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Selection • Savings • Service • Inside & Online Summer 2021 ReligiousThe BookClub Church History Corpus Christologicum in Plain Language, Texts and Translations for Fifth Edition the Study of Jewish Messianism Bruce L. Shelley, edited and Early Chris tianity by Marshall Shelley Gregory R. Lanier “What separates Shelley’s Scholars have debated the role book from others is its clar- of the “Messiah” in religious lit- ity, both of language and erature for centuries. Still, it’s organization. It treats his- only recently that research into tory as the story of people— Jewish messianic ideas and their their motivations, the issues influence on early Christology they grapple with—and the has become more prevalent in result is that history reads biblical studies. Numerous pub- like a story, almost as dra- lications have engaged with the Hebrew , Dead Sea matic and moving as a nov- Scrolls, Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, and other ancient el. Painstakingly researched writings to trace common threads, including “Messiah” and carefully crafted for historical accuracy,”—Prayer language, exalted patriarchs, and “wisdom” and “word” Foundation. 560 pages, softcover. Zondervan. eschatology. Yet primary sources are sometimes hard to track down and involve ancient languages—hindrances UF0115960 Retail $34.99 ...... RBC $21.99 that make them difficult to use. The previous edition is also available: Lanier’s much-needed compendium remedies these UF676315 Fourth Edition ...... 34.99 19.99 drawbacks by bringing together nearly 300 important works in Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Latin, Ethiopic, Syriac, Ga la tians: and Coptic. Arranged in an easy-to-follow format, it pre- Commentaries for sents readers with the critical text (with apparatus), brief commentaries, fresh English translations, current bibli- Chris tian Formation ographies, and thematic tags that trace major themes N.T. Wright across the corpus. One of the world’s leading A stellar contribution to the study of messianology scholars! and Christology, Lanier’s valuable reference is sure to be- This new commentary series come a solid starting point for all future work in the insists that interpreting field. 736 pages, hardcover. Hendrickson. Scripture is not an end in itself, but should lead to UF071808 Retail $79.95 ...... RBC $49.99 faithful belief, prayer, prac- tice, and love for God and Contemplating God with neighbor. Heightens our un- the Great Tradition derstanding of the Lord, en- Craig A. Carter courages imitation of Christ, Known for provocative doctrinal and animates participation defenses, Carter critiques modern in the church’s global mission with a deepened sense of “relational” understandings of calling. 440 pages, hardcover. Eerdmans. God in this follow-up to Inter- UF825602 Retail $39.99 ...... RBC $27.99 preting Scripture with the Great Tradition. He defines Trinitarian Connections: SAVE classical theism; examines Isa- A Lectionary $ iah’s view of God as the tran- 79 scendent creator, sovereign Lord Commentary of history, and “One Who Alone for Preaching Is to Be Worshiped”; and explores its place in church his- and Worship, tory. 352 pages, softcover. Baker. UF963307 Retail $32.99 ...... RBC $24.99 9 Volumes Edited by Gospelbound Joel B. Green, Living with Resolute Hope Thomas G. Long in an Anxious Age et al. Collin Hansen & “One of the best liturgical resources Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra in many a year,”—Hearts and Minds. Hansen and Zylstra present a wide Represents the finest thinking on biblical exegesis, homilet- range of innovators—from the ics, and personal and social applications, and includes a world of digital media to the Deep preaching commentary and worship-planning ideas for South, from ancient saints to heroic each lectionary reading. A diverse group of solid, reliable contemporary activists—who are commentators. 3590 pages total, nine hardcovers. West- at the forefront of important causes minster John Knox. for justice and mercy. They stand out as beacons of light and shakers UF266050 Retail $380.00 ...... RBC $300.49 of salt, with tales of joyful and generous faith amid the “Thought-provoking ideas,”— Today: clouds of pessimism. 224 pages, softcover. Mult no mah. UF260511 Feasting on the Word, 12 Volumes, David L. Bartlett & Barbara Brown Taylor, eds...... 400.00 360.00 UF193572 Retail $16.00 ...... RBC $11.49 1–800–CHRISTIAN (1-800-247-4784) pg0203_RBC Summer 2021 4/12/2021 11:22 AM Page 2

SAVE Knowing God J.I. PACKER (1926–2020) % Hailed by Chris tianity Today 45 as one of “the top 50 books that have shaped evangeli- James Innell Packer came from a working-class family. cals,” Packer’s classic brings to- His father was a clerk for the Great Western Railway, and gether two facets of the Christian it was only through scholarships that James was able to faith—knowing about God and attend Oxford University. There he became a Chris tian knowing God through a relation- through the school’s intercollegiate fellowship. ship with Christ. For decades, this Soon enough, he began to build a reputation in aca - readable, practical, theologically dem ic circles. But a sense of humility—and a fascination profound, and thought-provok- with locomotives, which he said evoked the transcen- ing work has sought to enrich dent—would stay with Packer all his life. In 2005, he our understanding of basic spir- was named one of Time magazine’s “25 Most Influential itual truths. 296 pages, softcover. InterVarsity. Evangelicals,” and his 1973 classic, Knowing God, placed UF848614 Retail $20.00 ...... RBC $10.99 fifth in Christianity Today’s 2006 survey “The Top 50 Books Also available: That Have Shaped Evangelicals.” He wrote 47 books, co- UF848430 Bible Study ...... 10.00 7.99 authored 19 others, and penned innumerable articles before passing away in July 2020. Yet Packer considered To Be a Chris tian the greatest achievement of his career to be working on a team to create the ESV Bible. An Anglican Catechism J.I. Packer’s influence wasn’t so different from the Edited by J.I. Packer & trains he loved. For much of his lifetime, railway travel Joel Scandrett provided a shared ex pe ri ence that brought people from With 368 pairs of questions and all walks of life together. With his focus on Scripture and answers, as well as Scripture refer- faith’s foundations, he wrote for and spoke to all people, ences to support each teaching, this providing a similar theological common ground where catechism instructs new believers the wide range of Christians who called themselves evan- and church members in the core gelicals gathered. And he welcomed all aboard. beliefs of Christianity from an An- glican perspective. The concise, easy- to-memorize answers are a boon to those who eschew theological jargon. 168 pages, hardcover. Crossway. The Religious Book Club is a division of Christianbook. UF566771 Retail $29.99 ...... RBC $18.99 What are the hallmarks of “authentic” Anglicanism? UF560116 The Heritage of Anglican Theology, J.I. Packer ...... 39.99 28.99 Table of Contents Art & Literature ...... 43 Bargains ...... 34–36 Concise Theology Bestsellers ...... 62, 63 A re-release of one of Packer’s choicest gems. This is a masterful ...... 6–9 distillation of Reformed Christian Biographies ...... 40 teaching in 94 easy-to-follow chap- Church History ...... 46, 47 ters. Can serve as a simple clarifi- cation for students or young Chris- Commentaries ...... 10–19 tians, a handy reference for pastors C.S. Lewis ...... 25 and teachers, and a provocative Devotionals ...... 37 starting point for theologians. 304 pages, hardcover. Crossway. DVDs & Software ...... 53 UF569548 Retail $24.99 ...... RBC $18.99 Eastern Orthodoxy ...... 49 Packer draws on Edwards, Owen, Baxter . . . For Children ...... 42 UF515810 A Quest for Godliness ...... 30.00 21.99 Issues & Ethics ...... 56, 57 J.I. Packer Jesus ...... 20, 21 His Life and Thought J.I. Packer ...... 2 Alister McGrath Judaism ...... 23 “Packer was magisterial in sub- stance, but adopted the tone of a Language Resources ...... 54, 55 fellow traveler. He convinced us Liturgy & Worship ...... 44 that the study of God ‘is the most New & Notable ...... 1, 3–5 practical project anyone can en- gage in,’”—Chris tianity Today. Both New Testament Studies ...... 60, 61 a celebration of Packer’s life and Old Testament Studies ...... 58, 59 a springboard to his thought—so Ordering Information ...... 32, 33 decisively influenced by Puri- tanism. 192 pages, hardcover. InterVarsity. Paul ...... 22 UF841776 Retail $25.00 ...... RBC $18.99 Popular Authors ...... 41 “Short, but powerful,”—Discerning Reader: Prayer ...... 45 UF837991 Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God, Preaching, Pastoral & Church Resources 38, 39 J.I. Packer ...... 16.00 11.99 Reference Works ...... 50, 51 GREEN stock numbers = FREE Standard Shipping Roman Catholicism ...... 48 to addresses in the U.S. Science & Philosophy ...... 52 QUALITY • SELECTION • VALUE Spirituality ...... 30, 31 Summer Specials ...... 64 We have more than 540,000 products available on our website—at great prices! Theology ...... 26–29 World Religions ...... 24 2 Turn to page 37 for 40 Days of Love! pg0203_RBC Summer 2021 4/12/2021 11:22 AM Page 3

Mother Teresa NEW & NOTABLE Saint of the Peripheries Ines Angeli Murzaku Mother Teresa, the most cele- St. Benedict’s Rule brated female saint in the 20th An Inclusive Translation century, grew up in the Bal - and Commentary kans, knowing firsthand pover- Judith Sutera ty, suffering, war, displacement, Sutera has lovingly translated ethnic cleansing, and religious from Latin this foundational minority status. This expe ri - work of Western monasticism ence on the periphery ener- into accurate contemporary gized her compassion for the idioms. Her brilliant commen- poorest of the poor in India. tary highlights Benedict’s de- 235 pages, softcover. Paulist. sire for balance and compas- UF15377X Retail $29.95 ...... RBC $23.99 sion, maintaining that no one should ever despair of finding The Making of God’s mercy. Conveys the best of age-old Benedictine wisdom. 248 pages, softcover. Biblical Womanhood Liturgical Press. Beth Allison Barr “Biblical womanhood”—the UF688180 Retail $24.95 ...... RBC $21.99 If you want only the text itself: belief that God designed UF688199 Softcover ...... 14.95 12.99 women to be submissive wives, virtuous mothers, and joyful homemakers—pervades North Thomas Merton Ameri can Christianity. Barr tells Uncensored the story of her own life as a Patrick W. Collins Baptist pastor’s spouse, while Merton censored himself, passing systematically exposing theo- on only those pieces he deemed logical flaws in evangelical com- ready for publication; but then he plementarianism. 256 pages, was censored a second time by his softcover. Brazos. religious superiors—sometimes to UF434702 Retail $19.99 ...... RBC $14.99 his great consternation. Collins A remarkable multipronged approach: has systematically sorted through UF234010 Women in the Bible, Jaime Clark-Soles 40.00 31.99 Merton’s entire correspondence. Now he chronologically charts The Seeker and how Merton’s mind developed on the Monk all manner of topics. 160 pages, softcover. Liturgical Press. Everyday Conversations UF688496 Retail $19.95 ...... RBC $17.99 “Solid, welcome,”—Cistercian Studies Quarterly: with Thomas Merton UF684733 A Course in Desert Spirituality, Sophfronia Scott Thomas Merton; Jon M. Sweeney, ed. . . .19.95 17.99 Mining Merton’s private jour- nals, Scott holds spirited discus- Migration and the Making sions with the famous Trappist monk on such paramount ques- of Global Chris tianity tions as race, ambition, faith, Jehu J. Hanciles activism, nature, prayer, friend- In this all-embracing look at how ship, and love. What is the re- Chris tianity grew during its first lationship between contempla- 15 centuries, Hanciles sheds enor- tion and action? How is one to mous light on an overlooked phe- deal with the world’s brutality without being overwhelmed nomenon. Surprisingly, it was mi- by it? And more. 240 pages, softcover. Broadleaf. gration, rather than missionaries or governmental decisions, that UF464964 Retail $17.99 ...... RBC $14.49 so often proved critical in who “An ideal introduction,”—Booklist: was reached, how churches ex- UF807677 On Thomas Merton, Mary Gordon . . . . .18.95 17.06 panded, and the ways society was A Guide to the Gospels transformed. 464 pages, hardcover. Eerdmans. UF875624 Retail $45.00 ...... RBC $33.99 and Acts, Third Edition: “An incomparable textbook,”—Trinity Journal: Exploring the UF963628 Introducing World Missions, Second Edition, A. Scott Moreau, Gary R. Corwin & New Testament Gary B. McGee ...... 39.99 29.99 David Wenham & Steve Walton The Sermons to the Seven “The authors have produced an introduction that is solid Churches of Revelation in content, fully abreast of Jeffrey A.D. Weima modern scholarship, sensi- What did the risen Christ have tive to the needs of begin- to say to the first generation of ning students, and attractive churches? Weima, both a New in layout and presentation. Testament scholar and a Holy Warmly recommended, up-to-date,”—Journal of the Land tour guide, ferrets out the Evangelical Theological Society. Widely adopted. 384 meaning of the full range of enig- pages, softcover. InterVarsity. matic allusions and images in Revelation 2–3. He goes on to UF825264 Retail $35.00 ...... RBC $26.99 sharpen our focus with detailed The second volume: photos, maps, and charts. 304 UF825288 A Guide to the Letters and Revelation, pages, softcover. Baker. Third Edition, I. Howard Marshall, Stephen Travis & Ian Paul ...... 35.00 24.99 UF960139 Retail $27.99 ...... RBC $22.49 • 1-800-CHRISTIAN (1-800-247-4784) 3 pg0405_RBC Summer 2021 4/12/2021 11:20 AM Page 4

