A Mournful Homecoming
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In Section 2 In Sports An Associated Collegiate Press Defining Softball Four-Star All-American Newspaper an entire wins with generation late-inning magic• page B I page B 10 Non-profit Org. FREE U.S. Postage Paid TUESDAY Newark~ DE Volume 122, Number 47 250 Student Center, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716. Permll No 26 April 9, 1996 Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown's plane crashed into.a mount~in in Croatia Wednesday, killing all 36 passengers and wound1ng a nation A mournful homecoming THE REVIEW I Matthew Smtth The center at the corner of Main St. and South College Ave. will partially open by the end of the month. A grand opening is scheduled for fall. A sneak peek inside the New Student Center BY EMILY HAHN 1994 more than 2,400 people signed Staff R~tporrer a petition iniliatcd by a group of A thin film of sawdust coated the students and community members to gray tiled noor, and the whine of a oppose the demolition of Daugherty circular saw pierced th e air on Hall because of it historical and Friday as construction continued aesthetic value. inside the nearly complete studenl Built in 1868. Daugherty Hall, center. previously the First Presbyterian THE REVIEW I Alisa Colley The $21.3 million building Church of cwark. is the only pre President Bill Clinton (below), First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, Vice President AI Gore and 3,000 other mourner!., located on Main Street and South existing structure 10 be included in including the victim's families, filed into Dover Air Force Base Saturday to attend Brown's memorial service. College Avenue is expected to be the rlestgn for the new student open by the end of Apnl. Previous center. estimates had set the opening date The origtnal stained gla~s Clinton, Gore attend Dover funeral service Brown was (honorable for April I. sec STI.JDE:"'T CE:"'TER page AS and giving citizen' to his Although extension cords and BY SCOTT GOSS system. However, U.S. itn-cstigators have piles of wood were still scattered SanmwVSrare Neh"" Edttor refused to comment on definitive reasons for country, Clinton says throughout the building. poruons of DOVER - Commerce St>c-rt>t:try Ron Brown the crash. the interior were completely What you'll and 33 other American finally ro.:turned home Those ki lied include Brown. mem bers of BY ANGELA ANDRIOLA finished. find in the Saturda). I I hours after the plane carrying his staff. private business leaders. the crew of Staff Reporter The first-Ooor walls arc light gray their bodies left Dubrovnik. Croatia. the plane anrl a correspondent from The New Referring to Secretary of Commerce with white oak wainscoting runntng new building President Bill Clinton. York Times. Ronald H. Brown, Vice President AI Gore along the bottom halves. umerous First Lad) Ht llary Rod ham Prior to the mem oria l. the said Thursday. ·'He was a trailblazer who left benches are butlt into the alcoves Food Court: Clinton. Vice President AI president individually met a legacy of firsts - the fir'>! African and blend into the surrounding wall s. Gore and the victim's with each of the families American to head a major political party. the Large cardboard boxes containing • Taco Bell Express family members were who had been rlov. n to first African-American to become a partner chairs are stacked at one end of the • Chick-Fil-A present at the Dover Air Dover and provided with in his Washington Jaw firm , the first African huge multi-purpose room that takes • Baskin Robbin Force Base for a memorial military hous ing at the American to lead the Commerce up about 15 percent of the new building. Movable partitions can he • Gretels Bakery servtce tn honor of the 34 government's ex pen sc. Department." • Itza Pizza American' killed. Brown, 33 Americans and two Croatian; used to divide the room into thirds. As the families. cllming • Starbucks The Dover ba se houses from the base chapel. were killed Wednesday when their plane A portable stage with power and the largest port mortuary in slowly filed into Hangar crashed into a mountainside as it approached lighting is at the east end of the And a restaurant, bake the Dcpanmcnt of Defense. 