A Description of Figurative Language in Selected Poems of W.B.Yeats

A Paper




Universitas Sumatera Utara AUTHOR’S DECLARATION

I, MARULI HUTAGALUNG, declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except where the reference are made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or part from a paper by wich I have been qualified for or awarded another agree.

No other persons’ work has been used without due acknowledgement in the main texy of this pape. This paper has not been submitted for the awardeed of another degree in any tertiary education.

Signed :

Dated : August 2017

Universitas Sumatera Utara COPYRIGHT DECLARATION

Name : Maruli Hutagalung

Title of paper : A Description of Figurative Language found in Selected

Poems of W.B.Yeats

Qualification : D-III / Ahli Madya

Study Program : English

I am willing that my paper should be available for reproduction at discretion of the librarian of the Diploma III English Department Faculty of Cultural Studies USU on the understanding that users are made aware of their obligation under law of the Republic of Indonesia.

Signed :

Dated : August 2017

Universitas Sumatera Utara ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

First of all, I would like to thank and praise to Almighty God for blessing and giving me strength and health. Finally,I can accomplish this paper which one of my requirements as a student of English Department to achive the degree of Diploma III at Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara.

I also do not forget to realize when I doing this paper, there are so many people to help me accomplish this paper. Therefore, I would like to express my deep gratitude and appreciation to my lovely family especially to my beloved parents, Josafat Hutagalung and Saida Panggabean thanks for all of loves, motivation, prays, and supports. They are my hero in my life; and also to my beloved brothers and sister: Gibson hutagalung, Mulyono Hutagalung,Michael Hutagalung,and Rowina Lestari Hutagalung.

I also would like to say thanks to the dean Faculty of Cultural Studies, Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S. The head of Diploma III English Study ProgramDra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M. Humand also as my supervisor thanks For all of your guidance, Help, and Suggestion to write this paper. Then, I appreciate to all lecturers in English Study Program, thanks to all of your time to teached me and gave me knowledgement.

All of my friends in Solidas especially class B 2014 that I can mention one by one, thanks to all of your helps,and support.

My deepest thanks also expressing to all my friends that i can not mention one by one in my Organization; Gerakan mahasiswa nasional Indonesia ( GmnI ) I hope we all can work harder to influence our Ideology or do our duties together.

I also do not gorget to express sincere thanks to all my friends in Theatre “O” USU that I can not mention one by one thanks to all of your support, knowledgement, and time we spent together to reach or build our dreams and play our scene in every stage.

To everybody who has helped the writer, thanks to all of your helps and deserving when I do this paper, I will always remember your support.

Universitas Sumatera Utara I do realize that this paper is still far from being perfect, therefore, I welcome to all criticism even suggestion towards this paper. Finally, I hope this paper can be usefull for anyone who want to know even develop apart of Literature.

Medan, August 2017

The writer,

Maruli Hutagalung Reg. No. 142202084

Universitas Sumatera Utara Approved by


Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M.Hum. NIP: 19571002198601 2 003

Submitted to Faculty of Culture Study, University of Sumatera Utara in partial Fullfilment of the requirements for Diploma-III in English Study Program

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Approved by the Diploma-III of English Study Program Faculty of Culture study, University of Sumatera Utara as a paper for the Diploma-III Examination.

Accepted by the board of Examiner in partial of the requirements for the D-III Examination of the Diploma-III of English Study Program, Faculty of Culture Study, University of Sumatera Utara.

Universitas Sumatera Utara The examination is held on june 2015 Faculty of Culture Study University of Sumatera Utara


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Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRAK

Kertas karya ini berjudul A Description of Figurative Language found in Selected Poems of W.B.Yeats. Penulis akan mendeskripsikan gaya bahasa yang digunakan serta maknanya pada tiga puisi yang sudah dipilih dari bukubuku Poems of W.B.Yeats karya A. Norman Jeffares dengan menggunakan metode penelitian perpustakaan . Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan gaya bahasa yang digunakan pada ketiga puisi; , Easter 1916 dan First love, dengan menggunakan teori James R. Kreuzer, and Lee Cogan. Setelah dideskripsikan, penulis menemukan delapan penggunaan gaya bahasa pada puisi tersebut yaitu ; personifikasi,metafora,retorik,sinekdok,simile,hiperbola,antitesis,dan paralelisme.

Kata kunci : Puisi, Gaya Bahasa, W.B.Yeats.

Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRACT

This paper entitled A Description of Figurative Language Found in Selected Poems of W.B.Yeats; The writer will describe a figurative language used as well as its meaning in three poems that have been selected from the book; Poems of W.B.Yeats by Norman Jeffares using library research method. The purpose of this study is to find a figurative language used in three poems ; A Prayer for my daughter, Easter 1916, and First love using using the theories of James R. Kreuzer, and Lee Cogan. The writer also After described, the writer found eight uses of figurative language in the poems there are; Personification, metaphorical, rhetorical, syntactic, simile, hyperbolic, antithesis, and parallelism.

Key words : , Figurative Language, W.B. Yeats.

Universitas Sumatera Utara TABLE OF CONTENT



1.1 Background of Study...... 1

1.2 Problem of Study...... 3

1.3 The Scope of Study...... 3

1.4 The Object of The Study...... 3

1.5 the significance of the study...... 3

1.6 The reason for shoosing the topic...... 4

1.7 The method of study...... 4


2.1 Definition of Figurative Language...... 5

2.2 Kinds of Figurative Language...... 5


4 CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 4.1 Conclusion...... 21 4.2 Suggestion...... 22


A. Biography of the author...... 24

Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of The Study

Human beings as creatures of God and creatures that have the mind and intelect has the ability to interact personally and socially, it requires humans to be able to interact with each other done both verbal and non verbal and symbolic balance that will create the social order and people’s life in the process. The ability of Human to make an interaction also will create a process of communication that requires the delivery of meaning that will be related with the language to easy understand by the speaker, communication itself has become an important element in all human life. human interest on how to interact with each other and how to communicate a long time since born. we can see about inventions appear in line with the development of the times, as well as the use of language used to form social structures and symbols produced. Humans communicate in an effort to meet their needs. Human needs with state dependent upon human historical sosio came alive. Human needs at the time of pre historic human beings with different course today . Techniques and patterns of human communication also different between now and in prehistoric times. The role of language is important for human beings as well as the media to expressing themselves, feelings, thoughts, wishes, and needs. The language is Language is a device of someone to make a communication with another. According to Keraf in smaraphadhipa (2005;1 ), give a sense of two language. The first sense is expressed as means of communication between members of the public in the form of love of the sound produced by the instrument showed a man said. Second, the language is the system of communication that uses of loves (linguistic ) (speech sound ) that is arbitrer. When we used as a communication tool, we already have a spesific purpose. We want to be understood by others. We wanted to convey the idea that could be accepted by another people. We want to to make sure that others against our views. We want to influence other people by our words. The Language will not ceased to be the attention of scientists since time immemorial. Therefore, language has a central position for human life. Science even civilization develops also because of language, and Through language, people not only want to convey understanding to others, but also want to be understood by others. Language helps humans have the same guidelines in interpreting their environment or in other

Universitas Sumatera Utara words helps humans organize culture as a guide for their lives, because language occurs as a result of repeated actions in society.Therefore we can not deny that language is very functional in our lives. According to Sumardjo dan Saini K.M (1991;2-3), One of the notions of literature is the art of language. The point is, the birth of a literary work is to be enjoyed by the reader. Literature is an expression of the human in the form of experiences, thoughts, feelings, ideas, passions, beliefs in a form of life imagery, which can evoke fascination of language and depicted in the form of writing. Basically, literary is very usefull for a life. Because it can be give a conciousness to the reader about the truth of life. Althought depicted in the form of fiction. Literary can be classified into two groups, namely imaginative and non-imaginative literary. The characteristic of imaginative literature is literary accentuates nature of fanciful, use connotative language, and aesthetic requirements of art. While the characteristic of nonimajinatif literary is the literary is more reality rather than imaginary, it is tend to use denotative language, and still meet the aesthetic requirements of art. Literature is a broad term that encompasses almost everything we read, see,and hear it help to be able to break it down into five genres of literature.There are Poetry, Drama, Prose, Nonfiction,and Media. All of them,the writer take poetry as a subject of this paper.

Waluyo (2005;1) says “ puisi adalah karya sastra yang dipadatkan, dipersingkat, dan diberi irama dengan bunyi yang padu dan pemilihan kata- kata kias (imajinatif).Kata-kata betul-betul dipilih agar memiliki kekuatan pengucapan. Walaupun singkat atau padat, namun berkekuatan.Kata-kata yang digunakan berirama dan memiliki makna konotatif atau bergaya figuratif “

Meanwhile, Aminuddin (2009:134) says “ puisi adalah salah satu cabang sastra yang menggunakan kata-kata sebagai media penyimpanan untuk membuahkan ilusi dan imajinasi, seperti halnya lukisan yang menggunakan garis dan warna dalam menggambarkan gagasan pelukisnya “ Based on some opinions of the Author above, it can be concluded that the poems’definition varies, but essentially it is has the same. This similarity can unify that poem is an aspect of the imaginative, emotional, and intellectual aspect of

