'.' -.-.-.~ --~ .-, '0:; .,. .... ,-,..'--_......... .. .... ' ~ ·:,1 .:..-. ," . ( Archives LD729.6 C5 on:, Orion. vol. 41 no. 6 Can you dig? Sep. 30, 199B Volleyball team eats Meriam Library--CSU Chico some floorboard in confercnce loss against Stanislaus, sh~~;\~·l~ut -iifc might have been like ' for a group of uppity ladies, 12 tG~fm~~!,!E::Jagi~1 City hears students on noise Train hits Mallagillg Editor another Jeff Clemetson "rcasOlulble person of normal limebomb 2000 keeps ticking Stall Writer sensitivity." Staff mcmbers in Linda Post's SCNA Chairman Charlie man near office look forward to the year A fight for the right to party Prucsser said the section is a bad 2000 with mixed feelings of longer and Inuder ended in victo­ law. dread and anticipation - that's ry Sept. 22 at the Chico City "If someone can tell me what campus their job. They m'e among so COUlicil mcclin~, a reasonable pcrson of normal many who will wait for New After lengthy discussion and sensitivity is by the end of the Year's Eve cheers to be mufiled several motions, the city council meeting. I'll be happy to change Mia Clngolanl by the sound of terror. Then dccided tu act on a proposal by my mind." hc said. Stall Writer they'll wilit for the dozcns, maybe the South Campus Neighborhood Pruesser said the city should hundreds, of service calls to flood Associatiun to revise the current set clear guidelines as to what is Chico State student Mikl.: their campus phones afterwnrd. noise ordinance and ullow for unreasonable noise, He said that Martinez was attempling to ~ross Post is the coordinutor for the more noise on Friday .1I1d noise limits should .work for the tracks Friday on his way Chico Stutc University Y2K com­ Saturday nights, neighborhoods the way speed· hom,! to Englewood Apartments, mittee, which follows the trail of At issue was a section in the limits work for roadways, when he found his path was the biggest computcr scrcw-up The Orion/ Lisn RIYora ordinance that detines exccssive blocked by a stopped train and an evcr: tile Ycar 2000 computer Councilman Steve Bertagna discusses using parties to raise money. noise as any sound that disturbs a s(!(! Noise p. 6 injured man, problem, a,k.a" Y2K. It's thc few' "Thc guy. was laying therl.: that when the millennium turns blceding, His leg lookl.:d rl.:aUy over. everything with a micro­ mess cd up, but his foot was real­ processor will recognize the new ly bud," Martincz said. "The SIlO I.: year as 1900 instead of 2000. was torn up .md shredded and his Computcrs may implode. Banks foot was dangling there, A para­ may collapse, Electric power may Bringing down the· house medic picked it up and could fail and tons of perrectly good pivot it completely around:· cartOIlS of Ben and lcn)"s will go Terry "Turtle" West suffered sour, In othcr words, some people major injuries incl uding lacera­ expect total ch'los and arc busy tions to the head, a dislocakd securing their own undcrground elbow and severe 'lnkh:: injuries survival fortrcsscs, aftcr he was hit by a southbound Post said that rcalistically. the train. sky is not going to fall - but 38-year-old West was laying problcms will continue to surface down by the ntilroad tnteks Friday for nve to 10 years after 2000, Sept. 25 next lo Chico StBte The campus Y2K committee is UniversilY's Nellleton Stadium. not the only one in Chico prepar­ He was found west of lhe ing for the jolt. J 01111 0' Blicll. Lracks behind Eng1cwoOlI apart­ coordinator for thc Year 2000 ments at 710 Nord Ave, Action Group, hcld tUlOther meet­ Muninez didn't sce how West ing Thursday to raise awmeness, was hit by the tmin but he thinks "[t's difficult not to sound like the man was probably under the you're a little bit olf the ueep influence of .. lcohol or drugs. I ,I end," O'Brien said. "You uon't Chico State sopllLlmore Blair " wmlt to make waves out there at 0' Donnell was jogging with your job because your supervisor friends when they saw the tmill I1light think you 're a screwball." stopped .. nd the police speeding 0' Brien wonders whetilcr stu­ to the scene with sirens. dents will get thcir lotU1S if thc "I hope he w.. s really intoxi­ btUlking system crashes, 01' if cated or inebriated in some way professors will bothcr teaching because it must have rc.llly hurt courses if the state ctUl't produce if he wusn't," said O'Donnell. paychecks, Shoot, if there isn't Police said when they arrived any power. watel', sewage, or rood West did smell like akohol. delivery, who's going to bothcr The e!lly witness to the acd­ making