Advertisements appearing for First Time PREMISES BEING: 1613 Revere Street, Harrisburg, 17104. Miscellaneous Notices BEING the same premises which Naomi R. Ross, (formerly Naomi R. Banks), a Single Person, by Deed dated December 6, SHERIFF SALE! 2002 and recorded December 6, 2002 in By virtue of certain writs of Execution Deed Book 4661, Page 213, in the Dauphin issued out of the Court of Common Pleas and County Recorder’s Office, granted and con- Orphans’ Court of Dauphin County, Pa., and veyed unto Lisa S. Banks. to me directed, I will expose at Public Sale or SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of Outcry, at the Dauphin County Administration Lisa S. Banks, Mortgagor(s) herein, under Building in the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin Judgment Number 2010-CV-11488. County, Pa., on Thursday, April 19, 2012 at BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL 10:00 A.M., the following real estate, to wit: No. 01-019-001. NOTICE is further given to all parties in SALE No. 1 interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed MARISA COHEN, Esq. distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 Judgment Amount: $71,574.89 and distributions will be made in accordance ALL THAT CERTAIN messauge, tene- with the said schedule unless exceptions are ment and tract of land situate in the First filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Ward of the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: SALE No. 2 BEGINNING at a point at the Southeast CHRISTOPHER A. DENARDO, Esq. corner of Revere Street and Ione Street, Judgment Amount: $53,924.37 described in former Deed as a twenty (20) feet alley; thence Southwardly along the East ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of side of Ione Street Ninety (90) feet to a point ground with improvements thereon erected on the North side of Kirk Alley (fifteen feet situate in the 1st Ward of the City of wide); thence Eastwardly along the Northern Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, side of said Kirk Alley by a line parallel with bounded and described in accordance with a Revere Street forty-four (44) feet to a point survey made by Gerrit J. Betz, Registered on the Western line of Property No. 1615 Surveyor, dated November 13, 1975, as fol- Revere Street; thence by a line at right angles lows: to Revere Street and along line of said prop- BEGINNING at a point on the easterly erty No. 1615 Revere Street, Ninety (90) feet side of South 14th Street said point being to a point on the South side of Revere Street; located 201.75 feet north of the northeast and thence westwardly along the south side corner of South 14th Street and Cloverly of Revere Street forty-four (44) feet to a Terrace; thence along the easterly side of point, the place of BEGINNING. South 14th Street, North 37 degrees 55 min- HAVING thereon erected a bungalow utes West a distance of 16.00 feet to a point; dwelling house numbered 1613 Revere thence along property 1429 South 14th Street Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and desig- belonging now or late to Theran D. Dunbar, nated by the Dauphin County running through the center of a partition wall Commissioners as Map and Parcel 1-19-1. and beyond, North 52 degrees 5 minutes East IT BEING PART of Lot No. 6 and Part of a distance of 84.00 feet to a point on the Lot No. 7, Block 2 as shown on a certain westerly side of Scott Street; thence along Plan of Lots known as “A-2 of Cloverly the same 37 degrees 55 minutes West, a dis- Heights” and recorded in the Recorder’s tance of 16.00 feet to a point; thence along Office in and for said Dauphin County, property 1433 South 14th Street, belonging Pennsylvania, in Plan Book G, Page 58. now or late to Carrol Watson, running UNDER AND SUBJECT, NEVERTHE- through the center of a partition wall and LESS, to all easements, restrictions, encum- beyond, South 52 degrees 5 minutes West a brances and other matters of record or that distance of 84.00 feet to a point, on the east- which a physical inspection or survey of the erly side of South 14th Street, the point and premises would reveal. place of BEGINNING. Advertisements appearing for First Time BEGINNING at a point on the south side of Elm Avenue at the dividing line of Lots Miscellaneous Notices Nos. 1 and 2 of a hereinafter-mentioned sub- division plan; thence along said dividing line South 43 degrees 2 minutes West, a distance HAVING thereon erected a 2 story brick of 150 feet to lands now or late of Russell W. dwelling and being known as 1431 South Walborn, et ux; thence along the same North 14th Street, Harrisburg, PA 17104. 46 degrees 58 minutes West, a distance of 50 SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of feet to a point at lands now or late of Mark D. Robert K. Epps under Judgment Number Drumheller and Sandra L. Drumheller, hus- 2011-CV-6500. band and wife; thence along the same North BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL 43 degrees 2 minutes East, a distance of 150 No. 01-035-052. feet to a point on Elm Street; thence along NOTICE is further given to all parties in the same, South 46 degrees 58 minutes East, interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed a distance of 50 feet to an iron pin at the distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of point and place of BEGINNING. Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 BEING Lot No. 2 of Subdivision Plan pre- and distributions will be made in accordance pared by Carl Poffenberger, P.E., dated with the said schedule unless exceptions are September 22, 1981, and recorded in Plan filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Book O, Volume 3, Page 4 in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Dauphin County. UNDER AND SUBJECT to the restric- tions, conditions, easements and rights-of- SALE No. 3 way of the above mentioned Subdivision JILL JENKINS, Esq. Plan. Judgment Amount: $196,128.73 Tract No. 3 Tract No. 1 ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or tract of land situate in Halifax Township, Triangle land situate in Halifax Township, Dauphin Manor, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, more County, Pennsylvania, more particularly particularly bounded and described as fol- bounded and described in accordance with lows, to wit: Plan of Triangle Manor prepared by William BEGINNING at a point on Elm Avenue, B. Whittock, Registered Professional said point being on the dividing line of Lots Engineer, said Plan being recorded in Nos. 24 and 25 on the hereinafter-mentioned Dauphin County Plan Book Y, Page 121. Plan; thence along said dividing line South BEGINNING at a point on the southern 43 degrees 2 minutes West, a distance of 150 side of Elm Avenue at the division line of Lot feet to a point at line of lands now or late of No. 25 and the lot herein described; thence Russell Walborn, et ux; thence by the same South 43 degrees 2 minutes East, a distance North 46 degrees 58 minutes West, a distance of 150 feet to a point; thence North 46 of 100 feet to a point at line of Lot No. 26; degrees 58 minutes West, a distance of thence by the same North 43 degrees 2 min- 100.12 feet to a point; thence North 43 utes East, a distance of 150 feet to a point at degrees 2 minutes East, a distance of 145.08 the southern line of Elm Avenue; thence feet to a point on the southern side of Elm along the southern line of Elm Avenue South Avenue; thence continuing along the south- 46 degrees 58 minutes, a distance of 100 feet ern side of Elm Avenue South 46 degrees 58 to a point, the place of BEGINNING. minutes East, to a point, the place of BEGIN- BEING Lot No. 25 on the Plan of Lots NING. known as Triangle Manor, recorded in Plan BEING Lot No. 26 on said Plan of Book Y, Page 121, in the Office of the Triangle Manor. Recorder of Deeds of Dauphin County. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 35 Maple Tract No. 2 Avenue, Halifax, PA 17032. ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or parcel of land SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of situate in Halifax Township, Dauphin Susan M. Albright under Judgment Number County, Pennsylvania, more particularly 2010-CV-11629. bounded and described as follows, to wit: Advertisements appearing for First Time PROPERTY ADDRESS: 435 South 13th Street, Harrisburg, PA 17104. Miscellaneous Notices SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms or associations claiming right, BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL title or interest from or under Ana Cruz, No. 29-032-033. deceased under Judgment Number 2011-CV- NOTICE is further given to all parties in 8852. interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of No. 02-029-069. Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 NOTICE is further given to all parties in and distributions will be made in accordance interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed with the said schedule unless exceptions are distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. SALE No. 4 CHRISTOPHER A. DENARDO, Esq. Judgment Amount: $16,422.59 SALE No. 5 ALL THAT CERTAIN lot piece of parcel MARGARET GAIRO, Esq. of land, with the improvements located, situ- Judgment Amount: $44,999.86 ate in the Second Ward of the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of more particularly bounded and described as land situate in the City of Harrisburg, follows: Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, bounded and BEGINNING on the easterly side of South described in accordance with a survey by Thirteenth Street 83 feet 6 inches northward- Michael C. D’ Angelo , Registered Surveyor, ly from the northeast corner of South dated December 4, 1975 as follows, to wit: Thirteenth and Berryhill Streets; thence BEGINNING at a point on the Western northwardly along South Thirteenth Street side of Waldo Street, said point being 157.24 14 feet 7-1/2 inches to the point on line of feet South of the Southwest corner of property of William Wengert Estate; thence Division and Waldo Streets; thence continu- in an easterly direction along the line of ing along Waldo South 14 degrees, East 16 property aforesaid 77 feet 10 inches to the feet to the Northern line of premises No. line of a 4 feet private alley; thence by the 2702 Waldo Street; thence along said line line of said private ally south 14 feet 7-1/2 thru a party wall and beyond, South 76 inches to the line of property designated as degrees West 78.36 feet to a point in the cen- No. 2 on the plot hereinafter more particular- ter of a 4 foot wide concrete alley; thence ly referred to and thence westwardly and at thru said alley North 12 degrees 35 minutes right angles to South Thirteenth Street and West 16 feet to a point in the Southern line of by a line running through the partition wall premises No. 2706 Waldo Street; thence between this and the said last adjoining prop- along last said line and thru a party wall erty 77 feet 10 inches to South Thirteenth North 76 degrees, East 77.96 feet to the place Street, the place of BEGINNING. of BEGINNING. BEING property designated No. 1 on the BEING Lot No. 52 on Plan of Penn- plan of lots adopted and acknowledged by Roosevelt, Inc., recorded in Wall Map Book, Charles Thompson, recorded in the Office Page 2. for the recording of deeds, etc, in Plan Book HAVING THEREON ERECTED a 2 story “B”, Page 56 and having thereon erected a brick dwelling known as No. 2704 Waldo brick dwelling house, together with the use Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. in common with the other abutting owners, PREMISES BEING: 2704 Waldo St, their heirs and assigns, of the 4 feet wide pri- Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17110. vate alley in the rear thereof as shown in the plan aforesaid. Advertisements appearing for First Time PREMISES BEING: 570 West Chocolate Avenue, Hershey, Pennsylvania 17033. Miscellaneous Notices BEING the same premises which Marion K. Goodman, by her Attorneys-in-Fact Jane Goodman Eckert and Ronald D. Goodman, BEING the same premises which Pro- by Deed dated September 30, 1997 and Trust Property, LLC by Deed dated recorded October 15, 1997 in Deed Book November 18, 2005 and recorded November 2954, Page 037, in the Dauphin County 28, 2005 in Deed Book 6297, Page 419, in Recorder’s Office, granted and conveyed the Dauphin County Recorder’s Office, unto Cheryl A. Espenshade. granted and conveyed unto Terrance Jones. SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of Cheryl A. Espenshade, Mortgagor(s) herein, Terrance Jones, Mortgagor(s) herein under under Judgment Number 2010-CV-7586- Judgment Number 2011-CV-9347. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL No. 24-013-046. No. 10-006-036. NOTICE is further given to all parties in NOTICE is further given to all parties in interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance and distributions will be made in accordance with the said schedule unless exceptions are with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter.

SALE No. 7 SALE No. 6 CHRISTOPHER A. DENARDO, Esq. MARGARET GAIRO, Esq. Judgment Amount: $222,360.56 Judgment Amount: $78,399.38 ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or parcel of land ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of land known as Lot No. 148 of Deer Run, Phase 5, situate in the Township of Derry, Dauphin as depicted and described on a Revised Final County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Subdivision Plan for Deer Run, Phase 3, 4 designated and known as part of Lot and 5 prepared by RGS Associates, dated Numbered 54 on Plan of Lots known as December 7, 2004, last revised on February “Plan of West Hershey”, bounded and 3, 2005 and recorded on May 16, 2005, in the described as follows: Offices of the Recorder of Deeds of Dauphin CONTAINING in front on West Chocolate County, Pennsylvania, in Plan Book L-9, Avenue South, forty (40) feet, and extending Pages 72-106, as amended by a 2nd Revised in depth southwardly one hundred fifty (150) Final Subdivision Plan for Deer Rune, Phase feet, more or less, to a fifteen feet wide alley, 3, 4 and 5 dated March 6, 2006 and recorded on which said Lot has a frontage of thirty- on August 3, 2006, as Dauphin County three and seventy-eight one hundredths Instrument No. 20060031254, located in (33.78) feet; Having thereon erected a two Derry Township, Dauphin County, story frame dwelling house known as No. Pennsylvania. 570 West Chocolate Avenue, South the here- UNDER AND SUBJECT also to the by conveyed lot comprising the western por- Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, tion of Lot No. 54, on the above mentioned Restrictions and Easements for Deer Run Plan of Lots. dated November 8, 1995, and recorded in the BOUNDED on the North by West aforesaid Office on November 13, 1995 in Chocolate Avenue South; on the South by the Record Book 2511, Page 332, and the First aforesaid fifteen feet wide alley; on the East Revision to Declaration of Covenants, by the remaining portion of Lot No. 54, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements for property now or formerly of P. H. Phelan; Deer Run dated on or about April 29, 1996 and on the West by Lot No. 55, property now and as recorded on April 30, 1996 in or formerly of Elpidio Calamai and Rosa O. Dauphin County Record Book 2606, Page Calamai, his wife. 218, and Second Amendment recorded August 20, 1996 in Record Book 2683, Page 71; and any amendments of record thereto. Advertisements appearing for First Time degrees fifty minutes thirty-eight seconds East nineteen and fifty-two hundredths feet Miscellaneous Notices to Bonnymead Avenue; thence along the Western line of Bonnymead Avenue North twenty-five degrees sixteen minutes twenty- BEING the same premises which, Charter four seconds West one hundred fifty feet to a Homes at Hershey, Inc., A Pennsylvania point, the place of BEGINNING. Corporation by Deed dated September 5, BEING Lot No. 9 “A” on a Plan of Portion 2008 and recorded in the Dauphin County of Section “E” and a portion of Section “F”, Recorder of Deeds Office on September 15, Lenker Manor, which plan is dated May 20, 2008 as Deed Instrument No. 20080034278, 1959. granted and conveyed unto Alfred D. Artuso, BEING the same premises which Michael adult individual. D. Noel land Karen E. Noel, husband and PROPERTY ADDRESS: 697 Stoverdale wife, by deed dated 6/22/2001 and recorded Road, Hummelstown, PA 17036. in the Dauphin County Recorder of Deeds SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of Office on 7/3/2001 in Deed Book 4025 Page Alfred D. Artuso under Judgment Number 251, granted and conveyed unto Tyrell E. 2011-CV-3343. Croughter and Dorica R. Croughter, husband BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL and wife. No. 24-096-014. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 620 Bonnymead NOTICE is further given to all parties in Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17111. interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Tyrell E. Croughter and Dorica R. Croughter Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 under Judgment Number 2011-CV-9509. and distributions will be made in accordance BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL with the said schedule unless exceptions are No. 63-003-103. filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. NOTICE is further given to all parties in interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 SALE No. 8 and distributions will be made in accordance CHRISTOPHER A. DENARDO, Esq. with the said schedule unless exceptions are Judgment Amount: $116,145.35 filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. ALL THAT CERTAIN parcel of land situ- ate in the Township of Swatara, County of Dauphin and Commonwealth of SALE No. 9 Pennsylvania, being known and designated JILL JENKINS, Esq. as: Judgment Amount: $129,041.99 BEGINNING at a point of the Western line of Bonnymead Avenue, at the division line ALL THAT CERTAIN tract of grand situ- between Lots Nos. 9 “A” and 10 “A” on Plan ate in Jackson Township, Dauphin County, of Lots hereinafter mentioned; thence along Pennsylvania, more particularly bounded said division line North sixty-seven degrees and described as follows, to wit: eighteen minutes twenty-eight seconds West BEGINNING at stones at the intersection one hundred eighty-seven and twenty-two of lands now or formerly of Reed L. Lebo hundredths feet to a point; thence along the and now or formerly of Patricia J. and Levert Eastern line of Lot No 4 on said Plan,, South Hinkle; thence along lands now or formerly ten degrees forty-seven minutes West fifteen of Patricia J. and Levert Hinkle South 69 feet to a point; thence along the Northern line degrees 07 minutes 18 seconds West, 137.14 of Lots Nos. 3 “A”, 2 “A” and 1 “A” South feet to an iron pin and stones of lands now or seventy-eight degrees eighteen minutes East formerly of Gilbert W. and Marion L. two hundred twenty-five feet to a point at the Minnich; thence along said Minnich lands division line between Lots Nos. 1 “A” and 7 and along an existing right of way North 16 “A” on said Plan; thence continuing along degrees 03 minutes 24 seconds West, the Northern Line of Lot No. 7 South eighty 1,505.63 feet to an iron pin and stones at lands now or formerly of Jeffrey and Teresa Advertisements appearing for First Time BEING Lot No. 12, Plan Book P, Volume 2, Page 13. Miscellaneous Notices HAVING THEREON ERECTED a brick and aluminum single story house numbered 1613 Lori Lane Circle, a/k/a 1613 Lori Lane. Shertzer; thence along said Shertzer lands PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1613 Lori Lane North 69 degrees 15 minutes 54 seconds Circle a/k/a 1613 Lori Lane, Harrisburg, PA East, 207.47 feet to an iron pin and stones; 17110. thence along same South 13 degrees 23 min- SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of utes 57 seconds East, 1,512.65 feet to stones Elisa L. Lunsford a/k/a Lisa Lunsford under at the intersection on lands now or formerly Judgment Number 2009-CV-03288. of Reed L. Lebo and Patricia J. and Levert BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL Hinkle, said stones being the place of No. 62-009-157. BEGINNING. NOTICE is further given to all parties in CONTAINING 5.934 acres. interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed BEING KNOWN AS: 721D Rutter Road, distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Halifax, PA 17032-8807. Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of and distributions will be made in accordance David R. Henry, Jr. under Judgment Number with the said schedule unless exceptions are 2010-CV-5241. filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL No. 32-020-046. NOTICE is further given to all parties in SALE No. 12 interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed ELIZABETH D. SNOVER, Esq. distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Judgment Amount: $23,633.09 Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance ALL THAT CERTAIN undivided one-half with the said schedule unless exceptions are part of a certain lot or piece of ground and filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. being the Western part thereof lying and situate in the Borough of Lykens, County of Dauphin and Commonwealth of SALE No. 10 Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol- lows, to wit: MICHAEL MCKEEVER, Esq. BEING twenty (20) feet in width fronting Judgment Amount: $266,654.81 on the South side of North Second Street, ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of and extending Southward of the same width land situate in Susquehanna Township, a distance of one hundred forty (140) feet to Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, bounded and a twenty (20) feet wide alley. described follows to wit: BOUNDED on the North by said North BEGINNING at a point being the south- Second Street; one the East by other half of easterly point of lot No. 12 and Fargreen lot; on the South by said Alley; and on the Road; thence distance of 209.14 feet in a East by Lot No. 536. North 86 degrees 45 minutes 50 Seconds THEE SAID HALF LOT BEING that West to an iron pin thence a distance of Western half of Lot No. Five hundred thirty- 113.50 feet in a North 18 degrees 29 West five (535) as marked on the Plan of the Town direction to a point on Lori Lane; thence in a (now Borough) of Lykens laid out by Daniel South 85 degrees 31 minutes 40 seconds East Hoffman for Edward Gratz in the year 1848. direction a distance of 194.44 feet; thence at HAVING thereon erected a 2 1/2 story a radius of 25 feet a distance of 29.25 feet; semi-detached dwelling, said premises being thence a distance of 92.04 feet in a South 18 known as 246 North Second Street, Lykens, degrees 29 minutes East to the point of Pennsylvania 17048. BEGINNING. SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of sold as the property of Fred L. Shaffer and Renee L Shaffer under Judgement Number 2011-CV-08427.

Advertisements appearing for First Time SALE No. 14 MARGARET GAIRO, Esq. Miscellaneous Notices Judgment Amount: $152,175.41 ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or parcel of BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL land situate in the Township of Londonderry, No. 38-005-021 County of Dauphin and Commonwealth of NOTICE is further given to all parties in Pennsylvania, more particularly bounded interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed and described as follows, to wit: distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of BEGINNING at a point in the public road Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 leading from the Colebrook Road near the and distributions will be made in accordance Bridge to with the said schedule unless exceptions are Hummelstown, which point is in the south- filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. west corner of a larger tract of which the premises herein described is a part; thence through said road, North four (4) degrees SALE No. 13 East, one hundred fifty (150) feet to a point in the division line between Lots Nos 1 and 2 LOUIS P. VITTI, Esq. on the plan of lots hereinafter mentioned; Judgment Amount: $142,622.80 thence along said division line, North eighty and one-half (80 1/2) degrees East two hun- ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or tract of land dred fifty-eight and ninety-one one-hun- situate in Lower Paxton Township; Dauphin dredths (258.91) feet to a point in the divi- County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. sion line between Lots Nos 1 and 5 on said BEING Lot #155 as shown on a Final plan; thence along said last-mentioned divi- Declaration Plan of Four Seasons Phase IV sion line, South one (01) degree, fifteen (15) recorded in Plan Book X, Volume 3, page 81. minutes West, forty-four and fifty-three one- HAVING erected thereon a dwelling hundredths (44.53) feet to the southerly line known as 5455 Pond Road, Harrisburg, PA of said larger tract; and thence along the 17111. same, South sixty (60) degrees, thirty-five UNDER AND SUBJECT to conditions as (35) minutes west, three hundred four and more fully set forth in Deed Book Volume seven one-hundredths (304.07) feet to the 3630, page 286. place of BEGINNING. EXCEPTING thereout and therefrom (if BEING Lot No. 1 on the Plan of Pine Tree any) the premises as more fully described in Acres recorded in the Office of the Recorder the following deed: NONE of Deeds in and for Dauphin County in Plan BEING the same premise’s which Charles Book “W”, page 36. Thurner and Sally A. Thurner, his wife and HAVING THEREON erected a single one- the Homestead Group, Inc. a Pennsylvania story ranch type brick veneer dwelling house Corporation, by Deed dated 4/07/2004 and known as 2623 Steinruck Road, recorded 4/22/2004 in the Recorder’s Office Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania 17022. of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, Deed PREMISES BEING: 2623 Steinruck Book Volume 5463, Page 168, granted and Road, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania 17022. conveyed unto Jennifer R. Sloane, adult indi- BEING the same premises which Steven vidual. R. Kennedy and Shirley R. Kennedy, married SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of by Deed dated July 31, 2008 and recorded under Judgement Number 2009-CV-10622. August 4, 2008 in Deed Book Instrument BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL No.; 20080029283, in the Dauphin County No. 35-104-123. Recorder’s Office, granted and conveyed NOTICE is further given to all parties in unto Ronald S. Martin and Molly A. Martin. interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed SEIZED, taken in execution and to be sold distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of as the property of which Ronald S. Martin Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and Molly A. Martin, Mortgagor(s) herein, and distributions will be made in accordance under Judgment No. 2011-CV-7615 MF. with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter.

Advertisements appearing for First Time BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL No.11-014-052. Miscellaneous Notices NOTICE is further given to all parties in interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 No. 34-012-047 and distributions will be made in accordance NOTICE is further given to all parties in with the said schedule unless exceptions are interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance SALE No. 16 with the said schedule unless exceptions are MARGARET GAIRO, Esq. filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Judgment Amount: $120,216.70 THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN SALE No. 15 below is situated in the County of Dauphin, JILL JENKINS, Esq. State of Pennsylvania, and is described as follows: Judgment Amount: $227,736.28 ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or parcel of ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or parcel of land land situate in the City of Harrisburg, County situate in the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin of Dauphin and State of Pennsylvania, more County, Pennsylvania bounded and particularly bounded and described as fol- described in accordance with a survey and lows, to wit: plan thereof made by Ernest J. Walker, BEGINNING at a point in the eastern line Professional Engineer, dated November 4, of Eighteenth Street in the division line 1969, as follows: between Lots Nos. 132 and 133 on the Plan BEGINNING at a point on the North side of Lots hereinafter mentioned; thence east- of Kelker Street, 17 feet West of the wardly along said division line one hundred, Northwest corner of Kelker and ten (110) feet to a twenty (20) foot wide Susquehanna Streets; thence along Kelker alley; thence southwardly along the western Street, South 62 degrees 30 minutes West, 16 line of said alley forty (40) feet to the divi- feet to a corner of premises known as No. sion line between Lot Nos. 134 and 135 on 234 Kelker Street; thence along said premis- said Plan; thence westwardly along said last es and passing through the center of a parti- mentioned division line one hundred ten tion wall, North 27 degrees 30 minutes West, (110) feet to the eastern line of Eighteenth 88 feet to a point on the South side of a 4 feet Street; and thence northwardly along the wide private alley; thence along said alley, eastern line of Eighteenth Street forty (40) North 62 degrees 30 minutes East, 16 feet to feet to the place of BEGINNING. a corner of premises known as No. 238 BEING Lot Nos. 133 and 134 on the Plan Kelker Street, thence along said premises of Lots known as “Lafayette” and recorded and passing through the center of a partition in the Office for the Recording of Deeds, wall, South 27 degrees 30 minutes East, 88 etc., in and for Dauphin County, in Plan feet to a point and place of BEGINNING. Book “H” Page 5. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 236 Kelker PREMISES BEING: 1123 South 18th Street, Harrisburg, PA 17102. Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17104. SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of BEING the same premises which Michael Pamela L. Minhas under Judgment Number D. Hope and Shaquena R. Hope, husband 2010-CV-12562. and wife by Deed dated February 8, 2008 and recorded February 25, 2008 in Deed Book Instrument #20080006313, in the Dauphin County Recorder’s Office, granted and conveyed unto Maryna Ya.

Advertisements appearing for First Time the Estate of Mattie E. Cox, deceased, and Thomas E. Cox Jr. and Cynthia Cox, his Miscellaneous Notices wife, individually dated 04/04/2002 and recorded 04/09/2002 under Book 4342, Page 419. SEIZED, taken in execution and to be sold SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of as the property of which Maryna Ya, Brian M. Slade and Natalie H. Slade. Mortgagor(s) herein, under Judgment BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL Number 2010-CV-2705. No. 63-028-015. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL NOTICE is further given to all parties in No. 01-011-015. interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed NOTICE is further given to all parties in distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of and distributions will be made in accordance Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 with the said schedule unless exceptions are and distributions will be made in accordance filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. SALE No. 18 LOUIS P. VITTI, Esq. SALE No. 17 Judgment Amount: $143,246.08 CHANDRA M. ARKEMA, Esq. ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of Judgment Amount: $137,665.49 land with the buildings and improvements ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of thereon erected situate in the Village land, situate in Swatara Township, Dauphin of Progress, Susquehanna Township, County, Pennsylvania, bounded and Dauphin County and Commonwealth of described in accordance with a survey and Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol- plan, thereof, dated June 5, 1967, prepared lows, to-wit: by Roy M. H. Benjamin, Professional BEGINNING at a point on the Westerly Engineer, as follows: line of Oak Street, which point is 90 feet BEGINNING at the intersection of the Southwardly of the Southwesterly corner of northern line of Fifth Avenue and the south- Oak and Ash Streets, and the dividing line west line of Oberlin Street; thence along the between Lots No. 3 and 4 on the hereinafter Northwest line of Fifth Avenue, South twen- mentioned Plan of Lots; thence along the ty-eight (28) degrees thirty (30) minutes Westerly line of Oak Street aforesaid, South West, ninety (90) feet to a point on the divid- 37 degrees 15 minutes East, 129.40 feet to a ing line between Lots Nos. 29 and 30 on the point on the Northerly line of Kramer Street; hereinafter mentioned plan of lots; thence thence along same, North 81 degrees 15 min- along said dividing line north sixty-one (61) utes 30 seconds West, 182 feet to a point on degrees thirty (30) minutes west, one hun- the Easterly line of Apple Avenue; thence dred two (102) feet to a point; thence north along same, North 37 degrees 15 minutes twenty-eight (28) degrees thirty (30) minutes West 8.20 feet to a point at dividing line east, ninety (90) feet to a point on the south- between Lot Nos. 3 and 4 aforesaid; thence west line of Oberlin Street, thence along the along same, North 52 degrees 45 minutes southwest line of Oberlin Street, south sixty- East, 125 feet to a point the place of BEGIN- one (61) degrees thirty (30) minutes East, NING. one hundred two (102) feet to a point, the BEING Lot Nos. 4, 5 and 5A, Block “H”, place of BEGINNING. Plan of Lots known as Progress Extension FOR INFORMATION purposes only - recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Property also known as: 1091 Fifth Avenue, Deeds in and for Dauphin County in Plan Oberlin, PA 17113-1318. Book “E”, Page 20. TITLES TO SAID PREMISES IS VEST- HAVING erected thereon a dwelling ED IN Brian M. Slade and Natalie H. Slade, known as 309 Oak Street, Harrisburg, PA his wife from Thomas E. Cox Jr., Executor of 17109. Advertisements appearing for First Time UNDER AND SUBJECT to all other restrictions, reservations, setback lines and Miscellaneous Notices rights-of-way of record. PREMISES BEING: 140 South Second Street, Steelton, Pennsylvania 17113. BEING the same premises which Darin E. BEING the same premises which James Consylman and Christina L. Consylman, Morris, by Deed dated October 3, 2006 and f/k/a Christina L. Stauffer, husband and wife, recorded October 5, 2006 in Deed Book by Deed dated 12/29/2003 and recorded Instrument No.: 20060041358, in the 12/31/2003 in the Recorder of Deeds Office Dauphin County Recorder’s Office, granted of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, Deed and conveyed unto James M. Morris. Book Volume 5321, Page 338, Instrument SEIZED, taken in execution and to be sold No. 71672. as the property of which James M. Morris, SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of Mortgagor(s) herein, under Judgment Terence E. Sloane and Temika D. Sloane Number 2011-CV-6863. under Judgement Number 2010-CV-7070. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL No. 58-012-014. No. 62-035-140. NOTICE is further given to all parties in NOTICE is further given to all parties in interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance and distributions will be made in accordance with the said schedule unless exceptions are with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter.

SALE No. 20 SALE No. 19 CHRISTINE A. PINTO, Esq. TERRENCE J. MCCABE, Esq. Judgment Amount: $61,227.08 Judgment Amount: $52,744.87 ALL THAT CERTAIN piece of ground sit- ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of uate on the South side of Vine Street in the land situate in the Borough of Steelton, Borough of Williamstown, County of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, more partic- Dauphin and Commonwealth of ularly bounded and described as follows, to Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol- wit: lows, to wit: BEGINNING at a point on South Second BEGINNING at a point on the South side Street, which point is opposite the center of of Vine Street, formerly called Second the partition wall separating houses nos. 138 Street; thence in a southwardly direction and 140 South Second Street; thence from said point, along a line parallel with the Westwardly through the center of said parti- western line and side of Lot No. 16, with said tion wall and beyond 62.34 feet to the Eastern line passing through the partition wall which line of a three (3) feet eight inch (8) wide divides the property herein described and the alley; thence Southwardly along the last said property now or formerly of Arthur Swank alley, 14.6 feet to line of land now or former- and beyond, a distance of one hundred fifty ly of Steve Hanich; thence Eastwardly along (150) feet, more or less, to an alley, now or last said lands 62.34 feet to South Second formerly called East Spring Alley; thence Street, thence Northwardly along last said westwardly along the northern side of said street, 14.6 feet to the point of BEGINNING. East Spring Alley to a point, the same being HAVING THEREON ERECTED a frame the southwestern corner of the herein- dwelling known as 140 South Second Street. referred to Lot No. 16; thence in northward- PROPERTY, LLC, a limited liability com- ly direction distance of one hundred fifty pany organized under the laws of (150) feet, more or less, to a point on the Pennsylvania, dated April 14, 2006 and South side of Vine Street; thence in an east- recorded April 21, 2006 in lnstrument wardly direction along the southern side of Number 20060015052 to James Morris, the Vine Street to a point, the place of BEGIN- Grantor herein. NING. Advertisements appearing for First Time HAVING thereon erected a two story brick and stucco dwelling house known as No. Miscellaneous Notices 2429 North Fifth Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. BEING KNOWN AS 2429 North Fifth IMPROVEMENTS: 2 Story Residential Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110. Single Family Dwelling. IMPROVEMENTS: Residential dwelling. COMMONLY known as 242 Vine Street, BEING THE SAME PREMISES which Williamstown, PA 17098-1427. Cheryl A. Chase, now by marriage Cheryl C. TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED Benson, granted and conveyed unto Cheryl IN Debra I. Domboski from Judy A. Adams, C. Benson, by Deed dated May, 20, 1999 and as administratrix, CTA, of the Estate of recorded May 24, 1999 in Dauphin County William J. Gongloff, deceased and Michael Record Book 3414, Page 168 J. Zurat, as specific devisee under the last SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of will and testament of William J. Gongloff by Cheryl C. Benson under Judgment Number a Deed dated January 5, 2007 and recorded 2011-CV-9616. 1/23/2007 as Instrument No. 20070003334. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL SEIZED AND TAKEN in execution as the No. 0-03 0-053. property of Debra I. Domboski Mortgagor NOTICE is further given to all parties in herein, under Judgment No. 2011-CV-8503. interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of No. 70-004-028. Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 NOTICE is further given to all parties in and distributions will be made in accordance interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed with the said schedule unless exceptions are distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance with the said schedule unless exceptions are SALE No. 22 filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. LAUREN BERSCHLER KARL, Esq. Judgment Amount: $189,705.65

SALE No. 21 ALL THAT CERTAIN piece, parcel or lot of land, together with improvements, situat- JACQUELINE F. MCNALLY, Esq. ed in Susquehanna Township, Dauphin Judgment Amount: $57,090.80 County, Pennsylvania, and bounded and ALL THAT CERTAIN piece, parcel or plot described as follows: of land situated in Harrisburg, County of BEGINNING at a point on the Southern Dauphin, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, right-of-way line of North View Lane (50.00 bounded and described as follows: feet wide), said point being located at the BEGINNING at a point on the eastern side Northwestern corner of Lot No. 5; then along of North Fifth Street, 268.5 feet south of the the Western boundary line of Lot No. 5, and southeast corner of Schuylkill and North passing through an existing 20.00 foot Fifth Streets at the southern line of property drainage easement, South 20 degrees 55 min- known as No. 2431 North Fifth Street; utes 29 seconds East, for a distance of 115.00 thence eastwardly along said line parallel feet, to a point in line of Deer Path Woods- with Schuylkill Street 110 feet to the western Phase III, Section V; then along said line of side of Brensinger Street; thence southward- Deer Path Woods-Phase III, Section V, and ly along the western side of Brensinger along said existing 20.00 foot drainage ease- Street 16.80 feet to a point in the northern ment, South 69 degrees 04 minutes 31 sec- line of property known as No. 2427 North onds West, for a distance of 133.13 feet, to a Fifth Street; thence westwardly along said point at the Southeastern corner of Lot No. 3; line parallel with Schuylkill Street and then along the Eastern boundary line of Lot extending through the partition wall 100 feet No. 3, and passing through an existing 20.00 to the eastern side of North Fifth Street; and foot drainage easement, North 01 degrees 34 thence northwardly along the eastern side of minutes 31 seconds East, for a distance of North Fifth Street 16.80 feet to the place of BEGINNING.

