1 Who we are & Why we are here

Hampton Road East

Twickenham Road

Habinteg are a Housing Association specialising in providing accessible homes to those who need them, within inclusive and welcoming neighbourhoods. Our focus is on providing much-needed homes for Hampton Road East those with disabilities, alongside other high-quality and well-designed properties for those who don’t currently have specialist requirements, but may in the future. Stourton Avenue

Our intention for this site, and other small sites within the Borough, is to maximise the opportunities to create high-quality homes, whilst minimising disruption to existing residents. In order to achieve these goals, we are working in partnership with Council, and have employed a team of specialist consultants, with vast experience in similar developments. The architects for the development are Levitt Bernstein, an award-winning design practice, and the planning consultants are Magenta Planning, a dynamic -based consultancy.

What is happening As part of London Borough of Hounslow’s commitment to providing 5,000 new affordable homes by 2022. This site will provide affordable housing and be well- designed to meet the Council’s ambitions to become energy efficient.

Inspired by the GLA’s “Small Sites, Small Builders Programme”, the London Borough of Hounslow Council has identified a number of small sites within the Borough that may be able to be developed, to provide much-needed affordable and accessible housing.

The garage area within Hampton Road East has been identified as one such potential development site. Habinteg, a Housing Association who specialise in providing accessible and adaptable homes, are proposing to develop the site, in partnership with the Council.

These exhibition pages provide an opportunity for local residents to view the current proposals for the site, and offer comments and feedback that will enhance the designs. We would love to hear your comments, which can be submitted directly via Commonplace, phone message or email (see “How to get in touch” section below).

Comments from local residents are being collated and feedback will be responded to within the Statement of Community Involvement to be submitted alongside the planning application. Once a planning application has been submitted and validated by Hounslow Council, the Council will conduct its own statutory consultation programme with local residents. This will provide a further opportunity for residents give feedback directly to the Local Planning Authority, prior to the determination of the application.

How to get in touch via Commonplace link: Share Your Views On Bedfont And Small Sites via Email: [email protected] via Telephone: 03333 444509 (by leaving a message) Above: Example images of previous projects

Spring Summer Winter Past 2021 2021 2021/2022 Design Development Public Consultation Planning Application Construction Starts Habinteg will aim to submit a formal The construction of new homes, subject The project team have been This exhibition is about understanding planning application to the Council to planning permission, will start as working on draft proposals for what you think of our current proposals for approval. You will be notified of soon as possible. This is expected to be the site, including pre-application for the development of this site. this if you live locally. All details of the late 2021, or early 2022. Notice of the discussions with planning officers. The consultation will last 2 weeks. proposals will be available for you commencement of development to comment on prior to the will be distributed to all local Council making any residents in advance of final decisions. works starting.

Hampton Road East

March 2021 2 Your Neighbourhood

Understanding the area

Twickenham Road Hampton Road East

Swann Ct. Hampton Road East 1 N

Stourton Avenue 3 2 4


This site is tucked within the end of a cul de sac in Hampton Road 1 2 3 East. Located in the suburban part of Hansworth, the garages are in between 4 storey’s council houses at a tired and dated state as well as being at the back of a supermarket carpark. It is currently not within a conservation area – as the site itself is beside the apex corning roundabout which leads to the busy A road that leads to and out of Central London. The nearest station is Feltham station, which has regular overground services to Waterloo.

The surrounding residential buildings are generally 2-storeys semidetached houses with the exception of the new 3-4 storey flats at Stourton Avenue to the west and a Sainsbury super market to the south. TheOpportunities rear end of Hampton road East is currently situated very close to the 4 storey neighbouring flats. 4 5 6 Improve landscaping between our site and the eastern existing one Improve appearance/access of cul-de-sac Creation of a front amenity space Activated edge/frontage Improve amenity around edges of proposed development Existing tree buffers retained towards west & south (reduce overlooking) Opportunity for high rise building at the bottom corner

Constraints Hampton Road East Hampton Road East

Hampton Rd East (A312) road (busy, noisy road to north) Hampton Road East Hampton Road East Sainsbury’s wide parking zone

Hampton Road East Hampton Road East


torton Hampton Road East Unactivated edges (blank facades/areas with poor surveillance) Hampton Road East Poor street activation Overlooking issues from neighbouring care home Unable to connect site to neighbouring Sainsbury’s car park Hampton Hampton Road East ar Hom Road East ar Hom

