United States Patent [191 [111 4,362,366 Gottschalk [45] Dec
United States Patent [191 [111 4,362,366 Gottschalk [45] Dec. 7, 1982 [54] FOCAL LENGTH EXTENDER 3,871,748‘ 3A3; gay ................................... .. 358/420 ' 3,990,785 11/1 irose ............................... .. 35 420 [75] Inventor: Robert E. Gottschalk, Los Angeles, _ Camj 7 Primary Examiner—John K. Corbin r - Assistant Examiner-Rebecca D. Gass [73] Assignee: garlia‘vision, Incorporated, Tarzana, Attorney’ Agent, or Firm_Lyon & Lyon . a1 . " ' [57] ABSTRACT 21 A 1. No.: 172 939 [ 1 _pp , An improved focal length extender of the anamorphic [22] Filed: Jul- 28, 1930 type is disclosed for use in combination with a conven [51] Im. C1.-‘ ....... ..- ................................... .. G02B 13/08 90"?‘ Primary 1605- The lens System of the present in [52] us. Cl. _ . .. 350/420 Yemlon'comp?ses two Porno"?- A ?rst Porno" 18 P051 [53] Field of Search ....................................... .. 350/420 "(med "1 from of the convemlonal lens, ?ed a Second _ portion of the lens system of the present invention is [56] References Cited placed between the conventional lens and the ?lm Us~ PATENT DOCUMENTS plane. [The ?rst and second portions cooperate together 3 O 420 and with the conventional lens system to provide in """"""""""""" 3§0;420 creased focal length while at the same time providing 29915942 12/!959 Cook ............... n 350/420 relatively reduced mass and bulk at increased optical 2.940.372 6/1960 Ehrenhaft et al. 350/420 Speed 3,04l,935 7/1962 Jacobsen ......... .. 350/420 3,428,398 2/1969 Gottschalk ..................... 350/420 1 Claim, 4 Drawing Figures l/ [I 4__I_.5 ‘ \ [HI/,2’ 753/ J}\ \\\\\:\\\\ ”/’’,’l 1’ 1r \\\\\\\\: 1’ l/’ [I t \ Q41,’ ,1 22 l ' \‘\\\ I’, \\\\\\\ ’/,///, 20 g _ I’! \\\\ ’,f/ \\ \\ \ I ll/ / Q (I, \\ , // \\\\ (ll/l’ \\ \ 46 , I’, v ’ I ‘ It’, ‘\I‘ ’/’//» \ \\ I‘, I,’ I l .
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