Universitas Sumatera Utara the poet which is finally poured in writing. In the poems, we could found some element that can build itself. Therefore, the writer interested to explore W.B.Yeats’ poems. William Butler Yeats was born on June 13, 1865, in Dublin, . Yeats infused his poetry with a rich sense of Irish culture. Yeats often borrowed word selection, verse form, and patterns of imagery directly from traditional Irish myth and folklore. In this paper, dealing with figurative language in W.B.Yeats’ poems. The writer formulates the tide as follows “ The Description of Figurative Language found in Poems of W.B.Yeats”

1.2 The Problem of Study Based on the background above, the writer found some problems. They are as follows: 1.) What figurative language are found in selected poems of W.B.Yeats 2.) What are the meaning of figurative language in W.B.Yeats’ poems

1.3 The Scope of The Study There is so many poems of W.B.Yeats that need as a subject , but the writer just concentrates to describe a figurative language found on three poems of W.B.Yeats ; A prayer for my daughter, Easter 1916, and First love. The writer also focuses to describe this subject by some kind of figurative language used such as ; methapor,simile,paradox,personification,hyperbola,apostrophe,irony,litotes,synecdoch allegory,euphemisme,antonomasia,paradox.antithesis,euphemisme,parallelisme.

1.4 The Object Of The Study Related to the previous problems above, the objectives of the study are: 1.) To identify the types of figurative language used in W.B.Yeats’ poems 2.) To describe the meaning of figurative language used in W.B.Yeats’ poems

1.5 Significance of the study The significance of this study are closed to the formulated above Especially, the writer hope this 1.) For Academics ; As reference material or consideration materials for other researchers in

Universitas Sumatera Utara conducting the same or similar research which related to the literature. 2.) For Researchers ; The excistence of this paper are expected to add insight, experience, and knowledge.

1.6 The Reason For Choosing The Topic The writer is often hear and study about poems, but, the writer never discuss the poetry in english before thats why feel get the challenge to do it. hence we can not denied if the writer loved the poems inderectly. The poems usually contained abstract meaning in the words even sentences and the poet put the words that engage us to know their world. They convey information, experience and feeling. Besides, the writer also like Mr W.B.Yeats, besause he has many poems and he ever awarded athe nobel prize in literature in 1923, that why he is the one of most revered and playwrights. Therefore the writer use occasion to know, appreciate, and identify his poems by the kinds of figurative language. That is the reason of the writer decides to put “ The Description of figurative language found in poems of W.B.Yeats “ as the the titlte of this paper.

1.7 The Method of The Study In writing this paper the writer uses ; Library research ; literature and theoretical review some of author’s theory is used as refences such as; research (surgical) books and various other examples of research related to the literature. The writer also used the internet to searched some of references.

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2.1 Definition of Figurative Language K. L. Knickerbocker (1963:366) noted that figures and symbol are images used in a particular way to explore the less known through the known. James R. Kreuzer, and Lee Cogan (1960:304) state that Most people might have thought that figurative language is the province of poetry rather than prose, but it actually does have its place in prose. Using figures of speech appropriately both in writing and speaking can communicate a thought effectively.

2.2 Kind of Figurative of language 2.2.1 Methapor Patrick Griffiths (2006:86) states that Metaphor belongs to both an explicit and implicit comparison. When a figure of speech contains words such as like or as, it makes a comparison explicitly. Omitting the connectives develops a comparison in metaphor to be a hidden comparison or an implicit one. Recognizing metaphor just by paying attention to the presence or absence of a connective is no longer such an accurate way, even though it is the most frequently done. For example ; It is the east, and Juliet is the sun! (William Shakespeare – Romeo & Juliet ) This is one of the most famous metaphors in all of English literature. Obviously, Juliet, is not literally the sun, or Romeo would burn to death.

2.2.2 Simile Just like metaphor, simile is also the most frequently used figures of speech according to Kreuzer and Cogan (1960), they state a simile is an expression of a comparison between two unlike things which have one or more points in common. Items from different classes explicitly compared by a connective such as “like,” “as,” or “than,” or by a verb such as “appears,” or

Universitas Sumatera Utara “seem” can be found in a simile. Meanwhile, X. J. Kennedy (1991:587) gives definition, “simile: a comparison of two thinigs, indicated by some connective, usually like, as, than, or a verb such as resembles. For example : O my luve, is like a red, red rose, That’s newly sprung in june. O my luve is like the melodie That’s sweetly played in tune

These poetry lines above is a part of Robert Burns poetry ; A Red, Red Rose

2.2.3 Personification According to Kennedy (1966:495) defines that “personification is a figure of speech in which a thing, an animal, or an abstract term (truth, nature) is made human. And Greenberg (1986:74) also state,“personification is a figure of speech in which an abstract idea, inanimate object, or aspect of nature is described as if it were human. For example; Death is the mother of Beauty – from “Sunday Morning” by Wallace stevens This example shows that personification can be used for purposes more meaningful than merely making the description of a scene more vivid. After all, how can death be a person, let alone a mother?

