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Published by the Jewish Federation of Northeastern Pennsylvania

VOLUME XI, NUMBER 4 FEBRUARY 22, 2018 Federation welcomes new families to Northeastern Pennsylvania

To our extended Jewish family in We welcome you and your family to ‹‹ in Lackawanna, Pike, ‹‹ Numerous Jewish membership orga- Northeastern Pennsylvania, our extended Jewish family, and all the Wayne, and Monroe counties repre- nizations including B’nai B’rith of Amos For some of you, this will be the first programs and services that you will read senting all of the religious branches of Lodge, Hadassah, Jewish War Veterans edition of The Reporter you receive. You about in these pages are offered to you Judaism. and Auxiliary, Jewish Woman Internation- and your family represent one of hundreds and yours. ‹‹ A full-time Hebrew Day School in al of Hemlock Farms and others. of Jewish households in our region, and This newspaper will be delivered to Scranton and many part-time Hebrew ‹‹ Nationally-renowned institutions of this newspaper is provided to you at your door twice a month (except for schools throughout the region. higher Jewish learning such as Yeshiva absolutely no cost – an expression of our December and July, which are single-is- ‹‹ The Jewish Home of Eastern Pennsyl- Beth Moshe. gratitude that you have chosen to make sue months). If, for any reason, you do vania – a state-of-the-art nursing facility. ‹‹ B’nos Yisroel – based in Scranton. Northeastern Pennsylvania your home. not wish to receive The Reporter, feel ‹‹ Elan Gardens – a modern assisted ‹‹ Bais Ya’akov Institute – based in The Reporter offers our readers some- free to contact the Jewish Federation living facility. Scranton. thing on everything, from opinions and office at 570-961-2300, ext. 3, or by ‹‹ Webster Towers and Amos Towers – ‹‹ Jewish Heritage Connection – regional columns on controversial issues that e-mail at jfnepareporter@jewishnepa. subsidized apartments. in scope and based in Scranton. affect our lives and times; to publicity org and advise us accordingly. We will ‹‹ The Jewish Resource Center of the ‹‹ The Jewish Discovery Center (Chabad) for the events of our affiliated agencies remove you from our mailing list – no Poconos located on Main Street in – based in Waverly. and organizations; to life cycle events, questions asked. Stroudsburg. ‹‹ Scranton Community Kollel. personality profiles, Letters to the Editor, The Jewish Federation of Northeastern ‹‹ A Jewish Community Center – based ‹‹ Scranton Ritualarium – our regional a Jewish community calendar, and other Pennsylvania hosts many educational, in Scranton. mikvah. columns that cover everything from religious, social and recreational outlets, ‹‹ Jewish Family Service of Northeastern For more information about the Federa- to entertainment. including: Pennsylvania – based in Scranton. tion or any of its affiliated agencies, please visit our website at or contact our offices at 570-961-2300, ext. 1. Saudi-based Muslim body rejects We are pleased to be of service to you. With best wishes, Douglas Fink, President Holocaust denial Jewish Federation of Northeastern Pennsylvania BY RON KAMPEAS all since we share the same human soul “a radical, hate-filled, anti-West, antisemitic WASHINGTON (JTA) – A Sau- and spiritual bonds.” version of Islam.” Al Issa expressed a will- di-based Muslim group rejected Holocaust The letter was posted on January 25 ingness to visit museum the denial in a letter to the U.S. Holocaust on the site of the Washington Institute for next time he was in Washington. Memorial Museum. Near East Policy. Al Issa suggested the The appointment of Al Issa appears to “History is indeed impartial no matter letter was prompted in part by his friend- be of a piece with Saudi Arabia’s pivot Pay it forward & give to how hard forgers tried to tamper with ship with the think tank’s director, Robert westward under its new crown prince, the 2018 Jewish Federation or manipulate it,” said the letter sent on Satloff, who has written extensively about Muhammad bin Sultan, Satloff said. of Northeastern Pennsylvania January 22 to the museum by Moham- North African Muslims who protected “Taking his lead from Muhammad bin Annual Campaign! mad Al Issa, the secretary general of the during the Holocaust. Salman, the current crown prince who has Muslim World League, five days before Writing separately, Satloff described vowed to cleanse his country of extrem- International Holocaust Remembrance meeting Al Issa in December when he led a ism and return it to ‘moderate Islam,’ Al $902,000 - $902,000. Day. “Hence, we consider any denial of delegation of lay leaders of his think tank to Issa seems to have a specific mandate to as of Feb. 15, 2018 the Holocaust or minimizing of its effect Saudi Arabia. A former justice minister, Al transform the MWL from an organization For information or to make a donation call a crime to distort history and an insult to Issa had taken over the Saudi-funded Muslim synonymous with extremism to one that 570-961-2300 ext. 1 or the dignity of those innocent souls who World League in 2016. Satloff wrote that the preaches tolerance,” he said. send your gift to: Goal: Jewish Federation $910,000 have perished. It is also an affront to us league had been a linchpin in propagating Al Issa did not specify Jews as victims of Northeastern of the Holocaust in his letter to the muse- Pennsylvania 601 Jefferson Ave., um director, Sara Bloomfield, but instead Scranton, PA 18510 spoke of “this human tragedy perpetrated (Please MEMO your In Memoriam by evil ” and “our great sympathy pledge or gift 2018 with the victims of the Holocaust, an inci- UJA Campaign) dent that shook humanity to the core, and Mary Lil Walsh created an event whose horrors could not With much sadness, the Jewish Federation of be denied or underrated by any fair-minded Northeastern Pennsylvania extends its condolences or peace-loving person.” to the Walsh family on the recent passing of Mary Lil The Muslim World League, which was Walsh on Friday, February 2. A longtime employee of founded in 1962, is funded principally the Jewish Federation, Lil served as its bookkeeper by Saudi Arabia’s government. President from April 1, 1985, until her retirement on April 1, Donald Trump, visiting Saudi Arabia in 2012, during which time she provided excellent pro- June, encouraged it and other Sunni Arab Federation fessional services for and on behalf of this Federation. countries to combat radical Islam. She was a fine and caring person who brought honor Holocaust denial has proliferated for to our Federation and continually demonstrated love decades in the Arab and Muslim worlds, on Facebook and respect to her large family based primarily in sometimes encouraged by official -gov Scranton. Her presence and her many kindnesses are ernment bodies, including in the past by The Jewish Federation of Northeast- a loss for all who knew and respected her. She will Mary Lil Walsh Saudi Arabia. President Barack Obama ern Pennsylvania now has a page on never be forgotten and she will be deeply missed. in his 2009 speech to the Muslim world Facebook to let community members May her memory forever be a blessing, as was her presence among us, and may delivered in Cairo said the perpetuation know about upcoming events and keep she rest in peace. of Holocaust denial was an obstruction to connected. better relations with the West. Candle lighting INSIDE THIS ISSUE February 23...... 5:28 pm Siberia’s soldiers’ shul Rewriting history Art mecca in NJ March 2...... 5:36 pm March 9...... 5:45 pm A century-old Siberian isn’t the only european An Israeli entrepreneur based in built by abducted child soldiers is country trying to police what can New York City wants to make New PLUS now back in Jewish hands. be said about the Holocaust. Jersey an artists’ mecca. Opinion...... 2 Story on page 4 Story on page 5 Story on page 7 D’var Torah...... 8 2 THE REPORTER ■ FEBRUARY 22, 2018 A MATTER OF OPINION Gaza needs to look in the mirror BY JONATHAN S. TOBIN settler and settlement in an effort to cre- because the welfare of the Palestinian and has been forced to build an (JNS) Gaza is broke. As a recent front- ate a de facto separation between Jews people or even the building up of a state underground barrier to prevent the tactic page New York Times feature explained and Arabs. The international community that would protect them and their interests from succeeding. at length, the conflict between the Gaza cheered when philanthropists purchased has never been the primary goal of either But if the focus of Palestinian nation- Strip’s Hamas overlords and the Fatah the greenhouses built by Jews in order to Hamas or Fatah. alism had been on state-building and party that runs the West Bank has resulted give them to the Palestinians. The intent The United Nations pays for schools enabling their economy and vital services in a cash crunch that has left many of the was to allow Gaza to become an incubator and other services via its UNRWA refugee to thrive, the people of Gaza wouldn’t be compact area’s two million people without of development and peace. But within agency, which exists to keep Palestinian in this fix. Had even part of the money money. Along with Gaza’s inadequate hours of the withdrawal, the greenhouses refugees in place in order to perpetuate the spent on waging a pointless war against infrastructure, the resulting poverty from were demolished by angry Palestinian conflict with Israel. Just as importantly, Israel been spent on infrastructure, Gaza this crisis contributes to a general picture mobs determined to erase every trace of foreign donors have poured billions into couldn’t be depicted, albeit often falsely, of despair for many Palestinians. the Jewish presence. both the West Bank and Gaza in the past as the poorest place on Earth. Of course, the notion that everyone in This goes a long way toward explaining two decades. Yet little of that money has That’s why the people of Gaza and their Gaza is starving is an exaggeration. As why poverty is endemic in Gaza. It’s true been spent on providing a better life for rulers need to look in the mirror when they journalist Tom Gross points out, Gaza’s that Israel has blockaded the territory since the people of Gaza. talk about their plight. Blaming Israel or thriving malls continue to operate, as does Hamas seized control of it in a bloody 2007 The reason is that almost all of the Egypt or the indifference of the world for its water park, restaurants and hotels, coup, though it has continued to allow resources that have poured into Gaza for their situation ignores the fact that the inconvenient facts that are missing from food and medical supplies in and to pay infrastructure have paid for Hamas’ mili- cash crunch and grinding poverty of many the Times story and most of the coverage for its electricity. Egypt has also severely tary efforts. Vast sums have been spent on Gazans was the inevitable result of their of the current crisis. restricted entry to Gaza. Both countries creating enormous underground bunkers own choices. At every point in the last But even if we concede that the talk of were rightly determined to isolate the for Hamas leaders and fighters, and to century, the Palestinians have chosen war a humanitarian crisis in Gaza is probably Islamist terrorist state. store their missiles and other weapons. instead of peace. They prioritized a war exaggerated if for no other reason than That crunch was exacerbated when the Each time Hamas launches terrorist wars whose goal remains Israel’s destruction we’ve been hearing variations on this P.A. began to squeeze Hamas by cutting off against Israel, these structures are rebuilt over building a state that could live in peace theme for 25 years, there’s no question its financial contributions to Gaza in order and enlarged. We were often told during alongside that of the Jews. that most of the people there are poor and to force the Islamists to cede power. There those conflicts that it is unfair that the That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have have little hope of improving their plight. have been two sets of public employees in people of Gaza have no air raid shelters. some sympathy for them or that efforts to This means, as it almost always does, Gaza – one paid by Hamas and the other But in Gaza, the shelters are for the bombs, ameliorate their plight shouldn’t be under- that Israel will be blamed for this awful paid by the P.A. The current money crunch not the people. taken. But those who wish to help must – as situation. Since the world considers that means tens of thousands of people in both Just as much has been spent on building the U.S. is belatedly doing – demand that Israel is still “occupying” Gaza, and groups are now out of cash. an equally vast network of tunnels aimed the Palestinians stop spending on terror. is therefore responsible for the coastal But Gaza’s problems go deeper than at the Israeli border. The purpose was to Until they do, philanthropic intentions territory’s problems, it is only natural the question of who pays for Hamas facilitate murder and kidnapping raids won’t do a thing to change the situation. that the worse things get there, the more and Fatah patronage jobs, or which of into the Jewish state, as we saw during Jonathan S. Tobin is editor-in-chief of opprobrium will be directed at the Jewish its governing factions is paying the bills the Israel-Hamas war in 2014. Since then, JNS – the Jewish News Syndicate. Follow state in international forums and the press. for its bureaucracy. If Gaza is poor, it’s even more terror tunnels have been built him on Twitter, @jonathans_tobin. This is wrong, but not just because Israel hasn’t occupied Gaza since 2005. In 2005, then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon withdrew every Israeli soldier, My kids live in Israel – should I follow them? BY SUSAN HORNSTEIN But now, everything is different. My in- We might be able to get jobs in Israel; we (Kveller via JTA) – I have three chil- laws have passed away. My nest is empty. might not. As we get a little older every year, “ The Reporter” (USPS #482) is published bi-weekly by the Jewish Federation of Northeastern Pennsylvania, 601 Jefferson dren. Three healthy, wonderful, grown-up My father is still relatively healthy. And those transitions become more difficult. Ave., Scranton, PA 18510. children. I have a wonderful husband. And my kids span the ocean. But recently, I’ve been thinking about President: David Malinov I have a father, a brother and sister-in-law, My kids call every Friday. During Tzur Yisrael, which means “Rock of Executive Director: Mark Silverberg and other friends and relatives whom I these weekly conversations, I ask them Israel” – or God. Rocks are a recurring love. Sounds good, no? It is good. It’s for a snippet, something I can have at the theme in the Bible: In the book of Genesis, Executive Editor: Rabbi Rachel Esserman very good. ready when people ask me, “How are the Jacob puts his head down on a stone and Layout Editor: Diana Sochor kids doing?” Something along the lines has a prophetic dream of the protective Assistant Editor: Ilene Pinsker Yet I often say that I live between a Production Coordinator: Jenn DePersis rock and a hard place. Here’s why. of, “She’s loving her job” or “He went on angels ascending and descending a lad- Advertising Representative: Bonnie Rozen My husband and I live in New Jersey, a hike in the Judaean hills.” Something der between heaven and earth. The Ten Bookkeeper: Kathy Brown where we settled when we married 28 easy, so I don’t have to scramble, so I Commandments were created of stone. years ago and raised our children. We don’t have to sort through the feelings Rocks can be hard and uncomfortable, OPINIONS The views expressed in raised them with a love of family, a love of of worry, pride and longing every time but like God, they are steady, reliable and editorials and opinion pieces are those God and Torah, a love of humankind and someone wants an update. persistent. Gems are made of stone. And of each author and not necessarily a love of Israel. All three have embraced Lately, however, no one asks for snip- as the book of Psalms reminds us, “The the views of the Jewish Federation of those loves and express them in their own pets. They just ask, “So when are you stone that was spurned by the builders Northeastern Pennsylvania. individual ways. going?” They mean to Israel – and they turned out to be the cornerstone.” LETTERS The Reporter welcomes Our oldest daughter, who is 25, lives don’t mean a visit. They mean, “When What I’ve realized is when I say I’m letters on subjects of interest to the a few hours away and teaches at a Jew- are you moving to Israel?” between a rock and a hard place, what I Jewish community. All letters must be ish day school. She is known as a tough Everyone asks: Israelis, Americans, my really mean is that I’m squeezed between signed and include a phone number. and loving teacher, a loyal friend and an colleagues at work, people I barely know. two good things. So, for now, I will con- The editor may withhold the name integral part of her community. We see I know I need a snippet for this, too. But I tinue to live between my precious rock upon request. her every few months. She is far away, find the question deeply troubling – hence and my steady hard place. ADS The Reporter does not necessar- but not too far. the rock and the hard place. Both my rock and my hard place are ily endorse any advertised products Our second daughter lives in Jerusalem. I have always wanted to live in Israel – very good, even when they leave me a and services. In addition, the paper and at the same time, I’ve always wanted to little bumped and bruised. And I need be is not responsible for the kashruth of At 19, she moved to Israel and joined live right here in the U.S. I want to be near comfortable, living here in the middle, any advertiser’s product or establish- the Israel Defense Forces. Other caring ment. adults – relatives, friends and members of all my kids. And, in the future, please God, and I need to have confidence that the DEADLINE Regular deadline is two a support network for foreigners serving I’ll want to be near all my grandchildren. balance will sort itself out. I need to be weeks prior to the publication date. in the Israeli army – parented her in our I want to be near my father and his wife, able to answer, “We’ll see,” and believe absence. Now 22, she has finished her to be close when they will inevitably need it. And if I can create a space for myself FEDERATION WEBSITE: army service and is in college, spending me. I want to be near my family, the ones between the rock and the hard place, the Shabbat with friends, working in a book- here and in Israel, and near the friends who answers might have room to become clear. store and living her dream. have become like family, in both countries. Susan Hornstein is an Orthodox Jewish HOW TO SUBMIT ARTICLES: Our third child, a son, lives in Israel as My husband and I just returned from a Zionist feminist living in Highland Park, 601 Jefferson Ave., Scranton, PA Mail: well. At 19, he also made recently long trip to Israel, where we spent quality NJ. She holds a doctorate in cognitive 18510 time with both kids, dear cousins and old psychology and works as an information E-mail: [email protected] and will enter the IDF in the spring. He, too, Fax: (570) 346-6147 has caring adults in his life, some of those friends. We also spent a few days looking architect and website designer. She is the Phone: (570) 961-2300 same relatives and friends, and his yeshiva around at communities to see where we’d director of the Central Jersey Chapter of community who have their eyes on him. feel at home. Even though that part was my HaZamir, the International Jewish teen HOW TO REACH When I was their age, I was sure that I idea – and I’m glad we did it – I was very choir, and sings and gives divrei Torah THE ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE: would spend the bulk of my life in Israel. nervous about this aspect of the trip because around New Jersey. Phone: (800) 779-7896, ext. 244 But I didn’t. I found life, love and employ- it made me confront the question of moving Kveller is a community of women E-mail: [email protected] ment here in the U.S. – and then I stayed. yet again. And there is no good answer. and parents who convene online to In fact, the topic of living in Israel barely I have a good job in the U.S., with a share, celebrate and commiserate their SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION: came up again, as my husband, an only salary and health insurance. My husband experiences of raising kids through a Phone: (570) 961-2300 child, was not free to leave his parents. has a good job, too. We are comfortable. Jewish lens. Visit FEBRUARY 22, 2018 ■ THE REPORTER 3 COMMUNITY NEWS Bais Yaakov of Scranton production of “Journey of Faith” in memory of Rebbetzin Esther Tendler The first performance of the Bais Yaakov production “Two journeys took place to eretz Yisrael, so different, Mechina program in Ner Yisroel Yeshivas Ner Israelfor of “Journey of Faith,” the original play written by Adina yet so similar,” said a school reprsentative. “Recognizing almost 50 years. Rebbetzin Tendler who taught for many Turoff, was held on February 3,Motzei Shabbos Kodesh. Hashem’s kindness and building bitachon (confidence) years in Bais Yaakov of Baltimore, and was a guidance The play was dedicated in loving memory of Rebbetzin are middos (character traits) that come to the fore in both counselor, nurse and partner in Torah. She worked as a Esther Tendler, a”h (Esther Fraida bas Menachem Mendel). tales, as two girls record their observations throughout nurse with special needs children in the summers. She A large crowd filled the room in the Beth Shalom Social these unusual journeys as they face the unexpected and was considered more than a teacher and nurse. “She was a Hall. The sets were created by the students. A song and learn the lesson of true bitachon.” mentor and role model to all who knew her,” said a school dance with girls in grades three-eight was choreographed Bais Yaakov chose to dedicate its play in memory of reprsentative. “Her emunah (faith) and bitachon in Hashem by Shira Laury and Rayzel Gittel Pion. The dances for Tendler, who was called a true aishes chayil (woman of were exceptional. She lived her life with Hashem and for the high school students were choreographed by Chavy valor) who stood beside her husband, Harav Yosef Tendler Hashem, always talking to him and seeking his advice. Schwartz, Bais Yaakov’s physical education teacher. z”l (of blessed memory), the menahel (principal) of the Together with her husband, she raised a large family of Bnei Torah, true nachas for her. We at the Bais Yaakov felt that the title of our play expresses the way she lived her life. JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE NOTES A true journey of faith. The tzedakah raised for the Bais Yaakov should be a true aliyah for her neshama (soul).” The production was made possible by Leah Laury and Is Kosher Meals on Wheels for you? family. The school would like to thank all our sponsors for their support. Jewish Family Service of Northeastern worker will make an appointment for a home Pennsylvania has a special concern for the visit to help evaluate and determine if addi- elderly in our community and is proud to offer tional services would be beneficial. Part of this programs and services that encourage healthy evaluation is making sure the client is receiving DEADLINES aging. The purpose of JFS’s Older Ault Pro- all services available, such as transportation. If gram Services is to promote and preserve the someone is needed to coordinate and arrange The following are deadlines for all articles and dignity, self-respect and independence of the access to these services, JFS can help. photos for upcoming Reporter issues. individual to the fullest extent possible. One of Kosher Meals on Wheels can be paid for DEADLINE ISSUE these services is the Kosher Meals on Wheels privately per meal. If an individual is in need Thursday, February 22...... March 8 program (or KMOW). Home delivered kosher Maggy Bushwick of home delivered meals, but unable to pay, the Thursday, March 8...... March 22 meals are provided for persons who live in our JFS social workers can also assess the situation Thursday, March 22...... April 5 community. The goal of the Kosher Meals on Wheels for financial assistance. program is to provide balanced nutritional meals to The meals are delivered five days of the week by dedicated Tuesday, April 3, early...... April 19 those who temporarily or permanently would be unable volunteers. The volunteers are screened and trained by Jewish to prepare meals on their own. Nutritious meals are Family Service. When a client lives out of Scranton ,special important in preventing individuals from becoming ill arrangements will be made to have the meals delivered. and/or assisting people to recover from hospitalization. If you, or someone you know, may benefit from Kosher PERSONAL CARE HOME The meals are prepared at the Jewish Home of Eastern Meals on Wheels or if you’d like to become a volunteer ADMINISTRATOR Pennsylvania under rabbinical supervision so clients can for KMOW, call Maggy Bushwick, LCSW, NCG, co- continue to observe their religious dietary laws. ordinator of Older Adult Services, at 570-344-1186 or Faith-based, not-for-profit 75 bed facility When someone calls to receive KMOW, the social e-mail [email protected] to discuss further details. seeks an experienced administrator. Must have a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree. PCH Administrator license Summer camps offer kids an or NHA license is required or must be prepared to seek license. This hands on immersion in Israel’s tech prowess position requires human resource skills, marketing and social media experience, BY ELLEN BRAUNSTEIN summer, Carrie signed up Sam, understanding that he knowledge of Word and Excel and strong CHICAGO (JTA) – Sam Rosen, a 10-year-old Mine- would learn programming or, as she calls it, “the back communication skills. Supervisory craft player, builds virtual castles at his computer and end of games.” Published by the Jewish Federation of Greater Binghamton protects himself from monsters. His mother, Carrie, The new specialty camp, offering different tech work- experience is a must as is building and a high school math teacher, knows the game teaches shops for second- to ninth-graders, is one of the first grounds knowledge. Experience working tech skills and engineering – valuable skills he can North American partnerships for BIG IDEA in Israel. with a Board of Directors is preferred. build on in school. So when JCC Chicago announced BIG IDEA, a 10-year-old tech sleepaway camp located plans to roll out a tech day camp for the first time this on the outskirts of Zichron Yaakov, is where 1,000 ele- Send resume in confidence to mentary to high school-aged children from around the [email protected] world get a taste of Israel’s culture of innovation every summer. It also runs travel trips and a gap year program. EOE “This is pretty new and exciting for us,” said Dotan Tamir, the 34-year-old founder and CEO of BIG IDEA Educational Projects, of the Chicago spinoff. “It’s part of our mission to help kids in the Jewish world dream of a See “Camps” on page 8