God’s Word to Israel, NEW & NOTABLE New and Augmented Edition The Global Church Joseph Jensen The First Eight Centuries Jensen, who oversaw production of the New Amer i can Bible, has ex- Donald Fairbairn tensively reworked this outstanding Previously, histories of Chris- Old Testament introduction, rich tianity were too European-fo- in historical, literary, and thematic cused, but new sources and detail. Too, he is not afraid to tackle translations have showcased in- such sticky dilemmas as Genesis tellectual surges in North Africa, and evolution, Joshua and geno- Turkey, and Syria. Fairbairn cide, etc. Full bibliographies highlights Christian communi- throughout. 360 pages, softcover. Liturgical Press. ties both inside the Roman Em- pire as well as those in places UF688175 Retail $39.95 ...... RBC $33.99 such as Persia and India. A “Regarded as a classic,”—Theological Book Review: paean to Christian diversity! UF36995 The Prophets, One-Volume Edition, 400 pages, hardcover. Zondervan. Abraham Heschel ...... 19.99 14.99 UF097853 Retail $39.99 ...... RBC $28.99 Interpreting Paul, The eye-opening 22-session lecture series: UF0114369 DVDs, set of 3 ...... 71.99 50.99 Volume 2: The Canonical Paul Series Chris tianizing Egypt Luke Timothy Johnson David Frankfurter By the 2011 Grawemeyer Award “Nicely demonstrates the extra- winner! “It is clear that Johnson ordinary range of objects, includ- finds Paul a liberating writer who ing texts, uniquely preserved in offered a compelling story of the Egypt, and draws together the ev- life-giving power of God and idence in a compelling and highly Christ,”—Choice. Johnson embraces readable exposition. Frankfurter’s the entire Pauline corpus of 13 let- systematic reappraisal of what it ters, laying out a sui generis frame- was to be Christian plus deep and work to sum up his findings. Brimming with exegetical critical reading of material sources insights. 624 pages, hardcover. Eerdmans. are laudable,”—Journal of Roman Studies. 336 pages, softcover. UF82466X Retail $60.00 ...... RBC $43.99 Princeton University. Did you catch his earlier volume? UF807588 Constructing Paul, Volume 1 ...... 50.00 35.49 UF216783 Retail $27.95 ...... RBC $19.99 Re-evaluates early Christian-Muslim relations: More New Releases UF1212791 The Imam of the Christians: The World of Dionysius of Tel-Mahre, c. 750–850, Philip Wood 35.00 24.99 UF238836 PreachersNSneakers ...... 18.99 12.49 UF900057 Embodied: Living As Whole People in a Fractured World, Gregg Allison ...... 19.99 11.99 Finding God in UF098321 The Book of Acts As Story, The Lord of the Rings, David R. Bauer ...... 32.99 25.99 UF538851 Seven Things I Wish Christians Knew Revised Edition About the Bible, Michael F. Bird ...... 17.99 11.99 Kurt Bruner & Jim Ware UF266960 Psobriety: A Journey of Recovery Through Bruner and Ware take apart this the Psalms, Jeff Dafler ...... 18.00 14.49 touchstone fantasy, revealing its UF464061 United States of Grace: A Memoir of multiple Chris tian themes. Homelessness, Addiction, Incarceration, Tolkien spoke of our longing for and Hope, Lenny Duncan ...... 22.99 17.99 “the Consolation of the Happy UF961402 From Christ to Christianity: How the Jesus Ending” so prominent in fairy Movement Became the Church in Less tales. Its archetype, of course, Than a Century, James R. Edwards . . . . .27.99 19.99 was the birth, life, death, and UF876508 The Beatitudes Through the Ages, resurrection of Christ. Filled with Rebekah Eklund ...... 35.00 24.99 Tolkien quotes. 128 pages, softcover. Tyndale. UF652855 Hearts Set on Pilgrimage: Planning a Spiritual Journey, Sally French ...... 19.95 15.99 UF447489 Retail $12.99 ...... RBC $8.99 UF653696 The Art of Disruption: Improvisation and Readers’ surveys say . . . the greatest work of the 20th the Book of Common Prayer, century! Paul Fromberg ...... 18.95 14.99 UF928180 The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, UF960162 Handbook on the Gospels, 4 Volumes, J.R.R. Tolkien ...... 65.00 39.49 Benjamin L. Gladd ...... 39.99 31.99 UF876027 Preaching Christ from Leviticus, Sidney Greidanus ...... 35.00 24.99 UF878793 The Character of Virtue: Letters to a Freeing Jesus Godson, Stanley Hauerwas ...... 16.99 12.99 Diana Butler Bass UF572975 Ref or ma tion Anglican Worship: “Bass’s credentials frequently help Experiencing Grace, Expressing Gratitude, bridge the gap between those who Michael P. Jensen ...... 35.00 24.99 practice Chris tianity and those UF0116059 Still Time to Care: What We Can Learn who research it. What makes her from the Church’s Failed Attempt to Cure an unusual voice among com- Homosexuality, Greg Johnson ...... 25.99 18.99 mentators in Amer i can religion UF0119388 Handbook of Reading Theological right now is that she’s a propo- German, Christopher Ryan Jones & nent of hopeful religion,”—Reli- Katharina Hirt ...... 44.99 33.99 UF961790 The Big Idea Companion for Preaching gion News Service. 320 pages, hard- and Teaching, Matthew D. Kim & cover. HarperOne. Scott M. Gibson, eds...... 39.99 31.99 UF659523 Retail $26.99 ...... RBC $18.49 UF434506 Reparations: A Christian Call for Repentance “An important contribution,”—Booklist: and Repair, Duke L. Kwon & UF448713 A People’s , Gregory Thompson ...... 24.99 18.99 Diana Butler Bass ...... 15.99 14.39 4 Get to know Pastor Jack on page 40! pg0405_RBC Summer 2021 4/12/2021 11:20 AM Page 5

Jesus, the New Testament, NEW & NOTABLE Chris tian Origins Edited by Chris tianity in South Dieter Mitternacht & and Central Asia Anders Runesson Edited by Kenneth R. Ross, First published in Swedish, this volume has now been Daniel Jeyaraj & deftly translated by Rebecca Todd M. Johnson and Noah Runesson in a re- “This book achieves what some vised and expanded version. of the best research mono- Making up a who’s who list of Scandinavian biblical schol- graphs fail to do; it offers new ars, the 22 contributors have produced an encyclopedic and deeper insights into Chris- resource covering a multitude of historical and hermeneu- tianity in a highly accessible tical questions. 800 pages, hardcover. Eerdmans. form; delightful reading,”—In- ternational Journal of Asian Chris- UF868925 Retail $65.00 ...... RBC $47.99 tianity. Reliable demographic information as well as original interpretative essays by Introduction to Chris tian indigenous scholars and practitioners. 512 pages, softcover. Worship, Fourth Edition Hendrickson. James F. White, UF073246 Retail $39.95 ...... RBC $25.99 edited by Ed Phillips “Much needed,”—Journal of Religion in Africa: “The most readable, inclusive, UF072874 Chris tianity in North Africa and and ecumenical synthesis of the West Asia ...... 39.95 25.99 churches’ liturgical traditions to UF072867 Chris tianity in Sub-Saharan Africa . . . . .39.95 25.99 date, this deserves to be read widely by pastors, seminarians, Covenant and church members,”—Interpre- The Framework of God’s tation. This new edition includes Grand Plan of Redemption topics like technology, the arts, Daniel I. Block embodiment, multiculturalism, “Block stands as among the in no vative forms of worship and uses of space. 352 pages, finest evangelical Old Testament softcover. Abingdon. scholars in our day. This work UF884627 Retail $39.99 ...... RBC $28.99 reflects his stature, his scholar- “Invaluable,”—Princeton Seminary Review: ship, and his heart for the UF13414 A Brief History of Christian Worship, church’s faithfulness. It is full James F. White ...... 21.99 20.69 of exegetical insight, reflecting the author’s deep and careful More New Releases reading,”—Southeastern Theolog- ical Review. Summarizes 50 years UF583451 Life Change Library: Essential Writings on Knowing of teaching! 656 pages, hardcover. Baker. Christ and Making Him Known ...... 9.99 8.49 UF0126737 Still Breathing: 100 Black Voices on Racism— UF097881 Retail $54.99 ...... RBC $42.99 100 Ways to Change the Narrative, “A splendid volume,”—Chris tianity Today: Suzette Llewellyn & Suzanne Packer . . . .25.99 18.99 UF098567 For the Glory of God, Daniel I. Block . . .38.00 32.99 UF962020 The Art of Preaching Old Testament Narrative, Steven D. Mathewson ...... 27.99 22.49 Deluxe Then and Now UF571404 Faith in the Son of God: The Place of Christ-Oriented Faith Within Pauline Theology, Bible Maps, Kevin W. McFadden ...... 26.99 19.99 Expanded Edition UF855024 His Truth Is Marching On: John Lewis and the Power of Hope, Jon Meacham . . . . .30.00 21.99 How does the 21st-century UF594734 Funerals for the Care of Souls, Tim Perry 17.99 13.49 Middle East connect with the UF510804 The Cost of My Faith: How a Decision in Holy Land of the Bible? Thirty My Cake Shop Took Me to the Supreme Court, new pages of maps, illustra- Jack Phillips ...... 24.99 22.49 tions, and diagrams have been UF878816 Morning and Evening Prayers, added to this outstanding re- Cornelius Plantinga ...... 19.99 14.99 source. The clear plastic over- UF567834 The Making of C.S. Lewis, Harry Lee Poe 32.99 23.99 lays show modern cities and UF573019 The Pastor As Counselor, David Powlison 7.99 5.99 countries on top of detailed UF855213 Saint Spotting, Chris Raschka ...... 17.99 13.49 maps of Bible times. Can be reproduced for the classroom. UF464631 Wild Belief, Nick Ripatrazone ...... 25.99 20.99 80 pages, softcover. Rose. UF878601 Voices from the Ruins: Theodicy and the Fall of Jerusalem in the Hebrew Bible, UF628623 Retail $24.99 ...... RBC $15.99 Dalit Rom-Shiloni ...... 70.00 49.99 UF291773 Reforesting Faith: What Trees Teach Us About Dominion the Nature of God and His Love for Us, Matthew Sleeth, M.D...... 16.00 11.99 How the Chris tian Revolution UF839102 The Cross of Christ, Stott Centennial Edition, Remade the World John Stott ...... 30.00 21.99 Tom Holland UF754060 The Oxford Handbook of Jonathan Edwards, “Holland has a grand thesis. He Douglas A. Sweeney & explores it with energy, advances Jan Stievermann, eds...... 145.00 114.49 it with panache, and pulls it off UF210514 Open and Unafraid: The Psalms As a Guide with a flourish. The shrewdness to Life, W. David O. Taylor ...... 18.99 13.99 and diversity of his examples UF874437 The Same God Who Works All Things: Inseparable Operations in Trinitarian Theology, create not a tiresome catalog Adonis Vidu ...... 50.00 36.99 but a dazzling array. Above all, UF878519 The Politics of the Cross: A Christian Alternative Holland portrays a legacy and to Partisanship, Daniel K. Williams . . . .27.99 19.99 a history boundlessly enjoyable UF962514 Theological Foundations of Worship: Biblical, and consistently provocative,”— Systematic, and Practical Perspectives, Chris tian Century. 624 pages, softcover. Basic Books. Khalia J. Williams & Mark A. Lamport, eds. 29.99 23.99 UF675599 Retail $18.99 ...... 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NIV Life Application BIBLES Study Bible, Personal-Size Third Edition ESV Prayer Bible A thoroughly updated and expand- Let your spiritual life be ed edition of this #1-selling study inspired by more than Bible! A trusted reference for 30 400 entreaties from early years, it has 10,000 life applica- , Protestant tions; 100 profiles of important Reformers, Puritans, etc., Bible people; 500 maps and charts; linked to key passages of extensive cross-referencing; a dic- Scripture. The words God tionary/con cordance; introductions has spoken can serve as and overviews for each book; and a guide for how you more. 2496 pages, 5éüë¤ x 8éüë¤ x 2¤. Tyndale/Zondervan. speak to him in suppli- UF440125 Softcover ...... 34.99 24.99 cation. Includes reading UF440112 Hardcover ...... 39.99 28.99 UF44015X Soft leather-look, berry ...... 69.99 49.99 plan, concordance, au- UF6440136 Soft leather-look, dark brown/brown . . .69.99 49.99 thor index, and index of Red-letter edition: every mention of prayer UF453024 Soft leather-look, brown ...... 64.99 41.99 in Scripture. 1984 pages, UF453048 Soft leather-look, gray/teal ...... 64.99 41.99 5äüï¤ x 8äüï¤ x 1äüï¤ hard- UF452997 Bonded leather, black ...... 64.99 32.49 cover. Crossway. UF0452980 Bonded leather, burgundy ...... 64.99 40.99 UF564512 Retail $29.99 ...... RBC $19.99 NIV Study Bible, Fully Revised NET Large-Print Personal-Size Edition Nine million copies in print! This Thinline Bible much-referred-to reference exten- Now in large print, with newly sively revises 21,000 notes; 125 top- commissioned artwork. A con- ical articles; introductions and out- cise version of the original lines; a comprehensive concordance; 58,506 comments from over 25 a subject index; and full-color maps, leading scholars—the largest charts, photos, and illustrations. En- collection of notes ever assem- cyclopedic in content, it is also beau- bled. Translators discuss the tifully designed. Words of Christ tensions between accuracy, appear in red. 2432 pages, 5éüë¤ x 8éüë¤ x 2¤. Zondervan. readability, and eloquence. Ref- UF449091 Softcover ...... 39.99 25.99 erence is made to today’s fore- UF449102 Hardcover ...... 44.99 28.49 most commentaries. 1392 UF449143 Soft leather-look, navy blue/dusk blue 74.99 47.49 pages, 6éüï¤ x 9éüï¤ brown imita- UF449157 Soft leather-look, navy blue/dusk blue— tion leather. Nelson. indexed ...... 84.99 54.99 UF244422 Retail $44.99 ...... RBC $29.99 UF449129 Soft leather-look, brown/blue ...... 74.99 47.49 UF449133 Soft leather-look, brown/blue—indexed 84.99 53.49 The Amplified CSB Men of Character Study Bible, Bible Large-Print Edition Edited by Gene A. Getz If you enjoy sifting through Do you want to be truly dedicated? the English synonyms of Turn to the giants in Scripture, who, each important Hebrew and despite their flaws, were used might- Greek term, you’ll love this ily by God. Renowned Bible teacher resource. Includes 5,000 Getz fleshes out 60 key personali- brief notes on practical ap- ties, along with guiding life princi- plication; 330 notes on doc- ples, application questions, verses trine; 66 book introductions; to remember, and an integrated translators’ footnotes; topical multimedia system of 100 video index; and full-color maps. teachings accessible by QR code. 2258 pages, 6éüï¤ x 9éüï¤ x 2¤ 1824 pages, 6äüï¤ x 9¤ x 1¤. B&H. hardcover. Zondervan. UF730238 Clothbound hardcover, gray ...... 39.99 25.99 UF440307 Retail $44.99 ...... RBC $27.99 UF730245 Soft leather-look, black ...... 59.99 37.99 UF7730257 Soft leather-look, black—indexed ...... 69.99 44.99 UF7730264 Soft leather-look, brown/black ...... 59.99 37.99 The ESV MacArthur UF730276 Soft leather-look, brown/black— indexed ...... 69.99 44.99 Study Bible, UF730217 Genuine leather, brown ...... 89.99 57.99 Second Edition UF730228 Genuine leather, brown—indexed . . . . .99.99 63.99 Through his 50-year pas- torate, John MacArthur has More Bibles become one of the most in- fluential Reformed exposi- UF619526 CSB Life Connections Study Bible, tors in the world. In this re- softcover ...... 34.99 23.99 source, he offers 25,000 UF443697 ESV One-Year Bible, softcover ...... 18.99 12.49 study notes; 190 maps, UF568800 ESV Study Bible, Large-Print Edition— soft leather-look, black ...... 89.99 56.99 charts, and diagrams; an out- UF653131 NAB Catholic Companion Bible, line of systematic theology; Revised Edition—soft leather-look, black 39.95 29.99 80,000 cross-references; a UF451162 NASB Single-Column Reference Bible— concordance; chronologies; soft leather-look, brown ...... 79.99 43.49 a harmony of the Gospels; UF233254 NET Abide Bible—clothbound hardcover, Bible reading plans; an index to key Bible doctrines; and blue ...... 54.99 45.99 more. 2080 pages, 6éüë¤ x 9éüï¤ x 2¤ hardcover. Nelson. UF227552 NET Love God Greatly Bible—clothbound UF5235507 Retail $49.99 ...... RBC $31.99 hardcover, pink ...... 69.99 45.99 6 A timely topic—Divided by Faith on page 56. pg0607_RBC Summer 2021 4/12/2021 11:18 AM Page 7

