Church of the Epiphany, Tockwith Parish & Village News

March 2016 Price 70p Church Services March 2016 Church of the Epiphany Tockwith A member Church of the Parish of Marston Moor Reading Reader 6th 11.00am Special Service for Mothering Sunday Fourth Samuel 1 vv20-28 Youth Club Leader Sunday of Poem Messy Church Leader Lent Sides person: Janet Marriner & Jenn Waller 13th 11.00am Isaiah 43 vv 16-21 Bev Greaves Fifth Holy Communion Philippians 3 vv 4b-14 Rachel Kelly Sunday of John 12 vv 1-8 Deryck Wilson Lent Sides person: Charles and Bev Greaves 13th 4.00pm Messy Church 20th 4.00pm Isaiah 50 vv 4-9a Jenny Tham Palm Luke 23 vv 1-49 Revd Roy Shaw Sunday Evening Prayer 1662 Sides person: Deryck Wilson 24th 7.30pm The Liturgy of Maundy Thursday Holy Communion with the washing of feet and stripping of the altar. Exodus 12: 1-4, 11-14 Joanna Worth 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26 Imogen Woods John 13: 1-17, 31b-35 Revd Roy Shaw Sides person: Susan and John McKernan 27th 11.00am Acts 10 vv 34-43 Stuart Coggrave Easter Day 1 Corinthians 15 vv 19-26 Ian Williams Family Praise John 20. 1-18 Stephen Brown

Sides person: Stuart Coggrave and Ian Williams

TOCKWITH ROTA - March 2016 6th 13th 20th 24th 27th 11.00am 11.00am 4.00pm 7.30pm 11.00am Mothering Holy Evening Prayer Maundy Easter Day Sunday Communion Thursday Communion Janet Marriner Bev and Deryck Wilson Susan and John Stuart Coggrave Sides person Jenn Waller Charles McKernan Ian Williams Greaves

Coffee Marion Diane Wakelin n/a n/a Jenn Waller Hainsworth Margaret Pam Williams Audrey Gough McBride Chalice n/a tba n/a Joanna Worth Neil Stobert Rachel Angela Susan n/a Deryck Wilson Church Kelly Jenkins McKeran Opening (Porch Only) Intercessions Karen Stobert Mary Shaw n/a Angela Jenkins Mary Shaw + responsory

The Revd. Roy Shaw writes......

I’m writing this on Shrove Tuesday-looking forward to pancakes for supper! But by the time you read this, in three weeks’ time, it will all be but a memory- although a happy one, I hope. Yes, it takes that long to write and collect all the stuff in the magazine, to edit and arrange it, get it to the printers and back again, and then to distribute it to your letterbox. That process depends on a number of good-hearted folk who give freely of their time; writers, advertisers, editors and distributors. A big ‘thank you’ to them all - part of that unsung army of volunteers who oil the wheels of our communities.

This long process of putting the magazine together brings to mind the impatient world we live in, which wants stuff NOW! And yet most of life isn’t like that, and maybe it’s foolish to expect that it should be. The world has high expectations of God and those who call themselves Christians- and rightly so. God works in his own time, but my experience has been that he is faithful to his promise ‘Open your mouth wide and I will fit it’. Maybe not NOW, but it will come. An old black gospel song has it thus; ‘he may not come when you want him, but he’s right on time.’

That sense of patience is something we could do well to remember as we look at other people too. Christians are often accused of hypocrisy, sometimes justly. But my embrace of the faith did not endow me with perfection. It gave me a desire for the better and the best, within the grace of God. I’m a work in progress, and God isn’t finished with me yet. There’s some way to go.

Like the production of this magazine, the better and the best take time. Patience with folk, rather than a rush to judgement, is a virtue which is being lost in today’s busy world with its NOW! view. Bear with me. As I say, I’m a work in progress.

Your vicar, Roy 01423 359003/ [email protected].


Messy Church this month is not the first Sunday in the month as it normally would be but a week later on the 13th March at 4.00pm.

Our first Sunday of the month 6th March at 11.00am is a special Mothering Sunday Service where we remember mothers living and mothers who are departed from this world.

On 24th March a special Maundy Thursday Service will take place at Tockwith Church where there will be the symbolic washing of feet and the stripping of the altar.

Maundy Thursday is famous for two things. The first is one of the final acts that Jesus did before his death: the washing of his own disciples’ feet. (see John 13) Jesus washed his disciples’ feet for a purpose: “A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” His disciples were to love through service, not domination, of one another.

In Latin, the opening phrase of this sentence is ‘mandatum novum do vobis’. The word ‘mundy’ is thus a corruption of the Latin ‘mandatum’ (or command). The ceremony of the ‘washing of the feet’ of members of the congregation came to be an important part of the liturgy (regular worship) of the medieval church, symbolising the humility of the clergy, in obedience to the example of Christ.

But Thursday was also important because it was on that night that Jesus first introduced the Lord’s Supper, or what we nowadays call Holy Communion.

Jesus and his close friends had met in a secret upper room to share the Passover meal together - for the last time. And there Jesus transformed the Passover into the Lord’s Supper, saying, ‘this is my body’ and ‘this is my blood’ as he, the Lamb of God, prepared to die for the sins of the whole world. John’s gospel makes it clear that the Last Supper took place the evening BEFORE the regular Passover meal, and that later Jesus died at the same time that the Passover lambs were killed.

Don’t worry although there will be lots of symbolism at the service there will be no killing of lambs!

During the weekend of 20th and 21st February a deep clean took place in church thank you everyone who were able to help with this. READINGS and PSALMS MARCH 2016

Sunday 6th Mothering Sunday

(Purple) 1st Reading: Samuel 1:20-28 Psalm: 127:1-4 2nd Reading: Colossians 3:12-17 Gospel: John 19.25-27

Sunday 13th Fifth Sunday of Lent

(Purple) 1st Reading: Isaiah 43:16-21 Psalm: 126

2nd Reading: Philippians 3:4b-14 Gospel: John 12:1-8

Sunday 20th Palm Sunday (Liturgy of the Palms)

(Red) 1st Reading: Luke 19:28-40

Psalm: 118:1-2,19-29

Thurs 24th Maundy Thursday

(White or) 1st Reading: Exodus 12:1-4,11-14 Psalm: 116:1, 10-17

Gold) 2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 11:23-16

Gospel: John 13:1-17, 31b-35

Friday 25th Good Friday

1st Reading: Isaiah 52:13-53:12 Psalm: 22

2nd Reading: Hebrews 10:16-25

Gospel: John 18:1-19:42

Sunday 27th Easter Day

(White or First Reading: Acts 10:34-43 Psalm: 118:1-2,14-24

Gold) 2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:19-26

Gospel: John 20.1-18

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You might be interested to see the new website that has just been launched for Bungoma Calling. At the moment it just covers the orphanage but the plan is that the theological training and school links parts will be added in the near future.

Pilgrimage of the Archbishop of

The Archbishop of York is continuing on his Pilgrimage of Prayer, Witness and Blessing across the Diocese of York, which is due to finish in May 2016.

Archbishop Sentamu said, “My prayers have led me to this pilgrimage. St Paulinus, St Aidan, St Cuthbert and St Hilda of Whitby in their time shared the good news of Jesus Christ with the people of the North. Praying for those who come to know Christ is a great privilege and a joy.

“During this pilgrimage, I would like to encourage everyone I meet to commit themselves afresh to try praying, be open to encountering Jesus Christ, pray for a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and receive the gift of the joy provided by Jesus Christ – and be thankful. Pray with me, and join me on the road!”