Advertisements appearing for First Time Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions, recorded in Miscellaneous Notices Dauphin County in Record Book 1017, page 384, the Third Supplemental Declaration of 142.97 feet, to a point on the Southern right- Covenants and Restrictions, of-way line of North View Lane (50.00 feet recorded in Dauphin County in wide); then along said right-of-way line Record Book 2168, Page 029, South 88 degrees 25 minutes 29 seconds and the Fourth Supplemental East, for a distance of 9.85 feet, to a point on Declaration of Covenants and the arc of a circle curving to the left, having Restrictions, recorded in a radius of 150.00, and an arc length of 68.72 Dauphin County in Record feet, to a point and the place of BEGIN- Book 2502, Page 098, and the NING. Fifth Supplemental Declaration THIS PIECE, parcel or lot of land contains of Covenants and Restrictions, approximately 13,062.08 square feet of land, recorded in Dauphin County in has an address of 2105 North View Lane, Record Book 2693, Page 604, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and is known and as they may be applicable to the numbered as Lot No. 4 on the Final above-described property. Subdivision Plan for Deer Path Woods-Phase TOGETHER with all and singular the IV, Section II, which is recorded in Dauphin Streets, Alleys, Passages, Ways, Waters, County in Plan Book Z, Volume 5, Page 5. watercourses, Rights, Liberties, Privileges, SITUATE IN: Susquehanna Township, Hereditaments and Appurtenances whatsoev- Dauphin County. er thereunto belonging or in anywise apper- UNDER AND SUBJECT TO: taining, and the Reversions and Remainders, (a) ANY AND ALL EXCEP- Rents, Issues and Profits thereof; and all the TIONS, easements, licenses, Estate right, title, interest, property, claim reservations, covenants, restric- and demand whatsoever of the Grantors, in tions, agreements, conveyances law, equity, or otherwise howsoever, of, in and restrictions which affect the and to the same and every part thereof. premises and are visible by HAVING erected thereon a dwelling inspection of the premises. known and numbered as 2105 North View (b) ANY AND ALL EXCEPTIONS Lane, Harrisburg, PA 17110. easements, licenses, reserva- BEING THE SAME PREMISES which tions, covenants, restrictions, The McNaughton Company, a Pennsylvania agreements, conveyances and Corporation, by Deed dated December 23, restrictions contained in any 1998, and recorded with the Dauphin County and all prior instruments, leas- Recorder of Deed’s Office on January 5, es, agreements, deeds, grants 1999, in Deed Book 3301, Page 102, granted and conveyances affecting the and conveyed unto Dana L. DeMore and premises. Darlene L. DeMore. (c) THE DECLARATION of PREMISES BEING KNOWN As: 2105 Covenants and Restrictions North View Lane, Harrisburg, PA 17110. recorded in Dauphin County in SEIZED AND TAKEN in execution as the Record Book 530, page 278, property of Dana L. DeMore and Darlene L. The Correctional Supplement to DeMore Mortgagors herein, under Judgment the Declaration of Covenants Number 2011-CV-8855. and Restrictions, recorded in BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL Dauphin County, in Record No. 62-077-004. Book 1009, Page 371, The First NOTICE is further given to all parties in Supplemental Declaration of interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed Covenants and Restrictions, distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of recorded in Dauphin County in Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 Recorded Book 1009, page 380, and distributions will be made in accordance the Second Supplemental with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Advertisements appearing for First Time SAID LOT BEING SITUATE on the east- erly side of North Front Street, formerly Miscellaneous Notices called Middletown and Harrisburg Turnpike Road, between Mulberry Alley and Pine Street with a frontage of 25 feet on North SALE No. 23 Front Street and a depth of uniform width throughout; eastwardly and at light angle to JENI S. MADDEN, Esq. North Front Street of 100 feet to River Alley, Judgment Amount: $805,817.14 Said lot being bounded on the upper or northerly side by land now or formerly of E. ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of Daron and on the lower or south side by land land situate in the Borough of Steelton, now or formerly of S. Zimmerman. County of Dauphin, Commonwealth of PREMISES BEING: 37-39 North Front Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol- Street, Steelton Borough, Steelton, PA lows, to wit: 17113. BEGINNING at a point on the eastern line UNDER AND SUBJECT to and together of South Front Street, which point is about with easements, exceptions, reservations, 20 feet northwardly from the northeastern restrictions, rights of way, covenants and corner of Juneberry Alley and South Front conditions as contained in prior instruments Street, said point being on the division line of record. separating properties Nos. 625 and 627 SEIZED AND TAKEN in execution as the South Front Street; thence eastwardly along property of Robert E. DelliGatti and Sarah E. said division line and through the center of a DelliGatti, Mortgagors, herein, under partition wall 100 feet to a point on the west- Judgment Number 2011-CV-10829. ern line of River Alley; thence northwardly BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL along said line of said alley 20 feet, more or No. 59-017-021. less, to a point; thence westwardly at right ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of angles to said last mentioned line and along land situate in the Borough of Steelton, the line of land, now or formerly of Michael County of Dauphin, Commonwealth of Polti, 100 feet to the eastern line of South Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol- Front Street; thence southwardly along said lows, to wit: line of South Front Street 20 feet, more or BEGINNING at a point in the easterly line less, to the point of BEGINNING. of Front Street at the southwest corner of PREMISES BEING: 625 South Front lands formerly of George C. Miller, and now Street, Steelton Borough, Steelton, PA or formerly of L. Lavia; thence along said 17113. lands now or formerly of Lavia 100 feet, UNDER AND SUBJECT to and together more or less, to River Alley; thence at a right with easements, exceptions, reservations, angle down said alley in a southerly direction restrictions, rights of way, covenants and 50 feet, more or less, to a point; thence at a conditions as contained in prior instruments right angle in a westerly direction along of record. lands formerly of Catherine Ann Hess, and SEIZED AND TAKEN in execution as the now or late of Quincy Evangelical United property of Robert E. DelliGatti and Sarah E. Brethren Orphanage and Home, 100 feet, DelliGatti, Mortgagors herein, under more or less, to Front Street; thence north- Judgment Number 2011-CV-10829. wardly along the eastern line of said Front BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL Street, 50 feet, more or less, to the place of No. 57-009-038. BEGINNING. ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of PREMISES BEING: 173-179 South Front land situate in the Borough of Steelton, Street, Steelton Borough, Steelton, PA County of Dauphin, Commonwealth of 17113. Pennsylvania, and numbered in the General UNDER AND SUBJECT to and together Plan of Lots as Laid out in the extension of with easements, exceptions, reservations, said Town of Baldwin by Henry A. Kelker restrictions, rights of way, covenants and with the number 10, which Plan in recorded conditions as contained in prior instruments in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of of record. Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, in Plan Book “A”, Page 29. Advertisements appearing for First Time ALL THOSE CERTAIN two (2) tracts of land situate in the City of Harrisburg, Miscellaneous Notices County of Dauphin, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, being part of Lot No. 10, Block 8, Plan A2 of Cloverly Heights, as SEIZED AND TAKEN in execution as the recorded in Dauphin County Plan Book 6, property of Robert E. DelliGatti and Sarah E. Page 58, more particularly bounded and DelliGatti, Mortgagors herein, under described as follows, to wit: Judgment Number 2011-CV-10829. Tract No. 1 BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL BEGINNING at a point on the northern No. 58-012-049. side of Wayne Street which point is 70 feet ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of land west from the northwest corner of south 18th situate in the Thirteenth Ward of the City of and Wayne Streets; thence northwardly along Harrisburg, formerly Swatara Township, the line of property now or late of Robert H. Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, bounded and Yarwood, et ux, 40 feet to a point; thence described as follows, to wit: westwardly continuing along line of proper- BEGINNING at a point on the southern ty of said Robert H. Yarwood, et ux, 30 feet line of Derry Street, which point is 82 feet to an unnamed 10 foot wide alley; thence and 3 inches, more or less, eastwardly from southwardly along the east side of said southeastern corner of 2151 and Derry Street unnamed alley, 40 feet to Wayne Street; at the center of the partition wall between thence eastwardly along the north side of Houses No. 2105 and 2017 Derry Street; Wayne Street, 30 feet to a point, the place of thence southwardly through the center of BEGINNING. said partition wall beyond 90 feet to the cen- HAVING thereon erected a single ter of a 4 foot wide alley; thence westwardly dwelling house known as 1724 Wayne Street, by the center of said alley, 16 feet and 6 inch- Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. es, more or less, to the ‘line of property now Tract No. 2 or formerly of C.G. Smith; thence north- BEGINNING at a point on the northern wardly along the line of property now or for- side of Wayne Street, which point marked the merly C.G. Smith and through the center of a southwest corner of lot now or late of 5 foot wide open space or walk between Charles W. Lingle, et al, Tract No.1 herein; Houses No. 2103 and 2105 Derry Street, thence in an eastwardly direction along the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 90 feet to the northern side of Wayne Street for a distance southern line of Derry Street; thence east- of 20 inches to a point in line of land now or wardly along the southern line of Derry late of Robert H. Yarwood, et ux; thence in a Street, 16 feet and 6 inches, more or less, to northwardly direction along other lands now the place of BEGINNING. or late of Robert H. Yarwood, et ux, of which HAVING THEREON ERECTED a this was formerly a part, which line is paral- dwelling house known and numbered as lel to the eastern line of lot now or late of 2105 Derry Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Charles W. Lingle, et ux, and 20 inches east PREMISES BEING: 2105 Derry Street, of the same for a distance of 40 feet; thence City of Harrisburg, Harrisburg, PA 17104. in a westwardly direction along other lands UNDER AND SUBJECT to and together now or late of Robert H. Yarwood, et ux, for with easements, exceptions, reservations, a distance of 20 inches to the northeastern restrictions, rights of way, covenants and corner of lot now or late of Charles W. conditions as contained in prior instruments Lingle, et ux, Tract No.1 herein; thence in a of record. southwardly direction along said lot now or SEIZED AND TAKEN in execution as the late of Charles W. Lingle, et ux., for a dis- property of Robert E. DelliGatti and Sarah E. tance of 40 feet to a point on the northern DelliGatti, Mortgagors herein, under line of Wayne Street, the point and place of Judgment Number 2011-CV-10829. BEGINNING. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL No. 13-080-012. Advertisements appearing for First Time SEIZED AND TAKEN in execution as the property of Robert E. DelliGatti and Sarah Miscellaneous Notices E. DelliGatti, Mortgagors herein, under Judgment Number 2011-CV-10829. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL BEING a strip of land extending north- No. 13-080-011. wardly from Wayne Street along the eastern ALL THAT UNEXPIRED TERM OF line of Tract No. 1 for a width of 20 inches YEARS IN CERTAIN tracts or parcels of and a depth of 40 feet. land and premises, situate, lying and being in PREMISES BEING: 1724 Wayne Street, the Borough of Middletown, County of City of Harrisburg, Harrisburg, PA 17104. Dauphin, and Commonwealth of UNDER AND SUBJECT to and together Pennsylvania, more particularly described as with easements, exceptions, reservations, follows, to wit: restrictions, rights of way, covenants and Tract No. 1 conditions as contained in prior instruments BEGINNING at a point in the western line of record. of Fisher Avenue which point is on the south- SEIZED AND TAKEN in execution as the ern line of Lot No. 2 on the plan hereinafter property of Robert E. DelliGatti and Sarah mentioned; thence southwardly along said E. DelliGatti, Mortgagors herein, under Fisher Avenue, 25 feet to a point in the north- Judgment Number 2011-CV-10829. ern line of Lot No. 34; thence westwardly BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL along said Lot No. 34, 100 feet to a point in No. 01-019-047. the line of Lot No. 42; thence northwardly ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece, of along Lot No. 42 and Lot No. 43, 25 feet to ground with the buildings and improvements a point in the southern line of Lot No. 42; thereon erected, situate in the Thirteenth thence eastwardly along said Lot No. 32, 100 Ward of the City of Harrisburg, formerly feet to the place of BEGINNING. Swatara Township, Dauphin County, BEING Lot No. 33 on the *Unrecorded Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, bounded Revised Warner Plan prepared by Rodney R. and described as follows: Waltemyer, a registered engineer, in 1953, BEGINNING at a point on the southern and having thereon erected premises known side of Derry Street, which point is 82 feet 3 as 113 Fisher Avenue. inches, more or less, eastwardly from the Tract No. 2 southern corner of 2151 and Derry Streets, at BEGINNING at a point on the western the center of the partition wall between side of Fisher Avenue, fronting 25 feet on the house numbered 2015 and house numbered said Fisher Avenue, and extending in depth 2107; thence southwardly through the center 100 feet to an alley, being 10 feet of Lot No. of said partition wall and beyond 90 feet to 40 and 15 feet of Lot No. 41, in the Plan of the center of a 4 foot wide alley; thence east- Lots, known as the Warner Plan, as recorded wardly by the center of said alley 17 feet, in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of more or less, to. the line of property now or Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. formerly of Peter Vanderloo; thence north- HAVING thereon erected a dwelling house wardly along the line of said Derry Street; known and numbered as 111 Fisher Avenue, thence westwardly along the southern line of Middletown, Pennsylvania. Derry Street 17 feet to the place of BEGIN- *PRIOR Record Erroneously cites NING. Unrecorded Revised Warner Plan as being ALSO BEING known and numbered as recorded in Plan Book 2-A, Page 80. 2107 Derry Street, Harrisburg. PREMISES BEING: 111-113 Fisher PREMISES BEING: 2107 Derry Avenue, Middletown Borough, Middletown, Street,City of Harrisburg, Harrisburg, PA PA 17057. 17104. UNDER AND SUBJECT to and together UNDER AND SUBJECT to and together with easements, exceptions, reservations, with easements, exceptions, reservations, restrictions, rights of way, covenants and restrictions, rights of way, covenants and conditions as contained in prior instruments conditions as contained in prior instruments of record. of record. Advertisements appearing for First Time Tract No. 2 ALL THAT CERTAIN tract of land situate Miscellaneous Notices in Swatara Township, County of Dauphin, and State of Pennsylvania, more particularly bounded and described as follows to wit: SEIZED AND TAKEN in execution as the BEGINNING at a point on the south side property of Robert E. DelliGatti and Sarah E. of the public road running from Steelton to DelliGatti, Mortgagors herein, under Oberlin, which point is directly opposite the Judgment Number 2011-CV-10829. center of the partition wall between a pair of BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL two and one-half (2-1/2) story frame Nos. 41-016-009 and 41-016-010. dwelling houses on the land herein conveyed NOTICE is further given to all parties in thence southwardly along said line, to hun- interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed dred fifty-six (256) feet, more or less, to the distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of property now or formerly of Frantz Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 Wilsbach; thence in an easterly direction and distributions will be made in accordance along said property, twenty-five (25) feet and with the said schedule unless exceptions are one (1) inch, more or less, to said public filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. road, and thence westwardly along said pub- lic road, twenty-five (25) feet and one (1) inch, more or less, to a point at the place of BEGINNING. SALE No. 24 IT BEING the upper or easterly one-half MARISA COHEN, Esq. of double frame dwelling house located on Judgment Amount: $240,271.27 the land herein described and known and numbered as 888 Highland Street, Enhant, Tract No. 1 Pennsylvania. ALL THAT CERTAIN tract of land situate BEING the same premises which in Swatara Township, County of Dauphin , Deutsche Bank, National Trust Company as and State of Pennsylvania, more particularly Trustee of Ameriquest Mortgage Securities, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Inc. by AMC Mortgage Services, Inc., its BEGINNING at a point on the south side Attorney-in-Fact by deed dated June 23, of the public road running from Steelton to 2006, and recorded July 12, 2006, in Oberlin, which point is directly opposite the Dauphin County in Deed Book Volume I# center of the partition wall between a pair of 200600 at Page 27927, granted and conveyed two and one-half (2-1/2) story frame unto Kevin Eitnier. dwelling houses on the land herein ALSO BEING the same premises which J. described, thence in a southerly direction R. Lotwich, Sheriff of Dauphin County, by along said property, two hundred fifty-six deed dated July 7, 2005 and recorded (256) feet, more or less, to property now or September 26, 2005 in Deed Book Volume formerly of Frantz Wilsbach; thence in a 6199, Page 384, being sold as property of westwardly direction along said property, Charles M. Sanchez, widower, (in deed dated twenty-five (25) feet and one (1) inch, more November 20, 2002 and recorded on or less, to property now or formerly of November 26, 2002 in Book Volume 4642, Joseph Jansen; thence along said property Page 26) granted and conveyed to Dentsche northwardly, two hundred fifty-six (256) Bank National Trust Company. feet, more or less, to said public road; thence PREMISES BEING: 886 Highland St in an eastwardly direction along public road, #888, Steelton, Pennsylvania 17113 twenty-five (25) feet and one (1) inch, more BEING the same premises which Keven or less, to the place of BEGINNING. Eitnier, a single person by Deed dated IT BEING the lower or westerly one-half December 29, 2006 and recorded January 17, of the double frame dwelling house located 2007 in Deed Book Instrument No. on the land herein described and known 20070002403, in the Dauphin County as No. 886 Highland Street, Enhmrt, Recorder’s Office, granted Land conveyed Pennsylvania. unto Keven Eitnier a/k/a Kevin N. Eitnier a/k/a Keven Nile Eitnier and Kent Eitnier a/k/a Kent Eithnier. Advertisements appearing for First Time PREMISES BEING: 1212 Red Hill Road, Dauphin, Pennsylvania 17018. Miscellaneous Notices BEING the same premises which Herbert E. Monroe and Janet L. Monroe, His Wife, by Deed dated January 31, 2006 and record- SEIZED, taken in execution and to be sold ed February 3, 2006 in Deed Book as the property of which Keven Eitnier a/k/a Instrument No.: 20060004316, in the Kevin N. Eitnier a/k/a Keven Nile Eitnier Dauphin County Recorder’s Office, granted and Kent Eitnier a/k/a Kent Eithnier, and conveyed unto Susan E. Coulter. Mortgagor(s) herein, under Judgment SEIZED, taken in execution and to be sold Number 2007 CV 8397. as the property of which Susan E. Coulter, BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL Mortgagor(s) herein, under Judgment No. 63-050-037. Number 2011-CV-7522. NOTICE is further given to all parties in BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed No. 43-015-043. distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of NOTICE is further given to all parties in Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed and distributions will be made in accordance distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of with the said schedule unless exceptions are Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. and distributions will be made in accordance with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. SALE No. 25 CHRISTINE L. GRAHAM, Esq. SALE No. 26 Judgment Amount: $36,566.02 MARGARET GAIRO, Esq. ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of Judgment Amount: $169,377.40 land situate in Middle Paxton Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, bounded and ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or parcel of described as follows, to wit: land situate in West Hanover Township, BEGINNING at a stone on the south side Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, more partic- of Old State Highway, Route No, 1, also ularly bounded and described as follows, to known as State Road, which point is fifteen wit: (15) feet, more or less, east of the eastern BEGINNING at a point on the eastern side side of the dwelling house on the premises of Township Route T-528 at the northern line herein described, and is also nine hundred of Lot No. 3 on the hereinafter mentioned forty-two (942) feet east of the eastern line of Plan of Lots; thence north seventy-seven land now of Brian Mullen, formerly of (77) degrees fifty-eight (58) minutes thirty William Smith; thence along land of which (30) seconds east two hundred (200) feet to a this was formerly a part South eleven and point at lands now or late of Beaver Creek one fourth degrees West two hundred fifteen Farms, Inc.; thence north twelve (12) degrees feet (S. 11 1/4º W. 215’) to a point; thence in one (1) minutes thirty (30) seconds west a westerly direction by line parallel with said forty-six and seventy hundredths (46.70) feet State Highway, two hundred twelve (212) to a point; thence north twenty (20) degrees feet to a point; thence along the same North eleven (11) minutes west forty-six and eleven and one fourth degrees East two hun- eighty-two hundredths (46.82) feet to a dred fifteen feet (N. 11 1/4º E. 215’) to the point; thence south sixty-nine (69) degrees said State Highway; thence East along the forty-nine (49) minutes west two hundred southern side of said highway two hundred (200) feet to Route T-528; thence along said twelve (212) feet to the place of BEGIN- route south twenty (20) degrees eleven (11) NING. minutes east thirty-two and fifty-six hun- HAVING thereon erected a two and one dreds (32.56) feet to a point; thence continu- half (2-1/2) story frame dwelling house, ing along said route south twelve (12) being known and numbered as 1212 Red Hill degrees one (1) minutes thirty (30) seconds Road. east thirty-two and forty-four hundredths (32.44) feet to a point, the Place of BEGIN- NING. Advertisements appearing for First Time BEING Lot No. 7 on the Plan of Lots known as “Hagy Acres, Phase 1, Section Miscellaneous Notices “A”, prepared by Michael C. D’Angelo, Registered Surveyor, recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Dauphin County BEING Lot No. 4, Section “A” on the Plan in Plan Book “A”, Volume. 3, page 80. of Beaver Creek Park, said Plan recorded in UNDER AND SUBJECT to a right of way Dauphin County in Plan Book “Z”, page 47. to Texas Eastern Transmission Company, HAVING thereon erected a dwelling one hundred twenty-five (125) feet in width house. extending along the northerly portion of the PREMISES BEING: 821 Pheasant Road, aforesaid property, as well as a fifteen. (15) Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17112. foot wide drainage easement which is locat- BEING the same premises which Todd A. ed within the right of way of the Texas Davis by Deed dated January 20, 2003 and Eastern Transmission Company right of way recorded March 13, 2003 in Deed Book both of which rights of way are more partic- 4796, Page 427, in the Dauphin County ularly described and defined in Plan Book Recorder’s Office, granted and conveyed “A”, Volume 3. Page 80. unto Nancy Davis a/k/a Nancy J. Davis and BEING KNOWN AS: 1101 Hecks Drive, Todd Davis a/k/a Todd A Davis. Dauphin, PA 17018. SEIZED, taken in execution and to be sold TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED as the property of which Nancy Davis a/k/a IN STEPHEN THOMAS PLASIC AND Nancy J. Davis and Todd Davis a/k/a Todd A LORI ANN PLASIC, HUSBAND AND Davis, Mortgagor(s) herein, under Judgment WIFE BY DEED FROM ALLEN WAYNE No. 2009 CV 10823 MF. FISHER, SINGLE MAN DATED 3/30/93 BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL RECORDED 4/1/93 IN DEED BOOK 1941 No. 68-043-004. PAGE 71. NOTICE is further given to all parties in SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed Lori Ann Plasic and Stephen Thomas Plasic distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of under Judgment No. 2010-CV-15095. Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL and distributions will be made in accordance No. 43-020-065. with the said schedule unless exceptions are NOTICE is further given to all parties in filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance SALE No. 28 with the said schedule unless exceptions are STUART WINNEG, Esq. filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Judgment Amount: $180,014.61 ALL THAT CERTAIN parcel of land and improvements therein situate in the SALE No. 29 Township of Middle, Paxton, County MICHAEL MCKEEVER, Esq. of Dauphin, and Commonwealth of Judgment Amount: $78,156.60 Pennsylvania, and designated as Parcel No. 43-020-065 and more fully described in a ALL THOSE CERTAIN lots of pieces of Deed dated March 30, 1993 and recorded ground situate in the Fourteenth Ward of the April 1, 1993 in Dauphin County in Deed City of Harrisburg, County of Dauphin, Book 1941, Page 71, granted and conveyed Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and bound- unto Stephen Thomas Plasic and Lori Ann ed and described as follows, to wit: Plasic, husband and wife. Advertisements appearing for First Time SALE No. 30 MICHAEL MCKEEVER, Esq. Miscellaneous Notices Judgment Amount: $122,536.26 ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of BEGINNING at a point on the east side of ground situate in Lower Swatara Township, Fifth Street, which point is 25 feet south of County of Dauphin, Commonwealth of the south side of Alricks Street as shown on Pennsylvania. the Plan of Lots laid out by Hoffer and BEGINNING at a point in the center line Alricks, said Plan Book “B”, Page 28, at or of Township Road No. 380, being Lumber opposite the center line of the partition wall Street extended northwardly from the between houses numbered 3221 and 3223 Borough of Highspire, Dauphin County, Fifth Street; Thence eastwardly, by a straight Pennsylvania, which point is Three Hundred line through the center of said partition wall Twenty-seven (327) feet South from and beyond, 100 feet to a 15 feet wide alley; Township Road No. 337 at the northern line Thence southwardly along the western side of Lot No. 22 on the hereinafter mentioned of said alley 40 feet to the north line of lot Plan of Lots; thence along the center line of numbered 59, on the aforesaid Plane; Thence T.R. 380, North Thirteen (13) degrees Two westwardly along the north line of said lot (02) minutes Thirty (30) seconds East One 100 feet to Fifth Street; Thence northwardly Hundred Six (106) feet to the southern line along the east side of Fifth Street 40 feet to of Lot No. 24 on said Plan of Lots; thence the Place of BEGINNING. along same South Seventy-six (76) degrees BEING lots numbered 60 and 61 on the Fifty-seven (57) minutes thirty (30) seconds Plan of Lots laid out by Hoffer and Alricks, East one Hundred Forty (140) feet to a point which said Plan is recorded in Plan Book at other lands now or late of Donald D. “B”, Page 28, Recorder of Deeds Office for Shope, et ux; Thence along same South the county aforesaid. Thirteen (13) degrees Two (02) minutes AND HAVING erected on Lot No. 61 Thirty (30) seconds West One Hundred Six house numbered 3221 Fifth Street, (106) feet to the northern line of Lot No. 22 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, the said house on said Plan of Lots; thence along same being the south house of a pair of brick North Seventy-six (76) degrees, fifty-seven dwelling houses. (57) minutes Thirty (30) seconds West One PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3221 North 5th Hundred Forty (140) feet to the center of Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110. T.R. 380, the point and place. of BEGIN- SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of NING. George L. Adams under Judgment Number BEING LOT NO. 23 on Plan of Lots laid 2010-CV-7270. out May 7, 1962, by William B. Whittock, BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL Registered Professional Engineer, which No. 14-012-002. Plan is recorded in the Dauphin County NOTICE is further given to all parties in records at Plan Book Z, Page 59. interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed BEING PREMISES known and numbered distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of as 536 Lumber Street, Middletown, PA Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 17057 and distributions will be made in accordance SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of with the said schedule unless exceptions are Ben M. Schwartz and Shannon S. Schwartz filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. under Judgment Number 2009-CV-1689. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL No. 36-012-055. NOTICE is further given to all parties in interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter.

Advertisements appearing for First Time SALE No. 32 JACQUELINE F. MCNALLY, Esq. Miscellaneous Notices Judgment Amount: $87,005.87 ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of SALE No. 31 land situate in Lower Paxton, Dauphin MARGARET GAIRO, Esq. County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Judgment Amount: $74,211.95 BEGINNING at a point on the eastern line ALL THAT CERTAIN Unit in the proper- of Ford Avenue at the northern line of land ty known, named and identified in the now or late of I.A. Lenker, et ux, said point Declaration referred to below as “Paxton being on the dividing line between Lot Nos. Mill Estates Condominiums” located in 11 and 12 on the hereinafter mentioned Plan; Susquehanna Township, Dauphin County, thence along said line, south 80 degrees 42 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which has minutes east, 137.14 feet, more -or-less, to heretofore been submitted to the provisions land now or late of Roy S. Reynolds; thence of the Pennsylvania Uniform Condominium along said land, north 9 degrees. 18 minutes Act, 68 P.S.A. Section 3101, et seq., by the east, 120. feet to a point at the southern line recording in the Office of Dauphin County of 20 foot strip now or formerly of Frank Recorder of Deeds of a Declaration dated Chupa; thence along said line, north- 80 2/5/1992 and recorded on 2/16/1992 in degrees 42 minutes west, 139 feet, more or Record Book 1694 Page 101, being and des- less, to the eastern line of Ford Avenue; ignated in such Declaration as Building No. thence along said line’, south 8 degrees 18 4 Unit No. 3 as more fully described in such minutes west, 120.02 feet to a point, the Declaration, together with a proportionate place of BEGINNING. undivided interest in the Common Elements BEING all of Lot No. 12 and the southern as defined in such Declaration. 50.01 feet of lot no. 13 as shown in Plan of UNDER AND SUBJECT to all covenants, Lots known as Locust Lane Acres as record- conditions, restrictions, rights-of-way, ease- ed in Dauphin County Recorder’s office in ments and agreements of record, including Plan Book “V” Page 75. but not limited to the Declaration and Plats HAVING thereon erected a one and a half and Plans. story dwelling house and numbered as PREMISES BEING: 2820 Buxton Court, 1403 Ford Avenue. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17110. IMPROVEMENTS: Residential dwelling. BEING the same premises which David A. TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED Zimmerman and James E. Zimmerman, by IN Bruce A. Tingler and Theresa L. Tingler, Deed dated August 19,2002 and recorded his wife by Deed from Bruce A. Tingler, August 28, 2002 in Deed Book 4508, Page Executor of the Estate of R.H. Tingler, a/k/a 205, in the Dauphin County Recorder’s Ronald H. Tingler, late dated 6/1/1998 and Office, granted and conveyed unto Debra S. recorded 6/8/1998, in Record Book 3122, Medellin. Page 338. SEIZED, taken in execution and to be sold PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1403 Ford as the property of which Debra S. Medellin Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17109. a/k/a Debra Boehm, Mortgagor(s) herein, SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of under Judgment Number 2011-CV-9992. Bruce A. Tingler and Theresa L. Tingler BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL under Judgment Number 2003-CV-4890. No. 62-068-019. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL NOTICE is further given to all parties in No. 35-065-003. interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed NOTICE is further given to all parties in distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of and distributions will be made in accordance Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 with the said schedule unless exceptions are and distributions will be made in accordance filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Advertisements appearing for First Time of lands now or late of Nancy J. White and Allen D. Snyder; thence along the latter, Miscellaneous Notices North 39 degrees 7 minutes East, a distance of 156.14 feet to a point on the Southerly line of lands now or late of Leonard J. and Rita SALE No. 33 Dobson; thence along the latter, South 85 degrees 16 minutes East, a distance of SCOTT A. DIETTERICK , Esq. 197.445 feet to a point; and South 73 degrees Judgment Amount: $243,743.28 59 minutes East, a distance of 346.50 feet to a point at the Northwest corner of Lot 2 of ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or parcel of the abovesaid lot add-on Final Plat; thence ground situate in Londonderry Township, along the Westerly line of Lot 2, South 45 Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, together degrees 46 minutes West, a distance of with improvements thereon erected, more 329.77 feet to a point, the place of BEGIN- fully bounded and described as follows: NING. BEGINNING at the Harrisburg and CONTAINING a net area of 109,592.46 Lancaster Turnpike, now known as the State square feet or 2.5159 acres. Highway; thence by lands now or formerly HAVING THEREON ERECTED a of Amos W. Enterline or S. Manning, 40 dwelling house known and numbered as degrees and 34.4 perches to an iron pin; 4189 E. Harrisburg, Pike, Middletown, PA thence by land formerly of Conrad Alwine, 17057. South 78 degrees East, 11.7 perches;. thence BEING the same premises which Edward South 74 degrees East 21 perches, more or 0. Swartz and Judith B. Swartz, Husband and less, to the line of lands now or late of Paul Wife, by their Deed dated January 3, 2006 Witman’s heirs; thence by the same, South and recorded on January 9, 2006 in and for 45-3/4 degrees West 45.5 perches, more or Dauphin County, in Deed Book 6355, Page less, to the Middletown Turnpike, or State 545, granted and conveyed unto Frank John Highway, aforesaid; thence along the same, Sebastian and Kelly Sebastian, Husband and North 55-1/2 degrees West, 24 perches, more Wife. or less, to the place of BEGINNING. SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of CONTAINING 7 acres, more or less. Frank John Sebastian and Kelly Sebastian EXCEPTING THEREFROM: under Judgment Number 2011-CV-11405. ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or tract of land BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL with a frame barn and shed thereon erected, No. 34-020-006. situate in Londonderry Township, Dauphin NOTICE is further given to all parties in County, Pennsylvania, and being Lot 1-B of interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed a lot add-on Final Plat of Frank J. and Kelly distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Sebastian, said plat recorded in Dauphin Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 County Instrument Number 20070028808, and distributions will be made in accordance said lot being more fully bounded and with the said schedule unless exceptions are described as follows: filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. BEGINNING at a point on the Westerly line of Lot 2 of the above said lot add-on Final Plat at the Northeast corner of Lot -1 - A; thence along the Northerly line of Lot 1- SALE No. 34 A (lands to be retained by Frank J. and Kelly MARC A. HESS, Esq. Sebastian), the following five courses and Judgment Amount: $140,263.07 distances: 1) North 42 degrees 53 minutes West, a distance of 214.70 feet to a point; 2). ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or tract of South 47 degrees 7 minutes West, a distance ground situate in Susquehanna Township, of 7.50 feet to a point; 3) North 45 degree’s Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, as shown on 43 minutes West; a distance of 40.20 feet to a Final Land Development Plan of Atlanthus a point; 4) South 47 degrees 7 minutes West, Associates dated January 11, 1991, as pre- a distance of 120.00 feet to a point; and 5) pared by J. Michael Brill & Associates, Inc., North 45 degrees 24 minutes West, a distance more particularly bounded and described as of 173.89 feet to a point on the Easterly line follows, to wit:

