Social (pink) Economics (green) Cultural (orange) Intellectual (yellow) Political / Diplomatic (white)

Huguenot Bills of Exchange Cervantes Astrolabe Catherine Medici Enclosure Movement Joint Stock Companies El Greco Compass St. Bartholemew’s Day El Escorial Price Revolution Velasquez Mapmaking Massacre Book of Common Prayer Cottage Industry Shakespeare French Academy of Henry of Navarre Puritanism Columbian Exchange Rembrant Science Thirty Years War Spanish Inquisition Discovery of the New Jan Veemer Copernicus Mercenary Council of Blood World Moliere Brahe Defenestration of Prague 39 Articles Navigation Acts Racine Kepler Edict of Nantes Levellers Duke of Sully Corneille Descartes French Catholic League Nobles of the Sword Jean Baptiste Colbert La Fountaine Galileo Spanish Armada Nobles of the Robe British East India King James Bible William Harvey Ferdinand and Isabella Versailles Company Enlightenment Hernan Cortes Jansenism Dutch East India Thomas Hobbes Phillip II Serfdom Company Isaac Newton Gustavus Adolphus Table of Ranks Triangular Trade Newtonian Synthesis Treaty of Westphalia Seignurial rights Royal Academy of Science Elizabeth I Bourgeoisie John Locke and the Star Chamber Court Intendant System Second Treatise of Dutch Revolt Crop rotation Government Act of Supremacy Gentry Scientific Revolution Charles I Rotten boroughs Voltaire Charles II Physiocrats Francis Bacon James I Revocation of the Edict of James II Nantes Rousseau Glorious Revolution 18th century urbanization Deism English Civil War Social Control Mozart Round Heads Poor Laws Handel Cavaliers Father Bartholome de las Diderot Oliver Cromwell Casas Bach New Model Army Small pox Adam Smith Rump Parliament Syphilis/hepatitis Immanuel Kant Petition of Right Philosphes Declaration of Right Laissez faire Tories Aristotle astronomy Whigs Mary Wollstonecraft Habeas Corpus salons Dutch Conquistadors Absolutism Louis XIV Divine Right Bishop Bossart Cardinal Richelieu Cardinal Mazarin Fronde Ivan the Terrible Boyars Junkers Times of Troubles War of Spanish Succession War of the League of Augsburg Balance of power Northern Wars War Austrian Succession Maria Theresa Fredrick the Great William Fredrick “Soldier King” Pragmatic Sanction Seven Years War Treaty of Paris Robert Walpole Stanislas Poniatowski Partitions of Poland Absolutism Joseph II Catherine the Great Gunpowder Plot Bloody Mary The Dutch Revolt Peace of Utrecht William Pitt American Revolution Spanish Armada Fredrick, Elector of the Palatinate Catherine the Great Maria Theresa Fredrick the Great Joseph II Enlightened Despotism