2.2.4 Synecdoche Martha Pardede (2008:23) gives definition, “synecdoche is a figure of speech that a part refers the to indicate whole. Synecdoche refers to the whole of a thing by the name of any one of its part whereas metonymy, as mentioned above, is the words used to describe another thing which is closely linked to that particular thing. For example ; “Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,

Universitas Sumatera Utara The hand that mocked them.”

It would be found in shelly poems.

2.2.5 Euphemism Martha Pardede (2008:28) gives definition, “euphemism is a figure of speech in which a mild or vogue expression is substituted for a harsh or blunt one .

2.2.6 Allegory Martha Pardede (2008:27) gives definition, “allegory is a figure of speech which lies somewhere between personification and metaphor; it is abstraction represented in concrete imagery, almost always in the form a humanized character.”

2.2.7 Hyperbola Wren and Martin (1981:491) state, “in hyperbole a statement is made emphatic by overstatement”. it is means that some words which are used in a poem is overstatement from true meaning. In fact, hyperbole is used not only in literature but in the daily life as well. However, hyperbole has its right place in literature. It has very serious implications. For example : I’ll die if I don’t passs this course


A rhetorical question is a question that is not asked in order to receive an answer from the audience or reader. It’s just posed to make a point. For example : Thou ‘art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men, And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell, And poppy ‘or charms can make us sleep as well And better than thy stroke; why swell’st thou then?

The rhetorical question “why swell’st thou then?” serves to play down the horrific nature of death. He devalues death by calling it a “slave”, and that it

Universitas Sumatera Utara keeps the despicable company of “poison, war, sickness” and seeks their support.

2.2.9 Paradox X. J. Kennedy (1991:595) gives definition, “paradox occur in statement that at first strikes us as self-contradictory but that on reflection makes some sense.’ Meanwhile, Paradox makes the reader to think over an idea in innovative way. If the readers do not get the understanding comprehensively, the sentence will not make any sense. For example : Loved I not honor more. It is the end line of one Richard Lovelace poems that has the title ; To Lucasta, Going to the wars

2.2.10 Antithesis Martha Pardede (2016:25) gives definition, “antithesis is a device for placing opposing ideas in grammatical parallel. For example : Better a fifty years of Europe than a cycle of cathay. The line of poetry above means that we can see it is talking about a live. The poetic put “beter fifty years of Europe” perhaps means that the people even goverment was still give a freedom for someone even citizen, meanwhile, “than a cycle of cathay” the poetic saw that the goverment system in china waas still otoriter. So, there is no freedom found for individual.

2.2.11 Exclamation Martha Pardede (2016:25) gives definition “ Exclamation is a figure of speech easily rcognized by means of the final exclamation mark, and only used to give expresio to an emotion, mild or other wise. For example : How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank

2.2.12 Parallelisme In literature, parallelism is used in different ways to impress upon the readers in order to convey messages or moral lessons.

Universitas Sumatera Utara For example ; What is the hammer ? what is the chain ? We can see it in william blake’s poems “ The Tiger “

2.2.13 Irony Harry Shaw (1972:208) states it is “a figure of speech in which the literal (denotative) meaning of a word or statement in the opposite of that intended. In literature, it is a technique of indicating an intention or attitude opposed to what is actually stated. For example; Water, water everywhere, nor any a drop to drink. This line from Samuel Coleridge’s “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” describes the dark irony of a sailor dying of thirst on his boat while he is surrounded by water.

2.2.14 Repetition A pleonasm is a literary term, literary tool, and literary device. For example; We’re eating fried squid Because calamari is by definition fried squid, the adjective “squid” is a pleonasm which can be omitted.

2.2.15 Symbolism According to lyterary devices, Symbolism is the use of symbols to signify ideas and qualities by giving them symbolic meanings that are different from their literal sense. Generally, it is an object representing another to give it an entirely different meaning that is much deeper and more significant. Sometimes, however, an action, an event or a word spoken by someone may have a symbolic value. For example ; “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts,” We can find it in Shakespeare’s famous monologue in his play As you Like It: “A stage” here symbolizes the world and “players” is a symbol for huma

Universitas Sumatera Utara

CHAPTER III A Description of Figurative Language in Selected Poems of W.B.Yeats;

1. A prayer for my daughter

(1) Once more the storm is howling, and half hid (2) Under this cradle-hood and coverlid (3) My child sleeps on. There is no obstacle (4) But Gregory's wood and one bare hill (5) Whereby the haystack- and roof-levelling wind. (6) Bred on the Atlantic, can be stayed; (7) And for an hour I have walked and prayed (8) Because of the great gloom that is in my mind.

