'.' -.-.-.~ --~ .-, '0:; .,. .... ,-,..'--_...... ' ~ ·:,1 .:..-. ," . ( Archives LD729.6 C5 on:, Orion. vol. 41 no. 6 Can you dig? Sep. 30, 199B Volleyball team eats Meriam Library--CSU Chico some floorboard in confercnce loss against Stanislaus, sh~~;\~·l~ut -iifc might have been like ' for a group of uppity ladies, 12

tG~fm~~!,!E::Jagi~1 City hears students on noise Train hits Mallagillg Editor another Jeff Clemetson "rcasOlulble person of normal limebomb 2000 keeps ticking Stall Writer sensitivity." Staff mcmbers in Linda Post's SCNA Chairman Charlie man near office look forward to the year A fight for the right to party Prucsser said the section is a bad 2000 with mixed feelings of longer and Inuder ended in victo­ law. dread and anticipation - that's ry Sept. 22 at the Chico City "If someone can tell me what campus their job. They m'e among so COUlicil mcclin~, a reasonable pcrson of normal many who will wait for New After lengthy discussion and sensitivity is by the end of the Year's Eve cheers to be mufiled several motions, the city council meeting. I'll be happy to change Mia Clngolanl by the sound of terror. Then dccided tu act on a proposal by my mind." hc said. Stall Writer they'll wilit for the dozcns, maybe the South Campus Neighborhood Pruesser said the city should hundreds, of service calls to flood Associatiun to revise the current set clear guidelines as to what is Chico State student Mikl.: their campus phones afterwnrd. noise ordinance and ullow for unreasonable noise, He said that Martinez was attempling to ~ross Post is the coordinutor for the more noise on Friday .1I1d noise limits should .work for the tracks Friday on his way Chico Stutc University Y2K com­ Saturday nights, neighborhoods the way speed· hom,! to Englewood Apartments, mittee, which follows the trail of At issue was a section in the limits work for roadways, when he found his path was the biggest computcr scrcw-up The Orion/ Lisn RIYora ordinance that detines exccssive blocked by a stopped train and an evcr: tile Ycar 2000 computer Councilman Steve Bertagna discusses using parties to raise money. noise as any sound that disturbs a s(!(! Noise p. 6 injured man, problem, a,k.a" Y2K. It's thc few' "Thc guy. was laying therl.: that when the millennium turns blceding, His leg lookl.:d rl.:aUy over. everything with a micro­ mess cd up, but his foot was real­ processor will recognize the new ly bud," Martincz said. "The SIlO I.: year as 1900 instead of 2000. was torn up .md shredded and his Computcrs may implode. Banks foot was dangling there, A para­ may collapse, Electric power may Bringing down the· house medic picked it up and could fail and tons of perrectly good pivot it completely around:· cartOIlS of Ben and lcn)"s will go Terry "Turtle" West suffered sour, In othcr words, some people major injuries incl uding lacera­ expect total ch'los and arc busy tions to the head, a dislocakd securing their own undcrground elbow and severe 'lnkh:: injuries survival fortrcsscs, aftcr he was hit by a southbound Post said that rcalistically. the train. sky is not going to fall - but 38-year-old West was laying problcms will continue to surface down by the ntilroad tnteks Friday for nve to 10 years after 2000, Sept. 25 next lo Chico StBte The campus Y2K committee is UniversilY's Nellleton Stadium. not the only one in Chico prepar­ He was found west of lhe ing for the jolt. J 01111 0' Blicll. Lracks behind Eng1cwoOlI apart­ coordinator for thc Year 2000 ments at 710 Nord Ave, Action Group, hcld tUlOther meet­ Muninez didn't sce how West ing Thursday to raise awmeness, was hit by the tmin but he thinks "[t's difficult not to sound like the man was probably under the you're a little bit olf the ueep influence of .. lcohol or drugs. I ,I end," O'Brien said. "You uon't Chico State sopllLlmore Blair " wmlt to make waves out there at 0' Donnell was jogging with your job because your supervisor friends when they saw the tmill I1light think you 're a screwball." stopped .. nd the police speeding 0' Brien wonders whetilcr stu­ to the scene with sirens. dents will get thcir lotU1S if thc "I hope he w.. s really intoxi­ btUlking system crashes, 01' if cated or inebriated in some way professors will bothcr teaching because it must have rc.llly hurt courses if the state ctUl't produce if he wusn't," said O'Donnell. paychecks, Shoot, if there isn't Police said when they arrived any power. watel', sewage, or rood West did smell like akohol. delivery, who's going to bothcr The e!lly witness to the acd­ making illo class unyway'? dent wus the conduclOr who said Well. even if the rcst of the he was driving 25 mph activating world goes down the toilcl, the horn. amI l1ashing the lights Chico Statc will stay unoal. Post hccause hc saw someonc balled said the univcrsity has already up on thc ground. He thinks West corrected mUllY of the biggest Tho Orlon/ Chanlnl Lornora tried to sit up when the truin went problcms, like nUlking Meriam The ton:hed remains of the Sigma Chi house on the comer of Ivy and West'Fourth 5treets was demolished last week. Fraternity memo by, but since he was too close he Librury's 24-11oul' lab and the belli plan to move into a duplicate house that will be built in the same location late next spring. Construction for the new building is was struck instead, Financiul Aid Officc Y2K-com­ already underway. The house was stnlck by an .arsonist last May and the fraternity members who lived there were left homeless. West is now in stablc condi­ pliant. Luter, student e-mail will tion at Enloe Hospital. bccome sarely Intemet-based ami most students will only noticc thut university cquipment is L1pgraded sooner than would be expectcd, she said. Beyond Gil'lJ!rl1atorial"candidates denied Butte student uninjured in thnt, thcl'e ure a million little things that Imve bcen concctcd forum., in Sacramento debates so thutthe liprinklcrs don't sqLlirt lip at graduation und stu­ : Melissa Mikesell said Hamburg, who spoke at mishap with Chico student dents don't register for the c()'lii~iLmtiIl8 Writer Chico State on Sept. 9, Spring, 1900 semester, , . . "The election is going to be Chris Martin 'in the meantime, there m'c A giunt blue banner pro- u monotonollS bore" it' nil the Stcljf Writ,,/, 464 duys left uillil Sunday, c1'uiming "Lungren, for putties ure not given ncccss III/DO. Since it's not a school , Gove1'll01' Chul'Ucter und publicity, Humburg said, A tmin uccident ncar Wcst day I won't huve u good cxeuse Counts" new OVCl' the skics of The two candidates who Sllcl'amcnlo Avenue caused ['01' missing class when my Sucl'Ul11cnto lust WcdneHduy, wcre allowed in the debate. bumper-to-bumper tmlTic. and alarm clock self-destrLlcts, , Mile's below this advcrtise- Gray Duvis, the Democratic impatience, as a pcdestrian was ment in the sky was Dan candidate und Dun Lungren, struck by u CUI' attempting to skip K, Bolwuler CWI be reached CIt: Humburg, one of sevcn eundi· the RepUblican candidatc, tmftic, police said. !JolClluie r@ec.'Si.c.I'I/(:llico,eclll dutcs for gOVCl'llor or llscd the one-hollr debatin.g Butte College student Ryan Clllit'ol'lliu. . period to tllik ubout chu\'llc- Dustin, 19, was hit by 23-year­ Hllmblll'g WWI olltside tet" educutioll, race and old Chico Stllte University stu­ \ . Inside University Thcutcl' ut hcalth cllrc. dent John PicUl'd on Friduy , , Sucl'llmento Slale University Those two cundidlltcs arc evening, DLlstin was hit while where the ,third in u series of going to uictllte the ugcnlla or crossing the bike lane that heads Sports 7 Gubcl'l1IlLol'iul debates wus the cumpuignif othcr voices 110l'til on Nord Avcnue. The fub fOllr shlU'c ~clliOl' spotlight. tuking pluce. I-lmnblll'g, like Ill'CH't llllowed u ('orum, Dustin WIlS the pussengcr in a Entertainment·' 11 the othcl' fivc I'ccognizeu clln~ ,- Iillmburgtmid. , 'cal', pointing sou til, stopped in the Police aid Ryan Dllstin, who was hit by a car on Nom Avenue Friday. DlU'lcmUng colllllMt left Hj>c:ctutOfS clldlllci:! fOl' OOVC1'l10l' who' 'One topic all cundidatcs center lune to muke a left turn HlirreLl, not Hhllkcn. wel'e 110t ullowed to purtlei- suythcy would focus on is into 1\ complex ut 710 NOl'd cntered the bike !une," Mulollcy him coming. I just hellrd the tires en/endar :1.4 pute in the debllle, wus t1'ylng education, ' Avenue. Tl;ulTic WIlS bucked-up to suid. ' screech; he wus ulrcady there At thl.! sume time, Picurd wus bel'ot'e I cOLlld reacL" llLl tilCI'Ll, Do IIUlt, Lo get some publicity he said "Our public schools arc the point where thcl'e WlIS no' he bm.lly nel!dcd. .. ·bl'Oken," Omy Dllvls, hilS suid, opening ['or thc car to make it into trying to puss north tl'llfl1c in the Dustin wus U'1l11spol'led to DImensIons :L 7 , People are not going to reel .. "AmI' my fil'tlt p1'iOl~ity will bc the pm'king lot, suill Lt. Mike slime bike lune ut II speed or 20 Enloe HUlipillil by ambulance, Thc thlllg's Wu oc)' fUI' muncy ... like they lIl'e tnking purt in a Lo fix them." DuviH cites sLlch Muloney or th,e Chico Palkc mph, Malolley said. Ilnd wus I'clellsed thuLnighl. ' OpinIon :18 de1110Cl'm:y if thcy ul'cn't DepUrl1llelll's tmtTic uivisioll. "I was was crossing the mud "rill SOl'C as hell," DUlitln CUlllllllllHtll LiI'CllllI 01' II bellcl' WU)'. ullowcd to sce ullthc optI0118". "The pl.!dcstl'iall wnlkcd beclluse tl'lll'fic wasll't going nny­ said. "My hip Ilnd bllck " 'siJe , Govornorp.",' l 3 bfJlwcell the stopj)cd CUi's uno Wlllll'C," DU!ltin sailI',"l didn't scc Ul'e hUl'ti IIg," , , ,; ,.,. .'. '>

1.11" I

Califomia State UlliversiJy, Cllico The Orion Wednesday. September 30 •. 1998

Poliq~ begin preparing Recycling earns $40,000 grant; for "Hi'llowee'n .hijinks' Police Chief's Advisory Elsom said he will suggest to eyes $300 bins, scale, electric car city council closing downtown Board meets at Chico streets on Halloween. Mia Clngolanl Barbra the students at Chico State real­ Police Chief Jim Massie said Staff Wriler Koplckl ly value. State to dis~uss up­ that although this will be the first Director of A.S. "The students voted to fund Halloween held on a Saturday If you're in the market for a Recycli/lg the recycling, which partially coming holiday parties since the holiday became big in decent recycling bin you better helped the grant go through. Chico, the police expect few be prepared to raid your piggy The vote increased funds Jeff Clemetson problems. bank and part with $300. allowing us to get a full time Staff Writer "Our experiences in the past Associated Students person to write the grant," said have been very few arrests. Recycling has been awarded a Kopicki. The cops are getting prepared People are generally there to $40,000 grant by the California The state regulates pretty strict However, recycling is not for ghosts, goblins and gangs. have a good time," he said. Department of Conservation. purchasing guidelines," said just about compassionate peo­ The Police Chief's Advisory Massie said that possible AS. recycling is putting the Rodowick. ple out to save the world. Like Board met last Thursday at Chico problems might come from.out­ money towards buying 30 recy­ Chico State was one of 79 everything else, it involves Slate University 10 discuss law of-town gangs. cling collection bins and match­ applicants requesting a total of money. enforcement plans for Halloween. Capt. Ken Klaussen said ,. ing trash bin, 30 identification more than $6 million in funding The recycling market rises Chico Police. Lt. Mike police have previously had trou- '. : posts, an electric cart to pick the from the Division Beverage and falls depending on the Webber said police will have ble with armed gangs at· the ~; materials up in, and a scale to Container Recycling and Litter demand for cardboard or alu­ . increased crowd control down­ downtown event. Police plan on ~~.~, weigh it all. Reduction Nonprofit Grant minum. Right now the Asian town due to the thousands of using intervention tactics to keep t··~ Each bin costs $325. Program. Only 27 organizations market for cardboard has fallen people expected at the event. the peace he said. A.S. Recycling opted for a made the cut and were allocated so people are probably storing Law enforcement officers from Before the board meeting. $9,000 transport cart that runs a portion of the S 1.3 million the material waiting for it neighboring cities, the depart­ police set up a display in the ~ell on electricity alone, instead of a offered. increase in value, said A.S. hopes to buy 30 binli, 5im­ ment of Alcoholic Beverage Memorial Union that had infor­ gasoline powered vehicle. It The project is intended to Rodowick. ilar to these piGtured ami made Control and volunteers will mation on vehicle security, takes eight hours to charge the expand collection of cans and "The primary reason for from partially-recycled plastic. assist the Chico Police SNAP, parties, alcohol. smoking vehicle and does not release any bottles at Chico State increas­ recycling is doing good for the Department in keeping the ordinances, sexual assault. hannful toxins that endanger ing bins on campus and pUlling world we Jive in. BUL it won't said the campus goes through event safe. drugs. bicycle laws and fake IDs. the environment. additional bin locations in out­ happen in the long term unless 216,000 cans and 9,000 bottles a Webber said for past events Police officers stood by·. to Steve Rodowick of North side areas. there is some economical gain year. Which equals roughly about 150 to 175 people from a answer any questions. Valley Disposal said $300 for The type of bin and the pro­ involved," Rodowick said. 7714 pounds of recyclable. alu­ wide variety of backgrounds Jeff Swanson, a senior at Chico a garbage can is pretty reason­ posed 30 sites have yet to be ''The two ideas go hand in minum a year and 18,000 pounds volunteer to stand on street cor­ State. stopped at the display. able considering an average approved by the university. hand. The right thing. The eco­ of glass. ners and help police direct the "I just noticed it when I dumpster will cost between Barbara Kopicki said she nomically smart thing." A.S. Recycling has reported mass of people wandering walked by. I thought it was cool $500 and $600. thinks the increase in bins will Richard Vanlaanmartin the picking up only 1,601 pounds downtown. He said anyone of them to come to campus and "I have been floored by the be welcomed on campus Campus Vending and of aluminum, and 3,878 interested in volunteering should meet students," he said. prices of some of these items. because recycling is something Concession Opemtions Manager pounds of glass on campus. contact the Chico Police Sgt. John Carrillo said police Community Outreach unit. officers are seen as unfair to stu~ The city is considering open­ dents. Holding the open mee·ting Worker discovers chicken carcass in recycling bin on campus ing the park downtown for live on campus and setting up the dis­ entertainment this year. Swing play was a chance to meet stu­ Rick Randolph no way of knowing which bin Kopicki said she doesn't chicken is not a crime. and country music are possibili­ dents infonnally and talk to them News Editor the carcass was left in but said it know if the chicken was some "It's really just like putting ties he said. . about safety and their rights. was "disturbing." type of threat or just a prank. It any other type of garbage in Webber also said downtown Chief Massie said enforce­ Interns who work for the "All of them are broken," . was in a white plastic bag. there," he said. "It is strange. streets will be open for traffic ment is only a part of police Associated Students Recycling she said. . "It's kind of odd that some­ It's something that shouldn't be because cars help police with work. Prevention is a large part program are used to finding Originally the bins were one would be carrying a chick­ happening." . crowd control. of the department's strategy" in trash among the recyclables locked but over the last year peo­ en across campus but people Minard said that if it was Associated Students President stopping crime and accidents when they empty the bins on ple have taken crow bars top the carry bags around all the time," found that the chicken was used Richard Elsol11 said keeping the involving drugs and alcohol. : campus. But the dead chicken locks to get to the recyclables. she said. in some type of ritual or was streets open is unsafe. "Our whole intent is· to they found on Monday has left Other bins, like the ones near University Police Chief used as a threat police would "If you've ever seen a box of encourage students to come to them a bit spooked. Glenn and Butte Halls have Mike Minard said he was made get involved. cereal and a gallon of milk walk­ Chico State and get a quality Barbm Kopicki, director of been knocked over and the con­ aware of the incident bUlthe act "But then the focus would be ing down a crowded sidewalk education but not have th'eir A.S. Recycling, said there was crete shells broken. of killing or throwing away a on the threat," he said. then you know that this just parents get a tragic phone call," doesn't work," he said. he said.

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j' It' ~. .j,' .. ,~, . '. .. :;rhe .orion Wednesday. September 30. leeS . California State Uflil'ersiry, Chico page :3 :IVigilante justice foils bicycle thief American Indian talk Three Chico students and Darnel Santos, both 18. through the cable lock, but was said. "I never know when I might I chased him down and "kicked startled and left what he was need them." stresses identity capture would-be bike his leg into the other one, like doing. The three men walked When asked if he had been when you're in elementary behind O'Connell. to Rio Chico near the bike in question, he said R. Elrlk Ott Local Indian Community." The · thief outside O'Connell school. and he tripped," Way, where Evans' house is he had been going to the bath­ AssisUlIIf News E,/iror discussion will be in Bell McCullough said. located. There, they met two room in the bushes. Memorial Union room 110 Technology Center He said he ridiculed Miller more of their friends, and .upon further questioning, he If there's one thing Mark from Noon-I p.m. until police arrived. returned to the bike-rack. said saId, "Hell, I might have done it. Franco wants Chico State "One of the things we want · Chris Martin "I told him he was the dumb­ police. Hell, I don't remember." Uni versity Students to know the university to do is recog­ Staff Writer est thief 1've ever seen," Upon their return, Miller got up A blOOd-alcohol test on Miller about American Indians. it is nize the fact that we are sepa­ McCullough said. and ran away. McCullough said. regislered a .13, with .08 being that they can't be lumped with rate," Franco said. "It would " Bicycle theft at Chico State The three held Miller until According to the police report, legally drunk in California, other people of color without open the door to new pro­ Uhiversity is not uncommon, but University Police arrived at the Miller was accompanied by his "They guy smelled like tequi­ losing their identity. grams that arc directed to the it's not everyday that a thief is scene Saturday at 2:22 a.m. The brother. Steven Miller. who was la," McCullough said. "We don't fall under the American Indian students." caught in the act. cable lock had been cut three­ sitting on a nearby bench. 19-year-old freshman Shannon same guidelines as other The ev'ent is the latest in a "I saw this guy bent oyer, fourths of the way through. Steven said he and his brother Phillips is the registered owner of minorities," said Franco, coor­ series of conversations on screwing around with a bike," said McCullough. Evans and were walking home north on the bike. This is the second theft dinator of Americ:ln Indian diversity organized by the 'Matthew McCullough. 19. "So I Santos were walking south on Warner Street, from the Madison attempt on his $80 bike in the Community Resources at Center for Multicultural and said, 'What the hell are you doing, Warner Street Bear Garden. when they stopped past two months, he said. Chico State and a member of Gender Studies. Organizer stealing some poor kid's l?ikeT" from Whitney Hall when a so Paul could get his bike. Steven He bought an inexpensive the Chiricahua Apache tribe of Carol Burr, who directs the cen­ · McCullough said the thief group of women, .walking north. told police he did not know bike so that nobody would try to Arizona. "'Ve are members of ter. said Chico Swte students .' responded by saying, "Sorry, told them there was a man l1ying , whether or not the bike belonged steal it, Phillips said. sovereign nations." need to understand that other sorry." to steal a bike in front of the to his brother. Miller was arrested and Franco will join Health and cultures may view life different­ - As the thief attempted to flee O'Connell Technology Center. During a routine patdown, booked by University Police. Community Services Professor ly than the mainstream. the O'Connell Hall bike-rack, The women were afraid to Officer Paula Carr found a pair Who discovered that he was on Diana Flannery to explore the "Chico is literally not a good ·McCullough yelled, "No, wait. approach the suspect, according of "tin snips" in Miller's left rear probation and had failed to make American Indian experience in cultural fit for most American :Come back!" to police. pocket. Upon further question­ a mandatory court appearance Chico during today's presenta­ Indian students," said Burr. · .' When Paul Cyprian Miller, When the three men first ing, he said he used them for for a past driving under the influ­ tion "Mending the Hoop: who is also an English profes­ '42. kept running, McCullough, appeared at the scene, Miller sheet metal work. When asked if ence arrest. The failure to appear Meeting the Needs of Our sor at Chico State. accompanied by Benjamin Evans was in the process of cutting he had been working tonight. he call'ies a bail of $5,000. Governor: Gubernatorial candidates vague on their positions on higher education and public universities