Advertisements appearing for First Time SALE No. 35 JACQUELINE F. MCNALLY, Esq. Miscellaneous Notices Judgment Amount: $168,727.54 ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of BEGINNING at a point on the northern land, situate in Susquehanna Township, right-of-way line of Oakwood Drive at the Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, being southwest corner of Lot No. 50; thence along bounded and described as follows, to wit: said right-of-way line South 76 degrees 45 BEGINNING at a point on the North side minutes 00 seconds West, 32.00 feet to a of Wandering Way (50 feet wide) at the point being the southeast corner of Lot No. dividing line between Lot Nos. 183 and 184 52; thence along Lot No. 52 North 13 on the hereinafter mentioned plan of lots; degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds West, 115.00 thence along the dividing line between Lot feet to a point on the southern line of Lot No. Nos. 183 and 184 on said plan, North 23 69; thence along Lot No. 69 North 76 degrees 49 minutes 14 seconds West, the dis- degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds East 32.00 tance of 100.00 feet to a point on the South feet to a point being the northwest corner of side of Lot No. 165 on said plan; thence Lot No. 50; thence along Lot No. 50 South along the South side of Lot Nos. 165 and 164 13 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds East, on, said Plan, North 66 degrees 10 minutes 115.00 feet to a point, being the place of 46 seconds East, the distance of 82.00 feet to BEGINNING. a point at the dividing line, between Lot Nos. CONTAINING 3,680 square feet, more or 150 and 184 on said plan; thence along said less. dividing line, South 23 degrees 49 minutes BEING LOT NO. 51, as shown on a Final 14 seconds East, the distance of 100.00 feet Land Development Plan of Oakwood for to a point, on the North side of Wandering Atlanthus Associates dated January 11, 1991, Way; thence along the North side of as prepared by J. Michael Brill & Associates, Wandering Way, South 66 degrees 10 min- Inc., recorded in Plan Book R, Volume 5, utes. 46 seconds West, the distance of 82.00 Page 21. feet to a point, the place of BEGINNING. UNDER AND SUBJECT, nevertheless, to BEING Lot No. 184 on the Plan of Lots easements, restrictions, reservations, condi- known as Section 4, Crooked Hill Farms, as tions and rights-of-way of record. recorded in Plan Book C. Volume 3, Page 60- BEING the same premises which Mark X. A. DiSanto and Susan K. DiSanto, his wife, and BEING known as No. 1325 Wandering John M. DiSanto and Maria T. DiSanto, his Way, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. 17110. wife, by their Deed dated September 19, TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED 1997, and recorded October 23, 1997, in the IN Tsedale Makonnen, married by Deed Office of the Recorder of Deeds in and for from Lydia T. Michael, married, and Tsedale Dauphin County, Pennsylvania at Book Makonnen, married, dated 8/25/2006 and 2958, Page 486, granted and conveyed unto recorded 9/22/2006 in Instrument Finesse Chase, married woman, #20060039386. ADDRESS OF THE MORTGAGED IMPROVEMENTS: Residential dwelling. PREMISES - 2802 Oakwood Drive, SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. 17110-3902. Tsedale Makonnen and Yohannes T. Michael SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of under Judgment Number 2008-CV-5202. Finesse Chase-Cobb a/k/a Finesse Chase, BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL under Judgment Number 2011 CV-4495. No. 62-059-184. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL NOTICE is further given to all parties in No. 62-070-051. interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed NOTICE is further given to all parties in distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of and distributions will be made in accordance Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 with the said schedule unless exceptions are and distributions will be made in accordance filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Advertisements appearing for First Time ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of land, situate in the Second Ward of the City of Miscellaneous Notices Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, more particularly bounded and described as follows: SALE No. 36 BEGINNING at a point at the northeast corner of Swatara Street and Daisy Street; JENI S. MADDEN, Esq. thence northwardly along the east side of Judgment Amount: $877,209.38 Daisy Street; ninety (90) feet to the southern line of a five (5) feet wide alley; thence east- ALL THAT CERTAIN real, estate in the wardly along line of said five (5) feet wide City of Harrisburg, County of Dauphin, and alley sixteen (16) feet to a point; thence Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, more par- southwardly and through the center of a par- ticularly bounded and described as follows, tition wall ninety (90) feet to the north side to wit: of Swatara Street; thence westwardly along BEGINNING at the northeast corner of the north side of Swatara Street, sixteen (16) Helen Avenue and North 16th Street and run- feet to the place of BEGINNING. ning thence eastwardly along the North side HAVING THEREON ERECTED a two of Helen Avenue, 88 foot to a 4 foot wide pri- story brick dwelling and garages known and vate alley; thence northwardly along the line numbered as 1418 Swatara Street. of said alley 16 feet to the line of property BEING the same premises conveyed by. No. 39 North 16th Street; thence westwardly Bruce C. Doupe, Jr. and Shannon M. Doupe, along the line of said property and through husband and wife, by Deed dated July 3, the center of a 9 inch partition wall, 39 foot 2007, in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds to the east side of said 16th Street and thence in and for Dauphin County in Instrument southwardly along the east side of said 16th Number 20070028688, to Four Dreams Street, 16 foot to the place.’of BEGINNING. Investments, LLC, in fee. HAVING THEREON ERECTED a brick PREMISES BEING: 1418 Swatara Street, dwelling house known as No. 37 North 16th City of Harrisburg, Harrisburg, PA 17104. Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. UNDER AND SUBJECT to and together BEING designated by the Dauphin County with easements, exceptions, reservations, Tax Assessment Office as Tax Parcel No. 09- restrictions, rights of way, covenants and 028-007. conditions as contained in prior instruments BEING the same premises conveyed by of record. Bruce C. Doupe, Jr. and Shannon M. Doupe, SEIZED AND TAKEN in execution as the husband and wife, by Deed dated July 3, property of Tom’s Properties, LLC 2007, in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds Mortgagors herein, under Judgment Number in and for Dauphin County in Instrument 2011-CV-3229. Number 20070028689, to Four Dreams BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL Investments, LLC, in Fee. No. 02-021-028. PREMISES BEING: 37 N. 16th Street, ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or parcel of City of Harrisburg, Harrisburg, PA 17103. land with building and improvements there- UNDER AND SUBJECT to and together on situate in the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin with easements, exceptions, reservations, County, Pennsylvania, more particularly restrictions, rights of way, covenants and bounded and described as follows, to wit: conditions as contained in prior instruments BEGINNING at a point on the southern of record. side of Apricot Street, which point is 120 feet SEIZED AND TAKEN in execution as east of the southeastern corner of 17th and the property of Tom’s Properties, LLC Apricot Streets. at the center line of a parti- Mortgagors herein, under Judgment Number tion wall between house known as Nos. 1711 2011-CV-3229. and 1722 Apricot Street thence southwardly BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL at right angles to Apricot Street along center No. 09-028-007. line of the said partition wall and beyond Advertisements appearing for First Time BEGINNING at a point on the North side of State Street, seventy-seven and five tenths Miscellaneous Notices (77.5) feet East of the Northeast corner of State and 15th Streets; thence along premis- es now or formerly of Edgar W. Ulrich, 83.75 feet to a point on the northern side of a known as 1506 State Street, and passing 4 feet wide private alley; thence eastwardly through the center of a partition wall North along the northern side of said alley, 15 feet nineteen (19) degrees, thirty (30) minutes to the western line of property known as West seventy-nine (79) feet; thence still, 1715 Apricot Street; thence northwardly at along said premises now or formerly of right angles to Apricot Street and for a part of Ulrich North sixteen (16) degrees, twenty- the distance thereof along the center line of four (24) minutes, fifty (50) seconds West, the partition wall between houses known as thirty-six and sixty-seven (erroneously stated 1713 and 1715 Apricot Street, 62.76 feet to a in previous deeds as thirty six and eighty- point on the southern side of Apricot Street seven one hundredths) (36.67) feet to a fence 13 feet to the point and place of BEGIN- post on the southern line of Miller Alley; NING. thence along said alley North seventy-nine TOGETHER with the right to use the (79) degrees, four (4) minutes, fifty (50) sec- aforesaid 4 feet wide private alley and the 4 onds East, seventeen (17) feet to a corner of feet wide private alley at the western line premises now or formerly of Samuel Banks, thereof and in common with the owners and known as No. 1510 State Street; thence occupants of other properties abutting here- thong said premises South eighteen (18) on. degrees, ten (10) minutes, fifty (50) seconds BEING known and numbered East, thirty-four and nine one-hundredths 1713 Apricot Street, Harrisburg, (34.09) feet to a point at the northwest corner Pennsylvania (Tax Map Parcel No. 08-008- of the dwelling now or formerly on the 029). Samuel Banks property; thence along the BEING the same premises conveyed by same, passing through the center of a parti- Bruce C. Doupe, Jr. and Shannon M. Doupe, tion wall, South nineteen (19) degrees, thirty husband and wife, by Deed dated July 3, (30) minutes East, seventy-three (73) feet to 2007, in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds a point on the North side of State Street; in and for Dauphin County in Instrument thence along same, South seventy (70) Number 20070028685, to Four Dreams degrees, thirty (30) minutes West eighteen Investments, LLC, in fee. (18) feet to a point and place of BEGIN- PREMISES BEING: 1713 Apricot Street, NING. City of Harrisburg, Harrisburg, PA 17103. PREMISES BEING: 1508 State Street, UNDER AND SUBJECT to and together City of Harrisburg, Harrisburg, PA 17103. with easements, exceptions, reservations, UNDER AND SUBJECT to and together restrictions, rights of way, covenants and with easements, exceptions, reservations, conditions as contained in prior instruments restrictions, rights of way, covenants and of record. conditions as contained in prior instruments SEIZED AND TAKEN in execution as the of record. property of Tom’s Properties, LLC SEIZED AND TAKEN in execution as the Mortgagors herein, under Judgment Number property of Tom’s Properties, LLC 2011-CV-3229. Mortgagors herein, under Judgment Number BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL 2011-CV-3229. No. 08-008-029. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or parcel of land No. 08-015-046. situate in the 8th Ward of City of Harrisburg, ALL THAT CERTAIN tract, piece or par- Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, bounded and cel of land situate in the Borough of described as follows: Steelton, County of Dauphin and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol- lows: Advertisements appearing for First Time 1425 Hunter Street; now or late of Almer Steinmeier and passing through a partition Miscellaneous Notices wall north 10 degrees 30 minutes west 100 feet to a point on the Southern side of Hunter Street, the place of BEGINNING. BEGINNING at a point on the west line of PREMISES BEING:1427 Hunter Street, Nectarine Avenue, said point being southerly City of Harrisburg, Harrisburg, PA 17104. fifty and five tenths (50.5) feet from the UNDER AND SUBJECT to and together southwest intersection of Fifth Street and with easements, exceptions, reservations, Nectarine Avenue; thence westwardly and restrictions, rights of way, covenants and through the partition wall of House Nos. 358 conditions as contained in prior instruments and 356 Swatara Street, one hundred seven of record. and thirty-seven hundredths (107.37) feet; SEIZED AND TAKEN in execution as thence southwardly along the upper level of the property of Tom’s Properties, LLC Swatara Street, twelve and five tenths (12.5) Mortgagors herein, under Judgment Number feet thence eastwardly and through the parti- 2011-CV-3229. tion wall of House Nos. 356 and 354, one BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL hundred seven and thirty-seven hundredths No. 02-030-051. (107.37) feet to the west line of Nectarine ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of Avenue; thence northwardly along said west land situate in the fifteenth ward of the city line, twelve and five tenths (12.5) feet the of Harrisburg (formerly Susquehanna place of BEGINNING. Township), County of Dauphin and PREMISES BEING: 356 Swatara Street, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, bounded Borough of Steelton, Steelton, PA 17113. and described as follows, to wit: UNDER AND SUBJECT to and together BEGINNING at a point on the North side with easements, exceptions, reservations, of Briggs Street at line of lot 162; thence east restrictions, rights of way, covenants and along Briggs Street, twenty feet (20’) to line conditions as contained in prior instruments of lot No. 164; thence north along said line, of record. one hundred ten feet (110’) to a twenty foot SEIZED AND TAKEN in execution as the (20’) wide alley; thence west along said alley property of Tom’s Properties, LLC twenty feet (20’) to a line of Lot no. 162 Mortgagors herein, under Judgment Number aforesaid; and thence south along said line 2011-CV-3229. one hundred ten feet (110’) to a point on BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL Briggs Street, the place of BEGINNING. No. 58-007-005. BEING Lot No. 163 on Plan of Caroline ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of R. Haldeman recorded in Plan Book B, page land, with building thereon erected 1. 1427 Hunter Street, City of Harrisburg, EXCEPTING from the aforesaid property Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, bounded and all that certain tract of land situate in the City described according to a survey made by of Harrisburg fronting twenty feet (20’) on Gerit J. Betz, Assoc., re dated July 16, 1974, the South side of Brown Street and having as follows, to wit: erected thereon a garage, more fully set forth BEGINNING at a point on the southern in a deed dated December 20, 1989 and side of Hunter Street, said point being 60 feet recorded in record book 1365, page 573 from the corner of Hunter Street and Daley PREMISES BEING: 1934 Briggs Street, Street, Thence along the southern side of City of Harrisburg, Harrisburg, PA 17103. Hunter Street North 70 Degrees 30 minutes UNDER AND SUBJECT to and together East a distance of 14 feet to a point, thence with easements, exceptions, reservations, along a 3 foot wide private brick alley south restrictions, rights of way, covenants and 19 degrees 30 minutes east 100 feet to a conditions as contained in prior instruments point on the North side of Ella Alley, thence of record. along the same south 70 degrees 30 minutes SEIZED AND TAKEN in execution as west 14 feet to a point; thence along the property of Tom’s Properties, LLC Mortgagors herein, under Judgment Number 2011-CV-3229. Advertisements appearing for First Time BEGINNING at a point on Moore Street which point is 137 feet 8 inches northwardly Miscellaneous Notices from the northeastern corner of Moore and Maclay Streets; thence eastwardly 72 feet 8 inches to a 3 foot 8 inch private alley; thence BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL northwardly along said alley 14 feet to land No. 15-008-033. now or late of Benjamin H. Engle; thence ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or parcel of land westwardly along said land 72 feet to Moore situate in the Tenth Ward of the City of Street; and thence southwardly along said Harrisburg, County of Dauphin, and Moore Street 14 feet to a point, the place of Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, bounded BEGINNING. and described as follows, to wit: HAVING THEREON ERECTED a three BEGINNING on the West side of Green story frame dwelling known as 2115 Moore Street, 240 feet more or less, North of the Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. North side of Maclay Street at or opposite BEING the same premises conveyed by the center of the partition wall between hous- Jeffrey C. Depew, II, single man, by Deed es No. 2122 and 2124 Green Street and run- dated April 16, 2007, in the Office of the ning; thence Westwardly through the center Recorder of Deeds in and for Dauphin of said partition wall between said houses, County in Instrument Number 20070015177, 85 feet to a 4 feet wide private alley; thence to Four Dreams Investments, LLC, in fee. Northwardly along the line of said alley and PREMISES BEING: 2115 Moore Street, parallel with said Green Street, 21 feet to a City of Harrisburg, Harrisburg, PA 17110. point; thence Eastwardly by a line parallel UNDER AND SUBJECT to and together with said Maclay Street, 85 feet to the West with easements, exceptions, reservations, side of Green Street; and thence Southwardly restrictions, rights of way, covenants and along the West Side of said Green Street 21 conditions as contained in prior instruments feet to the place of BEGINNING. of record. HAVING THEREON ERECTED a three- SEIZED AND TAKEN in execution as story brick dwelling house known the property of Tom’s Properties, LLC as No. 2124 Green Street, Harrisburg, Mortgagors herein, under Judgment Number Pennsylvania. 2011-CV-3229. UNDER AND SUBJECT NEVERTHE- BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL LESS TO easements, restrictions, reserva- No. 10-026-076. tions, conditions and right of way of record. ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of land TOGETHER with the right to use the said situate in the 10th Ward of the City of four (4) feet wide private alley in common Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, with the other owns and occupies of proper- bounded and described in accordance with a ty abutting thereon. survey and plan thereof made by Gerrit J. PREMISES BEING: 2124 Green Street, Betz, Registered Surveyor, dated March 16, City of Harrisburg, Harrisburg, PA 17110. 1972, as follows: UNDER AND SUBJECT to and together BEGINNING at a point on the West side with easements, exceptions, reservations, of Reel Street, said point being 125 feet restrictions, rights of way, covenants and North of the Northwest corner of Reel Street conditions as contained in prior instruments and Seneca Street; thence along premises of record. known as No. 2414 Reel Street, South 71 SEIZED AND TAKEN in execution as degrees 10 minutes West 110 feet to a point the property of Tom’s Properties, LLC on the East side of Brensinger Street; thence Mortgagors herein, under Judgment Number along the same North 18 degrees 50 minutes 2011-CV-3229. West 20 feet to a corner of premises known BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL as No. 2418 Reel Street; thence along said No. 10-062-015. premises and passing through the center of a ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of partition wall, North 71 degrees 10 minutes ground, with buildings thereon erected, situ- East 110 feet to a point on the West, side of ate in the Tenth Ward of the City of Reel Street aforesaid; thence along the same Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, South 18 degrees 50 minutes East 20 feet to and bounded and described as follows, to the point of BEGINNING. wit: Advertisements appearing for First Time BEING Lot No. 64 on Plan of Lots of Mary Reel, which plan is dated March 1892 Miscellaneous Notices and recorded in Plan Book “B” page 12, Dauphin County records. BEING the same premises conveyed by BEING Lot no. 63 in Plan of Lots known Four Dreams Investments, LLC (erroneously as Plan of Lots of Mary M. Reel surveyed by referred to as Four Dreams Real Estate M.B. Cowden in March 1892 which said Investments LLC in prior deed) by Deed Plan is duly recorded in the Recorder’s dated. July, 3, 2007, in the Office of the Office at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, in Plan Recorder of Deeds in and for Dauphin Book “B”, Page 12. County in Instrument Number 20070028683, HAVING THEREON ERECTED a two to Four Dreams Investments, LLC, in fee. and one-half story brick dwelling known as PREMISES BEING: 2418 Reel Street, 2416 Reel Street. City of Harrisburg, Harrisburg, PA 17110. BEING the same premises conveyed by UNDER AND SUBJECT to and together Bruce C. Doupe, Jr. and Shannon M. Doupe, with easements, exceptions, reservations, husband and wife, by Deed dated July 3, restrictions, rights of way, covenants and 2007, in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds conditions as contained in prior instruments in and for Dauphin County in Instrument of record. Number 20070028678, to Four Dreams SEIZED AND TAKEN in execution as Investments, LLC, in fee. the property of Tom’s Properties, LLC PREMISES BEING: 2416 Reel Street, Mortgagors herein, under Judgment Number City of Harrisburg, Harrisburg, PA 17110. 2011-CV-3229. UNDER AND SUBJECT to and together BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL with easements, exceptions, reservations, No. 10-030-025. restrictions, rights of way, covenants and ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of land, conditions as contained in prior instruments situate in the tenth Ward of the City of of record. Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, SEIZED AND TAKEN in execution as bounded and described as follows, to wit: the property of Tom’s Properties, LLC BEGINNING at a point on the western Mortgagors herein, under Judgment Number side of Reel Street, opposite the center of a 2011-CV-3229. partition wall between house Nos. 2440 and BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL 2442 Reel Street, which, point is about 319 No. 10-030-026. feet north of the north side of Soncco Street; ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of land, thence westwardly at right angles to Reel situate in the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin Street and through center of said partition County, Pennsylvania, bounded and wall, 110 feet to Brensinger Street; thence described as follows, to wit: northwardly by the eastern line of Brensinger BEGINNING at a point on the West side Street, 16 feet 3 inches to a point; thence of Reel Street, said point being 140 feet eastwardly at right angles to Reel Street, 110 North of the Northwest corner of Seneca and feet to Reel Street, and thence southwardly Reel Streets; thence along premises known by the western line of Reel Street, 16 feet 3 as No. 2416 Reel Street and passing through inches to the point of BEGINNING. the center of a partition wall, South 79 HAVING THEREON ERECTED the degrees West 110 feet to a point on the East northern half of a double three-story brick side of Brensinger Street; thence along the dwelling numbered 2442 Reel Street. same North 11 degrees West 20 feet to a cor- BEING the same premises conveyed by ner of premises known as 2420 Reel Street; Bruce C. Doupe, Jr. and Shannon M. Doupe, thence along the same North 11 degrees West husband and wife, by Deed dated July 3, 20 feet to a corner of premises known as 2007, in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds 2420 Reel Street; thence along said premises in and for Dauphin County in Instrument North 79 degrees East 110 feet to a point on Number 20070028684, to Four Dreams the West side of Reel Street aforesaid; thence Investments, LLC, in fee. along the same South 11 degrees East 20 feet PREMISES BEING: 2442 Reel Street, to the point and place of BEGINNING. City of Harrisburg, Harrisburg, PA 17110. Advertisements appearing for First Time the lathed and plastered partitioned wall hereinbefore mentioned, one hundred (100) Miscellaneous Notices feet to South Second Street, the place of BEGINNING. HAVING thereon erected and now being UNDER AND SUBJECT to and together the northern half of a double two and one- with easements, exceptions, reservations, half story frame dwelling house now num- restrictions, rights of way, covenants and bered 162 South Second Street in the conditions as contained in prior instruments Borough of Streelton aforesaid. of record. UNDER AND SUBJECT to conditions, SEIZED AND TAKEN in execution as rights of way and restrictions of record. the property of Tom’s Properties, LLC PREMISES BEING: 162 South Second Mortgagors herein, under Judgment Number Street, Steelton, Pennsylvania 17113 2011-CV-3229. BEING the same premises which Mark P. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL Sypniewski and Darlene A. Sypniewski, His No. 10-030-015. Wife, by Deed dated August 14, 2001 and NOTICE is further given to all parties in recorded November 16, 2001 in Deed Book interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed 4169, Page 405, in the Dauphin County distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Recorder’s Office, granted and conveyed Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 unto Mark P. Sypniewski. and distributions will be made in accordance SEIZED, taken in execution and to be with the said schedule unless exceptions are sold as the property of which Mark P. filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Sypniewski, Mortgagor(s) herein, under Judgment Number 2010-CV-3273. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL No. 58-012-021. SALE No. 37 NOTICE is further given to all parties in MARGARET GAIRO, Esq. interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed Judgment Amount: $37,989.02 distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or parcel of and distributions will be made in accordance land and premises, situate, lying and being in with the said schedule unless exceptions are the borough of Steelton, County of Dauphin, filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, more par- ticularly bounded and described as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at a point on South Second SALE No. 38 Street at a line passing through the center of JOHN MICHAEL KOLESNIK, Esq. the lathed an plastered partition walls sepa- Judgment Amount: $83,403.29 rating properties numbered 162 and 164 South Second Street and at corner of land ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or parcel of now or late of Charles H. Miller, Elmer W. land with the buildings and improvements Miller and Helen M. Miller, his wife; thence thereon erected, situate in the Seventh Ward along the line of Second Street in a northerly of the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, direction twenty (20) feet, more or less, to Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol- land now or lae of L. E. McGinnes; thence lows, to wit: along said last mentioned land, in a westerly BEGINNING at a point on the Westerly direction, one hundred (100) feet to the east- line of North l7th Street, which point is 99 ern line of River Alley; thence along the east- feet Northwardly of the Northwesterly cor- ern line of said Alley in a southerly direction ner of l7th and Cumberland Streets; thence twenty (20) feet, more or less, to line of land through the center of a partition wall and now or late of William M. Sponsler and beyond in a line at right angles to North l7th Daisy E. Sponsler, his wife; thence along Street in a Westerly direction 110 feet to a said last mentioned land in an easterly direc- point on the Easterly line of a 20 foot wide tion by a line passing through the center of public alley; thence along same parallel with North l7th Street aforesaid in a Northerly

Advertisements appearing for First Time ERN LINE OF LOT NO. 215, ON PLAN OF LOTS HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO; Miscellaneous Notices THENCE IN A SOUTHERLY DIRECTION ALONG THE WESTERN LINE OF HIGH STREET, A DISTANCE OF ONE-HUN- direction, 19 feet to a point; thence in a line DRED AND FIVE (105) FEET TO A POINT at right angles to North l7th Street in an ON THE NORTHERN LINE OF LOT NO. Easterly direction 110 feet to a point on the 218 ON SAID PLAN; THENCE, ALONG Westerly line of North l7th Street aforesaid; THE NORTHERN LINE OF LOT NO. 218 thence along same in a Southerly direction IN A WESTERLY DIRECTION A DIS- 19th feet to a point, the place of BEGIN- TANCE OF ONE-HUNDRED AND TWEN- NING. TY (120) FEET MORE OR LESS TO A HAVING thereon erected the Northern POINT ON THE EASTERN LINE OF half of a double 2 1/2 story brick dwelling CRONITO ALLEY; THENCE ALONG THE house known as No. 1210 North 17th Street. EASTERN LINE OF CRONITO ALLEY IN UNDER AND SUBJECT to restrictions A NORTHERLY DIRECTION A DIS- and conditions as now appear of record. TANCE OF ONE-HUNDRED AND FIVE TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VEST- (105) FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH- ED IN Cherette M. McArthur, an adult indi- ERN LINE OF LOT NO. 215; THENCE vidual, by Deed from Daron A. Schuller, a ALONG THE LINE OF LOT NO. 215 IN single man, dated 09/22/2006, recorded AN EASTERLY DIRECTION A DIS- 09/27/2006 in Instrument Number TANCE OF ONE-HUNDRED AND TWEN- 20060039945. TY (120) FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE PREMISES BEING: 1210 NORTH 17TH POINT OF BEGINNING. STREET, HARRISBURG, PA 17103-1246. BEING LOTS NOS. (216,217,218, AND SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of 219) ON PLAN NO. 1 GEORGE W. Cherette M. McArthur under Judgment CUMMBLER’S ESTATE, ADDITION TO Number 2011-CV-9107. NEW BENTON, PA 1905, REPLOTTED BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL 1907, WHICH PLAN IS RECORDED IN No. 07-084-009. THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF NOTICE is further given to all parties in DEEDS IN AND FOR DAUPHIN COUNTY interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed IN PLAN BOOK “E” PAGE 11. distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of BEING KNOWN AND NUMBERED AS Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 523 HIGH STREET, HARRISBURG, PA, and distributions will be made in accordance 17113. with the said schedule unless exceptions are WITH ALL IMPROVEMENTS ERECT- filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. ED THEREON. BEING THE SAME PREMISES WHICH MARY M. GOLES, BY DEED DATED JULY 31, 2006 AND RECORDED SALE No. 39 AUGUST 14,2006 IN AND FOR DAUPHIN JAIME R. ACKERMAN, Esq. COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, INSTRU- Judgment Amount: $116,255.83 MENT #20060032838, GRANTED AND CONVEYED UNTO ROSALINDA M. SAN ALL THOSE CERTAIN LOTS OF LUIS. GROUND IN SWATARA TOWNSHIP, UNDER AND SUBJECT TO AND DAUPHIN COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, TOGETHER WITH EASEMENTS, BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOL- EXCEPTIONS, RESERVATIONS, LOWS, TO WIT: RESTRICTIONS, RIGHTS OF WAY, BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS AS WESTERN SIDE OF HIGH STREET CONTAINED IN PRIOR INSTRUMENTS WHICH POINT IS TWO HUNDRED AND OF RECORD. FIFTY (250) FEET DISTANT IN A SEIZED AND TAKEN IN EXECUTION SOUTHERLY DIRECTION FROM THE AS THE PROPERTY OF ROSALINDA M. CORNER OF HIGH STREET AND APPLE SAN LUIS MORTGAGORS HEREIN, ALLEY; AT A POINT ON THE SOUTH- UNDER JUDGMENT NUMBER 2011-CV- 2288. Advertisements appearing for First Time Subdivision Plan of Stratford Woods, Phase III, dated 5 December 2002 and recorded in Miscellaneous Notices the Office of the Recorder of Deeds in Plan Book Q, Volume 8, Page 10. TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL IN Craig T. Pickles and Michelle Pickles, No. 63-056-064. h/w, by Deed from Stratford Woods, Inc, NOTICE is further given to all parties in dated 06/28/2005, recorded 07/07/2005 in interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed Book 6076, Page 609. distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of PREMISES BEING: 6610 NORFOLK Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 PLACE, HARRISBURG, PA 17111-6928. and distributions will be made in accordance SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of with the said schedule unless exceptions are Craig T. Pickels and Michelle Pickles under filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Judgment Number 2010-CV-01190. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL No. 35-047487. NOTICE is further given to all parties in SALE No. 40 interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed JOHN MICHAEL KOLESNIK, Esq. distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Judgment Amount: $314,796.41 Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance ALL THAT CERTAIN tract of land situate, with the said schedule unless exceptions are lying and being in Lower Paxton Township, filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, more partic- ularly bounded and described as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at a point on a fifty-five (55) SALE No. 41 foot wide right of way known as Norfolk KARL M. LEDEBOHM, Esq. Place and Lot No. 68 of the hereinafter refer- Judgment Amount: $152,745.61 enced subdivision plan; thence along Lot No. 68 North twenty-one (21) degrees thirty-one ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of land (31) minutes twenty-one (21) seconds West, situate in the 12th Ward of the City of two hundred fifty-nine and ninety-two hun- Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, dredths (259.92) feet to a point at land now bounded and described in accordance with a or formerly of Randy L. Warner, et ux; survey and plan thereon made by Gerrit J. thence along said Warner land and land now Betz, Registered Surveyor, dated March 16, or formerly of Gregory A. Ross, et ux. North 1973, as follows: eighty-two (82) degrees fifty-six (56) min- BEGINNING at a point on the East side of utes forty-one (41) seconds East ninety-two North 2nd Street, said point being 23 feet and ninety-five hundredths (92.95) feet to a South of the southeast corner of North 2nd point at Lot No. 66 of the hereinafter refer- Street and Clinton Streets; thence along enced subdivision plan; thence along Lot No. premises known as No. 1615 North 2nd 66 South twenty-nine (29) degrees three (03) Street and passing through the center of a minutes fifty-four (54) seconds East, one partition wall, North 75 degrees East 87 feet hundred ninety and forty-six hundredths to a point on the West side of a three feet (190.46) feet to a point on the aforemen- wide alley; thence along the same South 15 tioned Norfolk Place; thence along and with degrees East 27.75 feet to a corner of prem- said Norfolk Place South forty-five (45) ises known as No. 1611 North 2nd Street; degrees fifty-two (52) minutes sixteen (16) thence along said premises, South 75 degrees seconds West, one hundred twenty-four and West, 87 feet to a point on the East side of fifty-seven hundredths (124.57) feet to a North 2nd Street aforesaid; thence along the point at Lot No. 68 of the hereinafter refer- same North 15 degrees West 27.75 feet to the enced subdivision plan, the point and place point and place of BEGINNING. of BEGINNING. HAVING thereon erected a three story CONTAINING 23,151 square feet and brick dwelling house known as and num- being identified as Lot No. 67 on the Final bered 1613 North 2nd Street, Harrisburg, PA 17102. Advertisements appearing for First Time February 7, 2001 and recorded February 12, 2001 in Deed Book 3874, Page 141, in the Miscellaneous Notices Dauphin County Recorder’s Office, granted and conveyed unto Ronald L. Lontz, II and Tamie L. Lontz. BEING the same premises which BKM SEIZED, taken in execution and to be sold Construction & Renovations, LLC, a as the property of which Ronald L. Lontz, II Pennsylvania limited liability company, by and Tamie L. Lontz, Mortgagor(s) herein, its deed dated May 28, 2009 and recorded in under Judgment Number 2010-CV-7865. Dauphin County to Instrument BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL #20090017874 granted and conveyed unto No. 46-015-034 Kyzer-Mesaros, LLC. NOTICE is further given to all parties in SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed Kyzer-Mesaros, LLC under Judgment distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Number 2011-CV-11992. Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL and distributions will be made in accordance No. 12-008-073. with the said schedule unless exceptions are NOTICE is further given to all parties in filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 SALE No. 43 and distributions will be made in accordance MARGARET GAIRO, Esq. with the said schedule unless exceptions are Judgment Amount: $103,795.97 filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or tract of land and premises with improvements thereon SALE No. 42 erected, situate, lying and being in the CHRISTINE L. GRAHAM, Esq. Borough of Penbrook, in the County of Dauphin, and Commonwealth of Judgment Amount: $62,785.59 Pennsylvania, more particularly described as ALL THAT CERTAIN messuage tenement follows: and tract of ground situate, lying and being BEGINNING at an iron pipe, on the north- on the south side of Moore Street, in ern side of Parkway Boulevard 210 feet west Millersburg Borough, Dauphin County, of the northwestern corner of Parkway Pennsylvania, more particularly bounded Boulevard and 27th (formerly Carey) Street, and described as follows, to wit: at the western line of Lot No. 56 on the Plan BEGINNING at a post on Moore Street of Parkway Manor, recorded in the and running thence along the same North Recorder’s Office of Dauphin County, seventy-seven degrees East sixty-six feet (N. Pennsylvania, in Plan Book “J”, Page 10, 77º E. 66’) to a post; thence South thirteen which was granted and conveyed by Bertha degrees East one hundred fifty-five feet (S. H. Detweiler, et al, to Dorothy B. Smyser, by 13º E, 155’) more or less to an alley; thence Deed dated August 25, 1952, and the next along said alley South seventy-seven degrees day recorded in the aforesaid Recorders West sixty-six feet (S. 77º W. 66’); thence Office; thence westwardly along the northern North thirteen degrees West one hundred side of Parkway Boulevard, 50 feet to an iron fifty-five (N. 13º W. 155’) more or less to the pipe at the eastern line of Lot No. 58 on the place of BEGINNING. said Plan; thence northwardly along said BEING Lot No. 243 on the General Plan line, 145.8 feet to an iron pipe on the south- of Millersburg Borough recorded in Dauphin ern side of a 20 foot wide, street or alley; County Deed Book “U, Vol. 2, Page 291. thence eastwardly along the southern side of BEING known as 524 Moore Street, said street or alley, 50 feet, more or less, to Millersburg, Pennsylvania. an iron pipe at the western line of aforesaid PREMISES BEING: 524 Moore Street, Lot No. 56; and thence southwardly along Millersburg, Pennsylvania 17061. said line at right angles to the northern side BEING the same premises which Mary of Parkway Boulevard, 144.1 feet to the iron Hoy Herb, a/k/a Mary E. Herb by Deed dated pipe on the northern side of Parkway Boulevard, at the place of BEGINNING. Advertisements appearing for First Time now or late of Samuel E. Powell; thence along said last named line, in an Easterly Miscellaneous Notices direction, and passing through the middle of the partition wall between houses Nos. 20 and 22 South Harrisburg Street, 77 feet, BEING Lot No. 57 on said plan of more or less, to the place of BEGINNING. Parkway Manor. HAVING THEREON ERECTED the HAVING THEREON ERECTED premises southern half of a 2-1/2 story frame dwelling known as 2422 Parkway Boulevard, house known as 22 S. Harrisburg Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Steelton, Pennsylvania. PREMISES BEING: 2422 Parkway TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED Boulevard, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17103 by Special Warranty Deed, dated 11/21/2003, BEING the same premises which Kevin A. given by Christine A. Deaner, widow, to Baim and Nancy L. Baim, husband and wife, Matthew Aiahya Y. Kpakiwa and recorded by Deed dated April 14, 2005, and recorded 12/3/2003 in Book 5288, page 295. April 18, 2005 in Deed Book 5953, Page PREMISES BEING: 22 SOUTH HAR- 528, in the Dauphin County Recorder’s RISBURG STREET, STEELTON, PA Office, granted and conveyed unto Tyra L. 17113-2325. Wallace. SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of SEIZED, taken in execution and to be sold Matthew Aiahya Y. Kpakiwa under as the property of which Tyra L. Wallace, Judgment Number 2010-CV-8535. Mortgagor(s) herein, under Judgment BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL Number 2011-CV-9906. No. 59-011-047. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL NOTICE is further given to all parties in No. 51-022-010. interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed NOTICE is further given to all parties in distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of and distributions will be made in accordance Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 with the said schedule unless exceptions are and distributions will be made in accordance filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. SALE No. 46 WILLIAM E. MILLER, Esq. SALE No. 44 Judgment Amount: $58,979.12 COURTENAY R. DUNN, Esq. ALL THAT CERTAIN tract of land and Judgment Amount: $38,522.44 premises, situate, lying and being in the ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or piece of Ninth Ward of the City of Harrisburg in the land situate in the 3rd Ward of the Borough County of Dauphin and Commonwealth of of Steelton, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, more particularly described as bounded and described as follows: follows: BEGINNING at a point on Harrisburg BEGINNING at a point on the northern Street 54 feet 2 inches north from the north- line of Bailey Street at corner of lot ern line of Cranberry Alley on line of land described as Tract No. 3 and running thence now or late of Samuel E. Powell; thence northwardly, along the line of said last men- along said Harrisburg Street, in a Southerly tioned lot, eighty-five (85) feet to a ten (10) direction, 18 feet 7 inches, more or less, to feet wide alley; thence westwardly, along the the middle of a private alley or court between southern line of said alley, eighteen (18) feet houses Nos. 22 and 24 South Harrisburg and eight (8) inches to corner of lot now or Street; thence along the middle of said pri- formerly of Mildred T. Brown; thence south- vate alley, in a Westerly direction parallel wardly, along the line of said lot of Mildred with Cranberry Alley, 77 feet, more or less, T. Brown, eighty-five (85) feet to Bailey to a 4 foot wide private alley; thence along Street; thence eastwardly along the northern said private alley, in a Northerly direction, 18 line of Bailey Street, eighteen (18) feet and feet 7 inches, more or less, to line of lands eight (8) inches to the place of BEGINNING. Advertisements appearing for First Time UNDER and SUBJECT to restrictions and conditions as now appear of record. Miscellaneous Notices TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED BY Special Warranty Deed, dated 12/23/2005, given by Sergio Oneglia and UNDER AND SUBJECT to covenants, Leslie Oneglia, husband and wife, to conditions, reservations, restrictions, ease- Jacqueline T. Vasquez and Lionel Vasquez, ments and right of ways of record. Jr., wife and husband, and recorded TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED 12/30/2005 in Book 6345, page 539. IN Justin K. Bennage, an adult individual, by PREMISES BEING: 423 CATHERINE Deed from S.V. Investments, LLC, a STREET, HARRISBURG, PA 17113-2416. Pennsylvania Limited Liability. Company, SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of dated 01/09/2008, recorded 01/09/2008 in Jacqueline T. Vasquez and Lionel Vasquez Instrument Number 20080001047. under Judgment Number 2009-CV-16139. PREMISES BEING: 1226 BAILEY BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL STREET, HARRISBURG, PA 17103-2241. No. 58-004-037. SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of NOTICE is further given to all parties in Justin K. Bennage under Judgment Number interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed 2011-CV-9646. distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 No. 09-012-020. and distributions will be made in accordance NOTICE is further given to all parties in with the said schedule unless exceptions are interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance SALE No. 48 with the said schedule unless exceptions are MELISSA L. VAN ECK, Esq. filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Judgment Amount: $18,438.13 ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of SALE No. 47 ground, with the following buildings and JOHN MICHAEL KOLESNIK, Esq. improvements thereon erected, situate in South Hanover Township, Dauphin County, Judgment Amount: $63,983.66 Pennsylvania, being the Plan of Greenbriar ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or parcel of Associates, Section I as recorded in Plan land and premises, situate, lying and being in Book 0-2, Page 83, more specifically bound- the Borough of Steelton in the County of ed and described as follows, to wit: Dauphin and Commonwealth of BEGINNING at a point on the southern Pennsylvania, more particularly bounded as line of Ardmore Drive, said point being on follows: the dividing line between Lots Nos. 54 and BEGINNING at a point on the west line of 53, aforesaid Plan of Lots; thence along the Catherine Street, said point being southerly southern line of said Ardmore Drive, South one hundred and sixty-one (161) feet from 83 degrees, 03 minutes and 05 seconds East, the southwest intersection of Catherine a distance of 107 feet to a point; thence on a Street and Sixth Street; thence westwardly curve to the south having a radius of 25 feet, and through the partition wall of houses Nos. an arc distance of 39.27 feet to a point; 425 and 423 Catherine Street one hundred thence South 06 degrees 56 minutes 55 sec- fifteen (115) feet to the easterly line of onds West, a distance of 151 feet to a point; Nectarine Avenue; thence southwardly along thence North 84 degrees 16 minutes 25 sec- the east line of Nectarine Avenue thirteen onds West, a distance of 132.03 feet to a (13) feet; thence eastwardly and through the point on the dividing line between Lots Nos. partition wall of houses Nos. 423 and 421 53 and 54, as aforesaid; thence along said one hundred fifteen (115) feet to the west last mentioned dividing line, north 06 line of Catherine Street; thence northwardly degrees 56 minutes 55 seconds East, a dis- along said west line thirteen (13) feet to the tance of 178.82 feet to a point, the Place of place of BEGINNING. BEGINNING. Advertisements appearing for First Time HAVING THEREON ERECTED A DWELLING KNOWN AS 32 NORTH Miscellaneous Notices 20TH STREET, HARRISBURG, PA 17103. BEING THE SAME PREMISES WHICH William D. Griffin and Deborah E. Griffin by HAVING THEREON ERECTED a one deed dated 3/28/08 and recorded 4/1/08 in story brick and aluminum ranch type- Dauphin County Instrument;#2008-0011528, dwelling, said premises being known and granted and conveyed unto Joseph A. Sealey numbered as 21 Ardmore Drive, and Jolange W. Sealey, husband and wife.. Hummelstown, Pennsylvania. 17036. (Joseph A. Sealey is a/k/a Joseph A.D. SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of Sealey). Noel F. Henkel and Valerie L. Henkel under UNDER AND SUBJECT to and together Judgment Number 2011-CV-10534. with prior grants and reservations of coal, BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL oil, gas, mining rights of way, exceptions, No. 56-006-076. conditions, restrictions and reservations of NOTICE is further given to all parties in record, as the same may appear in this or interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed prior instruments of record. distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of SEIZED AND SOLD AS THE PROPER- Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 TY OF JOSEPH A.D. SEALEY A/K/A and distributions will be made in accordance JOSEPH A. SEALEY AND JOLANGE W. with the said schedule unless exceptions are SEALEY under Judgment Number 2011-CV- filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. 4101 BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL No. 09-074-044. NOTICE is further given to all parties in SALE No. 49 interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed LEON P. HALLER, Esq. distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Judgment Amount: $54,011.64 Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance ALL THAT CERTAIN piece, parcel or with the said schedule unless exceptions are tract of ground situate, lying and being in the filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Ninth Ward in the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, more partic- ularly bounded and described as follows, to wit: SALE No. 50 BEGINNING at a point on the west side of LEON P. HALLER, Esq. 20th Street (formerly Prospect Street), said Judgment Amount: $165,877.55 point being thirty(30) feet six (6) inches north from the northwest corner of Park and Tract No. 1 20th Streets; thence Westwardly along the ALL THAT CERTAIN tract of land situate northern line of property No. 30 20th Street, in Halifax Township, Dauphin County, eighty (80) feet wide eight (8) inches to the Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol- eastern line of a three (3) feet wide private lows, to wit: alley; thence Northwardly along said three BEGINNING at a point in the southern (3) feet wide private alley, sixteen(16) feet corner of lot now or formerly of Arthur A. six (6) inches to the southern line of proper- Wagner, III, Jeffrey L. Wagner and Guy ty No. 34 20th Street; thence Eastwardly and David Wagner, as described in Tract No. 2 through the center of a partition wall divid- herein; thence North 16 degrees 10 minutes ing the property herein described from prop- 00 seconds East, a distance of 100 feet to an erty No. 34 20th Street, eighty (80) feet eight iron pin; thence South 73 degrees 50 minutes (8) inches to 20th Street; thence Southwardly 00 seconds East, a distance of 100 feet to an along said 20th Street sixteen (16) feet six iron pin; thence South 16 degrees 10 minutes (6)inches to the point and place of BEGIN- 00 seconds West, a distance of 100 feet to an NING. iron; thence North 73 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 100 feet to an iron pin, the point of BEGINNING. Advertisements appearing for First Time SUBJECT to conditions, easements, reser- vations and restrictions as contained in this Miscellaneous Notices and prior instruments of record. SEIZED AND SOLD AS THE PROPER- TY OF ERIK E. TUMMELSON under CONTAINING therein an area of 10,00 Judgment No. 2011-CV-10358. square feet. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL BEING drawn in accordance with a Nos. 29-007-105 and 29-007-049. survey prepared by William A. Burch and NOTICE is further given to all parties in Associates, dated December 31, 1986, copy interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed of which is recorded in the Recorder of distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Deeds Office of Dauphin County in Record Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 Book 1642, Page 004. and distributions will be made in accordance with the said schedule unless exceptions are Tract No. 2 filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. ALL THAT CERTAIN tract of land situate in Halifax Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol- SALE No. 51 lows, to wit: BEGINNING at a point on the east side. of LEON P. HALLER, Esq. L.R. 22029, said point of beginning being Judgment Amount: $153,151.94 approximately 938.23 feet north of the inter- section of L.R. 22029 and Traffic Route 147; ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of thence along the said L.R. 22029, North 14 ground situate in Hummelstown Borough, degrees 45 minutes East, 21.92 feet to a County of Dauphin, Commonwealth of point; thence along the same North 9 degrees Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol- 15 minutes East, 78.45 feet to a point; lows: thence along lands formerly of Raymond I. BEGINNING at a stake on the southern Alexander, South 73 degrees 50 minutes side of West High Street, being the corner of East, 189.87 feet to an iron pin; thence along Lot No. 4, now or late of Richard B. Earnest; the same South 16 degrees 10 minutes West, thence by lot now or late of Richard B. 100 feet to an iron pin; thence along lands Earnest aforesaid, South 1/2 degree East, 180 formerly of Arthur A. Wagner, Jr. North 73 feet to a stake at Violet Alley; thence by said degrees 50 minutes West, 181.81 feet to the alley, North 89-1/2degree’s West 40 feet to a place of BEGINNING. stake; thence by land now or late of Richard CONTAINING 18,486.38 square feet, or B. Earnest, North 1/2 degree West 180 feet to .424 acres. a stake on High Street; thence by High THE ABOVE description has been amend- Street, South 89-1/2 degrees East 40 feet to ed in accordance with an agreement dated the place of BEGINNING. October 24, 1972 and recorded in the BEING Lot No. 3 as laid out on a plan of Recorder of Deeds Office of Dauphin lots by John T. Remsburg. County, in Miscellaneous Book P, Volume HAVING THEREON ERECTED a 14, Page 280. dwelling house known as 231-233 West High HAVING THEREON ERECTED A Street, Hummelstown, PA 17036. DWELLING KNOWN AS 57 TOURIST BEING THE SAME PREMISES WHICH PARK ROAD, HALIFAX, PA 17032. Andrea M. Gaylor by deed dated 2/12/10 and BEING THE SAME PREMISES WHICH recorded 2/17/10 in Dauphin County Arthur A. Wagner, III et al by deed dated Instrument #2010-0004349 granted and con- 12/12/07 and recorded 12/20/07 in Dauphin veyed unto Joseph T. Dellasega and Ashely County Instrument #2007-0050567, granted R. Dellasega, husband and wife. (Ashely R. and conveyed unto Erik E. Tummelson. Dellasega is a/k/a Ashley R. Dellasega) UNDER AND SUBJECT to and together UNDER AND SUBJECT to and together with prior grants and reservations of coal, with prior grants and reservations of coal, oil, gas, mining rights of way, exceptions, oil, gas, mining rights of way, exceptions, conditions, restrictions and reservations of conditions, restrictions and reservations of record, as the same may appear in this or record, as the same may appear in this or prior instruments of record. prior instruments of record. Advertisements appearing for First Time thence along the land of Balmer north seven- eight (78) degrees forty (40) minutes west Miscellaneous Notices one hundred thirty (130) feet to a point, the PLACE OF BEGINNING. BEING Parcel No. 1 on a Plan of Lots pre- SEIZED AND SOLD AS THE PROPER- pared by Robert G. Sherrick, dated February TY OF JOSEPH. T. DELLASEGA AND 23, 1976. This Plan appears of record in the ASHLEY R. DELLASEGA UNDER JUDG- Dauphin County Recorder of Deeds Office in MENT NUMBER 2011-CV-11090. Plan Book “V”, Volume 2, Page 73. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL PREMISES BEING: 104 Peony Avenue, No. 31-045-011. Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057. NOTICE is further given to all parties in BEING the same premises which Solomon interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed L. Swartz III and Stephanie A, Swartz, hus- distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of band and wife, by Deed dated April 27, 2007 Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and recorded May 17, 2007 in Deed Book and distributions will be made in accordance Instrument No.: 20070019699 in the with the said schedule unless exceptions are Dauphin County Recorder’s Office, granted filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. and conveyed unto Terry Rabuck, II and Jennifer L. Rabuck. SEIZED, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of which Terry Rabuck, II SALE No. 52 and Jennifer L. Rabuck, Mortgagor(s) here- CHRISTINE L. GRAHAM, Esq. in, under Judgment Number 2011-CV-10830. Judgment Amount: $174,071.23 BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL No. 41-011-014 ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of NOTICE is further given to all parties in land situate in the Borough of Middletown, interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, more partic- distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of ularly bounded and described as follows, to Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 wit., and distributions will be made in accordance BEGINNING at a point on the eastern side with the said schedule unless exceptions are of Peony Avenue, which Point is marked by filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. a pipe and at the line of land now or late of Kenneth R. Balmer; thence along the eastern side of Peony Avenue north eleven (11) degrees twenty (20) minutes east one hun- SALE No. 53 dred thirty (130) feet to a point at other lands JOHN MICHAEL KOLESNIK, Esq. of Balmer, and which point is marked by a Judgment Amount: $157,248.36 cherry tree; thence along the line of land of Balmer, aforesaid, and land now or late of ALL THAT CERTAIN tract of real estate Paul F. Brady, Jr. south eighty-three (83) SITUATE in the Township of Susquehanna, degrees thirty (30) minutes forty-nine (49) County of Dauphin, Commonwealth of seconds east one hundred twenty-six and Pennsylvania known as Lot No. 19 of the seventy-six hundredths (126.76) feet to a Final Subdivision Plan of Daybreak, Phase 1, point, which point is the northwest corner of prepared by Akens Engineering Associates, Parcel No. 2 on the Plan of Lots referred to Inc., dated 8/26/1993 recorded in the Office hereafter; thence along the dividing line of the Recorder of Deeds of Dauphin County, between Parcel No. 2 and Parcel No. 1 south Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Plan nine (9) degrees forty-nine (49) minutes Book S, Volume 5, pages 5 and 6. forty-five (45) seconds west one hundred HAVING THEREON ERECTED a single forty and seventy-seven hundredths (140.77) family dwelling house known and numbered feet to a point at the line of lands of Balmer; as 313 Fawn Ridge North, Harrisburg, PA 17110. Advertisements appearing for First Time TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED IN Danelle S. Hand, single woman, by Deed Miscellaneous Notices from Dennis Strain and Shannon Ioli-Strain, fka, Shannon Ioli, h/w, dated 06/26/2003, recorded 07/08/2003 in Book 5009, Page UNDER AND SUBJECT, nevertheless, to 252. easements, restrictions, reservations, condi- BY VIRTUE of the death of Danelle S. tions and rights of way of record or visible Hand on 01/08/2010, Cynthia E. Levario, in upon inspection of premises. her capacity as Executrix and Devisee of the TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED Estate of Danielle S. Hand, became sole IN Melissa O’Donnell and Sharon owner of the property. O’Donnell, by Deed from Faulkner-Ciocca PREMISES BEING: 117 NORTH 49TH Management, LP, dated 12/28/2006, record- STREET, HARRISBURG, PA 17111-3430. ed 01/08/2007 in Instrument Number SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of 20070000905. Cynthia E. Levario under Judgment Number PREMISES BEING: 313 FAWN RIDGE 2010-CV-11657. NORTH, HARRISBURG, PA 17110-9270. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of No. 63-011-110. Melissa O’Donnell and Sharon O’Donnell NOTICE is further given to all parties in under Judgment Number 2011-CV-4251. interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of No. 62-067-019. Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 NOTICE is further given to all parties in and distributions will be made in accordance interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed with the said schedule unless exceptions are distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance with the said schedule unless exceptions are SALE No. 55 filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. JOHN MICHAEL KOLESNIK, Esq. Judgment Amount: $161,797.63

