Report of Proceedings of Tynwald Court
REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS OF TYNWALD COURT Douglas, Tuesday, November 20, 1979 at 10-30 a.m. Present: The Governor (Sir John Paul, have one Bill for signature on the Supple G.C.M.G., O.B.E., M.C.). In the C ouncil: mentary Agenda No. 2, and if hon. mem The Lord Bishop (the Rt. Rev. Vernon bers agree I will ask the Attorney-General Nicholls), the Attorney General (Mr. J. W. to move that this be taken. Corrin), Sir John Bolton, O.B.E., Messrs. G. T. Crellin, R. E. S. Kerruish, G. V. H. The Attorney-General: Your Excellency, I Kneale, R. MacDonald, W. A. Moore, J. C. beg to move:— Nivison, C.B.E., A. H. Simcocks, M.B.E., with Mr. T. A. Bawden, Clerk of the Council. That permission be granted under Stand In the Keys : The Acting-Speaker (Mr. E. C. ing Order 27(6) for the following business Irving), Messrs. R. J. G. Anderson, W. K. to be considered. Quirk, J. J. Radcliffe, J. N. Radcliffe, Dr. E. Bill for signature — Members of Execu J. Mann, Messrs. A. A. Callin, R. L. Watter- tive Council (Terms of Office) Bill. son, J. R. Creer, M. R. Walker, N. Q. Cringle, G. A. Quinney, M.B.E., P. A. Craine, The Governor: Hon. members, if it is D. F. K. Delaney, Mrs. B. Q. Hanson, Mr. agreed we will sign these Bills while we T. E. Kermeen, I.S.O., Dr. D. L. Moore, continue with our business. M.A., Ph.D., Messrs. J.
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