Archbishop Sentamu began his Pilgrimage at Whitby last December and has since journeyed through Guisborough, Middlesbrough, Stokesley, Mowbray and Northern Ryedale. His Pilgrimage will finish in York Minster on Trinity Sunday (22 May 2016). For the opportunities to walk with the Archbishop, and share in his journey, please visit:

stories fun

food crafts

Messy February was all about 'the last supper'. We listened to the Bible story, took Communion, shared bread and we made bread! There is a change to the date of the next Messy Church, it will be Sunday 13th March 4pm-5:30pm, as Sunday 6th March is Mothering Sunday. Hope you can join us. Messy Blessings Do you know anyone that has just moved into the village? Our aim is to make contact with them as soon as possible and tell them what we have to offer as a Church family. Our introducon is by way of delivering a Village and Parish News free of charge. Contact any member of the Church Council if you think someone may not have been seen.

The next “Let’s Do Lunch” at the Spoed Ox is on Thursday 10th March at 12.30. Please contact Mary Shaw on 359003 by Tuesday 8th March if you would like to book a place.

From the Church of the Epiphany Parish Register None this month

Tell us what you're doing... If you want us to adverse your event (for free!), please let us know in good me and we'll gladly include a menon for you.

Please note during the winter months unless otherwise stated evening services will commence at 4pm.

Please note ALL items for the April 2016 magazine need to be with the Editor no later than Wednesday 16th March. It has been a busy start to the first half term at Youth Club. The programme has included health & fitness, balloon creations, newspaper origami, pancake night and valentine craft evening.

Youth Club is held every Friday night 7-8:30pm, during term time in Tockwith Church and is open to Year 6 to Year 9. have fun•make friends•get involved Tockwith Church on the web

Let us know the things you would like on the site. Email [email protected] or telephone 01423 358588

DONATE A BIBLE We have a scheme that allows families to donate a Bible to the Church dedicated to their children to recognize the date of their Baptisms. We would like to extend the scheme to anyone who might wish to donate a Bible and dedicate it in memory of a loved one. If anyone would like to dedicate a Bible they are £15 each and we put the name inside the Bible cover. Please contact Angela Jenkins on 01423 358067

Did you know that Tockwith Church has a Facebook page? It is an excellent way to keep in touch with the local community regarding what is happening in church. It’s a great way to keep in touch with busy mums and dads and remind them of events that are coming to church. We pop lots of photos on of various events at church.

VOLUNTEERS Volunteers are not paid, not because they are worthless but because they are priceless. The smooth running of your church is reliant on volunteers in various areas from church cleaning, grass cutting, duties during services and helping out at various fund raising activities, we are always on the lookout for helpers. If you think you can help then please contact one of the church wardens – Angela or Deryck. MARSTON MOOR WALKERS

As this is Walk Blurb 24, it means we have now completed two whole years of ambling around the local countryside; well done everybody! We have never been rained off despite global warming/jet stream/El Niňo! This time eleven gathered in the old station yard off Linton Lane in Wetherby and the weather was with us again. In an effort to keep mud down to a minimum the first couple of miles was a straight line down the Harland Way cycle track. Formerly this was the to Church Fenton railway line and was constructed in the 1840s. The station on Linton Lane was built in 1866 (150 years ago!) when a link to Cross Gates in Leeds was laid. The whole lot was closed and ripped up after 1965 by Beeching, whose “Axe” has a lot to answer for. (One imagines a giant, like Ted Hughes’ Iron Man, wearing pin stripes and a bowler hat.) Incidental to our walk was a casual search for signs of “industrial archaeology” but all we found was one ballast box which was full of rubbish. On reaching the turn off, half way to Spofforth, we almost took a vote about crossing a recently flooded field which was a bit of a quagmire. Just in case the vote went the wrong way the leader set off and, in no time, had gained dryish ground. The magnesian limestone escarpment, over which the route passed, gives a short climb of only about 10 metres, but the fine views are out of all proportion to the elevation. It is like a chalk down in miniature, complete with Bronze Age burial mound and ancient field patterns. The airy path soon became a broad track, then the tarmac Lime Kiln Lane. Perhaps the name indicates how the creamy coloured limestone from the old quarries we saw was used. The lane brought us out into Kirk Deighton, next to the Bay Horse; (still in business but not on Monday afternoon!) We tramped around the margin of Wetherby then re-joined the cycle track to complete a steady 4.7 miles in 2 hours. Our March walk will go from Whixley to Allerton Mauleverer. Meet at Whixley Church at 2.00pm on Monday March 14th. All welcome. Please come along. Pete Pozman 01423 359731 07854313112

Tockwith C.E. Primary School

At the End of February Y1 and Y2 took a fantastic trip to the Sealife Centre in Scarborough. It was amazing for the children to be able to see such a diversity of marine life close at hand.

The beginning of the month starts with our Parent Consultation Evenings on the 1st and 2nd of March.

On Thursday 3rd March the school will be celebrating „World Book Day‟ where parents will also be invited in to take part in our „Big Read‟.

Children from Year 3 will also be visiting Robinwood Outdoor Education Centre for a very exciting few days in early March. Hopefully we will have a few photographs to show you in next month‟s edition.

We will be taking part in Sport Relief on Friday 18th March, so you may well see some strangely dressed people that day!

We will be hosting a delicious Easter Lunch on Wednesday 23rd March. Parents and grandparents are welcome to come and join the children for lunch. Please ring the school office on 01423 358375 to reserve a place or just pop into the office.

Easter Service at Tockwith Church is also being held on Wednesday 23rd March at 2pm. We really look forward to seeing some of you there.

The children will be having their class photographs taken on Wednesday 24th March.

School closes on Thursday 24th March for the Easter holidays.

Spring Flowers at Easter 2016

Once again we would like to decorate the church with Spring flowers at Easter.

The church will be open for you to bring your flowers on Easter Saturday March 26th from 10 – 12. For those unable to purchase flowers but who wish to contribute please contact Sara on 01423 358100.

Please bring your flowers to the table in the kitchen area inside church and we will place them on the windowsills later. If you have time for a cuppa the kettle will be on.

We hope to make this year’s display even more colourful. Thank you.

N.B. If you would like to bring your flowers in a vase , you are welcome to remove your flowers at the end of the Service.

Thank you The Flower Team

Christianity is being subtly ‘silenced’ in the public sector

William Nye, Secretary General of the Church of ’s General Synod who took up office in November, says that Christianity is being subtly “silenced” within the public sector in the UK because of a civil service culture, which treats speaking about faith as “not the done thing”.

Speaking in a recent interview with The Daily Telegraph, he added that he didn’t believe ministers had done it deliberately, and talked of the national support, including from the Queen, of the quiet work of the Church but added that quiet did not have to mean silent. He also reflected on church growth saying he believed it could take five years to see numbers bottom out and then increase.

For the full interview, please see: public-sector.html ON THE LIGHTER SIDE  Give me a sense of humour, Lord. Give me the grace to see a joke, To get some humour out of life, and pass it on to other folk The Laws that Govern the Universe

Law of Mechanical Repair After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch and you'll have to pee.

Law of Gravity Any tool, nut, bolt, screw, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible place in the universe.

Law of Random Numbers If you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal; someone always answers.

Law of the Bath When the body is fully immersed in water, the telephone will ring.

Law of Close Encounters The probability of meeting someone you know INCREASES dramatically when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with.

Law of the Result When you try to prove to someone that a machine won't work, IT WILL!!!

Doctors' Law If you don't feel well, make an appointment to go to the doctor, by the time you get there, you'll feel better. But don't make an appointment and you'll stay sick.

