Campbell's new house in was brought up In regard to the con- John Ohinenhlser, Ralph Kelley in Philadelphia last week. avenue, Is the guest of Miss Carrie Class B.—Half mile William fStevensdale ball grounds, some per- Hillside avenue. heat's, dition of the Green etreet and Main ι ind John Brown, have returned after The Woman's Christian Temper- Ewlng at her home, in upper Main Wheeler's Francis MUrol, after fin- son or persons entered the private Fritz Hokasen is having a large street railroad as it is and street. third in the first won the grounds of the orphanage of Christ's addition erected to his houso in Main crossing, ishing trial, has a and Miss Cornelia Hormbrook, of next two and the race. D. B. But- church to reach the ball ground, street. been in very bad shape not fit for traffic. A motion was Oswego, Ν. Y., Is the guest of Mrs. ler's, Dandy, came In second; C. J. which called forth the indignation Goerge Wooden is suffering from moved and seconded that the clerk Builders' ind Contractors' Directory. J. H. Martin at her home, In Qreon Farr's Ben Dat third and of the matron. paralysis. Henry no the P. R. R. in re- street. Cushing's Alcop fourth. The heat Mrs. Harrington, formerly of this tlfy company gard to the matter and see that ûawarct ôc Uo. George H. Berry and Henry E. time was 1.10 V4. GEORGE CHAPMAN WRITES. place, is spending a few days in town. ivoyen attention is A motion King visited friends at Westfleld Fri- Four heats were run in Class C.— George Chapman, who sailed some proper paid. J. Ν. BEST LEHIGH COAL was day W. H. Messlc's W. win- time to make an extended visit made and seconded that Police- Kennedy evening. Billy finally ago Sand and Portland Cement man Cullalne be supplied with a new Cement, Robert Valentine has purchased a ning out. S. H. Slover's Pauline M. among relatives In England, has Blocks in All a new : Plumber : Building Shape·, valuable bull dog. was second and A. Wood's Written to his parents. He was stop- HUGUENOT. pair of trousers and blouse, as E. Harry they are pretty well worn out. Tiling. third. Class D. was out on account ηΐηκ, at that time, at Heaton Point, Ave. Tel. 811-J. Arthur Deter was in- Steam and Gas etc. Sayre of there two entries. One Manchester. He was well and enjoy- appointed Fitting, Tinning, being only BIO MEETING OF FORESTERS. of the horses was ing himself and sent kind regards to spector of the macadamizing of Wil- Injured after the The of Court Tel. Ill-J. Samuel Diamond. Prop. TOTTENVILLE. his friends in South Amboy. quarterly meeting liam street and William H. Miller Jobbing Promptly attended to. lnteries were received. Rossvllle, Foresters of America, last of Avenel street. Thomas In the class for colts William Mc- inspector Service and Moderate Prices was one of the Prompt P. imboY Cornice & Whs Thursday night, larg- Dunlgan asked permission to speak Skylight D. OF Farland's Sadie Mac won two straight PORCH TONIGHT. Estimates Furnished. All kinds of architectural sheet A. ELECTION. SOCIAL est ever held by that organization. in to the bids offered several Cheerfully heats and W. H. Meeic's was M. regard At the annual of Dewey The ladies of the P. church There were from metal work. Corrugated iron, tin meeting Molly delegations Court meetings ago. He said that Mr. Stark the only competitor, J. W. Wenzel's have arranged for a porch sociable and sheet metal Council, Daughters of Amer- Tompkins, Court Edgewater, Court Thompson will not lay a stone until ι roofing general Bess W., having been withdrawn. this evening at the residences of Rev. >37 STATE work. Estimates ica, last week, the following were Staten Island, Court Port Richmond, he has found out why his bid was STREET, cheerfully given. Stephen H. Slover was the starter. Ν. E. Webb and Colion Stratton, in elected: Past councilor, Mrs. Arme- Court Linoleum and Court Ollfords. rejected on Avenel street, as It was Perth N, J. 300 Smith Perth The next races will be held July 4. street. The are for Amboy, et, Amboy, N.I. nia LatQurette; associate past coun- Main proceeds After the business session a pro- the lowest bid, and he said he would the benefit of the church. Ice cream cilor, Mrs. J. Doty; councilor, Mrs. gram, arranged by Lecturer John take It to court to show why his bid LARGE DRY DOCK. and other refreshments will be for n g, Papering, HENBERSON BROS., John