Rod Sinclair: Submittedin Fulfillment of the Degreeof
Title: Acoustic Guitar Practice and Acousticity: Establishing Modalities of Creative Practice. Volume 1: Thesis Rod Sinclair: submittedin fulfillment of the degreeof PhD. Newcastle University, December 2007 NEWCASTLE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ---------------------------- 206 53423 0 ---------------------------- ABSTRACT The contemporaryacoustic guitar has developed from its origins in the 'Spanish' guitar to become a global instrument and the musical voice of a wide range of styles. The very 'acousticity' of the instrumentpositions it as a binary oppositeto the electricguitar ano as a signifier for the organicand the naturalworld, artistryand maturity,eclecticism and the esoteric.In this concept-rootedsubmission, the acousticand guitaristicnature of the instrumentis consideredin relationto a range of social, cultural and artistic concerns,and composition is used primarily to test a thesis, wherein a portfolio of original compositions, presentedas recordings and understoodas phonograms,comment upon and reflect uponmodes of performativity: instrument specific performance, introspection, virtuosity, mediation by technology and performance subjectivities. p.1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to acknowledgethe supportand inspirationoffered by Dr JamesBirkett, Dr Ian Biddle, Dr Will Edmondes,Tim Brookes,Mick Wright, MauriceSummerfield and particularly Maureen Scott and Gerry Richardson. I am indebtedto the following musiciansfor their musicalcontributions: Andy Champion: double bass,Freeze: vocals, Stuart Hardy: violin, Neil Harland: double bass,Dave Hignet:
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