The Bewley Related Families
THE BEWLEY AND RELATED FAMILIES By Donald Dean Parker, Sr. Published by the Author 1946 DEl)ICATION Dcdicstcd to the memory of my maternal great grandfather, John B€'>7ley, 1787-1869, of Buck&bnnk, rloodhouses, und Cnusa Grc.nge in Cum~erlsnd County, Englund. Thunksgiving, 1946 Donald Dean Parker, Sr. Brookings, South Dakota. PATRONS This limited edition has been especially prepared for the follo'.7ing institutions, libraries, and persons: (Arranged alpha betically by states:) Los Angeles Public Library, Los Angeles, California; Illinois State Historical Library, Springfield, Ill.; Maine Historical Society, Portland, Maine; American Antiquarian Society, \7orchester, Massachusetts; Ne 1,-: England Historia Qenealcg ical Society, Boston, Nass.; "')etroit Public Library, Detroit, Hichigan; Minnesota Historical Society, Saint Paul, Minn.; lfis souri Historical Society, St. to1Ais, :Mo.; Public library, Cincin nati, Ohio; The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio; The Historical Societ~r of ?ennsylvania, Phila delphia, Penn.; Tennessee State library, Nashville, Tonn.; G-en ealogical Society of Utah, Salt Lake Gity, Utah; National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Vlashington, D.C.; The Librs.r;7 of Congress, '.7ashington, D.c.; The 1:lisconsin State Historical Societ:r, liaclison, '}isoonsin. Dr. ~.F. Bo~ley, Director of the ExpGrimsntal end Research Station, Choshunt, Hcrts., England; Hr. c. Arthur Bey;lcy, 335 Florence Avr ., Norwalk, California; Mrs. Isabella Beviley Neill, Dcnair, California; Hr. B£YilE-y Allen, Alhambra, California; and Hr. vrne st Be',-.rley, Hade st o, California. (see page 125 ff.) RELATEn FAMILIES The related families referred to in the title include the follo',-:ing: (Arranged alphabetically:) Allinson, Atkinson, Beck, Behrens, Be',7ley, Blain, Bone, Bro1;me, Crozier, Daniels, Davis, Denton, Gate, Graham, Harrison, Hetherington, Ladyman, to,--1es, Lowther, I oore, Nicholson, Parker, Patterson, Pearson, Relph, Riakerby, Ro'.7land, ~mney, Scott, Setrnll, Siepherd, Stubb, Tom linson, Young.
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