Msry Keadir, 80 7111% Washlagtea Ajytum Hospital. Marriage Licenses. Louis r. Yledt, 1 Tur, 0729 (Mmto Ittm northwest. license* havs been Issued to the Jenstte M. Scott, 84 ysars, Slblsy HospltaL Marrlaga { John F. Fields, 22 jMn, Walter Bnd Hos¬ following: pital. Walter Washington and Elva M. Cooper. Wilbur F. Oofswell, 72 ysars, St. Elisabeth James Stephany and Pearl Laurence. Hospital. William E. Harned of New York city ud Barbara Taylor, 71 years, 1823 Half strsst Florence McColm of thia city. | southwest. Walter J. Carothera and Bath B. Bayder, Era M. Vinson, 1 month, 781 Fatrmoat strsst both of Lewlstou, Pa. northwsst. High Grade.Not High Priced Thomas R. Hughea of Aahsvllla, N. O., a Infant of William D. and Agnss B. Oean, 1 Charlotte N. T. day, 1731 T strsst northwest. THE President and Mrs. Wilson will have with them Miss Margaret Broad of New Rochelle, James E. Coates, 84 years, 1887 O strsst asrtfc* her uncle, Dr. William H. Simonds and Margaret E. Gtfford. ssst. We have the extensive demand for attended the performance at Levy, who is visiting Soy C. Leese of Westminster, Md., and Mary Sarah anticipated Charles Blspham. E. Nicodemus of this city. Dyson, 78 ysars, 814 18th strsst south¬ Keith's Theater last evienlng. and east. I not be at Thomas Plowden of Bowie. Md. Mary Lillian Johnson, 88 ysars. Emergency Hsspltal. htgh-clqss afrfcarel, and, notwithstanding They were accompanied by Mrs. David L. Win* will E. C. Samuels of Seabroolc, Md. Alice 8sunders, 47 years, 1824 BLstrsst north¬ Mrs. William H. Boiling, Mr.
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