SALE No. 54 ALL THAT CERTAIN Unit, being Unit JOHN MICHAEL KOLESNIK, Esq. No. 40 (the ‘Unit’), of The Reserve at Hershey Meadows, (the ‘Condominium’), Judgment Amount: $53,693.6.3 located in South Hanover Township, ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or parcel of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, which Unit land situate in Swatara Township, Dauphin is designated in the Declaration of County, Pennsylvania, and located as shown Condominium of the Reserve at Hershey on Plan of Section ‘A’ Lawnton Gardens, Meadows, Inc., a Condominium Lots K and recorded in Plan Book ‘K’, Page 27, and M of Phase 6 of the Meadows of Hanover, a being the northern portions of Lots Nos. 53 Planned Community, (hereinafter the and 54, described as follows: Declaration) dated May 15, 2004 and record- BEGINNING at a point on the east side of ed May 18, 2004 in the Office of the Forty-ninth Street (formerly Oliver Street) Recorder of Deeds of Dauphin County, 105 feet north of a stone monument located Pennsylvania in Record Book 5505, Page on the northeast corner of Lancaster and 307 and as shown on the Declaration Plat Forty-ninth Streets; thence northwardly 70 recorded in Dauphin County Record Book feet along Forty-ninth Street to a point; 5505, Pages 394-395, and as Amended by thence eastwardly 100 feet to a point; thence First Amendment to Declaration dated southwardly 70 feet to a point; thence west- August 10, 2004 and recorded in Dauphin wardly 100 feet to a point; the place of County Record Book 5637, Page 253 and as BEGINNING. shown on the Declaration Plat recorded in UNDER AND SUBJECT, nevertheless, to Dauphin County Record Book 5637, Page easements, restrictions, reservations, condi- 267, and as amended by the Second tions and rights of way of record or visible Amendment to Declaration dated August 26, upon inspection of premises. 2004 and recorded in Dauphin County Advertisements appearing for First Time SALE No. 56 JOHN MICHAEL KOLESNIK, Esq. Miscellaneous Notices Judgment Amount: $76,587.13 ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or parcel of Record Book 5669, Page 481 and as shown land situate with the building and improve- on the Declaration Plat recorded in Dauphin ments thereon erected, situate in the Tenth County Record Book 5669, Page 491. Ward of the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin TOGETHER with an undivided percent- County, Pennsylvania, bounded and age interest in the Common Elements appur- described in accordance with a survey by tenant to the Unit as more particularly set E.J. Walker, P.E., dated March 15, 1971, as forth in the Declaration, as the same may be follows, to wit: amended from time to time. BEGINNING at a point on the southerly TOGETHER with the right to use the line of Division Street, which point is 140.6 Limited Common Elements applicable to the feet eastwardly of the southeasterly corner of Unit being conveyed herewith, pursuant to Fifth and Division Streets; thence along the the Declaration and the Plat and Plans, as southerly line of Division Street, South 84 amended from time to time. degrees East, 17.15 feet to a point; thence UNDER AND SUBJECT to The Master through the center line of a concrete alley, Declaration of Covenants, Easements, and South 6 degrees West, 111 feet to a point on Restrictions of the Meadows at Hanover, A the northerly line of a 14 feet wide public Flexible Planned Community recorded in the alley; thence along the same, North 84 Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Dauphin degrees West, 17.15 feet to a point; thence County, Pennsylvania, in Record Book 5202, North 6 degrees East and through a party Page 425 and to the Meadows of Hanover wall 111 feet to a point, the place of BEGIN- Master Association, Inc. Bylaws, as now or NING. hereinafter amended or supplemented. UNDER and SUBJECT to covenants, TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED easements, and restrictions of record. by Warranty Deed, dated 12/3/2004, given TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED by Terraces at Hanover Limited Partnership, IN Frank Kane, a married man, Deed by a Pennsylvania L.P., to Carlos R. Santacruz, Tassia Corporation, a Pennsylvania a married man, and recorded 12/8/2004 in Corporation, Dated 8/23/2004, recorded Book 5796, page 205. 8/31/2004 in Book 5657, page 154. PREMISES BEING: 133 CARDINAL PREMISES BEING: 515 DIVISION LANE, HUMMELSTOWN, PA 17036-8755. STREET, HARRISBURG, PA 17110-0000. SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of Carlos R. Santacruz under Judgment Number Frank Kane under Judgment Number 2009- 2010-CV-01618. CV-15394. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL No. 56-021-051. No. 10-027-049. NOTICE is further given to all parties in NOTICE is further given to all parties in interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance and distributions will be made in accordance with the said schedule unless exceptions are with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Advertisements appearing for First Time TOGETHER WITH all and singular, the buildings, improvements, ways, streets, Miscellaneous Notices alleys, passages, waters, watercourses, rights, liberties, privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances, whatsoever hereunto SALE No. 57 belonging to and in anywise appertaining and the reversions and remainders, rents, CRAIG H. FOX, Esq. issues and profits thereof, and all the estate, Judgment Amount: $104,351.05 right, title, interest, property, claims and demands whatsoever of her, the said Anna 1. ALL THAT CERTAIN tract of land situate Wilsbach, at and immediately before the in Swatara Township, Dauphin County, time of her decease, in law, equity or other- Pennsylvania, more particularly bounded wise howsoever, of, in, to or out of the same. and described as follows; TITLE VESTED IN Roger E. Smith and BEGINNING at the southeast corner of Frances A. Smith, his wife, as tenants by the Sixth Avenue and Anton Avenue; thence in entireties, by deed dated 1/26/84 and record- an easterly direction along the southern line ed 1/26/84 at Dauphin County, Pennsylvania of Sixth Avenue sixty (60) feet to a point on in Record Book 457, page 334, granted and line separating Lots Nos. 62 and 61 on the conveyed from Romaine E. Young and Mary hereinafter mentioned Plan; thence in a Ann Borata, Co-Executrix’s of the Last Will southerly direction along said last division and Testament of Anna Wilsbach, Decedent. line one hundred two (102) feet to a point; AND the said Roger E. Smith had since thence in a westerly direction along the departed this life on 10/21/2011, whereby southern line of Lots Nos. 62 and 63 sixty title to said premises became vested in (60) feet to a point on the eastern line of Frances A. Smith. Anton Avenue; thence in a northerly direc- BEING KNOWN AS 1050 6th Avenue, tion along said Anton Avenue one hundred Steelton, PA 17113. two (102) feet to a point, being the place of IMPROVEMENTS: Single family brick BEGINNING. cape. BEING Lots Nos. 62 and 63 on the Plan of SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of Lots known as “Gorop’s Addition” to Roger E. Smith and Frances A. Smith under Oberlin Gardens, said Plan being recorded in Judgment Number 2011-CV-9793. Plan Book “F”, Page 81. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL BEING, THE SAME PREMISES WHICH No. 63-028-070. Mike L. Cvetko and Carol L. Cvetko, his, NOTICE is further given to all parties in wife, by deed dated June 4, 1960 and record- interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed ed June 7, 1960, in the Recorder’s Office in distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of and for Dauphin County, Pa., in Deed Book Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 T. Volume 45, Page 218 granted and con- and distributions will be made in accordance veyed unto Jacob Wilsbach and Anna with the said schedule unless exceptions are Wilsbach, his wife. filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. AND THE SAID Jacob Wilsbach died July 26, 1969, whereupon title vested into Anna Wilsbach, by the right of survivorship. AND THE SAID Anna Wilsbach died SALE No. 58 December 8, 1980, leaving a Will dated JOHN MICHAEL KOLESNIK, Esq. August 26, 1980 duly probated and remain- Judgment Amount: $164,933.33 ing of record in the Register of Wills Office in and for Dauphin County, Pa., wherein she ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or piece of named Mary Ann Borata and Romaine E. ground situate in the Township of Lower Young, Executors, to who Letters Paxton, County of Dauphin and Testamentary were granted on December 18, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, being Lot 1980. No. 24, Block ‘O’, on Plan No. 9 of Devon Manor, which Plan is recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Dauphin County in Plan Book ‘F’, Vol. 2, Page 86, more fully bounded and described as follows, to wit: Advertisements appearing for First Time SALE No. 59 JOHN MICHAEL KOLESNIK, Esq. Miscellaneous Notices Judgment Amount: $81,537.23 ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or parcel of BEGINNING at a point on the southern land with improvements thereon erected sit- line of Abbington Drive, which point is one uate in the Eighth Ward of the City of hundred eighty (180) feet east of the eastern Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, line of Drexel Road extending, and also at more particularly bounded and described as the dividing line between Lots Nos. 24 and follows: 25, Block ‘O’, as shown on the aforesaid BEGINNING at a point on the easterly Plan; thence along the southern line of line of Hoerner Street, which point is 118 Abbington Drive, south eighty-five (85) feet south of the southeasterly corner of degrees, twenty-one (21) minutes east, Hoerner and State Streets; thence North 68 eighty (80) feet to a point at the dividing line degrees 0 minutes East 82 feet to a point on between Lots No. 23 and 24, Block ‘O’; the westerly line of a 20 feet wide public thence along the western line of Lot No. 23, alley; thence along same South 22 degrees 0 Block ‘O’, south four (4) degrees, thirty-nine minutes East 14 feet to a point; thence South (39) minutes west, one hundred forty-eight 68 degrees 0 minutes West 82 feet to a point and eighty-five one-hundredths (148.85) feet on the easterly line of Hoerner Street afore- to a point on the line of lands now or late of said; thence along same North 22 degrees 0 Robert B. Mumper, et ux; thence along the minutes west 14 feet to a point, the place of line of said lands, north eighty-two (82) BEGINNING. degrees, no (0) minutes west, eighty and UNDER AND SUBJECT to all other fourteen one-hundredths (80.14) feet to a restrictions, reservations, setback lines and point at the dividing line between Lots Nos. rights-of-way of record. 24 and 25, Block ‘O’; thence along the east- TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED ern, line of Lot No. 25, Block ‘O’, north four by Special Warranty Deed, dated 5/21/2007, (4) degrees, thirty-nine (39) minutes east, given by Tassia Corporation to Amie Flowers one hundred forty-four and seventeen one- and recorded 5/22/2007 in Instrument hundredths (144.17) feet to a point on the #20070020372. southern half of Abbington Drive, the Place PREMISES BEING: 139 HOERNER of BEGINNING. STREET, HARRISBURG, PA 17103-11327. TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of IN Gary R. Baker and Lori A. Baker, his Amie Flowers under Judgment Number wife, by Deed from Edmund F. Frick, Jr. and 2009-CV-18929. Helen D. Frick, his wife, dated 02/29/2000, BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL recorded 03/07/2000 in Book 3626, Page No. 08-016-014. 180. NOTICE is further given to all parties in PREMISES BEING: 4605 ABBINGTON interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed DRIVE, HARRISBURG, PA 17109-1602. distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 Gary R. Baker and Lori A. Baker under and distributions will be made in accordance Judgment Number 2011-CV-9584. with the said schedule unless exceptions are BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. No. 35-090-137. NOTICE is further given to all parties in interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Advertisements appearing for First Time SALE No. 61 JOHN MICHAEL KOLESNIK, Esq. Miscellaneous Notices Judgment Amount: $54,612.81 ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or parcel of SALE No. 60 ground, together with the two-story brick JOHN MICHAEL KOLESNIK, Esq. dwelling house and other improvements erected thereon, situate in the Thirteenth Judgment Amount: $169,879.84 Ward of the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or parcel of County, Pennsylvania, more particularly land situate in the Village of Oberlin, bounded and described as follows: Swatara Township, Dauphin County, BEGINNING at a point on the southern Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, bounded line of Derry Street, two hundred fifty-nine and described as follows, to wit: and eight one-hundredths (259.08) feet west BEGINNING at a point on an unnamed of the southwest corner of Derry and 26th alley twenty-five (25.00 feet) feet wide; Streets; thence southwardly in a line at right thence southwardly along the eastern line of angles to the southern line of Derry Street said alley sixty (60.00 feet) feet, more or and through the center of a partition wall less, to a point; thence eastwardly along line between the premises herein described and of property now or formerly of Warren premises No. 2503 Derry Street, ninety (90) Bishop one hundred and forty (140.00 feet) feet to a point; thence westwardly in a line feet, more or less, to a point, being the west- parallel with the southern line of Derry ern line of Second Street; thence northward- Street, twenty-five and forty-two one-hun- ly along the western line of Second Street dredths (25.42) feet to a point; thence north- sixty (60.00 feet) feet, more or less, to a wardly in a line at right angles to the south- point; thence westwardly along the line of ern line of Derry Street, ninety (90) feet to a property now or formerly of Isaac point on the southern line of Derry Street Beinhower one hundred and forty (140 .00 thence eastwardly along the southern line of feet) feet, more or less, to the point of Derry Street, twenty-five and forty-two one- BEGINNING. hundredths (25.42) feet to a point, the place BEING lots numbered 4 and 5 in the first of BEGINNING. range of building lots as laid out by Christian TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED Hess of Oberlin, formerly Churchville. IN Harold L. Brantley, Jr. and Vicki Brantley, TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED his wife, by Deed from Paul E. Weaver and IN Laura Jayne, an adult individual, by Deed Evelyn M. Weaver, his wife, dated from Doris E. McClure, an adult individual, 01/05/1999, recorded 01/07/1999 in Book dated 03/04/2008, recorded 3/21/2008, 3302, Page 453. Instrument # 20080009892. PREMISES BEING: 2501 DERRY PREMISES BEING: 1227 2ND STREET, STREET, HARRISBURG, PA 17111-1145. STEELTON, PA 17113-1103. SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of Harold L. Brantley, Jr. and Vicki Brantley Laura Jayne under Judgment Number 2010- under Judgment Number 2010-CV-3132. CV-11139. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL No. 13-093-017. No. 63-034-026. NOTICE is further given to all parties in NOTICE is further given to all parties in interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance and distributions will be made in accordance with the said schedule unless exceptions are with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter.

Advertisements appearing for First Time TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED IN Katrina D. Marshall, by Deed from Gloria Miscellaneous Notices A. Hamilton, a/k/a Gloria Schmidt, married person, dated 08/22/2006, recorded 09/13/2006 in Instrument Number SALE No. 62 20060037852. PREMISES BEING: 126 BIRCH JOHN MICHAEL KOLESNIK, Esq. STREET, MIDDLETOWN, PA 17057-2106. Judgment Amount: $122,304.25 SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of Katrina D. Marshall under Judgment ALL THAT unexpired leasehold or term of Number 2010-CV-13677. years in and to ALL THAT CERTAIN tract BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL or parcel of Ground Situate in the No. 42-005-012. Borough of Middletown, Dauphin County, NOTICE is further given to all parties in Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, together interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed with the improvements thereon erected, distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of being Lot #7, Block IV, Section I, on the Plan Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 of Oak Hills,, addition No. 2, which said plan and distributions will be made in accordance is recorded in the Office of the Recorder of with the said schedule unless exceptions are Deeds in and for Dauphin County, in Plan filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Book ‘Q’ page 69, a re-recording of said Plan wherein the names of some of the streets were changed is recorded in Plan Book ‘R’ Page 24, more particularly bounded and SALE No. 63 described as follows: LEON P. HALLER, Esq. BEGINNING at a point on the Southern Judgment Amount: $130,159.52 side of Birch Street One hundred eleven and thirty one-one hundredths feet West of the ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of intersection of Birch Street and Spruce Street land situate in the Township of West also at the dividing line between Lots No. 7 Hanover, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, and 8, Block IV on the above mentioned Plan being bounded and described as follows: of Lots; thence Southwardly along said BEGINNING at a point on the southern dividing line One hundred nineteen and nine- line of Eveningstar Drive, at the division line ty-five one hundredths feet to a point; thence between Lots 29 and 30 on the hereinafter Westwardly along the Northern side of Lot mentioned Plan of Lots; thence along the No. 16 on said Plan and along the Northern southern line of Eveningstar Drive, North 88 side of Lot #17, on said Plan seventy nine degrees 06 minutes East 133.98 feet to a and fifteen one hundredths feet to a point at point; thence along an arc for a radius of 50 the dividing line between Lots No. 6 and 7, feet in a southeasterly direction, by a chord on said Plan; thence Northwardly along said of 79.03 feet, an are distance of 91.12 feet to dividing line One hundred ten feet to a point a point on the western line of the right of way the same on a curve to the left having a of PA Route 39; thence along the western radius of Two hundred feet the arc distance line of said right of way South 12 degrees 31 of fifty feet to a point, the place of BEGIN- minutes West 52.84 feet to a point at division NING. lines between Lots 30 and 34 of said Plan; HAVING thereon erected a one and one- thence along said division line South 85 half story frame dwelling house. degrees 41 minutes 12 seconds West 169.39 UNDER AND SUBJECT to certain condi- feet to a point at the division line between tions, agreements and restrictions as of Lots 29 and 30 on said Plan; thence along record. said division line North 01 degree 54 min- SUBJECT TO ALL covenants, restric- utes West, 120.76 feet to a point on the tions, reservations, easements, conditions southern line of Eveningstar Drive, the place and rights appearing of record; and SUB- of BEGINNING. JECT to any state of facts an accurate survey BEING Lot No. 30, Plan of Section C, would show. Skycrest Development, which Plan is record- ed in Dauphin County Plan Book 0, Volume 2, Page 84. Advertisements appearing for First Time easterly side of Benton Street, North 20 degrees West 18.33 feet to a drill hole at a Miscellaneous Notices corner of House No., 707 Benton Street; thence extending along House No. 707 North 70 degrees East partly along a concrete HAVING THEREON ERECTED A retainer wall, the distance of 90 feet to a drill DWELLING KNOWN AS 7926 EVENING hole, thence extending South 20 degrees East STAR DRIVE, HARRISBURG, PA 17112. the distance of 18.33 feet to a hub, in line of BEING THE SAME PREMISES WHICH House No. 711 Benton Street thence extend- John C. Frye, II and Susan E. Frye, husband ing along House No. 711 South 70 degrees and wife, by deed dated 2/1/02 and recorded West along the center line of a partition wall 9/4/03 in Dauphin County Record Book the distance of 90 feet to the first mentioned 5165 Page 258, granted and conveyed unto point and place of BEGINNING. Stacey M. Snyder. TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED UNDER AND SUBJECT to and together IN Cynthia K. Nessinger, by Deed from with prior grants and reservations of coal, George Lee Gutshall and Michelle Ann oil, gas, mining rights of way, exceptions, Fanus, n/k/a Michelle Fanus Gutshall, dated conditions, restrictions and reservations of 03/30/2005, recorded 04/05/2005 in Book record, as the same may appear in this or 5938, Page 21. prior instruments of record. PREMISES BEING: 709 BENTON ALSO UNDER AND SUBJECT to condi- STREET, HARRISBURG, PA 17104-2722. tions, easements, reservations and restric- SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of tions as contained in Deed Book 5165, Page Cynthia J. Kulisch under Judgment Number 259 and prior instruments of record. 2010-CV-7757. SEIZED AND SOLD AS THE PROPER- BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL TY OF STACEY M. SNYDER under No. 13-063-026. Judgment Number 2011-CV-10504. NOTICE is further given to all parties in BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed No. 68-030-088. distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of NOTICE is further given to all parties in Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed and distributions will be made in accordance distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of with the said schedule unless exceptions are Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. and distributions will be made in accordance with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. SALE No. 65 JOHN MICHAEL KOLESNIK, Esq. Judgment Amount: $72,442.81 SALE No. 64 LAUREN R. TABAS, Esq. ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of land situate in the City of Harrisburg, County Judgment Amount: $67,357.27 of Dauphin, and State of Pennsylvania, ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of bounded and described as follows, to wit: land, with the buildings and improvements BEGINNING at a point on the south side thereon erected, situate in the 13th ward of of Mercer Street, 74.08 feet east of the south- the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, east corner of Mercer and Hatton Streets; Pennsylvania, and described according to a thence eastwardly along the southern side of map of property made by Gerrit J. Betz, reg- Mercer Street, 16.25 feet to a point; thence istered Surveyor, dated July 28, 1971, as fol- southwardly through the center line of a par- lows, to wit: tition wall between the premises herein BEGINNING at a drill hole on the easter- described and premises No. 2427 Mercer ly side of Benton Street, at a corner of House Street, 92 feet to a point; thence westwardly No. 711 Benton Street, said point of begin- 16.25 feet to a point; thence northwardly ning being measured along the said side of through the center line of a partition wall Benton Street the distance of 18.33 feet from between the premises herein described and its point of intersection with the said of premises No. 2423 Mercer Street, 92 feet to Raleigh Street; thence extending along the a point, the place of BEGINNING.

Advertisements appearing for First Time FEET TO A POINT OF A CURVE; THENCE BY A CURVE TO THE RIGHT Miscellaneous Notices HAVING A RADIUS OF 25 FEET AND AN ARC LENGTH OF 39.27 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST SIDE OF VERNON HAVING THEREON ERECTED a two- AVENUE; THENCE BY SAME, SOUTH 11 story brick dwelling house known and num- DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS bered as 2425 Mercer Street, Harrisburg, WEST, A DISTANCE OF 85 FEET TO A Pennsylvania. POINT ON THE LINE OF LOT NO. 9; SUBJECT to all reservations, restrictions THENCE BY SAME AND LOT NO. 10, and easements of record. NORTH 79 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 145 IN Jeffrey S. Beistel, single person, by Deed FEET TO A POINT ON THE LINE OF LOT from Top Notch Properties, LLC, a NO. 6; THENCE BY SAME, NORTH 11 Pennsylvania Limited Liability Company, DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS dated 02/03/2006, recorded 02/16/2006 in EAST, A DISTANCE OF 110 FEET TO A Instrument Number 20060006218. POINT, THE PLACE OF BEGINNING. PREMISES BEING: 2425 MERCER BEING LOTS NOS. 7 AND 8, BLOCK STREET, HARRISBURG, PA 17104-2132. “M”, PLAN OF BONNYVIEW EXTEN- SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of SION, SAID PLAN BEING RECORDED Jeffrey S. Beistel under Judgment Number IN PLAN BOOK “Q”, PAGE 3, IN THE 2009-CV-06018. OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF DEEDS BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL IN AND FOR DAUPHIN COUNTY, PENN- No. 13-047-042. SYLVANIA. NOTICE is further given to all parties in HAVING THEREON ERECTED A interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed BRICK RANCH HOUSE KNOWN AND distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of NUMBERED AS 3615 BONNYBROOK Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 ROAD, HARRISBURG, PA 17109. and distributions will be made in accordance BEING THE SAME PREMISES WHICH with the said schedule unless exceptions are PAUL A. ORTIZ AND MARISOL M. filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. ORTIZ, HUSBAND AND WIFE, BY DEED DATED JULY 20,2007 AND RECORDED JULY 26,2007 IN AND FOR DAUPHIN COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, IN DEED SALE No. 66 BOOK VOLUME 20070029992, PAGE, ASHLEIGH L. MARIN, Esq. GRANTED AND CONVEYED UNTO Judgment Amount: $201,413.87 LEROY B. BROWN. UNDER AND SUBJECT TO AND ALL THAT CERTAIN PIECE OR PAR- TOGETHER WITH EASEMENTS, CEL OF LAND, SITUATE IN THE TOWN- EXCEPTIONS, RESERVATIONS, SHIP OF SUSQUEHANNA, COUNTY OF RESTRICTIONS, RIGHTS OF WAY, DAUPHIN, COMMONWEALTH OF COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS AS PENNSYLVANIA, MORE PARTICULAR- CONTAINED IN PRIOR INSTRUMENTS LY BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS OF RECORD. FOLLOWS, TO WIT: SEIZED AND TAKEN IN EXECUTION BEGINNING AT A POINT, SAID POINT AS THE PROPERTY OF LEROY B. BEING ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF BON- BROWN, MORTGAGORS HEREIN, NYBROOK ROAD ON THE DIVIDING UNDER JUDGMENT NO. 2010-CV-13939. LINE BETWEEN LOTS NOS. 6 AND 7 BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL AND BEING ALSO A DISTANCE OF 145 No. 62-039-056. FEET WEST FROM THE INTERSECTION NOTICE is further given to all parties in OF THE SOUTH SIDE OF BONNY- interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed BROOK ROAD WITH THE WEST SIDE distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of OF VERNON AVENUE; THENCE BY Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 SOUTH SIDE OF BONNYBROOK ROAD, and distributions will be made in accordance SOUTH 79 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 with the said schedule unless exceptions are SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 120 filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter.

