Burma “Sea Gypsies” Compendium Report by Project Maje 3610 NE 70th Ave, Portland OR 97213 USA,
[email protected] June 2004 CONTENTS: Map: Sea Gypsies Region 1. Myanmar’s .net “Sea Gypsies: The Salone People of Myanmar,” undated website article, viewed 2004. 2. TNT Diventures, “Burma: Land of Dynamite Fishing,” undated website article, viewed 2004. 3. Marinasia, “Burma Eco-tour,” undated website, viewed 2004. 4. The Irrawaddy, “The Threat from the Sea Gypsies,” April 2004. 5. Myanmar Times, “Tourists Descend on Salone Festival,” Kerry Howley, Feb. 23-29, 2004. 6. Myanmar Times, “A Study of Humans,” Maw Maw San, Feb. 23-29, 2004. 7. Myanmar Times, “Myeik Archipelago Development Urged,” Kerry Howley, Feb. 23-29, 2004. 8. Xinhua, “Myanmar to Invite Foreign Investment for Archipelago Tourist Development,” Feb. 23, 2004. 9. Democratic Voice of Burma News, “Burmese Villagers Robbed by Uniformed Dacoits,” Feb. 20. 2004. 10. 11. The Irrawaddy, “Thirty-Seven Killed At Sea,” Naw Seng, Feb. 17, 2004. 12. Democratic Voice of Burma News, “SPDC Rounding Up Sea Gypsies For Show,” Feb. 11, 2004. 13. DPS Map website, “Festivals in Myanmar: Sea Gypsy Festival (Salone Festival),” Feb. 2004 14. Sydney Morning Herald, “Burma’s Gypsies of the Sea,” Jeni Harvie, Jan. 29, 2004. 15. Myanmar News website, “Concert to Benefit Salone (Sea Gypsy) People,” Jan. 19, 2004. 16. Democratic Voice of Burma News, “Burmese Sea-Gypsies Forced to Live on Land for Tourists,” Jan. 14, 2004. 17. The Greater Phuket Magazine, “Endangered Idyll?” Collin Piprell, October? 2003. 18. Science News, “Children of Sea See Clearly Underwater,” J. Travis, May 17, 2003.