I continued from p. J once the state sels the standards, "States need to realize they was among the top six concerns problems as low lest scores, we should get out of the way and have to invest in serving an of voters along, with the econo­ To contact alternative party candidates: · crowded classrooms, decrepit let educators do their jobs," increasing number of non-tradi­ my. drugs, crime prevention and and unsafe school buildings~ Lungren has said. tional students," Cook said. foreign threat. Nathall E. John~oll lIarold 11. 8loomJield inadequate textbooks, unquali­ Education refornl tends to pro­ "Community colleges were Candidates are well aware. Americatl [tldepeflde", Natural Law fied teachers. and drugs and vio- vide more campaign fodder for originally envisioned to meet the Bob Schnur. a campaign con­ 6406 Friars Road #232 P.O, Box 50843 · lenee on campus, candidates than true solutions for local area's needs. Now commu­ sultant for Lungren said that San Diego, CA 92108·1019 Palo Allo. CA 9430) .. Even Davis, who has promised students, said Amy Cook. a nity colleges are seen as a tool to Lungren could win this election E-mail: Not Available E-Mail: B1oomfield({!'nalural·law.org 'to make education a key issue in research assistant for the Research meet the state's needs by provid­ on education alone. Even though Phone: (619) 297-7808 Phonc: 408-425-2201 · his campaign, avoided making Commission of the States. ing a workforce for the future." candidates agree that education ailY concrete solulions for resolv­ Legislatures and governors are Arizona, Arkansas. Nevada,and makes for good campaigns, con­ nan lIam/lUrg Gloria Estela La }{i\,U ; ing the education glut in hesitant to invest in new campus­ New York are all considering servatives and liberals disagree Greell Prace atICl Fret'dolll ~ , .\ California. And Lungren, who es and infrastructures, Cook said. . offering baccalaureate degrees at all how the problems with educa­ P.O. Bolt 3727 2489 Mission Sl. #28; San recently announced he thoughl "Lawmakers know that educa­ community colleges. For Cook. tion should be solved. Oakland. CA 94609 Francisco. CA 94110 lhat crime prevention was more tion is weighing ~n the minds of this is a sign of the times that can­ Ge11crall~ conservatives favor E-mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Important than education, said as voters this election year and have didates in this election year need local standards. while liberals Phone: (707) 462-1220 Phone: (415) 821-6545 governor he would bring trumpeted popular programs like to address. People arc looking for lean toward a national approach. California from nearly last to no. reduced class sizes, but they steer new types of baccalaureate educa­ This was true in the debate StC\'C W. KulJlJy I in education. clear of stickier issues like tion options. particularly around between Lungren and Davis. Libertariall Remember: . "The most important state role Affirmative Action." applied learning in areas ranging And this is why Hamburg says I~O. Box 1012 01:1. 5 Is Ute Iilst dilY to register . it} education is establishing rigor­ One sticky issue that Cook from computer networking to California needs more voices in Garden Grove, CA 92842- \0 12 to "ole In Ute Noy. 3 General ous. but attainable, statewide said politicians must address is mortunry services. the political arena. More voices E-mail: [email protected] Stillel'l'lde Election. standards, and then expecting where non-traditional students fit Campaigns and Elections can lead to more solutions about Phone: (877) 465-8229 our students to meet them. And into the education plan. magazine reported that education education. '., ~ :Woodstoc Pizza Delivers uality••• Chico German Motors I,! • Serving Chico for over 18 years • Personalized Service & Repair On Water And Air·Cooled Vehicles • Specializing in Volkswagon • Law Roles

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" p~ge 4 California Stpte University, Chico The Orion Wedne5day, September 30,' 1998 ~------~--~----~------"csa ·Briefs. ~, "~' " .'.. . ilifonllatioll salheredfrom CSU S/Ildml tlewspap~rs. .~ I Information oblajn~dfro/ll Chico Police D"partmetl/, Sacramento Police Blotter Thursday, Sept. 24 11:58 p.m. Fake ID reported in the 300 block of West Fiftti'.Str,¥et. Frat criticized for slogan 6:03 p.m. Juvenile problem reported in the 900 block of West "Reporting party reporting they believe they have a subject at The State Hornet reported that the Sigm,1 Pi fraternity is Sacramento Avenue. "Reporting party observed on going prob­ the front door with a fake ID." under fire from feminist groups ,on the Sacramento State lem with juveniles setting items on the tracks for train to run University campus for a slogan on their shilts, "We put the Pi over. Also throwing rocks at the train. He chased them off a few Saturday, Sept. 26 back in pimp." minutes ago." 11: 15 a.m. Transient problem reponed in the 500 block of West Fifth Even the fraternity's national headquarters has asked the fra­ 8:04 Petty theft reported in the 100 block of Ivy Street. "Chico Street. "Ten tranSients on Chestnut behind reporting party's. Th~y ternity to change the slogan. and top-ranking members of the State parking structure. Vehicle had 11 pizza delivery company are drinking. Reporting party would like them moved along. ~ley organization have denied having any knowledge of the slogan. sign taken." were leaving the residence and the subjects were urinating n~r .. It was absolutely a local decision. By no means was it a 10:29 p.m. Special patrol 700 block of West " ______~ their curs." . :': national or even a regional slogan," said Mark Briscoe, execu­ Third ·Street. "Reporting party had backpack I 2:46 Miscellaneous reported in the 700 block' bf tive director of Sigma Pi's international organization. taken with keys and 10, she reported it to the Ivy Street. "State Park Ranger driving through Chapter president Stephen Dean was told by the director of Chico State police. She is requesting special Ullknown area ad"ising several people hanging out near student acti vities at Sacramento State that there were at least patrol for her vehicle and her residence." subject took bar with open containers." three complaints to the university about the slogan. 'J 9:07 p.m. Peace disturbance reported in the'7oo .. It was a joke. an attention getter," Dean said. "It was in no Friday Sept. 25 price siglls block of West Fifth Street. "Reporting party just way meant to offend or degrade. We are in no way trying to 12:30 a.m. Prowler reported in the 700 block threw out subject who did not want to go. He;is degrade women." of Hazel Street. "Reporting party heard sub­ from the very drunk and standing out front at this time. The slogan was printed on tliers and posters distributed ject near her window. Reporting party con­ Reporting party requests driveby." . around campus and printed on T-shirts , fronted him and he ran into her front yard. gas statiOll. "I've worn the T-shirt on campus and r.ve had people yell out Still in front yard. Reporting pnrty hilS seen Sunday, Sept. 27 smart- ass remarks ami laugh. That was the point - to attmct same subject in front of her residence during L-______" I :29 a.m. Peace disturbance reported in" the attention," he said. daylight hours in past." '., ,,' 600 block of West Fifth Street. "Approximately Briscoe disagreed, however. 5:51 a.m. Man down reported in the 300 block of Wall Street. 10 subjects reported in the store with open containers, "We've worked too hard to change the image of fraternities. "Subject pas5(!d out in Dower bed. Breathing, but 110t responsive swearing. Appenr drunk. Now headed to the Ivy Street side That's not the image we want," he said. to reporting party." of the store." . 7:25 a.m. Petty theft reported in the 100 block of West First Street. 2: 19 a.m. Peace disturbance reported in the 700 block or: 'h,y "Unknown subject took price signs from the gas station." Street. "Male subject going door to door in the area banging on Los Angeles 12:25 p.m. Possible drug activity reported on the 800 block of doors looking for someone to fight with. Subject is accusing peo· West Second Street. "Reporting party reporting that two male pic of shining a red laser at him." . Where will you be in 20471 adults are playing loud music llnd smoking marijuana." 3:57 a.m. Petty theft reported in the 700 block of Nord Avenue. A time capsule filled with Cal State L.A. artifacts was buried 5:35 p.m. Skating problem repOlted on the 300 block of East First "Two male subjects in vehkle were caught siphoning gas from rl!cently on the lawn of the Physical Education Building. It was Avenue. "Two subjects skateboarding in front of reporting parked vehicles in urea. Subjects left gas can behind." detennined that its contents will not be seen again until 2047. party's residence. Two jll\'eniles. RC~lJrt'ng party had city come 4:49 a.m. Drunk in public reponed in the 1100 block of West Third the centennial of Cal State L.A. out and repair sidewalk and rep,orting p.urly is afraid they will Street. "Subject is very drunk. Wanted to drive home but subject Institution Advancement Vice President Kyle Bulton said wreck it again." wouldn't give her the keys to her car." some of the items sealed inside the capsule included a Giga-pet. ..J'Jli. a Beanie Baby, donated articles signed by CSl:A Honorary Doctorates Billie Jean King and Michael Feinstein, and a copy of every issue of the University Times dated June 1997 to July 1998. A.S. offers money· for student organization~~'; Also within the capsule is infomlation about 1998 technolo­ gy. the President Clinton and Monica Lewinsky issue, and the Deanna Cordano followed by another workshop at tions. Guzman said, would be November where the RAe will tragedy of Princesses Diana with a copy of "Candle in the Staff writer 6 p.m. Oct. 8 in BMU 108. judged on the merit of their pro- be discussing the proposals and Wind." by Elton John, In these mandatory work­ posal and how they fill out their making recommendations. In the year 2047 the time capsule will be opened for the The deadline is approaching shops. Guzman said, they go application. Guzman said. This way the stu- amazement and, in some cases. amusement of future Cal State for those groups on campus that over procedures and criteria for The main criteria the RAC is dents can answer questions the L.A. students. faculty and staff. wish to r'!ceive funding from filling out and submitting the looking for in a proposal is an committee might have regarding the Revenue Allocation application. event that will serve the campus certain proposals. Committee for their spring­ It is als6 a place where appli­ community either academically. After the RAC makes its final Humboldt semester projects. cants can ask any questions they socially, or culturally, Guzman decisions. it sends its recom­ Although the application may have about the funding said. mendations to the Board of Counterfeit money circulating on' campus deadlines are not until Oct. 15. process. Some groups that were given Directors, which in turn, Four fake $20 bills were passed at Humboldt State University the mandatory workshop that More than $41,000 was allo­ flmding in the spring for projects reviews and submits recommen­ this month, and the campus police department is warning the project directors need to attend cated for spring-semester pro­ taking place this semester dations to the University. where community to scrutinize paper money more closely as it to even submit an application is jects, Guzman said. But even include: MEChA, for its the final decisions are made. changes hands. only being offered two more though he hasn't received any Christmas program; the philoso- Guzman said. ' ,,', University Police Sgl. Dennis Sousa said two of the $20 bills times, said Victor Guzman, vice applications yet and doesn't phy department. for fall-semester All of the funding for theSe were received at The Depot, and the other two were received by president of finance and chair expect any until the deadline speakers; Chico Safe Rides; and projects is made from a percent., .. a private vendor selling posters at the Humboldt Bookstore. ofRAC.. date, .1l~ sai~ he~nticipates the a citizenship pqlJ~,c.~~!1rough 'l'g~.of the revenue that .. tne ··,,"They give the appearance of··being worn, they're somewhat =-: The rrext-workshop will be total aii1ouiitof requests '"for 'pro­ CAVE.--.. ·· __ ·_- . ::-Asso"Ciated Students get fromits smaller and they don't have the fibers of a true bill." Sousa stat­ " held at 3:30 p.m. Thursday, in jects will be over $200,000. Students are advised to attend businesses such as the bookstore ed in a press release. Bell Memorial Union room 110. Groups submitting applica- the meeting in the first week of and the cafeteria. Guzman said.


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, .,-. i;\ ,'. )I;'~~rfl )~:I;'\'lj~\~\'\' , 'I ~i,:' 'Orion ',:,!~~:

'I " '.1.1 ~r.~. Orion Wednesday, September 30, 1998 Cali/omia Siale Ullil'ersily. ell/co pag~ 5

, , " L ..Chico ;·State.: Sh'orfs! :.. ..:.,~--=---- ,,'. '~-' _., -"'- .~.- :~-' -.:...... -..-', • . " ..j Chico man helps 'deadbeat dads' ., Backpack thefts on the rise University police have had numerous reports of backpack thefts : from seveml locations on the Chico State University campus. . =withwebsite and support group Seven of the thefts were in Meriam Libmry and one occurred in Taylor Hall and one theft was from the Whitney Hall cafeteria. R. Elrlk Ott Posted on Keller's website are Many of the backpacks were recovered with some of the con­ Assislam News Editor the main tenets of his Fathers' Excerpts from the Fathers' Rights Coalition tents missing. ."'+~'."'" Rights Coalition: website at http://www.fathersrc.com 'i· ,; ..... Ted Keller.. bristles when he • Child support modification First visiting scholar studies science's impact l1eal's the term ';deadbeat dad." procedures should be simplified; On deductions: On courts: A leading theorist on how science interacts with public poli­ ,;.~~,When his first marriage ended • Fathers should educate • If you had a part-time side • Most fathers are tr.=ated cy, ethics and aesthetics is the first President's Visiting Scholar 18. years ago, he entered the world themselves as to their rights and business selling memberships. unfairly by the courts because for the fall 1998 semester at Chico State University. ·~gt:.;Shild support payments and the law; that gross almost nothing you they cannot afford the expense Robert L. Frodeman, professor of philosophy and religion at .=-:iMtation rights that he now calls • Fathers have a right to rea­ could still obtain deductions for of an attorney. Even worse. the University of Tennessee, will deliver five free public lec­ ·:~!~~zamine" for its complexity. sonable child support payments; . items that you already pay for fathers who employ an attor­ tures through Oct. 2. He will also meet with classes as well as Now 12 years into his second • An amnesty program should now. As an example, if you ney to assist them in trying to individual faculty members and students during his stay. L! I marriage. Keller said he has seen be created to let "deadbeat dads" used your car in business pur­ obtain a child support reduc­ Frodeman is co-founder of the International Association for ., ,countless instances where the back into society. suits, such as calling on poten­ tion end up having. to explain Environmental Philosophy and director of the Southwest Earth ~rigbts of the father in a divorce One of the most common tial new members for the to the court why they can pay Studies Program, an interdisciplinary research program for phi­ ,

"The court can treat fathers when fathers go to court to have could obtain a deduction for the support. the author of the forthcoming book, "Oeophilosophy." which I with no respect whatsoever, as if their child support payments use of your vehicle. You could examines the political and philosophic aspects of science issues they were just a method to fund reduced because of economic obtain deductions for the actual On child support: such as global warming and nuclear waste disposal. $hildren," said Keller, who has hardship. He said the father is expenses or the mileage deduc­ • The Fathers' Rights ,lived in Chico since his divorce. almost always portrayed as the tion of around 30 cents per Coalition believes: Child sup­ Theater Arts offering opening night 5pet:ial .·~people are unfairly labeled as bad guy. mile. If you drove 10.000 miles pan modification procedures For the first timc. the Department of Theater Arts is offering ·4eadbeats simply because they "The rules are set up to hinder per year in this pursuit you should be· simplified; fathers a special opening night ticket package for six of its 1998-99 pro­ can't afford their court-ordered a father who has economic prob­ would obtain a $3,000 adjust­ should educate themselves as ductions. -J:hilci support payments." lems from getting an allomey," ment off your net income. to their rights ·arid the law; The package includes a general admission ticket to two morc .... When he searched the Internet Keller said. "The judge will ask Rent. telephone and utilities are fathers have a right to reason­ fall shows - "Terra Nova" on Oct. 21, and "The Waiting .{pr... resources supporting him how he can pay for an attor­ costs that you pay anyway. By able child support payments; Room" on Nov. 10. divorced fathers, he found few ney and not pay child support. starting a business you could an amnesty program should be Three spring '99 shows are also included - ''True West" on ,th'lt offered concrete help. So, The reason why he's there is shift all or part of these costs to created to let "deadbeat dads" Feb. 25, "The Three Sisters" on March 10, and "The :K.eller started his own organiza­ because he's broke and he can't the deductible column. back into society. Threepenny Opera," Chico Statc's annual Spring Musical, on tion called the Fathers' Rights pay, so what does that mean? May 5 . .,Goalition and built a website at He's a criminal? He could go to Cost for the package is $33.60 and represents a 30 percent fluplllwww.fathersrc.com. jail if he can't pay, but he's not this subject. I've done radio his organization. savings over purchasing individual tickets to each of the shows. Now. he and fathers from allowed an attorney? tall< shows and people go nuts. "The most popular negative In addition, people who participate in the package are invited to around the country meet in cyber­ "We feel that's wrong. The sys- You don't dare raise the issue respons!! is 'How dare you,'" a special opening night reception following each show. For .,'I space to discuss their cases and' tern hatches criminals," he said. that if a father is unemployed Keller said. "I can understand more infomlation, or to order tickets, call the University Box offer support and legal advice via Since its beginnings five years and goes to court and doesn't that. The lady who cuts my hair Office at 898-5791. e-l1J1lil. ago, the Fathers' Rights Coalition fill out the paperwork correctly, has an ex-husband who hasn't Most discussion focus on the has garnered quite a bit of criti- he'll be saddled by child paid in forever. I can see how Children'5 Arts A~ademy at Chic:o State ~tigid rules concerning child sup­ cism, with many opponents support that's impossible to pay annoying that would be, but Chico State University's School of the Arts is inaugurating a 'port payments and the fathers charging that the organization and then go to jail. that's the whole point. \Ve aren't new program for children called the Chico State Arts Academy. who can't afford them. helps bad dads. "1 sometimes think drunk dri- interested in helping people who The eight week Saturday morning arts camp is scheduled to ~,,,,"We want to help people who Keller has experienced so vers are more popular than dead­ have money weasel out of their begin all October 3 and will run through November 21. Tht! :have made mistakes and have many problems, in fact, that he beat dads. Deadbeat dads make child support payments. camp is designed for children kindergarten through sixth grade .gotten behind or have been sad­ refused to be photographed for· drunks look really good." "It's just annoying. My kids and will take place from 9 a.m. to noon. in the Performing Arts dled with payments that are so this story because the pote~tial Keller said the e-mail traffic are grown, but I keep doing this Center at Chico State. high they can't afford them," negative backlash-could effect his triggered by his website is often because it frightens me to think Chico State faculty as well as student interns in the Keller said. business dealings in Chico. He tilled with rants by mothers and that this means the systematic Departments of Theater. Music, and Art will provide instruc­ : , "We don't want anything (0 had reservations about using his children about deadbeat dads. destruction of the American tion, while Katie Beal, well-known in the community for ht!r do with people who can pay but real name. Often they accuse him of family. work with children's theater programs. wi 11 be the director. decide not to because they have "I used to joke about it, but offering support for fathers "I was very fortunate in that Some examples of the camps activities as described by Beal 'a-- bad attitude or because they I've seen such a negative reac- trying to shirk their responsi- my family and I were able to include mask-making, the dramatization of stories. folktales. think the wife will squander the tion," Keller said. bilities. settle out issues. Many fathers and the children's own stories. and creating rhythm and money. Those are deadbeats and "It still blows me away that Those people. he said, just aren't so lucky. It makes people movement. J.hey, deserve what they get." people can be so pissed off on don't understand the mission of not want to have kids," he said.

':" i

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, (, 1.1, t i i I ! I I 316 W,E!ST ~J1ll5TRtET? CHICO~ CA 9592.8· 891-]639 I I ". ~.-......