Advertisements appearing for First Time SALE No. 68 JOHN MICHAEL KOLESNIK, Esq. Miscellaneous Notices Judgment Amount: $151,138.16 ALL THAT CERTAIN piece, parcel or SALE No. 67 tract of land and premises, situate, lying and JOHN MICHAEL KOLESNIK, Esq. being in the Township of Susquehanna in the County of Dauphin and Commonwealth of Judgment Amount: $133,952.35 Pennsylvania, more particularly described as ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or parcel of follows: land situate in the Borough of BEGINNING at a point on the western Hummelstown, County of Dauphin and right-of-way line of Concord Circle at the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, more par- southeast corner of Lot No. 47; thence along ticularly bounded and described as follows, said right-of-way line, South thirty-one (31) to wit: degrees forty-nine (49) minutes East thirty- BEGINNING at a point on the south side four (34) feet to a point; thence along the of Wall Street, at a corner of lands now or same by a curve to the left, said curve having late of Joseph P. Arnold; thence West along a radius of twenty-five (25) feet and an arc the south side of Wall Street, 80 feet to a distance of one (1) foot to a point being the point at the corner of lands now or late of northeast corner of Lot No. 49; thence along William Page; thence South along line of Lot No. 49 South fifty-eight (58) degrees lands now or late of William Page, 120 feet, eleven (11) minutes West eighty-eight and more or less to the right-of-way of the two hundredths (88.02) feet to a point at Reading Company; thence southeast along lands now or formerly of Paxton Crossing, the right-of-way of the Reading Company, Inc., being the northwest corner of Lot No. 82 feet, more or less to the corner of lands 49; thence along lands now or formerly of now or late of Joseph P. Arnold; thence North Paxton Crossing, Inc., North thirty-one (31) along lands now or late of Joseph P. Arnold, degrees forty-nine (49) minutes West thirty- 130 feet, more of less to the place of BEGIN- five (35) feet to a point being the southwest NING. corner of Lot No. 47; thence along Lot No. TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED 47, North fifty-eight (58) degrees eleven (11) IN David R. Wertz and Toni D. Wertz, hus- minutes East eighty-eight (88) feet to a point band and wife, as tenants by the entireties, by being the place of BEGINNING. Deed from Susan Glasmyer, now by mar- CONTAINING 5,080 square feet, more or riage Susan Laclere, and Martin Laclere, her less. husband, dated 8/23/2006, recorded BEING Lot #48 on a plan of Brandywine 8/30/2006, Instrument # 20060035647. Village recorded in Plan Book Y, Volume 3, PREMISES BEING: 303 WALL STREET, page 84 through 89, in the Office of the HUMMELSTOWN, PA 17036-1015. Recorder of Deeds of Dauphin County. SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED David R. Wertz and Toni D. Wertz under IN Gretel J. Spruill, now known as Gretel J. Judgment Number 2010-CV-3272. Haupt, by Deed from Kellie Spruill II, dated BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL 08/03/2011, recorded 08/04/2011 in No. 31-006-021. Instrument# 20110021204. NOTICE is further given to all parties in PREMISES BEING: 2261 CONCORD interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed CIRCLE, HARRISBURG, PA 17110-9230. distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 Gretel J. Spruill and Kellie Spruill, II under and distributions will be made in accordance Judgment Number 2010-CV-7183. with the said schedule unless exceptions are BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. No. 62-064-048. NOTICE is further given to all parties in interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Advertisements appearing for First Time BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL No. 42-027-023. Miscellaneous Notices NOTICE is further given to all parties in interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of SALE No. 69 Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance LAUREN R. TABAS, Esq. with the said schedule unless exceptions are Judgment Amount: $50,715.08 filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground situate in Middletown Borough, County of Dauphin, Commonwealth of SALE No. 70 Pennsylvania, more particularly bounded LOIS M. VITTI, Esq. and described as follows, to wit: Judgment Amount: $60,831.28 BEGINNING at a point on the northern side of Main Street, which point is thirty-two ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of (32) feet eastwardly from the eastern line of land situate in the Borough of Penbrook, Lot No. 175 on the Plan hereinafter men- County of Dauphin and State of tioned and which point is on the southeastern Pennsylvania, bounded’ and described as fol- corner of Property now or late of Charles lows, to wit: Beard; thence, northwardly along the line of BEGINNING at a point on the South side said property of the said Charles Beard, two of Herr Street, and said point being 150 feet hundred (200) feet, more or less, to the cen- East of the Southeast corner of 27th and Herr ter of an alley; thence, eastwardly through Streets; thence Eastwardly along the the center of said alley, fourteen (14) feet, Southern line of Herr Street, 30 feet to a 16 more or less, to a point in the western line of foot wide alley; thence southwardly along property No. 313 East Main Street; thence, said alley, 180 feet to another 16 foot wide southwardly in a line parallel with the first alley; thence Westwardly along the Northern mentioned line and through the middle of the line of the last mentioned alley, 30 feet to a partition wall between properties No. 313 point at other lands now or formerly of and 315 East Main Street, two hundred (200) Charles Z. Hoppes; thence Northwardly by feet to a point in the northern line of Main line of same, 180 feet to Herr Street, the Street aforesaid; and thence, westwardly place of BEGINNING. along the northern line of said Main Street, HAVING erected thereon a dwelling fourteen (14) feet, more or less, to a point, known as 2725 Herr Street, Harrisburg, PA the Place of BEGINNING. 17103. BEING a portion of Lot No. 176 on the BEING the same premises which Ray L. Plan of Town of Middletown, now part of the Bostdorf and Mary Bostdorf, his wife, by Borough of Middletown. Deed dated 12/22/2000 and recorded UNDER AND SUBJECT, to all applicable 01/02/2001 in the Recorder’s Office of restrictions, reservations, easements and Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book rights-of-way of record. Volume 3844, page 211, granted and con- TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED veyed unto Brian K. Rick, single man. IN David A. Price, a single man and Sierra E. SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of Gonse, a single woman, as joint tenants with Brian K. Rick under Judgment Number rights of survivorship and not as tenants in 2011-CV-11410. common, by Deed from Paul R. Salazar, a BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL single man, Individually and Paul R. Salazar, No. 49-004-003. in his official capacity as administrator of the NOTICE is further given to all parties in Estate of Nancy L. Salazar, a widow, dated interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed 10/26/2007, recorded 11/14/2007 in distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Instrument Number 20070045720. Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 PREMISES BEING: 313 EAST MAIN and distributions will be made in accordance STREET, MIDDLETOWN, PA 17057-2233. with the said schedule unless exceptions are SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. David A. Price and Sierra E. Gonse under Judgment Number 2011-CV-10058. Advertisements appearing for First Time 1857 Market Street Land Trust, a fictitious name, dated 11/16/2005, recorded 12/1/2005 Miscellaneous Notices in Book 6303, Page 466. PREMISES BEING: 1857 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG, PA 17103-2582. SALE No. 71 SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of Wilberton C. Robin under Judgment Number ANDREW J. MARLEY, Esq. 2010-CV-11900. Judgment Amount: $130,466.20 BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL No. 09-055-002. ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of NOTICE is further given to all parties in land, situate in the 19th Ward of the City of interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of bounded and described in accordance with a Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 survey made by Carril J. Betz, registered sur- and distributions will be made in accordance veyor, dated April 10, 1974, as follows: with the said schedule unless exceptions are BEGINNING at a hub on the Southern filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. side of Market Street (80 feet wide) at the corner of land now or late of Bernice A. Ellenberger, being house No. 1859, said point being measured along the said side of SALE No. 72 Market Street, 20 feet West of the Southwest MARGARET GAIRO, Esq. corner of the Market 19th Streets; thence Judgment Amount: $76,573.86 extending from said point of beginning and through the center line of partition wall ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or parcel of between house 1859 and 1857 (erroneously land with the buildings and improvements stated as 1957 in prior deed), South 13 thereon erected, situated in the tenth (10th) degrees 40 minutes East, the distance of ward of the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin 100.0 feet to a hub on the North side of County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Parkhill Land, South 76 degrees 20 minutes more particularly bounded and described as West the distance of 21.33 feet to a hub at the follows, to wit: corner of lands now or late of Esther P. BEGINNING at a point on the westerly Worst, North 13 degrees 40 minutes West, line of Penn Street, which point is 281.5 feet the distance of 100.00 feet to a drill hole on Northwardly of the Northwesterly corner of the South side of Market Street; thence along Penn and Woodbine Streets; thence South 82 the said side of Market Street, North 76 degrees West, 63 feet to a point; thence degrees 20 minutes East the distance of North 8 degrees West, 24 feet to a point; 21.33 feet to a hub the Place of BEGIN- thence North 82 degrees East, 63 feet to a NING. point on the westerly line of Penn Street TOGETHER with the use of the 10 foot aforesaid; thence along same South 8 wide alley in the rear common with the own- degrees East, 24 feet to a point, the place of ers and occupiers of other property abutting BEGINNING . thereon and together with the use of the alley BEING known and numbered as or open space 8 feet 8 inches wide in com- 2228 Penn Street. mon with the owners and occupiers of prop- TOGETHER with the use of the alley erty 1855 Market Street. aforesaid (at rear of the said premises) in UNDER AND SUBJECT to Acts of common with the owners and occupiers of Assembly, county and municipal ordinances, other land abutting thereon. rights of public utility and public service PREMISES BEING: 2228 Penn Street, companies, existing restrictions and ease- Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17110. ments, visible or of record, to the extent that BEING the same premises which PA any persons or entities have acquired legal Properties Inc., a corporation by Deed dated rights thereto. March 14, 2007 and recorded March 22, TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED 2007 in Deed Book as Instrument IN Wilberton C. Robin, married man, by #20070011200, in the Dauphin County Deed from Chibnik, Tang & Perkins, LLC, a Recorder’s Office, granted and conveyed Pennsylvania limited liability company a/k/a unto Kenneth R. Abrams. Advertisements appearing for First Time UNDER AND SUBJECT, nevertheless, to easements, restrictions, reservations, condi- Miscellaneous Notices tions and rights of way of record or visible upon inspection of premises. TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED SEIZED, taken in execution and to be sold IN Shannon M. Wallace, married person, by as the property of which Kenneth R. Abrams, Deed from Verona Blaine, single person, Mortgagor(s) herein, under Judgment dated 11/20/1998, recorded 12/01/1998 in Number 2007-CV-12493. Book 3271, Page 584. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL PREMISES BEING: 227 SOUTH MADI- No. 10-061-053. SON STREET, HARRISBURG, PA 17109- NOTICE is further given to all parties in 2631. interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Shannon M. Wallace under Judgment Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 Number 2010-CV-12643. and distributions will be made in accordance BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL with the said schedule unless exceptions are No. 35-055-200. filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. NOTICE is further given to all parties in interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 SALE No. 73 and distributions will be made in accordance JOHN MICHAEL KOLESNIK, Esq. with the said schedule unless exceptions are Judgment Amount: $115,660.82 filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate in Lower Paxton SALE No. 74 Township, County of Dauphin, and State of MARGARET GAIRO, Esq. Pennsylvania, being the southern 10 feet of Judgment Amount: $282,428.51 Lot No. 41 and all of Lots Nos. 42 and 43, Block Q on the revised Plan of Colonial Park ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of which Plan is recorded in Plan Book H, Page land situate in Township of Susquehanna, 96, and more fully bounded and described Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, being Lot according to a plan of Survey made by D. P. No. 73, Section A, Plan of Beaufort Farms, Raffensperger, Registered Engineer, dated which plan was recorded January 20, 1947 in May 19, 1958, as follows, to wit: the Recorder of Deeds Office of Dauphin BEGINNING at a point on the eastern side County, in Wall Plan No. 10, now recorded in of Madison Street (50 feet wide), said being Plan Book N, page 74, bounded and 315 feet South of the southeastern intersec- described as follows: tion of Madison Street and Concord Street; BEGINNING at an iron pipe on the south- thence through Lot No. 4 1, Block Q on the west corner of Crooked Hill Road (designed aforementioned Plan North 74 degrees no as Harrisburg Road on the herein mentioned minutes East 125 feet to a point on the west- Plan), and Appletree Road; thence by the ern side of a 20 foot wide alley; thence along West side of Crooked Hill Road, South 21 the same South 16 degrees no minutes East degrees 42 minutes West 205.13 feet to an 50 feet to a point at the dividing line between iron pipe; thence by property now of former- Lots Nos. 43 and 44, Block Q on said plan; ly of E.C. Sauers, South 89 degrees 01 thence along the same South 74 degrees no minute West, 144.88 feet to an iron pipe; minutes West 125 feet to a point on the east- thence by the dividing line of Lot Nos. 73 ern side of Madison Street; thence along the and 74, North 01 degree 01 minute East 208 same North 16 degrees no minutes West 50 feet to an iron pipe on the South side of feet to the place of BEGINNING. Appletree Road; thence by the South side of Appletree Road by a curve to the right hav- ing having a radius of 1,250 feet, an arc dis- tance of 217.80 feet to an iron pipe, the place of BEGINNING. Advertisements appearing for First Time alley about 33 feet to the end of said alley and in all from Second Street by said last Miscellaneous Notices mentioned property 100 feet to the line of property now or late of Rose L. Handler; thence by said line towards Boas Street 24 BEING THE SAME PREMISES which feet more or less to the line of property now Dale E. Thomas, a single man, by deed dated or late of the heirs of Anthony Derr, September 5, 2002 and recorded September deceased; thence by said line parallel with 12, 2002, in the Recorder of Deeds Office in Boas Street 100 feet to the place of BEGIN- and for Dauphin County in Record Book NING. 4529, page 189, granted and conveyed unto Tract No. 2 Walter J. Winchester and Larry D. Rascoe BEGINNING in the rear of the first PREMISES BEING: 1813 Appletree Rd, described Lot and Beginning at a point on Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17110. Smith Alley (Bartine Street) 94 feet 10 inch- BEING the same Premises which Walter J. es from Herr Street; thence along the line of Winchester and Larry D. Rascoe, by Deed said alley toward Boas Street 25 feet 2 inch- dated May 18, 2007 and recorded June 14, es more or less to a 3 feet wide private alley; 2007 in Deed Book Instrument No.: thence along the line of said alley toward 20070023761, in the Dauphin County Second Street 25 feet to the line of first here- Recorder’s Office, granted and conveyed in described property; thence along the line unto Larry D. Rascoe and Michelle C. of said property 25 feet 2 inches to the line Rascoe. dividing the first mentioned Lot and the SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of property now or late of Samuel Fiske, afore- Larry D. Rascoe and Michelle C. Rascoe said; thence at right angles with Smith Alley under Judgment Number 2010-CV-1131. along the line of said Fiske property 25 feet BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL to the place of BEGINNING, on Smith Alley No. 62-011-067. (Bartine Street). NOTICE is further given to all parties in HAVING thereon erected a three story interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed brick apartment house known as and num- distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of bered 1006 North Second Street, Harrisburg, Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 PA 17102. and distributions will be made in accordance BEING the same premises which Michael with the said schedule unless exceptions are L. Solomon, Executor of the Estate of Mary filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Lynn Fisher, deceased, by his deed dated July 30, 2007 and recorded in Dauphin County to Instrument #20070031054 granted SALE No. 75 and conveyed unto Kyzer-Mesaros, LLC. KARL M. LEDEBOHM, Esq. SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of Kyzer-Mesaros, LLC under Judgment Judgment Amount: $331,877.06 Number 2011-CV-11817. ALL THOSE CERTAIN tracts or pieces of BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL ground situate in the City of Harrisburg, No. 05-018-022. County of Dauphin, and State of NOTICE is further given to all parties in Pennsylvania, more particularly bounded interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed and described as follows, to wit: (5th Ward) distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 Tract No. 1 and distributions will be made in accordance BEGINNING on the western side of with the said schedule unless exceptions are Second Street at a point 72 feet above Boas filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Street; thence up Second Street 24 feet (be the same more or less) to the middle of an alley 2 feet 10 inches wide between this property and the property now or late of Samuel Fiske; thence by the middle of said Advertisements appearing for First Time Street northwardly thirty-two (32) feet to line of property now or formerly of John A. Miscellaneous Notices Kramer; thence along the same westwardly sixty-nine (69) feet to a point; thence north- wardly along a line parallel with said Union SALE No. 76 Street eighteen (18) feet to a point, the line of property now or formerly owned by A.L. DAVID BANKS, Esq. Etter; thence westwardly along the line of Judgment Amount: $279,767.22 said Etter property one hundred and thirty- one (131) feet to Scott Alley; thence along Tract No. 1 the same southwardly fifty (50) feet to Ann ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or parcel of Street; thence along the same eastwardly two land with the improvements thereon erected, hundred (200) feet to Union Street, the place located in the Borough of Middletown, of BEGINNING. Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, more partic- HAVING ERECTED THEREON a frame ularly bounded and described as follows: dwelling a restaurant and bar known as BEGINNING at a point in the northern Smitty’s Tavern, No. 223 South Union line of Ann Street, which point is in the west- Street, Middletown, Dauphin County, ern line of premises late of Maurice R. Pennsylvania 17057. Metzger, now the property of E.A. Sheaffer, BEING THE SAME PREMISES which and which point is fifty-five (55) feet, more PNC Bank, N.A. granted and conveyed to or less, westwardly from the western line of Larry I. Feniger, by deed dated May 9, 2000 Catherine Street; thence northwardly along and recorded May 17, 2000 in the Office of the line of said Sheaffer property ninety-five the Recorder of Deeds of Dauphin County, (95) feet to a ten (10) foot wide alley; thence Pennsylvania in Deed Book 3676, Page 543. westwardly along the. southern line of said SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of alley twenty-five (25) feet, more or less, to a Larry I. Feniger under Judgment Number point at the line of lands late of Wesley W. 2011-CV-07464. McCreary; thence southwardly along the line BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL of said property ninety-five (95) feet to the No. 41-017-054. line of Ann Street and thence eastwardly NOTICE is further given to all parties in along said Ann Street twenty-five (25) feet, interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed more or less to a point, the place of BEGIN- distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of NING. Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 HAVING thereon erected a three story and distributions will be made in accordance dwelling known and numbered as 109 Ann with the said schedule unless exceptions are Street, Middletown, Pennsylvania. 17057. filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. BEING the same premises which Elizabeth J. Lindermann by deed dated January 21, 2000 and recorded January 28, SALE No. 77 2000 in Dauphin County Deed Book 3600, Page 622 granted and conveyed unto Larry I. LAUREN R. TABAS, Esq. Feniger. Judgment Amount: $145,038.30 BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or parcel of No. 41-017-040. land situate in Lower Paxton Township, Tract No. 2 County of Dauphin, Commonwealth of ALL THAT CERTAIN lot of ground situ- Pennsylvania, more particularly bounded ate in the Borough of Middletown, Dauphin and described according to a survey of County, Pennsylvania, bounded and Donald R. LeVan, Registered Surveyor, described as follows: dated May 8, 1957, revised August 5, 1957, BEGINNING at the northwest corner of as follows, to wit: Ann and Union Streets; thence along Union

Advertisements appearing for First Time BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL No. 35-068-038. Miscellaneous Notices NOTICE is further given to all parties in interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of BEGINNING at a point on the northern Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 line of Lakewood Drive, two hundred thirty- and distributions will be made in accordance four and fourteen one hundredths (234.14) with the said schedule unless exceptions are feet west of the northeast corner of the inter- filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. section of Lakewood Drive and Scenery Drive, also being at the dividing line between Lots Nos. 28 and 27 on the here- SALE No. 78 inafter mentioned Plan of Lots; thence west- JOHN MICHAEL KOLESNIK, Esq. wardly along the northern line of Lakewood Judgment Amount: $256,188.29 Drive, being an arc of curve to the left hav- ing a radius of two hundred twenty (220) feet ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or tract of seven and sixteen one-hundredths (7.16) feet ground situate in Susquehanna Township, to a point; thence continuing westwardly Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, more partic- along same fifty-five and fifty-five one hun- ularly bounded and described as follows, to dredths (55.55) feet to a point at the dividing wit: line between Lots Nos. 26 and 27 on said BEGINNING at a point on the southern Plan; thence north nine (9) degrees, fifty (50) right-of-way line of Pebble Court at an east- minutes twenty (20) seconds east along ern corner of Lot #9; thence along said right- same, one hundred twelve and thirty-five of-way line by a curve to the left, said curve one-hundredths (112.35) feet to a point at the having a chord bearing a distance of south 78 dividing between Lots Nos. 27 and 12 on degrees 26 minutes 43 seconds East 1.93 feet said Plan; thence south eighty-six (86) a radius of 225.00 feet and an are distance of degrees, forty-five (45) minutes, twenty (20) 1.93 feet (calculated curve information not seconds east along same, sixty-five and sev- listed on the plan) to a point; thence along enty-five one hundredths (65.75) feet to a the same south 78 degrees 41 minutes 22 point at the dividing line between Lots Nos. seconds east 69.54 feet to a point at lands 28 and 27 on said Plan; thence south eleven now or formerly of Jeremy R. Johnson, Deed (11) degrees, fifty-four (54) minutes west Book 6013, Page 466; thence along said along said dividing line, one hundred twen- lands south 11 degrees 47 minutes 25 sec- ty-one and forty-six one hundredths (121.46) onds west 149.30 feet to a point at lands now feet to a point, the place of BEGINNING. or formerly of Christopher and Jennifer J. BEING Lot No. 27 on Plan of Lakevue Marzacco, Deed Book 5972, Page 507; Heights, said Plan recorded in the Office of thence along said lands south 81 degrees 00 the Recorder of Deeds in and for Dauphin minutes 28 seconds west 99.59 feet to a point County in Plan Book ‘T’, Page 60. being the southern corner of lot #9 at lands HAVING THEREON ERECTED a one- now or formerly. of Lawrence and Loretta E. story frame dwelling house. Horton, Deed Book 1143 Page 415; thence TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED along Lot #9 north 18 degrees 29 minutes 54 IN Carlos R. Sanchez and Ruth G. Sanchez, seconds east 185.32 feet to a point, the place h/w, as tenants by the entireties, by Deed of BEGINNING. from Juanita N. Cassel, a single person, CONTAINING 13,521 square feet (0.31) dated 08/01/2007, recorded 08/20/2007 in acres. Instrument Number 20070033590. BEING Lot #10 on a Final Subdivision PREMISES BEING: 910 LAKEWOOD Plan of Apple Creek Farms, Phase II, pre- DRIVE, HARRISBURG, PA 17109-5309. pared by R. J. Fisher and Associates, Inc. and SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of recorded in Dauphin County, Plan Book U, Carlos R. Sanchez and Ruth G. Sanchez Volume 9, Page 25. under Judgment Number 2011-CV-9896.

Advertisements appearing for First Time DESCRIBED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A PLAN OF SURVEY BY GERRITT J. BETZ Miscellaneous Notices AND ASSOCIATES, INC., ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS, DATED FEBRUARY 1, 1978, AND BEING MORE FULLY SAID LOT UNDER AND SUBJECT to a BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOL- sanitary sewer easement which shall run LOWS, TO WIT: along the entire public street right-of-way BEGINNING ATA P.K. FOUND ON THE and be parallel to the public street right-of- NORTHERLY SIDE OF SPRING TOP way with a width of 4 feet. DRIVE (50.00 FEET WIDE RIGHT-OF- HAVING THEREON ERECTED a two- WAY) AND A CORNER OF LOT NO. 193 story dwelling. OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED PLAN, BEING SUBJECT, NEVERTHELESS, to SAID P.K. BEING MEASURED 272.06 any and all easements, covenants, condi- FEET IN A WESTERLY DIRECTION tions, restrictions, reservations, rights-of- FROM THE WESTERN END OF A 31.42 way, zoning and any and all matters that are FEET CURVE AND RADIUS OF 20.00 of record or visible on the premises. FEET, CONNECTION THE WESTERLY TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SWEETBRIAR IN Darryl P. Nevius, Sr., a married man, by DRIVE AND THE NORTHERLY LINE OF Deed from Mark X. DiSanto and Susan K. SPRING TOP DRIVE, (AS SHOWN ON DiSanto, h/w and John M. DiSanto and SAID PLAN); THENCE EXTENDING Maria T. DiSanto, h/w, dated 10/05/2007, FROM SAID BEGINNING P.K. AND recorded 10/09/2007 in Instrument Number MEASURED ALONG THE NORTHERLY 20070040631. SIDE OF SPRING TOP DRIVE, BY A PREMISES BEING: 1702 PEBBLE CURVE TO THE RIGHT. HAVING A COURT, HARRISBURG, PA 17110-9131. RADIUS OF 500.00 FEET FOR AN ARC SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of LENGTH OF 38.45 FEET TO A POINT; Darryl P. Nevius, Sr. under Judgment THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID Number 2010-CV-14372. SPRING TOP DRIVE, SOUTH 81 BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL DEGREES 26 MINUTES 00 SECONDS No. 62-019-126. WEST, 47.55 FEET TO A DRILL HOLE AT NOTICE is further given to all parties in A CORNER OF LOT NO. 191 OF THE interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed ABOVE MENTIONED PLAN; THENCE distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of EXTENDING ALONG LINE OF SAME, Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 NORTH 08 DEGREES 34 MINUTES 00 and distributions will be made in accordance SECONDS WEST, 125.00 FEET TO AN with the said schedule unless exceptions are IRON PIN FOUND AT A CORNER OF filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF MICHAEL J. MELI AND LINDA M. MELI, HIS WIFE; THENCE EXTENDING ALONG LINE OF SAME NORTH 81 SALE No. 80 DEGREES 26 MINUTES 00 SECONDS JAIME R. ACKERMAN, Esq. EAST, 70.49 FEET TO AN IRON PIN; Judgment Amount: $135,618.77 THENCE CONTINUING ALONG LAND OF MICHAEL J. MELI AND LINDA M. ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND MELI, NORTH 74 DEGREES 26 MIN- WITH THE IMPROVEMENTS THEREON UTES 00 SECONDS EAST, 5.59 FEET TO ERECTED, SITUATE ON THE NORTHER- AN IRON PIN ATA CORNER OF LOT NO. LY SIDE OF SPRING TOP DRIVE, 193 OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED PLAN, LOWER PAXTON TOWNSHIP, DAUPHIN AFORESAID, THENCE EXTENDING COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, BEING ALONG SAME SOUTH 12 DEGREES 58 ALSO KNOWN AS LOT NO. 192 ON A MINUTES 20 SECONDS EAST, 124.62 PLAN OF LOTS OF PAN # 2 OF TWIN FEET TO A P.K. FOUND, THE FIRST LAKES PARK. (SOUTH) RECORDED IN MENTIONED P.K. AND PLACE OF DAUPHIN COUNTY PLAN BOOK M, BEGINNING. VOLUME 2, PAGE 54, AND BEING MORE FULLY BOUNDED AND Advertisements appearing for First Time BEGINNING at a pin in a stone pile at the line of adjoinder between Tract No. I and Miscellaneous Notices Tract No. 3 on the aforesaid survey plan on line of lands now or formerly of Kenneth E. and Irene Miller, thence along Tract No. 1 BEING KNOWN AND NUMBERED AS North 12º 43 57 West a distance of 1,307.58 4854 SPRINGTOP DRIVE, HARRISBURG, feet to a point on line of lands now or for- PA, 17111. merly of Indiantown Gap Military WITH ALL IMPROVEMENTS ERECT- Reservation; thence along said lands North ED THEREON. 56333 East a distance of 537.47 feet to a pin BEING THE SAME PREMISES WHICH in a stone pile, thence along lands now or RUTH ANN ETTER AND TAMARA D. formerly of Jeffrey L. Grichton and lands PRESSLEY, EXECUTRICES UNDER THE now or formerly of Gary T. Hime South 2249 LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF REGI- East a distance of 1457.20 feet to a pin in a NA H. MAYLE, DECEASED AND stone pile; thence along lands now or former- RACHEL L. DULANEY, BY DEED ly of Michael G. Moyer and lands now or DATED MARCH 27,2003 AND RECORD- formerly of Kenneth E. and Irene Miller ED MARCH 31, 2003 IN AND FOR South 6120 16 West a distance of 249.35 feet DAUPHIN COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, to a point, the place of BEGINNING. IN DEED BOOK VOLUME 4822, PAGE CONTAINING 11.261 acres and being 170, GRANTED AND CONVEYED UNTO Tax Parcel No. 25-028-013. ROBIN Y. WILLIAMS, MARRIED TOGETHER WITH right of ingress, WOMAN. egress and regress over the right-of-way as UNDER AND SUBJECT TO AND more particularly set forth in a Right-of-Way TOGETHER WITH EASEMENTS, Agreement recorded in Record Book M, EXCEPTIONS, RESERVATIONS, Volume 14, Page 243. RESTRICTIONS, RIGHTS OF WAY, ALSO TOGETHER WITH the right of COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS AS ingress, egress and regress for Grantee, their CONTAINED IN PRIOR INSTRUMENTS heirs, successors and assigns, over the pri- OF RECORD. vate roads as depicted on the survey plan, a SEIZED AND TAKEN IN EXECUTION copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit AS THE PROPERTY OF ROBIN Y. “A”. WILLIAMS, MARRIED WOMAN MORT- UNDER AND SUBJECT, NEVERTHE- GAGOR HEREIN, UNDER JUDGMENT LESS, to the rights of the owners of Tract NUMBER 2011-CV-00289. No. 1 and Tract No. 2 on the aforesaid plan BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL to use those portions of the private roads as No. 35-094-058. depicted on the survey plan, a copy of which NOTICE is further given to all parties in attached hereto as Exhibit “A”, which are interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed located on the within premises. distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of UNDER AND SUBJECT, NEVERTHE- Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 LESS, to the following restrictions, which and distributions will be made in accordance are covenants, running with the lands, for the with the said schedule unless exceptions are benefit of Grantor and their heirs, successors filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. and assigns, and for the benefit of the owner of Tract No. 2, their successors and assigns. 1. NO BUILDING on the lot, or any hereafter erected, shall be SALE No. 81 erected for or used or occupied SCOTT A. DIETTERICK, Esq. as a public garage, manufactur- Judgment Amount: $94,181.77 ing establishment or for any offensive or malodorous occu- ALL THAT CERTAIN tract of land situate pation, or be used for any pur- in East Hanover Township, Dauphin County, pose other than that of a private Pennsylvania, bounded and described in dwelling house with private accordance with a survey and plot plan there- accessory buildings, including a of prepared by Robert C. Sherrick, PLS, garage. dated January 2, 2004, as follows: Advertisements appearing for First Time if a property owner, as a condi- tion of employment, is required Miscellaneous Notices to drive a vehicle to his home, such is permitted providing the vehicle is less than 10,000 2. NO STRUCTURE of a tempo- pounds gross vehicle weight rary character, trailer, basement, and is parked at all times on the tent shack, garage, barn or other lot. This except shall further- outbuilding shall be sued on the more permit only one commer- lot at any time as a residence, cial vehicle per lot within said either temporarily or perma- limitations and conditions. nently. Outside water closets 6. NO NOXIOUS, unsightly or shall not be erected or main- offensive activity shall be con- tained on the lot after construc- ducted on the lot, nor shall any- tion has been completed. A thing be permitted to be done trailer, or a shed for the housing thereon which may be or may of tools, incident to the erection become an annoyance or nui- of dwelling houses, may be sance to the residents of other erected or placed on the lot dur- lots bound by these restrictions. ing construction. 7. FURTHER subdivision of the 3. NO ANIMALS, livestock or lot is prohibited. poultry of any kind shall be HAVING THEREON ERECTED a raised, bred or kept in any dwelling house known and numbered as dwelling or on the lot, except 350 Farmall Road, Grantville, PA 17028. that dogs, cats or other domesti- BEING the same premises which Charles cated household pets may be F. Peters, Jr. and Jennette A. Peters, Husband kept, provided that they are not and Wife, by their Deed dated June 28, 2006 kept, bred or maintained for any and recorded on July 21, 2006 in and for commercial purpose and pro- Dauphin County, as Instrument Number vided that not more than five (5) 20060029304, granted and conveyed unto pets in the aggregate may be Kenneth R. Bixby and Jacqueline S. Bixby, kept on the lot. Husband and Wife. 4. NO GARBAGE, refuse, rub- SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of bish or solid waste shall be Kenneth R. Bixby and Jacqueline S. Bixby deposited on any part of the lot. under Judgment Number 2011-CV-11699 Garage, refuse, rubbish and BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL solid waste shall be kept in con- No. 25-028-013. tainers which shall be kept in a NOTICE is further given to all parties in located on the lot in a side or interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed rear yard which is unobtrusive distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of to view from other lots. Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 Containers shall be securely and distributions will be made in accordance fastened, sufficiently tight and with the said schedule unless exceptions are maintained in good condition to filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. retail garbage, refuse, rubbish and solid waste. 5. NO COMMERCIAL or other SALE No. 82 non-passenger vehicle of any PAUL C. BAMETZREIDER, Esq. type and no unlicensed or non- Judgment Amount: $83,894.11 operational motor vehicles of any type shall be permitted to ALL THAT CERTAIN lot of land, with the remain overnight on any lot. improvements thereon erected, situate in the Notwithstanding the foregoing, Ninth Ward of the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to wit: Advertisements appearing for First Time Book “J”, Page 34, more particularly bound- ed and described as follows, to wit: Miscellaneous Notices BEGINNING at a point on the eastern side of Park Street, which point is 60 feet north of the northeast intersection of Park Street and BEGINNING at the southwestern corner Ash Street at the division line between Lots of Market and Nineteenth Streets; thence Nos. 12 and 13 on the aforementioned Plan westwardly along the southern side of of Lots; thence eastwardly along said divi- Market Street, twenty (20) feet to the west- sion line 125 feet to the western line of ern line of premises known as No. 1857 Strawberry Avenue; thence northwardly Market Street; thence southwardly along said along the western line of Strawberry Avenue, line at right angles with Market Street and 60 feet to a point at the division line between for part of the distance along the centerline Lots Nos. 14 and 15 on said Plan; thence of the partition wall between the houses westwardly along said division line 125 feet known as Nos. 1857 and 1859 Market Street to a point on the eastern line of Park Street; one hundred (100) feet to the northern side of thence southwardly along the eastern line of a ten (10) feet wide ally known as Park Hill Park Street 60 feet to a point, THE PLACE Lane; thence eastwardly along the northern OF BEGINNING. side of said alley and parallel with Market HAVING THEREON erected a one story Street, twenty (20) feet to the western side of brick dwelling house known and numbered Nineteenth Street; thence northwardly along as 206 Park Street, Harrisburg, PA 17109. the western corner of Market and Nineteenth BEING THE SAME PREMISES which Street, the place of BEGINNING. Joel A. Yovic and Rosemary R. Yovic, hus- TOGETHER with the use of the aforesaid band and wife, by deed dated 8/31/2000 and 10 feet wide alley in common with the own- recorded 9/12/2000 in and for Dauphin ers and occupiers of other property abutting County in Deed Book 3764 Page 257 grant- thereon. ed and conveyed to Donald Tilghman and PREMISES BEING: 1859 Market Street, Alice Tilghman, Husband and Wife. Harrisburg, PA 17103, Dauphin County. TOGETHER with all and singular the SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of buildings, improvements, ways, streets, Robert Swiderski under Judgment Number alleys, driveways, passages, waters, water- 2011-CV-1662. courses, rights, liberties, privileges, heredita- BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL ments and appurtenances, whatsoever unto No. 09-055-001. the hereby granted premises belonging, or in NOTICE is further given to all parties in any wise appertaining, and the reversions interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed and remainders, rents, issues, and profits distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of thereof; and all the estate, right, title, inter- Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 est, property, claim and demand whatsoever and distributions will be made in accordance of Grantor(s), as well at law as in equity, of, with the said schedule unless exceptions are in and to the same. filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of Donald Tilghman under Judgment Number 2010-CV-10164. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL SALE No. 83 No. 62-034-110. CHRISTOPHER A. DENARDO, Esq. NOTICE is further given to all parties in Judgment Amount: $121,907.80 interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or parcel of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 land situate in the Township of Susquehanna, and distributions will be made in accordance County of Dauphin, State of Pennsylvania, with the said schedule unless exceptions are being Lots Nos. 13 and 14, Block “X”, filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. shown on the Plan of Fishborn and Fox, known as “Progress Extension”, which Plan is recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds in and for Dauphin County in Plan Advertisements appearing for First Time EXCEPTING and reserving unto Wellington Manor Homeowners Association, Miscellaneous Notices its successors and assigns, the full, free, irrevocable permanent and uninterrupted easement, to have and to use that certain por- SALE No. 85 tion of the herein described premises being 10 feet wide extending through the premises, JOHN MICHAEL KOLESNIK, Esq. to be used for the pedestrian traffic. The said Judgment Amount: $119,861.83 pedestrian easement is more particularly shown and designated as ‘Pedestrian ALL THAT CERTAIN unit situate in the Easement’ on the Final Subdivision Plan, Township of Swatara, County of Dauphin, Phase V, of Capital Ridge Townhomes, dated Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, known, July 20, 1999, last revised October 5, 1999 named and identified in the Declaration for and recorded October 28, 1999 in the Office Wellington Manor, a Planned Community of the Recorder of Deeds in Dauphin County, (“Declaration”) which has been submitted to Pennsylvania in Plan Book ‘J’, Volume 7, the provisions of the Uniform Planned pages 10 through 15. Community Act, 69 Pa. C.S.A. 5101, et. UNDER AND SUBJECT to the terms and Seq., as amended, by the recording of the conditions of the Declaration of Wellington Declaration in the Office of the Recorder of Manor and any amendments thereto, the Deeds of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, Declaration Plats, the aforementioned Final dated April 19, 2002, recorded April 23, Subdivision Plan, all as recorded in the 2002 in Record Book 4357, Page 378 being Dauphin County Recorder of Deeds Office, designated in such Declaration as Unit No. and all easements, restrictions, encum- 432 (Identifying Number) in Building FF as brances and other matters of record or that described in Section 2.2 and Exhibit E of the which a physical inspection or survey of the Declaration and the Declaration Plats. premises would reveal. BEGINNING at a point on the southern TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED right of way line of Clearfield Street, said by Special Warranty Deed, dated 8/12/2003, point also being the northwest corner of Lot given by Highland Realty Trust to Lloyd T. 431; Then along the dividing line between Washington and recorded 8/27/2003 in Book Lot 432 and Lot 431 South 05 degrees 03 5109, page 95 and in Document #44953. The minutes 00 seconds West 122.30 feet to a said Lloyd T. Washington has since departed point; Then along lands now or formerly of this life on 11/9/09, and upon information Ninth Harrisburg Limited Partnership North and belief his heirs or devisees, and personal 85 degrees 08 minutes 36 seconds West representatives, are unknown. 30.00 feet to a point; Then along lands now PREMISES BEING: 7323 CLEARFIELD or formerly of Capital Ridge Townhomes STREET, HARRISBURG, PA 17111-5045. North 05 degrees 03 minutes 00 seconds East SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of 122.41 feet to a point on the southern right of Lloyd T. Washington, deceased, under way line of Clearfield Street; Then along the Judgment Number 2010-CV-4681. southern right of way line of Clearfield BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL Street South 84 degrees 57 minutes 00 sec- No. 63-086-029. onds East 30.00 feet to a point; THE PLACE NOTICE is further given to all parties in OF BEGINNING. interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed CONTAINING 3670.65 square feet. distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of BEING Unit No. 432, Final Subdivision Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 Plan, Phase V, dated July 20, 1999, last and distributions will be made in accordance revised October 5, 1999 and recorded with the said schedule unless exceptions are October 28, 1999 in the Office of the filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Recorder of Deeds for Dauphin County, Pennsylvania in Plan Book J, Volume 7, pages 10-15. Advertisements appearing for First Time Recorder’s Office, granted and conveyed unto Samuel L. Leaper and Claudia J. Miscellaneous Notices Leaper. SEIZED, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of which Samuel L. Leaper SALE No. 86 and Claudia J. Leaper, Mortgagor(s) herein, under Judgment Number 2009-CV-13822. MARGARET GAIRO, Esq. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL Judgment Amount: $143,218.15 No. 63-036-098. NOTICE is further given to all parties in ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or tract of land interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed situate in Swatara Township, Dauphin distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 more particularly bounded and described as and distributions will be made in accordance follows, to wit: with the said schedule unless exceptions are BEGINNING at a point in the centerline of filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Chambers Hill Road at the dividing line of Lots Nos. 3 and 4, and shown on the herein after mentioned Subdivision Plan; thence by said centerline North 41 degrees 24 minutes SALE No. 87 00 seconds East, 109.60 feet to a point; JOHN MICHAEL KOLESNIK, Esq. thence by Lot No. 6, other lands now or for- Judgment Amount: $136,302.60 merly of the Estate of Lena M. Harter, South 24 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds East, ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of 278.67 feet to a point; thence by line of land ground situate in Lower Paxton Township, now or formerly of William E Frank, South County of Dauphin, Commonwealth of 65 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds West, Pennsylvania more particularly described as 100.00 feet to a point; thence by line to Lot follows. No. 3, land now or formerly of Clair BEGIN a part of Subdivision Plan of John Firestone, North 24 degrees 26 minutes 00 J. Lindon, Jr. as shown on the Plan dated seconds West, 233.80 feet to a point in the September 22, 1980 and recorded in the centerline of Chambers Hill Road, the place Recorder’s Office of Dauphin County on of BEGINNING. November 12, 1980 in Plan Book L, Volume CONTAINING approximately 0.5894 3, Page 2, more particularly described as fol- acres, lows: HAVING THEREON ERECTED a 1-1/2 BEGINNING at an iron pin on the eastern story brick dwelling and frame garage side of Gloucester Street; thence North 83 known and numbered as 5551 Chambers Hill degrees 30 minutes East along Elba Lane a Road, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. distance of 142.00 feet to a point; thence BEING Lots Nos. 4 and 5, as shown on the South 06 degrees 30 minutes East a distance Final Plan of Hill Top Terrace. of 75.00 feet to a point; thence South 83 UNDER AND SUBJECT, NEVERTHE- degrees 30 minutes West a distance of 142.00 LESS, to easements, restrictions, reserva- feet to a point on the eastern side of tions, conditions and rights-of-ways of Gloucester Street; thence North 06 degrees record or visible upon inspection of premis- 30 minutes West along said Gloucester Street es. a distance of 75.00 feet to an iron pin and PREMISES BEING: 5551 Chambers Hill place of BEGINNING. Road, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17111. BEING Lot No. 1 of said Subdivision BEING the same premises which Timothy Plan, under and subject, nevertheless, to the Musser and Paula Musser, husband and wife express conditions and restrictions, as appear by Deed dated August 21, 2007 and recorded of record in Plan Book L, Volume 3, Page 2, September 5, 2007 in Deed Book Instrument commonly known as 2 Gloucester Street, No. 20070035930, in the Dauphin County Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Advertisements appearing for First Time TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED IN Jason Snyder and Zena Toledo, h/w, by Miscellaneous Notices Deed from Joseph Patrick Branigan, Executor of the Estate of Eleanor M. Branigan, dated 12/07/2006, recorded UNDER AND SUBJECT, NEVERTHE- 12/14/2006 in Instrument Number LESS, to easements, restrictions, reserva- 20060050770. tions, conditions and rights of way of record. PREMISES BEING: 2813 BOAS TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED STREET, HARRISBURG, PA 17103-2128. IN Miles E. Leffler and Elizabeth A. Leffler, SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of husband and wife, by deed from Michael J. Jason Snyder and Zena Toledo under Buckley and Carol A. Buckley, husband and Judgment Number 2011-CV-9246. wife, dated 01/31/1997 and recorded BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL 02/03/1997 in Deed Book 2784 Page 488. No. 51-017-007. PREMISES BEING: 2 GLOUCESTER NOTICE is further given to all parties in STREET, HARRISBURG, PA 17109. interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Elizabeth A. Leffler and Miles E. Leffler Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 under Judgment Number 2008-CV-6800. and distributions will be made in accordance BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL with the said schedule unless exceptions are No. 35-059-112. filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. NOTICE is further given to all parties in interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of SALE No. 90 Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 ANDREW J. MARLEY, Esq. and distributions will be made in accordance Judgment Amount: $101,884.43 with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. ALL THAT CERTAIN tractor parcel of ground, situate in the Borough of Middletown, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, SALE No. 88 more particularly bounded and described as ANDREW J. MARLEY, Esq. follows, to wit: BEGINNING at a point at the southwest- Judgment Amount: $117,619.02 ern corner of Cattell Street and Cortlandt ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or tract of land Avenue; thence in a westerly direction along situated in the Fourth Ward of the Borough the southern line of said Cattell Street 50 feet of Penbrook, County of Dauphin, and to a point at the eastern line of Lot No. 46 on Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, on the Plan hereinafter mentioned; thence in a South side of Boas (formerly Curtin) Street, southerly direction along the said line, 125 bounded and described as follows, to wit: feet to Ruby Avenue; thence in an easterly BEGINNING at a point on the south side direction along the northern line of said of Boas Street three hundred one and forty- Ruby Avenue 50 feet to the western lien of five hundredths feet (301.45 feet) from the Cortlandt Avenue; thence in a northerly south-east corner of 28th and Boas Streets; direction along said Cortlandt Avenue, 125 thence south seventy-four (74) degrees east feet to Cattell Street at the point of BEGIN- along the south side of Boas Street a distance NING. of forty-seven feet (47 feet) to a stake; thence BEING Lot Nos. 44 and 45 on the Plan of south sixteen (16) degrees west one hundred Lots laid out by C. H. Hoffer and recorded in thirty feet (130-feet) to the northern side of the Office for the recording of deeds in and Ella Alley; thence in a line parallel with Boas for Dauphin County in Plan Book B, Page Street north seventy-four (74) degrees west 11. forty-seven feet (47 feet) to a stake; thence TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED north sixteen (16) degrees east one hundred IN Beth Ann Burkholder, single person, by thirty feet (130 feet) to the place of BEGIN- Deed from Daryl B. Evans and Patti J. NING. Evans, his wife, dated 11/10/2005, recorded 11/23/2005 in Book 6292, Page 340. Advertisements appearing for First Time twenty (20) degrees fifteen (15) minutes three (03) seconds East, a distance of seven- Miscellaneous Notices ty-six and sixty-eight hundredths (76.68) feet to a point in line of land now or late of Gelder and Gelder Limited Partnership; PREMISES BEING: 528 CATTEL thence along the same, South sixty-nine (69) STREET, MIDDLETOWN, PA 17057-2201. degrees forty-four (44) minutes fifty-seven SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of (57) seconds East, a distance of one hundred Beth A. Burkholder under Judgment Number five and forty-seven hundredths (105.47) 2011-CV-9772. feet to a point on the West right-of-way line BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL of Deer Run Drive; thence along the same No. 41-015-035. the following two (2) courses and distances: NOTICE is further given to all parties in 1) South twenty (20) degrees fifteen (15) interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed minutes three (03) seconds West, a distance distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of of seven and no hundredths (7.00) feet to a Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 point and 2) on a line curving to the left hav- and distributions will be made in accordance ing a radius of one hundred seventy-seven with the said schedule unless exceptions are and no hundredths (177.00) feet an arc dis- filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. tance of sixty-seven and twenty-eight hun- dredths (67.28) feet the chord of said arc being South nine (09) degrees twenty-one (21) minutes thirty-eight (38) seconds West, SALE No. 91 a distance of sixty-six and eighty-eight hun- JOHN MICHAEL KOLESNIK, Esq. dredths (66.88) feet to the point and place of Judgment Amount: $409,316.59 BEGINNING. CONTAINING 10,380 square feet. ALL THAT CERTAIN lot with the SUBJECT to a ten (10) feet wide drainage improvements thereon erected situate on the easement extending along the south line of west side of Deer Run Drive in Derry this lot. Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, SUBJECT TO any Restrictions, being known as Lot No. 27, Block 1 as Conditions, Covenants, Rights, Rights of shown on a plan of Southpoint Commons- Way, and Easements now of record. Phase 4, prepared by Rettew Associates, Inc., TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED dated June 1, 1999, last revised August 12, IN Erin L. DeLoach, a married woman, by 1999, drawing number 941549-01, recorded Quit Claim Deed from Michael D. DeLoach in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds in and and Erin DeLoach, h/w, dated 03/07/2011, for Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, in Plan recorded 04/19/2011 in Instrument Number Book K, Volume 7, Pages 1- 17, and being 20110011159. more fully bounded and described as fol- PREMISES BEING: 2441 DEER RUN lows, to wit: DRIVE, HUMMELSTOWN, PA 17036- BEGINNING at a point on the west right- 8784. of-way line of Deer Run Drive (fifty-four SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of (54) foot wide) a corner of Lot No. 28; Michael D. Deloach and Erin Deloach under thence along the same, South eighty-eight Judgment Number 2010-CV-10641. (88) degrees twenty-eight (28) minutes four- BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL teen (14) seconds West, a distance of one No. 24-089-081. hundred ten and no hundredths (110.00) feet NOTICE is further given to all parties in to a point in line of Lot No. 113; thence interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed along the same the following two (2) courses distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of and distances: 1) North three (03) degrees Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 ten (10) minutes fifty-nine (59) seconds and distributions will be made in accordance West, a distance of forty and thirteen hun- with the said schedule unless exceptions are dredths (40.13) feet to a point, and 2) North filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Advertisements appearing for First Time either side, nor shall any fence or shrubbery enclosure be placed upon any part of the Miscellaneous Notices same premises. PREMISES BEING: 2355 Kensington Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17104. SALE No. 92 BEING the same premises which James F. Griffith, Executor of the Estate of Catherine MARGARET GAIRO, Esq. M. Griffith, Deceased, Party of the First Part Judgment Amount: $33,183.76 by Deed dated October 6, 1988 and recorded November 14, 1988 in Deed Book 1199, ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or parcel of Page 080, in the Dauphin County Recorder’s ground, together with the two story brick Office, granted and conveyed unto James F. dwelling house and other improvements Griffith. erected thereon, situate in the 13th Ward of SEIZED, taken in execution and to be sold the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, as the property of which James F. Griffith, Pennsylvania, more particularly described as Mortgagor(s) herein, under Judgment follows: Number 2010-CV-13143. BEGINNING at a point on the South side BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL of Kensington Street, one thousand fifty-five No. 13-026-010. and eighty eight one hundredths (1055.88) NOTICE is further given to all parties in East of the southeast corner of 22nd Street interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed and Kensington Street; thence eastwardly distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of along the south side of Kensington Street Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 sixteen and twenty-five one hundredths and distributions will be made in accordance (16.25) feet to a point; thence southwardly in with the said schedule unless exceptions are a line at right angles to Kensington Street filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. and through the middle of the partition wall between premises known and numbered as 2357 Kensington Street and premises herein described, one hundred and seventy-five one SALE No. 93 hundredths (100.75) feet to a point on the JOHN MICHAEL KOLESNIK, Esq. Northern line of Central Street; thence west- Judgment Amount: $80,835.24 wardly sixteen and twenty-five one hundreds (16.25) feet to a point; thence northwardly ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or piece of and through the middle of the partition wall land situate in Pillow Borough, Dauphin between premises known and numbered as County, Pennsylvania, more particularly 2353 Kensington Street and the premises bounded and described as follows, to wit: herein described, one hundred and seventy- BEGINNING at the southeast corner of five one hundreds (100.75) feet to a point, Market and Chestnut Streets; thence South the place of BEGINNING. along the eastern boundary of said Chestnut SAID PREMISES being known and num- Street two hundred eighteen feet (218 feet) to bered as 2355 Kensington Street. Mulberry Alley; thence east along the north- UNDER AND SUBJECT, nevertheless to ern boundary of Mulberry Alley fifty feet (50 the Easements and Rights-of-way as the feet) to the southwest corner of Lot No. 68; same are more fully set forth in an agreement thence along the western boundary of Lot dated July 16, 1947 and recorded in Dauphin No. 68, North two hundred eighteen feet County Deed Book, Miscellaneous Book (218 feet) to Market Street; thence West “D”, Volume 6, page 71, given by William along the southern boundary of Market M. Hollinger. Street fifty feet (50 feet) to the southeast cor- AND also all right, title and interest in and ner of Market and Chestnut Streets and the to the aforesaid partition walls. place of BEGINNING. UNDER AND SUBJECT, also, neverthe- TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED less, to the Reservations and Restrictions that IN Trisha L. Witmer, single, by Deed from no fence or solid line of shrubbery of any Michael D. Troutman and Penny L. kind shall be planted or placed on either Troutman, h/w, dated 0 1/26/2007, recorded dividing line of the premises herein 0 1/29/2007 in Instrument Number described and the adjoining premises on 20070004050. Advertisements appearing for First Time PREMISES BEING: 3154 NORTH 6TH STREET, HARRISBURG, PA 17110-2705. Miscellaneous Notices SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of Marilyn Smith under Judgment Number 2011-CV-9844. PREMISES BEING: 129 MARKET BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL STREET, A/K/A 129 EAST MARKET No. 14-013-028. STREET, PILLOW, PA 17080. NOTICE is further given to all parties in SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed Trisha L. Witmer under Judgment Number distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of 2010-CV-01386. Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL and distributions will be made in accordance No. 64-003-023. with the said schedule unless exceptions are NOTICE is further given to all parties in filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 SALE No. 95 and distributions will be made in accordance HARRY B. REESE, Esq. with the said schedule unless exceptions are Judgment Amount: $83,097.02 filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. ALL THAT CERTAIN PIECE OR PAR- CEL OF LAND SITUATE IN THE NINTH SALE No. 94 WARD OF THE CITY OF HARRISBURG, JOHN MICHAEL KOLESNIK, Esq. DAUPHIN COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED IN Judgment Amount: $59,653.80 ACCORDANCE WITH A SURVEY AND ALL THAT CERTAIN lot of land situate PLAN THEREOF MADE BY WILLIAM B. in the City of Harrisburg, County of Dauphin WHITTOCK, PROFESSIONAL ENGI- and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, bound- NEER, DATED JULY 26,1968, AS FOL- ed and described as follows, to wit: LOWS: BEGINNING at a point on the west side of BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE Sixth Street, said point being 23.13 feet NORTH SIDE OF CHESTNUT STREET, measured in a northerly direction along Sixth WHICH POINT IS 121.50 FEET EAST OF Street from land now or formerly of Miriam THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF CHEST- C. Daugherty; thence in a northerly direction NUT STREET AND 20TH STREET; along the westerly line of North Sixth Street THENCE EXTENDING ALONG PREMIS- 16.25 feet to a point; thence in a westerly ES NOW OR LATE OF ROSCOE BOW- direction on a line at right angles to Sixth MAN AND PASSING THROUGH THE Street and through the center line of the par- CENTER OF A PARTITION WALL NORTH tition wall between houses nos. 3154 and 17 DEGREES 45 MINUTES WEST, 84 3156 North Sixth Street and beyond 100 feet FEET TO A CORNER; THENCE NORTH to Kemp Alley, thence in a southerly direc- 72 DEGREES 15 MINUTES EAST, 3 FEET tion along the easterly line of Kemp Alley TO A CORNER; THENCE NORTH 17 16.25 feet to a point; thence in an easterly DEGREES 45 MINUTES WEST, 3 FEET direction on a line at right angles to Kemp TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERN LINE Alley and through the center line of a parti- OF AN OPEN SPACE OR DRIVEWAY tion wall between houses nos. 3154 and 3152 AREA; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTH- North Sixth Street 100 feet to the westerly ERN LINE OF THE SAME, NORTH 72 line of North Sixth Street, the place of DEGREES 15 MINUTES EAST, 16.5 FEET BEGINNING. TO A CORNER OF LANDS NOW OR TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED LATE OF CHARLES F. SNYDER; IN Marilyn Smith, single person, by Deed THENCE ALONG SAID LAND, SOUTH from Larry Cohen and Carole Sue Pancer, 17 DEGREES 45 MINUTES EAST, 87 Trustees of the Florence Lillian Cohen Trust, FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERN dated 10/28/2002, recorded 12/18/2002 in LINE OF CHESTNUT STREET; THENCE Book 4673, Page 515. ALONG THE SAME, SOUTH 72 Advertisements appearing for First Time line of lot one hundred forty-five (145) feet, more or less, to Church Street; thence in a Miscellaneous Notices southerly direction twenty-one (21) feet and six (6) inches to the place of BEGINNING. BEING a part of Lot No. 263 in the DEGREES 15 MINUTES WEST, 19.50 General Plan of the Borough of Millersburg, FEET TO THE POINT AND PLACE OF Pennsylvania. BEGINNING. HAVING thereon erected the northern half BEING KNOWN AS: 2012 CHESTNUT of a double frame dwelling known as 322 STREET, HARRISBURG, PA 17104. Church Street, Millersburg, Pennsylvania. TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED IT BEING the same premises which Linda IN FAUN L. WARD AND DANA M. A. Daniels, single, by her Deed dated WARD, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AS TEN- February 29, 2000, and to be recorded here- ANTS BY THE ENTIRETIES BY DEED with, granted and conveyed unto Benjamin FROM FAUN L. WARD, MARRIED MAN, W. Grexon and Amy L. Grexon, husband and JOINED BY DANA M. WARD, HIS WIFE wife, the MORTGAGORS herein. DATED 05/20/2004 RECORDED BEING KNOWN AS: 322 CHIRCH 05/26/2004 IN DEED BOOK 5517 PAGE STREET, MILLERBURG, PA 17061. 490. TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of IN BENJAMIN W. GREXON AND AMY L. Dana Ward, Faun Ward and The United GREXON, HUSBAND AND WIFE BY States of America under Judgment Number DEED FROM LINDA A. DANIELS, SIN- 2011-CV-05389. GLE DATED 02/29/2000 RECORDED BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL 03/01/2000 IN DEED BOOK 3621 PAGE No. 09-080-042. 525. NOTICE is further given to all parties in SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed Amy L. Grexon and Benjamin W. Grexon distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of under Judgment Number 2011-CV-11687. Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL and distributions will be made in accordance No. 46-020-045. with the said schedule unless exceptions are NOTICE is further given to all parties in filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance SALE No. 96 with the said schedule unless exceptions are HARRY B. REESE, Esq. filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Judgment Amount: $67,096.71 ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground situate on the east side of Church SALE No. 97 Street in the Borough of Millersburg, County WILLIAM E. MILLER, Esq. of Dauphin and Commonwealth of Judgment Amount: $74,378.78 Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol- lows, to wit: ALL THAT CERTAIN piece, parcel of BEGINNING at a point eighty-four (84) land situate in the Borough of Penbrook, feet (formerly 92’ 6”) North of the northeast Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, bounded and corner of Center and Church Streets, being described as follows, to wit: the center line of a double frame house; BEGINNING at a point 45 feet from the thence in and easterly direction one hundred southwestern corner of Twenty-Eighth and forty-five (145) feet to the western line of a Banks Streets; and thence running in a public alley, be the same more or less; thence southerly direction through the center of Lot in a northerly direction along the western No. 17, 150 feet to Union Alley, thence run- line of said public alley twenty-one (21) feet ning in a westerly direction along the north- six (6) inches to lot now or late of Frank ern side of the said Union Alley, 45 feet to Lawley; thence in a westerly direction along Lot No. 19, Block ‘I’, as shown in Plan of Advertisements appearing for First Time BEGINNING at an iron pipe in the north- ern line of George Street, said pipe being 240 Miscellaneous Notices feet eastwardly from he Northeast corner of Thirtieth Street and George Street, and being also in the eastern line of lot No. 83 on said Lots laid out by J. F. Rohrer and Son, known Plan; thence northwardly at right angles to as an addition to Penbrook Borough; thence George Street and also along the eastern line in an northerly direction along the line of Lot of Lot No. 83 125 feet to another iron pipe at No. 19, 150 feet to Banks Street; thence run- the southwest corner of Lot No. 92; thence ning in an eastern direction along the south- eastwardly parallel with George Street and ern side of Banks Street, 45 feet to the center along the southern line of Lot Nos. 92 and 93 of Lot No. 17, the place of BEGINNING. 50 feet to another iron pipe, being the north- BEING Lot No. 18 and the western one- west corner of Lot No. 86; thence southward- half of Lot No. 17 on the Plan of Lots afore- ly on a line at right angles to George Street said, recorded in Plan Book ‘B’, page 49. and along the western line of Lot No. 86, 125 HAVING THEREON ERECTED a two feet to another iron pipe at the northern line and one-half story frame dwelling house of George Street; thence westwardly along known as No. 2749 Banks Street, Penbrook, the northern line of George Street, 50 feet to Pennsylvania. the place of BEGINNING. UNDER AND SUBJECT to restrictions UNDER AND SUBJECT to all covenants, and conditions as now appear of record. restrictions, reservations, easement, condi- TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED tions and rights appearing of record; and IN Tiffany M. Wilhelm, a single woman, by SUBJECT to any state of facts an accurate Deed from Signature Trust Funding, LLC., a survey would show. Pennsylvania limited liability company, PREMISES BEING: 3040 George Street, dated 02/26/2010, recorded 03/04/2010 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17109. Instrument Number 20100006074. BEING the same premises which John E. PREMISES BEING: 2749 BANKS Boland, by Deed dated July 21, 2004 and STREET, HARRISBURG, PA 17103-2019. recorded July 28, 2004 in Deed Book 5609, SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of Page 199, in the Dauphin County Recorder’s Tiffany M. Wilhelm under Judgment Office, granted and conveyed unto Eric Number 2011-CV-8571. Green and Michelle Green. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL SEIZED, taken in execution and to be sold No. 51-006-014. as the property of which Eric Green and NOTICE is further given to all parties in Michelle Green, Mortgagor(s) herein, under interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed Judgment Number 2011-CV-11601. distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 No. 50-001-016. and distributions will be made in accordance NOTICE is further given to all parties in with the said schedule unless exceptions are interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance with the said schedule unless exceptions are SALE No. 98 filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. MARGARET GAIRO, Esq. Judgment Amount: $178,724.33 ALL THAT CERTAIN tract of land situate in the Borough of Penbrook, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania known as Lot Nos. 84 and 85 on a Plan of Raysor Place dated January 1, 1922 and having thereon erected a two story single stucco dwelling house num- ber 3040 George Street, more fully bounded and described as follows.

