July 2019 Newsletter GEARS Founded August 13, 1939 News Field day was a success. This year GARS joined us out at the Masonic Lodge. The weather was very comfortable for a change. While band conditions were difficult at first, they improved by the morning. We haven’t totaled the points yet, however it seems that we did better than last year. We also got coverage from Action News and the Chico Enterprise Record. See photos below. My house was struck by lighting on May 30th, hitting my antenna and traveling down the feed line, through the radios and discharged into the house wiring. Fortunately the fire department put out the fire quickly and minimized damage. I’m off the air until repairs are completed to the house. See photo below. The GEARS/GARS new repeater project is proceeding along. The equipment has been ordered. We are waiting for approval from the US Forest Service before we can begin installation. At our next GEARS meeting Kevin Fullerton WB7SKS will be talking about emergency operations for the Camp Fire. He has some very interesting experiences to tell us about, and suggestions for preparing for emergencies. The Steak Bake is Sep.7th at Wildwood picnic area in Chico at 3:30pm - 7pm. This month our feature article is about Sir John Ambrose Fleming’s invention of the vacuum tube. ‘73 Join GEARS on Facebook Jim Matthews K6EST www.facebook.com For timely
[email protected] news and additional information. 530-893-3314 July 2019 Calendar Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7pm GARS Net 7:30pm GEARS Net 7pm Simplex Net 8pm