(9) I have walked and prayed for this young child an hour (10) And heard the sea-wind scream upon , (11) And-under the arches of the bridge, and scream (12) In the elms above the flooded stream; (13) Imagining in excited reverie (14) That the future years had come, (15) Dancing to a frenzied drum, (16) Out of the murderous innocence of the sea.

(17) May she be granted beauty and yet not (18) Beauty to make a stranger's eye distraught, (19) Or hers before a looking-glass, for such, (20) Being made beautiful overmuch, (21) Consider beauty a sufficient end, (22) Lose natural kindness and maybe (23) The heart-revealing intimacy (24) That chooses right, and never find a friend.

(25) Helen being chosen found life flat and dull (26) And later had much trouble from a fool, (27) While that great Queen, that rose out of the spray, (28) Being fatherless could have her way (29) Yet chose a bandy-legged smith for man. (30) It's certain that fine women eat (31) A crazy salad with their meat (32) Whereby the Horn of plenty is undone.

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(33) In courtesy I'd have her chiefly learned; (34) Hearts are not had as a gift but hearts are earned (35) By those that are not entirely beautiful; (36) Yet many, that have played the fool (37) For beauty's very self, has charm made wisc. (38) And many a poor man that has roved, (39) Loved and thought himself beloved, (40) From a glad kindness cannot take his eyes.

(41) May she become a flourishing hidden tree (42) That all her thoughts may like the linnet be, (43) And have no business but dispensing round (44) Their magnanimities of sound, (45) Nor but in merriment begin a chase, (46) Nor but in merriment a quarrel. (47) O may she live like some green laurel (48) Rooted in one dear perpetual place.

(49) My mind, because the minds that I have loved, (50) The sort of beauty that I have approved, (51) Prosper but little, has dried up of late, (52) Yet knows that to be choked with hate (53) May well be of all evil chances chief. (54) If there's no hatred in a mind (55) Assault and battery of the wind (56) Can never tear the linnet from the leaf.

(57) An intellectual hatred is the worst, (58) So let her think opinions are accursed. (59) Have I not seen the loveliest woman born (60) Out of the mouth of plenty's horn, (61) Because of her opinionated mind (62) Barter that horn and every good (63) By quiet natures understood (64) For an old bellows full of angry wind?

(65) Considering that, all hatred driven hence, (66) The soul recovers radical innocence (67) And learns at last that it is self-delighting, (68) Self-appeasing, self-affrighting, (69) And that its own sweet will is Heaven's will; (70) She can, though every face should scowl (71) And every windy quarter howl

Universitas Sumatera Utara (72) Or every bellows burst, be happy Still.

(73) And may her bridegroom bring her to a house (74) Where all's accustomed, ceremonious; (75) For arrogance and hatred are the wares (76) Peddled in the thoroughfares. (77) How but in custom and in ceremony (78) Are innocence and beauty born? (79) Ceremony's a name for the rich horn, (80) And custom for the spreading laurel tree.

A. Types of figurative language in selected poems

Table 1 A list of figurative language found in the poem “A prayer for my daughter “ No Line Quatation of poem Types of figurative language 1 1 Once more the storm is howling, and half hid Personification 2 10 And heard the sea-wind scream upon the tower, Personification 3 18 Beauty to make a stranger's eye distraught, Synecdoche 4 42 That all her thoughts may like the linnet be, Simile 5 43 And have no business but dispensing round Antithesis 6 45-46 Nor but in merriment begin a chase, Paralelisme Nor but in merriment a quarrel. 7 47 O may she live like some green laurel Simile 8 48 Rooted in one dear perpetual place. Hyperbole 9 52 Yet knows that to be choked with hate Personification 10 57 An intellectual hatred is the worst Methapor 11 64 For an old bellows full of angry wind ? Rhetoric 12 69 And that its own sweet will is Heaven's will Methafor 13 78 Are innocence and beauty born ? Rhetoric

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B. The meaning of poetry

A. Personification

 Once more the storm is howling, and half hid ( Line 1)

From the line above, we can see that “ the storm “ has a behavior “howling “ we have known that howling is behavior of animals even human perhaps. So it means that the storm look like an animals to howling. The writer describe this line that when his daughter born, He saw that outside of his residence the storm is howling with great fury.