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COMMENTARIES Discovering Revelation David A. deSilva “Not in the form of a traditional Jonah commentary, this guide aims to Introduction and Commentary introduce readers to the majority of the questions that scholars try Amy Erickson to resolve in regard to Revelation. Delving deeply into Jonah’s SAVE DeSilva then lets the readers reception history in Chris- make conclusions in the light of $ tian, Jewish, and Islamic 20 the available evidence. Of value sources, Erikson explores the to students for years to come,”— full range of representations in the Theological Book Review. 240 visual arts, literature, music, and pages, softcover. Eerdmans. popular culture. Too, she moves away from simplistic notions of the UF872425 Retail $22.00 ...... RBC $15.99 book as either the story of a prophet Discover more in this delightful delicacy of a series! who ran away from God or a deliberate satire. 500 pages, UF872370 Discovering Genesis, Iain Provan ...... 23.50 17.99 hardcover. Eerdmans. UF878069 Discovering Psalms, Jerome F.D. Creach ...... 22.00 15.99 UF868312 Retail $70.00 ...... RBC $49.99 Glean insight from Timothy Keller’s unique study: UF5222076 Rediscovering Jonah ...... 17.00 12.99 Exalting Jesus in Romans: Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary Tony Merida Considered Paul’s most eloquent SAVE and most exhaustive epistle, Romans $ has time and again called God’s peo- Reformed Expository New Testament 130 ple back to foundational truths of the Christian faith. Merida sees Commentary, 17 Volumes Christ in humanity’s need for sal- All current NT volumes! Named “2017 Series of the Year” vation, justification by faith, God’s by World magazine: “Deserves congratulations. The REC plan for both Jews and Gentiles, and how grace is manifest goal is not to be another heavy aca dem ic or light devo- in the lives of believers. 300 pages, softcover. B&H. tional series, but to exhibit strong expository preaching. UF961070 Retail $14.99 ...... 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The New International Commentary COMMENTARIES

The Books of Nahum, SAVE Habakkuk, and Zephaniah: $ The New International 164 Commentary on The the Old Testament Preacher’s Thomas Renz Commentary, Church members may be familiar with the major prophets, but have 35 Volumes you ever thought about doing a Edited by series on some lesser-known, but Lloyd J. Ogilvie still significant, prophets? If so, If you’re looking for Renz provides a panoply of tools—Hebrew word studies, engaging paragraph-by-paragraph exposition, real-life il- ancient Near Eas tern backgrounds, archaeological findings, lustrations, and contemporary applications, you’ve come textual criticism, and Jewish and Chris tian interpretations. to the right source. This set includes full outlines and in - 750 pages, hardcover. Eerdmans. nova tive ideas for preaching and teaching from today’s leading figures: D. Stuart Briscoe, David McKenna, David UF826268 Retail $56.00 ...... RBC $39.99 Hubbard, Sinclair Ferguson, etc. 35 softcovers. Nelson. More Old Testament volumes in the series: UF2521 Genesis 1–17, Victor P. Hamilton ...... 50.00 36.99 UF0115939 Retail $549.99 ...... RBC $385.99 UF2309 Genesis 18–50, Victor P. Hamilton . . . . .58.00 42.99 UF2353 Leviticus, Gordon J. Wenham ...... 46.00 27.49 Proverbs UF2354 Numbers, Timothy Ashley ...... 54.00 38.99 UF2355 Deuteronomy, Peter C. Craigie ...... 46.00 33.99 A Shorter Commentary UF2356 Joshua, Marten H. Woudstra ...... 48.00 34.99 Bruce K. Waltke & UF826282 Judges, Barry G. Webb ...... 52.00 37.99 Ivan D.V. De Silva UF2358 Ruth, Robert L. Hubbard, Jr...... 42.00 31.99 A revised and abridged treatment UF23599 1 Samuel, David Toshio Tsumura ...... 55.00 39.99 of this masterful commentary. “Per- UF870964 2 Samuel, David Toshio Tsumura ...... 48.00 34.99 haps the most significant exegetical UF25273 Ezra & Nehemiah, F. Charles Fensham . .40.00 28.99 work on Proverbs in the last 100 UF2363 Job, John Hartley ...... 56.00 34.49 UF824936 Psalms, N.L. deClaissé-Walford, years. 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Acts: Exegetical Guide to COMMENTARIES the Greek New Testament L. Scott Kellum Unlock the full riches of the Greek Matthew: text! Features a brief introduction The Church’s Bible to authorship, date, occasion, and Edited by D.H. Williams purpose; a list of recommended “This series rescues from the shad- commentaries; extensive exeget- ows the many penetrating insights ical notes; an expanded para- of ancient Jewish and Christian phrase of the entire book; a com- interpreters. They can continue to prehensive exegetical outline; instruct us today with their per- homiletical helps; and a glossary ception into the perennial foibles of grammatical and rhetorical of the human condition,”—Reli- terms. 352 pages, softcover. B&H. gious Studies Review. Excerpts from UF676042 Retail $34.99 ...... RBC $24.99 the second through seventh cen- More marvelous helps for original-language study: turies. 650 pages, hardcover. Eerdmans. UF676160 Matthew, Charles L. Quarles ...... 29.99 9.99 UF825780 Retail $65.00 ...... RBC $47.99 UF676092 Mark, Joel F. Williams ...... 29.99 21.99 Also in the series: UF676178 Luke, Alan Thompson ...... 29.99 8.99 UF825805 John, Bryan A. Stewart & UF743967 2 Corin thians, Colin G. Kruse ...... 29.99 21.99 Michael A. Thomas, eds...... 65.00 47.99 UF676110 Ephe sians, Benjamin Merkle ...... 24.99 18.99 UF825759 Romans, J. Patout Burns, Jr., ed...... 46.00 33.99 UF676270 Hebrews, Dana M. Harris ...... 34.99 24.99 UF676024 1 Peter, Greg W. Forbes ...... 24.99 18.99 The Anchor Yale Bible Commentary The Bible for Everyone, 35 Volumes Haggai & SAVE John Goldingay & Zechariah 1–8 $ N.T. Wright Carol L. Meyers & 134 In a highly readable fash- ion, fresh translations, word Eric M. Meyers studies, historical notes, thematic “Probably the most complete and outlines, and practical insights detailed commentary on this ma- to all 66 books of the Bible are terial in English. Considers the offered by two of the world’s lead- literary impact of the book, em- ing exegetes. The scope and depth phasizing how the message is of their findings is simply aston- conveyed. Attends especially to so- ishing. Suitable for self-study, ciopolitical issues and to the reli- group study, or personal devotions. 8000 pages total, 35 gious message,”—Essential Bible softcovers. Westminster John Knox. Study Tools for Ministry. The Meyerses were field archae- ologists for years. 552 pages, softcover. Yale University. UF261774 Retail $450.00 ...... RBC $315.99 Also available separately: UF139754 Retail $50.00 ...... RBC $38.99 UF261761 Old Testament, 17 Volumes, More Old Testament volumes in the series: John Goldingay ...... 230.00 161.49 UF139389 Exodus 1–18, William H.C. Propp . . . . .50.00 38.99 UF238262 New Testament, 18 Volumes, UF139396 Exodus 19–40, William H.C. Propp . . . .85.00 65.99 N.T. Wright ...... 250.00 177.49 UF140569 Leviticus 17–22, Jacob Milgrom ...... 75.00 58.99 Enlarged-print edition: UF139419 Leviticus 23–27, Jacob Milgrom ...... 50.00 38.99 UF262203 New Testament, 18 Volumes ...... 250.00 175.49 UF140538 1 Kings, Mordechai Cogan ...... 75.00 58.99 Individual Old Testament volumes: UF139594 Proverbs 1–9, Michael V. Fox ...... 40.00 31.99 UF233800 1 & 2 Kings ...... 18.00 14.49 UF142099 Proverbs 10–31, Michael V. Fox ...... 85.00 56.99 UF233839 Psalms 1–72 ...... 18.00 12.49 UF139631 Jeremiah 1–20, Jack R. Lundbom ...... 85.00 65.99 UF233853 Proverbs–Song of Songs ...... 18.00 14.49 UF139655 Jeremiah 37–52, Jack R. Lundbom . . . . .75.00 58.99 UF233860 Isaiah ...... 18.00 14.49 UF218810 Ezekiel 38–48, Stephen L. Cook ...... 65.00 49.99 UF233891 Lamentations & Ezekiel ...... 18.00 13.99 UF139709 Jonah, Jack M. Sasson ...... 40.00 31.99 UF233907 Daniel & the Minor Prophets ...... 18.00 13.49 UF140800 Zephaniah, Adele Berlin ...... 65.00 49.99 Individual New Testament volumes: New Testament volumes in the series: UF227860 Matthew 1–15 ...... 18.00 11.99 UF139792 Mark 1–8, Joel Marcus ...... 50.00 39.99 UF227876 Matthew 16–28 ...... 18.00 14.49 UF141160 Mark 8–16, Joel Marcus ...... 75.00 58.99 UF227830 Mark ...... 18.00 14.49 UF139808 Luke 1–9, Joseph A. Fitzmyer ...... 45.00 38.99 UF227840 Luke ...... 18.00 14.49 UF139815 Luke 10–24, Joseph A. Fitzmyer ...... 50.00 38.99 UF227890 John 1–10 ...... 18.00 11.99 UF140521 John 1–12, Raymond E. Brown ...... 50.00 38.99 UF227906 John 11–21 ...... 18.00 11.99 UF140729 John 13–21, Raymond E. Brown ...... 75.00 58.99 UF228515 Gospel Set, 6 Volumes ...... 80.00 57.99 UF139822 Acts, Joseph A. Fitzmyer ...... 49.99 UF227961 Acts 13–28 ...... 18.00 14.49 UF140446 1 Corin thians, Joseph A. 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Brown ...... 50.00 38.99 The John Phillips New Testament Commentary, 19 Volumes Based on the KJV, these easy-to-read, doctrinally sound commentaries em- phasize the practical application of biblical truth. Filled with helpful exegesis of the text, detailed outlines, illustrations, and quotations, they’re a fine resource for preaching, teaching, and personal study. 19 hardcovers. Kregel. UF543369 Retail $549.99 ...... RBC $369.99 12 Discover The New Testament in Its World—page 60! pg1213_RBC Summer 2021 4/12/2021 11:58 AM Page 13

