Adobe® Font Name Reference Table (Fntnames.Pdf)
® Adobe® Font Name Reference Table (Fntnames.pdf) © 1997 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. ® Contents Typeface Trademark Symbols . 3 Introduction . 7 Font Name Reference Table . 11 Package 100 . 25 Package 200 . 42 Package 300 . 57 Package 400 . 74 Appendix A: Font Menu Name Revisions . 82 Appendix B: Trademark Attribution Statements . 91 Adobe Technical Support Technical Adobe ® Typeface Trademark Symbols The following list of trademark attribution symbols is arranged alpha- betically by family name. The name of the originating company (e.g., ITC) and prefixes such as “new” in names like “New Baskerville” were not used for alphabetizing. The trademark attribution statements are in Appendix B of this document. A Aachen™, Agfa®, Aja®, Berthold® Akzidenz Grotesk®, Albertus®, Aldus*, Alexa®, ITC American Typewriter®, Americana®, Amigo™, Andreas™, ITC Anna®, Antique Olive®, Apollo™, Arcadia*, Ariadne*, Arnold Bocklin*, Ashley Script™, New Aster™, Auriol*, ITC Avant Garde Gothic®, Avenir* B Baker Signet™, Balzano™, Banco®, Banshee™, Barmeno™, Berthold Baskerville™, Berthold Baskerville Book®, ITC New Baskerville®, ITC Bauhaus®, ITC Beesknees®, Bellevue™, Belwe™, Bembo®, ITC Benguiat®, ITC Benguiat Gothic®, ITC Berkeley Old Style®, Berliner Grotesk™, Berling™, Bermuda™, Bernhard Bold Condensed*, New Berolina™, Berthold®, Bickham Script™, Biffo™, Birch®, Blackoak®, Block Berthold®, Bauer Bodoni™, Berthold Bodoni®, Berthold Bodoni Old Face™, AG Book™, ITC Bookman®, Boton®, Boulevard™, Briem®, Bulmer™ C PMN Caecilia*, Caflisch Script®,
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