Advertisements appearing for First Time BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL No. 13-030-028. Miscellaneous Notices NOTICE is further given to all parties in interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of SALE No. 99 Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance HARRY B. REESE, Esq. with the said schedule unless exceptions are Judgment Amount: $90,596.21 filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of land, situate in the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, as shown on SALE No. 100 a Plan of Barkley Court, which Plan is MARISA COHEN, Esq. recorded in the office of the Recorder of Judgment Amount: $212,328.52 Deeds in Dauphin County, in Plan Book “U”, Volume 2, Page 85, and being particularly ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or pacel of bounded and described as follows: land, situate in Lower Paxton Township, BEGINNING at a point being North Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, more partic- eighty-seven (87) degrees thirty-one (31) ularly bounded and described as follows, to minutes fifty-nine (59) seconds East one wit: hundred ninety (190) feet from the intersec- BEGINNING at a point on the southern tion of the Easterly right-of-way line of 25th right-of-way line of Milton Drive, a 40 foot Street and the Southerly right-of-way line of right-of-way, said point being located two Barkley Lane; thence along said right-of- hundred (200) feet in an easterly direction way line for Barkley Lane, North eighty- from the southeast corner of Milton Drive seven (87) degrees thirty-one (31) minutes and Burgundy Road, a 40 foot right-of-way; fifty, nine (59) seconds East thirty (30) feet thence long the southern right-of-way line of to a point; thence Southtwo (2) degrees Milton Drive, North 77 degrees 21 minutes twenty-eight (28) minutes one (01) second East a distance of eighty (80) feet to a point; East ninety-five and eighteen one-hun- thence along Lot No. 3, South 12 degrees 39 dredths (95.18) feet to a point; thence South minutes East a distance of two hundred (200) eighty-seven (87) degrees eleven (11) min- feet to a point; thence along land now or late utes one (01) second West thirty (30) feel to of Joseph Gudalefsky, South 77 degrees 21 a point; thence North two (02) degrees twen- minutes West a distance of eighty (80) feet to ty-eight (28) minutes one (01) second West a monument; thence along existing Lots ninety-five and thirty-six hundredths (95.36) North 12 degrees 39 minutes West a distance feet to a. point, the place of BEGINNING. of two hundred (200) feet to a point, the HAVING THEREON ERECTED A place of BEGINNING. DWELLING HOUSE. BEING KNOWN AS 5809 Milton Drive, BEING KNOWN AS: 2517 BARKLEY Harrisburg, PA 17112. LANE, HARRISBURG, PA 17104. PREMISES BEING: 5809 Milton Drive, TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17112. IN LISANDRA GARCIA BY DEED FROM BEING the same premises which Andrey THU DAO HUYNH AND LINH HO, WIFE Kolesnichenko and Vita Kolesnichenko, AND HUSBAND DATED 09/29/2006 Husband and Wife, by Deed dated July 19, RECORDED 10/16/2009 IN DEED BOOK 2007 and recorded July 24, 2007 in Deed INSTRUMENT # 20060042588. Book Instrument No.: 20070029654, in the SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of Dauphin County Recorder’s Office, granted Lisandra Garcia under Judgment Number and conveyed unto Stacy A. Barner and 2011-CV-6819. David R. Barner. SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of Stacy A. Barner and David R. Barner, Mortgagor(s) herein, under Judgment Number 2011-CV-5595. Advertisements appearing for First Time in and for Dauphin County, Pennsylvania in Instrument No. 20080011973, granted and Miscellaneous Notices conveyed unto Stephen G. Geppert and Linda M. Geppert, husband and wife, their heirs and assigns, as tenants by the entireties. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL PROPERTY ADDRESS: 296 S. Geyers No. 35-046-109. Church Road, Middletown, PA 17057. NOTICE is further given to all parties in SEIZED IN EXECUTION as the property interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed of Linda M. Geppert and Stephen G. Geppert distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of on Judgment Number 2010-CV-16284. Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL and distributions will be made in accordance No. 34-011-090. with the said schedule unless exceptions are NOTICE is further given to all parties in filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance SALE No. 101 with the said schedule unless exceptions are SHAWN M. LONG, Esq. filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Judgment Amount: $158,024.30 ALL THOSE CERTAIN tract or parcel of land known as 296 Geyers Church Road, sit- SALE No. 102 uate in the Township of Londonderry, CHRISTOPHER A. DENARDO, Esq. County of Dauphin and Commonwealth of Judgment Amount: $24,342.67 Pennsylvania, more particularly bounded and described as follows, to wit: ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of land BEGINNING at a point, the northwest cor- situate in the 10th Ward of the City of ner, in the middle of Geyer’s Church Road; Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, thence by land formerly of George D. Naugle bounded and described In accordance with a and wife, South eighty (80) degrees and survey and plan thereof made by Gerrit J. fifty-five (55) minutes East, a distance of six Betz, Registered Surveyor, dated May 15, hundred and twenty-six (626) feet to a stake; 1974, as follows: thence by land now or formerly of Annie B. BEGINNING at a point on the West side Hershey, South thirty-one (31) degrees West, of North 7th Street, said point being 375.2 a distance of fifty-five and three-tenths feet South of the southwest corner of North (55.3) feet to a stake; thence by land now or 7th Street and Division Street; thence along formerly of Annie B. Hershey, North eighty- the West side of North 7th Street South 7 five (85) degrees and thirty-five (35) minutes degrees East 16 feet to a corner of premises West a distance of six hundred and twelve known as number 263B North 7th Street; (612) feet to a point in the middle of the thence along said premises and passing aforesaid Geyer’s Church Road; thence in through the center of a partition wall South said road, North fourteen (14) degrees and 83 degrees West 80 feet to a point on the East twenty-five (25) minutes East a distance of side of a 4 foot wide alley; thence along the one hundred two and three-tenths (102.3) same North 7 degrees West 16 feet to a cor- feet to a point, the PLACE OF BEGINNING. ner of premises known as number 2642 CONTAINING on acre and twelve and North 7th Street; thence along said premises twenty-three hundredths perches, neat meas- and passing through the center of a partition ure, more or less. wall North 83 degrees East 80 feet to the BEING THE SAME PREMISES which point and place of BEGINNING. Oakwood Homes, Inc., Equitable Owner and BEING Known as 2640 North Seventh Douglas L. Zook Record Owner by deed Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110. dated March 27, 2008 and recorded April 4, SEIZED AND SOLDas the property of 2008 in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds Steven E. Lynch under judgment number 2011-CV-11449. Advertisements appearing for First Time Dauphin County Record Book 3726 Page 229 granted and conveyed unto Reuben R. Miscellaneous Notices Barker, Sr. The said Reuben R. Barker, Sr. died 9/22/09. Letters Testamentary were granted to Elaine Barker on 3/9/10 to BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL Dauphin County File No. 2210-0234. The No. 10-007-003. heirs of Reuben R. Barker, Sr. are the real NOTICE is further given to all parties in owners of the property, whose interest is rep- interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed resented by the Executrix. distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of UNDER AND SUBJECT to and together Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 with prior grants and reservations of coal, and distributions will be made in accordance oil, gas, mining rights of way, exceptions, with the said schedule unless exceptions are conditions, restrictions and reservations of filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. record, as the same may appear in this or prior instruments of record. SEIZED AND SOLD AS THE PROPER- TY OF ELAINE BARKER, EXECUTRIX SALE No. 103 OF THE ESTATE OF REUBEN R. BARK- LEON P. HALLER, Esq. ER, SR. under Judgment Number 2011-CV- Judgment Amount: $34,130.09 12034. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of land, No. 09-007-012. known as 1186 Bailey Street, situate in the NOTICE is further given to all parties in Ninth Ward of the City of Harrisburg, interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, bounded and distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of described as follows, to wit: Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 BEGINNING at a point on the northern and distributions will be made in accordance side of Bailey Street, Ninety three and seven- with the said schedule unless exceptions are ty five hundredths (93.75) feet more or less, filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. westwardly from the northwest corner of Twelfth and Bailey Streets, at a point on the partition wall of the property herein con- veyed and the property No. 1188 Bailey SALE No. 106 Street; thence in a northwardly direction WILLIAM E. MILLER, Esq. along the said partition wall and beyond, Judgment Amount: $98,532.32 seventy two (72) feet, more or less, to the southern line of a three (3) feet wide private Tract No. 1 alley; thence, in a westwardly direction ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or parcel of along said alley, fourteen and twenty five land and premises, situate, lying and being in hundredths (14.25) feet, more or less, to the Township of Susquehanna in the County property now or formerly of Messiah Home; of Dauphin and Commonwealth of thence in a southwardly direction along the Pennsylvania, more particularly described as property now or formerly of Messiah Home; follows: thence in a southwardly direction along the BEGINNING at a point on the Easterly property now or formerly of Messiah Home, line of North 6th Street 80 feet North of the seventy two (72) feet, more or less, to Bailey Northeast corner of the intersection of North Street; thence eastwardly along the northern 6th Street and High Street, also being the line of Bailey Street, fourteen and twenty dividing line between Lot Nos. 54 and 55, five hundredths (14.25) feet, more or less, to Block C on hereinafter mentioned Plan of the place of BEGINNING. Lots; thence along the Eastern line of North HAVING THEREON ERECTED A 6th Street North 2 degrees 59 minutes East DWELLING KNOWN AS 1186 BAILEY 20 feet to a point at the dividing line between STREET HARRISBURG, PA 17103. Lot Nos. 55 and 56 Block C on said Plan; BEING THE SAME PREMISES WHICH thence South 87 degrees East through the Greater Harrisburg Area YWCA by deed center of a partition wall between premises dated 7/19/00 and recorded 7/21/00 in herein described and premises adjoining Advertisements appearing for First Time distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 Miscellaneous Notices and distributions will be made in accordance with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. immediately on the North thereof known as No. 3937 North 6th Street and beyond, 130 feet to a point on the Westerly line of Long SALE No. 107 Alley; thence South 2 degrees 59 minutes HARRY B. REESE, Esq. West along same 20 feet to a point at the Judgment Amount: $151,632.81 dividing line between Lot Nos. 54 and 55 Block C on said plan; thence North 87. ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or parcel of degrees West along said dividing line 130 land, situate in Swatara Township, Dauphin feet to a point, the place of BEGINNING. County, Pennsylvania, more particularly BEING Lot No. 55, Block C on Plan of bounded and described as follows, to wit: Green Hill, recorded in Plan Book C, Page BEGINNING at a point in the center line 52, Dauphin County records. of a public highway known as Chambers Hill HAVING thereon erected a three story Road at the Southwest corner of land now or frame dwelling known as No. 3935 North 6th late of Bernice Cassel Gingrich; THENCE in Street. said road North 87 degrees 28 minutes West, Tract No. 2 151 feet to a railroad spike in said road; ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of THENCE continuing in said road North 84 land situate in Susquehanna Township, Degrees 22 minutes 05 seconds West 20.03 Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, bounded and feet to lands now or late of Charles Micelli; described as follows, to wit: THENCE along the lands now or late of BEGINNING at a point on the east side of Charles Micelli North 0 degrees 47 minutes North Sixth Street, said point being 40 feet 20 seconds East a distance of 27.08 feet to an North of the Northeast corner of North Sixth iron pipe; THENCE along the same North 0 and High. Streets; thence North along North degrees 47 minutes 20 seconds 307.82 feet Sixth Street 40 feet to a point; thence East to, an iron pipe at land now or formerly of 130 feet to Long Alley; thence South along Jimmy Ralina; THENCE along said land the West side of Long Alley 40 feet to a South 87 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds East point; thence West 130 feet to North Sixth a distance of 136.33 feet to the northwest Street, the place of BEGINNING. corner of said land now or late of Bernice BEING Lots Nos. 53 and 54, Block C, Cassel Gingrich; and THENCE along the Green Hill. Said Plan being recorded in the western line of the same South 5 degrees 05 Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Dauphin minutes 10 seconds East a distance of 338.30 County, Pennsylvania in Plan Book C, Page feet to a point in the centerline of Chambers 52. Hill Road, to the place of BEGINNING. BEING a vacant lot known as 3931-3933 HAVING thereon erected a brick dwelling North Sixth Street, Harrisburg, Pa. 17110. house known and numbered as TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED 6070 Chambers Hill Road. IN James Scott Gardner, by Warranty Deed, BEING the same premises which Daniel dated 04/29/05, from Kelly J. Maldonado, E. Pugh and Cindy Lee Pugh, by deed dated recorded 05/05/05, in Book 5981, Page 238. February 17th, 2005 and which is intended to PREMISES BEING: 3933 AND 3935 be recorded herewith in the Dauphin County NORTH 6TH STREET, HARRISBURG, PA Office of the Recorder of Deeds, granted and 17110-1523. conveyed unto Cindy Lee Pugh, Mortgagor SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of herein. James Scott Gardner under Judgment BEING KNOWN AS: 6070 CHAMBERS Number 2010-CV-14925. HILL ROAD, SWATARA, PA 17111. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED Nos. 62-015-038 and 62-015-039. IN CINDY LEE PUGH BY DEED FROM NOTICE is further given to all parties in DANIEL E. PUGH AND CINDY LEE interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed PUGH DATED 02/17/2005 RECORDED 03/04/2005 IN DEED BOOK 5897 PAGE 329. Advertisements appearing for First Time BEING THE SAME PREMISES which Kenneth J. Miller and Carrie A. Miller, by Miscellaneous Notices Deed dated 4/27/2007 and recorded 5/2/2007 in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, at SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of Instrument Number 20070017500 granted Cindy Lee Pugh under Judgment Number and conveyed unto Cletus C. Kilker. 2011-CV-2533. SEIZED AND TAKEN in execution as the BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL property of Cletus C. Kilker Mortgagor here- No. 63-037-056. in, under NOTICE is further given to all parties in Judgment Number 2011-CV-11483 interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of No. 01-035-284. Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 NOTICE is further given to all parties in and distributions will be made in accordance interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed with the said schedule unless exceptions are distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. SALE No. 108 GREGORY JAVARDIAN, Esq. Judgment Amount: $66,000.81 SALE No. 109 ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of GREGORY JAVARDIAN, Esq. land, with buildings and improvements Judgment Amount: $221,071.61 thereon erected, situate in the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or lot of land more particularly bounded and described as situate in West Hanover Township, Dauphin follows: County, Pennsylvania, being more particu- BEGINNING at a stake on the southerly larly bounded and described as follows: side of South Twelfth Street, said stake being BEGINNING at a point on the southern on the dividing line between property No. right-of-way line of Althea Avenue, a forty- 1508 South Twelfth Street and property here- foot (40') right-of-way at the northwest cor- in conveyed; thence in a southwesterly direc- ner of Lot #497, said point being located and tion along said property line, a distance of referenced South eighty-eight degrees, eight eighty-nine and eighty hundredths (89.80) minutes, zero seconds West (S 88º 08’ 00” feet to a concrete monument at property line W) a distance of three hundred ninety-five now or formerly of Edward A. Schreffler and and ninety-five and ninety-five hundredths wife; thence along said Schreffler land in a feet (395.95') from the southwest right-of- northwesterly direction a distance of twenty- way intersection of Short Street a forty foot eight and ninety hundredths (28.90) feet to a (40') right-of-way and Althea Avenue afore- drill point at property line now or formerly of mentioned; thence along Lot #397 South one Charles A. Miller and wife; thence along said degree, fifty-two minutes, zero seconds East Miller property and through the center line of (S 01º 52’ 00” E), a distance of one hundred a partition wall and beyond in a northeaster- sixty-one and sixty-three hundredths feet ly direction, a distance of ninety and eighty (161.63) erroneously recorded (161.65') to a hundredths (90.80) feet to a stake on the point on line of Lot #473; thence along said southerly side of Twelfth Street; thence Lot and Lot #474 North eighty-nine degrees, along said Twelfth Street in a southeasterly fifty-six minutes, zero seconds West (N 89º direction, a distance of twenty-nine and eight 56’ 00” W), a distance of ninety-five and five hundredths (29.80) feet to the place of hundredths feet (95.05') to a point at the BEGINNING. southeast corner of Lot #495; thence along HAVING thereon erected the southern Lot #495 North one degree, fifty-two min- one-half of a three story brick dwelling utes, zero seconds West (N 01º 52’ 00” W) a known as 1506 S. 12th Street, Harrisburg, PA distance of one hundred fifty-eight and forty- 17104. three hundredths feet (158.43') erroneously

Advertisements appearing for First Time SALE No. 110 GREGORY JAVARDIAN, Esq. Miscellaneous Notices Judgment Amount: $121,682.51 ALL THAT CERTAIN lot with a large recorded (158.45') to a point on the southern dwelling house thereon erected, situate in the right-of-way line of Althea Avenue; thence City of Harrisburg, County of Dauphin, and along Althea Avenue North eighty-eight Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, bounded degrees, eight minutes, zero seconds East (N and described as follows, to wit: 88º 08’ 00” E), a distance of ninety-five feet BEGINNING at the northeast corner of (95.00') to a point, the place of BEGIN- Fifteenth Street and Market Street, thence NING. westwardly along Market Street forty (40) SAID Lot contains 15,203.00 square feet. feet to the line of Lot No. 11 on a Plan of Being all of Lot #496 as shown on a Plan of Lots laid out by W.H. Sheaffer; thence north- Lots of Skyline View Extension, recorded at wardly along the line of said lot fifty-four the Dauphin County Recorder of Deeds and eight-seven hundredths (54.87) feet to Office in Plan Book U, Pages 97 and 98. the center of a twenty-four (24) inch brick SUBJECT to a portion of a twenty foot partition wall dividing the premises herein (20') drainage easement centered over an conveyed and the storeroom known as No. 2 existing unnamed drainage swale running North Fifteenth Street; thence eastwardly along and through the rear portion of the Lot. through the center of said partition wall forty PREMISES BEING: 7723 ALTHEA (40) feet to the west side of Fifteenth Street; AVENUE, HARRISBURG, PA 17112. thence southwardly along the west side of BEING THE SAME PREMISES which Fifteenth Street fifty-four and eight-seven Rick A. Conrad and Sara J. Conrad, by Deed hundredths (54.87) feet to a point, the place dated 9/23/2003 and recorded 9/25/2003 in of BEGINNING. the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of HAVING thereon erected a three story Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, in Deed brick dwelling or apartment house known Book Volume 5167 Page 360 granted and and numbered as 1458 Market Street, conveyed unto Elizabeth A. Killinger. Harrisburg, PA 17103. UNDER AND SUBJECT, Nevertheless, to PREMISES BEING: 1458 Market Street, all easements, restrictions, encumbrances Harrisburg, PA 17103. and other matters of record or that which a BEING THE SAME PREMISES which physical inspection or survey of the premises Lucy W. Karanja, by Deed dated July 26, would reveal. 2007 and recorded July 27, 2007 in the SEIZED AND TAKEN in execution as the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Dauphin property of ELIZABETH A. KILLINGER, County, Pennsylvania, at Instrument Number A/K/A ELIZABETH A. DENTLER 20070030121 granted and conveyed unto Mortgagors herein, under Judgment Number Milford Stevenson and Kamel Dawuni. 2010-CV-10100. UNDER AND SUBJECT to all conditions, BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL easements, reservations, restrictions and No. 68-040-075. rights of way of record. NOTICE is further given to all parties in SEIZED AND TAKEN in execution as the interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed property of Milford K. Stevenson and Kamel distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Dawuni Mortgagors herein, under Judgment Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 Number 2011-CV-4631. and distributions will be made in accordance BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL with the said schedule unless exceptions are No. 09-022-023. filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. NOTICE is further given to all parties in interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Advertisements appearing for First Time CONTAINING 16,197 square feet of land and being known as Lot No. 230 on Final Miscellaneous Notices Subdivision Plan of Chatham Glenn - Phases XIV and XV, recorded in Dauphin County Plan Book B, Volume 9, Pages 57-59. SALE No. 111 UNDER AND SUBJECT TO: (a) ANY AND ALL EASEMENTS, JOHN MICHAEL KOLESNIK, Esq. licenses, exceptions, reserva- Judgment Amount: $280,007.22 tions, covenants, agreements, conveyances and restrictions ALL THAT PARCEL of land in township which affect the premises and of Swatara, Dauphin county, commonwealth are visible by inspection of the of Pennsylvania, being known and designat- premises. ed as lot 230, Chatham Glenn phases XIV (b) ANY AND ALL EASEMENTS, and XV, filed in plat book B9, page 57-59, licenses, exceptions, reserva- metes and bounds property, as follows: tions, covenants, agreements, BEGINNING at a point along the northern conveyances and restrictions right-of-way line of Chatham Glenn way contained in any and all prior (60.00 feet wide), said point being located at agreements, leases, deeds, the southeastern corner of lot no. 231; thence grants and conveyances affect- along the eastern boundary line of lot 231 ing the premises. north 27 degrees 28 minutes 33 seconds east, (c) THE DECLARATION OF for a distance of 121.34 feet, to a point of COVENANTS AND lands now or formerly of the McNaughton RESTRICTIONs which is company and being the northeast corner of recorded in the office of The lot 231; then along lands now or formerly of Recorder of Deeds for Dauphin Leonard Leo north 88 degrees 44 minutes 38 County in Record Book 6134, seconds east, for a distance of 100.17 feet, to Page 616, as may be applicable. a point being the northwest corner of lot 228, TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED then along the western boundary line of lot IN Kojo Kodua and Emelia Yeboah, h/w, by 228 south 01 degrees 15 minutes 22 seconds Deed from Francis C. McNaughton and east for a distance of 76.60 feet to a point, Francis J. McNaughton and Vicki Shannon, then along the northwest boundary of lot Executors of the Estate of Margaret M. 229, south 49 degrees 04 minutes 46 seconds McNaughton, deceased and The west a distance of 127.32 feet to a point McNaughton Company, a Pennsylvania being the northern right of way line of Corporation, dated 03/25/2008, recorded Chatham Glenn way (60 feet wide) then 03/28/2008 in Instrument Number along said right of way line on the arc of a 20080010928. circle curving to the left having a radius of PREMISES BEING: 6346 CHATHAM 230.00 feet an arc length of 79.82 north 50 GLENN WAY, HARRISBURG, PA 17111- degrees 51 minutes 46 seconds west a dis- 4292. tance of 79.42 feet to a point at the southeast- SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of ern corner of lot 231, to a point and place of Kojo Kodua and Emelia Yeboah under BEGINNING. Judgment Number 2011-CV-9895. DEED from the McNaughton company, a BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL Pennsylvania corporation and Francis C. No. 63-081-219. McNaughton, executors of the estate of NOTICE is further given to all parties in Margaret M. McNaughton, deceased and interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed Francis J. McNaughton, executors of the distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of estate of Margaret M. McNaughton, Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 deceased and Vicki Shannon, executors of and distributions will be made in accordance the estate of Margaret M. McNaughton, with the said schedule unless exceptions are deceased as set forth in deed inst# filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. 20080010928, dated 03/25/2008 and record- ed 03/28/2008, dauphin county records, commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Advertisements appearing for First Time and distributions will be made in accordance with the said schedule unless exceptions are Miscellaneous Notices filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter.