Opportunities arCare Hom Home arCare Hom Home Improve landscaping between our site and the eastern existing one

Sainsbury’sansrs Car Park ar ar Sainsbury’s ansrsCar Park ar ar Improve appearance/access of cul-de-sac Creation of a front amenity space Activated edge/frontage Improve amenity around edges of proposed development Existing tree buffers retained towards west & south Constraints Opportunities (reduce overlooking) Opportunity for high rise building at the bottom corner

Hampton Road East Constraints March 2021 Hampton Rd East (A312) road (busy, noisy road to north) Sainsbury’s wide parking zone Unactivated edges (blank facades/areas with poor surveillance) Poor street activation Overlooking issues from neighbouring care home Unable to connect site to neighbouring Sainsbury’s car park 3 Our Proposal

Proposed layout Notes 1. Do not scale this drawing. Notes 2. All dimensions must be checked on site and any discrepancies verified with the architect. 1. Do not scale this drawing. 3. Unless shown otherwise, all dimensions are to structural 2. All dimensions must be checked on site and any surfaces. discrepancies verified with the architect. 4. Drawing to be read with all other issued information. Any Hampton Road 3. Unless shown otherwise, all dimensions are to structural discrepancies to be brought to the attention of the surfaces. architect. 4. Drawing to be read with all other issued information. Any 5. This drawing is the copyright of Levitt Bernstein and East 53 to 69 discrepancies to be brought to the attention of the may not be copied, altered or reproduced in any form, or architect. passed to a third party without license or written consent. 5. This drawing is the copyright of Levitt Bernstein and may not be copied, altered or reproduced in any form, or This is not a construction drawing, it is passed to a third party without license or written consent. unsuitable for the purpose of construction and must on no account be used as such. This is not a construction drawing, it is unsuitable for the purpose of construction and must on no account be used as such. ADD Location ADD Location Plan of Site Hampton Road Plan of Site indicating site East 35 to 51 Area Schedule (GIA) Level Area indicating site NTS Level 00 332.2 m² Level 01 320.8 m² NTS 04 Level 02 320.8 m² Level 03 320.8 m² Level 04 211.4 m²   Level 05 211.4 m²    Level 06 211.4 m² Grand total: 7 1929.0 m² The copyright in the drawing shall remain vested in Levitt Bernstein, who asserts all “moral rights” conferred by statute. Area Schedule (NIA) This drawing is an uncontrolled version issued to enable Name Level Area the recipient to prepare their own documents/ models/ drawings for which they are solely responsible. The drawing is based on background information current at the 03 1B2P Not Placed Not Placed time of issue. Levitt Bernstein accepts no liability for any 1B2P Not Placed Not Placed such alterations or additions to or discrepancies arising out 1B2P Not Placed Not Placed of changes to such background information which occur to 1B2P Not Placed Not Placed that information after it is issued by Levitt Bernstein. 1B2P Not Placed Not Placed Levitt Bernstein prepared this drawing using Revit and 1B2P Not Placed Not Placed 1B2P Flat Types 3B5P does not accept liability for any loss or degradation of that 52.59 m² 87.64 m² 1B2P Not Placed Not Placed information held in the drawing/model resulting from the 1B2P Not Placed Not Placed translation from the original file format to any other file 1B2P 1B2P Not Placed Not Placed format or from the recipients reading of it in any other 1B2P Not Placed Not Placed programme or another version of the programme referred to above. 05 1B2P Not Placed Not Placed 2B3P 1B2P Not Placed Not Placed This drawing is prepared for the sole use of the client and 02 1B2P Not Placed Not Placed no liability to any other persons is accepted by Levitt 1B2P Level 04 54.1 m² Bernstein. The contents have been prepared solely for 1B2P Level 04 51.0 m² their use and no other person or organisation should place Care reliance upon this information. Levitt Bernstein accepts no 1B2P Level 05 54.1 m² liability for use of this drawing by parties other than the 2B3P 1B2P Level 05 51.0 m² 72.72 m² Home party for whom it was prepared or for purposes other than 1B2P 1B2P W 1B2P Level 06 54.1 m² those for which it was prepared. 53.79 m² 61.17 m² 1B2P Level 06 51.0 m² 1B2P: 19 315.1 m² This is not a construction drawing; it is unsuitable for the purpose of construction and must on no account be used 1B2P W Not Placed Not Placed as such. 1B2P W Not Placed Not Placed It is not to be relied on and does not address build-ability 1B2P W Level 00 63.4 m² or compliance with the Building Regulations. It is your 1B2P W Level 00 61.2 m² responsibility to review thoroughly the design for these purposes prior to construction. 1B2P W: 4 124.5 m² Levitt Bernstein does not accept any responsibility for any 2B3P Not Placed Not Placed delay and/or disruption to the construction of the project 01 2B3P Not Placed Not Placed and/or any cost that may arise in relation to the above. 2B3P Not Placed Not Placed You will indemnify Levitt Bernstein against all costs, 2B3P Level 04 61.6 m² losses, claims, proceedings and expenses incurred as a result of the use of the drawing by you. 2B3P Level 05 61.6 m² 2B3P Level 06 61.6 m² By using the drawing you are deemed to have accepted 2B3P: 6 184.7 m² the above terms. 2B4P Not Placed Not Placed 2B4P: 1 0.0 m²   1B2P 49.40 m² - 3B5P Level 00 87.6 m² -    --- 3B5P: 1 87.6 m² --- Area Not Placed Not Placed Area Not Placed Not Placed Area Not Placed Not Placed 1B2P W Area Not Placed Not Placed 63.35 m² 2B3P Area Not Placed Not Placed 63.29 m² Area Not Placed Not Placed Area Not Placed Not Placed Area Level 01 52.2 m² Rev Date Description Drawn / Checked Area Level 01 52.2 m² Area Level 01 63.3 m² Project name Area Level 01 49.4 m² Rev Date Description Drawn / Checked Area Level 01 53.8 m² Project name PROJECT NAME Area Level 01 52.6 m² Area Level 02 63.3 m² Hounslow infill( name to be inserted) Area Level 02 80.7 m² PROJECT NAME Area Level 02 52.6 m² Drawing number Rev Area: 16 520.0 m² Hounslow infill( name to be inserted) Grand total: 47 1232.0 m² Drawing number Rev 3667 (???) - LB - XX - 01 - DR - A - 120001

