Jeremiah Minton

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Jeremiah Minton JEREMIAH MINTON 16 Witchita Lane Greenville, SC 29607 Phone: 864.884.6197 E-mail: [email protected] Website: SUMMARY • 19 Years Professional Graphic Design Experience • 11 Years Professional Programming and Web Development • Master of multi design and development programs include Adobe Creative Cloud Suite (CCS) TECHNICAL SKILLS Proficient and knowledgeable with a vast array of programming languages, concepts and technologies, including: • Technology include: Angularjs, TypeScript, Cordova, Gulp, REST, Ionic, Ionic 2, es6, Predix, Predix Mobile, Swift, Objective-C, Github/Gitlab, Gitlab, Subversion, SSO, Codeigniter, Magento, Expression Engine, Ellislab, HTML, CMS, CSS3, PHP, JSON, JavaScript, HTML5, ActionScript, XML, JAVA, C#, WordPress, Joomla, ASP.NET, MySQL, E-Commerce, Bootstrap, Phone Gap, LESS, SASS, CRUD, Spring Boot, postgres, Apigee, node.js, CI/CD Github/Gitlab, Sonar • Graphic Design include: Adobe Creative Cloud Suite, QuarkXPress, Pitstop and Microsoft Office EXPERIENCE Mobile and Full Stack Developer (October 2017 – Present) Robert Half: Client Michelin (Greenville, SC) • Establish the platform and procedure for create IOS, Andriod and Hybrid Mobile Application • Create app that was dynamic created by API call to produce JSON data that was used to create mobile App • Angular, TypeScript, Ionic, Bootstrap, JAVA, Subversion, Gitlab, ES6, REST, JAVA, Swift, Objective-C, JSON, HTML5 and CSS, MySql, PostgreSQL, Spring Boot, Apigee, node.js, LESS and SASS Software Engineer (October 2016 – October 2017) Apex: Client GE (Greenville, SC) • Lead Developer of Predix Mobile Development • Established the platform and procedures for create iOS Mobile Application • Created app that was dynamic created by API call to produce JSON data that was used to create mobile App • Created custom Cordova plugin • Cordova, Angularjs, TypeScript, Ionic, Bootstrap Predix Mobile, ES6, Gulp, Bower, REST, JavaScript , JSON, node.js, HTML5 and CSS System Administrator/ Programmer (July 2015 – September 2016) National Honorary Beta Club (Spartanburg, SC) • Maintained Servers and data Systems for the complete organizations • Developed application for internal use and also mobile application to be used at convention. • Maintained and developed the website and application that is used by employees and customers. • Codeigniter, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, JAVA, JSON, Magento, node.js, Github, Linux, Expression Engine, Ellislab, HTML5, CMS and Phone Gap Resume: JEREMIAH MINTON Developer/Graphic Designer/Photography (May 2001 – To Present) JM Studio (Greenville, SC) Clients Include: Web Development: Clean-n-Green (Marietta, SC) 2016 • Design and developed web present and SEO optimization • HTML5, CSS3, PHP, JavaScript, CSS3, Adobe CCS and Bootstrap Web Development: Busy Beez Movers (Easly, SC) 2016 • Design and developed web present and SEO optimization • HTML5, CSS3, PHP, JavaScript, CSS3, Adobe CCS and Bootstrap Web Development: Icellphones (Easly, SC) 2015 to present • Redesigned existing online store front, Developed wireless online site and developing Mobile App for pay bill • JSON, PhoneGap, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, JavaScript, CSS3, Adobe CCS and Bootstrap Web Development: Moonville Catering (Greenville, SC) 2014 to Present • Take over project for another web developer and finish fixing the site. • HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3, Adobe CCS Web Development: Cornermagic Games Center (Piedmont, SC) 2012 to 2018 • Design and developed website for non-profit organization • HTML5, CSS3, PHP, JavaScript, CSS3, Adobe CCS Web Development: Martin Printing (Easley, SC) 2012 to 2014 • Design and developed website • Flash, PHP, JavaScript, XML, Photoshop Graphic Design: Ultra Fit (Georgia, Ohio, South Carolina and North Carolina) 2007 to Present • Design Creative Flyer, Poster, and other promotional items • InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Photography Graphic/ Web Designer (February 2005 –December 2012) Martin Printing Company (Easley, SC) • Developed their online publication which is a flash base website that utilizes web technology to create a interactive site. • Established their online production system, which included training the staff and also tech support for clients that were using the site. • Improved the quality of work that came from the prepress department. • Filled in for all positions in the prepress department including the supervisor position. More job history upon request EDUCATION Programming: Web Development (2015) Greenville Technical College, Computer Technology, focusing on web programming such as MySQL, JavaScript, C#, JAVA, Visual Basic, and Mobile Application. I was also Senior Project Leader for my Senior Project were my team developed web base application. Graphic Design (2001) Art Institute of Pittsburgh, Bachelor degree, worked on multiple projects including a presentation on converting an old mine into a state park that was presented to congress. Page 2 | 864.884.6197 .
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