To advertise, contact Bonnie Rozen at 800-779-7896, ext. 244 or bonnie@ Campers at BIG IDEA/JCC Day Camp in Tenafly, NJ, incorporated robotics into Lego projects. (Photo courtesy of Kaplen JCC on the Palisades)

ÊCheck out the Federation’s new, updated website at or find it on Facebook 4 THE REPORTER ■ FEBRUARY 22, 2018 A century-old Siberian synagogue built by abducted child soldiers is back in Jewish hands BY CNAAN LIPHSHIZ shipped to boarding schools in Siberia and TOMSK, Russia (JTA) – When two beyond. “Weeping mothers brought food strange men approached 8-year-old Herzl to give to their boys,” Kuzhner said. “More Tsam in an alley of his hometown in what often than not it was the last kosher meal is now Ukraine, he knew that he had to they ate in their life.” run as fast as his legs could carry him. In But Tsam and hundreds of other Jewish 1851, as a Jewish boy from a poor family Cantonists stuck to their faith, either resist- in a shtetl near Volyn, he knew he was in ing efforts by teachers and commanders danger of becoming a Jewish Cantonist – to convert them or returning to Judaism the Russian-language term for forcefully once they were discharged. “They and conscripted child soldiers. For 29 years, the synagogues they built are a testament until 1856, these children had fallen victim and inspiration for the Jewish people,” to one of the cruelest measures ever applied Mendelevitch said. against the Jewish population of Russia. The Soldiers Synagogue is also part Like approximately 75,000 Jewish of its Siberian region’s crumbling legacy. children who were abducted and turned Built in typical Siberian style, the building into Cantonists, Tsam could not outrun his features elaborate window frames and a captors – likely professional kidnappers roof with a thorny crown of wooden pegs. who enforced the 1827 act handed down Uniquely in Tomsk, the woodwork on the by the czar, Nicholas I, obliging Jewish facade has dozens of Stars of David and an communities to provide 10 Cantonists per annex that faces westward, to Jerusalem, 1,000 residents. But unlike most of the The building that used to house the Soldiers Synagogue in Tomsk. (Photo by because it used to house the Torah ark. other victims, Tsam resisted pressures to Cnaan Liphshiz) This city, which is known for its convert to Christianity, instead climbing ice sculpture gardens in winter, when through the ranks on pure merit. One Today, the synagogue that Tsam and a way to restore” the building, possibly temperatures often drop to 22 degrees of only a handful of Jewish officers in his comrades built is a shadow of its for- by appealing to donors outside Russia. below zero Fahrenheit, has hundreds of the czar’s army, he retired in 1876 with mer self. Dwarfed by the adjacent public In addition to the 75,000 Jewish Can- broken-down wooden houses of the same honors as a colonel at the age of 41 and prosecutor’s office, the cedar structure is tonists, Russia had hundreds of thousands period. Eclipsed by communist-era hous- started a thriving Jewish community and surrounded by leafless bushes and a host of of non-Jewish ones, according to Yosef ing projects, they stand on the brink of a synagogue for other army veterans like huts that used to be storage units, but now Mendelevitch, a rabbi from Jerusalem who collapse, leaning like drunkards in strange him in this Siberian city. are full of trash and rusty tools. The interior in 2010 published a comprehensive book angles and literally groaning under the The present-day Jewish community of of the synagogue was gutted decades ago. about the Jewish Cantonists. “In its neutral hundreds of pounds of snow and ice that Tomsk – a sleepy city of 500,000 residents After its confiscation in 1930 by Soviet sense, the term Cantonists simply means accumulate here on rooftops for months located 2,000 miles east of Moscow – authorities, it was turned into a theater youths who were taken by a czarist decree without melting. On long winter nights, the recently honored Tsam’s memory during and later a crowded and poorly heated to a military boarding house,” he said. “It sound of trees breaking under that weight a ceremony in which the municipality apartment building where 17 impoverished was a prestigious institution dating back to echoes in seemingly deserted streets. returned to the community the synagogue families shared a communal kitchen. the 18th century and a good opportunity for Against this desolate background, Jew- that he had built nearly 120 years ago. The city found alternative housing for poor boys to get an education and income. ish community life is said to be thriving. Known as the Soldiers Synagogue, it is the tenants in 2014 ahead of its planned Many non-Jewish families wanted their During the High Holidays, 300 people a dilapidated structure covered in snow return, but homeless people took over the children to be Cantonists.” flock to the main and only functioning and ice whose windows are boarded up property in the interim, delaying the return Under the czar’s laws on Cantonists, synagogue. Confiscated from the Jewish to keep out squatters. But it is still a beau- and further deteriorating the building’s of which Jews were initially exempted, community during communism and turned tiful building and one of the few wooden condition. The trash-littered floor now seven youths older than 16 were to be into a courthouse, it was returned 15 years synagogues of its kind still standing today. has deep holes and exposed wiring that placed in a military boarding house for ago, renovated and reopened in 2010. It “It’s an important day,” Levy Ka- require from the local community of 1,000 every 1,000 residents. But in 1827, Nich- has a mikvah and a preschool, where small minetsky, a Chabad emissary who moved an investment of funds it does not have. olas I scrapped the exemption for Jews children, cocooned in colorful overalls with his wife, Gitty, to Tomsk in 2004, told “We are being offered this building and lowered the conscription age for that as thick as space suits, scamper about JTA at the community’s main synagogue, now, so we need to take it,” Kaminetsky community alone to 12. He also upped the the snowed-in playground. There’s even amid preparations for the ceremony. “His said in the Great Synagogue of Tomsk, the quota, requiring from Jews 10 children per a tiny Jewish elementary school with 15 story, the story of the Cantonists, is a story city’s only functioning synagogue, which 1,000 residents. It was part of an attempt to students, and the third floor has a recreation of endurance, faith, courage and revival. is located a mile away from the Soldiers convert as many Jewish boys as possible room for teenagers and young adults. And in that sense, it’s one of the major Synagogue. “Honestly, it’s not perfect to Christianity. Many boys younger than “Despite its remoteness, Tomsk is stories of the Jewish people in Russia timing, but we owe it to Tsam’s legacy.” 12 were drafted by professional Cantonist a renowned university city and Jewish and beyond.” He said the community “will have to find hunters, according to David Kuzhner, a students enjoy a space with a ping-pong Tomsk Jewish historian who has studied table and free WiFi,” said Boris Ramatsky, the community’s origins. chairman of the Jewish Community of Dubbed “Hapuns,” these hunters re- Tomsk. His grandfather was the last ceived bounties for each boy they deliv- shamash, or custodian, of the Soldiers ered. Some Hapuns worked for rich Jews, Synagogue, he said. who sent them to prey on poor ones to fill Tomsk’s intellectual character has been the quota. Some of the families of the boys good for Jewish community life. Banned snatched by Hapuns were allowed to see during communism from universities in them just one more time before they were See “Siberian” on page 6 Effective please immediately, send note! all articles and ads to our new E-mail address, jfnepareporter@