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Westminster John Knox. UF875911 The Gospel of John, F.F. Bruce ...... 32.00 22.99 UF875861 John, Merrill C. Tenney ...... 30.00 21.99 UF239237 Retail $990.00 ...... RBC $694.99 UF875942 Romans, Leon Morris ...... 40.00 28.99 Also available separately: UF875882 The Epistle to the Romans, 66.50 48.99 UF239220 Old Testament, 26 Volumes ...... 600.00 421.49 UF875938 Romans: A Shorter Commentary, UF239213 New Testament, 17 Volumes ...... 400.00 280.99 C.E.B. Cranfield ...... 40.00 28.99 Interpretation resources for further study: UF877079 Commentary on the First Epistle to the Corin thians, UF234072 Miracles, Luke Timothy Johnson ...... 40.00 25.49 F.W. Grosheide ...... 40.00 28.99 UF235890 Ancient Apocryphal Gospels, UF875921 Colossians, Philemon, and Ephesians, Markus Bockmuehl ...... 40.00 31.99 F.F. 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These com- A fine choice for families or small church libraries: mentaries will no doubt become standard treatments,”— UF076856 Believer’s Bible Commentary, William MacDonald; Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society. “Heavily ex- Art Farstad, ed...... 39.99 22.49 egetical, solidly expositional,”—Religious Studies Review. 2922 pages total, three hardcovers. Job UF6683 Retail $202.97 ...... RBC $157.49 The Faith “Outstanding accomplishments,”—Denver Journal: to Challenge God— UF026843 Matthew, David L. Turner ...... 59.99 46.99 A New Translation and UF026683 Acts, Darrell L. Bock ...... 62.99 48.99 UF960054 Romans, Second Edition, Commentary Thomas R. Schreiner ...... 64.99 40.99 Michael L. Brown UF26301 1 Co rin thians, David E. Garland ...... 59.99 46.99 Brown, a leader in the Messianic UF026730 2 Co rin thians, George H. 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New Collegeville COMMENTARIES Bible Commentary, One-Volume Edition The Bible Exposition Edited by Daniel Durken “Liturgical Press has a long and Commentary, proud history of bringing solid 6 Volumes biblical scholarship to a popular Warren Wiersbe readership. This one-volume pre- Wiersbe, the former pastor sentation, edited under the expert of Moody Memorial Church guidance of veteran biblical schol- in Chicago, was general di- ar Durken, will be especially valu- SAVE rector and teacher on the able for parish libraries, preachers, $ Back to the Bible radio broad- and liturgists,”—The Bible Today. 2608 pages, hardcover. 170 cast for 10 years, and received the UF646590 Retail $79.95 ...... RBC $55.99 lifetime achievement award from the Evangelical Chris tian Publishers Association. His entire Hosea: Zondervan Be commentary series can now be yours in one complete set. 3000 pages total, six hardcovers. Cook. Exegetical Commentary UF030474 Retail $249.99 ...... 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Ross UF144335 Romans, Frank Thielman ...... 59.99 35.99 An expert on Hebrew and a schol- UF243690 1 Corin thians, Paul Gardner ...... 49.99 36.99 ar with a pastoral heart, Ross gives UF243724 Gala tians, Thomas R. Schreiner ...... 36.99 22.99 expositors just what they’re look- UF243731 Ephe sians, Clinton E. Arnold ...... 39.99 24.99 ing for as he guides them through UF243953 Colossians & Philemon, David W. Pao . .36.99 26.99 a process of observation, analysis, UF243960 1 & 2 Thessalonians, Gary S. Shogren . .34.99 23.49 SAVE UF244028 James, Craig L. Blomberg & $ interpretation, and application. Mariam J. Kamell ...... 29.99 19.99 52 His easy-to-follow style is deceptive; it UF244165 1–3 John, Karen H. Jobes ...... 34.99 22.99 arises from rich reflection based on decades of UF244170 Revelation, Buist M. Fanning ...... 54.99 33.49 research and teaching. 2736 pages total, three hardcovers. UF442324 Retail $144.99 ...... RBC $92.99 John 13–21: Ref or ma tion More in the series: UF425510 Exodus, Duane A. Garrett ...... 42.99 27.99 Commentary on Scripture UF425561 Judges & Ruth, Robert B. Chisholm, Jr. . .42.99 28.99 Edited by UF425593 1 & 2 Chronicles, Eugene H. Merrill . . . .42.99 28.99 Christopher Boyd Brown UF5444593 Book of the Twelve (Minor Prophets), “This series will prove invaluable, Michael Shepherd ...... 38.99 24.49 a treasure-trove. It broadens our UF44461X James, Aída Besançon Spencer ...... 26.99 19.99 16th-century horizons, forcing us to recognize that the Reformers were first and foremost biblical exegetes, out of which their the- ological treatises sprouted,”—Six- teenth-Century Journal. Features a cornucopia of previously untranslated pieces. 400 pages, hardcover. InterVarsity. SAVE UF829681 Retail $60.00 ...... RBC $43.99 $ “These volumes are sheer gold,”—Euangelion: Sacra Pagina New Testament 200 UF829514 Genesis 1–11, John L. Thompson, ed. . .60.00 43.99 Commentary, 18 Volumes UF829544 Joshua–Ruth, N. Scott Amos, ed...... 60.00 43.99 Complete! “Represents the best of contemporary and pas- UF829570 Psalms 1–72, Herman J. Selderhuis, ed. 60.00 43.99 torally sensitive biblical interpretation for a general read- UF829660 Luke, Beth Kreitzer, ed...... 60.00 41.99 ership. A must for any library,”—Catholic Library World. A UF829706 Romans 1–8, highly regarded international team of scholars provides Gwenfair Walters Adams, ed...... 60.00 31.49 solid scholarship in a surprisingly readable fashion. Approx. UF829736 Gala tians & Ephesians, Gerald L. Bray, ed.60.00 43.99 300–600 pages each, 18 hardcovers. Liturgical Press. UF829754 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Lee Gatiss & Bradley G. Green, eds. . . . .60.00 43.99 UF659960 Retail $1074.10 ...... RBC $873.49 UF829765 Hebrews & James, Ronald K. Rittgers, ed.60.00 43.99 14 Another choice—The NKJV Wiersbe Study Bible on page 9. pg1415_RBC Summer 2021 4/12/2021 11:57 AM Page 15

The Apocalypse of John Francis J. Moloney COMMENTARIES Proposing a rather different twist on one of the most mys- terious books in Scripture, New Bible Moloney sees Revelation not Commentary, so much as an exhortation to faithfulness during a period of 21st Century Edition persecution, but as a celebra- Edited by G.J. Wenham, tion of the ongoing results of J.A. Motyer, D.A. Carson Jesus’ death and resurrection. & R.T. France Fascinating takes on the mean- “The perfect companion for ing of seals, visions, symbols, thoughtful and inquiring battles, and new Jerusalem. evangelical Christians. There 432 pages, hardcover. Baker. is also much here to com- UF961771 Retail $54.99 ...... RBC $34.49 mend for all Bible readers and researchers,”—Religious Studies SAVE Review. “One of the best one- $ volume commentaries on the The Expositor’s 175 market,”—Preaching. Has de- Bible served its high reputation for over 60 years. 1340 pages, Commentary, hardcover. InterVarsity. 13 Volumes: UF1442 Retail $60.00 ...... RBC $43.99 Old & New Zondervan Illustrated Testaments Bible Backgrounds Its legendary prede- cessor, edited by Commentary, Frank Gaebelein, 5 Volumes: made the best of New Testament evangelical scholar- ship lucid and easy to follow. Once again we are given Edited by award-winning scholarship: insightful introductions; de- Clinton E. Arnold tailed outlines; penetrating theological and critical ex- Scholarship here is based positions; helpful bibliographies; and transliterations of on relevant papyri, inscrip- all Hebrew and Greek terms. Based on the NIV. 13 hard- tions, archaeological discov- covers. Zondervan. eries, and the latest research on Judaism, Roman culture, Hel- SAVE UF49196X Retail $574.98 ...... RBC $399.98 lenism, and other sources. This accessible ref- $81 Also available individually: erence offers a verse-by-verse look at the New UF230823 Genesis–Leviticus, John H. Sailhamer, Testament, putting it in its ancient context. Features hun- Walter C. Kaiser, Jr. & Richard S. Hess . .46.99 34.99 UF234944 Numbers–Ruth, Tremper Longman III, dreds of full-color photographs, illustrations, maps, charts, David E. Garland & Ronald B. Allen . . . .59.99 43.99 timelines, and fascinating sidebars. Perfect for teachers. UF234951 1 Samuel–2 Kings, Ronald Youngblood, 2080 pages total, five hardcovers. Richard Patterson & Hermann Austel . . .52.99 38.99 UF598756 Retail $224.99 ...... RBC $143.99 UF234968 1 Chronicles–Job, F. Mabie, E. Yamauchi, “Recommended,”—Booklist: E.A. Phillips & E.B. Smick ...... 49.99 36.99 UF255727 Old Testament, 5 Volumes, UF234975 Psalms, Willem A. VanGemeren ...... 66.99 48.99 John H. Walton, ed...... 324.99 228.49 UF234982 Proverbs–Isaiah, A.P. Ross, J.E. Shepherd, G.M. Schwab & G.W. Grogan ...... 46.99 34.99 Ga la tians UF234999 Jeremiah–Ezekiel, Michael Brown, Paul Ferris & Ralph Alexander ...... 49.99 36.99 A Commentary UF68936 Daniel–Malachi, A. Hill, M. Daniel Carroll R., Craig S. Keener R. Patterson et al...... 46.99 34.99 As one of today’s leading socio- UF68923 Matthew & Mark, D.A. Carson, historical and rhetorical experts, Walter W. Wessel & Mark L. Strauss . . . .52.99 38.99 Keener exhibits an awesome UF235006 Luke–Acts, W.L. Liefeld, D.W. Pao, command of ancient primary R.H. Mounce & R.N. Longenecker ...... 66.99 48.99 sources, both Jewish and Gre- UF35015 Romans–Gala tians, E.F. Harrison, co-Roman, and the best of Eu- D.A. Hagner, V. Verbrugge et al...... 42.99 31.99 ropean and Ameri can scholar- UF35037 Ephe sians–Philemon, W.W. Klein, ship. Nuanced assessments of D.E. Garland, T.D. Still et al...... 42.99 31.99 freedom and slavery; circumci- UF6894X Hebrews–Revelation, R.T. France, G.H. Guthrie, D. Charles et al...... 46.99 34.99 sion; the law-works controversy; Which set did you want? the new perspective on Paul; UF491980 Old Testament, 8 Volumes ...... 354.99 249.99 and more make this volume a priority purchase! 736 UF491972 New Testament, 5 Volumes ...... 219.99 151.99 pages, hardcover. Baker. Also available: UF960078 Retail $59.99 ...... RBC $45.99 UF54975 Abridged Edition, 2 Volumes, Kenneth L. Barker & John R. Kohlenberger III, eds...... 69.99 43.49 The Bible Knowledge Commentary, 2 Volumes SAVE Edited by John F. Walvoord & Roy B. Zuck % Based on the NIV, this is an extraordinarily easy-to-follow section-by-section com- 44 pendium of contributions by the entire faculty of the Dallas Theological Seminary. Committed to biblical inerrancy, a dispensational premillennial theology, and a gram- matical-historical hermeneutic, the findings are illuminated by helpful diagrams. 2580 pages total, two hardcovers. Cook. UF693800X Retail $89.99 ...... RBC $49.99 Also available individually: UF78130 Old Testament ...... 49.99 33.99 UF78127 New Testament ...... 44.99 25.49 • 1-800-CHRISTIAN (1-800-247-4784) 15 pg1617_RBC Summer 2021 4/12/2021 11:54 AM Page 16


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Jesus JESUS The Life and Ministry of God the Son—Collected Insights from A.W. Tozer The Life of Jesus Christ— Tozer was that rare bird, an evan- Part Two, Volume 1 gelical who was also a sort of mystic, Ludolph of Saxony, who steeped himself both in the translated by Bible and great Christian spiritual- ity. Reflecting on the Gospels and Milton T. Walsh Jesus’ earthly life, as well as classic The first English translation of themes in Christology, Tozer’s writ- the most comprehensive series ings are just as pertinent and pen- of meditations on the life of etrating as when they were originally written. 208 pages, Christ from the late Middle Ages. softcover. Moody. Ludolph has interwoven an in- credible wealth of patristic quotes UF415205 Retail $13.99 ...... RBC $10.99 and great medieval spiritual writ- More collected insights from Tozer: ers into his exposition. Encyclo- UF413812 Prayer ...... 14.99 10.99 pedic! These thousands of sources are carefully identified UF668012 Culture ...... 13.99 10.99 and explained by the indefatigable Walsh. 804 pages, UF416035 Worship ...... 13.99 10.99 hardcover. Cisterian. UF668043 Discipleship ...... 13.99 10.99 UF418289 The Church ...... 13.99 10.99 UF072834 Retail $79.95 ...... RBC $67.99 The earlier volumes: Four Portraits, One UF072674 Part One, Volume 1 (chapters 1–40) . . .79.95 66.49 UF072820 Part One, Volume 2 (chapters 41–70) . .79.95 57.99 Jesus—Second Edition Mark L. Strauss The Resurrection The early church didn’t create one composite, harmonized pic- of the Son of God ture of the life and ministry of N.T. Wright Christ, but canonized four sur- “Important contributions. Wright’s viving works. Strauss sees each trilogy is a ‘must’ read,”—Catholic author as an artist with a dis- Library World. On every page, tinctive style, who understands Wright displays brilliance and Jesus from his own point of view; breadth as he interacts with con- he investigates each book’s plot, characters, and themes. tinental, British, and Amer i can 656 pages, hardcover. Zondervan. scholars. He sees creedal Chris - tianity as the most reasonable re- UF528678 Retail $59.99 ...... RBC $43.99 sponse to the historical evidence. Also available: 740 pages, softcover. Fortress. UF0109792 DVD ...... 79.99 56.49 UF0109761 Workbook ...... 22.99 16.49 UF26794 Retail $45.00 ...... RBC $30.99 UF0109815 Laminated Study Sheet ...... 11.99 8.99 Also in the series: UF26818 The New Testament and the People ECPA Best Bible Reference for 2014! of God ...... 45.00 33.99 UF26826 Jesus and the Victory of God ...... 45.00 34.99 Dic tion ary of Jesus and the Also of interest from N.T. Wright: Gospels, Second Edition UF28276X The Climax of the Covenant ...... 29.00 22.99 Edited by Joel B. Green, Jesus’ Family Tree: Jeannine K. Brown & Nicholas Perrin Rose Reference Series First published in 1992, this According to Matthew, Jesus’ ge- much-heralded reference has been nealogy is critical for understand- in need of updating and emend- ing who he is and why he should ing. Nearly all of the articles have be viewed as Israel’s Messiah. The been reconceived and rewritten lives, achievements, and signifi- in light of recent developments in the field, showcasing cance of 30 key ancestors are a new generation of scholars. Should be a first choice etched in our memories as we for Chris tians of all denominations. 996 pages, hardcover. observe God’s ages-old plan un- InterVarsity. fold, with Old Testament types and prophecies being fulfilled. UF824564 Retail $60.00 ...... RBC $43.99 100 pages, hardcover. UF620085 Retail $29.99 ...... RBC $21.99 Jesus Through Middle Eas tern Eyes Buy $ 99 10 or 8 Jerusalem in the Kenneth E. Bailey more EACH Time of Jesus Bailey has been living and teach- ing in the Middle East for 40 years; Joachim Jeremias his knowledge of the customs and An important handbook, practices there is matchless. From widely admired since its first extensive firsthand observations, publication. Jeremias synthe- he is able to offer unique insights sizes an enormous amount into the meaning of Jesus’ para- of research into the social, bles and teachings as they relate economic, and religious cli- to law, honor, forgiveness, etc. mate of the first century, 400 pages, softcover. InterVarsity. drawing extensively from Josephus, Philo, the Dead Sea UF825684 Retail $35.00 ...... RBC $24.99 Scrolls, the Talmud, and ar- Bailey’s other pioneering studies: chaeological findings. A fa- UF832815 The Cross & the Prodigal: Luke 15 Through vorite in the classroom! 405 the Eyes of Middle Eastern Peasants . . . .18.00 13.49 pages, hardcover. Fortress. UF827277 Jacob & the Prodigal: How Jesus Retold Israel’s Story ...... 26.00 18.99 UF704268 Retail $34.99 ...... RBC $9.99 UF1947 Poet & Peasant/Through Peasant Eyes . .34.00 24.99 20 Don’t miss Warren Wiersbe’s The Prayer of Jesus—page 45! pg2021_RBC Summer 2021 4/12/2021 12:32 PM Page 21

