The Spanish System Will Offer FP Degrees in Pharmacy and Tourism

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The Spanish System Will Offer FP Degrees in Pharmacy and Tourism DIMARTS, 10 DE JULIOL DEL 2018 el Periòdic d’Andorra 15 CONEIXEMENT SOBRE d'Andorra L’ÚS DE LES TECNOLOGIES elelENGLISHTema PeriòdicPeriòdic del EDITION dia NewsW E D 2xx 0 EDUCATION The Spanish system will offer FP degrees in Pharmacy and Tourism Course expected to begin in 2020-2021 and the final agreement will depend on future governments of both countries MARICEL BLANCH EL PERIÒDIC ESCALDES-ENGORDANY @PeriodicAND n the last joint commission on ERIC JOVER education between Spain and An- MINISTER OF EDUCATION dorra, it was approved to study «The pharmaceutical Ithe implementation of two new FP formació professional (vocational and tourism sectors training) courses. On the one hand, are very important the Spanish experts proposed to make a degree in Pharmacy and Pa- and competitive in the rapharmacy (products relating to country» hygiene, cosmetics or diets, but not medication) and, on the other, the «Whatever the nature of training in Management of Tourist Accommodations. the next Government of As explained in sources of the Mi- Andorra, full support will nistry of Education of the Embassy be given to the Spanish of Spain in the Principality, the An- education system» dorran Government welcomed the proposal very positively as confir- med b ythe Minister of Higher Edu- «INVESTING IN THE FUTURE» From the cation, Eric Jover. As he himself re- Ministry of Education of/ Spain, it called, although each education was considered that «investing in system follows an independent edu- post-compulsory education is inves- cational policy, in FP they try «to not ting in the future, both for Andor- enter into competition» so that the ra and for Spain» and «studying in new courses can not interfere with Andorra does not necessarily imply the current existing offer. «It is true working in Andorra». In this regard, that the pharmaceutical and tou- the Ministry stressed that the trai- rism sectors are very important and ning implemented by the Spanish competitive in the country and [...] education system should help stu- any vocational education that com- dents to «move freely» with an offi- plements and helps give more op- cial degree, which «is important in portunities to professionals to the these days and requires professio- young people of the country will be nals with a solid and versatile basis». well received» said Jover. Once the Spanish ambassador Àngel Ros government approved it, the Cham- A classroom in the Professional Training Centre in Aixovall. also defended the benefits of profes- ber of Commerce organized a mee- sional training: «The big European 33 ting with the representatives of the countries in vocational education sectors that also gave a positive res- admitting that the entry of one or ments, both the Principality and the have traditionally been France and ponse. However, the agenda of the The representatives both courses for 2019-2020 is «a litt- neighboring country of the South, Germany and they have done well» implementation is still not defined of the sectors and the le tight». the acting minister was convinced he explained. For the ambassador, and the project is being analysed by In addition, the minister ack- that «whatever the political nature the change in the perception of so- the Ministry of Education of the Em- Chamber of Commerce nowledged, at this time it is unk- of the next Government of Andorra, ciety regarding this training has be- bassy and the direction of the María approve both proposals nown how many students might it will continue in the same directi- en key: «We have made a qualitative Moliner College. be interested, since, as he explai- on that we have marked up to now leap, now there is a social recogniti- to improve education ned, «until an offer is not launched, and will give full support to the Spa- on of the FP (professional training). A POLITICAL DECISION Now, «the fi- the ability to attract students is not nish educational system in its deci- Before it was not there, it was thoug- nal decision is in the/ hands of the known, [. ...] but all the phases that sion». However, Jover asserted that ht that the one who could not do a Spanish government, but I can as- have been passed so far guarantee he was «very pleased» to see that «the Bachelor’s degree or university had sure you that all Andorran parties that there is a certain need in the co- Spanish system is here to help An- to go to FP. However, it is not the ca- are interested and will have the sup- untry». When asked about the pos- dorran students» and did not close se anymore, this training course is