Kern; associate, councilor, Mrs. Berg, was given. Speeches were was rejected. Mr. Thompson, in re- Painjl Work on the four sections of the Bale. Masons and General Contractors, Catherine Wood; vice-councilor, Mrs. made by District Deputy Grand Chief ply, stated that the bid was offered large dry dock being built at Harry Plastering KILN and BOILER H. A. Bachman; associate vice-coun- Rangers John Newman, Albert Folk, to him by the Woodbridge committee BETTING. Coseey's shipbuilding plant In Rail- SOUTH AM BOY LOCALS. PRICES Estimate· cilor, Mrs. E. Merrill; conductress, John H. Bennett, John Finney, Ed- JEST WORK LOWEST _ Furnished, road avenue and he will defend himself, If It is Offlee, 86 New Brunswick Are. Mrs. Fannie Merldeth Warden, Mrs. is going ahead rapidly. George Teeple and Miss Stella ward McRoberts and Patrick O'Mal- taken to court. Mr. Dunlgan said Tel. 2S4-J. Perth Amboy, R. Λ Lavina inside The dock, which will be 300 feet Havens spent out of town. Ellis; sentinel, Mrs. Sunday ley. he must have an understanding be- long, Is being built for the Clyde Mr. and Mrs. Sarah Coatee H. Miller, Margaret Doty; outside sentinel, Hays Chief M. E. of the ■ Ranger O'Nell, fore a stone is laid. The chairman Fred Hist; recording secretary, Mrs. steamship line. ere visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Charles local made a few remarks. 196 State St., Perth Amboy court, stated that there was no hurry In the S. T. JENSEN Emma L1. 442. Perth Amboy, are young—of Staten Island is In one section. It was built for come from will be tak- going was a Perth batter his Woodbridge, the Mrs. Jaipes Briggs idea of spreading upon 145-L. S to be the guest of EVENING & Lang of Hoboken and la en to Niagara Falls to spend sever- < 1 RAHAM Λ ΜυΚΕΟΝ, TEL. BOOM Tlegjen visitor Saturday. a combination of food elements NEWS on a vacation trip to 350 feet 100 feet wide and 40 '^.mboy bread, ai one of nature's Niagara long, Israel Ward was a Perth Am- days viewing General Contractors Mrs. more palatable, tuore wholesome and Falls this coming August. This con- feet high. afternoon. greatest works and all expenses will ETC. boy visitor Saturday mora than any EXCAVATING, GRADING, test is exclusively between the resi- of universally popular be paid by this newspaper. You do Daniel A. Santoro Mr. and Mrs. Leroy French, ' land, Broken Stone, Çartlni*, &0.1 dents of Staten Island. Seven are that the combined wisdom of all the not have to compete with Perth Am- Gravel, THE WOOD TRIAL. City, are visiting relatives In Smith St. Ï28 MrtT Brunnrrlclt Ave. going, all told, but the contest on who have ever lived has boy contestants. have a con- 180-R and to-J. GENERAL CONTRACTOR The case of Walter of outh Amboy. professors They Telephone Staten Island Is exclusive of all Wood, Ïersey been able to devisé.—Epicure. test of their own. Each town Is came before Judge Miss Charlotte Miller, of Camden, 808 State St Perth N. i others. Regardless or how the vote Broadway, up separate. The person In Anboy, D. In the county spending her vacation with her Woodbridge stands in other places the ono get- Stephen Stephens getting the highest number of points at Richmond. After securing larents, Rev. C. S. and Mrs. Miller. An Expert Carver. Sorensen ting the most points of the Statfn court, In this Jens over New was of any others place wins, re- eleven Jurors tho case was put Charles Jacobs, of York, Mme. X. to secure a new but- Island contestants wins. Save the wishes, of the number of votes se- CARPENTER AND BUDLiDER, Charles Howard Smith tomorrow. The ex- South visitor yesterday af- gardless friends to do until panel being k Amboy serve the ta- nil ΐ'Λ<1 Ktf lAtlinVD /ilannrVinrâ coupons. Get your ler. "You know how to Residence and Shop, hausted, another had to be drawn. ternoon. V ARCHITECT likewise and secure subscriptions for ble and especially can you carve well 812 St. It Is that the case will last Mrs. Leonard Waite, of Perth Am- Washington Room the NEWS. This summer expected an 3, McCormlck Bldg. delightful she asked applicant WOOPBRIGE SOCIAL· NOTES. i. D. 878-L. several days. was in South Amboy yesterday. Telephone Perth Amboy, New outing with all expenses paid will go jjoy, "Madam rest assured of it," he Frank Abel has returned to his Jersey. J. V. Davison, proprietor of the may to the one receiving the greatest at "When one has been