ewish Federa the J tion on ’s e u ma yo il re lis A t? Jewish Federation of NEPA We send updated announcements and special Effective immediately, event details weekly to those who wish to receive them. please send all articles & ads to our new E-mail address, Send Dassy Ganz an email if you would like to join the list. [email protected] [email protected].

Facebook ® is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc FEBRUARY 22, 2018 ■ THE REPORTER 5 Poland isn’t the only country trying to police what can be said about the Holocaust BY CNAAN LIPHSHIZ also shift the blame for the murder of silence on countries with a conflict with (JTA) – In 2015, Ukraine’s president Jews, which was done with local helpers, Russia,” said Joseph Koren, chairman of signed a law whose critics say stifles to Nazi alone. They also seem the Latvia Without Nazism group. debate on the historical record of World to equate the Nazi genocide with political “Poland and Hungary are in a different War II and whitewashes local perpetrators repression by the Soviet Union – which category,” agreed Dovid Katz, a scholar of the Holocaust. many in the former Soviet Union blame of Yiddish in Lithuania and longtime Law 2538-1 criminalized any rhetoric on Jewish communists. campaigner against Holocaust distortion insulting to the memory of anti-communist In 2010, Lithuania – a country where there. The singling out of Poland and partisans. And it celebrates the legacy of Nazi collaborators virtually wiped out a Hungary, he said, is “not least because the such combatants – ostensibly including Jewish community of 250,000 – amended issues of the Holocaust, antisemitism and the ones who murdered countless Jewish its criminal code, prescribing up to two restrictions on democratic expression in and Polish citizens while collaborating years in jail to anyone who “denies or these countries have never been perceived with Nazi Germany. grossly underestimates” the crime of geno- L-r: Polish President Andrzej Duda primarily through the same binary lens of The law generated some backlash, cide or “other crimes against humanity nominaed Mateusz Morawiecki to be the pro-and anti-Putin.” including an open letter by more than 70 or war crimes committed by the USSR prime minister at the presidential palace Under that alleged cover of silence, in historians who said it “contradicts the right or Nazi Germany against Lithuanian in on December 11. Both support Ukraine and the Baltic countries there is to freedom of speech,” ignores complic- residents.” the law ocriminalizing references to a rapid lifting on taboos that had been in ity in the Holocaust and would “damage Similar legislation in Latvia from 2014 death camps as Polish. (Photo by Janek place for decades on the honoring of war Ukraine’s national security.” imposes up to five years in jail for those Skarzynski/AFP/Getty Images) criminals, even including SS volunteers But as with similar measures in Eu- who deny the role of “the foreign pow- who “enthusiastically” participated in the rope’s ex-communist nations, the Ukraine ers that have perpetrated crimes against Nazis did not allow any measure of self- mass killings of Jews and Poles. law generated little opposition or even Latvia and the Latvian nation,” without rule or integrate locals into the genocide. Largely ignored by the international attention internationally – especially when mentioning the involvement of Latvian And the term is especially offensive in media, Latvian President Raimonds compared to the loud objections to a simi- SS volunteers in murdering nearly all of Poland, where the Nazis killed at least 1.9 Vejonis recently gave the final approval lar measure in Poland that was signed into the country’s 70,000 Jews. million non-Jews in addition to at least for a law that offers financial benefits law on February 6 by the president. The The denial of local culpability during three million Jews. to all World War II veterans – includ- law had passed both houses of parliament the Holocaust is at the root of opposition But, many Jewish groups added, the ing SS volunteers who murdered Jews. in recent days. The United States and Israel to Poland’s law, which sets a maximum legislation in Poland ignores how many Latvia is the only country in the world joined historians and Israel’s Yad Vashem of six years in jail for “whoever accuses, Poles betrayed or killed Jews and is known to have an annual march by SS Holocaust authority in decrying the bill. publicly and against the facts, the Polish therefore detrimental to the preservation veterans, which takes place with the “The Ukrainian and Polish laws are nation or the Polish state of being re- of historical record and free speech. approval of authorities’ on the country’s similar, but in Ukraine’s case, we didn’t see sponsible or complicit in the Nazi crimes Dolinsky in Ukraine isn’t a fan of the national day in the center of its capital, anything even close” to the avalanche of committed by the Third Reich” or “grossly Polish legislation, either. “But I don’t quite sometimes with mainstream politicians condemnations that Poland received, said diminishes the responsibility of the actual understand why it and only it provoked in attendance. Eduard Dolinsky, director of the Ukrainian perpetrators.” On February 6, President such a strong reaction,” he added. “We Last year, the municipality of Kalush Jewish Committee and a longtime cam- Andrzej Duda said he would sign the laws needed that strong reaction two years near Lviv in Ukraine decided to name a paigner against Holocaust revision in (which he did later in the day), finalizing ago in Ukraine. This fight needs to apply street for Dmytro Paliiv, a commander of Ukraine. “I wish we had; maybe this law them, but also refer them for review by to all these cases. For the pressure to be the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the could have been stopped in Ukraine.” Poland’s highest court. effective, it shouldn’t be selective.” SS, also known as the 1st Galician. To activists like Dolinsky, the singling Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Dolinsky believes that Ukraine – Ukraine’s state television observed a out of Poland reflects the ongoing politici- Netanyahu, who in the past has been which, unlike Poland, shares a border with moment of silence for the first time last zation of the debate on ’s criticized for not calling out his country’s Russia – is getting a free pass from the West year for Symon Petliura, a nationalist bloody World War II history. They say the Eastern European allies on these issues, because it is subjected to hostility from killed by a Jewish communist for Petliura’s conversation is distorted by geopolitical called the Polish legislation “baseless” Russia under President Vladimir Putin. role in the murder of 35,000 to 50,000 tensions involving Russia, populism, ig- and said Israel opposed it. The U.S. State In 2014, Russia annexed Crimea from Jews in a series of pogroms between 1918 norance and unresolved national traumas. Department in a statement suggested it Ukraine amid ongoing psychological and 1921, when Petliura was head of the There are clear similarities between could have “repercussions” for bilateral warfare against the Baltic nations, often Ukrainian People’s Republic. the Ukrainian and Polish laws, according relations with Poland. involving the deployment of Russia’s “There is less willingness to speak to Alex Ryvchin, a Kiev-born Austra- Israeli Education Minister Naftali army around those countries in blunt out on Ukraine in media, in the scientific lian-Jewish journalist and author who has Bennett’s scheduled visit to Poland the loudspeaker diplomacy. community and in Western governments, written about the politics of memory in week of February 5was canceled after he “There is a lot of Russophobic senti- so it seems,” Dolinsky said. Eastern Europe. criticized the law, which Israel’s embassy ment worldwide and it means international See “Poland” on page 15 “Both seek to use the legitimacy and in Poland said was generating antisemitic force of law to enshrine an official nar- hate speech in the media. rative of victimhood, heroism and righ- Back in Israel, the Polish Embassy con- teousness while criminalizing public dis- demned what it called ignorant remarks cussion of historical truths that contradict by Yair Lapid, an opposition leader. Citing or undermine these narratives,” he said. his credentials as the son of a Holocaust Yet, he noted, “The reaction to the Polish survivor, Lapid said the Polish law is de- law has indeed dwarfed the response to signed to hide how Poland was “a partner persistent state revisionism elsewhere in in the Holocaust.” Europe in spite of the fact that the rate Jewish organizations, including the of collaboration was generally lower in Simon Wiesenthal Center, said for their Poland than in Ukraine and Latvia.” part that they understand the Polish The Baltic nations of Lithuania and Lat- frustration with terms like “Polish death via were pioneers in nationalist legislation camps,” which seem to shift the blame for that limits discourse about the Holocaust Nazi war crimes to Poland – one of the in their territories. Critics say these laws few Nazi-occupied countries where the Save the Dates... (Spring will be here before we know it!) Sunday, April 15 Wednesday, May 16 Sunday, June 3 The Jewish Federation The Jewish Federation Celebrate and the Scranton JCC of NEPA Trip to the Israel invite you to celebrate Museum of the 70th birthday of the Jewish Heritage, Parade, State of Israel NYC NYC ÊCheck out the Federation’s new, updated website at or find it on Facebook 6 THE REPORTER ■ FEBRUARY 22, 2018 First person ’s growing kosher scene a case study of thriving Jewish life in Europe BY ELIZABETH KRATZ census in 2001 counted only 8,000 Jews. whether the store is catering for bar mitz- traditional and vibrant community. (JNS) While much of American and After World War II, the number of Jews vahs, weddings or engagement parties. While Austrians and the Austrian Israeli Jewry view Europe either as a surviving the war stood at about 8,000, The shop is located in Leopoldstadt, also government have demonstrated an on- “flyover continent” or as a vast and dan- coming down from well over 185,000 known colloquially as Matzoinsel ( again, off-again relationship with their gerous pit of antisemitism from which all before the Nazis came to power in 1938. Island), the second district of Vienna, capital’s Jewish inhabitants, alternately Jews must flee, many overlook the facts Since I was in Vienna with my family where there has been an active Jewish expelling them and warmly welcoming and figures that indicate rising numbers visiting relatives during New Jersey’s community since as early as 1194, when them through the centuries, the commu- of Jews living in relative comfort in many January “yeshiva break” vacation, I no- Duke Frederick I promoted a Jew to the nity is, for now, on an upswing. Ten or of Europe’s largest cities. ticed that a viable cross-section of today’s role of munzmeister (master of the mint). more kosher restaurants now dot the city, Jewish organizations, schools, stores modern Jewish community in Vienna is While the City Temple (Stadttempel) with most of them centered in Leopold- and restaurants that are cropping up, easily seen by kosher-keeping visitors just was the only Vienna synagogue to survive stadt, which is also filled with Jewish particularly in ’s capital of Vienna, by virtue of our daily pursuits. While we , the growth of local Jewish institutions, including Chabad, Tomchei indicate the community has experienced primarily visited with family and stopped life today indicates a rebirth of a resilient, See “Vienna” on page 13 enormous growth in waves, as wars and at sights such as the famed Vienna Opera political changes have forced and en- House, the Musikverein symphony hall, abled immigration to the region. On the and various palaces and museums, we also, banks of the Danube canal, the Jewish of course, had to eat and drink. Speaking Siberian Continued from page 4 community in Vienna now houses an with a shop assistant in Ferszt Vinothek, present-day Ukraine and Russian major Unlike Tsam and Gurevich, many estimated 15,000-20,000 Jews, according an entirely kosher wine store, I learned cities, Jews were allowed to enroll in Jewish Cantonists did not withstand the to Austria’s largest newspaper Der Stan- that the store sells a whopping 300-500 Tomsk’s universities and especially its pressure to convert to Christianity in the dard, though the community’s own last bottles of wine each week, depending on polytechnic institute. Many of them military frameworks to which they were stayed. But this intellectual character forced, according to Mendelevitch, him- also created friction between Tsam’s self a former prisoner of Zion in Soviet congregation of army veterans and the Russia who was jailed for planning to established community, with its many hijack a plane to Israel. He went on hunger doctors and businessmen, according to strikes over the refusal to provide him with the historian Kuzhner. This tension was kosher food in jail. “What’s striking in At left: The the trigger for building Tsam’s synagogue the story is not that many converted, but interior of the in the first place, he said. that some children, as young as 8 and 10, Stadttempel, the The trigger came in 1905, when one were able to resist,” he said. “They are an main synagogue of the veterans, Moshe Gurevich, came inspiration for the entire Jewish people, in Vienna, with Tsam and a few of his friends to if not for humanity at large.” Austria. (Photo what was then the main synagogue of the Notwithstanding, many Cantonists by Wikimedia city to make an aliyah – giving a blessing started families that eventually assimi- Commons) before the reading from the Torah scroll – lated. But thanks to social networks and to celebrate the birth and circumcision of growing interest in the Cantonists’ story, Gurevich’s son. But the men, who were some of their descendants are retracing likely happy and probably somewhat their Jewish roots today. Like Ludmilla inebriated, were turned away from the Lvovna, a history teacher in her 60s who Kaminersky Synagogue by the rabbi’s last year found on Facebook distant rel- son, who suggested they go read from atives in Israel. The discovery made her the Torah “outside or in a locker room research her family tree and find that her Gifting Stock somewhere,” said Kuzhner, who has the maternal great-great-grandfather, Wolf memoirs of Tsam, who died in 1915. Bulwachter, was a Cantonist Jew who The former soldiers, who had with- married a Jewish woman named Hannah. Form stood threats and humiliation in the army “It seems I am descended from Ko- as children to hold on to their Judaism, hens,” she told JTA during her first visit Gifting stock to a charitable 501©(3) organization “were deeply offended and decided then ever to a synagogue, referring to the priest- and there to start their own synagogue.” ly class of Judaism. But standing in the is a great way to make a donation. Ironically, the Kaminersky Synagogue women’s section of the Tomsk synagogue, was destroyed without a trace during Lvovna said she neither feels Jewish By gifting stock in which you have a large capital gain, you not communism, whereas Tsam’s synagogue nor identifies as such. “I mean, clearly I only receive the benefit of making a sizable donation, but you is still standing, even if just barely. During am,” she said. “But for me the discovery also save the capital gains tax. the Soldiers Synagogue’s 24 years in exis- was more about finding knowledge than tence, it attracted many congregants who readjusting my sense of identity. A per- Example: were not army veterans, partly because son should know where they come from. Gift: $2,000 it was more centrally located than the That’s why I made the research. And it’s (Stock: ABC @ $20 per share - Gift: 100 shares) Kaminersky shul from which the soldiers nice to suddenly have relatives in Israel, had been turned away. Canada, Australia – a big Jewish family!” If you were to sell “Stock ABC” that you originally purchased at $10.00 a share, you would have a $1,000 capital gain and you would be required to pay at least $150.00 in federal taxes, etc. At right: A view But by gifting the stock, you save the entire $150.00 and you’ve of the main found a way to help the Federation accomplish its mission: prayer hall of the Great Syn- “…to rescue the imperiled, care for the vulnerable, support Israel and agogue of Tomsk, world Jewry and perpetuate Jewish life in Northeastern Pennsylvania.” currently the only functioning Your gift will not only assist our local and regional organizations and synagogue there. agencies, but you will have the satisfaction of helping those in need. (Photo by Cnaan Liphshiz) You will be able to look back and say: “I’m just doing what my People have always done for each other.” For further information on gifting stocks in payment of your pledge to our Annual UJA Campaign, please contact the Federation at 570-961-2300 (ext. 3) for details. FEBRUARY 22, 2018 ■ THE REPORTER 7 The Israeli who founded Moishe’s Moving wants to make New Jersey an artists’ mecca