Coles Law Thinly sliced cabbage and mayonnaise.


What you put into your children’s hearts today influences their character for tomorrow.

Do you have information or a concern about something or someone that you think the police should know about then contact us on [email protected] alternatively call 101. For those callers who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired, the service can be accessed via text phone on 18001 101. The Parish Council has a permanent agenda item for Police Matters at every Parish Council meeting so if you have any matters to raise with the police you can also contact a Parish Councillor.

Crime summary for Marston Moor Ward – DHC

230116 – Criminal Damage to vehicle – Moor Monkton. Car wing mirror damaged overnight, no witnesses. 270116 – Dwelling Burglary – Prince Rupert Drive, Tockwith. Garage entered overnight via insecure rear door, house keys stolen from within. 280116 – Theft from vehicle – Rudgate Business Park. Parts removed from two vans, parked outside business premises overnight.

Fraudsters are setting up high specification websites advertising various electrical goods and domestic appliances. These goods are below market value and do not exist. The website will state you can pay via card; however when the purchaser goes to pay, this option is not available and the payment must be made via bank transfer.

The fraudster entices the purchaser and reassures them it is a legitimate purchase by using the widely recognised Trusted Shop Trustmark. They then use the Trustmark fraudulently and provide a link on the bogus electrical website to another bogus website (which purports to be Trusted Shops). This website shows a fake certificate purporting to be from Trusted Shops and provides thousands of reviews for the bogus electrical website. These reviews are all fraudulent. The website has not been certified by Trusted Shops and therefore the purchaser is not covered by the Trusted Shop money-back guarantee.

Protect yourself:

 Check the authenticity of the website before making any purchases. Conduct a ‘Whois’ search on the website which will identify when the website has been created- Be wary of newly formed domains. You can conduct this search using the following website –  Conduct online research in relation to the website, company name and the business address provided to identify any poor feedback or possible irregularities.  Check the Trusted Shops Facebook page where warnings about websites using their Trustmark are published. If you are in doubt about the legitimacy of a Trustmark then you can contact Trusted Shops on 0203 364 5906 or by email [email protected]. They will confirm whether they have certified that website.  Payments made via bank transfer are not protected should you not receive the item. Therefore always try to make the payment via PayPal or a credit card where you have some payment cover should you not receive your product.  If the item advertised seems too good to be true, then it probably is. Former Tockwith Chapel Organ Last year I reported on the fate of the former chapel organ at Tockwith and that it had a spectacular new home which is The Knechtsteden Basilica in Germany which can seat up to 1200 people.

The organ before its removal from Tockwith Chapel

The organ renovated and in its new home

A CD has been produced featuring music played on the organ by internationally recognised organist Andrew Wilson from the Royal College of Music and Director of Music at St Mary le Bow in the City of London. A limited number of CD’s are available for sale in this country. The cost per CD IS £12 inclusive of postage. Please contact Norman Waller 01423 358588 or [email protected] if you would like to order a copy before 1st April.

Put Something Back into Your Community Volunteers Required for Community First Responder Scheme in Tockwith and the surrounding areas

Yorkshire Ambulance Service (YAS) is looking for volunteers in Tockwith and the surrounding areas to join its Community First Responder scheme.

Community First Responders are volunteers who provide immediate life-saving care to members of their local communities in an emergency medical situation, such as heart attack, breathing difficulties or a collapse, in the vital minutes before the ambulance arrives.

The Community First Responder Scheme based in Tockwith went live in June 2015. Within that timeframe they have responded to nearly 20 Immediately Life Threatening calls in just 6 months.

The Tockwith Scheme is made up of 12 Active Volunteers that give up their spare time to help those in need within their Community. The Scheme provides nearly 200 hours per month on call and are ready for when the all-important call comes through.

They are trained in Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and the use of an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) which delivers a controlled electric shock to restart the heart. First Responders also carry portable oxygen.

Warren Bostock, Community Defibrillation Officer for YAS in North and East , said: “Community First Responders make a valuable contribution to their communities. We know that in many medical emergencies the first few minutes are critical. If effective treatment can be performed within those first minutes, lives can be saved and disability reduced. Being a First Responder can be extremely rewarding and I would encourage anyone who may be interested in taking on the role to get in touch.

“Many people volunteer as a Community First Responder to gain experience, to help their local communities and some people have had personal experience of a loved one needing prompt medical attention and can see the value in this initiative. Volunteers come from all walks of life.”

Full training is given to successful applicants who need to be over 18, physically fit and hold a full driving licence having never been banned from driving with no more than three penalty points. Yorkshire Ambulance Service will also run Disclosure and Barring (DBS) checks on candidates.

Anyone interested can find out more from by contacting the Community Resilience Team on 0333 1300516 or email [email protected]


Parish Council meetings are, as a rule, held on the third Wednesday of the month. Meetings are not normally held in August or December. Members of the public are welcome to attend these meetings and they start at 7.30pm and are held in Tockwith Church. The minutes of previous Parish Council meetings can be found on its own web site at The Clerk Dawn Dyason can be contacted on 01423 358009 or email [email protected].

The Parish Council is happy to provide links to local organisations, clubs or charitable bodies so that they can share information to the wider community. Please contact [email protected] if you would like a link. It would be a good time to update your contact telephone numbers and give details of your meeting times etc. We use the web site to distribute important information about matters that affect the Tockwith with Wilstrop Parish area.

Included on the website is information about the services offered by both County Council and Harrogate Borough Council. This includes advice regarding anti-social behaviour.

The present Parish Councillors four year term of office comes to an end on 5th May. There will be seven Councillor Vacancies for Tockwith, two for Cowthorpe and one for Wilstrop. The Parish Council encourage people to become active in their community and believe that it is healthy to have an election. This will only happen if more than the required number of candidates put themselves forward for nomination. If you are considering becoming a councillor then the Returning Officer Wallace Sampson will be holding a briefing meeting as detailed below.

Now is your chance to play a positive role within the community, look out for the Notice of Poll on the Parish Council noticeboards which give details of the last submission date for nomination papers. It is known that some of the current Parish Councillors will not be seeking re-election.

In considering its budget for 2016/17 the Parish Council have decided not to increase its Parish precept but at the time of going to print it appears that both Harrogate Borough Council and North Yorkshire County Council are going to increase their Council Tax charge by around 4%.

Revised plans for the Linden Homes Development 15/01484/FULMAJ

Linden Home have submitted revised plane for their proposed development off South Field Lane. The number of proposed houses has been reduced to 126 from 150. The mix of affordable homes has been reduced to 51 consisting of 8 one bedroom, 28 two bedroom and 15 three bedroom houses. If you have previously objected to the development Harrogate Borough Council should be writing to you. If you still object then it is important that you either make a comment on the planning portal or write to the Planning Officer Mark Williams. For those that wish to object and never got around to doing it the first time then now is the chance to do so.

The Parish Council concerns have not changed and following the floods and sewerage problems over the Christmas and New Year period they have asked for assurances that no development should take place without guarantees from developers that the necessary infrastructure will be put in place to prevent similar occurrences again. The Parish Council are far from confident that the sewerage works in Fleet Lane can cope with the additional houses planned without substantial investment.

Harrogate Borough Council Local Development Plan Harrogate Borough Council Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment: Initial Site List has been published and it is well worth taking a look at as several sites are listed in Tockwith. This does not mean all of them will be included in the District plan but don’t miss your opportunity to comment.