ten years home In Tltusville, Pa., after visiting JARL DRESSLER, TOTTENVILLE LOCALS. Smyrna rug manufactory, Hights- replied. J. Ρ KO YE number of points on Staten Island. a Ellis B. Edgar, of Edgar Hill. Ν, A rehearsal of the Tottenville town, was a South Amboy visitor yes- a surgeon's servant Tn dissecting Carpenter and Bo>ldcr. Miss Nellie Carpenter of Rahway Carpenter and Builder Band was held last night. terday afternoon. room one ought to understand his busi- obblng Promptly Attended To. Κ ΕΚ Κ HIS RELATIVES. was In town on Ave., nc«r New Brunswick Ave. Estimates of Mrs. Annie Conway was a Perth Sunday. Park Furnished. The of the 99th precinct Washington Council, Daughters ness." and Mrs. Jobbing Attended To. police afternoon. Mr. Ford, of Philadelphia, to rel- Liberty, meets tonight. tAmboy visitor yesterday 881 Perth were asked yesterday find the are the guests of Mrs. Ellis F. Edgar, State St., Amboy. Tel. S14-J Bert Boyden, of Brooklyn, was a Mrs. Philip Dangler was an out-of- M. Smith H. C. Jr. atives or friends of John McKlndy, Wheat Berries on Hill. I. Smith, local visitor last visitor yesterday afternoon. Crisp Quaker Edgar Λ.. M. SMITH et RHO, a sailor, who was drowned off pier night. town Mr. of Fit· New was a Perth before eating Sydney Noe, St. George's Sanitary Plumbing, Gas, Steam John Franklyn Gross, of Ro- G. M. Church Amboy Roof- HANS A. DINNE8B- 25, North River, yesterday morning. avenue, entertained a friend from out Ιητ and Tinning. Slate and Slag chelle, was hotne With his parents, visitor yesterday afternoon. on Satur- Residence and tS Hall Ave. His body was recovered and Is now Advertise your property of town on Sunday. ng. shop, Mr. and Mrs. E. Grose, on Sunday. Mrs. Rebecca Stratton, who has Tel. Connection, 4io-W. •«inter. at the morgue at the foot of East day along with all the real estât» was weeks with Mrs. Seth Lockwood is ill at her Miss Ethel Rogers home from een spending several 85 Twenty-sixth street, Manhattan. It news: home on Rahway avenue. North First St. Newark on a visit Sunday. er son at Asbury Park, returned HA R. CROU8E, Is said that he had relatives and Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Perry and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. John Dowd, of Brook- ome yesterday afternoon. NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS. Carpenter and Builder. friends living at Pleaeant Plains. Frank I. Bowler, of Rahway avenue, lyn, returned this morning after a Harry Stratton, of Church street, All owners of dogs are hereby Telephone ITS-R- Henrieksen ft AH efforts of the police to locate spent Saturday In Weet Point. 8t. Perth N. J. Laursen visit with her parents. a Perth Amboy visitor yesterday notified that on and after OB State Amboy, First Class anyone at that place knowing a man yvae Mr. and Mrs. St. John and Master F'ainter· William Sharrott, of Manhattan, ftfternoon. MONDAY, JUNE 22, 100«, Ρ» h by that name were fruitless. There Clifford St. John, of New and per angers. visited his Mr. and Mrs. J. ! Albert Cole was in Perth Amboy ill dogs not properly muzzled, found York, spent Is another Pleasunt Plains In the parents, Sunday with Mrs. W. H. Voorhees, T. Jensen Shop on Jefferson St., D. Sharrott, yesterday. afternoon. upon the public highways, or In other d upper part of the state and the au- yesterday of Barron avenue. Painter Paper hanger, Opp„ Bijou Theatre. Miss Marion Hadkins returned public places In the township, will be 48 Smith St. All work thorities there will probably be com- Miss of Perth hop: promptly attended to. yesterday from Smith College, North taken by the dog catcher and placed Farrlngton, Amboy, Residence: 107 Gordon Street. Estimates municated with. WANTS. was the in the ieerfufly submlttted. Mass., for the vacation. SOUTH AMBOY In pound, and each dog may be re- organist Presbyterian Latest designs In wall paper Hampton, church lowest Mrs. E. Nichols, of Brooklyn, claimed by the owned upon presen- Sunday. trst Class Work at price·. The Fred Christiansen AUTOI8T ARRESTED. Wanted to 'Bent—Six room house, The ladles of the yesterday with Mrs. W. D. tation of, a order by the In- Congregational Construction Company, In spite of the protest of the Rich- spent including barn, plot 75x200, near signed church will meet tomorrow afternoon Frerich. spector of this' board and the pay- Carpenters and