BY BEN SALES because you have a better overview [of Yigal Ozeri, an Israeli artist who JERSEY CITY, NJ (JTA) – The side the landscape]. You have a better drive.” co-founded Mana Contemporary, said of the building looks like any abandoned More recently, Mana added storage to the location gives artists a community of factory: weathered brick surrounded by his business, including art – a specialty that fellow creators, as well as far more space a chain-link fence, with railroad tracks requires controlling rooms for temperature, and natural light than they would get in, running on the other side of the street. humidity and dust. His company now say, Tribeca. “A guy gets a studio, he has But step inside this massive complex of handles some 1,200 collections. The art light, he has galleries and it’s much cheaper nearly two million square feet and the storage business led him to purchase the than New York,” Ozeri told JTA. “The postindustrial vibe gives way to what grounds of abandoned canning and tobacco pitch is the community. The moment the might be called a chic, artsy aura. factories in Jersey City, and dedicate them artist gets here, there’s a symbiosis with The first floor of this former tobacco to contemporary art. He’s also opened young and old artists.” factory features a broad wooden art instal- similar complexes in Chicago and Miami. As in Mana’s other businesses, several lation slightly off off the ground. Nearby, Mana sees the arts complex as a way to Mana Contemporary employees are Is- art in an exhibit titled “Occupy Mana” Moishe Mana at a party in Miami on lift up Jersey City, which is minutes away raelis, as are many of the artists who rent criticizes President Donald Trump. Other December 6. (Photo by Romain Maurice/ from downtown Manhattan by public studios there. But Mana is quick to note floors house an art academy, museums, a Getty Images for InList) transit, but with much cheaper real estate. that he doesn’t recruit only his co-nation- dance company, a photography center and He acknowledges that part of the reason alists. The complex’s Middle East Center studio spaces for artists. Another building creating community, this is the future of he brought contemporary artists to Jersey for the Arts, for example, brings in artists on the property contains a foundry for met- the world.” City is because he believes an arts scene from far beyond the borders of the Jewish al sculpture. More than 400 artists work Mana came to New York City in 1983 will lift real estate prices in the area. state. And despite his rags-to-riches story, in studio spaces in the complex, which as a 25-year-old law school dropout and But unlike neighborhoods in Brooklyn Mana thinks Israelis who follow his path also features apartment buildings that are spent one night that year sleeping on a park that have gone from artists’ districts to today will have a harder time than he did. currently being renovated for occupancy. bench. Eventually, he became a “man with yuppie hotspots, Mana and his partners He says the Trump administration, which The complex, called Mana Contem- a van,” doing small moving jobs (including have vowed to always reserve space for the he has criticized in op-eds, has created an porary, is the latest project of Moishe a regular gig running towels to a laundry arts on his property. “It’s not a secret that anti-immigrant feeling in the United States Mana, an Israeli immigrant whose mov- for a gay bathhouse). Within a few years when there is art, it becomes an amazing that makes it less inviting. ing trucks bearing his first name are a he had expanded to a fleet of trucks and real estate opportunity,” said Shai Baitel, But whether by renting studio space, staple on the streets of Manhattan. Now broken into the heavily unionized moving Mana Contemporary’s senior vice president renovating apartments or loading up he hopes this sprawling space across industry. At one point, he says, he received of strategy. “The difference between us and moving trucks, Mana says he is doing the Hudson River, founded in 2011, will a call from mob boss John Gotti, who the rest is we will not allow for the real what he can to help. “Given the Trump revolutionize both the contemporary threatened to kill him for infringing on estate appreciation to push out the artists.” situation and his rhetoric and the American arts scene and Jersey City, a once-gritty his business. Mana, unfazed, gave Gotti In addition to introducing Jersey City to desire to eliminate immigration or reduce manufacturing town that appears to be his address, but the Gambino family don the art world, Mana Contemporary hopes immigration, and go into isolationism, it’s on the rebound. “Art connects between never made good on the threat. to introduce the art world to Jersey City. becoming much harder for an immigrant people, and I was very lucky enough to “Some people succeed out of des- The complex’s management has dubbed to feel welcome in this country,” he said. be invested in building the art community, peration, some out of inspiration,” the space “Tribeca West,” named after the “We want to help those who need the help. which we’re going to extend,” Mana told Mana said. “In my case, inspiration and Manhattan neighborhood, and hopes to I’m totally committed to it. I was given the JTA. “Investing in the talent, investing desperation worked as one. It’s easier to draw the New York art scene elite outside opportunity, I was given the chance, so I in the technologies and the facilities and succeed when you come from the outside the boundaries of the big city. must give the chance to others.”

Jewish Federation of Northeastern Pennsylvania 2018 UJA Campaign WE CAN MAKE THE WORLD BETTER BY WORKING TOGETHER The mission of the Jewish Federation of Northeastern Pennsylvania is to rescue the imperiled, care for the vulnerable, support Israel and world Jewry, and revitalize and perpetuate Jewish life in Northeastern Pennsylvania.

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ÊCheck out the Federation’s new, updated website at or find it on Facebook 8 THE REPORTER ■ FEBRUARY 22, 2018 D’VAR TORAH Moshe’s distinctive nature BY RIVKAH SLONIM, EDUCATION DIRECTOR, While Moshe’s name is not mentioned within it, the CHABAD CENTER very name of our parasha reveals this essential charac- Tetzaveh, Exodus 27:20-30:10 teristic of Moshe. Moshe’s role was not to serve as an Parashat Tetzaveh is always read in close proximity to intermediary between God and man, but to facilitate their the seventh day in the month of Adar, the day that marks connection. A Jewish leader might best be compared to a both the birth and death of Moshe rabeinu, Moses. It is clear glass that serves to showcase that which is poured curious that this parasha is the only one in the entire into it without tinting it at all. To serve as an effective Torah from after the birth of Moshe in which Moshe’s connector means to withdraw the self and simply act as name is not mentioned. However, the entire parasha is a conduit for a flow of energy. comprised of God’s word to Moshe, beginning with “And It is not happenstance that Moshe, the leader of you shall command…” Therefore, Moshe is implicitly the Jews at their most formative stage and the single present while seemingly absent. most influential teacher of all time, suffered from a Herein lies a profound lesson about the distinctive speech impediment. Here was a man with no orato- nature of Moshe, in particular, and Jewish leadership, ry skills, who is bereft of eloquence and the gift of in general. The parasha is called Tetzaveh, which is commanding presence. And yet it was Moshe that conventionally defined as command, just as the Hebrew God chose for this role. It was not about form, is the word mitzvah is rendered commandment. A look at the subtle, but indisputable, message; with Moshe, it was etymology of the word, however, reveals its deeper all about substance. It was simply God’s word that meaning. Mitzvah is rooted in the notion of tzavta flowed through him. v’chibur, which means attachment. Simply speaking, the As we take time to remember Moshe on his yahrzeit way in which a Jew connects with his or her Creator is and to reflect upon his great role in Jewish history and through keeping the commandments of God. Moses is his continuous presence in our lives, it behooves us to traditionally referred to as Moshe rabeinu, Moshe our remember the hallmark of a truly great leader in Israel: teacher. Thousands of years later, we speak of his role humility. In a poignant directive through His prophet in present tense for it is Moshe who gave us the Torah Malachi (3:22), God exhorts, “Remember the Torah of thus allowing us to connect with our Creator eternally. my servant Moshe.”