.-' ~ l , i:~pa~&~Q_G______C_"'~ifI_Or_n_w_s_m_t_e_U_ni_ve_N_~_)_C_h_w_o ______T_he __ or_io_n_w_e_d_n_e_Sd_a_~_s_e_p_te_m_b_e_r_a_O_,1_'9_9~8- ....,. I :~------~ . :. \ 1 Noise: Party permits may be given. lRis biggest little fans I <:ontinued from p. 1 as well as add a provision that , , "I think people ought to be extends the daytime noise level . I able to determine when they're in the south-campus neighbor­ .... t making too much noise, just like hood on Friday and Saturday they're able to ,determine when nights to midnight. Council also ,i they're driving too fast," he said. approved the SCNA's request for , . Pruesser said that although the city to issue one-day use per­ there are specific decibel levels mits for charging money at spe­ set in the noise ordinance, the cial events in the South Campus police cite almost exclusively on Neighborhood. .' , the basis of the "reasonable per- Currently, anyone charging son" section. . money at the door for parties 01' SeNA Representative Bob Ray political fund-raisers can be cited said that because the law doesn't for using their home for commer­ require judgment by a noise meter, cial use. Above, Chico police issue citations every time a A permit process will infonn State student

, , person asks them to. He estimated police when 'and where parties Bob Ray and, I • \ that about 70 percent of police ser- will be held, as well as give at right, south vices on weekend nights are used them a contact number for com­ campus resi­ .. to control noise. plaints about noise and trash. dent Charlie South Campus resident Beth Money made by the event will Prnesser Fox said she feels that noise has provide extra security and sani­ address the been getting worse since she tation. he said. <:ity <:ouncil. moved to the south-campus Ray said ·the SCNA wants"._ . neighborhood eight years ago. event permits to add more pro- all ofCbico's neighborhoods to be ' She said she feels like she's told teclion for the neighborhood. subject to loud events. : ' to deal with it by her neighbors "As a neighborhood ussocia- A second motion by council who tell her she':> in a student tion, making sure that people member Andrews thnt designnt-: neighborhood. who throw parties become more ed south campus as the only, Dan Davis lives in a neighbor- responsible and provide security neighborhood to be able to ge\ hood adjacent to south campus. He for the protection of their proper- permits won King's support, -- our·year-old Sondae Molina and 6-year·old Clare O'Brien c:arefully spell their names for said his neighborhood is victim to ty and the property of their GuzzeLli also voted in favor (jf , . Children's perfonner Nels, who took time out Wednesday before his pertonnam:e in Laxson the noise of south can1pus and said neighbors is high on our list of the permit process. . ,'. FAuditorium to sign autographs for adoring fans. Nels was presented by Chi«:o Perfonnances. the effects arc like second-hand priorities," he said. . Keene and Bertagna said they ... ' smoke. He suggested cooperation " would not support the idea between neighborhoods._, .~. ------, because of the recommendations "Just like neighbors should be You fiolks are flO in a staff repOlt by the police an.d , . good neighbors to each other, the city attorney's saying. iF neighborhoods should be good Inystery to me. would be difficult to tell if stu- . neighbors to other neighbor- dents would use the money to.' hoods," he said. You dOll't purchase alcohol for guests. ,'. The quick brown fox Council ,member Steve d . I Johnston cited his own expcn: . Bertagna also disagreed with the Ilee a speCla ence with college students ,for SCNA proposal. He said the time neighborhood to not supporting the motion. , jumps over the used to constantly calibrate the "1 huve a boy that just got mil meters and take measurements have special of San Jose Stute. I got one at Su~ . will waste more police. time. noise or activity. State. 1 got one nt Butte College.' • i the lazy dog. Mayor Rick Keene said that You folks are no mystery to me. - . I changing the' ordinance might Hili Johnston You don't need a special neig~-., make people call in noist! com- Chico City Council member ". , bo~h?o~,to ha~e special noise or plaints as disturbing the peace. :lcttVlty, he Said. . Because disturbing the peace is a / Jarvis said although this coun- misdemeanor and not an infrac- Council member Jarvis said cit mude the decision to pass the lion, the courts would have to be she didn't want to be cited for the proposals, a new council might involved, he said. fund- raisers she sometimes vote to revisit the issues un.d Did you catch the typo in that sentence? Maybe you would've so'oner if you Council member Colieen holds at her house and motioned change them back. Counc,il . read more. May we suggest:.. Orion Jarvis, however. said the current to pass the seNA's request. members King and Andrews are ,.. i ordinance was "crap" and Jarvis' motion failed because stepping down after their tcmls~ motioned for council to revise it council member King didn't want arc up Nov. 3, she said. ------_.-': \

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.p~. S·' .. - - ·0-~------S·· -- RT- WednesdilY, September 30, 1998 California State University, Chico page 7 .. I.

! u:t~~liiii4ill3~ Tim -I.ewln Spo'!tsEditor. ' Running fOlWard', looking back 0 •• '" '. _ ,_

The 'pesky asterisk Megan Dickson after him? Should 1 go after as the seniors tell the story, noth­ , ", .", ," ~; : THE FAa :FOUR "" .. " In 1961, Major League Stat/Writer him?'" Dockery said. ·'Here we ing but laughter comes through , . Baseball Commissioner Ford are in the subway cheering our and everything ended okay, Emily Erica McPhee . Laura Dockery Frick announced that in order It isn't going to be wiiming coach on and he's, like, chasing According to Dockery, the future career: Something allowing future career: historian me to travel and nat sit In front of a favorite sport: baseball • for Roger Maris to break Babe races or trips to the National the guy. We're encouraging him. most memorable moment for her computer all day favorite athlete: Tony Gwynn '1 Ruth's single-season home run Championships that the fab four like it's a cross country meet or came after the race. Hobbles: traveling, guitar, anything , record, he would have to do it in of the Chico State University's something." "The most memorable outdoors favorite team: San Diego Padres ~ no more than 154 games. womens cross country After a little more considera- moment was celebrating after favorite sport: cross country, of favarlle Ice cream: chocolate malted crunch (~ Maris did break the record tearn will remember_ 'tion, the four had their coach nationals," Dockery said. "Not course! . favorite athlete: Mark McGwire, Favurlle movie: The Wedding ;1; by hitting a home run in the For the four seniors, ;' come back for fear the robber the race, 1 think the race was sec­ Singer .• ~ fourth inning of the last game Emily McPhee, Laura might pull a gun. ondary just for the experience, Martie Behrens, Tony Munch ;'l£' favorite Chico re~taurant: Hulas Just knowing how close we had favorite team: 4gers :~b of the 1961 season, but it was- Dockery, Maranda '~" It was too late. Towne had the favorite meal: nachos I}~ n't enough. It took him 162 Cowan and Sarah ' - " guy. It was the wrong guy, but gotten, all of us. and realizing Favorite Ice cream: chocolate chip cookie dough Last book read: How the West ".~ gariles. He didn't do it in time, Gibson, the " that the other teams weren't the was Lost '% and his career, his life, andhis f r i end s hip s same at all. They weren't huving favorlle movie: Braveheart favorite Chico restaurant: The What would yau do 11 you won the ;;' narilc were marked in history they made are fun, they weren't doing stuff Black Crowe lottery? Payoff everybody's debts, :?withan asterisk. what they will together. For us it was a celebra­ .favorlle meal: sushi Family: Mom,.dad and brother ;:j The asterisk beside his name remember. tion. I mean by far we were the (attends Chico State and bartends at Last blluk read: On the Night of the the Bear). i;:)n record books became a sym- Ask' any of most fun team out there and Grasshopper Song '.-::bol of incompleteness and con- the four what obviously we enjoyed each other Perlect vacation spot: Australia Maranda Cowen '{troversy. It was removed in their most memo- the most. Just realizing what an Who dll you look up lo? My parents future career: teacher/coach U:1991 but it still hasn't left my rable moment was awesome group of people I was What would you do 11 you won the ;:,i;,milld. I've been thinking a lot while at Chico and with and how lucky [ was to be lottery? Travel to Europe. Scotland, Hllbbles: eating If;:about the asterisk lately and I all agree that the on the team. That is my most Australia (again), send my parents favorite sport: cross country %even named one of my fish Nat ion a I memorable moment," on a cruise, donate for cancer favorite team: Chico cross country research, 'lrUAsterisk" in hOQor of this year. Championships last Dockery said. AII-llmelavDrlle movie: Forrest Gump ~/ 1 began to wonder where other year were the best. In the last two years~ favorite Chl!:1) reslilurant: Taco Bell ;~~ asterisks might next appear in Held in Wisconsin, .~!A the fab four have become favorIte meal: tacos ;1 the world of sports. the big race proved to be close friends and the Pertect vacation spot: Hawaii tl Asterisks were poised and a bit more challenging biggest supporters for one Who do you look up to? Anyone ::\ ready,all over the baseball world than first expected. The another before, after and during with a type of handicap.

~i again when Mark MeG wire and team experienced icy the races. i'-::': :,., i Whal would you do If you won the 1Sammy Sosa made bids to break courses and running in 29 "I'm so close Lo these " ' ..... - lollery? travel the same record: degree weather. girls," Gibson said. "We've L "'McGwire used Creatine to Competing in' the Nationals seen each other at our P: Sarah Marie Gibson enhance his physique. wasn't al1 about the competition worst and at our best Ulld 1 Future career: pllYsician's "'McGwire hit one out of the and winning the race. Head know that I can go to assistant (P.A.) park but it was ruled a double coach Gary Towne made the them. I trust these girls Hobbles: dance. violin because a fan interfered. trip special, in a manner of with my life secrets. This favorite sport: cross country "'Sosa had an extra game to speaking. is my little field of daises favorite athlele: Melady Fairchild tie McGwirc. Towne UlTanged a day in that 1 can tell my secrets to," FilvDrlle learn: University of Oregan Maybe next to Evander Chicago for a little fun before It's been a quick friendship favorite Ice cream: dacquiri ice Holyfield's name in the record the race; and perhaps the funniest for the foursome; they only start­ favorite movie: Ferris Bueller's books there will be an asterisk: and most memomble moment for ed running together last year. Day Off Name: Laura favorite Chico restaurant: The *Holyfield won by forfeit the learn occurred that day in the They admit it's the friend­ Dockery Black Crowe because Mike Tyson bit off a windy city. ship that helped them get Age: 22 Last huok read: The Real Horse piece of Holyfield's ear. As the group was getting off WBii8l111\11lP't1hrclU the races. Hometown: Whlsperer 'J "If you're clo~u're I • One symbol, just one strok~e sub~man started ...... JIT;... San Diego _~e~!ilr1ect vacation spot: The SieYA \ , of the keyboard was responsible hollering that someone had Hometown: Hometown: not out to beat the persoll who Malor/Mlnar: Nevada mountain range or two- fOfso much controversy, so stolen her purse. The bandit Concord. Ca. =~-t1R:c'led:tadlng. Ca, is on ).he team, you're more History mile campground in Wapiti, much cynicism.The next time I was off and running. Wyoming :.~ "~' Major/Minar: Malor/Mlnor: Orlon/ LAura Fla",z want to see an asterisk 1 want it "Gary was like, 'Should I go Social Science LIberal Stutlies see Xcountry p. 8 ., ,'F .. to be read like this: iJ ,.: ;, J:"': ~In 1998. the use of asterisks was banned in record books. A possible local asterisk Wildcats rolliover AggiesagJtip"i~?~ , Last week, the mens soccer lerun h'ld a conference record of . :"iThree,goals enoughfor-- .- , - 4-0-1. TItis week, tllcil' conference record is 5-0-0. The pesky llSterisk;;' Women's Soccer Cats to send UC Davis has found its way mto the NCAA. Satwday, Oc.t. 3 ,'1_, Chico State played Stanislaus ~;home witli another loss '., Htlmboldt at ., \ Stute and C'U11e away with Il tic. ."--~"';.-..,..-' It was the only blemish on their Chico State, Todd Billeter conference record. But last week 3"p~.m. .. 'Srcljf Writer it was ruled that St.misluus was playing with an ineligible pillyer. Tl4esdclY, Oct. 6 Beuting rival University of It sent one of the conference's Chico Stnte at S.F. State, California, Davis once lust week best temus into the cellar. was not enough for Chico State 3 p.m. "I think it's unfortunnte for University'S mens soccel' team, I them. It just sets them back," so they did it twice. 1 suid Chico Stute soccer plilyer Men's Soccer Chico Stute completed the Tyler Cornell. Wednesday, Sept. 30 sweep of the Aggies on The tie in the standing for Saturduy at the University Chico State WIIS changed to 1I win. Sonoma State at Soccer Field, 3-1. "Obviously, we don't wunl a Chico State, . The Wildcats spotted UC win thllt Wily because in reulit)' 3 p.m. Dnvis u 1-0 lead with an own we didn't win," Cornell said. gOl.ll. In only the second minute When JetT Johnson of Sports Wednesday, Oct. 7 of the game, the Wildcllts acci­ Informution pointed it out to me dentally scored for the othel' Chico State at I thought ubout whetlu:r or not S.F, ' team. there sholll"l be un IIsterisk. I've State, 3 p.m. Chico Stnte hnd problems, decided thllt the Llsterisk has .. with UC Dnvis' offside tmp second hnlf, howe vel'. thl.! referee From left to cuu5ed enough trouble nild I'm Cross Country defense ut first, but wcre able to let the pluyers plLlY more physi­ right: Nick willing to fOl'get about it. udju!it lIl1d keep u stl'Ong attack cully. which favored the lurger Dowler, Matt Sclttmlcty, Oct. 3 the entire gilme. Chico Stule temn. Carno)', Mark Tim Lewill CCI/l b(~ ,'ecu.:l1eci at Chico Stilte at "They rUll the trup more," "We were uble to pluy harder Atencio and' [email protected]:o.ee/u Stunford lnvittltiollul, Sleven· Becny suid, comparing lind more nggreslii ve becuuse he Tyler Cornell Sutlln.lllY's gnme to Wednesduy's (the referce) wus letting LIS pluy," (above) cele­ P"lo Alto gume. "They hud u high presslire Beeny Imid, , brato a Cornell :Inside 1011.01, defense, rneuning they stuyed After un cntcrtnining show by goal against bE1Ck lind let LIS uttuck tllem." Chico Stutc's warnell rookies lit UC Davis and vglleybHII 8 VoUeybnll It Wl\S only n mutter of lime halftime. the men sturted Lhe sec­ Todd SlmmQns before Chico Stute got on the ond hlllf the slUue wuy they lat lett) Jukos 1~,ugh cfJlIl'ercncl.l in homc sU'l:tch. Friday, Oct. 2 !lcorebom'd. In the 21!1t minutc, ended the first hulL They a UC \\)aYia WOm(In'S socr.:~r 9 Chico Stute lit Tylel' COI:ncll did just lhut by uttacked Lhe UC PLlvis goul. defender. Elver-prescnt rivI11ry with UC tying the score with u bellutifLil The 'Cuts got /lnothel' long DlI~iH results in ~pllt. UC Riversjde, !lhot from IIbolit 25 YUl'ds aLIt 1'II11ge gOlll in the 49th minutc. In the 62nd minute. Tylel' Beeny scored two goals to Chlta Sport Shorts 9 7 p.m. thut dropped in right below the This time it wus Nick Eichhorn Cornell out-jumped the UC lend the Wildcats' impressive .' Upcoming CVIl11ls, IlItll weekellu cl'ollsbLlr. with the kick thnt soured in 1'1'0111 Davis goulkeepel' to knoek the victory. Mutt Roberson helped SaturdCl>~ Oct. 3 reHultH 1I11d other spccial tidbits. Dudng the first hull' of thc nbout 20 ym'ds out. bnllloose. lIml MllUhew KeLlrney the 'Cuts witll U gOlll nod 'un :WlldCid'ofthQ WeQk 10. Chico Stllte ut SHn gumo, the l'c1'erce WUi:I not going , After constunt prc!lsure by WIIS there to put it in the net. lISSisl. Eichhorn hud three Lls:lists '01\11 Clhlll led Chico Stllll.l's mcns Bernfldino, 7 p.m. to lel the gLlme get out of conU·ol. Chico State's offensc, the On Wednesday, the WildeLlts lind Cornell hud two of his own. . crosH counlry lelUu in Frcsno. He caned every foul nnt! stopped WUdcnts wcre ublc to udd un visited ·UC DllVis and shouted momuntuol ll1uny timos. In the . Importlll1t inSlIl'l\llCC gOLII. the111 out 4-0. :we Soccer p, sl . '" "". . / I_

-,...... -.

. page 8 _Califomia State Ulliversily, Chico The Orion September 30, 19S5 Xcountry: Not just a:;: -1I Cats'-" c'onf-ere-----"~"- - "- -- nee'"- frustra-"-t· es-- I . - " ,-. competition anymore I I, Two conference losses I ~ontinuedfrom p. 7 - , likely to help them through and at home loom heavy for have them run with you," "--~"IWe've seell each McPhee said. the Wildcats It's the focus ~n being a team other at our worst· rather than competing that sets this group apart from the others. alld best alld I kllow' . Karen Christensen "We got to the Nationals two that 1 call got to them.. Staff Writer days early and went shopping with our coach," Cowan said. "He She doesn't shout, she doesn't can shop with the best of them." Sarah Gibson argue with the line judges or pull The fab four make a great ,Cross Country players out of the game who team and individually post some have made mistakes. She watch­ decent stats. Gibson, who has L---__ " es with a quiet, thoughtful, been running for Chico State for out there and compete but you expressionless look on her face four years, was an All-Region can't take for granted the as her players jump and dive. Her selection the last two seasons. friendships and the relation~ face breaks only as she silently Dockery was an All-Conference ships and support you get out of cheers when they make a kill or selection the last two seasons. it, 'cause then it's kinda liKe when the opponent overshoots 8m it doesn't matter. The stats you miss the point." . " the ball. aren't what these women are The Chico State Women;s Mary Wallmark is the head going to remember. They'll team recently took fourth place coach of Chico State remember the slumber parties, at the Aggie Invitational at UC University's volleyball team hanging out with each other on Davis and the fab four were and watching her players lose 3- Saturday nights and the laughter. there to help. . o against a team that they have "I think that's how sports The cross country team will already beaten earlier in the should be, in a way," Gibson travel to Stanford for their next season is beginning to show on said. "You should be able to get meet on Saturday at 4 p.m. her face. Chico State played Cal State Stanislaus Saturday night. The night before Chico State had Soccer: Just another day for Cats lost 3-0 to Cal State Bakersfield , '. going 15-13, 15-11 and 16-14. I ~orrtinl.led from p. 7 Bakersfield is ranked 16th in The Orlon/ Lin RiverA Nick Dowler also scored. ,,------, the nation, is 4-0 in the Drilling her opponentli, Carrie Wade spikes against Stanislaus State. It was another loss for the The sweep of UC Davis was We take games aile California Collegiate Athletic ~ Wildcats, as Stanislaus State won three out of five games, 15-4, 15·11 and 15·11. important to keep Chico State Association and is tied for first unbeaten in conference play at at a time. We say, place in the conference with UC werenOt ready. That gives the their sets and pounding kills into for their last few games. Last 4-0-1 (7-2-1 overall). It is also Ri verside. Chico played togeth­ potential for letdown. The team Stanislaus' hardwood, they weekend they played Cal Poly nice to beat arch rival UC Davis 'Everybody's ill er and was able to be ahead in as a program didn't think they played like the team they should Pomona and Grand Canyon twice in a four-day span. For the our way.' each game. They held off had to play hard to beat them." be. Then the rally was gone and University to lose 3-0 and 3-1 players, however, this was just Bakersfield to less than a four­ The first game against Stantislaus finished the match. respectively. Chico State had a another win. point win in each game. Stantislaus was a quick .md "We are displaying the trade­ comeback against Canyon after "We take games one at a Steven Been), Stanislaus was the only other painful 15-4 loss. Chico State marks ,of a young team. losing 15-1 and 15-3 winning time," Beeny said. "We say, '--___M_en_·s_s_o_c_ce_r __ , , CCAA team without a confer­ then went on to lose 15-11 and Sometimes we have three fresh­ game three 15-9 then loosing 'Everybody's in our way ... ' ence Will, and was an expected 15-11 in its next two games. The men Ui,J two sophomores start­ game four 15-10. Chico State's Robert Culazzo was crcdited conference's top ten for scoring. "ictory. But after a tough night of players did not WOrk together to ing th", games. We are a record is nO\v 3-12. with another win for the Wildcats Matt Roberson leads the way fQr keeping up with Bakersfield, use all of the talent that they chameleon team, we play like "Since last year we have a lot and is partly responsible for five the Wildcats with four goals and Chico Stute just seemed to lose clearly possess. With bad serves our opponents on their level. We more talent and we play beller conference wins. Last week, four assists in the CCAA and its edge. and over kills plaguing their can'l continue to allow ourselves together as a team," said Brooke Culazzo was honored wi~h stands in fourth place for tile' "In last night's match, we matches, Chico didn't come La play up or down to our compe­ Soden, a sophomore returning California Collegiate Athletic conference. Tyler Cornell is in ~ were proud of our performance," together as a team until the mid­ tition," Wallmark said. player. "We have the ability to Association honors for Player of close fifth place with three goals said Wallmark about playing dle of their third game, and, only This was Stanislaus' first win beat teams, we havc the height, the Week. and six assists. Nick Eichhorn Bakersfield. "Tonight we didn't for a brief period of play. When of a conference match since 1994. intensity and talent if we play up, On the offensive side, three has four goals for Chico State come prepared to play up. We they started working together in Chico State had ~een traveling we're not,mentally there yet." Chico State players are in the and has three assists.

