Advertisements appearing for First Time PREMISES BEING: 1613 Revere Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17104. Miscellaneous Notices BEING the same premises which Naomi R. Ross, (formerly Naomi R. Banks), a Single Person, by Deed dated December 6, SHERIFF SALE! 2002 and recorded December 6, 2002 in By virtue of certain writs of Execution Deed Book 4661, Page 213, in the Dauphin issued out of the Court of Common Pleas and County Recorder’s Office, granted and con- Orphans’ Court of Dauphin County, Pa., and veyed unto Lisa S. Banks. to me directed, I will expose at Public Sale or SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of Outcry, at the Dauphin County Administration Lisa S. Banks, Mortgagor(s) herein, under Building in the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin Judgment Number 2010-CV-11488. County, Pa., on Thursday, April 19, 2012 at BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL 10:00 A.M., the following real estate, to wit: No. 01-019-001. NOTICE is further given to all parties in SALE No. 1 interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed MARISA COHEN, Esq. distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 Judgment Amount: $71,574.89 and distributions will be made in accordance ALL THAT CERTAIN messauge, tene- with the said schedule unless exceptions are ment and tract of land situate in the First filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Ward of the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: SALE No. 2 BEGINNING at a point at the Southeast CHRISTOPHER A. DENARDO, Esq. corner of Revere Street and Ione Street, Judgment Amount: $53,924.37 described in former Deed as a twenty (20) feet alley; thence Southwardly along the East ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of side of Ione Street Ninety (90) feet to a point ground with improvements thereon erected on the North side of Kirk Alley (fifteen feet situate in the 1st Ward of the City of wide); thence Eastwardly along the Northern Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, side of said Kirk Alley by a line parallel with bounded and described in accordance with a Revere Street forty-four (44) feet to a point survey made by Gerrit J. Betz, Registered on the Western line of Property No. 1615 Surveyor, dated November 13, 1975, as fol- Revere Street; thence by a line at right angles lows: to Revere Street and along line of said prop- BEGINNING at a point on the easterly erty No. 1615 Revere Street, Ninety (90) feet side of South 14th Street said point being to a point on the South side of Revere Street; located 201.75 feet north of the northeast and thence westwardly along the south side corner of South 14th Street and Cloverly of Revere Street forty-four (44) feet to a Terrace; thence along the easterly side of point, the place of BEGINNING. South 14th Street, North 37 degrees 55 min- HAVING thereon erected a bungalow utes West a distance of 16.00 feet to a point; dwelling house numbered 1613 Revere thence along property 1429 South 14th Street Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and desig- belonging now or late to Theran D. Dunbar, nated by the Dauphin County running through the center of a partition wall Commissioners as Map and Parcel 1-19-1. and beyond, North 52 degrees 5 minutes East IT BEING PART of Lot No. 6 and Part of a distance of 84.00 feet to a point on the Lot No. 7, Block 2 as shown on a certain westerly side of Scott Street; thence along Plan of Lots known as “A-2 of Cloverly the same 37 degrees 55 minutes West, a dis- Heights” and recorded in the Recorder’s tance of 16.00 feet to a point; thence along Office in and for said Dauphin County, property 1433 South 14th Street, belonging Pennsylvania, in Plan Book G, Page 58. now or late to Carrol Watson, running UNDER AND SUBJECT, NEVERTHE- through the center of a partition wall and LESS, to all easements, restrictions, encum- beyond, South 52 degrees 5 minutes West a brances and other matters of record or that distance of 84.00 feet to a point, on the east- which a physical inspection or survey of the erly side of South 14th Street, the point and premises would reveal. place of BEGINNING. Advertisements appearing for First Time BEGINNING at a point on the south side of Elm Avenue at the dividing line of Lots Miscellaneous Notices Nos. 1 and 2 of a hereinafter-mentioned sub- division plan; thence along said dividing line South 43 degrees 2 minutes West, a distance HAVING thereon erected a 2 story brick of 150 feet to lands now or late of Russell W. dwelling and being known as 1431 South Walborn, et ux; thence along the same North 14th Street, Harrisburg, PA 17104. 