X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Studies of Particle Acceleration in Supernova Remnants
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X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Studies of Particle Acceleration in Supernova Remnants Takaaki Tanaka (KIPAC, Stanford University) Fermi LAT results presented on behalf of the Fermi LAT collaboration Teraelectronvolt Astronomy 37 SNRs = Cosmic-Ray Sources? Supernova remnants have been thought to be accelerating cosmic rays up to the knee (PeV) thorough the diffusive shock acceleration mechanism Synchrotron X-rays and TeV gamma rays from SNRs = Evidence of acceleration up to TeV energies SN 1006 Chandra H.E.S.S. 30′ Figure 6: Four SNRs imaged in (dominantly) non-thermal X-rays (left) and resolved in VHE γ-rays with H.E.S.S. (right). a) RX J1713.7 3946 with 1–3 keV data from ASCA (Uchiyama, Takahashi & Aharonian −2002), b) RX J0852.0 4622 with ROSAT (1.3–2.4 keV) (Aschenbach 1998), c) RCW86 with− 2–4 keV data from XMM-Newton (Vinketal. 2006) d) SN 1006 with Chandra archive data (0.5–10 keV). The H.E.S.S. data are taken from Aharonian et al. (2006b, 2007d), Aharonian & etal.(2008), Naumann-Godo & et al. (2006). The white scale bars are 0.5◦ long. Suzaku (XIS + HXD) Results ① Suzaku has been probing electrons accelerated in SNRs through XIS + HXD measurements of synchrotron X-rays ① RX J1713.7–3946 (Takahashi+ 2008; Tanaka+ 2008) ② Tycho (Tamagawa+ 2009) ③ Cassiopeia A (Maeda+ 2009) No. S1] Suzaku Observations of Tycho’s SNR S173 No. 6] Possible keV–TeV Correlation in the Reverse Shock 1223 ② ③ Fig. 8. (a) XIS and PIN spectra fitted with a thermal bremsstrahlung, an srcut model, and GaussianFig. lines. 6. (b)Best-fit 68%, 90%, models and for 99% the significance Suzaku XIS contours+PIN spectrum. The solid of the fit. line corresponds to the best-fit parameters of the cut-off power-law model with thermal bremsstrahlung. The thermal and non-thermal (Reynolds & Keohane 1999). With our estimatecomponents of Emax of= the23 model TeV are and also magnetic drawn with field dashed lines. The We fitted the XIS and PIN spectra with a thermal strength of 100#G,non-thermal$loss is 52 component yr. Since dominates the time scale the flux. is smaller The bottom panel shows bremsstrahlung, an srcut model, and Gaussian lines corre- than the age of Tycho’sthe residuals SNR in (435terms of yr), sigmas the electronwith error spectrumbars of size one. sponding to Cr, Mn, Fe K˛,andFeKˇ.Inthefits,wefixedthe should suffer strongly from synchrotron cooling. This has been Gaussian parameters and the temperature to kT = 4.71 keV, directly detected in the Chandra data of Tycho’s SNR as spec- of the Crab nebula is 15% higher than that for the XIS.3 which are derived in subsection 3.3, while the parameters of tral steepening in the nonthermal emission# across the feature- the srcut model were left free. As shown in figure 8a, the less, thin filamentsIn our at the spectral rim (Cassam-Chena¨ fit we thereforeıetal.2007). multiply the normalization fit was successfull with !2=dof = 187.4=173. Although the constant for the PIN by 115%. 4.3. Abundance of Cr, Mn, and Fe parameters were rather unconstrained, as shown in figure 8b, The PIN net count rate in the 15–40 keV band is 1 the obtained radio spectral index, ˛ = 0.66, is in a good agree- We discovered0.18 He-like counts s Ca" Kthatˇ,andunderionizedstatesof is 63% of the background. Since the ment with theFig. measured 5. Unfolded value Suzaku of spectrum˛ = 0.65 of Cassiopeia (Kothes A. et The al. errorCr bars K˛ for,MnK˛systematic,andFeKˇ errorlines of from the Tycho’s PIN background SNR for the is about 3%, the 2006), and thethe implied XIS and radio PIN data flux are density 1 !,whilethosefortheGSOarethe5 at 1 GHz, 45 Jy, is not first! upper time. Thenormalization ionization degrees uncertainty of Cr and due Mn wereto the estimated background subtraction far from the actuallimit. measurement (60Jy: Kothes et al. 2006). to be similar tobecomes that of as Fe large K˛ (Ne-like as about or 5%. there-abouts). The normalization To error can Therefore,and our srcut applied fit appears them to to our be physically analysis. appropriate. The systematicconvert error the is measuredgive further line fluxes uncertainty or equivalent to the best-fit widths parameters (table 1) of our model- Then, adopting ˛ = 0.65, we obtained a roll-off frequency of into elementalfitting. abundances, We discuss a detailed our emissivity evaluation calculation of the uncertainty later included17 in the error bar of each PIN spectral bin in figures 5 "rolloff = 2.6 10 Hz = 1.1 keV,which is slightly higher than is needed. However,in this section. this is beyond the scope of the present and! 6. The PIN spectrum is less16 sensitive to the systematic that derived