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Lewis—DVD, are essential to understanding Narrated by Ben Kingsley ...... 19.95 15.99 the work, and they are good UF51159 The Quotable Lewis, Wayne Martindale & reading in themselves,”—Choice. Jerry Root, eds...... 29.99 21.99 Lewis’s first major work follow- UF080192 Richard Dawkins, C.S. Lewis, and the Meaning ing his conversion. 263 pages, softcover. Eerdmans. of Life, Alister McGrath ...... 12.00 9.99 UF788406 Walking with C.S. Lewis—DVD Curriculum, UF878991 Retail $19.99 ...... RBC $14.99 Tony Ash ...... 49.95 24.99 Beautifully and movingly read by Simon Vance: UF1710024 Unabridged CD ...... 29.95 20.99 • 1-800-CHRISTIAN (1-800-247-4784) 25 pg2627_RBC Summer 2021 4/12/2021 12:21 PM Page 26

THEOLOGY Jesus Unleashed John MacArthur Dorothy Sayers once com- The Very Good Gospel plained that modern believers Lisa Sharon Harper tend to “pare the claws of the “Harper, a Chris tian social ac- Lion of Judah, certifying him tivist and public speaker for So- ‘meek and mild.’” Not John journers, has released a salient, MacArthur, who gives you a full provocative look at Scripture 360-degree view of the Savior, through the lens of her own life. bold in his confrontations, When systematic theologian strong and assertive in his James W. McClendon coined the teaching like some Old Testa- phrase ‘biography as theology,’ ment prophet. 160 pages, hard- he was advocating for life stories cover. Nelson. like these, which remake the way we think,”—Publishers Weekly. UF242971 Retail $14.99 ...... RBC $9.99 240 pages, softcover. Waterbrook. MacArthur boldly confronts the claims of Christ! UF202970 The Jesus You Can’t Ignore ...... 15.99 11.99 UF428585 Retail $17.00 ...... RBC $12.99 Essential Chris tian Theology, Chris tian Doctrine Third Edition Edited by Millard J. Erickson John MacArthur Evangelical, conservative, Baptist, The chancellor emeritus of and Reformed, Erickson’s classic the Master’s Seminary and has become a standard in semi- Master’s University system- naries and colleges. “Destined to atizes the Calvinist views that be the major beginning text in have shaped his ministry for systematic theology for evangeli- 50 years. A detailed, robust cals in the twenty-first century,”— presentation of doctrine that Review & Expositor. New material can be pored over time and has been added on atonement, again. Logical, refreshingly lu- justification, and divine fore- cid; includes ample discus- knowledge. 1280 pages, hardcover. Baker. sion questions. 480 pages, UF036439 Retail $54.99 ...... RBC $42.99 hardcover. Crossway. The Holiness of God, UF571855 Retail $39.99 ...... RBC $28.99 Revised and Systematic Theology Expanded Edition SAVE An Introduction to R.C. Sproul 44% Biblical Doctrine When YHWH revealed himself Wayne Grudem on Mt. Sinai in a blazing fire, Keeping technical terms to darkness and gloom, a tempest, a minimum, Grudem serves and the sound of a trumpet, the up a thorough overview of Israelites were terrified. If even Chris tian beliefs. Blending an animal touched the moun- elements of intellectual and tain, it was to be stoned. Sproul spiritual formation, this best- revisits the awe and wonder we selling college and seminary all should feel before such a mys- text illuminates the knowing terium tremendum. 240 pages, softcover. Tyndale. and doing of theology in per- sonal and parish life. Fea- UF39655 Retail $17.99 ...... RBC $12.49 tures cross-referenced bibliogra- Seminal Sproul works: UF320016 Essential Truths of the Chris tian Faith . .17.99 13.49 phies. 1264 pages, hardcover. Zondervan. UF2347119 Now That’s a Good Question! ...... 17.99 13.49 UF28670 Retail $54.99 ...... RBC $30.99 UF075483 Enjoying God ...... 17.00 14.99 Also available: UF13354 Chosen by God ...... 17.99 12.99 UF278166 Hardcover and Laminated Study Sheet 64.98 31.49 UF531531 Video Lectures—5 DVDs ...... 49.99 44.99 Seven Churches, Four Horsemen, One Lord SAVE A mammoth monumental James Montgomery Boice, $21 study from MacArthur: edited by Biblical Doctrine Philip Graham Ryken Edited by John MacArthur This is the last series of sermons & Richard Mayhue Boice ever gave at Tenth Presby- Though much of the Bible is terian Church in Philadelphia. written in narrative, over the Throwing away elaborate charts centuries theologians have of prophecy predictions, he lifts gradually built up a doctrinal Jesus high as triumphant servant, framework to describe the na- victorious lamb, and king who ture of God, salvation, and the will reign forever. An expositor ongoing work of the Holy par excellence, Boice helped lead the resurgence of Re- Spirit in the church and world. formed theology in contemporary Amer i ca. 336 pages, This reliable, lucid overview is hardcover. P&R. eager to encourage growth in devout believers. 1152 UF957647 Retail $27.99 ...... RBC $22.99 pages, hardcover. Crossway. Build your theological house on the rock! UF545917 Retail $60.00 ...... RBC $38.99 UF852147 Foundations of the Chris tian Faith, Revised and Also available: Expanded, James Montgomery Boice . . .50.00 36.99 UF457401 Spanish Edition ...... 44.99 23.49

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A New Systematic Theology of the THEOLOGY Chris tian Faith Robert L. Reymond The Five Solas Series, Widely used in seminaries, this re- 5 Volumes SAVE source is a monumental presenta- $ tion of creedal Christianity from a Edited by 24 Reformed perspective. Reymond is Matthew Barrett particularly fond of analyzing Scrip- A rallying cry for the Refor ma - ture for every position he takes. Fur- tion was sola scriptura, soli Deo thermore, he interacts with the full gloria, solus Christus, sola fide, gamut of contemporary issues and and sola gratia. Now all five so- controversies. There are fine appendices covering special las are splendidly celebrated topics. 1248 pages, hardcover. Zondervan. in the Word by Matthew Bar- UF0108955 Retail $64.99 ...... RBC $36.49 rett; God’s glory by David Van- The definitive English-language translation: Drunen; Christ by Stephen UF22028 Institutes of the Christian Religion, 2 Volumes, Wellum; faith by Thomas Schreiner; and grace by Carl J.T. McNeill, ed.; F.L. Battles, trans. . . . .110.00 84.49 Trueman. 1200 pages total, five softcovers. Zondervan. UF533964 Retail $89.99 ...... RBC $65.99 Mysteries of the Messiah Rabbi Jason Sobel Reading with the Grain The New Testament writers see Jesus of Scripture as the Messiah who fulfilled Old Testament prophecies, prototypes, Richard B. Hays “Rich and provocative. By and allusions. Rabbi Sobel, raised penetrating and insightful Jewish but now a follower of Yeshua, analysis of so many texts and pulls back the curtain to let you see by encouraging so many crit- innumerable twining links and con- ical hermeneutical issues, nections, showcasing God’s hand in Hays makes an important the salvation of Israel and the world. contribution,”—Theological 208 pages, hardcover. Nelson. Studies. Hays’s most signifi- UF240059 Retail $24.99 ...... RBC $15.99 cant essays over the past 25 Also available: years collected into one keep- UF0133612 DVD and Study Guide ...... 42.99 27.99 sake volume. 448 pages, hard- UF0133605 DVD only ...... 29.99 18.99 cover. Eerdmans. UF0133582 Extra Study Guide ...... 13.99 9.49 UF878452 Retail $55.00 ...... RBC $36.99 Revelation and God, From the premier Volume 1: Reformed Reformed thinker: Systematic Theology A History of Western Joel R. Beeke & Paul M. Smalley Philosophy and Theology In this monumental undertaking, John M. Frame Beeke and Smalley offer a com- Is the human mind the arbiter prehensive overview of the dis- of values and wisdom, or tinctives of the Chris tian faith, should we rely more on the rev- drawing heavily from Puritan and elation of God’s Word? Frame Reformed sources. Unlike more castigates the great Western tra- dry, academ ic competitors, their dition of independent thought, aim is to combine the historical, theological, and spiritual, which puts man at the center in order to engage the entire person. 1309 pages, hardcover. and God on the periphery, be- Crossway. cause with that approach, even our best intentions and highest thoughts are decidedly warped. 864 pages, hard- UF3559839 Retail $60.00 ...... RBC $42.49 cover. P&R. Also in the series: UF3559877 Men and Christ, Volume 2 ...... 65.00 32.99 UF950846 Retail $59.99 ...... RBC $45.99 Also available by the author: The Doctrine of UF444746 ’s Selected Shorter Writings, 3 Volumes ...... 59.97 29.99 the Word of God UF382170 Systematic Theology ...... 54.99 36.49 John M. Frame The concluding volume of Frame’s Never before translated SAVE magnificent Reformed vision. The into English! prologue of John’s Gospel featured $54 Christ as the Word of God who Reformed Dogmatics, took on our humanity and became 5 Volumes a lantern for the entire sin-filled Geerhardus Vos, translat- world. Frame demonstrates how familiar he is with the ins and outs ed by Richard B. Gaffin Born in the Netherlands, Vos of both historical and modern con- came to Amer ica in 1881, troversies. 684 pages, hardcover. P&R. where he became a famed UF522647 Retail $39.99 ...... RBC $31.99 member of the Princeton Also in the Theology of Lordship series: school of theology. He has UF22634 The Doctrine of God ...... 39.99 31.99 been singled out as being the UF60262 The Doctrine of the Knowledge of God 29.99 23.99 “father of Reformed biblical the- UF527963 The Doctrine of the Christian Life . . . . .49.99 32.49 ology.” This is the first time his magnum opus has ever UF383791 Buy all four and SAVE! ...... 151.99 119.99 fully been translated into English. 1344 pages total, five Also of interest by John Frame: hardcovers. Lexham. UF389380 Apologetics: A Justification of Christian Belief, Second Edition ...... 19.99 15.99 UF444819 Retail $174.75 ...... RBC $119.99 • 1-800-CHRISTIAN (1-800-247-4784) 27 pg2829_RBC Summer 2021 4/12/2021 12:19 PM Page 28