In 2015, the Corporate Customer Service Team from HBC introduced a new service for customers to receive information about council services and or promotions and have received a very positive response to this service. So far we have sent out a number of texts and emails including informing customers of alternative waste collection services over the bank holiday periods and details of the expanded recycling service. This service has not been widely advertised. If you would like to personally receive information on Council Services and/or promotions please email [email protected] with Your house number Your postcode Your personal mobile number Your personal email address and they will add you to their list.

We’re listening for your ideas for the Parish Magazine

The Editor would really like to hear your views on the Parish Magazine and particularly your ideas for themes each month. If you have any comments or suggestions please tell Norman Waller: [email protected]


Baptisms take place within our normal services – usually a service which will be a Holy Communion plus Baptism. This is because Baptism signifies a welcome into the church, and the beginning of a Christian journey. It only makes sense therefore, if this sacrament takes place within the worshipping community, who along with the family, welcome the child into God‟s great family.

Baptism can only take place when a priest is present at a service, and if you are thinking of having your child baptized, you need to give a long „lead time‟ to the clergy. It may not be possible for a priest to be available on the Sunday you have in mind, and you may need to be flexible over the date, although every effort will be made to meet your wishes. In the first instance, please contact one of the Wardens to arrange a date.

Please note:

Remaining Allocated Baptism dates for 2016 - 11th September


Are you a not for profit organisation in the Tockwith Area ? Would you like a link to the Tockwith with Wilstrop Parish Council website - contact [email protected]

Views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editors, the Clergy, the Village Church Council, or of any authoritative body of the Church of England Lois-z-Art Art Workshops Thursdays 10:00 – 12:00 Themed weeks for those with more experience. For more information tel. 01423 358264 Or email [email protected]

Time to Step in Line What springs to mind when you hear the words 'line dance'? Let me guess. Cowboy hats, boots, yeehaw, thumbs in belts, country music? Thought so. Me too, till I went to my first class.

I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. Not a cowboy hat in sight, not a yeehaw to be heard, an interesting mix of country music along with the latest hits and some very snazzy dance shoes to boot. Pardon the pun! I was well and truly hooked.

Line dancing is great fun for people of all ages. I have an 85 year old at one of my classes who dances for 90 minutes solid without a break!

You don't have to be fit or have any dance ability whatsoever. As long as we're all going the same way at the same time nobody minds what your feet are doing.

My new class started at Tockwith village hall on Thursday 25 Feb and is suitable for folk who have never line danced before and for those who have some experience. I give very clear instructions and walk through each dance several times so you have lots of practice before you strut your stuff to music.

And the opening night is free so if you find it's not your cup of tea, you haven't wasted your money.

I hope you can come along and join in the fun- but leave your cowboy hat at home!

Classes are every Thursday , 6.30-7.30pm, price £4.

More details from Viv Bolton 07931 508444


Tockwith Village Hall Registered Charity 508673 Dates for Your diary as of 14/02/2016 – Forthcoming village hall events.

Sunday 20th March 2016, 9am to 3pm – Drop in Café. Delicious home baked foods beautifully served – breakfasts, lunches, snacks and afternoon teas. A convivial atmosphere to meet friends and catch up on the week’s gossip over delicious food.

Sunday 13th March 2016 – Team Quiz Challenge - 7.00pm to 9.30 pm You don’t need to be general knowledge whizz kids to be in with a chance of winning this challenge. No sitting through round after round of sameness. This will be an evening of varied, interesting, challenging and fun quizzing and puzzling to stimulate a multitude of brain cells. Tickets £6 per head to include a light supper. Maximum team size 8 adults. Prizes to be awarded to the winning team members. Licensed bar. To order your tickets telephone Fiona on 01423 358 808

Friday 15th April 2016 – ‘Fun with Films’ with Stephen Brown - 7.30pm Whether it’s Pretty Woman, Star Wars or James Bond the movies are there to entertain and enrich us. Stephen Brown, a Tockwith resident, has spent a lifetime teaching and writing about films all over the country as well as internationally. He’s also been a jury member at film festivals such as Berlin, Montreal and Locarno. Join us to hear Stephen share his witty, informative enthusiam for cinema. Tickets are £3. To order telephone Keith on 01423 358 603 or email [email protected]

Saturday 7th May 2016 – May Fayre - 10am to 4pm It has been a while since the community gathered to celebrate the coming of spring. Well this year we hope to change that. There will be May pole dancing, Morris dancing, stalls and fun-fair games, activities to join in, music, entertainment and refreshments. And for those who are ready to stock up with garden plants there will be a wide selection to choose from. Children are invited to come dressed as May Kings and Queens and have their photographs taken on our May throne. The names of all ‘Kings and Queens’ will be entered into a prize draw. A lovely family occasion. More details to follow!

Saturday 17th September 2016 – Evening of Entertainment - 7.30pm to 10.30pm The search is on for new acts to entertain us at the next annual family-friendly event. As always it will be packed with 3 hours of the best of local musical and comic entertainment including some of our old favourite performers and new acts not previously seen at the hall. A really good night out. If you would like to perform please contact Fiona on 01423 358 808.


Friday 10th June 7.30pm ‘How to Research Your Family Tree’ Presented by Gary Marriner. "Have you ever wondered where your great grand parents lived or what they did for a living? Perhaps you are related to someone famous and never knew it, or maybe you just wanted to build your own family tree but were unsure how to go about it. I have found researching my own family history to be a fascinating and rewarding journey. By sharing some of my findings, I can show you how to get started and give you some insights into the resources that are available to you."

For information about activities and groups at the village hall or to make a booking enquiry telephone Fiona on 358808, Audrey on 359378 or Margaret on 358626. Alternatively look us up on the Parish Council website, see us on Facebook or visit [email protected]

Look North's Harry and Paul’s three-legged challenge to come through Tockwith Look North's Harry Gration and Paul Hudson are taking on a three-legged challenge for BBC Sport Relief. The pair will be strapped together for a 100 mile challenge that will see them travelling across North, West and South Yorkshire. Tockwith will be their port of call on Thursday 17th March before they end their walk in York the next day.

Harry, the reigning Royal Television Society’s regional presenter of the year, is no stranger to taking on tough fundraising challenges for the charity. He said: "When my editor said ‘we want you to walk 100 miles across Yorkshire for charity’ I jumped at the chance. "It was only after I agreed that she mentioned I’d have to be strapped to Hudson the whole time! The duo will take their first steps together in Rotherham on Thursday, March 10 and aim to reach the finish line in York on Friday, March 18. Their route will take in a number of key Yorkshire landmarks including the Emley Moor transmitter, Halifax Piece Hall, Saltaire and, of course, Otley Chevin. Weatherman Paul said: “The last time I did a three-legged race was 30 years ago at school. "I can remember falling over a lot then and just doing a hundred metres was tough! "So, I’m not expecting it to be easy – but it’ll be a great chance to visit loads of places and hopefully raise a lot of money for Sport Relief. "As for the weather – I’ll only have myself to blame if it rains all week!"

The stages for the walk will be: Day 1: Rotherham to Barnsley; Day 2: Barnsley to Clayton West; Day 3: Clayton West to Huddersfield; Day 4: Huddersfield to Halifax; Day 5: Halifax to Bradford; Day 6: Bradford to Otley; Day 7: Otley to Harrogate; Day 8: Harrogate to Tockwith; and Day 9: Tockwith to York. Watch out for them and give them a cheer.

One of Comic Relief's fundraising arms, Sport Relief takes place every two years and brings together sport and entertainment to raise money to help vulnerable people in the UK and overseas. To find out more or get involved visit .