Camps Continued from page 3 better world through innovation and creativity – things them the high-tech world through their own games. Israel is known for.” Instead of the hard robotic stuff I learn in college, we A second BIG IDEA day camp is starting this summer add programmable robotics to Lego projects, making it at the Bender JCC of Greater Washington in Rockville, fun and functional.” MD. And this summer will mark the third year for a BIG The specialized workshops of no more than eight IDEA program at the Kaplan JCC on the Palisades in kids are combined with unplugged time for swimming, Tenafly, NJ. In its first two years in New Jersey, an all-He- arts and sports. “It’s a good mixture with being outside brew track drew day campers from an Israeli-American enjoying summer, but it’s technology that my son is community already familiar with the BIG IDEA brand. really into,” Carrie Rosen said. This year, an English track will open up the program “They really bring the Israeli technology spirit to to more families who don’t necessarily want Hebrew kids,” said Sharon Goren, Guy’s mother, “teaching them immersion, said Aaron Atlas, the camp director at the how to be more creative and expand their knowledge in Kaplan JCC on the Palisades. a laid back environment.” The U.S. camps offer two-week workshops in 3-D Jewish summer camps have been adding specialty modeling, coding and computer programming, web de- camps at a fast clip in recent years, in everything from sign, DJ mixing, digital photography, robotics, jewelry tech to targeted sports training, the arts, sciences and design, graphic design, video production, animation and filmmaking. The Foundation for Jewish Camp, which virtual reality. Campers can enroll in one or more for runs an incubator for specialty camps, said the options multiple sessions. No experience with the technology are necessary for attracting youth who are bombarded is necessary. with competing programs and responsibilities. At the end of the two weeks, campers present a final “To make camp appealing,” the foundation wrote project. All the software links are sent home for campers in a report last year, specialty camps “need to continue to keep working on projects. marketing their newness, to new campers coming for Guy Goren, 8, is continuing to explore programming their first experience and returning campers who want since he attended a coding workshop at the Tenafly JCC. to do something different from last summer.” He took a break from his computer to tick off all the fun BIG IDEA’s satellite camps in North America provide activities during his day at camp, including . “I did campers with an introduction and feeder track to its pro- like DJ,” Goren told JTA. “You choose a song and add grams in Israel. Ariel Oren, 17, of Toronto, attended the a few things to it to make your own song.” camp in Israel for two summers – one as a camper for Omer Kariv, 19, is typical of the Israeli shlichim, two weeks, the other as a counselor in training for four or emissaries, who teach the workshops. He spent one weeks. He remembers surfing in the morning, learning summer in Tenafly after being released from the Israeli 3-D modeling and taking a course in entrepreneurship. army’s Intelligence Corps. A counselor at BIG IDEA He and his team members created a survey and did in Israel, Kariv came to New Jersey knowing the latest market research for an app that connects young adults technologies it offered back home. He is studying mechan- beset by mental illness with a therapist. Business ical engineering and competes in robotics competitions. moguls judged the entry and gave feedback on the He hopes to attend MIT and then the Technion-Israel product and presentation. The session included a visit Institute of Technology. to a university where the campers were lectured on “I love the way we make the kids interested in high how to launch a startup. tech,” Kariv said of the BIG IDEA program. “We show Oren most remembers the new and lasting friends he made at BIG IDEA. “What’s really unique was the fact that this is really an international camp and I really connected with a lot of people who are now friends,” he said. The Chicago JCC is committed “to bringing Israel to life for kids who have probably never been there,” said Jamie Lake, its day camp marketing manager. “It’s interwoven within the fabric of the camp, helping kids connect to modern Israel, giving them a sense of pride in Israel’s success in technology.” FEBRUARY 22, 2018 ■ THE REPORTER 9 This Israeli-Ethiopian woman brings the food of her cultures to Harlem BY JOSEFIN DOLSTEN and I wanted to have a venue where I can encompass NEW YORK (JTA) – At Tsion Café in Harlem, visi- everything – a little bit of culture, a little bit of food and tors can order a , an Ethopian sourdough in a place where nobody did it before,” Barhany said. flatbread topped with vegetable, lentil and chickpea She wants Tsion Café to serve as a venue for people stews. There is traditional shakshuka, a dish common in to connect. “My bigger vision is for people from all Israel and the Middle East where eggs are cooked in a backgrounds [to] come and talk and have a discussion, tomato sauce. And then there’s the scrambled eggs with a dialogue, and to be more open minded, despite the caramelized and . political situation that we are in, to be more embracing The assortment of menu items – random as it may and welcoming one another,” she said. seem – tells the story of the eatery’s owner, Beejhy Barh- Barhany is also the founder of of North any, an Ethiopian Jew who moved here by way of Israel. America, a group for Ethiopian Jews. She founded the Tsion Café, which is located in the historic Sugar Beejhy Barhany opened Tsion Cafe in 2014 with her group in 2000, so she could come together with others Hill district of the Manhattan neighborhood, represents husband. Photo by (Josefin Dolsten) who shared her background. She estimates that some all of Barhany’s identities. “It’s a celebration of the 1,000 Ethiopian Jews live in the New York area. “I had Ethiopian, Israeli and American [cultures], so we are here, but I’m not categorized as Ethiopian, Russian, nobody to reach out to, so I said, ‘Let me create that, encompassing and celebrating all of these together,” she Yemenite,” she said, referring to immigrant groups to so whoever comes at least can be assisted,’” she said. told JTA in January. Israel that have faced various types of discrimination. The organization hosts the annual Sheba Film Festival, Barhany, 42, also wants the restaurant to serve as a Barhany was 4 years old when her family left now in its 15th year, which highlights the experiences of cultural center of sorts. On the wall hang paintings by for Israel. The journey took three years, passing through African Jews. local artists, and on the weekends bands play jazz, a nod to Sudan, Kenya, Uganda and Europe. They arrived in the Her two children, a 12-year-old girl and 8-year-old the neighborhood’s role during the Harlem Renaissance, Jewish state in 1983, in the early days of the Ethiopian boy, are part of the Ethiopian Jewish community here when African-American artists, musicians and writers migration to Israel. – and other communities as well. “They are Ethiopian, converged in Harlem. In Israel, the family initially lived in an immigrant Israeli, American, Caribbean,” she said. The restaurant’s venue is historic in itself. It previously absorption center in Pardes Hana, in the country’s north, Barhany said she finds ways in Harlem to honor all the was the home of Jimmy’s Chicken Shack, an eatery and later moving to the city of Ashkelon. At 13, Barhany different parts of her identity – and to incorporate them jazz spot frequented by Malcolm X and comedian John decided to move to a kibbutz, where she lived until in the dishes at Tsion Café. “I’m a proud Ethiopian, a Elroy Sanford, also known as Redd Foxx, and where joining the Army at 18. proud Jew, a proud black female living in Harlem, so all jazz saxophonist Charlie Parker Jr. washed dishes before Barhany disputes what she sees as a common, but of that is part of me,” she said. “I celebrate all of that.” his big break. distorted, narrative: that Ethiopian Jews were poor and “A lot of inspirational people passed through, suffering prior to moving to Israel. She said her family and we’re very happy to continue that by playing chose to leave Ethiopia because of a longstanding wish Please support music and celebrating the diversity within Harlem,” to return to the Jewish homeland. “[W]e voluntarily left Barhany said. Ethiopia because we wanted to be in Israel,” she said. our advertisers... Barhany came to New York in 2000: She was en- “We had our land, we had our properties, we didn’t starve tell them you saw amored with the city on a trip here after completing or anything like it. We were doing very well.” their ad her Israeli army service. In this city, she feels less Barhany opened Tsion Café in 2014 with her hus- here in defined by her race or status as an immigrant than band, Padmore John, a native of the Caribbean island she did in Israel. republic Dominica. The pair wanted to start a restaurant “Here you could be whomever you are and nobody that offered both healthy food and culture. “I think it’s knows who I am. I’m Ethiopian, I’m a New Yorker, I’m important that you eat healthy food, good products,

Each year at this time the Jewish Federation of Northeastern Pennsylvania calls upon members of our community to assist in defraying the expense of issuing our regional Jewish newspaper, The Reporter. The newspaper is delivered twice of month (except for December and July which are single issue months) to each and every identifiable Jewish home in Northeastern Pennsylvania. As the primary Jewish newspaper of our region, we have tried to produce a quality publication for you that offers our readership something on everything from opinions and columns on controversial issues that affect our people and our times, to publicity for the events of our affiliated agencies and organizations to life cycle events, teen columns, personality profiles, letters to the editor, the Jewish community calendar and other columns that cover everything from food to entertainment. The Federation assumes the financial responsibility for funding the enterprise at a cost of $26,400 per year and asks only that we undertake a small letter writing mail campaign to our recipients in the hope of raising $10,000 from our readership to alleviate a share of that responsibility. We would be grateful if you would care enough to take the time to make a donation for our efforts in bringing The Reporter to your door.

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With best wishes, Mark Silverberg, Executive Director Jewish Federation of NE Pennsylvania 601 Jefferson Avenue Scranton, PA 18510 ÊCheck out the Federation’s new, updated website at or find it on Facebook 10 THE REPORTER ■ FEBRUARY 22, 2018 BOOK REVIEW Israelis BY RABBI RACHEL ESSERMAN whether it’s possible to ever truly know someone; the All three narrators are facing a crisis in their lives: Politics and religion inform many novels about Israeli lingering prejudice against poor Sephardic Jews; and Aron is distraught over whether an elderly neighbor did society. Yet, daily life for the average Israeli is not really the plight of African refugees who are afraid to return something unspeakable to his daughter. His fear begins much different from those who live in other countries. to their native lands. The author’s view is intensely to undermine not only his marriage, but his sanity, as There are the same family joys and sorrows, the same personal, giving readers a nuanced, detailed view of her his obsession distances him from those he loves. Hani business successes and struggles, that form the main fo- character’s inner lives that is incredibly well done, even is unsatisfied with her life as a stay-at-home mother, cus of life almost everywhere. The novels in this review if once in awhile a character’s introspectiveness seems a especially during the times her husband must travel for concentrate on that aspect of Israel, and show that the bit too much. Gundar-Goshen’s greatest triumph, though, business. She understands not only her own complaints, country’s moral and ethical dilemmas are not restricted is her slow and careful revelation of Sirkit’s inner life, but how her husband could successfully rebut them. This to Israeli-Arab relations. one that remains invisible to those unable to see past doesn’t prevent her from breaking one of his rules: when “WAKING LIONS” her status as an illegal immigrant. The impossibility of her brother-in-law shows up at the apartment door, she One moment – one decision – can change the course truly understanding a person – unless you’ve shared their invites him inside, even though he’s wanted by the po- of a lifetime. That’s what Eitan Green discovers in Ayelet history – serves a major theme throughout the novel. lice. My favorite section focused on Devora, who lived Gundar-Goshen’s fascinating “Waking Lions” (Little, “Waking Lions” is an eye-opening work about Israel her life according to her husband’s high standards, even Brown and Company). Eitan’s life has already taken an and human nature. Book club readers may find them- when that meant not supporting their only child. Now unwanted turn: he and his family moved to Beersheva selves agreeing with both sides of the issues raised, that she lives alone and no longer works, Devora finds when his career as a neurosurgeon was derailed due to a while lovers of literary fiction will definitely want to add herself at a loss. A decision to attend a demonstration in conflict with the professor who served as his mentor. While Gundar-Goshen’s novel to their must-read list. Tel Aviv changes the course of her life. his wife, Liat, who works as a police detective, and their “THREE FLOORS UP” Each section in “Three Floors Up” is compelling two children have adjusted to their new home, Eitan finds An apartment building is like a miniature city: each and Nevo manages to create believable characters and himself more and more frustrated. Then one night, after an person lives in separate, but loosely connected worlds. suspense about their behavior. His book is a wonderful unsatisfying time at work, he decides to drive in the dunes In Eshkol Nevo’s excellent “Three Floors Up” (Other look at human nature and Israeli society. surrounding Beersheva, even though it’s dark. Unable to Press), the lives of three tenants are explored in close “PETTY BUSINESS” see, his car hits an African immigrant. Believing they are detail. What connects their stories – in addition to the What happens when one branch of a family has more alone, Eitan does the unthinkable – or, at least, an action fact all three live in the same apartment building – is financial success than another? The mixture of love and he once assumed would be unthinkable: He leaves the man that each of the main characters is in desperate need of jealousy that results informs the plot of “Petty Business” on the side of the road and drives away. Unfortunately for a confidant with whom they can share their troubles. by Yirmi Pinkus (Syracuse University Press), which Eitan, there is a witness: Sirkit, the man’s wife, who shows One of the first floor apartments is occupied by Aron, takes place in Tel Aviv in the 1990s. While there are four up at Eitan’s door – first demanding money and then his who confides in an army friend he hasn’t seen in ages. Shlossman siblings, its sisters Tzippi Zinman and Dvora medical services for other illegal immigrants. When Liat Hani, who lives on the second floor, writes letters to a Saltzman whose petty rivalries fuel the tale. Dvora, whose is assigned to investigate the African’s death, Eitan must childhood friend, to formulate an objective view of the husband, Shraga, is a financial failure, envies her sister’s again face the moral and ethical implications of his act. changes in her life. Devora, a retired judge who lives on trips to Europe. Tzippi is sympathetic since Dvora was Gundar-Goshen explores a variety of issues: how the third floor, speaks to the past by relating her tale to the one forced not only to take over the failing family our perception of ourselves may differ from our actual her late husband by means of an old answering machine business, but care for their younger sister, Bina, who has behavior; the relationship between spouses, including whose message he recorded. developmental disabilities. A plan is hatched to take the whole family to Europe – including their brother, Avrum Sholossman, and elderly Aunt Marsha. To help Dvora earn enough to pay for herself and her husband, Tzippi offers her sister a business opportunity that creates even more family complications. The true focus of the novel, though, is Pinkus’ satiri- P A C E cal look at family relationships and the city of Tel Aviv. Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment While the problem of terrorism periodically raises its head, it’s daily life that takes center stage, particularly the petty problems of daily life. The biggest threat – at least to these business owners – are the government’s Your gift to the Annual Campaign tax collectors, who sneak into their stores to see if they are keeping accurate receipts. The arguments between DOES A WORLD OF GOOD. renters and building owner are very funny, particularly Endowing your gift allows you to be there for the the renters who keep an unprofitable business open just to spite their landlords. Pinkus also shows how families Jewish community of NEPA forever. have their own peculiarities: In the case of the Shlossman siblings, it’s the discussions of each members’ bowel A Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment (PACE) is a permanent fund that endows movements that creates worry and humor. your Jewish community Annual Campaign gift as a lasting legacy. A PACE fund will The one problem with “Petty Business” is that its satiri- continue to make an annual gift in perpetuity on your behalf. cal approach distances readers from the characters, making it more difficult to care about what happens to them. That To determine the amount you need to endow your entire campaign gift, multiply your current distance prevented the one true disaster from being as annual gift by 20. affecting as it might have, although it made it much easier to read about the tragedy. However, deep feeling does not You can fund your PACE by adding the JEWISH FEDERATION OF NORTHEASTERN seem to be Pinkus’ intent and this complaint should not PENNSYLVANIA to your will, or by making the Federation a beneficiary of your IRA. All deter those seeking a humorous look at Israeli life. contributions to establish a PACE are tax deductible. “AN EGYPTIAN NOVEL” The title of Orly Castel-Bloom’s recent novel is mis- Let your name be remembered as a blessing. leading: “An Egyptian Novel” (Dalkey Archive Press) Endowments can be created through a variety of vehicles, some of which do not necessitate feels more like a series of vignettes, rather than a single funding during your lifetime yet still provide your estate with considerable tax benefits. cohesive work. The work focuses on the Kastil family, Egyptians who immigrated to Israel in the 1950s, first They also enable you to perpetuate your commitment to the Annual Campaign in a way that settling on a kibbutz and then moving to Tel Aviv. Family best achieves your own personal financial and estate planning goals. legend claims they arrived in Egypt after the Spanish In- quisition and some would have remained in that country except for the creation of the state of Israel. Examples Of Ways To Fund Your Pace Gift Are: Part of the work feels like satire, particularly the sections * outright contribution of cash, appreciated securities or other long-term that take place on the kibbutz – with the family being expelled for voting incorrectly on a political issue that referenced * capital gain property such as real estate events happening in Russia. The two brothers and their * charitable remainder trust wives, whose lives are the main focus of the book, label * gift of life insurance their daughters, rather than referring to them by name. For * charitable lead trust example, the cousins are known as older daughter and only * gift of IRA or pension plan assets daughter – descriptions they can’t escape even when they * grant from your foundation have children of their own. Decades pass between chapters * reserved life estate in your residence and make it difficult to understand what changes occurred * bequest in their lives. This and the blunt prose left me feeling little sympathy for the characters and their problems. My favorite Using appreciated property, such as securities or real estate, affords you the opportunity to chapter, “Year of the Pig,” focused on a completely different eliminate the income tax on the long-term capital gain, will in some instances generate a full income aspect of the family: those few who remained in Spain after tax charitable deduction and will remove those assets from your estate for estate tax purposes. the expulsion. The story of these Crypto-Jews featured the most coherent plot in the book. “An Egyptian Novel” does show how Egyptian Jews For more information contact Mark Silverberg at became part of Israeli society. Readers who don’t expect a [email protected] or call 570-961-2300, ext. 1. well-integrated novel and are willing to follow wherever Castel-Bloom’s fancy takes her may enjoy this work. FEBRUARY 22, 2018 ■ THE REPORTER 11 First person A Rust Belt synagogue “runs out of people” and gathers to bury its past BY ALANNA E. COOPER carefully lowered in a few days before. NEW CASTLE, PA (JTA) — It was a The mourners had come to bury, in a frigid 10 degrees on December 31, the last sense, their synagogue. day of 2017, but some 20 people gathered Congregation Tifereth Israel was at Congregation Tifereth Israel’s cemetery founded nearly 125 years ago. In 1894, in this city of 22,000 on the Ohio border. synagogue members lived in a busy A blue tent and folding chairs had been set town with a suddenly booming economy. up for attendees, and a pit in the ground Linked first to the canal system and later to had been opened. the railroad, the population of New Castle No hearse would be arriving at this swelled at the turn of the 20th century as unusual burial, which was not for a the town’s manufacturing base grew. Tin person. Still, a few attendees choked up plate and paper mills and steel and ceramic when they greeted each other with hugs factories brought great prosperity to the and wiped tears from their cheeks. This region. Ancillary businesses cropped up was a subdued sort of mourning because to support the growing population. Many no friend or relative had been taken from of these – drug stores, department stores, their midst. Nor was the “death” a sudden furniture stores, groceries – were owned one. Indeed, the congregation had been by New Castle’s Jewish residents. preparing for this day for years. Bright-eyed and lively, Bruce Waldman Congregants from Temple Hadar Israel in New Castle, PA, gathered at the local Deep below, the hole was lined with told me that he was born in New Castle in Tifereth Israel cemetery to bury ritual objects from their defunct synagogue on cardboard boxes containing yahrzeit 1942, and that one day he will be buried December 31. (Photo by Alanna E. Cooper) plaques, tallit prayer shawls and other here. His plot in the Tifereth Israel cem- ritual items that cemetery caretakers had etery is already designated. Waldman’s residents; today the number stands at about young people became scarce, it became father also was a New Castle native and 23,000. Those looking for a more robust difficult to gather a minyan, or quorum, is buried here. His grandfather, who was Jewish community for their children for Shabbat services. Members began to among the New Castle Jewish community went elsewhere. Others simply moved consider the possibility of winding down founders, had emigrated from Eastern away for better economic opportunities. synagogue operations. Europe via Pittsburgh, 50 miles south. Waldman’s two sons left for college and “We never ran out of money,” Sam When Waldman was a boy in the 1950s, never returned. One now lives in Sydney, Bernstine, the congregation’s president the town’s population reached its peak of Australia, and the other in New York. said, “but we ran out of people.” 48,834. At the time, the Jewish commu- Faced with shrinking numbers, the About five years ago, Temple Hadar nity boasted two synagogues, the Reform town’s two Jewish congregations merged Israel members reached out to the Jewish Temple Israel joining Tifereth Israel, with in 1997. The newly named Temple Hadar Community Legacy Project, or JCLP, A hole at the cemetery was lined with 300 to 400 active families in total. Israel operated out of the Tifereth Israel an organization that works with small, cardboard boxes containing yahrzeit As the economy changed in the 1960s, building and remained affiliated with the dwindling congregations to help ensure plaques, tallit prayer shawls and other New Castle’s population dwindled, along Conservative movement. The consolida- their legacies. A partnership of the Jewish ritual items from Hadar Israel. (Photo with so many other Rust Belt cities. By tion helped retain some vibrancy. Still, Federations, the Reform and Conservative by Alanna E. Cooper) 1990, the numbers had dipped to 28,334 as the population continued to age and See “Synagogue” on page 12