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THEOLOGY Rejoice & Tremble Michael Reeves There is a tendency in modern evan- gelicalism to turn God into a pal SAVE who pats us on the back with each $ step in our Christian walk. We forget New International 134 that God is also holy and cannot Dic tion ary of Theology abide iniquity, hence should also be and Exegesis, 10 Volumes feared. Reeves wants us to embrace Good reference books are the backbone all of God’s attributes on the way to of any library. These are two of the best! They canvass happiness, wholeness, and beauty. thousands of words and offer semantic domain indices, 176 pages, hardcover. Crossway. up-to-date research, and English-language bibliographies. UF565328 Retail $19.99 ...... RBC $14.99 All Hebrew and Greek terms have been transliterated. “An amaz ing feat,”—Chris tianity Today: “Essential references,”—Christianity Today. Softcovers and UF839834 Delighting in the Trinity, hardcovers. Zondervan. Michael Reeves ...... 18.00 10.99 UF222768 Retail $449.98 ...... 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Definitive edition of Lutheran beliefs: UF329041 Retail $19.99 ...... RBC $14.99 UF27407 The Book of Concord: The Confessions of See the objects, view the actual sites: the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Robert Kolb & UF598527 DVD ...... 39.99 32.99 Timothy J. Wengert, eds...... 59.00 36.99 Know the Creeds The First One Hundred and Councils Years of Chris tianity Justin S. Holcomb Udo Schnelle, translated by In every generation, the church James W. Thompson must reinterpret and restate its “English-speaking audiences are bedrock beliefs against the press- deeply indebted to Schnelle for this ing issues of the day. Holcomb comprehensive work, which is cer- lightly walks us through major tain to be a standard resource for doctrinal summaries from the a generation. The volume is con- Apostles’ Creed to the Lausanne sistently marked by careful atten- Covenant in 1974. His fair, even- tion to the texts as well as a wide handed assessments highlight range of other primary sources, and each creed or council’s achievements and most important by deep engagement with the vast scholarly literature,”— legacies. 192 pages, softcover. Zondervan. Chris tian Century. 688 pages, hardcover. Baker. UF515091 Retail $12.99 ...... RBC $9.99 UF960153 Retail $60.00 ...... RBC $45.99 The 15-lesson video study: UF595892 DVD ...... 29.99 21.99 Amer i can History, Also available: SAVE One-Volume Edition: UF537205 Know How We Got Our Bible, Ryan M. Reeves $ & Charles Hill ...... 16.99 11.99 31 1492–Present UF595862 DVD ...... 29.99 18.99 More in this series: Thomas S. Kidd UF515072 Know the Heretics, Justin S. Holcomb . .12.99 9.99 “Kidd brings a unique set of gifts. UF0106845 DVD ...... 29.99 18.99 He is first of all, a scholar. Accu- racy and balance mark his careful The Future of Orthodox writing. The set is based on ex- tensive research, but it’s also one Anglicanism the non-specialist can enjoy,”— Edited by Englewood Review of Books. A Gerald R. McDermott sweeping nuanced survey, full of Perhaps the fastest-growing Chris - surprises even for the acknowledged expert. 704 pages, tian community in the world, An- softcover. B&H. glicanism is attracting evangelicals UF982265 Retail $89.99 ...... who hunger for connections to the RBC $58.49 early church and to mystery, sacra- ments, and liturgy. Gathering per- More Church History spectives from around the globe, UF200866 Amer i ca’s Sacred Sites, Brad Lyons & McDermott and company assess Bruce Barkhauer ...... 21.99 15.99 the denomination’s present con- UF071844 Bernard of Clairvaux: Various Sermons, dition and likely future. 224 pages, softcover. Crossway. Grace Remington, trans...... 24.95 21.99 UF566171 Retail $22.99 ...... 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Great for in-depth Sunday school courses! CHURCH HISTORY Learn Church History Pack, 2 Volumes Stories from Global Everett Ferguson, John D. Woodbridge & Lutheranism Frank A. James III Martin L. Lohrmann Popular in Bible schools, evangel- Although Lutheranism began in ical colleges, and seminaries, here central and northern Europe, now SAVE Tanzania has more Lutherans than are two of the most widely used $ church history texts on the market. The authors 22 Sweden, and Indonesia more than guide you, with sure and steady hands, through 2,000 Norway. The single largest church years of major movements and leading figures—all linked body is the Ethiopian Evangelical to a full complement of visual aids: charts, maps, and illus- Church Mekane Yesus; Namibia trations. 1408 pages total, two hardcovers. Zondervan. has a majority Lutheran population. A rare glimpse into lesser-known UF534020 Retail $84.99 ...... RBC $62.99 pivotal figures and events. 200 pages, softcover. Fortress. From Christ to the Pre-Ref or ma tion, Volume 1: UF516569 Hardcover ...... 54.99 37.99 UF6464572 Retail $29.00 ...... RBC $22.49 UF530961 DVDs ...... 49.99 31.99 “Outstanding,”—Journal of Ecclesiastical History: From Pre-Ref or ma tion to the Present Day, Volume 2: UF049699 Dic tion ary of Luther and the Lutheran Traditions, Timothy J. Wengert, ed...... 65.00 19.99 UF257431 Hardcover ...... 59.99 37.49 UF533900 DVDs ...... 49.99 37.49 A Holy Baptism of Puritan Pack, SAVE Fire & Blood 2 Volumes $31 The Bible & the American Civil War Joel R. Beeke, James P. Byrd “Given the depth of religious fervor Mark Jones & and the level of biblical literacy Randall J. Pederson that marked Amer i can society dur- A milestone! Two encyclo- ing the war years, Byrd is able to pedic compendiums of in- tap into a deep well of cultural rich- fluential English Puritans. es and historical insights. Civil War A Puritan Theology analyzes buffs and Scripture enthusiasts alike their teachings under six will find this to be a uniquely loci of theology, covering 50 areas of worthwhile reading expe ri ence,”— Kirkus Reviews. 392 doctrine. Meet the Puritans presents bi- pages, hardcover. Oxford University. ographical sketches of 120 individuals, along with sum- maries of their writings and contributions. 2096 pages UF902791 Retail $34.95 ...... RBC $27.99 total, two hardcovers. Refor ma tion Heritage. “Deeply researched,”—Journal of Church and State: UF987931 Reading the Bible with the Founding Fathers, UF78000X Retail $95.00 ...... RBC $63.49 Daniel L. Dreisbach ...... 34.95 29.99 Worshiping with Mystics in Action the Reformers Twelve Saints for Today Bruce G. Epperly Karin Maag Are believers so heavenly minded As director of the H. Henry that they are not earthly bound? Meeter Center for Calvin Studies Not these 20th-century giants, who at Calvin University, Maag is an displayed a robust faith and com- expert on early Refor ma tion mitment to justice that utterly trans- thought. Here she pulls out all formed the modern world: Albert the stops with excerpts from new- Schweitzer; Dietrich Bonhoeffer; Si- ly translated texts, vivid historical mone Weil; Dag Hammarskjöld; details, and a host of perceptive Martin Luther King, Jr.; Peace Pil- observations. An astute, well- grim; Thomas Merton; Dorothy Day; St. Teresa; and rounded clarification. 248 pages, others. 192 pages, softcover. Orbis. softcover. InterVarsity. UF983892 Retail $22.00 ...... RBC $15.99 UF853023 Retail $24.00 ...... 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Dunn’s ex- He wondrously weaves together out- tensive knowledge of primary ma- standing personalities with major terial, and the fact that he constantly events and the cultural milieu to portray the global work- brings sources to the attention of ings of the Spirit throughout the centuries. 448 pages, the reader, adds to the book’s appeal,”—Journal of Theological softcover. HarperOne. Studies. 1363 pages, softcover. Eerdmans. UF855887 Retail $27.99 ...... RBC $18.99 UF878012 Retail $65.00 ...... RBC $47.99 The companion volume: “A wealth of insights,”—Interpretation: UF855894 The Refor ma tion to the Present Day . . .27.99 19.99 UF877994 Jesus Remembered, Volume 1 ...... 60.00 43.99 Also by the author: UF839336 Neither Jew nor Greek, Volume 3 . . . . .60.00 43.99 UF874719 A Brief History of Sunday ...... 16.00 11.99 • 1-800-CHRISTIAN (1-800-247-4784) 47 pg4849_RBC Summer 2021 4/13/2021 8:45 AM Page 48

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Olive Wood EASTERN ORTHODOXY Eastern Wall Cross Chris tian craftsmen living in the The Eastern Holy Land fashioned these beau- Orthodox Church tiful carvings. Every two years, John Anthony McGuckin olive trees are delicately pruned “McGuckin, an emeritus professor to bear new fruit. From these of early Christianity and Byzantine shoots exquisite 6¤ x 9äüï¤ pieces studies, traces the history of Eastern are created, then overlaid with a Orthodoxy from its founding to the glossy finish. The results glorious- present in this lucid, if sometimes ly reveal the tree’s original grain. tough-going, introduction. His UF010600 Retail $24.99 ...... RBC $21.99 thorough approach will appeal to readers with a deep interest in non- The Orthodox Study Bible Western forms of Christianity,”— Explore the spectacular contours Publishers Weekly. 376 pages, hardcover. Yale University. of our ancient faith—and gain UF21876X Retail $32.50 ...... 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Structure of the Orthodox Church . . . . .25.00 19.99 There’s even a mini-concordance of UF414615 Volume 2: Doctrine and Teaching of scriptural terms for salvation in the Orthodox Church ...... 35.00 27.99 Orthodox liturgy. 226 pages, softcover. InterVarsity. UF415030 Volume 3: The Architecture, Icons, and Music of the Orthodox Church ...... 28.00 22.99 UF852561 Retail $25.00 ...... 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SAVE The Kingdom of the REFERENCE WORKS % Cults, Sixth Edition 43 Walter Martin “The best book there is on Rose Chronological the cults, with an eye on Chris - Guide to the Bible tian missions. This will be widely See all 66 books of the Bible recognized as the outstanding arranged by time periods work on the history, teachings, and explore where key peo- and tragic errors of cults of our ple such as Abraham, David, age,”—Christianity Today. A for- Isaiah, and John fit into the mer Gold Medallion Award win- larger story. Three 24¤ fold- ner, this resource has now sold outs covering creation to the over a million copies. 796 pages, end times also include nu- hardcover. Bethany. merous specialized charts, a UF232652 Retail $29.99 ...... RBC $16.99 harmony of the four Gos- Use the companion resource for Sunday school classes or pels, and maps of significant small groups: journeys. And it’s all reproducible! 170 pages, 9éüë¤ x 12éüï¤ UF232714 Handbook ...... 19.99 12.99 spiralbound softcover. UF628075 Retail $34.99 ...... RBC $21.99 Biblical Language Helpful tools: Library, 4 Volumes UF209033 Jesus and the Apostles: Carta Wall Maps 45.00 34.99 UF628115 Rose Guide to the Gospels ...... 15.99 10.99 For neophytes in Greek and Hebrew, here are four classic introductory works, all cod- Evangelical Dic tion ary ed to Strong’s numbering sys- of Theology, tem—Brown-Driver-Briggs Third Edition Hebrew and English Lexicon, The Englishman’s Hebrew Edited by Daniel J. Treier SAVE $ Concordance, The English- & Walter A. Elwell 69 man’s Greek Concordance, and “A valuable contribution to Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon. 4612 the continuing life and faith pages total, four hardcovers. Hendrickson. of the Christian church, par- ticularly its evangelical wit- UF3206 Retail $154.80 ...... RBC $85.49 ness. An excellent reference Also available individually: for the church library, the pas- UF32060 The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon (Hendrickson Edition) ...... 39.95 22.99 tor’s study, or the layperson’s UF32087 The Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance of bookshelf,”—Ashland Theo- the Old Testament, George V. Wigram . .49.95 31.99 logical Journal. A trusted re- UF32079 The Englishman’s Greek Concordance of source for 25 years. 944 pages, hardcover. Baker. the New Testament, George V. Wigram 44.95 26.99 UF039461 Retail $59.99 ...... RBC $46.99 UF32095 Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament ...... 29.95 17.49 The Sacred Bridge SAVE Carta’s Atlas of Interpreting the $25 the Biblical World New Testament Text Anson F. Rainey & Edited by Darrell L. Bock R. Steven Notley & Buist M. Fanning Covering the third millennium For those looking to delve more B.C.E. to the Roman period, deeply into the meaning of the this information-packed atlas New Testament, here’s a valu- is a scholar’s delight! Emphasis able guide to the principles, is placed on ancient written methods, and fundamentals of sources (translated from the exegesis. Bock and Fanning original languages); archaeo- demonstrate the importance of logical evidence is presented carefully parsing a passage to whenever pertinent; and New obtain accurate understanding Testament geography has been updated in light of the Dead and reach sound and thorough Sea Scrolls. 448 pages, hardcover. conclusions; then a host of contributors offer the reader detailed examples. 480 pages, softcover. Crossway. UF208491 Retail $120.00 ...... RBC $94.99 UF57079X Retail $35.00 ...... RBC $24.99 SAVE More Reference Works $80 Great resource for the classroom: UF501922 Crossway ESV Bible Atlas, John D. Currid & David P. Barrett ...... 55.00 30.99 Abingdon Bible Land UF33571 A Dic tion ary of Early Chris tian Beliefs, Map Set with Tripod David W. Bercot, ed...... 34.95 19.99 Eight 26¤ x 40¤ maps printed UF50264 The Handbook for Spiritual Warfare, in full color with a readable Revised and Updated, Ed Murphy ...... 24.99 16.49 typeface on a special water- UF975423 The Harvest Handbook of Bible Lands, proof film that resists chem- Steven Collins & Joseph M. Holden, eds. 39.99 19.49 icals, tearing, and variations UF824786 The IVP Bible Background Commentary, Revised Edition: New Testament, in temperature are ideal for Craig S. Keener ...... 45.00 25.49 the classroom. Based on the UF18888X The IVP Bible Dic tion ary Set, Oxford Bible Atlas, they feature 8 Volumes ...... 490.00 352.49 detailed political, religious, UF849383 The Universe Next Door, and topographical informa- James W. Sire & Jim Hoover ...... 32.00 22.99 tion. Tripod extends to 7éüë¥. UF537946 Zondervan Handbook to the Bible, Fifth UF43371 Retail $269.99 ...... RBC $189.49 Edition, David & Pat Alexander, eds. . . .44.99 27.99 50 Find Timothy Keller’s Uncommon Ground on page 41! pg5051_RBC Summer 2021 4/12/2021 1:12 PM Page 51

Reformed Dogmatics, 4 Volumes SAVE REFERENCE WORKS Herman Bavinck $ Bavinck’s 4-volume 49 masterwork, Gerefor- Expository Dic tion ary meerde Dogmatiek, published of Bible Words from 1895 to 1899, has in- Edited by Stephen D. Renn fluenced generations of Re- “This diction ary has several formed thinkers. Now, advantages; it enhances a bet- thanks to a partnership be- ter canonical understanding tween the Dutch Reformed of the Bible; the connections Translation Society and Baker, between the OT and NT can it is being translated in its entirety for be studied easily; furthermore, the first time. “Magisterial,”—Library Journal. 2992 pages the diction ary can be used by total, hardcovers. Baker. readers who are not experts in UF035760 Retail $235.95 ...... RBC $186.49 the biblical languages,”—Jour- nal for the Study of the New Tes- A Chris tian’s Guide to tament. 1171 pages, hardcover. Hendrickson. Evidence for the Bible UF565737 Retail $29.95 ...... RBC $18.99 J. Daniel Hays Up-to-date, eye-opening ac- Systematic Theology counts of how extrabiblical Louis Berkhof sources lend credence to the ac- Monumental! First released in curacy of Scripture. Fascinating 1939, this is considered the new details provide context for most influential compendium interpreting contested verses. All of Reformed theology pub- of the evidence is crisply sum- lished in the 20th century. The marized; related Bible references original prolegomena, Introduc- are listed; sources to encourage tory Volume to Systematic Theol- further research are given. 320 ogy, has now been added, along pages, softcover. Baker. with indices, complete bibli- ographies, and questions for UF093315 Retail $21.99 ...... RBC $14.99 further illumination. 992 pages, Informative, dense articles: softcover. Eerdmans. UF018378 The Baker Illustrated Bible Background Commentary, J. Scott Duvall & J. Daniel Hays, eds. . . .49.99 33.99 UF876324 Retail $46.00 ...... RBC $33.99 Holman Illustrated Guide Unearthing the Bible to Biblical Geography 101 Archaeological Discoveries Paul H. Wright That Bring the Bible to Life Using 50 maps and 200 images, Titus Kennedy the president of the Institute of More than 100 objects from 50 Holy Land Studies in Jerusalem museums, private collections, and makes the lands in which Abra- archaeological sites illuminate ham, the prophets, and Jesus the background to Bible events. lived come visually more into This cornucopia of artifacts makes focus. Knowing where and you feel as though you are being when biblical events took place transported in a time machine: can prove meaningful in sur- inscriptions, coins, scarabs, prising ways. 440 pages, hardcover. tablets, papyri, stelae, reliefs, stat- ues, altars, jewelry, weapons, tools, pottery, and more. UF494839 Retail $29.99 ...... RBC $18.99 224 pages, softcover. Harvest. UF979153 Retail $22.99 ...... RBC $15.99 Heart of the Holy Land Then and Now Bible Paul H. Wright If you don’t have a firm grasp of Maps, Deluxe Edition Holy Land geography, this re- How does the 21st-century Middle source will help you find your East compare with ancient Meso- bearings. Via detailed maps, potamia? Thirty new pages of Scripture, 140 photos, and in- maps, illustrations, and diagrams triguing meditations on history, have been added to this outstand- archaeology, Jewish holidays, cul- ing resource. The clear plastic over- ture, and the Arab-Israeli conflict, lays show modern cities and coun- you can start to visualize the set- tries on top of detailed maps of ting for all-important events. 256 Bible times. Can be reproduced pages, softcover. Hendrickson. for the classroom. 72 pages, lay-flat spiral binding. Rose. UF628401 Retail $17.99 ...... RBC $11.99 UF628594 Retail $34.99 ...... RBC $21.99 120 rich schematic maps with plastic overlays: UF365346 Then & Now Bible Map Atlas ...... 39.99 25.99 SAVE $ Encyclopedia of Ancient Chris tianity, 3 Volumes 179 Edited by A. Di Berardino, T.C. Oden, J.C. Elowsky & J. Hoover A translation and expansion of a classic from the Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum in Rome. This unrivaled work focuses on the church’s first eight centuries and consists of 3,220 entries from a team of 226 scholars in 26 countries. Admirable overviews of topics relating to archaeology, architecture, biography, geography, and doctrine. 3200 pages total, three hardcovers. InterVarsity. UF829430 Retail $450.00 ...... RBC $270.49 • 1-800-CHRISTIAN (1-800-247-4784) 51 pg5253_RBC Summer 2021 4/14/2021 6:52 AM Page 52