Bnlldera. mond County Automobile Club of will buy if price Is right. Hor- at the residence of Mrs. Ν. Har- Fireman Thomas of 107 truck has town, ment of $3.00. All dogs not reclaim- X* lew Jersey Roofing; Co Office and shop, 224-220 Madison At, the wholesale arrests of automobll- ffcritz, South Amboy. ned, of rGeen street. Personal supervision. Contractors tor returned from his annual vacation. ed from the pound within three days Perth Amboy. Estimates cheerfully the are right ahead 17308-6-19-3t late. Felt and Slag Rooflng. Agent lsts, police going concrete sidewalk has been will Miss Armstrong has returned to furnished. Jobbing promptly attended A new be destroyed. jr Carey's Rooflng. Repairing In ail to. and arresting all offenders. New York after Mrs. W. J. | L. D. Phone, 144. laid at Amboy and Johnson avenues. Bent—A large, commodious By order of the visiting s branches. At 12 o'clock yesterday Frederick jkr of Rahway avenue. Gottlieb Qtaab, of Sleight avenue, ■tore, good place for business, cor- BOARD OF HEALTH, Stewart, O. Ball, thirty-six years old, of Wat- Master Wesley Hall Is 111 at his R. C. Wright & Son. Wester & has resigned his position in the elec- faer Broadway and First street, South Township, N. J. AND BTOREHOUSB I Krog-h chung avenue, Plainfleld, speeding at home In Woodbrldge avenue. OFFICE! MASONS AMD Bl'ILDEnS. trical department of the a. S. White Amboy. Enquire of Michael Welsh, 1 King Street. Perth Arnboy, N. J. Estimates furnished. All work the rate of twenty-eight miles an Mrs. W. J. Stewart, of Τ. Λ Ν. J. 158-R. guaranteed. Dental work. street. 16039-4-23-tf 17303-6-19-et Rahway Telephone: Ν. | Wester, 174 Fayette St. Tel. 888X hour, was arrested by Bicycle Patrol- First avenue spent out 845 Market »t Tel. VH-J The tug Arthur Kill, of the Arthur Saturday evening Krogh, man Hoffman. He was brought to of town. DIAMOND, Kill Towing Company, is hauled out ?. the 90th precinct here and later ar- Mr. Nels 111 at HENRY NELSON. on the dock at the A. C. Brown & Johnson Is his resi- Contractor and Builder. raigned In the second district court dry dence In Green street. to. Carpenter· aad Builders. Son's for repairs. Jobbing Promptly Attended at Stapleton, where Magistrate Marsh shipyard Mrs. W. B. *83 Madison Are. Fred Peterson, of Amboy avenue, Krug entertained Store Fixture·. held him in his own recognizance for friends at her home at Arnell has sold to Mre. Ann Androvette the Sunday 80-132 Broad St. Perth Amboy. the court of special sessions. TflE FIRST NATIONAL· BANK evening. | Maria? TH. jt*El)ERSON, property at Wood avenue and Broad- ODD PKUjOWS ELECT. Mason Contractor. ■CDF^ tOBERT JAHN, The semi-annual election of offi- way. The attention of our readers is Cornice and Ornamental Laurie St Cor. Woodbr:uge Road. Work, cers of Bejitley Lodge No. 670, Odd called to Job- Plneules for the Kidneys, 30 days' the "Notice to Dog Own- Skylights and Metal Celling, Fellows, took plaoe last night, and trial Guaranteed. Plneules era," published In another column bing promptly attended to. were elected: Past $1.00. N. the following on Kidneys and bring SOUTH J. upon this 6-19-6t efterson St. Λ New Ave. act directly the AMBOY, page. Brunswick JENS N. SORENSEN noble grand, William Corson; noble dose to backache, 'el. No. 619-J. Perth relief In the first Amboy. Painter and grand, Abram Matthews; vice grand, rheumatic pays Three and One-Half Per Cent, interest trOQPBRCDGE LOCALS. Paperhanger, weak back, laiae back, I. O. 108 Barclay SU, David Sprague; treasurer, Frederick and bladder trouble. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Love were CARLSON, pain», kidney d their and Τ WO ϊ*βΓ Cent· INTEREST Pointer and Perth Amboy. Edwards. The other officers are the blood and invigorate Special Department Perth Amboy visitors Friday night. Papertusnger They purify Latest Designs elected annually. the entire system. Sold by Sexton, on active accounts, Miss Rose Clark was a visitor at A. K. JENSEN, *** Perth In v?all Paper. Druggist ' Amboy Friday night. to i 03 Market S: ■ Perth Amboy, N. J. (Suocessor J. K. Jensen.) Wheal Berries '.ÎARRY Cashier Miss Edna Brown has returned to Crisp Quaker f C. PERRINE, Pres. R. α STEPHENSON, MASON AND CONTRACTOR. Be an advertiser—lo a word. her home after spending several Patronise advertisers. 401 W ashlngtonSt. before eating ...

] "i'J ?! Mih > $8