Harry and Paul training on Otley Chevin SUNDAY SERVICES . . .

6th 13th First Sunday of Lent Fifth Sunday of Lent (Mothering Sunday)

TOCKWITH 11.00am 11.00am Mothering Sunday Holy Communion (RS) Service (RS) 4.00pm Messy Church

ASKHAM RICHARD 10.00am 3.30pm at Bilbrough Messy Church

BILBROUGH 10.00am 9.00am Mothering Sunday Holy Communion (RS) Service (CR)

LONG MARSTON 11.00am 11.00am Mothering Sunday Morning Prayer (LT) Service (LT)

RUFFORTH 8.00am 11.00am Holy Communion (RS) JaM Club 11.00am 11.00am Mothering Sunday Holy Communion (AD) Service at Methodist Chapel

RS The Revd Roy Shaw AD The Revd Canon Alastair Dunn IN MARCH

20th 27th Palm Sunday Easter Day

4.00pm 11.00am Evening Prayer 1662 Easter Holy Communion (RS) (RS)

9.00am 9.00am Holy Communion (RS) Easter Holy Communion at Bilbrough

9.00am 9.00am Palm Sunday Service Easter Holy Communion (CR) (RS)

11.00am 6.30pm Holy Communion (RS) Easter Holy Communion (RS)

10.00am 11.00am Family Service for Palm Family Easter Holy Sunday (LT) Communion (AD)

CR Ms Carole Ross LT Local Team

Through the kitchen door

Cheese and Bacon Loaf

4 oz of smoked streaky bacon 4 oz of plain flour 1 tspn bicarb soda ½ tspn cream of tarter ½ - 1 tspn dried mustard powder 4 oz whole wheat flour

2 oz butter 4 oz cheddar chesese (grated)

½ onion finely chopped 1 egg ¼ pint of milk

Preheat oven to 200ºC/400ºF, Gas Mk 6. Grill or fry bacon slowly until brown and crisp. Put flour, bicarb soda, cream of tarter and mustard powder into a bowl and stir in flour. Rub in butter until like bread crumbs. Stir in 3 oz cheese and onion. Chop bacon finely and add. Beat egg and milk together – stir into flour, mix well. Grease 2lb loaf tin, put dough in and smooth top. Bake in oven for 35-40 mins. Allow to cool in tine for a few minutes.


Save the date: Tockwith Festival Saturday 14th May 2016


Tockwith Pop Up Café. Sunday 20th March 9am-2pm Tockwith Village Hall Locally sourced sausage and bacon rolls Freshly baked pastries and croissants

Pots of Yorkshire Tea & Freshly Brewed Coffee Hot chocolate and cold drinks

A selection of delicious homemade cakes

Clarrie’s Corner

Clarrie East is the author of the book ‘The Village Story’ a book about Tockwith. He has many memories of the time when he was a young man in Tockwith in the 1940’s and this month we continue an occasional series recounting some of those memories. There are still a small number of these books available for sale at £7 each. Please contact Norman Waller 01423 358588.

Clarrie writes

I never regret being brought up in a small village such as Tockwith. Life there was an experience that I would not have missed. We got into some very minor mischief but we were taught what life was all about really. One evening, whilst still under 18 years of age, I went into one of the local Public Houses for a drink and order a “PINT” and the landlord served me with it and when I offered to pay he said “IT’S OK IT IS PAID FOR- YOUR DAD HAS PAID FOR IT.” I had not seen him when our eyes met he just smiled and continued talking to his friends.

Keeping the village all ship-shape Bristol fashion

You may have noticed that the village and Kirk Lane are less littered than they have been in the past. We have Bob Cooling (ex Vice Admiral, Royal Navy) to thank for his continuous efforts in litter picking. He tells me that sweet wrappers and crisp packets are the main problem in the village and beer bottles, cans, fast food wrapping and plastics are the problem along Kirk Lane. He says that the verges alongside the playing fields are often littered with energy drink containers and chocolate bar wrappers. Bob asks that we make a concerted effort to educate those who are less caring for our environment. In the meantime we are most grateful to Bob for his sterling work on behalf of our community.


If you have never been to a wine tasting evening hosted by Peter Maclennan of Yorkshire Vinters then you have missed a real treat. No wine was wasted by spitting into spittoons. (Well only if you didn’t like it) Eighty supporters of Tockwith Show Society met together at The Forge Tockwith for a highly social evening to raise funds for the President Sarah Burckhardt’s chosen charities Yorkshire Air Ambulance and Farming Community Network.

The evening was set in the style of “Call my bluff” Teams were given the task of listening to a description of wines read out by volunteers and then given some wine to taste and it was up to each team to decide which the correct description was. It didn’t really matter whether anyone was a connoisseur or not. There were a number of rounds so at the end of the evening everyone was thinking they were experts.

Wines from all parts of the world were sampled and it was clear that some of the new world wines were preferred to the established wines from France or Italy.

Peter Maclennan struck up an instant rapport with those who attended. Dean Hullah from the Tancred Farm Shop provided Peter Maclennan, with Sarah Burckhardt and Dean Hullah nibbles, cheeses and salami etc which all went to ensure that a good night was had by all. It was a perfect evening where everyone enjoyed themselves whilst raising money for a good cause. Many thanks to Sarah for organising the event - a novel evening which many hope will be repeated again. March 2016

Committee Members March Crafts

Registered charity no: 1115563 We’re always looking for new 1st – Mothers Day Egg carton

Who’s Who: committee members to help us flowers and world book day come up with new and exciting Chairman story. ideas for our little ones to enjoy! 8th - Going potty Kathryn Bye So if you fancy joining our friendly 15th – Pom-pom Easter egg 07919 222751 team then we would love to have painting nd Secretary you. Please get in touch with one 22 Easter egg hunt Lisa Robinson of us on your next visit. to Under 29th Closed for Easter 5s. Treasurer Emily Penn

Fundraisers Kate Pratt Helena Gill Clare Simpson Emma Bird

Playgroup We’re pleased to let you know that we will be joining Tick Tocks Leader and the Reception Class for our annual Easter Egg Hunt. This will Claire be held at Tockwith School on Tuesday 22nd March from 9.30am. Greenwood Please come along with a basket and join the search for this year’s Opening Times Easter eggs!! There will be lots of exciting crafts to get involved We meet every with, some delicious Easter treats and a raffle with fabulous prizes Tuesday to be won. We look forward to seeing you there!! morning

09.30-11.30 at the Village Hall

Prices Going Potty!! Babies Birth -1 year £2.00 Going Potty will be visiting us again on the 8th March, just in time to Toddlers 1-5 make some special Easter pottery gifts. £3.50 (the £3.50 covers families/carers Come along and get your little ones hand or foot print on a pot, or just multiple let them paint a picture on an Easter bunny egg cup. children) First visit is free. Tockwith Children’s Partnership Your community working together: Tockwith Under 5s, TickTock Daycare and Tockwith School Tockwith Sportsfield

Tockwith has some of the best outdoor sporting facilities in the country and is home to the Bowls Club, Tennis Club and both adult and junior football teams. Why not come along and take part?

Hiring The Sportsfield building comprises of changing rooms, showers, toilets and upstairs there is a large function room with a fully fitted kitchen. It is available for hire at competitive rates by regular users or occasional visitors for parties. All hire fees and donations are used for the upkeep of the building.

