Class 7,

Subject. Social Science

Chapter -3.

Name of Chapter: Sultans of .

Name of teacher: Atul Kumar Rai.

Question And Answer:

E. Answer the following questions briefly.

Ques 1. Name five dynasties which ruled Delhi from 1206 to 1526CE.

Ans: Five dynasties which ruled Delhi region were:

1. The Slave dynasty.

2. The Khalji dynasty.

3. The Tughlaq dynasty

4. The Sayyid dynasty.

5. The Lodi dynasty.

Ques 2. Why did organize a team of forty loyal slaves?

Ans: To keep a check on the powers of nobles, he organized a team of forty loyal slaves who kept him informed of the happening in the kingdom.

Ques 3. What were the duties of Muqties or Iqtadars?

Ans: Muqties or Iqtadars had to maintain law and order and collect revenues from iqtas.

Ques 4. Who was Razia Sultan? Why did the nobles not accept her as ruler?

Ans: Razia Sultan was daughter of Iltutmish and first and last muslim ruler to sit on the throne of Delhi.

Nobles did not accept her as ruler because it was not acceptable for the nobles to be subservient to a woman. Ques 5. What measures were taken by Alauddin Khalji to to secure the north west frontiers?

Ans: He repaired the old forts on the north west frontiers and appointed special governers. Strong Armies were stationed at Multan.

Ques 6. List any two welfare measures of Firoz Shah Tughlaq.

Ans: 1. He constructed a number of canals and many wells to provide good irrigation facilities.

2. He built many sarais or rest houses for travellers.

F. answer the following questions in detail.

Ques 1. How do you come to know about ?

Ans: following are the sources of information about Delhi sultanate. a. The coins, architecture of building, mosques of Delhi sultanate period. b. The famous traveller Ibn Battutah came fron morocco and his travelogues provide us valuable information about the reign of Muhammad Tughlaq. c. Hasan Nizami, a migrant from , provide us information about Qutub-ud-din Aibak. d. Literary works of Minhaz-I-Siraj called Tabaqat –i-Nasiri tells us about Delhi sultanate. e. Zia-ud-din-Barani lived in court of Muhammad Tughlaq and Firoz Tughlaq and wrote an account called Tarikh-i-Firozshahi which also gives us an account of political History of Delhi sultanate.

Ques 2. What steps were taken by Balban to strengthen his hold over kingdom?

Ans: Balban tried to strengthen his hold over kingdom by taking thr following measures. a. He introduced an efficient spy system to keep a watch on the activities of nobles, giverners and other officials. b. He put forward the policy of divine rights of king. c. He introduced the practice of ‘Sijda’. This was the practice where people were required to kneel and touch the ground with their forehead in salutation to the king, like it is done for the God.

Ques 3. Explain in detail about the economic policies of Alauddin Khalji. a. Regulation of price of essential commodities. b. controlling the sale of the items so that every one could get them. c. Appointing the inspectors to ensure that traders sell the goods at the fixed prices and do not hoard. d. Keeping a check on weights and measures. e. Establishing a system of godowns to store grains after crops and release the same when required.

Ques 4. Write in detail about the policies of Muhammad bin Tughlaq and also give reason for the failure.

Ans: Policies of Muhammad Bin Tughlaq: a. Taxation in Doab. He increased the tax on the doab area which was very fertile.

Reason for failure: The tax was increased at a time when monsoon failed and agriculture failed miserably leading to a famine. Once the Sultan came to know of the matter he withdraw the order. b. use of token currency. Tughlaq issued copper coins and kept their value at par with the gold and silver coin ones which were in circulation earlier.

Reason of failure: the people of state started minting their own fake coins of higher value which led to large scale circulation of counterfeit coins. c. Transfer of capital: he shifted his capital from Delhi to Daultabad(Devagiri).

Reason of failure: Later when he realized that the control of northwest frontiers was not possible from Daultabad he reversed his order and again shifted the capital back to Delhi.

Ques 5. Give the reasons for the decline of Delhi sultanate.

Answer: following are the reason for decline of Delhi sultanate: a. there were no fixed rule of succession in these dynasties. b. Power of the nobles: the nobles became powerful by having provinces to rule or controle. c. there were many rulers who were extremely autocratic and harsh on people. This was the major cause of discontentment among the people. d. The judicial and administrative system were not smooth and kept varying. e. The imposition of tax on non muslims started diving the society.