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",1 'f ',.,., • '" , -The Orion September ao, 1.998 Califortlia Siale University. Chico page 9 C.ats take tough split with Davis ChiqhState battles the able to win." missed it because she had to go game but the final score was Russ added that today's out­ down on her injured leg." alrl!ady determined by half-time. rain, and rivalry in standing perfomlances were han­ Adding to the intensity of Two of Sonoma's goals were dled by sweeper Karen Dawes. these games is a longtime completed from corner kicks and conference run midfielder Kendra Kinoe and rivalry between Chico State the third from ;\ forward's shot. forward Erin Wright. and UC Davis. "We wen.: both prepared for LIndsay Hall In the first game against UC "There will :llways be a each other and we knew each StaffWriter Davis this season, the Wildcats healthy rivalry bl!tween thesl! other's styks," Dodge said. "We won 1-0 in the first overtime two tl!ams. It's an inheriwd rival­ weren't playing up to the level The,' Chico State University with a goal scored by forward ry and I think it's a good onl!," we needed to play at and women's soccer team battled Ginger Webb against injured Russ explained. "It comes from Sonoma wanted it more," theiiopponent and the mud pud­ Aggies goalkeeper Kelly Parker. two programs with respect for Thl! Wildcats will face cur­ dles for a 2-1 loss to the The win put them in second soccer and coaches who respect rently undekated Sonoma State University of California, Davis place in the California Collegiate each other and their abilities." 41t Chico Tuesday at 3 p,m, and on Saturday afternoon. Athletic Association North Taday's loss against UC host the Humboldt State " Thanks to Friday night's rains Division while Davis's loss Davis is followed by last week's University Lumberjacks for a ,filling,;"the soccer field with pushed them to third place. 3-0 loss against the Sonoma non-conference game at ·muddy':;water, players from both "Davis's key mistake in that State University Coss:lcks, who University Stadium Saturday. FRIDAY teams'were drenched with water game was not subbing their hold the first-place spot in the 'and covered in mud. But that goalie," Assistant coach Leondra CCAA North Division. ,didn't stop the Wildcats or the May Dodge said. "She could At Sonoma, Chico State dom­ UC Davis Aggies from playing have made a simple save but she inated the first 18 minutes of the ,their hardest. THROUGH , ' . A 'little over 37 minutes into 'the f'ltst half, Wildcat forward Amy'Dameille scored the first SUNDAY goal of the game, assisted by a ,corner kick from mid fielder Jennifer Flatt. "I was pleased to get a goal. It SKI SALE was an, exciting moment in the game for me," Darneille said. THRU SUNDAY OUR PRICES '~Overall, I think our team played 10% TO 80% a:hard game. Davis just capital­ LESS THAN ORIGINAL ized on our moments of weak­ YEAR'S MSRP. .n~ss." EVERY SHIIN Fouls made by Chico in their STOCK IS ON SALE third defensive allowed UC., -,...-.'L.. """ SKI PRICES Davis to take over in the second STARTING AT half of the game. The Aggies scored their first goal in the middle of the second ,. ~ , 99 half and their second goal made Erin Wright (above) rises above A PAIR it in with a little under seven a UC Davis defender to win a 39 minutes left in the game. head ball in a game on Saturday "I'm not displeased. We at Chico State, white a Wildcat -played well enough to win," takes the ball down the field 'Russ said. "But we made some H'~~'ttc (left). The Wildcats lost to the mistakes late in the game and Aggies 2·1 on Saturday after they scored on them and were beating them on Sept. 23.

Sport Shorts

" MQuntain Biking The Mountain Biking Club team at Chico State is hosting the Bidwell Bump Course on Saturday. , The race is a technical 12.5 mile loop that climbs up North Rim of Bidwell Park aIid"leaos into "'.Ftihort;:descent to Park ASICS NIKE AIR Road. The course then crosses big Chico Creek leading into GEL ULTBA PEGASUS RUNNING RUNNING 'imother steep incline. The final descent goes down the South Sold in FilII Sold In Fall Rim of the park. 1997 for $00 1997 for $75 . The course will prove to be one of the most technical cours­ es on the collegiute circuit and riders will I1nish just under two 39~!, 49~!. FUAGRANT CONVERSE hours. HILL IV ALL STAR Spectators are encouraged to suppon Chico State near the IIASKETBAU. ORIGINAL Sold In FilII Sotd In Fall entrance to Upper Bidwell Park by Horsehoe Lake. '97 for $90 '97 for $64.99 In the Reno mountain biking competition on Saturday, 39!l:!. 39~!. Chico State finished in second place overall in the down hill m~~wml!!l NIKE AIR NIKE AIR mce. PURE EDGE MAX UPTEMPO X/TRAINER 'In the Downhill race, Anustacia Kampe placed third in the Sold In Fall Sold In Foil Women's 'A' division. For the men, Shane Braken finished '97 fur $90 '97 for $65 fourth, Nathan Furman finished seventh and Jonas Tarlen Iin­ , ished eighth in Men's 'B' . In Men's 'C' Erik Fintel placed sec­ 59~:!. 59:-~. 'and and Bret Harnden pluced fifth. In the cross country competition, Rachel Styer placed third, ,.Cassie Zimmer lee placed fourth. Daniele Ele placed fifth and ij~,cky Cordova placed sixth in the Women's 'A'. Grcg Magda HARDROCK "JlI~,9 placed second in hte Men's 'C'. MAPLE DECK 7 ply doekB. SI&05 7,5",7.75",0.0", , " 0.25",0.5" and 0.75" Men's Soccer - , The Chico SLate Wildcats will go head to he'ld with the Chico Rooks on Saturday at University Soccer Stadium at 2 19;!~ p,m. COMPLETE . _.It isn't the til'st time thm a profcssiomll Chico team has test­ SKATEBOARD ed their skill against a college teum. Chico State baseball has 7 ply mllplo wood doek, Aa~C 1 boarlnu!!, Mllek trllekll, Strout mnnaged to beat the Chico HeUl for the p.\st two years in exhi­ Formula wholillB. JOBBllp grip tnpo • . pition games in part becnuse the game falls al lhe end of the : sen son for the Wildcuts LInd LIt the beginning of the season for the Heat. 64!:! . Sume rule npplies here. .",~~~~rm'!r.'I'!'P , The Chico Statc men's soccer tcum is five gumes deep into the conference with II 5-0 record und the Rooks' sen son is more . thun u month OVCI'. • "We wouldn't huve a snowbllll's chunce in hell if wc were 'pi~'ying them ut the end of their seuson lind ullhe beginning of ours," head coach Mike O'Mlilley suid. , .' O'Malley is hoping \0 put on this event unl1uully becuusc of itsnutural druw nnd the nutural relutionship between the two ,tcLlms. The Wildculs'muy huve the upper hUl1d with tcn totul \ · . ,gumes under their belt. But the Rooks me professionuillth letes. I ,. ,,"These guys nrc older. strongm' (lOci pl'Obubly smLlrtel' but · • w~~re pluying weiland wc'rent unt! thUll11ight make t.hc dil'... • '. (er~llce," O'Mulley said . .' . , ',. Chico Slute's Robert Culuzzo was named player or the week , \'acthe Culirol'l1iu Collegiute Athletic Associmioll for the week ,ot'Sept.21-27 . . ' ,Culnzzo led the Wildcuts to two victol'ies uguinst University · , of Cnliforniu Dnvis. In live CCAA mUlches, Culazzo hus 32 : .: ,,~l\:V'cs und !l .72 gOllls uguillst pCI' gllme avel'Uge . : ' "MQn'$GQIf :". ': '''Wl1dcut galfls unde'rwuy u!'tel' Lying 1'01' 11th place 011 Sept. · :. 21-21 lit the Grund Canyon/Ouk Clld\ Classic ut the Hillcrest : : ~ (]'~I.r Club in Sun City WIJI:iI, AZ.

" II l I

pagu 10 California Slate,Universily, Chico The Orion September 30, 19~5

". ·BY· th~ :.Numbers:· • . . ~-=.;.-...-,.~'. .,' '. '" .

.1998 Chico State Cross Country Amber Crezee 279.94 2.186 Wildcat of the Week Andy Valderrama 5 1 1 3 Ladder Leann Cronan 242 60 1.395 Jennifer Boston 305 91 1.896 Tyler Cornell 8 o 3 3 Aggie Invitational, Davis, 9/26 Carrie Wade 164 57 1.S0C! Matthew Kearney 13 1 0 2 Men-Ok Place 11mc Jerusha Mann 16 4 1.000 Loren Collingwood 4 1 a 2 Josh Federspiel 36 26:46.3 Erika Lake 84 15 .682 Matt Roberson 4 1 0 2 Dan Cline 37 26:26.7 Christy McCune 49 17 .548 Steven Beeny 4 1 0 2 Israel Rivero 38 26:47.1 Brooke Soden 27 8 .400 GOill Keepers W·L·T Sv Silo David Oleachea 42 26:53.5 Meghann Watson 36 6 .214 Robert Culazzo 4·1·1 25 2 Brent Edson 44 26:55.3 Mercedes Beaudry 11 2 .133 Noah Balgooyen 46 26:56.3 Laurel Sinclair 35 9 .600 Caleb Casey 51 27.01.0 Chris Zepeda 56 27:08.8 Defensivo Digs D&,Gm Blks. Women's sO(;cer Ulises Tellechea 77 27.49.1 Christy Vanderpool 34 .739 8 North Division Alice Adams 72 2.571 o CCAA W L T Pt•• Womcn-Sk Place TImo Amber Crezee 75 1.744 4 Chico State 3 2 o 6 Jenny Spoon 38 19:54.2 Leann Cronan 103 2.395 o Son'oma 4 0 o 8 Christina Peacock 39 19:54.6 Jennifer Boston 88 1.833 1 4 Lalita Oockety 40 19:55.4 S.F. State 2 3 a Carrie Wade 34 1.133 3 Sarah Gibson 41 19:56.1 UC Davis 3 2 o 6 Jerusha Mann 12 3.000 o Carie Russo 50 20:04.5 Stanislaus o 5 o o Erika Lake 33 1.500 o Emilh McPhee 52 20:05.5 Christy McCune 61 1.842 1 Christine Kitchen 65 20:30.4 Overall W I. T Brooke Soden 39 2.000 1 Maranda Cowan 75 20:39.4 Chico State 6 2 o Meghann Watson 72 1.393 1 Denise Rummelhard 95 21:13.7 Sonoma 10 o o Ellen Sullivan 104 21:24.2 S.F. State 5 3 1 DaviS 6 2 1 Sophia Rupp 114 21:34.4 Men's soccer standings UC Stanislaus o 7 o Kayla Dallis 126 21:56.3 North Division Volleyball standings CCAA W I. T Pta. South Divisilm Chico State 5 o o 10 CCAA W L Pet. UC Davis 2 3 o 4 UC Riverside 5 1 .833 Stanislaus 1 4 o 2 CCAA W L T Pb. Cal State L.A. 4 2 .667 Sonoma 1 3 o 2 Dominguez Hills 5 a 1 11 6 1.000 Bakersfield o S.F. State 3 2 o 6 San Bernadino 3 1 1 7 San Bernadino 5 1 .833 Grand Canyon 1 3 1 3 Sonoma 1 5 .167 Overall W L T Cal Poly Pomona 3 2 o 6 UC Davis 3 3 .500 Chico State B 2 o Bakersfield S.F. State :2 4 .333 1 3 1 3 UC Davis 3 6 o Grand Canyon 5 1 .833 Cal State L.A. 1 5 o 2 Stanislaus 3 5 o Dominguez Hills 2 4 .333 Sonoma 3 5 1 Overall W I. T Cal Poly Pomona 2 4 .333 S.F. State 4 3 1 Dominguez Hill~ 6 2 1 Chico State o 6 .000 San Bernadino 3 3 2 Stanislaus o 2 .000 South Division Grand Canyon 1 4 1 CCAA W L T Pta. Cal POly Pomona 4 5 o OvcfillI W L Pet. Bakersfield 2 2 1 5 Bakersfield 4 4 1 .769 UC Riverside 10 3 Grand Canyon 4 o 1 9 Cal State L.A. 1 9 a Cal State L.A. 9 5 .643 Cal Pol)l Pomona 3 2 o 6 Bakersfield 8 3 .727 Cal State L.A. 1 4 1 3 San Bernadino 12 1 .923 Dominguez Hills 4 1 1 9 Sonoma 4 5 .444 Women's individual soccer standings UC Davis 7 4 .636 San Bernadino o 5 o 0 Overall Shots Glii. Alit. Pta. S.F. State 7 5 .583 Overall W L T Jennifer Flatt 20 4 8 16 Grand Canyon 9 4 .692 Bakersfield '4 3 2 Dominguez Hills 4 13 .235 Grand Canyon 7 o 1 Erin Wright 13 3 2 8 n .Cline finished with the best time in the fiy~mile RIO for Cal Poly Pomona 6 8 .429 Cal Poly.,pomona 4 2 2 Leslie 6en·lesau 5 2 1 5 hlco State on Sept. 19 at the Fresno Invitation"l. Cline Chico State 3 12 .200 Cal State L.A. 1 5 1 Amy Derneille 10 3 o 6 - came in with il time of 26:35.6. . Stanislaus .214 lJ. 3 11 Dominguez Hills 4 3 1 PhylliS Brumm 11 1 1 3 San Bernadino 1 8 Shane Peterson 5 1 a 2 o Volleyball individual statistics Nicki Melillo 3 1 o 2 Krlstl Johnson 12 1 o 2 Wi/dCal of the week is a regular featllre meant to acknowledge Chico State individual soccer standings Karen Dawes 2 0 1 1 OHcn51vo Alt. Kills KlGm. tIle cOIztributiolls made by these indivieJuais to the team. Each Overall Shots Gis. Ast. Ph. Ginger Webb 15 1 1 3 Chri sty Vanderpool 259 107 2.326 winller is chosell by The Orion sporrs stafffrom nominations Nick Eichhorn 5 1 1 3 Alice Adams 191 64 2.286

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Wednesday, September 30, :1.e96 California State Ullb'ersity, Chico page 11 SA o of the

6nDO raddoGk, a!loYIl, shows his shills off for the judge$.. Mixing five drink:! ilt once, IlAch conte:!­ tilnt impre5$ed the clVwd Saturday at Rlley's Bilr and Grill.

Serving friends is one thing. fY/ixing d~inli!? at a party isanDthe~. : I Bartendlngfor spe'e'd1 flair and accuracyadds a whole different twist

tlve and n half hours, the people in ing second in the competition behind Tim Lewin attendance were excited because it University Bar's Corey Innis. This Senior WritL'l' was a chance to cheer on their year, .Paddock repented, history and favorite bartender, but some of the placed second behind LaSalies' Jeff Fourjudges, 16 burtendel's, 200 bartenders looked as though they Chapelle, screaming drunks and a whole sloppy were in the Olympics, Another b'1I1ender, Nme Gleason mess of alcohol was just the right mix "Irs a pride competition, man, it's was one or the, high scorers in the first I'or the second annual Bartender bragging rights. Not to mention it round with ail 8.75 out of a p(.\ssible Showdown at Rilcy's Bar and Grill on looks good on a resume," said Brian 10, Gleason also noticed the high Satun.lay, Paddock, a bartender for Normal level of competition, Some or the best bartenders I'rom Street Bar, "It wns a good time," Gleason said, local bars tested their skills in a com­ Puddock, who was admittedly ner­ "It Was nerve racking, No maller who petitive format that required making vous before the competition has been you are you're stressing a little bit." seven drinks judged un style, speed, tending bar for the last ten years, In Thal's because at stuke W(lS an ice flair, taste and accuracy. lllSt year's competition. Paddock set straincr utlached to a plaque and $300 The judges were huppy to be the record for mixing seven drinks in there, because they tested drinks for two minutes and three seconds, plac- see Bartender p, 12 I

______. ______.JIIIIIE __U4 SGRJilPH#lJd_I.. _I_IWI_I_I_.I_I_liL ___.______String trio brings chamber music into '90s Oavld French lor's and nmstc!"s degree from sion to electrify lind uudience or und the trio's diverse talents, SlalI \\'/'itc!/' the hilliard School of Music, cowboys in Steamboat Springs, The Eroica Trio is being pn'­ Pianist Erika Nickl'l!nz madc Colo,. as well (IS II full house at senLed by Chico Perl'Ol'llHlm:es Chal11ber music with a kick, hcr debut ut New YOJ'k's Town the prestigious Curnegic's Weill lind is supported, iil part; by' That iii how the Eroiea Trio is I-lull at the uge of II ami has Redtul Hall. gmnts from Lhe Culil'orniu Arts being descrihcu, toured Lhe U,S., Cunuda and The trio will bc perl'orming Council, a state agency; the NlllUed in honor of Europl!, selections from three fUl110us Nlltional Endowment 1'01' the Beethoven's passionulc Third Cellist Sura SIUlt' Ambrogio composers, Arts. l\ fcdeml agency; Western Symphony, the Eroicu Trio was the recipienl of the bronze' The !'irst piece will be the StuLes Arts Fellel'Ulion; and the sui ned inlcl'l1uliomllrecogllition medal at the Intel'l1utionul "Trio in C major, K,548" by City of Chico und its Arts in 1991 when they took !'irst Tchaikovsk.y Cello eompclition Wolfgang Amadells Mozurt. u COl11mission, prize in thc Waltel' F, in Moscow liS well us u guest joyous tlnd polished work. thut is Advunce tickets are $15 fOl' Inside 1----, Naul11bcrg Chumber Music musician wilh l11uny prestigiolls dassic in its mastery, gcneml, $12 for scniors, stu­ Competition, lin illlportllnt syll1phonie~ nCl'OSS the globe, Next will be George dents llnd childrcn, Friends agaInst AIDS :1.2 Amel'icull awaru, Yiolinirsl Adclu Peliu hm; Gershwin's "Three Pr(lludcs Tickets me uvuiluble ut lhe 'l\v~NI1I1Il COIIII.lUy II'OUPI.l bl'lllgH The The trio wiIIl'eturll dct. 6 to played solo l'cciluls all over the for Piano," which were the University Bor. Ofticc (898- AIDS liltu focus Ihl'Ough hlll11Ol', Adela Pena, Erika NI«:krem: and Chico rot' u pel'fOl'l11UnCC ut country und nbroad, muking only classic 'Solo piuHo works 5791), nniJ ut" Crashers on 'Speclal' 13 SorB Sant'Ambrogio. . Chico Stllte Univel'sily'sLuxsOll uppcul'Uncce; on European televi­ published by Gershwin during Diamond W Western WeLU', Dililce Hull Cl'lINhel'lI' new CD III Auditorium. sion und wilh the English his lifetime, TCfl'l\Ce Pharmacy, Arl Et~;: L:Olllputcl'fl'iLlmlly. __. S'rolca Trio The El'OicLl Tl'io hus PCI'­ Chlllllbcl' OrcheliU'a. The 111lL11 piece will be Fl'lll1z Chico Mul11nt'ol'11111tiull Cenler, Calondar 3.4 Whel'e: LillI-HUn AuulIorlulIl formed in New York. Los Theil' 1997 lOllr bcgun with a Schubert:; "Trio No, 1 in B-flut Creative Apple, Juvu Joe lllllilhe When: 'l'ue~lIuy l11ujOl', 01'.99., D 898". The House of'Color llul'lldisc, Thl.l 11111 1I11U lIli ts lIl' Chico, Angeles untl Wushington D,C" sold-oul show lit Cnl'l1egie Hull. in Cosl: AlIvullccu liL:kL:l~ IlI'e $15 fill' nud tUlIl'ed Europe, the Orient . The. Eroicll Trio iii pulling piece puts Lo usc eueh or the Tickets purchuscu nt the uUO!' Classified' :1.6 genoml auml HNlun, nuu $12 I'lll' --~f~~~~--~--~==­ llnd J npan. chamber mllsic iinlo u new light chamber insLl'l1ulents to Illake the ure $2 ex.11'll, , Jobs" ,C 111'11 , CllIlI.:hLlH IIl1d 1II01'e. SllIuCUls, senlul's UIlU chlluren, Add $2 I'llI' th:kets )JlIl'l.:hased lit tlw dow'. Each membel' of the tl'io is a with their technicull'luil', l'llW WOl'k exciting lind vibrllllt. show­ For disubility related aCCOll1- . -- lop-mnked suloist. with II buche- lid VCI1 encrgy Ilmlenoug1l.l)U!i- ing Schubcl'lS distinc:tive slyle modutions cull 898-4325, I ~ ~