706. the cold, overcast sky the Cilipi airport at Dubrovnik on the room. shop and display kitchen According to Sgt. Michael see med to reflect their Adriatic coast of Croatia. Blue and gold banners aimed at for the Hotel. Restaurant Dorsey. the ba se receives somber emotions. All the passengers and crew members promoting school spirit hang in the and Institutional gall ery along with light-emitttng 60-70 bodtes a month Blankets and scats just perished in the crash, including ~evc ral other Manao-ement Prooram during peace-time in side the hangar·s open Commerce Department members and diode signs that display moving b 1::> operations. doors were provided to the Nathaniel C. Nash of The New York Times. digital mes. ages. Brown was touring the approximately 3.000 Within th e past year, Brown faced According to university Prestdent Other facilities: Balkans last week with mourners. Yet the allegations surrounding his financtal David P. Roselle, offtc.:ials from • 295-seat movie Americ<tn business leaders assembled crowd remained dealin!!.s. The inve ti gat ion had been Student Life "ill approve the theater messages appearing on the LED in an attempt to encourage THE REVIEW 1 A lisa Colley on their feet in anticipation tempor;rily halted sever'ill days before hi s • 840-person capacity. investments in postwar death. signs. Most likely the messages will o f the plane carrying the multi-purpose room reconstruction after the Bosnian War. The victims' remains. Brown, 54. was nominated as the 30th include date for tudent theater productions and sporting events, and entourage·~ plane went down near the city of As mourners looked out on the rainy Dover secretary of commerce by then President • Daugherty Hall Dubrovntl. Wednesday. possibly because of airfield. they were met with the powerful elect Bill Clinton on Dec. 12. 1992. and was names of scholarship winners. (formerly the Abbey), poor weather and an outdated radio beacon Before the university started now a study area see FUNERAL page A4 see C HRONICLE page A4 construction on the buildmg m Jul) Interviews nationwide INDEX STD awareness month targets Campus Calendar ............................. A2 made easy by the 'Net Police Report ................................... A2 problem that afflicts 1 in 4 adults World News ...................... .. .............. A3 Editorial. ......................................... A I 0 Career Services offers teleconferenced, yet Comics ............................................ ... B6 BY BETH MATUSEWICZ simultaneously but sequentially. The 1973 enactment of the nat ion a I still face-to-face, interviews via Internet Classified .......................................... 85 Slaff Repm1er pool of infection is probahly higher," Gonorrhea e:ontrol Program. Sports .............................................. B I 0 With one in four American adults Clarke said. Clarke said the human infected by sexually transmitted At the universily. the most papillomavirus, compared to a disease BY LAUREN JADELIS system. diseases and 12 mi Ilion new cases SwiJ Rqmrtrr ----Also inside: ---- common STD is human papilloma like gonorrhea, is "very wily'· and '"A lthough videoconferencing has discovered every year, the American virus, which causes either visible easy to transmit. There arc Face-to-face job interviews with been around for many years, on ly Social Health Association has warts on the genitals or microscopic approximately 60 different strains of employers anywhere in the country within the past two and a hllif has UD computer camp teaches kids ....... A3 declared April National STD ones !hat can only be identified the virus, but only two are known 10 without leaving ewark have the medium become personal DART buse change routes ............... A2 Awareness Month a a mean of th rough a pap smear te t. aid Dr. produce recognizable symptoms. become a reality. Easter Egg Hum ............................... AS computer based ; · said Jill Nowicki , educating the public. Susan Lowry, a physician at Student The rate of specific diseases at the The university' Career Services Oxrord debate team cha llenges UD manager of sales support and "We want people to under tand Health Services. university has not increased or Center is now offering the late t in to intellectual battle of sophi sms over administration at VIEWnet. that loving safely is a way for couples Although the virus has no cure, she decreased over the past several years, technology wJth the interactive alien life forms .. ............................... A4 The university bought lhe to show they care about each other," said, the visible warts can be removed Lowry said . videoconfercncing system. said InterVIEW software from VIEWnet ASHA President Peggy Clarke sai d. by freezing or with certain chemicals. She said the best ways to prevent David Berilla, associate directOr ot in December, but there have not Although women are more '·The second on my hit list is STDs are to use condoms properly Career Services. been any interviews on the system susceptible to STD infections than chlamydia," Lowry said of the STDs and to use some type of spermicide. · Using the videoconfcrcn:ing yet in cc marketing to st ud e nt s, men because of th eir internal she sees most at the Health Center, the Clarke said , adding that a person system InterVI EW, a job recruiter fa.:ulty and corporati ons is sti ll in its reproductive anatOmy. Clarke said . disease which infect 4 million people should never use spermicide without a and candidate can have a face-to initial qages. Berilla expects the women arc also le ss likely to in the United States annual ly.