Scientism and SCIENCE & PHILOSOPHY Secularism Learning to Respond to Confronting Chris tianity a Dangerous Ideology Rebecca McLaughlin J.P. Moreland SAVE Defining scientism as “the % Skeptics can be put off 40 by the simplistic stock view that the hard sciences responses believers give alone have the intellectual au- to their keenly felt questions thority to give us knowledge and doubts. McLaughlin, on of reality,” celebrated philoso- the other hand, empathizes pher Moreland explains the with outsiders, while winsome- rise of this problematic epis- ly and rigorously defending temological doctrine. Explor- Christianity against its harshest ing how it undermines real critics in a way that gives even research and marginalizes morality, he exposes the doubting Thomases pause. 240 ideology’s self-refuting nature, offers a plan for inte- pages, hardcover. Crossway. grating Chris tianity and science, and more. 224 pages, softcover. Crossway. UF564239 Retail $24.99 ...... RBC $14.99 UF556906 Retail $16.99 ...... RBC $11.99 Why I Trust the Bible William D. Mounce Evidence That Demands Biblical illiteracy is rampant in a Verdict our day, so it’s not surprising that Josh McDowell & people raise awkward questions Sean McDowell about the reliability of Scripture: This great apologetics classic How do we know Jesus actually has been updated to take ac- lived? Why were books like the count of the most recent attacks left out? on the faith. Begun when Josh Weren’t the Gospels written years McDowell was working for after Jesus’ death? Don’t modern Campus Crusade for Christ, translations contradict each oth- this resource has proven to be er? Here are answers. 256 pages, a powerful point-by-point ref- softcover. Zondervan. erence—with convincing re- UF0109945 Retail $19.99 ...... RBC $12.99 sponses to every manner of His magnificent reference! question raised by skeptics and critics. 800 pages, hard- UF248787 Mounce’s Complete Expository Dic tion ary cover. Nelson. of Old & New Testament Words ...... 39.99 28.99 UF676704 Retail $29.99 ...... RBC $16.99 Science and the Doctrine Also available: UF050543 Spanish Edition ...... 38.25 29.99 of Creation The McDowells have shown thousands who Jesus really Edited by is: Geoffrey H. Fulkerson & UF326276 More Than a Carpenter ...... 6.99 4.99 Joel Thomas Chopp A Theory of Everything Due to telescopes, satellites, and interplanetary probes, our un- (That Matters) derstanding of the universe has Alister McGrath expanded immensely in recent With two Oxford doctorates, decades. As a consequence, mod- one in molec u lar biophysics and ern theologians have been madly one in historical and systematic rethinking the doctrine of cre- theology, McGrath is one of to- ation ex nihilo. See how our awe- day’s most formidable thinkers some God is in Barth, Pannenberg, Torrance, Kuyper, on science and religion. Here and others. 275 pages, softcover. InterVarsity. he clearly delineates the seminal UF852801 Retail $28.00 ...... RBC $19.99 theories—and lesser-known Adam and Eve, miracles, evolution, the virgin birth . . . views on God—of the greatest UF594031 Science and the Bible: Modern Insights for physicist of modern times. 224 an Ancient Text, David Instone-Brewer . .14.99 10.99 pages, hardcover. Tyndale. UF438072 Retail $22.99 ...... RBC $17.99 Public Intellectuals and the Common Good Three Views on Edited by Todd C. Ream, Chris tianity and Science Jerry Pattengale & Edited by Paul Copan Christopher J. Devers & Christopher L. Reese How can one be an authentic To which position do you ad- Chris tian voice in today’s pub- here? Science and Chris tianity lic square? Whether as theo - seek independent answers to logians, journalists, scholars, distinct questions (Michael or social activists, Chris tians Ruse); the natural sciences and are urged to speak out for the Christianity function differently, common good across deep re- but they vigorously inform each ligious and cultural divides. other (Alister McGrath); sci- Featured contributors include Miroslav Volf, Amos ence, philosophy, and theology Yong, Katelyn Beaty, John Perkins, and more. 192 all interact together, contribut- pages, softcover. InterVarsity. ing to our understanding of reality (Bruce L. Gordon). 224 pages, Zondervan. UF854813 Retail $25.00 ...... RBC $18.99 Evangelical giants in the life of the mind: UF598541 Retail $18.99 ...... RBC $13.99 UF0852826 To Think Chris tianly, Care for more Copan? Charles E. Cotherman ...... 35.00 24.99 UF875471 Loving Wisdom ...... 29.99 20.99 52 McGrath also offers J.I. Packer: His Life and Thought—on page 2. pg5253_RBC Summer 2021 4/12/2021 12:57 PM Page 53


SAVE Encountering $30 the Holy Land—DVD Carl G. Rasmussen Rasmussen, the author of the Gold Medallion Award-winning Zon- dervan Atlas of the Bible presents students with Puritan—DVD Curriculum an incredible new tool. Recover those days when heartfelt Christian devotion Each lesson, beautifully was all-encompassing! Celebrated modern scholars (e.g., filmed on location, draws Ryken, Piper, Packer) open up the beauty of Puritan viewers into a deeper ap- thought and spirituality, while demolishing false and preciation of biblical geography misleading notions. Includes a 127-minute documentary, and history. Arranged chronologically from Genesis to as well as 16 sessions on major figures, 19 sessions on Revelation. Thirteen-session DVD. Puritan teaching, and a workbook. UF0101760 Retail $49.99 ...... RBC $44.99 UF379062 Retail $150.00 ...... RBC $119.99 Also available: Matthew & Acts: UF786555 Extra Workbook ...... 20.00 14.99 The Visual Bible—DVDs Taken word for word from Peruse this masterpiece from the New International Ver- every angle: sion and the Good News The Grace of translations, these visu- ally appealing videos Les Misérables— make the Bible charac- DVD Curriculum ters seem more like Matt Rawle genuine human beings, Pastor Matt Rawle not plaster saints. Solid summarizes the acting, realistic settings, pe- high points of riod costumes. Includes Span- this classic Chris - ish and Portuguese audio. 7éüë hours, four DVDs. tian novel via six UF080992 Retail $25.99 ...... RBC $20.99 thematic sessions fo- The Gospel alone: cusing on major charac- UF51939X Matthew—2 DVDs ...... 12.99 9.99 ters and their powerful depictions of major doctrines of the faith: Valjean (grace), Fantine (poverty), Les Exclusive edition with special Amis (revolution), Eponine (sacrifice), Javert (justice), content! and the conclusion (hope). Suitable for individuals or groups. The Pilgrim’s Progress— UF887147 DVD ...... 39.99 25.49 DVD UF887120 Leader’s Guide ...... 14.99 10.99 Immerse your children UF887215 Youth Study Book ...... 11.99 8.99 in one of the great UF887109 Softcover ...... 16.99 12.99 works of Chris tian lit- The complete, unabridged softcover edition of the classic: erature! This animat- UF419439 Les Misérables, Victor Hugo ...... 9.95 7.99 ed version of John Bunyan’s epic master- Words of Life— piece helps families DVD Curriculum understand why the spir- Adam Hamilton itual quest is the most im- Hamilton, senior pastor portant journey of our lives. Includes a bonus feature of of one of the fastest international ministry leaders Sheila Walsh, Jack Graham, growing churches in Skip Heizig, and others discussing the powerful allegory’s the country, brings historic global impact. (PG.) 115 minutes. us an astounding UF224653 Retail $19.95 ...... RBC $12.99 contemporary re - flection on the Ten My-iBible, ESV— Commandments. Juxtaposing scientific Voice-Only research and psychology Digital Bible Player with Hebraic translation and Narrated by David Heath Jesus’ reinterpretation, he demonstrates why they should Listen to the Scriptures anywhere, be called God’s “thou shalts” for a great life. DVD includes anytime. Newly designed, this six sessions. device can play the entire ESV UF013267 DVD ...... 39.99 34.99 without requiring a computer. UF013248 Leader’s Guide ...... 14.99 10.99 The package includes head- Also available: phones, a charger, and a user UF760547 Hardcover book ...... 25.00 16.49 guide. Also features a built-in ex- ternal speaker, a headphone jack, More DVDs and a replaceable battery. Read by the inimitable David Heath. UF018720 Archaeology + Jesus ...... 19.99 14.99 UF896149 Hebrews: Grace and Gratitude (6 sessions), UF709638 ...... RBC $59.95 David A. deSilva ...... 39.99 34.99 Other editions, narrated by Stephen Johnston: UF641933 Ignatius of Loyola: Soldier, Sinner, UF706682 KJV ...... 59.95 Saint ...... 24.95 19.99 UF706705 NASB ...... 59.95 UF527306 Paul, Apostle of Christ ...... 9.99 7.49 UF706712 NKJV ...... 59.95 • 1-800-CHRISTIAN (1-800-247-4784) 53 pg5455_RBC Summer 2021 4/12/2021 12:54 PM Page 54

Complete Biblical LANGUAGE RESOURCES Hebrew Sarah Nicholson Did you ever think to yourself, SAVE Basics of Latin— “Wouldn’t it be nice if I knew $ DVD Lectures more about the original biblical 59 Derek Cooper languages?” In 20 short lessons Studying ecclesiastical designed for the absolute begin- Latin is somewhat dif- ner, Nicholson enables you to ferent from classical pick up the vocabulary, under- Latin. Cooper focuses stand basic grammar, and trans- on the leading practi- late authentic biblical texts. This tioners in the church new edition adds more exercises and readings. 304 pages, from Tertullian through softcover. Teach Yourself. the Vulgate, from Augustine UF627833 Retail $44.99 ...... RBC $33.99 to the Protestant Reformers. Stu- Mastering paradigms for long-term retention: dents will rejoice at the easy-to-understand explanations, UF590840 Learning Biblical Hebrew, Karl V. Kutz & analogies, and examples. Read great Chris tian minds in Rebekah L. Josberger ...... 39.99 28.99 the original. Three DVDs. UF0114314 Retail $199.99 ...... RBC $140.49 New Testament Also available: SAVE UF538998 Textbook ...... 59.99 37.49 Papyri Facsimiles: $79 P45, P46, P47— Bauer-Danker-Arndt- 2 Volumes Gingrich Greek-English The partially preserved Greek pa- pyrus codices P45, P46, and P47, Lexicon, Third Edition dating back to the third century, Ten years in the making, this include passages from all four extensive revision of Bauer, the Gospels, Acts, the Pauline epis- standard authority the world tles, Hebrews, and Revelation— over, contains new entries and among our earliest extant wit- citations, an easier-to-read type- nesses. Based on groundbreaking digitization at the Center face, and extended defi ni tions for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts. 544 pages rather than one-word synonyms. total, two slipcased hardcovers (each with same content “New Testament lexicography but different background color). Hendrickson. has reached its zenith,”—Theol- ogy Today. 1018 pages, hardcover. University of Chicago. UF708440 Retail $399.00 ...... RBC $319.99 Also of interest: UF39331 ...... RBC $175.00 UF073147 New Testament Papyrus P47: A Transcription ...... 59.95 46.99 SAVE The Greek-English $26 Interlinear ESV Keep Up Your Biblical Greek New Testament in Two Minutes a Day, Handy for students and pastors, SAVE Volume 1 this features the Nestle-Aland 42% Novum Testamentum Graece Compiled & edited by (NA28) laid out word by word Jonathan G. Kline above English glosses that indicate Is your biblical Greek getting rusty? each word’s basic meaning and Refresh your knowledge with Kline’s morphology—along with the ESV supplement. Helping you rebuild a in a separate column. Also includ- robust vocabulary, 365 brief lessons ed are notes from NA28’s critical present a new daily word plus two re- apparatus. 1408 pages, 5äüï¤ x 8¤ hardcover. Crossway. view words from previous entries; an English New Testament verse embed- UF530326 Retail $59.99 ...... RBC $33.99 ded with the three words; and the full Greek More helpful tools: UF501135 The Hebrew-English Interlinear ESV passage accompanied by a corresponding English translation. Old Testament ...... 89.99 44.99 384 pages, burgundy imitation leather. Hendrickson. UF46285 The English-Greek Reverse Interlinear ESV UF070566 Retail $39.95 ...... RBC $22.99 New Testament ...... 60.00 43.99 More in the series by Jonathan Kline: UF070573 Greek, Volume 2 ...... 39.95 22.99 Basics of Biblical UF070603 Hebrew, Volume 1 ...... 39.95 22.99 SAVE Greek Grammar, UF070634 Hebrew, Volume 2 ...... 39.95 22.99 % UF070658 Aramaic ...... 39.95 22.99 43 Fourth Edition UF006334 Buy all five and SAVE! ...... 199.75 99.99 William D. Mounce The standard textbook for colleges A Proverb a Day and seminaries for its integrated, SAVE in Biblical Hebrew % in no vative, and encouraging ap- Compiled & edited by proach. This edition features sim- 42 plified layouts, revised exercises, Jonathan G. Kline an expanded emphasis on roots, The grind of the workaday world and more. Offers FREE access to and parish ministry frequently updated online tools including prevents us from reviewing the chapter quizzes, presentation slides, and workbook answer original languages we studied so key. 509 pages, hardcover. Zondervan. diligently in school. In this bite- sized approach, Kline divides each UF537432 Retail $59.99 ...... RBC $33.99 verse into its poetic couplet; all A robust suite of supplemental helps: Hebrew words are laid out, glosses UF097884 DVDs, set of 6 ...... 124.99 82.49 provided, and verbs parsed. Two pages later is the English UF537472 Workbook ...... 24.99 18.99 translation. 416 pages, hardcover. Hendrickson. UF598763 Vocabulary Cards ...... 29.99 20.99 UF598770 Biblical Greek: A Compact Guide . . . . .22.99 13.49 UF072430 Retail $29.95 ...... RBC $17.49 54 More Mounce—Why I Trust the Bible on page 52. pg5455_RBC Summer 2021 4/12/2021 12:54 PM Page 55