illo class unyway'? dent wus the conduclOr who said Well. even if the rcst of the he was driving 25 mph activating world goes down the toilcl, the horn. amI l1ashing the lights Chico Statc will stay unoal. Post hccause hc saw someonc balled said the univcrsity has already up on thc ground. He thinks West corrected mUllY of the biggest Tho Orlon/ Chanlnl Lornora tried to sit up when the truin went problcms, like nUlking Meriam The ton:hed remains of the Sigma Chi house on the comer of Ivy and West'Fourth 5treets was demolished last week. Fraternity memo by, but since he was too close he Librury's 24-11oul' lab and the belli plan to move into a duplicate house that will be built in the same location late next spring. Construction for the new building is was struck instead, Financiul Aid Officc Y2K-com­ already underway. The house was stnlck by an .arsonist last May and the fraternity members who lived there were left homeless. West is now in stablc condi­ pliant. Luter, student e-mail will tion at Enloe Hospital. bccome sarely Intemet-based ami most students will only noticc thut university cquipment is L1pgraded sooner than would be expectcd, she said. Beyond Gil'lJ!rl1atorial"candidates denied Butte student uninjured in thnt, thcl'e ure a million little things that Imve bcen concctcd forum., in Sacramento debates so thutthe liprinklcrs don't sqLlirt lip at graduation und stu­ : Melissa Mikesell said Hamburg, who spoke at mishap with Chico student dents don't register for the c()'lii~iLmtiIl8 Writer Chico State on Sept. 9, Spring, 1900 semester, , . "The election is going to be Chris Martin 'in the meantime, there m'c A giunt blue banner pro- u monotonollS bore" it' nil the Stcljf Writ,,/, 464 duys left uillil Sunday, c1'uiming "Lungren, for putties ure not given ncccss III/DO. Since it's not a school , Gove1'll01' Chul'Ucter und publicity, Humburg said, A tmin uccident ncar Wcst day I won't huve u good cxeuse Counts" new OVCl' the skics of The two candidates who Sllcl'amcnlo Avenue caused ['01' missing class when my Sucl'Ul11cnto lust WcdneHduy, wcre allowed in the debate. bumper-to-bumper tmlTic. and alarm clock self-destrLlcts, , Mile's below this advcrtise- Gray Duvis, the Democratic impatience, as a pcdestrian was ment in the sky was Dan candidate und Dun Lungren, struck by u CUI' attempting to skip K, Bolwuler CWI be reached CIt: Humburg, one of sevcn eundi· the RepUblican candidatc, tmftic, police said. !JolClluie r@ec.'Si.c.I'I/(:llico,eclll dutcs for gOVCl'llor or llscd the one-hollr debatin.g Butte College student Ryan Clllit'ol'lliu. period to tllik ubout chu\'llc- Dustin, 19, was hit by 23-year­ Hllmblll'g WWI olltside tet" educutioll, race and old Chico Stllte University stu­ \ . Inside University Thcutcl' ut hcalth cllrc. dent John PicUl'd on Friduy , , Sucl'llmento Slale University Those two cundidlltcs arc evening, DLlstin was hit while where the ,third in u series of going to uictllte the ugcnlla or crossing the bike lane that heads Sports 7 Gubcl'l1IlLol'iul debates wus the cumpuignif othcr voices 110l'til on Nord Avcnue. The fub fOllr shlU'c ~clliOl' spotlight. tuking pluce. I-lmnblll'g, like Ill'CH't llllowed u ('orum, Dustin WIlS the pussengcr in a Entertainment·' 11 the othcl' fivc I'ccognizeu clln~ ,- Iillmburgtmid. , 'cal', pointing sou til, stopped in the Police aid Ryan Dllstin, who was hit by a car on Nom Avenue Friday. DlU'lcmUng colllllMt left Hj>c:ctutOfS clldlllci:! fOl' OOVC1'l10l' who' 'One topic all cundidatcs center lune to muke a left turn HlirreLl, not Hhllkcn. wel'e 110t ullowed to purtlei- suythcy would focus on is into 1\ complex ut 710 NOl'd cntered the bike !une," Mulollcy him coming. I just hellrd the tires en/endar :1.4 pute in the debllle, wus t1'ylng education, ' Avenue. Tl;ulTic WIlS bucked-up to suid. ' screech; he wus ulrcady there At thl.! sume time, Picurd wus bel'ot'e I cOLlld reacL" llLl tilCI'Ll, Do IIUlt, Lo get some publicity he said "Our public schools arc the point where thcl'e WlIS no' he bm.lly nel!dcd. .. ·bl'Oken," Omy Dllvls, hilS suid, opening ['or thc car to make it into trying to puss north tl'llfl1c in the Dustin wus U'1l11spol'led to DImensIons :L 7 , People are not going to reel .. "AmI' my fil'tlt p1'iOl~ity will bc the pm'king lot, suill Lt. Mike slime bike lune ut II speed or 20 Enloe HUlipillil by ambulance, Thc thlllg's Wu oc)' fUI' muncy ... like they lIl'e tnking purt in a Lo fix them." DuviH cites sLlch Muloney or th,e Chico Palkc mph, Malolley said.
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