Contact Hiring: Dave Wilson 01423 358210 General: Deryck Wilson 01423 358364 Sports clubs: See contact details on relevant club sites

More information can be found at the Sportsfield website

DAD’S ARMY Stephen Brown reviews this new film version It would be hard to imagine the television Courtney’s Lance-Corporal Jones has been and radio series of Dad’s Army, nor the cleansed of any politically incorrect stage show and 1971 movie, without an references to the inhabitants of Sudan he ecclesiastical setting. The church hall and encountered under General Kitchener. vicar’s vestry commandeered for use by Michael Gambon, Bill Paterson, Daniel the Local Defence Volunteers (later Mays and Blake Harrison make no attempt renamed the Home Guard) were featured to copy those who first portrayed, from the very first television programme Godfrey, Frazer, Walker and Pike. A in 1968. The new Dad’s Army film running joke of the programmes was (Cert.PG) retains those connections never actually seeing Mrs. Mainwaring, though rather more tenuously. Gone is the the daughter of the suffragan Bishop of verger but “His Reverence”, the Revd. Clegthorpe, though we’d a pretty good Timothy Farthing becomes, unlike the idea of her ferocity. The film makes a early episodes, one of the first characters decision to feature her in person thereby we meet. And whilst he’s still a bit of a losing most of the humour in the process. fusspot in the present version, anxious The plot, involving a German spy in their that the platoon’s drill practice won’t midst (Catherine Zeta-Jones whom most overlap with the Morris Dancers’ meeting, of the cast find irresistible), helps turn decidedly there’s a ring of truth in how he Dad’s Army from sitcom into a full-length ministers to the guardsmen. The actor feature film. It’s amiable rather than Frank Williams, now in his eighties and a comic without losing the same fear of former General Synod member, continues invasion that the programmes often to play the vicar. He’s one link with the old displayed. The old series were criticised in Dad’s Army. Ian Lavender who played Pike some quarters for presenting the Home is the other, now a brigadier. Guard as a bunch of shambolic old dodderers when in reality most of them Most of the similarities end there. As were far younger. Over 12,000 guardsmen Dogberry put it (Much Ado About died on duty. Even though we see less Nothing), comparisons are odorous. The evidence of the men’s churchgoing habits present film is like some distant cousin than in the series there’s no mistaking the twice removed. To their credit, give or continuing Christian assumptions behind take a few catchphrases, the director and their battle for right over wrong. There’s actors steadfastly avoid replicating the even a discussion about life after death as way the original cast played their parts. they prepare to lay down their lives for Toby Jones (Mainwaring) is less pompous, their friends. Dad’s Army 2016 may lack more vain than Arthur Lowe’s version. Bill the programmes’ exquisite balance of Nighy in the role of Wilson, though fey, is characterization with narrative but there’s a more focused character than John le no mistaking the salute it gives to ordinary Mesurier who as those series progressed people doing extraordinary things in took on a vaguer demeanour. Tom pursuit of their beliefs

Thank you for your contributions - please keep them coming, we know that they are appreciated. York Thanks Barbara and Peter Harris "I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in." Matthew 25:35

Craft Club The Craft Club meets in Tockwith village hall every Monday afternoon during term time, between 1pm and 3pm. We enjoy a wide range of crafting activities, learning new skills, making beautiful things whilst having a good natter. Everyone is welcome. You don’t need to be an experienced crafter to join. Come along and have a go – £2 per week including refreshments. (Your first week is free.) Forthcoming activities will include: Group made quilt for charity, Easy-find key fobs, Handy-pack shopping bag, Spring wreath. Or just come along for the company and bring your own crafts to do. For more information contact Fiona on 358808.



It’s amazing how singing a few Spring songs can make the rain and the cold fadeaway. Why not come along to join us – what else will you be doing on these cold dark nights. We meet every Tuesday in Tockwith Village Hall from 7.45 - 9.30pm No experience of choir singing needed. Come and have some fun and meet some friends along the way. MARSTON MOOR PROBUS CLUB

Meeting for the first time in 2016 on Tuesday 26th January, Mr Richard Bull welcomed back retired Wing Commander Alan Mawby OBE to give a talk on “RAF Linton on Ouse 1937 to 2015”. Mr Mawby is now Honorary Curator of the Memorial Room at the airfield, which incidentally is open to visitors on one Sunday afternoon each month April to October. Mr Mawby spoke to the Club in 2011 and 2012 about the airfield from its start in1937 to the last stages of the WWII. On this occasion he reminded us of Hitler coming to power in 1935 as German Chancellor and the development of a German Air Force, contrary to International agreement. In 1937 the British Government decided to double the RAF and began building airfields and Linton was opened on 13th May 1937. Like many similar airfields the runways were grass but soon had to be replaced with hard ones. The first Air Commodore was Sir Arthur (Bomber) Harris. Mr Mawby described the actions that involved the airfield during the war including details of the bombers used (mainly Halifax but also Lancaster), the arrival of the Royal Canadian Airforce, Royal visitors and casualties on and near the airfield. In 1953 to 1954 air/sea helicopters were based at Linton. Then it became a basic training station for the RAF and the Fleet Air Arm. Prince William being one of the trainees. Now the training of pilots is being contracted out to private companies and will be done at Anglesey. The future of Linton is not clear at present, it may close or perhaps troops returning from Germany will come to it. The talk was illustrated with photographs many were aerial including some German ones. After some questions Mr Mawby was thanked in the usual way. The membership (men retired or partially retired) of the Club comes from a wide rural area as seen in the composition of the committee and the Club would like to welcome Guests and New Members at any time. Meetings are normally held on the last Tuesday morning of the month in Long Marston Village Hall, please contact the Secretary on 01423 358393 or just come to the meeting at 10 15 starting with coffee. We are very friendly and the meetings are informal. Our speakers cover a very wide range of topics, recent ones include, the music of Cole Porter, Yorkshire Shipping, the Battle of Waterloo, Magic, the History of Tartan, the RNLI, Motor Sport, and many others.  

The Society manage a small wood called Sandhole Wood Reserve off the bridle path between Tockwith and Bilton and which was planted in 1996. It has developed very nicely over the years but is now at the stage where some of the trees need to be removed. Advice was taken a few months ago and work has been ongoing since with only a few more trees to come down before the nesting season starts.

Over the years snowdrops and blue bells have been planted and this picture shows some of the snowdrops which are spreading well. The blue bells will be out in full at the end of April into May and it will be well worth having a look. Ian Williams

ACS is a local organisation dedicated to nature conservation and is a registered charity No 1000038 Contact Ian on 359196 if you want to help on the reserve. 

Our next demonstration is on Monday 14th March at 7.30pm in Tockwith Village Hall. Jeremy Taylor will be painting in landscape oils.

Visitors are welcome to join us. Entrance is £3.00 which includes refreshment.

Do you enjoy painting or drawing? Perhaps you like the idea but have never got round to it. Whether you are a beginner or more experienced you will be most welcome at Tockwith Art Group.

Join us for two free (taster) evening sessions.

We meet on Monday evenings (term time) from 7.30pm to 9.30pm at Tockwith Village Hall.

We also host occasional demonstrations and workshops by professional artists. Visitors are very welcome to join us. Entrance is £3.00 ( includes refreshments)

For more information contact: Janet tel: 01423 358253 or Donna 07532 461501


When you visit Church and you put some money in the collection – why not put it in a Gift Aid Envelope. It won‟t cost you anything extra but it will benefit the Church 25p extra for every £1 you donate.


THE DAY THAT THE TREES CAME DOWN AT ST MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS COWTHORPE The familiar scene for those of you who have visited Cowthorpe’s historic church (built 1458) will have been the imposing Lawson Cypress trees, which

as can be seen, had become overgrown and in a potentially dangerous state.