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ÊCheck out the Federation’s new, updated website at or find it on Facebook 12 THE REPORTER ■ FEBRUARY 22, 2018 Synagogue Continued from page 11 movements, and two national Jewish historical societies, and reinvigorate others. One went to the new Progressive To close the ceremony, Eric Lidji, director of the Rauh the JCLP helps congregations preserve historic documents, congregation Beit Centrum Ki Tov in Warsaw and another Jewish History Program and Archives, offered a few catalog and dispose of ritual objects, create oral histories was sent to a tiny community in Indonesia that recently words of reflection on a verse from Ecclesiastes: “There and divvy up assets. JCLP says it has worked with 50 revived its connection to the Jewish world. One went is a time for scattering stones and a time for gathering such communities and identified 100 more that meet its to a Houston congregation that suffered damage in the stones.” Although Temple Hadar Israel has disbanded, criteria for assistance. recent floods. Other recipients included a Reconstruc- Lidji explained, its stones have been gathered in the Bernstine says he cares deeply about the congregation, tionist congregation in Cleveland, a Reform temple in archives and here, too, in the cemetery. “These are big which helped raise him after he lost his mother to cancer South Carolina and three summer camps. In February, things that say ‘we are here’ and ‘we belong here,’” he when he was 9 years old. His loyalty, though, never got the last remaining scroll will be donated to the Hillel said. The markers convey that “everything that happened in the way of his pragmatism. Jewish University Center of Pittsburgh amid a weekend here matters, and will continue to matter.” “Do you want a dignified end?” he asked his fellow of festivities. As Lidji concluded, someone in the huddled group congregants. “Or do you want the last person left to have Even with the care to find a home for each ritual ob- spoke up. to shut off the lights?” ject, some remained orphaned. Among them were prayer “Shall we say Kaddish?” this person asked, referring Bernstine said his goal was to have the congregation books, prayer shawls, curtains for the Torah ark and to the Mourner’s Prayer. face its own end in a “respectful manner,” to be “in control many unclaimed yahrzeit plaques. Rather than dispose Their prayer books were in the pit, but everyone of our own destiny.” Step by step, the synagogue divested of them, a burial was planned. seemed to know the words by heart. They recited the of its material assets. The congregants sold the building, On December 30, the members of Temple Hadar Israel prayer together, memorializing their shared past, their with the agreement that they could rent back space from held prayer services in their sanctuary for the last time. last act as a congregation. Final hugs were exchanged as the new owners and continue to meet in the sanctuary. Every person was called to recite a blessing during the the group dispersed with lowered heads. They returned They donated their synagogue records, photographs and Torah reading – an honor known as aliyah – and people to their cars, driving in a procession up the snowy hill a few ritual items to the Rauh Jewish History Archives at offered reflections at the finalkiddush lunch. The follow- and out of the cemetery. the Heinz History Center in Pittsburgh, the Klau Library ing day, congregants drove through the snowy cemetery Alanna E. Cooper is director of Jewish lifelong of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion grounds to the pit that held the last of their items. Their learning at Case Western Reserve University and and the Lawrence County Historical Society. part-time rabbi, Howard Stein of Pittsburgh, was not an adjunct assistant professor in its Department of The yahrzeit plaques posed a more delicate problem in attendance, as his own father had passed away the Anthropology. because each of them has a connection to a particular day before. I attended as part of my research into what person. Members who still live in New Castle claimed congregations do with their material objects when they their family members’ and efforts were made to locate merge, downsize or shut down. relatives of those who grew up in New Castle, but were A few weeks prior, Stein told me that his plan was now scattered across the country. Whoever took control to conduct the ceremony like a funeral. In his absence, had to face the question of what to do with the plaques. the event was brief, ad hoc and raw. One man read a “I am not going to throw them out, but I don’t want passage about the Cairo geniza, a storehouse of centuries them hanging in my living room,” one woman told me, of damaged Jewish texts and ritual objects. Another man speaking about her parents’ plaques. She placed them spoke about honoring the word of God in the same way Sephardic Jewish Film Festival in a box and keeps them in her basement. Alan Samuels that we honor a deceased person. The New York Sephardic Jewish Film took his parents’ plaques to the cemetery and affixed The ground was too cold to shovel dirt. Instead, con- Festival showcases will be held from March them into their headstones. gregants took hold of a few final items – including the 5-15. It will showcase contemporary voices Temple Hadar’s nine Torah scrolls went to congrega- prayer books that had been used for Shabbat services about the history, traditions and mosaic tions across the world to help those struggling to get by the day before – and together tossed them into the hole. culture of Greater Sephardic communities. The 10-day festival will feature film screenings, stories, documenta- ries and question-and-answer events with filmmakers, as well as honorees and guests. The Pomegranate Awards Ceremony on opening night will celebrate Sephardi excellence in the arts. All films and events are taking place at the Center for Jewish History, 15 West 16th St., New York City. The complete list of selected NYSJFF films with dates, times, as well as pass and ticket information can be found at “Jews in Space” exhibit The exhibit “Jews in Space: Members of the Tribe in Orbit” will open at the the Center for Jewish History in New York on February 26. Featuring an array of rare artifacts, from 18th-century Hebrew astronomy texts to a collection of Judaica that went into orbit on the space shuttle, the exhibit explores the age-old Jewish quest to understand the heavens. Spanning several hundred years, it features material from YIVO’s and the Partners’ col- lections that includes rare 18th- and 19th-century rabbinic tomes on astronomy in Hebrew and German; Judaica taken into space aboard the space shuttle by astronaut Dr. Jeffrey Hoffman; Yiddish, English, Polish and Russian works of science fiction; rare science fiction periodicals; and other ephemera from literature and popular culture. For more information, visit space/ or contact the Center at [email protected] or 212-294-8301. Online social justice site Repair the World,, says its goal is to inspire American Jews and their communities to give their time and effort to serve those in need. It aims to make service a defining part of American Jewish life. Included in it’s initiatives are a 10-month call for young adults to Act Now, which included the 2017 High Holidays (Act Now for a Different Kind of Service), Thanksgiving (Act Now Against Hunger), Martin Lu- ther King Day (Act Now for Racial Justice); and, after #ShareHerStory, which will conclude with the Jewish holiday of Passover. Repair the World looks to address specific issues with specific moments in the calendar to increase mobilization for people who look to connect their celebration of a holiday with what they care about. Nearly 10,000 people participated in service experiences as part of MLK Jr. Day’s Act Now for Racial Justice. Online book club The website, The Whole Megillah, https://thewhole-, announced that its formed The Whole Megillah Book Club. Membership is free. Every two months, the blog will announce the name of a book being read. Discussion will take place on the blog’s Facebook page: For more information, contact the writer of the blog at [email protected]. FEBRUARY 22, 2018 ■ THE REPORTER 13 NEWS IN BRIEF FROM EUROPE From Scandinavian Jewish leaders pan Iceland’s plans to ban brit milah Report: 2017 saw rise of antisemitic incidents in Germany (EJP / Exclusive to JNS via JNS) – The number of antisemitic incidents raised last year Scandinavian Jewish leaders have slammed proposed legislation in Iceland that in Germany, according to a Berlin newspaper which quoted a government report. There would ban ritual circumcision of boys in the country. In an open letter issued by the were 1,453 antisemitic incidents perpetrated in 2017, including 32 incidents of physical Jewish Communities in the Nordic Countries, which represents Jewish communities violence, 160 incidents of vandalism and 898 incidents of incitement to violence or hate in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland, the Jewish leaders said that the proposed speech directed at Jews. The German government expects the figures to rise even further ban would make Iceland one of the only countries in the world “to ban one of the most since the data provided by the states is not yet final, dailyTagesspiegel reported. Most of central, if not the most central rite in the Jewish tradition in modern times,” wrote the antisemitic incidents were due to extreme right-wing motivations: 1,377 incidents – 95 Aron Verständig, Dan Rosenberg-Asmussen, Ervin Kohn and Yaron Nadbornik. “But percent – were perpetrated by people holding extreme right-wing views. An additional 33 it would not be the first time in the long tradition of the Jewish people. Throughout incidents were perpetrated by non-Muslim foreign citizens who hold antisemitic views. history, more than one oppressive regime has tried to suppress our people and eradicate Twenty-five antisemitic incidents were perpetrated “for religious reasons” by Muslims. Judaism by prohibiting our religious practices.” They continued: “This letter might Some of these Muslims are migrants, and others were born in Germany. In the last 17 cases, be perceived as meddling in Iceland’s internal affairs. And why should we care? The authorities did not succeed in identifying the motivation behind the antisemitic attack. In reason is that you are about to attack Judaism in a way that concerns Jews all over the January, the Bundestag, the lower house of parliament, passed a bill to implement tougher world. If any country with next to no Christian inhabitants would ban a central rite laws to tackle antisemitism, including the creation of a commissioner post to develop and in Christianity, like communion for instance, we are certain that the whole Christian carry out a strategy for rooting out antisemitic sentiment and crime. world would react as well.” The proposed legislation, which was put forward by eight members of Iceland’s 63-member parliament, including MPs from the Progressive Abbas meets Putin in attempt to reduce U.S. role in peace process Party, the Pirate Party, the Left Greens and the People’s Party, seeks to criminalize Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas met with Russian President circumcision of boys under the age of 18. Both Jews and Muslims consider male cir- Vladimir Putin on Feb. 12, in an attempt to sideline the United States and strengthen cumcision a central tenant of their faith that is generally performed during childhood. Russia’s role as a power broker in negotiating an outcome to the Israeli-Palestinian European Catholic leaders have also condemned Iceland’s circumcision bill, calling conflict. Abbas told Putin during their meeting in Moscow that, “we state that from it an attack on religious freedom and have urged the European Union to block the now on we refuse to cooperate in any form with the U.S. in its status of a mediator, law. Iceland, which has a population of around 300,000, is home to only a few hun- as we stand against its actions.” Abbas has been attempting to increase the number dred Jews and Muslims. However, the island nation is set to open a synagogue soon, of countries involved in solving the conflict, while Israel has been leaning toward with the Chabad-Lubavitch movement announcing plans to start a Chabad Center in the United States. Putin informed Abbas that he had spoken to Trump just prior to Reykjavik to serve the Jewish community and visitors there. the meeting, stating, “naturally we spoke about the Palestinian-Israeli settlement.”

