khipuskhipuskhipuskhipus:::: IAPIAPIAPIAP EECSEECSEECSEECS 6.0966.0966.0966.096 WELCOMEWELCOMEWELCOMEWELCOME Jean-Jacques Quisquater Université catholique de Louvain Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium Departement of ElectricalMIT –Engineering January 22-23, 2007 MIT – Januarykhipus 22-23, 2007
[email protected] Quisquater Jean-Jacques Quisquater 00 Jean-Jacques Quisquater master in engineering of applied mathematics (UCL, Belgium) PhD in computer science (Orsay, France) research in cryptography (cryptology) from 1980 teaching about number theory, design of hardware … (part of a) sabbatical year at MIT, 2003-2004 meets familly Demaine (Eric, Martin) in 2004 meets Gary Urton meets Frank Salomon common project about decrypting khipus using computer science (see Wired January 2007) last week: first master’s thesis at UCL about khipus MIT – January 22-23, 2007 MIT – Januarykhipus 22-23, 2007 Jean-Jacqueskhipus Quisquater Jean-Jacques Quisquater IntroductionIntroduction andand basicsbasics…… ThisThisThisThis khipukhipu khipukhipufromfromfrom fromthethethe the MuseumMuseum MuseumMuseumforforfor for WorldWorld WorldWorld CultureCulture CultureCulture inin inin GG GGöteborg,öööteborg,teborg,teborg, SwedenSweden SwedenSweden,,,, hashas hashas 332332 332332 pendantpendantpendantpendant stringsstrings stringsstrings andand andand isis isissaidsaidsaid saidtototo to bebe bebefromfromfrom fromNascaNascaNasca Nasca,,,, PeruPeru PeruPeru.... (Photo(Photo (Photo(Photo courtesycourtesy courtesycourtesyMITGaryGaryGary Gary – January UrtonUrton