Once the application for a faculty to fell the trees was approved, local Cowthorpe resident Dave Evans organised for the maintenance division of Sanctuary Housing Association to carry out the work as part of their Community Projects Scheme. The hard work and endeavour revealed the beauty of our St Michael and All Angels Church. More work is still to be undertaken to complete the project but the initial impact is breath-taking. A big thank you and sincere gratitude goes to Dave and his team at Sanctuary Housing Association.

Article by Jacqui Marsden CCF, photographs courtesy of Anthony Hackforth & Roger Marsden THOUGHT4TOMORROW Personal reflections by Henry Woods

The recent scientific discoveries may renew in your mind as well as mine the apparent tension between science and religion. I have used the word ‘apparent’ deliberately because many learned scientists as well as lay people do not see science or the universe in that way. We only have to go back two centuries and imagine describing astro-physics today or the moon landings to realise that our listeners would have laughed us to scorn and locked us up as lunatics. They would also have ridiculed our description of the advances in medical and terrestrial sciences and of course the social sciences.

We readily accept that this vision of the past looking at the present is entirely realistic, but what if we cast forward to the future and assume similar advances in the present century? The picture then is of Almighty God revealing more of the wonders of His creation through the skills and learning of tomorrow’s scientists and technologists. Maybe colonies will have been established on the moon and Mars, and the international space station will have grown larger. We shall have developed ways of growing vegetables in space and even perhaps other foodstuffs so that space voyagers can be self-sufficient. I have not the skills or imagination of a Jules Verne to write the script for the future but extrapolating the present into 2116 is a dynamic exercise parallel to the one imagined in 1816.

The Church needs to make the case that science and technology are an integral part of our Christian faith. Too many people who do not profess our faith do so on the grounds that everything is explained by science and too few believers do not question this mistaken assertion. What can we do on the rare opportunities when a discussion about this important topic crops up? At the most simple level one can ask who originated the Big Bang. Alternative issues deal with the problems of genetics and morality, as well as the right to end one’s life. The Christian response – erring on the side of caution – should always be that man never plays at being God

So the Church has a responsibility to link religion with science , to counter the atheistic argument that science and religion are incompatible and that science disproves the existence of God. The place to start this process is the schools and both Governors and parents should strive to persuade the school to do so. See you in CHURCH


Archdeaconry of York Prayer

Generous God, you look upon us with love and mercy.

Build up your people in this Archdeaconry of York, we pray, and make your churches places of generosity and welcome, that we might nurture disciples of your Son.

May we seek to work as partners in mission, desiring the guidance and strength of the Holy Spirit, as we live out your Gospel in our parishes.

This we ask in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

THE DIOCESE How ancient words attract younger worshippers

The Book of Common Prayer, written more than 460 years ago, has been found to have a surprising new use: numerous churches have discovered that it attracts growing numbers of younger worshippers.

The new trend is easily understood, says the Prayer Book Society. Recent decades have brought so much liturgical reform to the C of E that fewer and fewer churches have been using the Prayer Book at all. And so it is only now that the younger people are even getting a chance to encounter it.

„They are struck by the beauty and relevance of the language, which has inspired writers like Shakespeare as well as churchgoers down the ages,‟ says the Prayer Book Society‟s John Service, who provides a link between the society, churches and clergy. He goes on: “Unwittingly, many of us use its words and phrases within everyday conversation in the twenty-first century.”

One south Manchester parish who reintroduced the Book of Common Prayer also found that “many of our older worshippers welcome the opportunity to attend services they remember from their childhood.” The parish has seen attendances at Holy Communion increase from around 30 to 50 since the Prayer Book service started.

For any church reconsidering the Prayer Book, John Service suggests “an initial step might be to introduce it just once a month, on a trial basis, so that longer-term decisions can be made on the basis of practical experience.” Details and support at: THE 2016 YORK MINSTER MYSTERY PLAYS

Tickets for the York Minster Mystery Plays - the biggest event the cathedral has ever staged – are now on sale.

The Box Office for the production, which will see the Minster’s magnificent Nave transformed into a 1000-seater auditorium, opened at 9.30am today (Wednesday 13 January).

The performances begin on 26 May and run for five weeks and, in keeping with tradition, a community cast will form the heart of the production supporting one professional actor – details to be announced soon.

The Plays’ are being developed by an award winning artistic team, including director Phillip Breen, of the Royal Shakespeare Company, and writer Mike Poulton, who recently wrote the scripts for the RSC’s productions of Hilary Mantel’s global best-selling novels Wolf Hall and Bring up the Bodies.

Due to the scale of the production and anticipated high demand for tickets, the Box Office is being provided in partnership with York Theatre Royal. Performances take place Monday to Saturday at 7.30pm, with general matinees on Saturdays at 1.30pm. Learning matinees will take place on Wednesdays at 1.30pm with a post-performance director’s/producer’s Q&A aimed at learners of all ages.

Tickets for the evening performances will be priced at £25, £32.50 and £40, with tickets for the twice weekly matinees available from £15. Tickets for the evening and Saturday matinee performances are now on sale, and tickets for the Wednesday learning matinees will be released later this month.

To purchase tickets, visit the York Minster Mystery Plays website at or call 01904 623568. Tickets can also be purchased by visiting the Theatre Royal’s Box Office at the De Grey Rooms in St Leonards Place, York and from York Minster’s visitor admission desks.

For full details about the production, visit or follow #mysteryplays.

Pictured: the community actors who will play Mary and Joseph in the York Minster Mystery Plays - Ruby Barker and Mark Comer. THE PARISH OF MARSTON MOOR

The Marston Moor Parish Prayer God our father help us to  Live for you  Love each other  Light the way ahead So that all our villages, and the world at large, may know you In Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Covering the villages of Askham Richard, Bilbrough, Long Marston, Rufforth and Tockwith.

THE PARISH OFFICE - Parish Administrator Miss Laura Nulty

The PARISH OFFICE is usually open on Tuesday from 12.15pm to 4.15pm and on Thursday from 1.00pm to 3.00pm. The telephone number is 01904 738262 (only during opening hours please) and the email is [email protected].

The United Parish services are every first Sunday and, when there is one, every fifth Sunday at 10.00am. These services are an ideal opportunity for the parishes to get to know one another and to worship together in a larger congregation.

I do enjoy a cuppa! Yes, he really does!

This is our opportunity to meet each other, and for me to hear about you and yours! I’d like to come and meet you, so why not invite me round for a cuppa? I’m setting aside Wednesdays from 4 till 5, and hope you’ll phone me and fix a date- 01423 359003

Roy (the vicar)

Tickets for York Minster The parish has an allocated number of free passes to York Minster for the use of parishioners. They may be borrowed for a day, and then returned to your local church. Details from the church secretary, or one of the churchwardens

Special Parish Services for Easter

Maundy Thursday -

The Liturgy of Maundy Thursday, with washing of feet and Stripping of the Altar. Tockwith, 7.30 p.m.

Good Friday -

Devotional service 12 noon-1 pm –Bilbrough

„Tenebrae‟ 6.30pm - Long Marston, with the Ainsty Churches choir.

Kirk Hammerton Methodist Chapel Serving the villages from Great Ouseburn To Tockwith Minister Rev Gail Hunt - Tel 01423 863298 Worship every Sunday at 10am unless otherwise stated.

Sunday 6th March ( Mothering Sunday) – Rev Arnold Clay Sunday 13th March ( Passion Sunday) - Rev Michael Wearing ( Service to include Holy Communion ) Sunday 20th March ( Palm Sunday )– Mr Martin Lightfoot Sunday 27th March ( Easter Sunday) - Mr Mike Greenburg

Tockwith Fellowship group Meets on the 1st Thursday of the month September > April at various homes.