.. II .", •• ~.""', .. ' ...... 1 ... , '" " .....\~ , ...... 'f'-' ,.~-- ',--- . -_. , .\

page :1.2 Caiijomia Slate U/lil'ersily, Chico The Orion September 30, :1.996

Spotiiglit ...... I 'Women' takes satire to the limits Lisa Rivera ElllertaiTllllefll Ellitor You'll laugh, you'll cry, We fought the good figbt ••• and won! The cornerstone of most Chico State students' entertainment is you'll cry with laughter pnrties. We are. as they say. "socially inclined." And now. nfter the Sept. 22 Chico City Council meeting. the south campus neighbor­ hood can party. and breathe, a little easier. Richard Horan The city council voted. 4-3, to allow the south campus neighbor­ Staff Writer hood what they call a "special events" permit. With one of these. party hosts will be pcmlitted to charge guests at the door. Ifyou've If Clare Boothe Lu~e's play .' been charging people at the door already. guess what? It's illegal. "The Women" was even a quar­ The money that people will now be able to collect is intended to be ter true. I could thank the Lord I used on security, clean-up. and Port-A-Potties. No paying for the am not a female. keg with it, though - that still requires a liquor license. In reality. however, there's Our second gift from the city council is a plan to revamp the nothing wrong with being city noise ordinance and to allow for a later noise exemption, female. This satiric play simply again. for the south campus neighborhood an:!a. As it is now. the brought one horror into my view city noise ordinance daytime exemption hours are from 7 a.m. to 9 - being betrayed by your friends. p.m .• Monday through Saturday. Now. when the changes take "The Women" is a witty satire effect. exemption hours will be from 7 a.m. to midnight. on about a group of women in vari­ Fridays and Saturdays. ous degrees of failing marriages. When these changes take effect is the big question. The permit to or various states of denial. They allow for charging at the door is expected to be available by next put so much work into humiliat­ spring, but the noise ordinance changes won't be in effect until pos­ ing and backs tabbing each other sibly next faiL that I constantly had to pick up Remember. these new privileges are only for the south campus my jaw from the ground. neighborhood area. This area includes residents from Second to The women try to keep up a Seventh streets and from Nomlal Street to a small section past false image of happiness to Walnut Street. their friends and to themselves. \Vhile the women try and save. Psychology on stage or destroy. their own mar­ British playwright, John Maxwell Taylor, brings his award win­ riages. they determinedly These are four high-gambling gals. Frum left, Miranda Jonte, ning one-man play. "Forever lung." to Chico. Taylor plays an spread gossip about their Debbie Casey, Cara Granger and Rebecca Long can't keep their amazing 20 different characters in this play. which explores the life friends' troubled marriages. eyes to themselves. "The Women" is full of ~heating and trickery. of pioneering psychologist Carl Gustav Jung. The play follows the Chico State Theatre Arts life of J ung. through his early career, the 30 year love triangle professor Randy \Vonzong The rest of the cast is amaz­ The Women between himself. his wife and his mistress, and his work with men­ directs this shockingly funny ing as well. Nicole Carbone Where: Larry 'Vismer Theatre tor Sigmund Freud. Taylor's play has been applauded by many pro­ show. He said that while the plays the evil Crystal. doing When: Wednesday through Saturday fessionals in the fidd of Jungian 'psychology. "Forever lung" is play deals with serious subject such a convincing job or the role at 7:30 p.m. scheduled to play at the Chico Church of Religious Science. 14 matter. it is essentially a come­ that I felt my blood boil. and Sunday at 2 p.m. Hillary Lane. this Friday at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $12.50 in dy with a lot of clever dialog The use of accents is also Cost: Advanced tickets art: $8 gen­ advance and $15 at the door. and funny situations. commendable. Tana Miller. who eral admission. $6 for students and The Chico State students and plays maid Jane. uses an seniors. Add $2 at the door. Bob Marfey's roots are showing various talented community imprcssive Irish accent and was From the people who brought us a perfomlance from Strictly members do an awesome job of able to break imo a nice New Saturday. and at 2 p.m. on Roots. "The Life of Bob Marley" is coming to the Free Speech giving life to this show. It is York accent when playing a dif­ Sunday. Advance tickets are Area Thursday. Associated Students Programming. in conjunction obvious how dedicated and seri­ ferent character later in the play. $8 general admission. $6 for with The Synthesis. presents Roger Steffens' video presentation, ous they all arc. Every person in Wonzong personally trained the students and seniors and are "The Life of Bob Marley." The video includes lOa hours of unre­ the 16 member cast is excellent. cast members in the lise of available at the University Box leased Marley family material and offers an intimate look at Bob Jamie Johnson stars as Mary. accents. undo said he has seen far Office (898-5791). Add $2 for Marley and the Wailers. Steffens is the founder of Reggae and a likable wife and mother whose too many productions where the tickets purchased at the door. African Beat Magazine and has'been friends with the Marley f,lmi­ white picket life soon crashes director says. 'Use an Irish For disability-related uccommo­ Miranda Jonte puts matte~J ·and ly for over 10 years. This promises to be a one-of-a-kind reggae around her. When she discovers uccent' and then lets the actors dations call 898-4325. a chair, in her own hands presentation that reveals the true artist in Bob Marley. Being in the through her gossiping ti'iends figure it out for themselves. This is a show not to miss. against Nicole Carbone, in a Free Speech Area. this presentation is. of course. free, and sched­ that her husband is being "The Women" is playing in The actresses are professional scene from uThe Women." The uled for 8 p.m. Thursday. unfaithful. she must rely on her­ the Lurry Wismer Theatre ,It and funny. the crew is fast and all female cast does a gvod self to weather the tough times Chico State, and plays at 7:30 hardworking and the play itself job of bringing to life the Lisa Rivera call be reached at: [email protected] and find happiness once again. p.m. Wednesday through is amazing. characters' attitudes. Comic duo speaks out~!on~*IDS Friendship in the Age Prof~ react to play' s ~Eit1re· of AIDS Where: Shurmer Gym When: Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Without stereotypes. Claire the play in 20 years. but still perfect satire. Cost: Free Boothe Lucc's "The Women" remembers how it affected her. "I think you see the play would not .have been possible. .. ) both chuckled und was and go. 'Oosh, those women Melissa Gulden 'The Women" is set in the appalled and was irritated." shouldn't be like thut ... • S//{If Writer late '30s and the characters arc Renfro said. "I saw it clearly WOllzong said. "I don't think stereotypical hairdressers, cig­ as a satire. but the fact that I it's a play where you look at it .. College life seemed to suit arette girls, working-class recognized it as a satire didn't and go, 'God, women arc real­ : Joel Goldman nicely. women and high-society back­ change my irritation with it." ly shiLly.'" . ,. , He was a member of the fra­ stabbers. While it is the stereo­ Recognizing the playas a Fellow theater arts profes- , ternily Sigma Alpha Mu. He had typical duu'acters that make slltire is impot1unl to enjoying sar Gail Holbrook feels the a lot of friends. a lot of parties, the play so hilarious. it is also the play, said Wonzong. play is obviously a satire and ., ·und a lot of sex. mostly unpro­ these stereotypes that make the "You always have a prob­ should be put in the context of 'tected. It was the sex that gaL playa bit controversial. lem with.people misuJldcr­ when it was written. him where he is today - HIV When word got out that stunding the satire and taking it "1 think that anyone who positive. Randy Wonzong. director of to be actual. literal truth." watches the play will under­ ") remember looking at thut "The WOllll.!n," was bringing Wonzong said. stand that we don't want to :tJoctor as he said, 'Joel, you're the play to Chico State By Webster's delinirion, behave that way," Holbrook 'HIV positive,''' Goldman said. University, concerns began to satire means "a literary work said. "The audience really "That's all I remember, even surface. holding up human vices and does need to understand that it ' . though he talked to me for over "A few women profesf;ors follies to ridicule or scorn." is both a period ch\ssic play, ':(\11 hour." were concerned thut we were which is exactly what "The und it was mellllt by the author After Goldman discovered doing a show that shows Women" docs. The play to show how absurd the reln­ . he was infected with the virus women in a negative light," "holds up" the human vices of tionships between men and ., ! ,that causes AIDS. one of the Friends through thick and thin, Joel Goldman (left) and l.J. Sullivan WOllzong said. self-degradation and dishon­ women were at the lime." r , first phone calls he made was bring their comedy routine to Chico State Tuesday night. Profcssors und students alike esty and ridicules its charac­ Director Wonzong thinks .to J.T. Sullivan. a good friend have raised the issuc of whether ters, who l11uke the wrong thal audience members should 'from his days at Indiana time in 1993 and toured college Tbe program resembles a or not this play is setting out to choices 6lnddevalue their look ut the piny not us un University. Sullivan was now campuses. They both quit their comedy routinc, right uown to make fun of womcn. sense of wOl1h. offense to women, but "as a .working us an alcohol aware­ jobs in 1995 und turned the blunt language and graphic, Womcn's studies professor It·s not a pretty picture in comedy. " :oess educator and part-time "Friendship in the Age of AIDS" adull-Lhcl11ed scenarios. Elizabeth Renl"ro hasn't reau reality, but us a play it's the -Li.m Rivera :coJ11edian. into a full-time gig. "II' thc words 'mal st!x' make "He was Ihe I1rst friend to teIt The progrul1ltells them emburrassed. lhey'll have mc hc's 1-IlV positivc," Sullivan Goldman's l110ving story and a hal'll time getting through an said. "1 froze," challenges college studl.!l1ts \0 hour and a half with us," .: After Sullivan thawed oUI, hc 'help one another make tough Sullivun said. Bartenders: Better than 'Cocktail' rculizcd tbe c1mllcngc of rriend­ decisions about alcohol und Their goal is to get p~opll.! ship and AIDS is a very reul and sex. Goldman gives AIDS a luughing and talking abollt I cUlltitlu"iid fro/ll p. 11 drinks, methodically muking didn't get tired of wus thc event. contemporary iss lie. race und attempts to reach AIDS. and with scenes like "the awarded to first place. them pl'Cs~lltuble to the Judges "There arc some awesome :,: :: "We wanted to do something beyond statistics. woody walk" included in the I r the contest was based on and finishing with a flamc­ bartenders in this town and it's' I' "We skip the heavy-handed program, students shouldn't speed, Kerri Sanders from throwing, botlle-spinning tough for others to come into u· ~ . positivc with the situation," Sullivan said. "So We decided approach," Sullivlln said. "After have a hard timc laughing. Riley's would have blown awuy performance Ihat won the ' slrange bar and perform well, : ~ to combine Joel's personal u full day of classes, no one "We're the exact opposite of the competition, breaking the cl'owd and thc judges over. but they did," Rhoades suid. experience with my 5tuod- wants anotheJ' lecture." what pcople cxpet'l fWlll all rl.!cord with one minllle and 55 It was belle I' than the movie Kevin Riley, owncr of : ' :up comcdy and alcohol Goldman and Sullivan tmyel AIDS progl'alll," Sullivan suill. 'seconds. BlIt she finished in "Cockwil", Riley's, also enjoyed the show. -: ' 1\ wurl!t1css." to 120 cllmpuses II )'I.!llr und Goldman lIlld Sullivull will "fifth (llucc, Bill Rhoades was on the He suid thal the competilion WllS' : "Friendship in the Ago of speak to OVllr hull' a million bring lheir routine to ShUl"ll1el' But to win this competilion, punl.!l of j uugcs und said that his more enthusinstic und thut the ': AIDS" Is the progrum that students. Oym all Tuesduy, Ocl. 6. bartenders neecled to do some­ favol'ite drink of the duy was cOlllpelilion is going Lo grovv. .:,' ilcvclopcd, and it's coming to "We've always wunted to Atll11ission is free, thing new und creative, and hud "sollll.!thing thut hud whipped "It's abollt pushing compcli. :, Chico Slate University Oct. 6. coml.! to Chico, und we Jillully got "The facc or AIDS is chung­ to do it quickly und \lawlessly, cremn on it." Rhoades also men­ tioil aside lind bringing cvcJ'ybody~ : Ooldmal1 tlnd Sullivull took tbe call this yeul'," Sui Ii Ylln said, ing," Goldman suid. "Right now Chupclle Itnswered the tionL.ld thut he slarted to get tirl.!d together in thll btu' business," <': their act 011 the l'Oud fOJ' the Hl'st "Culifomia is discovl.!ring us. It it's minll; it coultl be YOllrs." challenge, culmly mixing his or dl'illking martinis but whal hc Riley said. '.

, . " ., .' ," l'

,I \ J ( I ,. , _ ~ .. ,. ... I ~ I .l. .. _" . . The Orion September 30, 1996 CaliJortiia State University, Chico page 13 ·Dance Hall Crashers new CD more than just music .Laura Johnson CD ROM. bought by MCA Records. Dance Hall Crashers ,~raffWr~ter The album is a collection They have played in :clubs "Blue Plate Special" of remixes and previously such as Slims in San Francisco MeA Records .-, ...... " ~ . The nostalgic tunes of unreleased songs, as well as as well as touring around the Swing Lt:.'-/.":·.... :~··. (~f;.-.-:. " American swing have become a four-song EP thal includes country with groups such as Bad . 'the happenin' new trend in colorful videos. Religion. NOFX, Mighty fealured videos. rnusic. Groups like the Brian Dance Hall Crashers is the Mighty Bosstones, Blink 182 The system requirements for ~·f'.~~~~;:r~· J~ . Setzer Orchestra, Big Bad creation of .md

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STATE. FARM Pasta Ik Spice Human Resources 345·8973 State Farm Insurance Company . We're Chico's coffel! shoplhllt duesn't quite louk like a coffee shop. We serve unlquc gourmet pa~tas In over 411 flavuI's and shapes. We also sell illlporied 6400 State Farm Dr. oils, vinegars, ~lluce~ and SI)rcads, and have :U1 army of tea flavurs to ~hoosc fruml Once Imldu, you wun't believe till! lasle, budy and richness ur our INSURANCE. II! . Rohnert Park, CA 94936 gourmot coffell. Only estatel:\rOwll, hand selected bC;lns :Ire uscd In our esp'resso and perculaturs. Thus, l11akln~ It hard fOI' anyune else 10 cumpele NCST,HR·RESUME, 77:5 W02@STATE FARM.COM with /lot only the special beans, btll OUI' unique atl1Mphcre and friendly If I, I, servIce. 'l'llllllcxl tllIle yuu need II caffeIne fIx or a quick blte 10 gu, cum!! to Jla~ta &SpIce, IO~lllud In downtuwn Chlcu, un lll'oadway.

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!'I:WI.~'!"W,; .­-.'f!,I,JoLf'

CALENDAR ,-"., .. "

",.t". , page 14 California Stale U"iversity, Chico Wedneliday, September 30, 1996:.

sept. 30 oct. .1 oct. 2 oct. 3 . oct. 5 music &

'! p.lll. 12 p.m. 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 2 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. lIank or 8rian (alternalive) Mystic Roots (reggae) I'ub Seuul" (Irish music) Chico Symphony's Chico Symphony's The [)igital Undergruud (rap). Eruiea Trio Harrington's Free Speech Area Duffy's Tavern The Rnmantic..'i Romanth:s The Jump Out Boys and The UllIson Auditorium Harlen Adams The.lIre Harlen Adams Thealre Becky Sagers 8:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. The Brick Works Gerry O'8eirne Johnny Legend (rockallill:y) '9:30 p.m. 7 p.m. (Irish music) Duffy's Tavern For!:e 7 (funk) 8allie of the Harps Duffy's Tavern Duffy's Ta\'cm 2201 Club in the Almond Bp.m. Orchard 9:30 p.m. Soul Miners Sp.m. Electric Circus (folk/light rock) Three (jaZ7Jblues) 8:15 p.m. (hippie rock) Met Cafe Met Cafe Sunday COl1ll-dy ServiclOS: Stormy's orr Broadwuy Leesa Palmer Dl1ffy's Tavern

8:30 p.m. 7p.m. . Comedy Line"ll: PlK!ly reading and IIcouslic Cheryl '"Iendetti. Fred musie (open m.c.) 8evill, Miracle Malone Met Cafe Crazy Horse Saloon

10 a.m.- 12 JO p.m. Toby Roye (classical guitar) Met Cafe • I' ~

. 'The Women' plays through Sunday at Wismer Theater.

7: 30 p.lll. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 2 p.m. 'I'he California Quarterly The Mystery uf Irma Vep The Mystery of Irma Vel' The Mystery uf Irma Vep The Women l'octs Bluc Room Blue Roolll Blue Room Wismer The.lter Chico Branch Library Call for more info: 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 342·9411 TheWomcn TheWomeli The Women Wismer Theater Wismer Theater Wismer Theater 7:30 p.m. The Women 7:30 p.m. Wi slllcr Theate r I'ure\'c,' Jung Sf'f' preview. p. 12 Chico Church of Religious arts & Science see p. 15 for d .. tails

12 p.lll. - I p.m: II a.m. - 4 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m .. 4 p.m. "CUn\'cl'salillns" "Janet Turner: Intcrnilliunill Folkdam:ing Mary Mlltalin lind James lIow Much Is Enough Mcnding thc Huup: MentorlArtisVEd ucutur" Wall Street Dance Academy Cllrville by AI Jensen Mccting the Needs of Our Janet Turner Print Gallcry in Call for more info: 345-8134 Laxson Auditorium Ayres 120 Lucal Indian Community Ayrcs Hall by Diana Flannery 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. 7:30 p.m. ,I. I Bdl Memorial Union 110 7 p. m. - 8:30 p.m. Opening Hl'l:eption fur L,,'cture: Friendship • ~ " 1 I GRE Strategy Session "Ritual Vessels and in the Age of Aids

Call for more info: 898-8378 Monuments" by John Maul Shurmer Gym ""I'":: . Chico Art Center 8 p.m. other lIob Murley Retrospective with Roger Steffens Free Area II a.m. FullUm'vest llaire IOa.m. .1.1 Ilumccollling I'l'Slilllll Downtown ChiCO Nilliunill Yo-Yo ",I" I Free Speech A rea Call for more info: 345·6500 Chumplonshi(ls Downtown Plllza Pnrk 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. Thursdtly Night Farmer's All day '11':'.' . ~ ••• " ., r Market with Suburhun Vurlou~ Ilulllccnmlng , Raois (reggae) Adivilcs Cull for more inra: 898-5396 7p.m. Chico Alpine Skl Teull1 meeting at picni(~ lable in front of BMU

------~------~--~~ ..

.. I . " Friendship In the WOMEN'S HEALTH SPECIALIST 891"191 I I. i Age of Aids

Tues. October 6, 7:30 pm r-.: h:fIP_\ Shurmer Gym, CSU, Chico '", 1'1 Free Admission CONll~OL Two fruternity men .. . Admission is FREE, Morning After Pill Two good friends .. . Pregnancy Testing They never thought HIV . but you need a ticket to enter. " happened to people like them. Pick up tickets in Advance HIV Testing , .. ~ .,' ,'~r:tll:· t Until one ,\'"-j'.,'"~ )I, of them became at the University Box Office. !\"';V'. Jr t-IIV positive. Women's Health Advice Line. '"y,I} .. r.\. 11 ..,_~r ;, You've heurd about AIDS, '\ .~ SPONSORED BY Confidcnthtl ~ You haven't heard It like this, AS.Progrllmmlng, The Residence Hall Association, , ".\II l It's comedy. it real·llfe, Unlvorslty Housing llnd Food Service, Thl! WCIlIlQII Centor 1469 Humboldt Road, Suite 200, Chico l.a , ~ '1 Tho Intcrfmtcrnlty Il's ubout drinking. Hcolth Ceoter, Student Activities Office, Council, (llcrosPJ from the Chico Police: Department) l'''Il~f'lfl Health SOrvIC!!l II ....·" .. n,. It's about sex, l'llnhollonlc Council, ond Community Dept., . tot 'I. Homo Clearance Furnlturo, Synthcsls '~~·A· ,,, It's "bout helping friends. ~ _~ __ .~._011'• • I' Ii. Tho Orion September 30, :1.998 CalifoTIIUl Stale Ulliversity, Chico page :1.5

, . ': .. ' . coming attra.cfions· . .. '. , get' outta tow';' . ' . ." :'oI,Jgt>lng' e.verits' '. ~ . :', .~. ,." :a"cios: ~ '''-io·~k~·.·:···:' >.. '., , '. : . , ' ..' . .., . ~ . . . ---...... :' , '~~.,,' ....., . ' •• ~-- •• ,':'. ", " ~ .- --'-',' -'. ...!- Mary Matalill alld James Carville Jimmy Buffet The Women Forever Jung _ Co.:.~uthors of the best-selling book All s Fair: Oct. 6 at the Shoreline Amphitheater Sept. 29 - Oct. 3 This highly acclaimed onc-man play traces the War and Running for Presitiellt. A married Sp.m . ._ U?ye. Written by Clare Booth, the focus of the play is a life of psychologist Carl Jung. The two act play -couple, each from the opposite side of the Third Eye Blind and Eve 6 group of women and their worries about the men was written by British actor and playwright John i . political spectrum. Matalin was political director Oct. 9 at U.c. Berkeley's Greek Theater in their lives. , Maxwell Taylor. Taylor plays 20 rolt!s from him­ , . q~eorge Bush's 1992 presidential campaign and 8 p.m. Show time is 7:30 p.m. in Wismer Theatre. self to Jung's wife Emma. \ - :-C'arville was President Clinton's top campaign f ".. • Advance Tickets: $6/$8 "Forever Jung" has been hailed as brilliant, : consultant the same year. PJ Harvey Oct. 22 at The Warfield inspiring and vivid. In April 1996. Taylor received Saturday at 7:30 in Laxson Auditorium ! p.m. Call for time (415) 775-7722 The Mystery of lrl11u Vep The Gradiva Award (given by the National ; Advance Tickets: $35 , Sept. 17 - Oct. 10 Association for the Advancement of ,I Mary Chapin Carpenter J._-_. Blue Room Theatre Psychoanalysis) for his ponrayal of Carl Jung. : Chico Symphony's Tile Romamics Oct. 24 at the Berkeley Community Theater 8 p.m. Shows begin at 7:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays Taylor began as a rock guitarist, with his band : Featured soloist of the Chico Symphony is Bill Tickets arc $10, Thursdays tickets arc $5. opening for The Beatles and Rolling Stones. ~ Barbini, considered one of Northern California's Dave Matthews Band Call for more info: 895-3749 After receiving classical actor training. however, :I finest_ concert violinists. Oct. 29 at the San Jose Arena he found a new career performing Shakespeare. 7 p.m. Call (408) 998-TIXS for ticket info~ : S~day at 7:30 p.m. in Harlen Adams Theatre 3 Artists: Mylhs and Journeys Oct. 31 at the Oakland Coliseum The play is scheduled for one show only on : Ad'vance Tickets: $121$15 , 7 p.m. Sept. 24 - Oct. 15 Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Chico Church of I ...-. ,- University Art Gallery Religious Science. Tickets are $12.50 in advance : Fri'fmdship in tile Age of ~l.lDS San Francisco Jazz Feslh'al I ...... Call for more info: 898-5864. and $15 at the door. For more info call 895-8395. : eroented by TJ Sullivan and Joel Goldman, this Oct. 29 - Nov. 8 , r-r~ Varying times and artisls 'i!Mf"serious comedy about the challenge of living I Junel Turner: Menlor!ArtistlEducutor : life with HIV, The two men were fraternity broth- Culture Club Oct. I - Nov. I :ers at Indiana University and at present have . , I .~. Oct. 30 at U.c. Berkeley's Greek Theater '"This exhibition explores the power of mentoring : . : spoken to over 500.000 students. 8 p.m. as sec in the variety of prints produced by ,V Call BASS for ticket info at ~916) 923-2277 1 ':Tuesday iu 7:30 p.m. in Shunner Gym. [Janet Turner's] students and their comments on ; Admission is free. Vun Morrison and Hob Dyliln her influence." '~ I! Sept. 25 at Concord Pavillion Janet Turner Print GalIel)' in Ayres Hall lDollald, Byrdrrlle Group: Jazz Train Call (925) 671-3100 for time Call for more info: 898-4476. :This group is a fusion of outstanding jazz and Sept 26 at Shoreline Amphitheater Call (650) 967-4040 for time :powerful dance. It integrates classical and model'll \ ;music with African-American dance. iOct., 9 at 7:30 p.m. in Lazson Auditorium :Advance Tickets: $15/$16