by Chandra ("rolloff = 7.3 10 Hz = 0.3 keV: paper, since the currentThe continuum models that consists calculate of X-ray both thermal emission and non-thermal error of the background model.! Cassam-Chena¨ıetal.2007). under the nonequilibriumcomponents. ioniza Wetion modeled conditions the do not thermal include component with The roll-offAfter frequency background" subtraction,is related to we the found maximum no GSOthe bins species in the Cr and Mn. spectra with detectionsrolloff that are statistically significant. We thus athermalbremsstrahlungemission. Forthenon-thermal electron energy, Emax,as The relativecomponent, abundances we of tracetested elements, three models: such as(1) Cr power-law, and (2) SRCut, display 5-sigma upper limits in figure 5. The 5-! upperMn, limit are sensitive is to the Type Ia supernova explosion mech- 9 1 2 2 and (3) cut-off power-law. For the SRCut model, we fixed the 1 10"15 erg sB" cm" Einmax the 150–500keV band byanism assuming (Iwamoto et al. 1999), and therefore should provide "rolloff = 5! 10 ; (3) spectral index at 1GHz as 0.77 (see Green 2004). All three aphotonindexofunity.WedidnotusetheGSOdataforthe! 10 #G 10 TeV an important diagnostic for these explosions. However, Â ÃÂ Ã models show a similar reduced-"2 value of 1.15 (table 3). spectral analysis discussed below. the compositionally stratified nature of the supernova ejecta where B represents the magnetic field strength. Warren et al. The best-fit temperature of the thermal component is (2005) presentedThe a over-all summary spectrum of magnetic from field Cassiopeia values, and A consists gave coupled of thermal with the inward progression of the reverse shock, and non-thermal components. In fact, the emissionmeans lines from that great4keV care for needs the tobetakenwhencomparing power-lawmodel, while it is 1.5 keV for values in the range of 100 to 400#G. Then, equation (3) yields the# SRCut and cut-off power-law models. The# best-fit roll- E 23the TeV thermal with 100 component#G, or 12 appear TeV for in 400 the# XISG. Even band. if Theobserved emission line fluxes and yields from model calculations. In max = off frequency of the SRCut model appears at around 0.9 keV, we use thelines fiducial are magnetic known to field show in aour variety Galaxy, of 10 Doppler#G, the shifts,particular, and are a good fraction of the Fe produced in the explosion which is roughly consistent with that measured using the maximum electrondifficult energy to be precisely is only 72 modeled TeV. (Holt et al. 1994;that Willingale Tycho Brahe observed in 1572 still sits unshocked and cold et al. 2002). Since our paper mostly focuses onin the the non- center ofBeppo-SAX the remnant spectrum (Badenes (1.2keV: et al. 2006). Vink To & fully Laming 2003). The These maximum electron energies are two to three orders 3 thermal component, we ignored the energy band dominatedinterpret by the resultsbest-fit presented flux (3.7 here will10 requireJy) at accounting 1GHz for for the SRCut model of magnitudes below the break energy (“knee”) of the cosmic- ! 3 ray spectrumthe around line emission, 1000 TeV. and Reynolds limited and our Keohane analysis (1999) to the continuum-the ejecta structureexceeds and the its measured subsequent radio hydrodynamical flux by almost evolu- 40% (2.7 10 Jy: Green 2004). The overestimate of the model might! be due pointed outdominated that the E energymax values bands of of all 3.4–3.6, Galactic 4.2–6, supernova and 8–14tion keV to from the remnant phase. Cr and Mn K˛ lines were detected remnants thatthe they XIS studied spectra. with ASCA data were well below previously onlyto from non-linear W 49B acceleration (in which the effects X-ray emitting (Atoyan gas et al. 2000). We the knee energy.The To S= evaluateNratiooftheHXDPINspectragraduallydrops the role of radiative cooling on is nearly in collisionaladopt the ionization best-fit equilibrium), parameters for where the the cut-off abun- power-law model the electronat energy around spectrum, 40 keV. we The approximate counts in the all synchrotron of the PIN binsdances in were the foundin the to analysis be consistent below. with solar values (Hwang et al. 2000; Miceli et al. 2006). Detailed emissivity calculations radiation loss15–40 timescale, keV band$loss are,as three-times or more as large as the system- The best-fit values shown in table 3 are dependent on for trace species in nonequilibrium hot plasmas are strongly atic error of the background.2 Consequently,1 for the HXD the effective area and relative normalization factor that we 4 B " Emax " encouraged to open this new method for supernova nucleosyn- $loss.yr/PIN= 1:2 we limited10 our analysis to the 15–40keV: (4) band, which we adopted. To calculate the XIS effective area, we consider ! 10 #G 10 TeV thesis diagnostics.