Vienna Continued from page 6 Schabbos (a charity organization) and the hosted once each week at the beginning of Ronald Lauder Foundation yeshiva. The their tour in the Alef Alef restaurant. They city’s three largest kosher supermarkets, make use of Vienna’s easy-to-navigate which carry many fresh and frozen kosher infrastructure, Shabbat-friendly hotels and brands, rival any in Israel or the New York guesthouses, and excellent array of kosher metropolitan area. Five kosher bakeries and baked goods to organize, pack are also located in the district. Delicacies and embark on their tours. such as Mozart , a uniquely Austrian, The permanent Jewish community in round chocolate-dipped treat filled with Vienna is comprised of three parts, which cake, cream and , as well as also have subgroups. The community is pink rum cakes and wienerbrot (a unique made up of both Ashkenazi and Sephardi cross between seedless rye and Jews from , Georgia, Russia, sourdough), are available in peak kosher Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania Mea Shearim Restaurant is a new A view of the pastry display case form at Bakerie Ohel Moshe. and Israel. restaurant serving Asian fusion . at Bakerie Ohel Moshe. (Photo by Vienna has also become a popular first The first is the community of Jewish (Photo by Elizabeth Kratz) Elizabeth Kratz) stop for American and Israeli Chasidic survivors (and their descendants) of the Jews from Boro Park or Bnei Brak, as Holocaust and specifically from European Without a unified authority in Vienna from a verse in the Torah (Genesis 26:12) they embark on kever (grave) tours of ghettos, most often from Budapest. The like America’s Orthodox Union to provide about the patriarch Isaac (her husband’s famed rabbis in Hungary, Germany, Czech Budapest Ghetto was created later than kosher certification, the Israelitische Kul- namesake) that states, “Yitzchak sowed Republic, Poland and Ukraine. These the others, in 1944, and the Jews were not tusgemeinde Wien (Jewish community of in that land, and in that year he reaped visitors arrive in Vienna weekly and are fully deported from there by the time the Vienna), like its counterparts in Britain, a hundredfold (mea shearim); God had war ended in 1945. Many young female Germany and France, provides a hefty blessed him.” survivors from Budapest married Jewish list of branded food items available in As this young couple joins a vibrant men who survived the war and settled in Austria that are kosher without markings landscape with at least five kosher restau- Vienna. While many Jews took the op- on packages. For their growing number rants within just a few blocks in the historic portunity to leave Europe for America or of restaurants and bakeries, Vienna’s ko- Leopoldstadt, it is with cautious optimism Israel, some of the individuals who stayed sher-keeping communities have several that the community continues to grow were able to build profitable businesses in certifying rabbis. and support itself. The community is still the post-war years, many of which focused A young couple, Janet and Izhak heavily guarded both by private security on Vienna’s textile and fur industries. Faiziev, own a 3-month-old Asian fusion forces and the Austrian government, as The second wave of Jews are primarily restaurant called Mea Shearim, serving the Stadttempel was the site of a horrific Sephardic, Bukharian Jews from Ukraine sushi, Chinese food and bowls. Palestinian terror attack in 1981 that in- and the former Soviet Union, who moved The restaurant was recently written up jured 21 and killed two. Like all Viennese to Vienna during the late 1970s and 1980s. as “koscher, cool und Asiatisch” (kosher, synagogues, the Stadttempel, yeshivas Vienna’s first Bukharian synagogue was cool and Asian) in Wina Magazin, an and many institutions are protected by opened in 1990. independent Jewish magazine published round-the-clock security. Otherwise, the A third wave of Jews are from Israel in German. The restaurant’s clean lines, community is as welcoming to its visitors and America, who have come together ultra-modern design and unique tableware as any other, and kosher food is plentiful to join Kollels (institutes for advanced contribute to the hotspot’s modish appeal. and is served to the city’s many visitors Talmud study) and to staff yeshivas cre- “It was my dream to open a restaurant with a smile. ated to educate the Jews coming from the here where I grew up,” Janet Faiziev told Elizabeth Kratz is the associate The Chabad House in Vienna offers former Soviet Union communities. As this me. She explained that the name of Mea publisher and editor of The Jewish Link coffee and hot chocolate to visitors. community has grown, it has brought with Shearim comes not from the name of the of New Jersey and The Jewish Link of (Photo by Elizabeth Kratz) it a taste of modern Israel. haredi neighborhood in Jerusalem, but Bronx, Westchester and Connecticut.

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February 2018

Feature Films *A Tale of Love and Darkness - Academy Award-winning actress Natalie Portman directs and stars in the emotional and thought-provoking story about Fania, a young wife and mother in war-torn Jerusalem, during the early years of the State of Israel. Stifled in her relationship and weary from the tedium of her new life, Fania creates fantastical stories for Amos, her 10-year-old son, amazing him with tales of adventure and beauty— stories that would influence the boy to become a writer himself. Based on the international best-selling memoir by Amos Oz. Denial - Based on the acclaimed book Denial: Holocaust History on Trial, Denial recounts Deborah E. Lipstadt’s legal battle for historical truth against David Irving (BAFTA nominee Timothy Spall), who accused her of libel when she declared him a Holocaust denier. In the English legal system, in cases of libel, the burden of proof is on the defendant, therefore it was up to Lipstadt and her legal team, led by Richard Rampton, to prove the essential truth that the Holocaust occurred. *Fanny’s Journey- In 1943, 13-year old Fanny and her younger sisters were sent from their home in France to an Italian foster home for Jewish children. When Nazis came to , their caretakers organized the departure of the children to Switzerland. Based on a true story. Hidden in Silence- During the Nazi occupation of Poland,Catholic teenage Stefania Podgorska chooses the role of a savior and sneaks 13 Jewish into her attic. *Loving Leah: A Hallmark Hall of Fame Classic - A handsome Washington, D.C. doctor and a young New York woman fall in love at an unusual time...after they get married. Leah Lever is married to an Orthodox rabbi, Benjamin Lever, whose brother, Jake, is a successful cardiologist and a non-practicing Jew. Jake is stunned when Benjamin dies suddenly, but not as stunned as when he is told that, under an ancient Jewish Law, he is expected to marry the childless Leah to carry on Benjamin’s name. The only alternative is to go through a ceremony where Jake must deny his brother’s existence. For Jake, that’s unthinkable, so impulsively he suggests to Leah that they get married and maintain a secretly platonic relationship. Eager to pursue her own dreams, Leah gladly accepts. Their oversimplified plan to live separate lives under the same roof proves challenging when Leah’s suspicious mother shows up unexpectedly. The harder they try to disguise their “pretend” marriage, the more their appreciation for each other’s worlds grows - and out of understanding, a real love develops. Loving Leah is a heart-warming story. Munich - Inspired by real events, Munich reveal the intense story of the secret Israeli squad assign to track down and assassinate the 121 Palestinians believed to have planned the 1972 Munich massacre of 11 Israeli athletes. ( The Jewish Film Library also owns the movie “Twenty One Hours in Munich” about the massacre at the Olympics). Music Box - In this intense, courtroom thriller, Chicago attorney Ann Talbot agrees to defend her Hungarian immigrant father Mike Laszlo against accusations of heinous war crimes committed 50 years earlier. *Norman - Norman Oppenheimer (Richard Gere) lives a lonely life in the margins of New York City power and money, and strives to be everyone’s friend. His incessant networking leads him nowhere until he ends up befriending a young but charismatic politician, Micha Eshel at a low point in his life. Three years later, the politician becomes the Prime Minister of Israel. Norman uses Eshel’s name to leverage his biggest deal ever: a series of quid pro quo transactions linking the Prime Minister to Norman’s nephew ,a rabbi, a mogul, his assistant and a treasury official from the Ivory Coast. Norman’s plans soon go awry, creating the potential for an international catastrophe he must struggle to prevent. Norman: The Moderate Rise and Tragic Fall of a New York Fixer is a comedic and compassionate drama of a man whose downfall is rooted in a human frailty all too easy to forgive—a need to matter. Remember - Remember is the suspense-filled story of Zev, an Auschwitz survivor who discovers that the Nazi guard who murdered his family some seventy years ago is living in America under an assumed name. The Devil’s Arithmetic - Sixteen year old Hanna Stern was a typical American teenager who ignores her family’s heritage until a mystical Passover seder takes her back in time to German-occupied Poland on an emotional journey of life, death and survival. The Impossible Spy - The story of the life and death of Israel’s most celebrated spy, Elie Cohen. *The Last Butterfly -This World War II drama stars Tom Courtenay as the famous French Mime Antoine Moreau. Ordered by the Nazis to provide ‘the greatest show of his life’ for use as propoganda showing the kinder side of the Nazis as the war draws to a close, Moreau decides to risk everything to tell the world the real truth behind this monumental lie, and although as a mime he is pledged to keep his lips sealed, his voice must be heard. *The Women’s Balcony - Discover Israel’s #1 film of the year! An accident during a Bar Mitzvah celebration leads to a gender rift in a devout community in Jerusalem. *The Wedding Plan - A poignant and funny romantic comedy about love, marriage and faith in life’s infinite possibilities. *The Zookeeper’s Wife - In 1939 Poland, Antonina Zabinska (two-time Academy Award nominee Jessica Chastain) and her husband successfully run the Warsaw Zoo and raise their family in an idyllic existence. Their world is overturned, however, when the country is invaded by the Nazis and they are forced to report to the Reich’s newly appointed zoologist (Daniel Brühl). To fight back on their own terms, the Zabinskis risk everything by covertly working with the Resistance and using the zoo’s hidden tunnels and cages to save families from Nazi brutality. Non-Feature Films Above and Beyond - In 1948, just three years after the liberation of Nazi death camps, a group of Jewish-American pilots answered a call for help. As members of Machal- “volunteers from abroad”- this ragtag band of brothers not only turned the tide of the war; they also embarked on personal journeys of discovery and renewed Jewish pride. *Body and Soul: The State of the Jewish Nation - A powerful documentary sets the record straight eloquently and comprehensively. It not only shows the undeniable historical connection between the Jewish People and the , but also succeeds in debunking propaganda, myths and misinformation that have become accepted as truth by many people. Follow Me - The story of the fantastic rescue at Entebbe and the loss of Yonatan Netanyahu (brother of the Prime Minister). The Jewish Film Library also owns an Israeli film about the rescue at Entebbe entitled “Operation Thunderbolt” Hava Nagila (the Movie) - Hava Nagila is a documentary romp through the history, mystery and meaning of the great Jewish standard. *I’m Still Here - Real Diaries of young people who lived during the Holocaust. Jews and Baseball (narrated by Dustin Hoffman) Israel: The Royal Tour - A delightful tour headed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and travel correspondent Peter Greenberg. Nicky’s Family - The amazing story of Sir Nicholas Winton who created, on his own, a Kinder-transport in Czechoslavakia saving 669 children from the Nazi inferno. No Place on Earth - The harrowing story of Esther Stermer and her family and friends who escaped extermination by the Nazis by hiding in an underground cave is unearthed by accident when cave explorer, Chris Nicola stumbles upon remnants left behind by the cave dwellers. *Rosenwald - Rosenwald tells the incredible story of Julius Rosenwald, the son of an immigrant peddler who never finished high school, who rose to become the President of Sears. Influenced by the writings of the educator Booker T. Washington, this Jewish philanthropist joined forces with African American communities during the Jim Crow South to build 5,300 schools, providing 660,000 black children with access to education in the segregated American South. The Life and Times of Hank Greenberg *The Prime Ministers: The Pioneers and Soldiers and Peacemakers - A two disc-set based on the international best-seller by Ambassador Yehuda Avner (New films denoted with an asterisk *)