SALE No. 112 SALE No. 113 GREGORY JAVARDIAN, Esq. JOHN MICHAEL KOLESNIK, Esq. Judgment Amount: $93,413.49 Judgment Amount: $79,915.88 ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of land situate in the Borough of Steelton, land, together with the two story brick Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, bounded and dwelling house and other improvements described as follows: erected thereon, situate in the Thirteenth BEGINNING at a point at northeast corner Ward of the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin of Harrisburg and Lincoln Streets; thence County, Pennsylvania, more particularly eastwardly along Lincoln Street 25 feet more bounded and described as follows: or less to a point at the center of a partition BEGINNING at a point on the Northern wall between 303 Harrisburg Street and 303 side of Kensington Street, two hundred Lincoln Street; thence in a northerly direc- sixty-two and eight one hundredths (262.08) tion through the partition wall 82-1/2 feet to feet East of the Northeast corner of a point; thence in a westerly direction along Kensington and 24th Streets; thence a line parallel to Lincoln Street 25 feet to a Northwardly in a line at right angles to point on Harrisburg Street; thence in a Kensington Street and through the middle of southerly direction along Harrisburg Street a partition wall between the premises herein 82-1/2 feet to a point the place of BEGIN- described and premises 2426 Kensington NING. Street, one hundred and seventy-five one- HAVING thereon erected a building hundredths (100.75) feet to a point on the known and numbered as 303 Harrisburg Southern side of McCleaster Street; thence Street a/k/a 303 North Harrisburg Street, Eastwardly along the same, sixteen and Steelton, PA 17113. twenty-five one-hundredths (16.25) feet to a BEING THE SAME PREMISES which point; thence Southwardly through the mid- Barbara Latham Washington, Executrix of dle of a partition wall between 2430 the Estate of Helen Latham Washington, by Kensington Street and the premises herein Deed dated and recorded March 27, 1984 in described, one hundred and seventy-five one the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of hundredths (100.75) feet to a point on the Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, in Deed Northern side of Kensington Street, thence Book Volume 474 Page 142 granted and con- Westwardly along the same, sixteen and veyed unto Barbara Latham Washington. On twenty-five one-hundredths (16.25) to a November 30, 2008, Barbara Latham point, the place of BEGINNING. Washington, departed this life. On December UNDER AND SUBJECT, nevertheless, to 16, 2008 Letters of Administration were restrictions and conditions of record. issued to Stanley R. Washington. TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED SEIZED AND TAKEN in execution as the IN Raymond O. McAlpine, Jr., and Carla property of STANLEY R. WASHINGTON McAlpine, husband and wife, by deed from AS ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ESTATE Access Home, LLC, a Pennsylvania Limited OF BARBARA LATHAM WASHINGTON, Liability Corporation, dated 5/15/2008 and DECEASED and THE UNITED STATES recorded 6/5/2008, in Instrument OF AMERICA Mortgagors herein, under 20080021093. Judgment Number 2010-CV-7762. PREMISES BEING: 2428 KENSING- BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL TON STREET, HARRISBURG, PA 17104- No. 60-003-028. 2017. NOTICE is further given to all parties in SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed Raymond 0. McAlpine, Jr. and Carla distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of McApline under Judgment Number 2009- Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 CV-12770. Advertisements appearing for First Time SEIZED AND TAKEN in execution as the property of RONALD L. BROWN Miscellaneous Notices Mortgagor herein, under Judgment Number 2010-CV-7957. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL No. 01-007-077. No. 13-027-017. NOTICE is further given to all parties in NOTICE is further given to all parties in interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance and distributions will be made in accordance with the said schedule unless exceptions are with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter.

SALE No. 115 SALE No. 114 KASSIA FIALKOFF, Esq. GREGORY JAVARDIAN, Esq. Judgment Amount: $191,413.60 Judgment Amount: $93,200.70 ALL THAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of LAND IN TOWNSHIP OF SWATARA, land, situate in the City of Harrisburg, DAUPHIN COUNTY, COMMONWEALTH Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, more partic- OF PENNSYLVANIA, AS MORE FULLY ularly bounded and described as follows to DESCRIBED IN DEED BOOK 4735, PAGE wit: 559, ID# 63-017-041. BEING KNOWN BEGINNING at a point on the western AND DESIGNATED AS FOLLOWS: line of 19th Street, 425 feet southwardly BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE from the southwest corner of Hanover and SOUTHERN SIDE OF SOMERSET 19th Streets, at the southern line of Lot No. STREET, 265.08 FEET WEST FROM THE 227, Plan of Lafayette; thence westwardly SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SOMERSET along said line 120 feet to a 20 feet wide AND 63RD STREET, AT LINE OF LOT 23; alley; thence southwardly along said alley 40 THENCE NORTH 86 DEGREES 30 MIN- feet to line of Lot No. 230; thence eastward- UTES EAST ALONG SOMERSET ly along said line 120 feet to 19th Street; STREET, 90 FEET TO A POINT IN THE thence northwardly along the western line of MEDIAL LINE OF LOT 25; THENCE 19th Street 40 feet to the place of BEGIN- SOUTH 01 DEGREE 30 MINUTES EAST NING. THROUGH SAID MEDIAL LINE, 135 BEING Lots Nos. 228 and 229, Plan of FEET TO LINE OF LOT 39 ON THE Lafayette. HERE-IN-AFTER-MENTIONED PLAN; BEING THE SAME PREMISES which THENCE SOUTH 68 DEGREES 30 MIN- Donald R. Donley, Sr. d/b/a Donley’s HVAC, UTES WEST ALONG LINE OF LOT 39 by Deed dated September 15, 2003 and AND 38, 90 FEET TO LINE OF SAID LOT recorded September 17, 2003 in the Office of 23; AND THENCE NORTH 01 DEGREE 30 the Recorder of Deeds of Dauphin County, MINUTES WEST, ALONG LINE OF LOT Pennsylvania, in Deed Book Volume 5150 23, 136 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGIN- Page 456 granted and conveyed unto NING. RONALD L. BROWN. BEING LOT 24, AND THE WESTERN PREMISES BEING: 1340 S. 19TH ONE-HALF OF LOT 25, AS SHOWN ON A STREET, HARRISBURG, PA 17104. PLAN OF LOTS KNOWN AS RUTHER- UNDER AND SUBJECT to all easements, FORD GARDENS, WHICH PLAN IS restrictions, rights-of-way and reservations RECORDED IN THE DAUPHIN COUNTY that appear on plans and documents of RECORDERS OFFICE IN PLAN BOOK N, record. PAGE 9, BEING THE SAME AS SUR- VEYED BY D.P. RAFFENSBERGER, REGISTERED SURVEYOR, DATED JUNE 10, 1953. Advertisements appearing for First Time and northwardly, 48.7 feet to a point in line of Lot No. 6 on said plan; thence northwest- Miscellaneous Notices wardly along said line, 130.08 feet to the place of BEGINNING. BEING Lot No 5, Block P shown on plan DEED FROM STEPHEN K. HUGHS of Penn-Wood, Addition No. 5 recorded in AND JOANNE M. HUGHES F/K/A Plan Book S, Page 45. JOANNE M. LATZE, HUSBAND AND ERRONEOUSLY set forth as 6 in previous WIFE, AS SET FORT IN DEED BOOK deed. 4739, PAGE 569, DATED 01/27/2003 AND TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED RECORDED 02/05/2003, DAUPHIN IN Nathan C. Niman, single man and Tara A. COUNTY RECORDS, COMMON- Bubb, single woman, as joint tenants with WEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA. the right of survivorship, by Deed from Seth BEING KNOWN AS: 6261 SOMERSET L. Lengel and Justine Lengel, h/w, dated STREET, HARRISBURG, PA 17111. 05/27/2005, recorded 05/31/2005 in Book TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED 6017, Page 543. IN DAVID M. PENDER AND MELISSA PREMISES BEING: 203 ASHWOOD PENDER, HUSBAND AND WIFE BY WAY, HARRISBURG, PA 17109-5503. DEED FROM STEPHEN K. HUGHES AND SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of JOANNE M. HUGHES, HUSBAND AND Tara A. Bubb and Nathan C. Niman under WIFE DATED 04/30/2007 RECORDED Judgment Number 2009-CV-05256. 05/08/2007 INSTRUMENT #20070018391. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of No. 35-063-020. David M. Pender and Melissa Pender under NOTICE is further given to all parties in Judgment Number 2011-CV-08777. interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of No. 63-017-041. Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 NOTICE is further given to all parties in and distributions will be made in accordance interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed with the said schedule unless exceptions are distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance with the said schedule unless exceptions are SALE No. 117 filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. MARISA COHEN, Esq. Judgment Amount: $955,921.30

SALE No. 116 ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of land JOHN MICHAEL KOLESNIK, Esq. situate In the Township of Derry, Dauphin County, State of Pennsylvania, bounded and Judgment Amount: $157,827.75 described as follows: ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or parcel of BEGINNING at the northwest corner of land and premises, situate, lying and being in Linden Road and Elm Avenue thence extend- the Township of Lower Paxton in the County ing along the north side of Elm Avenue sev- of Dauphin and Commonwealth of enty (70) feet in a westerly direction to a Pennsylvania, more particularly described as point at the land of Mildred Seibert; thence follows: extending at a right angle to Elm Avenue one BEGINNING at a point on the eastwardly hundred sixty-five (165) feet In a northerly side of Ashwood Way, 105.25 feet south- direction along the land of said Mildred wardly from the southwest corner of Seibert to a point on the south side of a fif- Ashwood Way and Knollwood Drive, and at teen (15) feet alley; thence extending along line of Lot No. 6 on said plan; thence south- the south side of said alley in an easterly wardly along Ashwood Way, 107.13 feet to a direction parallel to Elm Avenue seventy point in line of Lot No. 4 on said plan; thence (70) feet to a point on the west side of Linden eastwardly at right angles with Ashwood Road; thence along the west side of Linden Way and along line of said Lot, 120.06 feet Road in a southerly direction one hundred to a point thence at right angles with said line sixty-five (165) feet to a point, the place of BEGINNING. Advertisements appearing for First Time Derry Street; thence in a westerly direction along the southern side of Derry Street, 20 Miscellaneous Notices feet to a point, the place of BEGINNING. HAVING thereon erected the one-half part of a two story brick and stucco dwelling COMPRISING all of Lot No. 1 and the house known and numbered as 2811 Derry eastern ten (10) feet of Lot No. 2 on a plan of Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. lots of Hershey known as Sub-Division D. THE tract herein described being Lot No. HAVING thereon erected a 2-1/2 story 6 on the Plan of Lots known as Melrose, laid brick dwelling house known and numbered out by Abram L. Groff, said Plan being as 103 Elm Avenue, Hershey, Pennsylvania, recorded Match 11, 1905, in the Office of the with double brick garage in the rear. Recorder of Deeds in and for Dauphin PREMISES BEING: 103 Elm Avenue, County, Pennsylvania, in Plan Book D, Page Hershey, Pennsylvania 17033. 2. BEING the same premises which by Deed PREMISES BEING: 2811 Derry Street, dated and recorded November 30, 2005 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17111. Deed Book 6301, Page 390, in the Dauphin BEING the same premises which Daniel County Recorder’s Office, granted and con- L. Galbraith and Beverly L. Galbraith by veyed unto Michael J. Jackson and Janet L. Deed dated September 12, 2006 and record- Jackson. ed September 15, 2006 in Deed Book SEIZED, taken in execution and to be sold Instrument #20060038172, in the Dauphin as the property of which Michael J. Jackson County Recorder’s Office, granted and con- and Janet L. Jackson, Mortgagor(s) herein, veyed unto Patricia A. Eckert. under Judgment Number 2011-CV-1490. SEIZED, taken in execution and to be sold BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL as the property of which Patricia A. Eckert, No. 24-019-050. Mortgagor(s) herein, under Judgment NOTICE is further given to all parties in Number 2008-CV-6334 interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of No. 13-095-013. Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 NOTICE is further given to all parties in and distributions will be made in accordance interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed with the said schedule unless exceptions are distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. SALE No. 118 MARGARET GAIRO, Esq. Judgment Amount: $75,275.56 SALE No. 119 ALL THAT CERTAIN tract of land situate AMY GLASS, Esq. in the 13th Ward of the City of Harrisburg, Judgment Amount: $132,286.72 Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, more partic- ularly bounded and described as follows: ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or parcel of BEGINNING at a point on the south side land and premises, situate, lying and being in of Derry Street, which point is 100 feet East the City of Harrisburg in the County of from the southeast corner of Derry Street and Dauphin and Commonwealth of Twenty-Eight Street at a point on the divid- Pennsylvania, more particularly described as ing line between Lots Nos. 5 and 6 on the follows: Plan of Lots herein after referred to; thence BEGINNING at a point on Green Street, in a southerly direction along Lot No. 5 100 which point is 45.00 feet south of the south- feet to Watson Avenue; thence in an easterly east corner of Harris and Green Streets, direction along Watson Avenue, 20 feet to a being the southern side of property now or point and Lot No. 7; thence in a northerly formerly of James B. Snyder; thence east- direction along Lot No. 7 at right angles to wardly along the side of last mentioned prop- Derry Street, 100 feet to the southern side of erty 85 feet 6 inches, more or less, to proper- ty now or formerly of Thomas White; thence Advertisements appearing for First Time SALE No. 120 KASSIA FIALKOFF, Esq. Miscellaneous Notices Judgment Amount: $53,581.52 ALL THAT CERTAIN parcel of land situ- southwardly along the side of last mentioned ate in the Tenth Ward of the City of property 25.00 feet, more or less, to property Harrisburg, County of Dauphin, State of now or formerly of Samuel Firestein; thence Pennsylvania, more particularly bounded westwardly along the side of last mentioned and described as follows, to wit: property and through the center of a brick BEGINNING on the North side of partition wall between this and adjoining Schuylkill Street 62.46’ East of the Northeast house, 85 feet 6 inches, more or less, to corner of Jefferson and Schuylkill Streets at Green Street; thence northwardly along the line of land formerly of Howard C. and eastern side of Green Street 25.00 feet, more Lizzie A. Hoover; thence North along said or less, to the place of BEGINNING. land at right angle with Schuylkill Street and HAVING thereon erected a three story through the center of a frame partition and brick cottage roof dwelling house known and beyond 90'; thence Eastwardly 19'; thence numbered as 1527 Green Street, Harrisburg, South 90’ to Schuylkill Street; and thence Pennsylvania. West along Schuylkill Street 19’ to the place BEING THE SAME PREMISES which of BEGINNING. Jon H. Horton, by deed dated April 7, 2006 HAVING THEREON ERECTED a and recorded April 10, 2006 in the Office of dwelling house known and numbered as the Recorder of Deeds in and for Dauphin 656 Schuylkill Street. County in Instrument Number 20060013420, BEING KNOWN AS: 656 Schulkill granted and conveyed unto Steven L. Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110. Korzekwa and Elaine J. Korzekwa. TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED BEING KNOWN AS: 1527 GREEN IN JAMES M. MORRIS, SINGLE MAN BY STREET, HARRISBURG, PA 17102. DEED FROM JAMES MORRIS DATED TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED 10/03/2006 RECORDED 10/05/2006 IN STEVEN L. KORZEKWAAND ELAINE INSTRUMENT NO: 20060041361. J. KORZEKWA, HUSBAND AND WIFE SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of BY DEED FROM JON H. HORTON, SIN- James M. Morris under Judgment Number GLE MAN DATED 04/07/2006 RECORD- 2011-CV-6269. ED 04/10/2006 INSTRUMENT NO. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL 20060013420 No. 10-008-023. SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of NOTICE is further given to all parties in Elaine J. Korzekwa and Steven L. Korzekwa interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed under Judgment Number 2011-CV-7146. distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 No. 12-014-024. and distributions will be made in accordance NOTICE is further given to all parties in with the said schedule unless exceptions are interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance SALE No. 121 with the said schedule unless exceptions are PAIGE M. BELLINO, Esq. filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Judgment Amount: $195,582.30 ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of land situate in the Township of Susquehanna, County of Dauphin, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Advertisements appearing for First Time SALE No. 122 ALLISON F. WELLS, Esq. Miscellaneous Notices Judgment Amount: $95,391.01 ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of BEGINNING at a stake on the south side land situate in the Ninth Ward of the City of of Brookfield Road, said stake being seven- Harrisburg, County of Dauphin and State of teen (17) feet west of an iron pipe at the Pennsylvania, more particularly bounded southwest corner of Brookfield and 38th and described as follows, to wit: Streets (formerly Knupp Road); thence along BEGINNING at the Northeast corner of other land now or formerly of Brawley, Market and Twentieth (formerly Prospect) South eight (8º) degrees thirty (30') minutes Streets; thence Eastwardly along the North West, one hundred ten and ninety-two hun- side of Market Street fifty (50) feet to line of dredths (110.92) feet to an iron pipe; thence property now or late of Phillip Menaker and along the line of an ancient fence and the Rebecca Menaker, his wife; thence lands now or formerly of Lizzie Nye Estate Northwardly parallel with Twentieth Street and others, North eighty-five (85º) degrees and along the line of property last mentioned forty-six (46) minutes West, one hundred one hundred ten (110) feet to the South side fifty (150) feet to an iron pipe: thence along of Ethel Street; thence Westwardly along the lands now or formerly of George C. Garber, South side of Ethel Street fifty (50) feet to North nine (9º) degrees East, one hundred the East side of Twentieth Street; and thence twenty and eighty-six hundredths (120.86) Southwardly along the East side of Twentieth feet to a pipe on the south side of Brookfield Street one hundred ten (110) feet to the Road; and thence by same, South eighty-one Northeast corner of Market and Twentieth (81º) degrees thirty (30’) minutes East, one Streets, the place of BEGINNING. hundred fifty (150) feet to an iron pipe, the BEING Lot No. 62 on the Plan of Section place of BEGINNING. 1 of Lathsmere Manor recorded in the office BEING the same premises which Brawley of the Recorder of Deeds for Dauphin Distributing Company, Inc., Mortgagee here- County on March 13, 1956 in Plan Book T, in, by its deed of even date herewith, and Page 45. intended to be recorded simultaneously here- TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED with in the Recorder of Deeds Office of BY Lauren A. Haines, Deed by Alaska Dauphin County, granted and conveyed unto Seaboard Partners Limited Partnership, David R. Potteiger, Mortgagor herein. dated 05/31/05 recorded 06/07/05, in Book BEING KNOWN AS: 3633 BrookField 6030, Page 001. Road, Harrisburg, PA 17109. PREMISES BEING: 2000 MARKET TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED STREET, HARRISBURG, PA 17103-2530. IN David R. Potteiger BY DEED FROM SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of Brawley Distributing Company, Inc. DATED Lauren A. Haines under Judgment Number 09/20/2000 RECORDED 09/29/2000 IN 2010-CV-14771. DEED BOOK 3778 PAGE 403. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of No. 09-076-044. David R. Potteiger under Judgment Number NOTICE is further given to all parties in 2011-CV-11669. interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of No. 62-034-211. Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 NOTICE is further given to all parties in and distributions will be made in accordance interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed with the said schedule unless exceptions are distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Advertisements appearing for First Time Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance Miscellaneous Notices with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter.

SALE No. 123 HARRY B. REESE, Esq. SALE No. 124 Judgment Amount: $107,395.84 JOHN MICHAEL KOLESNIK, Esq. Judgment Amount: $143,705.79 ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PAR- CEL OF LAND AND PREMISES, SITU- ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or parcel of ATE, LYING, AND BEING ION THE BOR- land situate in the Township of Londonderry, OUGH OF MIDDLETOWN, IN THE County of Dauphin, Commonwealth of COUNTY OF DAUPHIN AND COMMON- Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol- WEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, MORE lows: PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOL- BEGINNING at a point in the southern LOWS, TO-WIT: line of Meadow Lane, said point being two BEGINNING AT A POINT OF THE hundred (200) feet east from the southeastern EASTERN LINE OF RACE STREET, 55.03 corner of said Meadow Lane and State FEET SOUTH OF THE SOUTHEAST Highway Route No. 441; thence along the CORNER OF RACE AND LINDEN southern side of said Meadow Lane, north STREETS; THENCE EASTWARDLY eighty-one (81) degrees, thirty-two (32) min- THROUGH LOT NO. 43 ON THE PLAN utes east a distance one hundred (100) feet to OF LOTS HEREINAFTER MENTIONED a point in the western line of Lot No. 30 on 132.08 FEET TO A POINT ON LINE OF the plan of lots hereinafter mentioned; thence LOT NO. 39 ON SAID PLAN; THENCE along the western line of said lot, south eight SOUTHWARDLY ALONG SAID LOT NO. (8) degrees, thirty-five (35) minutes east a 39 AND LOT NO. 38, 70.00 FEET TO A distance of two hundred (200) feet to a point POINT ON LOT NO. 45 ON SAID PLAN; in the line of land now or formerly of Everett THENCE WESTWARDLY ALONG THE F. Quackenbush, thence along said last men- SAME 131.49 FEET TO A POINT ON THE tioned land, south eighty-one (81) degrees, EASTERN SIDE OF RACE STREET; thirty-two (32) minutes west, one hundred THENCE NORTHWARDLY ALONG THE (100) feet to a point; thence north eight (8) SAME 70.02 FEET TO A POINT, THE degrees, thirty-five (35) minutes west a dis- PLACE OF BEGINNING. tance of two hundred (200) feet to a point in HAVING THEREON ERECTED A ONE the southern side of Meadow Lane, the place AND ONE-HALF STORY BRICK of BEGINNING . DWELLING AND GARAGE. BEING Lot No. 31 as shown on plan of BEING KNOWN AS: 44 NORTH RACE lots known as Plan No. 2 Londonderry STREET, MIDDLETOWN, PA 17057-2238. Manor Plan, said plan was approved by the TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED Township supervisors of Londonderry IN ADRIAN WOODMAN AND TARA N. Township on April 14, 1961, and was record- WOODMAN, HUSBAND AND WIFE BY ed in the office for the recording of deeds, in DEED FROM JACK W. SIPE, JR. AND and for Dauphin County in Plan Book Y, DIANE A. SIPE, HIS WIFE DATED page 77. 03/08/2007 RECORDED 03/12/2007 DOC- TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED UMENT NUMBER: 20070009876 IN Robert G. Spencer, single person, and SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of Terri L. Nester, single person, by Deed from Adrian Woodman and Tara N. Woodman John S. Davidson, Executor of the Estate of under Judgment Number 2011-CV-6139. Frances G. Cain, deceased, dated BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL 01/30/2002, recorded 02/04/2002 in Book No. 41-014-011. 4266, Page 267. The said Frances G. Cain NOTICE is further given to all parties in died testate on 08/17/2001, and on interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed 08/24/2001 Letters Testamentary were issued distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of by the Register of Wills of Dauphin to No. 0655-2001. Advertisements appearing for First Time BEING the same premises which Lindy L. Music Lewis by Deed dated August 28, 2002 Miscellaneous Notices and recorded September 3, 2002 in Deed Book 4513, Page 377, in the Dauphin County Recorder’s Office, granted and conveyed PREMISES BEING: 1011 MEADOW unto Lisa M. Kurcina. LANE, MIDDLETOWN, PA 17057 SEIZED, taken in execution and to be sold SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of as the property of which Lisa M. Kurcina Robert C. Spencer and Terri L. Nester under a/k/a Lisa Kurcina, Mortgagor(s) herein, Judgment Number 2005-CV-3420. under Judgment Number 2008-CV-01738. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL No. 34-032-067. No. 36-033-001. NOTICE is further given to all parties in NOTICE is further given to all parties in interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance and distributions will be made in accordance with the said schedule unless exceptions are with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter.

SALE No. 125 SALE No. 126 MARISA J. COHEN, Esq. SHERRY J. BRAUNSTEIN, Esq. Judgment Amount: $168,582.06 Judgment Amount: $80,638.94 ALL THAT CERTAIN lot situate in the ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or parcel of Lower Swatara Township, Dauphin County, land and premises, situate, lying and being in Pennsylvania, bounded and described the Borough of Penbrook, in the County of according to Plan of Woodridge, Phase I, Dauphin and Commonwealth of Section I, by Robert G. Hartman, Registered Pennsylvania, more particularly described as Surveyor, dated April 9, 1987 recorded in follows: Plan Book X, Volume 4, Page 84, being des- BEING known as Lot No. 30 on Plan of ignated as Lot No. 1, as follows: Lots No. One, in Block J, of J. F. Rohrer and BEGINNING at a point on the northern Son for Henry J. Forney, as recorded in Plan right of way line of Woodridge Drive, said Book B, Page 49, in the Office of the point being located and referenced at the ter- Recorder of Deeds, etc., of the said Dauphin minus of a curve having a radius of 38.00 County, Pennsylvania, bounded and feet, an arc distance of 67.498 feet; thence described as follows, to wit: along the northern right of way line of BEGINNING at a point on the southeast Woodridge Drive, North 81 degrees 23 min- corner of Butler and Twenty-Seventh Street; utes 20 seconds East, a distance of 67.947 thence in an easterly direction along the feet to a point; thence along Lot No. 2, North southern side of Butler Street 28.7 feet to the 08 degrees 36 minutes 40 seconds West, a western line of Lot No. 29; thence south- distance of 145 feet to a point; thence along wardly along the western line of Lot No. 9 lands now or late of Lewis, South 81 degrees and through the center of a partition wall of 23 minutes 20 seconds West, a distance of a pair of frame dwellings 150 feet to Clayton 84.463 feet to a point on the eastern right of Alley; thence westwardly along northern line way line of Nissley Drive; thence along the of Clayton Alley, 28.7 feet to Twenty- West, a distance of 101.378 feet; to a point; Seventh Street; thence in a northwardly thence along the arc of a curve curving to the direction along the East side Twenty-Seventh left having a radius of 38.00 feet, an arc dis- Street, 150 feet to Bulter Street, the place of tance of 67.498 feet to a point, the place of BEGINNING. BEGINNING. HAVING thereon erected a two and one- SAID lot contains 13,944 square feet. half frame semi-detached frame dwelling PREMISES BEING: 1580 Woodridge house known and numbered as 2701 Butler Drive, Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057. Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and other outbuildings. Advertisements appearing for First Time plan thereof made by Ernest J. Walker, Professional Engineer, dated June 23, 1966, Miscellaneous Notices as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at the southeastern corner of Emerald Street and a 15 feet wide alley of BEING the same premises which Lee W. avenue known as Wallace Street, thence Hershey, by his Deed dated May 14, 1999 along the southern line of Emerald Street and recorded May 18, 1999, in the Office of North 70 degrees East 19.5 feet to a point; he Recorder of Deeds in and for Dauphin thence along premises known and numbered County, Pennsylvania, in Record Book 3410, as 615 Emerald Street and passing through Page 596, granted and conveyed unto the center of a partition wall South 20 Danielle M. Johnon, the Grantor herein. degrees East 96 feet to the Northern of a 4 UNDER AND SUBJECT, nevertheless, feet wide alley; thence along the same South to easements, restrictions, reservations, 70 degrees West 16.3 feet to a point on he conditions and rights of way of restriction, eastern side of Wallace Street aforesaid; reservation, conditions and rights of way thence along the same North 21 degrees 58 of record or visible upon inspection of minutes West 96.03 feet to the point and premises. place of BEGINNING. BEING KNOWN AS: 2701 Butler Street, BEING KNOWN AS: 613 EMERALD Harrisburg, PA 17103. STREET, HARRISBURG, PA 17110. TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED IN YOLANDA CORCINO, SINGLE IN MARTA JANOWSKI BY DEED FROM WOMAN BY DEED FROM DANIELLE M. YORK HOME SOLUTIONS, INC., A JOHNSON, SINGLE WOMAN DATED PENNSYLVANIA CORPORATION 10/20/2003 RECORDED 10/23/2006 DATED 12/17/2002 RECORDED INSTRUMENT NO.: 20060043477. 12/20/2002 IN DEED BOOK 4678 PAGE SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of 367. Yolanda Corcino under Judgment Number SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of 2011-CV-922. Marta Janowski under Judgment Number BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL 2011-CV-8208. No. 51-010-001. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL NOTICE is further given to all parties in No. 10-018-013. interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed NOTICE is further given to all parties in distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of and distributions will be made in accordance Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 with the said schedule unless exceptions are and distributions will be made in accordance filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter.

SALE No. 128 SALE No. 129 HARRY B. REESE, Esq. SHERRI J. BRAUNSTEIN, Esq. Judgment Amount: $50,938.88 Judgment Amount: 49,749.84 ALL THAT CERTAIN lot, tract of land, parcel of ground with the buildings and ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of land, improvements thereon erected, situate in the situate on the south side of Derry Street, in City of Harrisburg, 10th Ward, Dauphin the 9th Ward of the City of Harrisburg, County, Pennsylvania, bounded and County of Dauphin and Commonwealth of described in accordance with a survey and Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol- lows, to wit: Advertisements appearing for First Time Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance Miscellaneous Notices with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter.

BEGINNING at point on the southern line of Derry Street, which point is distant 78.55 SALE No. 130 feet more or less from the southwestern cor- AMY GLASS, Esq. ner of Derry and and Summit Streets, and the Judgment Amount: $98,820.22 corner of lot herein-conveyed and lot of #1157 Derry Street; thence southwardly ALL THAT CERTAIN LOT OR PIECE through the center of the partition wall OF GROUND SITUATE IN THE BOR- between the lot herein conveyed and the last OUGH OF LYKENS, DAUPHIN COUNTY, mentioned property, and beyond, 75.2 feet to PENNSYLVANIA, MORE PARTICULAR- a retaining wall; thence along retaining wall, LY BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS parallel with Derry Street, westwardly, 14.33 FOLLOWS, TO WIT: feet to a point at line of property #1153 Derry BEGINNING AT A POINT, WHICH Street; thence northwardly along the line of POINT I SAT THE NORTHWEST COR- said last mentioned property, 75.2 feet to a NER OF SOUTH SECOND STREET AND point on Derry Street; and thence eastwardly AN ALLEY; THENCE NORTH ALONG along the southern line of said Derry Street, THE EASTERN SIDE OF SAID ALLEY 14.33 feet to the point and place of BEGIN- THIRTY-FIVE AND ONE-HALF (35-1/2) NING. FEET TO A POINT; THENCE EAST SUBJECT to the use of the owners and FORTY-EIGHT AND ONE-HALF (48-1/2) occupiers of the lots abutting thereon of a FEET TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH passageway or alley 2.7 feet wide, at the THIRTY-FIVE (35-1/2) FEET TO A POINT; southern line of said property. THENCE WEST ALONG THE NORTH- HAVING thereon erected a two story brick ERN SIDE OF SOUTH SECOND STREET dwelling house known as 1155 Derry Street, FORTY-EIGHT AND ONE-HALF (48-1/2) Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. FEET TO A POINT, THE PLACE OF IT BEING the same premises which BEGINNING. Dennis Seymore, by a Deed dated November TOGETHER WITH ALL AND SINGU- 2, 2006 and recorded in the Recorder of LAR THE BUILDINGS AND IMPROVE- Deeds Office of Dauphin County to MENTS, WAYS, WATERS, WATER- Instrument No. 20060046178,granted and COURSES, RIGHTS, LIBERTIES, PRIVI- conveyed unto Stick & Brick Investments LEGES, HEREDITAMENTS AND APPUR- Group, LLC, the MORTGAGOR herein. TENANCES WHATSOEVER THEREUN- BEING KNOWN AS: 1155 Derry Street, TO BELONGING OR IN ANYWISE Harrisburg, PA 17104. APPERTAINING, AND THE REVER- TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED SIONS AND REMAINDERS, RENTS, IN STICK AND BRICK INVESTMENT ISSUES, AND PROFITS THEREOF; AND GROUP, LLC BY DEED FROM DENNIS ALL THE ESTATE, RIGHT, TITLE, SEYMORE DATED 11/2/2006 RECORD- INTEREST, PROPERTY, CLAIM AND ED 11/9/2006 INSTRUMENT NO.: DEMAND WHATSOEVER OF THE SAID 20060046178. PARTY OF THE FIRST PART, IN LAW, SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of EQUITY OR OTHERWISE, HOWSOEV- Stick & Brick Investment Group, LLC and ER, IN AND TO THE SAME AND EVERY Derrick A. Dimitris as Manager of Stick & PART THEREOF. Brick Investment Group under Judgment BEING KNOWN AS: 561 SOUTH 2ND Number 2010-CV-14199. STREET, LYKENS, PA 17048. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED No. 09-043-005. IN DONDI RESSLER, UNMARRIED MAN NOTICE is further given to all parties in BY DEED FROM DONDI RESSLER AND interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed DEBORAH RESSLER, FORMERLY HIS distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of WIFE DATED 09/07/2007 RECORDED 10/11/2007 INSTRUMENT # 20070041101. Advertisements appearing for First Time County Recorder’s Office, granted and con- veyed unto Eboni Elizabeth Braxton. Miscellaneous Notices SEIZED, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of which Eboni Elizabeth Braxton a/k/a Eboni Eliza Braxton a/k/a SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of Eboni Edmonson Braxton a/k/a Eboni Dondi Ressler under Judgment Number Edmonson, Mortgagor(s) herein, under 2011-CV-7563. Judgment Number 2007-CV-13762. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL No. 38-013-023. No. 10-053-045. NOTICE is further given to all parties in NOTICE is further given to all parties in interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance and distributions will be made in accordance with the said schedule unless exceptions are with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter.