 And heard the sea-wind scream upon the tower ( Line 10 )

In this line “ scream” is the character of the sea-wind. The poetic heard that the sea- wind scream look like a humans can sream as usually they done. But, as we know that the sea-wind can not sceam as a human do.

 Yet knows that to be choked with hate ( Line 52)

“Hate” in this line shows that it is not a something that is able to chok. If we see the lines before. The poet means Hatred can kills innocence and wishes, so he hope his daughter never to have it.

B. Synecdoche

 Beauty to make a stranger's eye distraught, ( Line 18 )

“Beauty” in this line mean, it is the beauty of his daughter, on the other hand, beauty is a identity os something or somebody. It is imposible if her only beauty could madde a sranger’s eye distraught. Perhaps, the mean of this line is that the poetic did not want her daughter has a proud of her beauty or has the beauty without the quality . so

Universitas Sumatera Utara it could make stanger’s eye distraught.

C. Simile

 That all her thoughts may like the linnet be, ( Line 42)

In this line, the poet imagined her daughter like the linnet, It means that all his daugter’s thoughts is known to be very diligent chirping, has a nice thoughts.

 O may she live like some green laurel ( Line 47)

The reason why this line include into Simile, because the poe compare his daughter live with green laurel. Like in the line above, show usu that the poet thought his daughter will has a Perseverance in suffering and a strong desire in her live

D. Hyperbole

 Rooted in one dear perpetual place. ( Line 48)

The poetic again tells his imagination. if we see this line well, He put the overstatement words “ Rooted in one dear perpetual place “ besides, we know that in this world is no something can be perpetuate till the end. And if we seeking, the writer think there is also no perpetual place of something.

E. Antithesis

 And have no business but dispensing round ( Line 43)

The words Have no business and dispensig around has an Inversely proportional mean, it is unlogic, cause we will not dispensing roun if we do not have business

Universitas Sumatera Utara and we watch out the human habits, the usually spend money for their businees. And as the reason to put this line into antithesis cause te poet expressing the contradicted ideas

F. Paralelisme

 Nor but in merriment begin a chase,

Nor but in merriment a quarrel. ( Line 45-46)

From the two lines above the poet Give two or more parts of the whole sentence of the same form so as to give a certain pattern. And the poet repeat the same wordsNor but in merrimentandNor but in merriment

G. Metaphor

 An intellectual hatred is the worst ( Line 57)

The word; is used by the poet to compare two phrase. And the meanings of this line is that the poet do not want her daughter have no Intellectual and hope her daughter know to take a good way in her life.

 And that its own sweet will is Heaven's will ( Line 69)

The poet compare two things lines again; its own sweet will and Heaven's will The meaning of this line that the poet hope whatever way of life her daughter choosen, The God is involved in determining the way of life.

H. Rhetoric  For an old bellows full of angry wind ? (Line 64)

The reason to put the line about into Rhetoric, because this line followed by the punctuation; ? it is mean to affirm his ideas by the puctuation; ? but do not need an answer.

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 Are innocence and beauty born ? (Line 78)

This line also show that the poet look like asking something, we can see it by using “ ? “ therefore, the writer include it into Rhetoric.

2. Easter 1916 1) I have met them at close of day 2) Coming with vivid faces 3) From counter or desk among grey 4) Eighteenth-century houses. 5) I have passed with a nod of the head 6) Or polite meaningless words, 7) Or have lingered awhile and said 8) Polite meaningless words, 9) And thought before I had done 10) Of a mocking tale or a gibe 11) To please a companion 12) Around the fire at the club, 13) Being certain that they and I 14) But lived where motley is worn: 15) All changed, changed utterly: 16) A terrible beauty is born.

17) That woman's days were spent 18) In ignorant good-will, 19) Her nights in argument 20) Until her voice grew shrill. 21) What voice more sweet than hers 22) When, young and beautiful, 23) She rode to harriers? 24) This man had kept a school 25) And rode our wingèd horse; 26) This other his helper and friend 27) Was coming into his force; 28) He might have won fame in the end, 29) So sensitive his nature seemed, 30) So daring and sweet his thought. 31) This other man I had dreamed

Universitas Sumatera Utara 32) A drunken, vainglorious lout. 33) He had done most bitter wrong 34) To some who are near my heart, 35) Yet I number him in the song; 36) He, too, has resigned his part 37) In the casual comedy; 38) He, too, has been changed in his turn, 39) Transformed utterly: 40) A terrible beauty is born.