port of the Government of Andor- sible effects that the project could the door to the creation of new cour- recognized as a prestigious career ra for all what is needed» said Jover, undergo due to changes in govern- ses and more specialisations. choice» Ros said. H 2 WEDNESDAY, 20 MARCH 2019 el Periòdic News ONLY ONE IN THE PENINSULA The first private shared bank of the options Conservation in umbilical cords is underway 1public bank Blood and tissue of the umbilical cord MARICEL BLANCH are collected at the time of delivery New law of donation of and are donated to the Bank of Blood and Tissue of Catalonia to be part of organs and tissue allows Concord program that can help peo- alternative for the centre ple from all over the world. The fami- ly has no right to recover the sample. EL PERIÒDIC SANT JULIÀ DE LÒRIA @PeriodicAND Conservation in a n Andorran regenerative me- 2private bank dicine company, with a labo- ratory in Sant Julià de Lòria, The blood and tissue of the umbili- Ahas just launched the first cal cord are collected at the time of private umbilical cord shared bank, delivery and cryopreserved in private the only one on the peninsula. The mi- banks. Only the family or person from lestone was achieved after the Gene- whom the tissue was extracted from ral Council approved last December provding he’s 18 or over can decide the new Law on the Donation of Or- on what the sample is used for. gans and Tissue that allows an alter- native for this public-private medical company. Conservation in a Cellab gives the possibility to fami- lies who want to «privately store blo- 3shared private bank od from the umbilical cord and make it available to the international com- Similar to the previous one, but the in- munity, in case it is needed for a trans- formation of the sample is entered in a plant» explain from the laboratory. shared data bank. This allows that the This innovative option, not yet wides- combatable samples can be reques- pread, is possible thanks to the inter- ted between users of the registry. It is national agreement with the World the family who decides whether or not Marrow Donor Association (WMDA), Dr. Alba Casamayor analyzing and processing samples in the laboratory of Sant Julià de Lòria. they give the sample for other people. a Dutch registry dedicated to coordi- 33 nating blood units around the world. DRA. ALBA CASAMAYOR -196 °C in the center of choice of the LABORATORY DIRECTOR family and them or the person to may be that one day this family recei- COLLABORATION WITH GOVERNMENT whom the cellular material belongs ves a call and tells them that although From the laboratory they say that to/ «The sample is owned by the family to can decide on the future of the sam- the sample is theirs, it can help a per- reach this point «we had to work si- ples. Cryopreservation is the process son on the other side of the world. At de by side with the Government of and only they can decide on the future of freezing biological material at ex- that moment the family must decide Andorra to authorize us to make this treme temperatures; most common whether or not to give it». It should be bank of double use. The family has its of it. We are mere custodians» -196 °C/-321 °F in liquid nitrogen (N2). noted that the family only makes the cellular material preserved here, as if At these low temperatures, all biolo- blood of the umbilical cord available it were a private preservation and the «The information is available worldwide, gical activity stops, including the bi- to the WMDA bank, so the tissue is al- WMDA gives us some inclusion crite- ochemical reactions that lead to cell ways preserved for donor use, from ria in the registry: it must have a mini- one day a person may receive a phone death and DNA degradation. where more stem cells could be gene- mum volume of stem cells and a seri- In the case of a shared-use privacy, rated, if necessary. «With this mixed es of characteristics that determine if call asking if they want to help others» «the sample remains it is only the fa- formula, the family can save the lives it may or not be contemplated in this mily who can decide what to do with of someone who needs it and keep the internationally shared registry ». DIFFERENCES The other options for first one is the type of model of the the cells. We are also mere custodi- umbilical cord tissue for future uses», After submitting the sample to se- cryopreservation/ of stem cells in the Concordia programme, an altruistic ans» explains the director of the Ce- summed up the president of Cellab, veral quality controls and to verify the umbilical cord at the time of birth donation on a global scale that fami- llab laboratory, Dr.
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