47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2016) 2196.pdf TIMING OF FLUVIAL ACTIVITY IN THE XANTHE TERRA REGION OF MARS: IMPLICATIONS FOR HYPANIS DELTA, A POTENTIAL LANDING SITE FOR MARS2020. S. Eckes1, N.H. Warner1, S. Gup- ta2, M. O’Shea1, J. Smith1, A. Werynski1, 1Department of Geological Sciences, SUNY Geneseo, 1 College Circle, Geneseo, NY 14454; 2Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, Earth Science and Engineering, Lon- don, SW7 2AZ, UK.
[email protected] &
[email protected] Introduction: The Xanthe Terra region of Mars > 200 m diameter craters rest solely on top of these exhibits multiple fluvial networks that are of interest ejecta blankets. It is possible, given the thickness of the for future exploration. The timing of these channels is ejecta blankets for (order of) 10 km-size craters and poorly constrained and it’s not clear whether they given depth/diameter relationships of craters of this formed at the same time or spanned a broader period of size [6,7], that some craters may poke through the ejec- history [1,2,3]. Furthermore, sedimentary fans that are ta from the highland terrain beneath. This scenario sourced by some of the channels are currently under would provide an overestimate of the formation age of consideration as landing sites for Mars2020. It is there- the larger crater using crater statistics. fore critical to understand their timing within the To better understand and resolve this issue, we chronostratigraphic context of Mars. Current estimates, constrained a mean thickness for each ejecta blanket in based on crater counts from the fans, places the fluvial our count analysis using a 100 m High Resolution Ste- activity within the Hesperian to Early Amazonian reo Camera digital elevation model (DEM).