41) Hearts with one purpose alone 42) Through summer and winter seem 43) Enchanted to a stone 44) To trouble the living stream. 45) The horse that comes from the road, 46) The rider, the birds that range 47) From cloud to tumbling cloud, 48) Minute by minute they change; 49) A shadow of cloud on the stream 50) Changes minute by minute; 51) A horse-hoof slides on the brim, 52) And a horse plashes within it; 53) The long-legged moor-hens dive, 54) And hens to moor-cocks call; 55) Minute by minute they live: 56) The stone's in the midst of all.

57) Too long a sacrifice 58) Can make a stone of the heart. 59) O when may it suffice? 60) That is Heaven's part, our part 61) To murmur name upon name, 62) As a mother names her child 63) When sleep at last has come 64) On limbs that had run wild. 65) What is it but nightfall? 66) No, no, not night but death; 67) Was it needless death after all? 68) For England may keep faith 69) For all that is done and said. 70) We know their dream; enough 71) To know they dreamed and are dead;

Universitas Sumatera Utara 72) And what if excess of love 73) Bewildered them till they died? 74) I write it out in a verse— 75) MacDonagh and MacBride 76) And Connolly and Pearse 77) Now and in time to be, 78) Wherever green is worn, 79) Are changed, changed utterly: 80) A terrible beauty is born.

A. Types of figurative language in selected poems

Table 2 A list of figurative language found in poem “ Easter 1916 “ No Line Quatation of poems Types of figurative language

1 23 She rode to harriers ? Rhetoric 2 59 O when may it suffice? Rhetoric 3 60 That is Heaven's part, our part Methapor 4 62 As a mother names her child Simile 5 67 Was it needless death after all ? Rhetoric 6 73 Bewildered them till they died ? Rhetoric

B. The meaning of poetry

1. Rhetoric

 She rode to harriers ? (Line 23)

Using “ ? “ in this line show that the poet has a question in his mind about the line before and express it by put this line.

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 O when may it suffice? (Line 59) In this line the poet, the writer take the meaning of the line above is that the poet see that there is still found a darkness and not yet feel the freedom. There the poet also emphasized it by using ? without the answer.

 Was it needless death after all ? (Line 67)

The poet again emphasized by the punctuation ; ?as though need some answer, but the poet means jus to emphasized the line beforre

 Bewildered them till they died ? (Line 73)

it means that the heroes sacrifising the soul to their country and the poet emphasized it by the punctuation ; ?

2. Simile

 As a mother names her child (Line 62)

The writer put the line above into simile, cause the poet is compare to compare our mourning to mothers who have to mourn for children who sleep at last after alife of running wild.

3. Metaphor

 That is Heaven's part, our part (Line 60)

In this line the writer find , the meaning of this line is that the beatiful life like a heaven, no found the evil, and feel in peace is a part of the heroes even the citizen

Universitas Sumatera Utara 3. First Love

1) Though nurtured like the sailing moon 2) In beauty’s murderous brood, 3) She walked awhile and blushed awhile 4) And on my pathway stood 5) Until I thought her body bore 6) A heart of flesh and blood.

7) But since I laid a hand thereon 8) And found a heart of stone 9) I have attempted many things 10) And not a thing is done, 11) For every hand is lunatic 12) That travels on the moon.

13) She smiled and that transfigured me 14) And left me but a lout, 15) Maundering here, and maundering there, 16) Emptier of thought 17) Than the heavenly circuit of its stars 18) When the moon sails out.

From the poetry above the writer jus find one figurative language used ;

Though nurtured like the sailing moon ( line 1 )

The line above included into Simile, cause the words; like. is compare two things above. And the meanings of this line is There’s a roughness, baldness, casualness about the style at times that adds to the sense of spontaneous emotional outpouring. What mainly comes through for most of the poem seems to me to be bitterness and anger, tinged with yearning and wry humour.

Universitas Sumatera Utara CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION

5.1 Conclusion

After I describe three selected poems of W,B.Yeats based on figurative language. The writer make a conclusion from the first poem ; Aprayer for my daughter The writer get a difficulty when spesify the kind of figurative language used in this poem, this poems has ten stanza and 80 lines and it is too long poems, so the writer need more time to specify and make the reason and meaning every line in this poems. The second poems; Easter 1916. This poems look like take from the reality and make it into the poem, so we can know what the poet tell and means. This poems has three stanza and 80 lines, so the writer found this poems has six figurative language, there are; Rhetoric has 4, simile and metaphor has 1. The third poems is First love ; the writer just found one figurative language used here. It is simile, whereas this poems has 18 line from three lines. Besides, the poet commonly has some genre all of his poems and its cnclude into romantic poetry.