Drawing 3667 (???) - LB - XX - 00 - DR - A - 120000

Drawing Proposed First Floor Plan N Purpose of issue Proposed Ground Floor Plan Pre App Scale Date Purpose of issue Pre App 1 : 100 @ A3 01/28/20 Client Scale Date Drawn Checked 1 : 100 @ A3 01/28/20 Habinteg WL EA

Client Drawn Checked London Habinteg WL EA Thane Studios D R A F T 2-4 Thane Villas London N7 7PA +44 (0)20 7275 7676 Manchester D R A F T Bonded Warehouse 18 Lower Byrom Street Level 01 Manchester M3 4AP 1 levittbernstein.co.uk +44 (0)161 669 8740 Level 00 1 : 100 Ground1 floor plan Typical floor plan (first floor) 1 : 100 J:\3667A Hampton Rd East\CAD\Revit\Architecture\Model Files\3667A-LB-XX-XX-M3-A-001001_Architectural Model_Hampton Rd East-EA.rvt

J:\3667A Hampton Rd East\CAD\Revit\Architecture\Model We propose a new two to four storey block of 16 apartments, decreasing its height towards the Accomodation scheduleFiles\3667A-LB-XX-XX-M3-A-001001_Architectural Model_Hampton Rd East-EA.rvt

existing Care Home to the east. 1B2P (Cat 3) 1B2P 2B3P 3B5P The new building would be a dynamic mini-landmark that terminates the view from Hampton Road No. of units 2 10 3 1 East, securing and activating the southern boundary and creating a landscaped courtyard for New parking Total Total No. of Cat 3 residents to enjoy. bays dwellings bedspaces dwellings 2 16 38 2 All of the apartments would be dual aspect and enjoy external private space. The elevation nearest to the Care Home, would have a few carefully placed, secondary windows to animate what would otherwise be a blank wall, whilst avoiding any overlooking issues. The scheme would also provide for a protected cycle storage (see 01) and two wheel chair parking bays (02).

A careful but subtle choice of brick variations would help 03 Shared surface 04 Planted zone with informal play trail. 05 Buffer planting 06 Reference to the open core of the building, which would 07 help delineating the different volumes and guarantee an to define the “townhouses” as per reference above. open/transparent connection between the amenity to the front and the one to the rear. A B 06





Hampton Road East

March 2021