I·~~ S All ,h.ws ,ubj'cll. chong'. CoUlh,ol.. to conlinn 'how t;n",,,-

~.,. The Senator Movies 10 The EI Rey Theatre 517 Main Street 1888 Springfield Drive 230 W. 2nd Slreet , 891-6671 899-0494 342-2727 IHude (R) Rush lIour (I'G-13) Knock orr (I{) Olle True Thing (rt) Wednesday and Thursday: 12:30 p ..m,_4: lOp. m. Wednesday and ll1Ursday:".2:35p.I1l,, ______., ____ ""._ Friday - Thursday: 12 p.III." 5:05 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday: 4:40 p.m. 7 1'.111. 9:40 p.m. 7' p.m. 9:50 p.m. 4:55 p.m. 7:15 p.m. 9:40 p.m. 10:20 p.m. Friday - Sunday: 1:45 p.m. 4:20 p.m. 7 p.In. 9:40 p.m. F!riday - Monday: 12:30 p.m. 4: 10 p.m. 7 p.m. 9:30 p.m. Friday - Tuesday: *12:20 p.m. 2:35 p.m. 4:55 p.m. Munday - Thursday: 4:20 p.m. 71'.111. 9:40 p.m. , 7: 15 p.m. 9:40 p.m. Snake Eyes (R) ~eud MUll on Campu!> (R) 12:40 p.m." 3 p.m. 5:20 p.m. 7 ;45 p,m. Wednesday, and Thursday: 7: 10 p.m. 9:40 p,m. Ronin (R) 10:15 p.m. Wednesday and "nlursday: 2 p.m. 4:45 p.m. ·there·s Somdhing Abuul Mary (R) 7:25 p.m 10: 10 p.m. 54 (R) Wednesday and Thursday: 1 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Friday - Tuesday: 2p.m. 4:45p.m. 7:30 p.m. \0: 15 p.m. 12: 15 p.m ... 2:30 p.m. 4:50 p.m. 7: 10 p.m. Ib:15p.m. 9:35 p.m. Priday, - Monday: 1 p.m. 4:20 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 10 p.m. U rblln Legend (l{) Wednesday and Thursday: *12:30 p.l11. 2:50 p.m. Mllsk OrZlIrru (PG·(3) ful\'ing ('rivate Ryull (R) 5: 10 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 9:50 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday: *12: 10 p.m. 3:05 p.m. 6:55 p.m. ~ednesday ami Thursday: 12:45 p.m. 4:30 p.m. Fridny - Tuesday: "'12:35 p.In. 2:50 p.m. 5: 15 p.l11. 6:55 p.m, 9:55 p.l11, 8,p.m. 7:45 p.m. 10 p.m. fjiday - Monday: 12:45 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 8 p.m. Dllllce With Me (PO) Simun lllreh «('G) Wednesday und Thursdny: 2: 151'.111. 7:35 p.m. '~he Parent Trap (PO) Wednesday and Thursday: +12:05 p.m. 2:40 p.m. \yednesday and Thursday: 12:40 p.m. 4: 15 p.In. 5:15 p.l11. 7:50 p.m. 10:25 p.m. Antz I (PO) ,. Friday - Tuesday: 2: 10 p.m. 4:40 p.m. 7:20 p.m. 9:55 p.l11. Friday - Tuesday: *12:251'.111. 2:25 p.m. 4:50 p.l11. 7 p.m. glluble Feature: 9:20 p.l11. 'I,he l'urent Trap (PO) Ruullder~ (It) R-iday - MOlldny: 1:45 p.m. 7: 10 p.m. Wednesday and "l11Ursday: "'I p.l11. 4:20 p.lll. Antz 2 (PO) t\rmllgcddon (PO·13) 7:05 p.m. 10 p.l11. Friday - Tucsdny: *12:551'.111. 3:05 p.m. 5:20 p.m. Friday, - Monday: 4: 15 9:40 Friday - Tuesday: "'I p.m. 4:20 p.m. 7:05 p.m. 10 p.m. 7:35 1'.111. 9:45 p.l11. No ~hows times before 3:3(1).m. UII 'I'ue~day nlld EveI' After (I'G·13) A Night at lhe Roxbury (1'0·13) 'I:hur:sday. Wednesday and Thursday: "'I :55 p.m. 4:30 p.Ill.1 0:05 p,l11. Friday - Tuesday: *12:45 p.l11. 2:55 p.TIl. 5 1'.111. 7: 10 p.l11. Friday - Tuesday: "I :55 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 7:25 p.m. 9:25 p.lI1. ··\0:05 p.m. , What DrellJl1s MIlY CUl1le (1'0·13) , Friday - Tuesday: "12 p.lI1. 2:30 p.m. 5:05 p.l11. 7:40 p.l11. 10:20 p.l11.

"'All Movh!s 10 show times before 2 IJ.m. Il1uy only 011 Saturday lind SundllY. JUNG AS.Programming Presents the Life of rFORE"~R,··· ...~·J.\.i .. · ., . ,.~~i!;~...a\\.'\~~r,;1 ;;' .. Iii'. '" • .~i} . "':: IL~{ ; .NibW1.",' Award Wmmng BrltlshActor Bob Marley l i" r "':~1 .,John Maxwell Taylor in a OncftManaPlay ' .. , .' 1... ~} /' takes you on an intimate tour deep into the A video presentation narrated by Roger Steffens .., ~.,~\':':"< )Iraroatlc life and love. orc.G. Jung. Thursday,

" . '" :7=;Jp"p~m. ~r~.,'~ct2ncl" October 1, 8 pm " , , . ChicO Chul'ehoi' Religious Science I Free Speech Areg I ,. , .. . 14J-lillaryLane, Chico .' •. 1 " .. 1 Free Admission I .General Admlsslon$12,SOln' advan~ $1ij,OQ a\.ttW door • '. '. ", "I" , ". - '," Steffens, who has boon doso to the Marley family for ovor 20 yoars, currontly :'Cpll for, TiQket Information! . 895-8395 le~turos world·wldo on tho Bob MllIloy legat)' Dnd introduces un inlorestlng approach , .. SPEAKS FROM THE HEART! ... AN AUTHENTIC GLOW:' to teaching history lin. Stoffens roturns to Chico with his never boforo released footage':' : -SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE in a ane·of·a·kind rog9ae presontallan, In caso of rain this ovenl will bo hold In tho "VIVID AND AMUSING CHARACTERIZATIONSI" BMU, Garden Ca16. For more Inlormation, call AS.Programmlng: 530,898·6005. -DAAMALOGUE for disability lolOlod accommOdallonl (011 530,B9B,6002 dUllnQ bUltnoll haulS, , NGI ENLIGHTENINGI ... A GOOD DEAL OF HUMOR" , I. " I . -NEW AGE JOURNAL I. ,t , , . ~ - .-- ... _-.··--...... '_' •• -10 ..._..,...- .... _~....,--~-.. ... ~~'~'(ljo.l. ..;,,~~ ..>\I>o ...~~~p.\IIoIl ,~-..'toVN.,; __...... , .... "", _.' .. '._~ __ '~'''''' .• , .,., ,...... "' ...'-'-, ..... _~ •..••• ~_ ..... ~ ... _~"-', ... " ...... _.:. "-.' .... ~._ ...... --..:.r.' •. \ ~.,.;: ... <;" ...... :-(

~ .... ~ ...... " , , • ..Jh...... 'to ..... ~ •. f". Orion ------~-: ... :...-_

CLASSIFIED8 . '., . "',

====~~======~~--:-:::--:::-:-~~:;,======;:::="Wednosday, September 30, 1998 California State University, Chico page 16


Classified Policies & Rates 5. Administrative AliSlstant - cer. No prior experience neces· If you have had an experience my little. I love you! Love & '-;~ : I: I ,',)';.J~b--.Center" Employer is seeking someone to sary. Job entailS observance and with Road Rage in the Chico A.O.E. ·Brittney, .:- -_. -,~mp'oyme~t, '," ", be responsible for the duties of reporting of unauthorized activi· area. Contact e-mail at To our Zeta new member!) - an administrative assistant. Must ties. Must have a clean criminal [email protected]. or call Have a great week trying'to The Orion reserves the right "" 'OpPo.nunities -""" be multi·task oriented with solid record, be able to read and 893,1755, find out who your big sisters· c;- :J to refuse any classified typing, people and phone skills. write. and speak English. Work are and enjoy all of yOllr pre­ advertisement for any rea· To receive information on job Resume required. Must have schedule is 16 hours/week. RUMMAGE SALEI Help support sents. son, If any classified has ads and/or other jobs in the computer knowledge of Microsoft Friday and Saturday 7 p.m. - 3 ASID-Chico State interior been contracted, The Orion Student Employment Office, you Word and Excel. 20 hours a week a.m. Will be $7.25/l1r. designers! October Srd, 1998, AGO. Kelly Stephenl>- We are so .: reserves the right to cancel will need to register with us. during academic school year and come see us at 593 E. 7th , glad to have you in our family.. ~ any classified advertise- Call or stop by to find out how strong possibility of continuing :1.0. Cashier - Employer is look­ Street. WE will have, all sorts of Time out! -'".-' to register or to get more infor­ ment it is misleading, in into summer., Will be $7.00/hr. ing for someone to be a cashier. goodies to dig through. 7 a.m. mation about jobs at 898-5256. Will also be cleaning and stock­ to 1 p.m. See you there! To the AGD FaU'98 Girls· You bad taste, fraudulent, or 6. Fish and Wildlife Aid - ing. 20 hours a week during girls are so awesome. The- ' otherwise dishonest. In 1. Experleneed Child Care - Nice Employer is seeking someone school year and 40 hours a active members of AGD are so ~_ case of error of omission, family of a very bright and artic­ who can -distinguish various week in the summer. Hair folli­ Greek Messages happy to see your beautiful ...':.- ,,,I;, The Orion~s liability, if"any, ulate 5th grade boy, looking for species of fish. Must be able to cle drug testing required. Will faces in our sorority. shall not e)(ceed the cost of a warm, outgoing and intelligent swim. Will sample, measure be $6.00/hr. Congratulations! We love you. the space occupied by the sitter with references and trans­ and log fish. Must not be afraid Start your own fraternltyl Zeta Love Alex & AGO Actives. error. portation. Fle)(ible hours, after 2 of the water and able to hike 5 Beta Tau is looking for men to p.m., two to three days per miles per day carrying a pack start a new chapter. If you are Women of the Alpha Delta Pi - , '. week and occasional weekends. for a carcass survey. Must have interested in academic suc­ Cops and robbers was a ton of Deadline Must have proof of auto insur­ a minimum of 10 units of chem· cess, a chance to network and fun! You ladies sure know how Deadline for classifieds ance. Will be $6.00/hr. istry, biology, natural SCience, No Glmmlc::ksl E)(tra income an opportunity to make friends to party! Hope to do it again brought directly to The medicine, veterinary, etc. Work now! in a non·pledging brotherhooq, soon. The men of Phi Kappa Tau. Orion, located in Plumas 2. Housekeeping • Employer is takes place regardless of Envelope stuffing: $600-$800 e·mail [email protected] or 001. is 5' p.m. on the Friday seeking someone to serve as a weather, Hours for work are every week, Free details: SASE call Mike Simon at (317) 334- To the ladle5 of Alpha Phi - prior to the ne)(t issue. The house keeper and provide general available on weekends also. to International Inc .• 1375 1898. Studio 54 social was awe· Orion classified table is help for two homes here in Chico. Will be $9.25/hr. Coney Island Ave., Brooklyn, some. Thanks for another located in the BMU on Job should entail 4 to 8 hours of New York 11230 Attn. Greeks: Order of Omega great social! Delta Sigma Phi. work per week. Experience pre­ 7. Dggr persgn - Employer Mondays from 10 p.m. - 3 Greek Honor Society is accept­ ferred but not required. Will be needs someone who is well Chalrslde Dental Assistant need· ing applications for Fall '98. IF To the men of Phi Kappa Tau - p.m. Any classifieds submit- $7.00/hr. mannered well groomed, and ed for general office. Part-time, you have a 2.75 cum GPA and Thank you for the cops and rob­ ted on Monday will make it good with the public. Body build· appro)(imately 20 hours a week. are involved on campus or bers social! There is no one ,into the following 3. Personal/Houseeare - ing type encouraged to apply. Applicant should have X-ray within your organization, we else we'd like to handcuff! l&L. Wednesday issue. Employer is looking for someone Work schedule is approximately license. Bring resume to Dr. want youl Apps are available ADPi to provide personal care and 18-35 hours per week. J.ob pays Thomas Weinrich, 1430 in the Student Activities Rates some housecare. Hours are fle)(i­ hourly plus tips. Must be at Esplanade, 112 Chico. Office, BMU 210 and are due To Larry and Oscar - Thank you Rates for Greek and ble but must be available week· least 21 years Old. Will be Oct, 9th at 5 p.m.! Don't for· so much for coaching our foot­ Personal:$3 for 30 words. ends. Employer is willing to pay $5.75/hr. get unofficial transcripts! For ball team! L&L, AOPi. $8.25/hour for personal care and ., Lost- & Found. ' mare info, contact Naomi J. at lOll: for each additional $6.50/hour for housecare. !:iours 8. Car Wash and Dry - Employer 896-1623. Alpha Phi Shmer - You caught a . word.Student rates for sale, are 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. . needs people to w?lsh and dry Skywalker, now catch the Phi- for rent, for roommates:$5 cars at a loc-al car wash. Will HP Calculator found on Alph .. Phi Maya - Welcome to verl Woods Wax Museum open· '. flat rate, and the_ad is run 4. Salel> Clerk - Employer is look­ work around school hours, time 9/16/96. Call or E-mail model our family! I'm so glad you are ing soon. until the space is filled or ing for a people person, someone and days are flexible. Will be no. + serial number for return. my grand-sis. Love and A.O.E. the merchandise·is sold. with good communication skills. $5.75/hr. 877-6278 or YGS Nikki P.S. Kimi, I 10lle you, To the ladles Qf Alpha Phi - Girls Business rate:$5 for 30 Retail experience will be helpful [email protected]. tool Love YBS! can't wait to catch the phiver : words. 10¢ for each addi· and must be available evenings 9. Security ,Offlc::cr - Employer at Jamaican Phiver. Get ready , - tional word. and weekends. Will be $5.75/hr. needs someone at least 18 years A1pba Phi Reagan - Welcome to for inspo daysl You're almost of age to serve as a security offi- Messages , our family I I am·so glad you are there.

, .. ,. • () 1\ I 1>, I; \) t' C 1\ T, I II l-! ,n'~ d RES E 1\ It': (: H (" 0 ~I M t' " I '1 \"

U 1- ,-Morn Ingstar rating for IIUA • • menca~ HOMECOMING & the CREF Stock Account, *****CREF Global Equities Account. . Top Pension Fund .." CREF Equity Index Accounl, -Money Magazine, January 1998 Parents Week4~nd 1998 and CREF Growth Account- SCHEDULE OF EVENTS TII.,dRII, S#pt,mt.r 29 3:00 PM Women's Soccer VS. Sonoma State University Soccer Stadium .' 7:30 (1M Theatre Production: The Women PAC 135 AAA, W,dn"d(C" S,pt,mb" 3fJ 3:00 (1M Men's Soccer vs. Sonoma State University Soccer Stadium -S&P and Moody's (1M The Women 7:30 Theatre Production: PAC 135 ,,. rating for TIAN-' , Tfrur,II"" Ochlblf' 1 11:00 AM Homecoming Festival ., Free Speech Area