SALE No. 131 SALE No. 132 CHRISTINE L. GRAHAM, Esq. JOHN MICHAEL KOLESNIK, Esq. Judgment Amount: $129,443.38 Judgment Amount: $128,091.60 ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of land ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of situated in the Tenth Ward of the City of land situate in the City of Harrisburg, County Harrisburg aforesaid, with the improvements of Dauphin, and Commonwealth of thereon erected, bounded and described as Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol- follows, to wit: lows, to wit: BEGINNING at a point on the North side BEGINNING at a point which point is 21 of Emerald Street, which point is twenty (20) feet 9 inches, more or less from the northeast feet eastwardly from the Northeast corner of corner of South Front Street and Ann Green and Emerald Streets; THENCE Avenue; thence in a northwestwardly direc- extending Eastwardly along the northern side tion along the eastern side of South Front of Emerald Street twenty-three (23) feet to a Street, 13 feet 4 inches, more or less, to a point; THENCE Northwardly at right angles point which point is in the middle of the par- with said Emerald Street, ninety (90) feet to tition wall between property numbered 809 a point; THENCE Westwardly parallel with 1/2 and the property herein conveyed; thence Emerald Street, twenty-three (23) feet to a in a northeastwardly direction and through point; AND THENCE Southwardly and the middle of the said partition wall, 97 feet through the center of a brick partition wall more or less to River Avenue; thence in a between this and the adjoining house and southeastwardly direction along the western beyond ninety (90) feet to a point, the place side of said River Avenue 13 feet 4 inches, of BEGINNING. more or less, to property now or late of John HAVING THEREON ERECTED a brick McCulloch; thence in a southwestwardly dwelling house known as No. 236 Emerald direction along said property and through the Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. partition wall of said property, being num- PREMISES BEING: 236 Emerald Street, bered 813 South Front Street and property Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17110. hereby conveyed 97 feet more or less, to BEING the same premises which Kerine Front Street being the place of BEGINNING. Riley and Georgette F. Thomas (erroneously UNDER AND SUBJECT, nevertheless, to set forth in prior deed as Gerogette F. easements, restrictions, reservations, condi- Thomas) by Deed dated May 14, 2007 and tions and rights of way of record or visible recorded May 17, 2007 in Deed Book upon inspection of said premises, both in law Instrument #20070019683, in the Dauphin and equity, of the said parties of the first part, of, in to or out of said premises. Advertisements appearing for First Time 54 minutes 45 seconds East, a distance of 786.44 feet to a point at lands now or former- Miscellaneous Notices ly of Commonwealth National Bank; thence extending along same, South 00 degrees 42 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED 248.89 feet to a 4” metal post found at lands IN Marian L. Williams, by Deed from now or formerly of Landis Hoffer; thence Sheilah Borne, nka, Sheilah A. Borne Fuller extending along same, North 78 degrees 53 and Timothy J. Fuller, dated 06/12/2002, minutes 20 seconds West, a distance of recorded 12/05/2002 in Book 4655, Page 1552.74 feet to a stone found; thence North 3 371. degrees 06 minutes 55 seconds West, a dis- PREMISES BEING: 811 SOUTH FRONT tance of 300.58 feet to the first mentioned STREET, HARRISBURG, PA 17104. point and place of BEGINNING. SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of BEING the same premises which Michael Marian L. Williams under Judgment Number R. McKinney and Nancy L. McKinney, hus- 2003-CV-5535. band and wife, by Deed dated 12/30/1997 BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL and recorded 1/5/1998 in the Office of the No. 01-060-031. Recorder of Deeds in and for Dauphin NOTICE is further given to all parties in County in Deed Book 3009 page 113, interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed granted and conveyed unto Swatara Partners, distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Inc., a Pennsylvania corporation, in fee. Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1801 Oberlin and distributions will be made in accordance Road, Middletown, PA. 17057. with the said schedule unless exceptions are SEIZED AND TAKEN in executed as the filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. property of Swatara Partners, Inc., the named Mortgagors/Defendants herein, under Judgment Number 2011-CV-9085. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL SALE No. 133 No. 36-005-018. MARIA J. WING, Esq. NOTICE is further given to all parties in Judgment Amount: $1,695,860.60 interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of ALL THAT CERTAIN tract of land with Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 the improvements thereon erected, situate in and distributions will be made in accordance Lower Swatara Township, Dauphin County, with the said schedule unless exceptions are Pennsylvania, bounded and described in filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. accordance with Plan of Survey by LeVan, Inc., Consulting Engineers, dated January 16, 1981, and bearing Project No. 80-119, N.B. No. 319, as follows, to wit: SALE No. 134 BEGINNING at a point at the intersection AMY GLASS, Esq. of the southerly legal right-of-way line of Judgment Amount: $49,777.79 at Ebenezer Road; thence extending from said beginning point ALL THAT CERTAIN LOT OR PIECE and along the southerly line of Pennsylvania OF LAND SITUATE IN THE 1ST WARD Route 441 the following four (4) courses and OF THE CITY OF HARRISBURG, distances: (1) South 84 degrees 58 minutes DAUPHIN COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, 45 seconds East, a distance of 705.33 feet; BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED IN (2) South 79 degrees 54 minutes 20 seconds ACCORDANCE WITH A SURVEY AND East, a distance of 56.97 feet; (3) South 77 PLAN THEREOF MADE BY ERNEST J. degrees 39 minutes 30 seconds East, a dis- WALKER, PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, tance of 40.56 feet; and (4) South 69 degrees DATED NOVEMBER 12, 1976, AS FOL- LOWS:

Advertisements appearing for First Time SALE No. 135 LAUREN BERSCHLER KARL, Esq. Miscellaneous Notices Judgment Amount: $131,388.60 SITUATE IN: Lower Swatara Township, BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST Dauphin County CORNER OF SYCAMORE STREET AND ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or parcel of 15TH STREET; THENCE ALONG THE land situate in Lower Swatara Township, SOUTH SIDE OF SYCAMORE STREET, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, being Lot NORTH 70 DEGREES EAST 70 FEET TO No. 263 of Section 15 of Old Reliance Farms A CORNER BY PREMISES KNOWN AS as recorded in the Office of the Recorder of NO. 1509 SYCAMORE STREET; THENCE Deeds of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania in ALONG SAID PREMISES SOUTH 20 Plan Book C, Volume 7, pages 51, 52 & 53, DEGREES EAST 90 FEET TO A POINT more particularly bounded and described as ON THE NORTH SIDE OF A 15 FEET follows, to wit: WIDE ALLEY; THENCE ALONG THE BEGINNING at a point on the southern SAME SOUTH 70 DEGREES WEST 70 right of way line of Carriage House Road, FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST SIDE said point also being the northeast corner of OF NORTH 15TH STREET; THENCE Lot 262; thence along the southern right of ALONG THE SAME NORTH 20 way line of Carriage House Road North 83 DEGREES WEST 90 FEET TO THE POINT degrees 37 minutes 17 seconds East, 105.00 AND PLACE OF BEGINNING. feet to a point; thence along the dividing line HAVING THEREON ERECTED A TWO between Lot 264 and Lot 263, South 06 STORY BRICK DWELLING KNOWN AS degrees 22 minutes 43 seconds East, 278.32 NO. 1501 SYCAMORE STREET. feet to a point; thence along lands now or BEING KNOWN AS: 1501 SYCAMORE formerly of Glenn G. and Lenda Sue Evans STREET, HARRISBURG, PA 17104. North 67 degrees 05 minutes 46 seconds TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED West, 11.24 feet to a point; thence continuing IN DAVID E. JACKSON AND CARMEN along lands now or formerly of Glenn G. and H. W. JACKSON, HIS WIFE BY DEED Lenda Sue Evans South 83 degrees 31 min- FROM SAMUEL R. PIERCE, JR., SECRE- utes 53 seconds West, 95.20 feet to a point, TARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN thence along the dividing line between Lot DEVELOPMENT OF WASHINGTON, D.C. 262 and Lot 263 North 06 degrees 22 min- DATED 09/30/1982 RECORDED utes 43 seconds West, 272.97 feet to a point 10/01/19002 IN DEED BOOK 322 PAGE on the southern right of way line of Carriage 259. House Road, the place of BEGINNING. SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of CONTAINING approximately 28,681 Carmen H. W. Jackson and David E. Jackson square feet. under Judgment Number 2011-CV-4484. HAVING erected thereon a dwelling BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL known and numbered as 1320 Carriage No. 01-024-031. House Road, Middletown, PA 17057. NOTICE is further given to all parties in BEING THE SAME PREMISES which interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed Ronald A. Burkholder and Patricia A. distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Burkholder by deed dated July 24, 2003 and Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 recorded on August 8, 2003 in Deed Book and distributions will be made in accordance Volume 5076 page 039, in the Office of the with the said schedule unless exceptions are Recorder of Deeds of Dauphin County, filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. granted and conveyed unto Blaine C. Deyle and Julie A. Deyle. Advertisements appearing for First Time Record Book 608, Page 93, and by a further recording of a Second Amendment to Miscellaneous Notices Declaration of Condominium of Northwood Condominium Office Center, date July 8, 1985, and recorded in the Office of the PREMISES BEING KNOWN AS: 1320 Recorder of Deeds in and for said County Carriage House Road, Middletown, PA and Commonwealth in Record Book 634, at 17057. Page 469, and by a further recording of a SEIZED AND TAKEN in execution as the Third Amendment to the Declaration of property of Blaine C. Deyle and Julie A. Condominium of Northwood Condominium Deyle, Mortgagors herein, under Judgment Office Center, dated June 9, 1986, and Number 2011-CV-09053. recorded in the Office of the Recorder of BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL Deeds in and for said County and No. 36-005-309. Commonwealth in Record Book 768, at Page NOTICE is further given to all parties in 525, and by a further recording of a Fourth interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed Amendment to the Declaration of condo- distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of minium of Northwood Condominium Office Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 Center, Dated June 9, 1986, and recorded in and distributions will be made in accordance the Office of the Recorder of Deeds in and with the said schedule unless exceptions are for said County and Commonwealth in filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Record Book 768, at page 536, and by a fur- ther recording of a Fifth Amendment to the Declaration of Condominium of Northwood Condominium Office Center, dated October SALE No. 136 15, 1987, and recorded in the Office of the DAVID J. LANZA, Esq. Recorder of Deeds in and for said County Judgment Amount: $7,331.59 and Commonwealth in Record Book 1019, at Page 294, and by a further recording of a ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of Sixth Amendment to the Declaration of land together with the improvements thereon Condominium of Northwood Condominium erected, situate in the Township of Lower Office Center, dated February 27, 1989, and Paxton, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, recorded in the Office of the Recorder of more particularly bounded and described as- Deeds in and for said County and follows: Commonwealth in Record Book 1244, at ALL THAT ONE (1) CERTAIN condo- Page 381. The said Declaration Plats and minium unit situate, lying and being in the Plans, dated July 8, 1985 are recorded in the Township of Lower Paxton, County of Office of the Recorder of Deeds in and for Dauphin, Pennsylvania, described as Unit Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, in Plan Book Number 9, in Building 9, Northwood Z, Volume 3, at Page 29. Condominium Office Center, a condomini- BEING the same premises that Suite 9 um, in a Declaration Plats and Plans, dated Associates granted and conveyed by Deed July 8, 1985, which have heretofore been dated May 19, 2006 and recorded May 23, submitted to the provisions of the Uniform 2006 in the Office of the recorder of Deeds in Condominium Act, Act of July 2, 1980, P.L. and for the County of Dauphin at Instrument 286, No. 82 by the recording of the Number 20060020164 to Strategic Capital Declaration of Condominium of Northwood Holdings, LLC. Condominium Office Center, a SITUATE in the Township of Lower Condominium, in the Office of the Recorder Paxton, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. of Deeds, in and for Dauphin County, PREMISES BEING: 2205 Forest Hills Pennsylvania, in Record Book 332, Page Drive, Suite 9. Harrisburg, PA 17112. 386, and by subsequent recording of the First SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of Amendment to Declaration of Condominium Strategic Capital Holdings, LLC to satisfy a of Northwood Condominium Office Center judgment obtained by Plaintiff at Dauphin dated March 7, 1985, and recorded in the County, Pennsylvania, Court of Common Office of the Recorder of Deeds in and for Pleas Docket Number 2010-CV-09234. the said County and Commonwealth in Advertisements appearing for First Time SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of Gjuan A. Moore under Judgment Number Miscellaneous Notices 2010-CV-08232. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL No. 09-086-015. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL NOTICE is further given to all parties in No. 35-010-146. interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed NOTICE is further given to all parties in distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of and distributions will be made in accordance Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 with the said schedule unless exceptions are and distributions will be made in accordance filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. SALE No. 138 LAUREN R. TABAS, Esq. SALE No. 137 Judgment Amount: $200,506.98 JOHN MICHAEL KOLESNIK, Esq. ALL THAT CERTAIN piece of land situ- Judgment Amount: $77,156.47 ate in Middle Paxton Township, Dauphin ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of County, Pennsylvania, bounded and land with buildings improvements thereon described as follows: erected situate in the 9th Ward of the City of BEGINNING at a spike in the center of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Commonwealth Route 443 at the intersection of the center of of Pennsylvania, more particularly bounded a ten feet lane, and also distance of 708 feet and described as follows, to wit: West of the center of a bridge crossing BEGINNING at a point on the south side Fishing Creek; thence along lands now or of Mulberry Street, said point also being the late of Paul C. Snyder and along the center of southeast corner of Mulberry and Yale the 10 feet lane, North 11 degrees 57 minutes Streets; thence along the southern line of East a distance of 547.14 feet to a PK nail in Mulberry Street in a westerly direction, a the center of a wood plank bridge. crossing distance of Eighteen feet, Six inches (18 feet Fishing Creek; thence along the center of the 6 inches) to a point; thence southwardly and Fishing Creek and along land formerly of through the center line of a partition wall Albert Allen Estate of which this was once a dividing the property herein described from part, South 78 degrees 59 minutes 22 premises No. 1925 Mulberry Street and seconds East, a distance of 151.00 feet to a beyond a distance of One Hundred (100) feet point; thence leaving the Creek and along to Eugene Alley, thence eastwardly along the same lands, South 10 degrees 20 minutes 29 northern line of Eugene Alley, a distance of seconds West, 490.81 feet to a PK nail in the Eighteen (18) feet six (6) inches to the west- northern edge of macadam of Route 443; ern line of Yale street; thence northwardly thence in Route 443, South 82 degrees 15 along the western line of Yale Street, a dis- minutes West, a distance of 175.00 feet to a tance of One Hundred (100) feet to a point spike, the place of BEGINNING. the Place of BEGINNING. CONTAINING 1.8853 acres, more or less. UNDER AND SUBJECT to easements, BEING Lot No. 1 on a Plan of Lots pre- covenants, reservations, restrictions and pared by Shope Engineers & Surveyors right-of-ways of record. known as drawing No. 5-66A and dated TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED February 14, 1971. IN Gjuan A. Moore, by Deed from IBA UNDER AND SUBJECT to all conditions, Enterprise, dated 07/30/1997, recorded easements, reservations, restrictions and 7/31/1997 in Book 2901, Page 133. rights of way of record. PREMISES BEING: 1927 MULBERRY TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED STREET, HARRISBURG, PA 17104-1931. IN Thomas J. Toby, single man, by Deed from Jonathan P. Smith and Heather M. Smith, his wife, dated 06/13/2008, recorded 06/17/2008 in Instrument Number 20080022593. Advertisements appearing for First Time THE FOREGOING description is in accordance with a survey made by D.P. Miscellaneous Notices Raffensperger Registered Surveyor, under date of September 9, 1950. SUBJECT nevertheless, to the following PREMISES BEING: 3040 FISHING restrictions and reservations. CREEK VALLEY ROAD, HARRISBURG, BUILDING line, exclusive of porches PA 17112-9635. shall not be less than twenty (20) feet south SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of of Ridgeway Road. Thomas J. Toby under Judgment Number NO DWELLING to be erected thereon to 2011-CV-7814. cost less than $3,000.00 for a single house BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL nor less than $5,000.00 for a double No. 43-037-019. dwelling. NOTICE is further given to all parties in TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed IN Nancy P. Williams, by Deed from Jeffrey distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of A. Garnes and Leticia L. Garnes, his wife, Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 dated 10/08/2003, recorded 10/14/2003 in and distributions will be made in accordance Book 5203, Page 112. with the said schedule unless exceptions are PREMISES BEING: 3607 RIDGEWAY filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. ROAD, HARRISBURG, PA 17109-1232. SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of Nancy P. Williams under Judgment Number 2009-CV-07566. SALE No. 139 BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL LAUREN R. TABAS, Esq. No. 62-025-042. Judgment Amount: $120,911.78 NOTICE is further given to all parties in interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed ALL THAT CERTAIN parcel of land situ- distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of ate in Susquehanna Township, Dauphin Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 County, Pennsylvania, being a part of Lot and distributions will be made in accordance No. 32 on Plan of Plots known as Colonial with the said schedule unless exceptions are Acres, Plan Book ‘G', Page 9, more fully filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. bounded and described as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at a stake on the south side of Ridgeway Avenue, known also as Ridgeway Road, which stake or point is four SALE No. 140 hundred fourteen and ten one-hundredths JOHN MICHAEL KOLESNIK, Esq. (414.10) feet east from the southeast corner Judgment Amount: $80,214.77 of the intersection of Ridgeway Avenue with Thirty Sixth Street; THENCE southwardly ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or parcel of along the eastern line of land now or late of land situate in the Borough of Highspire, Joseph B. Mercier, two hundred twenty-three Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, more partic- and thirteen one-hundredths (223.13) feet to ularly bounded and described as follows: a stake at the northern line of land now or BEGINNING at a point at the corner of lot late of John Smeltzer, THENCE eastwardly now or late of C.D. Sheily, and point being along said land seventy (70) feet, to a stake 25 feet South of the line of lot now or late of at the western line of land now or late of the Highspire Public School on the line of C.N. Sheesley; THENCE northwardly along Roop Street; thence southwardly along said said land now or late of C.N. Sheesley, two Roop Street, 35 feet to land now or late of hundred twenty-three and Thirty-three one- Harry McDaniel; thence eastwardly along hundredths (223.33) feet to an iron pin at the said land now or late of Harry McDaniel 53 southern line of Ridgeway Road; THENCE feet to a 10 foot wide alley thence north- westwardly along the south side of wardly along said 10 foot wide alley, 35 feet Ridgeway Road, seventy (70) feet to a point, to land now or late of C.D. Sheily; thence the place of BEGINNING. westwardly 93 feet along said land now or HAVING THEREON ERECTED a one- late of C.D. Sheily to the place of BEGIN- story block, brickcote bungalow, known as NING. 3607 Ridgeway Road. Advertisements appearing for First Time at line of No. 1914 Holly Street; thence South 11 degrees 00 minutes East, 100.0 feet Miscellaneous Notices to a point on the Northern line of Holly Street, the place of BEGINNING. HAVING thereon erected a two story brick HAVING THEREON ERECTED a 2-1/2 dwelling known and numbered as 1912 story frame dwelling house known and num- Holly Street, Harrisburg, PA 17104. bered as 11 Roop Street, Highspire, BEING KNOWN AS: 1912 Holly Street, Pennsylvania. Harrisburg, PA 17104. TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED IN Mark A. Barnes, by Deed from Kenneth IN RAYMOND K. TATUM AND RENEE L. G. Reiner, dated 01/09/2003, recorded HARTFORD, AS JOINT TENANTS WITH 01/16/2003 in Book 4715, Page 636. THE RIGHT OF SURVIVORSHIP AND PREMISES BEING: 11 ROOP STREET, NOT AS TENANTS IN COMMON BY HIGHSPIRE, PA 17034-1239. DEED FROM WACHOVIA BANK, NA, A SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of FLORIDA CORPORATION DATED Mark A. Barnes under Judgment Number 10/17/07 RECORDED 11/7/07 INSTRU- 2011-CV-9902. MENT NO.: 20070044928. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of No. 30-010-014. Renee L. Hartford and Raynatte Julia Lyles, NOTICE is further given to all parties in executrix of the estate of Raymond K. interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed Tatum, under Judgment Number 2011-CV- distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of 136. Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL and distributions will be made in accordance No. 09-088-006. with the said schedule unless exceptions are NOTICE is further given to all parties in filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance SALE No. 141 with the said schedule unless exceptions are ALAN M. MINATO, Esq. filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Judgment Amount: $71,352.30 ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of land situate in the Ninth Ward of the City of SALE No. 142 Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, HARRY B. REESE, Esq. bounded and described in accordance with a Judgment Amount: $304,015.84 survey made by D.P. Raffensperger Associates, Engineers and Surveyors, dated ALL THAT CERTAIN LOT OF LAND September 28, 1973, as follows, to wit: located in the Township of Lower Paxton, BEGINNING at a point on the Northern Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, known and side of Holly Street, (50 feet wide) which numbered as Lot 1, on the final Subdivision point is 122.5 feet West of the Northwest Plan for Sunnyhill Estates, Phase IV pre- corner of Holly and Yale Streets; thence pared by Act 1 Engineering, Consulting along Holly Street South 79 degrees 00 min- Engineers, fated April 22, 1992, as the same utes West 20.0 feet to a point in line of No. is recorded in the Office of he Recorder of 1910 Holly Street; thence North 11 degrees Deeds in and for Dauphin County, 00 minutes West, 100.0 feet to a point on the Pennsylvania, in Plan Book O, Volume 5, Southern side of Ellsworth alley (15 feet Pages 97-99, and more particularly bounded wide); thence along said alley North 78 and described as follows, to wit: degrees 00 minutes East, 25.0 feet, to a point PREMISES BEING known as 935 Sunnyhill Lane, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

Advertisements appearing for First Time Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance Miscellaneous Notices with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter.

BEGINNING at a point on the easternmost side of Sunnyhill Lane on the aforemen- SALE No. 143 tioned Plan of Lots at the southernmost cor- MARC A. HESS, Esq. ner of Lot No. 2 on the aforementioned Plan Judgment Amount: $482,751.36 of Lots; thence along same North seventy- eight (78) degrees ten (10) minutes fifty- ALL THAT CERTAIN piece, parcel or eight (58) seconds East one hundred sixty tract of land situate in the Borough of and fifty-eight hundredths feet (160.58') to a Steelton, Dauphin County, Commonwealth point on the westernmost right-of-way line of Pennsylvania, described in accordance of Grove Road (T-396); thence along same with three separate Surveys and Plans there- South fourteen (14) degrees forty-eight (48) of, the first dated October 9, 1986 and minutes fifteen (15) seconds West one hun- recorded in the Dauphin County Record dred thirty-four and thirty-nine hundredths Book 870, Page 270, and the other two being feet (134.39') to a point, northeasternmost recorded in Dauphin County Plan Book “P”, corner of Lot No. 166 on the aforementioned Vol. 5, Page 69, and Plan Book “L”, Vol. 5, Plan of Lots; thence along same North sev- Page 84, which premises are bounded and enty-eight (78) degrees fourteen (14) min- described as follows, to wit: utes thirty-eight (38) seconds West one hun- BEGINNING at an iron pin set along the dred twenty-five and forty-three hundredths westerly right-of-way line of Front Street at feet (125.43') to a point on the easternmost the Southeast corner of lands now or former- right-of-way line of Sunnyhill Lane afore- ly of Tonkin; thence along Front Street South said; thence along same by a curve to the 57 degrees 29 minutes 00 seconds East, right having a radius of one hundred seven- 185.00 feet (incorrectly identified in prior ty-five and zero hundredths feet (175.00'), a deed dated 11/9/1995) to an iron pin set at delta angle of twenty-three (23) degrees thir- the Northeast corner of lands now or former- ty-four (34) minutes and twenty-three (23) ly of Tate, formerly owned by Winfield; seconds, for and arc length of seventy-two thence along same South 32 degrees 31 min- and zero hundredths feet (72.00') to the point utes 00 seconds West, 103.00 feet (incorrect- and place of BEGINNING. ly identified in prior deed dated 1l/19/1995) HAVING THEREON ERECTED A to an iron pin; thence along line of Lot No. DWELLING HOUSE. 18 on the Plan recorded in Dauphin County BEING KNOWN AS: 935 Sunny Hill Plan Book “P", Vol. 5, Page 69, South 32 Lane, Harrisburg, PA 17111. degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds West, 74.55 TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED feet to a set rebar at line of lands now or for- IN Gregory W. Steele, adult individual BY merly of Conrail Corporation, formerly DEED FROM Gregory J. Surak and Linda Reading Railroad Company; thence along M. Surak, his wife DATED 08/31/2005 same North 62 degrees 25 minutes 20 sec- RECORDED 09/02/2005 IN DEED BOOK onds West, 65.52 feet to a point; thence con- 6167 PAGE 620. tinuing along same North 60 degrees 55 min- SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of utes 20 seconds West, 119.94 feet to a Gregory W. Steele under Judgment Number rebar set at the Southwest corner of Lot No. 2011-CV-11836. 13; thence along same North 32 degrees 31 BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL minutes 00 seconds East 80.33 feet to a rebar No. 35-120-032. set at line of lands now or formerly of NOTICE is further given to all parties in Tonkin; thence along same North 32 degrees interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed 31 minutes 00 seconds East, 110.05 feet distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of (incorrectly identified in prior deed dated 11/19/1995) to the iron pin set at the point and place of BEGINNING.

Advertisements appearing for First Time BEAVER ROAD, SOUTH 28 DEGREES 29 MINUTES EAST A DISTANCE OF 80.00 Miscellaneous Notices FEET TO A POINT, THENCE ALONG THE DIVIDING LINE BETWEEN THE PREMISES HEREIN DESCRIBED AND UNDER AND SUBJECT to conditions LOT No. 5 ON THE HEREINAFTER MEN- and restrictions set forth in the above named TIONED PLAN, SOUTH 61 DEGREES 31 Subdivision Plan. MINUTES WEST A DISTANCE OF 132.70 BEING THE SAME PREMISES which FEET TO A POINT, THENCE ALONG Dominic Roberto and Ann Monette Roberto, PARCEL A (RESIDUAL LANDS), NORTH by Deed dated September 2, 2004, and 38 DEGREES 35 MINUTES WEST, 10.33 recorded October 11, 2004, in the Office of FEET TO A POINT; THENCE ALONG THE the Recorder of Deeds in and for Dauphin SAME, NORTH 23 DEGREES 32 MIN- County, Pennsylvania, in Record Book 5715, UTES WEST A DISTANCE OF 70.09 FEET Page 248, granted and conveyed unto TO A POINT; THENCE ALONG THE Mohammed M. Rizk. DIVIDING LINE BETWEEN THE ADDRESS OF THE MORTGAGED PREMISES HEREIN DESCRIBED AND PREMISES: 750 North Front Street, SAID LOT NO. 3, NORTH 61 DEGREES Steelton, Pennsylvania 17113-2134. 31 MINUTES EAST A DISTANCE OF SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of 128.48 FEET TO A POINT, THE POINT Mohammed M. Rizk under Judgment AND PLACE OF BEGINNING. Number 2010-CV-11320. BEING LOT NO. 4 ON PLAN OF BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL ROBERT W. STRAUSSER AND OLYMPIA No. 60-016-015. STRAUSSER, HIS WIFE, AND RECORD- NOTICE is further given to all parties in ED IN THE DAUPHIN COUNTY interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed RECORDER OF DEEDS OFFICE IN PLAN distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of BOOK G, VOLUME 4, PAGE 32 ON Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 OCTOBER 23,1986. and distributions will be made in accordance HAVING THEREON ERECTED A with the said schedule unless exceptions are DWELLING KNOWN AS 440 BEAVER filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. ROAD, HARRISBURG. PENNSYLVANIA. PREMISES BEING: 440 Beaver Road, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17112. BEING the same premises which Henry SALE No. 144 Robert Wiese and Constance Anne Weise by MARISA J. COHEN, Esq. Deed dated October 22, 2001 and recorded Judgment Amount: $161,568.97 October 31, 2001 in Deed Book 4150, Page 546, in the Dauphin County Recorder’s ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PAR- Office, granted and conveyed unto Guan Yun CEL OF LAND SITUATE IN THE TOWN- Zhang and Ngen Yoon Ngan. SHIP OF LOWER PAXTON, COUNTY OF SEIZED, taken in execution and to be sold DAUPHIN, AND COMMONWEALTH OF as the property of which Guan Yun Zhang PENNSYLVANIA, MORE PARTICULAR- and Ngen Yoon Ngan, Mortgagor(s) herein, LY BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS under Judgment Number 2008-CV-08577. FOLLOWS, TO WIT: BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL BEGINNING AT A POINT IN THE No. 35-043-104. WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF NOTICE is further given to all parties in BEAVER ROAD AT THE DIVIDING LINE interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed BETWEEN THE PREMISES HEREIN distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of DESCRIBED AND LOT NO. 3 ON THE Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 HEREINAFTER MENTIONED PLAN; and distributions will be made in accordance THENCE ALONG SAID LINE OF with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Advertisements appearing for First Time feet wide avenue; thence southwardly along the western side of the last mentioned avenue Miscellaneous Notices a distance of forty-five (45) feet to a point on the northern line of Lot No. 21; thence west- wardly along the northern line of Lot No. 21 SALE No. 145 a distance of two hundred twenty-five (225) feet, more or less, to the PLACE OF BEGIN- SARAH A. ELIA, Esq. NING. Judgment Amount: $260,927.97 BEING all of Lot No. 20 and the southern half of Lot No. 19, Plan of Blue Ridge ALL THOSE TWO CERTAIN tracts of Manor, Plan Book J. Page 89. land situate in the Township of Lower HAVING thereon erected a dwelling Paxton, County of Dauphin, Commonwealth known as 621 North Mountain Road, of Pennsylvania, as shown on the Plan of Harrisburg, PA 17112. Blue Ridge Manor duly recorded in Plan SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of Book J, Page 89, more particularly bounded Tangelo, LLC under Judgment Number and described as follows: 2011-CV-10079. Tract No. 1 BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL BEGINNING at a point on the eastern side No. 35-022-004. of North Mountain Road, (at one time known NOTICE is further given to all parties in as Linglestown Road), as widened to seven- interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed ty (70) feet and at the southern side of Lot distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of No. 17; thence eastwardly along the southern Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 side of Lot No. 17 a distance of one hundred and distributions will be made in accordance ninety-nine (199) feet, more or less, to the with the said schedule unless exceptions are western side of a twenty (20) feet wide filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. avenue; thence southwardly along the west- ern side of last mentioned avenue a distance of forty-five (45) feet to a point; thence at SALE No. 146 right angles westwardly and parallel with the southern side of Lot No. 19 a distance of two HEATHER Z. KELLY, Esq. hundred eleven (211) feet, more or less, to Judgment Amount: $25,515.79 the eastern side of North Mountain Road, (at Tract No. 1 one time known as Linglestown Road); ALL THOSE CERTAIN tracts or parcels thence northwardly along the eastern side of of land situate in the Borough of North Mountain Road, (at one time known as Middletown, Dauphin County, Linglestown Road); a distance of forty-seven Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, more par- and one-tenth (47.1) feet, more or less, to a ticularly described as follows: point, the PLACE OF BEGINNING. BEGINNING at a point, at low water mark BEING all of Lot No. 18 and the northern of the , on the line of property half of Lot No. 19, Plan of Blue Ridge now or late of Edward T. Matincheck and Manor, Plan Book J, Page 89. Patti A. Matincheck; thence southwardly by Tract No. 2 said low water mark eighty-one (81) feet, BEGINNING at a point on the eastern side more or less, to the northern line of Keystone of North Mountain Road, (at one time known Avenue (referred to in prior deeds as Mud as Linglestown Road), as now widened to Pike extended); thence westwardly along the seventy (70) feet and at the northern line of northern line of Keystone Avenue to the east- Lot No. 21; thence northwardly along the erly right-of-way line of South Union Street; eastern side of North Mountain Road, (at one thence northwardly along the eastern right- time known as Linglestown Road). a dis- of-way line of South Union Street eighty-one tance of forty-seven and one-tenth (47.1) (81) feet, more or less, to the line of the prop- feet, more or less, to a point at the center of erty now or late of Edward T. Matincheck Lot No. 19; thence eastwardly and parallel and Patti A. Matincheck, aforesaid; thence with the northern line of Lot No. 19 a dis- eastwardly along said line, a distance of two tance of two hundred eleven (211) feet, more hundred forty-five (245) feet, more or less, to or less, to the western side of a twenty (20) a point at the low water mark of the Swatara, Creek, the place of BEGINNING.

Advertisements appearing for First Time SALE No. 147 CHRISTINE L. GRAHAM, Esq. Miscellaneous Notices Judgment Amount: $72,174.22 ALL THAT CENTAIN piece or parcel of HAVING thereon erected a large frame land situate in the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County. Pennsylvania, being hotel property known as the “Mansion bounded and described according to a survey House” previously numbered by and with made by Gerrit J. Betz, Registered Sureyor number 485 Swatara Street, now known as dated May 5, 1997 as follows, to wit: 485 South Union Street, Middletown, PA BEGINNING at a hub in the East side of 17057. the North Third Street (60 feet wide) at the Tract No. 2 corner of lands of John L. Culp, being House No. 2247, which point is 81 feet South of the BEGINNING at a point, said point being Southeast corner of North Third Street and on the easterly right-of-way line of a 60 foot Emerald Street; thence extending from said right-of-way for South Union Street, said point of beginning and along lands of John L. point also being the northwesterly corner of Culp North 72 degrees 30 minutes East the property of lands now or formerly of Edward distance of 100.00 feet to an iron pipe on the T. Matincheck and Patti A. Matincheck; West side of Harman Alley (15 feet wide); thence along said right-of-way line of South thence along said alley, South 17 degrees 30 Union Street along a curve to the right hav- minutes East the distance of 21.00 feet to a ing a radius of 1,291.53 feet, an arc length of hub at the corner of lands of Katherine E. 69.89 feet to a point, said point being the Williams, being House No. 2243; thence through the center line of a partition wall southwesterly corner of property of between House 2243 abd 2245 South 72 Disposition Parcel No. 1-A; thence along the degrees 30 minutes West the distance of southerly line of property of said Disposition 100.00 feet to a drill hole on the said side of Survey 1-A, S 76º 56’ 40” East, 258 feet to a North 3rd Street; thence along said Street, point on the water’s edge of the Swatara North 18 degrees 30 minutes West the dis- Creek; thence by the water’s edge of the tance of 21.00 feet to a point, the place of Swatara, Creek by various courses and dis- BEGINNING. tances having an overall chord bearing and SUBJECT TO ALL covenants, restric- distance of South 22º 49’ 30” West, 70.91 tions, reservations, easements, conditions feet to a point; thence 76º 56’ 40” West, 245 and rights appearing of record; and SUB- feet to a point on the aforesaid right-of-way JECT to any state of facts an accurate survey would show. line of South Union Street the point and PREMISES BEING: 2245 North 3rd place of BEGINNING. Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17110. THE above-described parcel contains BEING the same premises which George 17,574.21 square feet, 0.40 acres. Gonzales, single person, by Deed dated June BEING the same premises which Edward 16, 2005 and recorder June 21, 2005 in Deed T. Matincheck and Patti A. Matincheck by Book 6050, Page 458, in the Dauphin County the deed dated July 11, 2005 and recorded Recorder's Office, granted and conveyed July 13, 2005 in the Office of Recorder of unto Betty J. Wolf. Deeds for Dauphin County, Pennsylvania in SEIZED, taken in execution and to be sold Record Book 6086, Page 265, granted and as the property of which Betty Wolf, conveyed onto Susan L. Bevan, “femme sole Mortgagor(s) herein, under Judgment No. 2009-CV-12102. trader". BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of No.10-046-108. Kahama, Inc. under Judgment Number 2011- NOTICE is further given to all parties in CV-07181. interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Nos. 40-007-027 and 40-007-028. Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 NOTICE is further given to all parties in and distributions will be made in accordance interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed with the said schedule unless exceptions are distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Advertisements appearing for First Time SEIZED AND TAKEN in execution of the property of Defendants Yvonne Johnson Miscellaneous Notices Lemelle aka Yvonne Kelli Lemelle and Korey's, LLC, mortgagors herein, under Judgment 2010-CV-15227. PREMISES BEING: 1106 North 16th SALE No. 148 Street, Harrisburg, PA 17104. SARA A. AUSTIN, Esq. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL Judgment Amount: $70,403.73 No.07-083-021. NOTICE is further given to all parties in ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or piece of interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed ground with the improvements thereon erect- distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of ed, situate in the Seventh Ward of the City of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, and distributions will be made in accordance bounded and described as follows, to wit: with the said schedule unless exceptions are BEGINNING at a point on the Western side of Sixteenth Street, which point is at or filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. opposite the center of the partition wall between the house erected on the premises herein described and the house erected on the adjoining premises on the South, and fifty - eight (58) feet, six (6) inches of the north- western intersection of Sixteenth and Herr CONDITIONS OF SALE Streets; thence Westwardly through the cen- ter of said partition wall and beyond, one The Highest and Best Bidder hundred ten (110) feet to the Eastern line of Shall Be The Buyer a twenty (20) feet wide alley; thence TERMS - The purchaser will be required Northwardly along the Eastern line of said alley, twenty-one and fifty-eight one-hun- to pay the full amount of his bid by TWO dredths (21.58) feet to a point: thence O’CLOCK P.M. on the day of sale, and if Eastwardly on a line parallel with Herr complied with, a deed will be tendered by the Street, one hundred ten (110) feet to the Sheriff at the next Court of Common Pleas Western line of Sixteenth Street, twenty-one for Dauphin County, conveying to the pur- and thirty-four one-hundredths (21.34) feet chaser all the right, title, interest and claim to a point, the place of BEGINNING. which the said defendant has in and to the HAVING THEREON ERECTED the said property at the time of levying the same. Northern half of a pair of two and one-half ALTHOUGH NOT PART OF THE MINI- story brick dwelling houses. MUM BID, PROPERTY SOLD FOR THE BEING the same premises which the MINIMUM BID DOES NOT DISCHARGE Dauphin County Tax Claim Bureau, by Deed dated November 30, 2009, and recorded DELINQUENT AND/OR OUTSTANDING December 29, 2009, in the Office of the TAXES AND THE PURCHASER WILL BE Recorder of Deeds in and for Dauphin RESPONSIBLE FOR SAME. If the above County, Pennsylvania, granted and conveyed conditions be not complied with on the part unto Yvonne Johnson Lemelle, and which of the Purchaser, the property will again be the said Yvonne Lemelle, by Deed dated offered for sale by the Sheriff at THREE February 4, 2011, and recorded February 4, O’CLOCK P.M., on the same day. The said 2011 in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds purchaser will be held liable for the deficien- in and for Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, cies and additional cost of said sale. granted and conveyed unto Korey's LLC. UNDER AND SUBJECT to and together J. R. LOTWICK with easements, exceptions, reservations, Sheriff of Dauphin County restrictions, rights of way, covenants and February 2, 2012 m16-m30 conditions as contained in prior instruments of record. Advertisements appearing for First Time

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