Thursday 3rd March - 2:30pm – Mrs Ann Jackson “Reflect on a Bible passage” Please telephone Rev Gail Hunt - 01423 863298 for further details

The Village Diary Are you planning an event? Then why not use this page to give advance notice of it. All that is required is the name of the organisation, date and time and type of event and contact number for more information. Please forward your information to the editor by email [email protected], telephone 01423 358588 or write to him at Holmsdale, 3 Kendal Gardens, Tockwith, York. Don’t forget you can also supply more details of your event nearer to the time.

Location Contact

MARCH 2016 Sunday 13th Team Quiz Challenge Village Hall Tickets £6 including Supper Licensed Bar Tickets from Fiona 01423 358808

APRIL 2016 Friday 15th Tockwith Village Hall Tickets £3 from Fun with Films Keith Pope 01423 358 603 Presented by Stephen Brown 7.30pm Saturday 16th Tockwith Church Angela Jenkins 01423 358067 A concert by York Gospel Choir 7.30pm MAY 2016 Monday 2nd Bank Holiday Car boot sale Sally-Anne Hannington Tockwith Show Field 07702 624817

Saturday 7th 10am -4pm Tockwith Village Hall To participate contact May Fayre Fiona 358808

Saturday 14th Tockwith Festival Mark Smith Bands, beers and food 07595 414351

JUNE 2016 Friday 10th Tockwith Village Hall Tickets £3 from Talk on Tracing Your Family Tree Keith Pope 01423 358 603 by Gary Marriner 7.30pm Saturday 25th Tockwith Church – speciality show Angela Jenkins 01423 358067 Illusion2Reality with illusionist Todd Alexander – spectacular show which defies logic

AUGUST 2016 Monday 1st to Tockwith Church Holiday Club Karen Stobert Wednesday 3rd 01423 358979 Saturday 6th Tockwith Show – Dressage Event Saturday 7th Tockwith and District Show Steve Ross 01423 339863 Admission £8. Under 16’s free SEPTEMBER 2016 Saturday 10th Concert by Andrew Clegg Spanish Angela Jenkins 01423 358067 Note date change Guitarist and tenor Steve Criscole Music to suit all tastes Saturday 17th Tockwith Village Hall Fiona 01423 358808 Evening of Entertainment OCTOBER 2016 Sunday 9th Tockwith Church 150th Details to be announced Anniversary Service – presided by Archbishop John Sentamu

A reminder if you are planning events please notify me as soon as possible so that it can be included in the Village Diary this will hopefully prevent duplication of events which benefits no- one……..Ed 



Bands booked, beers tasted, food sorted. We just need you. Tickets on sale now – online, at school and in Costcutter. Get one of the limited number of Early Birds while they last Individual £10 Family £25

If you can spare an hour or two to help out on the day with a stint on the bar etc. it would really help the cause. Also extra hands Friday and Sunday for set up and knock down highly appreciated. Contact; Ed Bird ([email protected]) Mark Smith ([email protected]) 07595 414351

Tockwith AFC March Fixtures

Date KO Opponents

5th Mar 14.00 1st Team v Easingwold Town Home

14.00 2nd Team v F1 Racing Res Away

12th Mar 14.00 1st Team v Pocklington Town Home

14.00 2nd Team v Easingwold Town Res Away

19th Mar 14.00 1st Team v Rawcliffe Home

14.00 2nd Team v Heslington Res Away

2thnd April 14.00 2nd Team v Bishopthorpe United Res Home

Jottings from the Methodists …… From The Methodist Manse Every year, millions of people pay significant amounts of money to experience an extremely long queue, followed by the relatively few seconds of terror and thrills that is a roller coaster ride.

For Mary, that first Easter morning must have felt something like a trip on a roller coaster. On reaching the garden tomb she is down heartened having found the stone rolled away and fears Jesus' body has been taken. Then imagine the change in emotions a she encounters Jesus, now very much alive and walking in the garden.

But after her ups and downs (or is it downs and ups!) Mary feels anything but safe and having found Jesus alive she desperately wants to cling to him, for he is the security she longs for. But he tells her to let go - her security is not holding onto him physically but in trusting God for her ongoing journey.

On reading the story again it made me think - what do I cling to that I need to let go of and make a new start.

What do you cling to?

Whatever it is don't forget an end is only a beginning in disguise and everyday is a new day with our risen Lord.

Just a thought Easter Blessings Gail The Big One


Vicar Revd Roy Shaw 01423 359003 [email protected] Roy blogs at

http:/ As far as possible, Roy keeps Friday as his day off.

Reader Ann Watson 01904 738786 Email: [email protected]

Church of the Epiphany, Tockwith Village Church Council Members (VCC)

Church Warden Angela Jenkins - 358067 Deryck Wilson - 358364 VCC Secretary Marion Hainsworth VCC Treasurer Joanna Worth - 358825 VCC Members Peter Harris / Don Hale / Susan McKernan / Neil Stobert / Jenn Waller/ Major General Henry Woods / Imogen Woods

Tockwith Church Groups

Weddings and Baptisms Angela Jenkins / or 358067 Deryck Wilson 358364 Funerals Deryck Wilson 358364 Church Flowers Sara Sonley 358100 Gift/Aid Donations Joanna Worth 358825 Companions Drama Group Don Hale 358251 Messy Church Karen Stobert 358979 Church Music Group Angela Jenkins 358067 Children and Youth Leader Karen Stobert 358979 Remembrance Book Angela Jenkins 358067

Parish and Village News

Magazine Editor: contact Norman Waller 358588 – [email protected] Parish News Advertising at very reasonable rates: contact Susan McKernan – 358831 or [email protected]

Distribution Lists All magazines are distributed by a team of eager volunteers, who are located around the parishes, appropriately.

Please find a list of current distributors to whom you may contact with regards your Subscription, but also to “drop off” your copy and advertisement requirements! Tockwith Janet Marriner, 212 Prince Rupert Drive Audrey Gough, Bluecoats, Fleet Lane Diane Wakelin, 50 Prince Rupert Drive Susan McKernan, 32 Kendal Gardens Chris Leggott 8 Farfax Crescent Jean Birchill 7 Fairfax Crescent John Wardle, School Bungalow, Southfield Lane Bev Greaves Fleet Lane Tockwith (delivers Kirk Lane) Sue Bird 36 Westfield Road Margaret McBride, 4 Lucas Grove South Lyn Gibson, The Maltings, 13 Norfolk Gardens

Bickerton & Bilton Julie Davies – 9 Westlands Bilton-in-Ainsty

This magazine is NOT just for Church News. We want to include

information about events and organisations within our community,

so if you want any news put in next

months Parish and Village News then forward it to the editor Norman

Waller Holmsdale 3 Kendal Gardens Tockwith Tel 01423 358588 Before Wednesday 16th March or email [email protected]

Tockwith Church Notice Board

Monday 4th April Village Church Council AGM

Saturday 16th April 7.30pm York Gospel Choir

Thursday 28th April 10am to 4pm St Crux York

Saturday 25th June 7.30pm Illusion 2 Reality with Todd Alexander

Saturday 17th September 7.30pm Music Night Andrew Clegg plays Spanish guitar/Sean Chriscole sings

Book swop – Books are available in the entrance to Church to swop or buy for 50p.

'Don't forget the Food Bank' FOOD BANK DONATIONS can also be left in the entrance of the Church

Tockwith Church is open every Sunday 12 to 4pm