(food bootIis and noon concert: Mystic Roots) ~~~-: .. 5:30 I'M DCBA Fanners' Market Downtown 7:30 I'M Theatre Production: The Women PAC 135 8:00 PM AS. Programming Films fA Videos: Free Speech Area The Life of Bob Marley Fr/llRfll (Jew." 2 IDGH MARl{S FROM 7:00 I'M DCBA Concert In the Park Downtown Plaza 7:30 I'M Theatre Production: The Warn en PAC 135 MORNINGSTAR, S&p, MOODY'S, 5«tRl'II(C'I, (J,;t,.,r 3 9:00 AM Re.9istratlon for Alumni Trinity Hall Foyer Seliool of NurSing Five-Year Reunions Holt Hall (50uth entrance) MONEY MAGAZINE AND BlLL. 10:00 AM DC6A Fall Hcu-vest Festival Downtown Chico National Yo-Yo Championships Downtown Plaza 10:30 AM Registration for Parents Shasta Hall Lawn Camp-us Tours on Trolley Shasta Hall Lawn ""l"X Tc lukl.! II lot ofpl·idl.! ill'golining higb mur". Opt!I'uling ""pense. I bllt aI'l.! mnol1g Ihe I"wesl inli,t! 11:00 AM Preslaential Welcome for Alumni, Parents, is!: Shasta Hall Lawn Friends: Mcmuel A. Esteban, University Prel:tdent V V 1'1"<1111 till! l11ujm' rtlling sl.!rvi~,,". Dutlh" lilet in.lImnc., und l\1utunl fund indu.tl"il.!s" . , 11:15 AM University Exhibitions & Shows TBA is, wl!'ru uqulllly proud ol'.h" I'utin/ls w" get "WI)' Wilh TIAA-CIU~r~J'"I1'1I gCltlw righl dlllic"s- 11:30 AM Homecoming Picnic Whitner Hall Patio dny from OUI' plll~lrdp"nt". Bectlu"c lit T1i\A·CRI~I~ • nnd the (""li~lllil1n-'lo Iwlp youllchi"",,, alil'ctill1t! Wildcat CenturY Club/Alumni 8BQ Kendal Hall Lawn 11:45 AM Photos of Golden Grads Julia Morgan House ellsuring the linancinl I"UIU'-"" ul'.he "du~uti,," HIIlI uf linan~inl gUIII •. The leuding "xp"rt. nlll·et!. 12:00 I'M Alumni Lunch honoring Golden Grads. JuUa Morgan House re""Urdl ~o\lll1lunily i. sOl11ething litnlgo". u"yund So du,," Bill. School of Nursing Luncheon Alumni Glen 2:00 PM Menls Soccer vs. Chico Rooks (exhlbltion 9ame) Soccer Stadium stUI·.' und 1l1lmuUl'u, Find 0111 huw 'I'IAA.CIU~F CUll ""Ipyuu tlUild" University Exhibitions & Shows TBA \VI.! uucul11e Ihe wodd'. IHI·Il".1 j·"tir"l11el1t orgu. eUlI1ful'luGI", lintlncinlly ""CUI"" 'lul11UI"I'ow. 3:00 I'M Residence Hall Parents' Social Housing Rtic. Center 4:00 I'M Residence Hull Parents' Resource Group Hc.lusing Rec:, Center nizutiun' uy ulfering people II wide rilngu ul' Huund Visit nUl' Web .ite 111 www.lillu-cl·cl..ol·gur L'1I11 Board Meeting ... investlllents, 11 cOl11l1lillnen\ Iu 8upedul' .I!I·vice, lind U'llt I MOO t141!-2776, Womenls Soccer vs, Humboldt State University Soccer Stadium 7:00 PM Athletic Hgll of 'fame Dinner, . , Elks Lodge 7:30 PM Chico Symphony Orchestra PAC 144 Theatre ProdUction: The Women PAC 135 ElIlmrll1l5 tile futUl'e , Debate: Of!.poslng Views: Mary Matalln Laxson Auditorium for tbose who lillilpc it.~ &- lames CarvUle Sunll4" (lett,6,r 4- ,1\', ~ • !ilIUllr: "hlll1lil"II'!, lilt. I J.II11" r jl.lw/t, MUlllili/t'ltIH 1ft ~IlIHI!CI,"IIII"1I1 'of1\'I~c Ih"l IIltnlllllhl41l'UII,h ",,,I \ I,I.hl!! ~lIIl1l1ticl, 'nl~ !1I1' 111\11.'1111111\111 "IIII\, ... ~IIII~III U!~'aI'".'ICH'III'lhl' 11.11, ~1I,llh"'"nl U h' 2:00 I'M Thegtro Production: Tile Women .. , , .rube- linn II." MUlIIIIll\UU I'tlllll'~I"y ulltlj\1 n'l\c~1 hllwtlul th.-uIJII\lht I'cllutm.I1U .1111 die ""lllet.! 111f.:hJ"-'~1! "'H"~ !l!IIlIIh. II,.,), "l'l'IIh'ltl"'h,!1 1111111 1.!l"'tllJlI!It _1I1f.,c., Ihh 011111 I~fj ~'cu ~\I'uIIC 1I11111ut • le-I 11111" 1'1 r_l~" ~lrl,ltJ'J.y 'l'lrulIl)' hlllll'lIlll1~ \\'1111 'l'IIIIII'Ii~tt' fl'" ~\liU~IIII~llhl all,l, Illk IJI'LII,thJt Itil~\'I' Pl'IIIIIIIUIICtI 1~llIw VII,tI~~ 'l"htIlIL'IIIII1" 'l'I11' IIHllil ~~4r utlllll~ Id ... n~llill Jhl'~1' all' .\Iu'IIItIIl~IJ"~ . Ilutllj.ltc~ UlltlK'1 ,,·ltjlll.l~ ",,'I'll:!hUti iI"\'r'!4l" 1If1I'Ihll'l' , iI, ... ·, jll,II,,' H·~II.allllll.' lilt IttrllklHlllhllM PIlIWY .\I t IVIIH. IIII' l\l'I',lt"ll'lIII1JIII'IIi'h~~t) l.ttlll)(~ Ihl l'Jdllllthl' petlI41'J"': Chico Symphony Orche'tro to eh i CO. ~~\lPII!"kJ!m'''1t , ellllf UI.b.lllord .... oInuInI CUP rr,elilladti AcmuII Cln Unmtb Almnt CUI' IItM Martrt AdVlltl ClUJl'lodti Cfluin 1.ttuQ, ~Ut 11.ItlniV !'II~I 1\.1111111/ ~w Ilttlntv' • s," Il.Illu/l! ~1 .. 1l.t1l1l!V SUI tLtlh'lV NlIlIIllttul'l'tllllrlUtlWlllr NlIIIII',"'lrllllrtllllk~IlII:'I"lt)" Ntuuhtllll"lllhlltl.lk' hlllllf Nlmlll:lllll1llUIl0t4k !'JlIlU)' NUlIII,,', \I11'1mllmlJlII~'AI'UJlblh NlIIlIllI"I~Jltfff1h1l\ hlltll)" rtl.... Antltllll\IUIt'Li Alulllllt.ll..llfd Al~uulll' Il..ilnl ALIIIIIII" lUI~11 lUll'll AI~IMtllh ItAll'd a,rUt VI,HM 1/-'111 ~/I,H!' !/I,HM 'I/"'! 4/1 ~~. ~/lIl1 I IHut 4/I,~ln ,~~~ ~~~ '~~l' I/I,m to'\'Ut !/~I~ N/A COttle Hottle ," • "( hut' lUI' f'lln~_ 'It l'Ul'ti un TIM'.nu'lltillll.1 nllft'l~hl'I'~II"lhjll~lt1I~·I'.'(III"------~------~------~,----~ .htlll., IImlll~l'I.11 UJ~I~lhlL\ 11l'lli ll !1l'lltt, 'II.-'Cd Hit ,\\(h UI"I(IIII"'J)ll'IIII'III,IIKMlll/lltj, t" H,",,~ ?MU'/flf/l ttrfllt(ll .1'111 I IW1, LlI'ltrt "1I.ltlh.1 ~1'I ... lrt~. hI1', I 1.lpl',r·OttrrllH". thl'll'Ufitl 0"111, IW~ IlJU'HI'II.,." ell I'.!! ~(lIl1~llt' .'1,1 hilt'"'''' III ~hl!:I'IAA,I~l''' I\'UII' ,"(f.:I1II1I~ IIII.' ,Ihllllllliell h\' 11M ClUJ: l'Uh~I'I"~I':~,d \ , IlIItitutiulul !'k.'"lu'" ,'ur 1111111' lIll1Il,I,'lt 1111111111111101" Ind\l,IIII~ dUI\l.~1 '"\1 (_I""II~'I ~.111 tUltI HU,~."U, "'h'II\111II PlMttJ,llIt IIt~ C.[lUI .1111 IIAA 11.l'JII;~Uh' ",\UIII,I 1"'1\1,,"'1'11/\1'\, "!'JIII/II'III l'lIl'lhIl~ h~hllt ,,,IIUIII\,rll ur arm.! 11111111:)" , )"," J. • , 1n I ~ , .. , , 'j ,. , .. , • t. I" • , • ~, ,f ..... a I' ... ", ., • .. _~, • 4 ," ' •• ,. ----~--~------C)rion------~------...... The ·focus '---' Next Week What they do for clough How does downtown handle ,Interesting. amazing and all the corporate controversy? d

Wednesday, September 30, 1998 Cali/omia State University, CI,ico -- page 17

. !: ,Re.fle·cfions' . " . . .,. '. ~ -"------& Elisa Bongiovanni . ~. Dimensions Editor :~1,

;"'?=' Poopy-heads. and gator tails >t' .Like many Chico State t~.: University st~den~s, I too .m~st .'. work a part-ume Job to survlve '?, my college expenditures. But in " my 'years here, I have found that . ~'jobs are extremely hard to corne 'iJ by, especially those above mini­ q mum wage. And sometimes, ~.~ they can even be a little strange. fti Last spring. I was desperate ,'1 for rent money, so I took a ;; friend's advice and got a baby­ lJ1 silting job. l~ "J ust pop in a video and you i/ can do your homework," she ';1 said. Perfect job for me. or so I i:~ thought. But chasing a 2-year­ :,~ old and 4-year-old around a t:l 3,600 square-foot house while ;; being called a "poopy-head" .:/~ finally got on my last nerve. / Then, last May, I went to the Student Employment Center on " campus and answered an ad for a data entry job. I would sit in an office by myself for hours each uay, typing recipes that would be broadcast over the Internet. Easy enough. Just lurn on the r.1dio and type away. I didn't even have to answer to a boss. Well, working by myself with no human interaction finally" ) drove me stir crazy. I would sit on my chair and spin around in circles to see how fust 1 could go or play pinball toumrunents against an imaginary friend. I was downing bOllles of Pepto Bismol /1 after work because 1 typed recipes like "Barbecued Beaver" and "Southern Flied Gator Tail." 1 stayed with it because I needed the money, but I was forced to find yet ~mother job when the business lurned sour. So here 1 am ugain, unem­ ployed and penniless. What shall Elisa Bongiovanni 1 do? Dimensions Editor I roamed the mull, resume in hand, walking from store to -very body in Chico store; hoping I would be at the - knows her nume. For right pluce at the right time. E_. Chico State University "Well it's a good thing, you just senior Kerri Sanders, being a local walked in here because our man­ celebrity means being recognized at school, ager just quit," they would say to downtown and even the mall. And Sanders isn't the me. "How does $15 an hour, "Everywhere I go I hem' 'Hey, Kerri' or only one. TM Orion/Laura Floral paid vacatiOl\, no weekends and 'What's up. Kern,' sometimes from people I Senior Samh Cassidy, a cocktail waitress at three days H week and goes to school p,lrt-lime llc",ihle scheduling sound'?" don't even recognize," she said. "But I guess it Joe's Bar, often gets off work at 2 a.m. ,\Od at Butte College. 1 know, not ,It ull re'llisLic. goes with the terlitol'Y." goes to school the next morning. "It's hard bccause I Imve to 1111 in ror people But I cun dream, right? Juggling n full-time cluss IOHd and a "S0111e duys I love my job, but othel; duys I when they ure'sick. or there's an emergency." he None of the stores I walked demanding work 'schcdule, Sanders, like renlly hate it." she said. said. "I'm a utility pluyer." into were hiring. I was too late, mnny others, pays her way through school "But I know the lack of sleep is worth it According to Henning, Normal St. Bar is they said, because most of tl1e engnging in the social but strenuous job of because I will probably never have n job like prctty much his whole social life because he hiring wus done before we stu­ bartending. . this ugain." doesn't he spend a lot of time outside of it. But dents came back. For the pust three years, Sanders hus been Cassidy, who started working at Joc's this he doesn't mind. he said, because he considers 1 had one last hope. working three to four nights n week while past Muy und works four nights a wcek, said himself u "pseudo-celebrity." Again, 1 turned back to the going to school. But being the only female bur­ it's hard to stay positive and upbeat when peo­ "I get to meet chicks, get free drinks at other Student Employment Center. tender at Riley's'Bar nnd Grill definitely hus its ple al'e drunk nnd out of control. bars nnd gel rree stuff all over town," he said. "It And boy, I WllS surprised ut what perks. "1' veseen it all," she said. "Nothing can shock can't be all that bad." 1 found. "The cash flow is great, mid I especinl1y like me anymore." Henning said peopl~ drowning their sorrows Lust month, Director Steve meeting uil the new people," she Imid. "1 holVe Despite her cruzy hours, Cassidy SHid she und usking for udvice is also un everyday Irving Solid if students nre still mude so many friends through this job." milkes time to go out with, her fricnds, but usunl­ occurrence. struggling to find a job by mid­ Sanders, who will be gruduuting in May, sHid ly ends up at Joe's. "On a given duy, 1 um pru1 alchemist and part semester, tile second WHve of the hardest thing for her is l1ntling time to study. "1 like hanging out there," she said. "It's a grelll psychiutrist," he said. jo~ ret'ermls uSllluly hits the cen­ "I don't get to sleep much nt all, only about place." Henning offers advice to other bartenders, ter .in October. But employees . five hours a night, lind I get too tired to study," Joe Henning, II bartender ut Normal S1. Bar, too: "Never get involved in conversations in said til,\t to their surprise, they she suid. "But even though I don't howe time, I said he was u full-time student before tuking poliLics or religion. You will never win," he have had II steady stnmm of jobs . find time." the bartending job one yenr ugo. Now he works sHid. "Just sit back, listen and hllve fun." all semester long. Well. now I have options: I can sell auto pruts. clenn pools 01' be un exotic dunccl'. Things lIrc definitely looking up. Q~A What is the weirdest thing you have ever done for money? E. Bongiovantli call be reac/zed CIt e/i:[email protected]

Inside fo-----. .., Pedicab drivers tell all 20 Clicnts givc mol'C Ihun just money ful' II !'iue. 8f1 a gulnoa pIg 20 Clln yuu bl.lllLlVC Ihe Stuucnt Hellilll Cenlcl' IIclUlllly pllyll you I dressed up like a drag qUQQn My friend bet me $7.50 to lick I got $50 to go on II date with I baby &at 23 kids on Now Years My fliend bet me $10 to eat a $100 10 $350 to I\wnilol' yOUI' fur HalloWQen la&t year. It was a the bottom of a snail and he 60mQ guy, because he was from EYe. I got $20 a kid. Most of whole bottle of Wogbl ..... Ylm lulmcnl? Check Ihls oul. bot from my mom. neyer paid tip. . out af town ami nobody liked them were bobleli and moat gf know, ~hit hot green Japanese Earn a pink Cadillac 20 him. them were sleeping. sauce. I wlla doathly III the rest You ellll gel plll'ly -­ of the nIght. , , plliu to .' with AVOIl,lIlld Mul'Y Kuy, thullH. Bnt'll decent money Hclling to Roshad Pumall Evon Hlle Marcy Williams Mara BenfLQD rutrJa.l.borup youI' l'rlLlll\IN, neighbOl's lind ~ I ~ m,:llulIlnIUIICI.lS, SophomOre! fi'rCi.I·hmc/fl FrC!.I'/lIntm JUI//ClI' Jllllior /JIO/oMY Umtec:iClreci Gl'illl/lle'{ JI/stlee Al't EdllcClt/rm SOc/O/(8)'

,", '.' '., . .\ ,,' I , " • . -_•• :-.- ,;. •• ,0.-- . . - ~ ."-. , .

. ', .. ------C)fion------

.f .. :':.1 OPINION . . :. ..~

Wednesday, September 30, 1998 California State University, Chico page 18 '~

. ;"

, . I I A.S. Sl10uld improve student policing program, not cut it

It's been almost one year impression that SNAP has since a plan for student policing become nothing more than Darin Halkldes began to develop, The plan Volunteers in Policing, a Chico Orion seemed quite simple, On Police program. The intent of Columllist Thursday, Friday and Saturday SNAP was for students to inter­ nights, two uniformed students act with students - to handle Rain-hitting-cement would patrol the south campus noisy parties without police echoes floated about my neighborhood of Chico and interference, he said. skull as I stared at dark wam students when their party Whether the A.S. will fund green treetops pointing music was too loud or there the program again will not be at the black sky. That were too many people outside. decided until spring, when the surreal sound, actually All this to prevent students Activity Fee budget is discussed. from hundreds of hands from receiving pricey noise vio­ But there is a SNAP advisory clapping, only added to my lations and having to deal with board, where complaints, con­ already pseudo-drunken the Chico Police. cerns and questions can be dealt state:. It was a rare event that the with. The A.S.'s own commis­ The music at Hump plan took effect - the sioner of community affairs is Night put my mind into an Associated Students, Chico the chair of that committee. eerie condition while I State University and the City of So before Elsom pushes any stretched out on the bare­ Chico all agreed to pitch in ideas to drop SNAP's funding, ly damp grass. I can't S5.000 for the Student he should look into the fact say much about the Neighborhood Assistance that SNAP is just a newborn music itself, but this Program. Everyone was happy. '. program and today is the time isn't an entenainment But since SNAP began its to shape SNAP into what it can article, so that's okay. As patrolling, one organization be tomorrow. This program I pondered the meaning of fllay back out after the three­ was designed to make student life and assorted other less triv­ way cOlllract expires in March. life easier in the south campus ial things, I tried to figure out A.S. President Richard neighborhood - cutting a what the hell I was going to Eisolll said SNAP isn't going program is the easy way out, write this week's column about. the way he thought it would. Elsom. Improving it is the Advice from my mass ''I'm going to Elsom said he has gotten the hard part. communications professor because of the college to fearn. I don't tickled my flailing rush of foggy death of her Highness? Yeah, have to be here." No, no .' . thoughts. This professor told you remember: Mother Theresa. each morning doesn't sound one has to be here. But if high New noise ordinance is new my class he's always surprised No really, she passed away. You like much, but it adds up, school propaganda didn't . ~ when people finish writing didn't hear?' right? Most or those commer­ remind us repeatedly that a beginning for students, council early. He emphasized the Anyway, Mother Teresa made cials air on cable, Basic cable college • importance of writing and worldwide headlines for her is "bout $25 a month. That's a education will most likely at There is Olle section of council member Colleen Jarvis, rewriting until deadline. Never unceasing commitment to the little less than a dollar a day. least double out pOlential Chico that students can always who said the current ordinance be content, he said. sick and starving. She dedicated Hmmm ... income, enrollment in higher' rl!ly on to be alive with blaring was crap and moved to change My mind's state of natural her entire life to improving the OK, starving college students learning would dwindle. music from bands and DJs. A it. The old ordinance stated that high made me susceptible to the quality of human existence. often can't afford cable either We're here for the dough - place where parties spill into excessive noise is any sound that earth-loving atmosphere that The better of us join some and perhaps those who can Ihe knowledge is icing on the the streets. A place where disturbs a reasonable person of presides at Hump Night, and it voluntee~ group like CAVE, would rather sacrifice something cake that makes us look cool pol ice patrol those same streets normal sensitivity and is grounds occurred to me that my profes­ or contribute to charities. But else. A dear friend of mine used when we schmooze at parties, handing out noise violations to for a noise violation. But any sor's advice extends far beyond the masses (including me) to help in a soup kitchen in kissing ass, hoping to make even loud party-throwers any time reasonable person who isn't a journalism. Who treks through hunch over on our soft cheeks Portland. When she told me that, more dough. after 10 p.m. student in the south of campus life NEVER content with her or and wait for the world to bring my admiration ror her grew As we grow older we're But that all changed after the neighborhood probably thinks of his contribution to the world? us happiness and success, exponentially. Imagine the abun­ proud of all these hard-earned Sept. 22 Chico City Council allY noise as a really loud noise. A good number of us would instead of doing everything dance of time spent on trivial or successes, But it's all a little meeting - well, at least the It's encouraging to know the just be happy with a full-time we can to give these traits to minor goals channeled into soup disturbing that so many (often part about noise violations. council takes student requests job, a stable relationship and the world. kitchens, shelters, en vironmenLal begrudged) years are dedicated The council p~lssed a motion, into consideration. The need for maybe some children who don't Yeah, it sounds cheesy, but groups and every other bleed­ to earning cllsh, when so many 4-3, to extend daytime noise guidelines in the south of cam­ end up in prison, try to scoff while walking ing-heart catastrophe under the desperate causes ache in front level in the south of campus pus neighborhood has been put That's a lot to ask for, but along the Chico train tracks at raging sun. of our very noses, waiting to be neighborhood from 10 p.m. to orf for much too long now. docs it really embody sllccess? night, watching transients in This lack of social motivation touched. No single happy little' midnight on Friday and Selling guidelines for the side The only person I know who dirty blankets sleep or pace isn't completely our fault. honey bee of a person can save Salllrday nights, Now, the or town that generates noise and rollowed the "never be content" through shadows looking for Generations h~lve built upon the world, Last I heard, there amount of noise violations draws police is the lirst step to philosophy was a woman who aluminum cans. each other a culture where our were a few billion of us avail­ handed out to students will a town where students and citi­ died about a year ago - no, not Those lInnoying comll1ercials ideals arc education and hard able to pitch in, decrease significantly. zens get along. And with any Princess Di. Rel11l!l11ber? That are always on TV. Less than a work, but the goal has almost Finally, the ridiculous ordi­ luck, Jarvis will help lead the little old lady whose ueath the uollar a day can slive some al ways been wealth. Darill I-lalkides call be reached nance is cut back, thanks to council there, media practically ignored poor child's life. Sure, 70 cents College students ·Iove to say, at W. [email protected]:olII


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Manngllll! Editor SfIIlru D01IlllOtr Photogrophof1 Ilirnue,ly Bolander Dan Wllelon Mati Bates /I,t Dlroclo, Dlm'Millf1I Edllor Ad DDtIGnef1 n Icll '{Ieck ncr Elisa Ilonlliovonni Jodi Keer Davin Skonberg Duolnoaa Monogo, Dlm'Milln. 51011 Michael Delgado Fred J, Spotlosol' III J

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The Orion. September aD, 1996 California State University, Chico Old· Wednesday,,------, flame hard to resist Amanda Jurich By 7:45 p.m. it was Opillioll Columnist official, 1 was