LANGUAGE RESOURCES 52 Hebrew Words Every Chris tian Should Know Dave Adamson Few laypeople are proficient in ancient languages, so it’s a joy to find someone who can expand one’s horizons. Each SAVE word is given an in-depth def- $62 ini tion, an explanation, and Learn Biblical Hebrew Pack 2.0 a historic usage, and is com- Gary D. Pratico & Miles V. Van Pelt plemented by an illustrative Everything you need to start learning Hebrew today! Along photo. Exquisitely printed with the third edition of the Basics of Biblical Hebrew Gram- with fine stitching and gold mar textbook, this collection of tools includes a companion foil titles. 120 pages, 5¤ x 7¤ workbook; a DVD set of 36 video lessons; a compact rich brown imitation leather. Christian Art Gifts. guide with quick-reference summaries; 1,000 vocabulary flash cards; an audio pronunciation CD; and a laminated UF2127770 Retail $14.99 ...... RBC $10.99 sheet of common language questions. Zondervan. 70 Hebrew Words Every UF0100232 Retail $224.99 ...... RBC $162.99 Also available: Chris tian Should Know UF0100256 Learn Biblical Greek Pack 2.0, Matthew Richard Schlimm William D. Mounce ...... 224.99 164.99 Hebrew terms can have wider meanings than their English Basics of Biblical equivalents (e.g., remember, Hebrew Grammar, covenant, walk, glory, wisdom, SAVE fear). Word plays or puns Third Edition $ may be going on that we miss Gary D. Pratico & 29 entirely. Names themselves Miles V. Van Pelt (e.g., Adam, Cain) can be More than 80,000 copies central to the story’s signifi- have been sold since 2001! cance. “Schlimm’s writing style This standard seminary/col- is engaging, without being lege textbook offers a com- overwhelming,”—Presbyterian Outlook. 196 pages, soft- plete course for learning the cover. Abingdon. elements of the language of UF799969 Retail $19.99 ...... RBC $14.99 the Old Testament. Blending deductive and inductive Romans: learning, it emphasizes the structural pattern of the lan- Greek Scripture Journal guage, while minimizing rote memorization. Wonderfully Research to your heart’s con- student-friendly! 491 pages, hardcover. Zondervan. tent as you carefully investigate UF0533498 Retail $59.99 ...... RBC $30.99 the New Testament in its orig- There’s a cornucopia of helpful aids: inal language. Long a standard UF538600 DVDs, set of 5 ...... 124.99 99.99 text, the 28th edition of Nes- UF533559 Workbook ...... 24.99 14.49 tle-Aland Novum Testamen- UF534181 Vocabulary Cards ...... 29.99 21.99 tum Graece (without its critical UF532828 The Vocabulary Guide to Biblical Hebrew apparatus) is placed alongside and Aramaic, Second Edition ...... 24.99 15.99 blank lined pages. Record the UF093787 Biblical Hebrew: A Compact Guide, results of your linguistic delib- Second Edition ...... 22.99 15.99 erations. 136 pages, softcover. Will become a mainstay German Bible Society. in the modern classroom: UF073260 Retail $29.95 ...... RBC $23.99 Septuaginta, The Interlinear 2 Volumes SAVE A Reader’s Edition $30 Hebrew-Greek-English Edited by Bible, One-Volume SAVE Gregory R. Lanier & Edition 56% William A. Ross Jay P. Green The early church fathers The only work of its kind— depended heavily on the now back in print! Green pre- Septuagint for understand- sents the original Hebrew ing the Old Testament. (based on the Masoretic text) This splendid edition of and the original Greek (based Rahlfs-Hanhart is easy to on the Textus Receptus), an read; puts double texts on facing pages; defines every English rendering below, a lit- word occurring 100 times or fewer (plus full parsing); eral translation in an outside has a complete vocabulary list, which compares the column, and numbers from LXX to New Testament usage. 3350 pages total, two hard- Strong’s above the line. A must- covers. Hendrickson. have reference. 976 pages, UF708433 Retail $109.95 ...... RBC $78.99 hardcover. Hendrickson. Or choose this binding: UF639774 Retail $79.95 ...... RBC $34.99 UF071853 Soft leather-look, black ...... 119.95 89.99 The multivolume set in a larger typeface: The text without reader’s helps: UF639804 Hardcover, 4 Volumes ...... 139.95 59.99 UF072973 Septuaginta, Large-Print Edition— Also available: hardcover, Alfred Rahlfs & UF639790 The Interlinear Greek-English New Testament, Robert Hanhart, eds...... 189.95 169.99 hardcover ...... 34.95 17.99 • 1-800-CHRISTIAN (1-800-247-4784) 55 pg5657_RBC Summer 2021 4/12/2021 12:50 PM Page 56

White Lies ISSUES & ETHICS Nine Ways to Expose and Resist the Racial Systems The Soul of Amer i ca That Divide Us Daniel Hill Jon Meacham Using his 20-plus years working “Meacham has become one of in cross-cultural communities, Ameri ca’s most earnest and Hill offers a practical guide to pro- thoughtful biographers and moting racial justice. He provides historians. In a thoroughly nine biblical practices that will researched and smoothly writ- show you how to get free of the ten roundup of some of the impact of white supremacy indi- worst parts of Amer i can history vidually, recognize it at work sys- and how they were gradually tematically, talk about race in an intelligent and respectful overcome, he gives readers a way, and more. 272 pages, hardcover. Zondervan. long-term perspective,”—USA Today. 416 pages, hardcover. UF358511 Retail $25.99 ...... RBC $15.49 Random House. Take a biblical approach to dealing with the sin of racism: UF589812 Retail $30.00 ...... RBC $17.99 UF843930 White Awake: An Honest Look at What Another by the former vestryman at the famed Trinity It Means to Be White, Daniel Hill ...... 18.00 12.49 Church: UF878442 After Whiteness: An Education in Belonging, UF236666 The Hope of Glory ...... 22.00 15.49 Willie James Jennings ...... 19.99 14.99 How to Fight Racism Prey Tell Courageous Chris tianity Tiffany Bluhm and the Journey Issues of sexual harassment Toward Racial Justice and abuse are too often pushed Jemar Tisby under the rug in churches. “What drives Tisby’s work and Weaving in her own story with sets it apart is the author’s su- careful, myth-shattering re- perlative understanding of the search, Bluhm discloses a world state of our current conversation of deep hurt and male manip- and his deeply charitable ap- ulation. In the end, she calls proach in removing barriers to for increased transparency, pro- an honest reckoning of Ameri - tection of the vulnerable, and can Christianity’s choices to ac- sympathy for victims. 192 commodate white supremacy,”—Christian Scholar’s pages, softcover. Brazos. Review. 208 pages, hardcover. Zondervan. UF434785 Retail $17.99 ...... RBC $13.49 UF0104773 Retail $24.99 ...... RBC $18.99 Unconditional love utterly transforms: Consider the curriculum: UF848636 Never Alone: Six Encounters with Jesus UF0113249 DVD ...... 29.99 18.99 to Heal Your Deepest Hurts, UF0113225 Study Guide ...... 14.99 9.99 Tiffany Bluhm ...... 16.99 4.99 Chris tian Ethics The Nicomachean Ethics SAVE Aristotle, translated by Wayne Grudem $20 How can we know God’s Adam Beresford will in the ordinary deci- One of the great philosophical sions of life? Grudem, whose thinkers, Aristotle believed that theology texts are standards by living well, seeking the golden in colleges and seminaries, mean, and guiding one’s life by methodically tackles issues reason, one could follow a virtu- fraught with controversy such ous path toward happiness. This as wealth and poverty; mar- idea was soon contested by the riage and divorce; business rise of Chris tianity, which said practices; environmental virtue was best achieved by an aus- stewardship; abortion; homo - tere life of sacrifice dedicated to sexuality; and euthanasia. Offers a vision of holiness God. 400 pages, softcover. Penguin. and joy. 1008 pages, hardcover. Crossway. UF455474 Retail $17.00 ...... RBC $15.30 UF549656 Retail $59.99 ...... RBC $39.49 Cosmological, teleological, moral, ontological . . . Excellent entries into ethics studies! UF0853007 Does God Exist? A History of Answers UF038792 Chris tian Ethics: Contemporary Issues to the Question, W. David Beck ...... 35.00 24.99 & Options, Second Edition, Norman L. Geisler ...... 36.99 28.99 Divided by Faith UF52118X Introducing Chris tian Ethics, Scott B. Rae 16.99 12.99 Michael O. Emerson & Chris tian Smith Ethics “This book is a report card for the Dietrich Bonhoeffer church leaders and for the larger Bonhoeffer believes Christians society. The authors show how don’t live in a vacuum, so our racial valuations are basically built ethics can’t exist there, either. In into the structures of society. We 12 chapters, the renowned the- are, in a sense, failing by design,”— ologian discusses “The Love of Chris tianity Today. Perhaps the finest God and the Decay of the World,” study in print of the racial attitudes “Ethics As Formation,” “History of white evangelicals. 224 pages, and Good,” “The ‘Ethical’ and the softcover. Oxford University. ‘Christian’ As a Theme,” “Personal and Real Ethos,” “State and UF147073 Retail $19.99 ...... RBC $15.99 Church,” and more. 384 pages, By the 2018 Grawemeyer Award winner! softcover. Touchstone. UF758959 A Black Theology of Liberation, James H. Cone ...... 20.00 18.90 UF83910 Retail $18.00 ...... RBC $13.49 56 Visit page 62 for Grudem’s Systematic Theology. pg5657_RBC Summer 2021 4/12/2021 12:50 PM Page 57

2084 Artificial Intelligence, ISSUES & ETHICS the Future of Humanity, and the God Question Moral Man and John C. Lennox Will artificial intelligence and Immoral Society bioengineering dramatically al- ter our future? For good or for “It is a classic. Few books have evil? Lennox evenhandedly de- done more to spur the modern scribes AI’s current capacity and conversation on religion, politics, its pros and cons, separating and, of course, the ethical inter- scientific fact from wild specu- play between the two on both the lation. He is professor of math- individual and societal level,”— ematics emeritus at Oxford and has publicly debated Theological Book Review. “We still such atheists as Richard Dawkins and Christopher need Niebuhr’s insights as much Hitchens. 208 pages, hardcover. Zondervan. as ever,”—New York Review of UF010956X Retail $19.99 ...... RBC $13.49 Books. 320 pages, softcover. West- Also available: minster John Knox. UF010960X DVD ...... 59.99 42.49 UF266351 Retail $35.00 ...... RBC $27.99 Niebuhr’s immensely influential masterpiece: UF57097 The Nature and Destiny of Man, The Bible and 2 Volumes ...... 58.50 Homosexual Practice What the Bible Says Robert A.J. Gagnon “This is the most comprehensive About Divorce and up-to-date treatment of the and Remarriage biblical texts that are generally Wayne Grudem associated with homosexual One of evangelicalism’s fore- practice and of the arguments most ethicists tackles this tick- used to interpret them. Gagnon lish issue, ultimately deciding contends that the Bible unequiv- that divorce and remarriage ocally defines same-sex inter- are allowed in cases of sexual course as sin,”—Ameri ca. 520 immorality, desertion, and pages, softcover. Abingdon. abuse. If divorce is granted for UF022797 Retail $48.49 ...... RBC $34.49 biblically illegitimate reasons, should remarriage be allowed? Compassion (&) Can a divorced person ever become a church officer? Conviction 96 pages, softcover. Crossway. Justin Giboney, UF568268 Retail $7.99 ...... RBC $5.99 Field-tested ideas to prevent breakup: Michael Wear & UF653366 Before You Split, Toni Nieuwhof ...... 17.00 12.49 Chris Butler Christ’s teachings don’t fall neatly No Flesh Shall Glory into either the modern Ameri can C. Herbert Oliver conservative or liberal camp. In this book originally written Sometimes they are both-and; in 1959, an African Amer i can sometimes they are neither-nor. pastor labeled the segregated This resource serves as a bold at- Amer ican church as anti-Chris - tempt to move believers away from tian. “If God loves variety,” he the current us-vs.-them stance and says, “it is perverse for men to toward a more just, humane, and hate it.” Arguing that the entire biblical future. 160 pages, hardcover. InterVarsity. human race is created in the UF848102 Retail $22.00 ...... RBC $14.49 image of God, Oliver goes a 2019 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year! long way toward overcoming UF845934 Revolution of Values: Reclaiming Public racial polarization. 112 pages, Faith for the Common Good, softcover. P&R. Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove ...... 22.00 14.99 UF959015 Retail $14.99 ...... RBC $11.99 When Did We Start “Impressive research,”—Chris tianity Today: UF980050 The Cross and the Lynching Tree, Forgetting God? James H. Cone ...... 27.00 19.99 Mark Galli Galli, who recently retired as editor God and the Transgender of Chris tianity Today, sees modern Debate evangelicalism at a crossroads. Will the movement follow its deep his- Andrew T. Walker The modern sexual revolution has torical roots of discipleship, evan- left many scratching their heads. gelism, and social concern, or will What is the biblical teaching re- it squander this historic moment garding sex and gender? How have in bitter political one-upmanship, modern medicine’s findings mod- partisan divisions, and rancor? In ified our understanding? Where the end, what should our priorities do we go from here? Walker urges be? 255 pages, softcover. Tyndale. us to tell the truth in love, work UF373614 Retail $16.99 ...... RBC $12.99 toward social justice, and always show compassion. 144 pages, soft- Find us on the following social networks . . . cover. The Good Book. UF981785 Retail $16.99 ...... RBC $11.99 “Timely, trenchant, recommended,”—Choice: UF828591 Understanding Gender Dysphoria, Mark A. Yarhouse ...... 20.00 14.99 • 1-800-CHRISTIAN (1-800-247-4784) 57 pg5859_RBC Summer 2021 4/12/2021 12:45 PM Page 58

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