Universitas Sumatera Utara 5.2 Suggestion

After described A figurative language in W.B.Yeats poems the writer realized that this paper is not perfect yet. Therefore the reader need to know more about literature especially poetry, so you can focus to develop your knowledgement. And as a suggestions from the writer are the reader have to study more about literature especially poetry. Sometimes We need to know some theory and kinds of figurative language used to prevent the fault if the reader want to analyzing or describing the poems by figurative language. and the last the writer hopefull this paper can be use to enrich knowledgement about figurative language and the poetry.

Universitas Sumatera Utara BIBLIOGRAPHY

Kennedy,X.J.1991. Literature : an Introduction to fiction, poetry, and drama. ( fifty edition). New York: Harper Collins Publisher. Pardede,Martha.2016. An Introduction to Poetry. Medan: USU Press Siswantoro.2002. Apresiasi Puisi-Puisi Sastra Inggris.Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University press Wren,P.C. and H. Martin.1981.High Shool English Grammar and Composition. (Revised Edition). New Delhi: S. Chand & Company Ltd. Definition of kind of fugurative language https://literarydevices.net/parallelism/

Definition of figurative language http://www.stibaiecjakarta.ac.id/index.php/78-news/83-figurative-language http://repository.usu.ac.id/bitstream/handle/123456789/17088/Chapter%20II.pdf?sequ ence=4&isAllowed=y

Explanation of method research Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas https://literaryterms.net/pleonasm/

Universitas Sumatera Utara


William Butler Yeats was one of the greatest English-language poets of the 20th century and received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1923.


Born in Ireland in 1865, William Butler Yeats published his first works in the mid-1880s while a student at Dublin's Metropolitan School of Art. His early accomplishments include and Other Poems (1889) and such plays as The Countess Kathleen (1892) and Deirdre (1907). In 1923, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. He went on to pen more influential works, including The Tower (1928) and Words for Music Perhaps and Other Poems (1932). Yeats, who died in 1939, is remembered as one of the leading Western poets of the 20th century.

Early Life

William Butler Yeats was born on June 13, 1865, in Dublin, Ireland, the oldest child of and Susan Mary Pollexfen. Although John trained as a lawyer, he abandoned the law for art soon after his first son was born. Yeats spent much of his early years in London, where his father was studying art, but frequently returned to Ireland as well.

Universitas Sumatera Utara In the mid-1880s, Yeats pursued his own interest in art as a student at the Metropolitan School of Art in Dublin. Following the publication of his poems in the Dublin University Review in 1885, he soon abandoned art school for other pursuits.

Career Beginnings

After returning to London in the late 1880s, Yeats met writers , Lionel Johnson and George Bernard Shaw. He also became acquainted with , a supporter of Irish independence. This revolutionary woman served as a muse for Yeats for years. He even proposed marriage to her several times, but she turned him down. He dedicated his 1892 drama The Countess Kathleen to her.

Around this time, Yeats founded the Rhymers' Club poetry group with Ernest Rhys. He also joined the Order of the Golden Dawn, an organization that explored topics related to the occult and mysticism. While he was fascinated with otherworldly elements, Yeats's interest in Ireland, especially its folktales, fueled much of his output. The title work of The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems (1889) draws from the story of a mythic Irish hero.

Acclaimed Poet and Playwright

In addition to his poetry, Yeats devoted significant energy to writing plays. He teamed with Lady Gregory to develop works for the Irish stage, the two collaborating for the 1902 production of Cathleen Ni Houlihan. Around that time, Yeats helped found the Irish National Theatre Society, serving as its president and co-director, with Lady Gregory and John Millington Synge. More works soon followed, including On Baile's Strand, Deirdre and At the Hawk's Well.

Following his marriage to Georgie Hyde-Lees in 1917, Yeats began a new creative period through experiments with automatic writing. The newlyweds sat together for writing sessions they believed to be guided by forces from the spirit world, through which Yeats formulated intricate theories of human nature and history. They soon had two children, daughter Anne and son William Michael.

Universitas Sumatera Utara The celebrated writer then became a political figure in the new Irish Free State, serving as a senator for six years beginning in 1922. The following year, he received an important accolade for his writing as the recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature. According to the official Nobel Prize website, Yeats was selected "for his always inspired poetry, which in a highly artistic form gives expression to the spirit of a whole nation."

Yeats continued to write until his death. Some of his important later works include (1917), (1925), The Tower(1928) and Words for Music Perhaps and Other Poems (1932). Yeats passed away on January 28, 1939, in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, France. The publication of Last Poems and Two Plays shortly after his death further cemented his legacy as a leading poet and playwright.


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