46 degrees 58 minutes West, a distance of 50 SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of feet to a point at lands now or late of Mark D. Robert K. Epps under Judgment Number Drumheller and Sandra L. Drumheller, hus- 2011-CV-6500. band and wife; thence along the same North BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL 43 degrees 2 minutes East, a distance of 150 No. 01-035-052. feet to a point on Elm Street; thence along NOTICE is further given to all parties in the same, South 46 degrees 58 minutes East, interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed a distance of 50 feet to an iron pin at the distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of point and place of BEGINNING. Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 BEING Lot No. 2 of Subdivision Plan pre- and distributions will be made in accordance pared by Carl Poffenberger, P.E., dated with the said schedule unless exceptions are September 22, 1981, and recorded in Plan filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Book O, Volume 3, Page 4 in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Dauphin County. UNDER AND SUBJECT to the restric- tions, conditions, easements and rights-of- SALE No. 3 way of the above mentioned Subdivision JILL JENKINS, Esq. Plan. Judgment Amount: $196,128.73 Tract No. 3 Tract No. 1 ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or tract of land situate in Halifax Township, Triangle land situate in Halifax Township, Dauphin Manor, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, more County, Pennsylvania, more particularly particularly bounded and described as fol- bounded and described in accordance with lows, to wit: Plan of Triangle Manor prepared by William BEGINNING at a point on Elm Avenue, B. Whittock, Registered Professional said point being on the dividing line of Lots Engineer, said Plan being recorded in Nos. 24 and 25 on the hereinafter-mentioned Dauphin County Plan Book Y, Page 121. Plan; thence along said dividing line South BEGINNING at a point on the southern 43 degrees 2 minutes West, a distance of 150 side of Elm Avenue at the division line of Lot feet to a point at line of lands now or late of No. 25 and the lot herein described; thence Russell Walborn, et ux; thence by the same South 43 degrees 2 minutes East, a distance North 46 degrees 58 minutes West, a distance of 150 feet to a point; thence North 46 of 100 feet to a point at line of Lot No. 26; degrees 58 minutes West, a distance of thence by the same North 43 degrees 2 min- 100.12 feet to a point; thence North 43 utes East, a distance of 150 feet to a point at degrees 2 minutes East, a distance of 145.08 the southern line of Elm Avenue; thence feet to a point on the southern side of Elm along the southern line of Elm Avenue South Avenue; thence continuing along the south- 46 degrees 58 minutes, a distance of 100 feet ern side of Elm Avenue South 46 degrees 58 to a point, the place of BEGINNING. minutes East, to a point, the place of BEGIN- BEING Lot No. 25 on the Plan of Lots NING. known as Triangle Manor, recorded in Plan BEING Lot No. 26 on said Plan of Book Y, Page 121, in the Office of the Triangle Manor. Recorder of Deeds of Dauphin County. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 35 Maple Tract No. 2 Avenue, Halifax, PA 17032. ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or parcel of land SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of situate in Halifax Township, Dauphin Susan M. Albright under Judgment Number County, Pennsylvania, more particularly 2010-CV-11629. bounded and described as follows, to wit: Advertisements appearing for First Time PROPERTY ADDRESS: 435 South 13th Street, Harrisburg, PA 17104. Miscellaneous Notices SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms or associations claiming right, BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL title or interest from or under Ana Cruz, No. 29-032-033. deceased under Judgment Number 2011-CV- NOTICE is further given to all parties in 8852. interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of No. 02-029-069. Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 NOTICE is further given to all parties in and distributions will be made in accordance interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed with the said schedule unless exceptions are distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Dauphin County, on Tuesday, May 18, 2012 and distributions will be made in accordance with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter.
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