It was Wednesday. 7:30 p.m. becoming addicted I was trying to do some home­ to Beverly flills work, but the clock kept dis­ tracting me: 7:36 p.m.... 7:41 90210. p.m. It was getting harder to deny: 7:43 p.m .... 7:44 p.m. By 7:45 p.m., it was official: I was becoming addicted to ··Beverly Hills 90210." '------"·hlce 01 that ex-boyfriend. Still, I I stayed away as long as I wasn't going to go down withoul could. I had managed to go my a fight. I forced myself to my whole college career without room and opened up a text book. watching Donna. Kelly and the "Maybe this won'l be too whole gang. I had exercised hard," [ thought to myself. such restraint and willpower by But soon, shouts of "It's staying away from Nat and The . going to be on in five minutes!" boyfriend was ch:lm1ing frol11 Peach Pit. But the show is like and "It's starting, it's starting!" them all. They could not resist the very an ex-boyfriend. You think came from downstairs. I - how could 1 be expected to? 1 bl.!ginning. From you're over him. Heck, you slammed my door and buried couldn't take it any longer. It was Brandon's "catch the wave" hair­ practically are and then he my nose in my physiology book. torture. I threw open my bed­ do to Brenda's ultimate demise springs it on you: He's not the For:l while things went OK. room door and ran downstairs - she always told me I could do same guy he used to be. And it and it seemed the avoidance into the waiting arms of my ex. hetter. She would be so disap­ becomes a whole new ball game. method was going to work. But Th.lt was the easy p.lrt. pointed in me. almost a senior in If you're really good, you can tllUl ex-hoy friend refused to give 1 had to justify to everyone. college and still fooling around still resist the new and improved up. Screams of delight .lIld horror including myself, why I'd gone with an old high school name. package, whether it be the burst through my hedroom door back. How had I become so Just as I'd gotll.!n up enough charming new personality or the as the group downstairs watched weak? I'd been the one to break courage to call and confess my fact that Dylan is coming back to Donna gel uglier and David get it off in the !irst pbce. way back crime, I hOld a horrible thought: thc show. You can look tcmpta­ dumber. I could sec this was in high school. How could 1 "Oh, God - what about ·Party tion straight in the face and lum going to be a vicious fight to the have allowed this to happen. and of Fi veT" it down. But I was finding that very end. He was pulling Oul all WHAT was I going to tell my resisting ··90210" was going to the stops. My roommates were mother? A1IUIIIl/tI Jurich C(I/I he re(lched be like slamming thl.! door in the eating out of his hand. The ex- She'd seen through thl.! show (I( (1m) 01 <'C.I'I. Col' IIchico. cilu Lucky pennies bring unexpected, simple delights to ordinary li,'es

expected. Or maybe coming the railro.ld tr~lcks by my high Lucky Penny into the warm Penny phenomenon either, horne and finding that one last ,,------, school and made .them into waters of the Red Sea. '1 haven't because the penny gods get ice cream sandwich is still Super Special Everlasting seen Ihe girlfriend or the penny mad. The unluckiness of a R. Elrlk Ott there and your jerk roomie· Most people dOIl't Relationship Triple Lucky since. penny picked up by an unsus­ Senior didn't cat it and you get to Pennies, perhaps the luckiest OK, now, on the flip si(k of pecting person ignorant of Colulllnist enjoy it all yourself. know this, but there pennies of all time! this whole thing is the occur­ unlllcky pl.!nny lore pales in Even better is a Double We kepI ours for the next six rence of the Unlucky Penny. comparison to the amount of I found a lucky penny the Lucky Penny. That's when you are several layers years as good luck tokens, but ... See, if you pick up a penn), unluckiness expl.!rienced by other day. find a face-up penny that was of lucky you sec. you need to maintain a that's face down. that's a big someone who knowingly picks It made me think of child­ minted on your birthday. If Super Special Everlasting mistake becaLlse it's a Single up a potential unlucky penny hood as I put it in my pocket you find one of these babies, pennies. Relationship Triple Lucky Unlucky Penny. I'vc gotten nat "just to sec what h'lppens." and walked across campus you can expect really good Penny by rubbing it every time tires simply by picking up pen­ Sometimes when I find to class. things. That cute guy you met you think of the other person. nies that were face down. And if myself with a pocket full of . We had strict rules about such at that party and sorta figured The good luck stores inside the you're unlucky enough to pick pennies, I'll throw them over I things as lucky pennies. rules would never call, actually does penny and rubbin¥it recharges up a face-down penny and it's my shoulder one-by-one as I"m' 1 ------" walking along. I call this . . with very serious implic4ltions. call, and you end up in a long a mighty Triple Lucky Pe,iny it, only ... well, she never ' your birthday - oh shit. 1l1~(ll::" I I. Most people don't know conversation with lots of and those are keepers! You rubbed her penny and so our just stay home because that's a ··Planting Lucky Pennies." It this, but there are several lay­ laughs and you make plans to could win the lotto on one of luck ran out and she stopped lik­ Double Unlucky Penny. And if makes me leel good to think ers of lucky pennies. A Single hang out. Or that ticket you those bad boys! ing me and so, we broke up. you're foolish enough to place that someone could pick onc up Lucky Penny is simply a penny want to contest gets thrown out Olle time, when I was in I was in the Gulf War in 1991 that penny on a railroad track ... and feel e\~n a little bit better that's on the ground face up. of court because the stupid cop high school. I found a Double on an aircraft carrier in the Red we're talking instant sponta­ abollt their day thinking they Tnoseare pretty good. You're doesn't show up. Lucky Penny with my birthday Sea when I got her letter break­ neous combustion. Death, right just might have a lucky penny in lookiilg at something simple Now, if you find a Double and a Double Lucky Penny ing up with me. I went to the then and there. and you would their pockel. and sweet and unexpected in Lucky Penny and you put it on with my girlfriend's birthday landing area of the ship and I have it coming. too, because your day ... let's say ... a better the railroad tracks and it gets and I took them both and put threw lI1y Super Spcchtl thut's, like, really dumb. R. Eirik 011 eml be r£'llche(/ at grade on a test than you squished, what you have there is them one on top 01" the other on Everlasting Relationship Triple Don'l go testing the Unlucky poel /)'.1'1 (/1I/@/rolll/ail.colII

D.esigned lives can't reflect unique character of American traditions .·The b,.;~iii:; Thumb' o '. ' , , ' ~ , '

away rro111 sterile, over-built might be a good idea. "There's MaWtew env ironments, planlll.!rs and not a lot of money for thut sort Jordan "---Sure, it's just architects aren't so forward­ of thing," he said. Orioll a !zole ill a thinking as to leave holes in It was reassuring. in a way, to CO/III/mist things. Not yet, anyway. Places know that progress mighl nol be 'I'IIUl\lBS UI' to Associated Students fellce, but still need a chance to develop marching on anytime soon. Programming for donating money to . There's a hole in the eight­ their own character - to feel Sure. il's just a hole in a fence, University Public Events as it welcomes foot-high chain-link fence that it's also lived in. but it's also part of the neighbor­ pllliticall:onsultanlS James Carville and surrounds Chico High School. part of the Clearly, the hole wasn't hood. College students and high Mary Matalin, Ol:t. 3. The first 100 stu­ . It'sright across Legion Avenue "designed." because it has .. school kids usc it- so do daus ul.!nts only had to pay $10. instead of $35, :from the dorms, just north of Ileighborlzood. kind of endearing imperrection. who show up with their sons I'DI' their tickets. . :cltmpus. The fencing hllS been Two yeurs ago, it was a ragge~ and pilch batting praclice unlil :cut and pulled bacl~ like n tent hole in the fence - an eyesore. it's too dark to see the ball. In THUMBS VI' to Associ(lteu Students' :flap, Th.e hole allows easy ~--" But us it was used. people mude the spring. whole extended ram­ pens. Students paid for these pens with 'access to Skip McDonnld smiling'. "Exactly! We've deter­ little change's and improvements ilies come to watch their kids their Activity rel:. und if you ever need Baseball Field and all points mined that's the exact spot peo­ until today. the fencing is neatly play American Legion and high one, just rlln lip to thl.! A.S. oflice 011 the ·north. It's been there several ple will want to enter the field." trimmed back, it's been flagged school baseball and almost sel:ond !loor l)f thl.! Bell Memorial Union. yeurs and it's probubly a sure "Then why not just put in a with yellow tape (eusier 10 spot), everybody squeezes through the bet thut it wusn't II design fen­ gute?" asks the president of the und gelling through is a breeze. little holc in the fence. And they THUMBS U1' to people whohold ture. PTA. • So. like the canals of Venice und hand their babies through 10 open doOl's. We're not only talking about Thut's not something you "We did." Tim architect the districts of San Francisco - each other, and kids chase each Il1l~n, blll WOIllI.!Il hold doors open, 100. often see III a school board points to opposite comers of the . in its own wuy, it too hus other thl'Ough it. and everyone is meeting. The landscape urchitect field. "Here, und here. But you evolved. polile and they smile und suy unveils his miniuture-scule see, busebull is u pustoral Spol'l, I usked II gl'01111llSKeepel' hello. It·s a schmultzy. sappy lil­ model at' the proposed school and people like the homey, old­ about it olle l11orning. We dis­ tie slice of Americana. Sure it's ground renovation, complete time feeling of slipping through cussed the impl'Ovctl1ents to the silly, but we need places like 'rUUMUS DOWN lo midterl11s. Some with its 111iniuture-Scllle-model u fence; our reseurch indicutes field amI the lIew tl'Uck. He wus this. Pluccs not completely ha vc unfortunately alreudy experienced those buckstops, goal posts lind " obviously pJ'Ouu of whal they'd planned und designed. Lillie nasty exams this scmester. Those who haven't dugQ\lt5. A resounding sigh of "It's L\ dLllll11 hole I" grouses done und the ,vuy things looked. holes in fences, und old bridges, will probably be on their wuy to thc A.S. upprovul is hellrd from the the conch. I asked· if they 1111u IIny plun5 1'01' und buildings wilh chamctcr that Bookstore for u blue-book this week. ussem&lcd' officTufs undo ci'ti'zens. hrtlii'nK il'S L\ surety i'ssuc, ,,' tne tlore i'n' tlie lence und' pofnted gIve us u sense or place. Little "And here," says the architect, udell> u bourd membel'. it OUI to him. He glanced in its spots that we create und renect THUMBS DOWN to Season Premiere ".my. crowning uchlevement." He "Well," says the urchitecL direction und kind of shrugged. who we nrc. week. II sucked. N;:;~d we suy morc? tups the model with u pointer, stimy, "u gute wL\sn't in your "Well, }.l lot of people lise fhe i~dicuting l\ small rend in the rec0111rncndlltions lind it puts field - u 101 of people 1'1'0111 the M althelV Jordall call be reached THUMBS DOWN to Cumpus News clos­ mininhlre-scnle- model fencing. you over budget." community. Il's hurd to keep at mjordclIl@sl!ockillg.COlII ing down. Students who wunted to cntch up Togethel',the group leans for­ "I got your recummendu­ people out." on lute-breuking news could purchase u wiLle wurd nnd squints. They Icun liolls," mutters the coach. I suid 1 didn't think Ihat kl~cp­ vuriety 01' Ilewspnpcl's tilere, buy 1I slluck or a bic~ ."galn. No, it probably wusn't ing lluml OUI WIIS the idell. I pllck of smokes. We'll miss the convenience '~Ulll, .il's l\ hole," SllyS the plllllncd. Allhough grent strides mentioned thc pmet1ls Ihal come of this 8tOI'C on First Streetund w,~' II never supcrimondent. arc being made towurd the uren to wntch theil' kids piny bull. 1 forget YOll, Cumpus News. : "Yesl" exclnlms the urchitect, of humun-scnslti vc design nncJ IIskcd il' muybe pUlling iUII gllle • . ,t' ." :; '''; li\ ., ....

. , "... 1 .....

page 20 California State Ulliversity,Cllir:o The Orion September 30; 1998 -I

1 . ; Pedicab drivers offered more than money·· Eve Lopez the police. While waiting to see Staff Writer if anyonc needed a ride, he ended ,,-----, up dodging beer bottles that were On any weekend night in being thrown at the police cars. downtown Chico. bar patrons Russell-Bonavita recalled a lYe get people who can see up to a dozen men roam­ more humorous experience. ing the streets on their bicycle­ "I think the funniest thing offer us pot, alcohol driven carriages. some covered I ever saw was one person jump­ and sex. with umbrellas. fancy lights or ing off one cab into another," wild paint jobs. he said. And a few Chico State He said all four people in the RI~h RU55clI-Bomwito University students have found second cab, including the driver, Pedicab driver that being a pedicab driver on the fell to the ground, but no one weekends can be an easy way to was hurt. earn money - and ha ve some Pedal Express, the main com­ weird encounters. pany that rents out pedicabs to "---"Chico resident, said he has been Rich Russell-Bonavita. a 20- licensed drivers, has a strict poli­ a pedicab driver for about two year-old Chico State student, cy concerning the safety of dri­ months and enjoys the workout. said he has been offered more vers and patrons. "1 like the exercise and I like than money in exchange for a "If you get one ticket, you will the outdoors." he said. "It's a cab ride. never ever work. there again," social event." "We get people who offer us Russell-Bonavito said. Brad Berry. an 18-year-old pot, alcohol and sex." Russel\­ But he said he has no com­ Chico resident. said he has Bonavita said. But both he and plaints about his job. worked as a pedicab driver for another pedicab driver. who "It beats working in a fast about six months. identified himself only as food restaurant. It's a great way "You get to meet strange and "Tex," said they would never to meet people," Russell­ interesting people," he said. accept anything but money for a Bonavita said. add!ng that he met Other drivers, like 23-year-old cab ridc. his current girlfriend when she student Dan Gouveia, said he "You wouldn't walk into took a ride in his cab. likes being OJ. pedicab driver McDonald's and pay for a ham­ He said he worked 21 hours because, on top of the price for Vidor Macias, manager of Chico Peddy Cab and a Chico State student, gives two people it ride to burger with a six-pack." Russell­ straight last Sl. Patrick's Day and the drive to another bnr or home, Madison Bear Garden. On a weekend night, pedicab drivers said, they can make up to $135. Bonavita said. cleared more than $200. people give him "prizes." In addition. both maintained On a typical weekend night, "Somebody once gave me a They do. however, sometimes alcohol at each one. to take people home, which is that pedicab drivers have high he said he can make up to $135. Tacos de Acapulco burrito. Last participate in what Tex called "My cab won," Tex said. . often a longer ride, they will ask standards. Anywhere from 10 to 15 pedi­ time, someone gave me a Super . "special events." But Russell-Bonavito quickly for more. If it's just to another "Taking sex for a cab ride is.. cab drivers ride through the Soaker," he said. One of these special events corrected him. bar, most said they will only just bad business etiquette." downtown Chico streets between Every pedicab driver who was was a "Poker Run" t\lat involved "No, we wan," Russell­ charge a dollar. Russell-Bonavita said. Thursday and Saturday nights. interviewed for this story said he local sororities. Bonavita said. "Five aces beats a Whatever the price, it appears Tex said the most interesting Their major hot spots are outside never drinks while on duty. Some Tex said the sorority girls trav­ full house." that pedicab drivers will be thing he's cver seen while dri­ Madison Bear Garden and drivers, like Russell-Bonavito, eled by pedicab from one frater­ Most of the drivers said they around for a long time to come. ving a pedicab was an out-of­ Riley's Bar. will not allow open containers in nity house to another, picking up are paid whatever the rider wants "a's a part of Chico." Russell­ control party being broken up by Josh Comfort, a 20-year-old the cab. a card and a different shot of to' pay them. but if drivers need Bonavita said. Monitor your herpes, get paid Since 1993, the Student Health Center has done JulIa Spiess for participating in studies is students' symptoms is time Staff Writer not a negative thing as long consuming. six research projects, involving 217 students. "--~IThe students get as the payment doesn' t get The stack of paperwork for Some people say that genital excessive. each case is about an inch-and-a­ Pharmaceutical companies have paid up to herpes is the gift that keeps on special care, free ·'Most students are short on half thick. giving. funds and may find the monetary "There is a fair amount of $33,370 for testing 011 the Chico State campus. And the Student Health Center medicatioll alld award more appealing than they monitoring and a lot of study is sold on the same idea. It has should," she said. work and information put togeth­ - compensation for Qate Problem Enrollment Company Dodor given 76 students money for However, White said the er in an attempt to get.FDA - -- monitoring their herpes and three participating. health center makes sure that stu­ approval of certain types.ofuses 1993 Genital 40 students Burroughs Roth. other re-occurring ailments. dents are not paid too much _. of certain types of medicine." Herpes at $100 each Wellcome/IBAD M.D. It is all part of a clinical Tom Be~kman only for their time and inconve­ Beckman said the maj0l1.ty of research program that began live Student Health Center Director nience. testing they have done involves. 1994 General 16 students Burroughs Roth, years ago, said Tom Beckman, "The way that they do the changing the doses of medica­ payments ensures that students tions, such as taking a medica­ Herpes at $200 each Wellcome/IBAD M.D. director of the health center. A total of 217 students have golten ------"ing on the type and duration of will not take unwarranted risks," Lion twice· a day instead of only involved in the studies hoping to the project. she said. oncc. 1994 Yeast 42 students Bristol-Myers! Morrissey, cure whtlt ails them. In 1993, Chico State In most of the studies, stu- The health center asks stu­ at $100 each IBAD M.D. Medications for cold sores, University was recommended as dents parLicipate for one La two dents who are qualified if they asthma. yeast infections as well a testing and research site for weeks at a time und are required would like to become involved 1997 Asthma 13 students Abbott Pneuman. as genital herpes have been trial drugs - drugs not yet to keep a daily journal and visit and qualifications vary for each at $350 each M.D. researched. approved by the U.S. Food and the health center on a regular research study. Beckman said. "Basically this is a win-win Drug Administration. basis. "In the studies we don't treat 1997 Genital 20 students Glaxo Roth, situation for everyone," he said. The drugs being tested are in But the students are not the anything that we wouldn't nor­ Herpes at $200 each Wellcome M.D. "The studellts get special care, the final stages of ~lpproval, said only ones who benefit. mally treat at the health center," free meclication and compensa­ Becky Cox. White, the chair of Director Beckman said the he said. "And the result is tion for ptlrticipating." the Human Subjects in Research staff gets 10 take part in cutting enhanced care for students." Glaxo Roth, 1998 Cold Sore 65 students The health center has alreudy Committee. . edge medicine, and the health This fall, the health center Wellcome/ M.D. at $200 each conducted six research projects "As long as everything goes center g~ts extra revenue. plans on beginning a research Phoenix and plans on doing one to three well- that ~llithe ducks are in a Beckman said the center pl'Oject on the flu. It will be study more during the next two row - the drugs should be receives compensation from the households of three to eigh~ peo­ 1998 Cold Sore 21 students Glaxo Roth, semesters . expected to be approved by the companies needing to test their ple and monitor medicntions that . '. at $20 each Wellcome/ M.D. Students who participate in FDA after the research is done drugs: I between $1.000 and the household members· tuke. Phoenix the research projects receive here," she said. $2,000 for e.lch student involved. Compensation will also be avail­ between $100 and $350, depend- White sLlid puying students., But collecting data on able for this project. Students bag big bucks with cosmetic products Jessica Jones There has been a lurge because training is given to all looking for friendly people who Stall Writer decrease in the number of Chico new AVon representatives. Ilre interested in being indepen- State University students Mary Kay Cosmetics offers dent saleswomen. Although they Avon culling! involved with Avon, MUlthews unother opportunity for students cun for Avon, men cannot be Avon has grown a lot since its said, but she is trying to set up a to nmke money. It doesn't cost a Mury Kay consultants. door-to-door days, but hasn't I'und-raiser with the various SOI'OI'­ lot of money to become a con- "Wc're looking for people forgotten Ihem. Avon representa­ ities. Bulletins are posted around sultanl. und u lot of support is who have the desire to help tives sell to family, friends und Bell Memorial Union advertising given to each individual. other women," she said. neighbors, us well as set up thl! Avon 0PPOItunities. Sophomore Willow D' Augulli "We're really teuchers, but fund-raisers and host parties. "1've seen so many people hus been n Mary Kuy consullllnt without credentials." And it's not just for women any­ change and grow from their lime since Murch and enjoys Lhe It tukcs ubout $100 more - men cun also to be here LIt Avon," she said. work she does. plus ttlx. to get started liS· representati ves. New stiles representatives "It's u gl'ent opportunity for a consultant. This cost It's great for college students mllst invest $20, which includes unybody who wants to ll1ukc includes 'I showcase because a/' the flexibility, said adl11inisll'Utive fees to set up their money beclluse you get 50 per- filled with skin cure District Sales Manager Susan account. This account keeps cent of whnt you sell," she sllid. products, lipsticks, Matthews. track of individual sales and.the Butl110ney ian't the only good materials to teach "You cun move it to wherever orders in need of tilling from the thing. about being II Mal'y Kay customers with, etc. you are, so it's really good ('at' cOl11puny. cOllsultunt. Being II consullunt. Euch consultunl mllst be I - I someone not slaying in an arell Representati yes do 110t carry mCllns being yoUI' own boss _. ut leust 18 yellrs old, nnd I fol' a long tillie," she said. invenlory with them while they each consuitullt is in business for must findunother consul­ The rlexibility of haul'S helps sell. Instead, each representlllive herscU' and cun mllkc her own lunl or representuti vc to be a great deal 1'01' students enrolled is given a catalog for their cus­ hours, said Senior Sales Director their sponsor, Training LInd I in c lasses because they can tomers to browse through. At Nuncy DeMuree. wceklymectingli' are url'llnged 1 • work whenevcl' they please. The plIrtics 01' (,und-raisers, however, It's u greut job for students • ut the North VlIlloy Pluzu 1'01' .. ';; ;'~,,~J: .'.: ',:~'. ",'" ',\" .. only 'I'equirement: each repre- product sumples al'e on displuy becallse it's so I'lexiblc, she said. COl1sultunts to leurn more about "'" '

sentative must have one order 1'01' customers to look ul. It cun be tailored to lit the stu- how to begin thllir emeer lit "1,',"'1 ', .. illustration by Ion f:rooh;nun: : . \ . cvery ·two weeks. No special skills (irc needcd dent's schedule. Milry Kay is 'i Mnry Kuy, ' 1 '0, '\)' . ,I ,., 'I' :- ( :.- • J " ,'" ...1 " ..

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