FEBRUARY 22, 2018 ■ THE REPORTER 15 NEWS IN BRIEF From JTA America, Sweden and Holland. The building will be dedicated in the fall as the Joseph White supremacist group: Florida school shooter is Wilf Building, according to the Jewish Agency. “Affordable housing for seniors is not only a crucial element in any community’s infrastructure, but also a true embodiment associated with us of the Jewish value of tikkun olam – repairing the world,” said Mark Wilf of the Wilf A white supremacist group told the Anti-Defamation that the gunman who killed Family Foundation. “In this context, we are honored to support The Jewish Agency’s at least 17 people at a school in Parkland, FL, was associated with it. Jordan Jereb, a Senior Affordable Housing Initiative, a project that puts our values into action. We are representative for Republic of Florida, told the ADL that 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz especially pleased that priority will be given to elderly Holocaust survivors – a very had been “brought up” by a member of the organization. Jereb also said that Cruz had fitting tribute to our father who dedicated so much of his time and resources to improving participated in at least one of the group’s training exercises. The group, described as “alt- their lives and preserving their legacy.” Wilf is a JTA board member. right” by the ADL, had not asked or wanted Cruz to do the school shooting, Jereb said. Ukrainian monument to Jewish Shoah victims vandalized On Feb. 14, Cruz used a semiautomatic rifle in a shooting spree at Marjory Stoneman A monument for Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust in what is today Ukraine Douglas High School. Cruz, a former student at the school who was expelled, was in was vandalized by unidentified individuals who painted on it a swastika and the SS custody. At least five of the victims were Jewish. Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, Nazi elite unit’s symbol. The incident occurred earlier this month in the city of Ternopil, who is Jewish, said Cruz’s social media posts painted “a very disturbing” picture, CNN located about 80 miles east of the city of Lviv in Western Ukraine, Eduard Dolinsky, the reported. Mayor Beam Burr said Cruz “had been dealing with mental health issues.” director of the Ukrainian Jewish Committee, wrote on Facebook on Feb. 14. The day The ADL said it contacted a hotline for the Republic of Florida after self-described before the incident, on Feb. 2, the editor-in-chief of a local newspaper in Chortkiv, a city members of the group claimed Cruz as a member on 4chan, a web platform frequented located 40 miles south of Ternopil, published an article claiming Jews have excessive by members of the far-right. The Republic of Florida “borrows paramilitary concepts power in Ukraine and beyond and that only 800,000 Jews died in the Holocaust. “If from the anti-government extremist militia movement (not itself a white supremacist you go deeper into history, then you’ve always had Jews where the money, where the movement),” according to the ADL, and wants to create a “white ethnostate” in Florida. power, the benefit are,” wrote Maryana Polyanskaya in her column in theChortkovskiy Lawsuit says Brooklyn principal discriminated against Vestnik newspaper. She also condemned Israel’s “expulsion of Palestinians.” Repeating Orthodox school therapist unfounded rumors that Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko is Jewish, she wrote that Jews are not to blame for Ukraine’s problems but rather “Ukrainians who allow all An occupational therapist at an elementary school in Brooklyn is suing the principal Jews, Romanians, Poles, Americans” to “run the show.” Ukraine, she added, “needs a alleging discrimination because she is an Orthodox Jew. Ilene Klass filed a lawsuit in leader: a Ukrainian, a real one, a nationalist supporting a purely Ukrainian language, a New York state Supreme Court in Brooklyn charging that principal Sungmin Yoo a former soldier, an honest and responsible Ukrainian.” In January, a smoke grenade has written her up for planning her work schedule around religious Jewish holidays, was thrown into a bookshop in Lviv during a lecture about the Holocaust. Israel’s the New York Daily News reported. The lawsuit names Yoo, the state Department of Ministry for Diaspora Affairs in January published a report saying that the number of Education and the city as defendants. Klass is the only staff member at P.S. 312 who recorded antisemitic attacks documented in Ukraine in 2017 surpassed the tally of all is an Orthodox Jew, according to the Daily News. She said in the lawsuit that she has such incidents in the entire former Soviet Union. More than 130 incidents were recorded been subject to religious discrimination at least four times. One example states that in Ukraine last year, the ministry told JTA, double the number for 2016. At least one Yoo purposely changed Klass’ work hours and extended her work day on Friday, researcher on antisemitism in Ukraine, Vyacheslav Likhachev, who is affiliated with making it virtually impossible for her to make it home in time for Shabbat during the Vaad Association of Jewish Communities and Organizations of Ukraine, dismissed the winter months. Yoo threatened to write up Klass for professional misconduct or the report as unprofessional and false. The director of Ukraine’s Institute of National theft of services if she left early, according to the lawsuit. Remembrance, Vladimir Vyatrovich, told Radio Liberty the week, of Feb. 9 “It is a pity, Britain’s Labour Party backs separate labeling for kosher but the results of the influence of [Russian] propaganda are felt even by documents of and halal meat certain Israeli institutions.” Russia and Ukraine have a territorial dispute over Crimea, which Russia annexed from Ukraine in 2014. Britain’s Labour Party announced its support for separate labeling for meat from animals slaughtered without stunning in keeping with Jewish and Muslim traditions. Swiss honor diplomat who saved thousands of Jews Jewish groups in the United Kingdom and beyond in Europe oppose the proposed A room in the Swiss Federal Palace where high-level foreign policy decisions are measure, which appeared in Labour’s Animal Welfare Plan published by the opposition made was renamed for a diplomat who saved tens of thousands of Jews during the party earlier the week of Feb. 15, because they deem it discriminatory. But Labour’s Holocaust. Carl Lutz, who worked as vice consul for Switzerland in Budapest during manifesto on animal welfare states it will seek “mandatory labeling of meat, both the years of World War II, is credited with having a hand in saving about 86,000 domestic and imported. This would include details on country of origin, method Jews from the Nazis. He is called the Swiss Oskar Schindler. The room in the palace of production and method of slaughter (stun or non-stun.)” In Islam and Judaism, in Bern was renamed the Carl Lutz room on Feb. 12, on the 43rd anniversary of his animals must be conscious when their necks are cut for their meat to be allowed for death, The Local-Switzerland reported. A commemorative plaque bearing his name consumption. Animal welfare activists consider this cruel, though advocates of the and those of Harald Feller, Gertrud Lutz-Fankhauser, Ernst Vonrufs and Peter Zurcher, Jewish custom, called shechitah, say it is overall less prone to induce suffering be- who all worked with Lutz to help save thousands of Jews from Nazi death camps, cause, unlike industrial methods, it is not mechanized and involves more oversight also was hung in the room. Lutz served as vice consul for Switzerland in Budapest in each procedure. UK, an organization representing communal interests from 1942-45. In 1944, when the Germans entered Hungary, Lutz signed an agree- in the matter, in the past has called labeling meat as “not stunned” discriminatory ment for the Germans to provide safe passage for 8,000 Jews and then extended the because “it suggests that shechitah-slaughtered meat comes from a non-humane diplomatic letters of protection he received to whole families instead of individuals. process, and there will be no label to indicate how non-kosher meat is slaughtered When the 8,000 documents were used up, he issued new ones. Lutz and his diplomatic or if their stunning methods have failed (as they so frequently do).” In France, an colleagues also set up safe houses around Budapest for thousands of Jews. Lutz has advisory committee of the Senate on the meat industry in 2013 for the first time made been honored by Israel’s Yad Vashem as a Righteous Among the Nations. a nonbinding recommendation for halal/kosher labeling, prompting condemnations by Jewish and Muslim faith leaders. As with nonmedical circumcision of boys, some opponents of shechitah say it is a foreign import connected to the spread of Islam in Europe. Others in the circumcision debate cite what they consider the rights of Poland Continued from page 5 children, and animal welfare when it comes to the production of meat. But this alleged turning of a blind eye, what happened in Poland is seen as a New Jersey foundation gives $5 million for senior citizen he added, is a disservice. “Ukraine needs particularly egregious attack on the history to join Europe as a civilized member of of the Holocaust and the memories of the subsidized housing in Israel that family of nations. And for that to dead,” Ryvchin said. A New Jersey-based foundation is granting $5 million to a happen, it needs to speak honestly and Ironically, Poland is perhaps singled initiative providing subsidized housing for senior citizens in Israel. The Wilf Family openly about its history,” he said. out for criticism because of the country’s Foundation on Feb. 15 announced the grant to the the Senior Affordable Housing To Ryvchin, the Australian author, the vocal civil society and the debate it is gen- Initiative, which is planning to build about 3,000 affordable housing units for seniors “particularly forceful reaction to the Polish erating over the politics of memory, Katz on 17 sites in nine cities across Israel. The initiative’s first site is under construction law is likely because Poland is seen as suggested. Even today, he said, Poland and in Tel Aviv. There is a waiting list of 27,000 low-income Israeli seniors – half of them the epicenter of the Holocaust,” he said. Hungary “have robust liberal movements Holocaust survivors – for subsidized housing. Several other donors have committed The Germans built extermination camps that themselves counter official govern- more than $27 million to the Jewish Agency project, including the Harry and Jeanette only in Poland, according to Holocaust ment policy on many issues – unlike the Weinberg Foundation; the Claims Conference; the Belz Foundation; the Coopersmith historian Efraim Zuroff. Baltics, where dissent is often quashed Charitable Trust; the Iranian Jewish Federation; and Keren Hayesod donors from South “Any attempt to distort or disguise using the full force of the law.”

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Pledge or Donate online at ÊCheck out the Federation’s new, updated website at or find it on Facebook 16 THE REPORTER ■ FEBRUARY 22, 2018 NEWS IN BRIEF FROM ISRAEL From settlers were evacuated from 21 settlements in the Gaza Strip and from four others in the West Bank, the Knesset committee was told that 160 families still have not Israel to apply anti-BDS law to Amnesty International been assigned permanent housing in place of the homes they were forced to evacuate. (Israel Hayom/Exclusive to JNS via JNS) – Israel is acting to enforce its anti-BDS However, it emerged that all but 28 of those families are expected to move into new law against Amnesty International, after the human rights organization embarked on homes within the coming year. The remaining 28 families have used up the grants a campaign calling for a boycott of products from Judea and Samaria and a weapons they received as compensation from the state after the evacuation and cannot afford embargo on Israel, which it has accused of war crimes. Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon to purchase new homes. To assist them, the state has offered to install prefabricated and Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan have formulated amendments to the law to structures on their lots and charge them only 1,500 shekels ($425) per month in rent. enable the sanctions, and Kahlon will be able to enact them after three weeks of public The structures, known as “caravillas,” will be provided without charge. hearings in which citizens can voice their objections. Before imposing sanctions on Israel’s foreign ministry warns that Syrian chemical weapons Amnesty International, Kahlon is expected to invite senior officials from the organization to a hearing. Amnesty International could also be sued for damages for violating the may spill into Israel anti-BDS law. Under its “Israel’s Occupation: 50 Years of Dispossession” campaign, A classified cable sent to Israeli ambassadors by Israel’s Foreign Ministry warned that Amnesty calls for “governments to stop enabling the economy that keeps these illegal Syrian dictator Bashar Assad may again utilize chemical weapons in an ongoing civil war, settlements growing and fuels the suffering of Palestinians … and help put an end to and such chemicals may spill over into Israel, according to Israel’s Channel 10 news. the cycle of violations suffered by Palestinians living under Israel’s occupation.” The cable warned that Israel would react with severity against Syria if chemical weapons Israeli scientists simulate Mars environment at secret location were used anywhere near the Israeli border. “It must be made clear that such an incident would require Israel to respond in the strongest possible terms,” the cable stated. “We in Israel’s Negev must convey the message that Israel will not allow this and will defend itself, its citizens (Israel Hayom/Exclusive to JNS via JNS) – Six scientists and technical experts “landed and its sovereignty.” Ambassadors were asked to inform senior political leaders in the on Mars” on Feb. 16, or rather at a secret and isolated site near Mitzpe Ramon in south- countries where they’re stationed of the threat of an escalation of hostilities if is con- ern Israel to participate in the D-Mars Project – a first-of-its-kind simulation in Israel in tinued to be allowed to entrench in Syria. The cable also encouraged ambassadors to call conjunction with the Israel Space Agency and the Ministry of Science, Technology and for international pressure on Iran to halt aggression toward Israel and ongoing support for Space. Through Feb. 18, the participants were to be disconnected from the world, conduct Hezbollah. The ministry sent the warning to 15 Israeli ambassadors around the world as experiments, live in a structure designed to be compatible with conditions on Mars and part of guidelines issued on addressing the topics of Iran, Syria and the Hezbollah terror move around wearing space suits. The purpose of the project is to research and simulate organization in their host countries, following a military escalation between Israel and Syria. possible life on Mars in the near future. “Space agencies around the world are already Israeli delegation visits Malaysia for U.N. Habitat conference, busy with preparations for the journey to Mars and [finding] solutions to the multitude of technological challenges on the way to getting there,” said ISA head Avi Belsberger. following diplomatic pressure “Among the challenges people are trying to solve: building a spaceship and engine suitable A three-person delegation representing Israel at the U.N. Human Settlements Program for the lengthy journey, the effects of cosmic radiation on human beings, shipping and (or U.N. Habitat) conference in Kuala Lumpur, marks the first visit of an Israeli diplomat erecting a structure there, life in a small and isolated group, communication with earth and to Malaysia in 53 years. David Roet, former deputy permanent representative to the United more,” he said. “Israel has already contributed to preparing for the mission to Mars, and Nations led the delegation to the Muslim-majority country in , following in the technological developments to protect people against radiation.” Mars simulations diplomatic pressure on Malaysia from Israel’s delegation to the U.N. and the Israeli em- take place in a small number of places around the world. A large simulation is currently bassy in Kenya (where U.N. Habitat is headquartered). Malaysia, which like many Muslim underway in Utah, where Weizmann Institute of Science research student Roy Naor was countries does not have official ties with Israel, was forced to accept the delegation as sent by the ISA to represent Israel. Mitzpe Ramon, in the Negev Desert, is considered one all U.N. member nations were permitted to attend. Roet indicated that Malaysia would of the only places on the planet with conditions relatively similar to those on Mars. The not be establishing diplomatic ties with Israel anytime soon, though he met with senior area resembles Mars in terms of its topography, geology, aridity, appearance and isolation. Malaysian officials. Roet reportedly told the officials that Israel is open to relations and Thirteen years after Gaza evacuation, 160 families still does not view Malaysia as an enemy. Israel and Malaysia currently maintain limited trade relations, primarily through the company Intel, which operates facilities in both countries. without housing The other participants in the Israeli delegation were former minister Ophir Pines-Paz, (Israel Hayom/Exclusive to JNS via JNS) – The Knesset House Committee con- director of the Institute for Local Government at Tel Aviv University, and Eran Razin, vened on Feb. 13 to mark Gush Katif Day, commemorating the evacuation of Jewish director of Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Institute of Urban and Regional Studies. settlements from the Gaza Strip in the summer of 2005. Nearly 13 years after the The next U.N. Habitat conference will be held in Abu Dhabi in 2020. s on our bus t Join u rip to

Wednesday, May 16 The New York City trip includes lunch (at your choice of one of the fine restaurants near the museum), a guided tour of the museum, and a visit to the outdoor memorial at Ground Zero. Cost for bus and tour - $40.00 ease ontat ass an at ith uestions an reserations